##VIDEO ID:cvccQM0THRU## good morning we will give just a moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio and then we will get started as a reminder when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain on mute unless or until you are providing testimony to the board good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Tuesday August 20th 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant two temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce thanks Dany good morning my name is Kathleen Joyce chair of the Boston licensing board board and this morning I'm joined by commissioner Piana Saxon and commissioner Liam Karan thank you very much please do ensure that your audio and visuals are working properly if you plan to provide testimony I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who was present on behalf of the ly who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department and whether there are any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify I will then swear in all parties after that the police report will be read into the record and the ly or their representative will have the opportunity to make a brief statement followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners all testimony will be limited only to those individuals with firsthand personal knowledge of the alleged incident begin with the first item on this morning's agenda calling item number one Old Trafford Inc doing business as Paradise located at 967 Commonwealth AV date of the incident April 18 2024 dangerous condition that being a mosh pit in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 who is present on behalf of the licy good morning attorney green excuse me Dennis quy attorney representing the licy with me this morning Bill Gara and Joe Dunn um good morning Madame chair and members thank you I see Mr gar and Mr Dunn so thank you very much who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department good morning sir this is is Sergeant nemus of District D4 thank you very much Sergeant are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you Sergeant emus if you could please proceed uh with the police report for the board good morning um I'll just uh jump right into the narrative folks about 9:49 pm on April 18th 2024 officer mon peruse assigned to the kilo 424 Frank responded to a radio call for an unknown at 6 uh 967 Commonwealth app also known as The Paradise Rock Club in Brighton upon arrival the off met with security manager manager Mr Matt Montero apologize on the pronunciation who stated one gentleman was taken by Boston Ems for head injuries while two more parties were still inside the officer was then escorted inside where he then spoke with Mr Robert Cross who stated he was fine he fell off the stage onto someone and hit his neck Mr Cross denied any medical attention and instructed if he felt he needed uh anything to call 911 the officer then spoke with Miss Madison Coburn who stated she just felt a little dizzy after being inside the mosh pit and fell to the ground Miss Coburn denied medical attention but has still seen uh but was still seen by a private ambulance and was let go Sergeant NIS the kilo 916 arrived on scene to conduct a licensed premise inspection officers were met by the manager William Guerrera and staff who were Sant nemus issued a license premise inspection notice and spoke with Mr Joseph Milligan at the he was uh in the mosh pit Mr Milligan stated he fell to the ground and doesn't remember who hit him the officer then spoke with nursing staff who stated he was going to uh get a CAT scan uh there was a body One camera activated during the event uh nothing follows sir thank you very much Sergeant uh attorney quilty would you like to to address the alleged incident if if I may thank you very much attorney green um Sergeant you um you wrote the licensed premise inspection notice is that right that is correct yes sir and you indicated that the police were called by staff uh to the best of my recollection I believe that to be accurate sir okay and that the management cooperated as you indicated in your report as well um sir yes I sir I would just say historically the the staff of the paradise Rock Lounge have always been highly Cooperative thank you thank you sir um and and just with regard to arrival on scene the the first officer was that officer M perus correct sir and and that that officer arrived after this incident had already occurred he arrived and saw this person outside is that correct correct he would have been the first member of the Boston Police Department to arrive sir all right and then when you arrived was it was it was the the show over by the time you got there uh I'd say the majority of it you know quote unquote the show would have been over for the for the most part okay all right um right um thank you um Sergeant I appreciate your uh your your commentary especially about the staff thank you very much um um Madam chair one thing to be um clarified I think is that there is no such thing as a moshbit at the paradise the paradise is as I'm sure the board remembers from licensing and expanding the license years ago it's one open space it's all standing room with a rare occasion when for a comedy performance or some kind of an acoustic performance there might be Chairs set up on the floor in front of the stage but otherwise it's entirely open space there is no dedicated or undedicated ated so-called Mosh Pit um you know in in this circumstance you know the the unfortunate thing is I think Mr garri can can explain this uh sometimes these banss encourage people to crowd the stage and in some cases like this get on the stage and we believe what happened is that this individual did so and fell off the stage but there is no uh there is no mosh pit at the paradise we don't we don't condone mosh pits we don't have a MH bit um and if I may just ask Mr Garrett to introduce himself could he perhaps explain this a little bit better U Mr G you've been sworn to state your name for the record please William Guera general manager of the paradise right and were you on duty on the night in question yes and in fact are you the one of the persons who cooperated with the police when they arrived there yes correct and first of all do do you have a mosh pit at the paradise not as not as we don't have a dedic at MH pit or a mhing area or anything like it's just the Dance Floor front of the stage okay and um on on um a night in question do you have staffing near and at the stage area for a performance of such as this night yeah absolutely we have security staff station across the front of the stage and at the ends of the stage we do our best to uh you know police this sort of thing and and certainly try to keep people off the stage as much as you as is possible sometimes it just gets to a point where um the these particular types of bands encourage getting on the stage and they even help people to get on the stage that's what's happening that night that's what happened this night yes we had we had a we had one of the members of the band was helping someone over one of our security guards and when our security guard attempted to intervene and stopped that from happening he actually got a little bit of an earful from the member of the band who apologize later but and would you describe you know the the difficulties of trying to observe the crowd and and deal with band members at the same time yeah I mean it it certainly gets tricky we have you know there'll be a few hundred people in front of the stage and the band is encouraging them to you know to mosh and slam dance and try to get up on stage and we have a we we will staff heavily for these types of shows uh but there's only really so much you can do with 22 to 2 five security guards when you have you know that many people attempting to do this and On A Night Like This did you have additional Security in place yes okay and are there occasions where in addition to your own staff you will call in outside security absolutely y okay and have you had occasion to have to do that in the recent past um I think the last time it's been a couple of months since we've had to contract with a third party for that but we have done it fairly recently right um and again you you were there and you dealt with the police officers and assisted them is that correct yeah yeah and they were great very very helpful okay um thank you Mr Gara I Mr dun you've been sworn as well do you were you you weren't there that night were you I was not no okay all right but you can you can speak to if there are questions about you know how how you're Staffing for security and what steps are taken to keep people safe sure questioned on that yes I think Madam chair we're ready for your questions thank you do you have conversations with the band beforehand regarding your policy on washing yes who was the band on this night um I'm trying to remember the name of the band it was uh I'm sorry I can look it up real quick but um I did meet with their tour manager prior to the show she just give me one moment I'll find the name and then if you could tell me a little bit about meeting with the tour manager chars the show what you explained to them where your expectations and what their response was yeah so we what what happened and this has happened a couple times where and in this particular instance the tour manager spoke with our production manager early in the day they discussed the fact that their crowd does behave in this manner um and just to give us sort of a warning of what we were in for we explained that you know of course we're going to do everything we can to prevent anybody from getting on the stage um the tour manager had specifically said that the band really does enjoy having people come up there with them they like that it's sort of a part of the culture of this type of music was a hardcore band um punk rock hardcore and uh so you know she was she was trying to warn us that in fact this was a possibility that they would try to do it and she said best basically you know best of luck stopping them um she did say that most of the crowd sort of self- polies and uh and it's it's usually not a problem for them but we explained to her and to the team that of course we were still going to be there be a presence and do you know everything in our power to prevent them from getting on the stage okay uh those are my questions uh commissioner car commission Saxon uh I I don't have any questions thank you nothing for me right now thank you thank you if there are no further questions from the board then the board will take this matter under advisement thank you all thank you thank you calling item number two witchcraft LLC doing business as New England Wicked craft company located at 54 Salem Street date of the incident May 10th 2024 Assa and Battery Patron on employee in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A assault and battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A an assault and battery with a dangerous weapon a glass in a patron employee in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 15a who is present on behalf of the ly uh Steve basson Steve basson general manager thank you Mr basson uh I see you're on a cell phone is it possible to turn your camera on so that we can swear you in um I called in through the zoom uh number I'm not sure how to uh to initiate a camera through through that is there a way for me to do that uh I'm looking right now I I don't see an option for me to turn your your camera on um chairman Joyce or will you be will you accept if Mr bassan can affirm for the board that he will raise his right hand when asked to do so sure thank you Mr bassan do you have anybody with you as well on behalf of New England rcraft I do not but I I had um the victim of the assault who he submitted um a statement I emailed it over believe it was Moren y the board the board did receive that it is on file um that that individual is not here for questions from the board so I can't promise how much weight the board will give it but that is on file with the board um I will ask who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department uh police officer Lee Boston police detective Walsh Boston please thank you officer Lee thank you detective Walsh are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning can you all please raise your right hand and Mr basson can you please affirm to the board that you are raising your right hand yes I am thank you do you SAR tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do do thank you uh who will be reading the police report into the record uh I can read the police thank you if you could please proceed about 9:53 pm on Friday 10th 2024 off and Ortiz arus responded to a radio call for a fight at the wicked craft located at 62 St Street Boston on arrival officers were directed to Timothy yakobin uh 2188 officers talked to yakobin and he stated that he was done with his meal and was waiting for his wife to go to the bathroom in the fourer of the restaurant to the four year being very now wi could craft employee Edwin St Louis 92688 as yin to leave the restaurant yakobin refused to leave without his wife's St Louis grabbed yakobin outside and that is when uh they began to push and shove each other St Louis and Wick craft manager Steven Bon two 1695 took y coin to the ground in in the uing fight St Louis stated he was punched in the back of the head and had a glass thrown at the back of his head by the wife of yakobin Lina Montano 112 a also grabbed him in the back of the neck the S stated that he was punched twice in the chest on the left side W could craft employee cath Katherine J januzi 12 1597 stated she attempted to separate the parties but was punched in the back of times by the same female who threw the GL St Louis januzi stated that St Louis asked yin to wait outside and Yin responded make off also spoke with Montano HED her husband and pushed him Montano stated wickcraft employees pushed him out after they had paid their bills officers also spoke with the friends of mon [Music] true 5585 and Carell Mayon 2581 who stated that the only reason started fighting with wickcraft employees is they put their on her they also stated that Montano's husband was put on the ground and choked all parties stated that they would like to press charges against each other Alpha 910 Sergeant Don was notified at the incident for a code 35 inspection and I can follow up with a supplemental report thank you about 6:45 p.m. on May 11th 2024 detective Walsh conducted a licensed premise inspection at Wicked craft 52 to 54 Salem Street Boston's North and neighborhood detective Walsh met with the person in charge stepen bassan about an incident that had occurred on May 10th about 9:53 p.m. detective Walsh recorded the necessary license numbers except for the Boston Fire Department per which was not present the violations for the incident were Patron on employee assault and battery Patron on employee assault and battery dangerous weapon glass and employee on patron of salt and Battery Mr basson stated an employee of the restaurant called 911 when it when the incident occurred Mr basson did send cell phone videos of of the aftermath to detective Walsh via cell phone Mr basson stated he would save and provide a copy of any video of the incident captured by the resturant video system Mr basson signed and accepted the violation Mr basson did uh forward a video from his video system to myself uh which I forwarded to Lieutenant detective Troy and this is that's all I have at this time thank you thank you very much Mr bassan would you like to address the alleged incident if I could have the opportunity yes right yes you may so just a thank you just just to explain the the layout of the restaurant uh Eddie Eddie who was who was assaulted uh he's a court officer in Brockton he's I I've known him for a long time he works security over at Big Night Live um he's a he's a great person uh working with guests he always has a positive attitude and that's why when we open the restaurant I asked him if he if he'd come um be involved in it part-time and Eddie's job primarily is to ID people he sometimes helps seat people in the restaurant and his his very important job is also to maintain um the capacity we have a small place it's a 49 person capacity um in the North End and so that's that's a big uh challenge because we do have a bar as well and we have a lot of people trying to come in so you know we're constantly redirecting them or tell them telling them to check back in So Eddie's job is is maintaining the capacity as well um this this group they had come in for a birthday party I believe it was 12 or 14 people um there was no problems everything was fine everybody had a great time um we always have the servers check in with them everybody was in a good mood um now when it came time for everybody to leave there was a group of you know seven or more people gathered right in the entryway um now the way the restaurant's laid out is the the main entrance we have a a a straight shot back to the where the restrooms are to the right and where the kitchen is to the left and so we always maintain that clear there's a service bar there um there are two booths to the left um but the thing about the restaurant here is is everybody's primarily seating in order to maintain that capacity there's not really any any standing in the restaurant um so we have servers coming out um and people running food coming out from the kitchen that group was standing there after they had finished dinner um and they were really blocking kind of the only walkway out um from the kitchen and so I had actually I had actually asked one of the individuals do you mind just stepping to the side um so that they can get through I had a I have a very small food Runner who who's trying to get past and they just ignored me altogether um so we're busy where we're trying to turn over tables and we're trying to um you know maintain that walkway and so I had asked Eddie I said hey do you mind asking them if they don't mind stepping to the side or stepping outside um just so that the food Runners can get through um when Eddie when Eddie approached them um I was also present and when Eddie approached them he said in the statement he asked if do you mind just waiting outside um so that the servers and waitresses can get through he never said anything about his his wife being in the bathroom he never said anything about um you know why he was why they were standing there blocking it he just said I do mind um you know I do mind uh and and what are you gonna do about it something to that effect um Eddie Eddie thought they were joking he jokes with guests all the time it's a very positive environment and so he was kind of taken aback by that statement so he kind of laughed and he said well sir if you don't mind stepping outside again um that's when that's when the the gentleman and he started walking with Eddie and I guess Eddie was guiding him very lightly um had his hand on like his lower back walking him out and the guy was talking to him in kind of an aggressive manner but he was walking towards the exit uh at that point uh I suppose it was his wife um I saw her run up um from behind Eddie start punching him in the back and that's when he turned around he didn't know who was hitting him what was going on he turned around once again restaurant's still very very crowded um hard to see what was going on there were a lot of people standing there a lot of taller individuals turned around as as she was hitting in the back I saw this individual grab him by from behind uh around his neck and that's when they went to the ground now at that point you know all of our staff kind of move to intervene stop what we were doing um towards the door there's a very small Entry Way um in the door and it's it's one of the only places that didn't have a direct camera on it the footage that I sent over is from a back right camera um over one of the booths so you're able to see the initial um guiding of of the the gentleman outside but I didn't have clear footage of in in that entryway I've since installed a camera there so I have I have a clear footage of that going forward but at the time I did not have that there it's hard to see anything anyway um because there was a lot of people gathered around Eddie on the ground um I did not see I did not see an individual throw a glass but Eddie Eddie said that he felt you know something something hit him he has he has kind of thick hair he felt something hit him in the back of the head and later on we saw that there was a shattered glass right outside of the restaurant um so one of those individuals we believe it was the the the gentleman who he was guing out's wife uh she later on admitting admitted and I do have this on on video outside it's not a video of the of the glass being thrown but it is a video of her saying yes I threw the glass I threw the glass because he had put his hands on my husband um which wasn't wasn't the case so um that point we were in the we were in the entryway and uh we were trying to keep number one Eddie safe trying to stop the the disturbance of the restaurant we had guests dining in the restaurant um this is not a nightclub this is not even really a bar it's more of a restaurant lounge where everybody's seated so this this stuff doesn't happen there and and it was very disturbing um so we were trying to get it under control I stepped outside there was another gentleman standing over Eddie um I told him to step back told everybody to step back and I told my chef to call the police um at that point in time I started videoing I have a video on my cell phone which I I have shared with the detective um and it's of them yelling and and um kind of being aggressive you know towards me being aggressive towards other staff um but as soon as we said we were calling the police uh and as soon as they heard the sirens coming they all started to leave the restaurant um Eddie Eddie was on the ground and he had restrained um the gentleman who held his hands so that he couldn't hit him or attack him um and as soon as the police police started to to show up we saw the sirens he let him go and everybody stood up they all started walking away from the restaurant I'm actually the one who stood on the corner and waved the police towards them as they were trying to leave the scene um that that's that's my that's my experience after that um you know the police report takes over thank you Mr ban anything further before we move to the board for questions uh the only thing I would say is that you we've been open two and a half years um it's a it's a really fun and and um you know calm environment most of the time it's a a cocktail lounge we do turn the music up a little bit after 9 o'clock but nothing like this has ever happened it was a uh a totally unreasonable reaction to us asking them to wait outside so that they could clear the the space and um Eddie's never had any any sort of problem um like I said he's a court officer and uh he's a he's a somebody I've known for a long time I would never bring him to the restaurant if uh if he was an aggressive person or the type of person who uh you know doesn't add a positive uh component to to the restaurant so just nothing like this has ever happened we're we're shocked that it didn't we um you know it's very unfortunate um that it escalated like that and I do believe that we did um everything that we could to try and prevent it and and get the police there as quickly as possible thank you appreciate that we will see if there are any questions from the board starting with chairwoman Joyce so we haven't had a chance to review the video just uh want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly based upon the police report in your testimony so you're testifying that none of no Wicked craft employee choked the husband and pushed him is that correct no Eddie was the only one who yeah that is correct yes okay and then also in the police report um it says that the wicked craft employees put their hands on the woman the wife I believe one of my female bartenders stood between her and Eddie because she was continuing to attack kick um you know try and hurt him while her husband and him were on the ground um but nobody put their hands on anybody in fact she she hit me lightly in the chest it wasn't I mean I mentioned it to the police but I wasn't injured at all so um but she was she was very aggressive and the only person that even came in contact with her was to put a hand up and stepp in between her and Eddie while he was on the ground being attacked okay that was the only contact anyone had okay I don't have any other questions uh Commissioner Karen do you have any questions or commissioner Saxon uh so my understanding is we've received a video is that correct I just received two additional ones so to three that I haven't been able to put into the folder yet okay so we have multiple we have security and cell phone is that correct it appears upon again I just received them it appears that the video I have is of the security I haven't been able to look at the two other videos that came in I think they might have been shared on the manager cell phone is that correct I have I I've sent um I sent cell phone video to uh the detective um and that's from the incident outside the aftermath where she's admitting throwing the glass and you can see kind of the state of everybody U being very aggressive so there should be that video and there should be the old before I put in the new security camera there should be video of the old one um of the initial interaction so should be at least those two okay I just haven't been able to open them yet um because I received them during the hearing okay um Eddie uh in his statement mentioned that the patron was intoxicated clearly he thought it was um sign I I think I think he put that in the statement because of the reaction and and kind of the the lack of rationale behind his his reaction whether he was in intox I mean they were all celebrating a birthday but nobody was over served um you know I just think I think that Eddie said that he appeared to be intoxicated that that appeared to be a component in his response I believe that's why he put it in there because it was so illogical um that he responded in that manner I think that's why he included that in the statement it did appear that you know he had a few drinks and maybe that was why he was acting um you know unreasonably okay uh it do we have any video of when they were at their table being served I I have video I don't have video of them at the table being served I only I only captured video from the the start of the interaction between him and Eddie and I could I could provide that video but I I only have six days uh of recording uh what I could do I believe I could sign the bill I could I could provide you with the the receipt from that day and it could show all the it could show all the individuals I believe everybody there was 21 at the table so um you could see the number of drinks um that were on the bill um but I don't have footage of of them actually being served at this moment okay for future reference I personally would uh in an incident like this that's been DES cribed in this manner I think it's very relevant to see the you know the mannerisms of of the patrons involved uh prior to not just you know picking up right at the moment when they're asked to leave it's um the relevant inquiry here is foreseeability and that what really goes into that is what was happening before this all started so um you know I'd like to see that if if this ever happens again hopefully it doesn't but um I would like to see you preserve that type of video as well I I fully understand that I I will I'll make sure to uh I think that's all I have thank you and again I apologize this is the first time anything like this has occurred so I I do apologize um hopefully it doesn't occur again but going forward um you know this has been a a learning experience in terms of what to preserve so uh I absolutely will make sure to to uh capture and record additional footage if anything ever does commissioner sax any questions no additional questions thank you I I actually did have one more thing sorry to jump back in and it's something we've seen in the past too especially with small restaurants um can you give me a sense of what was going on here as far as turning over the table this party had paid they stood up were you trying to get other people to sit down at that table was that what was happening here because that can be kind of a pain point in small restaurants um you know trying to rush in the next group while the the other person the other party isn't fully out the door of course that's a great question um while we did have other reservations that night uh people are always you know not always but very often running late um due to parking in the North End and um just a number of issues a lot of people coming from outside of the city um to visit our our restaurant and they're not familiar with it um so we did have other reservations but nobody was there at the I don't even think part part of the reservation had been checked in um and they actually finished I think um early um so there was nobody waiting there was nobody waiting outside the primary thing was to make sure that the the walkway was open so that servers could get food to the table and people were able to walk to the restroom okay thank you thank you thank you sorry just to follow up on the earlier thread commissioner car were there existing uh Records or documents that you were requesting from the lcy um you know I I was more concerned with the uh security footage I think that he indicated that it's probably gone now that he didn't preserve it from back at that date so I I you know that's I think that's where we're at right great that sounds right the in that case the videos will be uh forwarded to the board as soon as they are received with that the board will take this matter under advisement thank you calling item number thank you thank you calling item number three myn Corp doing business as Dublin Pub located at 7 to9 Stoten Street in Dorchester date of the incident April 14th 2024 assault and battery Patron on employee in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A assault and battery with a dangerous weapon mace employee on Patron uh times 2 in violation of mes General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 15a and and armed security without board approval in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 who's present on behalf of the lcy uh William Gardner representing the license seat thank you attorney Gardner um it's possible to turn your camera on it was on before shoot like something sort of just popped up on your screen I just asked you to share a video what the cords let me just try the and are are your witnesses there with you they will also be on screen yes they would be with me on screen yes great then we will definitely need to wait for your uh camera to be on it was on earlier in the hearing I apologize no worries uh could you please identify your Witnesses in the meantime while you're working on that we can also get the is Alara who is the on onsite manager as well as Hassan Ingram who was the owner and operator of the security company third party security company uh Mr Ingram was on site on the on the date of the incident as well thank you Mr Ingram from the security company and sorry what was the name of the onsite manager Ali a l i nasre n a s i r i great thank you uh who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department uh Sergeant detective Amy DeVito detective Matthew Colley as well thank you all attorney Garder I see we still have not uh succeeded in having your your camera on yeah I don't know what it is maybe if I shut it off and start it again great in the mean chair like to proceed with the police report and maybe by the time that's done we can have them sure back on and Sor in great could uh sge detective DeVito and detective connley uh can you both please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do do thank you who will be reading the police report into the record uh detective conen uh thank you you if you may please proceed okay this narrative was done by Officer Gail from District B2 um about 1:21 a.m. on Sunday April 14th 2024 officer gails in the Bravo Tango 55 Alpha did on site a commotion in front of the Dublin house at 7 so Street Geor upon arrival giving the nature of the circumstances officer Gail did request additional B2 units to the scene for crowd control uh to which an assortment of District B2 units responded to assist following officer Gail's making a request for additional units he did make contact with multiple parties on scene two of which who stated they were pepper sprayed they were sprayed in the face with pepper spray both parties were identified as Emilia cabal and Amari gun both parties stated that they were sprayed on scene by secur by a security guard who worked at the Dublin House identified as lilan jabber following an altercation following officer gailes making contact with these parties officer gailes along with officer mcferson in baros in the Bravo 101 Alpha did make contact with the security guard along with a second security guard identified as Assan Ingram both Miss Jaber and Mr Ingram stated that they were attempting to remove both parties miss cabal and miss gun from establishment to which they resisted and attempted to fight their waves back inside Mr Ingram stated that it was at this point that security began to push them back and M gun had St started to hit him and Miss Ingram with close fists and become more aggressive which is when Miss Jaber deployed her OC spray while on scene officer Gail did observe both Miss cabal and M gun to have sprayed in the face with OC as their eyes had been red and swollen shut and Miz gun was unable to open her eyes on scene it was at this this point that officer gails requested EMS to the scene to which Boston EMS Ambulance 11 responded and assessed the victim's injuries victims were ultimately transported to Beth Israel Medical Center Bravo 982 Sergeant detective DeVito and Bravo 913 Sergeant deran notified offic body cameras were activated I'm now going to read a narrative which uh I authored on April 20th 2024 uh on April 2024 detective uh M con Bravo 832 ins Detective deito 982 responded to the Dublin house for a followup to the aformentioned incident detectives met with manager owner Ali narish who brought them to the basement to review surveillance footage detectives were unable to review footage from the April 14th 2024 incident on Saturday April 27 2024 detective M Conley contacted the victim melli cabal via telephone regarding the pepper sprin that occurred at the Dublin house around 1:40 a.m. on April 14th 2024 Miss cabal stay that she was at the Dublin house with her two friends including M Amari gun amar's boyfriend works security at The Establishment around 2: a.m. cabraal was leaving the establishment with her friend Nate Amari was staying at the delbin house with her boyfriend as M cabal exited the building and was outside she heard a commotion and screaming and saw pushing Miss gabal recognizes screams to be her friend Amari who she had just left seconds earlier when cabal re-entered the Dublin house she obser observed people pushing her friend Amari and she went to to grab assist her friend when she felt she went felt like she went blind followed by severe burning detective Colley attempted to contact additional victim M Amari gun multiple times but was unsuccessful on May 8th 2024 detective Conley contacted was contacted by Miss Lillian Jaber via telephone Miss Jaber stated that she worked as a security guard at a company protect the people a company which was contracted to provide security at the duing house Miss jber stated around closing time in the early morning of April 14 2024 herself and other staff members were clearing patrons out of the establishment Miss Jaber stated that a black female possibly wearing pink thick build 5 foot6 approximately 220 pounds with caramel skin complexion attacked her boss Miss Jaber stated that this female was striking her boss in the face she describes the actions as pushing shoving trying to get in his face Miss Jaber and other security members were Su successfully were successful in pushing this female off Assan then they pushed her out of the EST lishment to the sidewalk that above St Street once outside as the door nearly shut the female grabbed the door prevented it from closing and charged to get back into the establishment to deescalate and prevent another attack Miss jaus sprayed this unknown black female in the eyes Miss Jaber described the pepper spring as being in the doorway whilst Jaber was still inside the establishment all parties are being requested uh to Georges district court for a clerk magistrate hearing um I should say that that hearing was held a few weeks ago um Miz Jaber who was the security guard that deployed pepper spray was present uh both victims were not not thank you very much it doesn't look like the camera must have I'm getting I'm getting a a message that the camera may have some problems okay uh Jal Joyce will you accept these two witnesses is to affirm that they are raing their right hand when asked to do so or I mean it's hard to I don't know what to say about that um you can't get the camera to work at all I'm get uh commiss uh chairwoman I'm getting a message saying that there could be a problem with the camera it was working when the hearing first started I don't know what happened are you want a computer or a telephone uh we're on a computer do you have a cell phone that you could use L to connect back in Via video in the meantime I don't I that's fine let me try that thank you and in the meantime I just want to make sure that we we also got into the record um Sergeant detective DeVito's report about the camera system apologies if that was already written to the record um so there was a my report um was essentially the same facts that have already been entered um the only uh additional information was I think the fact that we returned on May 2nd um because on the on the first time we went on April 20th um and we spoke to Ally and uh he was very Cooperative um he began to show us the video however the video wasn't working at the time um so we I gave him an opportunity to try to work on the system to get it to work um when we responded back on M he had been unable to um get that system to work um despite his uh best efforts um but he had at that point um installed an a completely new video system um and I know that detective Conley was more familiar with that I think he saw it on another um thing so he did he did um overcome the issues that he had with the video system installed a new video system um and installed additional cameras in areas um in the area that this incident took place um in the vestibule and in other areas where we would traditionally need the video um outside so he did add additional cameras um that he did not have before um so that we would have that for next time thank you very much appreciate that and uh attorney Gardner thank you we do see you on camera now uh and you could please introduce your uh two witnesses and have them raise their right hand uh Ali nasari on the left on your right on the left um right next to me is Mr Ingram Hassan Ingram thank you Mr nass and Mr Ingram do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do yes thank you very much uh attorney Gardner would you like to address the alleged incident I would uh can you hear me okay it's not as clear as it was on the other screen we can hear you okay uh on the night of this incident um um Mr Hassan was uh speaking with his longtime uh friend who was the boyfriend of the of the Miss gun in this case U Miss gun and Mr Hassan have had a um a problem with each other well she has a problem with him over the years uh he's close with the boyfriend uh Mr Assan and the boyfriend were discussing where to go after they closed up this was at closing time uh unprovoked uh Miss gun attacked Mr Hassan started pulling on his beard this was inside the premises the boyfriend intervened and fortunately was able to escort her to the um uh okay was a I don't know if you can see me there you go okay I lost you there was able to es the boyfriend intervene was able to escort the uh girlfriend to the to the door uh she was out there and attempted to come back in when she did she uh she attempted as um Miss ja Jabba said to the police officers attempted to attack uh Mr Hassan again um the U Miss jabber intervened uh un being owns to to the management of the Dublin house as well as the security company she had mace uh she wasn't authorized it wasn't uh it wasn't part of uh the policies for either the security company or for the Dublin house and she did after she was attacked by Miss gun uh Miss Jabba pepper spray her is what happened at that point in time the uh license inspection notice I will uh note and um that Sergeant detective Vito wrote up indicated the police were called and they were and uh also indicates that owner management was cooperative uh with the police during this incident uh that's what happened uh we were unaware that she had any uh she had mace on her and the attack was instigated by Miss gun in unprovoked manner thank you thank you is there anything further that you or your Witnesses would like to provide to the board before we move questions I think Mr Hassan uh may want to indicate in his own words what happened um basically the the what the saying is facts um it was unprovoked we was doing our job clearing out um as you stated the boyfriend is me and him a friend like since I've been here in Mass um but I was speaking with him ignoring her because history she don't like me so there's no reason for you to say anything to me ignored her she attacked me boyfriend helped get her out um she did try to come back into the establishment after she was out um and ended up being pepper sprayed that's essentially what happened thank you we will turn to the board to see if there are any questions Cher and Joyce thanks Danny um what is the name of the third party security company that you hire it's uh protect the people as indicated in the okay so one of the issues I have today is that you were before us in March and we asked for you to submit a security plan you submitted a security plan we asked you to revise it to include a policy around video retention staff training conflict resolution deescalation and oversight of third party security contractors we never received that um we also haven't received an updated manager record so I'm going to request again for you to update the security plan to include oversight of third party security which is one of the issues today we don't know from the board pect perspective what your policy is on um on armed security or pepper spray we don't know what this third party security company's policy is either so please submit that to us that was on March 7th when you had a hearing and we requested uh you were there was a one-day suspension held in abeyance until August 31st so I really really encourage you to get us that information as soon as possible that's on me Madam chairman I thought I had submitted it I had had the discussions I made the revisions I'll send it to you I can tell you though in the prior security plan we did not address uh armed security people we have since so that's why I asked you that's why we asked you to revise it right and and I'll I'll revise it further and put it and and have that included as as well we've been utilizing that online as far as the uh camera goes I think we will last with you at the end of March and I think we indicated that we were in the process of converting uh the security system because the the security retention that we had was insufficient the plan we submitted to you folks was I think we had 30 days but we had agreed in our hearing to 60 days uh Ali has since uh and it wasn't uh until after this incident has since impl mented a whole new security system which uh has unlimited uh record retention we have in our policy 60 days but our security company tells us that it could be up to a year that they can retain that that's what's been in place since at least May thank you I don't have any other questions commissioner sax or commissioner Cen um I've just need more details on the the what was going on with the video because it didn't seem to be a days of retention thing it just seemed like the the your video system wasn't working at all it had been broken for a while uh there was some sort of electrical problem they had somebody come in and fix it and I think we did address this in March and we we indicated that was the case it didn't get fixed until after the date of this incident it probably wasn't until early May that the new system was installed the system that's in there now is um brand new and pretty much brand new and it has R capacity well can I stop you there sure that that was my recollection that it had been broken even the last time it right what and I could go back but I mean I'll ask you what's your recollection did we talk about a timeline of having it fixed when we were last discussing it we did not in fanas I think um I think you took us at our word that we were in the process of doing it we did not discuss a time frame and so how far was it about two months that in between our last uh the end of March this happened the beginning of April April 14th it was a couple of weeks there wasn't a significant at the time we were last before you we were in the process of retaining there was a supply Supply issue we couldn't get the equipment from the vendor and the vendor wasn't able to get it into the premises until at least the end of April home new system yeah because it was a whole new system he couldn't get it in at least my memory was the end of April because I went over and looked at it to make sure there there was additional cameras I believe um chairman Joyce was um asking you know about the location of the cameras and I think we had additional cameras because on the last uh incident we had there was some blind spots on the cameras so we think we think we cured that half cameras in every corner there's cameras in every corner now where there weren't previously okay um that does make sense to me I'm looking at the dates of the first hearing that informationally heing um my recollection of you know what you guys are saying about what what your efforts were um but yeah can you speak to specifically so the the employee who deploy the uh pepper spray were they a direct employee or or an employee of this third party company an employee of the third part company and Mr Hassan who's here um terminated a couple of days later okay and was that because that person had been specifically trained that they could not be armed uh that they didn't that was one fact that she had the performance issues attendance issues but the fact that she didn't disclose that she had the the mace was a problem yeah but can you speak to specifically that this person prior to was informed that that they could not be armed during so how you doing so yes so with any establishment or anything we get booked or contracted for we asked them do they want armed or unarmed guards with the Dublin house they want it unarmed so we tell all live guys with license no um they want unarmed so they'll bring no mace no firearms and that's just what it's supposed to be um we let them all know that all right thank you thank you uh nothing additional thank you thank you thank you uh please do provide a the updated security and operations plan as requested by the chair and uh with that the board will take this matter under advisement thank you very much sorry for the glitch thank you calling item number four fsw LLC doing business as clock Tavern located at 342 West Broadway in South Boston date of the incident May 2nd 2024 overcrowding 104 mechanical count capacity 90 in violation of M general laws chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.03 J and 1.06 a and F who is present on behalf of the liccy is anybody with us on behalf of clock Tavern we will take a second call calling item number five Hampshire house Corporation doing business as 7 on Liberty Warf located at 220 Northern a dated the incident May 6th 2024 patrons drinking alcohol in public way in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.09 D who's present on behalf of the lcy my name is uh Michael Hughes I'm the general manager of 75 on Liberty Warf thank you Mr Hughes who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department Sergeant Tech William Gallagher thank you are there any other individuals firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning Hernandez if needed thank you can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do thank you Sergeant detective Gallagher if you could please proceed with the police report for the board yes good morning on 56 2024 10:12 p.m. s Tech gallager detective andz designed license premise unit with in the bars and restaurants on Liberty Warf when they observed the male drinking beer from a pills glass on the harw walk by the water detectives approached the M identified themselves as BPD informed him there was no public drinking in Boston he would have to return to the restaurant where he came from the mail stated that he came from 75 on Liberty detective escorted the mill back to where he was sitting once back get 75 on Liberty the S Al the manager Mr Frank Conway informed him of what Mr Conway stated that he would speak to staff regarding the incident as result what was oberved sge G issued a license premise violation notice number 018 0875 on Liberty for person drink alcohol in public way Mr kway signed notice that's what I got thank you very much Mr Hughes would you like to address the alleged incident um yes uh Frank Conway is on the call as well um but what we have done um since that incident as we've trained the staff we talked to all the staff um just about awareness we have beefed up our host so we had one host at the beginning now we have two hosts um going forward on busier nights we also added more management so on the busier nights Friday Saturday Sundays we have uh swing manager so we have two managers on and uh we spoke in with with all the um staff the servers bartenders hosts and food Runners just to be more aware and keep an eye out um the other thing we did is we had a couple signs posted but we made larger signs saying no alcohol Beyond this point on the host stand and there are ropes that rope off the patio and they're on every rope as well um and we haven't had any incidents since that um that time thank you very much we'll see if there are any questions from the board uh starting with chairwoman Joyce my only question is do you know what happened with this particular person did anyone see him leave um it's Frank Frank are you here I was not there that evening um I mean from my understanding it was he wasn't that far he was right off kind of down by the water um and he just returned so he I think he was um you know from out of town um but if I may can you hear me sorry we we can hear you could you please identify yourself we need to swear you in if you're going to provide test sorry I'm Marcus ripberger I got bounced off I was there um I'm the president of the company um that runs 75 on Liberty Warf thank you Mr R hang on just a moment I'm GNA ask you to start your video so that we can uh see you raise your right hand and swear you in so that you can provide your testimony under oath to the board thank you very much do you swear to tell the truth whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you Mr rerer you may please uh proceed with your testimony thank you sorry uh for being bounced off earlier um as I rect I wasn't there that night but Frank Conway reported that it was an international guest and he wanted to go out uh to see the closer to the harbor and uh he just kind of slipped past us and as my cues indicated we um upped our staffing we retrained our staffing and signs are all down the ropes along the patio and including a very big sign at the host stand so um this occurrence wouldn't happen [Music] again thank you for that chairman Joyce do you have any further questions thank you I have no other questions commissioner car or commissioner Saxon no questions thank you none for me thank you thank you very much the board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you you very much thank you calling item number six MW GW Carver Grand Lodge Inc located at 70 to 80 talbet AV in Dorchester date of the incident June 1st 2024 service of alcohol Beyond license premise in the parking lot in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.09 D who is present on behalf of the liing uh Ronald Cook and Glenn Williams great thank you very much I see Mr cook and Mr Williams who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I am detective Hernandez thank you are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning Sant Tech William Gallagher if need be thank you can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do do do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please read the police report and record for the board good morning I'm read my police report which I wrote on Saturday June 1st 2024 s detective William Gallagher and detective Ed Hernandez ass signed of the BPD license PR unit conducted license PR inspection of the Russ Auditorium while walking into the establishment detectives Reserve multiple Pat walking out of the hall with what appeared to be mixed drinks onto the permises parking lot on reviewing the licenses permits The Establishment detectives notice the establishments conviction license does not allow for service of alcohol beyond the premise teed advisor staff that they cannot allow alcohol outside of the establishment and brought this to the attention of the person in charge Mr Claude nbit as a result I will protectress Char detected G issu license premise inspection notice 021 937 for service of alcohol Beyond license premise into the parking lot Mr NB signed for an accepted notice that's all thank you H Mr cook and Mr Williams would you like to address the alleged incident uh yeah uh Mr cook okay uh the incident they're talking about was a ticketed event given by Suave uh uh a community Heritage uh organization called Red House Entertainment and all the the parking lot was closed in and there were Securities uh letting ticketed people in the venue all right there was no liquor souls in the parking lot the liquor was sold inside the premises that's licensed for 780 Tabet Avenue uh some people did walk out into the parking lot with the with the with the drinks in their hand when we we caught them we tried to get them back inside but at the same time the parking lot was um the fence was covered you couldn't see in from the street and all the people that came in came in through a gate where security checked them to make sure they didn't have anything any weapons any alcohol or anything and they they stayed on the premises you know so so actually we thought the parking lot was being closed in like that was part of the premises so that might be a little ignorance on our part but um we do this event every year and in the past people were bringing their liquor and we stopped it and at this particular time we we had Security check them at the at the gate and when once they got in the venue if they didn't pay to get in they couldn't even see in from outside you know so it was closed in and and my only thing is that we thought we with it was was within the guidelines okay thank you we'll turn over to the board to see if there are any questions uh chair and Joyce so just a few things I also issue the one day alcohol and the one day entertainment licenses this was a special event and per B PD the special event and entertainment licenses specifically prohibited alcohol in the parking lot I don't have unfortunately I don't have that in front of me but I will ask staff to to share it but you could have applied for an extension to cover the parking lot so it's not enough that alcohol is only served inside if someone's going to carry a cup outside and the police report says dozens of people were in the parking lot you should go and extend your premise to cover the parking lot we wouldn't be here today if you had applied for an extension of premise we also asked you in June to submit a dispersal plan specifically regarding the controlled area outside the licens premise and we have not received that yet so do you understand the special event application process uh uh not to that extent no but uh uh Miss cassand Mayu who works with the Red House Entertainment for uh did all the applying for the permits and licenses at the police department and at City Hall and she assured us that she had the permits that she needed now there must have been a lapse of communication between so who is um Sean sedino hi can you guys hear me we'll have to swear you in we can is this Miss Manu yes it is thank you I'm going to ask you to turn your camera on I'm not able to because I'm at work right now and I'm also in another meeting at my job but I wanted to hang on just a moment okay chairman Joyce will you accept miss m yeah we can we can accept her without camera because I do I do want to explain this to them so they do it right next year thank you Miss Miss May please raise your right hand and please uh verbally affirm to the board that you're raising your right hand yes I am I'm aing raising my right hand thank you do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do miss may you may continue with your testimony yes hello everyone um he is correct I did go ahead and apply for the permits however the police department when I spoke to Captain Flynn that was one of the requirements that us as the Entertainment Group not apply for that pacific permit where they had a one- day entertainment license I mean lior license to sell any liquor however um that did not include um people bringing liquor in or whatever because we tried as he stated we tried to stop everyone that was doing any of the sort we tried to stop them from taking it out but it was so many people we could have controlled only what we can control um we did have sufficient security there we did give a security plan to Captain Flynn at the time when the event was going on so he did have all of this information on behalf of Red House Entertainment as well as behalf of cver den because I provided him with this information I was told not to get the liquor license in order for the event to go on okay that's fine that's fine if you were told not to get the liquor license then you shouldn't have had alcohol in the parking lot and if that meant you didn't have enough people preventing people to walk outside then you did not have sufficient security so I I am looking at the one day entertainment license in front of me who is Shan sedo he's one of the own one of the owners okay number three says no bottles containers or alcohol permitted in the Russell event lot so do you have a team meeting before this and go over what is allowed and what is not allowed because my name is on this onetime entertainment license that says you can't have alcohol in the lot and it's not enough it's not a defense that you didn't have enough people to prevent them from going out you did the best you can doing the best you can it's not enough okay so it's not that we didn't have enough people again it was being sold with in Carver den and people was walking out with it we had control of the parking lot and as well as um we did not permit anyone to come in with any of the sorts we had sufficient police that was okay but it says no no containers no bottles no alcohol permitted I just want to make sure you understand has nothing to do about where it's sold it has to do with where people are walking around just so we're clear for next year okay I understand yes I understand but again there wasn't no one bringing in no bottles no containers no nothing was there nothing okay and I would like to see a copy of that security plan that you subed to the police so I whether it was sufficient security as well and talk to the police captain okay no problem um I'm just not convinced you understand that the fact that you are only selling alcohol inside that does not permit you to allow people to walk outside with it okay so Red House Entertainment with not selling any type of Al alcohol okay well whoever the owner is it's not about you know it's not it's not about who sold it who was doing the entertainment who applied for the license at the end of the day Shan sedeno or the owner of this establishment is responsible for where alcohol is sold and consumed it cannot be consumed in the parking lot unless you apply for an extension of premise it seems like the captain suggested you didn't apply for the extension of premise so this shouldn't have been alcohol outside so it's not a question of like oh we didn't permit it but they did it's not a finger pointing thing shouldn't have alcohol correct and I understand very clearly and we do apologize um I did not know sure I appreciate the apology but this is a very serious thing and their annual liquor license is on the line here it's not a question of the entertainment people didn't know about it that's all I have to say I I don't know how much clearer I can be um but there is a breakdown in communication with this event and so we need to you need to do better next year all of you we will we will if you have any questions again I'm Kathleen Joyce I oversee your annual liquor license I also oversee your one-day entertainment license and your annual entertainment license so should you have any questions give me a call okay we'll talk about uh the license for the extended you know for the parking lot the was that outside venue thing no you have a liquor license that's inside for one day you can extend your premise to cover the parking lot but it appears the captain did not support that so it wouldn't happen oh okay all you can't just say the captain didn't allow us to but we did it anyways you can't say oh the entertainment company you know didn't allow that at the end of the day whoever the manager of record is which I can't see in front of me for the Russell Auditorium their LIC this license is on the line so you're responsible for whoever is holding an event at your place I don't care if you can't see in I don't care you know if there was the crowd was too big then you need better crowd control all right we we we we'll we'll see that we have the proper permits when we do it again and uh now we have a better understanding I promise you it won't happen again okay and I'm here to help you so please reach out to my staff or to me personally and we can walk through this we will do that thank you Miss Joyce I do apologize greatly it was something that was founded on my behalf of not inquiring um further assistance or even you know asking any questions to to get this rectified so I do apologize okay greatly I'm going to let commissioner Kar and commissioner Saxon ask any questions should they have any about this incident yeah um my question would be that you've applied for extension of premises in the past correct we I don't no as far as I know we haven't we didn't even know that it was necessary uh but in in the past um you you've never never had an event where you're premises has been extended to the outside no okay no not not not not we did not apply for one and we did not know that we needed one we thought we was covered especially when we blocked in the parking lot but we understand now that that's not so so in the future we will do this you know the right way okay thank you nothing to add thank you thank you uh Miss Mayu the chair did ask for you to submit the security plan that you had discussed with the police captain please do submit that to the board that's licensing board at boston.gov uh and to the lenes Mr Williams and Mr cook please uh do send in the uh dispersal plan that the board had asked for at our last Hearing in June yes who who is Edward Edward Brinson senior he's a he's a he's a past uh manager uh of uh George washingon Cara is he no longer with he no he's not okay and that's that's we supposed to be updating that too we found out that that was still on we made a couple attempts to change it and uh it still came back with the uh old names on it so we're GNA make another attempt to try to up get that updated yeah you need application and we we hold a hearing so and that would make so that's a hearing yeah Mr Glenn Williams will be handling that yes I handled a license last year I did address that issue put my name on the license and it still came back uh with uh Edward Bron name on it yeah you need I don't know what you think you did but you need to put an application for an official change of manager with our board and then put that application and we hold a hearing okay hearing okay okay so you gotta do like right away right away thank you thank you Mr Williams you can call our office or email us and we can walk you through the process of how to change the manager of your license thank you so much appreciate that thank you if there are no further questions the board will take this under advisement as well all right had a question I do apologize can you please give me that email address please yeah it's just licensing board all one word licensing board boston.gov oh okay thank you thank you I I do have a letter uh from uh Senators Li Miranda's office if you'd like me to read it or send it in to you you can send it into to us fine okay I'll include it with the plan is that okay fine okay thank you thank you all the board will take this under advisement thank you thank you so much thank you calling item number seven Lower Mills Tavern Inc doing business as Lower Mills Tavern located at 2269 doorchester AV in Dorchester date of the incident June 1st 2024 service of alcohol to a person under 21 years of age in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 34- 34A 41 64- 64a and failure to ID in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 who's present on behalf of the leny good morning attorney green Dennis colti attorney representing the lcy good morning Madame chair members of the board and with me this morning is Brian O'Donnell owner and manager of record good morning morning thank you who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I am detective Hernandez thank you are there any other individuals with firstand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning Sant William Gallagher if need be thank you very much can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I do I do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please read the police report into the record for the board good morning I'm a reading from the police board which I wrote um on Saturday June 1st 2024 TR detec G detective herandez signed to the BP El Su Prem conduct license from inspection of the lower Mill t as detectives walk through the establishment they observed two youngl looking patrons drinking alcoholic beverages detect his ass to produce ligation and confirm their ages one Patron immediately stated that she was over 21 years of age and produced a valid driver's license the second P Patron later identified as Parker donu did not possess a license and provided detectives with his driver's license information Detectives able to confirm that the Paton was under 21 years of age it should be noted that both patrons stated to no staff member asked them for identification detectives brought this to the attention of the person in charge M Chloe McMahon M McMahon was unable to confirm that the patrons uh was able to confirm that the patrons were not asked for any identification Mr Don Mr Don summ at the court for person on 21 possession of alcohol as a result of what detective discovered charge detective caler issued license PR inspection 021 939 for service of alcohol to pars under 21 years of age been failure to check ID prior to service of alcohol Mr mcmah signed for an accepted thank you very much attorney quilty would you like to address the alleged incident just just briefly if I may um s detective uh did the management cooperate with you yes yes sir and Miss uh McMahon was she like an assistant manager who was on duty do you know what her role was she was one she was she was the person that tried that to identified as person in tribes I don't know what her specific title is okay but but she's not the person who served the table no there was a server there was okay and um would you re recognize the name of that uh person I have a Jamie Donahue does that sound right for what sir as the server I don't know the server's name sir I don't know all right thank you uh I I appreciate thanks detective um you're welcome sir yes sir um Madam chair and and board members Mr o'donal's here the server Jamie Donahue is at a medical appointment which she could not cancel to be here this morning she is the person who provided the service Mr odonnell will describe her as a longtime since they opened longtime employee who is superb at what she does and made a mistake uh there's a an internal um if you will email that she sent to Mr odonnell after the fact and in her absence I would ask Mr odonnell to just read the basics of it um to explain from her point of view what occurred thank you very much um yeah we're not disputing any of the um the the report from the sergeant detective or the detective uh the email from the server Jamie donni who um States I wanted to reach out regarding this incident on June 1st at lill's Tavern I having been a long time employee at The Establishment since 2016 my lack of judgment came into play when I wanted to explain myself it was a busy Saturday getting settled into dinner service the table I served sat at and I recognized the couple uh the female I had ided before having cared her recently in the past and the man accompanying her seemed older uh I served them both without checking IDs and it was a total lack of judgment it should never never have happened I apologize for misjudging the situation um she did recognize the female as a prior Patron uh that was 21 the male who was with the person this um visit uh was 6 weeks uh prior to turning 21 so under 21 um we regrouped with the staff uh made sure everyone was aware of the seriousness of this and um you know I can really no excuse for it and um hopefully our our historical non-issues of um any issues at L Mills Tavern in the last eight years there's no violations hopefully hopefully that will uh come into play and you did you did retrain at issue new ID updated ID books and retrain the staff yeah we ordered new ID books and and reviewed everything with the with the bartenders and servers there it's a very small staff so it was uh easy to get everyone regrouped and uh I'm I'm confident it won't happen again right thank you sir and I just would like to reiterate Madam chair that they've been in business for eight I think it's almost eight years or eight years uh and to our knowledge there are no violations there may be an early violation uh but they have no history of uh you know allowing underage persons it's not a club it's a you know it's a restaurant well respected in the neighborhood management well respected they have no issues to speak of and certainly this will not happen again thank you I have no questions commissioner C commissioner Saxon no questions thank you nothing further thank you thank you so much thank you the board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you following item number eight zaa KFL LLC doing business as bilis Columbia located at 28 Bennington Street in East Boston date of the incident May 2nd 2024 bottle service violation patrons pouring alcohol from bottle and employees drinking while on duty in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 who is present on behalf of the LI e good morning attorney green Madam chair members of the board attorney Tyler Hensler from Upton canel and for the ly and joining me virtually is owner and manager Lara perianes thank you very much uh who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department do detective William Gallagher any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning active Hernandez if needed thank you can you all please raise your right hand Miss pan is your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do yes thank you very much s of Gallagher if you could please proceed with the police report yes good morning on 52224 at about 11: p.m s detective William Gallagher detective Eddie herand assigned to the BPD licensed premise unit conducted a license premise inspection in belarius Columbia at 28 Bennington street as detectives walked inside the premise they observed the woman server pass container a full bottle of agad deante lur who in turn poured it himself a drink the same servant then was observed drinking a shot of alcohol with his Patron detectives immediately pointed this out to the manager as detectives continued their inspection they observed every table they have on ended KF of lur which detectives learn to be aente this was also pointed out to manager Mr John Alvarez as a result detectives had observe SJ gallaga issue license premise inspection notice number 01823 to bious Columbia for bottle service violation customers pouring their own alcoholic drink employees drinking alcohol on duty Mr John Alvarez signed for an acceptable notice uh prior to detectives leaving y Mr fr arrived on scene to talk to detectives about the incident Mr pz stated that the server was new and then he would take corrective action that's a I do have a picture U black and white of a carf unattended carft with ice with a with the this was taken from one of the tables and there was no serving there thank you very much attorney Hensler would you like to address the alleged incident uh yes uh just one question for detective Gallagher on the night of May 12th 2024 was the lcy Cooperative yes sure they were that's all I have thank you Lu so anything further for the board so uh first of all I'd like to thank the board uh for being so accomodating and rescheduling us from a previous hearing um as the detective said on May 12 2024 unfortunately there was a server who left a bottle of aquad Dente a popular lur uh at a table and allowed a customer to pour his own glass this woman uh the server was also seen taking a drink from the same bottle this was the server's first day or first shift I believe her name was Sandra if this was just a bottle service violation if she served the bottle and allowed the person to then Ser serve themselves we might have just used this as a learning opportunity teachable moment and continued with her training but she apparently drank alcohol in the job as well therefore she was immediately fired as the board is aware Za AK KFL LLC is licensed with the city for bottle service we've never had a violation or a problem with it before this is the first time it's it's come up bottle service specifically with aquad deante is very popular in the Colombian culture this being a Colombian restaurant and with aquad service being deeply ingrained in the culture that comes with that some patrons who might be well acquainted with the custom get comfortable and they take Liberties that might be allowed elsewhere but are not allowed on a license premise in Boston in this case Patron was allowed to serve himself from his bottle uh that he got through the bottle service obviously this is not allowed to make sure it does not happen again the L has retrained staff and is assuring board this morning that they will rigorously train any new staff before they allowed to serve bottle service to customers I'll add that this license he does not have any previous violations with the city or with the abcc we respectfully ask that the board take into consideration the fact that this is the first potential bottle service violation the licy has had and that the lcy took the remedial action of immediately terminating the server and voting on this violation with that we thank you for your time thank you we'll see if there are any questions from the board chair ran Joyce so how long did this employee work for you this your first on it was your first date good morning morning I'm sorry okay this was the employees first day she served the patrons and took a shot herself you fired her retrained staff told them it can't happen again ni be I did explain to and I and I have told my staff that they cannot have anybody touch the bottle unless it's them all right uh I'm just concerned that you and your staff don't understand the rules around botle service um I believe you were written up again over the weekend we don't to talk about that today but I really want to make sure I wanted a little more information about your staff how how long have they most of them worked for you what do you do for training um because you know your attorney just stated in the record that you retrain the staff and explained to them this is not acceptable but it seems like acable next week we'll be doing the we have a meeting to um we have a girl coming down to do all the staff um to retrain all the staff with the bottle service and also the drinking with everything brand new will be if I can I can send a meeting to you guys after we have it so you guys know that we did do it okay do you have any written Poli policies for your staff like do you have an employee handbook that talks about this because we have a lot of information on our website we actually issued an advisory on bottle service so you could actually we could have it translated or you could translate it but we have the information available for you we will do it we will bring it down and and get our staff up to date Okay so after this may incident did you talk to your staff yes all your staff yes and so all right um I don't guess I don't have any other questions commissioner Karin or commissioner Saxon um I have no question I mean that the you know the the this incident is what it is so I have nother question no questions thank you commissioner Saxon anything from you any questions no questions thank you thank you with that the board revisement thank you thank you thank you bye bye calling item number nine Causeway Union LLC located at 17 Union Street date of the incident June 13th 2024 assault and battery on premise in violation of of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A who's present on behalf of the license C good morning carollyn Conway 350 West Broadway on behalf of the ly and I have with me today Mr rajie Pine and also miss Raina Tessier as Witnesses they were the people involved in the incident thank you I see both Mr Pine and Miss Tessier on my screen thank you who's President on behalf of the Boston Police Department detective Hernandez and S gallager I can read it if detective Hernandez is not sorry detective Hernandez I apologize thank you very much are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify can you all please raise your right hand do you SAR to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do I do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please uh proceed with the police report for the board good morning sure I'm GNA be reading from a poli report which I wrote on Thursday June 13 2024 sh detective William gallinger and detective Eddie Hernandez assigned to the BPD license along with sign detective Nancy soluchi of the domestic violence unit responded to Loyal nine detective were they to speak to Stafford gings prior something battery incident detectives had received the video that appeared to show the manager Mr rajie Pine fighting and choking a female in an office the video appeared to be filmed that would look like a basement office detective spoke to the person in charge M Chris Mr Chris Martinez who confirmed that he was aware of the incident Mr Martinez informed the detective establishment did not have video cameras while conducting license PR inspection of the establishment U detectives observed the lower basement office that appeared to be the office where the incident took place as a result the detect was discovered um excuse me and sorry detective William Gallagher issued license PR inspection notice 02 1947 for some battery inside premise the on duty bartender Miss Christen Bernstein signed for to accept the notice this matter to be further investigated that's all thank you detective Hernandez attorney Conway would you like to address the alleged incident um yes um Miss Tessier can you please state your name and full name for the the board please sure my name is Raina Tessier and you are familiar with Mr Pine yes yes yes he's been my now for four years okay so he's to repeat I'm sorry he's your boyfriend of four years yes ma'am could you please in your own words describe to the board what happened on the evening in question sure um so first I just want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak um this is uh actually the first time that I've been able um you know allowed to speak and kind of say my side of things um sorry I'm a little nervous so I just kind of had some words um so that night um a group of my friends and I were kind of bar hopping around the city um and the last bar that we ended up before uh loyal N I was denied a shot um I had not eaten all day and um was more very much more drunk than usual but not you know I don't think realizing how drunk I was and um my you know boyfriend had kind of stepped in with the bartender and said you know she's done we're going to go home uh that made me very upset um so I decided to go you know up the street to Loyal n where um I was also denied a shot um I became infuriated um I was you know upset with my boyfriend and and embarrassed um I didn't want to go home so we had went downstairs to go and you know you know have a chat and for him to try and attempt to calm me down so that we can leave the property and just go home so I think you know everyone gave us our space to to speak um obviously that escalated you know very quickly um at different part parts of the video the part that you know was suggested in the police report that you know I was being suffocated is not the case he was trying to pick me up off the floor um I think you know in past when we've been at home when I've drank too much I've passed out on the floor and he was nervous that I was going to pass out in the office downstairs um again I have prior history of this um you know obviously not knowing my limit um and that's something that I'm embarrassed about and um so you know afterwards um the urgency of him chasing me at different points again there's I think I don't know what Snippets that you guys have but the ones that I also have he appear you know my boyfriend appears defeated and sits down the chair and it's kind of just like you can tell he's like I don't know what to do in this situation um So eventually I got my second wind and tried to run upstairs to you know have a confrontation with somebody whoever denied me the shot or you know clearly upset um about the situation and he was obviously nervous of me causing a scene um and not wanting me to get in further altercation or into any trouble um so yeah is it a fair statement to say that Mr Pine did not assault you that night he was trying to assist you not in any way shape or form he has never assaulted me he's never put his hands on me he's never you know that was not his attempt his attempt was to protect me and to try and pick me up off the floor and um you know you are only hearing one Narrative of you know it's easy to see um you know this man is trying to hurt me and that's that wasn't the case in any way shape or form at all thank you Mr Pine would you like to please tell the board what what happened that night uh yeah I mean pretty much exactly what she just said uh I was just trying to stop her from uh making bad decisions and and uh take care of her um and so you know anything physical is more me trying to restrain her from uh or stop her from uh making bad decisions okay and we agree that um she was denied service at loyal nine that that night is that correct yes I have no further questions for these two witnesses thank you both for your testimony we'll see if there are any questions chairman Joyce yes um Mr Pine are you an employee of this were you an employee of um loyal n yes but I was not working that night Miss Tessier were you an employee of loyal N I was not an employee I did um social media out of my own you know wanting to do like social media and I would take pictures every now and again but I was not an employee okay what time of night was this um this was probably like 11 o'clock at night I think that was part of why I was uh upset and frustrated because this was pretty early um I guess early is probably the wrong word to use but it was early in the in the evening for um for what I assumed was why I was being cut off so Mr at the last bar I was at before loyal n Mr P what is your role here what was your role I was the manager you're the manager not working there what I was not working that night no we not working that night you were there with your girlfriend or you were there on your own what happened we were out together we were out together before and and you ended up at this place um so I will be honest with you I had heard I I've received anonymous calls about this incident um that employees all along Union Street were so frightened about what happened and the reaction from the um ownership here that the staff of loyal nine walked out the next day and refused to work because the two of you went back is that correct uh is nothing that happened yes but uh I mean it it did take on a life of its own far from people created their own narrative and it took on a life of its own and that's not what was happening um but yes that happened okay and um is is anyone from ownership or management besides you Mr Pine was is Mr Martinez here is is Mr kazinski here I don't believe so what happened when they heard about this incident we explained what happened to them um what people were talking about on the street is not what happened and uh we explained what happened uh I did step down from working there right after the incident okay so how many weeks after this incident did um loyal n close down officially uh I don't specifically know because IID stepped down weeks was it about three weeks uh I separated from them after so I don't know specifically when they did do you know attorney Conway it was approximately the end of June that um that it closed down or that we we closed down so a couple weeks after this incident yes um so Mr Pine explain to me when you talked to either Mr Martinas or at Le see who the other managing members are Derek Brady Jason kazinski and Patrick canella when you talk to them about what happened in your explanation what was their response as managers because I just want to let you know that violations of this sort should they be proven to be a violation actually follow the owners and the license fness of everyone yeah I mean I I I explained what was happening in the video which was not what everybody was talking about uh we both we all agreed that it was probably best that uh that I stepped down and not work there anymore um just because the Optics weren't great uh I mean they were certainly somewhat understanding but certainly as far as running a business uh it wasn't the best thing going forward um so uh so we agreed it was the best thing for me to to not be there anymore at any point did um anyone talk about filing a police report about this uh no because they had both talked to both me and Raina and we told them you know anybody that was saying anything about it was not present and was not there um so people were were creting their own stories and and whatnot uh but the only two people in the room were me and her and they had talked to both of us and we explained what was happening so uh which was not what everybody was talking about okay so reports I got were that loyal n was having um after hours for the hospitality industry until about 4:00 a.m. with all lights off and the door is locked this wasn't that night one of those nights no I don't believe that wasn't going on when I was there um and no it was not so okay and so after this incident that was caught on video and recorded on someone's cell phone um you guys went back to work the next day we did not go um I just want say that we we did not go back to work in the sense I mean it was closed um but um or I mean I mean that that day um the next day we went back and wanted to see the footage ourself from start to finish um not just the cliets that were kind of sent around and stuff we wanted to see from start to finish how you know I wanted more clarity and a little bit more of um accountability to kind of you know there were different part parts obviously because I was how intoxicated I was so there were moments that were splotchy for me so but why were they closed the next day it's June it's a bar we didn't have the staff the staff that we had we couldn't we couldn't open the staff had um some people had taken upon themselves to not we can't open without staff that is able to work did the staff all walk out because of this incident some yeah some of them did yeah unfortunately um I think the biggest piece of this is that these people have not you know none of these people have reached out to me in any way shape or form to check on me or to ask me how I was um and have created their own narrative um you know sure and I respect all that and I appreciate your story here but I'm more concerned about Management's reaction to this sure and it sounds like they did not react in my eyes appropriately the fact that they didn't think this was a big deal um well that's that's not that's not accurate I that somebody is saying that they didn't think it was a big deal they listen they did thing they did they address the incident with any of the other staff that walked out that day and decided they longer wanted to work for the establishment there there's multiple people that um did send video footage uh to the ownership all the owners um they are the ones that definitely reached out to me and sat down um you know with rajie and I and talked about you know making sure that I was okay of course you know firsthand hey this is what we've heard um they did reach out to me and talked me about it and I made it very clear that that's not what happened um that that's not what took place um I went home I went to bed and woke up and then that's when you know all this kind of arose um but they made multiple attempts to check on me and make sure I was okay okay I did not want to pursue any further action in regards I I did not absolutely want any that that was something that I made very clear that I didn't want any police involved because he did not do any of the things that he's being accused of to me okay and I guess my last question and I'll turn it over to the other commission afterwards Mr Pine did any of the management sit down and have a staff meeting or address this incident you said that you guys decided to part ways IM ably but are you aware of them addressing this incident with the rest of the staff uh I I don't know I was I left by that point so commissioner Ken do you have any questions yeah my first question is for the sergeant um did this first come to the attention of the Boston police through the licensing board and only the licensing board's receipt of anonymous like tips yes it was anonymous tips that uh had let us in and we had observed the video and uh we had uh been in contact with commissioner Joyce and we we decided that uh we better step in and get involved because it looked pretty serious okay um do does anyone have any sense of uh why someone on the on the night of or very close to right that because it sounds like this became a story right away right do we have any sense of why someone went down to the office and took a cell phone video uh we have not talked person it uh obviously for that person I'm putting myself inside them it it seemed serious enough that they thought it uh it should be investigated and uh I said that's when we stepped in and uh we weren't sure the relationship between the parties so we got the domestic violence unit involved and Sergeant te salute she did ACC compy us on that evening for the inspection okay okay so it it seems to me that there these two individuals are downstairs alone and no one else is there so how did anyone become aware of it was it actions that have occurred later on or was it the the noise and violence of it that Drew people's attention did does anyone know not just you Sergeant we're just guessing that the employees upstairs heard the commotion they were the only two observ in the video downstairs then someone took it upon themselves to go downstairs with their cell phone and record what the house surveillance cameras were showing and uh then they sent that to the board miss tessia you raised your hand do you have any insight on this yes um so no one had come downstairs after us we had eventually went upstairs and I was visibly upset um from you know from a couple people I've talked to it was hard for them to understand what I was saying given I was you know obviously heavily intoxicated and also upset um so I think that's what kind of triggered them to you know obviously um Raji was able to give a description but just to ensure you know my safety I think that's why they went ahead and took the video um however they did not reach out to me in any way shape or form before they kind of you know sent out the video obviously and stuff like that and I also had a comment if I may on sergeant deluchi and her conversation with me when she's the only other person I've talked to about this matter is that is that okay yeah okay yeah um so when Sergeant deluchi called me she asked me to come in to D14 to talk with them um I was recommended by you know members of family um they did not want me to go alone I didn't feel comfortable going alone talking to her and to be honest I was frightened by the way that she was speaking to me um that this case would wouldn't continue further um if I didn't obviously go in and and talk to her um at one point she threatened you know that she that she could put out a warrant for um you know his arrests and you know there are words in the police report that are not accurate to my words um you know after getting word of of you know there are things that were twisted and that was not you know I didn't consent obviously that police report was went ahead and made um but I didn't consent to the things that were used in there and there were things that there are untruths um also in the anonymous I saw that the anonymous um statement that was reached out there are several things that are not accurate um rajie did not fire anybody afterwards um he resigned and stepped down and you know respected the course that was about to take place he didn't fire anybody afterwards obviously you know that people you know quit so that was a lie um and we never deleted any footage of anything you know we just want to make that very clear that nothing everybody had seen everything that had kind of been sent out um that was in the anonymous statement as well um that's not sure we had no intention there's no way to hide this situation it was obviously very embarrassing for both of us involved um and all the information had already been taking place we went down there to see for ourselves start to finish what had transpired um you know so I just wanted to make that clear um in regards to that statement when when I had said hey respectfully Sergeant deluchi I I don't want to come in and speak about this we want to move on and she was like we'll see you in court and that was her you know exact words to me so um I you know I was not comforted in talking to her I felt like I was you know on trial almost for trying to share my side of the story so um I just wanted to say that as well what date did this occur we have it our date recorded is the day that um you were served that the the business was served with the violation what date did this occur believe it was Monday uh the 13th or 14th of May whatever the Monday was of that week of May that evening yep give me one second I'm sorry yeah attorney Conway I mean why isn't management here to address why they didn't go to police a month before the you know license premise unit finally made it out there well I mean that would be it's not Z management uh didn't refuse we came here with the actual witnesses to tell you what to do and that the management sat down and listened to them and they they parted ways with this it was not something that needed to have a police report especially since Miss Tessier did not want that to happen yeah but don't you don't you think that it's really not the the parties involved decision of whether to call the police it's it's Management's decision no I I think that management AR attorney KY I very very much disagree um I think this is clearly a matter on viewing that is serious enough to to have the police sorted out and not to leave it to to the parties involved well as I said the police have been involved and and we doing that they were only involved by Third parties not by management well I I I disagree that but it I think management conducted uh an investigation it was one time management management kept a very Ser obviously seriously serious matter in house and away from the police i i i i respectfully disagree that was a duty on the part of the management attorney Conway even if we like even if I were to accept this explanation of what I'm seeing it doesn't mean that it it doesn't need to be investigated by you know authorities I I I don't know what on What basis that the management would have that other than to do an investigation to see it was there was no alcohol served by loyal nine and both of the parties involved here uh explained what happened and management accepted their explanation so also I just want to make it clear that they asked me if there was anything that they needed to pursue I have been the one that has been adant of not wanting so I mean I think I don't know if that you know I don't want to be you know out of out of line or anything with in regards of like I don't know anything the law or whatever I did not want this to be a bigger thing I made that clear to all the owners that contacted me asked me if I was okay um and I made it very clear that I 100% okay um you know I don't want this to continue on any further and this has been something that has been completely I know I guess what you're seeing in front of you but this is something that has been completely blown out of proportion um so miss Tess what i' say to you that is if management did their job as we see it as I see it I only speak for myself and I'll wait until I have your attention again miss tassier oh sorry about that I'm I'm at work so someone had stepped into my office I apologize could you repeat yourself yeah um what I'd say to you is if uh from from my perspective if management had done what I expect of them this might not have been uh this big of deal and you might not have had to come here and testify in front of us because it might have been wrapped up and it might have been accepted as you know what happened okay yeah and I and I did make it I think they did you a disservice by not calling the police right at the time and having this thing settled in a in a manner which is um proper and at the time too not a month later okay and I and I did try to talk to Sergeant uh deluchi this was an attempt by management to sweep this under the rug okay and I can see your if I'm accepting what you're saying here today I can see your um inclination so really not want to let it blow up but what actually has happened is the opposite okay I I also want to make clear no one has tried to sweep this under the rug this is um Miss test respectfully from my perspective when management didn't get the police involved because they're lensey of the city of Boston okay and they they know that serious matters like this what I'm seeing in this video it it's an automatic follow the police question okay and the and and the authorities not in house should be settling something should be getting some the bottom or something like this regardless of your wishes I'm sorry you know I I think it might be uh confused by the fact that you're somewhat close to the business but even more so that's a conflict of interest that's even more of a reason for them to get a third party involved it it it's completely unacceptable and it and you know I'm just telling you by listening to you they they've done you a disservice you you you know you might not even have ended up here today if they had called the police at the time a month before we were able to get out there and actually that goes for Raji as well I mean you as a as a former manager it should have been automatic for you um to to say you know this is an incident that that requires um calling of the police and in attorney Conway you you know just three years of your years of practice that there actually is a standard that we have you know there you know there actually are violations of people when they um when they failed to call the police and so that this is actually a pretty you know it's it's it's there mistakes and intentional errors all the way around yes never mind the history of this licing I I would say but that's assuming that there's assault that took place but there wasn't Mr Mr Pine we're not talking about an assault we're just simply talking about an incident that required police attention first of all there's 100% assaults taking place in this video the question is whether they're defensible right I mean I would disagree Z's misleading but uh you have her by the by the neck arm across her neck dragging her to the ground I was trying to pick her up and she was no I I no I I understand what your explanation is right but that would only make it defensible doesn't mean you didn't do it right okay agreed okay so you did it it's it's clearly visible that's what necessitates an automatic calling of the police that's why management can't sort it out themselves that's why especially a a a a Li and SE with this the history that this Li SE has where we basically shut them down indefinitely based on violence it's completely unacceptable and the more I hear you guys trying to defend it the the matter I'm getting about it I'm sorry of all licenses this is ridiculous I have a couple more questions um sorry just one moment chairman Joyce and uh commissioner Corin I've just realized we've lost attorney Conway from the the connection here I'm not quite sure what happened but I don't know if we want to continue at the moment without their representation with them so hang on I have two more questions um and if and attorney col can if if Mr Pine can't answer them attorney col can update Us in writing um any of the U Poli that are on the hearing today do you have any information about whether or not uh management cooperated with the investigation Madam shair on the uh the date that we did get in we had made uh several actually quite a few attempts to get in and do an inspection and uh they were consistently closed and unavailable for us to in on the date we did get in there to do the inspection the employees there the bartender was on loan from uh the point she was not an employee and the gentleman that uh was the person in charge worked at several of the locations he was aware of the incident but he wasn't a regular employee either so I'd have to say no there was just no one there for us to really deal with that had any Authority everyone was kind of like just filling in it's my understanding from Sergeant detective soluchi that uh she made multiple attempts U to speak to people there and she was given the runaround so they were not Cooperative at all they were just not helping at all even just getting contact information for uh um for the victim at the time I guess they were they were definitely not trying to uh answer any phone calls and were just not not Cooperative at all Lieutenant detective Troy uh not previously sworn I can add from the detective's notes uh if um sure JY green could swim me on all right yes Lieutenant tro could you please raise your right hand yeah Gees where to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I do thank you um reading from detective uh Sergeant detective soluchi notes and uh starts following um Miss T's uh when she declined to the sergeant detective it says inquiries M retrieve further video from several Affiliates of loyal n yielded negative results uh reach out to the following who may have uh failed to furnish any video or further information despite the fact that they were all aware of the matter first visit was uh person in charge Chris Martinez state that he did not have access to the video Martinez furnished the name of Brandon mlan who furnished no video but later confirmed uh um miss tessier's last name uh license and BR furnished uh uh the CV license uh which stated the manager is Jason kazinski however when I contacted him on uh Sergeant soluchi contacted him on June 26 he stated that he is sold out of the company in December 2023 miss kazin or Mr kazinski then provided Derek radius being the manager now on um June 27th the s detective spoke to Mr Brady who failed to provide any uh further information or video um and that's uh from the sergeant detective's notes okay thank you um my last I think it's my last question so Mr Pine you said any parted ways with management yes okay so Mr Brady is one of the managers or one of the owners members of the LLC do you have any business dealings with him anywhere anymore no no okay do you have any um ownership interest in any other liquor lies in the city of Boston no no did you have ownership interest uh no never in City Boston what about full Revolution LLC you were 7% I'm sorry 177% interest owner with dererk Brady who was 83% interest owner and a decision from the abcc for violation from here that was in in Newton uh for a place that's no longer open says full Revolution LLC 116 to 120 Brighton Avenue Boston Mass I saw the Union Street one a noon this is one from our board uh if if two members Derek Brady with an 83% interest who's also a manager here and Raji Pine 17% interest we had made an attempt to purchase uh business a couple years ago okay you have no other interest owner ownership interest with him no I think those are all my questions thank you anything further board will take this matter under advisement thank you all for being with us and thank you for your testimony thank you thank you we are going to take a second call I do believe we have been joined item number four FS swlc doing business as clock Tavern located at 342 West Broadway in South Boston date of the incident May 2nd 2024 overcrowding 104 mechanical count capacity 90 in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.03 J and 1.6a and F who's present on behalf of the lcy I'm here uh matth gatan the manager of record thank you Mr gatan who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I am detective Hernandez thank you are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify D detective William gallager if need be thank you very much can you please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do I do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please read the uh police report to the record good morning I'll be reading again from the report which I wrote um on Thursday May 12 excuse me May 2nd 2024 sh detective William G detective Ed Hernandez sign to the BPD license premion had conducted the license PR inspection of the coop Tavern the detectives were also there to speak to staff regarding a noise complaint that had been received complaint stated that loud music and base was emanating from The Establishment disturbing The Neighbors as detectives walked inside the establishment uh detectives asked the front door staff how many patrons they currently had the staff members stated they had a count of 90 patrons while reviewing the license and permits of the exem detective Le capacity the premise is set at 90 patrons dror Hernandez performed a mechanical count of the establishment discover the actual number of persons located inside the premises 104 T is brought to the atten of the person in charge Mr John tenan Mr Tian he would immediately bring the into compliance as a result of what detectives discovered side detective Galler issued LIC not 018 014 for over cing of the establishment Mr T side for accept the notice it should be noted at the time of the inspection at approximately 10:30 The Establishment was in compliance with the noise ordinance that's all thank you Mr Gatman would you like to address the alleged incident uh yeah so I also have with me uh Johnny Tien I think he's on here oh thank you we see Mr Tan you have not been sworn in yet could you please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you very much Mr gatan and Mr T you may please continue with your testimony so uh John was he's the assistant manager and he was the person in charge I was not there at the time of this incident um we were using a we were using a different we were using a mechanical click and we now changed it to an app that we have called vmos we scan the IDS and we click the ins and the outs and there was just a mistake that night and we fixed it than thank you anything further you would like the board to consider before we move to questions not at this moment thank you we will see if there are any questions from the board starting with cheran Joyce thanks I have no questions commissioner car commissioner Saxon just some standard stuff I go over with I mean um stuff like this you know you're you're a significant percentage over here 138 for 104 um you know do you train your inside staff to kind of be aware of what the place looks like when it's at capacity and and uh you know alert co-workers management as like Hey we're over we're too too proud of here we got to stop yeah uh it it was uh we were 104 in our capacity is 90 104 to 90 oh you know what that differential is not something I usually uh cite it's it's not that far off so sorry I I thought it was a different differential what what are your you know procedures inside kind of to to double check the door yes so we usually run um three Security Plus Johnny uh and if I'm there during the night um we have one guy inside usually one outside and one that kind of floats between Outside Inside and he floats around and the the the new app Vos that we've been using has been helping a lot um it scans in all the IDS and it just you know we we know everyone that's in there and it takes uh The Click makes it pretty easy as well we're using the mechanical ones and I don't know we slipped up somehow okay thank you sorry about the number discrepancy there thank you problem no questions thank you this isn't a question I just want to for Management's purposes are you aware of all the noise complaints this office has gotten about your establishment in the short period of time you've been open yes we are um we've been talking to Rebecca also I'm not sure if she's on this call no it's a slightly different department but we yeah you can let me know um what you're doing sure but we'll have to address that separately have they have they still been coming in I would say yes I can't remember off the top of my head but yes I I think probably nine out of 10 complaints have come from The Neighbors on the third floor of the building and they are moving out I believe the end of this month all right thank you anything further from the board board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you for being with us uh Mr Gatman and Mr tenan thank you and sorry we were late no worries uh those are all of the items before the board this morning that will adjourn this hearing the board will meet to vote on Thursday August 22nd at 10:00 a.m. thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day thank you yeah thank you