hi Dalia hi Frank hi everyone huh is there sound on what did you say she said hi everybody I said hi Frank hi everyone I was just testing I was just testing oh anyone got on so we officially start at 7:01 I like to call the regular the regular meeting of the bagota board of education for Tuesday 2021 please stand for the flag 202 United States of americe the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the bota board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the bota burough Hall communicated by letter to the record file with the clerk of the buau of bagoda and posted on the Boda Board of Education website Mrs present Mrs alare present Mr Alvarez present Mr Chavez present Mrs Cruz present Mr navaru present Mrs toivo present Mr record pres Mr Miranda present we are we have a court all right I'd like to open the floor to hearing of the citizens on agenda items only you have a motion to move a motion Mrs cha Mr Chavez Mrs rucket for a second any board discussion all in favor any oppos any member please state your name you have five minutes you have a motion to close motion hearing of citizens do I have a second second Ruck it again any board discussion all in favor any oppos moving on to 31 of the agenda superintendent report all right first up we have no hibs report since our last meeting teachers of the year were selected for each building I'm excited to announce this year's winners for the 23 24 school year in the High School Miss Diane baranello in the Middle School Miss Lauren Tomlinson in big Miss Melissa daser and inste Miss Maria Castillo so congratulations to them they were selected by their committees for school they will be attending the teacher of the year luncheon on Thursday with all Bergen County so uh that'll be a great day also great job by our high school and middle school uh music department they put on a great concert on Thursday and then this past Monday great job by our students but also again great job by our teachers uh helping put that together and finally on Friday at15 1:30 at figal field we will be doing our DUI simulation this is a pretty big uh production put together with a lot of Bergen County um different organizations so uh I attended a few meetings but we're all set so our sophomores our Juniors and our seniors will be going to that this year we opened it up to our sophomores I'm feeling the kids are getting in cars we do it every two years so instead of pushing it off until their senior year the current sophomores we rather give it to them now and then they can see it again as a senior it might hit a little differently but just to let everyone see uh you know what can happen if if we're not being smart behind the wheel that concludes my report thank you Miss Kennedy uh moving on to well just before I go on the the band uh Musical that occurred here uh last week was was wonderful I was gladly to be invited thank you to everyone who showed up uh you know we our staff works really hard our children uh put in a lot of work uh you know they were some of them were dress messed up in costumes to uh act as a character uh my son himself uh had a a part uh for the rapping in the Heights so if anyone has watched that uh it was very nice uh these kids we have a serious band I mean I've watched them around different schools and um this is a really good band they do an amazing job they really are so synchronized uh to that point you know sometimes you wonder you know we're all busy we have schedules but to know that we can have members up here that attend other functions that are not for the Board of Education and more Town functions you know or meetings and not attend one of the events in the schools just know that the staff works really hard and the children work even harder so it was it was really nice it was really nice and and I just hope you see more of that U it was really they really did a good job I was very surprised and it's like going to Broad a miniature style Broadway they really do a good job the music is on point and and the instruments on point you don't see hiccups you don't see trips and falls I mean the when you look at I I as I saw a few of them and some seniors I said I hope there's a career in and I know there is backstage shifting plays because they do it they move these chairs in a blink of an eye and no one Falls the instruments don't go so it's just a beautiful thing and kudos to them uh I I did want to announce today I got really good news we have you're all going to know your dates your graduations right I think it's 12 13 14 uh we're gonna have a guest speaker who's the president and coo for inarah shop rights uh you know one of the missions up here we have is to drive a true message in our high school in our district and our children uh in Bergen County make a lot of noise as far as we mean business and in order to mean business you have to bring in experts and people who who are from who were raised in similar communities we've all we've always spoken up here whether uh you know the diversity Etc and the resemblance of our community well this is not necessarily the resemblance of our community but it can be it's an individual who was born and raised in New Jersey and went on to Great Heights in Waker ShopRite which if you know it's one of the largest employers of New Jersey it's a Powerhouse retail Supermarket business around the country and faces up against the three and the fours so to have a Powerhouse come here and he'll say humbly I'm not a Powerhouse I wrote a book um and he's going to you know signed some books for some of our seniors and you know so they can read it and the book um I'll get the name next time has an interesting statement and and it has an interesting title and it really is swim against the wave or the tide or something of that sort which is what we all do here we've all come from that background what we've had to do to reach these ultimate goals um so so it's going to be an interesting I hope he gives the best speech we've never had a business person with that kind of latitude in in this profession in our district to come speak at our thing and I can only hope whether I'm here or not that that becomes a new tradition I want to get more powerhouses here and when Kennedy brought that idea to me I said who do you want St Leonards who do you want who do you want right because if you have access and you have resources we use it that's the point of this we use those resources to try to empower our children um and one thing when I spoke to him today was very interesting he said you know some of these kids are graduating and they said this is the end of my career they haven't even started they have no clue where they're going some have faith some are just confused and he was hoping to deliver a message that it's okay not to know but you got to figure it out right so I think that's some of the thing um we it actually rolled into other conversations I think Ken going to like one day we spoke about the CTE building Career Technical building he said I haven't heard one in public schools in in Bergen is there one so I got to check if there is one because I know I know like theem have it the text but I've never heard of a public school and neither did he so so you know I was able to give him five minutes because that's usually what they spare of some of the great advancements we made here I even went as far as saying maybe you should uh look to stamp in Sarah shop rer football field and give us an annual fund because if you don't ask you don't get right who's just say we're gonna get that football fee if we didn't ask our residents the worst they could say is no right yeah that's the worst but actually I heard you know they actually give out so so all I'm saying is uh we're bringing substance to bot by way of the school district um and the partnering has been a blessing I also want to say for the record that tonight we may be voting or not voting on the bid proving the bid uh I would say that well I guess you never know until the roll call happens but I do want to thank the council uh you know there's there's been such a divide over the years and I don't think anyone takes the credit I'm the big credit is given what credit is due uh I want to thank Lisa Kohl's for driving that uh you know we spoke a few times in just what needed to transpire uh because you know our lawy did an excellent job in like looking at the looking at the wording and the in the bid and making sure that we got it in our hands quickly you know one of the things I kept asking and the residents are asking me and other people and social media is when are we going to break ground when are we going to break ground when are we going to break ground some other clowns did I say that I'm sorry some other folks um they tend to ask uh yeah they said they were going to break ground so I just want to reiterate what what it goes to we have to go through a due process if we could just get the permits of Bot I'm sure that pagoto would give us permits but we have to go to the DP we file the documents we file the paperwork and we're wonder and you know we have to wait on that and one of the last pieces was the interlocal agreement and and I think it passed favorably I wasn't there because I was at the play um but I think it passed favorably I think we all want the same thing and just so you know you know we are paying attention um I I do want to know at some point about these willow trees what is that base we talked about just make sure as a board we're paying attention we're listening as much as we can but we're we're out to do parks and that's what we're doing and on Sunday I had the real pleasantry of speaking to a resident who actually lives in front of the football the field and they asked a few questions that I thought were you know real good questions and what I've learned from like engineers and things is like if you flooded three and a half feet above ground and you went up six and a half feet then what do you see you see six and a half feet of dirt so it's all supposed to decip itate go way down and and hold it and work its way out and so they ask us these questions and you know it's hard because we're not Engineers but you get the bits and pieces we get and we we've them I'm sure you know I've seen you all asking these questions and and we've gotten those answers one of the thing she said was when I moved to bot in front of the field I knew exactly that I was going into a front of a field I knew I would hear bands I knew that I would hear football games I knew that they can cause traffic I knew all of this but that was what I wanted for my child and she said I also know that at one day it was going to Blossom or be something different than what I see today so that gave me a lot of comfort right because I think we've been challenged with those questions and those ideas we've all spoken to each other to say what happens to the four people that live right across the street how do we make sure how do we not know it's 100% when they tell us it's 90 uh but to hear that and you know we need parks and we need nice Fields so that was a good thing it was just it's good and I wanted you to hear it because sometimes we often ask each other all these questions and we challenge it but to know that there are some residents who actually live right across the street that think that it's a nice thing we're doing all right so you know not everything is perfect you can't appease everybody but I think we're doing for the larger scale of things we're doing a good thing we're doing a good thing so keep it going guys keep it going I'm going to move on to uh 4.4 approval of April of the April minutes for April 23rd and close Clos work action minutes April 30th open regular minutes is there a motion approve for for that was who Chavez yeah a second second Trina olivo uh any board discussion roll call Fone Mr Sal have to abstain from April 30th because I wasn't here here but yes as to the other minutes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez uh I also have to obain for April 30th but you have to be 4 to Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cru yes Mr Navar yes Mrs Oliva yes Mrs reord yes Mr Miranda yes motion carries there's no policy section tonight 67 educational section which is the approval of items 61 through 66 do I have a motion to move 67 motion rucket do I have a second second Navaro any board discussion roll call Mrs salal yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs solivo Mr ret yes Mr Manda yes motion carried do I have motion I'm moving resolution 6113 we did oh I did why does it say say say no we did the first one because this is the approval of agenda items 68 through 612 do I have a motion to move 613 motion Mrs Cruz do I have a second second Mrs rucket any board discussion Oran Mrs salal yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs Oliva yes Mrs rord yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri Dev motion moves uh 79 Personnel section approval of agenda items 71- 78 do I have a motion to approve 79 motion Mr Chavez do I have a second Mrs Cruz any board discussion Heron Mrs salal yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr navaru yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs ret yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri moving on to the finance section of the approval of agenda items 81 through 818 do I have a motion to approve 8119 motion Mr Chavez do I have a second Alvarez Alvarez any board discussion roll call Aran Mrs salal yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs stet yes Mr Miranda yes Carrie moving on to 822 resolution um 822 which host agenda's items 820 through 821 do I have a motion to move 822 motion chabz any second second Naro Navaro any board discussion roll call Mr salal yes Mr solarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr navaru yes Mr yes Mrs ret yes Mr Manda yes motion carried there's no buildings in rounds that's shocking uh committee reports do I have any committee reports nothing so I'll I'll brief you on a committee report uh last last week can I think Police Department two weeks two weeks ago we met with the chief of police uh detective Lano uh Lieutenant they just got promoted so I gotta remember Lieutenant sorry captain Cole and uh our business administrator at the burrow myself Kennedy um and we were going over just some of the safety things we need to do up here uh we we gave them the good news that we'll be installing vestibules they call it man traps uh and how we're going to improve the safety and entryways and the schools that that needed uh we we we elaborated a lot on the the report that we got our own traffic study if you recall a few months back so we went over that report uh We've Spoken we went over oneway traffic during school hours to do a trial in Bixby we spoke further more uh about needing an extra uh crossing guard down on Maine and Orchard so we hashed out a lot of things and I will say we have a very wide difference of opinions between what safety is called and what the day-to-day Duties are there's a lot um we're trying to channel and dig through all of that to find the most beneficial ways um and I guess appropriate understanding of what each person can get done in order to improve the safety in and around our schools because a lot of people focus on the inside but that perimeter of the school is when most things can happen um I mean I really you know one of the things that was driven and messaging to me is that the parents the parents the parents don't listen they don't even listen to you the parents the parents that's not something that I swallow lightly because I'm a parent I listen and I'm a parent and I've also made mistakes um you know not to throw anyone to the bus but I've made the wrong left turn I I know you're kind of in the morning you're in it right but we all would I have been stopped I would have had to receive what I deserve and and I just want to say that on the record that we're pay we're keeping a very close eye on that stuff all right uh but that was all I we're trying to solve a lot of scenarios or things that could happen uh moving on to Old business there any old business new business none open up the floor to hearing of citizens H yes I'm sorry on Friday the 17th we the eth grade actually had their first Washington DC trip which is the first out of state trip saw the pictures it was an amazing trip I can tell you I was extremely proud of our kids they were very very on top of their game they were they were on point we had no issues um and I would like to commend also the staff you have an amazing staff of Educators uh Mrs spontaneous um Mrs Adam Mr chensky Mr tady Mrs vantine they did an amazing job um we walked a lot I am still tired but we had a blast the kids were extremely happy um I would do it again if I had to it was a great thing and I would like to keep it going for the eighth grade and maybe even for other grades it was an amazing trip and I want to thank everyone that was involved thank you I'm glad you said that the other thing that was approved that bur Hall was probably I don't know if it was the first the first of my time but a boot Drive we're gonna do a boot drive I'm gonna take part in it I I I hope that you all Take A Part in it course um there was some concerns about kids that I do have to hash out about insurance and coverage and things of that nature uh you know La Dr lash has taken in you know his new ad role and he's looking to fundraise money um he was part of the driver of that that eth grade trip so that's why it prompted me thank you thank you for to the burall for doing that boot Drive I mean a lot of people ask questions but I go to Ridgewood and stuff and I see a bunch of kids doing boot drives for different sports or different things I'm not that's apparent thing or what it is but they do it and they're in the middle of the roads so I think we just got to get a lot of cones out get safety Nest on and go forward and try to collect a lot of money from our staff they're not I mean from our parents they're not coming here so we might as well I can't ask 20 parents and give me 20 bucks for the Border you know for the stuff but it's a nice dig that it's followed through um I also heard that a resident from bod donated $8,000 so I won't name them unless I can find you know until I figure f it out but it's a great thing uh there were some other funds so there's been planning and action one of the things I wanted to bring a life here and I saw at some point is every quarter every school has a kid with their principal that comes up in front of the board gives us just a quick breakdown of the nice things they're seeing and and what they're hoping for because we make a lot of decisions up here and we tend to make decisions because of the residents and the taxpayers but our biggest goal is children and it would be nice maybe next year we try to practice this get where where every quarter or every month or whatever you get one child from each School representative and it it it it does a lot of things for that child that child becomes a speaker of a group it becomes very vocal we know this is vocal of America so we become very vocal and I think it would be something nice for us to see and and and I know as you as all these Rah parents that you are and when you're not a parent you're still Rah like rob baras you know it's just a nice thing I think we should bring that we should start implementing something and and it's just a nice thing and and I just I don't think we have another meeting but I do want to congratulate all our all our graduates I want to congratulate all of those going to college um all the ones going to Tech technical schools and I still want to congratulate the ones who don't even know where they're going yet but I hope take take take I call it a sabatical take your break for a year get back at it and and and find do what you got to do to excel in life um I'm impressed when you walk down at the entr all the acceptances you have some kids accepted in seven colleges today I learned that someone got two scholarships to Mammoth College Mammoth University Mammoth they had one scholarship they showed up and then they got football scholarship and they didn't even know about it and the parents said I couldn't stop crying so so you know we don't hear these things we don't hear what's happening so it would be nice to somehow get that representation so we can get going um I I I want to stress to the board I was up here listening to the PTO for a very brief Mrs Cruz and there was a lot about how the trips and stuff and I'm really eager to see how to see how what we're going to do to make these uh seniors happy moving forward whether it's a local trip whether it's a real deal barbecue what are we gonna do and Trina said something very important because she was there she had to be there she said I just want to hear what is it that they want and you may not get everything in your wish list but I'm sure we can drum something up and that's the right attitude you may not get everything you you want but we're going to give you something you deserve and we're going to try to meet you there and I truly hope that moving forward that's the attitude of anyone here but in order to have that you got to be part of the boot drives you got to show up to the events you got to go to as many things as possible so that people could drum up because what I've recognized is residents like to see us and when they do they get closer to the school because we obviously get up here because of a group of president so if we could drum them up it'll help all right we move on make sure that we point out a special congratulations to those who graduated from Bergen County community that's right that's right we had how many associates degree I saw that we will be recognizing them in June uh four of them graduated you you know what's a very good feeling social media helps you're I'm starting to see people that graduate my first year round graduating out of college it's like I gave you aoma I gave you diploma that is beautiful watch it idalia you probably see a whole bunch they're probably coming back to your house at this point you see a lot of the kids graduating and that's phenomenal to get that feeling all right but I'm gonna close it you know because I was truly not trying to be BC's time U we uh hearing of the public am I opening that up 131 do I have a motion to move Alvarez so that was Mr Alvarez and Mrs rucket for a second any board discussion all in favor I any oppose any member of the public please state your name you have five minutes on absolutely anything do we have anyone Susan Harper thank you so much um and I want to commend everybody for the excellent work that everybody's doing I also want to just commend uh the superintendent for mentioning the DUI um program that's going to be happening I um I hope that given the fact that that horrible tragic accident occurred um to the T neck resident by one of our youngsters in Boda um that it will be truly underscored the use of drugs as well as alcohol um especially hot because the fact I think that um many kids don't necessarily think about the dangers while driving um so thank you again um I I wanted to just turn to the park for a second because of course I'm someone who lives across the street from the park and um the project that you're working on does have a consequence on my home as well as the homes of the neighbors um as I am aware from just the plans that there are many different trees that are slated to be removed um and some some of you may not be fully aware of the benefits of of many of these large trees from the much needed shade in the warm days um if you watch any baseball game happening or soccer game parents are always sitting under these trees to get protection from the um from the elements and from the Sun um from particles from the cement factory adjacent to the Olsen Park pollution from the significant increase in traffic from Boda and hackin sacks building residents the trucks that are expected to operate 24hour 7 due to that I don't even it's going to know if it's an Amazon Factory or whatever factor is being built adjacent to the rail railwood in bagoda and the large trees also help with the light pollution from botas new apartment complex neighboring hackin sacked as well as provide much needed shade uh to the roads and our home reducing Heating and Cooling costs and taxpayer repairs to the road uh large trees also absorb the rainfall and the park when BAS overflow or may overflow is the case even even if you are um updating and making uh changes to do that uh given the fact of this bizarre climate change um area that we're in these large trees suck up a lot of that water and finally the trees are really beautiful um providing the park visitors an opportunity to be one with nature um there's a wide range of positive EV evidence that shows that trees boost happiness immunity um heal increase ability to focus even in children with ADHD accelerate recovery from illness or surgery increase energy levels and even improve sleep and when there are no large trees like this the opposite can occur so I want everybody and I would really appreciate everybody to really be thinking about the fact of the impact of this decision uh there when I came to bagota and live in my house about 70 or 90 trees um it will be about now 70 to 90 trees that would be cut down if all these trees are cut down basically all of them around this baseball field um and finally I want to leave you with just one uh last question based upon uh the uh Tree Specialist report and I think that one needs to be asking yourself why are there so many trees slated to be removed I think you need to be asking yourself because right across the street when a report was done across the street only about two trees were so what is it about what's going on in this park that something could potentially be happening you need to ask yourself the question because now that you have a responsibility and Duty um beyond the football field thank you very much thank you Mrs Harper anyone else do we have a motion to close hearing of the citizen Chavez do I have a second alz Alvarez any board discussion all in favor thank you we have no closed session this evening so do I have a motion to adjourn Alvarez Alvarez Chavez Chavez all in favor have a good evening everyone good night everyone