Public service video the work we think we'll see what happens and I don't see a number of other Ashley Allen yourself myself David. I think I under that's everyone . All right. And we start the slides. Are we good or do I need to wait till it's recording recording in progress? All right. Good morning. The city of Boston zoning Board of Appeal hearing for June 25th twenty twenty four is now in session. The hearing is being conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the open meeting law including the updated provisions enacted by the legislature last year. The new law allows the board to continue its practice of holding virtual hearings until March twenty twenty five. This hearing the board is being held remotely in the Zimmerman platform. This hearing is also being live streamed in order to ensure this hearing of the board is open to the public. Members of the public may access this hearing through telephone and video conferencing. The information for connecting to this hearing is listed on today's hearing agenda which is posted on the public notices page of the city's website Boston dot gov. Members of the public will enter the virtual hearing attendees which means you will not see yourself on the screen and you'll be muted throughout unless administratively unmuted. When asked to comment board members applicants and their attorneys or representatives will participate in the hearing as panelists and they will appear alongside the presentation materials when speaking Spanish strongly encouraged to keep video on while presenting to the board. As with our in-person meetings comments support will be followed by comments and opposition. The order of comments is as follows. Elected officials, representatives of elected officials and members of the public. The chairman limit the number of people called upon to offer comment at a time for commenting as time constraints require. For that reason the board prefers to hear from members of the public who are most impacted by a project that is those individuals who live closest to the project. If you wish to comment on an appeal please click the raise hand button along the bottom of your screen and resume our platform it again and you should go down when the host sees your hand you will receive a request to admit yourself so yes and you should be able to talk if you are connected to the hearing by telephone please. Press star nine to raise and in your hand you must press star six to amuse yourself after you receive the request from the host it was called upon to comment will be asked to state their name and address first and then provide their company in the interest of time and to ensure that you have time to do so please raise your hand as soon as Mr. Stembridge reads the address into the record. Do not raise your hand before the relevant address is called or the meeting you will not know to call on you at the appropriate time. Okay Mr. Stembridge once you gave me about you present. Good morning Mr. Valencia with more than Mamchur present. >> Good morning Mr. Langham. Good morning Madam Chair pleasant good morning Mr. Collins. Morning Madam President. Good morning. Miss Olivia. Good morning President. Good morning Miss Panaro. Good morning Madam Chair. President good morning. The pleasure is Mr. Stembridge . Thank you Chair. Oh we begin with the approval of hearing more than thirty. We have a number of days to approve starting April twenty fifth of this year April 30th base May sixteen May 21st and June our make a motion to get May I have a second that Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Rentier. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes, ma'am. Mr. Collins yes. There's our big yes. Miss Panaro. Yes, Yes. The motion carries next we'll move on to the extension schedule for nine thirty a.m. I will read the case number and the address what we will for the case all all together one after another and then we'll take the motion to accept them as it is all of the all the questions that are for one year so be away one zero four four five six one at the address of eighty six Fairmont Street case BRCA one one six three eight five six with the address of eleven seventy five Dorchester Avenue case VOA one one eight seven eight five five with the address of sixty one charge street Bachchu along with that we have a case we'll wait one one eight seven eight five three the address of six hours then we have KVOA one three four eight seven six five eight the address one fifty five Walton Street next we have a case VOA one one seven five seven six seven with the address of sixteen to twenty two in the street. Next we have case viewing one one seven five seven nine three with the address of six Black Street then we have case VOA one one seven three nine six to the address of twenty eight and follow street three five case VOA forty six one five to the address of two seventy Dorchester Avenue then we have case VOA one to one one zero twenty one with the address of one thirty four Terrace Street and finally we have case viewing eight three zero zero nine zero with the address of four Mr. Thank you may I have a motion? I make a motion to grant these extensions as red as requested . Thank you Mr. Stembridge. Yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr. Langham. Yes Mr. Collins. Yes. Yes Miss Panaro. Yes. Yes. The motion carries that law should recommendations from the recent subcu subcommittee meeting on the 13th of this month to start off with case VOA one five nine two seven three zero with the address of one thirty five children that look that here that was approved next year we have a case going one five six nine nine five six with the address of eight sixty seven to eight seventy one Boylston Street battles we have case going one five eight four zero four six with the address of three fourteen three thirty West 2nd Street Baptist. Next we have case VOA one five seven six five five eight with the address of one eighteen F Street which was approved the deaf case VOA one five four eight seven one nine with the address of July three Angeles Street. I was approved the PDA design then we have case VOA one five four eight or with the address of one eleven one thirty H Street that was from Case Ayoade one two six two three six five with the address of eighteen Coleus Park that was case VOA one five two six six three with the address eleven Adams Street was approved case VOA one five seven eight one the only the address of DC Street was approved next we have case VOA one five eight nine five zero four with the address of one thirty Central Central that was approved that we have case VOA one five six seven three four with the address of thirty thirty two at Antonio Street which was deferred until until today seven the post was built then we have case VOA one five nine seven thirty four to the address twenty one to the street which was deferred until two days of talks today and finally case VOA one five five June four eight eight the address of three forty Baker Street was designed for the planned third floor of that on condition. Thank you major motion. My recommendation may I have a second second Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr Langham. Yes Mr Collins. Yes me? Yes. Miss Panaro. Yes Chairman. Yes. The motion carries there to run through groundwater conservation over district owned nine thirty. What we have is case VOA one five nine two zero four two with the address of one thirty one on the avenue. If the applicant and their representatives present the and conflict is Danny Diaz present I I don and I'm going to raise your hand or send a message that the representative for this project which is supported by OK I'm going to suggest we get going that then we'll move on to the hearing scheduled for nine thirty am I to deny it? So go ahead. Just at this time last week there are any requests for withdrawal or deferrals from this time. Frank, would you have by Padre's coming? Joyce is there VOA one five nine seven nine three twenty two million square and requested deferral of this matter yesterday we received a recommendation from the Court of Appeal and from the BPA that seems to be a raises questions as to whether or not it was signed for it properly leased by the ISP. So I like trying to clarify that OK Mr Stembridge needs to read it into the record. Thank you. So again that the case EOA one five nine seven zero nine three with the address of twenty two by the square go Joyce fifty three Street Boston requesting from than clarify we needed Vancity Samantha's hearing date . I'm sure we have a date of July 30th if that's long enough to do August 13th I would guess of being July 30th I would think that I think July 30th may have motion wasn't quite there yet so I can thank you Mr. De. Thank you Madam Chair. You have Mr thank you. Thank you Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr Langham. Yes Mr Collins. Yes yes yes Mr Manado. yes. Chair votes yes the motion carries you any further requests for withdrawal from the with that we will move on to but I believe that you want to hear if they're here can we have we now have one thirty one Cornwell's everything ok? Good morning everyone. Apologies for the confusion I was on the prehearing check EnLink waiting around. OK well can you Mr Stembridge made the case into the record room that that is key. This is a court case VOA one five nine two zero four three I believe with the address of what I was suggesting please meet the other the next week like Mr Joyce please mute yourself. Thank you very much. OK Mr Stembridge sorry about that. Just just for clarity you to get off of the water conservation case KVOA one five nine two zero one two with the address of one thirty one Commonwealth Avenue in which the applicant General Representative is ready. They can explain to you Sir. Thank you very much for the introduction. My name is Anthony Prolia. I'm the project manager for Younger Brothers who is the builder on the project and the primary applicant. We are doing a full renovation of the building including interior reconfiguration spaces with structural work all new mechanical, electrical and plumbing finishes and infrastructure as well as an installation upgrade, new smoke ,carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and fire alarm system as well as sprinkler install. Is Mr Simonelli on? Yes Madam Chair. Good morning Christian Simonelli Boston a of trust and we have both recharging letters from the applicant. Great thank you. Any questions on the board? May I motion no second. Thank you Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Wincer. Yes Mr Langham. Yes Mr Collins. Yes I'm sure of it yes. Miss Panaro yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries right very much for your time. >> I'm sorry but RunKeeper here in studio for nine thirty we'll start off with case VOA one five seven seven six eight seven with the address of four seventy seven grain Street. It's the apple cart in the representative from explains the fourth floor yes Mr Stembridge. Thank you Madam Chair members of the board my name is Kyle Smith of Terrible Business address of three five nine Newberry Street in Boston's Back Bay. The proposal for the project is to add about seven hundred and twenty five square feet of Liverpool Square footage the existing rough basement area there's no need to further dig down at all. It's currently just the mechanicals and storage the proposals to have a two bed, one bath as you can see with a kitchen area located to the front bedrooms one on the left hand side of the building with a bathroom to the rear. The only proposed change to the exterior building envelope is the addition of a rear stairwell to the back right of the structure and to the front left in abstaining from a two family. Twenty three family existing two, two or three does require the installation of a full sprinkler system so there will be two full means of egress in two laterally different parts of the building as well as sprinkler systems indicated with as you can see there the locations of sprinkler systems. So we believe there to be adequate head height, adequate lighting, adequate safety means of egress and sprinklers. We are in a single family subdistrict. There are two families to our immediate right and left about six parcels away from a very large apartment complex and then arguably center street for greater density. But that is the that is the proposal was existing off street curb curb cut and parking there is a two car garage or garage that fits two vehicles in any lengthy driveway to accommodate off street parking. The intended use if it is relevant is to provide housing for the owners will be an occupant his parents for the basement to help them age in place. So at the time of completion of construction the project will be used entirely for family owner occupant parents in the proposed basement dwelling unit and then uncle's on the second floor. Thank you. Just you mentioned adequate. Can you just make note the height the ceiling I yes. On the plans in front of you the proposed height is seven feet one inches approximately. OK, thank you. Any questions from the board hearing? None of the testimony Madam Chair, members of the board ciggie just what the mayor's office neighborhood services this proponent completed the OMX community process our office hosted and a Buttars meeting on the 3rd of April at which several others attended and raised concerns as to what is viewed as the poor current condition of the structure and issues related to possible overcrowding. Proponent's additionally appeared at the West Roxbury Neighborhood Council Zoning Committee who voted to oppose this proposal. With that we defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you. Thank you. I know you going to now so go ahead. I'll be happy and give testimony. Can you hear me? Yes. I'm sorry I didn't realize that I was and maybe this is Peter Lo. I live at 494 Legrange Street just down the street from the building. I'm in opposition to the proposal to change occupancy to three family with the basement unit for two main reasons. The first is the insufficient parking and the second is lack of upkeep of the present structure. The parking at four seventy seven grainge has been awful. Vehicles are often parked on the front lawn and too many vehicles already fill the driveway. The other day there was a vehicle that was parked across the sidewalk in the driveway but across the sidewalk due to the overcrowding the street in front of the house is typically fall along the entire block as had been mentioned, there actually is a new apartment but condo building up the street and that has actually added to congestion on the street with parking. Please note also that the Green Street has restricted parking and snow emergencies and so these vehicles would need to move to side streets in many of those situations there is a two car garage on the property that it is in disrepair and seems to be unused but still would not provide sufficient parking especially with the need to coordinate a movement of five to eight vehicles in that limited driveway. Thank you, Ms. Kim. Mr. Smith can respond to that and also I I I have a couple of other comments about China which I have sure. do very well since you are no. Can you let us know just the neighboring properties are you are they generally two families or three? I believe that there are two families on either side. OK, please wrap up your testimony Mr. Short. I will do so. The place appears to be painting the front porch is bowing. Looks like it's not structurally sound. The garage is in disrepair and the driveway is two strips of concrete that the car's wheels are supposed to go on but it's deeply rutted between and it looks like the occupants have even driven on the neighbor's side lawn trying to get in and out because the driveway is already so congested. As a parent of two sons in their mid to late 20s, I understand the desperate need for more housing in Boston. However, I think the neighborhood is better served. The property owner invested in upkeep of the current property before investing in additional unit. The owner claimed to be unaware that his tenants were parking on the front lawn of the property at the prior meeting and to me that's evidence that he's not an active landlord, doesn't care about the upkeep and use of the property and it really feels more like a plan to build a third condo, third unit convert to condos and flip a profit. I mean this is an owner who lives at twenty seven to street and single family home. So really kind of skeptical of plans to move to 470 Legrange but those are that's that's what I've come to say. It's kind of a mess over there. Thank you. No Mr. Mistakes. Yes. So the current situation it's unfortunate but there is a problem that tenant on site who does run a commercial business so the parking is something that the owner is trying to work with and address the tent again long term. As for the owner to move into the property and live with family, it should have to have exclusive control over the property, reduce the number of vehicles so a lot of the pain points in the community appear to be things of the past which the owners looking to rectify. The owner as I understand it sold his home is living with family and waiting for this to be approved and construction complete so that they can move in there to an owner occupied. So we are very much hoping in the future as fully owner occupied structure that a lot of the pain points in the community parking etc. will be rectified. The owners on the property for two years they've already undertook to replace all the exterior siding do no painting so this is only moving towards the direction of a rehabbed beautiful structure which just takes time and and money and he's working on these things just as that money is available and time is available. Any other questions from the board? I think just really quickly I'm sorry we're not going back and forth. Mr. I just want to hear from board members at this time, OK? no other questions may have a motion about I'll make a motion with Bill. We really is there a second second don't Mr. Stembridge. Yeah, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. No Mr. Collins. I'm sorry, Mr. Collins. already. Yes, Mr. Panaro. Yes. The chair also knows no the motion does not carry. Is there another motion a motion to the National right? Is there a second back in Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Lyman. Yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Mr. yes. Miss Panaro. Yes. The chair votes yes. The motion carries that you and your members of the board next we have a case the one five nine five eight or zero with the address of forty one Bedsore Street if the applicant was representing President explains the workplace more or more I am Qambar, I'm the architect and I will be the G.C. of this project as well once it is approved. Hopefully we are seeking relief from a nonconforming existing nonconforming Seiger back that is less than the required ten year minimum. The building right now is a one and a half storey Cape Cod style house and we are hoping to basically expand the existing second floor to the entire footprint of the existing House so that we can create two more small bedrooms on the second floor so that we can accommodate the existing family in the neighborhood that they've grown every all of the work will be contained within the existing footprint. The building is going to go from twenty to foot to approximately two twenty five foot nine approximately and in general shouldn't be a significant impact on the neighborhood. It's going to be the same family. Thank you. Questions from the bar hearing from the testimony. Thank you Madam Chairman. The members of the board for the record my name is Jeremy Bimberi. I'm developing the committee to engage with the Office of Neighborhood Services applicant at 41 Mantrap the community process which can only only meeting on May twenty eight but about myself at the time there are no the group in the area with no one but is present during the meeting there were no statements of support or opposition 90 letters of support opposition to the project at the time I meant that the public would like to defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you and I have no raised hands at the moment but we have motion motions to approve the second second Mr Stanbridge here. Mr. Valencia. Yes, So languor yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Yes Canaro yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries thank you. Next we have your way one four seven forty six for the address of forty two is the address of forty Interrail Street and that you are eighteen or fair most of our project but the applicants and their representative is available and they can explain to you go ahead this is a for us or family or so not article eighty OK so Mr. Carson. Yes I am. Good morning Madam Chair Members the board. The Council, the council. Seventy five Arlington Street in Boston and further to Mr. Stembridge observation it is not an Article Eighty project it's only four units nor is it a mayor's office of Housing project even though it is a vacant parcel of land that is now being proposed. Forty forty in a building and but with that let me proceed. The parcel is shown here on the left hand side the same plan number forty eight Intervale is a vacant parcel of land with a lot size four thousand two hundred thirty six square feet and three to four thousand subdistrict. The proposal is to construct a new three storey four unit building with the fourth unit being a conditional use in this particular sub district on the project went to a significant community process and many changes were made to the proposed building as a result of that process, including the proposed garage at the ground level. If we could go to the next couple of slides to show the floor plans there are four parking spaces right here access on the side of the building through the driveway that is shared in common with number fifty to interview next door which is in common ownership. This property for parking spaces for four units were a very strong desirable community and these are closed in the building to just give it a much nicer appearance. The ground floor shown here on the left hand side of the floor plan is one half of a duplex unit which is one the second half of that unit is on the second level. Next slide and this level is the second half of unit one on the left unit and two on the right. These are all larger three bedroom units again which was part of the request from the community to have larger family sized units each of the units a three bedroom, two bath ranging from eleven hundred to over thirteen hundred square feet. So they're very nice size units. We added front porches to the second and third level of the building to give additional outdoor space usable open space for the units on those levels and to give the building more of an appearance of traditional triple decker which is a architectural form that is common in this neighborhood as I look at it now is the level three floor plan split between units three and four, each of which are a three bedroom two bath units three and four on the top floor also have exclusive use to a roof deck as shown here on the next slide or some open space each of those units so the unit to have a nice amount of usable open space in the form of decks or the front porches that we added during the review process. Eric Dickerson is the architect on call as well. I know that Eric got a few additional points about the other architectural influences that informed his design. Thank you, Mark. Beyond the only things I would add and you could spot the next pages is that we work with the neighbors to try something that actually fits into the mail that the neighborhood doesn't scale and materials are being Freestore but the roof decks are back from the from the front as far from the sides as possible to try and help this building set and that exists around it. And I'm sure if I could just comment on and recommendation which generally recommends all the relief site but suggests that there be design review with an effort to reduce the floor plate, we'd like to sort of push back on that to the extent that again the entire building with the garage at the ground floor enclosed with the four parking spaces, the larger three bedroom family sized units arranged nicely any reduction of the floor plan in light of the otherwise fairly minimal extent of the relief side for each of the variances would really disrupt the entire plan itself. OK, with that I will conclude our presentation taking questions questions from the board. Yeah, I have one small question Day. >> Is it any more in area? There are none Mr. Langham but again with the the the roof deck issue was designed to create a musical open space for the upper floor units same as adding the front porches just to create some useful open space. There certainly is a predominance of front porches and style front porches so the roof decks again were a desire to create some usable open space for the upper floor units exclusive to each of those units and this is intended to be condominium ownership so they would be owner occupied units. So there's always a delicate balance between those issues and if I ask that question I know Ruth that seems to be a place to party at night. I'm just concerned about the other neighbors and having a roof that can people hanging out there late at night understood. And it's an issue that that comes up in every neighborhood in the city and there are countless tens of thousands of roof decks that are not problematic and it's always that delicate balance of using decks as usual open space which the zoning code actually provides for and advocates for the creation of decks and porches to satisfy these open space requirements with the corresponding we'll call it the knuckleheaded problem every so often there's somebody that has a roof deck or a porch and disrespects their neighbors and the neighborhood itself but we don't think that that's a reason to punish everybody when it comes to the creation of usable outdoor space. OK, thank you. Thank you. Any other questions or so can you speak to the rear guard step back and how proposing relates to your abiding properties and also it would remove all of those trees that are currently exist on your property? Eric, can you grab that one? Yeah, I think so. The fact that the proposed Viriato seven feet of space between them started with the building and the neighbors the idea was to cover the parking so that it's not really the ground floor, it's just parking coming up to the rear of the building which we call the green space back there. It's good to have it as a screening of buffering but it's going to be able to use with the tax on the upper levels being the primary outdoor space for this particular type of training and how it relates to your neighbors this setback we are so sorry we're seven feet from the rear property line. We are three feet from the poverty line and on one side. So on the other side I are more interested in alignment and sort of how what you're proposing lines with the current built environment. So are you other buildings have some set backs or are there is the the surrounding buildings have more to be larger? We are that are those and without that but we would but the outdoor space at the level of that height the parking and the building and I assume there would be really no green space as a result there's a three four on one side of a seven area and what would happen in that seven foot buffer that's all green space and the propers no additional questions. Mr. Hampton, do you want to comment on the design review? Should we get there? Thank you, madam. for Jeff Ashton BPA should you get there obviously will want to have design review and as Mr. Lucas knows, all our discussions can happen during the design review process. These are just recommendations for our for our final vote. But if the board should get there, we'd have those discussions through design review. Thank you. Any of the questions from the board here nonincumbent testimony? Yes, madam. Chair, members of the board continuing with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the judgment this board with some back our information committee process when also about our meeting on November 1st proponent presented to the Inter Vale Normandy Neighborhood Association November 2nd. After that they made some changes and in March they received an update and refused a letter from my city. We had recommended they check back in with the Civic Association present again not sure occurred throughout the process. There was concerns and opposition raised from residents who live on a long beat. The downtown streets were also members. The project right which is the neighborhood association, the expressed concerns regarding the size of the proposed building taking up a good chunk of the plot as well as concerns that currently that law has been subdivided. It serves as parking for the next door 52 Winterville Street. So they're concerned that those cars can be out on the street leading to more competition for parking. Concerns were raised regarding a proposed roof decks with residents citing existing issues with several loud and late night with music music from parties that occur in the neighborhood already I may feel that you have to contribute to this problem and then as I mentioned just your concerns about the size of the building and the potential lack of green space if approved without referring to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you. My so I'm making him available to begin testimony. Yes. Sorry that's my call from our project right. Three two zero eight. I knew there were several meetings with the developer. There has been some progress made but we're really concerned about the optics and if you need the roof techs to create open space then I think there's a flaw with the problem with the proposal reflects in that there's a reason why there's not roof checks in the area. We already have enough significant issues with public safety, with loud music issues which would be very difficult for our neighbors who are very concerned about this. And this was subdivided from fifty to intervene which now it has to do to intervene which they also call on. Thank you both. Thank you. I first Councilor Wyles, as we have heard from the Civic Associations about concerns with the roof tax and parking, we have also met with the developer and we are pleased to see that they have at made it three unit residents and we do also encourage green roofs but we are concerned about the noise issues. So at this time our office will defer to the board's decision if I have no additional and I'm sorry but it was this can you confirm it's three units or four units? It's four units and one note that parcels were not subdivided a number forty eight no. Fifty two are and always have been separate parcels their income ownership and as shown on the site plan there is a proposed joint driveway running through down the middle of forty eight fifty two that serves as the driveway for the garage entrance to forty eight the new building and to a rear parking area behind fifty to the existing building so there's no subdivision there is a share common driveway down the middle to create the access the enclosed garage parking in the proposed new building and parking for the existing building in the rear yard of that building. But they are separate parcels and always have been although questions from the board hearing none of motion and I'm trying to come along we repudiate the santaville special attention to putting configuration concerns about the of well if you want to alarm anybody information about the big vacant I might consider a proviso with no tax provisos, no prospect is there a second section Mr Stanbridge Mr Stembridge you're on the board chair. Yeah. Mr. Valencia yes. Mr Lingham yes. Mr Collins. Yes. There's only a yes Miss Panaro. Yes I'm Chairman. Yes the motion carries thank you kindly. Next we'll move on to KVOA one five nine three zero five three the address of one fifty six Wall Street and this point here give me four tries the Russian rush demand that this article be so if the to continue with their representative which explains politics. >> Yes. Hi Stembridge good morning and chair members of the board this is Mike Ross business at just one international place. I'm here with the architect Eric Sacristan. This is as the secretary mentioned Article eighty Small Profit Review Case. It's a proposal to build a twenty seven unit home ownership mixed use building with twelve parking spaces and a twelve hundred square foot retail space at the corner. You can just go down a couple of that's that's that's a one this was filed under the old article sixty Mattapan neighborhood zoning district zoning so this was a three five thousand under the old zoning it's a corner lot sitting on two parcels for combined eight thousand one hundred sixty square feet. The proposed project incorporate the existing Mount Sinai Baptist Church building into the base of the project which as you can see both the existing church and what you'll see as the proposed. I'll come out to the edge of the property line. This building will also replace an old billboard that was at the corner of this building the existing conditions and extreme topography of the land as well as the oddly shaped triangle make this a project prime candidate for zoning review. I want to turn over architect Eric Akesson just to quickly run through the building. Thank you. Like this the perfect so it's the corner of Wellington and Greendale where they intersect Morgan Street and so one of the things that you'll see we turn to the next slide is that we work on a proposal with our next slide please on a proposal with our landscape, our civil engineers and the city to introduce some traffic calming measures that you see on the ground floor kind of ah the introduction the gateway to the building next in the front of the site. Let's keep going based on that side ethnic ground floor you're going to see this this new at story. This is some not the first. Did you go back from and er yes. It's towards the end I think landscapes that you just made walking in that building first if you want OK so going to the building there is what is considered a basement on the along Wellington Street is the bottom side of this page the top of the page Greendale is at such a lower elevation that you're able to enter directly into the garage space that is the lower the volume of volume on the left and then the retail is also at grade at that intersection facing towards being street. And it was critical I think in our neighborhood discussions or discussions with the PPTA but that retail space remain as a retail space would be something that is kind of integral to the work. Well with the Plaza De will show you in a minute next time above this kind of the first level upper level there is an entrance off of Wellington Street which you see in the lower left here and then the sixth residential units that ring around this and they range in size from six hundred fifty square foot one that's to some larger two beds and three bed at the very end of the building next one of the things that the people asked us to do and we think it's really clever ideas have introduced a light bulb to bring down that to light into the corridors. We see that kind of in the center of the building there. So even this is the renovation of a very large building. We're trying our best branded inset groups that are decks and bring down natural light through the core of the building so that it doesn't feel like it is is as maxed out as it is to follow the existing buildings and raising them up against the said I think this is the same a similar level above that it's five and then on the roof we have the common roof which has elevator access and two stairs but we push that this group that really as far into the middle of the building as we can partly because of the want to protect it from the surrounding traffic. We want to make it a usable space. We have surrounded it at the top U.S. with exterior green roof so that it doesn't get too close to the property to adjust the roof but also serves as a natural buffer between the rooftop mechanicals that are going to be around there between the neighboring street and then the other the other delimiter. It really underscores one common toilet is to make sure that if there are people that they have that is as an accessible but this is our way of introducing a little bit of open space onto a building that had previously occupied the entire site. >> Excellent. So you see in the elevations where this is kind of setting a new two stories on top of the existing shaded blue area which is the existing church that's and then the rear elevations of inset the decks in order to create some green space. But we stick to the perspective of the building section showing the large garage space at the base for levels of residential. Both that and the roof top looks like a few renderings to show it in context in relationship to its building to its neighbors in this taller than a lot of the buildings around it on the right side of the natural slowly because that's our nature but also stands very prominently at the intersection and we feel that the residential space, the retail space, the ground floor with the two stories of brick above that the two stories of cement fiberboard back and that allow that create an interesting hierarchy as a pedestrian street Beckstein the existing context backslid and then there is the plaza. So this would involve extending the nose of the existing concrete out. This is a place where one of the comments we've heard repeatedly is that the the cars come down here very quickly and so there is a limit to what we can do. We can impact the other side of the street. We might want to because of jurisdictional issues we can get in here and we're encouraged by the area to introduce something that brought in some street trees brought a little closet area that hopefully will relate to the eventual retail tenant and will definitely cause for cars to make very careful decisions and come to us long come to this floor approach to the intersection next time. I think that most people have spent time and a section through the plaza to kind of understand that the sidewalk at Wellington Hills high on the sidewalk between now the question the brick building is across from you. Any idea how many units that building is is considered one or several. I think it was somewhere. Right? It's a mix. Madam Chair to the left of us to over there's a somewhat substantial apartment building several several units six eight units perhaps maybe more. But then there's some twos and threes mixed in the neighborhood as well. It's a real mix where we connect on the left we're down to about I can walk through the zoning actually. Mamchur really quickly if you'd like me to. So under Article sixty the of retail is forbidden in the three to five thousand so that that triggered my fire as well multifamily the cafe out here was a pre existing far above the point that was allowed. We're now at three point seventy five the height in this district calls for thirty five at the highest point we're at fifty seven ten inches but all the way to the left we're we're a lot closer than thirty five no but you count to fifty seven we're five floors at the point we see it right now but again on the left we're down about three and a half. It's that topography that changes the building our side yard was pre existing was zero remains zero in what is called for a ten foot side here we're cited for additional light area and then we were saying for open space as well the off street parking and loading we have twelve parking spaces for the twenty seven units instead of twenty seven parking spaces . We have affordable units in this project four of the twenty seven that equals fourteen point eight are rounded up almost 15 percent. I was their manager. Thank you. Thank you. Questions from the board that this is now in two squares and streets some from out of town. Yes Mr not this becomes our two very close to the districts but still an hour two OK no questions. Thank you. A quick question why do you stay for before strictly on you might ask so I had it here open. All right so we have a we have a two bedroom at 80 percent. These are for sale units so that would be two hundred fifty eight thousand five hundred dollars. We have a one bedroom at eighty percent that's two hundred nineteen thousand five hundred. We have a three bedroom at one hundred percent. That's three hundred and seventy eight thousand dollars and we have a one bedroom at one hundred percent that's two hundred eighty seven thousand four hundred dollars. OK thank you. Well that man public testimony Madam Chair members of the board of Honor and even with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services at this time the mayor is subject to the judgment this board some back information, the community process is run through a deep community process involving a public meeting that occurred last August. During that meeting there was one resident who had some concerns about height but most residents were looking forward to something new coming into this place citing the kind of bloody conditions that the existing structure they were a number of questions the proponent about affordability across the pond as they would be deed restrictions which the outcome was able to to respond to. They went on to meet with the Wellington Neighborhood Association which after working on an agreement voted to support this proposal and I understand they were in contact with other civic and stakeholders as well. I without defer to the board at this time. Thank you. Tell me about the official offices. OK, hearing none I see no additional reasons or any other questions from the board hearing no motion motion to approve. Is there a second that Mr Stanbridge yeah Mr Landseer yes Mr Mr Lingham. Oh yes thank you Mr Collins. Yes yes yes Miss Canaro. Yes shareholders. Yes the motion carries. Thank you very much. Next we have a case going one five nine zero five zero two put the address and Bernard Street the applicant and only represent please let's split the case of Whitsuntide. Make yourself morning we see you just need only yourself sir . I did against you. Yes. Good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board Santana because construction engineer representing terms of the order of his property we are proposing a nine unit building over five stories essentially replacing an existing building that contains three large units within a total of my advantage the net gain in terms of would be three or one bedrooms, three studios, one two bedrooms and one three bedrooms. The last two floors is a duplex. Those are the larger units contain the fourth and fifth floor contains units with two or three bedrooms respective the other part studios and one bedroom. We are essentially shrinking existing footprint of the building to allow for openings for either side yard not this is a five story building height to the top of the post about forty five the existing building to the top of the head is about forty two feet of light. I want to emphasize the height was one of the questions during the first meeting of the site slabs from the alarm two to three one two three substantial change in the point of view of about eight feet. In addition there are multiple dwelling units that have been selected across the street. We have a twenty four unit building and all the other buildings are elevated with a basement about five feet above the finished grade and so there are significantly higher than five historic he with the cruise line of the existing buildings for the most part due to the drastic topography of the site. So the net gain in height excluding the damage you will be about three or four feet from the existing height of existing Koplow and it also existing on the units are smaller for the most part only 500 square feet with the exception of the two larger units which are over a thousand square per unit will be fully accessible in an elevator. All the components would be accessible and some of those units would be adaptable. What's required to access Cote d'Ivoire is the the on and there are multiple surrounded nations that again although he said three of zone in the building is surrounded by remote control it is a big commercial residential uses and so we are within less than a quarter mile of public transportation but it's very close to the station and most mine or district we would be providing also the amount of affordable units to ensure a development the media. With that I can provide presentation if you are has any questions you plan to discuss the Mr. Santtana. There are a couple of feedback from PPTA that that includes questions about eight accessibility and bay windows. Would you like to elaborate and talk about those? Yes madam. Sure. We are proposing an elevator and it is the vestibule that includes maybe twenty stair and the elevator lobby and that we provide all the stories will be fully accessible for the common areas that is the in the units will be built as adaptable for access in of the bay window washer the existing building that we will be replacing has been windows we will basically duplicate will be a little bit larger but there will be within the allowable projection on the public sidewalk just to clarify access so maybe I should have Mr. Hampton weigh in but they talked about access within duplex units and how how how how someone would access the floors within the unit. The units would be owner occupied. The elevator reaches for the storage of the questions from the more well the elevator reaches the stories but the but the units are duplexes. So how does how does one get from the first floor to the second floor in their unit? Well there is the provision of five twenty one tmr this would be design of the units and therefore they don't have to be fully accessible because they are not going to and what that means is that they will be built as adaptable meaning if someone with the ability moves in those units can be easily converted into accessible, how would they do that? We can deliver the just for more or more one, two, three and four. So if you need me that will be change to the more notion or converted to if it was then can you speak to the what chair asked about the bay windows the existing building has between the projectable took place inside the the one that we are proposing are projected Florida move in that projection is within the limitation on the explicit maximum. We shall be able to weigh in on that. Mr Hampton, are you available? We are. Thank you Madam Chairman. We just have to in terms of the bay windows we see a hype over the right of way of eight feet when I 10 feet is the minimum and in terms of the accessibility this really came from the city's Disabilities Commission that raised big concerns about the duplex and the accessibility of it. I understand that units to be adapted but this is something that the disabilities Commission raised the flag while reviewing these plans. So that's why we recommended the Avoda denial without prejudice so that these plans can be tweaked and can be resubmitted so that the Disabilities Commission DPA can review them again. So Mr Hampton, is there an alternative of the BP assisting the applicant to come to compliance with the ADA issue? I think they should get in touch with the Disability Rights Commission saying that they are the ones who are raising the red flags. Yes, thank you. So are we but obviously to the board on their decision on to without prejudice deferral what have you but I think the Disability Commission should be at the forefront in terms of the accessibility issues if I mean was postponed. But let me see if there are any other questions from the board then we can turn it back to you, Mr Santana. Any other questions from the board? Yes. Mr. Santana, during your presentation I think you mentioned the projects will comply with any requirements to provide affordable housing units if they do still remember hearing any descriptions of our affordability here. So could you please just clarify that this allowed you project providing any affordable housing units? Yes. Thank you Mr Malaysia. We we will provide the percentage of unit as required. Obviously these not specified the plans but is mandatory based on the number of units that we have in that percentage which I believe is one point thirty five I'm not mistaken we will comply with JU juror has nine units right? Yes OK I may be able to ask Mr. Han and they will be the eight I think the threshold for BBVA units is right is not is there any units 13 percent so nine will not be required arriving at all units so sometimes there is a something that the project is proportion I will I would like to get more information on that. More devastating was that seven units were required to provide the affordability component but if I am mistaken then that this goes out one that we order to see if will be based on the number of units reduced or the ten we will be willing to provide one unit affordable. Absolutely discussion with them. So now chair of the seven units kicks in in October and Inclusionary Zoning inclusionary zoning. Thank you Mr. Stanton. Can several back to the access questions as you understand but I'm chair the based on my initial analysis for the accessibility component and we took that into consideration of design and development. The preliminary findings is that this will be decided they have to be built as one of because we are three attributes that means an and I think that this is relatively accurate. That means that all the common areas for these units they have to be accessible and that is our goal in terms of the units himself, the language used that the bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms on the group one dwelling units and I believe that is Chapter nine the five to anyone to see what estate that they have to be adaptable . Adaptable means that they could be potentially converted into a handicap accessible unit. So I don't think that they necessarily will. It is a challenge in order to accomplish that with respect even as flats. But that doesn't mean that it's impossible and because it only requires adaptability not only accessible units. I think that we are in compliance with 521 and I will be more than glad that in depth before and Wikipedian and the Disabilities Commission before this project put forward. Thank you and support for writing. Why are the main windows at eight feet above the right away when the requirement is ten feet the Department of Primary Forms projections of a public way? My understanding is that eight feet above the public sidewalk sidewalk is out of signage projecting signs and things like that. If you are mistaken we will be glad to eliminate those windows on the first or second floor for comply with the ten foot high limitation. Just please understand these are not fully developed construction documents and adjustments. I realize this is very but I could be wrong my understanding based on my experience with difficulty is that that type of projection was within and again I could be wrong and I apologize if that's the case. I would not argue that I will revisit that and we can always eliminate those very simple Mr. thank you. Let's go back to my madam chair, our members Madam Chair ,members of the board singing John Smith, the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services this applicant completed the owners community process our office hosted in Buderus meeting on the 3rd of January of this year for seven Butter spoke in support. One of butter spoke in opposition on the basis of what they viewed as excessive PYT this opponent has also presented to the Community Alliance of Mission Hill and S.A.M. in non opposition to the proposal but that we defer to the judgment report. Thank you Qayum. Hello. Can you hear me? Yes. Hi. I would like to read this into the testimony to a statement from Councilor Sharing Durkin City Councilor and District eight Dear Chairman and members of the board as the district exited council representing Mission Hill, I am writing in support of the proposal to demolish the existing three storey building and a new five story building with nine units . The project is being proposed by a respected business owner in Mission Hill. I have full faith that this will be a wonderful addition that would enhance the street and make needed repairs to much needed living units in mission . In addition, the proposal has received the support of the Community Alliance of Mission Hill. I asked the board to approve this proposal. Thank you for the morning Madam Chairman myself and I've got a letter from Councilor Simply Santtana the council I would like to support and he would also like to request District City Councilor position on this matter. Thank you. And I have no additional evidence. Any other questions from the board? They are you know, I'm sorry this is no to these but these units whether or not the chief those units will be rental with one of the large units would be owner occupied that OK but that may have a motion and the motion with some provisos happy for some additions. So I make a motion for approval with some provisos that the applicant with the PPTA bring the the Bay Windows in compliance with the proper from the sidewalk and that there be included one IDP unit that they work out with the nupedia on and that the plans be reviewed by the Boss and Disposition Disabilities Commission as part of this process and overall design review. Yes and overall design the BDA is there a second round Mr Shoebridge? Yeah. Mr Valencia. Yes. Mr Langham yes. Mr Collins. Yes. Panaro Yes. Chairmans yes the motion carries thank you. Next we have KVOA one five nine zero one three three with the address one Xolair Plaza de Applicant President please respond to the board and thank you Madam Chairman. Members of the board David Anderson and Grieger 50 Millstreet I'm here on behalf of Berklee College of Music. My clients Calan possible our own Aaron McCabe from Berklee College of Music. I believe they're sort of linked in as presenters and I think they're going to take the lead on the presentation if that's OK with the board. Of course. Thank you, David. The morning members of the board as David just said, my name is Caitlin Pacifier and I served as chief of staff and vice president community government relations at Berklee College of Music and as I mentioned joined here by my colleague Erin McCabe, vice president facilities a little bit about Berkeley located in the Back Bay in the Fenway neighborhoods city Berkeley is the premier Institute of Music and Performing Arts with locations in Valencia, Spain, Abu Dhabi, New York City and of course our home base being a great city of Boston in the city we educate approximately about fifty eight hundred undergraduate and graduate students. We're here before you today to discuss our conditional use permit application for the use of one exit Exeter Plaza also known as six ninety nine six ninety nine Boylston Street is intended classroom and dance studio space are college or university educational use which requires the conditional use permit as this is a general business district in the Back Bay Berkeley has filed excuse me has signed a fifteen year lease with two five year options for approximately ninety three hundred square feet of space at six ninety nine Boylston eighty three hundred of which is on the lower level in about a thousand is on the ground floor street level this space was previously used as the TV twelve gym space which closed back in May of twenty twenty three and has been in had the space has been vacant since then we are hoping that we can have this space operational for the upcoming fall twenty twenty four semester for our dance program. We do intend to operate the space seven days a week. However given the high density of the area we think that this will be minimal impact on the neighbors. We have had an abiders meeting through neighborhood services and also had a subcommittee meeting of the neighborhood association the Back Bay and have not heard any concerns from a Buttars. I will now turn over to my colleague Aaron to speak to some of the specifics of the use of the space. Thank Caitlin. So if we can just go to the next slide as you can see this is a classic office building on Boylston Street roughly around two hundred and ten thousand square feet. The space will be used to meet the demand for our dance program. We're going to be adding three dance studios in the lower level and the first floor space will be open as a grab and go cafe for our students and to the public with hours of seven thirty a.m. to eight p.m. as Caitlin mentioned, we're anticipating opening in the fall to meet that demand and the space again will have commercial and contemporary dance next slide please. Thank you very much. So this gives you an idea of what the first floor will look like. It's going to be very similar to the previous use, says TEEB Twelve. In fact we're going to use the same footprint of a layout just modify the counter or grab and go case and our partners with Aramark Food Services will be operating the space again this space provides the access to the lower level for our students. There'll be a security guard position within the space of the lower level but it we're excited and the tenants in the building are excited for this additional food offering on the first floor we'll have a video wall install similar to TV 12 on the back wall to showcase Berkeley student performances and the community is excited about this very high end space for our presence. Next slide please. So again this a fully accessible building there is elevators available for students who may need May needed to access the dance studios which is great. Our partners at A.W. Capital, the landlords are very dominating in that way. But the lower level dance space as you see we have an existing dance studio and then AWG building out two additional studios for Berkeley. We have the access of some high end and new locker rooms that TV built out and the rest of the space is mechanical occupancy for the dance studios is roughly around 20 to people so the maximum and the lower level to be sixty six people at any time again as Caitlin mentioned, the space will be available for students who want to come and practice on the weekends and in the evening hours. We certainly don't anticipate at that level of maximum occupancy during those off hours. Excellent. That's it. Right. So that sort of concludes the scope of our project at one Exeter and if anybody has any questions, thank you. No questions here. Any other questions from the board here in Dudman public testimony I don't members of the board ciggie Johnson with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services this fall I completed the on as community process our office hosted the meeting on May 15th at which no concerns were raised. The Neighborhood Association of Back Bay Zoning and Building Use Subcommittee has issued a letter of non opposition for this proposal. At this point our office defers to the judgment of the board. Thank include. I see no reason at the moment thanks but that may I have motion a motion to approve Ms. It's just average. Yes Mr. Landsea. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes, Mr. Collins. Yes. There's only yes. Miss Panaro. Yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good luck. Next we have KVOA one five nine six eight nine three the address of sixty seven to sixty nine Church Street up to James and Andrew representing the explosion to Good morning Madam Chair, members of the board, the council, the council seventy five Arlington Street in Boston attorney for the project proponents consisting of Tom Kallus and Charles Vogel are the owners of this property and architect a record of the empty primary just to give you a brief refresher, Madam Chair, members of the board and this board previously heard a case involving this building in twenty nineteen at which time this building had long historically been at the corner of Church and Shawmut Street not Shamitabh in Bay Village just into Bay Village from Stuart Street this building had long been a restaurant and a bar on the bar, a nightclub on the upper floors in twenty nineteen board granted relief for the conversion of this building to five residential units on the upper floors and the ground floor and lower level to be a conditional use permit for a restaurant use core and show only at the time the project has been substantially completed. The historic preservation has been completed. It was approved by the Bay Village Historic District Commission subsequent to this board's approval in 2019 the addition to the building has been built. Building has been fully historically restored and is one awards for the work done in the building and there there are five units on the upper floors and the ground floor in basement level which was slated to be a restaurant has drawn no interest from any restaurant or it used to be the case that there were a lot of restaurant and bar uses at street level in Bay Village but basically that is no longer the case. There are no such uses and a lot of the ground floor uses in Bay Village that used to be bars, restaurants and or for the film industry have been converted to residential use. So the proposal before you today instead sort of a follow up to the twenty nineteen case and is seeking permission to change the occupancy of the previously approved restaurant space on the street level and in the lower level to a six residential unit which would make the building so these six residential units which again is largely very consistent with the rest of the configuration of churchly and Shoman Street in Bay Village and throughout the rest of the village. The proposal is shown here on the screen the existing ground floor space and create a residential unit. There is an interesting feature shown here on the left hand side of the screen which is there are multiple entries for this unit so the architect and the plans are showing a sort of live work home office space on the lower left hand corner in addition to the bedrooms and other living space which would permit like home office use for a therapist, a lawyer or an accountant because there's a separate entrance separate from the residential component of the building and again the live work space component is a feature that predominates in some of these street level living work spaces throughout the village as they have been converted from something else in the film industry or restaurant uses like this one on lower level. Next slide please. I'm sorry maybe it was the the previous one. Yes, this is the basement level sorry. Back to the basement level that would be an extension of the living space for the ground unit. The space is already existing so although there's a violation or excessive they are in terms of failure ratio nothing about the building is changing. The space is already there. The spaces are existing. Space actually was already approved for excessive are in the twenty nineteen decision as it related to the restaurant is shown. Here is again multi-purpose space in the lower level on half the basement the other half the basement remains as storage and other functions for the existing five units on the upper floors of the building. And if you could go ahead to the elevations you'll see that on the lowest level at the bottom there there are windows and it's sort of a full walk out condition on the lower level into what is a small alleyway courtyard area behind this building and the adjacent building. So there is not the sensation of being below grade when you're in that lower level space because of those windows on the back of the building that face that courtyard area and there was a common PPTA recommendation about this property being in the coastal flood resilience overlay district with an indication that it should be 21 feet above the base flood elevation. But that was not noted on the plans our project manager was able to look at the original submissions and has determined that the elevation at street level which is the existing space for residential is eighteen point nine two feet such as slightly below the recommended elevation. But again this is existing space consistent with the entirety of Bay Village which itself the entire neighborhood was elevated and is built on Piers given the groundwater levels in the neighborhood so there's nothing about this building that is different from the street level condition of virtually every other building on the block and in the context of the neighborhood with that the the other two zoning reliefs our conditioning permits one being the you know, adding the extra unit in the building requires a further conditional use permit in the same district from five to six and then I decided a conditional use permit for nonconforming use change. I'm not sure I understand since the residential use itself is a conforming use which is the number of units that is changing from five to six. So it's sort of a duplicate of conditional use permit and again excessive FSR had been approved as space for the restaurant. It's just being proposed now for the extension of living space without 60 in it and with that I will continue the presentation. Thank you and the questions from the board. Yes. About here in terms U.S. living space and basically what not but what type of what will be used for bedrooms, kitchen there there's no bedroom shown in the basement orange and it's just sort of large open multipurpose space for additional home office usage for the residents of this unit. These are condominiums. They're ownership in the event that the live work space at street level where to be an office it could be for the storage for office space. But again, it's not showing as bedroom space. There are ample bedrooms on the ground floor, the living areas configured as such. It's just attempt to utilize the basement space for functional purpose with that blackout condition in the rear for just extended living area for the restaurant space being converted residential space that I think you may have public testimony. Good morning, Madam Chairman. Members of the board this proposal and the Buttars meeting on April twenty ninth of this year one community member attended they had no opposition to the project. This project was also presented to the Village Neighborhood Association and they provided a letter from opposition. At this time the mayor's office and neighborhood service would like to defer to a decision. >> Of course. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good morning madam. Tourism after boy this is the of a council place office at this time Councilor I would like to recommend support base funding good community process and feedback for neighbors including the Bay Village Neighborhood Association who also indicated they are not opposed to the project because we respectfully request that the proponent continue to work closely with the community on any quality of life issues that may rise during the construction phase. Thank you and I have always to think that man Mr. I'm sure I am emotional. I'm sorry to interrupt. There was one more public comment. I'm sorry. Go ahead. I'm not saying I'm not saying that you walk me just but I think in the section which is an apology that was very different. I'm sorry. Okay ma'am. please continue your motion. Mr. Landsea, thank was for the motion of approval Wikipedia the same problem. Is there a second step? I don't know, Madam Chair, the historic district. So this would be subject to Landmark's correct me if I'm wrong. Yes, it's a big village district commission property so it would not be subject to PPTA design view but as they did on the prior case in twenty nineteen we underwent a very extensive Bay Village district Commission review process resulting in approval and this particular aspect of the project is purely internal changes nothing about the exterior building as proved by Bay Village Historic Commission is going to change as a result of this change of use. Yes. So Mr. Valencia, I don't think we need put design review on this one. OK, so with that I think I'm watching couple one man the second thanks Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. Unsere. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes, Mr. Collins. Yes. it's Panaro. Yes. Chairman's yes. The motion carries thank you kindly that three three past the hour will pass if there are any requests for withdrawals or withdrawals from the Yes Mr. Stembridge ninety four to ninety six Lorang Street was that would be KVOA one five three five five six six the address at nineteen point ninety six Warren Street Sprinklers. Yes thank you Mr. Stembridge. Madam Chairman members of the board attorney Ryan Spetz with Adams and Oriente business address one sixty eight Street First South Boston. We are just seeking a short deferral to allow advertisement. We provided a revised set of drawings which triggered an additional violation that should have been factored into the original refusal letter. But for some reason it was inadvertently advertised as such. So we're just seeking a short deferral to allow for a free advertisement and contrary to the date of July 30th this year that's perfectly OK with that motion I make a motion to defer to July thirty seconds and give Mr. Stembridge yes Mr. Romance . Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes, ma'am. Mr. Collins. Yes. Yes, Miss Panaro. Yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries great. Thank you. Good morning members of the board and Madam Chairman, this is Manuel Dippin of all the property autres is forty two in the market square. We're looking to defer to next month's hearing. We're still waiting on the surveyor to complete the survey for market so we have not had that. We don't have that ready so we want to just go to the next month. That's that's at eleven thirty . So when are we supposed to smiles you can raise it at that time I think yeah. Any other eleven Ms. Yosses evacuees property going to property on street I'd like to defer to the next meeting's in a month I can have all the updated information in your office probably in about a week or two. I can also defer to September if you think that that's better Samantha let's read it to the record manager came in this case there are three cases DVOA one four six six one six but the address three fifty three along with that we have Kasuke, VOA one six zero five nine five the address through with the ah on screen and with those two we have case VOA one four six six five to zero also with the address of two fifty are on three but you go ahead and four others by yeah so the proposals to tear down existing two car garage replace it in the same footprint with a I guess a single family residence. We're not subdivided land was originally filed under the city's eighty new program but was told it was more applicable to file it is a construction single family unit will have a garage space in the building as well. It's a one bedroom unit. We have laboratories we have started July, August and September. It's up to the applicant on how far I would like them to be so why don't we make it for September? >> There was some confusion with regard to the city which is I'm filing my information. I just want to make sure that your file is complete when we meet next we can do September 10th Mountain Motion from September 2nd. I can't stand this stembridge. Yes. Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes, Mr. Collins. Yes. Missouri yes. Miss Panaro. Yes, sure votes yes. The motion carries see then thanks very much. If there are no further requests we'll draw the world will be all 11:00 a.m. five then we'll return to Arjun's to nine thirty and we will move on to case wait one three three three to eight eight the address to eighty seven to two ninety five Hanover Street is the apple and will be represented present explaining to the please think someone in the chat wants to be promoted what can Christine lookahead absentee request and can you can't hear you. Hi Christina Kubiak I am the owner of 287 Hanover Street. Good morning Madam Chairwoman Board and others who are on this call. This is not the presentation and I actually had a PowerPoint that was said through is there more than one presentation, Madam Ambassador acknowledged by Stephanie Oh I'm happy to speak to this as is that the other provides additional color along with others and additional detail. Maybe you can start and hopefully find those things so the what we have at hand is actually the replacement of previous nonconforming the architect of record is the Vastra and Mike Middle of Abacas Builders is the general contractor for this project. Like I said I am the owner of twenty seven Hanover Street Unit by five I bought this unit in twenty twenty during at the time the unit was advertised as having a roof Jack I was told it was in progress but construction had paused due to ongoing covid work the roof had to have been re rubberized so not only mine but all other decks that exist five were removed and the contractor at that time had provided or pulled the permits to grandfather in the existing deck. So as you can see here, this is a view of the deck that I am currently being taxed on and should exist in excellent condition. It does not if we can go to the next slide there is my presentation. That's great. Thank you so much. So there we are. The the zoning violation is again that dimensional we were set back I am at the back of my building. I don't know if the other sides have loaded it so we can stop here. The ask is the new deck so the new deck is is really a replacement again for that deck that previously existed. The area insufficient. We sat back is marked in that red outline that is twelve feet along the back of the entirety of my building that is twenty seven to ninety Hanover Street. The deck itself is not the issue. It is the walkway and so the walkway itself would be utilizing curbs which already exist. So that does widen the walkway so it won't be as narrow and as elevated as it was level before with a deck which is on a platform and we can go to the next slide again. I walked through this this was a previous deck as you can see in the photos here, the access does very much exist. So we're just working to replace the deck that should be there and we can go down the next slide things I have just a slide here for questions our concerns this is the use of my deck but I did want to jump to the appendix if we could just to show you and give you some perspective on the overall plan. As you can see, I am one of that index. All of them exist except for mine at this point in time we can scroll down again. I just wanted to give a clearer picture and depiction of the property and also the adjacent property. As you can see the curb does exist, the past exists and also the neighboring property would be imposed upon us. There is just a patch there as and then below this are just some additional listing details followed by the twenty twenty two assassination that I am being taxed on a building extra feature excellent condition roof deck and as you can see it does not exist so and the overall is to move forward with the replacement of that previous for that the walkway again is lies within the non performing space and at this time I with the questions and comments first thank you. Any questions from the board hearing no public testimony? Yes, madam. Chair, members of the board quadrennium and with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services the mayors I defer to the judge from this board telling about his meeting on July twenty first twenty twenty two. The applicant then went on to meet with new and new. They were both in support is my understanding that will defer to the board this time. Thank you. Thank you Chairman. Additional raised hands at the moment that may I have a motion I'll make a motion to improve with the design review with attention to setbacks from the roof's edge. Second, back to Mr. Stembridge . Yes, Mr. Violencia. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Resounding yes. Is Parata yes. Chairman. Yes. The motion carries thank you very much and thank you with that you will go to the hearing scheduled for 11 a.m. We will do it for you first. No for that case VOA one six zero zero five working with the address of fifteen apartments the applicant and their representative present. Please explain that I Mr. Stembridge good morning. This is Mike Ross business and one international place I'm here on behalf of my client Colin Quinn, the lifelong resident Worchester who arrived here from Vietnam at age seven . This is a proposal to remove an existing building and replace it with a and this is an to have six thousand subdistrict and replace it with a three storey building with four condominiums and five parking spaces. The building throughout the county process was set back twenty five feet from the sidewalk to meet with comments from the community. If you go to a one point zero I think its next slide one more so if you thank you I'm sure they'll work when you see is on the first floor two units. So unit one is in the front. It's a two bedroom, two bath it's nine hundred twenty five square feet and then unit three in the rear it's a two bedroom one and a half baths it's eleven hundred and one eleven hour fifteen square feet you go to the next slide I'll show you the other two yards. This is actually what I just showed you the basement has nothing in it and here's your second and third floor so units got two and four are on the are duplexes and of course two and three so the first unit is in the front unit two it's a three bedroom two and a half baths and it's eighteen hundred and fifty square feet and then unit four is in the rear and it's a three bedroom two and a half baths and that's two thousand forty two square feet if you go to the next slide show you the elevations and here basically just point out that basically there were some front and rear decks created to really take some of the macing out of the building during the community process and also create some open space as well. Next slide please. And we just have two renderings here for you on the next slides just to show you the I will sit there and sits up on a little little as well so it will sit a little bit above what you see there. That's a little little computer ish but it has a little hop to the to the land so it sits up just a little bit higher. Just there's only four zoning violations. We were sighted for four units the two F district. The fact that we are at a point seven three point for District this district requires neighborhood design overlay which will comport with and then the building height. We are compliant with height but because it's a three storey it's an a two and a half storey district we were cited for that. I'll pause there Madam Chair two three questions. >> Thank you. Thank you Gregor. Your questions from the board. Yes Mr yes these Yankees look at the last two or three blocks from the red line and I'm wondering if there were any considerations about closing the parking and providing more open space because what I see here is that the parking is covering the entire whole open space in the back. Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Valencia. When we might have had a little we might have had a little bit more green space during the earlier versions. However, I mentioned that we pulled the building back all the way to twenty five feet by the neighbors really wanted to see that continuity in the front yards where they this section of this subdistrict has that real bar set back front yard. So even though it was beyond what was required by the zoning to work out where we were on the block we pushed it back. When we push it back it did make the back a little tighter that you've picked up on. Of course we will have some landscaping. We identify that in the plan. You know, rhododendrons, dogwoods, honeylocust, different different plantings and a different plant agenda or plan if you will, that we provide in this and that that planting schedule runs all the way along as a buffer of course where the cars are. But it continues along that side yard on the left with some pretty substantial plantings and then you have that front yard, your biggest open space at this point in this project really would be that front yard area which is that twenty five yard setback which I other questions from the more hearing testimony. Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board continuing in the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services. The Sandomierz obviously deferred to the judge from this board when I held an important meeting for this proposal. I don't have notes of any extensive opposition the applicant that to St. Mark's Civic Association in April where they presented revised plans the Civic Association voted to support this proposal with that defer to the judgment this board. Thank you. Hello, Madam Chair. I remember the members of the board members from Counsel Fitzgerald's office go on record supporting the proposal . I see risk by Jordan. Are you going to give testimony ? I am. Thank you. Thank you to name and I don't want to spend a proposition. Sure. My name is Jordan. My Department Street in Dorchester and I am here in support of this project. I just want to thank the developers and the team. They worked extensively with the neighborhood and with the Civic Association and we really appreciate that. I also just wanted to take note of the board members question because I too in general have a concerns about green space with new developments but with this project already having multi garage behind the existing structure, we're not a green space in the back because it's already not a full yard. And again, I just want to thank the development team for really making something that goes well with the existing homes here and for working so well with us. Thank you. Thank you. No additional words. OK, any other questions from board of Motion? I'll make a motion to approve the video design of their second statement. Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. Alekseyev. Yes, Mr. Anum. Yes, Mr. Collins. Yes. There's already a yes Miss Panaro. Yes Schierholz yes the motion carries thank you very much. Next recal case VOA one five eight three one six with the address of thirty Westville Street. If the applicant and their representative present please point the report that the applicant needs to be promoted . All right. I just sent that request over. You have to meet yourself and people come up and listen. Yeah sorry sir you are you all set? Well we can hear you. We had planned for the CEO and founder of the Peace Institute Clementina to be able to present this first couple of science if she could be elevated to panelists that would be appreciated listening Clementina chapping Clementina Cheree right. I just said this is thank you. Continue to yourself when you become a thank you so much. Good afternoon. My name is Chatmon Clementina Sheridan and I'm the president and CEO of the Lewis Peace Institute is such a pleasure to be here with you this morning. I just want to share with background why I started the movement the Brown Peace Institute. It was actually thirty one years ago my fifteen year old son Lewis was headed to a Christmas party for the Teens Against Gang Violence and fifteen minutes from his home he got caught in the gunfire about rival gang right on Janiva go with him to the train station. That was the time at that time you guys were in Boston you understood the ongoing violence of young and black boys in that community and there were really no resources to assist families whose loved ones were been murdered. It was then when the city of Boston on the made Mayor Menino will be referring families to us after the murder of a loved one in the city of Boston so that we can provide support to them. Since then we have grown. Our mission is to serve as a center of healing, teaching and learning for families and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief, loss. We have a huge vision to create and sustain an environment where families can live in peace and their people about. We believe that families impacted by murder deserve to be treated dignity and compassion regardless of the circumstances and battle is really centered in the CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention now as Community Violence Intervention it has that in order to address the issue of violence intervention must at multiple level for us at the heart of our work with families again impacted by murder and families whose loved ones are in prison for murder within our community we're losing and our work is guided by several principles in the face of courage, justice and forgiveness. But I want to share with you is one reason we really were looking to build this center just starting with the late Mayor Menino back in 1996 really as a way we went into the infrastructure and the framework of the city of Boston addressing the issue of prevention intervention by feeling is central to the work. We've also worked with Marty Walsh again in making sure that this center was a it was a vision that we're come to fruition and then under Mayor Michel who we were designated developers of 30 Westco Street Y 30 Westville Street that's my backyard I believe I'm Lugazi Broadway which was First Dog Main Street for almost over 40 years and that is what this city has designated and considered as one of the most violent neighborhood in the city. So why not create a center where we can be a model for other cities in addressing not only the issue of violence yet creating a place for healing can happen. This will also serve as a model for across the country we check on June six we partner with the city of Boston, Isaac Yamano and this is in line with the city of Boston. Vision of stopping violence will be hosting nine cities delegation. The representative of law enforcement to really come to understand and to see how the peace instituted and how the city of Boston are partnering to create a space where is central to community and where healing can begin to happen. So for me I am excited to be a part of this process. You know, again meeting with our counselors, especially our Campbell who is now our attorney general's office. So will we I excited and I'm speechless to really realize that after 30 years this is going to be a possibility in this city and the I'm going to leave it there so let the experts talk about everything that you guys need to know. But I felt it was important and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going it I know my neighbors. I'm a part of the United Neighborhood Association. I'm a member of this community and I'm just excited and honored to really be at this stage of the of the game. So thank you. Thank you. I'll turn it back over to the CyrusOne base. Clementina and good morning and thank you Madam Chair and members of the board. I'm happy to take a moment now to walk you through first the process that we've been through with this project and then following up that with the design itself. So just kind of highlighting here that you know, over the last five years this we've been working at the Peace Institute for over 14 years on bringing a new space to life for them and over the last five years the opportunity to to be able to be on this site has come into play starting with learning about vacant properties from Councilor Campbell's office and working through a number of formulative for more community engagement processes. Clementina mentioned as a member of her community and a member of the neighborhood association working with them and other community groups to kind of , you know, bring the socializr the idea of this project in this community and at the same time working through various city processes including the disposition process that was led by the PPTA and the Age as well as Emirates and the BP is design review process. And then finally if I'm a community meeting organized by D.A. just this month so if you don't mind going to the next slide, I happen to want to the design a bit just to kind of contextualize was Clementino mentioned you know, this neighborhood is really what the city has identified as one of the the worst impacted neighborhoods by gun violence. And so it's really important for for Peace Institute to be able to be in the heart of this community and be able to be where where they can do the good work and and be able to be there for the for the community. And it's also important that it kind of sits strategically positioned at a place that's accessible for community members and for the people that will be seeking services here. Bakst, I'm bringing you down to the block parcel scale. We wanted to kind of begin to highlight the understanding that the form of this building and the kind of shape that it's taken is really informed by the condition of these two parcels to kind of create L shape in this slightly unusually shaped and scaled block. And as you kind of see as we go through the design, it really is kind of trying to respond to that responding to mature trees that have been on the site for quite a long time and the ability to preserve as many of those as possible as well and the need for access to the site next. Thank you. So what you see here is an excellent metric drawing and then a plain kind of view where we're showing that this building is kind of positioned in the heart of the block set back from the street to allow for access but also to allow for this very important idea this court to the Peace Institute process of working of this kind of healing and the sort of space that the pathway that creates a process for the kind of decompression as you approach a building and are able to kind of enter in a space for healing meditation and for teaching and learning and then the other component of it that's really key in this plan is that the idea that you know, the mature trees that are on the site already can be preserved as part of a healing garden that has a direct interaction with the spaces on the ground floor that will be the most accessible and most used by people who are seeking services in the space. So the community rooms and the spaces for teaching in particular. Next please. And I also just wanted to highlight this I'll just call it that this is a little bit old. It shows more parking than we're proposing but that we really see this as an opportunity to create a landmark building for sustainability in this neighborhood. We will be doing everything possible to seek the lowest carbon emissions possible and net zero with this building to to really be able to kind of ensure that the building also has a low operating costs long term for for the institute to make sure that it's something that they can continue to use and and they can serve them well long into the future. Next and then just to close out we are seeking a number of variances that as I mentioned relate to the site the way that the building is positioned on the site to accommodate all of the constraints of needing to relate to to the open space that we're proposing as well as the kind of programmatic adjacencies that we're seeking to achieve and the access to the building. So thank you and we're happy to take any questions. Thank you. Questions from the board hearing that public testimony. Yes. Good morning, Madam Chair. Members of the board my name is Anthony Quinn with the Office Neighborhood Services, the mayor's office would like to go on record in support of this proposal. The Lewis Brown Institute has been a strong partner in supporting our Boston families that are impacted gun violence. They provide critical resources for these families on immediately as well as a long term basis during an extensive community process. Many years opponent in the mayor's office of Housing Neighbors and community stakeholders meeting with the United Neighbors Association summertime's secured their support for the proposal. We are pleased that the institute has an opportunity to move into this new space which allows them to continue the necessary work. Our neighbors heal and allow other residents. We hope the board will support this proposal. First, pressmen for Council office. We would like to stand in strong support of this project . The Peace Institute has been critical partners for the city and district for and addressing community violence and this project going forward will definitely allow us to better serve the needs of our community and give more efforts, said Defeater Becker. Good morning Madam Chairman. Members of the board my name is Joe Becker on the scene there with the mayor's office of Housing. I'm going strongly support this project. We've been working with the team since their designees and as the developer of the city on Arsenal's March last year. Twenty twenty three and before that the mayor's office conducted a series of community engagements and released a request for proposals surrounding this this Arsala objectives for development so the team has been a really good partner city and we continue to work with them as they progress toward construction and again we support this project and in other way it's the beginning of the New Testament again, I know you look at yes I am I my family is at the end of the Peace Institute. My brother was shot and killed in Dorchester and Tina the and the Peace Institute there was a great sense of the community but also it also helped the families but they also stopped that cycle of escalation retaliation when it does happen in Dorchester. So I support Chinoiserie 100 percent in any other the reasons students perform. Thanks. And we just need your name and I guess for the record it's been well Tichina seventeen cushiony Dorchester Mass. Oh thanks. Thank you. I had already stands at the moment manager thank you. Without that I have a motion yes I would love to make the motion approve this project. Thank you ma'am. that can take care of Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Randall. Yes yes ma'am. Thank you Mr Collins. Yes absolutely yes Miss Panaro. Yes sure also yes the motion carries thank you guys in the book thank you so much. I got my before we go through the discussion schedule for eleven thirty we will ask if there are any requests for withdrawals of referrals from the doctor. Yes I want to hear from Ms. Good morning Madam Chairman and members of the board. We're seeking a referral for next month where we're finally receiving the service just the address again Mr. Secretary read into the record it's forty two new Markets Square established. Thank you, Madam Chair. That would be for KVOA one five three five five. What's the address of forty two new square. Go ahead. Yes we would like to borrow for next month. We should have the stamp of approval on the additional parking required. >> Thank you Samantha. We haven't we have a final set for July 30th. That's sufficient Madam Chair is that what you Mr. >> Yes it does. OK we have a motion make a motion to the fall of July 30 second Mr Stembridge. Yeah Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Whilom. Yes Mr Collins. Mr Collins you're Ammu I am sorry about that yes it is only a yes Miss Bernardo. Yes Chairman. Yes motion carries Seabourne thank you. And we'll ask again if there are any further requests from referrals from the eleven thirty four yes one sixty four calling the avenues to stembridge that will be veo eight one five seven six nine seven is the address of one sixty four in the avenue. Go ahead three. Good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board my name is George Morante I'm an attorney with the Business Saggers three 350 West Broadway and South Boston. Madam Chair as the last time this matter and first time Madam Board I requested a deferral primarily to address the building code concerns there is a campaign building at that time we started the firm was granted the deferral till today and also at that time I abandoned the petition for any building code relief. The architect made changes to address all the building code issues. Updated plans were submitted to the Inspection Services Department in May. Unfortunately we learned last night the plans have not yet been reviewed by the plans examiner. I do want to point out to the board just so that we can make an informed decision that the plans said that is available depicts exactly the building that is being proposed. My point is that with the updated plans there are no changes to the exterior of the building, no changes to the physical envelope or the building program. There were interior changes to address building code issues but I said he'd contact me yesterday and request that we seek a deferral so as is so often the case, I just wanted to move this to the discretion of the board but I do want to provide that additional information. Thank you that next that will take place we could do August 13th. Madam Chair. Mr Team. Yes that works. Thank you. OK motion wasn't until August 13 May 2nd and Summers yeah. Mr Landseer yes Mr yes Mr Collins yes yes desperado yes schierholz yes motion carriage siemen return to the shearing schedule for eleven o'clock that we go through case borrowing one five nine eight zero five four the address of fourteen twenty fourteen twenty four just wrapping up oh this is an eighty project and this is correct be represented by a currency that is correct. Thank you Mr Stembridge. Good morning Madam Chairman. Members of the board my name is Jorge Morante I'm an attorney with the business address. It's 351 in South Boston. This is as Mr Stembridge stated the approved Article Eighty Small Project proposing new forty six residential mixed use building at fourteen twenty two a Chester Avenue in Dorchester. I represent the owners of the site the Gordon family who have been the owners since the late 1970s. The company's name is City The Development the official project applicant in Petitioner architectural services are being provided by Roday architects Michael Douglas above Brattain is here as well. The site as I say fourteen twenty Dorchester Avenue the long time location of a 7-Eleven convenience store. What is nineteen thousand seven hundred forty five square feet and is occupied by the single story convenient use building as well as a surface parking lot for customers proposed is a new five story mixed use building to contain approximately two thousand square feet of ground floor retail space on Rochester Avenue. Forty six residential units and below grade asking for up to thirty three vehicles. The site is within as neighborhood shopping sub district within Dorchester is article sixty five. It is further located within the area of the plan. Glover is Corner and BBA has agreed that what is being proposed complies with the plans requirements for mixed use development with an active ground floor commercial use at this site motorboating this proposed development is a desire on behalf of the Gaudens to transform this large site into a more attractive, more active and more imaginative use that a single story commercial building with OpenAir parking lot. This development would bring additional units and much housing to Dorchester neighborhood which will in turn further support the existing retail and other commercial uses along this section of Dorchester Avenue in an attractive five story building appropriate and in size and scale to location. The project is consistent with the city's development vision for this area under plan which corner which is the planning initiative that resulted from over five years of community conversations workshop sponsored by the EPA as will be seen the moment when Michael Delahay makes a brief design presentation the building and say that the design providing appropriate site and density along Dorchester Avenue while we need general setbacks in the areas on the open space also on Dorchester Avenue as well as at the rear where the site approaches residential Duncan Street Dorchester Avenue Park which includes general setbacks a green space areas to provide a more comfortable pedestrian experience and interactive site presentation with respect of zoning variances are required for insufficient off street parking on loading. Thirty three spaces are proposed in sixty nine a required by code excessive floor area ratio one is allowed in in about two point five is being proposed excessive building height. This is a five story building just over 80 sorry fifty eight feet in height and insufficient setbacks. Sorry I refuse. The letter also cites conformity with existing building alignment along Dorchester Avenue Fontain side building walls not being parallel to fight inside the white lines and finally a conditional use permit for the proposed grounds for residential units as approved Article eighty small project of the proposed density set back height and of street parking and loading conditions have been thoroughly vetted and approved by the EPA and other city agencies and have deemed to be compliant with the Roberts court plan and with the city planning aspirations for a section of Rochester Avenue with respect to the building's height, I can relate that what was originally proposed was a four story building and during community process there is an expressed strong desire to increase the height of the building in order to add additional residential units. The BBA agreed with the suggestion and the result is the current five storey proposal with respect to the conditional use common ground for residential units complement the grounds for commercial unit of approximately two thousand square feet and will forever serve to activate the site's Dorchester Avenue public. Finally, this is currently planned to be apartment units project. It will provide seven IBT rental units for an IDP percentage with just over 15 percent with all units to be offered at 70 percent mine. I now turn things over in my favor very briefly urban design overview of the project my thanks very much Madam Chairman. Members of the board my name is Mike Duncan Reverdy, architects and studio director here with the business address of five thirty five Albany Street fourth floor not an ambassador. Would you please go slide number two? Oh I'm sorry number four got a little mixed up here. Thank you very much. I just wanted to point site's location. It's just to the north of Field's corner, a very active area of the city really excited to be able to have the opportunity to work here here already many of us live right in this neighborhood so it's really a great opportunity for us. So the site is just the north east corner where Adam Street and Dorchester Avenue come together. Would you please go to slide number six? Thank you very much. So I'll just take you through the site plan and I'll kind of work around the plan clockwise so as mentioned, there's a significant yard step back ten feet the entire building is back ten feet off of the property line. This was done in coordination in collaboration with the community and with the EPA. So ample sidewalks with a minimum of really about twenty feet when you include the sidewalk itself there is a ramp that goes down to underground parking and then as I move throughout the fan there is a series of residential units on the what appears to be the ground level that there's a topography change here. So there's actually those units that you see are actually above grade by five or six feet and then as we move around you'll see that there's that twenty feet set back in the northeast corner of the lot and then in the southeast corner of the lot we've been able to push back away from the property line significantly in order to provide private yard for the tenants. This building really great ample amount of outdoor space kind of active zone and also creates a significant setback our neighbors to our east. We're also providing a lobby and a club room as well as trash and bikes that would have direct access to the curb for that those functions of the building in the southwest corner of the right you'll see that there's another significant step back that's roughly about eighteen and half feet and not step back actually provides public space so that plaza is open to the public and in collaboration with the ownership group and the PPTA there's been discussions about having that being active kind of our area you this is a very vibrant aspect of the community and the ownership group has been very much involved in the arts here in the city services see that there's a small art object in the plan and then as Mr. Nancy mentioned, there is a commercial space that activate the street level. A couple other things just to point out if we can go to sheet, I'm not sure no one is for you but it's a one and then I'll quickly come back to these renderings. Yes, right there. So this is just gives you a sense of the upper floors gives you a sense of this is a completely stacked plan, a mix of ones and twos. The split is about fifty fifty and we are providing outdoor decks balcony for many of the units around the perimeter of the of the building. There is also Juliet balconies that allow for open space or to be open to the air units on Dorchester Avenue and then next one up one more and then this this these panels just illustrate setbacks and that fifth story that was added that Mr. Mirazi mentioned in his and his overview the plan on the left is fifth level where were you able to add five more units ? Those also have outdoor space and that's associated. And then finally I'll just talk about the architecture just a little bit perhaps go to any renderings would be would be adequate. Thank you very much. So this is just a frontal view of the project. We've been asked by the client to make sure that there's ample light in all of the all the units we are looking at either a semanticist or even a Tarakanov facade. This is we're really actually excited about this framing. This is not one of those buildings that we see as being having a front and a back this is it's intended to have an architectural richness that surrounds the entire building. So both sides are let's say achieving that in any manner. So happy to take any questions. Thank you very much. Thank you. The questions from the board hearing nunca testimony. Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board call anyone with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services and the mayor's office defer to the judgment that's borne by this one through a BP but community process with a public meeting held back in May of twenty twenty three. There was also a number of comments made into the BPA with residents expressing support feeling this is a more appropriate use for this plot of land in Rochester as well as a comment from one community member who wanted to see it higher in height and density with that information would defer to the board at this time . >> Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board Labor Council themselves I would like to go on record supporting this proposal. OK, just kind of looks like someone from PPTA that OK you are an thanks Jessica. Good afternoon Madam Chairman. Members of the board my skycrane on I'm a project manager at the EPA. This project was filed with the EPA on May 1st twenty twenty three and successfully completed the article review process. This process included EPA sponsored public meeting held on May twenty twenty twenty three EPA board approved the project on December 14th. Twenty twenty three thank you and have no additional staff at the moment that may have a motion which I can mention a couple of what would be the salary packet Mr. Stembridge. Yes Mr. Lantier yes Mr. Langham . Yes Mr. Collins yes yes yes Corrado yes schierholz yes motion carries thank you. Thank you. Next we have KVOA one five nine three zero five zero with the address of eight Geneva Avenue . If the applicant had already represented the would explain to the Portland I am Mr. Stembridge. Good afternoon. Uh this is Mike Ross. I am at one international place and I'm here with architect Eric Zarkasih so this is an article eighty Small Project Review. It's located in the Roxbury neighborhood district and a three to four thousand subdistrict. What we're proposing is a five storey new construction multifamily structure on two parcels that are just over twenty thousand square feet on a vacant parcel or to take a parcels. There's also a private street that runs along the right side of the parcel which each a butler owns to the center line of the derelict the statue the plan to build a thirty six unit home ownership building with twenty four parking spaces a small cafe on the ground floor along Geneva Ave. and a connecting sidewalk. The project used the property along Wylder Street along that private way to create a publicly accessible sidewalk to connect me back to Oldfield's road on project property. But public access and during the committee process there was additional demand for three bedroom units so the plan was allowed additional macing in order to achieve eight by such three bedroom units. In addition, the six of the units were IDP affordable units so that's sixteen point six percent on this project. I just want to turn over to Eric to quickly walk you through the project. I'll come back to talk about so Eric that you Mike, if you want to scroll down to the plans as Mike alluded to the project extends from Geneva on the left side of the street to fields on the right side of the street right side of this page and there there is a plaza around Geneva which has the entrances to a number of uses and then you see both kind of common public sidewalk along the bottom that would connect people who want to walk from Geneva to fields as well as a sidewalk on the top of the page that would connect to a couple of the amenities centers. So here you see the parking being entered off the street from the right but the lobby and retail space as well as the parking being accessed from Geneva on the left side of the page and there are two amenity spaces at the top of the page which are meant for the private use of the residence. They are German a community room, both the community room and the retail space as a have generated a lot more a lot of the excitement in the neighborhood as far as having something that's kind of more and more local in this particular area. Excellent. So this is an elevated building and all the floor plates from level two to five are going to be identical. There are as Mike was mentioning, two three main units on each floor three one bed units on each floor and three two bed units on each floor. These are relatively large units with one beds being six hundred and nine. The small one bed being six hundred and ninety and a large one being eight hundred twenty five square feet. The three beds are just one hundred thirteen hundred square feet so sizable and the units have individual private X five or six feet deep and anywhere from ten to twenty five next time and there is a common roof deck situated to have views of the city and to be closer to our taller neighbors along Geneva Avenue and we're going to surround common roof deck with an extensive green roof which means kind of wild natural grasses from from the region that provides both privacy for the roof deck as well as a amenity that reduces the urban heat island effect. But the common roof deck would be used by by the tenants of building which is around seventeen hundred square feet month and then there are elevations showing how we've used a variety of materials to to break down the scale of the building. It does have one fairly long elevation along what would be Wylder Street while the street were built but the narrower elevation the Facebook, Geneva and the old DC see of them at the top of this page and one at the top of the next page we wanted to try and break them down more to the scale of a pair of narrow taller buildings. Next slide building sections and then I believe our renderings of the last page is and renderings showing it in the neighborhoods in the upper left showing the coffee shop and the one of the really nice things that we can use part of the plaza and part of the private while the way as seating for the cafe would be we're hoping can be a cafe or a coffee shop then on the upper right you see the extent of the green roof and the on the roof deck and then a couple more views from street level that concludes my presentation. Did you want anything just mindshare on the zoning violations you are saying parking would require thirty six. We have twenty four spaces existing building alignment recited the use of the coffee shop as well as the multifamily additional lot per unit is required for this are this site even though there are a number of large buildings throughout this corridor we're at a two point three nine five against a required zero point eight height of the building calls for a three or at five height of the building also calls for thirty five feet. We're at fifty five feet open space violation. We're just about half where we are supposed to be six fifty per unit we're three thirty seven per unit. We were assigned a front yard off while other I storage in that but we were cited for it and then the front dimension of the project along Geneva is not parallel to the slanted street so when that happens you get a site for that as well. I was there about questions from the board. Yeah I didn't want one so I guess it's about the route that's how many in that area think there's a new building that was done at sixty six Geneva I'm pretty sure that included a target. I'd have to go back and look at it. It's similar in macing in size to this building different developer about three or four over to the left I think before your time maybe just your time and you know we did talk to the councilors office about putting a green roof on on the roof deck. So what happened is that caused the roof deck to shrink in size originally it was a much larger roof deck. Now it's smaller. Hope that answers your question . Yes, that's a good thank you, Mr Stembridge. The question interested how many three bedrooms are going to be a three bedroom units I'm sorry eight a three bedroom it's OK ok I love questions from the board hearing then let's open up to the testimony. Yes Madam Chair members of the board Cronon with the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services at this time the mayor's office looked at referred to the judge with this board some back information the committee process went through a community process involving a public meeting in August of twenty twenty three as well as the local civic association, the civic group Stanley Street Oldfield's Rhode Island bureau Neighborhood Association and a body has expressed concerns with this proposal spite of their opposition concerns raised such as the amount of green space being proposed at the height of the building in comparison to other structures in the neighborhood as well as concerns that the parking should exiting the building leading into a dead weight a dead end way on roads fields which they thought would end up really impacting the character of the neighborhood and leading to a lot of congestion. That information the front of the at this time. Thank you comments comments office strikes against thank you. We met with the developer and we did advocate for additional three bedroom green roofs which were incorporated into the project. We have spoken with the local civic associations where their concerns are again the height of the building as well as traffic concerns at this time our office will defer to the judgment of the board. OK, Daniel, I'm sure members of the board Daniel Plunkett here freshmen PPTA this project went under the small application process in our small private review process as well having submitted their application in June twenty nine twenty twenty three with a public meeting being held August 1st twenty twenty three and a board approval November 16th twenty twenty three. Thank you Mike. My name is Michael Corso, co-director of Project Three to Zero Abler Avenue. We would go through the process with the developer. We are still extremely concerned and neighbors are extremely concerned about the impact that will take strongly opposed to the route that they also question and our experiences Paper Streets is much different and we think you know, we like to have more discussion about how they think they can facilitate that process because we're working on a another paper street in the area and haven't had a similar situation. We think that the driveway into old school road is a fatal flaw . It's only discovered that the character of old school untilled road which are dead end streets which means that those houses are totally on a quiet street off a very busy road. It's not that this proposal project is proposed on thirty three out of the thirty seven properties of our two family houses. So this building totally changes the character of that block and we again we think that the impact of the commercial business if not Geneva is very busy. It's very tight on parking and I think that area is going to get very caught up with that proposal. Thank you, Erika. Yes, good afternoon. How's everybody doing at home on a fifty three Oldfield's as Mike just mentioned, our concern is also what is this while the way the street that you guys are mentioning how is that going to connect you also from additional stock and developer investors to issues around the streets and the rooftop? Absolutely. So while they're way if I can understand that they're being a concern that any kind of vehicular traffic would go down rather well, that's opening old subfield which is a quiet road up to Geneva at level traffic and for that reason we were directed by the city, the transportation Department PPTA to not allow that condition to happen or even propose it which we did not instead and we're only proposing pedestrian access there is no Kocot there is no vehicular access. There is no reason for a car to ever there's no means of a car to ever go down while they're street. It couldn't even if it wanted to our our plans would create a pedestrian cut through and only a pedestrian copter presently there is no such cut through. There's a maybe a you know, a natural cut through what people are cutting through on their own without a sidewalk we would providing a sidewalk with lights and all the things that sidewalks have to create only pedestrian access between Oldfield and Geneva and for that same reason putting the curb cut off all Fields Road and not putting it on Geneva was also a requirement of the BTD and the transportation of the process because it would have contributed to congestion along the nivat and it would have contributed to one the loss of an additional parking space by Longini that by creating a new curb cut off the off the front of Geneva. So again we were encouraged to go along back and again you're only talking about twenty four parking spaces where the entire building in terms of massing in this building like like I mentioned it's not like a recently approved building just to over sixty six of this building sits across the street from the Park High School which is a similar size and mass as well as across the street from the Grove Hall Community Center which has a similar sized mass as well along Joel L. Smith Way there are also the square built out to the edge of the property line apartment buildings that are rather rather thick. The the roof deck was something that we created to allow for additional open space which is something that people mentioned as well. You know that combined with the fact the building seems to work to create a desired amount or a plan, was there and the question concerns it provides additional open space. You know, that's why we we allowed for it the roof deck does that's that's why we put it up there. But the questions from the board OK, I'm hearing none. Is there a motion now before the motion of approval and this is Article eighty so it'll have PPTA design review. OK, is there a second on Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Rentier. Yes, Mr. Lynam. Yes, Mr. Collins yes. Muslimeen yes. Miss Panaro? Yes. Herold's yes. The motion carries thank you very much. Next we have KVOA one five six three four eight four with the address of three fifty six Bloomfield Avenue. If the applicant and the representative present please one case two someone's hands their final seconds we're going to be something for this I can hear here. Yes. They want for this proposal. Oh yes. I'm actually attorney Keri Phillips. I'm using a colleague's computer terminal. They have please do I have my high gear interview with me tomorrow? I'm wealthy and I also another member a recent graduate of Hartford University of Hartford also tax free. We was also water. I mean are you presenting or someone presenting? I'll be presenting. You should have you see your writing perhaps around crania new elevated. Thank you without illusions you will see us screen. We cannot view your screen. You have to present with the materials you submitted which you can see on the screen ok sure. Also I'll get us started. Kenneth Phillips loves his appearance before wall on Wall Street waiting for the opportunity our residential to paint is a member of the ownership group and has been involved in some of the community meetings. This is a proposal three twenty six reporting for next week. Twenty six day it's between March Avenue and Preston Street on Hill Avenue there are two existing buildings coming off Lawrence Avenue. You can see in the lower left hand corner it's three twenty and three twenty to our existing buildings. They're essentially commercial on the ground floor and perhaps two or three units on the two floors above what we proposing to do is create a building that is in continuity and coverage with the existing structures. We do not comply with any of the set back requirements. The only item that will comply with these three stories is we're allowed to have four stories about fifty feet I believe by the way, this is the multifamily residential district of Roxbury. So what we're seeking to do is have moved like three twenty three point two three twenty four are all working in unison. This is currently a grass law unto loft and there is another law that would be perhaps three twenty eight Legal Avenue that is owned by the city that is unapproved as well as far as units and square footage. The first war there will be a ground floor basement if you will. Laundry could be in storage for each. The first floor will be commercial the approximately one thousand eighty eight square feet the second and third floors will be one thousand ninety square foot, three bedroom, two bath residential units as far as the facade will be utilizing brick and the same facade that ties the roof line about they will all be three storey buildings. As you can see we have a four foot passageway coming from the the rear of the property as well and the lawn itself is one thousand five twenty six square feet. We are building on park one thousand three hundred and seventy seven square feet. Solar panels will be installed on the roof and we think that this will be preferable to just the last remaining unimproved and it will be like I said in continuity with the lives of the adjacent abutting buildings and also will approved Basel as opposed to thank you Mr. Chairman. You are anything to add if you're on the call? Yes. Hi everybody. I invited Tanya. Can you hear me? Yes, OK, well this time resident of Roxbury just wanted to chime in on a few things. So at the community meetings there were a few concerns, one of them being people hanging out in the front of the buildings on the sidewalks like they do up and down Blue Hill. I mean I know that the community doesn't want people on the sidewalks. So we were thinking as a solution if the zoning would approve that we could add a common space roof deck if needed. Therefore the residents wouldn't have to be on the sidewalk and they could have a space on the roof for the residents the other concern was parking. We do not have any solutions for parking besides the fact that the owners of this building also owners who on one fifty boulevard that they said that they would be willing to use as parking for this for this building. But there's really, really tough to have any solutions for parking besides another because of just the way it works and as you guys on Blue Hill it's kind of the theme up and down now we we are interested on the lot next door which the city owned but we heard through the grapevine that the city has plans on developing that lot as well. Which brings me to the third point which is the mural there is a beautiful pro black mural on the side of three twenty four blue elab that we also and we would love to duplicate on this new building attach building but it would be senseless to do so if the city plans on building on that vacant. So again we would love to have that for parking but if the city's already going to build on that, not only does it eliminate our parking solution immediate parking location but it also makes it difficult to recreate that. But otherwise we feel like it conforms with the style of Google and everything surrounding it right now. Thank you. Are there questions from the board hearing that made public just mind Madam Chairman and members of the board for the record, my name is Jeremy Bimberi. I am the Roxbury community, the Office of Neighborhood Services that we can have completed the community process of an important meeting held on April 18 by myself civic meeting held on April twenty nine during the meeting about concerns about parking, loud music, trash loitering and lack of confidence in controlling the newcomer traffic at the current pace the barbershop is not being maintained again. I've got the loud music and poetry there was also mention of restoring side of the building with the mural that was documentary during the Civic meetings the civic groups have stated their opposition to the project to Lake Michigan specifically the park and the proponent presented no plan on how to move forward with that. The Philadelphia and the adjacent commercial property again the barbershop with the problem property community we have received no letters of support and one letter of opposition but I've got to get an automobile association at the same time I thought that the neighborhood would like to defer to the Department of Public Safety EPA's thank you Councilor Whorls Office will defer to the board's decision on this Michael Pintubi co-director were a and 322 Larry Lamduan it is meat market. He ate his meat market. His owner was very mistaken by say that the adjacent building similar to what they're proposing is three twenty three twenty two it actually is three twenty two to be twenty four. The original lot went through three twenty four three twenty six went through a city disposition over twenty years ago as a one common not that allowed for the renovation of the present commercial space close to units of housing they're trying to build on the on the open space there are three thousand square parts and the twenty years ago was start to be too small for what was being proposed for the neighbors went with it but I added a similar sized building on the on the open space eliminates all open space for three twenty more to add new 324 blurbing a problem property the barbershop is constantly blasting music from the now they have records in front of the lot or they go across the street to blasting music no where we support any sort of move there because the property owner has not been able to manage this property. There's a lack of open space or the concrete on the sidewalk or in the back alley without the lack of parking. What they do is they block the driveway. So I'm late at night when I'm trying to have a deadline I have to search to see who which other patrons are blocking the driveway as I get out. There's been strong opposition to this the city we've been part of the city process with the vacant lot and the city process was going to be very respectful of the mayor and it's going to have the maximum ability away from other mayoral . We don't think that the terms of the mayor's office housing process so we will work closely with them on that. But we strongly oppose this project. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Are there any other race cars? Jessica No. OK, backtracking. Yes, please just I just wanted to clarify so people as we said we spoke about in the meeting the people who were blocking his drive were actually the the residents of the building next door on the corner which I believe is three twenty two which we do not own and yes had that building has a problem because they it's like a rooming house so there's a million people in there and we have no control over that corner building has double Dega but I just wanted to clarify that in regards to who's blocking his driveway it's not our tenants. Thank you. Any other questions from the board? Yeah, I have one small question. Yes Mr I like to know whose deaths are in that vicinity. I don't know if the applicant has answer that but they're not proposing a route for this project. Oh no. Oh it's only if we we were seeing that we would be open to that if the lack of open space is an issue therefore we would add that to our plans if that was to clarify Mr. Lineman's question, it is not part of the proposal. No, no, no, no, no thank you. And what we butter is probably not a desired aspect of the project. Any other questions from the board? Yes, you are both sides. I came here over the Taiping I don't know what else can what was the question what is the proposed site of which was probably one of the residential units Mr. Wells. And you answered yes, I can fill up some residential units of one thousand eighty eight square feet three bedroom, two bath and the commercial unit is one thousand ninety square feet and one of the residential units of the rentals or much are most likely rentals. But that's not etched in stone . OK, thank you. Any other questions from the board? Karen Nussbaum Bushin I'm sorry I'm not going to repudiate this and now the second I am just Stanbridge. Yeah, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr Lynham. Yes, ma'am. Mr Collins. Yes. Early yes. strato yes schierholz yes motion carries all right. Last case of the elevons and going on break after and then it seems to be OK one five four four one for with the address of thirty nine point forty one street beat out me I thought they represented the Yes Mr Selfridge and Madam Chair members of the board thank you for your time again. Kyle Smith of Terror Law Business Affairs in three five nine Newberry Street in Boston's Back Bay. We currently have a vacant parcel of land on wood cliff our lot sizes about three thousand eighty one square feet . We have a uniquely narrow lot of only thirty feet in which which happens to be the same kind of within the length very closely to our immediately adjacent parcels to our right. The proposed plans call for the direction of a three family. The footprint of the structure is roughly about eleven hundred and seventy three square feet. The unit sizes are approximately one thousand seventy five square feet setbacks on our left and right because the uniquely narrow lot are only about three and four feet respectively. We have a front yard setback, a violation but we are in exact alignment with our two three families to our immediate left we really do have a model applicable ability. The first and second and third floors are supposed to be the same footprint with a three bedroom two bath with two beds aligned to the right of the building with a master to the back left with bathroom in front and then living area and kitchen a rear decking and stairwell to the rear of the structure and the basement level being comprised of storage and mechanicals and the laundry. We are not able to accommodate parking as we have a uniquely narrow lot and as you can see we're taking a roughly twenty three feet of width but for a very usable three family or three family that is needed with the footprint of the structure. I had communications internally with the BPD and allowed for them to confirm themselves a preference of less parking over others. So one of the complaints in the community was a lack of parking for the new structure. But given our lot with we have very little ability to accommodate after parking giving a three family any three family, four thousand subdistrict and our lot size I propose three family are very much in keeping with a lot of the other structures in very close proximity which themselves do not have off street parking on both Wood Cliff and also Howard which is only about four lots east of ours. With that I'm happy to elaborate more and take questions from the board. Thank questions from the board . OK hearing make public testimony. Yes Madam Chair, members of the board continuing with the mayor's office neighborhood services this chinaberry SC referred to the judge from this board on asylum but being a December 13th the applicant also went on to meet with the face and Street Residents Association and the Lawrence Group as well as city consisting labs Quinsy Street, Magnoli Street and Howard and Napier Association. In January they discussed off street parking BPA. You know I recommend recommend for them to meet with the neighborhood association. I'm not sure if they can contact that other city group but we did receive a letter from Labor Association saying that they oppose this project to the size of the project and how it fits into the parcel and what they feel is not enough off street parking immediately but it's also voiced concerns they felt that the project was too high and that it would tower over the existing family dwellings that flank either side of the project. This time our office like to defer judgment to the board. Thank you. Thank you. Are you looking to test your son in his words like my name is Michael Kozu Project Quadrotor three two zero lamentably many reasons to review the project. Let's keep it. This has been no problem. It's been cited for so many years a violation in terms of the past including the new owner, the large size next to them is four thousand eighty one where the next house on their side is this latissimus more smaller the building the size of the building creates larger open usable green space for the lab and style also has charges regarding like Battery Park in an area where there's parking charges. Plus we now we see very good word on how they're dealing with the fire hydrant and some of the other issues in front of their building and how they're going to try to address some of the construction around this as well. Thank you. And Madam Chair, I'm happy to respond to briefly sanctums there is there is an existing fire hydrant and a street right in front of the proposed structure. We're not proposing a curb cut to interfere with either of those sort of preexisting fire hydrant and street light. As indicated, we have a unique narrow lot which provides some new building challenges. Fundamentally we don't have the option for off street parking. We are proposing a stacked triple decker just like what to our immediate left to lots with a footprint again a very reasonable sub. Twelve hundred square feet. So I don't think anything we're looking to do is not in keeping with what currently exists up and down. Would Cliff and Howard Street thank you. Any other questions from the board Academy of Motion a motion to approve PPTA design at their second sale. Mr Bembridge yes Mr You yes Mr Raynham. Yes Mr Collins. Yes Mazola Yes that's Panaro yes. Yes the motion carries. Thank you Madam Chair. Thank you. Thank you. That will take a 15 minute break --------- Madam Chair Chairman will try tomorrow. Where do you think you saw Roll Call. Hello Mr. Stembridge President the manager. Thank you Mr President midship I'm sure Mr Item Mr Collins Mr Olivier President was been out of prison. All right Mr Stembridge thank you very chair. We'll continue with the discussion scheduled for eleven thirty am that and we'll start off with the case with two companion cases a case VOA one five two one down five to put the address of twenty five to fifty nine or ten to fifteen. Ah yes Market Street along that we have case eight one five two one nine five zero with the address of two fifty seven parked on the street. If the outcome and only represent and their representative for the property the President would be pleased by. Yes thank you Mr Secretary and good afternoon Madam Chair. Members of the board attorney Manacle with what you're tilting on behalf of the applicant. With me is Eric Sacristan from Context the project architect. We're going to afternoon seeking approvals to subdivide the existing parcel at two fifty seven Market Street, raise the existing rear garage and rent for new townhome units for home ownership on the newly created lot. Currently there exists a two family dwelling fronting on Market Street approximately a sixteen thousand seven hundred square foot long. The itself currently is very unique by nature as it's extremely deep long as you can see there from the site plan it's approximately two hundred and fifty five feet from Market Street back to its rare setback currently as mentioned we're proposing to subdivide the property so the existing two family building as you can see on the far right of the plan there will remain I'm just under a 6000 square foot lot and the proposed townhouses will be on the rear containing just under eleven thousand square feet. The project as designed in the shape of the Lord allows us to maintain that existing streetscape on Market Street. And as I mentioned, we'll keep that to family houses and provides ample room for the proposed structure as well as storage of materials and vehicles during construction. But you can see on your screen there again on the far right the existing two family structure which will have three dedicated parking spaces and then the four townhouses which will have two parking spaces on the interior and one visitor space in terms of the full floor plans for the townhouse units because they're separate townhouses they will have individual entries as well as two interior parking spaces per unit and an office on the first floor. The second floor will have a kitchen living room set up with one bathroom excuse me one and a half bathrooms and one bedroom and on the third floor will have two bedrooms and one bathroom as well as small front and rear decks to provide a little private open space. The third floor as you'll see when we get down to the floor plans does have a five foot front pull back as well as an eight foot rear pull-back. So we did that to mitigate and reduce any massing on the third floor and kind of tuck that third floor in above the first two floors below. This project did go through a very robust community process and did result in a number of changes to what you're seeing today. We reduced the unit count originally from seven to four. We increase the parking ratio from one to one to two point to five to one we're out of right now and that was very important to the community and we actually are able to increase that parking ratio without really increasing the impervious surfaces because as mentioned we have two parking spaces on interior at grade level of each townhouse unit and then you can see there kind of on the bottom left we have one additional visitor space which will be permeable pavers so that won't be reducing the previous count at all. We also eliminated previously proposed roof decks. We heard a lot of clear from the abettors they didn't want that. So we remove those we redesigned the interior layouts of the townhouses to make them more family friendly with the one bedroom on the second floor and two on the third as currently constituted we are able to increase a rare inside set backs to give a little bit more relief to a Mutter's and develop a full landscape plan including open space for the residents as well as trees and plantings around the perimeter of the lot to provide a natural buffer to to a Uta's as well as well as those permeable pavers to help with stormwater management. Through these changes we did eliminate previous violation cited for height and feet side yard back and parking. Through this process we were able to obtain and submit letters of support for the proposal including three from direct to Buttars that received the recommendation of approval. The design review from the PPTA based on these changes and with that I'll happily pause and take any questions the board may have. Thank you. Other questions from the board . Can you talk about how you can access good work. Absolutely Mr Nado. So on a lower portion of your screen there we have a 20 foot wide access point so that'll be for obviously the vehicles at each townhouse to get back there in twenty feet is required for a code for fire trucks to access it. So we'll have about a 14 foot driveway and then we'll have three feet on either side which will not contain any obstruction. So it'll be a 20 foot wide ClearPath for fire trucks to to go from Market Street all the way to the rear of the proposed townhouses and then they would have to back out is the idea correct? Yes. You're required to be twenty feet obviously if you can have a turn around build a better but here on a site with only sixty feet of frontage we really couldn't provide that but we do provide the twenty feet as required. Other questions from the board pinata. No not for me thanks. OK you're done. We have got just one Madam Chair members of the board sing your song at the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services. NASA has hosted two of those meetings regarding this proposal most recently on December 12 of last year. At that meeting a mother has had a number of concerns regarding parking size, traffic density and emergency vehicle access. This applicant also presented to the Brighton Allston Improvement Association, the active civic group in this area which voted to abstain and not take a position on the proposal our office has received forwarded to the board for letters of support and three letters of opposition. It is our understanding that the proponent has engaged in discussions with buttons and has made a number of changes to their proposal and as a result of those discussions with that we defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you. Thank you Sansbury Jan and Tim my very challenging call we're doing it on twenty four standards in place and we support the development because it's still very attractive housing and family support to the neighborhood and we work closely with the developer who's been very great and very sensitive to our concerns and others and he's been very responsive to those concerns and has been and to meeting with other neighbors on our street and taking our concerns seriously. And there are also pretty responsive to communications communications so we've been happy. We've been happy what we've seen with you and Deidre Iceman's Joshua Harrison and other 40 Grindrod I guess I'm a appreciate the improvement with the minister such as somebody who's very, very balanced but certainly kind of out of proportion with the size of the site just having walked around. And I also just worry about removing trees and adding I guess you guys call pervious surplices we just did this process with the park and there will be you know, we made sure it wasn't it wasn't Astroturf. It wasn't I another paint surface and it's just this proliferation of non green spaces. So just like what's the plan to preserve the trees and to also to just make sure the thing isn't kind of looming over this over this block because if you look you know, this kind of green in the block comes down. I'm just really disturbed for kind of looming over us and like you know, we're previously we have trees and green space. We're going to have people looking down on us. So I just think you Ed OK. All right. Just trying to as trust our own in the last meeting with the construction group 12 to 14 months from start to foundation this is a hardship not on the models but on the community at large given the Market Street is a major street that is already congested, there has been considerable neighborhood objection my brothers numerous signatures have been obtained by number one concern having a mother who's eighty six years old living on borrowed is that ambulance fire truck being able to get and get to the house on time if you sit out on the street on September heavy duty traffic at five o'clock you don't know what it's going to happen. But Sitcom's County Emergency Response Time Market Street is extremely congested. Construction activity will add significantly to the traffic congestion and adversely affect emergency response time. This is the utmost concern. Trees don't matter to me it's survival time. I think the city should be concerned about safety. No one secondary that activity taking aim the number of foundations is going to exacerbate the activity. We have a big problem with this. The city has done nothing for this congestion of housing fire hazard as someone who lives next door to a house that was on fire when you have a house on fire next door and seconds count, you would understand what it's like to almost step out of their house density and character overcrowding and doubling the height gradually reducing the roof decks. But that doesn't really affect us on the overall aspect of the character of the house adding more in trying to put too much into a very small space parking ,not enough parking construction workers and vehicles will reduce a number of on-street parking health concerns, dust and pollution. Avrum Bursley Receptos with sensitive respiratory ailments as it will bring the dust Branwhite the building would negatively impact the surrounding residents and restrict sunlight to dryness. This would cause legally harm and deteriorate the existing residents quality of life accessibility. This should be the number one concern for Boston. There are numerous people who have real the blinds that go up and down that street if you on a garbage day what happens? The robbers been out there, the garbage people they won't back in the middle the way they don't care. There's kids who have to walk to school to Sankranti to to public schools. There is no consideration for anyone who has a handicap and that should be a real a real concern especially with Michelle. I'm talking about accessibility. Ma'am, can you wrap up we have your comment. I have seen every single thing in the in front of the group today. I would like to I would like to see some support given to them to the emergency response time can put something is to happen. We'll be recording a list of everyone who has approved everyone would be accountable since people like Mantri have additional steps in the effort to respond. I didn't get a chance to talk. I thought my hand was raised OK, thank. Good afternoon. My name is Lisa Redding. I'm a better that lives of one Keenan Road with my husband. I live there with him for the past twenty one years I'm in strong opposition to this proposed construction which is directly behind our single family home and others on Keinon and Ryan and Ryan Rose the newest proposal of four. Yes it's been reduced. It's now for the last proposal it was five, four, three stories tall townhouses is not keeping with single family and two family homes at this community and right. And it's causing real concern for safety and parking. Those are the two issues I'd like to discuss again, William proposal has reduced to four townhouses instead of five. There are glaring problems still with this proposal. First, the fact is that the proposal has actually decreased the size and the plans for this construction have actually increased the number of residents in each town house can accommodate. So the last proposal five townhouses had three bedrooms in each and the ground floor was originally called office slash and guest bedroom. So we'll call it like it is a bedroom. So five townhouses had three bedrooms. Now it is four townhouses with four bedrooms. So that has significantly increased the number of people who can live in each unit. So because of that the increase in the addition of garage space that was added is not adequate parking anymore for the residents of potentially up to eight people per unit. This is a too densely populated backyard space in this community of Brighton. It would significantly compound an already difficult on street parking situation in this part of Brighton. Such a structure packed into this too small space contin to create a significant safety concern in this neighborhood. The only vehicle access as you have mentioned is the driveway that one driveway not a street OK is now twenty feet so it can at truck can fit on that twenty feet but how do they actually make the turn into that driveway from Market Street? The driveway is at one point because unless you eliminate parking spaces on Market Street that fire truck will not be able to make the turn from Market Street into that driveway. This poses a huge risk for the people and property that I bought that proposed construction over the past twenty one years I've witnessed an increase in congestion as Deirdre said and the campus community of Brighton. The proposed construction will only exasperate the conditions of this congestion as well as significantly alter the character of our neighborhood. I strongly oppose this proposal. There are far too many zoning violations and we ask that you not grant relief for these violations. Thank you. Thank any other reasons for sharing show I'm going to show did you hand down always have the show OK can we can't respond to some of those concerns. Sure. Madam Chair, thank you. Just to go through some of the concerns one by one if I can here in terms of the proposed structures looming over other structures. That is why we specifically over the structure and on the third floor we've done a shadow study which shows very limited effect on any other structure. The only shadows go into the backyard of our directive better and the right who does not have a structure back in the rear. So shadows are not an issue and we even further decrease that by pulling in the structure five feet in the front and eight feet on the left on that third floor. So it operates as a two 1/2 storey building really in terms of the ambulance and emergency responses along Market Street we know and understand market Street can be very congested. That is why this site being so unique and having eleven thousand square feet in the rear will allow us to fully construct the structures on site with storage materials, construction vehicles. We have ample room of the street to not cause any additional congestion. This isn't a typical construction project where we be looking to park in the street or in the street. We actually have plenty of room off site to handle all that. So although Market Street is congested we don't anticipate this project increasing that at all. Everything will be done on site in terms of the rat activity. We did hear that through the community process and we're well aware of it. We to have a full pest control program in place to go through inspection services, community sanitation regulations so we believe this will actually improve that situation. Parking as I mentioned originally and was mentioned by some of the Buttars was a grave concern when we were one to one parking residence on Keinan and market that there would be overflow parking on those street spaces or side street spaces. That's why we were able to increase to over two spaces per per unit which far exceeds the one point seventy five spaces required per zoning. So we actually over what's required now in terms of parking, in terms of what was mentioned about the actual layout of the unit that is incorrect. We are proposing three bedroom units. We have four townhouses with three bedrooms. That's been the proposal for the last six months that remains the proposal. And finally for the fire trucks accessing the site as we discussed briefly, we do have the full twenty feet required and we do have the turning radius to get on site. So we believe we've addressed a lot of these concerns. I understand there's still comments but we've made a lot of changes and believe this project fits within the character the section of Market Street is a mix of single and two families but it also has mixed use with ground floor commercial and apartments above it has the Seiberg right down the street. It has other condos and apartment buildings so we believe this density is appropriate. Thank with all due respect you don't like a ruling an office doesn't officer can the applicant just a question since you reduced the five to four that come with a reduction of an increase in any of set backs like did it give open space back or what did what happened? You know that I can address that as part of that effort we did increase the setbacks, the setback right side was originally that was about five feet and is now both feet the set back on the driveway side is twenty feet and has been such a setback in the rear to our property line is about fifty five feet and or the neighbors request we did a an analysis and I can tell you that we are about fifty five at least fifty five feet from any neighbor on Keenum Road. Our building is our building at least seventy nine feet from any building on Sanderson Place and at least eighty four feet from a house on Seiver Court. So while we might only be feet from our property line on one side fifty feet on the rear we're creating quite a distance from any neighboring building housing. Thank you. And Mr Hampton, if you're available could you could you expand on Wikipedia's recommendation? Are you with us Mr Hampton? My wife doesn't sound like any other questions from the board hearing that we have motion I'm making a motion for approval with the proviso that no building code release be granted and the PDA design review is there a second second Mr Stembridge? Yes. Mr Rudd's here. Yes Mr Item no the Collins I'm going to vote no. There's only a matter of staying. That's OK Miss Prado. Yes. The chair also holds no the motion does not carry. Is there another motion almost without prejudice is there a second that that Mr Stembridge yeah Mr Valencia no Mr Van yes Mr Collins. Yes there's Olivier. >> I'm going to say for those numbers you as well miss I'll know the chair votes yes and I lost count because I'm not sure what I'm not sure what one abstention does. Samantha can you the motion does carry Madam Chair wait for one moment that chair for one second. Yes. There's an abstentions I don't we have not had an abstention before with an abstention. Do you have a six member board now? So I don't waste time waiting on Samantha. Yeah, So we do need five voting members to vote for it to pass . So at this point the motion would fail. Montreaux if I may interject as we were not made aware of this abstention and a six person board I requested thirty seven there is a seven person board somewhat abstained so I don't know someone needs to explain what that means. Madam Chair, can you hold on for just two minutes for me to double check on something? Thank you . All right apologies Mr AI we are waiting for an official decision. I understand Madam Chair was the first for me as well indeed the Madam Chair if it helps at all as if this is viewed as a six person board since we put my client on the team wasn't made aware of that at the outset we probably would have requested deferral chair and yes. So simply by default when two people were forced to the denial of purchase it would go straight to denial and they would be able to come back for a year. But when one member who voted no to denial without prejudice would they be able to reconsider their vote and if so, when you entertain that motion OK, so let's back up. We have a full seven members just to clarify Mr Nicholls question one person abstained which we've never had before so I would like to know if that's allowed. That's my first question and then your comment would be is someone because right now we have four people supporting this motion two people not opposing, one person abstaining are you asking if one of the no's would become a yes? Yes. So I'm asking if one person who voted no without prejudice if that would if they would be willing to reconsider their vote to a yes. So then it would go to trial without prejudice otherwise the default would be for a denial. OK, well the question goes to Mr. Valencia and his potato and distinction OK, it goes to ensure that these how important to make improvements and come back to this weeks in March after one year I would change my vote in the motion that colleagues made my vote. The motion will be yes OK, so with that the motion carries Madam Chair I'll just us one more time the board would consider a deferral. I've never experienced this before and I think we should be granted the opportunity to have a full seven member board without Epstein I. I will defer to legal I ask the leader on that because I don't know how to answer that. You can accept a default. I can I cannot can OK well with someone well with someone to make a new motion or would you like this motion to stand can I make a motion to defer. OK is there a second on that Bereket OK Mr Stembridge yeah Mr Valenciano yes Mr Lamb yes Mr Collins yes there's a yes yes Panaro Yes here votes yes the motion carries is there a new date the next available Madam Chair we can't do a date of August 13 but we can also work with the applicant given us OK without getting hysterical. Thank you Madam Chair. All right. Next case there this case in case you one five seven three one to the address of twenty one the applicant and representative from the case to walk yes they might be hung at a zoning hearing. I got to go same time. OK, I'll see you. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board and trainee you have regular trading with discount over with a business address of eleven Beacon Street here on behalf of West Lelong my client I am what you're looking at is a rendering of a project was previously approved by this board back in September of twenty twenty three at twenty one Golden Street the project remains exactly the same. It is to change the occupancy from three units to five units, renovate the existing dwelling and to to three storey additions. The change comes in the parking lot when we originally presented to the board we were at nine parking spaces on the site and the board approved the project but made a change if you remember to reduce the parking. So the parking space count went down to five and so by doing out that created a new violation and I can show just a picture of the parking nothing else. Everything else in the project remained the same and if we go to the site plan you can just see the parking layout next next slide please Madam Basser one more right here is perfect. So you can see there was a row of parking spaces previously in the back that had nine. The board felt that they would rather see more green space in the site approve the project with provisos one of which was along with PPTA design review was to remove those additional parking spaces leaving us with five board approve a project. Once we reviewed everything we noticed that created a new variance or the need for the variance because of the violation so insufficient parking was now added. We came back to the board to try to get the proviso removed from board final offer the board I believe misspend Barata asked us that no they she wanted to see that the green space so we reached tried to get the process expedited. The mayor's office actually allowed us to go to the subcommittee because it was a minor change the board had asked for at the subcommittee. We were asked to come the full board just because of the size of the project to come back to the board. So that's that's what brings us back today. I can pause to answer any questions the board may have. Thank you. Any questions from the board of hearing that man? Public testimony, Madam Chair members of the board singing dancing with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services. The Office of Neighborhood Services held a number of important meetings on this proposal. The most recent one was on April fifteen twenty twenty three. But has had a number of questions. Apple can answer one of butter expressed opposition based on density and what they felt was the historical character of the home. The applicant met with the Austin Civic Association. Their president should be on a call today to testify as to their stance and the moment is received and forwarded to the board three letters of opposition and we wish to defer to the judgment of the board at this. Thank you. Thank you. I don't have time to go ahead. Sorry. Good afternoon Madam Chair. Members of the board trinities representing the Austin Civic Association we're basically on just to confirm that there have and no changes to the project Attorney Draggled did a great job summarizing the history of this project and we could tell from the flier and given that there was no additional Budish meeting that the city considered a minor technical correction and then caught a little bit off guard when the subcommittee decided to put it in front of the full committee. So we just here to me just to confirm that the project is as is and as we initially did we defer judgment to the board and will do so again. Thank you Administrator. Anyone else sorry Mr. Drake, our group has just been through design of you already. If it did go beep beep desire you know it has not been thoroughly thank you. Thank you. In the race hands so no additional resume at the moment. Thank you. Any other questions from the board hearing? None member motion a motion to approve of repudiated Honoria. Is there a second Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Mazzaglia yes. Yes Carol. Yes. The motion carries thank you very much at this point would be the if we act for the one o'clock I'm Frank. If we ask for any withdrawals or deferrals from that time from all you have to do about Hennesey for is it does it we are requesting a deferral when we address behind it's fifty two to thirty four Cleanaway fifty six thirty eight Glenway one forty two eri it's a second and third fourth I am one o'clock slot the last three cases to be heard of one o'clock were asking for referral for first case Boeing one six zero one five nine eight with the address one forty two in history along with that KVOA one six zero one six five four with the address of fifty six to fifty one way street and finally ACBL be away one six zero one six zero five with the address of fifty to fifty four Glenway Street. That's correct and I appreciate the members time this explanation why thank you. Yes yes. On behalf of Isidoro to Africa's economic development of New England we are working closely with our age. This is a welcome home Boston project working closer to my age and we we did have some design changes that resulted in a change in the street address and possibly a change in the violations from our point of view ESD so that's resulting in a request for the firm until August 13 at the advice department and next available Madam Chair, we have a deep August 13th. Would that be acceptable, Mr. Hanzi? But because the sooner the better but August 13 is acceptable. Thank you. OK, thank you. May have a motion a motion to defer August eight at eighteen thirteen at the Second Circuit Mr. Stembridge. Yes Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr. Langham yes. Mr. Collins yes. Mesalamine yes. Miss Panaro. Yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries you and you members of waitstaff will return to Jason's schedule for 30 and move on to case VOA one five three nine six nine nine regardless of the twenty seven Colonial Avenue. If the applicant and or their representatives explain to the board please. Hi my name is not Bertalan and I'm the architect for the project so we are requesting a approval for the project we are converting the three family building to four families opening and currently the fourth is in the basement I this I can show you the floor plan of the basement here we've had several meetings with the neighbors and they have a concern about the parking the total lack of parking for this original one for you and Ms. And we if you go back to the site plan which was the page before that we are providing additional parking on the site so that we are currently complying with the number of parking spaces required for the project and so we received about the twelve signatures from neighbors in support of the project and we've shown that this is a project this somewhat in similar to terms of multiculturalism, multifamily housing in this neighborhood as you can see by that graphic right there, those are the the buildings they have four units or more in the neighborhood in the house with on the front lines. This is our project. So we believe that this is an appropriate change of use for the neighborhood and in addition to the one unit, one of the things that we were required to do is provide a sprinkler system for the building. So we're actually making a safer superstructure overall. So that is basically the extent of the the project we would ask that building the change of views and allow us to have the support that the working people of the page there such as the parking there seems to be some concern about your tandem. Right. So we show five spaces and they're all basically in tandem ,which is pretty much what is existing there now because of the existing driveway and there are parking spaces and what we've done is provide parking spaces that comply with the city's parking space sizes but they are currently already five parking spaces of the same configuration. There are there are three parking spaces and in that configuration and what we've done is added to the to basically get us above to the threshold of the required five parking spaces for because at doing unit. So can we just point out numerically which ones are existing? >> Yes. So that would be one, two and three are existing and we're adding spaces for OK, we're going to take down a shed in the back of the property in order to accommodate the thank you. Are there questions from the board as we reviews this? I don't think we typically see tandems basis, you know, so to answer your question from on is Manado we recommendations but not on this from BTB. Yeah, I was asking the Africans he met with BTD on this parking configuration no we have not been asked to be repeated. Yeah we don't typically see this in a process. This is this is residential project that as I mentioned the three kind of parking spaces mostly the your parking cars in the driveway of the two parking spots in the back close to the garage is about so the there is three parking spaces along with driveway. Correct. And then the back the back way is used as individual parking spots, individual parking spots for four of the units. But questions from the board there are none of the testimony . Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board continue even with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services, the this majority defer to the judge. This board I want us to about our meetings for this proposal on the went on to meet with the Talbot Norfolk Triangle. We received a petition with eleven signatures support and one in opposition out of four to the board at this time. Thank you. OK, we have a few ways and go ahead president for council or else office we have met with JMT and they are widely in favor of it with just some hesitation about the parking situation and our office is in support of the project. Thank you Jeff. I chair members of the board Jeff and the BBVA We're on record for this for the without prejudice it's taking away the existing greenspace back there. The maneuverability is impossible and I don't see how BDTV is going to approve this anyway but five spaces is way too much. I think even the existing three is too much but when you look at the plans it's eight and a half twenty all the way up but it takes no account into consideration maneuverability or the existing green space is disappearing so we can't support this or record for denial without prejudice. I have no additional waistbands at the moment. Any other questions for African but that we have motion I'll make a motion to deny without prejudice. I think they need to come back with an alternate parking design. Is there a second that Mr. Stanbridge yeah. Mr. Alexiou? Yes. Mr. Langham? Yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Yes Manado yes. Yes. The motion carries next we have a case one five four five zero seven fifty you had twenty one thirty six point one for each Washington it's d'Alpuget and or their president. Please explain to yes Mr. Stanbridge. Good afternoon Madam Chair. Members of a board and turning to small business in just a few one Dobsonville with me today I miss Cary Grant who is the owner and operator of Black Market in Nubian Square and today we're here seeking to change the legal occupancy of the building from office to retail to office retail to social club with live entertainment and boutique retail space and storage in the basement subdistrict here is the Dudley Square a.D.A Nouvion Square ADA and our relations are as follows. We have one violation for conditional use permit for the social club and then with regard to insufficient parking we have about four or five parking spaces in the rear but primarily just to legalize the current use which is social retail as the black market hosted a number of events both private and public events, cultural events and we're seeking to continue that use any questions from the board during that public testimony, Madam Chairman, members of the board of Honor and even with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services and the Sandomierz also defer to the judgment of this board and send back information the community process Butterfield is held on March twenty first there was not an active neighborhood association in this area. However the outcome went out and received and collected twenty letters of support from business owners as well as also elected officials such as State Senator Luis Miranda and Rep. John Moran. Mahrous is unaware of any opposition this time that would like to defer to the board. Thank you madam. Try some additional exams at thank you. I have a motion to go through their second the Stembridge Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr yes Mr Collins. Yes yes Strato yes I yes the motion carries the vote. Thank you Madam Chairman was the board. Good afternoon to will give birth to about hearing scheduled for Wonkiest p.m. And to start off we have a case one five eight eight four five six with the address of seventy seven seventy nine is the applicant and they represent the expert in the case the professor accepted. All right. Hi everyone. My name is Mary Marcella passing communities in the Wall Street development over seventy seven having that good afternoon. My chair and thank you for allowing us to present this project to you today. I'm joined here today by Charles Robinson in Kahtani with Studio Steelman's architects ALEECE Architects as well as my partners Colin and Maximino. So I will hand it over to us to keep this moving along to get us started to talk about the project. Thank you. Thanks very good afternoon. Madam Chair and members of the board speaking for the applicant. I'm just and Robinson call with the business address of one passing place in Boston zero two one zero eight. I'm joined by my Morrissette Bill Cohen and Matt Rubaiyat from the project developer Boston Communities and also joined by project architect Elise from Studio Louise Architects as described in the appeal filing and as shown on the site plans this appeal to the vacant parcels of land owned by the city of Boston and located at seventy seven and eighty one hundred street in Dorchester for the proposed construction of a one storey multifamily residential structure that will contain thirteen residential. The proposed project is one hundred percent affordable with seven units affordable to households making up to 80 percent of the area median income and six affordable to households making up to one hundred percent of the area median income all units are home ownership units. The Mayor's Office of Housing designated Boston Community as the developer or the subject property along with other city on parcels along Harvard Street for its welcome home Boston Phase one program which is designed to provide affordable homeownership opportunities within Boston. The property is significantly undersized and the project as proposed balances the difficult set conditions with the need for new affordable multi-family construction in the area and a little and a little enforcement of the zoning code would render the project infeasible at this point I will turn over to where you introduce yourself so I I'll turn it over to Alisa Zumiez to review the project's design and she can bring matters back to me to review the zoning relief requested pursuant to this appeal. Please thank you. Dress I everyone I'm Alisa is from Studios Architects representing the architectural team on this project. So as you can see here, this is our current site plan. So we are building a Harvard Street and you can see that we're providing seven parking spaces at the rear of the site with access through a driveway on land left. We also have a small green space located at the rear of the site for resident use as you'll see here, the main entrance is off of Harbor Street, the secondary rear entrance coming from the rear parking lot. Next slide please. And throughout this project we have work to provide family size three bedroom units as the majority of our unit vehicles and so on this first floor plan here you'll see that we have three units on the ground floor to being two three bedroom units and one being a one bedroom sensory unit. Next slide please. The floor plans on the second and third floor stack. So here you'll see we have three units on each of those floors, all of which are three bedroom units. And you'll also see that we're providing two group to accessible units throughout the project located on planet Earth here at the rear of the site. Next slide please. On the fourth story we have four units to being the three bedroom units and then one one bedroom unit and one studio unit. You can also see on the plan here that we have a centralized corridor throughout all the floors with two stairways, one elevator throughout the building. Next slide please and in compliance with the new energy structure code we are providing a solar ready roof next slide and so you'll see here we are proposing four stories of the site and we are trying to conceal the height of the building within a matter of roof structure so you can start to see here that we're trying to minimize the visual weight of the building up on that top story by concealing the entire fourth floor in the Mansour drouth structure. Next slide and you'll see that that wraps all the way around the building next please. So we're proposing a floor to floor in front of our building high of forty nine feet and as you can see on this section here there is a significant green change. The site that we are working to accommodate and just turn back to you to review the very insistent requesting thanks so much Elise. As identified by the notice right at the beginning of this hearing the proposed project requires zoning really in form of a use variance for the multifamily dwelling used to proposed on the property and variances from the off street parking requirement and off street loading requirements for the Dorchester neighborhood district. The project proposes seven parking spaces as opposed to nineteen point five parking spaces and proposes no living spaces as opposed to one space as required by his own accord. The proposed project also requires dimensional variances with respect to area ratio. The proposed project excuse me the project proposes and they are one point eighty seven as opposed to point five as required by the zoning code building 10 stories project approach is four stories as opposed to two and a half stories building height and see the project proposes forty nine feet as opposed to thirty five feet as required by the zoning code conformity with existing building alignment. The project is proposing zero feet as opposed to approximately nine feet. Stand your depth. The project proposes five feet as opposed to ten feet as required by the zoning code and no doubt the project proposes 16 feet as opposed to thirty feet as required by the zoning code. Our memorandum in support of this appeal filed with the Board on April 5th sets forth our arguments in favor of granting the requested relief. So at this point I am happy to conclude the formal presentation and make myself and the rest of the development team available to answer any questions that the board may have. Thank you very much for having us. Thank you. Are the questions from the board here no formal testimony ? Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board continuing with the merits neighborhood services the same paragraph six defer to the judge on this board. This proposal went through an excellent community process. They'll be able to elaborate more. They can also reached out to the west of Washington, the Wow group and I received support I would I would defer to the board at this time. Thank you, Bruce Minteer for his for his friend for counsel or else office. We have worked closely with the mayor's Office of Housing as well as the developers on this project. We are excited to see that it is affordable family style units and is environmentally sensitive and we stand in support of the project here. Hi my name is Terrorist and I'm a development officer with the Mayor's Office of Housing. As I stated before, this project involves the disposition of city owned land . The On Barsoum program does community communities need to develop for these sites and a project has got to do an extensive community process and has the full support of the mayor's office of Housing. Thank you folks. That said, I have no additional reasons. Thank you. Thank you. But that may have emotion I'm sure I think this is a good project and I really appreciate saying that using the land to create affordable housing for low condos at the moment and I make a motion for thank you. Is there a second Mr. Stembridge, Mr. Valencia? Yes. Mr. this Mr. Coffman's. Yes. Mr. yes. Desperado yes votes yes. >> Motion carries good luck. Thank you. Enigmatical. Oh we have more discussion each of . Yes Madam Chair still a committee group the committee aligns the Mission Health CAMH alleging that the board violated the operating law during the event. Twenty twenty four hearing for performance ninety five residential development to be located on a corner lot at the intersection treatment and the Alphonsus Street in the Mission Hill neighborhood. The proposal includes demolition of an existing building on Fremont Street and the creation of a new life with an address at one hundred state Street and S.A.M. age as a complaint against the Boston Board of Appeal because of how it was presented at the PBA community meetings, the weekday was a separate entity the Boston Zoning Board. The zoning board fulfilled its notice requirements under open up the notice percent more than twenty four hours before the meeting filed posted on the city's website and contains more than enough information to identify the project including the parcel ideas from a number a description of the project and the zoning violations it was seeking relief from. Does anybody have any questions about that? No. They entertain a motion. The motion would be to approve of the legal I guess the draft response. Yes. And then I see within send a letter to the complainant as well as the AG's office OK through draft from OK, thank you Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. once you yes. Mr. Weiner. Yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Yes Miss Panaro. Yes. Yes. The motion carries and I think that concludes our hearing for June 25th. Thank you all. Yeah. Thank you.