is the worst I've seen in longm I couldn't believe I had to come up took me an all right let's move it along I'd like to call the regular meeting of the bagota board of education for Tuesday November 21st 223rd 2023 please stand for the in order please stand flag salute Al to the flag the United States of America to the rep stands okay the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice often to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the pagota board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the daytime Place thereof posted in the bota bur Hall communicated by a letter to the record file with the clerk of the buau of Boda and posted on the Boda Board of Education website eron Mr Alvarez present Alvarez absent Mr Chavez present Mrs Cruz present Mr Navaro present Mrs solivo absent Mr Ortega present Mr record pres Mr Miranda present we have the cor for the record both uh I mean Mr Alvarez and Miss Leal um send in their noce for not being able to make today um also presid is superintendent Damen Kennedy board attorney Thomas coin School business administrator board secretary oron fill uh assistant board secretary Elizabeth Ruiz and our student representative will start attending as of next month I'd like to open the hearing uh to the floor for Citizens on agenda items only do I have a motion motion John John Ortega do I have a second second Mr Chavis for a second any board discussion all in favor I any oppose if there's any member of the public who would like to address items only for on the agenda please come forward speak your state your name and street address you have five minutes Mr Kennedy do we have anyone no we do I'd like to take a motion to close hearing uh of the citizens on agenda items only motion Mrs rucket Mr Chavis for a second any board discussion all in favor I any opposed we're moving on to the superintendent report Mr Kennedy you have the floor okay a couple quick things first since last meeting we had one Hib in the middle school that was UN founded uh couple of dates for you Wednesday November 29th we will be hosting a virtual Health workshop for our parents also on December 1st and December 2nd BH drama club will present radium girls uh should be a good that's our fall drama also the high school formal formal was a big hit we had over 200 students attending and they seem to have a very good time lastly our auditor will now present the 2022 2023 Financial compliance and performance done by Mr Steve wilcott the floor is yours thank you and good evening everybody um and thank you for allowing me to sign in virtually in this uh very unpleasant weather event that we're having tonight it's much appreciated uh you you have before you the June 30th 2023 audit of the bota Board of Education I'm happy to tell you that we've rendered an unqualified opinion a clean opinion on the financial statements of the district for the year just ended uh I'd like to thank uron and his staff for all of their help and the administration for all their help uh that we got from them during the course of the audit uh nobody likes to see the Auditors come in and every everybody likes to see the Auditors leave um the audit went very well I I I told Finance uh earlier and I'll tell the full board uh now that the bota Board of Ed has one of the Better Business offices I've ever dealt with uran does a very very good job um and he he keeps the Auditors on their toes which which I think is is is a good thing um so again I'd like to thank him and his staff for all their help as far as the audit goes there's one finding and I I will uh Define it as an ironic finding it has to do with the food service fund and because the board has more cash resources than three month average expenses by about $222,000 uh the statute the regulations require that we report that to the board as a finding and the corrective action plan is to spend down that money um nothing to do with Finance nothing to do with with anything other than a regulation that limits the cash resources in the Food Service fund to that calculation um I will tell tell you that there a lot of our school board clients have the same issue there's ever since the beginning of covid there's been Federal money and state money and grants and what have you uh literally thrown at school districts for certain for certain things and at June 30th you had 22,000 uh too much in cash resources um other than that there are no other findings Financial or compliance that are reported by us in in in our audit report and with that I would be happy to take any questions that the any board members might have anyone on the board I believe there's never going to be questions on Excellence right thank you your fun uh thank you thank you for the whole team and the support my superintendent Mr Kennedy and the board all the time thank you we'll say thank you thank you to Liz for always being behind us a lot um for us to sign bills on time and Heron yeah yeah everybody needs it you know we have our personal lives and we got personal businesses and I appreciate that um it's um it's thank you thank you and and thank you to our auditor right that takes the time comes in and and gives us a real clear description of what's expected of our district and what our board should look out for which in this case um it's continue to do what we're doing so thank you for that Steve very welcome thank you for doing that um um I mean if there's I think we're good right we're moving forward yes sir all right thank you Steve all right good night everybody yeah if anyone has any question questions we'll take them and address you uh for future meeting fair enough ABS absolutely thank you very much all right have a good night good night I'm moving uh moving on to resolution 43 approval of the minutes for October 10th 2023 work open session in October 17th regular meeting um which we went over at the at the work session meeting do I have a motion to approve resolution 43 motion John Mr Ortega do I have a second Mr Navaro any board discussion Eran Mrs salare yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mr Ortega yes Mr rid yes Mr Manda yes motion carried moving on to resolution 51 in the policy section is there a motion to approve resolution of the policy section motion Chavez second second BC rocket any board discussion roll call Mr uran Mrs Al yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navar yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs record yes Mr Miranda yes motion carry moving on to 610 of the educational portion of the session uh I'm sorry of the section of the agenda 61 which consists of 6169 do have a um motion to approve resolution 610 motion Cruz Mrs Cruz second Orga any board discussion Oran Mr s yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Novar yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs record yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri moving on to resolution 611 also on the educational portion of the session section of the agenda do I have a motion to approve 611 motion Mrs rocket do I have a second second Mr Chavis any board discussion roll call Mr iron Mr solarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs rord yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to resolution 6.8 in the Personnel section which is the approval for agenda 61- 67 is there a motion to approve 68 motion 78 78 oh I'm sorry 78 78 do I have a motion to approve resolution 78 which is 71 through 77 motion Mr Chavez do I have a second second Mr Navaro any board discussion roll call or Mrs Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs ret yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to 712 Personnel section which covers 71 through 711 do I have a motion to approve 712 799 I'm sorry 79 through 711 do have a motion to approve 712 Mrs rucket thank you Chavez for a second any board discussion roll car F Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Nar yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs record yes Mr Monda yes motion carried moving on to resolution 87 which is approval of consent agenda items 81 through 86 do I have a motion to approve 87 Mrs rucky for a motion Chavez for a second any board discussion roll call Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Chavez I would like to approve everything but 8.1 check number 03583 I will abstain okay um Mrs Cru yes but I also need to abstain from agenda item 8.1 check number 030 684 than thank you Mr Navar yes Mr Ortega yes for everything except for I would need to abstain from agenda item 8.1 for the check 030 616 okay thank you Mr record yes with uh exstension from 8.1 due to check 030 664 thank you Mr Miranda yes to all with the exception of 81 check number 03 30630 for the record um roll call complete Aon yeah for the record and the Public's record these are for the convention um attendance expenditures for gas and travel Etc which are how we take courses and enhance our um Board of Education member serving knowledge so for the record moving on to 817 of the resolution also in the finance section which is for the approval of agenda items 88 through 816 is there a motion to approve 817 motion Chavez do I have a second second Ortega any board discussion Fon Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs ret yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to 91 buildings and ground section of the agenda which is approval of agenda's items item 91 do I have a motion to approve 91 motion of ver Navaro do I have a second second Ortega for a second any board discussion roll call Aron Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navar yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs record yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri bar me one second as we're going to add two addendums to the agenda so we are going to be moving okay so 101 will be changing to 103 correct yep hold on SEC 101 would be now 103 which covers uh 101 through 102 right through 102 which is approval of award and contract for classroom Renovations at elementary school approval for awarding contract to high school toilet Renovations at the Bor Senior High School do I have a motion to approve 103 motion motion Chavez do I have a second second thank thank you Mr Naro any discussion well yeah before there's a roll call Fon this is and from I'm sure people saw it but just for clarity this is the first part of our bidding process for the phenomenal referendum the town passed um we're we're moving forward as promised as committed that we were going to start bidding and awarding bids as of the month of November mber and we have done so that is another reminder that on the 28th we're down at the Town um no it's not the CH no at the pl zoning board um proposing um a courtesy review with the town um for our field so we'll be breaking down shortly but we wanted to let you know that we are committed to the process and and the continue movement and that's this is the first part so so clap your hands all right um roll call Earth B for 103 Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mr Ortega yes Mrs record yes Mr Miranda yes yes yes motion carried uh committee reports any member have any committee reports uh yes uh we just met obviously the finance department and we just heard that um we just got back our audit and again we're pleased to say that we're very healthy Board of Education um I I can't thank enough the administration Lizzy the board Damien Kennedy our um lawyer coin and especially because we have our own money man Iran right that's that's that's what we call him right it's it's it's a privilege to work with you guys and I'm very proud to be part of this board and I want to thank thank all of you for all the effort and work thank you thank you Jose anyone else um I know we spoke about this before but I wanted to make sure we ended the year with the understanding the negotiation committee has done its work for this school year and when she says negotiation committee we mean BC rocket um but yeah it's all complet so I think we're going into Christmas with some real happy news news um sad to say there's not enough people sometimes attending our meetings so hopefully the word spreads like any other negative condemnation that hits the market when the positive comes out the news don't show up so just so you know we're cleaning up pretty well negotiations are up our audit is excellent um I think there was only one comment in the audit is that we had a little too much money in the in the meals so I guess a few so so it's never less it's more so kudos so that um I will say that um to that um BC thank you Chavez thank you thank you Susan for always keeping up on policies thank you to Trina thank you to uh Board of you know for the educational committee I don't think we get enough um you know I hear a lot of the stuff that happens and we don't get enough credit for keeping a marching you know a well oil train um I'll jump to my committee report because I see no one else um real so yes we're going down to planning and zing on the 28th um just so for the record I like to put things on the record we gave U email copies of the entire architectural plans of the entire tree planning why we need to with an explanation on why we need to remove trees just to make it very clear I didn't know this but now I do so if you go a foot and a half over the roots of a tree they die um so you can't take them off and replant them so because we have to grade out the Field trees have to go however there was a grant that took place I just heard there's another grant that took that that's coming in up that we're going to have to apply for let me reiterate that we're gonna have to apply for but we did get a grant that awarded us x amount of trees with that Grant we're going to be replacing trees that we take off in addition to two pop an additional two trees in the burrow section of the property um we made the blueprints in such a schematic where it's blue red green self-explanatory Crayola style so there's limited um confusion with you know we've provided a copy I physically I've taken initiative I dropped the copy at the uh Town um planning zoning boards Engineers office I provided a copy at the building department for the Planning and Zoning um and a copy to Ed hin our burough administrator and and I have two more copies and then digital copies went bya email to everybody so we have done our due diligence we have I think we've executed this to Perfection so there's never a conversation about we didn't see it or it didn't hit us it is a courtesy review um we're not steamrolling it we're progressing in in a more I would say abute performance all right um that was for um committee reports any old business any new business all right I want to move this section for opening the the floor to hearing of the public on absolutely anything um do we have a motion motion rocket do I have a second second Cruz Mrs Cruz all in favor any oppose any member of the public who would like to address us on absolutely anything you have five minutes please state your name and street address anyone do I have a motion to close motion do I have a uh that's Chavez do I have a second second Mrs rocket any board discussion all in favor I any oppos we're not going to Executive session this evening I do want to wish everybody a Happy Happy Thanksgiving cherish this time take time we've you know I just heard we're not out of Co yet so wash your hands please be careful but you know what if I had to make a recommendation cherish your family cherish your family and cherish your time with them um go I have a motion or adjourn motion motion Mr Chavis uh second Ortega for a second all in favor any oppose Happy Thanksgiving good evening everyone Happy Thanksgiving everyone thank you