##VIDEO ID:maUKie3ilW8## Or Sir, good morning, everybody. I am Craig Large, I am chair of the Public Improvement Commission and I called to order this Public Improvement Commission hearing of August twenty twenty four. Mr. Ryan, we take the roll call with the representative from the public Works Department. Please state their name for the record Yosh Property Management Department all here Transportation Department regarding Inspection Services Department Grider Water Water and Sewer Commission Dennistoun and Commission for Persons with Disabilities Salvio also thanks so much. All right. Our first order of business the hearing minutes of the address to the public improvement Commission staff, the acceptance of the minutes of the hearing held on July twenty first twenty twenty four your motion to approve Clemins make a motion to dismiss the hearing on July 21 all in favor by any oppose or abstain but moved on to our next item on and continued No one on a petition by Nawash to make a specific appearance in Washington Street Public in Boston proper at on its Westerley side address no thirteen ninety five to fourteen point five generally between Union Street and Main Street such one Ronald Reagan system of realignment by block reconstruction as well as new and relocated special equipment and streamlining infrastructure hydrants and bike racks. New business on July 11th the first public hearing on July exists as shown a set of plans entitled City of Boston Public Works Department Engineering Divisions and Civic Repairs plan between ninety five to forty five Washington Street Boston two sheets dated August 1st twenty twenty four with the components please introduce themselves their affiliations give us a very brief introduction to this project and let us know about any changes since your last year. Good morning ladies Divisadero Sarah Engineering Project Engineer I believe I may be the only one attending today but as Christian is in attendance that's great. I'll share my screen and this is because of all the honors rap I'm here as well as Burgundies who is the developer is joining us this morning as well. Good morning. Good morning Class. You guys are here. So just to go over a brief introduction we initially proposed this project with a curve ball into the park and we that was for the first that was the first meeting the intent of that bump was to have a wider sidewalk along the proposed building. Since then we made the revisions to just move the curve about two or a foot and a half hour into the car in the driveway. I'm trying not to drive in the parking lane and we did propose that at the previous meeting and we previously proposed having fifteen minute bathroom kind of in the latest pinch point area. That's a we previously had we have made changes since the only changes that we really made were nothing to do with the car. I mean just the parking right and we have we shifted the fifteen minute parking instead of being right here in this area we shifted it closer to this existing fire hydrant which will remain and the concern of that was because we were previously showing thirty five foot way for it to parking spots which raised the concern for you know not meeting the twenty fourth minimum of parking. So we now have twenty four parking spots right here and this would be think there is a parking meter currently there in place that will remain so far and is not going to change except for the two spots that are closest to this fire hydrant which will specifically for 15 minute parking. The other changes include shifts of the bustling and the traveling as well as us left here and only that's going eastbound and stores those Westville be accordingly as shown on the plan these are the biggest changes to me. The only real changes that we have made since the previous meeting. So I don't know if Chris or Peter want to add anything but that summarize the changes and I'm open to answer any questions and you covered the jury. Thank you all Metrolink's questions comments I will say that will probably one tweaks to this paper marking just minor right dimensions and stuff like that before its final and you have the parking meter to remain in the middle of your fifteen minute parking zone also we this is not meeting standard signage for that either. So on the signage markings you'll have to come right with us. But the the work and everything else like that is fine. All right. Anyone else comments already promotes scry to just say thank you to the proponents are working through the different options here. Appreciate the kind of collaborative spirit and trying to make the best thing we can do here. So without injury here emotions I'm sorry I didn't even ask for that and so I skipped a step by step so stop anything you want to have I will just mention that based on the revised design and some compensation with the project team previously proposed specialty materials namely permeable pavers have been removed from these plants, there's really no space for them anymore. So that's just something that no. I'll also take this opportunity to remind the public if you wish to add testimony or ask questions, please use the raised hand function at the reactions to the bottom of your screen. I do not see any at this time so I think we're all set all right without doing our emotions group public continued No one. I'll make a motion your decision by the Wanchai LLC for the making of the in Washington redesign of the Ryan budget all in favor ay ay ay by any neoplasm stand so moot. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks guys. Appreciate it. Thank you guys. On to our next item opportunity number one petition by the city of Boston, the Transportation Department in the city of Boston Public Works Department for specific repairs than the following public wages in Charlestown consisting of curb realignment and sidewalk reconstruction construction structural site as new and relocated pedestrian ramps lighting infrastructure, spontaneous construction street trees, green stormwater infrastructure fencing driveway cuts and raised crosswalks. And we speak to Street in the city of Somerville boundary marker speaking from Cambridge and how we see Cambridge Street generally between Start Street and parties as well as Brighton Street Dark Street at the style from Cambridge Street, Brighton Street from Brighton Street as well as Caldwell Street Caldwell Street that Brighton Street Renford Street between about the Hill Street and Turetzky. This one's a new business from July 25th at another set of plans in the city of Boston Public Works Department, engineering divisions Civic Repair Plan Last Village four locations Charlestown sixteen day to drive. I mean I'm twenty twenty four but it's been introduced themselves and their affiliations and give us a brief introduction to this project and any changes to our new business here. Machar's Jumbunna Marcelli principal translation engineer with the streets Kapit says the chief and others have mentioned this was brought before new business two weeks ago to invest for this project I think was kind of kicked up from the initial proposals for the casino and other kind of developments that were happening around the Sullivan Square rather for an area. I think this was part of some mitigation from larger state efforts. What we did was we took a look through the neighborhood to engage with those communities stakeholders and identified several years ago, identified some intersections and street segments that were in serious need of either reconstruction or realignment. One of those for realigning is the Parker Hadley intersection and then how that feeds into the park or Cambridge Street Signalized intersection. So we're creating a lot more definition to these streets so that people want have a place to walk safely on the sidewalk and sidewalks and then to that there's a lot more definition to where people are supposed to be driving and where they're supposed to be moving. Signalized intersection at Cambridge and Parker is being partially reconstructed so that we can achieve compliant ramps and legally compliant locations for traffic equipment and things like that. A couple raised crossings are being provided to keep a sidewalk flush along Cambridge Street and then along Caldwell Street across Caldwell Street just the one between because the grading as well as because of some of the community features in the area specifically the Caldwell and Brighton crossing there lets people get to a dog park and playground and other kind of green amenities over there. We're doing some minor street lighting upgrades as well in partnership with our street lighting folks. So enabling that to for them to come in and do some additional work on their own. And then we've been coordinating with our folks at the Ogi office the green infrastructure to settle on what parts are officially park for sorry three other parks versus green infrastructure something that's more substantial. So and there is just one contingency I guess we are still in I'm going to meet with the owners of that gas station in order to get some type of return thing for us. So that is still outstanding. Are you able to close up I'm sorry. Yep, yep. Here just that first combo had Nick Parker Cambridge pausing for any specific questions. I think we can just kind of around and come back some questions Cambridge Street here just to the east of that previous intersection right out here. This is one of those res crosswalks also partnering with our transit folks and the MTA to pay for and install a bustline in one direction words from Sullivan to the summer. The line and then this is the third considerable intersection north of that and on the left hand side here are those green spaces and play spaces and then this is kind of an add on piece reconstructing the sidewalk along Metford Street right now it is in a variety of states of disrepair and we're proposing additional street lighting and street trees as well and that's the last so these are just standard detail pages. All right. Thank you very much, Commissioner. Questions very young staff or members of the public. We are all set on this, right? Well, do I hear a motion to improve? Sorry no I for interrupting. We actually have a advocate for the lost village here just to give some testimony. Oh, we do. Excellent. All right. Go right ahead. Yes. Good morning and thank you Commissioners for allowing me to speak. My name is Brian Callahan, a long term resident of the last village in Charlestown. And I just want to I wanted to come in person and thank you all. I wanted to thank BTD and DPW and the mayor and the city councilor for advocating for us. We are have been in desperate need for some mediation. We can mitigation we have we're sort of sandwiched in between Sullivan Square and the off ramp and on ramps to ninety three so we cut through community for a tremendous amount of traffic and we sort of lost in the industrial age as well but so the changes and the improvements are not only warranted we are very, very grateful that they're coming. There will be a public safety improvement particularly where folks have been able to access the gas station at the corner of Pocker Cambridge Street by driving up Prakash Street which is a one way into an entrance very confusing and very dangerous in the morning. So without further comments I would ask that in hopefully in the future we'll see some additional trees and perhaps a speed bump to help us with ongoing community traffic and so thank you again on behalf of the community very, very grateful. Thank you. We really appreciate the support and there Will speaking to my chief the streets there will be spinouts in the neighborhood as part of the program and happy to work with you and also neighborhood services around advocating for more retirees with a participant. But thank you for coming and offering that support very much. Appreciate it. Thank you very much. Right through no other comments or questions here motion to improve public hearing. No one. I'll make a motion to improve by the presentation department of the City of Boston Public Works Department for the maintenance of repairs and have these three Parker Street Cambridge Street Smarts The Street complex treatment for tradesmen directed fell in favor of any opposer stand so mood. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you, Commissioner. Onto our new business section of the agenda the new business one twenty two drydock three three one three three nine Northern Avenue side streets of Boston specific repairs and transmission by twenty two Drydock LLC the Boston Economic Development and Industrial Corporation with components please introduce themselves and their associations. As you mentioned here before but take a look down please introduce yourselves in my office throughout the morning. My name is Grisanti with the engineering of the cylinder working in the Project Gutenberg related vehicle I am honestly don't know if there's a bunch of them. I don't know who's here because they're all just completely related all the materials themselves and then just show up from grounding this landscape architect and like you mentioned we were here two weeks ago. There was an issue with the public notice. So we're back for new business. We're going to take you know, fingers crossed we'll be back for a public hearing in two weeks. So I'll never really be able to get a brief overview. I'll run the plants real quick. We can ask any questions. So great ones in. Thanks for the reply. We need to be all my colleague . I wanna thank you again for being a bit of giving a favor but I'll give you a quick quick overview of the project before letting the grid give a little more detail. According to Drydock is in approximately three hundred fifty dollars square lifetime building that is fully leveraging pharmaceutical located in Arraignment's one Marine park in South Boston and if that were ground to the Economic Development Corporation or Boston while the Ethiopian internally controlled the streets in the marine environment, they will eventually be heading over to the streets of City and therefore office to come to see in light of that, as I'm sure all of you are aware and neighborhood historically an industrial and green industrial area all around the design here are heavily oriented toward maintaining facilitating the industrial nature and truck traffic and making sure that truck traffic continue throughout the street. The other thing to mention about the site and its close proximity to the waterfront and the fact that this is a floodplain, the building is elevated by the that a lot lot of really convert from design and landscaping, the integrated building and the entire public realm make it in keeping with the neighborhood but also keeping it out of the park place down in the back to create things so you guys can you see my screen? OK, great. So that's just a rendering showing the improvements so that like a touch screen on the right side you can see just to point out the extension to the bike path which will be talking about in a minute this is the improvements on Drydock Avenue. So just to orient ourselves, the ATV is on the bottom of the page here. The EDC garage is in the top left. You can see the little corner of it there an entire street appeared so the curve is going remain that same location and as you mentioned because the industrial nature of the park and especially because of the the cruise ship terminal which is here which can cause some traffic and we know we've been basically told me we shouldn't move the curve here. Traffic is to be able to flow in the elevators today so the curve is going to remain in the same location. Well, from from the curve moving it there will be a strip of horrible pavers with some planters, streetlights will be in that area and as well as some bike racks that is four feet wide will then three street trees. We had originally shown more but we work with bus water and sewer commission here they have and sanitary sewer which is running underneath the sidewalk here. So the trees were not possible in all locations so where we could we took the trees, we were the material to the site so we'll still get some candidate coverage from that but it just won't be a quake and then a new standard to make concrete city center sidewalk. Beyond that there's existing 78 foot wide driveway here that's going to be closed and we're going out into the driveways of thirty seven foot driveway here for loading and then a twenty four foot driveway here which would be for access for our building and then just noting there's a new crossing there's a stop sign here today . There's actually no official crosswalk so riding in a pedestrian on each side of the street and a crosswalk to cross straight intersection and then moving around the corner street is in the middle here right up here the northern up here. This is it's relatively similar in in some sense it's just an extension of the work that was recently done no longer that and we're going to take that cycle track which is raise that sidewalk level brand around the corner down to the street and then it rolls slowly ramp down to get to the great drag intersection and I think it's just worth noting so the curve line here is going to stay the same as well except for this area pulling it back for the access for the bikes really similar cross section will have a single track but it will have very little with the trees and some concrete sidewalk the concrete itself will be within the project site so there's going to be an easement wired for that. We worked this out. We talked to we've talked to the FDIC when they turn these over to the city that is why the easement will take effect that we're not asking for that today. That is something that they have committed to doing in the future without any questions, missioners, questions. I will ask one and to the proponents. But Amy also to come in here which is just anticipating some of the bicycle traffic that will be coming around on that reads local traffic is going to want to head east on Drydock Avenue. I'm just curious about the design of that transition and then marking them whether there's documents and sort of how people would then cross drydock to continue e if they come around that corner, whether that's and whether there's space for somebody to wait to make that crossing so I can jump in a little bit here. So the if you were riding a bike this is a one way cycle track you would come down to level here is there was not a reason as it's proposed there wouldn't be any specific cycle striking. There's a stop freeway stop. So the cycles that they're going to try to get which I don't believe has any cycle infrastructure specific cycle infrastructure on it. So make the stop and then make the turn I knowing that that's a three way stop that's helpful because I was just sort of provided time for people to make that move safely to the otherwise the section of the road without any other of the structure. So that's that's helpful. Second question the reciprocal ramps here that are slated to be done as part of the twenty four hour time street project. What is your understanding the kind of status of that and the timing of that? We just you know, it's obviously we don't want multiple projects trying to build the same ramp. I mean given that projects stall or don't get completed on the expected timeline, we also want to make sure that we don't end up with a longer term situation without a compliant costing and you sure. So the project is as we understand it is know advancement permitting and looking to get out of the ground as soon as possible. So our hope is that they do their own in the event that the timing doesn't work out I'll continue to coordinate with them and if it doesn't look like their project is going to begin soon enough, march to do the Marcellus knowing that we can't leave in a permanent solution indefinitely. Got to OK, that's great to hear and very helpful. I think we'll we'll have to figure out the right way to kind of do that check him. But I will certainly want to stay close to that decision because it's a weather project as it may be they may be well underway but it's not there's a little bit of a judgment call there about whether or not necessary for you to take that on. So I think when you're close to the point of making that call in the timeline of this engaged I see and you know, we just want to validate one way or the other the decision about whether or not you will construct those receptacle wraps. Yeah, absolutely. And I just want to add so we need to be bancor to anything with that project some locations of these ramps and like for instance, like the cycle ramps that we have here and coordinated with the what will be reciprocal infrastructure on the other side as part of that project also. So you know, we've been talking back and forth. Yeah, yeah. No appreciate that coordination and not you know, not a neoconservative fundamental plan here but just sensitive to things sometimes don't go exactly to plan. So I want to make sure we've got a plan B but it sounds like we're well situated for that and I appreciate that I have something else commissioners and the other questions comments is that for the public I'll actually just ask Chris to kindly mention your coordination with Massport and certainly just confirm what's been done there. Yes. So sorry we have reached out to us I think where the presentation couple weeks ago and asked for some plans turning movement specifically showing the returns would work as they do today. We sent this to her and we got a response saying that she was also and I can forward that along to you today if we're not done. Yes, I was up on it. I just want I wanted to make sure you on the record. Yeah. All right. You're hearing other questions or comments. Will you be ready for your public hearing in two weeks on August 22nd? We will. Excellent. We will see you then. Thank you so much. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you all. All right. On to our next state a new business to Parchester Baily's future unpasteurized your specific comparison of petition by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. The revoted speeds introduced themselves, their affiliations and talk us through what you are proposing to do shirts, names like Judy. I'm with James Engineering here with Alterable and Bernanke from the MTA. I'll be presenting the specific repairs at Ashmont Busway which includes Dorchester Avenue, Valy Street and here you see USPI or so these repairs as just a little bit of background . The project is being completed as part of the MTA system. Why it's so accessibilities Group's program to remove barriers to accessibility at multiple locations within the MTA system there two locations being presented here today which are within the city of Boston. So the first location as shown on the screen is at the intersection of Dorchester Avenue Daily Street and Ashbourne Busway and the improvements proposed to reconstruct the pedestrian ramps on both the southeastern corner and the southwestern corner of Dorchester Avenue, a Bailey Street while also confirming compliance for the reciprocal ramps on either side of those along the southwestern proposing a curve bump up to better Doyne crossing within that curve, closing some degree starts receding wildfire makes the whole improvements again just improve better usability pedestrian ramps, sidewalks and similar infrastructure. So because at this point on this first location for any it's just one other thing to note here is there are additional improvements being completed within the busway. They are short on these plans as they are not within the city of Boston infrastructure or city of Boston right away but there are improvements within the busway that will tie into improvements on the screen all I'm hearing nothing. I mean just go through these and then jump back. But there are therapists people that want to ask questions. So the second location is along the here on path which is just sort of best one on station located between Beale Street and Van Winkle Street improvements here proposed to again remove barriers accessibility. There is an existing set of steps located Van Winkle Street. So those improvements replace those steps with pedestrian ramps might not be pedestrian while the landings and then because of the location of a step closer to reconstruct the path all the way up to Ashmont Station revive that compliance and accessibility is worth noting that within this area this path falls within a five wide public city easement where we can struggle to pass only within that easement. But we are noting and we did a consideration into providing a five by five turning area in the stretch for compliance so that we do not have longer runs without that client turning area the past existing property in this area to the importance then five feet. So that's something that we have considered within design elements. But this whole path is being replaced by concrete sidewalk and again with the goal of removing the barriers accessibility steps have been street or do you have additional no sorry that we've got commissioners questions comments. Thank you so much for the presentation. I was just wondering if you could clarify the status of any variances that you're seeking architectural access as it pertains to our yes. So we previously had discussions about improvements on the section earlier discussions with the we determined that the main focus was around the steps so we originally had the section in insult which would have required variance that's no longer within the project because the steps are really the main focus here so there are no variances that will be necessary as part of this the improvement show insurance and other questions. But I will ask Sharon House is a public correct. It's a city of Boston and does it provide where is the relative to the station? That's their access to the station also the footpaths as a function of the train station. Yep. So just some general direction self is to the right on this page. So Ashmont stations north on the left side here there is access all right. A strange manhole where the path continues up towards Ashmont Station that is all fairly new cement concrete sidewalk. So we're tying into that existing connection. Ashmont station up here to stop the Beale Street Gogolak and how the system has been maintained over the years whether I mean you're undertaking a similar kind of maintenance and accessibility investment here. So I'm interested in it. But also when you know about operational maintenance of snow removal and cleaning things of that sort. So I am not privy to the maintenance of this path that that's a great question. I'm not sure that's handled by the city or the MTA. It is a city easement so that that is the ownership that today is just as an asphalt path. But as far as the I am unsure who is responsible that falls under OK so what to look at is the question of what has been typically done with this from both the capital and the operational maintenance perspective and I think really my question remains whether this is not if the maintenance responsibilities have not been formally documented anywhere, whether we can look at and having to LMI that would come into play here to this service formalize whatever to the extent that there is a maintenance accountability to the MTA as start being taken on to formalize that you know, this is sort of in many it's an access pathway for the Ashmont station and hence the MTA, the proponent of maintenance improvements. So to the extent that we anticipate this being continuing to function as such over the long haul, I think it would be appropriate in our mind that just makes clear who's doing what you're for an operation so let's have a conversation with and see you between now and the public. Yeah, we can definitely do that in no time. We were talking he sent us the existing easement so we do have that language you can double check within that language I know was established in the early 2000s. So there's some language in there regarding maintenance but we can double check that language to see what's there and then move forward if there's no language or we want to terminate detail though I think that would be great know the goal is not to have an outline of an alibi but sometimes there's historical things that are documented anywhere and I just want to make sure that we're all writing down what it is we're all signing up to do the long haul here. So appreciate that. So all right. No other questions for me is staff or members of the public . >> I think we're also all right. We be ready for your public hearing in two weeks on August 22nd. Yes, we will. All excellent. Thank you very much. We'll see you then. Thank you. Onto our third item of business new business three Binford Street Eighty streets of Austin Grant application on a petition by this committee Energy Boston incorporate the proponents to introduce themselves, their affiliations and pockets through what you're proposing to do here short good morning. My name is John Silvia and regional Vice President Anderson. The energy here in Boston first opportunity I appreciate this opportunity to present proposed expansion of our green steam system further into the channel side development on Binford's Street in South Boston to the members of the Mission this project is to install a steam line Wildenstein like Sub-surface on green from Street into the project consist of a 12 inch and a six inch world of steel line concrete encased with I think two manhole along the way. Other members of the team that are with me today are training on engineering whose lead engineer for this project represented by the president can Stanley and lead engineer on the project orientation. I also have a few members of my staff Macchio and Jason Clark available to answer questions. So at this time I'll turn it over to Warren and let him go through the project. Hi everybody. Like Don said, my name's Orin Anderson. I'm having a bit of an issue sharing the screen here so we'll just be tried this way and everyone see what's on the screen. Go. Yes. All right. So here we have a street Bridge Street and we're proposing an extension of a 12 inch steaming to a manhole where they will service the G six building on the channel side development with a six inch steam service associated three inch condensate line on the next sheet here you can see that we have the Boston Water and Sewer Commission lines and water mains marked out this project will require an approximate one hundred foot offset of the existing Boston water and sewer water main that will offset around our estimate providing the proper clearance as well as around the proposed manhole. As we zoom in here we have a plan and profile starting a street, a connection to a left behind existing 12 inch stub with the valve will tie into that and we will do a little expansion while avoiding proposed and existing utilities and then start heading down Binford's street with a 12 inch encased steam line and a three inch in case condensate a couple of hundred feet down Banbridge Street will come into our first manhole where there will be a left behind existing for future expansion as well as eighty four day service to the G six building which will be six inches as you can see right here the service will cross above the ninety tunnel and down and into the building while avoiding at an existing electric manhole. We have standard details of our encasement trenched designs the Manhal designs are connections into the slurry of the building as well as some other details on guides and inkers and installation. Here we have detail to the utility Shaddock onto it and then some standard vacillator suer details that are associated with the proposed offset. I know we've been working pretty closely with a lot of you on this project. We've received some comments and I know you've all been looking at this so if you have any questions I guess now would be the time I very much commissioners' questions. Thank you so much for the presentation and I just wanted to fight for the team that on the street the city has a handful of on-street accessible parking spaces so those could be convenient during construction with that would be extremely appreciated. Yeah I'll just talk about that for a second Sarah. Our nearest handicaps by associated with this construction is approximately one hundred twenty feet away from construction but it will still be within the traffic management and its we've identified that parking spot and we've added the note that if it's not to remain you need to be notified with two weeks notice and it needs to be replaced. So we've we've done that comment. Fantastic. Thank you so much. Missioners, other questions, comments I will ask Mr. Thomas the race we once once you get to the questions of ask asked to speak up and since this has been a sort of recurring discussion point past expansions of the semantics new this is something to be done. You could give me just a very quick update on your progress towards developing towards electrifying reading of this new system, understanding that this is a hybrid fossil fuel and electric system that is in transition. I would just like to get a quick update as to whether you're on the timeline for some of those capital elements that we previously discussed and then related to that, is there anything that you can share about the nature of the contract with the childhood development in terms of what kind of product they are buying and how you expect the mix of that to evolve over time if that's something that you can share us the first half? Certainly it's actually pretty exciting. I don't mind dragging a little bit on that the as far as electrification goes, we're well on a journey here. We're on our way. The first ETM boiler is actually being installed right now at at our Kendall station in Cambridge that will serve both the city of Boston University of Cambridge anticipate that we'll have that on line by the end of this year. Right. So you know, I think I think our initial timeline had us in October . I think maybe now it shifted maybe to November but we're well on our way. >> The next step next going to school as it is is the installation of heat and industrial size probably the largest one in North America and that the design is is almost complete. We actually put it out for bid. We expect response to our piece within the island by the end of this month and target you know, early 2018 to have it online. So our our actions speak louder than words. I think we're moving along fairly quickly with that regard. So your second the second part of your question regarding the contractual arrangement with Channel Side I'd have to defer it because I'm not sure what the terms are there if I can speak to them publicly or not. But that's fair and appreciate the that you're making progress. I mean just the context for me is that, you know, when when we have discretionary utility expansion projects I mean before the Public Improvement Commission we want to I want to make sure that we are using public rights of way and measures that are compatible with cities long term climate goals and appreciate that the Senate is making substantial investments to become a provider of green heat. But that is a long term journey . So any time you guys are going to be here for an expansion, I think we're just going I want to get in on that progress and make sure that we are aligned towards utility service that can that is compatible with the climate goals that we have so I appreciate that update. If there is anything that you're able to share with us about sort of what the service provision will be for this new construction building next year, we would appreciate that. But overall glad to hear that there is continued forward momentum in the larger system transition that's underway. So thank you for that. We'll will be prepared to speak to the next generation X and see any other mission questions so maybe we can jump to you to answer ahead. Thank you Chief and to the commission already amid the turmoil in the isolation of Hong Kong and I would just ask something facility did extensive work along a street from basically West by the way to Michael Street to Jamestown. I don't consider a project to be here but maybe it was two years but I will say that vicinity and and their construction team a great job working with the to try to mitigate impacts. All that work was going on so I just infantry well it's not typical in my plans across the street from the intersection of arms as a resident of building Infantry's the only public way to the harbor walk in Fort Point Channel Infrastruture Connection point to the South Bay Harbor Trail when it comes in from Dorchester. So it's it's pretty critical street and also it happens to be a home forty twenty four residential parking spots. So there's there's a bunch of coordination that need to be undertaken to ensure that the the construction impacts are mitigated. I just asked that guy on his team meet with the neighborhood prior to the meeting so we can get that ironed out so that the conversation in a few weeks is a positive one Chief. So that's my ask. Thank absolutely. Mr. appreciate the willingness to do that. So I will let you guys connect and thank you for that range than any other public comment or comments. Mr. INGROSSO All right. Are you ready for your public hearing in two weeks on August 22nd? Absolutely. excellent. Thank you very much. And with that we are on to new business for Alfred Speak Extra St. Charles Time Grant application and petition by time out to the SS LLC for the Provides. Please introduce themselves and their affiliations and let us know about your project and what you're proposing to do on the street. Yes. Good morning. I'm Hans Detweiler. I'm senior director of Jupiter Power for Development. I'm the lead developer for this project. I'm joined with me today by we chat with BHP and Alexis Cutchogue with her law firm. Appreciate the opportunity to be here today and talk about project linked to the same project so first just to back up if you haven't heard of Jupiter Power, you're not alone. Ninety nine percent of Americans probably have the Jupiter Power either. We are an owner operator and developer of battery energy storage projects. We operate the largest fleet battery energy storage projects in Texas and interestingly Texas the second largest market for that in the country as a result of all that renewable energy development, wind and solar that exists in Texas. Our our top priority as a company is to safely operate our projects and you can have a successful project if we can't operate it safely. Lisa, you want to get the next slide a little bit more about the purpose of the project. I've already mentioned renewable integration. Massachusetts and Boston both have significant decarbonization goals and a project about our energy storage project. One of the main drivers for them is that wind and solar are great energy resources. They're increasingly cost effective energy resources but they're only available when they're available and so battery storage projects can take similar story in the middle of the day when it's abundant and then in the early evening when demand is higher and the solar is not available ,put it back into the grid, make it make the grid function more efficiently. Battery projects similarly offshore wind it's a very similar dynamic interestingly totally unrelated to decarbonization efforts if we're not decarbonization efforts going going on, you would still be seeing a lot of battery energy projects coming onto the grid and the reason for that is that batteries are super fast acting and so there are there are grid all of these services that batteries can provide that they would be providing in any event. So you'd be seeing a lot of battery projects coming onto the grid if you ever think about moments where you see a voltage dip where the lights sort of brown for a few seconds and then search back up again, that's the kind of thing where batteries can responsible rapidly and avoid that kind of problem and perhaps more importantly avoid that kind of problem from becoming a bigger problem. Our location is connecting the proposed Dutch bank into the mystic's station and Mistick Station really is an ideal location for that. There were previously thousands of megawatts of of fossil fuel generators that were operating there and so as a result of the retirement of those fossil fuel facilities, abundant capacity available at that facility and in fact if we weren't able to connect there, if we were proposing a similar project of this scale elsewhere, it would require potentially hundreds of millions of dollars of upgrades that ultimately would be borne by consumers. So there's significant consumer benefits to supporting that connection of this project at this location investing project would be approximately up to 700 megawatts and that's enough energy for about half a million homes. So it's it's it's a it's a major presence on the energy grid in future. We have been engaging in significant public outreach about the project to make sure everyone's aware of we've been working closely with not only city agencies and entities that are present here but with Boston Fire Department. We recently conducted trainings out on Rhode Island for Boston and ever attend Charleston fire departments. We recently hosted open houses inviting people from very broad area to come to open houses. So doing doing a lot of that outreach to environmental justice communities and other communities in the area. The site is a 20 acre site that's in Everett. It is a contaminated oil terminal site. So the project really is in many ways iconic of clean energy transformation. We're taking a contaminated oil terminal site and converting it to a to a green energy site so with that I'll turn it over to Lisa who can walk through sort of some of the specifics of the Duckpin. Thanks and good morning Commissioners. My name is Lisa Chow with BHP on behalf of the proponent we are requesting the approval of a grant location on Alfred Street and Extra Street for the proposed dumping as I mentioned ,the proposed bank is associated with a Bader's battery storage facility that is being proposed in every the bank will is proposed to connect the battery storage facility to the existing mystic's substation approximately a thousand and your feet of the proposed tapping will be located in the city of Boston jurisdiction Alfred Street and Dexter on your screen right now we have the plan for Alpha. So the the black line is proposed up in the cross section is approximately three three and a half three foot three inches high by about two and a half feet wide and will come out of the mystic substation approximately here turn water northerly down Alfred Street next page is the continuing of the dumping ground coverage street and then at the intersection of Dexter will turn easterly and then this is sheet for the Dexter Street proposed stop bank in this dash line here is the city of Boston and the city of mine and this is the end of the proposed bank within the city of Boston jurisdiction. We have circulated the plan as well as an engineering report to the required city agencies and utility companies. In addition, we have submitted the plan to BWC for review and are pass for any questions business questions. All right. Anybody else so ask so it is correct. Yes, I'm reading this correctly that a portion stuff bank along Oxford Street is going to go in the sidewalk on the west side of Alfred Street accurate. That is the current proposal I'm in. Yes, got it. Got can I just ask about this sort of zigzagging I assume you are avoiding things by doing this but just give us a little bit of why it's taking away some oh yes. So did extensive surface utility as well as existing ignition survey and you're correct it is avoiding existing conditions existing utilities that are located in our country. OK, so understand that this is you know, you're sticking with this and her grandson location when I look at these plans in appearance and you want me to do some pretty substantial disruption to Alfred Street in order to construct this. And so I think one thing to I guess one question would be has there been any word started on a construction management plan for how to keep this fleet operating safely during what looks like a fairly large and deep construction maybe taking place? What what's the where are you in that process? Do you want me to answer there? Yeah, you go ahead. I'll try that. OK, sure. So we the we have not the project has not engaged or brought on board of contractor yet because the anticipated construction timeframe for this project is twenty twenty six so we are a bit a ways away from the anticipated start construction. We are before you today though because we are starting the permitting effort for the for the proposed got and I assume earnings beyond approval from the need for this continue just sort of the grant application does is that a neighboring stuff for you to seek approval from other permitting authority ? Yes, exactly. We will be submitting a permit application to the Deepu and so it's it's we want to have this grant application in place prior to the submission of the application so we can reference that I got it. OK, that's very helpful. So you know, it seems and helps me understand the sequence in there and so on the on the construction side and disruption side the thing that I want to highlight is that this is a this is a corridor along Alfred Street with frankly a lot of challenges from a safety perspective there has been a fairly high number of serious crashes here. There was a pedestrian fatality last year at Oxford and Dexter or getting close to there there have been some pretty spectacular vehicular crashes right along the stretch where you're going to be working on the nature. The street here lends itself to a highway like driving and that often too often results significant crashes. So I decided that now to see that as you approach construction and planning for that that really thinking through the seizing of construction and the staging of the roadway to avoid creating any additional safety challenges is going to be extremely important to the city and to the transportation Department and everyone looking at your construction permits. So I just want to put that on your radar. The other thing I wanted to ask about the city is planning to install an extra bicycle facility along AltaRock Street Library this year. There are plans done and it's largely built facility which means paint and like roads but it will traverse sort of both colourblind of Alfred Street so point one is that this project's construction will disrupt that. And so as part of the planning for construction we really want to make sure that there is adequate consideration given to cyclists safety and simply because this is such a high speed corridor, you know, and you will be along a sidewalk on a curb line where the bicycle lane would be will need some sort of alternative for both bicyclists and pedestrians and is suitably protected given the nature Street the second TESO is when I see you tearing up and presumably replacing the sidewalk along the long stretch to this including touch base and movement. I'm wondering if your and explore with us the possibility of putting the blade back in a slightly different configuration that might allow us to bring the bicycle lane up to sidewalk level on the stretch of curb where you will already be taking apart and reassembling the sidewalk there is going to Everet on Broadway you'll find other stretches where the city of good folks to elevate the bike lane there to opportunistically and it seems like a good opportunity to do it. A major construction already underway, not a substantial additional cost. I asked the proponents if they would agree to the time between you know, hopefully sort of soon after soon from now to work with us to look at actual specific repairs that might incorporate constructed elements to support the safe bicycling facility along the area that's going to be disrupted by this project or so the short answer is work. We're happy to work with you on this and hear more about the specifics of the proposal. We we got an inkling yesterday that we were going to get this question so that was the first we heard of it. But but yeah, we'd be happy to work with you and one more and in terms of the values of the improvement that you're discussing, we certainly we get the value and we share a value that this project the the main project itself, not the Gentiva and in average occurs on Beachum Street and we'll be supporting comprehensive redevelopment of a bike path to allow safe access of the existing bike path in Chelsea all the way to connect down into to Broadway and then into the Selfridge area so that we get that it's a high priority. I'm happy to work with you and to your earlier questions construction management coordination are you happy going to do that as well? It's very important. Appreciate that. And you know, I'll just say for the record great art. You know, I see a lot of good value in this project for its benefits from a clean energy perspective and climate perspective. And so our goal here is not to ask you for an excessive amount of mitigation but when we see cyborgs being torn apart and rebuilt, there is an opportunity potentially to make safety improvements er at relatively low cost. So very low incremental cost. So you want to take advantage of that where we can the other elements that maybe could use a little bit of attention is that crossing of Dexter Street outside that intersection itself is a number of pedestrian injuries and I mentioned David mentality. It's a pretty harrowing place to walk because of the very wide and turning radius and the large volume vehicles including heavy there and you do see people crossing with some frequency. These are folks walking along that pathway. So again, this is looking for opportunistic ways to increase the safety of the pedestrians there as you are coming through and tearing apart section of that roadway. I think that my hope is just that you will actually and I should say is that as we move forward then you can commit to sitting down with the city and just working through these things and our Education Department and our public transportation team will be happy to partner with you and your design to sketch out some specific repairs can accompany describe the location that's going on with you. Awesome. Thank you. That is all my staff members of the public all questions from members of the commission as he said was also seen hearing nothing else. You be ready for a public hearing on the grounds of location within two weeks. Yes, we will. Thank you. Excellent. Thank you so much. We'll let you. All right. Onto our last agenda item new business five three seventy five comments Highway Westropp Street Industrial specific repair some sort of efficiency by three seventy five Cummins LLC the provides please introduce themselves their affiliate and give us an overview of what you're proposing to do. Morning Chairman Frank not members of the Attorney General GenY on behalf of three seventy five Cumming's LLC when you hit this morning with two actions the first one specific repairs which include new sidewalks curving trees in trees and ramps in the second easement granting to the city. With me this morning is my dream from developers engineering a module go through the plans in point out the particulars but we would like to thank you for the opportunity to present this morning. Thanks my I think you're on you know we have to share I wasn't prepared to do that. Now you have the capability to share those plans that we said yeah I can sure. Go ahead. You can start talking about all of those things. I was I guess come up basically I'm going to propose building to rebuild the existing sidewalk that's on highway was front property and I guarantee the sidewalk is pretty narrow, extended it two and a half feet wide all along. I think that's the property and one thing would be a real street trees as well. We're working with the city different departments we've added to light bulbs along the sidewalk. We've also aggregated by retention area between the trees as requested by the city which is new conservation area the like those are spread I think that I have seventy five as requested by United Department this the existing bus stop there exist from the site which mediating and the petition is going through that area has got to be used. We have and fencing along the side sidewalk will be on private property of the easement Daniel Radcliffe and Sue Benilde Alavi Foundation and also Krupka for the project you go into a parking garage it's pretty much your job that we to have and I would add that we also make sure board members we also agree working with some disabilities that we would there's three pedestrian ramps that will take a look at and try to bring those into compliance. One being on your side stop and shop the closest to us and then another one on the stop and shop access those comments and then on the further side of that and then one across the street but also we're working with the PPTA because I think as everybody knows the PDA actually had one of our community benefits was to install a bus shelter across the street. We went back to work several months on that and they determined that the sidewalk across the street was too narrow to have that and still had accessibility. So we have a meeting tomorrow just to figure out how we're going to transfer the the amount of financial commitment for possibly repairing some of the sidewalks and greater carbon coming down the opposite side of Konings. Thank you very much. Expression's comments. Thank you so much for incapacitation and for mentioning our discussion about the rooms at the corner. I think we'd really like to see the ramp on the project side be split so each crossing as one gram and then additionally looking into options while you're having a discussion about the moving the bus stop is possibly resetting the existing bus stop behind the use. I take it that at the travel clear from obstructions that is being formalized by the pedestrians then sure that other comments from members of the all right. here even though we have at least one member of the public who is looking to speak so we should go right ahead. I yes. Can you hear me? We OK, wonderful. Sorry I can't put the zoom on the video on so I'm Lisa Bateman. I'm a leader of the Malcolm Canterbury neighborhood Association. I live right across the street one block in from the project and our Katzmann area includes all the pocket neighborhoods, the dense packed neighborhood surrounding this project surrounding the five way intersection at Cumins American Legion and Canterbury. And we work with the developer as a neighborhood association a lot regarding this project and including public public realm issues and there need to be more pedestrian improvements and we send a lot of documentation about that. I'm sorry I couldn't forward them to this commission in time but I just forwarded an email to Chief Franklin Hodge that I did send him some months ago. The this is a transportation desert area. It's so unfortunate. It's very car dependent. The developer had promised a significantly more off street parking spaces and then came back and said that they that they that they couldn't do that number so so there needs to be more improved to make the to make the site more multimodal friendly and the the lack shelters is very, very, very problematic. And the in our perspective as people who do use that intersection all the time and almost the fact that there's no place there's the one bus shelter at the stop and shop but there's five more bus stops in the vicinity of the site of the site. There's no shelter. This is a place where there's the stop Trump Plaza of Essential Services with the pharmacy and there's there's other walking distance and fastest businesses and services around. So there's there's there have to be ways that the city and this developer work to make this to make it more usable. The five way intersection there is a pedestrian island which is which needs to be enhanced. It does not feel safe. The organization walk up Roslindale and our neighborhood association did an audit which I'm happy again to forward again she does Franklin College has received that where very specific no observations were made including by the Disabilities Commission in terms of the the pain points. And so I just I just felt the need to take this opportunity to come and testify regarding that. Thank you. I can touch on the cheese if that's OK. At least go ahead obviously. Thank you for sending those comments. They were originally addressed to Chief Johnson but I will circulate those within the public making session as well. So I appreciate you bringing us to us, John. Go right ahead. Mr her group were fantastic to work with throughout this process. The back story she knows we had the proposed development here had purchased the project from another developer who had already had a permanent the title that was at the time there was like sixty something spots but forty four units we went back to the media on a notice the project change and the update that that was too much parking they wanted the maximum would be one to one ratio which is what we're providing up to forty four units I'm thirty what parking spaces for forty four units additionally one of the things that we felt was important and if she gets echoed today was the fact about the bus shelters and we had gone back and forth and I think you're very well aware of this we had gone back and forth to the media and are continuing that process even tomorrow because the sidewalk on the street across the street when the engineer measured it with seven foot nine inches wide and the information that we had initially received from the media with their basically their prototypes of what their shelters look like, they were too wide. We worked extensively with Lydia Housel and Osili in the beginning it was able to find some that were more narrow and even the more narrow ones after you know, again months going back and forth they determined that again it would not provide a safe assets around that shelter. So now we're working with the media and this maybe would be a benefit to what Lisa is sitting to and working with improving the sidewalk across the street. We were in those negotiations now so we're doing everything that we proposed or so we were going to do during the process and we would like to see if we can play it by Sheltie. It would be easier for everybody. It just unfortunately it just doesn't fit because of the width of the sidewalk and behind that sidewalk you have a cemetery obviously privately owned and we can't in any way push back into that to provide the extra space that we would need. OK, so you know, I think it sounds like there's some understanding of the current state of play that there is ongoing discussions happening around alternative also communication measures for the shelter that wasn't able to be located. Can you give us a sense of and largely that's happening in conversations the city's planning department. Can you give us a sense of the timing of this as you think in two weeks when you come back you're going to be able to present the full picture of what you anticipate being able to do in lieu of a bus shelter as it sounds like that is feasible accessibility expected? Absolutely. We had a it's been a busy week with the negotiations going back and forth. I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock with my son and daughter and from BP the transportation and just kind of finalize what I can about back and forth so we should have a problem, Commissioner, by the time we're back here in two weeks. OK, I appreciate that and I know there's been obviously a lot of ongoing dialog between the development team in the neighborhood association but it would be helpful to just make sure that your checking back in with them prior to the meeting as well so that they have a sense of where you landed on this and we'll wait to hear some of the details of that conversation and I'll reach to Lisa as well and just kind of get where are we coming from my perspective not looking to skirt any of our responsibilities at all. We are looking to push forward and obviously make this the best project not only for the people who live in the building. Also I see and experience the people who will be used in the streets of London. I appreciate that, Lisa. Thank you for your comments. I also appreciate the fact that there are the needs and challenges in nearby areas in the neighborhood including the big intersection that our need to be addressed achieved by the city or other projects and so I think that's an opportunity for ongoing work between the cabinet, the neighborhood association, any other projects that may come through to look at how we can think about the neighborhood as a whole and make investments where where we can. So thank you for raising that and we will circulate your comments later on the project to the full commission. All right. Seeing any other members of the public before would like to speak or see staff I believe we have somebody in the hearing on who wishes to that testimony. I'm sorry. I'd like to speak to a member of the same association myself and I would like to say first of all, I support and I agree with all that Lisa has said and our community is very concerned about that that particular section of road because many of us we want to come to the shopping area and it's very, very, very unsafe especially for seniors who do not drive and we have to cross that entirely. The highway on I wouldn't say unfortunately the highway has to sidewalk and we can't consider any improvement to one with the neglect to the author because we are using a highway that is bordered by the to side sidewalk. Therefore things like bus shelters cannot only be considered for one side of the highway. You need to consider the other side. We need to consider too what kind of maintenance will be there for both sides, both sets of sidewalks so please remember that many of us are using that crossing that I put at that T-junction which is very, very unsafe for seniors as well as all of the foot traffic that comes from the one side of the Roslindale community to go to the commercial area. So I just want you to know that the community is very, very concerned about it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much for those comments and underscore the point I miss Eugenie Williams and I'm a member of the same neighborhood community as Lisa who just spoke. Thank you, Jenny. We appreciate you coming in to give testimony on this. I think it will highlights the need for the city to be thinking broadly about the transportation needs in this area and where we have deficiencies gaps. And so I appreciate those comments and hopefully you know who this project can address some of that. But it sounds like there's more to do irrespective of where we left on the project. So appreciate you elevating that and I see these ads here and back up add some some comments. Yes. Thank you. Yes. And just what Eugenie said reminded me of a couple of things. So the entrance to this to this apartment building is going to be just before the stoplight at the stop and shop on American Legion, the one that mutinying and I both roll our rolling cart for shopping bags across. And so what is going to be said so that the people that are entering and exiting particularly I sit in the the the entrance to the apartment building, the residence what is going to be done to make sure that they do not accelerate as everyone does when they are particularly going up a hill towards Madison Square that they're going to be looking for pedestrians, that they're going to be going slowly, they're going to be stopping for pedestrians and there's going to have to be a lot of signage to pedestrians at various of these of these points are around the same I hadn't I've only seen this downtown but maybe or in Coolidge corner those those electronic lights for people for the cars that are that are exiting, you know, like stop stop light yellow light just you can understand please put yourself in our position where we're very vulnerable pedestrians or some live and I also don't didn't see on the diagram the bike lane adjacent coming to the site in their plan releases some random rolling outside going back significantly onto our property to make it over ten feet wide. So that would be that in itself would make the pedestrian experience safer. Pedestrians and then we're probably where the driveway comes out have some sort audible indicator to let us know that cars are coming up that ramp and to avoid a situation in which you and rest . But we appreciate your comments and I'll reach out because I know I have read I think we are actually regular as well. So I can reach out to you guys directly and I can it's going great points and hopefully there can be some additional dialog. It sounds like our talk about that. All right. Do we have any other folks who are just to testify or speak on this already cheering on Todd, anything from you know, I think we're all set we appreciate that explanation with all the different agencies on this. All right. Will you be ready see a public hearing in two weeks on August 20 2nd? Absolutely. All right. Thanks so much. Appreciate you coming here and the members of the public as well for Lisa and Jenny for speaking there. So thank you so much. Thanks everyone. Appreciate it. And with that we have reached the end of our agenda so do I hear a motion to adjourn? I like to return all in favor I I am going to weeks so much. Thank you.