All right, all the call to order public and private commission hearing on May nine 20 20 former TAHTAWI take call certainly with the representative from the Transportation Department please state their name for the record according to Property Management Department Callahan Inspection Services Department primarily Water and Sewer Commission Denise One Commission for Persons with Disabilities and we do not have someone from public works today but we do have a forum I will just mention to everybody if you wish to utilize the closed captioning function that is available at the bottom of your screen so you can turn that on your describing the request of the public improvement Commission staff, I will entertain a motion for the acceptance of the minutes of the hearing held on April twenty twenty twenty four to make emotional accept the minutes of the hearing on April twenty fifth twenty twenty four seconds on paper I'll post right here. I had a number one position by Byroade Enterprises Inc for the making of specific persons in a public way Roxbury located on its northerly side at number one ninety generally west of Winslow Street consisting of Sizewell Reconstruction new relocated specialty pavement bypass and street lighting the structure as well as the closure of two driveway Kirkwood's new business for twenty five twenty twenty four they show us a set of plans entitled City Public Works Department Engineering Division Specific Repair Plan Dudley Street Roxbury one ninety Dudley Street one she dated March twenty nine twenty twenty four Morning Madam Chair and misremembers Madison Blanchard with Howard S. Hudson here to present and request approval for the specific repairs associated with the one ninety Dudley Street Project in Roxbury. I'm joined this morning by members of Reena Enterprises, the developer and Resko Associates the project architect. The project site consists of two parcels totaling eight thousand seven hundred forty three square Land located in Roxbury. The project site is located on the north side of the street between Harrison Avenue and Winslow Street. The existing site today is occupied by a one story commercial building bordered by a mixed use building to the West and Park to the east. The proposed project consists of the demolition of the existing building site and construction of a new five story mixed use building totaling thirty two thousand five hundred forty square feet of first floor will contain commercial space in a bakery I'm forced to through five will contain twenty four residential dwelling units. The specific repairs associated with the project consist of the closure of two dragway curb cuts and sidewalk reconstruction that includes the installation of a three foot wide permeable paver furnishings, three bike racks within the furnishings and a cement concrete sidewalk that's a minimum of five foot five feet and with since the last time we presented at new business hearing there has been one minor change to the plans and that is extending the permit a paper strip for the limit of sidewalk reconstruction located on the east side of the sidewalk being reconstructed and at that I will open up for any questions ,questions or comments by commission members as staff report the public wishes to ask questions or testimony to any particular project. We ask that you use the raised hand function at the bottom of your screen. I have nothing further on this one and I do not see any reason. So I think we're all set on a emotional public item. Number one, I make a motion to approve a petition arena enterprises for the making of specific repairs but they bubblies re further run into the record by the chair that contract paper I all right public hearing item number two on a position by EFG Legrange owner of One LLC for the acceptance of a pedestrian easement adjacent to the following public works in Boston proper. The great strides are Leaside generally it addressed forty seven to fifty five east of Tamworth Street Tamworth Street on its either easily side between the green treat me little more business for twenty five twenty shown on a plan entitled City of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division Pedestrian Easement Plan fifty five range Green Boston when she dated May 7th. Good morning. Very happy to be here this morning acting as a project manager on behalf of my client SPG Legrange on our one L.L.C. for the project located at fifty five Legrange Street. This is a twenty two storey multifamily building with one hundred and sixty seven condo units and fifteen hundred square feet of retail space in Boston's theater and cultural district. I'm joined today by our civil engineer John Schmid with niche engineering to review pedestrian heasman and specific repairs and crosswalk improvements. Thank you John. So this project has a little bit of history to it. We design the project actually construct the design firm we started back in twenty seventeen was constructed from twenty twenty three twenty twenty two. We started the process back in twenty twenty twenty and for various reasons the building permit was issued in late of twenty twenty understanding that we would seek the approval final approval before the Permanent Occupancy Committee is issued specifically occupancy this issue what we have presented for you today so much of the work is already completed and I will share that and there is still a little bit work to be performed and that came through in coordination with the city of Works. The application before us now is that string this is right there is about one point seven feet over eighty three feet which was about one half of wide Siwa understands what street chance for us is a public way that's fairly narrow in nature. It's as old downtown streets. Any questions, questions or comments by commission members as he staff or public? Also I'll entertain motion on public hearing. I have never to make a motion to approve a petition by SPG Legrange or One LLC or the acceptance of a pedestrian easement in the area of Tamworth Street in La Grange Street as further to the right by the chair I can't all favor I post thanks a petition by NPG Legrange Owner one LLC for the making of specific care within the following public ways in Boston proper consisting of clearcutting or roadway and sidewalk reconstructions as well as New street lighting and the structure in response was the street generally address number of forty seven fifty five from street to a point Tamworth Street Tamworth Street generally between the Green Street, Boylston Street Street Reince Priebus the street of Tamworth Street new business 524000 five twenty twenty four a.m. a set of plans entitled City Boston Public Works Department Engineering Specific Repairs Plant forty seven fifty Street Downtown Boston six years dated January twenty twenty four. I thank you John Schmidt with the engineering as we dove into specific repairs but dry before you in the case the work of all the workers that's part of this project the areas that are highlighted in yellow performed and are completed. The areas peach are to tabletop intersections where we were raised in the intersection provide us with Dastan crossing and then the area of the green Street that's green that was work that was performed by others during the process of construction during the duration of construction as we went to the town square three times I'm sorry the Grand Street we have a six and a half away white concrete sidewalk. We have three new street lights, two of them are installed and one will be is to be installed around downtown or street. We have four and a half foot sidewalk and then we also have a midwife Crosswell because there is not adequate space on the north side of Wall Street to extend that sidewalk and stand up from our side of court to extend that sidewalk and walkway itself is a private way which we do not control the nearly half of . So after numerous meetings and coordinations we agreed. But Crosswell as indicated plans at the intersection of campus and Boylston Street we were providing the tabletop crosswalk so it would be a smooth pedestrian experience as they walk down the street there's no plans to go up or go down is at the traffic and the same can be true at the intersection of the Green Street where we provided snow and could travel without you getting great at the intersection. I think that is there any questions actions are gone by commission members? Yes, he Stavropol we're good. Also I'll entertain a motion with your hand and make a motion to approve a petition by FPGA Legrange only one LLC for the making of specific repairs on Legrange Tamworth Termina on Boylston Street further read into the record by the cheering second elevator I thank you public you're number four for condition by all about Legacy Foundation the vertical discontinuance of portions of Tremont Street Public May proper located southeasterly side and address number 125 southwest of Hamilton Place vertically above the rate of the sidewalk in business for twenty five point twenty four shown on a set of plans entitled City of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division twenty one twenty five Tremont Street Boston Proper two dated me twenty twenty four oh Madam Chair my guests Mike Ross I'm the attorney for the project I'm here with John Schmidt Nichiren bring up the presentation just two quick updates so we met with Live Nation the people who operate the Orpheum which are the back of Hamilton Place which a couple of properties from the Holocaust was Holocaust Museum and we are going to as we mentioned the previous discussion just the radius of the entry to Hamilton Place to allow them to continue to use the trucks that they've been using to get in there without disruption to to that curb. We've been working with staff on that. So that's that's a big change from the last time when we met two weeks ago I think we referenced that we were looking to that with staff. We see a Boston staff which we've done and John just outlined and the only other update for the for the board is Stephanie that we engaged CBRE to conduct the evaluation of the discontinuance and we've put forward an alternative more thorough request to the commission to the city about seeking relief for the payment of what that ultimate value those are the big changes I'll turn over judgment you have no thank you. Thank the petition before you have to do with the burial of this continuance. I think this rendering is a nice job describing what that is at the corner of time in the Grange we have this of window projection that is approximately 30 feet above grade. It's about twenty feet high and so and consists of sixty nine square feet then also along the front edge of the main street we have this well wired mesh the projects that we face that began six feet above grade and it's a one point eight foot projection consisting of of about one hundred and fourteen square feet of area. So those are the two those the projection the discontinuance s any questions by Syndergaard misremembers Pisey staff Republik also I know I should have had a number four make a motion to approve a petition by a little Cross Legacy Foundation for the vertical tenure with vertical discontinuance of sort of Tremont Street where the residents by the chair started over and post. All right, public hearing room number five and a petition by Holocaust legacy Foundation for making a specific appearance with me to demonstrate public weight loss and smoking generally address number one twenty five Southwest in Hamilton Place consisting of Broadway sidewalk on Destry and rampant construction as well as new and relocating traffic signal infrastructure storage and infrastructure bike racks, bollards and groundwater recharge to structure your business by four twenty five twenty twenty and a set of plans in total city of Boston Apartment Engineering Division Supercomputers Plant one twenty five three public way Boston for Street April 20, 2010 judgment with the engineering statement to the drawing. So here's a nice new rendering of the improvements we need. You can see we were maintaining existing turbines so our mother can still have access for their sixty seven point not tractor trailers. We are proposing a range of bollix around the face here to protect the building as well as the spacing between each power and support we need to see on center but at the ramps themselves and to fight for the clearance. And we also provide a ten foot wide clearance here with the center a volume center five feet and then five feet and we are reconstructing concrete sidewalk kind and making it accessible. We are also providing for migrants here as requested and we and based on the meeting we had post of new business we've adjusted these to forty five degrees. It confirm that there is adequate space for the and then we're also committed to providing a conduit between the control box and the traffic signal structure here and the contractor the buildings contractor work with the city on this work weekends to ensure that everything is coordinated during construction and as we move along to Hamilton sorry Hamilton place it privately we have a Blu ray recharge system here. We also have existing very away here from the building and that license be reviewed by China. So that is well underway. But within that within projection we have a storage tank that will pump water here into the crowd. We also have a small Kirkup here for road deliveries and from seven feet wide sidewalk on this area about ninety nine point sixty five. Any questions I Ginger Collins Mike misremembers? >> Oh yeah. I'll just say that when it caught when you guys are out there just let us know and we'll come out with the kind of questions that appreciate them. Thank you. And also I want to thank everyone in the city who helped us the last week or so when we had new business we probably had a thousand comments we were able to convene a meeting and walk through and come to a consensus as to what is the best way resolve these issues. So thank you to the members of City Hall being so accommodating helping to move this forward known for SB. Yes, Stanmore Public think we're good. All right. There's an emotional public hearing. I'm about to make a motion to approve a petition by the Holocaust Legacy Foundation for the specific repairs on Fremont Street as further red to the record by the chair they were I those mendacity. Thank you. Thank you. All right. I will entertain a motion to adjourn. I make a motion to adjourn my favor. I have eighteen minutes guys the better I heard the challenge surrounding recording