here you good evening everyone folks let me know when we're ready to go we're ready Chief go ahead thanks good evening everyone my name is Dion Irish I'm the chief of operations of the city of Boston and a lifelong Dorchester Roxberry Madan resident and I will be your facilitator for tonight's meeting tonight we will learn more about the transportation plan for the Dorchester neighborhood the goal of this meeting is to gather feedback about the current plan to ensure that it minimizes the impact on the community who lives around the park we're joined today by various City sta staff members including members of the community engagement team the mayor's office the Boston transportation department the Boston Unity soccer partners and their transportation consultant Brian bisel from Howard Stein Hudson next slide for all our participants we must maintain respect for others in this space please use ey statements if you're representing a neighborhood association or grp please share this is a public meeting but the purpose is to discuss the transportation plan for Dorchester we will prioritize doorchester residents comments and we ask you that you keep your comments and questions solely about the transportation plan for tonight for more information on other topics and other opportunities to engage please see the white Stadium website or email wh Stadium that's one word at Whit Stadium we are limiting residents to two minutes for comments and I apologize can we go back one slide I want to make sure we get our interpreters set up so at this point I want to um give each interpretator interpreter opportunity to give instructions on how folks can access um language um starting with Spanish interpreter Chief um the interpreters are already in their rooms so if folks are looking for interpretation in Spanish Haitian cre or Cape Verdian creel um please go to the bottom of your screen and click on the little Globe icon and we will start interpretations now thanks Luke so pick it up from when we left off so as project managers we will collect review uh your feedback during the question and answer um section and we'll also be including polls in this conversation this evening we'll answer as many questions in the chat as we can and if your comments are not addressed during the discussion please feel free to reach out to us at Whit Stadium next slide please so tonight's agenda will focus as I mentioned before on Transportation the agenda is to quickly touch on a high level project overview and the proposed BPS Community benefits we also cover the transportation planning approach proposed multimodal approach for nwsl game days applying the plan to real life scenarios and then we'll open the floor for discussion throughout tonight's meeting we will be incorporating sections for folks to provide live feedback and to ask questions next slide so LCA you providing instructions on this slide Al righty so um I can step in here so as you'll see on the screen um we are here today to talk about transportation and just want to get a quick pulse check um this is also a test of slido throughout the presentation so what you'll see is a question on the screen and then you'll see a QR code that you can scan or you if you're on your phone or laptop go to oh I think I put slide it's it's um slide with uh slido SLI Doo and um you'll input that number there's no need for a space um so I'll keep we'll keep this open for a minute and and see the uh responses come in awesome I see residential parking definitely going to cover that today data from upd Transportation study all righty so these are um some of the topics we'll cover today um but again this is also to get you acquainted with CYO and how we'll um we'll work on this how we'll work uh cido and to the presentation today I hand it back to you Chief thanks Ani um next slide please so now we want to talk a little bit more about the project and the proposed benefits this partnership will provide for Boston Public School students and the community next slide if you talk to Stadium users from 70s and from once today and I'm one of those included um who played High School football at White Stadium the stadium has been in deep need of repair for for many decades and as you can see from this slide from the 1970s to 1990s to 2000s there have been many attempts um as recently as as 201 15 to revitalize this the stadium but despite all these attempts there's never been the right combination funding partnership and and public benefits for a plan to succeed next slide please the proposed project at White stadium is going to deliver tremendous benefit for the city of Boston for BPS students and Fanon Park this slide highlights just a few of the key benefits of this project that it will provide for the community for instance a private a partner would help us to deliver amenities and quality of programs that would be very challenging for us to provide on our own these amenities include new indoor and outdoor amenities a high quality grass Fe a 400 meter track that meets state regulations and athletic Hub with amenities that also serve the public this partnership also provides sustainable maintenance to preserve these Investments this project would also provide space for numerous economic benefits for local residents and businesses some of the major economic benefits include new construction jobs for women minority and black own businesses opportunities for local business $500,000 annual community benefit fund the renovating white Stadium would help to catalyze investment and implementation of the Franklin Park action plan Additionally the amenities and the operational plan created due to Stadium renovation will help support other large events that currently take place at Franklin Park with with no solidified plan for example the transportation plan will be able to be put in place for large events such as the half Marathon mitigating impact on the community I'll turn it over to Ani now oh one more before I go just want to highlight this slide here is just a sample of what a schedule could look like um showing you the the robust access that um we will continue to have for community events for BPS programming for summer camps that happen there the Special Olympics kitties Carnival Cross Country Events and you can see in the green those would be that's a projection of the usage that the Boston Unity soccer team would have so as you can see it's less than 10% of the overall schedule but again this is a sample schedule just to give an idea of what that could look like we've now turned over to Ani and be back later on awesome thank you Chief um so I what Chief just provided is an overview and a foundation for all of us to um dive into the transportation plan um I see a few of you that have been at almost every single meeting so just want to say thank you for being here um and um for your engagement throughout this process um I'm Ana Moreno I'm on the mayor's policy team and I'm also a lifelong Roxbury resident um and I'm going to walk you through now that we have uh why we're pursuing this project um how we approach Transportation Planning um and we want to make sure that it's reflective of the engagement the engagement we've collected so far um and also want to take a moment to thank uh some of the groups present here who have provided their feedback to develop this plan um liveable streets Franklin Park Coalition thank you for um meeting with us and sharing your feedback and even implementing a survey there's just so much work going on behind the scenes from community members that really care about the park as a whole um and all this feedback we're trying to create a plan that is comprehensive accessible and responsive to community needs so what you'll see here is um the question that we've been approaching over the past uh few months so uh here we have how do we best met mitigate trans traffic congestion for nwsl soccer game days to serve both residents and visitors and improve Transportation challenges for existing large events so as we've talked to you we've heard about how there are existing Transportation challenges there are there are many other challenges that we can approach um with this project and catalyze some of those uh move forward some of those plans that you've proposed for the park as a whole uh through this project so since the RFP um Boston Unity soccer submitted a preliminary Transportation plan um and since then we've partnered with them to refine the plan using the six uh tools that you see at the bottom of the screen so the first is all the public feedback we've gathered um if you go on the website you'll see uh FAQs from these meetings and you can see the recordings so we've definitely sifted through that in those chats um second we have the Franklin Park action plan guidelines this is a very thoughtful um report for Frank uh what Franklin Park needs and we've definitely looked through it and ensured that we're um using the the the guidelines that are already uh dispos U Already available to us third we have um city transportation initiatives in nearby areas uh we know that it may feel like there's a lot going on in the neighborhood and it this this process has actually helped our team align internally and have more conversations across all our different departments to make sure that we're communicating better with you all um about what's happening in your neighborhood and how we can coordinate all the projects going on uh fourth we um looked into the in-depth traffic management analysis um and fifth we reviewed City enforcement tools to apply so I saw someone mentioned um RPP before we'll definitely touch on that and we looked at what other City tools we can use in this process uh to um to answer this question the key question above and then lastly we reviewed um all the city in Boston soccer staff commitments that we now have um the city is definitely putting a lot of investment and um is hiring a new parks Franklin Park administrator and um more maintenance staff to help support some of the work the park needs um and Boston un soccer is also going to um hire a community engagement director and U some other positions that we'll talk about throughout the presentation so these are all the tools that we know we have on hand and what we looked at uh to be able to present to you an updated proposal today um so after we we have a sense of what what do we know so far and what are all the moving pieces we developed Transportation goals for game day's ey white Stadium so I'd love for you to put in the chat if you think something is missing or if you're not sure something's included here but these are the goals we came up with for game days so one improve pedestrian safety accessibility and wayf finding of Park entrances two make it easy for neighborhood residents and park visitors to get around three encourage use of sustainable transportation choices four ensure efficient traffic management during large events and five use new and existing tools to protect parking and mobility in the surrounding neighborhoods especially during big or large events so in the meantime uh White stadium has has and continues to be the home to many community events that um uh are beloved to many of us we have bamfest here we have Kitty Carnival the Puerto Rican festival um graduations cross country we meet so many more um community events that um that bring our communities together and as previously mentioned uh the we know that there are challenges with putting on large events um for example last year there were 15,000 people at bamfest um the stadium will have a about a 10 10,000 seat capacity so one of the advantages of this project is that we'll use this proposal uh for game days to apply to all the other large events and then also um gives us an opportunity to look at what we can do for medium and smaller events so um I'm going to hand it off now to Brian um Brian is from Howard Stein Hudson the transportation consultant um to share an updated Transportation plan for game days and again we want to re reiterate while we're talking about game days today we really want to use this as a blueprint for um other large events we host so Brian I'll hand it to you here hey that good evening everyone Brian Belle from from Howard s Hudson um the most of the what I'm going to discuss is like aie said is is directed at the the Boston Unity events but a lot of this can also then be applied from for the city from from other uh for other event days that aren't related go ahead for the next slide so when we talk about transportation we talk about the different ways to to get to the events and this is known as the mod chair um we have a mo chair with with five different uses of public transportation um people that drive and a big part of this for people that are new to the process is that there is no on side parking so anyone who wants to drive will be parking at off-site facilities and then we will shuttle them into the to the area um of course there's right chair and and Uber and lift that we're not encouraging people to use but but people are certainly going to use it um so we have to Pro you know provide a way so that that operates smoothly and doesn't cause issues and then of course B uh biking and walking which you know ideally would be as many as we can it's the greenest uh Transportation alternative and and also the the least um impactful to the streets so as far as numbers all of the analysis and and calculations that we've used for this we've assumed 40% for public transportation um 40% for the off-site parking 10% for the ride chair and then 5% for biking and walking um it's important to note and we'll get into more detail but we're assuming 5% for for biking but we're actually going to provide bike parking for almost twice that much so um it'll be you know if if biking is higher than the 5% we're we're assuming then we're we're ready to commentate that next slide please um so really again you know 40% on public transportation and you know people think that some you know this is sit's a Transit desert as people would say but as you can see on this graphic there's actually a number of bus routes that drop uh that drive in the area and go by and have bus stops that are very close to the area um there is also the orange line of course which has two stations in walking distance um and then there's two stations and again we'll get into more detail on this but two stations where we'll be providing shuttles um and even the shuttle from the Fields Corner Stop uh station on the red line next uh slide please so here's just a graphic that shows a little context um you know some some responses that we've heard is that Green Street is too far to walk uh and there's no other options so the the one on the left just shows the distance from Green Street walking um to the stadium the middle graphic shows a lot of the bus routes that have or stops that are very close to the site um and then on the right is a comparison so Green Street you know I firmly believe is in walking distance for a stadium in an event like this and on the right is Foxboro Stadium with the New England Patriots and it just shows the size of the parking facilities there and that you can have a very similar walk of 7 miles if you're parked uh in different places at at Foxboro Stadium and then there's even you know parking on the other side of Route One which without police details having people cross the street there wouldn't really be a walking destination so it's certainly not as pleasant and nice as a walk as it is from Green Street to the stadium but this is what people do when they go to large events um and they're they're used to it and it's not out of the ordinary to have to walk a little over a half a mile next slide please um I'm gonna hand it off this to William moose the next few slides are more about the city's initiatives in the area thank you Brian um yeah so I'm just going to speak briefly about some of the efforts that we have at the city underway to improve pedestrian safety really safety for everyone who uses neighborhood streets so the city's launched um an initiative that we're calling the safety surge where we are now just uh installing speed humps on neighborhood streets um sort of as as a program um and so you can see this map here which is showing um streets in Black here are streets that have already had speed humps installed streets in pink are ones that are programmed to have speed humps installed um in the uh in the next two years and then the blue would be streets that would be eligible for future phases of uh of speed hump installation and again that that's just a great um a great program that makes all these streets safer to walk safer to bike um and safer to drive on um next slide well I think this is actually maybe back to Brian um talking about the vi Valley yeah sorry about yes so so William we'll just handle this as it comes up right um so I think everyone knows we're doing uh presentations for three different neighborhoods and this ORD might be a little bit different than what we were expected but that's all right we can we can handle this William um so like I said we're we're we're expecting about 5 to 10% of uh people to use bikes and on site we are going to have uh bike parking for for both private bikes which would be a valet service um similar to a cooche where you you get your you're able to put your bike in a secured area and then retrieve it at the end of uh the event and then we're also doing uh we'll be doing blue bike Valley which is you know there's a blue bike station uh within Franklin Park the closest one is right near Walnut Avenue um but when the dock is either full or empty that's the end of the usefulness of of blue bike so the valet is actually having an attendant there that will take your bike after if you take a bike to the stadium you put it in the dock and then after it's registered the attendant takes it out so now that that that's that um dock is available for the next person and then vice versa they now have a stack of bikes in the area when the event's over we're not limited to the 19 bikes in the station right if someone takes a bike and the docks are emptied out then the attendant puts in another bike and and we're able to use uh valet for a lot more people than just what one station can accommodate um this graphic shows the two blue dots to the lower right of the stadium is where the the bike valet parking would be and then another key component on this traffic um is just how many different walking and biking trails there are within Franklin Park to get to the stadium in and around the stadium um so next slide please all right um so this is another one for me so like I said you know we're encouraging everyone to to take um public transportation and walk in bike but we know that certain you know element of the of our um of our spectator are going to want to drive and if they're going to drive then they're going to be told right right from the beginning the messaging when they go on the website before they even buy a ticket as they buy tickets and then as events approach the messaging will always be from the team that there is no parking on site and then there is no parking in the area for for that would be available for spectators and we'll get the city will get into a lot more detail about on Street um outside of the park but so after that message is received if they still decide they want to park they'll be parking in Satellite facilities that we will then shuttle them in these this parking would have to be pre- purchased so we'll know exactly how many people are showing up at each uh location and that will determine how many uh buses that we need to service that that location for that game what you're seeing on the map here is just a general idea of where these locations would be they're not specific facilities but the idea being number one in the lower right would serve uh 93 to and from the south uh number two on the left there know you can't see it on this graphic it is just inside the 95 and 128 Corridor um to the West you know it's likely was not shown on this map we would probably have another facility along Route nine somewhere um route three would really be kind of the inner western suburbs and and uh urban urban towns you know such as Watertown and and Newton uh you know cities and towns that although they're they're close there's really not public transportation that they could get to easily um so if they end up driving there would need to be somewhere for them and then start finishing the Loop Number Four is um people two and from 93 on the north right so these are known as what we call catchman areas and and we need to continue working on this and and figuring out exactly which facilities um we'll be using but there are facilities in this area that will make it um efficient for people that are driving to just use these shuttles right instead of driving into the neighborhood and seeing if they can get lucky and find a space that's not going to be intended for them to be using um so this graphic now as we get closer and I see a question in the chat the satellite parking sites there I mean I I have ones in my mind but we haven't started not negotiations yet and really we're you know we're trying to to keep some of that um to be determined in the future just so that as we're negotiating for the use of those um you know that it's more equal uh way to create the contract with the facilities um this graphic here as I said starts moving in closer you can see there's blue lines and red lines and purple lines so the blue lines are where we would expect the satellite parking shuttles to be running so on you know for Dorchester specifically on the right side of Blue Hill a have coming up Columbia Road of course connecting um Columbia Road taking that to 93 the red lines that are shown over there would be connections potentially to transit station so Fields Corner on the red line and then you know the hope and intent of the te is to make the Four Corners Geneva Station which is on the Fairmont line and and just commuter rail at this point and not running all that frequently to change that to the Indigo line and have more frequency and if that occurs then obviously it would make a lot of sense for us to be using that as a a connection point and then where those blue lines and red lines overlap they become purple so as you enter the park and and come down Columbia Road it's it's you have both shuttles and uh both TR uh transit station shuttles and the satellite parking shuttles and with all that said and done you know coming into um Franklin Park again from the East impacting georgest to the most we have 49 shuttle trips um and that would be over the course of two hours before a game and and two hours after a game so you would be looking at about 25 shuttles an hour which is about you know one every two minutes or even less than one every two minutes so although we're relying heavily on these shuttles and can actually get about 6,500 of the spectators into the site from these shuttles even with these volumes you're still talking about you know a bus coming every every two minutes so it's not going to be this um extensive line of buses like occurs when there's a orange line shutdown say and we we have to switch to buses and it just takes a lot more of the vehicles to to compensate for not having the uh trains next slide please um so this again let simp impactful to Dorchester but this is another shuttle route that we're having again like I said there was Jackson Square um and Forest Hills which was on the last graphic um again you know blue lines showing where we would have satellite parking routes and then purple lines where the red overlaps um and from this side we'd be expecting to see 57 shuttle trips and the reason why and again that's over two hours so once again you know less than than one uh every two minutes um and the reason why this is higher than say through Dorchester is because we really expect most people to use the orange line um to use for the most of that commute and then these shuttles would be used just for the last you know the last mile connection there's also an expectation that a lot of people will just take the orange line to the Stony Brook and greet Street stations which you kind of saw on the on the map previously right um of people walking from those areas into the into Franklin Park next slide please um so here's the question that just came up in the chat about traffic signals and not that there there signals but on the left here shows where we would have traffic operations managers um along sver Street and I'll go over in detail why we have have the four of them here so starting on the top at Siver and Columbus EV and walnut EV we would have uh traffic control there to mod you know make sure that the buses are getting in and out and that traffic flow is is moving as well as possible and I say that understanding that on week night evenings that traffic does not flow all that well now we're not here telling you that there are no existing traffic issues but the intent of the traffic operation person would be to make sure that it's operating is as well as possible for all the users um if you go down School in Walnut Avenue there you know we expect there to be a lot of pedestrians there as I said walking to and from the orange line so we really need to control that intersection um the buses will also be coming out there so there'll be a little bit of interaction there so we need we need someone there and then where it says Pier Pont Road is the existing entrance to the Franklin Park near White Stadium we would need traffic operations there for for two reasons one so the buses can make the left turn to get into Franklin Park but then also to make sure that there are no private Vehicles entering the park because that is would not be allowed during events and that's not allowed other than the small parking area that's there now there is no uh vehicle entrance there or access to the rest of the park and then if you switch over to the right saver Street at humble Avenue again we're not encouraging people to use ride shair but we know they will and there's an existing parking lot SL it's an old uh trolley turnaround for for the trolleys that used to be there and we're going to use this area as the uh R shair so everyone would be directed for pickup and drop off to go to this address we're going to change the address of white stadium so it shows up on sver street so that is where um you know the apps will be directing uh people to go um on the right side getting closer to Dorchester which is also in in in the comments of how are we going to protect parking within the existing parking that's within the park you know our intent again is to message it right from the beginning that there is no parking in the park or the surrounding streets but there is existing parking that's available so it's going to be you know somewhat of uh enticement for people to use it so we're going to have parking ambassadors at the entrances to the parking areas to make sure that people that are using those parking facilities aren't Spectators this isn't going to be at the entrance to Franklin Park this would be you know off on the side you still be able to use circuit Drive the way you do today um but at the parking facilities themselves would be where we have our parking ambassadors to make sure that the spaces are are being used for what they're intended for which is not not the soccer Spectators and I see y there you go so Lauren Thompson you have is the turnaround area by the used by the church on Saturdays it is we have been in discussions with them we'll continue to be in discussions with them um again if you look on the left it's just the area to show where this is along sver Street and how it relates to the stadium and then on the right is a detail of exactly how we would operate right so we would be able to park cars there if the church is there if there's a a conflict in the timings but the church uses the parking lot towards the um and again we need to have more conversations with them but from what we've gathered so far their their events are mostly Saturday in the late morning whereas most of our games that would occur current Saturday would be in the late afternoons or evenings so that probably won't be an overlap but if there is there is room within the existing asphalt that's there to do both operations at the same time um also shown on this graph or this graphic is that currently the this area is two different driveways and that means that you can only make a right in and a right out and we're proposing to modify that so that there's one driveway right in the middle of the The Humble Avenue intersection and as I said there would be a traffic operations person directing traffic and keeping people um out of you know two things they'd be one making sure the traffic is operating as well as possible on Siver Street and then also ambassadors within the ride share area itself to make sure people are getting lined up with their cars and and people are making sure that's running efficiently so it's not backing up into uh Siver Street um next slide please and I will hand this off commissioner go from BTD can everyone hear me sorry I was on mute there we got you now all right so I want to talk about how we plan to preserve uh neighborhood parking and Mobility so BTD is proposing to create neighborhood specific Game Day Parking program program uh for residents and their visitors on streets within the identified white Stadium walk area these plans will be tailored uh to the needs of each respective neighborhood the program will allow residents with a doorchester resident permit parking sticker on their vehicle to park on streets where parking is prohibited on game days we're not proposing to expand uh RPP at this time in post RPP regulations however residents will be able to apply for a sticker and that will exempt them from parking uh in the restricted areas on on game days additionally we're proposing a new program um which will allow uh visitors to obtain a placard or a hang tag um regardless of vehicle ownership so so long as they live on a street in the white Stadium uh walk area we're proposing that um it would be one visitor permit per household issued annually we would likely change the color of that um to help with with enforcement next slide please so let's talk about enforcement so um first and foremost as Brian mentioned um Boston Union will hire an executive leader to engage with the community members um on coordination of all operational conserves traffic parking trash cleanup Etc um BTD is proposing to create a new event fee violation um which would be $100 for parking um on game days in the designated areas this is similar to a fee that we created around Fenway Park which has been successful um we would also install toezone no stopping signs on game days uh again in the uh area of the um white Stadium uh proposed walk area um we have sample signs here um which is a sign that we use up and around Boston College in in Brighton this program has been in place for a number of years and has been successful uh again residents with an RPP sticker and their visitors would be exempt from this uh these regulations would go into effect four hours before a game and remain in effect for an hour after the game um additionally BTD would bring on a dedicated um enforcement shift uh they would be assigned to this period before during and after the game um to enforce these regulations and towing would be activated to support that enforcement uh if if necessary um and within the park um as as as it's been mentioned prior um soccer game attendees will not be allowed to park in in the Franklin Park Lots uh we're committed to retaining parking for key Park destination such as the zoo the golf course the Shad picnic area and the tennis courts uh Park Rangers and BPD offices will be the primary parking um will be the primary individuals enforcing uh parking within the park but they'll be supported by those game day traffic ambassadors uh that's been mentioned previously all Park visitors will also be able to access the free Boston Unity uh soccer shuttles from the MBTA stations on game days um and we'll continue to work closely with the Franklin Park stakeholders such as the zoo uh the golf course and to create Unique Kind of operational plans for those those facilities within the park and this map right here is showing the um white Stadium um uh walk area um this is the area shaded in in Orange again this would be where these uh restrictions would be in a place would be in place but but um residents with RPP stickers uh as well as their visitors would be allowed to park um again this is based on the radius that we expect visitors would be willing to park and and walk to the venue this is what we really want your feedback on uh we want to know if these are the right streets um we can pop to the next slide you can see a little bit better map um of the streets here and then we'll also um think we could drop into the chat um and Al a list of of the streets uh and if not we will we can email it after but again we really we really want feedback um to make sure that um these are the right streets um you know to in in this walk area and if we jump to the next slide um we have a we have a survey where where we can get some kind of immediate feedback on that so well put in the chat the the slider link and number I'm just going to go back a slide so you'll can see the streets a little bit better all right we'll give everyone a few moments here um please let us know um in the chat if you have any clarifying questions right now and we'll keep the slid open um after the presentation and throughout as well so you have a chance to look at it and reflect on it a bit and perhaps while we're giving people a moment Brian could you please speak to what the radius is and why the sort of areas that we've chosen are the ones that we've chosen yeah certainly so where we started was the idea that if people are willing to walk from Green Street to the site which to the stadium which like I said was a 7 miles and they'd certainly be willing to park on a city street and and make that same walk so we use that radius um between if you look on the left side of this graphic between Green Street and the site um the stadium being the site um and then we moved the center of the the radius to the park entrances right so we moved it slightly to the West so that it was along the Walnut Avenue by School Street entrance we then placed another Circle over on sver street by the playground and the Humbolt Avenue uh entrance to the park um and created another Circle and then we placed one you know near the Blue Hill Avenue entrance and by over by the zoo and the and the golf course we didn't go all the way to Blue Hill Avenue because the walk through Franklin Park itself is actually basically s miles itself so when you look at this map it is very heavily oriented towards Jamaica plane and Roxberry and not Dorchester but that is just because of the distance within again within Franklin Park um to get to the stadium after you've crossed over from Blue Hill Avenue and then when we had those circles we kind of trimmed them and and massaged them a bit so that the buffers were a more um typical Street or a Boundary Street so Warren Street say to the the Northeast in in Roxberry and MLK Boulevard to the North in Roxberry uh lamartine to the west and and Jamaica plane and then the Washington Street and Eerie Street triangle there for for Dorchester um again that's where our thinking came from if people on this call say we need more protection then we can expand the area people say I don't think we're you know we're not going to need protection to walk within Franklin Park is is long enough and they're not going to be looking to park on our streets then we could shrink this I think my personal opinion is this makes sense from what Spectators would consider a walkable distance but again we can change that that's what we're hoping to hear from you um through this process and another point on on the process is um that I miss saying before is that this is our plan as of now it's going to change between now and the first game due to you know interaction like this and and different you know as we continue to look at it but then even after this the first game we're going to continue to change this uh the plan as needed right we'll see what's working we'll see what's not working and we'll change it um as we go last night we got a call saying are you going to look at this plan at least on an annual basis and the answer is no we're going to look at this on a game to game basis especially in the very beginning to make sure we're getting this to work as well as possible and finding any issues and and rectifying them as as quick as we can all right I think we're uh I I see some comments in the chat um I know this one's a harder one because you want to stay with the map for a little bit so we'll keep it open throughout um but I'm going to keep us moving forward so we can get to the discussion here um so what you see here is um oh let's just recap where we are actually so we've uh talked about an overview of the plan we've um gone over our our approach to this planning and and how we refined the plan um and um Ryan commissioner Gove just went over what the multimodal approach will be or proposed will be for um game days and that that will serve as a blueprint for other large events um held at White stadium so now we're going to test out what that would look like with u residents we've been talking to a few of you um and making calls every week so we've heard what about some of the activities you do throughout the day um and and it might be a game day so we want to make sure that we thought through what it would be what the experience would be for residents um in the area who may or may not be attending a soccer game that day so here you'll see a game day schedule um what we want to highlight here is U that there will be multiple activities throughout the day and we can use our schedule priorities to make sure that we can fit um different community events and um have the time to also Implement these Game Day Parking restrictions so in the morning you might have a running group one of our local running groups on the stairs um then you might have a farmers market um and around uh the late afternoon uh event parking restrictions would take place for that day for that evening um we'll have the match for about 2 hours and then 1 hour after event the parking restrictions would be lifted um so how would two residents experience this um so we're setting up scenario where it's 6 p.m. on a Sunday where game is on 6 p.m on a Sunday and we have two residents Veronica um who's an older um seasoned a local resident and Rachel um who's a younger uh resident in the area um so Veronica is uh getting around on game day but is not actually attending the event um so what you see here is uh during the morning she would display a game day parking pass she would see the parking passes on cars parked along Michigan a um she wouldn't notice a event related impact because again there might be other events during the day but the parking restrictions wouldn't apply yet um around 6: p.m. she wants to go to stop and shop at Grove Hall so uh again this is the game would start at 6 PM so she might notice some traffic on Blue Hill a as we currently see today um and then at 7 p.m. she's d driving back home so again we'll see we'll see some traffic in blue a but she'll have the game day parking pass and we'll be able to um get home from her grocery shopping next here we have um Rachel who's 16 years old and Rachel lives on Columbia Road um and she just is going about her day in the afternoon and wants to walk her brother to the playground along circuit Drive in Franklin Park um around this time again there's not a lot going on there may be some running groups there may be a BPS event um but there's no noticeable event related impacts and then at 8:00 p.m. um she wants to take her dog out uh for a walk of in Franklin Park um and again around this time uh people visiting for the game will be inside and um you know she may notice some folks walking around but she should be able to walk her dog as she normally does awesome and I'll hand it back to Chief to um guide us through the discussion today thanks aie thanks for everyone who's presented um and and thanks for the engagement that I've seen so far I know a lot of questions have already been answered but we're moving into a different stage um which we will be able to take verbal questions or also just continue to take questions from the chat before we go further do I do want to recognize that we have state representative Christopher werewell here with us and just wanted to give you an opportunity if you just want to say hello or make any comments representative hi everyone um Chris warell I'm just here um listen to what community has to say and hear the traffic plans I do live on Normandy Street which is right in front of the entrance on um off of Blue Hill thank you representative so um before we open it up just want to remind everyone that that we do have a um two minute limit so we'll be running a Time Clock um if folks are interested in raising their hands and commenting verbally um otherwise we will continue to mind the chat and um answer questions that that that have not been answered as yet while we're waiting for hands to be raised there any um just want to remind you that we're going to incorporate this feedback um as Brian and others mentioned this is important uh information that we're looking to get from you to help us refine this plan and this will ultimately be codified in a transportation management and access plan that would be a part of an agreement so we U Marty Glenn oh okay I had to wait for someone to unmute me um I'm Marty Glenn I live just west of upams corner um on off of Hancock Street and I'm the president of the hanok street civic association um I think there are a number of issues here that really haven't been addressed although I've asked the question in the chat in several different ways and I'm not sure it's been dealt with um the zoo is open from July 1st through the end of October from 9:00 am till 10:30 p.m. at night because of their Bright Lights exhibit and um it's extremely popular when that exhibit's going on uh there are cars in every parking lot in the zoo and there are cars all up and down um circuit Drive I would say to the end of the golf course for sure um and it's also the golf course uh I'm not a golfer but I do know that golfers will golf play golf whatever you say um until they can no longer see the golf ball at night so in the summertime they're they're going to be there well into the evening when these games are scheduled and Saturdays for both of those entities are their biggest days there are Al also a multitude of community events that happen on Saturdays so it's not clear to me whether you intend to allow some people into the park and not others and if that's the case how are you going to distinguish between who are the people who are going to the zoo and who are the people who are just telling you they're going to the zoo but they're really going to the game but they know that you won't let them Park if they tell you that so they won't so that is my first question um and the second has to do with um resident parking that um there are I this is an estimate because obviously you can't see it all but there are um at least 10 to 20% of residents they live in the city they live in our neighborhoods they register their cars outside of the city to avoid Insurance costs and excise tax how are you going to deal with them in terms of Resident parking and I also have a question about remote parking but I just have been told that my time is up thank you for adhering to the time clock so I want um not sure if um commissioner go you want to take that I know that there's still a lot of refinement being done but um may want to share some early um ideas on how um access to the um the park would be managed sure so again the the conversations are ongoing between uh the city parks and the stakeholders within the park on how to best manage um you know the the needs of the current use of the park and you know uh frankly those th not all of those plans have been flushed out yet um but those conversations are ongoing I think what what you know we're here focusing on is making the commitment that you know there is going to be a lot of um alternative opportunities for people to access the park um and I think trying to make the restrictions uh around the facility um as you know as reasonable as possible will will help with that enforcement on on the issue as far as RPP um you know this is what we're proposing today we're we're certainly open um to suggestions uh to the alternative but but but obviously you know unless um RPP is only eligible right now um for being vles that are registered um within the city as it should be but that that's going to be a huge problem because you have um I'm sure students are some of them who bring their cars from other states and they are living here but their cars aren't eligible here to be to get a sticker here um and then there are people who and I know many of these people in my neighborhood so I I just know it anecdotally they are registered all over Massachusetts and in New Hampshire Rhode Island in southern states and that's a problem no no thank you pH we we certainly hear you just want to make sure we're giving everyone an opportunity who wants to yeah I just want to before we move on I just want to read it that we are not stopping anyone from entering the park right we are managing the parking within the park and not preventing people from accessing the park whether it be walking biking or driving and I think Liza Meer from Boston parks department would like to jump in yeah hi um Liza Meer Chief landscape architect with Boston parks and I worked on the Franklin Park action plan um so I've crossed paths with many of you before I just was going to add and I think commissioner Gove um stated it accurately and that this is active work that we're um working on to figure out how to ensure that everyone comes to the park with a particular destination in mind can still access that destination even on game days um and it during game times and not you know prevent access to the park by no means will anybody who's coming into the park be turned away it's just a question of how we allocate spaces within the parking areas and how we oversee that how we manage those parking areas which as people know um who come to the park today or you know regularly on event days it's a complete free-for-all um and I think we can we can do a better job of of better organizing where people can and can't park and and overseeing that activity so that everyone can come into the park and move around safely um and get where they want to go thanks thank you for that answer liing andk thank you for your work and what I'm hearing is that this is also an opportunity to help us improve on how we we manage parking access in in the park so I also want to to draw everyone's to attention to the uh questions that are on the screen those are some questions that we we have for you that we would love to get feedback on in addition to any other Transportation related questions that folks may have here any other hands or if not um can Team help me feel some questions from the chat um Barry Lon hi good evening everyone just a few quick things and I'd like to First address the opening statement before this presentation on Transportation I believe in that statement is talking about upgrading and providing andof services for the Boston Public Schools uh was was mentioned and there are still no an major answers uh for the current design that does not show where uh the the the long job the javelin or any of the major elements that would go into track and feeli that question still hasn't been answered so it is a very good project it's a win but I think it could be a good win or even a g great win if some of these things were addressed I would like to address first the parking um I think there's a diminishing of services here currently we are able to and as a former coach track coach in BPS we were able to invite students parents faculty um all of those people although they were not well attended that they could park on site and walk right into the stadium there does not seem to be a provision for some of these smaller events where it would be more convenient to have on-site parking also there's an area where uh buses are waiting I did not see where that could possibly be in the design but I'm sure that's something that you will look at um I had I take a little issue and I'm not sure what the acronym that the U uh track uh BPT commissioner was saying that there would be no expansion I assume that's no expansion of residential parking and I think one of the things when you were talking about protections for residents in the circumference of this area um they need protections now the protections that sound like are being talked about are more punitive than protective um uh currently in in Austin Brighton 23,000 parking permit South Boston 28,000 Dorchester constitutes a third of the the city and I we barely have half that amount so I think you would have to revisit and look at that um as far as protecting the areas surround it if you look at it not one mention was of American Legion Highway which is the southern entrance actually to the park uh I could imagine people and I've walked distances to sa on parking fees to Fenway Park um see they're walking right through the 10th green um going up The Path and you know being right there so you know these are some things that we're we're that I'm looking at and considering and the other thing is I just thought for this scenario if I bought if I bought five tickets to go to the soccer game and I got with a friend bought one ticket to the zoo right that would be less access for you know people that were coming directly to the game so um I mean it's a good scenario I'm very happy to have all of these people come regardless of which activity they go but I think that that's something that you might consider so I'll stop right there and hope for future dialogue thank you and I I appreciate that because we forgot to set the time up but I appreciate you respecting the time and ask me some great questions that I'm happy to have the team answer now I'll start off I know that the we have some design workshops coming up that will answer your design question and I believe the first one's um April 25th um any member of the team want to jump in I think Anie you may want to also help answer this so um uh thank you thank you for um letting us know about your your track background we actually just hosted some track and field coaches from BPS um to come and um look at the plans in person and and give us their feedback from anything from Storage to the width of the lanes Etc so we really appreciate that expertise and and we'll follow up with you there um so we're getting some feedback there from um coaches that we know um you also mentioned BPS Athletics um and the transportation for those events uh so this is a a large event blueprint but um BPS transportation is working with um a a consultant to create a plan for BPS game days there's different needs right the size of events are different um but that is in in progress um so while this is a large event blueprint there are other uh refreshing what this looks like for for medium and smaller size events um and I also want to mention that BPS Athletics is undergoing a review process um the team does a great job with the Staffing and resources they have but um we want to make sure that we're providing many opportunities for Student Exploration of sports so they actually have a consultant right now going through the program and looking at the needs of the program so that it's it's as strong as possible uh so those are the things that are going on with BPS Athletics as um we're also building up the plan for for the stadium here um thank you I'll let commissioner go respond to the question about um residential parking um and an expansion and also I think just want to make sure the team notes that Mr Lon thinks that we should also take a look at American Legion Highway as another Street to capture commission G thanks Chief and we we appreciate that that feedback on American Le and I saw that the chat chart chat as well thank you um yeah our our intent um with this proposal is not to be punitive um to to Residents and their visitors we're really trying to make an accommodation there um you know we we do plan uh hopefully in the in the near future to um restart the resident permit parking uh program Citywide it's it's there's been a moratorium on that now for a number of years and you know if there's a there's a process for that that we'll be we'll be working on but we will certainly take feedback as part of this process us you know if there are particular neighborhoods or um or streets or or uh Street segments within neighborhoods that are interested in that um we'll we're happy to take that feedback as part of this process thanks commissioner um any other live questions or questions from the chat that the team wants to put forward Chief I have a question from the chat I can share um um someone shared I live in Dorchester but closer to Ashmont are there any plans to increase bus frequency across Dorchester so residents can go to games without driving for example the 22 bus um I'm not sure if William still on but I'll take this one for now the city well this the te and the city um have I don't know if if you're familiar with the bus Network redesign and I believe the 22 is going to become what they're calling a high frequency route which would mean that they would be a bus um every 15 minutes throughout the day um if not less so in the future so not that's not related to this project it's just I'm a transportation nerd so I look at these things um so that is something that's in the works and the and the te's been planning actually and doing a lot of work um on this for a few years now and that plan was just released on what what routes they expect to become high frequency routes that will occur um much more often throughout the whole uh throughout the course of the day and and then even more so during peak hours right Chief I have another uh question in the chat will the city provide various options for residents to apply and receive game day resident passes for example City Hall to go um at various locations like Stop and Shop Parks Etc that's a great question and one that we would love feedback on you know we're proposing um that it be an online based process as RPP is now or in person at the office of the Parking Clerk I think some of those other suggestions are are something we could we could certainly look at yeah great question I know chief M would be happy you know this budget that we just presented today includes investments into City Hall to go as well as the Investments mentioned earlier into F CL question yeah I'll keep reading questions in the chat until we see someone raise their hand um what are considerations for mopeds they are bike lane legal and bulkier than bicycles um morg I'm sorry I lost I was trying to read it and then it just moved on me can you just repeat that what are the considerations for mopeds they're bike lane legal and they're bulkier than bicycles um yeah so you know they they'll have to follow the the the laws of of the bike lane rate which I believe is 15 miles hour maximum um if they're faster than that then they are not bike lane legal um as far as I know right and Sandy Bailey asks what is planned to enhance pedestrian safety especially crossing major roads to enter the park um so yeah like I we'll have traffic operations managers at at those intersections to help the you know mostly to get the pedestrians in out safely and then also to make sure the buses are operating efficiently as well but really that's the the best answer that there can be right if if if you're expecting or hoping for an answer that's it right we're going to staff it and make sure that um that pedestrians are taking the priority because they're going to be the the greatest volume of people at the uh the park entrances so they should have the priority all right and then this is a question about the Grove um which is the uh area that Boston Unity is proposing to have um activation um and especially around game days so how do the commercial entities operating in the Grove get there how do these vehicles get in will there weight will there be weight limitations sorry Morgan I I lost it I'm not should just listen to you it's easier instead of trying to read it one I apologize there sorry folks there are a lot of questions in the chat so I'm trying to go through and find find uh ones that haven't already been answered um but whenever somebody puts in a new chat message the order changes up so we're doing the best we can and the question is how do commercial entities operating in the Grove get into the Grove um will there be weight limitations for them uh so well first of all the first answer is this will be discussed in much more detail when there are the design the stadium design workshops um right the transportation plan although certainly with inside the park but is is part of it but really the the design workshops will deal with the what we consider the site design and and the operations of the buildings themselves um so stay tuned but I can give you a partial answer now of it wouldn't be a weight limit but there will certain be a certainly be a size limit um which would then obviously entail a weight limit that goes along with it um that area is accessed off of the existing entrance off of Walnut Avenue um that is to the the west of the stadium um and again for further details you know you'll be able to see that um at the next set of workshops all right um and Marty has a question since there are bus routes that go through surrounding neighborhoods why wouldn't someone Park say somewhere around upham's corner hop on a bus up Columbia Road rather than parking remotely well I would say by the time they've driven that close to Franklin Park and then jumped on a bus it would be just as similar to driving to one of our satellite parkings and taking one of our shuttles so similar it could possibly happen but there's no benefit over using our the the satellite parking that we're providing um and I think this is a question for our BTD folks are any permanent enhancements envisioned at Road crossings that would benefit neighbors accessing the park on days other than game days yeah and actually Maya just did a written response to that comment would someone like to address this out loud hi everyone uh just wanted to introduce myself my name is Maya mudgal and I'm the project manager of the Blue Hill Avenue transportation action plan so to address sy's question access to Franklin Park will be prioritized in that roadway uh redesign project especially from bluehill Avenue we know know that the crossings today don't work for people they're long they're unsafe there aren't enough crosswalks so permanent roadway changes will be coming through that process and I link the project website if you'd like to participate in that design process um I'll also add here not sure Li is on but we mentioned this at the top but there this has given us an opportunity to get all of our team together and review um some short-term and long-term um projects that we can do around Franklin Park that will enhance experience for all so more to come on there but um just know that we are looking deeply into what what's possible here and what are things that we can do shortterm to make the experience better for all visitors thanks Anie just a quick time check we have about 15 minutes left um Sarah Freeman you can unmute yourself hi everyone uh quick question uh sorry if I missed it have you said what the satellite parking charges would be what the satell parking charges is that we you say so the cost so that would be a part of the the ticket buying process and I I don't you know we don't have ticket prices as far as I know but maybe someone from Boston Unity can chime in so you know the parking would would be similar to that I think it is a a good question and I'm sorry I we don't have all the information on that at this point Sarah I will just note that we um and we put this in one of the previous q&as as well that we um certainly will plan to account for the fact that having folks park at a shuttle um satellite lot is um perhaps geographically a little further out of their way although as Brian said we think it'll be faster for them in terms of efficiency straight to the stadium um so that will be factored into the pricing um and in an effort to encourage people to park in those lots as well as Brian says we'll make it very easy to purchase both your game ticket and your parking allinone um and probably have some sort of bundling discount as well thank you if folks question sorry Chief if folks have burning questions that I didn't get to in the chat if you wouldn't mind just um putting them in the chat again so that we don't miss them or feel free to raise your hand Chief I'm not seeing any more questions okay well it looks like we may be able to give folks back some extra time and we do have another workshop at 7:30 folks wanted to just lift into that but that is specifically for Jamaica plane um do want to highlight that we have some upcoming design workshops as I mentioned before beginning on um April 25th then um May 8th and May 22nd we also have upcoming um iig meeting on May 15 so there are plenty other opportunities to engage um and those opportunities around design it could be a you know a broader discussion but we appreciate everyone's time tonight to really zoom in on transportation and appreciate the feedback that we've gotten from tonight's conversation so I wish everyone a good night and um as you farewell --------- or you um I will be your facilitator for tonight and tonight we will learn a lot more about the transportation plan specifically for the rockberry neighborhood the goal of this meeting is to gather feedback and information about the current plan to ensure um and minimize impacts um on the community that is surrounding Franklin Park and and will be impacted by um white Stadium we are joined here today so specifically by a lot of the city staff members that um made tonight possible um from the mayor's office um the Boston transportation department um and and more and importantly Boston Unity um soccer Partners as well and we'll also have our transp some Transportation Consultants um from um Brian from Howard Hudson as well so want to make sure they are welcomed and they will people will be speaking a lot later on um the presentation tonight um I also want to acknowledge electives but before I do that um for accessibility reasons we are we do have interpretation services tonight so before we really get started we are providing translation in Spanish Haitian creel and cian creel um so to for you to Able for you to access the interpretation Services go to the horizontal control bar at the bottom of your screen on on Zoom click on interpretations and then you can click Spanish Haitian Creo or C Verdian Creo when you click on the language and then you can hear and you'll have access directly to that room so I want to acknowledge before we hop into the next slide I see counselor Fern Fernandez Anderson who is the D7 counselor in the chat um and I wanted to give her space to say hello um and address um the Roxberry community oh I see her but she might have hopped off okay well counselor if you if you're if you hop back on wanted to give you a chance to say hello to Roxberry and go from there okay so the next slide so before we head into discussion and presentation from the city team and from the the Boston soccer Unity team wanted to just underscore some main um guidelines for our discussion today um first we want to come from a understand that everyone comes from a place of respect and that we're leading with respect as well when we're giv comments um please use eye statements and if you are representing a community please let us know in your your comments um and our questions when you're given it opportunity to speak also want to underscore we are prioritizing Roxbury residents in this conversation um we will have other community conversations specifically um on um different neighborhoods but this for tonight is prioritizing Roxberry residents for transportation um also please limit your comments or and or questions during the discussion portion to two minutes we will have a timer that says 2 minutes and I will also flag for anyone um if they're getting towards that two-minute Mark um and also just be mindful of the space you take up we want to make sure that everybody has opportunities to speak and give feedback um on um The Proposal here tonight also um for the project teams we'll be making sure to collect information questions concerns um any the the goal tonight is to make sure we're getting as much feedback as possible we will be also answering all questions um in the chat and if we don't get to them make sure that you can reach out to Whit stadium and we'll be making sure to get back to you all soon as possible um with questions that you may have I hope I'm not hallucinating but I seen counselor Anderson in the chat say something did you is she able to unmute herself or she okay okay UMO can is it possible to change my name to Angie please oh Angie I wasn't given a different um link thank you so much no problem thank you for joining um next slide so um just to go over the quick agenda today um I will be giving intros hello everyone then I'll be passing it over to Anie Moreno who is a policy adviser in the mayor's office then to our commissioner um Nick go who is the transportation commissioner um then to Brian Beasley who is representing Howard Hudson and um as a consultant for the Boston Unity soccer team um and then during our Q&A portion if there's questions that do come up um Morgan um maybe M Morgan mcdo who is the Deputy Chief of um operations um will chime in if if necessary um going over the agenda we will have the overall project overview then go specifically into transportation planning and how we're going to um have the approach to that and then talk a little bit about the proposed multi multimodal plan um and I think that's Brian who will lead on that and then apply plan and then really go into um specific specific questions for you all so we can get feedback on um transportation um decisions that we will make um as a team next slide okay so this is a question for you all um and you could scan the URL um and submit submit it with your phone what Transportation topics do you want to see cover today about Transportation at White stadium so the way you answer this is you take your if you're on a laptop you take your phone and then you'll scan the URL specifically and then be able to um submit your comments and we will take it all in and um record what are the top concerns that you all feel about Transportation specifically for Roxbury I see a couple of people coming in and I also see some participants typing so I see biking routes um residential parking restrictions pedestrian safety parking topics that we will you know definitely cover tonight so these are good parking along Walnut can I walk my dog um parking and pedestrian Transportation options number frequency of large shuttle so thank you for submitting these these are very thoughtful um and we'll be recording these as well so I would give people opportunity to keep submitting re SL question marks accessibility these are great see in the chat parking on Siver street so we'll definitely take make sure to record all of these and then we have our during our discussion portion we'll definitely go back on a lot of these concerns especially if they're not answered throughout the presentation okay so a project over overview our purpose and I think this is probably honestly one of our most important important sections because this grounds Us in the why and why is this important so Renovations historically have been proposed on um white state in Franklin Park for a long time and although there has been many attempts there's it has never been brought into full fruition um and it's important to address the history to really understand where we're at right now um there definitely is an you know an appetite to see the space activated to see the space um renovated and invested in um but we know plast pans has not succeeded because it really hasn't found the right combination of funding support from the Community Partnerships and just um public benefits that really Center um Community residents sorry my screen so the benefits of having um this type of partnership with a Boston Unity um soccer team a private public partnership it's important because we're not we're not able to just scratch the surface we're really able to dive deep into deep um Investments for the community we're able to have a sustainable partnership on maintenance because we know when we have a big Stadium or we have some a large facility year-over-year maintenance is and can be expensive and when you have a partnership that is able to offset and and pride support there that's great um there's also opportunity particularly with this plan for outdoor and indoor amenities um like a high quality field um tracking Fields also other athletic hubs and we know specific ly these are going to be really important for our young BPS um students as well we also know that this potential opportunity can create a pathway for um opportunities for our communities to have jobs um in our local businesses to um have a plat platform to uplift the work that they are doing and also for mbes and wbes as well um and also we know that there's a commitment on the Boston Unity um team to have an um f a half a million dollar Community benefit investment into the community so seeing that happen and come to fruition and and and knowing and I identifying the community has um that the community will feel impact in having that Community benefit fund um as a part of mitigation um accelerating also um accelerating implementation of the um Franklin Park action plan we know that a a key component of the plan is that Franklin Park needs to be activated and have and see deep investment the amedi and operational plans create created are um going to allow um the space to be more activated and will also help support other large events like what's currently taking place either at the playe OR at um Franklin Park there's definitely room in appetite for Activation um next slide this um right here is just a sample of what a future month could look like um with white sand and being renovated you can see that BPS in the community will have access to a yearr round wellmaintained well sustained and well-kept um Stadium currently BPS Athletics programs will be expanded and we'll be able to add a lot more programming and we know that when we add and invest in more programming for our young people we're really investing to our future of our future leaders and our current leaders actually Public Access will also expand significantly significantly in the evenings and weekends the modern and versatile space that'll be a year- round research for all student athletes and this is and this does not include unscheduled times that visitors and local residents can just you know come and use the facilities even on the game days for women professional teams we can we can have time um that games are able to have when sorry even on the few game days for the Boston's um for the women's professional team um we can time the game so we're able to use the stadium for events during the day um like Cross Country meets or in the morning if there's needed as well so basically if the day if the game is like during the the evening we we'll be able to use the the stadium during the day um to make sure that there's access to community members and it's also really noteworthy to recognize the large community events that currently call um prankin Park home and they'll be able to remain and benefit from the new amenities of their renovation from that um I think the next slide will be want to pass it over to Anie to talk a little bit more about the transportation planning approach um and and think through how we're doing that but passing over to Anie awesome thank you Brian hi everyone my name is Anie Moreno I'm on the mayor's office policy team um and I've also been a lifelong resident so I'm happy to be here tonight um what we're going to what Briana established some of a a foundation of the background uh for this project so now that we're all on the same page and have a broad overview I'm going to share our process for developing the transportation plan we're presenting today and how we've tried to ensure it reflects what we've heard throughout the engagement process um we also want to thank you for the feedback you've provided during um the past Community meetings we've heard we had uh Transportation meetings in the fall and since then we've also had a lot of support from livable streets and Franklin Park Coalition and all of that your feedback has helped help us develop a transportation plan that we believe is comprehensive accessible and responsive so thank you for your engagement I see a few of you in the chat that um have been with us throughout this process um so uh what has been our approach so we've we've heard about all the existing Transportation challenges the community has faced um there are already many large events at Franklin Park and um we also know that it feels in in in Roxberry and in other surounding communities that there's a lot going on at once um and these are great projects um but we know it can be overwhelming and a lot of information to process at once so what this renovation project allows us to do is um to take the opportunity to align internally on all the different projects going on so we can better communicate with you all and to develop a transportation plan for game days that can serve as a blueprint for other large events and can then be customized for medium and small events that are hosted year round at at White Stadium um so since proposing the plan BTD Boston transportation department and Howard Stein Hudson who's the soccer Partners consultant um have been collaborating to best answer the question you see here so how do we best manage traffic for nwell soccer game days to serve both residents and visitors and improve Transportation challenges for existing large events at White Stadium so this is uh the question we've all been working towards refining you saw a pre very preliminary Transportation plan back in the fall um and um we're now sharing on this screen at the bottom you'll see all the different tools that we've uh tools and feedback that we've reviewed so we have uh public feedback from Transportation meetings in the fall that we reviewed um the Franklin Park action plan has great guidelines uh We've also looked at uh city transportation initiatives in nearby um areas and I'm going to ask um May and Xavier are from our BTD team and are working on these other projects we're not um talking about those in depth today but they're going to share their contact information in the chat um and um uh you can follow up with them about those Community meetings but we've um talked to BTD about what else is going on in the neighborhood uh fourth we looked at um we had an in-depth traffic management analysis that we'll share later on um fifth we reviewed what city tools we have to apply different uh parking regulations and other enforcement tools um and lastly we reviewed what city and uh the Boston Unity team's new staff commitments we have so for example there's there will be a new parks Franklin Park administrator new maintenance staff um that um the mayor announced at state of the city um and Boston Unity is also hiring a community engagement director so these are all um a new staff that will help us um make sure that this plan is is um comprehensive and that we can apply appropriately so um this was everything that we looked at to get to our plan and then from there we we took that and created these Transportation goals for game days at White stadium so I'm going to go through them and I'd love for you to put in the chat if you think any are missing one improve pedestrian safety accessibility and wayf finding at Park entrances two two make it easy for neighborhood residents and park visitors to get around three encourage use of sustainable transportation choices four ensure efficient traffic management during large events and five use new and existing tools to protect parking mobility in the surrounding neighborhoods especially during big events so please share in the chat I think anything is missing here but these are high level goals here that guide the rest of the plan awesome so in the meantime um as we said there are many events held at White Stadium from bamfest to Kitty Carnival we have Puerto Rican festival up here uh BPS graduations Cris Country meets so many more um and last year uh for example uh 15,000 people came to Franklin Park for bamfest which we love it's a huge success um the stadium will have a 10,000 seat capacity um so again one of the many advantages of this project is that there we will now be able to create a transportation plan for all these different Siz events um so I'm G to hand it off to Brian from Howard Hudson uh again he's the transportation consultant for the team to share an updated Transportation plan for game days evening everyone Brian Belle from from Howard Stein Hudson uh we'll I'll go over in more detail the the game day events as Ani just said uh next slide please so when we started talking about transportation of course there's you know the different modes on on on to get to the the site there's obviously public transportation the Orange Line the extensive bus lines in the area um and then even the red line which shuttle service from there um there's also of course people that want to drive and park and of course a big component of this plan is that there is no spectator parking on site so anyone that wants to drive will have to park in a satellite parking lot and then take a shuttle to get to the site there also is of course you know taxis and and ride share um and then biking and walking for people that are that are able so all of these numbers that I'm giving you and that we'll discuss tonight in detail are based on an 11,000 spectator event right so full capacity um and we essentially assume that 40% and this is all Based on data from other sports entities in the city um and other similar entities from other other cities in the country um we have 40% taking public transportation 40% parking offsite and being driven in 10% using ride shair and then 5% using biking and walking both go ahead next slide please so again you know there's a lot of existing um transportation options especially public transportation options in in the area the orange line again the red line a little further away um but then an extend Ive bus Network in the area um that you know people can rely on to get to the stadium the messaging about transportation from the moment someone goes on the website to buy a ticket will be that there is no parking on site there is no parking in the area you should be taking public transportation you should be walking you should be biking and if you're not able to do that then there is satellite parking which we will get into more detail but this graphic really shows how well served the area is um with public transportation from the existing Network right this is nothing that we're implementing this is all in place already next slide please um and then just to show how feasible it is to to walk from the Transportation uh the existing Transit the Green Street Station on the orange line is about a 7 Mile Walk um many of the bus lines that were on the previous slide are have bus stops right along the edge of Franklin Park so very short walks and then on the right here if you look look this this is Gillette Stadium with the New England Patriots down in Foxboro and just to give a scale perspective of walking from Green Street and would people do that or not many of the parking lots are the similar distance away from from the entrances to Gillette Stadium um and in some cases which we're not even showing on this slide they're across Route One of course which is you know pretty daunting to cross and wouldn't really be possible without the traffic operations managers that they have out there during those events so it's a long walk it's it's not a nice walk right you're just walking through a see see your parking lots it's a much different experience than walking from Green Street would be from here um but people do it right so that's it's the expectation of going to large events is just that if you you know it's you're not getting dropped off right at the front door right so it might seem like a bit of a distance for some people but it it's something that people are already doing at other events and similarly kemore square is not too much closer to to fway park than Green Street is to to White Stadium as well next slide please um so there's extensive pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in the area the City of Austin has this slide put together we can get into more detail during a Q&A if people would like um but essentially these are the safety surge streets and different elements that the BTD is is putting into place um you know we want to group everything as public transportation now we're in The Pedestrian and cyclist I am not an expert on this slide but there our representatives from BTD here who would be able to talk about this uh more extensively so next slide please um and then within the site right there's obviously Franklin Park is a great place to be walking and biking um we'll be improving paths in the area will um you know extending bike networks within the site um this graphic really shows a lot of the activity that could happen or that does and will happen in in the park and this is all non vehicular with the exception of the magenta line on the upper left which is the shuttle pick up and drop off from from the north loop which we'll talk about um also on the right here I just want people to notice the sver street and humble Avenue area which would be used which we'll get into more discussion but I just want to see uh point that out so everyone could locate it and then the two large Blue rectangles near the site is uh where our bike parking and bike valet would be and this will be both um for private bike parking if people come on their own bikes they'll have a secure place to leave their bike um and not have to chain it up all over the park and then also even if you take a blue bike we'll have the valet system in in in operation which instead of as soon as the one blue bike station dock as soon as they're full and nobody else can then bike there the valet service actually has blue bike attendants there that take the bikes out of the dock so that there's always a dock that's open and available for somebody else to come and then vice versa when everyone's is leaving the docks are used people take a bike and then as soon as the the dock is emptied the blue bike uh valet person puts a new bike in there and it's ready to go for somebody else to use it so it really expands the amount of blue bike ability that that we have in the area without again putting up like we don't want to have bikes parked all over you know tied to trees we also don't need blue bike stations all over Franklin Park so this gives us that flexibility to provide a great service while not hindering the park for the non-event times next slide please so like I said we would love for everyone to be taking public transportation and walking and biking but we do realize that it's not feasible for for 100% of the spectators to do that so what we're looking at without parking anywhere on site or in the neighborhoods it's setting up satellite parking facilities that people would then take a shuttle to get to the stadium and again the messaging for this will start right from the Geto right that there's if you want to drive this is the places you have to go to and you have to pre-purchase your parking tickets so that we'll know how many buses are needed and shuttles are needed to get people back and forth from these locations um and you know the messaging starting from the beginning will really set the biggest impact on people's perceptions of you know maybe this isn't worth driving maybe it is better just to to drive somewhere and uh take public transportation into the area next slide please and then now as for the shuttles you know this is a closer in view right they'll be coming from the different satellite parking areas will also have shuttles from key uh t station so this one is showing Forest Hills on the lower left and then also a connection to Fields Corner on the right side and also showing some of those satellite parking routes that come in so as for the number of shuttles you can see and it might be a little bit small to read but coming in from the Blue Hill Avenue entrance we're estimating that there'd be 49 shuttles before the event and and after the event and then from the Forest Hills in the Arborway entrance there would be 26 shell trips and it's important to remember that this is all over a 2hour period right so it's basically coming in from the Arborway would be 13 shuttles an hour um for you know for a twoh hour period Then the game lasts for two hours when there wouldn't be any activity and then after the event another 2hour window of having 13 shuttles an hour coming and going next slide please this is similar this is the routs to the north and and to the West we'll be running a shuttle that will be very you know we expect to be heavily used from Jackson Square they will be coming down Columbus Avenue and and getting into the site via walnut walnut Avenue and then back out the same way this estimate as of now is 57 shuttles and again over two hours so it's about 30 shuttles an hour which is you know one shuttle every two minutes it's not this continuous flow of shuttles and it's all you see of buses and buses and buses right it's it's it's basically a shuttle or two coming and and going at a time um and then also from here you can see Stony Brook and Green Street also labeled which again I I think most people if they're taking the orange line that that 7 Mile Walk is not you know INF feasible or or or unrealistic so I think the majority of the people on public transportation will and especially the Orange Line will just be walking to the stadium from there next slide please so now you went a little you went by one there you go um so now we're getting really close to the site right and how are we going to control even if it is just shuttle buses and the and some of the Uber and lift activity how are we going to control that traffic so each of the the yellow dots you see here are traffic operation managers that will be directing traffic so we have one at at CRA Street and walnut AV and Columbus AV that intersection Walnut AV at school Street will have a lot of pedestrians coming and going from there so that's really uh you know pedestrian safety get them across the Street get the shuttles out of the area when they're leaving after dropping off and then also uh somebody you know making sure that only shuttles are using this pickup drop off right because that's what's what it's intended for and then likely likewise on the lower right there'll be a shut um an attendant watching the southern Loop area and then also uh some parking uh ambassadors helping out make sure that people aren't driving and parking in Franklin Park itself right there's some unregulated parking that's used by the zoo in the golf course and obviously just regular Park users and our intent is to not have those spaces used by our Spectators right we're going to have again the messaging from the gecko but then also important as importantly more importantly is enforcement of this and making sure that they're not coming uh into the park and parking and as I discussed briefly before on sver street and Humbolt is where we would have the Uber lift and taxi drop off and then also just you know private people dropping some off um this also will be managed with it'll be managed at the intersection with a traffic operations manager but also within the pickup and drop off area with with Team ambassadors directing people where to go helping them get in and out of their cars and and making that operate smoothly next slide please so here is uh more detail then on on that area you can see on the left side there's a modification that we're proposing to the existing turnaround where there's right now there's there's a driveway um to the north of the intersection and to the south of the intersection and those only allow right turns in and right turns out so what we're proposing is to modify the the the access so that there's one driveway which you can see here actually results in less pavement than is out there now um you can kind of see on on the right side there the outline of the existing exit driveway and this shows that there is you know room for a lot of activity within the site so that it's not backing out onto sver Street and then another important note is that you know as I just said not backing out on the Siver street it's important to note that this is our operations plan and that this can be and will be modified as events happening right we're going to have a starting operations plan that's used the first game we're going to see what's working what's not working we're going to fine-tune it we're going to make it better and one of the ways to do that is with the variable message signs right we're going to be directing people for pickup and drop off to come to this lot and if you know we need a different messaging then we'll and we'll change the messaging and if we need more messaging and more ambassadors then then that's what we'll do but it'll be an ongoing process um but something you know we have a very detailed plan in place but it's certainly something that could be modified and improved as we go that I will pass it off to commissioner go for the discussion on the on street parking hi good evening my name's uh Nick do I'm the deputy chief for transportation also serving as BTD commissioner want to take a few moments and talk about how we're proposing to preserve neighborhood parking and Mobility so BTD is planning to create a neighborhood specific Game Day Parking program for residents and their visitors on streets within the identified white Stadium walk area these plans will be tailored to the needs for each respective neighborhood the program will allow residents with a Roxbury resident permit parking sticker on their vehicle to park on the streets where parking is prohibited on game days we're not proposing to expand RPP restrictions on the areas in the walk shed in the walk area that you've seen uh but people will be eligible to apply for an RPP permit uh so that they can park on the street on on game days additionally we're proposing a new program that will allow visitors uh to obtain a parking placard or potentially a hang tag that will be available to Residents regardless uh of vehicle ownership so long as they live on a street in the white Stadium walk area we'll limit those to one per household and we'll uh do a Annual issue on that likely changing colors numbers that type of thing uh so we can you know kind of manage that program next slide please so here you see the walk area uh it's the Shaded Orange area where we're proposing to protect uh parking for residents and visitors um again this is based on the radius we expect visitors would be willing to park and then walk to the stadium we really want your feedback on this area and we'll jump to the next slide which is going to show kind of a street by Street breakdown so these These are the streets in in the walk shed we really really want your feedback on this and we'll jump to the next slide um where where folks will have the opportunity to give us that feedback in the survey okay folks so you'll see on your screen I'm going to go back so you can see the map um and please share in the chat if there are streets that you're not sure are on or on this but we we've shared the walk area so we want to make sure we got it right so again and the way to do this is to um scan the QR code up here or to go to and enter this phone number um Can someone from the team actually input the the uh the number that you input there right now here we go everyone thank you so I'm going to go back just so youall can see it and I just want to note this is Morgan McDaniel um in the chat somebody mentioned that if we're expecting people to walk you know 7even miles um then we should be restricting parking to that same distance we agree with you that's completely logical and that is why we've chosen the walk area that we've chosen um is it's the distance we think people would be willing to walk to be able to get to the stadium so we don't want people to be parking in that area and walking okay so I'm going to go back to see um I see Walnut here all right we will this this slide um the poll will stay open so feel free um we will post the slides up but we'd love your feedback and to make sure that these are the right streets here great so uh now we're going to talk about kind of the enforcement measures that we're going to use uh to make this work so first and foremost we're proposing to create a new event fee violation um this would be a $100 fine for parking violations on game days in designated areas around white Stadium we have a similar violation fee um for um around Fenway Park um we would install toezone no stopping on Game Day signs again exempting residents with Roxbury uh resident permit stickers uh as well as uh the visitor placards or hang TI uh hang tag program these would be in effect for 4 hours before and 1 hour after games the uh visual you see on the on the right side is the sample sign um that we currently use in and around um BC uh for Boston Boston College football games we plan to bring in a dedicated BTD parking enforcement shift specifically for um the white Stadium uh walk area and that will be supplemented with Towing um enforcement if necessary next slide please and again um as mentioned before soccer game attendees will not be allowed to park in Franklin Park Lots uh we you know they're are going to be encouraged uh strongly not to do that and we're not going to allow that uh we're committed to retaining parking for key Park destinations such as the zoo Golf Course Shad picnic area the tennis courts um within the park park rangers in BPD officers will enforce parking restrictions with support from uh game day uh traffic ambassadors as as mentioned earlier um all Park visitors can access uh free Boston uni soccer shuttles from the MBTA stations on game days and again we'll continue to work closely with the Franklin Park State folders such as the zoo and Golf Course to craft an operational plan uh specific to to the parking areas that they've historically used all right thank you commissioner um so we're almost at the Q&A um thank you for um all your questions and the chat we really appreciate it we're we're trying to do our best to get through them here um but before we head into that we just want to share um to um local residents here um and how they may experience a a game day on a Sunday uh so here we have Veronica who's an older seasoned and wiser local resident and we have Rachel who's a younger local resident so um we want to uh pressure test what we just talked about so these are two uh residents that are actually not going to the game but live in the area so here we have um Veronica who lives on sver Street in the Franklin Park Apartments um at 10:00 a.m. um she notices that there are uh display game day parking passes on cars parked on sver street as commissioner go just shared those will be uh for residents and visitors on game day so other days of the uh of the Season you'll have regular parking um and she there should be no noticeable event related impacts then around 6:00 p.m. um she wants to go to stop and shop at Grove Hall um and again the game had started at 6:m so keep that in mind um so she will notice that there's traffic detail at humble ab and some traffic on sver street and Bill AB as we see today um and then at 7M she's left the grocery store and she's headed home back to sver street so she'll notice some traffic on sver Street in Bova AV um and we'll have her game day parking pass um so she can park there next um let's look at another resident Rachel is 16 years old she lives in wallet Park in Roxbury um around 2 p.m. she decides that she wants to walk her brother to Alo playground um since the game is at 6 PM um there might be a BPS meet or a running group using the stadium but around this time she won't notice U event related impacts and then at 800m the game has already been underway for two hours um she wants to walk her dog in Franklin Park uh she will notice safety ambassadors at school street and wut a and u we'll notice that fans are beginning to lead the stadium so um we've shared a multimodal plan here I'm going to pass it off to Briana to um guide us through the Q&A thank you Anie um and thank you um to commissioner Gove and Brian for giving top lines of our transportation approach um so we'll talk about next steps and then we'll talk about the engagement schedule and then we'll go specifically into questions that we have for the community here so all the feedback that we're going to hear on from the later discussion and I'm going to try to go through these quickly because I know the priority here is to hear from community so we'll first incorporate all the feedback that we hear tonight um we will then use the feedback from um today's conversation as well as you know a lot of the conversations the team is having but also the the JP in Dorchester neighborhood Transportation meetings tomorrow incorporate that all into our plan and then present it um to the iig um on May 15th um the Boston Unity soccer team will when ready um and when when ready in having all the community U feedback have a final plan presented to the BPA board um then the Boston transportation department BT BTD will then C codify the transportation action plan agreement with um the Boston Unity team team um and then this is an operational plan that will continue to evolve and to be refined because feedback is needed at any given time and to understand the actual impacts of decisions um and this work will also give us a blueprint for any other large event and I I seen some of that in the chat of like what what happens with other large events that could happen at the stadium um um outside of the games and then um on a on a related but separate track um BPS the transportation team is working on a plan specifically for BPS students um because we know that a lot of their games and a lot of their um meets and stuff will will happen at the stadium um next slide so this is some up um upcoming engagement um we happy to um share this we could happy to share this after but um as I mentioned tomorrow Dorchester and Jamaica plane will be having specific Transportation conversations um like the one we're having tonight with Roxbury residents then there'll be upcoming design workshops um and uh many meetings and we'll have more refined um conversations about specific um design and then we have I an i a meeting um to address design and transportation on the on May 15th and then also the community benefits that I mentioned earlier on on Wednesday June 5th um next slide okay so now we at the discussion conversation as I mentioned earlier um we have some team members that will be answering some of the chats um when we can and uh answering some of the questions in the chat when we can um but we wanted to create this space to have a specific conversation about um actual traffic and parking impacts um so for each question we'll have an a lot of time um um and we'll also be timing um responses so we're going to keep each response to um two minutes um so we can go into the first round of um topic of question so Game Day Parking regulation so the specific question is are we proposing the right streets to restrict to residents only when we're talking about the the abing um streets around the the white stadium in Franklin Park does this does the proposed structure um meet your needs so those are the specific questions that we wanted to to discuss um on Game Day parking regulations um so if you're if you want to voice your um concerns or questions you can raise your hand to answer these two questions about game day parking regulations I'll add to this um I've seen it in the chat a few times um we'd love to hear how many guest passes or how to um best administer those I see Nefertiti can ask you to unmute how are you I'm sorry I can't I'm at a children's thing so I can't really show my background but I guess my question is is I could not see which streets um really close up which streets are actually going to provide residential parking tour because um as far Garrison Turtle we've been asking for this for a very long time and you guys the city has been really kind of like non uh not working with the community so I guess I guess I'm just concerned that because this why de is in fact the community now residential parking is now back on the um back on the table so I guess I'm wondering obviously um looking in terms of exactly what streets you're talking about and why not so I I'll definitely pass it over to either Brian or commissioner to talk about that I do think there's a clarification piece that maybe BTD can give on like resident um permit parking in this special special program that we're trying to implement or potentially could Implement um so I wanted to pass it over to probably Nick maybe sure thanks Brian yeah we we are not proposing to um restart um expansion of RPP at this time what we're proposing here is to allow um residents to uh that may not have an RPP sticker now to apply for one and that that sticker would allow them to park on the street on game days when those restrictions are in place and I just want to add I'm sharing my screen which is um a dynamic map of the area that we're proposing that is within that sort of walk Walking area um to the stadium um so I can zoom in and zoom out if folks have questions about specific areas or streets thank you Morgan that that map is very helpful um and thank you commissioner um yes just a clarified it's a A specialized program specifically for game day conversations um so um to that as well um just to reiterate um any other questions regarding game day parking regulations um is there specific if if also is there specific streets after that you have concerns about and you want to just let us know so we can make sure they're like to notify if they're in the catchman or if not um please put that in the chat or let us know as well um and chief I see in the chat seven miles takes you from Green Street down Washington over Townsen street over to Warren Street over to Blue Hill back to Columbus and down to American Legion um maybe Brian can talk about are we where are we versus that proposal yes so sorry I didn't I'm not following Morgan compared to what proposal yeah so if you look in the chat there's a comment that is talking about a specific um from Lewis that's talking about a specific area so Green Street to Washington um yeah so so sorry so basically I had to answer this in the chat but basically as you can see Lam Martine to the west and Jamaica plane uh MLK Boulevard to the North and then um Warren Street to the to the East and this is our proposal it was based on a walk Shed from a walk area from entrances to the park which is why it's not a perfect radius right there's different entrances so that it kind of got this bubble shaped to it but you know that's what we're hoping to hear from from everyone now right is is this big enough is it not is it too big not big enough you know we can modify this as as we hear um but this was what we thought made sense and another comment that was in the chat was that you know if if we're saying people are going to walk from Stonybrook and from from Green Street well then people are obviously going to park and walk and we agree right so that's where we got these these distances to start from as the radius um so but happy to hear people think we need to expand it or not yeah and I'm zooming in so you can see that this is towns end which is within the area so we are proposing Game Day Parking restrictions there so people who live on this street were proposing you know you would get your sticker and your placard you and your guest would be able to park on the street people who are not residents would not be able to park on that street on game days so we are proposing an area that's larger than Lewis what you're suggesting um in terms of going up to MLK Boulevard um but if you think it should go all the way let me see y so then we're proposing to Warren Street and then I'm following this down to bluehill off so I think Lewis we're on the same page thank you for underscoring that um and we could look for it in the future maybe listing the um street names although there's a lot of them um before we I pass it over over to Vesper um Barnes I seen a question in the chat um is there a fee for the sticker placards from Lynette there is there is no fee for RPP stickers uh at this time and there's no plan to create one uh for the visitor uh plard program either thank you um passing over to Vesper Barnes you can unmute yourself good evening um my name is Vesper Gibbs Barnes and I um am a member of the Berea 7th Day Adventist Church which is directly across the street from the back of white Stadium um we have permission from the city of Boston to use the parking lot um on sver Street on Saturdays and at other times as the church need be and needs are and um based on your current this discussion uh we have members that come in from all over Boston Randol Milton just members that come in on Saturday morning to worship and we're concerned that we will not um be able to come in and Park for that purpose on that par on the game days and I think there 20 of them proposed at this time and we just like that to be factored in because we wouldn't mostly qualify for Resident stickers or a visitors pass I don't know I don't know what is being considered um as far as that's concerned if it's that that's being factored in um or folks are thinking about that for the first time as I'm raising it and Lou one that I was a former president of the Franklin Park Coalition that's correct oh nice thank you for thank you for raising your question and and thank you for your leadership especially working with the um Franklin Park Coalition um so the team actually has um a planned meeting with um that particular church and to plan on um the impacts um for sver Street overall so um we're looking with our faith-based leaz on will and um I believe Chief Irish also reached out so we're we're looking to have more intentional conversations on how it would impact the church and the services and um if there's any special events that's happens and stuff like that so we look forward to having more like intentional conversations um with your church and if you want to contact information as well that'll be helpful yeah certainly more uh Communications needed to to um discuss this but there is room to do to do both right so it's you're certainly not getting kicked out let's just put it that way there's there's ways to to manage so that you can park when when there's an event and and not have issues and again you know we're a lot of the game the games are going to be on weekends but you know they could be and and most likely will be later in the evening so you know starting at 5 or 6 so the church activity might have come and gone before we even need to use it so but you know there there could be times when it overlaps and we need to figure out those details for sure yeah but we're to to Brian's point we're definitely willing to work with the with the the congregation and make sure um and Mapp mapping out what what the needs are there for sure I'll also add here that you mentioned when your services are um scheduling priorities is something that we're still working through so that's something for that we will keep in mind and that will help us um make sure that the the we're prioritizing Community needs and events so that's something that um we haven't finalized yet we know there will be at most 20 games it depends on how well the SE the team does That season um so that's something to keep in mind as we work through this okay um I'll pass it over to Barry lton um you can unmute yourself I'm sorry I'm unmuting myself thanks everybody for participating appreciate the opportunity um I just had a question I think it's specifically for the transportation um commissioner there are huge disparities in Resident parking availability uh across the city 28,000 permits in in uh South Boston over 20,000 in Brighton um do you see any infringement on this project potentially on those areas that don't have residential parking and what is the accommodation for a large part of this walking area to cover Blue Hill Avenue uh um Columbia Road American Legion Highway and um subsequent parking areas around there because there's access to Franklin Park not just from Roxbury but also from Dorchester so if there are any provisions and and this sounds great to have residential parking on one day but it sound even better to have residential parking permanently for these people and most people are coming home um during the evening um you know to stay there and these are these around the time um time that the games uh that the games are there thank you for your question Barry so we do have um a specific doorchester meeting tomorrow on Transportation um tonight specifically on Roxbury and understand the implications um that a game day might have on um on Roxbury neighborhoods and streets um I don't know if that fully answered your question but um I can yeah I can help too so right to I the map that we see here is more oriented to the West into Jamaica plane in the north into Roxberry and not the East and that's just because of the Walk distance that there is through Franklin Park right so basically after you've crossed bluehill Avenue you walk past the zoo to get to the stadium that is a large chunk of what would be considered the walk area um but like Brian just said we're meeting with doresta tomorrow same meeting you know presentation we're doing now and if they see this and say we want more protection then that's something that will be discussed then but basically this was derived you know purely from walking distance you know to and from from the stadium itself so it's a little skewed to the north and west just because that's where the stadium is located within Franklin Park okay thank you for your response thank you Barry for your question um any other questions on the specific topic of game day parking regulations before we move on is any of the team members have anything to add specifically on game day and we could shift to um the three other topics yeah Brian if I can add I think we saw some questions in the chat about the sort of stickers and guest passes will there be you know if you have multiple cars can you have multiple stickers what if you want to have multiple guests um so I think we'd love to hear from folks if you have comments on about what your needs are and what would work for you so we can tailor we can take that into account as we tailor this new program even hearing the process on like how to receive the different placards like all of that type of detail will be helpful um to hear feedback on um also want to uplift in the chat there's a question of will there be a mechanism in place for um annual or some sort of other Cadence of review for this plan um I think it'd be great to touch on right now Brian or Morgan I mean I can answer that actually hi you know we are certainly gonna have um uh resources in place you know senior executive positions that are not just going to review parking and traffic more than annually but you know every aspect of our uh our tendency there in in in white stadium so you know this is community engagement that we are doing right now in planning but we we you know we are going to continue to do this through our you know our our uh our use of the stadium so absolutely there will there will be continued review both for parking transportation and security and cleanup and all the ways that this project is going to impact neighbors around the park yeah thanks Jen and and um I was reading the comment when you jumped in but yeah I mean not certainly not annually right for transportation this is going to be especially in the beginning game by game right we're going to see what works the first game what doesn't work we're going to alter it we're going to see you know if that addresses the problems or not and we'll alter it and we're going to keep fine-tuning it as needed um until we get it right so that um so that're it's running as efficiently as as uh possible thank you for that being able to have that flexibility and pivot when we learn new information is is going to be important for something like this so thank you Brian um so I see I actually do see some questions specifically about shuttles in the chat so I'm going to save that so um until we hit the shuttle section but I see um Senator W wierson and then Louis Alisa after so I want to give you guys this speak to um provide comments or um questions to the game day parking regulation section on me first um Brian good evening everybody Diane Wilkerson and I just want to just by way of background I actually am currently living you know in in Harvard Commons actually I'm around the corner from shatak my family house on some many know is on Dennison Street next door to Dr Maguire actually we just got here left there um so in Roxberry um um probably a thousand feet from from this the site when Crossing um Columbus AV so at the troter school U Brianna I don't even know if I remembered seeing you there but this this is my concern I actually am one of those people who ask a list of questions about game day parking at the chter school and we had a disruption um uh shortly after so not one of my questions was answered um and then and I asked questions about the plan which I'm hearing again tonight so tonight I'm listening and the same plan that we asked questions about and and pointed out problems at the troter school gets presented to us again like those questions were never heard and it is extremely um uh frustration frustrating doesn't even really express it but can I just and I'll list them they took notes and I know what they are when do you get the questions answered if you don't get them answered after or even in between would save you guys so much of this because I would have appreciated a followup even after the meeting and I wouldn't be asking these but well here's a few things that I do want to put on the table again um if to do what I hear you saying you're going to have to do checkpoints to make sure that you're letting the golfers in you're letting the people who coming to see going to the zoo in that you're letting people who just come to the park to walk every day or walk their dogs in so there would be checkpoints all over the place that's number one second um I I asked that night I am not aware of any po policy in the city that has the city imposing restrictive parking in a neighborhood that didn't ask for it I know that neighborhoods there's a process you have to get so many people on the street to sign you know to get uh the approval process and it's a cumbersome one and it's a high bar and it should be because the the presence of the stickered parking changes lives we we have a very Transit Driving population our kids you know they're they're driving Ubers they're taking lifts they're they're B they're renting turo so they're not going to have a sticker this week and the following week but more importantly no one asked and one of the reasons they didn't is because there's almost like a dozen senior buildings the families come to visit them on the weekend so how those things I knew you were going to do this I in right just how do I get an answer so I I a million percent agree we definitely should get you answers to specific questions I believe they were taken by counselor Anderson's team so maybe they should be no they were not not at the tror school they were not you they this team took notes and said and then just we never I never got an answer right and it's not for her to answer I want the transportation department to answer me I have questions about it so we can definitely follow up and get those answers specifically about check checkpoints I believe was one of the things that came up um the process on um the community asking for um specialized restrictions on parking stuff like that and I think the the goal also the goal of tonight is to have a lot of the specific conversations from uh with folks and and get their thoughts and ideas on specific parking restrictions as well so I definitely think um we could formally get um responses for the specific questions that you have as well um if there specific answers now we could probably provide that um as well yeah I can do that yeah I think Brian just muted yourself I did somehow I don't know what I touched sorry about that yes so the checkpoint so I I certainly wouldn't want to refer to it as a checkpoint right it's not going to be somebody not letting you on to Circuit Drive to get into the park but there will be parking attendants or parking ambassadors near the parking areas so you're not going to be blocked from getting nobody's going to be blocked from getting into the park but we we are trying to figure out the best way of protecting the parking for the its intended users right which are the zoo the golf course and just park users that are here to to enjoy the park um we are working with the zoo and and others the the Parks Commission the parks department excuse me um they try to figure out the the best way to do that but it's not going to be police details and you you know security not allowing people into the park it's going to be off to the side where the parking facilities are to make sure that they're managed properly and keeping the spectators out of those areas so that they are free for the rest of the park users thank you Brian and just um I apologize my team just let me know they do have the questions and the answers will be given by Friday um to you Senator um so we'll have those specific questions and writing as well um the team's already on it and it's collaborating with counselor Anderson's team so thank you um Lewis thank you um for the opportunity and as you all know a lot of the questions have been asked before but some of them outstanding um one is that the circulation map needs to go all the way over to Columbia Road taking in grow wall in columb Columbia in um in Washington Street which has a parking lot there the services of the large population but there often open same thing with um same thing with um the mall that's on the corner of uh blueville Avenue in um in um in Geneva and that that's that's interestingly important because it does affect a lot of people and it's within walking distance the circulation map is critical because us you've not said how circulation is going to work within the park for the large buses dropping people off they're not going to be able to exodite things very easily even though we looked at some opportunities you know out through Walnut or s Street once again s is probably off limits across of its size and and Green Street will not handle large buses so we have to talk about you have to talk about circulation and it's not just the big events like the Puerto Rican and Dominican and and the Caribbean festivals bam but communities use that Park on a regular basis children are there so I'd like to know specifically what circulation pattern is going to be same thing about Walnut Avenue and the Walnut Avenue turnaround and how that's going to be accommodated you know any physical changes made to se the street makes it more difficult for people to get across that street so any proposed changes needs to be vetted through the community the other piece is that you've not said anything significant about protecting senior housing is on the corner of Walnut in Columbus and what's going to happen with them going back and forth doing game days the other piece it's really important on non-game days when they proposed to do activities and events how will the parking operate and what's going on and finally um I have 30 seconds we've heard nothing from the Boston public schools yet and that really complicates this whole discussion you have no idea what they are doing we have some proposals they made but I have not seen anything structured that says that they're going to be good partners in this process thank you thank you Louis um so sorry are we able to bring up the the presentation that has this this two slides that show the the circulation roots of the shuttles I I went over them quickly we've presented them before but would be good to to stay on can you pull those up just to just to give context we're shifting to the next topic of shut shuttle routes then um and also wanted to do like a 18 minute time check for 7:30 um and also Lewis although tonight is on Transportation specifically we can definitely make sure to um be mindful of the BPS um piece as well I see aie going back I keep going yep so we stop on this one so either one this one's fine we can start here so this is the Columbia Road one um Le that you were saying you know going up Columbia Road and then Dorchester and past Geneva you can see the color coding which I didn't go over um but if you see a blue line here that means it's a a route to and from where we expect satellite parking to be and then the red lines are routs two and from public transportation so in this case on the right to Fields Corner and then hopefully a Four Corners Geneva on the the font line becomes not the commuter rail but the Indigo line with better service then that would certainly be something that would be great to connect to and then when those roots overlap they it becomes purple right so blue for one red for the other and then and then purple when it's together so they would come in on circuit drive from Blue Hill a um and then from Forest Hills and again you know parking to the West you can see blue lines in the in the lower left they'd come in to Circuit drive from the Arbor Way and then there is a parking area that is behind near the golf course and the and the the gates I forget the uh the name the gates you you were talking when we walk through the site there the historic Gates so there's a little parking facility there that would be able to accommodate this number of shuttles that we have coming in over the two hours so that is the route there we've done um engineering plans of this similar to the the the Uber and lift drop off where you can see the cars turning around and the actual vehicle pets we've done the same thing for shuttles to make sure that that activity would fit there and it does um and then if you go to the next slide it switches to the north loop so again blue for commuter uh for the satellite parking and and red for the Jackson Square which is really just turning around within Jackson Square and then the purple route for where those buses would go they would come in from Walnut EV on the existing uh driveway that's there to the to the west of the stadium and then they would do a counterclockwise Loop and exit back on a walnut air uh excuse me right at uh right near School Street which right now is only a pedestrian entrance so we will have to to modify that to allow for the vehicles to be able to exit there and of course that would only be open um during large events when the when the shuttles are are running it would it be a new vehicle entrance and same thing we have engineering plans of that that show you know how we'd modify it um I think that I don't know if they're in this deck but you know we do have them and and they have uh you know we starting to to go over how that would work separating the pedestrians to keep them away from the buses while everyone's you know coming coming through that Walnut at school Street intersection an to answer your question it wouldn't and it's a very good point um it's not a new road um there is an existing the the loop uh the place Dead Road that loops around the north side west side of of the stadium is 30 feet wide this is an existing uh pavement uh route that's not open to travel right now except for maintenance fac uh Vehicles so we would be using that 30 foot wide um path to to get the pickup and drop off which is the the white circle with the Red Dot around it right next to the the stadium on this graphic and then likewise going out towards wav again as an existing pathway um that we would basically um bifurcate make into two sections the right sides being for pedestrians and the left side being for the the shuttles exiting but we don't need to add any pavement to have this happen that's very important to the parks department that we're not creating more impervious surface so this is all within existing I hesitate to call them roadways right because they're not open to vehicles but they are they're roads that are that are in the Franklin Park already and then yeah Lou sorry I didn't mention that either There Are Places which Lu knows because we we to this um the area with him if you get dropped off at the Uber and lift drop off at humil and cver or even the the South Loop as we call it which is the circuit Drive um parking area there's some pths in within Franklin Park that aren't 88 compliant because of the slopes right there they're more than 5% and that's just because of the Topography of the of the area so we are going to provide you know golf cart shuttles for for uh Ada people this way when they get dropped off on the edges of the area they they have a way to get to the stadium that is ADA Compliant and again that was done because we're trying not to disturb um we're trying to not disturb as much of the park as possible right so we don't want to start leveling out Pathways that are following the N natural Contours that are there already so that seemed like the better um option than then going in and and really starting to modify Pathways that that aren't that aren't ada8 compliant right now okay um thank you Brian for that in-depth um shuttle walk route walk through I do see a couple in the chat questions in the chat um but now we're shifting to the topic on um in the topic of shuttle route so if there's any more questions on that I did see um why not send the Jackson Square shuttle to Humble um I think you answered that well I was just actually typing that so that would just be too much activity to to focus in one area right so we have the um the pickup and drop off there if we also started setting the shuttles there um it would just be too much concentrated in one location sounds good okay is there any more question specifically on shuttle routes and team if I'm missing any in the chat just let me know as well um okay so I don't see any hands or new sorry Brian I have a I see a question um that I think relates to pedestrian SA and shuttle rout so Annie's question is filling the park with shuttles every two minutes for two hours before and after the game day seems fairly unwelcoming and dangerous for pedestrians and children using the playground Brian can you talk about you know details protecting the playground what that shuttle frequency actually looks like things like that yeah so I mean she's she's she's about right with the two minutes for the two hours before and after um right so we were saying there was it's going to be 30 shuttles coming in that way per hour off a walnut AV um again the the playground is to the west of the school Street intersection where we would be and and there is um the existing path that we'd be staying on there's actually between the playground and the and the path is um a bunch of Heritage trees that we are not allowed to impact and quite honestly don't want to impact so there's there's other vulnerable you know entities or or things between us in the playground so we're not getting any closer to the playground than than that we already exist and and honestly with the um traffic operations manager you know directing traffic as at that intersection it you know it would be safer to cross wellnut a during those times than it is now when when it's just the crosswalk that that doesn't have any protection I see a question from Jacob um we're in the pedestrian um and um bike safety segment yes this is related to both pedestrian bike safety and and and the shuttles um I mean I I I just I think that sending these shuttles through the park where the the School Street mall that have entrance that's kind of the main entrance to white to white Stadium the main pedestrian and bike entrance and where you want people to be entering right at the top of school street so if there's a way rather than bringing the shuttles into the park there's a way to have them drop at the bus bus stop there by the library or find some find some creative way to do that um you know have them turn around through that intersection or drop there and then have them turn around at at Humbolt or something like that um I think it' be a vastly superior superior plan than than changing the the feel of pedestrians and bikers who are entering the park because it's you really want people to be walking into the park through that entrance and have that experience of walking to the park and seeing the stadium and being able to to relax because they're not looking over their shoulder at a at a shuttle thank you for um that feedback Jacob I think maybe there could be like a overlapping map of all the entry points um and the bike entries and um the shuttle else as well maybe that would be helpful um as well but thing to be mindful of when we're thinking about um when we're thinking about that Brian did you have any comment to that or you no I mean there like I said there is an engineering plan that seemed like it was too much detail um for this presentation and you know to show up properly on the slide I mean um but it is a wide path that's there now and and like I said with the with all the the people directing traffic and the and the ambassadors right there's a way to keep the pedestrians and bike users whether they're going in the soccer game or just going to the park because it is a main entrance from the West to get in um you know there is a way to to to do it and manage it uh properly so that the buses they're kind of if you look at the Loop and if you're there they'll kind of be next to you and there is no Crossing Point other than when you're right on Walnut EV um at school street again we'll have have the uh we'll have people directing traffic there to to make that operate better than I again that it does when when there isn't anything going on um okay um thank you Jacob for your question I see a couple questions in the chat that are like well shuttle I do want to do a seven minute time check but I will list a couple questions we have on shuttles and or protection and safety so there's a question on how big the buses are um there's some comments on um how we can be thoughtful about um turnarounds of the shuttles um any and that's kind of like environmental impacts of the shuttles um yeah I think that's the the ones I've seen if the team sees anything else let me know but um do you know size of the buses and stuff like that yeah so the size so yeah I'm going through them too sorry um um size of the buses are their coach shuttles right and the and the point of that is is using the large shuttles is so that we have more people per shuttle so that there's less overall shuttles in general right if we use small Vehicles then there'd be a lot more vehicles um I'm going to start there there will be people directing traffic um at the pickup drop off on Humbolt for sure like I said there'll be one or there'll be people doing it on sver Street in the intersection and then there'll also be people within the pickup drop off area itself making sure that it's operating efficiently um someone's asking about an updated Transportation study there is no plan to update the study we're responding to comments that we've received um but the study itself had all the volumes in there that that were necessary um and since we haven't changed the number of Spectators the the tra the study is is still accurate um we have not talked to the DCR about using the arway parkway um but that part of the Arborway is actually between Forest Hills and um circuit Drive is actually not protected there's already city buses running on that part and there is the zoo runs a shuttle on that part of the Arborway we would need to potentially talk to DCR if we were using other Parkways or other parts of the Arborway um that do have uh large vehicle restrictions on it to see if we need if we would need permits but again until we know exactly where the satellite parking is going to be those you know those discussions are premature sure because we don't know what routs we would need to to get um approval to use uh next one buses stored during a game will be um in the parking areas where we're showing the pick up and drop off operations so the South Loop off a circuit drive and then also the the North Loop near the stadium you know during the game you know some people will be looking to leave early um so we do need to provide a way to get them to you know to uh away from the state if if they're leaving before they ender the game Brian I'm was going to chime in here because I know we have one more section and wanted to time for wrap up but thank you for your thoroughness because I think um it's been very helpful to provide context for the folks on the call um I wanted to give space specifically because I I don't I don't know if this fully came up but definitely was talked about in our presentation but if anyone had questions on specifically our ride share and should we cons consider any other measures to direct ride share whether that mean ride share stops um specific signage or anything like that um on any recommendation specifically there on um ride share usage for um for um using white stadium and Brianna while people are formulating their questions on that topic just want to quickly um address a question that we received in the chat like will there be a number that somebody can call if um the plan is not going as as intended I think we are working on building out sort of a governance structure by which you know we will have very clear Pathways for people in the neighborhoods giving feedback to Boston Unity to the city of Boston as we very much approach this as an iterative plan you know we're doing our best to come up with you know our best most thorough effort but we know that things are going to have to change they're going to have to improve and it's going to be a group effort to get us there can agree enough Morgan um they definitely like we mentioned ear specifically about the the game day parking um there is opportunity for pivot when we learn more um and new information um so I know we're approaching the end is there any lash minute questions or Flags or concerns we'll also be saving the chat um to make sure that um we are you know taking in every information um and all um considering all feedback and impacts um we also will follow up with the questions that were requested at the last meeting um team has those so we will make sure um they go to who requested them so thank you for highlighting that um I want to uh I believe Anie is controlling the slides I do want to go to at least next steps if there's no anyone else when I give it a second for people to raise their hands if they have any last minutes okay um so I wanted to go back to next steps because it's it's really important um that we underscore that this is an ongoing conversation um tonight was specifically about the the transportation impacts on Roxberry and um want to be intentional about how we're really trying to get like Street by Street um um you know door by door and how um this proposal will impact um the daily life of of residents so also took notes about um you know connecting with the church from that Vesper um brought up um and also making sure that we're you know working closely with the senior housing in the neighborhood so we are we are and actively doing those type of communications and 10one conversations as well as conversations like this to make sure we get it right and um making sure that we have space to Pivot if we um hear feedback um so again we'll be incorporating all feedback into the plan um that we hear from either one-on-one conversations directly going to constituents or conversations like this as well um there is a May 15th iig meeting I see some iig members on the call um Boston Unity Sports um soccer team will definitely um obviously present and hearing a lot of the feedback from the community will input a final plan when necessary and when they when when feel like when they feel like you know have a collective understanding of um the project and the community needs then BTD will then codify the transportation access plan with the soccer team um then this will allow um an operation plan that will continue to evolve as we spoke about earlier to um think about um elements of the plan that need to evolve involved when in in actuality um and also wanted to provide two things this is also a blueprint if there's any other larger events at um besides Gay Day events that at that are held at the stadium and I know someone mentioned um what does the partnership with BPS look like um BPS Transportation team is working on a plan specifically for students and um for BPS Community to make sure they feel accommodated supported and heavily involved and just to also Center us in our why this is for young people these this is for our BPS students and our families in um our BPS Community as well so I want to thank everyone for for joining tonight again this is recorded so we have all the comments questions and chat questions and all the feedback so thank you all um for participating and have a good night and any other followup questions please email um white sadium thank you all good night e for