live um you are now live so I turned it over to you [Music] guys good evening Dr Freeman Board of Education members staff and members of the public welcome to the Bound Brook Board of Education organization this is a unique meeting with the chair being determined yet so as business administrative board secretary I will open the meeting as chair uh we will go through the initial parts of the agenda and elect a board president hopefully and then that person will take over as chair for the remainder of meeting so at this time I will call the meeting to order the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of of the public bodies at which time any business affecting n interest is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Board of Education policy 0162 Board of Education of the barau of Bound Brook has caus notice of this meeting be posted in Board office and at Bound Brook High School and mailed their facts to The Courier News Bound Brook burrow clerk South Bound Brook Board of Education and any person who has requested individual notice and paid the required fee at this time would you please pledge allegiance to [Music] flag item four election results theyve provided to members of the Board of Education and the public and uh be noted in the minutes that Mr Roger subco Mr Donald bber and Mr Michael B were elected to another three-year turn on the board of [Applause] education move on to number five swearing in a new board members if Mr vulmer Mr B and Mr zco would join me at the um the podium we can take care of the [Music] required I got [Music] right this is a required oath for school board members pursuant to njs 18a 12- 2.1 and njsa 41 col 1-1 and 1-3 please repeat after me and in search your name of course I do solemnly swear or affirm swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance fa and Al to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States to the governments established in the United States and this state this state under the authority of the people the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I I do solemnly swear or affirm solemnly swear or affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 pursu to RS 19 4-1 nor disqualified due to the conviction of a crime nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or listed offense in njs 18a 12- and that I will Faithfully I will faith and partially partially and justly and justly perform all the duties of that office perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me goding to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations January 3r serious business oh that's true you're the man you had the most [Laughter] votes I got over congratulations I believe uh we were position one two three right [Applause] me turn [Music] the I forgot [Music] that okay um items six on the agenda is RC call now that we have sworn in all the new members Mr B here Mr Dawson here miss gazino here miss Lima Mr zco here miss Len here Mr minus here miss H here Mr bulmer here Mr J here be noted that we have a quum present this evening now number seven election of board president I will open the nomination process at this time would anybody like to nominate any member of the board of education for president yes Mr Z I nominate Mr Januzzi okay would anybody else like to nominate any other person seeing none we will take a roll call for Mr Januzzi please respond yes if you vote Yes for Mr Januzzi to be board president Mr B yes Mr Dawson yes Miss cazino absolutely yes challenging so noted Mr Z yes Mr Min Miss H yes Mr bmer yes and Mr J abstain you can vote for yourself [Music] no Nos and that elects Mr Januzzi as the new board [Applause] president I appreciate the so we are up to now item number eight election of the vice president uh at this time I'll entertain any motions uh would anyone like to nominate a member for vice president yes thank you Mr for and your nomination is Mr B thank you sir we have a nomination now for Mr bord Vice President can we have a roll call vote please yes sir I apologize do we have any other other nominations at this time see none we will close the nomination process for vice president and take a thank you Mr B yes yeso absolutely yes thank you Mr Z yes m l yes Mr minus yes H yes Mr colmer yes and Mr Januzzi yes motion passes congratulations Mr [Applause] B Mr Gorski can you just tell me how many votes I got vers what was the what was the count there believe I had ninees just makeing sure a resounding all right up to item number nine code of ethics uh it is recommended that members of the Board of Education acknowledge receipt of acceptance of New Jersey school board's Association code of ethics Mike do we have paperwork for them to sign this evening um yes uh we just need to vote on it first motion and a second very good may I have a motion motion thank you misso a second second thank you miss m speak have a roll please Mr B yes Mr Dawson yes M Caso yes Mr zuco yes m b yes Mr minhas yes Miss High yes Mr fmer yes Mr yes motion passed excellent we are up to item number 10 resolutions be resolve that the balberg court of Education authorizes and improves the following organizational resolutions this is item excuse me number two through item number 23 I have a motion motion thank you Mr Dawson a second second thank you Mr zco any [Music] discussion all right hearing done can we have a roll call please sir Mr B yes Mr yes M Casino yes Mr yes yes Mr Min yes Miss H yes yes Mr yes pass thank you we are up to item number 11 open to the public for discussion in accordance with District policy 0167 public participation at board meetings just remember to sign in at the podium or online provide your name address group affiliation if applicable uh and the agenda item or items you are intending to address public participation is limited to 25 minutes in duration and no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard I don't see any comments from the room do we have anyone up online the video uh I am seeing uh I don't see the file on the in the folder so I don't know uh what happened to that uh so I don't know no questions online got we are up to item number 12 I will entertain a motion to adjourn uh Mr real quick before we do I just mention just very quickly members um we have to do our ethics training um I'm my plan is to speak to Gwen and give her the choice of January or February unless any of you have a strong feeling either way that maybe you can or cannot attend one of those meetings it'll be one of those where we have to probably come a little bit early so that she can get the training out of the way before the regular meeting does anybody feel strongly either way or can I give the Choice okay just making sure before I reach out to her okay I'll let you guys know when I hear from her thank you Mike uh and now we're up to item number 12 I a motion to re oh that was I'm sorry that that wasn't there there was nothing online I apologize sorry different meeting structure y yep yep y motion thank you Mr Z second second to give it to Mr Dawson all in favor [Music] hi have a good evening thank [Music] you