Or is yours, Mr. Chair, thanks ,Commander. Really? Joshua Franklin, Judge Chair of the Public Improvement Commission and I call to order the public commission hearing on June twenty seven twenty twenty four. Mr. Levin, would you please take the roll call? Of course with the representative from the Public Works Department please state their name for the record company Property Management Department. I believe Joe is here but we might be frozen. We'll come back to him. Transportation Department Gordon Inspection Services Brian Morton Water and Sewer Commission. Step one question for persons with disabilities Patricia Mendez and poverty management one more time. Joseph Callahan, property management perfect. Thank you, sir for all right. Thank you very much. >> Our first item today here in minutes at the request of the Public Improvement Commission staff, the acceptance of the minutes of the hearing held on June 30 twenty twenty four I hear emotion who approved the minutes I make a motion through the minutes of June 13th. Twenty twenty four second all in favor ay ay ay ay ay ay. Any opposer seen the mood on to our first item twenty four continued no one on a petition I ever saw energy for a utility pole installation installed one new private utility angular guy with the Carolina Avenue restaurants to build on it suddenly side address is number one eleven West Carolina place. This had its first hearing on May twenty third run running please introduce themselves their affiliations and let us know how you like to proceed with this given the comments at the first hearing. Good morning Susan actually here filling in for clarity. Can everyone hear me? Yes OK. Good morning Ms. Orie. I'm not the best here regarding Carolina and we were looking to install or attach a guidewire and anchor to the existing pole at the corner of Carolina at however there were concerns with that due to the handicapped accessibility. Apostolis met with the representative from the city to discuss other options. We are still in the process of reviewing those options with our customer from Castle. We respect requests of this year and be continued to next month with the expectation that we will have a solution prior to that. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm glad you're making progress on that. Todd, please remind us all women are next here. Our next hearing is July 11th and the hearing after that is July twenty fifth. Do you have a preference for which of those who would going to have this continue to I would take July 25th to be honest with you Katie. So I'm getting Elsas here and I think the twenty fifth is the best fit for the day integrase and everything else going everybody's blood pressure and so the the 25th it is due to continue. I'll make a motion to continue utility for continued hearing No one until July 25th. Thank I I I I mean Opposer abstained so we thank you we'll see you or somebody on the twenty five. Thank you so much. Thank you. Have a great safe July everyone. Thank you again you to thank you so much. Take care. Bye bye. All right on to our next item you will recall hearing continues number two on petition by Verizon New England Inc. for utility pole installation install three new private utility poles have been the following public waits in Roxbury. This had its first hearing on May 20 third Skyler Street and its northeasterly side address numbers nine to 11 as well as Southwest could be cited Adris numbers sixteen for eighteen. But Wall Street itself needs Leaside and address number forty two parents please introduce themselves, their affiliations and let us know how you would like to proceed based on the feedback from the elastomeric. Yes good morning names Ross do representing Verizon going on this morning I was asked to join this call to formally withdraw this petition so it will no longer be moving forward all right, we appreciate that and I know there is some concerns raised last time around. So just want to say we appreciate the responsiveness that you're showing to those concerns but do we need a formal motion to withdraw to just to accept the withdrawal without rhetoric? Do I hear a motion to accept the withdrawal of utility pole continued no. To make a motion to withdraw utility pole continued no to without prejudice all in favor. I I oppose or abstain the moot. Thank you very much Charles. Appreciate. Thank you. All right. On to our next item. I'll be carrying number one on a petition by the City of Boston Transportation Department and the city Boston Public Works Department to be making a specific in the following public days in Brighton consisting of realignment, sidewalk reconstruction as well as new and updated pedestrian ramps, Beacon Street violence, street violence Street and Beacon Street. This was a new business on June 13th and is shown on a set of friends entitled The City of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division of Repair Plan Work began Street Breitenbach Street by street reshoots dated April twenty twenty four but the proponents of these introduced themselves. Their affiliations give us a very different introduction to this project and let us know about any changes since your original new business here. Wahlquist John Marcelli, principal engineer with STS Cabinet. I'm joined by our consultants Fussin O'Neill gyroscopic encountered the original proposal as part of the North Beacon Street bike lanes the second track continuing to build connecting the Birmingham Parkway area and the DCR properties all the way into the Austin Center and Union Square area. These ramps at the violent intersection are part of an accessibility improvement and upgrade so that folks can connect between a bus stop. There is a future site for Fuga and housing redevelopment and mixed use you seriously really adding to the fabric and improving our compliance. The neighborhood is John or Tyler could throw up the PC files for that intersection. There's no changes since the last since new business as you see here on the screen. There we go. All right, commissioners, any questions or comments right here for members of the public ? I will remind the public if you wish to ask questions or testimony, please use the raised hand function at the bottom of your screen when your interest or project I see not at this time and I have no comments. >> All right. We got to hear motions in a public no one will make a decision by the city of Boston Transportation Department in the city of Boston Public Works and prepare for the making of specific appearance in North Beacon. Violent Street is ready to record check in favor ay ay ay ay ay oh any opposers see the moved on to Albuquerque number two on a petition with City Bus and Transportation Department in the city of Boston Public Works Department for making specific comparisons in the following public relations department consisting of curb realignment, roadway and sidewalk reconstruction as well as new and located screen ramp's windshear street usable street principals Winship Street This was new business on June 13th a set of plans entitled City of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Divisions Suffolk Repair Plan Winship Street Austin Winship Street Francesc and to Washington Street four sheets dated February twenty twenty for the proponents please reintroduce themselves their affiliations get in once again. Give us a brief introduction to the project as any changes since the union business here we are again pushing I'm going to tell you principal engineer at the Street's cabinet we have a project also affiliated with a different bike lane proposal Vakhtang just a Halab down into the Brighton center area and Washington and Winship intersection. We're saying he's very quick, quick, quick and this proposal here kind of reorients to curb signs at a side street residential side street and introduces a new crosswalk across Winship Street. So we got to do some curve realignment and new ramp in introductions for that. This was an ask from the community we incorporated into the design making sure that it was safe and that if at all the needs from everyone involved. So joined again here by the bus team Jones Savage Tylor Deridder Talagi to throw up that she can see their excellent so we've worked through with our Disabilities Commission as well as our Public Works Construction Team and I believe that there are preparations to lay these ramps out as we speak so we're ready to go April. Oh OK. Sorry. All right Sister excuse me I Kristen Stewart here. Any questions or comments here AIPAC staff or members of the public now I'm nervous that I'm going to be myself now I'm also all right. Excellent with that to hear from you through public you over to I'll make about, you know, a joint petition by the city bus and Transportation Department, the city public works department of the making a specific appearance on St. Street and the micromanager second all on paper I high in the opposers same. All right. So Moots, thank you very much. On to public cheering number three on a joint position by the city of Boston Transportation Department and the city Boston Public Works Program to make a specific comparison in the following public waits in Boston proper consisting of curb realignment, reverence and road reconstruction with structural silence all is new and relocated pedestrian ramps, specialty pavement traffic ignoring the structure of street lighting in the structure by storm drains, planters landscaping and stormwater infrastructure, driveway drive cuts, median islands and protected bike facilities. Harrison Avenue between East Berkeley Street and Harold Street his Berkeley Street Harrison Avenue Street that Harrison Avenue William Emollients Way West comparison of New RLD Street at Harrison Avenue this is new business on June 13th as shown instead of plans in titled City of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Divisions of Prepare Plan Personnel a Boston proper dated June twenty seven twenty twenty four. But there were Billingsley's introduce or reintroduce themselves and once you give us a brief introduction to the project as well as any changes that have been made since your new business here again Commissioners' Jomini Chelly principal engineer with the Streets Cabinet I'm certain to be here. I see a few of them on the list . This proposal is a partial roadway reconstruction, immediate removal accessibility improvements, street lighting traffic signal introduction, reconstructing four full intersections to make sure that ramps and infrastructure are compliant and appropriate and geared for the pedestrian volumes in the neighborhood juicing a handful of new street trees green infrastructure to improve our climate resiliency and then separating by some facility that uses some of techniques that we have explored and deployed elsewhere in. So give it over to our consultants. See it's up on the screen there. We had a few interim comments that have been incorporated one from our Disabilities Commission to include additional detectable panels within the refugee areas. So we'll be adding those in there and the materiality that's involved for that. And then I think there were some adjustments to the green infrastructure elements as well. So I'll hand it over to the consultant. Thank you. John Wayne Amico from BHP. I have with me from BHP Alysha Arriaga and Joanna Stone and John did a good job summarizing that and a couple of other things that we added based on comments from others and from the commission there was a few dimensions that were requested at some key sidewalk page points. We added some notes about signage on the raised violence and we as John mentioned, we added some additional swale details, coordination with green infrastructure and if there's any adjustments to limit to paving, John will be coordinating with public works on ACT specifically on East Berkeley but anywhere else as necessary. That's where we're at at least there is sharing the screen and real entertaining comments or questions you guys like very much commissioners' questions or comments right or none. I see staff or members of the public. I see no public hands raised. Brosset All right. To hear a motion to improve public hearing number three, I'll make a motion that will be generated by the city of Boston Transportation Department, the city Public Works Department making specific repairs in Harrison Avenue Spurtle Street Traveler will million miles away and Street has been directed by the chair all in favor. I, I, I and I oppose Herbsaint the route. Thank you very much John. I can great work and always thank you Commissioner. All right. Next Carry No Florida position by Sea Systems Inc. or transportation company status and no participants to install new telecommunication conduit with city shadow in the following is in Boston proper Brookline Avenue southwest Newbury Street near Miskito east of Brooklyn Avenue as this was new business on June 13th it shall not set of plans and I don't believe Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division Grant Application Plan proposed Placement Brooklyn Avenue to Newbury Street City of Boston pretreated December 16th twenty twenty two when the proponents begins to introduce themselves affiliations and give us reintroduction and update on any change since you're in your business here. Good morning. I'm Erica Hudson from CNN anchor representing Team Systems and Systems is seeking location. I sorry to place telecommunications hardware so the day goes by at Verizon nine 12 I'm pretty will continue on to the station where it will break into an existing Comcast example. This will include too for a schedule for for PVC Conaway's and one of the two hundred and fifty feet and there have been no changes to the plan since the new business hearing on the previous morning we received some comments at questions first was regarding the timeline of the day. This will take about five working days sic. It was they were concerned regarding interference the Red Sox games or any other Fenway events. So we will review all events scheduled within the Fenway area and we dig on those dates . So if there's any Red Sox games or music events we will dig on those days in. Lastly was regarding the restoration of the sidewalk at the intersection of Brooklyn Avenue Reishi and we will ensure that we restore that site to its current condition. >> Excellent. Thank you very much. Appreciate that meeting just kind of related points to those things. One on any day when there is a certain event at Fenway this area gets a very high volume industry and so just ensuring that you do end up using your work for a day or two to accommodate sphenoid schedule to ensure that your construction crews have this area absolutely buttoned up from a pedestrian safety perspective that there is an equipment that's blocking crosswalk visibility or anything out of place. So just please work with your construction folks to make sure that's the case and related in addition to sidewalk restoration, the is there any impact really just make sure the markings from the crosswalk are fully restored and restore quickly again because of the industrial volumes. But appreciate your responsiveness on all of these commissioners and additional questions or comments here I see staff or members of the public I'll set on this all right here a motion to be Republican member for I need to take you back to the location that company status in Brooklyn Avenue, Berry Street on paper. Hi. Hi. Penny Opposer extending the move. Thank you very much. Thank you. On two public hearing no sign of a petition by Tricker Eby LLC for the granting of nurse retention license for the installation of a temporary Earth support system within the following public ways in Boston proper UC Berkeley Street on its northeasterly side address number eighty generally between Washington Street and Shawmut Avenue Washington Street like Westerly's side generally northeast of these Berkeley Street Avenue on itself is truly oligarchy's to these Berkeley Street its new business on June 13th as shown on the planet I know the city of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division and retention Plan Washington Street and UC Berkeley Street Eighteens Berkeley Street Boston one sheet dated June 11 twenty twenty four for the abundance please introduce themselves affiliations and give us a very brief introduction to the action that you're proposing here and any changes since you and your business here and thank you everyone like lying here would be cabinet partners on behalf of the ownership. I'll join today also by Dawn Schmidt with an engineering my Atwood with haling and Bob Boilen with the company once the light modification to make on the petition itself, notes Shawmut AV as in addition with Washington e Berkeley we're actually technically not in the public right away with this retention with Somnath so if we could just make that slight correction other than that advancement will take you through the details real quick here but appreciate body scan this morning. Why do we need here's a rendering of the building as required. We went through approvals in June of twenty twenty three. This is the location where the constraint was St Vincent de Paul still consisting of about one point zero fingers. This is the point of excavation as you can see Oakshott and the Green is the support of excavation which consists of stockpiles you can rely on Stralman. It is within our pipeline but as we come on these burkini and down Washington street because the information to the public but within the sidewalk area of the of the silver mines in the city which is about 20 feet 25 feet down this great private place of the department is this investigation will be following the story as any practice and there have been no change since then to be presented in business. A couple veto, any question those questions comments OK, for members of the public, no issues. >> I'll just mention we did realize that the system is not currently shown to encroach on Shamitabh. We did include in the agenda just so that if during installation you do end up encroaching a little bit and ends up not being a big deal and you would not need to come back to yes. So that's the reason that we do have it listed on there. No, the cost from us. All right. Enough with that here. Emotions public enemy number five I make a bunch to do a petition Madruga himI LLC for the of an architectural license in East Berkeley Street Washington Street and eventually Shamitabh is going to talk about back on favor. I, I and the Imposer say the mood. Thanks very much. Thank. All right. Onto Public Enemy Number six on a petition by Eternal Dreamings LLC and Anonymous Avenue of from the abandonment of any and all rights to travel the public may have as within version of Waymouth Avenue Private Way Open Public Travel WesTrac free from a point approximately one hundred and ten feet northwest of Washington St. Germain approximately three hundred feet to 80 Questro plus new business on June 13th shown on a in the city of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division bending the plan Weymouth Avenue West Roxbury one sheet dated June twenty twenty four and they were planning to introduce themselves their affiliations and give us a brief introduction. This action or any changes since your new business back home from US years joined this morning by Roger Edwards from Dream Sequence and also by Ben Blanchard from our and we have a couple of sites for this morning's presentation which would be happy to answer any questions. This first image is the area in which shows the approximate limits of what environment is as pretty as you mentioned looking at the end of events in the West Roxbury neighborhood. Next slide, please hears about time the family planning stands for Boston three hundred sixty five feet from the end of that has a 40 foot with a total area of fifteen thousand two hundred square. There've been no changes since last year and on the ultimate goal of the Obama plan is to allow to be an extension of the public by the way at this location after answering questions the commission public parishioners questions I staff or members of the public all sat on us all to hear much to a public hearing. No, since I made the petition by Children's LLC in the Weymouth Avenue Buttars for the ability of a portion of Waymouth and de Unfavorite I I, I know many of those are exceeding the moved on to public number seven on a petition by Tritle Dreams LLC in Weymouth Avenue Bouton's for the widening relocation and extension of the existing railway lines Waymouth Avenue Public Way West Roxbury from its terminus located approximately four hundred and ten feet northwest of Washington Street to the point approximately three hundred and eighty northwesterly this was new business on June 13th as shown on a set of plans the city of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Division. Why are you going to be location and extension plan Weymouth's Avenue Public Way in West Roxbury she stated June 12th twenty twenty four the please introduce themselves their relations and give a brief introduction to this action that you're proposing today as well as any changes since your new business 60 67 Term Dreams LLC a new venture from our seniors. We going to present the humiliating location extension plan for the the intention of the of this plan is to extend the business of women of the approximately 300 U.S. city improvements within new public right away and would include Nuzman compensate loss and street trees with street lighting. The only change that we've can since last year is the inclusion of some green infrastructure between proposed strip and street infrastructure has also been provided at the end of the street intent. The intent is to install seven new curb cuts which would allow for the development of seven single family lots with hyperglycemic issues the commission will probably have Schillers Doce staff or members of the public. >> I'll just mention on the record that our Parks Department has agreed to take on all of these new street trees into their inventory after the two year warranty period and also the city's also green infrastructure has agreed to take on the escaping strips on both sides. So a highway easement will be needed but a maintenance agreement for this infrastructure should not be required. All right. During our motion to public enemy number seven, I'll make a motion to approve a petition by territory in the Weymouth Avenue a widening relocation and extension of a portion of Weymouth that has been talking about the site all in favor. I, I any of those are saying the mood. Thanks, James. You on to our final agenda item number eight an addition by ten walnut condominium Association for the maker of specific repairs within Walnut Street Public Way of Boston proper located on its eastern side address number ten across cross from Chestnut Street consisting of the new bollards. This was new business on June 13th as shown on a plan entitled The New Boston Public Works Department Engineering Divisions Pacific Repair Plan Ten Walnut Street Beacon Hill one sheet dated June twenty six twenty twenty four for the proponents please introduce themselves. They're creations and walk us through the changes he made since your last hearing as well as any adjustments to address some of the concerns you heard. Yes, thank you very much. My team is Timothy Burke. I'm the architect for the project and with me is also Michael Joyce who is the engineer we at the last hearing there was a discussion about accessibility. I met at the site with Sarah Lilongwe of the Disabilities Commission and we we discussed removing one of the proposed bollards so we reducing it from three to two bollards and then relocating the bollards to provide adequate parts of travel. And so that was the only change . We do need these bollards to protect the bluestone that we're going to install because if cars drive on it, which they currently are parking on it that it destroys the blue stones that we were looking to protect this section of sidewalk. Be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just want to say thank you. I appreciate reviving this project to ensure that we are providing maximum accessibility here so I appreciate the work that's on that. Commissioners, any questions? Yes, All right. Hearing non staff or members of the public now we're all set. All right. Excellent. During our motion to improve public enemy number eight, I made a new addition by a ten Minuteman Association for making a specific repairs and voluntary has been recorded by the SEC on favor. Hi. Hi. Hi I am Opposer. I'm seeing moved by very much. Thank you. Already we have reached the end of our agenda so with that do I hear any motion to adjourn? I make a major second all in favor I I i we are adjourned.