evening this is a regular meeting agenda of the goverment body of the burough bonvale Tuesday February 20th 2024 at 7 p.m. call the meeting to order by salute to the flag Al to the flag United States of America to the rep stands one nation roll call please mayor D here councilman Catalano here councilman Del R here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman tubert here Cil y here we also have our municipal clerk Brian Smith business administrator Michael SAR and bur Attorney John Tesa this meeting is called to pursu to the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in the Harold news on January 12 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in a municipal building the copy of this noce is available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance would you enter through and the secondary exit to the left of where I am seated there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there any questions please raise your hand okay we do have one non-agenda item tonight um which is from Millennium strategies Grant application for um a wck project at the Walter T Bergen School okay um have a motion to open up early public comment second all in favor anyone wishing to speak please state your name and come up and say a few words okay do you have a motion to close early public comment all in favor okay reporting committees e um I just want to say that um on Sunday we had a nice uh send off to a retirement party for uh Patty at the library and uh the mayor and Council gave you gave her a beautiful key and the FL and it was a really nice event nice event and it was nice to be a part of that um Alex Alexandra the new um the Caesar uh the new uh director of the library has a lot programs still the same ones in place um Coming forward March 22nd they have the designer handbag bingo at fireman's Hall I believe there's there's already Flyers to that uh the queen te uh high society and Wayne that's that to be determined um May 4th is the dueling PL pianos in Glen Wild and November 3rd is a a Paint and Sip also at the fire Hall and what they're painting is a porsch leaner which is uh always nice and it always gets a lot of people to to come um as always check out their their website for um all all programs um the um the senior center I think I think this is why the traffic all the they had today they had their Sheriff program on uh traffic stop e um over there um and they have also a lot of programs coming up their st's party is March 11th um and there they have um their trips also available on online on their schedule um the um the first a squad they because of theow last Tuesday they didn't they don't have new numbers for me so um the the same numbers are are um in place and they didn't they don't have a word on any fundraisers not yet they're going to let me know um once they have their meeting on the 29th and um the uh the uh for the BBC there is their third annual be steak and Tricky Tray it will be held on April 13th um and I'll share once they um they also have their flyer for that we can definitely share that off and I believe that's at the N yeah and um I noticed that the bbco has a fundraiser for the um BFW BFW yeah and it's February 26 you know to you that Tastefully British it's something that I that I saw online okay and they're also doing a beef steak on March 21st um for the VFW because to restore their meeting room um it's got the fireman so $70 a person right now Mike myself and John um plan on attending if anybody else wants to um I did Reserve 10 tickets so anybody interested please let me know I know John you already responded so that's good so if anybody wants wants it to Thursday night we having a guest speaker and I guess they're having music and stuff over there but it's just to raise money to help them get their meeting uh room back in order they're in pretty bad shape anybody else I'm just looking at this thanks for the mail appreciate it and there's something here it says budgeting for the elected officials I attended time ago if any of you have not gone to a uh you know training like this it was actually pretty good I learned a lot from it so you may want to consider doing something like that that's it I have my usual which I'll just keep telling everyone about because I'm getting a lot of questions on it especially during this last storm um the town does have the program Rave which is the reverse 911 if anyone is interested in signing up up it's your home phone and cell phone and email I believe and you go to the bur's main page go to the bottom right hand side you'll see Rave you will also see a recycle coach which again I've mentioned a million times but people ask about it all the time please sign up for recycle coach because it gives you um it's an app on your phone it gives you constant reminders about what's going on that week for the DPW garbage and recycling um I know I've also mentioned our first public events um um March 11th Ramadan Crescent lighting at 6:30 burrow Hall Nadia um is going to be running that um and then Saturday March 30th we have the Easter egg hunt 12 o'clock pm Walter T Bergen um again I just wanted to thank our DPW for the last couple storms they've really you know they always knock it out of the park and um but we saw some really nice comments on social media um and I got a couple people stopping me just saying thank you that our DBW does such a wonderful job that's it except for somebody didn't realize that we were ever closed with President's Day Before don't even go there they must have just moved to town because we've been closed President's Day for a very long time it's a long time resident but anyway yes and I did see that post yeah and actually there that speaking of post um I would like to attend a social media class in April um so Bri I'm going to reach out to you and Mike about that um to see if we can I can go to the class because I think it's really um advantageous for us okay anything else no um Economic Development Commission on March 18th at 7 o'clock in the council chambers doing a free digital marketing class so all are welcome here we have the word out to all the local business owners doesn't just have to be a retail store it could be anyone that has a business within town we have some folks that are um Cottage Bakers that'll be coming for example we also have folks that have traditional retail stores as well that'll be in attendance and it's just part of the programming that we try to offer up um also a thank you to Melissa brette she's the um she's a marketing specialist she has her own consulting firm and she's doing this uh pro bono for for for everyone and partnering with us on the EDC to do it so be a good event March 18th at 7 o' um and then last on the consent agenda we see that Elizabeth Weinberg she's stepping down on the EDC more from you know capacity restraints on her her side but want to thank her for all of her work over the past couple of years was an impactful member and and she's going to be missed see her around town she very involved um especially her husband on the fire department but uh want to thank her again for all her contributions um is that grand opening still for March 2 you um for oh froo yes oh yeah thank you um that is coming up correct March 7th at 1 o'clock the froo place is or second March 2nd second and it is by Danny's Pizza on that St right so um yes thank you for that um could use a certificate too I don't know if I asked you for that sorry okay it was a little further out right so I lost track of time so okay thank you for bringing that up Mr Mayor is there something else going on maybe that was the 18th you're talking about okay good anybody down here I do a quick report in the department so uh Maj programs skiing has wrapped up Karate fish successful April 19th we have the Broadway showand aot coming up devil game is coming up on March 5th basketball devil game is sold out I think there are available for spam aot um and then spring program registration is now open so for spring we have softball size poos which runs from March 9th to April 13th children's yoga the program April 3rd to 24th self-de for women on March 12th I think there are still a couple spots remaining that's only $10 to our class um and then we have yoga did they open up Summer registration for kids yet summer will be8 weeks I don't believe registration is open yet they have the first calendar and Crea a flyer um you can register for five days or three days a week uh it'll be at recreation.net email the fly should be released if not this week because I've already been asked if people are starting to plan for the summer so last year we were a little bit late so we lost some kids so yeah I think it's going to start June 24th that first week and then run through August 16th okay for summer camp um to expand upon what said for the Easter egg too they have 8,000 plus eggs over or shine loc set up and I know we spoke about the Bonnet contest coming back this year they met again and shifted from the Bonnet contest to uh some potential for golden eggs so there'll be some special eggs in throughout for the kids will have we're hoping to have some sponsors local just two things uh we're going to apply for County open space um for the delays your playground and possibly the back stops uh that's the the one we go for every year that's the one with the last two we got 200 and 250,000 respectively for the bog Pond one and then we're also going to apply for a third phase with the cdbg uh for the senior floor we know it's going to be more than 150,000 so estimated more estimated that's it Mr Mayor okay uh just real quick with me I met with the county Engineers down on um popper and Ty Street for the one covert that there's two U there's one concrete I think it's a 30in pipe goes on one side and then it switches to two uh 215 inch pipes across the street and comes out on the other side after it goes through two inlets um that pipe is believed to be clogged so the county had a um contractor come out and now they're getting pricing to go in and unclog that CU you if you notice between Ty and popper that's where the water kind of stays and that's where we had a flooding where it goes up and across it land then I believe if they get that pipe cleaned out that water will move quicker and get down to the main river um because Chestnut is is is fixed and their plan is eventually clean all the coverts out but this one is uh important to get done cuz you have to wait for the water to go up to the second pipe so the raises about 3 feet and then it goes through which makes it overflow over into the street so hopefully they'll get that fixed and then that'll alleviate some of the flooding on vanam on the on the uh the other side the Walnut Street side to uh to Papa all right so that's happening um that's pretty much all I have okay can I just so I forgot the library they've been um advertising a lot that they are that you could rent out pans for baking and they're actually having a I mean you could bake any you could rinse check out pans but they're doing a um a bake a libr uh cake decorating contest and um you could send uh you could check out one of our big pans and design and make a cake send in photos for judging um it's 2:14 through three March 14 Awards and party on March 26 so that's something that yes yeah I am a judge for that so just what I need more cake and actually I do have one other thing as well sorry I did forget one all right we just do this twice every I know I know but Bri just sent me this today um the community garden did receive a grant from dig in which is county uh for $750 so we actually received that today okay all right anyone else Jasmine anything okay all right item number eight resolution number 2024 2.18 consent agenda do I have a motion I mov any questions roll call Catalano yes Dela yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes okay just a one item on there um Joseph Marabella day Eagle Scout he's receiving his eag Eagle Scout board on March 9th which I will be attending that I think it's 1:00 in the afternoon I think I have um some of you received they all all the invitations got mailed to my house and there was like four of them so I put them in your mailboxes I don't know you got them um but if you're interested in going it's it's a nice um event for somebody re receiving their Eagles Scout which is the highest ranking in the in the Boy Scout World all right um pending item second final reading and public hearing ordinance number 3- 2024 amending chapter 4 General license in Block Party public note a statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald News copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title do have a motion to read by title so second all in favor I an ordinance of the bur of blomingdale County pic state of New Jersey amending chapter 4 General licensing of the code of the B of Bloomingdale there a motion to open up public hearing move second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak see no one motion to close move second all in favor I okay um this is simply we're just changing the rules a little bit for block parties there's no reason for some we have to approve it up here we're going to count on Mike Bri and chief so they'll follow the new rules in place for block parties and um let them approve it so they don't people don't have to wait and there is new regulations that I'll use no's Road for example if Nolls road is requesting a block party it won't be Nolls Road from Reeves to rafkin it'll be wherever that people are applying for and then they have to notice everybody within from Street to Street basically right how far the distance is it'll be 85% of the area of the impacted area yeah instead of because it doesn't impact somebody the opposite side of the street if it's a small street they have to notify 85% of a small Street Mayor can I just add uh we did request this in administration for the council to consider because there really were not regulations or there was you only ever had one street applying for block parties and last year you had like six and multiple and you whether you hear it or see it on Facebook you know you have some people who weren't notified and they were very ET then you had some people who led the party and wanted to do it four times a year so it's just uh this ordinance helps just put some rules in place and guidelines for BL parties um they'll be limited to two a year and you know you have to notify the neighbors it's hard to please everybody but there's at least an effort in here to have most of your neighbors on board and supporting your party okay motion for adoption move second roll call Dela yes Graziano yes Hudson yes hbert yes gy yes Catalano yes new business adoption of resolution number 2024 2.24 of the uh motion to U pay the bills so move thank you any questions roll call please grao um yes but abstain for vendor number 05439 yes Shubert yes yes Catalano yes RIP yes adoption of resolution number 2024 2.25 Millennium strategies Grant application for body War cameras for the police department I have a motion okay this is just simply um the body cameras that we have now are might correct me are outdated obsolete Obsolete and there's no parts to um fix them if they break so we're going to go for a grant to replace all the body cameras in I guess extras so we have with this uh this help offset your because we'll go into the budget uh and it'll be for the next five years so whatever we get here is going to help offset the cost our budget okay roll call please Hudson yes Hubert yes gy yes calano yes yeso yes okay all right the non agenda item is resolution number 2024 2.26 um this is again for millennium Grant strategies Grant application we are applying for um new wck equipment which is exercise equipment mik correct after Walter T Bergen School to finish we have the exercise spot there now we're going to try and add to that on there through a grant um if you have a notice we're using this grant compy as much as possible to get as much done in town with that type of funding um do I have a motion please second any questions you said you were adding to it or removing the olden no we're adding to it we want to expand what we have it's been requested by the recreation commiss Recreation Commission and a rose fund to give people other areas so if you're walking on the walking Track up there for able put we spread it out more so you can walk little exercise go to your next station and work your way around so it should be nice if we if we get there any other questions roll callot hbert yes yes calano yes RIP yes Rano yes hson yes you have a motion to open up late public comment so Mo second all in favor I I seeing no one you have a motion to close so move second all in favor I okay we do have one uh matter of Personnel in executive session there will be no action taken after got a motion go into executive so second all in favor I I thank you