The health, safety and accessibility of Boston residents for more information and updates the department Landsburg the open public meeting law requires that I notify the public that this meeting is being reported. Please be aware that an audio visual recording of this meeting is being made and broadcast Boston City TV, which is a part of the city of Boston Office of Cable Communications at Xfinity Channel twenty six, RCN Channel 13 and Verizon FiOS Channel nine six to it is also being live streamed at Boston slash cable. So to begin the meeting I will take a roll call. Dr. Ensminger person Mr. Shepherd wasn't Mr. O'Malley present Miss Bennet and I the chair and present OK scale agenda item number one request authorization for the approval of the minutes of the June 13th twenty twenty four board meeting and a motion is in order so second we'll call for a vote. Dr. Landsmark Mr. Shepherd. Mr. O'Malley I was Bennet by and the chair but I mentioned had this item number two request authorization to terminate the existing lease between East West Boston LLC and the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston doing business as the Boston Planning and Development Agency to recapture Smeets two zero one and three zero one at twelve Channel Street effective August first twenty twenty four and to allow MacRobert to remain in Suite two zero one on a tenant at will basis Dennis thank you Madam Chair forgive me that I came it doesn't seem to be working anybody. Well yeah we can hear you apologize to the board. Well hopefully the answer at times with a bit of a back story again is between ten and twelve channels in nineteen to where they occupied the entire third floor portion of the second floor and they were in contact department up then trying to start a business in twenty five at which time the company was purchased by senior management the electronics was subsequently purchased. The company informed the new company as Accutron E.M.S. Accutron continue to manufacture computer in twelve channels until twenty nineteen at which point they were purchased by a company EastWest Batia especially in fashion is an international firm who owns operates many contract contract computer manufacturing companies in four continents North America, Central America, Asia and Australia. In April of twenty twenty four in Switzerland Fashion announced closing of the United States manufacturing facilities unfortunately including the United States facilities that were closed are located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Charlotte, North Carolina. Greenville, California. EastWest Boston which has officially closed in a three speed limit approximately four square feet regarding NSW the decision to close Chambishi manufacturing plant was made at the corporate headquarters level. The planning department that I would have known by the time decision was made in April and we really had no role in that decision or an opportunity to wait and we thought that the decision was made on the economy. Six fires in March of twenty twenty six staff's opinion that the foot hay bales west is below the current target market and we recommended that the lease to discuss with this now in space be terminated now so that the space to be recaptured in both leased to companies that hire market brand and also provide an opportunity for new job creation with the building staff be recommending that the lease be terminated effective first twenty East West has agreed to pay cash settlement in excess of six hundred thousand dollars to UTC as a condition of the lease termination. We believe that acceptance payment is both the fastest way to put the space back on the market and is also fiscally responsible. If we sued for the total amount of the duration of our time out could conceivably extend beyond this expiration we probably would still be able legal costs to be significant on the case the basket and we may ultimately so right now we've already begun an aggressive marketing campaign to secure tenants another twelve years from the twelve channels the tenant as you mentioned that survives has already agreed to release the balance of the second four percent on in the third quarter of the market we expect to bring that particular transaction to this party at next month's court. We're requesting permission to terminate the down to the lease in exchange for the cash payment of over six hundred thousand dollars. The situation is not ideal and I do not have the opportunity to address the board of the subject. But I do realize the best way to capture as much as possible and it's the quickest way to get employees working to change my presentation every three questions and again I'm really addressing the families that are based right just in time for questions any questions or comments from the board right here you can see I'm sorry that I'm sure just put it my understanding this is the building where workers were laid off without any severance pay. Is that is that right? Yes, I believe it is a building I believe and so this may go but the board itself but to me if the owner can come up with six hundred thousand dollars to kind of make good with APRA, the EPA then maybe there is some room there to help these workers that were very suddenly laid off without any monetary cushion. And so I just I guess my main comment is that PPTA should be doing everything in its power which which may not be formal or statutory but may be still able to influence a situation which is adversely affecting those workers. Thank you. Thank you. I have I but I have not been involved in any negotiations on behalf do important that you know that the right that issue is known within leadership and I know it is it is being discussed but I don't I don't have any specific information that I did not weigh in to negotiate on behalf of the important financial nothing personally muted thank you. I'm additional questions or comments from hearing and seeing and emotion is in order so move second roll call for a vote. Dr Landsmark I shepherd but normally I Stennett by and the terabits I mentioned pests. Thank you Dennis. Thank you. All right item number three request authorization to issue a request for proposals for parking management services for five dissy on parking facilities for Biery on parking facilities and to city of Boston parking facilities and to enter into a memorandum of agreement between the parties to effectuate the collective management under one agreement. Ma'am. Thank you, madam chair of the board. I'm here today to ask for approval to advertise to issue a proposal the management services the bottom about on the floor and the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation in Boston collectively own and about nine facilities the city of Boston. These assets about our property management service agreement with flu management are set to expire on March one from the city of Boston through its transportation Department maintains to standing on parking assets which the city manages via an agreement with photobombing in Benghazi will expire in October . Right now the city city of Boston is still investigating whether or not the city assets will be included in this I and not to be determined before the police are Kennedy I see by his chief procurement officer that acting as Peter stiction on behalf of the city of Boston will issue on behalf of the bureau and the city of Boston as it is the preference to have a single member city citywide parking facilities of agreement between items will formalize the terms for care and custody oversight ,financial management and plans over affairs with the SBIC do the contract and the planning department maintain operational management control proposals will be publicly advertised pursuant to mass general law thirty including advertising of local newspapers on the PPD website the state combat system and the state's good goods and services. The resulting contract will be awarded to the responsible and responsible partner with the lowest total bid price. The awarding contract will be funded through the BBA fiscal year twenty five operating budget for time of three years with the FDIC holding two one year extension options that may be exercised the sole discretion of the FDIC in the event the ABC exercises both options, the total contractual will be for five years about to answer any questions. Thank you Lauren. Do you have any questions or comments on more hearing and seeing? None I mentioned is in order so move second Copperbelt Dr. Landsmark I saw Shepherd Stromile I Stennett I am the chair of the motion passes Things line. Thank you. I item number four personnel like thank you Madam Chairman. Members of the board Madam Secretary and Director Jimerson we have a number of items for your consideration on the FDIC agenda, the exact details included in the board memos we have policy and procedure changes but the adoption of eleven city abortion policies but the exact details in the board memos we have 167 FDIC terminations details attached and we have three departures in the compliance department. Rafie Nisan affirmatively furthering fair housing assistance in the finance department. Dargavel Mekonnen finance assistant for small business in corporate finance and finally in the planning department, Joseph Senior Transportation planner to answer two questions. Thank you very much. Do we have any questions or comments on the public's benefit? Could you comment on the significant number of termination I see sure you that as part of the our employees are moving over to the city we had to terminate time through from the FDIC payroll and move them over to the city's payroll so what we usually call them resignations or departures in this particular case it was that the processing of the termination of the people over to the city's payroll making thank you additional questions or comments right here on CNN. A motion is in order so moved so off her go. Dr. Landsmark, our Mr. Shepherd Stromile, why is it by and the chair that I mentioned Kassis, thank you so much for your contributions. Rafie Yagur and Joseph. We really appreciate all the contributions that you made to the city staff. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Lee. That was the last item so I need a motion to adjourn this meeting so moved so we'll call for Dr. Landsmark. I shepherd O'Malley. I responded by in the chair as I mentioned past this meeting adjourned and we will move to the next item on. So thank you for joining the July eighteen twenty twenty four Boston Redevelopment Authority board meeting at this time the Boston Planning and Development Agency is continuing to host public meetings in a virtual setting for the health, safety and accessibility of Boston residents. For more information and updates, visit Boston plans. Doug, the open public meeting law requires that I notify the public that this meeting is being recorded. Please be aware that an audio visual recording of this meeting is being made and broadcast by Boston City TV which is part of the City of Boston Office of Cable Communications at Xfinity Channel twenty six, RCN Channel Thirteen and Verizon Files Channel nine six two. It is also being live streamed at Boston Dutko Cable so to begin this meeting I'll take the role of the board members. Dr. Landsmark Mr Shepherd Mr O'Malley present Miss Bennet and I personally as the chair and present OK so before before we get started I as as as we put on we will take the city councilor Webber out of order who would like to address some of the items on the agenda. So Councilor Webber, thank you. Chair Ross, just give me one second. I just have a short statement and I'll be speaking about the white senior project Tripolis before you today. I represent District six and while White Stadium is not in my district, many of the Buttars who would be most directly impacted by the construction and increased use of White Stadium do live in my district White Stadium opened in nineteen forty nine. It has always been used by DPS kids for sports like soccer, football and track due to a fire the grandstand has been unusable for decades. No one disputes that due to the lack of maintenance the stated stadium has fallen into a state of disrepair and is currently only usable for two hundred and fifty hours a year despite several failed attempts to renovate the stadium mayor who has finally come up with a proposal that will allow the stadium to be fixed and will provide the kids with usable track to practice Aptos means and allow for soccer and football games will increase the usable hours for the public three fold and by leasing the space out to a professional women's soccer team one night a week during the season well for the first time provide resources for maintenance of the stadium and surrounding area so that it won't be another seventy five years before the stadium has worked on a renovated stadium will provide much needed resources for kids people often complain that the city of Boston spends much less on school sports and surrounding towns. The investment our mayor is willing to make in our kids is something I am proud to support. I have closely followed the process around the development and have attended over a half dozen meetings with constituents as well as several online presentations about the plans for a stadium. What I what I have seen is a process with the mayor and her team have heard the concerns of residents and made real strides in making changes to plans to deal with those concerns. These changes include closing Walnut Street to traffic on gameness, creating a neighborhood neighborhood parking permit that will discourage people from driving to games and blocking up side streets, reducing the number of shuttle busses on game days, requiring shuttle busses to turn around inside the park rather than driving by a popular playground and forming a stadium impact advisory council that will include elected officials and residents. I have heard from many constituents about this project. Many are excited about having a renovated stadium to Franklin Park as a resource for BAPS. A lot of families are excited about having a women's professional soccer team in their backyard. But I've also heard from a lot of people who think that this will take a valuable public resource and handed over to a private entity the soccer team and who simply do not trust the city when it says the stadium will be used by the public and people exclusively for roughly six and half days a week during the soccer season seven days a week the rest there is nothing I have I have seen or heard however that supports these claims. Indeed, Superior Court Judge Sarah Ellis found that this claim in particular claims like this were not substantiated when she denied a request for a temporary restraining order in rejecting the claim that the terms of the project would handover exclusive full time use of the West grandstand to a soccer team judge now has ruled that this claim was refused by the terms of the proposed lease agreement between the city and past entity. I find the judges weighing of the facts and the law to be persuasive. Moreover, I will continue to be engaged with the city, the team and residents of District six to ensure the purpose of this project which is to provide a better facility for BAPS and the public is met if it goes forward. The process has not ended whether it gets approved or not, we will continue to work with the city closely to support our community for the reasons I just outlined. I wanted to express my support for the project and urge you to vote in favor of the white seating proposal before you today. Thank you. Thank you Councilor. Great. We also have Councilor Murphy in attendance. So Councilor Murphy, the floor is yours. Thank you. Thank you, Lord. I wanted to come on to voice my opposition for this project for a few reasons. One, soon next week I'm excited to go to Charlestown for the ribbon cutting of the clarity plan where we found thirty five million dollars to fix that public asset which I think is much needed. And I do think if the same political will across the city with my colleagues and others were for this asset we have it Franklin Park that we wouldn't need to lean on any private entities but lots as an at large city council hearing a lot of opposition in the three things I do just want to highlight its lack of community input is what a lot of the neighbors are feeling or that if they are allowed to share their opinions that their voices aren't being heard that we see that many times across the city that three or four hundred people show up and maybe all or in opposition but then the project goes through so they're feeling the same lack of communication being a two way street also people fearing the speed of the process that it's being rushed and there's maybe some confusion or fear that things are being rushed just to have make it happen. Some people are referencing like the bluegill project as another example and as always anyone who knows me knows that I'm the strongest advocate for our student athletes making sure that we have access to White Stadium and making sure that our student athletes aren't going to miss out on this opportunity. Of course, once they would love to play in a field that was world class but like I started off saying, we found thirty five dollars million to fix the car pool which is a public asset. If we could find the money which I know we could if we really wanted to provide a stadium I think we should think that way before we start to give away this asset in this neighborhood. So I just wanted to go on record and share share that with thank you much. We appreciate your voice. OK, all right. So let's go ahead and get to get the agenda item number one on the here we go item number one request authorization for the approval of the minutes of the June 13th twenty twenty four board meeting motion is in order so move so I could call for the Dr. Landsmark oh Shumpert Malcolm I miss Bennett back in the chair but I'm motion patsies item number two request authorization to schedule a public hearing on August fifteen twenty twenty four at five thirty pm or the date and time to be determined by the Director to consider an amendment to the development plan for planned development area number ninety three and to consider the development plan as amended as a development impact project located at five hundred Huntington Avenue in Mission Hill. Immersion is in order so so second Kocherga Dr. Landsmark. All right Mr. Shepard Mr. O'Malley I there's guy in the Turbit's I'm a short passes item number three request authorization to extend the tentative designation status of Tenants Development Corporation for the read what the development of Castle Twenty to A and the S and Urban Renewal Area Project Number Massada fifty six located at my fifty one one street in Roxbury for six months until January 30 first twenty twenty five Benton Thank you Madam Chair and members of the board my name is Ben Merker. I'm a real estate development officer at the plain department and this is my first presentation before the board. I'm requesting an additional six month extension tenant designation for Tenants of Development Corporation also known as TDC for the redevelopment of Passell to a local one fifty one Lennix Street in the south. The boy originally awarded TDC tentative designation in June twenty eighteen and has extended the designation since the original vote to allow the developer to continue in their work towards helping us improve this part of our city. DC had proposed to develop a community center including office space for its headquarters and I've been working towards this goal in early twenty twenty four after continued discussions with staff and significant analysis, it was determined that the prior proposed project was not financially achievable given current market conditions. Staff met with TDC and their development team in which a few alternative programs were discussed including both residential and commercial community uses. PVC is now investigating and analyze a proposal that includes a one hundred percent residential use. DC expects to use the six month extension to refine the design and development program with planning department staff further refine the financial model including exploring the use of fair cost units through the Boston Housing Authority and continuing discussions. City of Boston's Mayor's Office of Housing in Massachusetts Executive Office Housing and a Livable Communities TDC also expects to use this time to initiate the Article Eighty process and conduct further due diligence on the site. This tentative designation extension will allow TDC to make significant progress on this exploration and provide a clear path to developing one fifty one Lunik Street into a community asset. We expect to be back before you in six months to write an update on the project status and any changes that may result from this analysis. Thank you. I'm to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions? Your comments right here on CNN in motion is an order so move offer them Dr. Landsmark Shepherd Mr. Stromile, I spent it right in the chair that I mentioned passes things then. All right. Item number four request authorization to extend the designation status of power House CNY LLC to facilitate the long term lease of the PPTA owned building one zero eight property in Charlestown Navy Yard for six months until January 31st twenty twenty five Natalie. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board we are requesting board approval to extend tenant of designation of powerhouse CNY LLC for the development and long term lease of building one away in Charlestown Navy Yard building one away. It was a vacant building of approximately thirty two thousand square the previously served as the central power plant for the Charlestown Navy Yard. The abatement and demolition of the building was substantially completed by spring of twenty twenty three in October twenty twenty the planning department received two proposals in response to the redevelopment of the RFP for the site the proposal submitted by powerhouse NY it was determined to be the most highly advantageous for its ability to execute the project presented its design and development program, its diversity and inclusion plan and its financial offer on February 11th twenty twenty one the board approved the tentative designation of powerhouse CNY for the redevelopment building one to eight more recently January twenty twenty four the board approved a six month extension of the developer's tentative designation status for the redevelopment powerhouse NY has proposed a ninety seven thousand square foot building with approximately eighty four thousand rentable square footage of lab and R&D space. Seventeen hundred rental square footage cafe space and thirty nine below grade parking spaces since being granted tentative designation, the development team has made significant progress including submitting a plan through the article ADA and Massasoit or Commission pursuing financing, beginning community outreach and executing a term sheet with the planning department during the next tentative designation extension period powerhouse CMI will finalize negotiations with the long term Groundlings, continue to pursue permanent financing and prospective tenants continue the Article Eighty Design Review and community process as needed. Therefore Planning Department real estate staff recommend extending the time to patient status. Thank you. I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board right here against me and a motion is an order so move so I can confirm Dr. Landsmark Mr Shepherd OMalley I started by and the motion is thinking Atalay thank you. Item number five request authorization Madam Chair. Oh sorry we have Councilor Webber that wants to make one more one more statement so so Councilor, what were the flaws first whatsoever to where he might be on you maybe can anyone hear me that we can break now? OK, I guess my camera's not working. I wasn't at it as a panelist but OK I as I'm being trained as a panelist and well thank you. Thank you. I apologize for interrupting again. I just want to speak briefly. You're all you're also weighing a project at nineteen five, 1911 Center Street in West Roxbury. This matter was before you when you met last month and was tabled. You know I think there was some confusion on the part of the community while this project has been pending for a long time was actually subject to a lawsuit actually two by the developer in court which recently was the subject of a settlement. The so I mean where there's supposed to be changes to the project so the community hasn't had three years to evaluate the project. It's really since the settlement was reached in February March time period since the last meeting the the neighborhood has hired an attorney who asked to help them hire and he was an engineer someone to review the plans and I think you have a letter from him, Larry Dakara who is requesting information from the other developer or PDA and they still haven't received that information. So I don't think anything has really changed since the last meeting. I did not have any interactions with the developer. I just think there hasn't been any community involvement. So I'm just I I don't think it's it's right for review and I guess, you know, to allow the community to be engaged and be able to actually do their review of the of the proposal. Thank you very much and I appreciate the courtesy chair and thank you again. Thank you Councilor. Right to the agenda as a number five right? Yes. OK, right I number five for authorization to permit Biery parking facilities to be a part of a request for proposals for parking management services for five NDIC parking facilities for BRT on parking facilities and to city of Boston on parking facilities and to enter into a memorandum of agreement between parties to effectuate a collective management under one agreement on Thank you Madam Chairman of the Board. This is a repeat of the prostitution earlier but also from either the facility, the authority or the embassy compound on my behalf of facilities and I'm asking that they be included the same OK, great questions or comments from the board of nursing here on CNN this morning. So move second about Dr. Landsmark, Mr. Shepherd Mr. O'Malley, I started by the terrible animation passes things line and you OK item number six requests authorization to adopt a minor modification to the watch Washington Urban Renewal Plan Project No Mass Bardash Twenty four to include parcels s dash twenty and dash dash twenty one and state that the permitted use for certain parcels shall be public and open uses Zacharie thank you. Good afternoon Madam Chair. Members of the board as stated before use a request for a minor modifications. The Washington Park Urban Renewal Plan regarding parcels is twenty and twenty one. These are to be owned vacant parcels at easterly end of Hallworth and Hollander's streets in Roxbury at a total square footage of approximately six thousand square feet tentative designation of these parcels was already approved and awarded to the Garrison Trotter neighborhood Association on May 16th of this year for the creation of Zend Community Garden in order to ensure the clean disposition consistent with their renewal plan. Today's request is to formally amend the Washington Park Urban Renewal Plan to create parcels s twenty and twenty one for public open space uses for any questions you ask any questions or comments in the board hearing and seeing that emotion is in order no move second to a proper abode Dr. Landsmark. Mr Shepherd normally I and I am the chair that I should Hasse's things. Sakari, thank you. All right. Item number seven request authorization to issue a certificate of completion for a successful completion of the fifty five through one fifteen Hampton Street project in the Newmarket Roxbury area pursuant to the cooperation agreement by and between the Boston Redevelopment Authority doing business as the Boston Planning and Development Agency and RAM Construction LLC dated May eleven twenty twenty two Certificate of completion. So emotion is an order. Some of second will call for a Dr. Landsmark by Mr Shepherd Mr. O'Malley I it by and the Turbit's I mentioned passes item number eight request authorization to issue a certificate of completion for the successful completion of the Seven Eighty Marci Boulevard project pursuant to the cooperation agreement by and between the Boston Redevelopment Authority two businesses Boston Planning and Development Agency and Dorchester Micheal's LLC dated August twenty third twenty twenty one Certificate of Completion no presentation motion is in order so move second role confer about Dr. Landsmark. Mr. Shepherd Mr. O'Malley I started by and the chair but I motion passes right item number nine would using myself from this item OK no thank you Dr. OK item number nine request authorization to issue a scoping determination waiting for their review pursuant to Article eighty be large project review of the zoning code for the proposed stadium renovation project located at forty four fifty Walnut Street and to take all related actions Ebonie thank you madam. Members of the board Madam Secretary Johnson is also the product development of the problem before you today discuss the renovation and addition of the West transfer of a White Stadium automation project. I thank you for your time today and able to plant one through the city of Boston Tummy's and the White Stadium Council pursuant to a public private partnership, Boston Unity Partners LLC was the owner responded to the RFP, presented plans for rehabilitation of the West Grandstand, the South Crescent building site improvements areas and was awarded designation to help renovate, rebuild and reimagine White Stadium and convert. The proposed project has been designed and will be executed by the proponent in conjunction with the plans by Boston Public Schools and Boston Public Facilities Department for the nomination of the remaining areas of the White Student Council such as the Skramstad, the North and South Wales Construction of Civil Service in April transfer from Psychographics was filed on December 23 but the period ending on January 1st time for in response to the comments the component of a supplemental filing on May 1st with the company ending on July 1st in the city of Boston underwent underwent a robust community engagement process and as a result the proposed project satisfied our article in the requirements at this time I am happy to turn it over to Diana Fernandez to discuss the plan and context for the project on our presentation on the development team. Thank you happening and thank you so much Madam Chair and PTA board members. My name is Diana Fernandez De Vil and I am the deputy chief of urban design at the Planning Department. You can go to the next slide to provide you with some context today on the planning and context for this project. So Wayne Stadium and East Boston Memorial Stadium will resound to formalize our existing community uses such as few sales and entertain under the open space stadium zoning this aligns with a Franklin Park action plan which identified a place that area including White Stadium as a key area meeting, enhanced public amenities and an investment. Next by the Franklin Park action Plan was also a really critical planning document for US work. This was a document that was developed over three years public community engagement and was released in two thousand twenty two. It is a foundational document the work to be done within Franklin Park including White Stadium. It suggests that connecting and activating edges are really important part of activating Franklin Park Oval improving movement and wayfinding are critical to providing clarity on pedestrians and vehicles navigating the park site and amplifying community driving destinations such as the place side such as the zoo and the golf course. It's really a critical part of what makes Franklin Park what it is today. In addition to that and very importantly unifying the park from an ecological and planting standpoint is also a real important element of improving Franklin Park overall and implementing Lincoln Park Action Plan recommendations next slide to put all of this into context, here are some other improvements that are also occurring within what is called the surplus study area of Lincoln Park. It includes a stadium just a project you're reviewing today the very dense stabilization effort the Lewis Overlook Playhouse, our key which currently has been awarded will be doing site design and planning and continual improvements to the long catchwords and placed next slide to make these improvements possible. Mayor Wu at her state the city also committed to increasing staff and resources across the board, including six new maintenance staff dedicated exclusively to Franklin Park and a new park administrator role which will oversee all park operations. Realizing the largest investment in Franklin Park over the last fifty years, Nexon the stadium itself is also an important character defining element of the play, said it is situated within the park known as the Empty Park and now with an ad but with an E and really focuses on being a place for recreation and community use. In addition to that there are some key shots here from the overlook from the tailgate edge and long outwards but are also important to the visual characteristics of the park. Nexon There has also been extensive history in this park everything from the Black Lives Matter protests that occur here to uptown in the park concerts. There's so much history a legacy that shaped Franklin Park and much of that legacy continues to shape the work that will be done in this area through community advocacy next throughout the process there has been a really robust engagement timeline associated with this project. There have been over nine hundred public comments that have been received today. In addition to a series of public meetings and this community engagement will continue to ground and refine the plan to renovation's worldwide stadium. Thank you so much. And this concludes my portion of the planning context. I know Diana. We're moving to chief Irish Catholic. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Madam Chair and board members. My name is on Irish. I'm the chief of operations for the city of Boston today I'm honored to share with you the exciting plans we had to revitalize the stadium a cherished community land Glenmont on a personal note for me as I grew up on the Seiver humble side of Franklin Park nearby stadium for many years and attended countless events at the stadium. So this project holds a special place for me as it does for many residents. Why stadium is more than just a facility. It's a hub for athletic excellence, community gatherings and cultural events. I will inform will enhance visitor experience and preserve the stadium's legacy for future generations. Thank you for your attention and support as we embark on this transformative journey I will not pass to Jennifer Epstein, the controlling partner for Boston Unity Partners and Jennifer will share a vision for partnering with the city on this unique project. Thank you Chief Irish and thank you Madam Chair. And to the rest of the board members for having us here today. My name is Jennifer Epstein and I'm the lead owner of Boston Unity Soccer Partners. When me and my partners envision bringing Boston its newest professional sports team, we focused on how our team could impact the city beyond twenty game days a year and intentionally selected eight stadium as our home pitch because of the year round benefits this collaboration can bring to our community the concept of having a professional sports team share our home field with high school student athletes and community members is unprecedent one that excites us especially because we have this partnership will dramatically increase stadium usage by Boston Public School student athletes and members of the public. Today you will see a refined vision for the renovation of White Stadium shaped by extensive collaboration with the city BAPS and the community . We believe the result is stronger due to the feedback we've received. Thank you for the opportunity to present that collectivized and to you today and with that I will hand the mic back to you Farish. Thank you Jennifer. Thank you for your partnership and your leadership. We began this project by understanding the needs of your students and communities who frequent the park. We're excited to offer world class amenities including BAPS as first regulation size of grass field and eight lane tracks for state meets and collegiate meets and various indoor and outdoor resources for community and for our student athletes. With these upgrades we will increase the stadiums program hours from two 250 hours to over 900 hours per year. Many ask how is this partnership beneficial if BP is in fact and properly? Our short answer is that this partnership enables a chance of renovation. Boston Unity Soccer partners will make an upfront significant capital investment provide annual rent, maintain innovations and make community benefit payments. For decades different administrations have tried to find the right combination of funding partnership and public benefit that prioritizes city residents to revitalize the stadium. Unlike past efforts, this unique partnerships a new standard for sports facilities in Boston matching or exceeding those of suburban schools and centering on community use. These community focused commitments will be legally codified. Ensuring long term benefits and accountability are now passed it off to tell everyone principal at Stanton and will discuss the architectural landscape and cultural legacy incorporated in the renovation design. Thank Irish. Hello Madam Chair and the PDA board members. I'm Tamaya Roy and architecture principal at Stand Tech Boston . With me is Chris Bridel, landscape architecture principal at Statik and our minority partner Moody Nolan. In order to keep the presentation short we'll be presenting our work on the West Side as well as the work of the Jones architecture and crowd control landscape team on the East Side. So as designers our mission is to respect all the interests that exist in the physical, historical and social context here while using forms of materials that complement and blend them seamlessly together and being responsive to all of the comments that we've heard in the public process. Next slide when we started this project the Boston Public Schools had their program goals for the East and Boston Unity Soccer Partners had ours on the West and that kind of bipartite thinking resulted in an asymmetrical design that many criticized next after meeting with the architects who authored the Franklin Park Action Plan and with guidance from the EPA, the East the West design teams put forth a more unified stadium design called the consensus plan. It redistributed the Boston public school programs much more evenly on the site. It consolidated the macing into a single form that preserves critical heritage trees and rock outcroppings. It reduced a path paving and it opened up the south of the stadium to the place did next we have continued to evolve the design esthetic with the Boston Civic Design Commission. We clarified the relationship of the nineteen forty nine clamshell wall to the new additions and we refined our vocabulary of curvilinear forms inspired by events designed by Almstead himself around his Brookline studio and the work of women designers of the house next. We also met very frequently with the Boston Landmarks Commission to develop a respectful layering of old and new. The warm toned wood elements curve behind the West Clamshell Wall and the canopies which are also inspired by Olmstead's original Overlook Building Hubber above next three public meetings in March and April focused solely on design and programing and for with the Boston Civic Design Commission propelled us toward a truly coordinated white stadium. This sketch from an epic six hour charrette we had with the East and West design teams captures the elements that will carry over from one side to the other inspired by both the mid century and the Almstead eras next the sketch resulted in a clear component's diagram that both teams are following as we specify materials and coordinate our work and design development. As you can see in the side bubbles the outer shell is a white precast concrete material that's more modern on the east side references the historic wall in the West. The second layer is the wood toned walls and railings that surround the grandstands. The third layer is the seating bowls that have very similar profiles and multicolored green bucket seats on both sides. And lastly the fourth layer is the canopies that provide rain cover sunshade and crowd noise containment and they match stylistically and are approximately the same height next the South Crescent building is special and unique in that its role is not really to enclose the stadium at all but to welcome everyone in from the place did providing food and beverages that haven't existed in Franklin Park for decades and enlivening the new open space the grove we are exploring the use of timber structure and a skylight of solar panels. The building can be opened on both sides to get views and access all the way through until NBPA momentos KABO in collaboration with the police department, Eastburn architecture team will be introducing a naturalistic approach to the stadium site image on the inspirational showing that pastoral composition specimen trees in combination with their extensions embrapa creating a corridor to open space investors introducing biodiverse understory Rams stadium images on the right and then straight conventional wisdom and X1 one of the defining elements of both design teams are the majestic existing trees surrounding the stadium. We are emphasizing the removal of invasive trees and how to preserve the mobile trees and help restore original values with prioritize the preservation of the legacy and heritage trees invented by action plan and advancing a new generation of trees to provide the help of future generations. That's the these diagrams illustrates our overall approach to treatment and composition image. The Left represents the original planting arrangements with Oak Tree and framing by extension will aim to preserve restore this original intent syncing circulation while opening up use that structure and over ground of these diagrams from the action by next slide this diagram the detail and why behind tree preservation many of these trees being removed either locate long antwine or twined in existence. They in Multiplex's are invasive species or deteriorate and serious and which require removal to green groupings around the stadium represent the original trees means and new groupings that extends past the to exploit this time synthesizers current Ponsoldt approach and that shade to combat the fact that open spaces with trees are conserved with transparent green circles and instruments are shown in green slime and watchguard mystery within the project boundaries is part of the wide approach to increased biodiversity and woody from understory will widen the not entry blending a site with the existing woodland as we Southwest News Native Metropolitans reintroduced and transition to the what looks like this bird's eye view of the place that illustrates to creating not transitional understorey plants, we are reintroducing a natural sweeping unsteadiness by property which will also help this to sell the existing don't want to innovation problems. But this are more resilient which to the image on the top right that is exists today y this image one southwest of the stadium moving east this image shows up early bench concept inspired by the importance of the stadium and I purchased the simple linear designs is intended to swing gracefully alongside the Palm but actually part of the of planting understory next me shows how we integrated the building with a shaped bicycle space providing respite to accommodate both will be received as part of a typical day like activities on the base that to expand into the stadium seamlessly slide the bowl has been designed for flexible use by the Boston Museum and seasonal events determined in coordination with the surrounding communities providing many new opportunities and opportunities . The local vendors and businesses that affect design need to serve a public can have many wonderful suggestions including yoga, children's storytelling, nature, small musical performances and neighborhood celebrations in response to the action and recommendation to reduce pay for music on active day a new choir octopods as recommended in the cadastre in spite of consultation, this will be achieved in coordination most importantly yes by reintroducing improved pedestrian and park system turning green tax system in the stadium this that I studies and refined that many transportation papers provides the state and its operations a regular service and it just takes on twenty days it will continue to even find the best transportation funds have consistently updated access to the stadium provided by public transport by shuttle services which are controlled by sharing the publication box and by bike biking walking the stadium area is located sorry stadium service areas of the state with the bus shuttle access to the north and south. The basketball courts provide location by school by the stadium events, tickets and entry points but we did some games are in the case of Orange at the North Las South statements and he directed the permit operations work. Our goal to safeguard residential quality of life and accommodate large events like soccer games and other events that will take place at the stadium. We haven't had transportation plans for large events at the before so this game the transportation plan will serve as a blueprint for other baps and community events on game days we will pilot residential parking permit for residence and the visitors within the depicted watchit area and use other enforcement strategies to discourage non residents from driving near the stadium. Excellent. This slide shows the range of programing that will be available year round at the stadium previously practices that have been canceled due to rain on the police station. But now we will be able to host practice and games for various sports all year with new into a program in an outdoor community space we can now offer more activities and support our student athletes growth year around the final schedule and programing will be reviewed by a neighborhood council to ensure that they meet community priorities. Exline the renovation of the stadium facilities and surrounding area will enhance a connection to Franson Park, creating more open space for all other programing opportunities you see here. Excellent. We are excited that after renovations the stadium ours will be open from seven a.m. to 10 p.m. increasing operational hours from eight to 15 public restrooms and water fountains must requested by community members will also be available on weeks when there is a game. Ninety percent of the program hours will be dedicated to peace and community programs. The team will play up to twenty games a season that includes championship games tomorrow and that will lead us into the last session of this presentation. Thank you as you can see it's been an extremely fluid design process listening to many stakeholders that's resulted in a much more coordinated stadium design that not only leverages the investment of a professional women's soccer team to maximize maximize the benefits for generations of Boston public school children but also serves the needs of the public who will have increased access to a renovated stadium next this once in a generation opportunity has a far reaching future benefits to Franklin Park and its neighbors by creating an annual five hundred thousand dollar fund governed by community representatives and a tree bank to continue making the park foliage more resilient as well as investments in sports mentorships, health and wellness programs and local businesses next. And threading through this entire presentation we've highlighted many of our sustainable design measures. White Stadium will be one of the first three soccer stadiums in the United States to be net zero carbon . The project fulfills Mayor WUS and your board's resiliency goals saving energy, removing fossil fuel use, promoting sustainable transportation and combating heat island effect to address climate change next. In closing what we often hear in our public meetings from students, parents and coaches was their frustration that when the teams traveled across the state they got to use much better facilities wondering why they have to make do with the decrepit facilities they have. We are all united on a mission to provide equal access for to state of the art facilities and an environment that healthy, sustainable and resilient stadium will create a legacy of environmental justice for Boston's present and future generations. Thank you to everyone for your help in making this happen. I thank you. Does that include the presentation? >> Yes it does. OK, so we have more elected officials that would like to give their input. So Secretary Powell himself let him give you the floor to give to them. Sure. Representative MontaƱo. >> All right. Thank you. Thank you to the board and the committee here as well as staff. I represent to make a plane so close as the button for the project. All right. On street and down to Columbus and I speaking in support of the project I think it's come a very long way from inceptions where we are now. I really appreciate the work that the Boston city staff has put into make this happen from small community meetings in local neighbors houses to larger community meetings to multiple series. I'll do I think this will be a transformative project for the neighborhood and particularly for young girls. We're seeing more and more young girls of color at inspired and this is an opportunity for the surrounding communities to get to see themselves in this opportunity and know that they have access to sports and to opportunities such as these to leverage whether it's going to a university or other sort of programing. So just to reiterate, I am in support for this project and look forward to the continuing conversations at community dialogs that will be happening over the next couple of years. Thank you, Madam Chair. We have cancer, Santana, but I'm not able to promote him so I think we should begin broad questions and if I'm able to I will interrupt you. Okay. I'm so bored questioning do we have any questions or comments from the board? Please add. Thank you Madam Chair. You know I someone like my Bostonians has spent quite a bit of time at White Stadium. I find a part as a young person now as a dad bringing my daughter to Franklin Park. I'm also someone who is proud to have spent quite a bit of my personal professional life working to protect, enhance and maintain green space and open space in Boston and beyond. And that is precisely why I am in full support of this initiative. I think the mayor and her team deserve enormous credit for this aspirational plan and collaborative plan plan. I understand there are some folks with with some reasonable concerns. I acknowledge that I think many of them have been addressed through the process and I am confident many will be addressed in a subsequent process that will take place. But ultimately this can and will be absolutely transformative for White Stadium for Franklin Park, the opportunity for our young scholar athletes to have a state of the art world class facility a net zero carbon stadium literally in our backyard I think is something that we should absolutely celebrate really appreciate everyone who's taken the opportunity to weigh in on this and ultimately the case has been made I think quite strongly, quite succinctly and that's why I will be supporting it. Thank you for all folks involved. Thank you. Additional questions or comments from the board. Madam Chair, we have to answer Santtana I believe we have you on the floor. Is yours. Thank you Madam Chair and good afternoon board members as couple quick technical difficulties have Santana City Council at large I would like to go on the record in support of this project as I see it as a transformative investment in our youth and sports. The advancements, the investments being made are also significant and have the potential for a greater and greater benefit our community. However, I I believe there still needs to be a comprehensive and proactive community process while I receive a lot of support from this project from community members and students, I have also received received opposition letters and questions from residents who feel their concerns about being fully addressed. It is crucial that we ensure all voices are heard and that we work together to address any issues of questions that arise . This project has the potential to impact our youth and our community. But it is essential that we proceed with transparency and an active engagement with all stakeholders. Thank you for your thank you Constable Santana Unsecret of all humans do we have anyone else? Not that I see Madam Chair right. OK so back to board additional questions or comments from the board. Thanks so chair they and I know we've talked about this but could you could you describe sort of following Councilor Santayana's comments? I agree this what's critical going forward and I have heard complimentary things about this process and both in terms of staff and in terms of his team and the ways in which the project has evolved in light of community concerns is particularly around the issues of this the shuttle and lighting and other and other things. I think there are still strong concerns with respect to stormwater management, with respect to noise and respect to still the shuttle kind of coming through the residential neighborhoods and so I agree with Henry that it's it's critical that there be a codified arrangement with the local community to continue to be able to voice concerns to evaluate the noise impacts, to evaluate how it's working with the shuttle and that there's a similar sort of feedback and accountability of . So could you just speak to that for the for the public benefit? Thank you. Absolutely. And thank you for your comments . We we are committed to ongoing public dialog. This will continue to be discussed within the U.S. landmarks as it relates to the historic significance of park and and the clamshell that's being preserved as part of this project as well as being where we're going before the Parks Commission at the end of this month to continue you in that space as well. We are also in addition to that there is the White Stadium. My boss and I got the email which is open to any member from the public to reach out. We have tried to be as responsive as we can be throughout that process and to ensure that any concerns related whether it's transportation or whether it's design those are elements that we can be responsive to, whether they're you know, one on one meetings or in in larger format. In addition to that, I also want it as to some of the community benefits that will be coming from this project that enshrine the community's participation as this project continues. And I love the Jennifer assigned to speak to the neighborhood advisory Commission that will be created as part does project I thank you Diana. I just want to start off by echoing that we certainly will continue to collaborate with the community and have dedicated senior staff for that for that purpose. We've been very clear that we're with continuing to evaluate some of the things that you have brought up. You spent it including transportation and all that aspect of our operations. You know, we're in the design phase right now and we've out a lot of community input but even once we get to the operational phase we will continue to adapt ,evolve and see how things work in terms of the neighborhood Advisory Council, it will be composed of local councilors, local city councilors and community members and it'll be a forum for concerns another opportunity to collaborate and I know we'll just be a way to have open communication indefinitely. Thank you. And personally I would just like to add I grew up in the same area the Brookside out to be exact next to Greek Street and I spent plenty of times as a seven year old kid riding a bike all the way up the hill twice. It was beautiful but unfortunately my last memories are in twenty five years ago playing football in the probably one of the worst fields I've played in my life. And with that being said, unfortunately not much has been done since and I would love the opportunities for young men and women to have a great experience to see something beautiful and the hub you know the city of Boston which is great. I'm glad that the team has decided and will continue to speak with the community and I think that's very important. I'm glad to see the five hundred plus construction projects three hundred plus permanent jobs and the goal of the percent MWP so with that being said I'm definitely in favor of one more thing I would like to add if anyone could tell me what's the difference between this project and a Reggie Lewis center where I've heard a lot of people compare access to the Reggie Wilson was not great during the time of that being built and I wouldn't hate to see that adding to the residents like I said, students that live in the city of Boston. Thanks so much, Shepard. I'm happy to take that question. Reggie, are those located in Boston and in Boston does have a lot of access to it. It is a state facility that we also share with other other members of the state. Why Stadium is a is a city on this campus on facility. So 90 percent of the time as you mentioned during the week when there was a soccer game, 90 percent of the other hours would really be for PBS and most of the time 100 hundred percent of the program hours are going to be available for VPs and for community use. So that's the main difference. The ownership is different. This is a city facility as opposed to a state I think so. So I have a lot of questions I you know we we do here you and and each board member does receive all the comments we read all the same articles that you do and our local publications and so I want to make sure right at the emails that I'm getting that we're all getting right and some of the comments right we can for public benefit kind of just address them because there's some I think differences in in what I read in Pittsburgh and what you just presented. So let's start with and I'm going to kind of summarize and a little bit so there is a comment that says we are giving away a public asset to a private company who's going to have the primary control. Can you respond to to that? Thank you, Priscella I'll take the lead on this and then hand it over to Sammy here who can speak to the ownership agreement that we have here. So as Don stated and his comment to a board member, Raheem, this is will be will be owned and continue to be owned by the Boston Public Schools Department and managed in that way. And I think Sammy can speak specifically to the questions here around the ownership model . Absolutely. Thank you, Diana and thank you, Madam Chairman. and members of the board. My name is Semenov Policy and I've been legal counsel to the city of Boston on this project for the last year and half or so. Diane is exactly right ownership of the entire white stadium parcel in the entire stadium has and will continue to be owned by the city of Boston. The Boston Public School Department. There's no caveat no exceptions to that. And in order to retain control of those public spaces, to retain control of the field, to track those assets that are so important to the Boston public schools athletic program and are so important to the community it developed a leasing program where we're leasing just the grandstand and that s fenced in area that the designers center presented to us that that growth concept and then retained lease for the ownership and without lease of the field area on the East Grandstand which is aware of the Boston public Schools programing will be and then the way in which we maintain the you know, the 90 percent beeps and community use that you saw that Chief I was presented is instead of leasing the field and the track and the grandstand to the soccer team, we're actually doing it through a licensing arrangement so that the team is using the field and the track for those up to twenty games a year and then an additional practice only it's allowable under other city events scheduling and BHP's game and practices. And so by developing a strategy this way where the city retains ownership and doing a lot of the programing to the licensing not only do we retain ownership but we really retain a lot of control over how the entire stadium is being programed and used focusing primarily on the Boston public school uses and in programs. Thank you very much. I gone to the next one. OK, so and a lot of letters people were saying things like well no project ever really stays on budget. What happens if there is an overrun and you know is this kind investment going to end up being significantly larger at the end of the day? That's an excellent question. I'm going to hand it over to Diane who will speak to our public facilities as is prepared to sort of manage those circumstances. Well, thank you for the question. Melchett as with all projects, we are always estimating and building in contingencies. So if you know if they are overruns we certainly hope that we don't have overruns but we certainly plan and budget for them and do our best in our estimation. OK, all right. Next is the this was a rushed process. The community had no input. We are not being heard. But then I kind of see this a lot of before and after images that you showed in the presentation. So can you just kind of you know how how do you respond to that? I can take this off and then hand it to Tamara who has been leading this public process with us. So I will say, Madam Chair, that we have worked extensively to to hear community comments along the way everything and just point out a couple of examples. Originally the shuttles were exiting out near and back seat all along. Barnat and through the community feedback we've been able to change that to reduce the amount of shuttles along that residential street and also use the same in and out access point that exists there today was minimal impact to the park and also in alignment with the strength of our principles that call that sort of carriageway to remain at Astraea. So that is just one example of the many things we've done to try to be as responsive as possible to the feedback we received. But I know tomorrow I can speak a lot more to the contextual evolution on this front. Thank you Madam Chair for the question. Well, I think we tried to show in the presentation as you mentioned so much evolution that happened with public and also agency input to the design. I think also you know, we are we are still early in the process and there were things that we heard that, you know, we will continue to create kind of feedback and the design one example of that was folks saying we put in here the slide of the cultural legacy and sort of the history of amazing things that have happened in this place over the last fifty years. Right. And we are looking to commission local artists to do art murals and be able to have, you know, a whole environment that tells that story and we're just too early in design process to really be showing that to you. But that's just one of the things where it's not like we haven't heard folks we know that but we we need to, you know, develop it further into a real a real idea. But generally we've tried our best to to hear from all folks from all you know, all directions and incorporate as much feedback as we possibly can. Thank you. Next, is there is ongoing litigation so it is inappropriate for us to be taking a vote on this with a lawsuit, something like something along those lines. Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm going to hand it back to Sandy who can speak to the status of the lawsuit. Thank you, Dana and thank you, Madam Chair. In addition, scoring the city on is projected to represent the city in the litigation. I'm happy to provide an update back in February this year the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, a local nonprofit, a number of individual plaintiffs did file a challenge to the project under Article ninety seven which generally require before disposition of Parkland that there will be legislative authority and also challenging the project under the the will of George Robert White which was a bequest to the city back in nineteen twenty two. I believe that that ultimately led to the city's ability to finance and develop the what we know to be a white stadium today at the time of that complaint was filed the plaintiffs also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction asking the court for a number of things but including that all permitting essentially be halted on the project while the court determines the applicability of Article ninety seven in compliance with the will of Article fourteen or sorry Article fourteen of the Will of George Robert White that was fully briefed and heard and then in late March of this year the Superior Court issued in a very well reasoned, very well written thirty two page decision finding that the plaintiffs Emerald Necklace Conservancy and the rest of the individual plaintiffs were unlikely to succeed on the merits of any of their claims in this litigation including on Article 97, including on compliance with the will at a number of other tangential issues that they raised in denying that preliminary injunction. The judge essentially carved out a path for the city to continue permitting to continue entering into any contracts that it needs to to pursue the project and to move forward with the very public process that both the city and the soccer team have been on over the last several months and continue to be now and into the future court. The case is ongoing after a preliminary injunction to enter the discovery phase which is a fancy term for the fact finding the discovery phase is supposed to go until February twenty twenty six that was unacceptable to the city and it was unacceptable to the team and based on the fact that a judge has already ruled that the plaintiffs are unlikely to succeed in this case we asked for an expedited discovery schedule. Discovery is now concluding December 6th of this year we asked for an outside trial date which we got for March of twenty twenty five and we're hoping this case is going to be over and done with no later than the spring. So so I disagree with the comment that that our public processes should stop pending the litigation, especially given the fact that a judge has already ruled on the merits. Thank you for that clarification. So this has already been answered but we're going to ask you one more time for people in the back. So I got a lot of comment saying that's not good for BP's students that you know, they say they're going to use by it's going to limit the availability that's that's that students can use. And again, it would be more of a private use rather than the public. So I can lead off on that answer and turn it back over to Diane. But our use is going to be less less than 10 percent of the use of the total use of the stadium and Boston Public School students programing hours are going to more than triple add on to that program that the big issues will actually be expanded as well as opportunities for community use and also seasonal use based on the indoor facilities that we will also be adding to our stadium. Our student athletes would have access to those facilities like standing conditioning year round in addition to just having more sports, more opportunities to be in stadiums such as soccer. Now with an eight lane track and field we can hold more board actually meet state requirements and also having football in the Thanksgiving games and November games. We'll have all schools that have opportunity to play and perform in the stadium and I think perhaps it might be helpful if I just also clarify that this our use of the stadium is only on our twenty game days and potentially one practice alongside of that we were going to have our main practice in training so facility somewhere else. Right sorry I just got the Gatorade low signal on my computer. OK all right I've got power OK so we're almost there so you know this is we as servants of the city and and in working with developers you know the community doesn't doesn't always trust right. That what is going you know what's what's sad here is what's going to actually happen. Right. Well, a lot of promises are being made but you know, people never really live up to those promises kind of thing. So can you speak to the kind of controls and the kind of vacation that is put in place to kind of cement this as just all of the things that you said? Excellent question. Madam Chair. I'm going to hand it to Sandy Street the different legal agreements that I caught up in, many of the elements identified in the memo, especially in the mitigation section. So I'll hand it to you. Thank you, Dana. Thank you, Madam Chair for the comment and it's an excellent comment an excellent question on you know and I completely agree I apologize given the importance of this complexity needs to be codified needs to be done through a number of really airtight and excellent legal agreements and that's precisely what the city has been prioritizing and focusing on for the last several months. So there's going to be a number of agreements that will control this and all of them will be connected and to ensure that this is one vision, one project that's going to move forward all together at the same time both now pre construction and construction also through operations. So the main the main document will be a lease agreement. The city of Boston is going to lease the less grandstand in the south and that south fenced area below the existing stadium to Boston unity and then retain the other portions of White Stadium to ensure that the soccer team gets to use the field and the city's grandstands on game days and that Boston public schools and the community gets to use the newly constructed grandstand on the soccer team side and and take advantage of this new open space that's currently fenced in in the south there's going to be a reciprocal license agreement between the city and the team that we're going to call a stadium this agreement and that agreement is going to provide for use. It's going to provide for cleanup. It's going to provide for hours that the site needs to be available to the public setup closed down. It's going to deal with a number of things in addition, you saw the Santic team present very thoughtful and continuing to be developed transportation and parking plan. That's all going to be resorted into a written agreement with the Boston Transportation Department on top of that in advance of the meeting tonight, you all saw very robust memoranda discussing this project and in that memorandum is a very lengthy, well sought out, well negotiated mitigation measures section that mitigation measures section is going to find its way into a cooperation agreement between the city and the BDA and and the development team. So all these document are going to codify all these commitments you've seen here today all the commitments that the team and the city has made to the public so that yes, over time as as staff changes, people change and administrations change, all of this will be sorted into codified enforceable written agreements between the city and the soccer. Thank you. And the final final one. So there were some comments on whether or not this was it whether or not this is fiscally responsible way and city funds . So I guess what is our response to that? I can pass this on to who can speak to the public facilities approach here. Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair for the question. I think this is one of the most fiscally responsible projects that go the battalions are sitting by, you know, why is he taking advantage of the opportunity to leverage private financing as opposed to just solely relying on taxpayer dollars? We would literally double the cost of the investment starting with require the city to renovate this entire stadium. So to have a partner willing to invest significantly into the stadium as well as to come in and agree written agreements as Sam mentioned to ongoing investments and maintenance in addition to the the payments that we would be getting as well as the community benefits that it would be getting as well from this project. I think it's extremely financially fiscally responsible for the city to enter into this partnership. You and I think I covered a lot of the themes and you know and I appreciate all of your responses. You know, we are still trying right to find ways to let the community know that their mothers and their comments and their participation does not fall on deaf ears. The this is being being considered and and all board members can receive all of this and individually have to make their their individual personal decision on how they want to go on this matter. You know, I think as a new planning planning department and a planning board, you know, we committed to be responsive to the community and having like many, many of you we all have stadium experiences. Mine is when I'm playing the role of BP and I'm going to watch my goddaughter into cheerleading the football game or when I'm in the role of Coach P for the Mattapan Patriots cheerleaders to watch them play football and participate in just collective sport and community and unity. Those are some of my favorite hats to wear and I do me personally. Do you see that the community does have a need for this? Right. And I also respect speaking both and both at the same time that it's difficult to see something change and we've also committed as a planning department and as a board to respect and honor the past right. And what has all of the all of the contributions over, you know, since the beginning of Boston. Right. Have had throughout on this particular space. But equally we are we are also responsible for planning and executing for the future and again we all have to to to weigh those right to hold those both and and ultimately make a decision. So I hope that through the question and answering, you know, people will have responses to their question. I am if this does get past I am very much looking forward to seeing how the neighborhood council is still remains a part of this of this process. I know the shared space so saying on that any additional questions or comments from the ward? Appreciate it. All right. CNN emotion is in order to move second call for a vote Mr. Shepherd. Ali, I didn't I in the chair that I mentioned passes. Thank you very much and I appreciate everybody's work on this project. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Shares today go to next agenda item. OK, actually agenda item number ten is been removed so let's go to that number eleven request authorization to issue a certification of a of approval pursuant to Article eighty Small Project review of the zoning code for the proposed construction of thirty nine residential rental units including seven IDP units, fourteen car parking spaces and forty nine forty nine bicycle spaces located at four seventy 470 a western avenue and to execute and deliver an affordable rental housing agreement and restriction in connection with the proposed project and to enter into a community benefits agreement in connection with the proposed project and take all related actions. So thank you and good evening Madam Chair. Members of the Board Director Jimmerson and Secretary Bill Ms. My name is also issued on a project assistant in the Development a division of the planning department. We are here before you this evening to discuss the proposed Article Eighty Small Project located at 470 Western Avenue and Brian the 470 Western Avenue Project site includes approximately ten thousand seven hundred and two square feet of land containing and asphalt surface five and a two family residential structure. The proposed project consists of the construction of a new six storey thirty nine unit residential building of approximately thirty four thousand six hundred and forty seven square feet square area with onsite parking for fourteen vehicles, forty nine bicycle parks, bicycle and parking spaces and improvements in landscaping and pedestrian connectivity and related public improvements and in and around the site the development team filed their small project review application on May 13th twenty twenty four the Planning Department sponsored and held a virtual public meeting on June 10th. Twenty twenty four visiting the meeting was advertised in the local newspapers posted online by PDA or the Boston Planning Department website and a notification was emailed to all subscriber of the Allston Brighton Neighborhood Update List. The public comment period ended on June 12th twenty twenty four with that I will now go ahead and turn it over to my colleague Alawi's to present the zoning and planning context for this project followed by a presentation from the development team. Thank you that evening. Next slide please. Good evening to us Secretary Polhemus. Members of the board and director general said my name is Alawi and the plan our reviewing this project the proposed for for many Western Avenue you'll see here on the map is at the Western of Western Ave. just a couple blocks south of so Sirtris del Road. It's been a couple of recent developments nearby including five hundred Western has a six story mixed use building which this board ago in terms of transportation Western is relatively wide two way street Bratmobile infrastructure and bottomland and commuter rail is almost a mile away. However, there are plans to improve mobility in this area. Which brings me to the next slide. Thanks. The Western Avenue corridor rezoning study RƔKOSI which is board approved almost two years ago, has set a new vision for this quarter. The key points of this study are to allow new housing development, create additional income restricted housing via density bonus and to improve multimodal ability along Ostertag through short term pedestrian and bike improvements and longer term transit improvements in coordination with the MTA backsliders the proposed project was designed to be consistent with accuracy specifically it delivers needed housing including significantly more income restricted units than is required by inclusionary policy and it is designed with a ten foot step back to allow those transportation improvements along the Western Avenue as you can see in this chart leftmost is the proposal sentence summary of zoning requirements and write Connelly's summary relevant planning and policy. There's some aspects of this proposal that will require zoning relief including multifamily use on the ground floor high density and very hard. This is due to the fact that the zoning limits the density bonus to PD or farm development areas which this project is not. However, given that the project was designed with close adherence to the guidance in Markazi and that it advances the study's key goals zoning release is recommended. Thank you and I will now or to the development team to present the project in more detail. Thank you well and good afternoon Madam Chairman. Board Secretary Polhemus Director Jemison Attorney Joe Hanley McDermott Koltai Miller and Hanley Boston. I have the pleasure of representing the applicant Peter Zachary Anarchist's who is also with us this evening just before our presentation I want to thank so we and Ella and the staff of Planning Department for all of their guidance on this. I'd like to also thank District Councilor Braden as well as the Charleston Civic Association and the AIA which were invaluable in supportive of the end result. Next slide just to take you through our presentation as Ella indicated thirty nine units of housing you'll see here in the thirty nine units residential housing we are exceeding the IDP which is driven by accuracy and we're very proud to be able to do that. That amounts to about 18 percent of affordable 60 construct and jobs and as Ella indicated consistent with with with with accuracy we are making long term transportation mobility improvements open space widening sidewalks in an area that really have inadequate and accessible public ground access today and making way for low stress bike lane along Western Ave. which is part of the mobility study in the overall Witkacy Plan and also achieving the new goals for Passive House certify ability as well as LEED Gold Standards. Next slide please. So you saw a little bit of where we are. You'll see our site in the Red Hash in the neighborhood overview in the North Brighton section on the South Side of Western have again within the red across from the health center and just a little bit down and across from the speedway. Next slide please. Bird's eye view here looking from the northeast you'll see our project site and it's the mass in red and I had also mentioned the recent approval which you'll see in the white mass which is a future neighborhood project that is five hundred Western which is a recently approved artist mixed use retail and residential development under accuracy as well. Next slide please. So existing conditions as you also heard read into the record ,the site is a mix of mostly impervious unimproved surface asphalt. There is a non historic to family structure that is occupied as a commercial use short term commercial use so there is no residential displacement. There's an existing curb cut which we are utilizing and you can see the deficient public realm and the existing conditions today and really the lack of street tree canopy which this project will help to cure and improve. Next slide please. So the site itself it's a little over ten thousand seven hundred square feet of land and what is important with this slide and again is driven or guided by accuracy in the planning study is we are at sixty percent lead coverage so that allows us to free up significant open space for as you'll see on these plants new street trees street tree canopy, an area that has very little today to help cool the island effect as well as to widen the sidewalks and to introduce new public realm and do landscaping both on site and in the public realm. Next slide, please shows you the sections and Azealia indicated our height is sixty five feet which you'll see in six stories and a below grade garage level of parking and storage. Next slide please. So just to look at the architecture a little we received a lot of good guidance from the planning department from urban design looking at a masonry brick with some penalization the rear and this is the obviously nordal facade as it's labeled as you're looking at this looking sort of towards the west along Western Ave. Next slide please . So looking towards the west here again you can see the edge of the building on the left and if you go to the next slide, the building has also been amassing and the design has has been carefully and responsive lady articulated to with a five storey base that you'll see in that masonry condition along Western to the right and then stepping back to the sixth level with some variation in architecture above. Next slide please. So just to sum this up, we are very, very appreciative and excited to be here. I will say that you know this process has been very positive. We were honored to have the support of both neighborhood groups engaging with our neighbors and I give a lot of credit to the Wu administration's planning program for accuracy and of course the Planning Department Staff Council Braiden and her chief of staff and and everyone who helped to guide this into a sustainable community based and affordable residential development that exceeds the IDP requirements and really advances the values of quackers. So thank you Madam Chair and members of the board that concludes our presentation. Hey, thank you very much and do we have any questions or comments from the board? Right. I just want to say that I really appreciate and be exceeding the current IDP policy and just being responsive to the realistic needs that we have here in the city. So with that there are no comments motion in order so so I can offer both Dr. Landsmark. Hi, Mr. Shepherd. O'Malley I did it I the chair of that's motion passes great with the project. Good. Thank you very much. Well, all right. Let's let's do one one for at least one movie out, OK? I don't remember twelve request authorization to enter into an affordable rental housing agreement and restriction in connection with the proposed development of one unit located at Sixteen High Street and to take all related actions and I thank you Madam Chair Director Jemison's Secretary Polhemus and members of the Board Mandy Feldman, housing policy manager with the Mayor's Office of Housing. Tonight I'm here to request your vote on an affordable rental housing agreement and restriction for the proposed development at sixteen High Street in Dorchester. This development proposes to build nine rental units and while it did not trigger the Article Eighty review process due to its size, the project team is voluntarily restricting one unit as income restricted. Therefore the vote in front of you tonight will allow the agency to enter into an agreement to dedicate this unit under the Inclusionary Development Program at 70 percent of our money. Thank you and happy to answer any questions you may have you and any questions or comments from the board right here you can say that emotion is in order so move the second row through Landsmark Mr Shepherd Ali I high and the two that I mentioned the SS item number thirteen request authorization to amend is a certain affordable housing affordable rental housing agreement and restriction previously executed on December 13th twenty twenty one to provide clarification and updated terms in connection with six on site IAP voucher units located two eighty two Bremen Street and take all related actions and thank you Madam Chair Director Jemison's Secretary Polhemus a member of the board again I'm Andy Feldman Housing Policy Manager with the Mayor's Office of Housing. OK I'm here to request your vote on an amendment to the Affordable Housing Rental Agreement and restriction for Development at eighty two Women Street in East Boston, this development is building one hundred and thirty nine rental units and the original AHAR had left out the six IDP units intended to be marketed with a preference for households with a mobile housing voucher. Therefore the vote in front of you tonight will allow the agency to enter it into an amendment to the existing agreement to add those six units under the Inclusionary Development Program. I thank you and happy to answer any questions that you may have any questions or comments from the board right here on CNN. The motion is an order so moved so I can offer them Dr. Landsmark Geopark neurally I I and the two beds I mentioned passes. OK, so we are approaching the five thirty public hearing portions that we usually take a five minute break today only be a seven minute break. So we'll see you all at five thirty with the open public meeting . So we are going to start the public hearing portion of our meeting agenda and so simultaneous Mandarin and Cantonese interpretations are being provided for this meeting using a language interpretation function within two we ask that you please be patient in case of any technical issues language interpretation will not be enabled until instructions on how to access the interpretation services have been translated into Mandarin and Cantonese once the interpretation has been enabled a global icon will appear on the bottom of your screen. Also an important reminder to all who are presenting and commenting today we ask that you please speak slowly for the interpreters. If you are speaking too fast I may interrupt you and ask you to speak more slowly so that the translator can catch up with the information. So thank in advance so to enable interpretation for Mandarin and Cantonese please please click on the Globe Icon at the bottom of your screen now and select the language you wish to listen you you must also mute original audio so Tina will you now interpret the instructions that I just gave in to Mandarin went to thank you but simply you know way to put something in for you go don't you wait United don't that your teacher wouldn't you know how I told a woman named Santic Fyne that you could teach when you truly interested in the money Quraysh you don't need an English teacher was you know, trouble with the PMO, the Schappell we can when you hear your with IPAC transiently we can do other than you the USA although you go somebody are giving us and UK Chancellor JICA determination that if the portal I assure you that no woman your I in there and that way your and income might get I will call you finding the contract radion you are not Incandela detail you don't need Gentiloni so that you Jonah you not bad in union John Dugit in the rain how is it you know. >> Thank you Tina thing will you now interpret the instructions that I gave in to Cantonese please. Yes Madam Chair if I go home I come back I get going. Don't forget I'm saying my mother how come I Goldschlager poncing given you give up get come what are you going gentle hauling illegal economizing funding formula comunidad house like you like what they give you going like you to the engagement I should tell you about Cantonese. And for people to join is Secretary of Okemos, do we have the language channels working as we are good to go right. So if you have any difficulty activating interpretation, please call a phone number on the screen if you have difficulties with the translation later in the meeting you can also call that same number. We have interpreters available to assist you over the phone the project presentation has been translated into Mandarin and Cantonese and is available on the EPA website at Boston Plans Doga about Dasch US Igby P.D.A dash or ignore dash meetings at least take note of the website address on the screen to view the translated project presentations. OK so this is a public hearing before the Boston Redevelopment Authority doing business as the Boston Planning and Development Agency being held in conformance with Articles eight Bikash five and ATC Gache five of the Boston Zoning Code to consider the proposed First Amendment to the Development Plan for planned development area number one thirty six the Family Court Penalty Corners Project West and the Fenway neighborhood and to consider the Fenway Bonus Project West as described in the notice of Project Change filed on December 11. Twenty twenty three ad development Impact Project. This hearing was duly advertize and June twenty seven twenty twenty four in the Boston Herald this is the DPD a hearing on a proposed petition by the agency staff members will first present their case and are subject to questioning by members of the agency thereafter anyone who wishes to testify about the proposed project will be for an opportunity. We are taking support and opposition at the same time. If you're planning to testfd whI call for all testimony staff will announce your name and allow you to talk. You must turn your microphone. Your webcam will not be active in an effort to accommodate all who would like to speak about this proposal each person will be given up to two minutes to comment PPTA staff will indicate when 30 seconds remain and at that time please concluding remarks so that the hearing may continue and others may be heard. Finally the proponents are allowed a period of five ten minutes for rebuttal if they so desire and now we have Quynh to begin the presentation. Madam Chair excuse me I just wanted to note that I'll be recusing myself from this. Thank you. Thank you. Continue you Madam Chair members of the board secretary and Dr. Jemison a proposal for you for a notice of project change and plan to open area development plan amendment four previously approved Article eighty large project known as the Fenwick Oners West Project and the Associated Development Plan for Pedia number thirty six Work on my partners West. The proposed project Change in Pedia Amendment will add one pozole one Brooklyn Avenue to the PTA project area filling a missing tooth from the original approval to pass the additional parcel at approximately five thousand four hundred eighty one square feet to the land area resulting on total land area of approximately one hundred ninety three thousand six hundred eighty square feet. The additional land area as opposed to include a mixed use building approximately thirty eight thousand square feet of square area. There's also an associated increase in the total project parking 17 spaces. The project change will also result in an additional two thousand dollars in funding by the proponent for transportation about Grellman improvements. The VPA held a joint community advisory committee and public meeting on January 16th twenty twenty for the meeting as well attended has been advertised in local newspaper and online. I'll now turn over to my colleague Alawi's from the BPAs on a compliance team to discuss the plan in context. Consider the review of the Project for the Development Team begins the presentation. Thank you. Next I Interior Secretary promised members of the Board of directors My Name is Our Lives and the Planet Earth Scientist Project shown here is the site map of the already approved by my father's PDA. As you can see the proposed amendment completes the missing people in the Senate for PDA creating a more coherent stretch of planned development along Becklin Avenue to the north is the planned project within the already approved P.D.A. Sorry go back please. Thanks. At 80 Brookline at a height of one hundred and twenty five feet into the S is one hundred years point one fifty next slide this the existing family corners KDAY as shown on the previous slide provides important planning context for the amendment. In addition the Federal Transportation Action Plan is currently underway. The action plan is a multi-year analysis and design process that will guide changes to defend my streets and public ground to ensure bedmates transportation networks are safe, comfortable and connected especially given recent and planned as documented and approved P.D.A. The proponent is committed to work closely with the City of Advanced Design Solutions that are consistent with the goals and outcomes of the action plan. Next slide please. The proposed project is within the Fenway Triangle Neighborhood Development Area. This slide compares key facts of the proposals adopted zoning plans and policy. In summary, the proposed project is compliant with the regulations for PD in the Fenway Triangle Neighborhood Development Area. The P.D.A can expressly modify allow uses and the proposed uses are consistent with what has already been approved in terms of dimensions. The height of one hundred twenty five feet and seven Rafaat is allowed by zoning the street while height and the facts will be further refined refined in Article Eighty Review however importantly the Post product has committed to a ten foot fence to allow for wider sidewalks and accessible bus stop shelter and street street trees along fine and in terms of community benefit, the proposed project affirms the commitments to Block Improvements P.D.A as well as an additional two hundred for transportation improvements. Thank you. And with that I'll turn it over to the development team. Thank you very much. Thank you everyone hear me OK? Yes, I'm terrific. Thank you very much. I will. Good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board Chief Jemison's Secretary Polhemus my name is Jani Specific W.S. Development and as always it's both a pleasure and a privilege to appear before this board. So thank you in advance for your consideration. Join this evening by Victoria McGuire from Overseas Development and David Freeman from Fenway Sports Group, one of our partners on this project. And we're very happy to be here this evening proposing an amendment to the boundaries of the existing Fenway Corners P.D.A that well perhaps minor in scale will bring we hope a meaningful improvement to the Fenway Corners project in terms of the project's urban design outcome on the ground improvements, other public benefits and overall contribution to the urban fabric of our city. Next slide please and you can give one more please and to begin our presentation this plan by way of background shows an overview of the boundaries of the two pedia plans that together comprise the Family Corners project. The overall project in these two pendas were considered and approved by this board exactly one year ago at the July 2003 meeting. And next slide please. Thank you. The project approved at last July's board meeting comprises approximately two million square feet of mixed use development taking place in multiple phases on four separate city blocks wrapping two sides of Fenway Park project is shown in the white outlines of this aerial view in the next slide please. Thank you and to zoom in on one of these four blocks what we call the Jersey Block which is bounded by Jersey Street on the right hand side of this image and Brooklyn Avenue on the upper portion of this image you can see along Brooklyn Avenue where last July's approved boundary is shown in blue ran around one small parcel of land located at ninety six to ninety eight Brooklyn Avenue which was not part of the original project at the time of its approval last year. Next slide please. Thank you. Here's an illustrative site plan which is rotated 90 degrees from the prior views of Brooklyn Avenue is that the left inside of this image this shows the originally approved project site in the red dash line and here you can see that one parcel of land about 5500 square feet fronting on Brooklyn Avenue that was not part of the original project boundary. You can see the red dash line running around it. Next slide, please. The matter before the board this evening is a proposed adjustment to the original project boundary to encompass that missing parcel and at about five thousand five hundred square feet of land to the project's existing one hundred and eighty eight thousand square feet of land and a corresponding approximately thirteen thousand square feet of GFA to the project's approximately two million square foot envelope. And here excuse me you can see the proposed revised P.D.A boundary blue and you can see how it now encompasses that missing parcel from before which is outlined in yellow so that you you can easily see how the the PDA boundary has changed. Next slide, please. Thank you. Here's an updated illustrative site plan showing the new parcel again outlined in yellow to be integrated into the overall site and landscape plan for the project and which is now been adjusted so that the red dash line encompasses the parcel in question. Next slide please. And then to translate these plans to imagery we have a few conceptual images illustrating the currently approved project and the effect that the proposed amendment will have on the look and feel of the project. It's complete so in the next slide thank you very much. We had showed the existing condition at the corner Brooklyn and Jersey Street. This is an image of the currently approved project showing the historic preservation of the beautiful building at the corner of Brooklyn and Jersey Street but also showing a gap in the street wall of the building at the far right side of the image in Brooklyn Avenue where we were showing in the original approval sort of a mural on a blank party wall on either side that ninety six eight Brooklyn Avenue parcel and then the next slide please. Now you can see that gap on the right hand side of the image filled in with a more continuous street wall and a setback. Maybe it's possible just to toggle back and forth between the last slide in this slide a couple of times and you'll see the sort of gap in the urban fabric now being filled with a more continuous and comprehensive street. Thank you very next slide please. And then additionally the inclusion of the ninety six ninety eight Brooklyn Avenue Plaza will help to complete the transformation of what is currently a private service alley off Jersey Street from its current condition which adds nothing to the public realm of this neighborhood. Next slide please. Transforming into a beautiful and welcoming public space that's you know, sort of lying with little shops and food spots and creating a very intimate pedestrian scale. It's a little bit unusual among large scale new developments today. So this the inclusion of this small parcel will help us sort of complete the the entourage here of this of this beautiful pedestrian way. Next slide, please. And so with that image manager across the board we conclude our presentation. We hope this brief material helps to illustrate some of the benefits of adding in this additional parcel to the project area. We would also note that the addition of this site and even this relatively small amount GFA will result in additional housing and jobs hedge funds about two hundred thousand dollars of additional transportation improvements and several other public benefits. So we hope that the proposed amendment meets with your approval this evening. We thank you again for the opportunity to present and of course would be very happy to answer any questions that the board may have. Thank you very much. Yeah, OK, so as this is a public hearing before we do more questions, let's go to let's hear from the public first Secretary Polhemus, do we have anyone that would like to testify? I'm going to start with Councilor Durkin if she is available. Yes, I can I do Benneteau as well. Yes, I tried to promote you. Thank you so much, Secretary Jerricho Chair House and members of the board the July twenty twenty three approval fund requires approval by the BP board came at the tail end of a comprehensive article Eighty public review process which thanks to public feedback saw an increase in housing and affordable housing. In addition to meaningful activations of formerly desolate alleys for public and commercial use without approval there was a noticeable gap in overall offerings of the project given the hole at the property at ninety six Brookline Avenue the inclusion of the property in ninety six Brooklyn Avenue, the Benway Gianni's building to this project will help make for more cohesive Brooklyn Avenue and I'm in support of the project change as opposed still I would be remiss if I didn't mention my dismay that the PTA approval went to the PTA board when there was not yet an elected city councilor. I think that the PTA approval would have benefited from having representation of a district councilor and yellowtail of this process and I think it's important to note that I will not be ceding my own voice in future changes of process regarding this PTA while the community benefits and mitigation project to the package should the initial approval was substantial. There were a lot of details that require additional consideration and improvement including one the overall parking ratio supplying the site as a whole to a transportation and community plan regarding their use of Jersey and Lansdowne Street three equity specifications regarding surrounding components onsite day care commitment for responsive fulfillment of the Escriva community benefit particularly those impacting the Back Bay fenced in partnership with the Parks Department takes the proactive engagement of the Fenway neighborhood over the long duration of the site's development. I appreciate the partnership that the city has WAC and the Fenway Sports Group. I think that we need to be intentional intentional about the transportation changes and the challenges of the area and I still think there are ways that the city of Boston needs to collaborate with the proponents to build a vision for the proposal and also to make sure residents have a voice in their neighborhood as will be dictated by the cooperation agreement. I'm grateful for the project's cooperation with the Fenway Transportation Action Plan. I'm looking forward to continuing the conversation and I urge the vote to tomorrow to vote in support of this NPC. Thank you so much Councilor I Michael Burns. You can commit yourself. Yes. Good evening Director Jimmerson. And I'm Cheryl. Madam Secretary. Blameless and distinguished members of the media board and for the record my name is Michael Burns. I'm a representative of the Northeast Regional Council, the workers union. I was seventeen on the parliament Bill Trade here Boston first thank you to an eloquent and the and all the staff that works for BBVA for all the hard work you do obviously trying to coordinate facilitate these important meetings and letting all stakeholders affected by projects like this have a voice in the development process. We certainly appreciate everything you do also like to thank Jani Victoria and David Development Family Team for their continued partnership with the Boston Building Trades and our general contractor partners making sure that the construction of projects like this are done using responsible contractors. And as you know, providing young workers in our city with pathways to good careers and trades using apprenticeship programs that provide sustainable wages, health care benefits and a dignified retirement for people in the construction trades. The rising costs of secondary education option and the path for careers in the trade was more important than ever. So we do truly appreciate our continued partnership W.S. and Sports Sportsground John on behalf of my membership we stand tonight in support of the proposed amendment and to the project. Thank you. Thank you Michael Pymble you can time yourself. Good evening and thank for the opportunity to speak again. My name is Pavel and I'm a member of the family Carlos C.A.C. and I am here in support of the proponents purchase of ninety six to ninety eight Brooklyn Avenue and the notice of Project Change and we plan to incorporate this building into their overall project. Thank you. Thank you. In Perez you can arm yourself become an undersecretary. I don't share members of the board this is my numbers represent hundreds of carpenters that they're going to walk around the city of Boston. I'd sure like to begin by taking would be a also the office of mayor for a long legal process. I also someone to cornerstone is in the U.S. is doing a great job. The outreach to the community and a commentated community because of that my membership is part of this proposal. Thank you. Thank you my honor. Kelly, you can meet yourself. Hi Director Polhemus and the board where I live then we represent the Fenway Alliance with the twenty one cultural and academic institutions. We support this project in the Project Change we feel this celebrates an area that sorely needs some elevation in some ways inexplicably given that it is a conic Fenway Park in it. So we support the elevation of this area and the public amenities. We also agree with Councilor Durkin and I think those two things contradict each other and we look forward to working with the councilor to make sure all those community concerns are addressed and we urge the project to use local mass based artist for any public art if possible. But in general we think this is a really good direction. Thank you. Thank you, Kelly. Qahtan green you can limit yourself. Hello everyone. My name is Tom Green. I'm the business agent with the Boston Building Trade Unions also a lifelong resident. I really want to thank the people for hosting this very important me and any chance for the community to weigh in and voice their opinion. This is very appreciated. I'd like to thank was a development I pretty much want to echo my burns said thank you for being great partners and working to build even stronger relationships and you know the building trades goals. The mission is to make sure we have the voice the working people, working families and communities so you know as opportunities and careers, you know, doing his job also I like to really think that this partnership is about also building that family structure as well. So then that's great wages benefits training believe and really relying on partnerships like this to bring in so I speak in support of this project. Thank you very much. Thank you for your time. If anybody else would like to testify about this project, please raise your virtual hand . Madam Chair, I believe this completes the public hearing portion of this item. Great and thank you very much for all members of the public. I took time today to to provide your employee. We appreciate that. So now any questions or comments from the board is my only comment is I think there's your visuals were great and really kind of gave me a good sense of of the vision. So so I see it it's it's exciting and you know, really trust that, you know, continuing conversation with consular Gerkin will will occur and she's very detailed and has a lot of those points and does really work do good work for her constituency if there are no other questions, motion is in order so move second call for a vote. Dr. Landsmark, I Sheppard O'Malley oh no he's not he's not free. We could start Mossbank I am not sure about InMotion passes . Thank you very much and good luck. Thank you all very much. Good ok ok psychological humor is keep me honest where we at fourteen or fourteen ok I don't remember fourteen request authorization to issue a certification of approval pursuant to Article Eighty Small Project copy of the zoning code for the proposed construction of twenty four affordable rental rental units and twenty four bicycle spaces located at 112 114 Queensferry Street and take all related actions doing. Thank you Madam Chairman Members of the Board Secretary Polhemus and Director Jennison my name is John Norris the project assistant in the Development Review Division of the Planning Department. The proposal before you today is an article eighty small project located at 112 to 114 Queensbury Street in the Fenway neighborhood of Boston. The proposed project site is located at a currently underutilized four thousand three hundred and twenty four square foot infill site. The project is currently occupied by a vacant two thousand one hundred and eighty four square foot retail laundromat Fenway Community Development Corporation. The proponent is proposing to replace the one storey retail structure with approximately six storey nineteen thousand three hundred and thirty six gross square foot all affordable residential rental. The proposed project will include approximately twenty four rental units consisting of eleven studios and thirteen one bedroom units creating a net residential area of approximately twelve thousand five hundred and forty five square feet. The proposed project will also include eighteen interior bike parking spaces and six exterior guest parking spaces. The planning department receives small project review application on May nine twenty twenty four and a planning department also sponsored and hosted a public meeting on June eight or June 18th. Twenty twenty four of the assume the meeting was well attended. The project was well received. The meeting was also advertised in the Fenway News Boston Guardian and The Boston Sun posted to the Planning Department website and a notification was emailed to all subscribers of the Planning Department Fenway Kenmore Neighborhood Update List the public comment period ended on June twenty fifth twenty twenty four for the project. I will now turn it over to Ford Delvecchio from the Planning Department Zoning Compliance Division to discuss the plan in context that was considered the review of this project before the development team begins their presentation. >> Thank you. Thank you for that. Doing pretty general secretary and the members of the board and Director Jemison my name is Ford Delvecchio and I'm the BDO zoning compliance with your assigned to this project. The proposed project is located at 112 to 114 Queensferry Street in the family neighborhood this family was characterized by dense residential multifamily buildings with some spawning grounds for commercial space to contribute to street level activation. There are a mix of built styles from four storey traditional brownstones such as the Shadow International House located immediately behind the property. The more moderate working class construction such as the new construction down the block at 78 Queensferry Street is a Fenway as well served by public transit agency by bus stops went Wild West of the proposed project which in addition stops along Boylston Street the north at seventy eight nine nineteen sixty and sixty five passwords directly east and south of the property is the Hickerson portion of the Emerald Necklace Parkway. This includes rawhi walking routes recreational fields for pedestrians when the owners of the property Ramla Park a park in park that creates a restroom break in the streetscape next I please there is currently there there's no currently applicable local plan for the area of the project site. So we started this project within the context of neighborhood amending Abdulsalam and also city policy such as complete streets renditioned citywide plan such as Imagined Boston Twenty Thirty Urban Forest and Housing Austin Twenty Thirty where you see the the decision that there made in everything with this project identified it imagined Boston twenty thirty the region centered around Fenway Park is undergoing a significant transformation. There is ample opportunity to develop housing that aligns with the surrounding community a diverse range of incomes and develop affordable options for those employed in the nearby along with medical area become more spread by providing income ,student housing and personal bias. And there was a residential displacement. This project helps to achieve these goals. Thank you and I will now turn over to Jim to present the project in more detail. >> Thank you for and good evening again Madam Chair. Members of the Board Secretary Polhemus Director Jimmerson Attorney Joe Handly McDermott Colting Miller and Hanle in Boston. I have the honor of representing the Fenway CDC use their land use council for this all affordable housing development in the Fenway. I want to thank Dillon and Ford and I want to thank on behalf of my client the Planning Department Urban Design for their guidance for this project. I also want to introduce you to the team that we have take you through the presentation very quickly with the Fenway CDC is Nick Petmin, Cassie White at Quinn and Rich Yordano of for the architectural side we're working with Mubarak architects Rob DSTO who's with us next slide please. So just quickly as was read into the record this this is a site in the West Fenway neighborhood in the Fenway neighborhood in particular where the CDC has been a important nonprofit organization for affordable housing for fifty one years out. And as you saw in the overview from Ford and Dillon, this is a site that is not underutilized with a single story sort of nondescript building but it also has access to great public amenities for open space transportation and employment and the like and the CDC is pleased to be able to deliver twenty four units of all income restricted housing between 30 to 60 percent of EMI and three of these will be set aside for most vulnerable population for formerly homeless individuals and families and also the ability to meet and and obtain sustainable quality as part of the affordability program for LEED Silver and Passive House program. With that I'd like to hand it to Rob to take you very quickly through the presentation Rob. Thank you, Joe. Next slide is so delighted for Ferrario outline some of these statistics were just quickly again so we're talking about a project that includes twenty four units. Twenty other that they are about four point forty nine that's going to include eleven studio units and thirteen one bedroom units total in that rentable area of about twelve thousand five hundred square. We'll have bicycle storage both within the building eight eighteen spaces and then six spaces outdoors along on the sidewalk. Next slide please. So we have a number of sustainability goals that we have planned including features of the building themselves. We're going to be achieving LEED Silver certifiable level of all electric performing equipment and one of the benefits that we have with this project is that all the domestic hot water production will be centralized so there won't be twenty for less efficient units producing hot water as opposed to one system. So see some good benefits for that which will help our lead levels on the landscaping front as you'll see in a plan to a fair amount of property in the front of the building because of a set back so we'll be able to plant heavily and where we can plant that will be including coming later that lead to the front door. And as it's been pointed out, the project ideally located within a very transit rich area between access to the tea and a number of price for us the bus routes to the neighborhood. Next slide please. Again, this shows a little more clearly this site is in the dead center there with access to number fifty five Red Cross and some others as well as the city along Huntington and even mostly the T and white stuff up here is a site outlined in red close proximity to Park Drive and Animal Necklace and then one block on Peterboro is ramp up and as was pointed out earlier so the slide is a little bit more specifically at the site it's showing right on the right side you can see the set backs and undulating undulating front yard setbacks that occur along Queensberry Street on the far left down to Park Drive on the right next excellent. So this plan just quickly shows that although the site expands from the red dash lines, which is a populist, a fair amount of that space is actually used for easements and access ways serving on the right hand side or side, serving the rear of the property to a number of buildings to have access to the passageway as well as on the left hand side. So buildable area gets pretty limited and we will maintain the expense front yard setback which you'll see in the future slides allows us some great landscaping opportunities except some on the ground footage was there today. This is the existing one storey building that is currently abandoned. You can see on the bottom right photographies the site slows down a little bit towards the rear which allows us the ability to get some daylighting opportunities at the back but we don't have in the front next slide and these are some of the buildings but us on left or right as well as across the street and out of the corner of Park Drive and Queensbury, most of them were all masonry and you'll see in our elevations that we're taking some of those cues but really and also of the strong delineation the second third floor and the roof gap is slightly. So I'll just take you through we Savannakhet skip this many other is the ground floor plan Queensferry Street is on the left hand side. You come from the sidewalk across that paved area which as I said before, we're going to include some permeable pavers there and then to the top of the paved areas, the bottom all landscape areas we're going to include the Yushi seating bench there, provide a space for residents to come out and said the ground floor plan is shown here three units on the floor just typical as we rise up through the building then all the stair elevator or elements are located on the bottom right of the plan. So as you go up the building, click the slide. The plan is pretty much followed by the same organization Stair Elevator the bottom right and the combination of the studio and one bedroom units flanking perhaps the other side next slide and next slide. So the sixth floor there's a slight difference in the lower floors just based on some setbacks that we work to design would be a process in terms of creating this sort of like mansard appearance which we'll see when we get to some of the elevations in the perspective's. Exline, I was just included this is a basin plan. It's here you can start to see the earth obviously in the building on the left hand side because ground slopes down so dramatically as you come down that alley we're able to get another unit showing that color right because ground the ground is lower. We're able to window line in the air and so forth and pick up another unit and all the service spaces are underground to the left side. This is the route plan we're planning to accommodate solar panels if we can fit them most mechanical equipment well we centralize systems for the most part to be able to along all that and free up as much roof space as possible for solar panels. There'll be no roof access for residents of the building. Exline section which shows a little bit you to succeed by virtue of that Daschle have agreed slopes down on top left behind to the back right hand side of the excellent and these just some of the elevations that we've been working on a lot of input from L.H. and for Bimba which has been helpful, we're featuring all the facade Queensbury Street and then that steps down to the mainstays of Brick as a descends down the alley, the left hand side and then it's basically create a mansard appearance on the top of the metal panel. And then in terms of Queyras panel before turning back to fiber cement panels on the rear of the building. So we're trying to incorporate and carry through some of the strong honest lines that exist in the neighboring buildings both left and right and try to tie into some of those datums that exist already. Excellent. This is the alley side elevation which you very of being about not being able to get back that far next slide . This is the elevation that has probably stair elevator for us. That's why so few windows and start until we get past that point that we're able to get some windows in and this is the lower elevation just quickly on the landscape plan, it assumes the next slide a second this is what we're thinking again permeable pavers we need from the sidewalks the front door, the far right hand side will be all planted with different forms of vegetation albeit fairly low and then on the left hand side would be the back. So we have plants surrounded again by more vegetation. Some of the materials as I said doing some looking at some of the top some Carstone elements that help us register some of those Cornilles lines and the burning buildings and masonry in the area some different detailing and Courcey techniques within the masonry elements and this is a view from from the east looking toward the west here you can see the building the alley is descending on the left hand side there. Right. Thanks, Rob and just Bouchareb that concludes I would like to be remiss if I didn't thank Councilor Durcan as well in the mayor's Office of Housing again to reiterate the opportunity to create much needed for stability in the Fenway neighborhood with such a great organization, the Fenway CDC. Thank you. Thank you so much. All right. Questions or comments from the board the counselor here I can see you. Would you like to make a comment? Yes, please, dear members of the board, I'm here today in support of the Fenway Community Center centers small product review application for Wonderwall Queensbury. This product will add twenty four currently affordable rental units to the Fenway neighborhood eleven studios and thirteen one beds. The Fenway CDC has proven themselves to be an effective and reliable affordable housing developer who supports the residents in the Fenway neighborhood with the host of services from food access to job training. The recent about the Burbank Terrace which I was grateful to tour in the symphony area provided twenty seven affordable units so we know the history and the track record they have in the neighborhood. CDC is capable of replicating this at 112 Queensborough the relentless and rapid increase in housing costs threatens economic and cultural diversity across our city intensifies the urgency of supporting the creation of affordable housing and not only are they creating affordable housing, they're doing so sustainably. They're doing so in partnership with my office and the mayor's office of Housing and they're they're creating a real partnership with nearby Buttars and given the closeness of the nearby voters, I urge them to contact the Copely Group and they did so and are really working in the community to ensure that while creating this affordable housing they're not disrupting the community throughout the process. Finally, CDC and the neighborhood has stepped forward and support and they've been a great partner and have been really responsive to the community needs and feedback so far that those reasons I hope that you will support this small project application. Thank you. Thank you. Councilor Chicken. OK, any questions or comments from the board? Madam Chair just again I wanted knowledge a sincere appreciation that this project is one hundred percent affordable and it has a really aggressive sustainability component to having passive house certification LEED Silver on site PV panels on the roof. I think further negates this false notion that you can have something that's high affordability metrics or very sustainable indeed they're doing both. We should celebrate more projects like this. We proudly supporting it well job well done to the team involved. Again, additional questions or comments from the right hearing and seeing InMotion is important. So such a personal Dr. Landsmark, I'm so sorry. I normally I just didn't I am the chair that I mentioned past this great, great project. Congratulations. Thank you very much. When I come OK, item number thirteen request authorization to issue a preliminary adequacy determination waiting for further review pursuant to Article eighty be large project review of the zoning code in connection with the draft project impact report filed by Skat Charles Gate LLC on December seven twenty twenty three for the proposed construction of four hundred residential rental units including sixty eight IDP units two thousand four hundred square feet of commercial space and two hundred bicycle parking spaces located at two Charles Kate Chu Charles eight West and to take all related actions Scott thank you Madam Chair members of the Board Secretary Wemyss and Director Johnson. My name is Scott Green on I'm a project manager for Development Review. The proposed project for you is an article ADP Large Project located on to Charles Game West and Conway. The proposed project comprises the construction of a twenty eight story residential building with approximately two hundred eighty five thousand square feet of growth for an area that will include four hundred residential rental units including sixty eight IP units two thousand four hundred square feet of retail at the Ipswich street level and nine thousand eight hundred square feet of amenity space. The residential rental units are compact units and are expected to be furnished with further details in the board memo. The proposed project will also be Passive House certifiable. There will be zero motor vehicle parking spaces and a minimum of two hundred resident parking spaces and bigram accessible from Ipswich Street. The proposed project is adjacent to the master proposal to replace and widen the overpass bridge that spans ninety and Bitchiest Framingham Worcester Commuter Rail Line and Ipswich Street three. Design of this infrastructure provides an opportunity for improving Charles Lindbergh and reconnecting the emerald necklace and back fence. The Charles River, the proponent and master are working to align the interface between the proposed project and over Bass Bridge project as a proposed project. New public stairway and Elevation will influence walking and bike patterns between project sites. The proponent while a project notification form for the proposed project on November 5th twenty twenty one followed by a draft project impact report on December seven twenty twenty three between December twenty twenty one and July twenty twenty four seven public and IAG meetings were appropriately advertised and held. The proposed project was approved by the Bosun's Design Commission on June twenty fifth over the course of Article Eighty being review the amassing of the proposed project have evolved in response to planning and urban design staff feedback and went through many iterations to arrive at its current design special consideration has been given to the surrounding surrounding context and environmental aspects specifically wind and shadow impacts. Planning staff to share additional information about zoning compliance and a presentation shortly. The proposed project is also subject to the Boston Municipal Code Section seven point four Dash Ten commonly referred to as a parks ordinance which has been the subject of discussion throughout the review process. The ordinance places limits on parcels abutting the Back Bay Fence in order to protect the open spaces from shadow impacts. The development team initially proposed a subdivision approach in order to exempt the parcel from this jurisdiction. This approach received significant opposition from the community and parks advocates for not meeting their standards of transparency and public process and was ultimately deemed not viable by the Planning Department and Parks Department staff in relation to this issue, the district councilor has proposed an amendment to the Parks ordinance that would allow this discussion to be had in a public forum and considered by the city council. Councilor Durkin will speak more to this proposed amendment to Parks ordinance. The proposed project is committing to various community benefits and mitigation items. Some of the most notable items include a new all day year round publicly accessible, open stairway and enclosed public elevator that will join a switch and Boylston Street and accessible public bathroom for park visitors that will be open year round and feature wayfinding a minimum of one thousand rental rentable square feet of retail space at Ipswich Street with a preference to a local and the minority business enterprise a woman owned business enterprise business at below market rent five hundred thousand dollars for parks and open space improvements in the immediate vicinity of the project site and two hundred thousand dollars for tree care in the vicinity of the project to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation. Any restriction or the full list of community benefits and mitigation items is the bottom line. Finally I would like to thank members of the Impact Advisory for IAG elected officials and the Fenway community who have consistently within the article and process over the last three years and helped shape a project you're about to see. I now turn it over to Alawi's from the planning staff to cover the planning context followed by Cassadaga and before the development team begins their presentation. Thank you. That evening TerraPass secretary for members of the board and director Jonathan my name is Our Lives and I'm the planner scientist project the proposed character to Charles Martire marks the gateway to the Western friendly neighborhood sitting prominently at the important crossroads and Neckless I Nimely and Boylston Boylston Street via the overpass it's well served by transit to stop t stop in almost a half mile. Notably the local neighborhood context has been evolving rapidly with public and private investment including the development of more than four acres at Fenway Corners which we just heard about during the public hearing and the construction of a thousand one Boylston on the turnpike er right past twelve at two hundred ninety eight feet in height. Next slide please. Currently there are three plans underway in the area of Transportation Action Plan which I previously discussed is a multi year analysis and design process to guide changes to Fenway streets in the public realm. In addition Mascotte has proposed replacing and winding the overpass bridge spans I which Scott spoke to and given that opportunity provided by this infrastructure improvement the Charles gave me a idealization plan aims to improve skate park by restoring the muddy river and reconnecting the emerald necklace to the Charles River. Next slide. And there's also more historical lands and there's a lot on the side that I'll walk you through. So continue with the plan and context. The most recent land use plan in my neighborhood was adopted in 2002 and codified in Article sixty six of the zoning code in twenty three the land use and urban design guidelines are set of land use and urban design recommendations including four new zoning subdistricts and Nodaway for special planning areas for two gateway parcels marked here on the map the eastern and Western edges the intent for this gateway area is to allow increased density and height to enable exemplary design including well considered mapping and detailing response exceptional site and environmental considerations and again the map on the left shows those two recommended subdistricts from the land use guidelines of twenty two. So based on these guidelines the zoning map and article sixty six zoning was amended to include Gateway Overlayed districts including the North Wilston Gateway Overlay District at the north eastern end of the neighborhood which is actually coterminous with the parcels that comprise the site of the proposed project head to Charleston West and Article sixty six of the zoning code states for the purpose of the Gateway Development Area Overlake districts is to provide zoning regulations that allow for the development of architecturally distinctive civic landmarks at major entrances to the family neighborhood and I want to know also since we've talked about the two gateway parcels at the Western parcel development has been approved and constructed. It's commonly known as the Pierce the building exceeds the height and they are in that way overly zoning which slightly different as demonstrated by that review process to effectuate the design and planning goals for the Gateway Castle. It has been our practice to support and density that exceeds zoning next by this again this chart compares key facts with the proposal somebody zoning in the middle of planning and policy on the right in terms of dimensions of the North Gateway O'Rielly district ramps increased height and density above the base zoning and that's the intent of that district. The proposed project seeks height and density that exceeds overlay district zoning. As I noted on the last slide the proposed project the project proposed and approved on the western side also exceeded the national regulations. Charles Gates is constrained by the shape topography of the site as well as existing easements over the course of Article EDV review, Ascott noted the proposed project has evolved in response to planning department feedback. Based on that we do recommend zoning but that I'll turn it over to the development team for more detail on the project. Thanks very much. Thank you Scott. Now and Councilor Durcan want to jump in and speak now or after the presentation I was planning to speak now that works better. Thank you Director of members of the family neighborhood of today is known and loved as a hub of entertainment and avenue for the arts a center for aspiring cuisine, a crossroads of academic offerings all providing historic natural gas via the historic protocol stone designed among West. In other words the venue today is a representation of the responsible sustainable community oriented growth and what is possible in our city what the family is missing in levels proportionate to its academic and cultural commercial and research opportunities, however, is housing. It is important to acknowledge the role that community has had in creating the picture of successful than the neighborhood. When I walked the Ramla mark running around Clementino when I pick up something on Boylston or take a watercolor class at a community center when I visit the MFA or take in a game at Fenway Park, I am cognizant that these experiences their existence, convenience and accessibility is thanks to dedicated members of my community guided by the transformative history of development in the Fenway Park and instructed by the community's participation in that group. I would like to voice my support for the proposal. One hundred units of housing to be built at Charles West. This product not only delivers on additional housing needs pressuring our city and our neighborhood by providing four hundred units of housing with 17 percent on site affordability but also brings a host of other benefits to the community through the collaboration of advocacy by the public and my office important this project Community Benefits a mitigation package has made commitments to support important goals of the city including resilient parks ,safe transportation, equitable access to business opportunities and robust supply of affordable housing. The project support of surrounding markets includes onetime contributions adding up to seven hundred thousand to the Boston Parks and Recreation Department and the Department of Conservation Recreation, Sport, Tree Care General Maintenance support for upcoming Charles Gate improvements to ongoing financial investment in our parks with the proponents commitment to the installation of two static's along the streets of Boston facing Staro Drive just a combination of civic engagement messages, wayfinding information and advertising to generate revenue which will be allocated to the Boston Parks Recreation Department and annual installments. Moreover, the surrounding transportation landscape will be improved by the addition of speed humps Ipswich Street to do decrease safe speed installation of bikeshare stations. In addition to the proponents commitment to host public road improvements including the inclusion of the public bathroom accessible to park users, the creation of important mediation between the Street and the Back Bay fans via a new public stair and elevator tree grates perhaps or street trees outside Benoni studios and lighting for statues on the Commonwealth Avenue Mall. Finally, I appreciate the proponents commitment to providing retail space and have surgery to a vocal minority and Women-Owned Business at 80 percent or less of the market rent and their support for additional affordable housing by their contribution of three hundred thousand dollars in support of the current AC DC in spite of the benefits brought to the neighborhood by this proposal namely the expansion of housing. I understand that there are passionate and legitimate concerns about this product's impact on parks. This project puts face to face, face to face with a critical tool about how do we accommodate the needed growth of our housing stock with adequate open space requirements can not be fulfilled and may in some cases be diminished. There is no easy solution to such trauma but I believe that thoughtful design elements of this project including a two four reduction as advocated by our office combined with the proponents ongoing commitment to funding the maintenance of surrounding public green space and finally my amendment to amend the park and parkways ordinance strikes are not an easy but successful balance to a broad conversation and question of our city's sustainable growth in the coming decades. I have worked diligently with community members, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department and a proponent to minimize harm to Parkland and set a high threshold for exemptions to ordinances included intended to preserve historic parkland by filing amendment to the City Park and Parkway ordinance which would exempt the Project Prakoso to Charles Gate West from complying with the five restriction for buildings within one hundred feet of historic park. When I filed this amendment prior to tonight's board submitting a draft that is responsive to feedback from the community including park advocates and our department, my filing of an amendment to the ordinance is an important departure from the original EPA proposal to subdivide the proponents Castle and permit the proposed height of their proposal via the subdivision by amending the ordinance we are prohibiting the proponent from our creative strategies to stop and subvert compliance with the Parkways protections. Instead, amending the ordinance allows one time site specific ordinance exemption requiring of the passage of this by the Boston City Council and the signature of the mayor while retaining the site from the parts department. This better maintains the power of our ordinance in this complicated situation the greatest urban landscapes have proven that density in green space can and must coexist throughout this public review process I witnessed an opponent who's made guidelines for his work coming from the public. I think that the project is better for from parks investments design choices that create a level experience around the building and importantly creating a new connection to the back fence. I believe that these critical investments in our parks and aspire housing including affordable housing that this project will benefit the Fenway neighborhood. I urge the board to support and approve this project for all the reasons I've outlined. Thank you. Thank you Councilor Durgan for your time, your effort in support and shaping the project. Good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board Director Jemison and Secretary Amos, thank you very much for the opportunity to present the proposed project to invest in the family neighborhood of Boston. My name is David Hunt and I'm the chief development officer for the proponent. Our development group has built and continues to operate a residential building in the Benway neighborhood and we have an engaged partner with various neighborhood groups for many years now. The project in front of the board today Jim Charles West has been shaped through a multi-year extensive process with the neighborhood the BDA, ECDC and various other city agencies and stakeholders. We worked extremely hard to craft a beautiful project that is sensitive to the neighboring open space addresses. The city's housing crisis provides major public forum improvements addressing the important nature of the site and finds a generous mitigation package to the benefit of our immediate neighborhood. The project will provide four hundred residential apartments including 68 onsite affordable apartments a wonderful public connection from Boylston Street to Ipswich Street, the public square that is open to the sky and an accessible elevator it has no on site parking and will be one of the largest electric passing house residential projects in the city of Boston. We are looking forward to further coordination with Mass DOT and DCR as they are scheduled to start construction the Balbir Overpass Project in 2025. I'm now going to hand off the presentation to Bret Benson from Util that is the lead designer and principal in charge from the design team. Thank you. Thank you, David and good evening, Madam Chair and members of the board. Thank you so much for your time tonight. I'm also joined by Brian Chu from the camp Design Our Landscape Architects and this is a very rich site that's influenced by city scales and neighborhood scale city block scale concerns the site really has to frontages one along Ipswitch Street at a lower level and one along the Back Bay Fence at upper level and the existing building is beyond its useful life and really does not do a good job of addressing its surroundings. It does however include a very well traveled but poorly led stairway tucked against a neighboring building one that provides very vital pedestrian connection between the vibrant activities around Fenway Park and the open space of the fence as well. This provides a very nice shortcut to East Fenway in the Back Bay beyond next slide please. So just zooming out to consider the citywide context the site sits at the intersection of two histories of urban planning and Boston. The first is a nineteenth century emerald necklace represented by the Commonwealth Avenue Mall Charles Gate Park in the Back Bay Fence and then the second is a 20th century idea of the high spine concentrate height and larger floor plates along the turnpike. These two very different contexts influence the massina in the material selection of our proposed building next slide at the neighborhood level. This site together with the Fenway Triangle where the Pierces located was identified as a gateway parcel as noted by planning staff and together with North-Eastern is building H these three parcels form really important gateway moments to the Fenway neighborhood. The Back Bay sends marks and just like building H and the Pierce we believe it's appropriate for a finely designed and tall building to Marchetti's important moments in the city skyline. So in this diagram we're documenting the various forces that have shaped the building massing as I noted the base zoning allows one hundred and thirty five feet of building height and the diagram on the upper left shows the site on the parcel setting the Messine back from the east side of the parcel allows for a 20 foot step back to the line with the pre-war buildings along Boylston Street and the setback also provides space for a new public stair an elevator connecting Ipswich Street with the Back Bay Fence we further adjusted the scene to limit the building height along Boylston to 70 feet to align with the neighboring buildings and concentrate the additional height along Ipswich where the impacts of shadows fall largely on the turnpike. So the proposed mass reflects these three major themes a generous public Starobin to the sky and an enclosed public elevator connecting Ipswich in the Back Bay Fence a wing along Boylston Street that is responsive to its pre-war neighbors and materials and massing and a taller wing along Ipswich that provides a distinctive architectural design to mark this importance the gateway. But it's also limited in its impacts on the immediate surroundings and I also just want to highlight our ambitious sustainability goals including passive health certification just to quote one metric outperform the city's greenhouse gas emissions targets within all electric systems and a very highly efficient building on the low side. And I'm going to head it off to Brian to talk through some of our ground improvements in more detail. Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair. Members of the board Quenneville Broncho landscape architect of this project with background Kim Design we start at the Boston level which is the above ground level connecting to the child's gate overpass the fence. There's been an ongoing concerted effort with Bastide on connecting the design of the new overpass as it develops here we see the key elements of the landscape design of the public square as well as the building entrance. There's been an effort on the building programing common areas adjacent to the landscape to provide eyes on the street and improve safety for the public space beyond within the landscape design or introducing material elements that are connected that connect the landscape to the fence such as boulders and stones and natural material that are common throughout the defense. Some are flush with paving others become natural outcropping and seating elements as suggested by the staff and the public. We're cutting down on hardscape areas and maximizing biodiversity of the landscape soundscape areas as well as defining the building entrances to make and making this their access field more outlook. We've also added the station on the Boilesen level at the request of the city also noting a key element of the entry to a public elevator lobby here as well as the public restroom being provided by the project. Next slide on a switch level there natural large stones carry down the stairs and onto the Ipswich streetscape. This helps to unite the site and serves as we find the elements we see here the entry to the elevator lobby as the Ipswich level and the open corner of the building that gains more visibility towards the public stair along the Ipswich Street we're proposing to remove the parallel parking along the south side of the of the street in order to add almost nine feet of space additional space for pedestrian realm as well as a drop of stone services, the building the loading for the building happens on the street behind the building in a private alley . Next slide back onto the Boylston level thus rendering shows planting areas that frame the residential entry and produced hardscape area as well. You see the connections to the stair and elevators and we've made the effort to make the stairs feel like the primary movement throughout the site. Next slide along the public stair we've broken down the scale of the stair wall by introducing the lower seating element planter element that matches the language of the history wall. We've also pulled back the other wall and entries a second layer of vegetation above the upper wall you see the windscreen and we're hoping to really materialize that windscreen so we see visually and doesn't feel like it's part of the wall on the other side on the building side the modifications to the corner really opens up the corner makes the stairs feel more visible and connected to the streetscape better handed back to Fred next slide. Thanks. So the building is designed to maximize the continuity between the public stair and the public elevator lobby. The stone materials of the stair continue into the public elevator lobby and a transparent glass curtain wall provides views between the stair and the lobby at the base of the stairs Brian was saying We carved out the lower levels to really connect the stair with the Ipswich Street and make it part of the public realm. Next slide and just looking at the stair from further west along Ipswich Street we worked hard to make the stair feel open and connected to the street and then the residential entrance of retail storefronts along Ipswich are finally detailed with granite base and metal panel tram X then moving up to Boylston Street. We very carefully studied the pattern, the materials, the variety of the neighboring pre-war buildings to inform the design of of our building block this frontage next slide so the Boylston wing of the proposed building is very carefully calibrated to align with the neighboring parapet and the brick and stone facade continue with some of the major horizontal lines from the pre-war buildings. We've broken the facade and a vertical base to continue the dominant architectural character along Boylston Street. Exide and moving further along Boylston Street to the Bouker overpass intersection you can see how the massing of the building steps back from the park edge as it gets higher. The lower Boylston Wing is detailed with warm earth tone bricks and sandstone to blend with the neighbors and the taller portion of the building as detailed with later toned bricks with projecting courses at the base to create more texture and variety where the building meets the ground. The taller section also picks up on the theme of breaking the facade into vertical base with angled faces that will catch the light in different ways throughout the day. Exline looking at the building from across a muddy river in the Back Bay fence, the steps massing to the building is the most apparent at each terrace landscaping on roof decks will help carry that image of greenery and open space up to the height of the height of the building. Next slide and just continuing around the building with the view from Landsdown Street. The tower forms the nice terminus to the street while the stepped passing allows for more distant views. The Prudential Center beyond next slide and then finally the view from the Bouker overpass coming from Staro Drive the building marks this important gateway to the Fenway neighborhood the brick and granite primary facade materials the fine detailing around the windows with warm metal panels and the subtle inflection of the facade of the penthouse to catch the light present what we think is a really refined and classic design that we think are going to pass the test of time at this important site. And I'll hand it back to David for the next slide. Thank you. Thanks, Brian. I don't think I need to run through this in in extreme detail. I think that Councilor Durgan as well as our project manager with the PPTA Greenwall presented this information already. I didn't want to specifically know that the project that was just for this project on the agenda the AC DC Queensboro Street project will hopefully be receiving funds from this project to help support that project. So thank you very much. All right. That concludes the presentation that doesn't great some questions or comments from the board. I think this is a really nice addition to that site and a vast improvement over what has been there all these years and I think it ties in very nicely with the improvements going into the home repairs. And I want to particularly commend your landscape architect for the connection to the park. Yeah, yeah I I second that public the public stairway like it it looks like it's going to like park so I really appreciate intentionality that that you guys made with just the design and the landscaping just really cool. OK any other questions or two in show just like so yes I'm coming from the stairway I'm very familiar with the stairway but coming up on to Boylston and you know the way the architectural team tries to blend in with the existing buildings on the site, I definitely appreciate that. I bet you a lot of other people do as well and this the back as well that definitely helps keeps the rhythm on the Boston side and I do like the look from the Landsdown point of view to to see a strong structural building in the background. So I definitely like what you have all done. Yes. No questions or comments right here. You say no emotion is in order. So moved second welcome further Dr Landsmark, I really I and it I am Champak I'm passes. Oh congratulations. Good luck. Awesome work ok item number sixteen request authorization to issue a certification of approval approval pursuant to article eighty a small project review of the zoning code for the proposed construction of twenty one home ownership units three hundred nine hundred eighty three square feet of commercial space and thirty four car parking spaces located nineteen oh five to 1911 Center Street and to execute community benefits agreement as to all related actions casing Madam Chair I need to remove this from the table. Oh God ok so there was I just go back to meeting so this agenda item was tabled so this court action for the board the nineteen eighty five there 1911 Center Street Project West Roxbury was scheduled to be held on June 13th. Twenty twenty four Dr Landsmark moved and the board voted to table the proposed actions for further consideration and at this time I move to take the table to take from the table the proposed actions for consideration. I'm asking for a second second . OK Okubo Cougher about Dr Landsmark I Mr Shepherd Mr O'Malley nay Miss Bennett I'm sorry I need clarification. This is just on tabling so that it can be considered again it's ok I as the chairman I mentioned passes ok I'm going to reread the the agenda item that was just removed OK so request authorization to issue a certification of approval pursuant to Article eighty easement project review of the zoning code for the proposed construction of twenty one home ownership units nine hundred and eighty three square feet of commercial space and thirty one car parking spaces located at nineteen oh five three 1911 Center Street and to execute community benefits agreement Ashiq all related actions. Casey thank you and good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board secretary of and Dr. Jemison. My name is Jason Hines, Senior Deputy Director of Development Review here at the Planning Department there once again before you to discuss the proposed project in nineteen five to nine 10 11 Center Street must very which includes twenty one residential units in ground floor commercial space as you know after a full presentation by staff and the proponent last there remain some outstanding questions and therefore the item was tabled. Staff have been working closely with the development team over the last few weeks to address all of your concerns tonight we would like to take the opportunity to walk through each of them. We would first like to address the letter that the chief of Street sent to the board on behalf of the Public Improvement Commission. The letter flagged that a member of the development team, Mr Garrett Martell, had outstanding commitments on a nearby project at One Hundred Wells Street. It has been clarified for us that while Mr Martell is listed as a permitting and construction consultant for the nineteen eighty five Senate Street project, he is not one of the proponents and he has ownership interest in the project. Anthony and Claudia are the only proponents for this industry products that we share and the chief's frustration regarding the absence of mitigation on the nearby project we acknowledge that these are two separate projects with separate ownership structures and therefore cannot be tied together. Additionally, it is our understanding that Mr Martell is working with the Public Improvement Commission to rectify the current conditions at the Wall Street site. Additionally, during the initial presentation last month this board called attention to the lack of affordability proposal again while the staff share your concerns in respect, we must acknowledge that this is a zoning compliant project. Therefore it does not trigger the inclusionary development policy as currently and its contribution is only required for projects over 10 units and in need of zoning relief. Well it is common practice for projects to voluntarily comply. It is not mandatory. It's important to note that this situation will be avoided in the future with the implementation of inclusionary zoning since all projects over seven units regardless of the need for zoning relief will be required to support restricted housing. Finally we want to acknowledge that there are still community concerns about this project as you have seen in the letters and your work package specifically the reporters who have retained an engineer to review the plans which have been presented to Estey Eigsti is the city department responsible for determining if the project zoning compliance and they are confident in their decision? It is worth noting that both the BPA and I participated in mediation and in court regarding this project where I had worked extensively with the opponent and confirmed that all measurements and plans submitted are accurate. As part of the mediation agreement with BP I was required to post an additional public meeting which was held on May 22nd and then putting the project for this board for your consideration given that it has fulfilled all requirements if any. We appreciate your diligence in raising these issues last month and we hope that this update provides clarity given the specific constraints in this unique situation. We urge you to support this project tonight. Tracy, vice president of the Mail and Associates and Representative, the proponent is in attendance. Do you have any additional questions? Thank you. Thank you, Casey. Any questions comments from the I just want to thank thank you for clearing clearing all those items up and again I appreciate appreciate the work and then all the the thoroughness of your presentation on those items today. So there are no other questions or comments. Emotion is an order solo so I will call for a vote. Dr Landsmark Shepherd Nay Mr Bennett abstained and the chair that I mentioned passes. Thank you Casey. OK, item number 18 request authorization to assign existing affordable housing agreements, affordable housing agreement and restrictions and all the relevant documents related to the Inclusionary Development Policy Program to the Mayor's Office of Housing Devon Devon about care members the board the record of the deputy here I am here today with member represents an important step forward in our continued efforts to improve the oversight and delivery of affordable housing here in Boston. The background, the Inclusionary Development Program or any key was created through a 2009 executive order by Mayor Thomas Menino and something subsequently amended several times last year as opposed to, you know, the zoning commission passed inclusionary zoning and this new zoning will replace the policy but it takes effect now which is planned for August 1st of this year in addition to the affordable housing units that are created through private development through the IDP program, the mayor's Office of Housing also oversees a large portfolio of affordable housing units that were created through private trust funds. Taxpayers and other subsidy sources. As a member, Bonanos very, very well. Until a year ago the BBA and the mayor's office housing were both both overseeing parallel and very similar affordable housing compliance programs for both these stocks of affordable housing and mortgage managed compliance income protection explained through these subsidy programs. But we managed the private development programs at these two agencies different methods and requirements for managing compliance and different processes for the source of some confusion and frustration both internally and our systems and also maybe more importantly externally for our constituents experience of affordable housing programs . So in advance of the move of staff to the city planning environment last October the mayor emerged that you can find staff under the authority of the mayor's Office of Housing and staff were both physically functionally transferred to A.H. With this vote we're asking the board to authorize the assignment of all affordable housing agreements entered into into entered into by the EPA under the conclusionary development policy to A.H. This commonness will not only improve the delivery of the program but also ensure that constituents seeking affordable housing in our city experience a common set of rules and policies regardless of the type of affordable housing unit that they are seeking. Thank you and I'm happy to answer any questions, any questions or comments for the All right here on CNN. >> Our motion is in order. So moved second about Dr Landsmark. I never neurally I sent my and the chair that I motion passes thanks very much. Item number nineteen request authorization to extend the downtown office to residential conversion incentive pilot program and related procedures until December thirty first twenty twenty five and to adopt the demonstration project policy for successful applicants John oh good evening. Thank you to row members board chief Jemison's Secretary Polynice my name is John while I am the senior program manager for Downtown Office to Residential Conversion Program . Next slide please. I'd like to spend a few minutes now to take you through a brief presentation by reading a summary update on the downtown conversion tax payment program as I shared with the board before, the goal of the original program was to proactively incentivize the conversion of older office buildings into new residential rental properties in downtown Boston, thereby simultaneously reducing the supply of underutilized older office space and creating much needed housing including affordable options producing a win win for Boston. The pilot program has always been meant to be a catalyst a proof of concept the office residential conversion not the solution to the entire problem . Next slide please. But just to give a brief overview of the timeline which some of you have seen before back in twenty twenty planned downtown identified office or residential conversions as a potential solution for the city of Boston. Fast forward to July twenty twenty three post pandemic mayor will announce the launch of the program on October 12th. Twenty twenty three BPA board adopted the demonstration plan area for the 121 B pilot program thereby launching it then in March 14th twenty twenty four the BP board granted Article V approval for the first conversion project to one Franklin Street in June of twenty twenty for the building permit for the same project 21 Franklin Street was issued you know capping the approval and permitting process in an expedited fashion. And finally as we get to July twenty three for where we stand today we have ten applications submitted to next slide please . The initial progress with the progress the program has been very positive. We have received ten applications to create four hundred eighty nine units of housing across fourteen buildings converting almost half a million square feet of older office space exceeding the initial goals of the city. This progress includes creating affordable units on site at twenty percent of IDP consisting of eighty four units at sixty percent EMI and fourteen units for Section eight voucher holders originally slated to end on June 30th. Twenty twenty four applications will now be extended on a rolling basis through December twenty twenty five with approvals given in applications applicants must commit to a full building permit and start construction by December 31st twenty twenty six in order to get much needed housing built as fast as possible and just for the board's edification the image showing here on the left is ninety five Berkeley Street one of our more recent applications to the downtown conversions program. Next slide please in terms of the extension of the program is fairly straightforward. The program is as I stated was originally scheduled to sunset on June 30th. Twenty twenty four the importance of extending this program by an additional eighteen months through December 20 25 is to continue directly support owners and developers of older underutilized office buildings and converting to new residential units as the need remains keen in the market today in Boston the program would continue to offer the seventy five percent average tax payment for twenty nine years and it would be supported by city resources to help move the project forward as before the projects must comply with the you ISO requirements of twenty percent on site as well as district code for Green Energy. But the extension of the program would be through December twenty twenty five with projects must be fully permitted within one year of application and there is still a two percent transaction charge in the event of sale. However that will just be for the first five years of the program. We are excited by the opportunity to extend the program you know and what it offers through envisioning and revitalizing downtown Boston. Thank you for your time this evening and do you have any questions? Thank you. Questions or comments from the boy I'm sorry you look like you're going to say something right? I didn't think this is really cool and you know and I love that it's getting a lot of interest recognition on on a national scale. I've seen some really cool articles talking about what we've been doing and yeah, this is the I'm glad to see that it's working so I will I was gonna say similar I know John I was able to meet John all I am glad to is taken off. You know it was going to take a while so take a few people to you know just start it off and then other people to follow. So I'm glad to see things are going well and I just keep it going. We do need housing and a lot of our office spaces are vacant so I hope that changes. Thank you. Great. If there are no additional questions or comments, a motion is an order so move Psychon Dr. Landsmark Shepherd OMalley I beg and the bishop asks Thank maybe item number twenty Mike now. Oh thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board Madam Secretary and Director Jimerson we have a number of items for your consideration on the agenda but the exact details are included in the board members. We have policy and procedure changes with the adoption of eleven the city of Boston policies with the exacty details in the board memos and as we had the move to the city employees we have 60 Bahra terminations as well with the details that are included in the board at all. Thank you to any questions and questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing that emotion is an order some a second ago Dr. Landsmark Shepherd normally I in the chair that I mentioned Kassis item number twenty one contractural I need a motion to pay bills the move that we pay our bills second but will confirm that Dr. Landsmark. Hi, Mr. Shepherd. I I have that time you passes please pay bills and Dr. Jackie Dr. Jamison. Cheers and applause Thank you very much. Members of the board Tero great to see everyone. Good evening. Thanks for your time and attention tonight we approved five new building projects tonight. Four hundred and eighty four new residential units. Ninety nine of those out we're entering restricted equaling about twenty percent. The lowest cost estimate is over three hundred and seventy five million dollars and they represent over four hundred fifty thousand square feet of new development of which the predominantly residential well constructed four hundred and forty and tradespeople will go to work creating fifty direct jobs and two hundred twenty indirect jobs. Another Green Board meeting for a range of reasons which I'll try to summarize quickly tonight for all listening first and foremost try to acknowledge that since we last met many of our dedicated staff have transitioned over into the city of Boston to new planning department format ordinance earlier this year. I'm very proud of our staff always but in particular how they've handled this change move represents a very important step in the mayor's plans to change our planning and development are done in Boston and restore planning as a function of city government for the first time in 70 years as I know it has been explained hopefully successfully earlier the planning department is going to be the city department that serves this great board and for those watching in case is any confusion while the recommendations of the board will come from the planning department, the board is still in Boston Planning and Development Agency board governing the Boston Redevelopment Authority and the Economic Development Industrial Corporation of Boston. The mayor has legislation at the state House that would make changes to the agency charter but that is not yet been approved by the legislature until it is what will continue to be referring to you is the EPA board so that's important no second vote would be on White Stadium. There's been a few highlights tonight. I want to recognize that White Stadium was one of them. The board approved a major project this evening to renovation and rebuilding of White Stadium through a public private partnership with Boston UNITIES. Our partners located in Franklin Park, NYC suffered years of disinvestment as a desperate need of repair. Built in nineteen forties, the ten thousand seat stadium was designed to host high school sporting events and other community celebrations due to a fire decades ago. Seems Koliada compliant or several state medical codes in order to ensure the stadium would be functional and significant. Madidi for the public Boston Unity will rebuild the West grandstand as ad so amazed the site and city of Boston will invest 50 billion to invest to improve and rebuild the East grandstand together the private will create a World-Class soccer stadium to be used by Boston Public School students to community and professional women's soccer players. Unity will also maintain and operate the facility on behalf of GPS, which will allow the school system to redirect funds otherwise need to be allocated for maintenance of the stadium . I want to thank our some of our senior leadership team members who worked tirelessly on this project first on Take Amy Chambers planning and zoning team were able to deliver a zoning changes to pave the way for us to realize this project. Second and very importantly, I wanted to highlight the work of Diana Fernandes and her team spent an enormous amount of time on city with other city departments which were represented well in the in the description and the architects of the project to make sure the community voices were incorporated and we could deliver a vision of design that serves the city and our residents took a lot to keep this project going and to be the binding element. I want to thank our team for playing that role. This project would not have been possible without the work of staff across the city more than 50 public and small group meetings and thousands of public comments over the last two years and then made revisions in response to the feedback that we received from the community. It's proud of the engagement and look forward to seeing the White Stadium become a World-Class facility that are that Bostonians deserve finally ,I just want to highlight a couple of Fenway developments two residential properties in the Fenway, a large part approved tonight and for over 400 housing units is the to Charles project as well as as well as Queensbury Street 112 114 Queensborough Project outside to see so many new homes that will be built in this neighborhood, I want to thank the staff at community who have been involved in both these projects. Members of the board. Thank you for taking the crucial votes tonight. I know you have you we bring a lot of interesting and challenging and exciting votes to this board every month. I appreciate your diligence questions tonight and I'd like to pass it back to you. Jim Rogers with my thanks. Thank you. Why it's so I just need a motion to adjourn this meeting the second Dr. Landsmark Shepherd I know O'Malley I studied I in the chair that I mentioned Cassius thinks everyone great meeting and we'll see you next month. I those