you want to chime in with anything spirit and that's kind of where was so what do you say here nothing happen right right good evening everybody we're g get started let me just welcome you to our education thank tonight as you can see from the balloons the flowers and the gifts I think we have a lot to Cate as we go into our so let us get started some quick administrative work New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of public to ADV notice to meetings of public bodies at which time any business affecting their interests is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act in Board of Education policy 0162 the Board of Education of the buau of Bound Brook has closed notice of this meeting to be posted in the board office at Bound Brook High School and mail their facts to The Courier News Bound Brook bur clerk South Bound Brook Board of Education and any person requested individual please join me in standing [Music] for Sir Mr here cazo yeah M Carlton here Mr Z here m m Mr manhos here miss hi here from behind the curtain just oh there we [Applause] go Mr bmer here here president you have air president this evening thank you sir uh no president's comments for this evening we will get right to the superintendent's report Dr good afternoon everybody and welcome to our m board meeting as our president we have a lot to St great we have people in the audience and some that aren't here I going to let our student council represented to the board uh get some announcements on some great things going out on aition first [Applause] um um recently uh in B High School um Aiden boam and Caitlyn kuna were nominated for Central Jersey players of the week for baseball and softball respectively uh the vote ends this week and for anybody that's listening online or in the room uh if you could go online and vote for them uh that would be great uh similarly uh senior Sarah desent was selected to play in the skyling conference senior All-Star game for softball and I the rest my report later more um let's see I so SAR you had congratulations to a k the one thing left out was my is where you go to V click on high school then you'll see the individual U Pages you click the vote really would like you to cast the vote for us because we want to see our bound players get win Dr frean yes um you can also get that link on our Facebook pages on our Facebook page you can vote as many times as you want you're not limited to one vote you can just keep clicking all day if you want to I voted for both of them like 50 times today I was going to say that discreetly but he said out loud so as many times as you can okay I also want to take a minute to congratulate all the newly inducted members of our Spanish French and English National Honor Society we have two ceremonies and I telling I want to commend Mr ad Miss Sanchez Miss Sal miss and miss for putting together outstanding ceremonies and the kids are doing a really wonderful job okay that leads us to the next part which is one of my favorite parts and that is a recognition of our students of the month at this time I would like to call Mr Ross to the podium to recognize our Lamont and lont NX students of the [Applause] monp and I am very happy to announce for our prek David anos who is winner of our student of the month there he has as far as siblings he doesn't have any his favorite school subject is he loves learning about math and science and he's very knowledgeable about math numbers and math concepts this is pretty c um his favorite hobbies he likes to work with his dad and they are currently building a pond together and David wants to be a builder when he grows up so come on down [Applause] David hey [Applause] all right perfect [Applause] and for the kindergarten we have yander Moran who is a bilingual and his favorite music reverse the favorite school subject is music class because he can sing and dance that's beautiful um hobes loves to collect dolls and the other piece is I want to be a teacher when I grow up this is a beautiful [Applause] yandre come on down with everybody she is everybody [Music] [Applause] congratulations and next up for Lafia at school we have Miss Kitty [Applause] all our first student of the month is first trade and we would like Anna Tula to come [Applause] down Anna has two student or two siblings Alexis who's 24 years old and fanda who's 18 her favorite school subject is language arts favorite hobbies are writing stories watching television going to the park and playing with her dog luy and when she grows up she wants to be a doctor to help people be [Applause] healthy and this is her teacher Miss Montoya wanted to give a thank you card to the board [Applause] of uh our second grade student of the month is Chloe RZ [Applause] Alvarado H we has a sister Emma who's in kindergarten her favorite subject is Library she loves playing softball and collecting all the Raina books she said she only needs one more to complete the whole collection and her career plans is she also wants to be a doctor she wants to take care of her family and be like her mother who's going to be a nurse [Applause] [Applause] okay next up for smaller School Miss Carbone [Applause] our third grade student of the month is Rudy Aragon Cerone Rudy are you here okay Rudy was nominated by his teacher Miss Esposito Rudy has been chosen for the third grade student of the month because he's kind and considerate of others he works hard in school and is a good friend to everyone he meets Rudy has three brothers and enjoys playing soccer and video games Rudy's favorite subject is science and he would love to be an ecologist when he gets older [Applause] congratulations for the fourth grade we have Rose Selena [Applause] Ramirez Rosalina has really impressed all of her teachers this year she is a model for good behavior and always tries her best in school ronal Rosalina has so much determination she is even going for her black belt in Taekwondo congratul [Applause] [Applause] our fifth grade student of the month is eron [Applause] Medina B Hi how are you good to um Erin is our fifth grade student of the month and she has one younger sister in third grade she enjoys all her classes a lot but art is her favorite subject she loves to play soccer she plays defense and she also loves to draw and play pain and when she gets older she dreams of being either a doctor or a psychologist [Applause] [Music] congratulations congratulations congratulations so good toat our sixth grade student of the month is Jaden AR [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jaden was nominated by Miss Belle and Miss Mel and miss lavala and miss Chi he has two older brothers and three older sisters he's the youngest my his favorite subject in school is math and social studies he loves history and also English class he loves to read spending time with his father good job dad playing with his friends and walking his dog when he gets older he would love to be a lawyer congratul see daddy [Applause] more round of applause next up CMS Santa Sur hello everyone our first student of the month from the Community Middle School is henis Perez [Applause] Gomez nominated by teacher Mr Sanders hesis has two brothers uh favorite subject is physical education and favorite hobbies is dance in the future uh when hesis grows up she would like to work in the Med medical field maybe as a nurse or a doctor [Applause] congratulations our next student of the month is eighth grade student and sof [Applause] ey Ann was nominated by her teacher Mr Lei an has one brother and two sisters an's favorite subject is math favorite hobbies are acting soccer basketball and volleyball I will tell you you come across few students over the years who you can say in all confidence you know that their plans when they grow older will come true and's future will is to become a neurosurgeon [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and next up we have Mr Smith [Applause] for good evening our first recipient of the Crusader citizen of the month award is Jaden [Applause] marold right J has one sibling a little sister who will be Sue in June her favorite subject is definitely art she loves doing anything that involves painting drawing sculpting and more her favorite hobbies are gardening painting and softball her plan is to go to college After High School but she's still deciding uh what major she wants to uh pursue so congratulations [Applause] [Applause] our next recipient is Ariana Lopez [Applause] Ariana has one sibling Bianca Lopez her favorite subject in school is Art her favorite hobbies are chess tennis and basketball and she is has intentions on enrolling or enlisting in the Marines and starting congratulations [Applause] [Applause] our next recipon is Brian [Applause] Batista all right uh Brian has two siblings Emily and Danny his favorite subject in school is math there you go um he enjoys running lifting weights and sleeping and he hopes to attend Rucker University to study [Applause] it one more one all [Applause] right last but certainly not least we have Ronaldo Mano Ronaldo Ronaldo has one sibling his favorite subject in school is algebra English and music ban um Ronaldo and Julius drawing piano studying fashion designing gaming music appreciation writing traveling uh photography and I don't know what that one is and career plans um are to study computer science and data analysis or Finance so [Applause] [Music] one more we have two special students who uh were the winning winners of our spelling be I'm going to ask Dr Sant Dr s Ser to come up and recognize our first student for the middle so this year the Community Middle School and SMY participated in scripts National spell be uh was it was an incredible event at both of our schools and we're here tonight to honor student the finalist the winner in each of our schools I have a couple little paragraphs here from uh farita from two of our uh from two of her teachers that would like to say a few words first is from farid's teacher Miss caban congratulations to farita for her outstanding achievement in winning the school spelling bait her dedication perseverance and Mastery of language have truly set her apart with each word she spelled correctly she showcased not only her remarkable spelling abilities but also her commitment to Excellence her impressive performance is a testament to her hard work and determination fita has not only made her school proud but has also inspired her peers with her exceptional Talent we applaud her accomplishment and look forward to witnessing her continued success in future end Endeavors well done farita next is a paragraph from Miss aandora in addition to her outstanding academic performance farita possesses remarkable skills as a speller and has consistently showcased her prowess in mathematics her ability to excel in diverse Fields is a testament to her intellect and determination far's mathematical abilities are truly exceptional as she consistently performs at a level far beyond what is expected for her grade in fact she consistently demonstrates proficiency and understanding that surpasses Expectations by two grades it is truly a pleasure to have farita in my honors math class am [Applause] Andor unfortunately farita was not able to join us tonight on behalf of farid's current and former teachers and members of the Elementary and Middle School faculty I'd like to say congratulations to farita bnazi and let's try for back-to-back titles next year in eth [Applause] [Music] grade very proud next up from small school we have [Applause] missone our SMY Elementary School winner is Angela Pedroza [Applause] [Applause] angelene isn't your typical spelling be Champion with a pension for unraveling Mysteries a sweet tooth for Twizzlers and a knack for crocheting she's a multifaceted individual who has captured the hearts of her school community and Beyond winning the school's inaugural script spelling beat was no small feat for Angeline it was the culmination of months of dedication and hard work every day she diligently practiced with her mom for 30 minutes for job Mom Hing her spelling skills and expanding her vocabulary this commitment paid off when she spelled her way to Triumph with confidence and prision but Angeline's interests extend far beyond the confines of the spelling the stage when she's not crack in words you can find her immersed in the pages of a gripping mystery novel in her downtime angelene enjoys indulg ing her creative size side through Koch currently she's working on a cozy blanket music is another Angel's and she showcases her talents on the saxophone Angeline loves nothing more than hopping on her bike and exploring the Great Outdoors looking to the Future Angeline dreams of visiting Colombia if this wasn't impressive enough Angeline has been an integral part of the balberg school district district since her educational Journey began in kindergarten back in 2017 angelene had the fortune of being taught by Mrs coroso in kindergarten Miss jenck in fourth grade Miss Keeper in fifth grade and Miss lavala and Miss Bell this school year congratulations angelene [Applause] let's have another [Applause] round okay at this time we have special honor tonight we have the honor of recognizing our governor Ed educators of the years for each School each of them has shown outstanding commitment not only to their students our district but also the community they were selected based on the input of their building principal and their peers we are extremely proud to recognize them tonight for their outstanding work each of them will come forward and receive a beautiful trophy that recognizes their accomplishment as well as some flowers and take a wonderful picture we are very proud of you uh what you mean to our district the way you take care of our children represent our district we're very proud of you let's have a round of [Applause] applause Mr Ross up in place of Dr s to call forth our educators of the year for L and the M ends okay so I have been excuse me blessed many times to support Lamont Annex as a standing for Dr s's principal and in doing so I found it to be a magical and enchanting place where one can find unicorns hence I wore my unicorn tie and in doing that I needed to start with a unicorn who's been a part of this District since childhood and has now become an integral part to the teaching community and is moving forward into being a supervisor coach it's Mrs DeLuca teacher of the [Applause] and you'll notice she has a soft equipment she just came from soft get from a softb g so we appreciate you being here don't worry about it you look still [Applause] great so for me the true test to the hero to be here and to show us all the glory and winning that she's done for 28 years Mrs Luca has been a kindergarten teacher here when I was looking at her uh resume today I was just in awe your ears must have been ringing as I was bragging about this is a person who is utterly homegrown and has done amazing things she began her career in Bal Brook School District as a student um she graduated at from Bal Brook High School when she graduated she attended Ryder University and began her teaching career as a special education assistant in this district one year later she became a kindergarten teacher and she's been teaching kindergarten ever since kudos to her Beyond teaching Mrs Dua is the school's softball coach for the last 25 [Applause] years so not only is she the coach of it she enjoys being this coach um that she actually played throughout her high school and college career she dedicates her time and energy to instill the Love of the Game to these young players as you can see from the representation in front of you sweat and tears she dedicates her time and her energy to instill the love and she is an educator at leads by example and works with students works with our families and colleagues to go above and beyond in the classrooms this Toca possesses the excitement and the enthusiasm for both teaching and coaching she is seen as a leader in the district and was head teacher for her kindergarten team for many years she has mentored many new teachers and welcomes future teachers into her classroom DeLuca loves collaborating with her colleagues and they Inspire her to become even better as a teacher she works hard to make her classroom an environment where all her students feel successful and special and now she should feel equally successful in speci thank you [Applause] congratulations so now Lamont Annex the place me they grow unicorns we will bring Mrs kiss the Educational Service professional of the year please come on [Applause] so miss teacher's assistant in the boundbrook school district she started in the district four years ago however she has more than 12 years experience in the field of education and she very much enjoys watching her students learn and grow she loves to see her former and current current students smiling faces throughout the school day Miss kit has the passion and the drive to be the awesome educator that is her goal is to make sure that students reach their full potential and that they always find a pathway to success she is always excited to see her students and her colleagues miss Kiss goes above and beyond inside and outside of the classroom she cares about her students and their education she always makes sure that they're having fun with their learning experience Mrs kiss learn miss Kiss shows determination Focus passion and plenty of drive to encourage others to follow their dreams thank you for making those dreams Come con one more one two three all right round of applause next up CL SCH we have Miss keny yeah should have brought my glass okay so we are going to recognize Dean [Applause] Nelson it is with great pleasure and immense Pride that I am here today to honor an exceptional educator an inspirational leader and a dedicated mentor today we celebrate Miss Deanna Nelson who has been rightfully selected as the governor's educator of the Year by her Lafayette colleagues Miss Nelson is more than just a health and physical education teacher at Lafayette she is the hearty of our school's commitment in promoting a healthy active and supportive environment from the moment you step into her class it is clear that Miss Nelson's organizational skills and creativity set her apart she meticulously plans fun and exciting activities that not only engage students but also Inspire them to lead healthier Lifestyles whether it's through Innovative fitness challenges interactive Health lessons or schoolwide Wellness activities Miss Nelson's passion for a healthy lifestyle shines through in everything she does beyond her classroom duties Miss Nelson also serves as the JV soccer coach for Bound Brook High School her leadership on the field mirrors her excellence and her PE classes she instills in her players the values of teamwork perseverance sportsmanship and shaping them into not only better athletes but also better individuals one of the Hallmarks of Miss Nelson's professional journey is her commitment to continuous Improvement and collaboration each year she attends a PE conference where she collaborates with fellow health and physical education colleagues these conferences are not just opportunities for professional development but are a source of inspiration for Miss Nelson who always returns with new and creative ideas to enhance her curriculum dedication to being a lifelong Learner in ensures that her students receive the highest quality of Education Miss Nelson's impact extends far beyond the walls of her classroom and the boundaries of the soccer field she is a beacon of positivity and enthusiasm within our school Community her caring nature and genuine concerns for her well-being of others make her a beloved figure among students and staff alike she's always ready to lend an ear offer support or share a smile as she is the first face students see each morning in the Dr and drive life Miss Nelson exemplifies what it means to be a teacher to inspire to motivate and to make a lasting difference in the lives of others congratulations Miss Deana Nelson your dedication passion and kindness are truly remarkable and we are all better for having you as part of our educational [Applause] family congratulations [Applause] [Applause] so I have two Awards to present tonight one is for our educational specialist of the year and one is for our teacher of the year so first I'd like to present Mr Jeff jel our educational specialist Mr jel is an elementary school counselor who has dedicated 10 years to education he's been part of the Bound Brook School District for five years and is deeply passionate about supporting and assisting the student of boundbrook with the diverse work history in the counseling field Mr as a substance abuse counselor in a residential program and as a student assistance counselor additionally he's coached football lacrosse and wrestling in another school district gaining valuable insight and skills from these various roles utilizing his wealth of experience he actively supports the students of boundbrook creating a safe and supportive environment for his students is a top priority for Mr jel his office serves as a sanctuary where students feel secure to be themselves and discuss their feelings openly he has also recently taking charge of the mindfulness program for fifth and sixth grade students at SMY school where he works with the students on Stress Management emotional control empathy and social skills Mr jel also serves as our HIV specialist and works assiduously to maintain react and restore all positive interactions students I've worked very closely with Mr jel this year and it is with such an honor that I I give him this award because he is a very very person and and he should be acknowledged as much as possible [Applause] congratulations [Music] congratulations it is with great honor that I present our second um employee of the month our teacher or oh my goodness employee of the year our teacher of the year Miss [Applause] [Music] Julian Miss Julian tone is a sixth grade language arts teacher who's dedicated six years to education she's taught in boundbrook her entire career including her student observation hours and student teaching placement she was born and raised in Massachusetts she came to New Jersey to study English and education at ruer University missone is an educator who's passionate about PR promoting diversity equity and inclusion in her classroom she's actually a founding member of our Dei committee which was just launched this year she was a member of the Ruckers university community engaged anti-racist project where she played a role in creating an anti-racist curriculum and resources for middle-grade classrooms she was awarded the penny Kitty book love Foundation Grant which allowed her to fill her classroom library with books that represent all identities and backgrounds I've seen this book collection in her classroom and it's phenomenal mrone even does a book Buffet where the students go around and they sample all the different books and get to choose which ones they want to read missone believes on the power of representation and uplifting voices that have that have often gone unheard she consistently seeks ways to make reading and writing inclusive and relevant to her students lives and interests this is evident in the way she designs her instructional materials and practices she's an advocate for her students and firmly believes that their perspectives are the fuel for a successful educational experience outside of the school day Miss tone continues to support her school community she served as a mentor teacher and that's both official mentor and unofficial Mentor because everybody goes to mtic Cony if they need something she teaches students in small groups for an a for our After School win program and she even stays usually till about six o'clock at night every night from Middle Earth additionally she supports students in completing their homework and she practices Reading Writing speaking in Spanish and supporting her stud students academically and strengthening strengthening Rapport and community in the community and in her classroom missone goes to events before school after school on the weekend of free time of her past students of her present students and cheers them all on Miss tone is always ready and willing to help her school community in any way she can miss tone has a lifelong love for Learning and Community extending to to others each day I've worked very closely with Miss tone this year she is one of those teachers that I can go to for anything if I need to send something out and I need someone to proofread it first I can send it to missone and she'll send it back she's that go-to teacher for admin for students for parents and for teachers there's no other teacher more deserving of this award this year than our very own Miss tonei [Applause] another round of applause [Applause] Miss Kenny you thought your print was small everyone please join me in welcoming the Community Middle School Educational specialist of the Year Mrs Jennifer [Applause] Guerrero Mrs Guerrero is a dedicated social worker with 19 years of of experience encompassing both education and Community Mental Health Care currently serving in her fifth year as a school social worker on the child study team in the Bound Brook School District she holds a pivotal role at the Community Middle School Miss Guerrero has undertaken the responsibility of devising and overseeing individual education plans for students receiving special education services her attention to detail ensures compliance with special education law Mrs Guerrero's strong communication and Leadership skills Have Been instrumental in her success effectively with Administration teachers students families she establishes fair and Equitable programs Miss Guerrero Works actively towards creating an inclusive and supportive environment in addition to her professional expertise Miss Guerrero brings a warm and friendly demeanor to her role Miss Guerrero's ability to infuse humor into her interactions adds a personal touch to her professional relationships colleagues appreciate Miss Guerrero not only for her professional confidence but also for her ability to connect with others through humor and kindness on behalf of the Community Middle School I would like to congratulate Mrs Jennifer Guerrero the CMS 2024 educational Specialist of [Applause] [Music] Round of [Applause] Applause Just see now all of our teachers of the year and our educational Specialists of the Year get honored each year with all of those from Somerset County and we recently uh had a a nice breakfast at the Elks club uh put on by Somers County honoring all of the people you see here tonight and all of those throughout the county so a big hand to everyone here tonight but also for all the teachers that were honored this year that that help all of our students in our [Applause] are and next up for the Community Middle School please help me welcome the Community Middle School teacher of the year for 2024 Mrs Sandra [Applause] pedes Mrs pedes has devoted her life to special education with 20 years of teaching experience she has the privilege of working with deor Learners each with their own unique strengths and challenges for the past 3 years Mrs P P has had the opportunity to teach in the emotional regulation impairment program and in the language learning disabilities classroom at Community Middle School Mrs psh takes pride in her personalized connections with each student her belief in the power of positive relationships guides her teaching philosophy Mrs pes's friendly personality light-hearted humor and calm demeanor become tools to engage and connect with her students [Laughter] through these connections she conveys genuine care and concern letting her students know they are seen and heard Mrs pes's daily job is to Encompass the complexities of addressing challenging behavioral issues while teaching Ela and social studies she approaches this delicate balance with resilience and dedication every challenge is an opportunity for her students and for her to learn and grow Beyond the classroom Mrs pettish is the co-advisor for the student council this role allows her to extend her impact Beyond academics contributing to the vibrant School Community by planning school dances organizing school spirit events and leading fundraising Endeavors including field day yesterday in that 100 degree on the football field all day long and thank you for that Mrs psh strives to create an atmosphere where students feel a sense of belonging and pride in their School Mrs psh collaborates with her fellow Educators and child study team engaging in brainstorming sessions to enhance the classroom environment together they explore innovative ideas and ensure every student feels valued and supported Mrs pes's goal is not only to impart knowledge but to make a positive and Lasting difference in the lives of her students on behalf of the Community Middle School I would like to congratulate Mrs Sandra pedes as the CMS 2020 4 teacher of the [Applause] year round of [Applause] applause to present our high school that end of [Applause] okay good evening again um first I would like to announce the educational specialist of the year for Bound Brook High School Miss Julia [Applause] bini Julia bini is a devoted clinical social worker who has dedicated the past five years to making a positive impact at B Brook High School her passion lies in assisting individual and families in overcoming challenges particularly in navigating the intricate landscape of and substance use issues Julia holds a bachelor's degree in clinical work social work from Ruckers University new brunwick and earn her master's degree from Mammoth University specializing in clinical social work with a concentration in Children and Families after many years and roles working in a residential substance use and mental health program Julia embraced A new challenge as a clinical social worker at Bound Brook High School within this educational setting she skillfully applies her expertise in adolescent Adult and Family Therapy employing cognitive behavior therapy individualized treatment planning Crisis Intervention and Trauma in fored practices over the past five years Julia has been instrumental in establishing a supportive and therapeutic counseling program offering Services through individual group and family SE sessions along with crisis management Julia focuses on fostering resilience and accentuating the strengths of students and families resulting in positive and enduring changes her leadership and Behavioral Health practices is evident through her continuous efforts to advance her skills and Advance the counseling Julia is also committed to community engagement and is act and actively providing resources to families in need Julia you epitomize the Limitless Mantra that we advocate at down CL School congratulations on representing BB's educational special of [Applause] [Applause] okay our Governor's educator of the year the one and only Miss Janelle [Applause] filiatro filiatro has dedicated the past 23 years to education she has been a part of the Bal Brook High School Community for 21 of those years as a devoted special education teacher while miss filiatro has filled various roles as an educ in the special education department her current role is a functional life skills teacher she played an integral part in creating the star program which stands for students and teachers achieving results through the program Miss filiatro provides Learners with the opportunity to practice and master Independence self- advocacy skills engage in social interaction access Community Resources acquire and maintain vocational placement and participate in Recreation and leisure activities Miss fiao is both an educator and an advocate as it is her goal that students will be able to transfer these skills into their adult lives and fully explore interest postgraduation additionally Miss filiatro has established the brook Cafe in which students set up and run a small coffee business on Fridays at the high school through the cafe students have the opportunity to practice communication skills and learn important job skills another great project Miss filiatra was Paramount in implementing was the personal Wellness course which is a collaboration between the special education and physical education departments this is a physical education class where students with socialization and adaptive needs are paired with typically developing students we call them PE Partners to promote skill building while Foster Wellness Miss batra's mannerisms and professionalism both in and out of the classroom are among the elite she exemplifies qualities that are valued in an educator and professional Integrity genuine commit commitment hard work and a firm belief in lifelong learning it is for these reasons and so many others that miss fatro is honored at the balber CL school and [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] time take some pictures I would like all of the Educators and educational specialist of the year to come to the stage to take a a picture with the Board of Education they [Music] we can stay more centered yeah teachers in the middle we should be on the students of the don't leave we're get you next thank you [Applause] wait there [Music] teachers how many conratulations that's [Applause] good okay this time [Music] this time all their parents to come on up to the [Applause] stage we doing that I just want to thank all of our staff for coming out tonight to support us [Applause] as many you come oned [Applause] [Music] all [Applause] right congratulations to all of our students of the month [Music] [Applause] can we're here now hour e e e e e e e e e [Laughter] right everybody let's reconvene we are up to item three do we have any more yes I'll just UMO okay um so yeah I'm a pretty big report today um sorry uh in terms of sports teams uh most of our most of the seasons have been finished so baseball finished their season I I believe finished their season at five wins and 11 losses Boys Tennis finished their season at 10 wins and nine losses their final game being a stadium against Highland Park today I believe they were four seated for group two our JB boys volleyball team finished their season at 311 with a win against College Charter I believe Dr attended himself uh softball finished their season today at 165 with their final game being a state game against HD today which I which I attended and the team is also won the skying mountain division title for this season so I believe that's that a round of [Applause] applause as Dr Freeman said before there were recent intructions for the English Spanish and French honor societies by m Miss Foster Miss Sal and Miss Sanchez and Mr ad respectively uh Dr was in attendance for both of them I myself was in attendance for the English one and I believe that went relatively smoth smooth and similarly the National engl Honor Society will be starting a reading buddies program that will aim to demonstrate uh to the students um in other news the College and Career Readiness program will be starting after the school year ends where students will be able to apply at colleges fill out the F application create a job resum and more which will be led by our staff and administrators here at bber high school and lastly our our future professionals program for our technology department I've just included their the Run of interviews it will be starting this July from I believe it's July to Mid August where they'll provide Aid to our department through uh maintenance and other means while learning about care and it and that was an outstanding report and probably one of the most relevant reports for the board because not only are the good updates for what's happening the district there are a number of items that high that were actually moving tonight in the um one that you indirectly touched on was 9.24 which is approving upgrades to the audio visual equipment so that we'll be able to one I have one more thing I need to add so um I believe the organization organization called The Day byday Foundation but they just had a kickball tournament last weekend raising money for uh our seniors through a I think it's a scholarship which was aided by our H Bound Brook track and field team and similarly our track and field team have their last competition uh next next weekend at sectionals and that thank any questions all right we are up to committee reports uh first up is education and I believe Miss is presen okay I'm gonna do a testing okay good um one of the things was actually a very productive meeting and Mr Ross I may need you I need to jump in um one of the things that we discussed during the uh education curriculum meeting was the changes that taking place in the curriculum and that the major change was music and art semester courses used to be a yearly course but then because of the interest of the teachers and of the students it was changed so that there are now semester courses very very well received um and just moving forward with that there was a Latin music dance class on top of all of that but um again just kind of listening to what the needs are you know in the high school and just putting it into action so just exciting uh one of the things Manuel mentioned too was the CCRN which is the college career Readiness now program and um looking to get Juniors involved in this process also we received $33,000 from rgcc this is huge and I think a lot of this too has to do with very posit POS um relationship that Bamber high school has had with rbcc and really taking advantage of the courses that they offer um it's going to include uh English math supervisors elll it will focus on um college career planning looking to fill out the fast forms to make it so that it's more um available and understandable to students and to parents one of the things that's exciting also is there is an ENT fire program that's coming it's a new program um it's a course it's an actual course and rvcc is looking to hire students and will'll pay the students to attend this and when that that when they then be take part of and complete that program it's a two-year program um working on sites and really doing what EMTs and fire uh Personnel do and then that you know coming back to community that this these are people who they could be hired within the community um you know we added a a drone program here rvcc is also adding a drone program they have a new building and in this new building is a drone program um a virtual assist jet engine program so this is really big stuff that's happening and I'm so glad that bber is is a part of this uh one of the other things we discussed during this meeting was um the testing that was had uh taken place in this uh results and happy to report that there is increase um from in English it was from 63% to 77% that's a good jump uh also in math it was from 32% to 40% so a 14% growth in the English and an 8% growth in mathematics um Small E school is starting a library club and when it was brought to the committee we're looking at how can we just connect this to other programs so looking at connecting the library program with book clubs and looking that uh looking at that and I believe that covers everything from education very good any comments or questions members job uh up to governance Mr B okay um governance always we only spoke about one topic uh South Bound Brook has reached out and they would like to form a joint committee as you guys uh should know because I emailed you about interest in joining the committee uh we got quite a few of you responding in the affirmative so the next step is for the two presidents to come together formally discuss uh the charge of the committee the parameters of the committee meeting uh frequency and and location things of that nature and then once all of that is sorted out we will be reaching out to members to finalize the membership of the committee but that's where it stands right now did I miss anything there Mr President okay that's all we had for governance thank you Mr B any comments or questions all right back to miss high for human [Music] resources this will be brief um you know one of the things that we uh look at every time when we meet as a committee is the Staffing situations at you know in within the district and it's looking you know just for new buyers for um Etc and this time of year too is when you we have um uh renewals and non-renewals so all of that has taken place um I think that's just about it thank you very much questions from miss high on human resources all right open Mr for operations operation operations you guys he yeah my notes are really relevant because some of the microphones aren't working first of all I want to give a shout out to Nick Nick vendy our director of Technology thank you for coming it was an honor to talk to you and and we love the Tre love staff really good so n was basically presented two proposals to the committee related to the upgrade of the High School auditorium audio visual system which we desperately need first was some keyboard consultants and the second generation Services Mr VY expressed that he worked with both companies in the panel he recommended the proposal from keyboard Consultants which was a lot cheaper um members were provided both proposals and members asked technical questions which were answered by Mr the committee recommended the proposal from consult board for consideration after the meeting was determined that there was no need to address the stage curtain and is now fully operational the initiative was included 2425 budget was less than the proposals the scope the need the project was expanded there funds so we are going to finally have everything technology plan the update Mr V was very busy also provided the committee with update to refresh the district techology plan inform the committee of a number of volunteers and number of community and staff Sur response responses received already plan expected to be presented to the board for adoption complete it will develop a three-year Vision identifying the district specific technology needs and the best means to provide such for the students and their families finally uh we had 425 final budget presentation Dr Freeman and Mr gor provided a very brief budget update indicating the budget required supporting information has been submitted to the wants the final approve the committee Mr for you want to throw a question to you are we okay any updates on that Mr upco um subsequent to that meeting the budget has been approved by the county excellent so that's a um really are grateful for our Administration administrative team and everyone a couple more things 2324 resolution transfer access Surplus into the C reserves account Dr Mr the community the only opportunity to transfer funds the 2324 exess Surplus and account Reserve is in the month of June resolution Mr bski provided approximate current balance in the capital reserve account of 2,500 indicated that indicated optimism that the available excess surplus of transfer should be in line with previous years sorry that was right is pay attention right I know Mr Bor was probably sweating it out there where did it [Laughter] go resolution meeting fin consideration follow up future meeting is recommended to revisit discussions with municipality related to Shar Services agreement as related to facilities including fields that are Joly used I want to just throw that to Mr orski and uh anyone else that has any information on that certainly Dr Freeman chime in we've uh we met with Township officials on a few occasions at the operations committee and uh at administrative level meetings to talk about shared service agreements um Investments that the district has made in our turf field and lighting uh that is not just enjoyed by the school Community but the book community at large so we're hopeful that there'll be some Financial participation com from Township to share those costs and more to come on that anyone else no so so one of the things we've been doing is we've been uh collaborating with the uh bur for about the last two months in terms of shared services things that need to be done by way of the school in the bur so we have realized there's a need for M communication that we're trying to build the report so we get to the point where we sit down we can have a cordal conversation about the actual Shar services and uh kind of revisit that and get them to look at uh what we had talked about before kind of reining us or sharing in the cost for some of the fields that we have in place so we'll be reaching out probably sometime this summer to sit down and have conversation thank you I know the committee is thankful that uh we are uh our administrative team very diligent in having over communication with the township and uh I know that we will have some answers in the future thank you so much I appreciate it Mr President that is any notes anything any questions anyone someone [Laughter] question the sign is small School operations and Dr G me that little smile like we we're going to put it the bed and then I I saw your weekend report that we're there we're there actually the last um the last model or mockup that we spoke about that's going to be one okay so we agreed on everything with a couple of details that we came into census and we sent it off to the manufacturer process putting it together yeah that I think that yeah I don't know if I have one question um when the uh printer is working through the signage will there be groups or something that can be approved boing work is done so in other words we're giving them artwor but normally what would happen is like a proof or something would come back from them showing what it's going to look like and I'm just wondering if we want to just get sign off on that so that we know okay let me look into it if it's not already being made we can get that if not we'll get one next time I'm just saying it could be it be brick oh you talking about the last situation ick thank you any other first of all thank you Mr for the report very well done any other comments or questions from the members regarding operations all right Sue do we have any update for County or no that's next month thank you very much uh so we are over to miss Carlon the southbound this will be brief I promise um so earlier a couple months ago I spoke about the fact that um Frank would be coming to school to recertify us for the lighthouse program and we did get our certification so we are halfway to Legacy status we have four more to go and then just our 8th grade graduation is June 14th and as far as the Joint Committee more with everybody thank you sounds good any questions from Miss Carlton all right so we are now up to item 5.1 public participation in the board meeting this will be for agenda uh do we have any comment when you have a chance do we have any online so we are moving on to item 6.1 we res that the B Board of Education on recomendation superintendent approves the minutes the F meetings regular executive session meeting minutes for April 29th 202 we have a motion motion thank you Mr z a second from Miss any discussion call please Mr B yes M gazino yes M Carlton yes Mr zco yes Mr Minas yes H yes Mr bmer Mr President yes motion passes thank you all right we're 7.1 we resolve that the superintendent recommends for approval the resolution personel resolutions this is 7.2 through 7.66 can I have a motion on the digital so I apologize who made that motion second any discussion oh my good yes down here uh on 7.2 of Matt goul is resigning and just a personal comment that my walking through the town I I've met him a couple of times got to know him if you read his reservation and you look at some of the other letters submitted U just a first class individual and um going to another District that's offering a lot more money and I would suggest strongly to the Dr Freeman that you keep his name because he's someone worth pursuing in the future just a great individual any other comments or questions hearing can yes sir Mr Januzzi was that personel motion moved by Mr bmer it was Mr B move and Mr second Mr B yes Mr Caso yes Carlton yes with the exception of 7.27 to 7 67 abstain thank you so noted Mr Z yes with an exception of 7.11 I [Music] abstain M yes Mr yes Mr J yes motion pass thank you we are up to item 8.1 resolve that the B of Education approves the resolutions is outl the district education resolutions this is 8.2 through 8.10 have a motion thank you Mr B a second from Miss Carlton any discussion hear call please Mr B yes Miss cazino yes M Carlton yes with the exception of 8.9 and 8 St so not thank you Mr zco yes Mr menos yes Miss High yes Mr yes Mr J yes motion passes thank you item 9.1 be resol that the B Board of Education approves the resolutions as outlin board action resolutions 9.2 through 9.26 have a motion motion thank you Mr M second second thank you m Carl discussion as always thank you for the donations number two that is correct of BS foundation so thank you very there are no comments or questions we can move to a roll call Mr B yes M Gazo yes M Carlton yes Mr zco yes Mr Minas yes Miss High yes Mr bmer yes yes motion pass thank you we have not been provided with any other to come before the board so we are now up to new business I just I just want to make a comment um I I serve also on the alumni bber Alumni Association and we just went through the scholarship interviews and Mr Smith these kids they they really were and the one thing that really stuck out to me over everything else was their connection and admiration of the teachers and some of the letters of recommendation that came out were so touching but so personal and you know some wrote a number of recommendations you need to each student it just was such a pleasure meeting with these kids and you know I'm sure they'll be excited when they hear but um again it it was wonderful kudos to the staff kudos to the students it just was an absolute pleasure I just wanted to wish a eighth grade class or the best of luck on their upcoming incredible trip that's going to be phenomenal want to thank Dr his team and the staff for putting everything together I want to thank um Everybody our administra from the top 10 um this is a chance for some of our students that have never even been out of the state to and history have a great time so I know it's been many hours weeks and months in the making high sales and so forth so who knows to our um eth grade and class administrative team Dr s and everyone involved thank you [Music] here here we go we are now up to item 12 open to the public uh for discussion so this is not constrained to agenda items uh anybody that's interested just approach the podium make sure you sign in with and and not that each individual be provid time to speak speak twice uh until everybody was interested in speaking as opportun anybody from the ground [Music] no comment online as well all right so we will now move on to item 13.1 be resolved ucation into executive session is allowed by njsa 10 11 for the purposes outline in the motion it's seven and eight sorry seven and eight thank you can I have a motion motion thank you Mr Min second thank you m car all favor to ex e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e second back S1 14 motion motion thank you Mr second second thank you Mr roll call please Mr yes Mr Gazo yes M Carlton yes Mr yes Mr Midas yes M High yes Mr bmer yes and Mr CH yes pass thank you 15.1 resolutions as outl approval of hi cases elementary schools 15.2 15.3 motion motion Mr F second second thank you Miss roll call please yes Miss gazino yes Miss Carlton thank you Mr zco yes Mr minhas yes m h yes Mr Balmer yes yes motion pass thank you we are up to item 16 and I entertain a motion motion thank you Mr second thank you Mr