all right good evening everyone this is a workshop meeting agenda of the goverment body of the burough of Bloomingdale Tuesday May 7th 2024 at 700 p.m. called the meance order but a salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all roll call Mayor deato here councilman Catalano here councilwoman Del Ripa here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Schubert here councilman Yi here we also have our municipal clerk Brianna Smith business administrator Michael sandmire and burough Attorney D Sullivan this meeting is called to pursuant of the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in the Harold news on January 12th 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in the municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public and a file in the office of the municipal clerk as per state fire code I'm required to acknowledge your there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exits exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there there any questions please raise your hand right seeing none uh we do not have any non-agenda items do I have a motion to open up early public comment all in favor I anyone wishing to speak come on [Music] I first 8 [Music] 11 you it no today's the introduction we're going to have a hearing on the 11th so you can bring all your stuff to with you on the or you can give Mike a call today is just introduction we're not really supposed to be discussing sure I'll answer the best I can or I'll refer it to Bud [Music] Comm anyone else wishing to come up see no one motion to close so move second all favor I I report of committees hi mayor um I just want to say thank you to Bri for um getting the message for um May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and um the chief also posted it on his uh site and also um I'm going to start with uh the burrow their numbers this uh for April were 141 541 uh for the year for year to date uh Butler had 63 calls Bo had 34 calls kinan had 43 calls um on June 28th at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 they're going to be hosting a medium uh night fundraiser $35 a ticket the flyer um will be uh following um also the county paid ambulance took 48 calls and they had 93 and covered 81 calls they missed 21 calls um their training this month is junctional injuries and um they she did want to say tror would like to acknowledge and thank the Town Council and Community for their kindness during um their difficult time um and thank you for your continued support um and just to a reminder for the uh community that they have many donations of medical equipment that they like to share with the community some items um you could take if some are to borrow and uh phone number is 973 8381 1688 if you'd like to um more information um next um I um I know with the uh the public events the next event is um the River Town cleanup back to another committee I let him speak and then um I did want to mention that for the uh food vendors I got about nine food food vendors for the uh town uh fireworks which uh are on June 29th and uh they uh are responding pretty quickly and um I don't know if they I I will be post I have a list of their little logos I was going to give them to um uh da to post also with the uh Senior Center um also Rihanna has um made the proclamation that may is older Americans month and um they their theme this month is um Americans who contribute their time wisdom and experience to our community um and again the senior center um Pat over there does really great job keeping the seniors busy uh this month they um on the May 15 they're going to the casino and if you're interested in joining any events um definitely go to our town Bloomingdale Town page and and go to the uh information that they have um the senior center has um their walking Club um started May 1st and it's every Wednesday um at 9:00 a.m. um tomorrow they they'll be there at the senior center and um I think their first walk was escorted they don't always get escorted by the police department but they there is a a presence when they when they do walk um and there's also a um of course online they have their lunch lunches that they serve and there is going to be Thursday May 16th from 10: to 12 a uh Senior Resource Group it's um invites you to a educational health fair and a bagel breakfast um that they're hosting um and this past Saturday at with um the library they had their doing pianos uh I attended I I saw Mr patalano and there with his whole family it was a lot of fun um and their next event is their Queen's tea May 30th and uh then the next one would be November 3rd again um the they also have so many events to go to learn about online um Wednesday May 8th they have they're starting their book club um the Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osmond is the name of the book and it meets in the sen Senior Center at 700 p.m. Wednesday May 8th which is tomorrow um and also if you're interested in craft for kids and adults alike um definitely go on their website sign up for their um their information um their their food p pantry is downstairs here um town hall right in front of the library they they they they collect a lot of food for the food pantry um items in high demand canned vegetables spaghetti peanut butter jelly rice tuna all that information the next thing I have is um registration is BBC um their registration has been open since April 15th um he did want me to say that uh they're hosting a clothing drive on Five May 11th from 10 to 1 at Memorial Field at the equipment shed um summer workouts start in June and I gave them a bunch of our flyers for the um Town cleanup day and for our fireworks and for the Memorial Day Parade he said he post them on on his website to see if we could get some children to attend and um their registration cost for flag is $55 uh flex and Fe was 60 junior is 185 but all that is at the BBC website and that's it okay right going right okay I can't talk about anything that to report so we'll talk about it in a close session okay um um tagging on to uh EV town and River cleanup uh 10:00 a.m. SLO Park uh rain dat is May 19th fingers crossed because our weather is not looking good for the next couple weeks um any official organized groups can earn money uh through clean Community New Jersey clean communities grants um so anyone interested they can call me 9973 476 8934 or they can email D Hudson at Bloomingdale um to sign up uh we really don't have a lot of organizations right now so um I reached out to a lot of people fingers crossed we get some people signing up Memorial Day Parade 9:00 a.m. we are Marching from Bloomingdale to Butler this year uh townwide garage sale June 1st uh the rain date is June 7 second anyone interested uh three your email again I'm sorry we're taking it at clerk's office at Bloomingdale thank you very much uh and then I'll let John I know you're going to talk about SL Park um again Fourth of July fireworks June 29th at 6:m at Walter T Bergen also uh to tag on to EV as well for the seniors um Pat yanes has asked me to help out with some of her fly uh one of the new ones that I just did is they are starting a book club Tuesday May 14th at 10 a.m. the May selection is switchboard soldiers and um every single meeting they will be selecting um a new book for the next month uh and let's see again I'll remind everybody go to raid sign up for reverse 911s and recycle coach for recycling uh I think oh and um I also did a flyer the burrow is closed for Memorial Day so no DPW pickup and the burough offices are closed okay joh yep so as Don mentioned SLO Park Festival coming up on June 8th 3:00 to 9 o' going to be closing off just a small portion between RAB and over to LY uh they'll be and food trucks uh within that area also some of the businesses coming out in front of their stores to present what they have the two bands really starting around 3 and the second one will come on somewhere around 6 o'clock so uh as always a ton of vendors right a lot of food it's going to be a lot of fun so I hope everyone can make that um and then the second one just want to recognize on the consent agenda we have a new member for the EDC we're looking to app point this is Alex delanois so what's um what's really positive here is not only resident in town but also a business owner on Main Street and I think it's great to see folks that uh have businesses in town coming out to to support to volunteer and to be part of the econom economic development [Music] commission you good any here just to kind of extend on Main Street the planning board has a special meeting on the 14th to see some investment being made downtown on a continued application I think it's really positive wants to come and see what's happening special meeting on May 14th at 7 I believe might be 7:30 7:30 70 730 18 14th May 14th okay oh can I mention one more thing um I wanted to thank Karen from the environmental commission she's been working on the Sustainable New Jersey um certification and I just wanted to say how hard she has been working on that it is a great deal of work for one person to take on and um so Karen good job keep going we'll get there well said H so well said she's working very hard I give her a lot of credit it's a lot of work yeah that committee has made an incredible amount of Headway we have a really neat natural resource map being developed by them as well now that's updated so yeah Karen and that team has been doing a great job man what yeah Orchard Street uh be milling and Paving within the next week Hilltop tariffs tomorrow Mill tomorrow Hilltop terrorist their venors up there doing final punch list so we close that out salt shed um waiting on the contractor actually build this the wood portion of the shed uh he's scheduled to come out and start and the same thing Vila uh everything's done the foundation side of it but waiting on Amish Mike's Pavilion to show up be installed put concrete everything is no just with it y just I just wanted to share the VFW and the legion they usually find a Grand Marshal for the joint parade with Butler and Bloomingdale but they are looking for a Bloomingdale resident this year so if there's anyone who you might know or would could recommend who'd be interested in being the Grand Marshal of blooming resident this year is what's preferred let me know I gave mik one okay if you so anyone if you have to make a recommendation please let me know yeah yes uh today we had the auction for the Glade Road property we had one person show up and made the minimum bid and we entered into a contract the resolution approving that bid will be presented to the council at the next meeting which is June 11 so that that's good I know I know the burrow wanted to move that along yeah yeah that's great um hopefully that'll everything will work out there and big Lade Road will get paved and then we'll add properties to the tax RS so that's a that's a positive just we just going to keep that moving all right um for me um been working with the county Mike and I to get the Cs down on vanam the cver crossings on Walnut Ty popper and chest on the street clean underneath um we're waiting to hear from them they're going to I've Been Told they're going to approve it on their May the May 21st meeting to get that done this way we can get all the covers underneath and there's that one pipe on popler that is totally from what they're saying totally clogged they should be able to get in there clean that out and then that section from TY to Walnut should drop dramatically and the water should Pro freely and hopefully alleviate most of the flooding going onto van and those people's property we are doing some repair work down there um on some of the properties that we've worked on in the past we're just adding soil in certain areas going to Reed it um but this work needs to be done so hopefully within the next month or so that project will start okay so that's that's a a good thing down there it's long time coming to get that done all right um item number eight resolution number 2024 5.1 consent agenda to have a motion on the consense agenda Some Mo second um any questions roll call Adano yes Del Ripa yes Riano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes okay okay pending items 2024 Municipal budget introduction of ordinance number 10-2020 index rate cap Bank remember this is only an introduction we will have a hearing I think it's June 11th great when we have a presentation by our finance do I have a motion to introduce introduced by title the index cap rate Bank cap bank so second all in favor I any opposed I will read this by time barl Bloomingdale calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank njsa 40a semicolon 4- 4514 the second and final reading of this ordinance will be on June 11th okay okay adoption of resolution number 2024 5.7 introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget I have a motion second any question [Music] do roll call roll call Dela yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Schubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes okay okay adoption of resolution number 2024 5.8 self-examination of Municipal budget do I have a motion s s any questions roll call Graziano yes Edson yes Shubert yes gassie yes Catalano yes Del Ripa yes okay okay you good yes okay adoption of resolution number 2024 5.9 Computing reserve for uncollected taxes do I have a motion second roll call unless somebody has any question is pretty self-explained Hudson yes Schubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes Del R yes Graziano yes okay good new business adoption of resolution number 2024 5.10 um temporary Appropriations do I have a motion second roll call Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes kipa yes Graziano yes hon yes I B adoption of resolution number 2024 5.11 authorizing agreement with Recovery Solutions entitled LLC um I believe this is simply for our toing services yes right um to um kind of yeah for Tak over tell an impound impound cor yeah have a motion second any other questions roll call gassie yes Catalano yes Del Ripa yes Riano yes bson yes Shubert yes item C adoption of resolution number 2024 5.12 approving of fireworks vendor do I have a motion second roll call please Catalano yes delar Ripa yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes y see yes adoption of resolution number 2024 5.13 DMC land surveying services for Katherine and bad um if you all remember going back ways we got a grant to do um I think it's um Curbing and Paving for those streets um so we need to do a survey to get that project to go out for bid so this is simply just approving the survey company have a motion so move second roll call Del Ripa yes ciano yes Hudson yes Schubert yes J see I should have probably asked this before but since I live on Bailey do I vote on this you should probably refuse myself yeah but I need to go back and mine I live on cther so we have twoes just right we have enough patalano yes the Graziano and H and yd are recusing correct okay item a introduction of ordinance number 11 2024 chapter 7 traffic want to explain that a little bit uh two different modifications we're making there um the roads in 715 I think it is um we're at 5 tons but all the roads are posted at four ton vehicle so to make it easier and this is really it came to a a light on vanam posted as four ton but the ordinance is five ton so we're just making every Road in town other than the county roads are four ton Max for driving through people obviously get deliveries made or having pickups made they're allowed to be on there with bigger trucks but this just stops the people cutting down from Main Street down to Union AB via vanam or Jeffrey drive up and over through Glen Wild ABS type things so we're just looking to change every Road in town other than four County Roads to a 4 ton limit and then the second part was after the crew got done on Wallace Street the portion between Boston and Orchard on Wallace is now an was ated curbs uh and our traffic uh Sergeant went down and measured it and there's no way we can park both sides and still get two-way traffic through so it's going to be parking only on one side of that section of Wallace to allow for two-way traffic okay and this is all by our traffic Bureau all from the traffic bu have from requesting that okay all right can I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 11224 chapter 7 traffic have a motion to read by title second all in favor I an ordinance of the bur of Bloomingdale in the county of pade state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic section 7-1 parking for hibited at all times on certain streets and section 7-17 of the code of the burough of Bloomingdale second and final reading and adoption will be on May 21st okay have a motion to open late public comment second all in favor come on you want me to put it up on [Music] the but that's June 11 June 11 just a just a correction on that ordinance that'll be adopted on June 11 no no no talking you're good for that okay we mean the resolution for the okay yeah that can be June no just so we can follow along just let me know where you're going okay this page here Su your tax rates we have the Municipal Library rate you down for 2023 should have been 442 809 which what have shown on that's not what the library the library didn't have $400,000 in the budget corations on page20 [Music] we're just going to take the information by condemnable disc y okay show you yeah I know what you're saying I know what okay if it is that amount that I know that comes out then the other amount should be different too 2024 [Music] keep 10 the premium on Vine sale for 150,000 10 yes just in case anyone wants to see is that where we are that can't be right no that's 99 uhhuh that's sheet there we go yes I don't know what that is that's we have Bond sale this year and that's premum we got from it and we applying that to the [Music] budget the chief 13 the assessment of taxes for the salaries and wages why do I put down so much I can't it [Music] where's it there top put third line [Music] down I can't see that cheat up there so bear with me she [Music] 13 down [Music] s oh CU our person in there is now reporting to finance correct CU you had some heavy people that were out so yeah High highly salary not [Laughter] hey salar you not I'm 15 for three salaries we 575,000 [Music] Le 15 that is correct why that was contractual negotiation so that is the new price and that's everybody that's in there from officers up to crossing guards to anybody that's in that their their contract as well including the chief what was the contract rate decrease uh three and a it's three and a half three a quarter three and a quarter mik wasn't that also the co money last year we applied it to the police line so this year no that's that's that's 421 above it is the co money salaries went up it went from 1.8 to 2.4 and in their contract there's also some adjustment salary adjustments that we made that we will benefit at the end of the contract versus longevity side of it there's no such thing as for new officers are going to get longevity okay we dropped that out of the contract going forward for anybody any new hires the increases excuse me anybody new hires coming in going get the contct I can get you the copy of the contract that you can answer some of these questions but the increases three and 1/2 I think 3 and a/4 3 and a/4 3 and two mhm and we add another step in there also yeah 15a for Street and Roads sound and R last year we paid 450,000 this year you're only anticipating paying 400,000 so they a share services with Butler servic last year too not the whole not the whole year though not the whole year this year this is a full year with that we didn't start that till July I think last year June July all the all the salary and wages are offset DPW buy our share Services we do all the it not it it's taken out of their salary wherever they take it out of their DPW salary we took it out of there we took it out of the garbage and trash and it's also the full year of one acces this year too with the um waste that we didn't do a full year last year we have have Road repairs it just falls under that bracket no we're not doing any road repairs notless they want to pay us for went up suban y 200 not us I mean that was done by the the hiff and the GIF rates went up State went up 20 something per the state we're not but our still went up I'm saying the state went up 22% by that sheet 17 Master went quite a bit 17 MH yeah we just redid the whole uh website I can ask el include in that we added things to with archive social and this I'll find out what's face up that number on 17 the concy went [Music] up very [Music] highy they went from, 1500 to [Music] 55 what's next just it down so I get to the answers that's all [Music] I'm on 227 our principal bond has gone down Bond principal gone down but our interest on bonds is gone out because we rebonded this year we did a bond sale this year and a note sale so this year it'll go down next year these lines will go up substantially but how much is our debt now we should probably wait till Finance comes here and does the presentation and they can answer just take the note of that and then you can prepare Finance when they come they is the ABS on the website I don't want to get into a discussion here yeah I think the latest ads is on the website if you want to look at that it give you some though then my final comment is that I know for my taxes alone it's going to go up 450,000 thought you're paying everybody else's too for the year that's quite a bit more than it was last year last year he want to do something well that includes that's including the school and at County and have 2 [Music] 2.2% year sheet so that's significantly higher than it had in the past the past it went up but didn't that much we'll discuss that when we do we'll explain why we're where we are your school up and your count is going up for sure and I'm not sure what your assessed value is of your house but it looks like if there saying 480 450 so your Municipal went up by 80 bucks $81 something should be looked at to to not have that much of an increase on people considering everything else that's going on now I mean consider we also just had a that increase our water sewer I think something should be looked at to consider but you got to real you got I really want to get we'll discuss it on the 11th but in reality everything we we get hit with all those increases too as a barel you know I feel you're paying CU I pay the taxes too I mean mine's going to go up you know between the school and and the county I mean the school I mean I don't know if you went to their meeting for their budget I can see you know going up 1.87% dollarwise they're a lot higher than what we're going to go up dollarwise dollarwise they'll be higher than what we're going 1.8 of 18 million that goes to 2.1 of 8 million finance will go through it and they'll do our a presentation on the 11th and then they'll explain and answer any questions when it comes down to that because they know it inside it out our budget committee has been working on this for months um and to where we started to where we are today we're in I call Fair shape all right compared and we did lose some sources of money coming in the co money money some State funding we lost they took it away so we have to make that up somewhere um we cut a lot of stuff um out of the budget that we normally would buy and we'll go into that on the 11th we cut a lot out of the budget to get where we are to introduce today and you'll see that on the 11th to cut [Music] more just it's fair to do this to taxpayers UNC consistent [Music] well if it's on a consistent basis we did pretty good in the last 12 years you got a lot of money money was not something that was really ours per say Lu thank you anyone else wish to come up any bus any business if you have something come on up just state your name and your address talk to the mic because it gets recorded can I have a copy just in case so I so I know what cover story to say at the end um pre move on Sunset like to make a big ask I feel like Sunset Road mors Lakes correct okay um I feel that we the representative in Tron and Washington are not being adequately represented faithfully and I'd like to control you folks to basically try something I know this isn't the end you know I know this isn't the end for me because I I see I see the ability for everyone to be able to directly get a hold of their representatives I some of you folks I believe Mr knows me I was called the bo when it came to umon Bay putting it through because it saved us a ton of money uh I I I do truly admire John he would you would put him in a box and he figure out a way to make it work okay and what I'd like to do is Avail myself of the resources maybe put something on the website and let's discuss everything immigration um the border the whole pan of stuff that I think is wrong I mean I I I was born in M I'm an Egyptian born Armenia and I understand what happened with the Jews enjoying the Holocaust I know what happened you know when when they partition palestin put the Jews in there I know those are problems but we really don't need people going going around and creating big scene about this thing we need to get to the root of all the problems I am a political I don't care I just look for the I just look for the critical path what you know what what's being done in our name whether we agree with it or not because today if you're stupid enough to answer a call from the telephone number that you don't know you're not smart enough to go through and answer of holsters questions we need to be able to protect people to talk Express their views that's the first amendment we all have that we all need to exercise we're in a critical stage work you but am is worth we to FL um I if you have any questions for me what I see I really what I would really want to see is we can all get there like call it a Facebook for for governance and you know we we can talk about what we want and we be we want be ostracized for we want have about 20 right wing nuts or rightwing Wing nuts take that out on us because they don't like our views First Amendment thank you and I think you folks can get in touch with me or if you want I'll I'll email what your address on Sunset 46 46 I don't know if you have any interest but um Congressman go Congressman gimer sometimes comes here um into him last time at the at the sub the subs he he actually was for it you know he he he went for it and I would but I would like to do it over here first I hope that but Gil does it the word gets out we all do it not for not only from New Jersey but for the entire country because as far as I'm concerned I've never been shy about saying saying things this person like the state of inen they they use the Fool's argument to pass a law and justify their actions we don't need that we don't need people deciding that well I'm going to forgive all the student debt who created that problem in Congress the the how can I do how can I put it Su they are known to create the laws and the consequences of stupid laws that are thought out now bid wants to forgive all those through the Lo well you're not going to give it to me you know you're not going to get it out of me why should you get it out of me we had nothing to do with it they went forward and bid wants to forgiven the Supreme Court said no you can't do that so stop it so he repackages it just something else we're not being represented by him I don't know who's going the strings but he's a sock I'm going to shut my mouth before somebody sees this thing over here and comes after me that's a second amendment well I can go on down the list I can tell you just from and I'm not going to give you my personal views on the whole thing I just believe this is a a a free country you should be able to walk the streets peacefully you should be able to say what you want which is fantastic no matter who you are long as you're respectable to anybody um one thing about our Barrow we do support um uh other religions all right when they ask us to to be able to use our front lawn or our buildings when they want to celebrate their their um religious beliefs we support all of that and we attend that and everybody's entitled to it I'm a Catholic you know you're might not whatever you are but we're all people at the end of the day we're all people and we're here for one thing to to live a a a nice life U earn a living and you know the my personal views about the the Forgiveness stuff is you know what happened to the kids that didn't go to college and they're working hard I don't you know but that's go along with this we can all do this I will post I will post it on my you know my Facebook page on governance and it'll be me saying it you can come after me as long as I can get the cops to follow me around all day well armed well we know them personally so so but I appreciate you coming up and you know sharing your um your beliefs um I think we're all appreciative of of of that um there's you know we might disagree on things but we're all people and that's part of life that's what America is all that's what we were built when you think about it we've got Jews and Muslims you know right next to each other they they're not fighting in they all get along no matter what nation what nationality what religion what whatever it's here in America and that's why I look at America as not a specific destination but an ideal to strive I think those racist slave slave holding slave beating you know people were knew what they were doing they well educated very well educated and they they set up the uh Constitution they had to agree on all a lot of the stuff I take a look at to trilion the Declaration of dependance the preambles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights yes there's more to the Constitution than that but you know it gives you an idea of why they why they did what they did and we all need to talk about of understanding because I seriously doubt people really educated anymore anyway thank you very much you're welcome you you know if you want to reach out I'll be more than glad to show the road okay de thank you appreciate it anyone else see no one a motion to close someone second all in favor okay we do have um one matter of attorney uh attorney client PR as an executive session there will be no action taken after have a motion to go to Executive session second all in favor I thank you thank you for coming out