join we have 50 people showing up i' like to call to action work and that i' like to call to order the work and Action meeting of the bota board of education for March 12 2024 please stand for the flag salute to the of the United States of America to the thank you very much the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed are acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the bota board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published having the date time and place thereof posted on the bota burough Hall communicated by letter to the record file with the clerk of the buau of bagoda and post and posted on the bagoda board of education website Mr eron um Mrs alal absent Mrs alers present Mr Alvarez absent Mr Chavez present Mrs Cruz present Mr Navaro present Mrs olivo present Mrs rucket present Mr Manda pres we have the cor and for the record Mr Alvarez was just with us at a committee meeting but he is on traveled so he had to jump off um as well as Adriana is out on work uh traveling out of state as well also president is uh superintendent Damen Kennedy uh Miss coin is out so we have Drew CR Mr Drew crass thank you drew and then we have board ad uh School business administrator board secretary Fon eil um Elizabeth Ruiz our assistant board secretary and there's no student representative the email right before me she got called for work last oh i' rather her work I remember those days right uh but thank you open I like to open may I have a motion to open the floor of citizens for the citizen agenda items only that was Chavez you got to speak louder guys I'm so congested like I have a second second Mrs rucket any board discussion all in favor opposed any member of the public who like to state your name um please address the board on agenda items only you have five minutes anyone do I have a motion to close motion motion to close citizens on agenda items only Mr Chavez for a second any board discussion all in favor any oppos moving on to section 31 of the agenda superintendent report Mr Kennedy good evening first in our hrb report we had one incident reported at the high school that was unfounded uh this weekend starting on Friday night the BHS drama presents The Lightning Thief the Percy Jackson musical right here in our own Auditorium Friday night at 7:30 Saturday there are two shows one at 1:00 and the other one will be at 7:30 so if you have a chance this weekend I know Mrs Hughes and the students have been working uh diligently the last couple of months we are also excited to announce that the students of Steen Elementary are teaming up with the world famous Harlem Wizards to help raise funds for the Steen Elementary PTO with their news whiz fit challenge fundraiser and kid experience during these two weeks period starting uh yesterday our students will watch and participate in exclusive series of six interactive video episodes led by Harlem wizard Stars swoop and Broadway they will get fit learn tricks have fun earn prizes that can be coached on characters by the Wizards and then on April 11th mark your calendars they will be coming to pagota high school to play our staff and some of the people sitting up here tonight the game will begin at 6:30 doors will open at 5:30 please make sure to purchase tickets in advance if you have any questions you can contact Steen elementary school but I know Flyers have been going around should be a great night I've been to a couple of these in the past and they're a lot of fun I just don't know if they're going to be ready for us because we're for real right I could be one of the better superintendant at basketball uh NJ GPA is underway that's our junior test that students need as a graduation requirement that started today and they will be testing the rest of the week in ela and Mathematics so good luck to them I am also finalizing this year's school calendar I've been looking out the next two weeks it looks like we're going to uh only have to use one snow day this year so we will look to have those graduation date set uh right now we're leaning to the Friday um before the 21st so I believe that is the 16th the Friday uh as the graduation date for the high school and maybe possibly with a rain date on Monday we'll try that this year uh because we have some flexibility but we will finalize that next week the 14th uh with Steen and Bixby elementaries earlier in the week but I will have all that information on the agenda next week so we could get that out to the public and we can now plan our graduations accordingly we will be giving back two days and that concludes my report thank you Kennedy uh to the board and members of the public please please support Steen I gotta tell you um I mean it's obviously everyone knows Sher has put up her home for sale so she'll be parting with us shortly um with that being said I've never seen such measures in aggressive inclusive and motivated fundraising as uh as a motion and she she can drive a fundraising narrative for sure uh so much money has been fundraiser Ste you know I do ask the board that we do something for someone like that um a blacker or something has transformed if you haven't seen it go check it from the robotic uh uh interactive program we have in our schools mobile program on our floors uh which we recently incorporated into some portion of our curriculum right and and there was a video out there of kids jumping to to the amount of Summer parties she has to robots and and I mean rock wall rock walls I mean and just now she's pushing uh some of the administration to try to get electronic signage um out of that fund so that we can promote Ste a little more something more modern she has a thing for modern and um just really like let's let's push this I've you know the Harlem Wizards are a phenomenal thing I saw it when I was young in school and it wasn't as developed as it is now they're pushing I think for 13 to 14,000 fundraiser let's go let's do it the kids are so excited about it I mean they're really excited my daughter couldn't stop talking about it um and I think she's never met someone who was 7 foot two or something like that so she said Daddy was so big right so let's let's push it let's get this last a ra and and then we can you know when she hands that batang over they know that they have our support uh moving on to resolution 43 approving the open Clos meeting of February 27th to have a uh 27 2024 uh regular public meeting do we have oh that's right voting yeah that's right any questions or suggestions moving on to resolution 51 policy session is there any questions or suggestions moving on to resolution 67 education portion which covers 666 any questions no suggestions 61 676 Personnel section approval of consent item 71 or 75 is there any questions suggestions moving on to 87 Finance section I'm sure we have no questions of suggestions it was really good uh under section nine there's no building and grounds as of yet any committee reports we did meet today with the finance uh committee um we have some great news um I think we're going to come out with that public in a few maybe the next meeting or next meeting next meeting we we have great news for everyone um I I believe the the great job that that we've all done especially eron and and Kennedy it's it's an amazing news and I hope everyone is going to enjoy that yeah thank you I mean to the surprise of the public you'll see that we reciprocate what you've done for our community over the last six seven eight months um I think you're going to be proud of of this entire Administration and this team I want to point out that uh eron and Kennedy and not to exclude anyone but they're a great team uh Mr Kennedy I I think that over many years on the board of Ved people are always bashing each other and don't give enough credit so you've done a great job keep up the good work um and just like I personally say you know you reciprocate the community you we've gotten the staff all I've been hearing is where we've put our Educators and teachers at part to play ball with our salaries across the board uh we've put our administrators that bar uh we we've kept some of our talent such as Mr cero and other people we've kept our talent on board and continue to move forward forward we've actually helped the bur of MOT through fiber optic programs and joining with us and we've saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars together with Frank and but you know we can name the individuals at Aon the amount of monies he saved the penny pcture he does yes the bills he checks the grants he goes after Mr Chang but there's always one and that's our superintendent right because he has to talk to all these people and and convince them of why the ideas have so oil machine it's a weld oil machine so thank you to the Past thank you to the present thank you to the current um we we're going to reciprocate back to the community and I sure hope that you know we reciprocate to the leaders of our Administration uh that's what I have anyone else yeah oh sorry policy committee met last night um there isn't really much to report on there's some revisions made to some mandated policies that are just some copy changes um and again if all our policies are on the board of ed website for anyone to read at any time like I've said before so but not really anything to report on thank you Susan yeah we know you're always on top of that Mark uh yes for the for the library U they prob developed their 2024 2026 strategic plan and part of that is the library is looking for uh Library ambassadors so any board members any members of the public is look they're looking for ambassadors to help expand their Outreach towards the community uh to attempt to help out with any um development of uh program services for the community um anybody that wants to volunteer just reach out to the director do you have details like what an ambassador does so the the the basically the Ambassador is um they stay in touch with any updates with the library on programs and services and they will help promote that uh they are in touch with other organizations and groups in in the community and they want to try to start promoting that with a B social media on the internet um Sarah can probably provide more information how to do I don't think there's any conflict right with Library promotions at board members right should be nothing bigy oh that' be great I think we have a community outreach committee I think it's thday we're meeting on Thursday so that'd be great to bring that up uh I'll definitely bring it up I'll be I'll be there and um we'll love to have ambassadors for the board you know we got to make every corner of bod as successful as possible do you know they have PTO like uors she hasn't mentioned about the PTO but um I T face with Sarah on that she wanted to ask the board of any board member was so want to volunteer for that or anybody that comes to the meetings listen we if I could say something back is that we're always working and and we're always diving in we're doing a lot of work here on the board uh it would be ideal if they can come up here as well and talk to us from time to time reach out to us personally I mean if they reached out to me I would be able to fun down the information to the board but every board member here is very open and willing so it'll be great to hear what we can do forther absolutely and and on behalf of the gr school maybe we could help them out some way um do we get like those kind of do we get any copies of things we could send out to our kids yeah whenever they have something going on whenever they send us uh Flyers all the time for things going on we always usually uh retweet or repost what they're posting okay but they send us uh information all the time that we share to our students and Community thank you that's a big partnership everyone else good so we're moving on to Old business 111 any old business next to the agenda new business any new business 3 121 so i' like to move the floor uh to open up the floor of uh hearing on the public on anything they'll like to question or discuss do I have a motion olivo Mrs olivo do I have a second Mrs rucket any board discussion all in favor any oppose there's any member of the public please state your name you have five minutes you can address us on any topic K do we have anyone online do I have a motion to close citizens hearing of the citizens second oliv oh that was Alvarez you got to help me out I'm like have def for a second any discussion all in favor any oppose all right I think I am going to have a motion to adjourn this meeting motion thank you do I have a second second all in favor everyone good night have a great don't have a good one have a great one seriously good night guys good night like