good evening everyone this is Tuesday April 16th 2024 at 7.m the regular meeting agenda of the governing body of the barau Bale call this me order with the salute to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands na indivisible roll call May here coun here Council grao here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman here council2 [Laughter] okay uh we also have our Municipal cler Brianna Smith business administrator Michael S B Attorney D suiv this meeting is called to presum to the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in the Harold news on January 12 20124 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in the municipal buildings a copy of this notice is available to the public as on file in the office of invisable clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance would you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there any questions please raise your hand seeing none um we do have two non-agenda items one is for I the economic not economic en enviral commission is going for uh Grant and also we're appointing Mrs Smith from ver on dive to the recreation um committee so they were VR two non agenda items have a motion up to open up early public comment second all in favor anyone wish to me come up van um the public land on glate road that's six acres what is that going to be used for um we are in a process we've been asked by the people on Glade Road to pave that road we found out that we own six acres and the road in a p so we're trying to come up in a way to offset the cost to put the road in so we are going to auction off the six acres and in the contract um in the auction bid I should say we want the road put in by whoever buys that property because they'll be able to put assuming homes up there so if we're able to do that it will cost a borrow nothing for the road and then we get a couple pieces of property back to the tax how much of the property is Road versus how much of it's going to be used for is a house or something um there's quite a bit of exact acreage I don't know I know combined it's all six acres it's 78 7 Acres I know there's I I measured off the road it's approximately a th000 ft from one end to the other and a Road New noria Standard is 25 ft wide so once the person whoever if it even works it might not work it might not even nobody might not even been on it um if the person does that right now we're maintaining that road so if they were able to PVE it and put it in and make those people happy we will still take we will still be Paving it and right now it's kind of hard for emergency vehicles to get up and down especially to the upper side you can't really get out um we are fortunate that we when we when we pay a Road Mill we take millings up there and we fill in all the potholes to make it kind of smooth so hopefully we can get a road out of it and not cost any money so we're just trying something different I know um years ago part of Elizabeth Street was owned by the property owners on Elizabeth Street which side um I don't know which side it was side I that just wasn't that easily access and that road was owned by probably the newer side I would think where um and it was owned by the um not by the town it was owned by the residents but we still plowed it we still did everything and then we ended up Paving it and it was a big thing being made that why why is it we don't know we own that road now as far as I know I think something happened we took it over because I know there's been storm water issues up on on Elizabeth side which have been correct there's big drains that come down from Elizabeth that come down to cman Street and finally get into the river I know that's over there um we've had some drainage issues up there CU they're putting two new homes up there there's one that's already built and it was problems with that that contractor so we kind of resolved all that um but hopefully we'll get somebody to bid on this property auction it get some money out of it and then before they can put their homes in they got to put a road in and that's all in the stipulation of the bids bids back but then know we going to going to end having PID it and it's our it's yes it's our road now so if I can get somebody to do it sold the property will be sold for where the homes are we are going to still once it's all done that road is still going to be Bloomingdale home the road itself yeah we'll maintain it and right now we're plowing it salting it sanding it maintaining it and it's cost us money when we send a DPW truck garbage trucks it's all over the place cuz there's you know if we can get a decent Road in it'll make everybody's life easier especially the residents out there that are dealing with it every day okay seeing no one else have a motion to close move second all in favor I okay um repor of committees e um okay for BBC uh the Banners are up and April 15th is when they are year and Football registration started and it closes August 31st um they also have um a spring cleaning event coming up uh May 11 uh 10 to 2 which is like a clothing Drive donation and they also have um their coach coaches clinics are up and they also have um Wendy's uh fundraisers on the calendar for June 11 August 20th and October date is uh to be determined um next is the um Gail dlap gives me the the numbers now for uh the tri bur uh first a um and those numbers for March there were calls um 59 were from Butler 36 Bloomingdale kelon 41 nine mutal calls and your to date they have 403 calls and uh they took 86 calls um and another statistic she has is County paid Mutual Aid took 59 calls um next for um the library uh they had hug SU well they had they provided 354 uh free solar eclipse glasses to blundale Residents and they hosted a viewing party by the uh the senior center um I think she said 24 people I'm not sure um they also have something exciting happening uh for the community history project um they received ,000 in funding from the New Jersey counc Humanities and they are um going to continue to try to get um more help um and it's the the project is going to involve the public and tyin with up the upcoming 100y year anniversary of the library um which is a pretty big project and depending on the needs of the final project they're eligible up to $5,000 in additional funding um Bingo uh event was a huge success and um and they also had their Library workers day on the 9th um I think um one of our uh the trustees that get um did bring them Donuts um their next huge event that's coming up is the Julian pianos at glenw Lake which is May 4th uh the Queen's tea which is May 30th and their paint and nov 3 um they also have um again so many things online to register for adult crafts um their uh their murder mystery Club books and I know I I understand they want to try to get a crochet uh class going uh for uh an adult Craft um I think it cost $50 I'm but um that's something that they want to do they're um they had a huge Su oh and actually the the cé 101 program um is scheduled at April 15 29 and May 6 um they uh their next adult craft uh summer craft Wednesday is going to be May 29th uh they have the holdovers is the uh film at the for the seniors at the sen Center their film festival and the name of the movie is holdovers it's on the 23rd and of course their book club they also have on Earth Day that's coming up April 23rd is um they have a um a nice Earth Day craft um hosted by uh Miss Kristen it's Tuesday April 23rd 4 to 6 you should register um I so due to the fact that there was a conflict in um in scheduling the library will not be able to represent themselves at the SLO Park event uh they have a um a conference to attend and another conflict with but the uh Library did say that they would donate their um some kind of face painting or something to the residents um to make their presence somehow um then something else that I thought was really cute was this read to a dog uh you can sign up for 15 minutes uh time slot and register register dog therapy for children that's um April 23rd at in the children's room um I thought that was really cute and um she's just doing a lot of great things and also again the Dy piano Saturday May 4th $60 a ticket um you can bring your own snacks and um uh tea and desserts are provided it's a nice event um the other thing I have is for the senior center um Pat and uh Kathy they do a lot they have the whole uh the whole uh chair robrick line daning and all of their trips she did want to say that um thank you so much for the cleanup and uh uh she was worried about the earthquake with the structure of the building she didn't think anything happened um she um also said that they're looking forward to utilizing the garden and the chairs which have been set up and thank you know she wants to thank the DP their meeting isn't until Monday 1230 so I asked her to just give me another update um and then she also said they have 46 people going to the Ocean City uh trip 45 people uh no 46 people going Ocean City 45 people going to see Tina Turner and at the resorts in caskill at the Golden Age trip uh to there they also did a trip to Daniel uh which I guess is the sights and sounds and they are planning a trip to Turtle Back Zoo in October um and the summer is as usual they'll have a few lunches and barbecues as planned and May 16th um they are hosting a Senior Resource Group uh Health Care information and referrals basically so it's Thursday May 16th 10 to 12 they're doing Bagels pastry fruits and they're going to learn it's like a healthare they're going to complimentary hearing evaluations um and the person that's doing it is uh Diane Bromberg and if anybody wants to go they could register and again on the senior page on our Bloomdale website they have lots of links which um the the easy pass one is important if you don't have that if you're see if you're over 65 you shouldn't roll for your discount and and something that is going to start up again on May 1st is their walking Club so that starts um and they started with they kick it off with a breakfast and then it runs from Wednesday May 1st through November there's a lot of stuff for Blooming tail seniors to get involved in and um I don't know you mentioned that the we had the fishing contest today this weekend it was really cold and the turnout was so great but it was still nice to see everybody there a bunch of people out there fishing today yeah it's beautiful out okay thank you anyone do right couple things oh right go first sorry I'm good good you sure I'm fine okay um yes uh last weekend was trout fishing contest thank you for everyone that came out also thank you to our DPW um setting everything up and bringing everything down uh we have little league opening day this Saturday it um line up is 8:15 and it starts at 9:00 am it goes from Butler Park to um Anderson Anderson field to Anderson field I thought they put something else but okay uh anyways starting in Butler Park 9:00 a.m. uh let's see we also have town and River clean up day that is going to be May 18th any or official organization um can contact me if they would like to uh raise monies for their organization um my email D Hudson Bloomingdale uh we also have Memorial Day Parade May 27th 9:00 a.m it's blooming Del to Butler this year the townwide garage sale is June 2nd um our clerk's office is already um accepting um emails and Bri can you give me the email please to everyone the top what is the email again please uh clerk's office at Bloomingdale cler's office thank you um also we've got um which I put out this week the mulch for the DPW the DPW is now putting mulch and top soil at on Second Street in the parking lot of the senior center um it is self pickup there are no deliv this year um right now the plan is to go back to deliveries next year and uh but right now no deliveries available it is for Bloomingdale residents only no businesses um what else uh the re the reason for that is because the new salt shed is being put up and we cannot get trucks in and out of RR um might correct me from wrong deliveries will go back as soon as the so shed is complete so the yeah soon as they get up there so once that's completed we will resume um deliveries um I'm also noting just on the website for anyone 2024 hydrant flushing they can refer to either the website or social media it's on both Instagram Facebook and our website um if they would like to know around when um hydron flushing will be going on in their area and I'm always going to mention Rave our reverse 911 system main page of our website bottom right hand side and recycle coach um seeing right next to Rave um put the app on your phone sign up it gives you um reminders when garbage and recycling pickup is and oh the garden I would I sent an email to I called them my two fairy godfathers for getting me organic soil for the garden it was fantastic two of the guys from vpw were able to get me some free top soil so that was absolutely fantastic I also want to thank the fire department chemical company for cleaning up and assisting in the garden with making the new plots and the cleanup and clean up outside um in and around the senior center they did a big clean up and got a lot of TR so that was absolutely fantastic uh Health Department uh we have an email from Tom regarding some ordinance changes which that has gone to Mike and we'll be dealing with that a later dat that's it okay John nothing down here yeah we started Orchard Street sidewalks of drainage as we speak they'll start Paving uh the first week of May and salt shed as the mayor said is on the way uh budget we're real close on we're hoping to introduce in May uh and then I have a email from Linda Bennett she just wanted me remind everybody the veterans fair is on May 8th from 4 to 7 at the VW Hall and Butler also that night the bbco was teaming up with Angelo's pizza for a dime to donate uh with some of the proceeds going to the BFW and that uh he'll set up right there at the BFW as well so thanks to the BB okay yes just on the consent agenda um had mentioned that if May is motorcycle safety awareness month so you'll notice on the br's Facebook page we scheduled a few posts to bring awareness to both drivers of motorcycles and then just drivers in their cars to be aware of motorcycles so you'll see that theth of May and also the senior awareness month right for the May mon May is the older Americans month as well it's not on the agenda tonight but you'll will you will see scattered posts throughout the month of May for that too just bringing um uh the do you remember what it was for this year I just like the other day it's um connecting your community connecting your senior community so we'll also try to post more of um the events as reported the seniors are very busy over there great trip so just to keep try everything's posted it's just hopefully bringing attention to where it's posted if they are not already members of the senior center so those will be scheduled throughout the month of May on the bur social media nothing uh just for me the only thing is not sure if anybody knows Mrs Rita long employee of the school system principal in Mor bday school for years um recently passed away just want to keep her and her family and our thoughts um very nice lady she did a great job as a principal and the personal side my mom worked with her quite a bit in the school system so we kind of knew her fairly well but it was um she uh passed away last week so just keep them in prayers okay all right item number eight resolution number 2024 4.9 consent agenda a motion second any questions roll call please Pano yes Del yeso yes hson yes sht yes yes okay pending in items second final reading public hearing ordinance number 6- 2024 amender chapter 2-8 Municipal fees for police duty race have a public noce statement Please Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building in the heral news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion May made that it be read by title do I have a motion to read by title second all in favor an ordinance of the B Bloomingdale County state of New Jersey amending chapter two Administration article 8 policies and procedures section 2-8 these charge for municipal Services of the code of the B can a motion open up public hearing second all in favor anyone motion to come up see no one a motion to close second all in favor I this is pretty simple this is just our adjustment fees for traffic um so when we get called out to work for public service or do traffic detail we just adjusted those fees to U where they should be a motion for adoption second roll call yes yes hson yes sht yes G yes Catalano yes Item B second final reading public hearing ordinance number 72024 Amendment chapter 31a storm water control requirements public notice statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald News are made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title have a motion to read by title second all favor in ordinance of the B of Bloomingdale County fa state of New Jersey amending chapter 31a storm water control requirements of the code of the B of Bloomingdale okay a motion about public heing second all in favor I anyone wishing to come up see no one a motion to close second all in favor I I okay these are just State uh regulations that we were brought to our attention and we're just up up um updating an ordinance to reference to State mandated guidelines have a motion for adoption second all favor uh roll Callo yes hson yes yes G yes Calo yes Del yes item C second final reading of public hearing ordinance number 82024 Amendment chapter 23 shade trees public notice statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in the heral news copies were made available to the public that made read by title have a motion to read by title move second all in favor ordinance of the bur of Bloomingdale County faade state of New Jersey amending chapter 23 shade trees of the code of the okay have a motion of the public hearing second all in favor I anyone wishing to come up see no one a motion to close move all in favor okay this is another uh instance where we're just um adopting we're mandated by the state mandated by the state those control a sh tree and Thea is motion for adoption call yes yes yes Catalano yes yeso yes item D second final reading public hearing ordinance number -224 salary ordinance moot statement yes Mr Mayor this ordance was posted in the municipal building in copies are made available to the public so that a motion may be by title have a motion to read by title second all in favor an ordinance establishing a minimum and maximum range of salary and compensation for categories and titles of officers non-contractual employees and contractual employees of the bural okay a motion about public care second all in favor wish come up see no one a motion to close all favor I motion for adoption second roll call sht yes Yi yes Catalano yes Dela yes Graziano yes H yes new business adoption of resolution number 2024 4.13 payment of the bills have a motion second any questions call yes Catalano yes yeso yes Hudson yes tuber yes okay item adoption of resolution number 202 4.14 authoriz of public land self Blade Road do I have a motion second any questions roll call so the road to be constructed as 13 how do we ensure from the timeline that's occuring in a timely fashion post that will be in the thisp when we speak with our attorney that it has to be done within a certain amount it'll be in the it'll be in the final contract with the purchaser it doesn't need to be a comment this according to well I asked about this he says not yet once we start once we do this and then will be in the final contract yeah because I I was just as I read through that was my big concern that and the fact that they was like could be conveyed transfer so not part of the final contract I just want to make sure someone doesn't end up purchasing this property and then not modifying the road they will a purchase of the property if they have to do this before anything else is done well that have a site plan development could they just purchase it and sit on it and then become a Lo issue again well it's no different to where we are today but we've tried to sell this property multiple times in past history and we still own it so we're trying a different way to yeah I okay roll call please Calo pass Del yeso yes yes yes yeso yes okay uh we have non-agenda items um item number 22415 is for the environmental commission to apply for a grant we have a motion still move second roll call en Environ environmental you should probably do a roll call even though it's applying for money it's not spending money roll call please did they say I saw what it was used for for to get what was the usage again there's a whole list of them the it's it's in the email I sent a list there's there's probably 20 different items they can use it for from signage to they're looking to use for Oakwood Lake to clean out some of the invasive species and imp plant native species along the bank okay yeso yes yes yes yes catalo yes okay okay um adoption of resolution 2024 4.16 appointing Lind Smith to the Recreation Commission do I have a motion second I can do all favor all in favor yeah a 5 expired so 28 okay um have a motion to lay public comment second all in favor I I anyone wish to come up good okay have a motion to close lay public comment second all in favor I I we do not have anything for executive session um our next meeting is May 7th is a workshop meeting at 7 pm have a motion to adour move all in favor I okay very good