that just give us a test hi can you hear me yeah so we are all good to go correct Kennedy can you hear me can hear you can hear yes all right perfect so we have a minute to start this meeting hello everyone how you guys doing good how are you Frank good good good working traveling not sleeping much okay are we ready 7 o'clock is everyone from the public being l in I mean we don't have anyone here yet okay so let's start our meeting i' like to call the order uh to order the regular meeting of the bagota board of education for Tuesday March 19 2024 please stand for the flag salute kedy can you start this one pledge allegiance with the United States of America to the Republic for which stands one nation under the god in with liy Justice for All thank you good evening everyone the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right uh the right of the public to have advanced notice offered to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Boda board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the bagota bur Hall communicated by a letter to the record and filed with the clerk of the burough of bota and posted on the bota board of education website eron roll call Mr salal present Mrs Alvarez absent Mr Alvarez present Mr Chavez absent Mrs Cruz present Mr Navaro present Mrs olivo absent Miss rucket Pres pres Mr Miranda present have the Corum thank you m also present it's superintendent Damen Kennedy board attorney Thomas coin uh School business administrator board secretary eron epel assistant board secretary Elizabeth Ru and do we have any student representative tonight no no okay for the record uh Mrs Alvarez uh had a late job duty today uh Mr Chavis celebrating his daughter uh on Dean list and almost graduating with her bachelor's degree and we also have uh Trina olivo who says she may be running about 10 toes uh 15 minutes late eron um i' like to get a motion to open hearing of the citizens on agenda items only do I have a motion from the floor Alvarez Alvarez for motion do I have a second Navaro Navaro for a second any board discussion all in favor hi any opposed is there any member of the public would like to address agenda items only please state your name you have five minutes uh Kennedy can you open that to the public yeah we have no one raising their hands I'll take a motion to close hearing of uh of the public agenda items only Alvarez Mr Alvarez do I have a second Mrs scrs for a second any board discussion all in favor any oppos thank you board uh Mr 31 superintendent Ro Mr Kennedy you have the floor good evening first Hib report we have nothing to report at this time couple of dates set for you our calendar we are approving tonight to finish out the school year the last day of school will be June 18th our graduation dates are set for June 12th for Bixby June 13th for Steam and then junee 14th to the high for the high school so that will be going out shortly congratulations to the cast and crew of The Lightning Thief the Percy Jackson musical Mrs Hughes and the students put on a wonderful show so great job by them I also met with the district calendar committee to look at the 2425 school calendar I will be working with the board but we'd like to move forward and get that approved in April and then finally congratulations to Mr eel and the finance committee consist in of Mr Chavez Mr Alvarez Mrs rucket and Mr Miranda tonight's preliminary budget is on the agenda we are proposing a zero tax increase for the 2425 school budget I believe this will be four out of the last five years with a zero tax increase so kudos to the board and the the business department we will have a full budget review in April explaining all of this tonight is simply so that we can send our numbers to the county and then the final vote will be in April that concludes my report thank you Mr Kennedy um I do W to uh give ourselves a round of applause I don't think we get enough Merit or credit for the hard work we put in uh I'm not present but thank you to all of those uh you know on the board on all angles I mean it it doesn't just consist of you know earon and and and and finance committee it's all around from negotiations to every board member put in their share in in maybe compressing or or just making better informed decisions to get us to this um uh to this state of of four years consecutive without u a tax increase we can't promise that'll be forever but we're doing a lot more with less so kudos to the board um and kudos to those supporters and those supporters in bota uh we're say we're putting your tax dollars at work for sure um I'm moving over to 43 uh approval which is for the approval for February 27 2024 open and close uh open and close regular minutes for meeting do I have a motion on 43 motion thank you Mrs rucket do I have a second Al Mr Alvarez any board discussion heran Mr salal agree Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr novaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mr Rec yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried thank you moving on to 51 on the policy section do I have a motion approve 51 Alvarez thank you Alvarez do I have a second second Cruz thank you Mrs Cruz any board discussion Iran Mr salal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr novaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs RIT yes Mr Miranda yes for the record and for the record we have Mrs olivo present so we can change that uh moving on to 67 educational section of the agenda which is agenda items 61 through 66 do I have a motion Resolute 67 motion AAR thank you dearo do I have a second second alal thank you alal is there any board discussion or F Mrs alal yes Mr Alvarez uh I believe I have obained from 6-2 for family reasons but uh yes to all the rest thank you uh Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs wer yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to resolution 68 which is uh the approval of the revised 2023 2024 school calendar is there a motion to approve 68 alare Alvarez a secondar any board discussion Heron Mr salal yes Mr Alvarez Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs Olo yes Mrs record yes Mr Miranda yes motion car um motion to Resolute 76 personal second Personnel section of the agenda which is item agenda items 71 through 75 is there a motion or Resolute 76 motion aaro thank you Naro any second Alvarez Alvarez any board discussion call Mr alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs solivo yes Mrs Reen yes Mr Ronda yes motion moving to resolu 7 I'm sorry Rula 87 which is the finance section which is for approval agenda items 81- 86 is there a motion to approve I'm sorry 77 wait we have two Personnel sections yeah there's a sidebar agreement which was yes that is correct um approval for the sidebar agreement do I have a motion Resolute 77 motion thank you rucket do I have a second Navaro lvaro perfect any board discussion roll call Mrs alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr novaro yes Mrs solo yes Mrs record yes Mr Manda yes motion Carri moving on moving on to 887 the finance section uh approval of agenda items 81- 86 to have a motion Resolute 87 Alvarez Alvarez do I have a second second second Mrs rucket uh any board discussion roll callon Mrs alal yes Mr olz yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs rocket yes Mr yes motion moving on to moving on to A14 also a finance section which is approved for agenda items 88 through 8813 do I have a motion to Resolute 814 Alvarez perfect do I have a second second Cruz Cruz any board discussion roll call Mr ER Mrs alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs recet yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri moving on to 91 building and grounds which is the approval of agenda items 91 is there a motion of resolute 91 motion Mrs rucket do I have a second Alvarez Alvarez any board discussion roll callon Mrs alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs record yes Mr Miranda yes moving on to 101 I'm moving the addendum uh moving on to the addendum section of the regarding the Personnel is there a motion to approve resolution 101 Alvarez Alvarez thank you do I have a second Navaro Navaro any board discussion Roll Call F Mrs alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo Mrs ret yes Mr Miranda yes moving on to the 11 thank you mrod uh moving on to committee reports is there any committee reports as even no um so I'll just give a brief committee report uh myself and Mrs rocket Kennedy eron and The Architects uh We've we've had uh several meetings and Mr Chavez as well um and and some other board members uh discussing our Fields uh moving on some actions there uh discussing on our CTE building uh just as we did tonight uh moving on there as well so just for everyone and for the public to know we are we are definitely taking action we're moving forward uh we're watching the dollars with herun we're watching The Pennies we're questioning and we're out there working and fting to make sure that uh we have the best foot forward and the best Advantage possible to move over on the referendum uh items uh We've committed to our taxpayers uh thank you over and over again this zero tax increase is is definitely a thank you you you'll have an even bigger thank you in in our next meetings uh we're working hard uh you know protecting your tax dollars and finding the best possible outcomes for for our future of Bot and I think everyone on the board would agree to that as well if there's not any other statements I'll move over to new uh on the agenda 121 old business is there any old business to cover uh how about new business any new business I'd like to take a motion to open the floor hearing of the public on any item do have a motion Mo olivo thank you Mrs olivo do I have a second any board discuss Alvarez any board discussion all in favor any oppos any member of the public who like to state your name uh you could address us on any topic uh Mr Kennedy would you like to open up the floor uh I don't see anyone raising their hand yet that means it's good news no one else no one so I'm taking a motion to close the floor hearing hearing of the public on any agenda item on any item whatsoever do I have a motion to Move Motion Cruz Mrs Cruz do I have a secondo Mrs olivo thank you any board discussion all in favor I any oppose there is no executive meeting tonight I like to take a motion to adjourn this meeting Alvarez Mr Alvarez do I take a second to adjourn Mr Naro all in favor I any oppos good evening everyone thank you board for showing up and thank you for uh considering me while I'm away I figure I attend anyway but thank you everyone you have a great night see you soon take care Everyone by bye bye bye