##VIDEO ID:Y8iho_w-Fro## Progress. Good morning, the city of Boston zoning board of people hearing for August twenty seven twenty twenty four is now in session. This hearing is being conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the open meeting law including the updated provisions enacted by the legislature last year. The new law allows the board to continue its practice of holding virtual hearings to March twenty twenty five. This hearing of the board is being held remotely by and whether or not that platform this hearing is also being live streamed in order to ensure this hearing the board is open to the public. Members of the public may access this hearing through telephone and video conferencing information for connecting to this hearing is listed on today's hearing agenda which is posted on the public notices page of the city's website Boston Gocha members of the public will enter the virtual hearing attendees which means you will not see yourself on the screen and you would be muted throughout administratively unmuted when asked to comment, board members, applicants and their attorneys or representatives will participate in the hearing as panelists and they will appear peer alongside the presentation materials when speaking panelists are strongly encouraged to keep the honor of presenting the board. As with our in-person meetings, comments and support will be followed by comments in opposition. The order of comments is as follows. Elected officials, representatives of elected officials and members of the public. The chair may limit the number of people called upon to offer comment and the time for commenting as time constraints require. For that reason the board prefers to hear from members the public who are most impacted by a project that is those individuals who are closest to the project. If you wish to comment on an please click the raise hand button along the bottom of your screen in the Zimbabwean market again and you should go down when that one sees your hand you will receive a request from you yourself so I guess and you should be able to talk if you're connected to the hearing by telephone please press star nine to raise your hand must a six to amuse yourself after you receive the request from the host it was called upon to comment will be asked to state their name and address first and then can provide their comment in the interest of time and to ensure that you have enough time to do so. Please raise your hand as soon as Mr. Stembridge reads the address into the record. Do not raise your hand for the relevant address is called on the meeting post will not know to call on you at the appropriate time Mr. Stembridge what about your post? Good morning Mr. Valencia. Good morning Mr. Langham. Good morning Madam President. Good morning Miss. We good morning Madam Chair present. Good morning Mr. Collins. Morning Madam President. Good morning Miss Corrado. Good morning Madam Chair Chairperson. Good morning voyageurs Mr Stembridge here we will begin with two of the hearing he these from July 25th and July 30th of this year. They have a motion motion to approve the minutes and the second Mr Stembridge yeah Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Langen yes. we well yes Mr Heartens yes. This Minato yes. chair votes yes the motion carries next will move on to the extension scheduled for that extensions have our requested one year from previous and then we want to finish reading the Met beginning with case VOA eight seven eight seven one for the address of seventy two Dresser's Street yes we have case VOA nine six seven three eight six the address ninety five one on one street that we have case VOA one one zero seven zero four one with the address of twelve or one Saratoga's Street Case VOA one three three nine zero six seven with the address of fifty two buildings three case VOA one three four three three six nine with the address of one fifty nine to one sixty five every street case VOA one three one zero four two three with the address of two to West First case VOA one to nine five four to six The address of 270 West Seventh Street case VOA one three five six eight eight six with the address of ninety six Sherilyn Street Jason Binnaway one zero six nine one four seven with the address of two thirty five on the street case VOA one two five two nine five three with the address of five ninety five six of three Newberry Street Case VOA one nine three two five three The address is ninety seven to one or one quarter street case VOA seven five nine five six three. The address calls in marginal street and the final extension my case VOA one one five three four nine six with the address of fifty nine The Wall Street and those are the statutes for this block requesting to block any questions from the board if not me I have a motion to grant the extensions as requested motion to grant the extensions as requested. I have a second Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Langham. Yes because we want yes Mr Collins. Yes Mr Yes Chairman. Yes motion carries next we have four or five Ahmadu case so not turning down the case that in this case be away one two one zero one seven five with the address of thirty seven Street is the applicant and the representative present of the importance of the vote. Yes thank you Mr Secretary. Madam Chair, members of the attorney Ryan fits without some arancini business address of one sixty eight H Street first for South Boston we're here to a specifically asking for the board to remove a proviso on approval that was that was approved by the same board on May nine twenty twenty three there was a proviso specifically that was added in this approval stating to pay attention to reducing parking to provide more open space since that point in time we have entered into the BPA design review process. The planners review and paid specific attention to reducing parking but has decided not to reduce parking and to provide more open space as there was no open space violation they felt that it was sufficient amount of open space being provided with this proposal and due to that the plant examiner has requested us to go back in front of the board to specifically have that proviso removed since that it has completed a design review and they do have a stamp set of drawings. Thank their questions from the board here. None is there our motion all of the time will look so why is the I guess yes please. Is there a Second Circuit, Mr. Stembridge? Yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes, ma'am. It's me. Well, yes. Mr. Collins. Yes, yes. Cherryville just the motion carries thank you. Nurse will move on to the recommendations of the recent subcommittee meeting of August 22nd read I read like I'll read and the address and the only outcome of the first you have case be a one six zero six nine eight to with the address of one forty seven West Bay Street was case VOA one six one eight eight two eight the address of seven twenty two eight seven twenty four Shawmut Avenue being the case the case was chased by a one six zero seven three three one with the address of thirty four homes that street the case was is going Wall Street to zero nine zero nine with the address of three seventy six to three eighty two Warren Street case KVOA one five seven five nine nine nine with the address of one sixty five Review Street a case for Bohane one six one four six one four put the address of seventy seven Collins Highway Case VOA one five seven six five five signs with the address. Thirty three banks in the world was approved case VOA Bonaly case Boet one six zero seven five two one with the address of 26 to 28 Raymond Street was approved on end and those were all the cases from the subcommittee. May I have a motion motion to approve the subcommittee committee's decisions so I can send thank you Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Yes as well yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Mr. Panaro. Yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries on down the walls of the hearing scheduled for nine thirty first to be able to ask for deferrals or withdrawals that would be but I am sure at this time will ask if there are any requests for withdrawals from the nine thirty and they are hearing well and I'll say Mr. Stembridge if what before we move on, I just want to point out that we do have three article just at the nine thirty and so I will just ask folks especially those presenting that article ladies to bear that in mind and that we have a full caseload and to keep things moving forward. Thank you. There's no Madam Chair oh back we will be hearing scheduled for thirty first we have to be one six one one seven two to put the address seventeen Linden Street is the and all that represents present please explain to the board. Yes thank you Mr. Stanbridge. My name is George Morante. I'm an attorney with this address at 350 West Broadway and South Boston. I represent City Realty in this matter Madam Chairman, this is an application to replace an existing three family dwelling at seventeen Linden Street in Allston with a new five story building contains fourteen minutes and one studio unit two bedroom units and eleven three bedroom units. It would be six off street parking spaces and motor vehicles and secure storage for twenty bicycles. The site is located twenty four thousand zoning subdistrict General Martinez Policy Design Project Architect is here today taken forward to a great design presentation when I conclude this site is approximately six thousand four hundred ninety square in the zone as I mentioned three or four thousand in terms of as neighborhood context our surrounding area is characterized by various housing types including multifamily apartment buildings and as the department recommendation notes, several approved our article eighty projects totaling over 900 units. In other words, it is much denser the three family zoning subdistrict would indicate all of this leading the planning department to conclude in conclusion that we agree with that proposed multi family use investigation is appropriate and that this area is indeed poised for planning and zoning reform in order to enter future development with respect to the zoning being requested, a variance is necessary or to the number of dwelling units proposed on the lawn. Again the plan recommendation notes that my child's requirement is outdebated inconsistent with the city's need to add housing units within the violations cited to either insufficient street parking or to the design of the closed off street parking facilities spaces here are approaches, contact spaces seven and a half feet by each seat. Given the site's access to our transit nodes in the trunk certainly no renters in the city and private vehicle ownership. It is believed that the six compact parking spaces were adequately serve the building and its residents relief is required for the saddlebags and use of open space and on these issues once again are on these issues. The planning recommendation does diverge from each otherwise positive endorsement. The proposal with respect to the front set back, however, is accurate that we did not provide and assist in building alignment plan for the block is a fact set back here is zero that is set by the buildings from one Linden Street on one street. The proposed setbacks back at least three feet from the sidewalk line in the middle to allow small landscaped area the building intentionally. My clients have owned the current building for some time and are aware that open area that the license may have created problems with rodents accumulating trash in the neighborhood. The clients of course understand the concerns about open space and perhaps even excess parking and would be happy to work in design review and these issues for the board to see fit to this which leads me finally before turning a presentation over again, Martinez that back towards conclusion we fully agree would be planning department recommendation and concurred in its findings on the reasonableness size of the project and requested zoning release. But rather than the project out to start over, we believe in the ability to work through design review to conclude this project given the fact that it needs so many of the goals of creating new quality housing in the city finally, since this is a project that is subject to the city's IVP policy, my clients have committed in writing to a planning department 380 units representing just over twenty one percent affordability consisting of one two bedroom and two three bedroom units without I'd like to presentation over into teens also design paperboard briefly from the project site in the building in quick question the three IDP units what level of affordability these are rentals so they I saw them would be seventy percent. I was in touch with Ryan Franni the planning department actually by email this morning he replied to me he's excited about the proposed units just indicated to me that if this were approved we would follow up with an affordable rental housing restrictions agreement with the mayor's office of Housing. Thank thank you, George. Hi everyone. Members of the board, members of the public, my teammates from Kadee I come to the same time may share my screen. I don't screen share. So you submitted something. Please walk us through what was submitted. Oh OK. No problem. I can walk you through this. We can actually have one the architectural type one please if you want something that always helps I'm sorry if we can zoom in to the proposed one so I just want to walk everyone briefly we have a trash enclosure next to the driveway part of the way we're free the parking spaces I use the hedge hetchy shrubs around the perimeter if you can see on the building outline where we have our columns we actually have found the columns towards the left side and we're actually covering that with a little bit of Kornet and then if we can walk to do the elevation. So basically what we did here to split up the Massen we have the brick building. We want it to be respectful of the macro context and the townhouse there next to us. So we implemented a brick facade that is decorated. We also noticed that if we down to the rendering one more page ,we also notice that the townhouse which does have very distinct Roundhay element and part of the way we tried to again be respectful of the context was to incorporate around the elements from the side of our building switch the materials to again break up the macing. We also incorporated step arches and and arch windows to again kind of follow the same language through the same. We've also discussed the floor to be respectful of the kidnaping of the the current massing on the street and also not be imposing as much for the building with crowded the facade with limestone accent to provide warmth. Same thing with the entry we provided one material one quality materials to the entry to provide shelter for the occupant for the other side serios you can have since we have occurred this will probably be metal trading along with either vinyl or metal siding for the grandpaw if we go to the back of the building and the elevation of yep if we go a little bit up one more page to the elevation and the back of the building we split it up with with consistent rates that are proportional to the size of the buildings around the neighborhood and that's how we split up the marching towards the rear again as George mentioned this is fourteen units. We have six surface parking spaces that we cover . We cover the perimeter with a landscape buffer and again we're being respectful of the neighborhood with a sign that's that's pretty much what it had to present in terms of materials the same I know schedule. Thank you. Are there questions from the board? Can you just address your decisions regarding open space? It appears that you've taken this site and really just you think I think you're providing a total of six hundred and seventy five square feet of open space. Is she primarily through like a deck and you've taken a real yade setback requirement of thirty feet and provided something like eight feet just just walk us through your thinking around your approach to open space. Yes. Those numbers are accurate. The thought was that we wanted maximizing the housing on the site. It's a great location. The amount of open space I acknowledge is a concern and the department's recommendation my clients as I say would be happy to work on this whether it's even a reduction in the depth of the building to increase open space. But I think that there was so much care to craft a project that is otherwise I think as noted in the recommendation very beneficial for the neighborhood and we get the recommendation sometimes we would take that information in the first rework the building but we thought that we might add the positives of this project that a better course of action would be if this were to be approved to commit to working with the very department as was would be required to Monegros the issue of open space around the building and if the decision was made to increase that by reducing the building mass, then my clients would certainly be open to a thank you thank you for a follow up to mispronounces question. So will you be open to any set of rules in their building size to reduce the parking units because you have six at the moment if you have less parking maybe the parking units could be could you for handicap and you can create a body or place for the residence. I think I agree with Spinello that open space is the biggest concern looking at the market there are parks like many blocks around. So do you think about that possibility? Absolutely, Mr. to my clients specifically mentioned that to me when we were discussing this at your recommendation we have an existing violation for inspections of street parking so reducing I daresay even eliminating parking since this is a rental building would not create any new zoning violation ,perhaps something along those lines along with even taking out the corner of the building to provide a landscape or green space area in ARE rather than some of those parking spaces could accomplish this are the missing objective in the planning recommendation of this building having some amount of actual outdoor space? I would certainly feel that. Thank you. Thank you. So it sounds like designer me with special intention to open space is a possibility. Let's any other questions from the board here? None can have public testimony. Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board fondren them at the mayor's office neighborhood services this time the mayor's office defer to the judgment of this board some background information and community process. I would associated body meeting on January 6th. Twenty twenty four there was one border present we had questions regarding the current residence structure. The applicant was able to answer those questions. The proponent then went on to meet with the Civic Association which ultimately voted to support this proposal with proviso their support contingent on no building code relief being granted another proviso that no none of the units we rented out to undergraduate tenants of that information before the board this time. Thank you. Thank you. I know going to think about an ambassador McGlinchey, members of the board of ionophores that are presented Carpenter's Union we have to go on record in support of the strike campaign no matter how much you dance at the moment. Thank you. But that may I have a motion? All right, I'll try. I'm happy for any additions. I'll I'll make a motion to proved with the proviso for a bidding design review with special attention to a an increase in open space through either a reduction in building macing and or reduction in parking on site. Anything else my colleagues want to add to that price? I think I can add for the component to execute a make agreement with the main office of the House for three units that they are proposing to Aimi Warbelow why don't we keep it at twenty one percent because I have a feeling with a reduction in macing the that number might change so how about the proviso saying they maintain a twenty one percent I do P percentage and 70 percent am I right wing it are you try this Mr. Hampton we're happy to hear from you Mr. Harrison blow this Beneteau but right now everyone bottom cheer for Jeff Planning Department of my question to the board is to what extent does the planning department have authority for design review on this? I understand the request for open space reduction parking but also Miss Valencia Mr. Valencia to keep the affordable units. This is why we recommended what we did right because our urban design department is going to come back these provisos in the decision and not know what to do or to what extent they can do it. So reducing the buildings that reduce the number of units taking out the parking increase in the open space, making the building smaller this will be our significant change that a lot of times urban design department doesn't want it to because that's why we make these recommendations with the proponent is agreeable to these changes that they should have done them in the first place. So I just want to get some direction from the board on how much design review you are going to authorize to do because this could be significant changes into Mr. Valencias point. It could and utilities Panadol it could reduce the affordable units. So they're on the record as saying they're going to be three. But if we reduce you know what does that mean? Yeah, but I mean I concerned and I will state that, you know, the street is ripe for this kind of project but we think it's too big. Yeah. And usually your design review and with smaller things but this could be a massive change and I'm not really urban design is going to want to take this on their project instead of the realities. So yeah I mean I I I'm sympathetic to that. I do think this is a redesign that the building is is very large for this site. They've chosen to basically build on the entire site and put a very small landscaping buffer around the site and and so the entire site of the building and parking and we are saying we don't really agree with that approach and that is the planning department. And so I agree this is not a design review and tinker around the edges. This is a site we're not happy with this approach. Do I hear different motion almost intended I was Mr. the thing you just need to look at the median recommendation and a you know, go forward and get get a decent project back so that they can go to designer for you. It is a good project. It's just not quite there yet with respect for this I second that emotion I think the boards on conversation but I don't think I would probably sway enough members to say that we have a clear direction here. We're really not reducing the depth of the building. The reason why it hasn't been done is because I think as the board knows these recommendations literally it's three days before the hearing so we have no engagement with the planning department. Are you seeing a presentation, for example, on Friday if that is the will of the board again I believe we have clear direction. We are reducing the building to create open space that does reduce the number of units required to maintain a twenty one percent commitment. But in lieu of that I would just ask that if there are an ultimate motion that would be one for which I would have requested if I thought that would in fact wanted to see me plans before or moving this forward. So I'm sorry for interjecting but I just I second that I think you chose to propose a project that was extremely dense and ignored the existing zoning and put forth the project with a lot of violations. So I want to second that motion seconding the Democratic. Yeah OK. All right. Yes. Mr. Stembridge. Yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yeah. Just just to clarify to agree to the board and they want to make the motion I hear that made by the Mr. Collins made the comment he made the motion OK I'm sorry. Yes OK. Thank you Mr. Lynelle. Yes Mizue well yes I'd also add if the applicant when I come riding around then I'll look at sort of the pedestrian experience of this say something about where the trash is located in the lot it just seems very auto centric. I'll just add that in that I also agree with my colleagues comments on the macing and Mr. Collins. Yes Miss yes chair votes yes. The motion carries thank you. Thank you very much. There you move VOA one six to seven one five one with the address of forty five to forty nine Charles Boccaro this is an articulate case and this key applicant and all factors that are President apply for the board. Thank you Mr. Secretary. Thank you, Madam Chairman. Mr. Board Attorney Jeff Trango with Trayon Toscano. The business address of Eleven Beacon Street and on behalf of the applicant and client Norrin LLC Glancey also have Dennis Greenwood who from Susan Design the architect too you'll hear from in a few minutes this particular project as I mentioned went through the article Eighty Large Project review process was approved by that being PDA board Planning Board back in November of twenty twenty three. The design and rendering that you're looking at here is the proposed project and that proposal is to raise the existing former commercial structure and to one hundred and twenty one unit apartment complex with below grade parking on site for ninety million vehicles. The parcel will also be combined of comprised of four different parcels with a total area of development one hundred twenty five thousand three hundred and seventy gross fee. If we can go to the next slide please madam Bouser this particular site and these are the existing conditions was from a commercial site. It was a former headquarters for the pizzeria Rejean Restaurant headquarters and that tenant left a number of years ago and the building had been sitting idle for years as you can see in this particular area there is a lot of commercial use. This area is comprised of Charles Powell Road and then the rear guard Street in the West Roxbury neighborhood in back is the Home Depot. There's a large urban wild cow island pond directly across from the proposed project site as you start to look in the back there's a new development in Behram. There's a townhouse development to the right of us so there's no of EPA approved and zoning board approved projects over the last few years and this particular area making it amenable for new residential housing which is what my client had put forward and which was approved at the EPA. Our next slide please Despard Ticklers District is a community of commercial district and a lot size combined is forty six thousand six hundred and fifty six of the this right here is the existing conditions. You can see a lot of Hot Top and the older commercial building that was there we actually created as part of this project a number of areas of usable open space not only green space and promenade down the middle which breaks the two buildings but also a lot of deck space and communal decks on the top of the building. The usable open space for this project is nineteen thousand six hundred and fifty four square feet. This project also has a high affordability rate at sixteen point five percent IGP units and those atomize vary from thirty to one hundred. So there would be twenty IDP in this on site for this project there would be one at thirty percent am I one at forty three and fifty five and sixty six it's seventy and four and one hundred which total would be sixteen point five percent for the project. They're also very close walking distance Millennium Park right up the road and we also committed as part of this project one hundred thousand dollars to that park as well as we could stay on this slide madam Barsoum right. Just in terms of unit Kompas we have sixty one bedroom units with an average size of six hundred and seventy two square feet thirty seven two bedroom units with an average size of eighty three square feet and fifteen three units with an average size of a thousand thirty six square feet. So we really tried to have a mix of housing available on the site as I had mentioned that big and so there's no displacement. There hasn't been a commercial tenant there for a number of years for this particular site we've been through a lot of as an extensive community process multiple IAG meetings and public meetings to get to where we are today which included opening up this area to have that promenade down the middle of the green space and you can also see that the top floor is recessed and we were able to create those open space views on the top floor as well. Then this particular zoning district because it is a community commercial district is a bit lax with the zoning regulations needed and so the areas that we were required to get relief was the use and Mafa multifamily residential is additional in a community commercial area. So we are seeing a variance on the FHA for this particular district is about to Gleno two point six nine and then in terms of building height for forty five feet and you can see sort of amassing on the right side elevated three and a half screen for the rent we are proposing fifty sixty six inches but we did as part of this proposal process that building which will that area the terms of massing at this and we also have a dedicated bigram a meeting space Jing's on the ground level dedicated bike blue bike station outside which you can see in this picture and a commitment to create street trees and widen sidewalk up in this particular area at this time it's going to briefly turn it over to Dennis Greenwood who was the architect project manager. >> So my name is Dennis Greenwood. I'm a Susan Design architects. As Geoff mentioned, there's a number items that we made sure to include in the project throughout the process here there's a large focus on outdoor space and creating a linkage between that Charles River kind of walk Makow Island Pond up to Millennium Park which is up to the north. So we did create that large kind of central pedestrian plaza that's kind of a passive recreation space as well as a landscaped zone between these two structures right in front of that you see a little off area that's the best kind of quick drop off and pick zone . We didn't widen the sidewalks around the entire perimeter of the site so they were as low as three feet long Gardener Street in portions of Charles Park Road. We've increased that to seven feet and created a number of outdoor spaces that we think serve as a connection for the the building to kind of the site context. Those fourth floor roof decks are amenity to the residents have views over Charles Park Road in the Charles River itself and then we have that courtyard that's actually open to the public as well. What we're doing is we're utilizing building materials with rec and aluminum composite metal panel siding as well as Depay decking and we're to make sure that we're creating a quality product or utilizing kind bays between 12 and twenty four feet to break down the macing in the building and make sure it's contextual with a residential scale and seeing this building is kind of a transitional piece between the more residential elements to the to the east and a more commercial development that's a task for us just mentioned past that point the left of the screen. Next slide please. You. And so here's an image of just yeah. Outside here's an image that you courtyard the linkage between Charles Park Road and Gardiner Street you see there are two entries pedestrian entries for the two buildings above above grade, below grade. Everything is connected via one parking structure for ninety one parking spaces down down one more. OK in here you can see OK and here you see a view from Charles Park Road. This is that space between the two buildings. What we did was we looked at a number of different elements including breaking down the base to that increment I discussed. We also looked at putting balconies on the corners to kind of soften and erode some of the masking in the building and we had a datum at the floor flat line was set back because forward to again kind of create that feature inditement. The fourth or the fifth floor back and with that we're on to schedule. So if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer. Thank you. Any questions from the board hearing? None can have public testimony . Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board Conradin the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services inside the mayor's office to defer to the judge from this board to back information the committee process went through a very lengthy process run by the Boston Planning Agency starting back in twenty twenty three prior to that data also met with the WesTrac Neighborhood Council and met with them again later during the community process in the West Baltimore Neighborhood Council. We were pleased with the design and welcomed residential development. However, a number of members also raised concerns which they felt that the building was too tall for the area and was not in character with the neighborhood and that the height would overshadow existing structures nearby. There was also expressed concerns where they felt that there was not enough parking spaces being proposed feeling that single car seat remained the primary source of transit in this area as well as concerns that overflow parking onto the street might impact ice rink residents, local businesses and residents. There is also as mentioned, concerns about traffic being added to the VFW Parkway. Ultimately the West Roxbury neighborhood Council did not take a vote on this proposal without referring to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Go ahead. Tinkered with Ambassador Mullen, chairman of the board mind Periscope Union on behalf of conversation Carpenters no more and I have no additional staff at the moment as Mr. Harvey from any department I want to say anything. Yes. I just wanted to verify that this project gentleman Charles Parkway did complete the PDA at the time BBJ processed eighty large project hey so we have a forty five to forty nine. Are we talking about the same project yet if I can jump in Madam Chair. Yes this was approved obviously we have to go through the planning board first when we filed that I said the address was changed so it is the same budget ok thank you. Any other questions from the board hearing that man have motion make a motion to approve and continue the desired is there a second Madam? Yes. Could we add the twenty minutes into the Verizon please. And I was flying them. Can we confirm the number Mr. Grego? Twenty IDP units on site. Correct. OK Mr. Collins do you want to add that to provisos. Yeah. And the twenty units the Yes. was there a second second. OK Mr. Stembridge. Yeah Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Raynham yes. Israela yes. Mr. Collins yes. Miss Bernardo. Yes Schierholz yes. Motion carries thank you very much. Next we have DVOA one five nine nine eight six seven with the ideas of seven fifty seven fifty for a Adam Street it's the applicant and the other person. Please explain to the board. Yes. Thank you Mr. Secretary. Madam Chair, members of the board attorney Brian Spence Atom's Amarante Business Address one sixty eight Street first floor South Boston. I'm here on behalf of my client Maverick Hospitality. The proposal in front of us today is seeking to increase a capacity for an existing restaurant space and take in line entertainment after ten thirty previously this restaurant was formerly known as the industry which did have a take license and live entertainment after ten thirty PM which was also recently approved by this board on January ten twenty twenty three except that I was for that applicant only and that's what we're here today along with the increase in capacity this location was acquired by my client client and is currently doing business as jobs. The operator performed extensive renovations to the interior to improve the functionality which at that point in time they discovered underutilized space and hence the reasoning for the increase in capacity from one fifty one currently to the new proposal of one hundred and eighty or so capacity. The increase capacity triggered insufficient parking violation as point three parking spaces are required for each seat within the restaurant. There is no feasible way to provide parking in this type of relief consistent with the other restaurants within Adam's village. The take is a conditional use permit in the same district which also triggers an extension of a non conforming use but does not increase the volume or area of that nonconforming use. The previous restaurant it again did have the take out which was a recently approved by this board but was issued again for that option only. Lastly in the Live Entertainment after ten thirty is a forbidding use in this district it will not be any different from the previous restaurants live entertainment license which again was approved by the board for that applicant only the operator is proposing entertainment seven days a week no more than two accoustic instruments at one time, no job at all. Hours of operation will be from 10:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. with Windows closing if there is live entertainment by nine p.m. at this point I'm to turn it over to the board for any questions. Thank you participants. Any questions from the board here? None can have public testimony . Good morning, Madam Chairman. Members of the board my name is Edward Jones. I represent the mayor's office the neighborhood services regarding seven city Adams Street in Dorchester. Our office will defer to the board's judgment on this matter . Community process was conducted really including was conducted on five twenty nine which was lightly attended. The primary feedback from this meeting was noise pollution in a residential area, public intoxication parking and increased grass rat issues. MyState said she could support the proposal on the condition that the applicant close the rear door at all times. The windows closed at nine p.m. keeping the dumpster closed with no trash in the surrounding area as well as ensure more trash pick ups if needed and lastly to end the live entertainment by 10:00 pm on weeknights the applicant agreed with all of the constituents conditions. Additionally, the proposal was reviewed with the Cedar Grove Civic Association which convened on 617. The association expressed they are happy for the applicant but cite concerns about raising increased pressure on constituents for parking in the area. Ultimately the Civic Association voted in support of the proposal and also provided a letter of support. At this time the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services would like to defer to the boards decision. >> Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you, Madam Chair. Members of the board, members of the council Fitzgerald's office is like go on record supporting the proposal. Thank you again and we have no additional staff at the moment with that may I have motion make a motion of No one. Is there a second that Mr. Cambage Yes. Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes. As we well yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Mr. Corrado. Yes. Parables yes. Motion carries great. Next we have a case boa one five nine eight seven should be added two to six reads Recio Place it's the cat in the Representatives. Please explain the case to Good morning Madam Chairman. Members of the board in case I mean yes sir. All right before you we have our money inside I'm here my partner Angela to be an architect Erich's Akesson before you we have our plans for two to six people please 264 places on an eighty one hundred square foot parcel which is offloads West Cottage Street and the place is a Bedwin so essentially proposing a three three dwelling a total of seven minutes. One of these units will be designated affordable unit is to them two baths unit square footage ranges by 900 to about prosperity. In addition to that proposing a total of eight parking spaces six of these parking spaces will surface on two of them will be garage as you guys can see here when you initially went to the neighborhood association you had a total of ten parking spaces. It was very clear that green space was most important in preserving trees so we decreased our total parking tend to end in doing that we were able to preserve some trees and also turn that area into a flexin kind of green space but also not to at the top of the place in West Cottage we added a pedestrian sign and sign just for pedestrians and motorists just increasing travel on that street as I mentioned immediately out to bed to baths units two three seven have patio access open concept and as you mentioned I had to all I'm sure people are also using one is our townhouse unit that has a private garage at the first level to add to cart to the first items. This is our roofline to know here where we're dedicating a portion one roof to a green a green roof and we have two sections two zones which would be for solar panels Roxboro anywhere Roxbury's is affected by the urban heat island Act. So when we come into how that is to contribute which is basically a and you can go to next find and lastly this is our proposal from inside Elevation's the materials wing for construction will be consistent with the context of anyone in the community. It won't even be too much. So it's like that being said I'll conclude here our little space for me as many questions. Thank you so much. Thank you sir. I may have misunderstood you say these would be rentals or home ownership caution for sale homeownership. Thank you. Pressures from the board as you mentioned that you are providing one of our units that's where our income level so it's common for sale. I think we got to go through the neighborhood office of the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Housing to hear the details. I'm not sure now. OK, but you're committed to it. That's correct. Thank you. Quite other questions from the board, ma'am. Public testimony. >> Yes, Madam Chair. Members of the board continuing with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services designed the mayor's office to defer to the judgment this board our office hosting and Buttars meeting where there were three of us in attendance as you heard from the African representation. There were lots of questions regarding trees being retained on the property as well as questions regarding the parking configuration and potential traffic impacts. Ultimately our office ended up receiving twelve letters of support from neighbors that lived on Woodville and Moylan's Street. The applicant was in contact with the Dudley Square neighborhood Initiative which currently expressed that they don't have any objections. They do not oppose the project. They did not officially take a stance to support but as always they encourage applicants to commit to using a mix of income restricted units as well as hiring locally for construction projects. I'm unaware of any additional concerns or at this time and that will defer to the report. Thank you. Thank you. And I have no experience at moment promotion. I make a motion to approve with PPTA designer here special attention to open space continue to add the proviso that one IDP unit working with the Mayor's Office Housing yes and I had winey is there a second factor Mr. Stembridge? Yes. Mr. Laurentia. Yes. Mr. Mangham. Yes. Mitsuo yes. Mr. Collins. Yes Lisbona yes. Chairman. Yes yes. The motion carries good luck can work in next we have to campaign Jaysus first this case VOA one six to one five zero four with the address of twenty nine Jenkins' Street. Along with that they have case Boet one six two one five zero with the address of thirty one Chakram Street is the applicant and with their representatives present with their the board. Yes thank you Miss Stembridge. Mr. Ferrante Madam Chair Members of the board what. Good morning. I represent the owner of two connected buildings located at twenty nine and thirty one Jenkins' Street. My client is a current and longtime resident of Boston. His office located five minutes from this location at three thirty nine to address Mr. Donovan is on this property since nineteen ninety nine. My proposal here is essentially two identical applications one for each building due to radiation and a vertical motion to change the occupancy of each building from a three family dwelling to a small portable property sit in two different zoning districts was based prior to the zoning boundary line between Ms seven district under Article sixty eight and one local business district under the base code B l one zone building which is thirty one Jason Street is therefore within the area of plans of Chester Avenue New into this planning area has not yet been caught as I used plans examiner in recognition of the provisions of Article two Section one of the code with respect to transition zoning therefore correctly stated the violations for thirty one Jenkins' thirty five article sixty eight member zoning requirements in other words the violations for each property address are essentially the same space being located in two different districts. The plans are as I say identical each address differ only to the extent that one is a mirror image of the other. The first is a certified financial this in the existing structures both of these buildings are rather small and each one is automatically seventeen hundred square feet in size. The next sheet which have three used the proposed same plan detecting a rare addition to each building the overall size of which would be approximately nineteen deep in twenty feet wide for each building while the invasion extends into the rear yard each unit would benefit from a large porch larger reinforcement than exists now which would also serve as secondary means of egress for each unit. The rear spiral staircase would extend up to provide access to the roof over the purpose of serving mechanical units on a roof, providing maintenance to the roof and perhaps for access to certain voltaic panels. My client has not made a decision on the solar energy option yet my client has no intention of seeking a future roof deck and would be happy to agree to a proviso to ensure that the existing floor plans which can be seen on Sheet X one show that the units are currently a bit over six square feet and the second with third small units with unit one being about one thousand square feet because it is available viable unit space and living space. The proposed reorientation would add about four hundred square feet which unit as will be seen on a proposed floor plan to achieve a one as a result Unit one would be a little bit larger than it currently is again by about one square synchronization and leverage units with each grow to about one thousand square feet each also being proposed here is as I said, a one three vertical integration and one unit each building sheet to fix the current three storey building elevations while the following sheets each unit green show the proposed condition elevations. Both of these buildings will be renovated and upgraded with interior and exterior finished materials, new buildings systems, new larger windows and quite important are each building of course being provided with the fire suppression system and fire alarm where none exists today with respect to the request zoning release, the proposal for family use is allowed under our zoning. It is a rare setback violation but this is necessary in order to modernize and large new rather small outdated units. There's a serious floor area ratio violation owing to the very foundation and we have ignition maximum that they are proposed at the last proximately two point nine. Additionally Article sixty eight has a section whereby a violation was created for any additions into a rear yard area or a thousand or more square feet is the planning department recommendation notes however of the FAA are in the Rear Edition consistent with prevailing neighborhood context and additionally reflective of the need for as the recommendation puts zoning which have been mentioned mention regulations that like the position in context I'm quoting this year additions were required initial news condition and not a variance standard requiring. I said that there is sufficient Michel'le exception while the proposed asset backed repudiation ranges from eleven and a half thirteen and a half feet the buildings would exceed a maximum of forty feet by approximately themselves primarily to the fact that each building has erased Baoshan point guard very numerous similar four story buildings in the neighborhood and of course there's a violation for insufficient off street parking as none exists and then can be provided. But the buildings are seven minute walk station on the red line finally I want to point out that refuse the letters reference a route back on the roof of the of the buildings of main groups of the buildings . This is incorrect there's no doubt is actually shown by the plans and no user as was proposed is a crash landing which is building code requirement for the spiral stair that is extending to access the roof by there was some concern expressed by elected officials and by community potential client has no interest in group tax. It's not like having a tax on rental properties. I said welcome a proviso of no future tax on these buildings. We got Madam Chairman members of ours and take any questions the members may have other questions on the board. Yes, I have one small question but is going to be Rachel ownership. These are currently rental units I have been able to get as yet. Thank you. Thank you. Other questions from the board kind public testimony. Yes madam Chair, members of the board continuing with the mayor's office and neighborhood services. This is on the mayor's office to defer to the judgment its board some backlash information and community process on Assoc. and it bothers me on February 6th the proponent then went on to reach out and present to the Andrew Square Civic Association which opted to oppose this proposal citing concerns related to size density and what they feel would be negative impacts on quality of life of bodies. I don't believe we have any money. We have no support or opposition on file that would defer to the board. Thank you. >> Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair, the members of the boy I would like to hear from consultors office at this time. I also would like to request support based on a good community process and the proponents willingness to include a little and no respect for myself now issues, concerns and opposition in the community here we respectfully request that the funding continue to work closely with members and bodies on any quality of life issues that may arise during the construction phase and thereafter. Thank you guys. Thank you. OK although I mean Josh no need to go to CA can you state your name and address and telephone for the opposition? We cannot speaking out to Josh and try to get back to you. Hi good morning. My name is Josh. I I'm a resident of two eighty seven Old Colony Avenue Jinking Street is the back side of my property. I did submit some written opposition to this a big issue I had I was at the Andrew Square Civic Association meeting and they the they were presenting this as not being a particularly large increase in the number of bedrooms in the property but looking at plans there they are expanding out the back and then they're having two bathrooms instead of one and then something that's called an office simply because it doesn't have a closet but it looks like it could reconfigured to be made into a second bedroom and so I felt that this was really a dishonest presentation of the neighborhood association and and that was part of my opposition. Currently there are cars park that park behind their even right now there's a car parked behind that property whether that's legal or not, there are people who are using that as parking so expanding out there it's that's going to be even even what people are currently using is going to be removed. The neighborhood association did oppose this council at that meeting. So he ninety nine percent of the time go with the neighborhoods recommendation apparently in this one he did not but I as as somebody who lives right across the street from this I have some issues with how the presentation was done and I just don't think that it was an honest representation of what they're actually trying to do here. Thank you. And my project and I'm actually the owner of the building and I was OK, can we hear from abettors and public testimony first and so you can circle back as part of the response. Thank you to try you again. We can hear you can hear us. Are there other ways just go back. She's tried the rental car but she having issues I have no doubt that sorry he's the applicant. OK ok ok ok so so he's been yeah. So circle back to my N.S.A. and Mr. Donovan wants to weigh in briefly certainly with respect to the newest the impetus for this was the fact that as I said break ins on this building of these buildings since nineteen ninety nine it's time for an upgrade. This needs to better quality larger units. A lot of people working from working remotely these days are currently at one have a study trying to disguise bedrooms for studies. If that were the case we would have simply labeled the existing study a bedroom. Greg wanted to provide study or office space for the other units for a living space to bathrooms these days is not so much a luxury as a necessity in terms of bedroom county currently unit one is a high level two bedroom with a study office choose a one bedroom in Unit three is a two bedroom for a total of five bedrooms being proposed Unit one by a four bedroom unit. Unit two would be a one bedroom unit. Unit three a one bedroom unit and unit one bedroom. So in terms of number bedrooms the increase would be from five to seven and I don't know if Greg has anything to add. I think not if the board has any questions, we'll be happy to respond. Thank you. Are there other questions from the board? OK, hearing non is there emotion motion to approve? Is there is any that can Mr. Stembridge yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Lynham. Yes, ma'am. As we well yes. Mr. Collins. Yes. Miss Panaro. Yes. Chairman. Yes, the motion carries thank you. Next we have a case VOA one six two five four it would put the address of 115 to one one possible street. This is also our this is another article eighty case and I believe being represented by attorney Laurence just to remind myself of Miss OK, so we are a six member board and Mr. Martin, we just can't hear you. Yes, I was I was muted. Well, good morning, Madam Chair. Members of the board. Thank you Mr Stanbridge. My name is George. My business address was Bhagwan South Boston. I represent Boston Properties and its principal I am bound by Kleinig is on line this morning as part of college who designed the project architect will take the board through a concise presentation and the and building design what I mean this is as was noted by Mr Stembridge Article eighty large project that was approved by the auditor writers in April of last year. What is being proposed is the redevelopment during three thousand four hundred twenty three square foot project site comprising four parcels currently occupied by a one two storey commercial building society surface parking into a new five to six story mixed-use building containing ninety new residential contact living units approximately eight thousand four hundred seventy six square feet of ground level commercial space garage parking for seventeen motor vehicles including forty one residential and 16 commercial spaces in one hundred twenty two resident bicycle spazzes the project sitings within walking distance of the gates Square Red Line Rapid Transit Station approximately one half mile from the Newmarket commuter rail station on the MTA Fairmont Line and it's easy walking distance of the nearby space center. The surrounding neighborhood context is also well suited to the scale and scope of the proposed project with the nearby recently approved 420 Yankowski way extension project in traditional low density three to four story buildings on Boylston Street where this building's height nassan respond in kind of project site is located entirely within a seaside community commercial zone subdistrict in an area with zoning barriers transitioning from community commercial at the project site, teams from the FDA two thousand on the opposite side of Boston Street the parkway and celebration of development are both P.D.A developments with P.D.A zones the mixed use residential and commercial proposals of the projects with staggered Marsing and stepped out of the historic building segments will strengthen the multifamily residential character of Janoski Way on that side of the site while providing the natural appropriate transition to the lower density residential characterizing the opposite side of Boston Street with respect to the requested zoning release, the project requires a conditional use current or proposed juice Sparkasse things that will be included as part of the German ChipMOS Center currently program for the ground floor commercial space the conditional spermatozoa also required for the proposed multifamily well in use in the relevant community commercial zoning subdistrict and Tuvaluans are required one for the project's floor area ratio and one for the proposed six storey maximum building height project is also located within the area. Postretirement Resilience Overlay District complies with Article twenty five eight the inclusion of Seefried on the zoning refusal thus indicates not a new zoning or economic section but rather that compliance with all applicable safeguard requirements need to be met which they are projections of course subject to inclusionary development requirements and complies with the policy with fifty nine units representing sixteen point seven percent IDP commitment with one that eighty percent wanted sixty percent and the remainder 70 percent DMI additional community benefits will consist of three thousand five hundred eighty five square foot of the pocket park in front of the safe various public improvements including twenty one new trees in and around the site a twenty four thousand four hundred seventy five bike share contribution contributions totaling fifty thousand dollars due to neighborhood tax exempt organization and fifty thousand dollar contributions to the Parks Department in additional interesting other benefit being provided by my client is a future easement on this site being granted to the car wash site that the project in the rear is easement will be instrument allowing for a new car wash will still be there to accommodate all queuing vehicles on its own site including on means that the area is greatly reducing or eliminating our one condition on West Howard Street in Boston Street is equals way to one to the car wash. This is a really big community and was very enthusiastically received when we presented this matter to the McCormick Civic Association I met and Sherry realized that the boy had sort of articulated matters and it could be a long day. So I'll turn the presentation over to chance that also to walk me through the plans. Thank you George. Good morning Charlotte or in small shop cultural design quickly go through this in the interest of time we could go to the next line please. So I mentioned this is the assemblage of four parcels currently being used for commercial fabrication. The stretch of Boston Street is rather pedestrian unfriendly and devoid of race based. One of our goals is to create a much more friendly experience along the stretch through the use of new street trees or larger Green Parkway where the group is not as well as the apartment market part in one of which we are providing to the public serve as an access point from Boston Street to West Power and may possibly be on as George mentioned, extensive meetings with the neighborhood determine where this driveway should be and the end result was a Boston street extension on the right hand side of the page. This is one of the issues that were occurring with the car wash as well as we just built it pulling on and on the street. Next slide, please keep going on my slide. So again below the garage consisting of the area dedicated to parking for the commercial space which is intended the of NASA as well as extensive parking for the residential next slide please. And ground floor is mostly made up of the amenities the commercial space rather as well some residential amenity spaces community from electric bike rental which is available for residents as well as an expensive bicycle room and dog wash station in time. Next slide please. One of the comments that we have of working with PPTA was the massing of a building and they wanted us to try to split this up with two separate buildings connected by the common ground level. The result of this is a really nice and then before the residence which is an elevated sort of pocket park which can be programed in a lot of ways for residents to enjoy the views beyond the Boston as well as the existing neighborhood infrastructure like Boston Street Xolo we can slide through these is just the next slide. These are the typical upper floors destroyed. Imagine one building it's five stories. One is six of the six more on the right side is solely comprised of the community room into the terrace as well as obviously egress functions. Explain this. So as part of this process we've tried to stop the buildings back from each other as well. The street this property is somewhat of a transitional rs4 from has being reinforced or multi-family homes or Ivison Street and then the larger hotel and apartment complexes well I'm young passed away and so there was this was sort of meant to bridge that gap again by stepping this down, creating outdoor spaces for all residents from the community we built the nice integration with the existing context of Boston Street next slide bridge keep going and that's here are some good aerials just sort of demonstrating how this building's bounced back from some of the buildings around it. We can see the parking half in the lower left hand corner how that interacts with the commercial space and we're very excited about this project and now the what really questions. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions from the board hearing? None can have public testimony ,Madam Chairman. Members of the board were concerned even with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services. The Sandomierz asked to defer to the judge from his board proposal by the group Community Process involving IJI meetings and public meetings as well as our office received one letter in support from a buttered feeling that this would revitalize Dorchester. We also received to support Ed from the McCormick Civic Association who on this I without the first time thank you. Hello Madam Chair. Members of the board members Macassar Fitzgerald's office would like to go on record in support of the proposal. Thank you my honor Itumeleng Ambassador and chair members on board. This is my with the Carpenters Union as neighbors as a liberal organization one to support of this project. Thank and that hi I'm Dawn Junior. I like to comment on one one five dash one two one Boston Street on behalf of Fortress Storage which is situated on an adjacent lot and has been in operation in this location for nearly forty years. I'd like to express my strong support for Adam Burns and his team's development project. We feel that the proposed project would be a significant improvement to the immediate neighborhood. This project will revitalize the site with a well-designed building that provides much needed housing and improvements to the public realm like complete streets, sidewalks, pocket park and street trees. Thank you and additional praise teams at the moment. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions from the board here? No emotion motion to approve the second sequence Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes. As me. Yes, Mr. Collins. I thank you Miss Bernardo. Oh, she's recused. I was here. The motion carries. Thank you. Thank you. Next we have a VOA one six zero eight five four four that address was twelve seventy one Boylston Street it's the applicant and their represents please explain more. Good morning Madam Chairman. Members of the board and my name is Brian Judge with the law firm of course and stores located at one post office square in Boston. We represent Ellen Family Enterprises twelve seventy one Boylston Street LLC which is an affiliate of Samuels and Associates. I'm joined by Mike Fitzpatrick, senior vice president development for and Associates . We're here today requesting a five year extension of the on standing zoning relief for parking at the property located at twelve seventy one Boylston Street in the family neighborhood it's commonly known as the hotel. That extension will allow the property to continue to be used for paid public parking excess free parking for the on site restaurant and ancillary off street parking serving is located on neighboring lawns. Prior decisions of the board dating back to at least two thousand two have granted this this relief the board most recently granted the five year extension in twenty eighteen and that relief was automatically extended to July fifteen twenty twenty five twenty twenty four excuse me. Pursuant to the tolling provisions of the covid Act with questions on relief is the same as it has done historically it is reduced number of vehicles, prior decisions and permanent parking for up to 80 vehicles at the site. However the total parking capacity of the property has recently been reduced by the installation of ten modular structures modeled after mobile camper trailers. If you're familiar with the property located at the back of the site and operated as hotel rooms. So parking at the property is now for up to thirty five vehicles. Instead of just going into the specific relief includes a variance and conditional use permit to allow the parking lot an ancillary parking respectively within the north Boilesen neighborhood shopping and as to subdistrict of the Fenway neighborhood district as well as a conditional use permit for an off street parking facility accessory to the restaurant used within restricted parking over the district just by way of background the request to the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services to deliver informational fliers about to request to all boroughs identified by anyone else and also reached out to the Fenway Civic Association, the Fenway Civic Association indicated there no objections and it's our understanding that the Boston received any objections from members of the public. I also with the planning department has recommended approval of the extension. We just we do want to note although it's not applicable to the request today we just wanted to clarify one note in the agenda there is a permanent certificate of occupancy for a more modular structure at the back of the site transition into twenty twenty three. And I think the agenda just incorrectly knows that there's an expired temporary CEO. So I just wanted to mention that so for the reasons set forth in our appeal and discussed today the appellant respectfully requests an additional five year extension of the existing longstanding zoning leave. Thank you. Thank you. Questions from the board in public testimony, Madam Chair, members of the board see Johnson with the Office of Neighborhood Services. This petitioner has completed the and as community process we had that flier in the area which solicited no comments or feedback to our office at the informational flier. They were additionally in communication with the Fenway Civic Association who expressed no concerns with the proposal. With that background we defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you. Thank you. I have no questions at the moment. Thank you. But that have motion must not have put a lot of that second. Thank you Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. Danziger. Yes, Mr. yes. Yes we well yes. Mr. Collins. Yes yes. Panaro yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries thank you. Thank you. Next we have just Boeing one six two seven one eight four the address of thirty nine year old Street also in our case the applicant and they are representing the president so please explain the report. Thank you very much to everyone here. Yes sir. Good morning, Madam Chair. Members of the board Abdon, we spent the Boston based Swaffham database. Our address is one seventy five several street downtown Boston. My CO presenter this morning is going to be here we are with GCG Architecture. Their offices are from South Boston together we represent a venture between Boston based developer and owner and Goren and the Hotel owner and operator Masterworks Development here before this morning on a really highly technical zoning issue. This project was proposed all the way back in 2008 as a Birame project. It was designed to be fully compliant with the forty eight story street zoning which is a new high rise district. New estates 2016 at the age of Back Bay, the number of towers in area here and we proposed a hotel approximately 300 rooms although the zoning height is three hundred and fifty six feet, the hotel project is proposing to be lower than 290 feet and as I mentioned originally this was a fully compliant project approval was delayed significantly. The site contains a small brick stable's building. There were extensive procedures for the Landmarks Commission involving that building at the end of the day the proponent to retain that building and our design teams come up with very clever innovative solution for integrating a historic stable's into a modern much more sleek hotel tower. Also in that stable's building will be a ground level restaurant which we see as being a significant matter for the neighborhood. The project, as I mentioned was initially proposed in twenty nineteen. It was approved in July of last year by the BBA as Project development then began taking place it was clear that some minor changes needed to be made to the project. That's why we're here today specifically the building code had changed in the interim four years that the project was running and there were some additional fire safety measures that might be integrated into the building that changed the floor layout a bit. We also got feedback from restaurant consultants and real goal of making this a really lovely nice table destination restaurant here restaurant itself one more back up our space and Israel's the hotel the one little bit more empty space and all this let us need just a little bit more floor space than we had. We didn't want to increase the height of the building and so what architects came up with was a clever approach that would allow Stewart to insert one additional floor within the existing building envelope. So the building is getting no taller. It's opening wider to street level also getting deeper. That would be the exact same building for all intents and purposes to the outside world. But work here for more today to request an increase in FBAR from seventeen point five to nineteen point zero, I should also mention that we're within groundwater conservation ovoid district. We've submitted all the appropriate backup material for that but the project as it stands today is a quite compliant project 290 feet receiving an average of nineteen point zero there is no parking at this site but within a five minute walk or six thousand seven hundred a parking space is the BGT parking is covered before as the presentation over to here reload. I want to emphasize this project was proposed in twenty nineteen as a 300 motel. It remains in front of our motel. We are adding really essentially invisible bags of house administrative type space the building something one more floor into the existing building. We don't believe it would be any impacts on the surrounding neighborhood in fact any perceptible changes whatsoever . So with that lead let me turn the presentation over to our design team. Eric will there we go. Thank you very much, DrinkWise and they're going to have a very solid overview of our request and what we're looking for today as far as that metrics and changes to the project. Everything run through the design evolution with the slide up is the space where the building is today. Just go to the next couple of slides please. This slide shows again the approved project at thirty nine stand HomeStreet which has not changed in its building higher macing since the FDA approval last year. And again as we mentioned we did have some zoning changes and code changes evolution of the Energy Co the new plumbing code which required some more spaces to be reconfigured within the building which required us to shuffle things around and add more FBAR square footage of usable square footage the building and we will go to the next slide please. We did this in a way where we did not change the same size volume etc. of the approved on the the building on the left is the building on the right of the side by side comparisons of the approved design the last but the modified design on the right one from twenty to twenty three stories no perceptible changes in the design the I'm not saying we did run this old lady MPAC process. I met with the EPA and their design review staff which had no comments go into the next slide please. Here is the side elevation again showing no change to the architecture or the treatment of its side on the left which is the design and the right which is the current today proposed design flaw in the last slide which is the next slide showing a comparison with the change again that's really understandable by the Naked but we had previously is we had little to do project which had significant sort of the right for rate and type approach and this was going to be so we had eleven point right providing our client with about nine foot six ceilings there guestrooms in public spaces. We were able to find a way to reduce with our client's input reduce or slide eight eleven to nine foot ceilings within the guestrooms we do six inches out of every occupiable guestrooms or changing the slide from ten eleven to ten point six which is where we pick up the additional floor overall throughout the building the public spaces, the twenty four that you see there and then the base building that we have keratitis none of those four slides change so we're providing the same opportunity cover design and public spaces that were in the approved design which is really limited to the guest room flights going from eleven to ten point six. With that I turn it back over to attorney. We seem to be more than happy to answer any question. Thank you. Questions from the board. So I know we've gotten some feedback public comments from Buttars concerned about shadow and other things that I'm guessing has been brought up and just want to have respond to that before we open it up to public testimony. Yes, absolutely. Melchior to comment one is that we have the support of our director of others. I believe Tony Gordon and Jim Costa will be testifying this morning and listen but not be here. She owns the building where the bombing is and she also sent a very strong support letter on the relief we're seeking is just to add one thought within the existing building block. We have a previously group project that is the identical height. That means the shell impacts are not changing the way the relief we're seeing from the board one in this building whatsoever purely internal change. Thank you. Any other questions from the board here? None of the testimony. Madam Chair, members of the board concerning the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this the mayor's office defer to the from this board Chairman Mao Confrontationist went through a very lengthy community process at several intervals led by the DPA involving public meetings and further outreach with the community without offering support this time. Thank you. Thank all right. Thank. Good afternoon. Monetarism I mean good morning. Good morning. Good on your monitors. The members are not here for office at this time. We would like to request a point and he has done so in a letter to the board this morning due to good community Prosser's Winifred's these three hundred room hotel will be compliant with the maximum stone height and fire off the street district president of Backbends Commercial Retail and Office Meet in a short walk from many of Boston's most visited sites, sites over the restaurant and commercial space by a destination for the neighborhood councils especially with the proponent in the Boston Transportation Department continue to work closely on issues of deleverages loading up and drop off with the board and stakeholders. Thank you. Morning Madam Chairman. Michigan boy Christian Simonelli Crossing over Christian. We have both Chee Carlos from the album. Thank editor. We know you think Ambassador Munchy are members of the board might not are present in the Customs Union on behalf of hundreds of our members to boss one of those bright thank you Chairman Jim Kamura needed by their beg you this is cameraman Merrill. I represent the Algate a condominium which is cattycorner to this property across from the plant also I see that my video is not on I can leave it off it that's fine but my primary concern with this project is the inevitable injection that it will cause. One side that you did not see was the same plan in circulation plan which is going to call or drop off and pick up to be directly outside the rear of our condominium building which is twenty five units and two commercial and that area already presents a significant hardship on this community. If you go to the Google Street View you'll see right in the middle of that there's a UPS truck blocking the area which is intended to be the drop off and pick up for this site over the last several years we've made numerous comments to the applicant in the city expressing our concern, showing pictures and repeatedly pointing this out and the response was actually to draw this intersection from the traffic study because it is a mandatory left turn to Cantor's place which they determined was not an intersection. So was not actually even considered in the traffic study which is something that we pointed out in two written comments on this project, the also on Care's place, which is a private way the condominium has parking along the left side of that road. This is an intersection which is also frequently blocked by Goober's dropoffs ups etc. for the present commercial just so to suggest that three hundred additional units and restaurants will have no impact on the community is just simply not true and it's possibly not true because it wasn't studied as was requested. I'll try to keep my comments brief but also the problematic situation in this area is that cars are often left unattended during deliveries from this location this is going to be a highly trafficked location, especially when scandal is closed. It made a plaza and that needs to be studied. It needs to be addressed in special attention, needs to be made for it. I include closing. It does not fit with the character of this neighborhood. There is a park directly across the street which will be overshadowed by this and change the experience in that park and there's just simply no basis for a variance request. Thank you. Thank you. Please keep your comments brief and add additional information if any Chairman Kevin you said to request any I'll go to Kevin and then Anthony along. Good morning everyone. Hello and good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board this is Kevin O'Sullivan from Councilor Murphy's office. Councilor Murphy did send in a letter of support but also just wanted to be present today to voice of support for this project. Thank you very much and thank you for consideration time. Have a great day. Thank you. Thank you. No, very briefly. Yes, please. OK now I. Good morning Madam Chair Valderas Deputy Director of the Parenting Planning Committee. We understand undergone a lengthy committee process on the grounds and at this time we are not here in support of our position. What we like to have a conversation with the applicant about mitigation given the increased service that the project will generate. Thank you very much man. Thank you. Thank you. Um, minds your own president of the Back Association and it's in my honor to participate in so many of the pro public processes regarding this site including zoning, the rezoning of the area that was initiated as part of the public benefit for the Clarendon's. So it's been a long journey. This is a minor adjustment. We support the efficiency of the building. I think it's very important to refine plans as you gather tenants more information. So we are in support of this and thank you so much for hearing these comments. >> Thank you. Go ahead, Anthony . Yes, OK. My name is Anthony Gordon thirty five Sanho Street regarding the comments about lighting the the building faces to the south the the light sunlight will be blocked so as far as the issues with traffic circulation those should be worked out in the MABA which I hope to engage with the city on. I am in support of this particular partition. Thank you. Thank I have no misunderstanding. OK any other questions on the board? May I have a motion Mom shall we come once in a while paying for the project to continue Clivia with the department in a second Mr Stembridge yes Mr yes Mr Langham yes very well yes Mr Collins yes yes Bernardo yes. >> Shareholders yes the motion carries. Thank you very much the 11:00 hour at this point aspect you are meeting Quester drawls before probably eleven o'clock here. Yes Mr Stembridge a fifty three dash eighty five Canal Street like in the last so that would be for a kids to be away one six two four eight five thirty the address of fifty three to eighty five canal Street. Would you explain to the board the thank you Madam Chairman members of the board attorney Jeff Trego a drag on Toscana business Abdus of Beacon Street we were prepared to go forward today we were notified last week by zoning that there was an issue with the mailing so this had to be reposted with the legal notice set up and we were told that the administrator would be necessary. No, but the date of September he mentioned so just one up on seeing to that. Thank you, Caroline. You want to confirm that date? Yes. September 10. OK, any questions from the board? We have motion the motion going to defer to September, Tony for a second second Mr Stembridge. Yeah, Mr Rudd's here. Yes, Mr Lynham. Yes we will yes. Mr Collins this PANARO Yes sure votes yes. The motion carries no any further request for withdrawals from TI here you see our new waiting for your commute if you're speaking we can't hear you if you're speaking Mr Morency any other raised hands as we wait at the moment. All right well I think he's trying to confirm but I'm not sure you can hear me. We can hear you now OK? I'm sorry I just make for my headphones and I was using my computer audio but it wasn't working partnership with Gen Thompson Square it can be called I do have an explanation and it will be a matter to the station. The board is of course everything is not a oh I'm sorry we're on eleven OK I am I apologize. I believe that leaders and staff are wasting time on that. Sorry. No worries. All right Mr Stembridge with that we will return to the nine thirty five four case VOA one five seven seven eight eight zero. The address is sixty one Gladstone Street fifty Andrew with a representative present please explain the report. Morning Madam Chair and members of the board. My name's Jim Chen. I'm an architect ti architect. I'll be representing my clients who isn't even with the owner so the subject property a sixty one Gladstone's she does a lot of size of fifty by the well I buy 150 feet with the land area between twenty fifteen which is enough to have some thousand so industry I'm voices dropping off so the current use is a two family business with thirty six hundred square feet of living area three storey high structure we were cited for articles three Section eight for or didn't use of the three family use. So our proposal is to convert two units to a three unit. Everything inside will be will be done internally with minor interiorly so the interior space will need extensive work and remodel and so we decided to convert the into a three family so the first floor will remain the same as Unit one with two bedroom and one bath. The second floor will be Unit two with two beds the one that and the third floor with the unit three with one and went that to all the internally will pretty remain the same but in order to have the the code compliance unit the third floor will require a second means of egress and we're proposing to the construction exterior stear on the third floor all the way down to the exterior. Great. And the exterior facade of the House will remain on it currently at the front of the light it can fit up to three a minimum three parking spaces which provides space for each unit. The overall living area will remain the same when requesting for any additional living spaces. This concludes my presentation go through if you have any questions. Thank you. Questions from the board. Have you kind of compared your what you're seeking against the E Bisphosphonate planning? What do you understand sort of where you are in terms of compliance with that planning process? >> Yes, OK, we can you have from Mr Hampton on this could be my next question. Thank you Mr Hampton. Are you available? I am. Thank you Madam Chairman for Jeff Ashton City Policy Planning Department as you're aware there was a very extensive planning process that was adopted by BP's board back in January then the rezoning of East Boston which went into effect in May of this year. We respect and want to adhere to the planning zoning of all of these Boston so as you have been aware in past few months that any deviation from the plan or the new zoning we are recommending denial and that is the case today and we hope that the board would look as that to respect the planning and the reasoning process for all of East Boston. Thank you Mr Hampton. When was a proposal that came in after this process was approved previously and you came in before but it wasn't going to be allowed it wasn't allowed under the old zoning which is why it's here you still is forbidden under the new responsiblities. The Osugi market goes away but the use is still not well. Thank you for the questions from yeah I have a question for Mr Hampton. Don't go so quickly. He just turned off his is out there as he moved on my screen so I see that their recommendations for a denial for three units are there any provisions that would allow this applicant to do an accessory dwelling unit instead? Was that Contempo aided in the East Boston zoning or is it treated three units? So now it's treated as reasons why there is a push citywide for the additional dwelling units that you're aware of as we well, I would encourage the proponent to contact the city. I mean we have dedicated staff that deals only with additional dwelling units. We put in the new Mattapan zoning recently so I would encourage the the ability to contact the planning department to discuss additional units. OK, thank you. Thank you. Any other questions from the board? We have public testimony this morning, Madam Chairman, members of the board my name is David Jones representing the mayor's office and neighborhood services regarding six month Gladstone Street. Our office will defer to the board's judgment on this matter. A community process was conducted including a buddies meeting held on five eight which was not attended by any constituents. Additionally, the proposal was reviewed with the Orient Heights neighborhood Council and which convened on seven fifteen the association has voted twelve in favor and five of those regarding the proposal at this time and the mayor's office the neighborhood services would like to defer to the boards decision. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Thank you Madam Chair. I have the best not far from his office based on its noncompliance with plenty BOXUN in the recommendation from the update the council would like to work on the position of project. Thank you. Thank you. No ma'am. Thank you. OK, any other questions from the board? May I have a motion on I'll make a motion for denied without prejudice so they can come back with a proposal that maybe contemplates a Aidoo in the future. Is there a second so Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Rudd's here. Yes Mr Langham. Yes we will yes Mr Collins. Yeah Mr Yes Chairman. Yes the motion carries next we have case VOA be aware one six two two eight eight seven address addresses two forty six Bremen's Street the applicant and their representative present points to the board s and good morning Madam Chair. Members of the Board for the Record Business up to 45 some machines boss down here on behalf petitioner the R was scheme we also have taken this front part one designers our project architect this project would probably jump down to either slide four five give a context what we're looking at. So despite the start so chair this is a pre existing legal arguments seem to family rolling our proposal would change the occupancy to four units. It also involves a rear vertical addition to the building as well. This was filed prior to the enactment of the amendments to Article fifty three in Boston. However, we've designed this project to be fully compliance with the proposed provisions and I'll run through that in a moment with respect to all the items that were cited in the public notice and how they do comply currently with with Article fifty three amended portions of that. This will include a total of four two bedroom units all to bed to that the three upper level units include then slash workspace as we'll see in the floor plan of the moment. As you can see the site is located directly across from the previous be part. It is in the new designated hebra for zoning district. We didn't jump down to a couple of slides further down we can walk through some of the street news maybe on the slide nine. So the existing structure is here standard looking triple decker very similar to what we see in the neighborhood. There are a number of other projects along this corner, Raymond Street that have actually increased the height of the floor and in some cases five stories a height that is now allowed by zoning is four stories fifty feet and that is allowed the entire before district. This building will have a complete facelift in addition to the additions that we spoke about, we want to jump down to slide eighteen. I can walk through the program for the floor. Lance so we show no work being proposed in the basement this left side of the screen we are looking at the proposed layout for unit one. You can see that we do include a rear guard as well as the two bedroom unit could jump to the next slide please. So levels two and three very similar and layout at least to include the den as you can see looking in towards the five portion of the building there is no closet included in that to me, as I mentioned are all intended as a two bedroom two bath with little over a thousand square feet of habitable area plus that we are either decorating the next slide please. We show Unit four very similar to the layouts below. We are not proposing a roof deck and that has been presented to community and civic organization as well as to a buttons. Next slide please. So we have here are elevations are just our renderings of the elevations. As you can see we do make a pretty substantial modification to the exterior of the building moving away from the vinyl siding. Those are pretty common along green on the street. But this is certainly in line with a lot of the design elements and character of some of the newer projects that are being included along Regent Street this moment they run through briefly just some of the items that were sited and how they compare to the old in light of the new zoning that's been adopted. So first of all we were excited for use under the old zoning three family was the maximum number of units that were allowed multi-family is now allowed. We've got four districts of that population with disappear under the amended zoning the additional land area requirement that was typical in the East Boston neighborhood for most neighborhoods has also been eliminated under amended zoning. So that would be no longer a violation of respect to this project. Likewise the floor area ratio maximum that was typical for this neighborhood has been eliminated under new zoning. So this again would comply with the four zoning amend the building site a number of stories as you can see our building is under the fifty feet maximum that is allowed. We are at four stories which is also permitted. So while that was identity prior zoning, the change in zoning would eliminate violation with respect to the period set back. The new zoning requires a total of one third of death which would set the block of twenty six point four to be however amended zoning preserves the exceptions to Shatalov in this case because a lot is only 80 feet in depth where we're allowed to reduce our rates back to sixteen point four feet we are compliant as measured from the rear decks with that adjusted land size and therefore that would also be compliance with news on it with respect to open space that was cited by Steve under the original petition that he's also been eliminated in the New zoning and in this case it's been replaced by maximum coverage and minimal permeable area I coverage for this particular project is allowed to be up to 60 percent of the block area which is twelve hundred square feet under two thousand square foot what we are proposing eleven hundred and sixty three square feet for coverage and therefore would be in compliance with restricted horrible area. We also added by about 30 percent minimum would be required under the new zoning because we are in excess of the six hundred square feet that would be allowed that would also be in compliance. So that sort of replaces the issues with respect to open space when we look at the signage requirements, the existing building is being maintained and is that the kind of non compliance setback for the biogenic district would also be done under the new zoning under the provisions of amended Article fifty three planning space that included a provision allows for continuance and expansion of nonconforming structures provided that we maintain the existing non conformity and do not exceed either the set back in the rear. What a height limit we're able to continue along that claim. So in this particular case, even though the Siberia's would be nonconforming to the news on the five feet we would be permitted to extend the building back as long as we are within the area and extend the building as long as we maintain a height of less than fifty more stories. We also are I've been cited for we do have the both letters I hope no harm and possible answer letter and one of the last I would point out is the parking under the amended zoning parking is no longer a requirement for one to three units of this project were being changed to a three unit building. This would be in compliance however because we are proposing a sports unit we would be required to have the one additional parking space which gets triggered under new zoning at the fourth unit. I believe the board is pretty familiar with the city's policy that they do not appreciate or at least would approve current Kirkos to create a one off street parking space for proposed projects such as this and therefore we would opt for the variance on a parking respect to the additional unit that would be proposed about the number of three units. I would point out that this project is located directly across from Street Park as well as the entrance to the airport station plus one hundred yards and this would be very consistent with the design of buildings along Rybachuk that do not have driveways or as well. I will pause at this moment to answer any questions or address any comments regarding the zoning or the EPA's recommendation. Thank you. Questions from the board. Can you speak to the sea level rise design flood elevation comment and the P.D.A recommendation short if you can jump back to slide three please so we can see here the overlay from the Jasanoff before the flood zone and our our site is located is that one that's actually labeled in the orange shaded area. It's not legal to address. It's located between what would be the double size lockboxes Raymond Street and then we have two forty four being true to that lot that does not have any label on it is our lot as you can see that is what would be considered a flood zone ex not in the flood. So while we are within the zero point two percent one area we would not be part of any of the flood zone which we were cited for with respect to see from this application being filed prior to the enactment of the amendments to Article fifty three this would have been exempt from the from applicability which only apply to objects that exceeded the threshold liability at that time and we are not proposing any habitable living space in the lower lower basement level. The building is being demolished. We're constructing the buildings from the ground up. This is a renovation we existing structure with proposed additions so we do believe that we are in general compliance with CFA as it has existed on the application was filed. OK, thank you Mr Hansen. Are you available now? Any other questions from the board hearing? None can have public testimony . Good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board my name is David Jones representing the mayor's office the neighborhood services regarding two forty six my main street our office will disappear to the board's judgment on this matter a community process was conducted including in a Buttars meeting held on five twenty two which is slightly attended by one constituent. The primary feedback from the meeting was concerns about increasing density with no parking availability. Additionally, the proposal was reviewed by Maverick Central Neighborhood Association which convened on June 19th. The Association has expressed its support. OK, looks like at this time the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services would like to defer to the judgment of Sorry Miss Jones, you're going to have to back up because you you broke out once you started to say something about the maverick. Oh, my apologies. My apologies. The abiders meeting was held on five twenty two and was lightly attended by one constituent. My main feedback was concerns about increasing density with no parking availability. The applicant did meet with the maverick Central Neighborhood Association on the nineteenth and the Civic voted yes and provided a letter of feedback a letter of support. My. Good morning Madam Chairman of the Board question from Councilor Politics Office and we would like to call attention to the lack of parking based on this person but otherwise the council would like to go and support this project. Thank you. Morning Madam Chair. Members of the board Christian Simonelli Boston Water Trust and we have both Chicos from the. Thank you and I have no additional response. Any other questions on the board here? No motion I'm sure I would like to make a motion as to what we will from the planning department. Is there a second Mr Stembridge ? Yeah, Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Wango. Yes. As me? Well yes Mr Collins. Yes Miss Manado. Yes Chairman. Yes. The motion carries thank you very much. The point we're walking through that hearing is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. I will ask again if there's any request request for also confirmed by the eleven thirty time frame about that would be that would be bouncier . We will the long time friend. Yes. Any request for withdrawals of General? Yes. Mr Stembridge and Thompson Square. I will explain that and be more VOA while three zero four zero three three the address of ten thousand career go ahead diplomats. Good morning Madam Chair. Members of the boyfriend who is financing the treatment of business at 350 West Broadway and South Boston Madam Chair members I am prepared to present today however I was conferring with Mr Hampton from the Planning Department hoping avoid a similar situation as a firm with seventeen million industry in this case we have updated plans that are responsive to the ideas original planning recommendation from last March April have been engaged in a lengthy community process with Charlestown Neighborhood Council Charlestown Preservation Society. We have a basic designing and building housing that I think everybody well certainly the mask that everybody agrees to estradiol which complies with the planning recommendation. However, again in consultation with Mr Hampton it has been noted that because is the examiner and I has been changed his view of the plans and uploaded into the portal only yesterday the BBB the planning department has not had an opportunity to review those plans perhaps over its recommendation. As I said willing to proceed. I told Mr Hampton that is in all matters I would leave it to the discretion of the court. It is up to you at this point are you seeking a deferral or are you going to proceed on the advice of the planning department and again hoping to avoid a similar situation to early this morning? I would seek referral. I would ask if possible since I have been so many controls in this matter if you could perhaps be a quick one because the only purpose of is to allow of the planning department to review the revised plans Caroline or did not do September twenty four. That would be fantastic. May I have a motion Washington is there a second so I can start Stembridge yeah. Mr Williams here. Yes Mr Langham yes. Well yes Mr Collins yes was yes chair votes yes motion carries in that case yes. Returning to the hearing scheduled for Bambo we have case VOA one six one three two five to the address of 13 to 17 Tanglewood Road and actually that's a compelling case to case in Bohane one six one three two four seven put the address of eleven eleven to eleven thirteen Washington Street if the album can they represent President please explain to more Shaviro in this case can you raise your hand against to present. Yes good morning Madam Chair and members of the board. My name is Charlie Chaplin. I'm an attorney at Fifteen Broad Street Boston and on behalf of Brian Rowley of twenty five Moreland Street LLC the owner of the property at one eleven eleven to eleven thirteen Washington Street in Dorchester. The proposal Madam Chair is to construct the one townhouse unit at the rear of an eleven eleven Washington Street to be known as thirteen dash seventeen Tanglewood Road the existing building at eleven eleven Washington Street which will remain is a large rooming house which provides reasonably priced affordable housing for eighteen single room occupancy tenants. The existing property is well-kept and well managed and will remain as is again the proposal for you is for a four unit condominium townhouse in the rear of the Eleven Washington Street. There is an existing curb cut on Tanglewood Road. The project provides eight parking spaces total to ten parking spaces per unit located underneath each unit at eight bicycle spaces two per unit. We have submitted fourteen letters of support for our immediate Buttars including Direct About is located on Tanglewood Road as well as directly across the street and behind the property and on either side of the property. In addition at the Lower Mill Civic Association Executive Board we are meeting the individual board members express support for the proposed project although no formal vote was taken, there is no opposition to this project of which we are aware the existing parcel is twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty three square feet. A large log given the dimensions of the lot and the surrounding structures on Tanglewood Road in Washington Street, this proposal is in context with the immediately abutting properties on Tanglewood Road in Washington's . The proposal is to subdivide the existing twelve thousand nine hundred fifty three square foot lot resulting in the front house slot at eleven eleven Washington Street having seven thousand three hundred and one square feet with five of three parking spaces in the rear line to be known as thirteen dash seventeen Tanglewood Road having five thousand six hundred fifty two square feet consisting of four townhouse units with eight off street parking spaces. As noted a moment ago two tandem spaces unit the proposed structure is placed on the Tanglewood Road property with a ten foot rear yard set and a proposed front yard setback of fifteen feet to accommodate the driveway for the necessary on-street parking provided in this proposal. So we are asking for required relief for the left side set back the rear right side step back as well as the rear setback the foot townhouse units proposed are each three bedroom units the aggregate living space for each unit is two thousand eight hundred and forty four square feet looking at the surrounding buildings and homes in the area. The context we feel that this is appropriate with three storey structures on both sides of Tanglewood Road in Washington Street. I know that we are also requesting a new leaf on the height of the proposed building at forty three feet seven inches and thirty five feet is permitted height under the code the architect Madam Chair Will Chalfont from KBI is available on this hearing to answer any design related questions. Thank you. Thank you. And your questions from the Mamchur question. Yes ma'am. So we can go back to the site plans there's on the zoning a kind of landscape looking on the colorful on that parking space that's sort of on its own a circular I guess opening. I don't see that on the site. It looks to be like a conflict . Can you speak to that? And there's no curb opening there either that one car on its own it may not be this way. Well, it may not be reflected on the site but my understanding is it is existing so I but I would defer to to Mr. Towill childhood if he could respond. Sure. Thank you again culture the time representing applicant so that existing structure Tanglewood is there's really no clear delineation between Landshark and Street and sort of continuous Caracazo. What we're proposing is to carve out a dedicated space and create more landscaping around that area just to make sure those of dedicated but to your point it's not shown on several drawings but it is existing so I mean if it's not on the proposed site plan to me that says you're not keeping it but can you answer that? That appears to be an oversight by the civil there certainly able to rectify that quickly and necessary. I mean I'm just saying I personally would not be supportive of that one space. I don't know if people are planning department or 8D would be but it wasn't I don't know if it was before them so we'd be happy to remove the existing boarding house. Tenants do not have vehicles as far as primarily a vacant lot of the residents here used to train so it would not be a huge loss to remove that space. OK, thank you. Thank you Mr. Hampton. Are you available? Daiki Madam Chair, members of the board johannsson planning fibrin. We agree with you miss me. Well if it's not there I don't want it to be approved to be honest with you it looks like it's taken up some green space right. We're in support of the development of the townhouses behind the lodging house that supported the subdivision. It's the parking that we can have an issue with so I think it could be softened a little with some screening buffering there seems to be a little bit of excessive pavement going on there and I just had a question about their parking spaces underneath the proposed townhouses. Yeah, yeah. There's two spaces containing spaces and then you have another wall. What's shown on the other side there was another five correct . So in these four would be dedicated towards the townhomes, correct? No, those are allocated for the existing rooming house. OK, we do some we're not opposed to the project behind the parking from our point view needs a little softening. Thank you now for the testimony that I'm sure members of the board at the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the judgment this board or associate of Buttars meeting were no concerns raised. The applicant as they mentioned, went on to connect with the local civic association secured for team support, aware of any concerns this time about for the board. Thank you. Good morning, Madam Chairman. Board my Ms. Bill back with the Office of City Council proprietorial in regards to voting table would receive letters of support from the neighbors and others that position the council would like to go on record in support of this project. I request I am sorry about that. Hello and good morning everyone. Good morning Madam Chair and members of the board. Thank you very much for recognizing me. This is Kevin O'Sullivan from Councilman Murphy's office. Councilor Murphy would like to stand with Councilor Warrell in with the community in support of this project. Thank you very much for your time and consideration and I hope everyone has a great day. Thank you. I'd like to give testimony as well. I'm actually directed by only the largest attendance and I'm in support. The rooming house is great and the tenants and the owner is very respectful and they present their townhouse by and there was no issues great small street full support. Thank you. I have no additional will that motion on the motion to proceed with BPR Zorya Update as I interview special attention to parking is there a second second Mr Selfridge Mr Hodge and I remove that side parking space? Yes I would assume you would. I just want to make clear again. Thank you. All right well I'm sorry it was I where revoting I was there a second said thank you Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Lynham. Yes Miss. We well yes Mr Collins. Yes there's been Otto yes chairman. Yes the motion carries thank you. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board. Thank you Madam Ambassador is case viewing one for to be with our bad year but I believe there was a message in me Jack asking to use just for on case for eleven thirty but they're an issue with the director of that convention OK I can't see it but we try to contain six or seven hours OK do you. Well we can keep going and see if there are you comes back and Miss Caroline you want emotion now we get your motion now to the fire we just don't have a date because we don't know why they want to defer and it's end builders is your idea working for somebody else? Let's see if that makes a difference in the climate it can be expected you see it appearing on screen builders try to meet you panel of several panelists. You have the option to arm yourself just to call in if you think it makes sense I can member that's easier and Madam Chair, we can continue and then that's what I would suggest. Thank you that you go to Chase be away one four two three seven five two with the address of three Moon Street fifty after Ken and there a present with me they put is this for three years we have three and a half go ahead and explain for us ok I'm chairman and board my name is Joseph I am here representing my client Frangois Toca for three Halfmoon Street in Dorchester. We were here approximately about a year and a half ago presenting his project and we were denied without prejudice to convert an existing nine hundred fifty four square feet partially finished basement into the fourth three green building. We were denied due to insufficient ceiling height of seven to have been rejected by our building code. We went back, investigated the structure, found out that there was a ceiling in the base. We were able to take that out and increase the ceiling to just over seven and a half feet . We see here with the same conditions inadequate parking. I should note that there are two parking spots on the site. There is ample parking as part of the project. Our intent is to indicate to the study whether renovated or the unit at basement level there it is you walk out so there is direct access. We need ingress and egress codes in all respect be putting any NFPA a13 our system inside the building which currently is not sprinklered. We don't have which really had mixed reviews at that at that meeting primarily due to parking. My design has submitted additional letters of support to the board prior to the speech yesterday essentially that we're asking for is to have the increase the additional unit and I'll take any questions before they have to start. Thank you. Can you talk about more about your parking situation? So I you know, we did receive a lot of comments, right. There are two concerning you should have a copy of the site but it was submitted it was prepared by senior associates. But if you just go we can work about more than two left of the building are to St. Tammany Parkin's parking spaces. There has been a lot of redevelopment outside that area and there are those projects do have a street party which is alleviating a lot of the on-street parking. But right now there is no ability for us to get any additional parking because of the site currently there are to tend to must be parking on the left side of the property is your face from the street where the house and the other questions from the hearing kind of public testimony, Madam Chair, members of the board Tottenham and with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services at this time the mayor's office defer to the judge and this board as your interpretation makes of opinions expressed during this community process. The Greater Hartford Street Association. I reached Dr. Office in opposition to the proposal as well as the bodies expressing concerns with parking as we heard as well. They reportedly have had some challenges with tenants at the previous years when you call it that her response to this proposal letters of opposition in support should be forwarded to the board and the board members have access to that. I would that would refer to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Hampton. Bingham Thank you, Madam Chairman. We just have to city boss planning and we're on record recommending approval. The only proviso I would ask if the board seems to approve this is no building code release none of the plans on your site at elevations ensure that indeed this building code issue has been resolved. We like no building code release added proviso if it's approved Tengku, we're confident that we have testimony. Yes. Yes, yes ma'am. Yes. My name is Melissa Moranda. I'm the owner of Eight Halfmoon Street Ten Halflings and Fourteen Main Street and also the neighbor on the next street behind which is Churman Street. I last so this house was originally built as a single family of some point it was converted to a two and then three as V the attorney mentioned stories to street parking spaces which essentially only accommodate one of the units with the tandem. We do have a shortage of parking in the neighborhood. We have six shelters within a quarter mile radius of this property some which has up to twelve families per shelter and none provide parking. So parking has become a huge issue for the residents in the neighborhood and additionally the neighborhood is predominantly single family homes and two family homes. It's not conducive to unit building. It's too small. It's not conducive with the other buildings in the neighborhood. So I strongly oppose that this go forward. Thank you. Thank you and I have any other questions from the board here? None can have emotion not much of a well being without question for now building code released is our second Sakaki Mr Stembridge yes. Mr Valencia yes. Solanum yes Mizue well yes Mr Collins yes Mr Yes Schierholz yes the motion carries it. Thank you very much. It was a student next we have to be aware one five nine nine three one zero with the address of one thirty seven Oh Street is the Afrikaans and there and the representative present to the Bush that can you raise your hand if I'm going to make your Palestine as well I'm going to do it yourself anyway you have done yourself what he meant your word. My name is Derek Rubinoff and Derek. We will also architect eighty two days before Spring Street, West Roxbury where the architects project and with me is all of the new owners of the of the building pridefully he's planning on moving into the property with his wife Laura Sullivan and what the they'd like to do here for this particular row house is converted from A to family in a single family and do in addition in the rear that's under one thousand square feet and then add a roof deck up at the top. It's an existing three storey building. It's really pretty simple project we'd like to finish the basement again. The additions and the finished basement fall within the allowable Rafaat the roof deck falls within our height and we only need relief for the following roof structure restriction because of the roof deck and the addition will stand on existing side set back nonconformity. So we need relief for that. Larry David excuse me Brian have a running their families as they move in together here and so we have a number of bedrooms for the kids and we've gone through a process with the same point in association as well as the Buttars. Originally we had proposed a head house a flat house to access the proposed roof back in and speaking with the neighbors. Then he was asked that we not block some of the views from their other roof decks. There's something like ten or eleven roof up and down this rather short walk on either side of the street here. So the proposed roof deck is certainly in context and so in response to the request we removed the head house that was proposed and to have a roof hatch instead. Thank you took questions from the board. Everyone can public testimony, Madam Chair, members of the board Siggie Johnson, the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services. This petitioner has completed the Community Process Office, hosted two meetings on this proposal one on June 3rd and one on July 1st after the first meeting resulted in changes to the proposal. Petitioner additionally appeared at the City Point Neighborhood Association which voted to support. With that background we defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you. >> Thank you. Good afternoon madam is members of the board Laura here for Customs office at this time council single I would like to be able to support this proposal as it is converting an existing to finally to a single family dwelling. However, the proposal includes a roof which castle Spain has a longstanding policy against due to the negative impact four years of the quality of life for neighbors including our seniors, persons with disabilities and families both in this meeting Point Neighborhood Association. So you play neighborhood also Boston and the town in general. Thank you, Miss. Thank you, Ms. Oh my name is Luanne O'Connor, president of the City Neighborhood Association. We voted on August 13 to support the project based on the changes that the architect and the owners were able to make. They have finally gotten their paperwork together. I's dotted, T's are crossed and we will support the project at this time as responsible development in our neighborhood and is constructing the architectural integrity of the neighborhood. Thank thank you and I have no additional response. Sorry ask any questions other questions from the board and not kind of emotion. Make a motion to approve with no building code relief is there a second that if you want to take that off that's fine. We were looking at all set of plans that didn't have elevations but the new elevations have eight six down in the basement so that's not an issue one. OK, I'll make a motion for approval. OK is there a Second Circuit Mr Stembridge. Yeah Mr once you yes Mr Lang. Yes ma'am. Yes Mr Collins yes Miss Prado. Yes Cherryville yes. The motion carries that you know you can be away one five nine five seven five three the address of five forty seven of the applicant and or the representative please by the case for sale for this proposal can raise your hand raise sending a request to make your families and your auction time yourself and a transfer so we can the videos as well. OK in the video or click on my name stated Klibanoff. I'm representing Bogosian Development LLC who is owns the property unit in the property in five forty nine Columbus Avenue and in M.F. Residential Local Services Zone and is seeking to do some improvements to make it the headquarters for Longfellow Design Build which is Mr Belgian's company. The applicant was rejected for two violations and we are seeking variances from those. Both violations are quite technical in nature which I will explain but I think it makes sense if Hayley Adair's walks you through the proposed project first. So I would defer to Hayley. Hi everyone. I'm Hayley Imageries architectural designer with long design build Mark Bogosian owner of this property will actually be the one present. Hi good afternoon. Thank for hearing our project today just to give you a little context, we have moved an office to the area and we was a big success. Our staff has loved working there. I have a home about a quarter mile away on Columbus so this was a great fit. So when we saw this building come up for sale we felt it was a great move for us a little bit about company. We are designing a company so we do projects from residential to small commercial projects we employ most of the people that work for us and we have architects, engineers but we also have plumbers, carpenters ,electricians, everybody right on staff to do all the remodels . All the projects in this area in the city as a whole have been a great fit for a team. It's very exciting to work in the city a little bit about the project itself. If you see on the screen here you can see what the front of is. There was a we found this we like the space because the lower level and the upstairs had a loft area. That's what kind of drove us to looking at the space understanding it needed a lot of work that was OK for us because that was what we did and we felt like we could put our great project together and show our potential customers that our office space was designed built by our team. It has been numerous different businesses and really fallen in pretty disrepair. So it's something that we realized needed everything from the outside facade to all the interior renovations going through. You can see now the rendering of what we're proposing. We want to make sure it keeps with the neighborhood. We want to you know, are our business is geared towards working with people in the community. So having them walk by and having a good sense of this is the company I trust to remodel my kitchen or put in new windows is what we want to make sure we get across. So updating the facade to make it look like it's always been there. So working through to make sure it has a historical significance as well as good quality look and feel. So this is a rendering of what it would look like when you dove into the floor plans the existing condition shows three different levels of office space so this is what we want to maintain. It's as David mentioned, a lot of the details of the permitting has been a little bit new to us. Is this the technicalities? So that's why we wanted to now take a step back and have taken the last six months of really working with the community and different associations to make sure that we're trying to make sure everyone's happy with what we're doing. We're open. You guys see the same thing. So going into the proposals now that you seen some of this, what we have is open air. So if you look at the first floor you walk in, you're going to end up with kind of an open style lounge area with more conjugating showing off some of the cabinetry we do. But it's also meeting with potential clients. We also move through and have a bathroom and then some conference rooms and then going up and down stairs you've got an open loft feel so this feels as you going you can see up to above similar to how it is built as right now and then going down it is just opening that space up to take advantage of the natural light that exists to have a more desks for staff both up and down with the primary meeting space being on the first floor which is the main base for people. But as far as the public coming in and meeting with us going down, we can see the outside. This is a little bit more details of what we're proposed which is the outside keeping that in the store front windows to give it that historical but commercial feel and then the back of the building just install a new windows repointing the brick including up the outside which is in need needs a lot of repair as sets today. So the front and back will now be updated. We've agreed also from a condo association standpoint one of the trustees on that. But one of the things we told the association we felt that we are already in the business of doing this. We own a big portion the building we're going to be paying to do all these updates to the outside brick and whatnot that is no expense to the other owners. They were excited to hear that including the building we realized we want building that with an assessment of all the different owners that we just will take care of that now everyone's excited to get this looking looking much nicer the zoning violations. >> David, I'm happy to go through this or you can go through that. Let me address those. Why you just wrap up and show them the existing conditions because you've got to be able to share screen. No, you're not OK, so if we if we were to show you the inside I can just assure you when you go downstairs it's just it's a lot of existing space that was remodeled maybe for the last 20 or 30 years. I without any real care of quality doing it properly. So there's a lot of just deferred maintenance office space that is it meets the definition of an office space but not a fun work environment and a nice work environment. So yeah, we are working to add those things to this plan. So if you're looking into the basement you walk in there now if you look at the screen you can see where no one into to this space is all there but it's just it's not you know, it's it's rather awkwardly laid out same thing when you go in on the upstairs. So the things that we're adding to this are just going to allow a nicer space that will fit more with the character of the neighborhood as well as a better solution to clients coming in and if they want to model their kitchen or bathroom or floors, they can be standing on nice floors not layers of flooring that has been nailed down. So maybe we can pause here and see if there are questions from the board, any questions from the board? >> OK, I know what that kind of public testimony could you want to hear about the violations that we also I think we're OK for now. Good morning Madam Chair and afternoon. Good afternoon Madam Chairman. Members of the board. Thank you. Regarding 549 Columbus' our office will defer to the board's judgment on this matter. A community process was conducted including in a Buttars meeting on seven twenty two which is attended lightly by about five to seven constituents. The primary feedback from the meeting was concerns about flooding in the private way behind the building which the applicant expressed some interest in helping the community figure out a solution . And they also expressed some concerns about the seating and planters being used in the front of the property to make sure it is being put away at the end of every night to make sure that nobody uses the planters to hide or to sleep behind such as things like that. Additionally, the proposal was reviewed with the Claremont Neighborhood Association which convened prior to the operators meeting. The association expressed the project will add value to our neighborhood with some great design changes to the neglected commercial property which is currently vacant. The applicant should also be commended for the early and frequent community engagement. Ultimately, Claremont Neighborhood Association has supported the proposal and provided a letter of support as well. At this time the mayor's office would like to do so prior to the board's decision. >> Thank you for your time. Thank you. And I have no wish to expense any other questions from the board here you can have a motion of Mr Stembridge the Mr Valencia yes Mr yes as well yes. Mr Collins. Yes. Desperado yes votes yes. The motion carries good luck. Thank you very much. The next deferred so move on your case be away one five five one six eight with the address Webster Avenue is the applicant and the representative present with a please explain in show that all members of the board my name is Chris Wallace. I am representing my Jane Ribeira on the house on AWEX Drive. We're trying to renovate. It's a single family home. We're keeping it the same occupancy we would just like to add the rear decks, finish the basement and move back on New walk us through what's what's what's the current migration and how do you exacerbate it and if so by how much it will just be the the we need to release the redacts and the back into the basement that is all. Are there questions from the Mr Hampton are you available to weigh in on that question? Yes, thank you Madam Chairman. Geoff, after the City Policy Planning Department I think we were a little confused on the proposal here. Are there existing is there an existing porch or deck now that is or is there's there is no existing porch or deck? No, we're just trying to match our neighbor next door who has deteriorated to the roof actually we spoke to him before we tried to do the plans and he approves and supports us to do it. We just trying to make it easier to access access to roof from the back instead of having to have a hatch inside because the space side is very minimal . OK, so we're addition the where the were set up will be impacted by this and I don't know if Mr Hampton can tell me by how much. Yeah I think with the proposal they were only going to have a seven foot set back. We'd like to see a minimum of fifteen there and the with the roof deck is situated we'd like to have that push back from the rear. That's why we recommended to without prejudice which is a lot of questions from our shop about the proposal that we have before us. Yeah. I don't know if maybe I don't know if design review can do this that we minimize but I don't know what that brings in the building code or something like that. That's really kind of baffled on this one. It seems pretty straightforward but from our point of view we recommend it to now without prejudice just because we didn't know truly what was going on. And the other questions from the board hearing none can have public testimony. Good afternoon, Madam Chair. Members of the board sebastiaan fire from the council I call it his office based on support from the community. The council will look to us for this as well. Thank have no assurances at the moment. OK with that may I have a motion? Yes I would like to make the motion the now without prejudice is there a second Mr Stembridge Media Mr Vonzell? Yes Mr Lynham yes we yes Mr Collins. Yes Mr Bernardo. Yes the chair votes yes the motion carries and with that we can take a fifteen minute recording stopped recording in progress President Mr President Mr as well as Mr Collins President this was not a present Mr President. All right excellent yours Mr Stanbridge. Thank you Madam Chair. I'm not sure if you've gotten a response from those two that have our reading of the record and see where we go from there. Oh OK. Next we will begin eleven thirty cases with KVOA one three five three one zero eight with the address of six Sixth Avenue if the applicant and their representatives are present then please explain face to the more table what can I do? So I'm just going to try to see if that's a on our neck Jinsong and we want to first of all it's a I don't see them OK now I'm going to suggest we keep going and circle back up and thank you. Oh case the navigation does work so we'll go to case VOA one five six three five the address of nine Geneva Street Representative Present please explain this is an isolated case also. Yes. Thank you Mr Simpson. Good afternoon Chairman of the board for the record Richard Landes for the Business Affairs to forty five Summer Street EA Sports on behalf of Petitioner with me is Danny Gary Coleman Sullivan Architects who are architects probably jump down to slide two and a quick overview of the board. As Mr Shepherd said, this is an art related object proposal would demolish an existing single family dwelling at a longstanding auto repair site. We would then be combining a total of seven wants to create a single file about fourteen thousand square feet. The applicant proposes to then construct multifamily residential dwelling containing a total of twenty eight residential units sixteen garage parking spaces, bike storage and a common rear courtyard to Darren approximately five thousand square feet of open space. The project would include a number of community benefits including improvements to an industry which has seen an increase in development in the past year. We are also proposing to include five units under the city's IEP that represents about seventeen point eight percent of the total units being proposed as this is a rental project, this will result in all those IDP units having a maximum amount of seven percent of the breakdown of the units for one twenty two or three bedroom units. And again this is undergoing a very involved permitting process of the past couple of years as well as a complete Ardebili review boards voted to approve the project on June 13th of this year so we can track down the next slide please just to give it context because I know this is always an important issue in the community but this site is very my last presentation. I mean also located in a flood zone ex it is in the coastal flood resiliency overlay district and therefore the provisions of item twenty five eight do apply even though this was five four prior to the amendment of the zoning code on these bossism because it's an early project that does trigger the requirements received by I'll explain that while I do the zoning review. Next slide please. Just you can see here the seven parcels that are being combined that we have the site that includes the single family home as well as the repair site and we'll see those in a moment. The people next slide please. So just a bird's eye view and a view of the area that we're proposing and see the single family home on the bottom right hand are your screen with the auto repair located directly across the water. Clearly the water here even though that is preexisted most of the development in this area is certainly incompatible views with the changing uses along the street. This board has recently approved a number of multi-family projects for Janita Street and this sort of continues in May with respect to the type of uses that are generally being accepted in this area. Next slide, please. I just had a bird's eye view of the site. You can see uses sort of wrapping around the back of the building directly behind our site is Logan Airport. That is the consolidated rental car facility immediately to our left is a pocket park that is owned, operated, maintained and asked for next weeks just a street view of the auto repair next slide view of Geneva Street and I'm sure this is important to recall there are certainly a number of concerns have been raised about conditions of the industry which is by way our client is working closely with other developers and even there are actually two other larger projects that under construction are already approved for industry and there is a coordinated effort to make those improvements to an industry that will benefit all the properties along here. Next, Lightman's different view is single family. The next slide and just to show a recent project completed which I would say represents the pockets of this industry as you can see, it's a five story building multifamily use. This is on the opposite side but I love this next slide please. So some renderings here just to show the proposed project in context. As you can see, we do a total of five stories and I'll talk a little bit about that. We get to the zoning compliance review that first model is set back. We do include balconies on a number of units and you can see that we do have the garage entrance way towards the right side of the building as I referred earlier to the street, the improvements be made part of the building process and some of the benefits that we conclude is the introduction of a sidewalk on this side of the street. They'll extend all the way down to a matter. So we have a pretty significant improvement that will be making to the ground. There will be a number of street trees that will be included this side as well. Next slide please review if you get to see the balconies, watch that back. Next slide please. Just showing in the rear of a building and as I said, the park would be off in the distance on the right side of your screen and the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility off to the rear. It's a pretty substantial area that we would make as a common amenity for the building so all the units would have access to this and we do include a dog run which is something that was suggested through the community process for this project. Next slide please. A different view just looking at back next slide and just a street view showing what the conditions would be with some of the other projects that have either been approved or excitement's. We could probably jump down at this point to slide 19 and I think this is a good point to just walk through some of the zoning items that we decided for. As I mentioned earlier, this has been in office for some time. We did apply for it prior to the amendments to Article fifty three. So with respect to the items that were cited in the letter, the comparison to the current zoning that is now in place first first we do have letters from the boss of our commission as well as a letter after talking with sited under prior zoning the no parking spaces were dictated by article sixty three table and new zoning amendment allows for the BPD to determine the appropriate parking to the project if it is subject article eighty. So in this case we are proposing sixteen parking spaces as well as Biomax that are shown on our site will show those at the moment of the library being insufficient is no longer a violation in the Fourth District of the amended zoning laws eliminating the minimum requirement for most of these additional liberi being insufficient also not applicable to same reasons as the last area requirement for your ratio being excessive. There is no maximum that they are at least in the Fourth District several districts that will improve that but no longer need care for if we can jump down a slide twenty six actually building stories that was originally cited in the refusal because the maximum height originally for this district was thirty five feet and three stories the office for Zoning Congestion has increased the maximum but a total of four stories and I know this question comes up a lot of these in the neighborhood now that the building proposes five stories or at least the appearance of five stories would at first blush appear to be non-compliant with new zoning. What the board has to consider and certainly what we explained through the committee process is because we're in the coastal flood resilience the only district there are exceptions to the dimensioned requirements. So the application dimension requirements especially when it comes to height first of all the design slight elevation is the operative measuring point as opposed to grade or the Siwan. So in this particular case the design exploration being higher on the sidewalk is where the actual building is measuring. So even though this building shows it's fifty one feet four inches as being building height under under the zoning we are allowed to have additional height because of the presence of the but also with respect to the number of stories when calculating stories I'm sure as this board is where Article two specifically states that the first story is that which is sixty five percent or more above grade again because we can see from rain not determined by what but the design of what elevation and as you can see at the bottom are sign that we do include a sort of bubble. They are showing that we're sixty three percent above the design slight elevation so well the garage level all intents and purposes will be the first story the first story for zoning purposes is actually the level of the garage and therefore this would be considered for zoning purposes a four story building because of the coastal flood resiliency exceptions. We also if we want to jump back to the safe plan we were cited for rear yard under the old zoning in the same plan as a seventeen slide seventeen please. So we identify the rear guard as an area which is located behind the building. As you can see the rear outline of the new locks are being combined is not parallel to the back of our building when that occurs there are exceptions for the application area under Article sixty three and in this case we generally need a requirement. There are areas both left and right rear that are within ten feet of the rear guard or at least three are property line those being part of the assembly line when we have a situation we can average the rear guard back and as long as we are compliant or within the our requirement this would combine with respect to the new regulations into effect under Article fifty three even though they weren't necessarily applicable when you applied including building blocks over unviable area and building as I mentioned this is a fully reviewed article by the EPA and the EPA was satisfied this man substantially was in substantial alignment with the zoning and these Boston's foundations. So we that Matraville positive any questions from the board regarding the proposed project? Thank you. And your questions from the board is Janiva Street going to remain a private street? I believe so. This has been an ongoing conversation for a number of years. I actually committed to the first buildings on Janina's Street and I know that we had conversations about improving commission. I don't know that there's a specific appetite for a city and this is a public way. However, any improvements in industry need to meet his requirements and therefore any sidewalks or any improvements the street itself has to comply with the guidelines. And how does snow move on and the like and handled I am and I don't want to speak for public works or speak out of turn. I believe public works is entitled to the industry. I don't want to get anybody on the spot but I do believe it is provided by public works. Whether that's illegal or not is above my pay grade. I think you thank you. Any other questions from the board? Anyone can have public testimony but I can imagine members of the board sebastiaan from very office and was always in conversation with the EPA on the policy front lines with playing sports and seeing as it was not analyzed or taken into consideration by the committee doing the planning for any project in front of the CBA board that has additional information to comply. We'll see for it. We will leave it up to the discretion of the board until we we have received those guidelines. Thank you. Thank you. Members of the board for continuing with the mayor's neighborhood services. This time the mayor's office would defer to the judgment of its board. This went through the community process where they also went on to connect with local neighborhood association street majority of which voted to support this proposal. I would that to the at this time thank you, Mayor. Yeah, my mother and she are members of the board this is my number is representing the carpenters union. I want to go on record in support of this great afternoon Madam Chairman of the board Christian similarly Boscobel trust me have both Chicagoans from the upcoming thank you for something and any other questions from the board. Madam Chair if I may I comment from the councilor just deserves a little bit of response. I know that there is some conversation about the applicability this week which I believe is an important component for resiliency and resilient design in the city of Boston. And I think that part of the conversation when Flemming's Boston was being discussed over the last four and a half years was to come up with an approach that was not only predictable but recognizing important policy considerations for the city which included resilient design as always affordability. So this project certainly has taken those issues to account and the design that we do that complies entirely with Article twenty five has been reviewed by the resiliency staff at the EPA and they are satisfied that we've met the requirements for design and resiliency. Those project. Thank you questions from other questions from Gordon and not the motion a motion to approve will continue I that. Thank you Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Koblentz here. Yes Mr Langham. Yes as me well yes Mr Collins. Yes Miss Manado. Yes Chairman. Yes the motion carries. Thank you very much. A great day. Thank thank you very much Madam Chair. At this point of the calls for six and a half ago so turning your case one three five is that builders use the space camp I believe so some of these to read it into the record first. Yeah. Hello. Although who case VOA one three five three one zero eight with the address of six Daina Avenue cantando on please explain. Oh yes Lawrence was having some difficulties and he wanted to know if you can reschedule for the man here and what timeframe is he looking for any time. Any time OK Caroline how does that work for builders. Yeah September four correct one twenty four point with time oh nine o'clock I'm sorry I love another eleven thirty thanks so motion to to September 21st is there a second back Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Violencia yes installing them this man is yes Mr Collins yes because Manado yes chair votes yes the motion carries. See you then. Thank you will now move on to the hearing scheduled for nine PM and also ask if there are any requests for withdrawal Shirl's from this time from we've done they they have and Israel's I just want to try the audio now so they've already gone Jessica they we've already deferred their case but I just want and thank you thanks. Go with that group stop one PM here in this case VOA one six two three one zero seven the address of twenty two twenty thousand Wall Street it's the Apple and the representative of the present day. Please explain the case to Central Palestine Radio. Can you give me yes we can. Great so I'm here Christian so we are the current owners of twenty to twenty four as well as three and I guess we are asking for relief on three variances I guess if you could just so the evidence is that we are seeing before is the Sagai insufficient space, the excessive height and the ratio so currently we are coming for our feet from HomeStreet and seven point two feet from our brothers at twenty six times Ghostery. What we are planning to do is that we are going to change the footprint. So the current measurements I see the same for the stories I need to have stories and we are proposing three stories the donors will increase on the height on the third floor adding more Headspaces on the sides and for the the last minutes before a ratio we are currently at a ratio point forty six at twenty eight hundred square feet and we proposing a ratio of one of nine to thirty nine hundred square feet. Um so this Building Australia two family building I guess we are paying to keep it as two family building. What we're trying to do is add some living space in the basement and add that to the first floor and also add a living space from the attic which would be part of the second floor. So unit twenty two tiles would be the first floor and basement and then you'd have twenty four would be the second floor attic. These are currently four plans of the starting from the bottom on the right side is that currently all there is now is just unfinished basement and right now we are trying to add two bedrooms currently and then also a bathroom and you're down there at the bottom right corner it would be stairs down from the first floor. Questions from the board hearing none can I public testimony. Good morning, Madam Chairman. Members the board my name is David Jones representing the mayor's office and neighborhood services regarding twenty two to twenty four Montalcino Street. Our office will defer to the board's judgment on this matter. A community process was conducted including inhibiters meeting on seven twenty two which was attended by one constituent. The primary feedback in this meeting was that she thought the plans were a great use of space without changing the footprint. Additionally, the applicant connected with Coxhill Neighborhood Association which did not show any concern meeting with the applicant and likewise did not provide a letter of support or opposition at this time the mayor's office, the neighborhood services defrays the board's decision. Thank you for your time and consideration. Hello Madam Chair. Members of the board members from Council Fitzgerald's office said let go on record supporting this proposal. Thank you. It's OK with that. May I have a motion Madam Chair ? We don't have a recommendation from the planning department on this but also for a motion of approval which is I never with special attention to the dormers only because they're pretty wide taking it like almost the entire well plain. So perhaps take a look at those. Thank you. Second Mr Stembridge. Yes, Mr Unsere. Yes Mr Langham. Yes. Is we well yes Mr Collins. yes it is Panaro Yes chair votes yes the motion carries the next three have to be away one three two two one three five put the address twenty five Hendry Street is the Afghans and and the representatives present the little boy I saw this also in his as well so thank you ok I just want to request that we get it and am I able to share my screen with you know you're not what you submitted is what you can refer to. OK, I see ok and it begins yes please. I think he was receiving leads to more trees in my house and those existing vacant lot on Henry Street. The house has two two bedroom and one one bedroom unit and is provided free parking for three times and you scroll down a little bit. Another slide please keep going. Here you go. We've went through an extensive community process spanning years and this is the result at the end of the community and community services. The biggest concern was we initially had a building that did not provide parking and we've got a lot of opposition based on so we redesigned the building and cut the first. You didn't have to create a driveway because underneath the structure the backyard that we did and presented it we heard some concerns about open space so we redesigned the building again and we provided some units in fact to get up to the units, get three deaths each and as small as this the unit gets the same back once again back to the community and we heard concerns about trashing rooms so we provided a surge for trash containers. We had going and we will do rodent control of course throughout the construction project and in the end we've come up with a design that works in this neighborhood which is predominantly freestanding houses. We've got a substantial majority in the neighborhood and we have unanimous support from the meeting House Hills Civic Association there there any questions about I'm happy to answer. Thank you, sir. My question is from the board here none can have public testimony. Good morning, Madam Chairman. Members the board my name is David Jones representing the mayor's office and neighborhood services regarding twenty five hundred feet our office will defer to the board's judgment on this matter. A community process was concluded including on a Buttars meeting on five twenty nine which was attended by several constituents. The meeting was heavy opposition citing several concerns including increased parking pressure on the community and insufficient set backs on all sides of the property. The frustration that this application had been presented to them previously which they opposed but the applicant returned with the two similar plans and for compromise with the community the community also submitted a petition opposing the proposal signed by thirty six community members. Additionally, the applicant was connected with Meetinghouse Hill Civic Association which expressed approval to move this proposal to a vote and no opposition or support was reached. Thank you. So no, we said at the moment OK, any other questions from the board with that? May I have a motion for emotional approval with proviso that plans be submitted to planning design and attention attention to considering currently available services parking in the driveway area? Is there a second Mr Stembridge ? Yes, Mr Landseer, yes. Mr Lynham. Yes Mrs we will yes Mr Collins. Yes Miss Bonauto. Yes. Chair votes yes the motion carries. Thank you very next we have a case VOA one six three two three five with the address of two fifty seven Street. If the applicants and other representatives yes Mr we are so good afternoon madam, said members of the board including Derek Small of a business address of two on jobs and growth Braintree, Mass. And with me today are able to call me who is the CEO and President of Commonwealth Entrust and we have an architect on Mike Finch. Jessica, I don't know if they've been promoted to panelists but if we could we can look at him right now added thank you. So you Madam Chair, we're here today seeking relief to change the legal occupancy of the building at 250 Seiver Street 112 to a lodging house for sixteen lodgers there's only subdistrict here is a Mafa and our lot size is approximately thousand square feet and our social revolution with this project is we are seeking a conditional use permit as it is that we are seeking is a conditional use in this district. So again because I know it has come up in the past with regard to this project we are seeking for a change of occupancy to a lodging house for sixteen lodgers and I stress that Manchester originally because we started out with twenty we went to eighteen and that's when the application was applied for. So the application does say eighteen but through numerous community meetings we agreed to go through sixteen lodgers in the rising house instead the eighteen year we are working very closely with M.O.s Mayor's Office of Housing and they have issued us an acceleration certificate with regard to this project and the project has gone through an extensive community process community engagement process as we've had to tomorrow's meetings. We've had two meetings with the gas to try to enable association to meetings with the Navy Mazing Spring residents and tourists Anoma Maypo Skylar, I can turn it over to my defense if they are any questions with regard to the plans. But again we are seeking a change of views to six lodging house with six team ah we can open it up for any questions so have yeah I mean I'll just start you know you mentioned meeting with neighborhood groups and so we did we have received a number of comments and letters in opposition from some of those member groups. Can you kind of speak to what has unfolded from those meetings and you know what what you talked about compromise etc. Just elaborate a little bit also I think originally again we started out of twenty when the application was applied for we we applied provided eighteen since it was eighteen we had several meetings with with folks in the community with regard to trying to compromise as to what would work for the folks in the community and for Commonwealth mantras and we were on the impression that we had an agreement or had sixteen and so I think the a lot of folks is consternation goes around the notification which stressed eighteen lodges and again we are reducing that to sixteen lodgers. Other questions from the board. Yes, yes. I have two small questions. One of my questions one of my questions is I know about history so I know it's not blocking and I to speak that's going to be a problem. And my second issue which is going to go along with that house I'm going to knock that house down or what are we going to do with that house ultimately my mike if you want to talk about the parking in the rear and talk about what's going on in terms of the renovations with regard to the existing property as far as the Cycos part of our discussions with the buyers and with the neighborhood was about parking. So there is an existing garage and driveway that has accessed at the rear of the property as you look at here at Plan North and that's accessed off of Mazing Street at the rear of the property. We are actually going to rehab the garage so we can utilize the two spaces within the garage and additionally we are also proposing two spaces as you look at the plan here to the right of the garage and those have been shown on a site plan which has already been submitted to the Boston Water and Sewer Commission. Additionally, the existing house is going to remain we're not adding on to the building and we're not demolishing any portion of the building as you can see from the site and here we are adding new ramp for accessibility up to the existing site entrance on the left hand side of the building and then additionally there is three lodging house bedrooms that are being proposed for the lower level and so at the rear of the building and in the right hand side there are three small basement emergency window wells. Otherwise the exterior renovations include sort of general renovation rehabilitation. There's a lot of existing ornamental architectural detail that will be renovated and rehabilitated replacing windows doors but otherwise no no change to the footprint or size of the building and can can you speak about mentioning your clients sort of experience track record operating lodging house a bit about the management of the the building even if you want to take that into I can take notes. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I do have a couple of slides I don't know to acceptable to to sell those but you can share your screen OK that's OK. So if we are nonprofit that was founded in 1985 and so we are a developer property manager and a service provider and one we have multiple properties in the greater Boston area including properties similar to see the Street's latest or current development of the current development. We have a set of five seven Wall Street which is currently in construction with some we're investing together with the state and the city into the rehab of the property. We're proposing to do the same with Sivas Street but just into development we have our own property management team that's in-house so we provide the maintenance, snow removal, all of that we have Kaseman work for us and usually outside so depending on the needs of the residents these are low income individuals. We tailor some services to them . This is permanent housing as opposed to autists currently opening of the property. So there are currently over twenty residents and it's a sober house and there's no fixed limit on how many individuals can live there again we're seeking this number is going down to sixteen and it will be permanent housing as opposed to transitional and so we'll have outside services and we are working on secure over three million to invest in the property so that can be preserved remain an asset for the community. >> Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions from the board? Yeah, I got one more question. I just want to know because I know how C Street is why why will it be a sober house? I just need somebody to explain them. We're not we're not so OK currently it is currently ossobuco proposing to convert it to permanent housing. OK, I got one more question for attorney Derek Small. Can you give me a definition of a lodging house then? By definition yes sir. I think a sober house is where he said lodging house he wants a definition of a lot more house permanent housing for individuals not in that shared living space share common bathrooms, share common kitchen common utilities as opposed. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions from the board hearing? None. Is there emotion? I'll make a motion to improve design review second by second. Thank you Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Vonzell. Yes Mr Item yes as we well yes Mr Collins sorry. Yes Miss Manado yes chair votes yes the motion carries. Thank you Madam Chair. Thank you. Thank you so Community you didn't get a chance to say anything. Oh that I I am so sorry let's back up let's back up. My apologies. Can we have public testimony Madam Chair members of the board continuing with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services outside the mayor's defer to the judgment this board as you heard from the Athens representation our office conducted two of those meetings. The first of which was on May 22nd. The second which was on June 24th during that community process we make sure those in support say the track record of the proponent in the quality of work they've done with their homes. Are they secured a lot of support from wind properties which owns properties nearby those in opposition expressed concerns with the proposed density as well as concerns related to the quality of life for other neighboring residents and the amount of cars and parking that would potentially impact on street parking for the rest of the community in the applicant with the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association which was supposed to come and see eighteen however they said they'd be supportive of a twelve tenant occupancy with that information and we also received one letter of opposition as well as citing concerns related to parking I was that would offer to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you. I know the mayor's office housing. Thank you. Good afternoon everyone. My name is Novelettes. I'm a development officer with the mayor's Office of Housing. We understand that the developer has met with local community groups and adjusted the proposal based on the feedback they have received which is supportive of this project which will permanently restrict these units as affordable housing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Are there Madam Chair, if I may on behalf of the Naison Street Neighborhood Association, go in it's real quick and we have had extensive conversation about board member Langham. I appreciate the questions that you raised there and someone who has said most of them the one person that we never got answer was your last question who's really going to be in there and when they still never answer they do have some order something that a manager we had extensive conversations. There was some confusion at their small chat over the eighteen number of units there we met again last night. We knew that opposition leaders because we didn't see that they had gone down to sixteen. We talked with Garrison Trotter last night. Roy Thompson, their real estate committee chair and so we are withdrawing our position. We hope that we can be the kind of name brand neighborhood with them that they are proposed to be. They've said that they make some improvements. I live right next door to that house. In fact, my grandparents were the first African-American family on the same street so they said they could name neighborhoods and try and work it out. We do a lot of telling cards, get told a lot here and so we hope that we'll get the family trust coming in that we can be a better neighbor with the group that's there right now. And so we withdraw our position. I just talked to the president. He couldn't get on some level trying our position. We're supporting sixteen units and we just hope that everything works out and a good neighborly way. We've worked hard in this community. We play the drug, all the drug dealing that was going on. They were shooting murders. It's a really good street in the back Masae we've come a long way and so we're hoping this come of trust we can continue to build on a good strong community neighborhood. That's why we started the Main Street Neighborhood Association so we could continue to move the neighborhood in a positive direction. Thank you so much for giving me this time. Thank you sir and thank for the reminder. I appreciate it. I know. Yes. Good afternoon everyone. We team Pastor Copepods I said it our initial opposition had to do with numbers man that is clear that a number has been moved to sustain neighborhood association Commonwealth Land Trust proposal to have a change in occupancy requirement. We are now opposed to it as now as long as assistant we definitely fine. I think that it's a neighborhood that was for many years and we have adjusted quite a bit in the last ten years to really revitalize that street and so we are hoping that Commonwealth Land Trust can see us as an amazing member of the community and help us continue that building process. Thank you. Thank you. And once again we are committed to continuing to work with the groups in the area with regard to the proposal or any other Greystanes hearing none. May I have a motion right now make a motion to improve I imagine your house for 16 Rogers was designed design review may have a second backer Mr Stembridge. Yeah. Mr Valencia yes. Mr Langham oh Mr I am Charlotte ok Mr Mizue well yes Mr Khan. Yes Miss Hotto yes chair votes yes the motion carries that can get across the border every day. Madam Chair just one thing we hope that they don't cut back on the original design and the plans of all that they said they were going to do and first proposed twenty units we hope it's the same design that I don't think appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. And the and with that move on to case one six zero one seven one five with the address thirty to Conference Street if the applicant and their representative was present please explain. That's why I ask and I am congratulation panelists but you can so you can see our peer yes. Our friend this afternoon we are requesting to defer this discussion. We said thirty yakker we are gabb deferrable that have to go with our companion case on September 10 at eleven thirty four that are scheduled even though I just want to give the verbal update on that. I see. OK so just confirming Caroline is this going to be part of that campaign in case you just mentioned yesterday. OK so may I have a motion to defer a major motion to the to September. Yes yes may I have a second and Mr Stembridge. Yeah Mr yes Mr Langham. Yes as we well yes Mr Collins yes. Mr Panaro yes schierholz yes motion carries we'll see you then Jauron All right thank you everyone and enjoy the rest of your August. >> See you in September.