all right good evening everybody and welcome to our Board of Education again as always happy to see so many of our families here uh and can't wait to recognize our students and Educators what we do let's clear some administrative items I start with the reading of the open public meetings law we do the Pledge of Allegiance and then we'll get right to the so the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend meetings of public B which time any business affecting their interest is discussed in active in accordance with the provisions of this act Board of Education policy 162 the Board of Education of the bur of B has caused notice of this meeting to be posted in the board office at B high school and mail the facts to the C southbound Board of Education and any person who has requested individual noce please stand join Sir Mr mron here Mr Carl here Mr Z here Mr here Mr Min Miss H here here Mr J here board president you have AUM president this even thank you sir uh now I will turn over to Dr Freeman well good evening everybody and welcome to our April board meeting it is great to see everybody in the audience parents students and teachers alike um we will start as we always do one of our favorite parts of the meeting our recognition of our students of the month we'll start the M school with Dr [Applause] s congratulations to Jessa Arias Alberto Jessa is enjoys music class and language arts Jessa enjoys playing with family animals magnetic letters and puzzles he also enjoys reading arts and crafts dancing and singing in the future he will like career and language arts um reason Yesa was selected was he made so much progress this year he knows all of his letters colors shapes and numbers he's able to express his wants and needs using an iPad he is he is a pleasure to have in my class congratulations [Applause] yosa B okay ready congratulations to Bonnie Sher her favorite school subject is math her favorite hobbies that I like to play t- ball her career plans is I want to be a hairdresser um so from her teachers we are proud to select Bonnie as a student of the month Bonnie is a good friend to all to others and shows kindness both in class and on the playground she loves learning new things and sharing her new sharing new her ideas with the class we are lucky to have Bonnie in room 15 love Miss dhy and [Applause] Mrs one more one two three all right [Applause] [Music] next up we have Miss KS from [Applause] lafette uh our our first grade student of the month I don't think he's but it is Jacob Aragon from Miss ragged class he has three siblings his favorite school subject is science his favorite hobbies are soccer basketball and video games and he wants to become a scientist so congratulations [Applause] Jacob our second grade student of the month is Jasmine Lopez [Applause] Jasmine is from Miss henningson class she has three siblings her favorite school subject is math she loves learning about numbers and she's good at it she likes watching movies with her sister a famous singer one day congrat [Applause] [Applause] [Music] next up from Smalling school we have Mrs [Applause] [Music] garone Right good evening today we're going to start with our third grade student of the month and we have khil seichi khil are you here okay so khil is in our third grade class with Miss rehea um he has two siblings named Y and Sebastian his favorite subject in school is science his favorite hobbies are Lego and YouTube and when he gets older he wants to be a pilot now khil and his and his classmates have been working on skip counting it's their favorite game and currently we are up to skip counting by 10 260s are our um our records so let's give khil a big [Applause] hand our fourth grade student student of the month is Matthew Mesa Lopez from Miss Stern's [Applause] class right Matthew has a little brother named Ethan he's one years old and is right here with us and his favorite subject in school is math and his f hobbies are running around and playing Roblox and he's been working really really hard on his vowel team sounds and won a lot of cheers and classes the other day in the batt game do you remember that yeah I'm very proud of you congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our fifth grade student of the month is Josh Vallejo [Applause] can you come stand with me over there can you Josh is our Josh is our fifth grade student of the month Josh is in Miss helman's class he has three older brother his favorite subject in school is gym class he loves going a Sky Zone playing with his brothers and watching movies on his phone just right now we don't have any career plans just yet but we'll figure them out ready [Applause] one yeah let's have another round of applause for [Applause] John our sixth grade student of the month is Donna Valentina sanria Mendes [Applause] okay it is with great pleasure that we recognize Donna is the sixth grade student of the month Donna exemplifies outstanding qualities that set her apart as a remarkable student and individual Donna consistently demonstrates exceptional dedication to her Studies by consistently following directions completing her homework and achieving excellent grades ma her commitment to academic Excellence serves as an inspiration to her peers and is and is evident to her diligent work ethic Beyond her academic achievements Donna's kindness and generosity shine brightly she is not only a great person to her peers but also a reliable source of support and assistance both inside and outside of the classroom Donna's willingness to help others coupled with her compassion nature creates a positive and inclusive environment for all Donna's Relentless pursuit of improvement and her solid determination to excel are truly admirable her eagerness to learn and grow not only benefits herself but also serves as a Guiding Light for those around her furthermore Donna's welcoming demeanor makes her an example of support for new students her willingness to extend a helping hand and offer guidance exe exemplifies the values and compassion empathy that we strive to teach in all of our students in recognition of her outstanding achievement her exceptional character and her positive influence Miss kavid am Miss Fernandez present Donna with sixth grade student of the mon [Applause] round of [Applause] appuse next up for Community School [Applause] Dr hello everyone the Community Middle School first nominee for student of the month is jasreet PU Jas might not be here tonight JRE was nominated by Mr Wiggins and Miss Zang his Math teachers uh jreed has one brother and favorite subjects arts and physical education his favorite hobbies include reading a book drawing video games watching TV and playing soccer and this is a first for me career plan is to be a paleontologist uh just a few words from jre's teachers he was awarded student of the month for April uh and due to his commitment and learning and eagerness to succeed and contribute to the school community at CMS jreed has helped several of his peers understand various topics in math this year and is ultimately in assisted in maintaining a positive learning environment in the classroom while Ela and physical education are Jasper's favorite subjects you would not be able to tell based on his work ethic determination and positive attitude towards learning overall jreed is a young leader and role model who embodies all of the characteristics of students of the month [Applause] congratulations our next nomination for student of the month is Emily gardo [Applause] em Emily was nominated by her language arts teacher Mr Crowley Emily has one sibling and favorite subjects are language arts and math Emily's favorite hob hobbies are reading and drawing and sees a future career in business Mr Crowley wrote about Emily the following Emily is a deep thinker an inquisitive analyzer and a persistent learner she's currently trying to verbally participate more in class and when she does she clarifies her own thoughts while giving her classmates a different perspective on a topic or skill that is being taught Emily's goal in ela has been to approve her active reading and writing skills she's student of the month because she works more for uh more than just for a grade she works to strengthen her thinking through her reading and writing this is clearly shown through Emily's desire to tackle an extra novel so as in her words to read the classics it is that desire to continually stretch her mind that makes Emily student of the month [Applause] next we have Mr Smith from our high [Applause] [Music] school good evening in recognition of the Crusader citizen of the month the following recipients for bambro school will be recognized just a little uh background about the Crusader citizen of the month me and recognition for students demonstrating positive Crusader citizenship traits such as responsibility respect kindness Integrity cooperation tance and perseverance our first recipient zier [Applause] [Music] Amaker here ready [Music] one one [Applause] two the second recipient Brook Cooper [Applause] I forgot to read zier's description so I will read that in a moment after I read Brook uh Brooke has one brother Ryan Cooper who's a proud Alum of B Brook High School um her favorite subject in school is chemistry and any science uh her favorite hobbies are um hanging out with her friends going to the beach and of course shopping and her future career plan um she is going to attend East sturg University and she's currently undecided that she wants to be a therapist of some sort in the future [Applause] okay smile one two three perfect okay all right we're going to rewind Z Amer has no siblings his favorite subject in school are art in English he enjoys drawing football weight room and tracking field in the future he wants to be a therapist as well so he can be an open ear for people in need so let's here for zer [Music] okay our next recipient Jessica Rivera Gonzalez Jessica has two her favorite subject in school is math she enjoys hanging out with her sister and friends they in her own nails and cheer in the future she wants to become a radiolog technician and a real estate agent as well [Applause] [Applause] so and last but certainly not least we have taliana Santiago Tana has two siblings Christian and Juan Santiago her favorite subject is Art because it is one of her greatest strengths which which she can help uh which she can develop all of her creativity and express her ideas in a genuine way her favorite hobbies are listening to music because she can interpret the melody and lyrics of the song out of her reality and helping her to relax her future career plans include studying interior design because it allows her to be creative Express her style and also gives her the opportunity to transform spaces and create welcoming and functional places for others [Applause] thank you okay let's have another round of applause for all of our students of the and we have one we're going to announce so congratulations to Yesa Adia sabero and Mrs Burn's class this month student of the month [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] Beau let's have another round of applause for okay one last round of applause for all our students of the month congratulations keep have a great work everyone okay next up we have our employee of the month now supposed to be one but this is a special month because we had a hard time choosing we have two employees one is at home and With Us online is one is in the audience one that is home online is expecting any minute so we're going to take care of her first and that isney we would ask Carone to come up and read her reward [Applause] recognition that all um SMY Elementary School nominates Miss Brit keeper for the prestigious title of the employee of the month for April this year I've had the privilege of witnessing the incredible impact Miss keeper has had on our student students and on the fifth grade team Miss keeper consistently goes above and beyond and she creates positive and engaging uh learning learning in her classroom she inspires her students not only academically but personally and she Fosters a love for learning that will stay with them for years to come Miss keeper always has a smile on her face through her entire nine months of pregnancy too um she incorporates a great deal of fun into her class she's always smiling her students are always smil smiling Miss Keeper's class is one where the students are always in groups they're always seated flexibly they have clipboards sometimes they're lying on the floor doing stepping over kids and they're just always engaged no matter where they're sitting or what they're doing um Miss keeper utilizes responsive classroom to promote collaboration Community respect and empathy and she teaches them valuable life skills along the way Miss keeper Fosters the development of compassionate and responsible individuals who are ready to make a positive impact of the world Miss Keir is a model for what she teaches for her students because she actively contributes to our school Community she assists in all of the fundraising that the fifth grade team does and she even teaches in our win program she cheers on present and past students in sporting events at the middle and high school Miss keeper embodies the qualities of an outstanding educator she has dedication passion inovation and Care her unwavering commitment to Student Success and wellbeing makes her truly deserving of this teacher of the month of work Miss keeper we love you we miss you we wish you were here today we're glad you're not here today so you can take care of yourself we wish you the best of luck and [Applause] congratulations okay next have this SMB let me hear [Music] you the lafette staff has nominated an educator of the month who embodies the very essence of professionalism dedication and Excellence Dean fishbach Mrs fishbach exemplifies what it means to be prepared and professional in every as as of her role as a teacher she consistently plans with her students needs and learning styles at the Forefront of her mind and ensures she has all necessary materials at hand ready to tackle any challenge that comes her way but what truly sets her apart is her ability to prepare for each students's unique personality understanding that every child is different Mrs fishbach approaches each interaction with Grace and empathy fostering an environment where every student feels valued and understood professionally Mrs fishbach M aains an outstanding rapport with parents colleagues and remains up toate with curriculum advancements her dedication to her craft is evident in the way she approaches each day as a fresh opportunity to make a positive impact Mrs fishbach Embraces each new day with enthusiasm and optimism Mrs fishbox commitment extends far beyond the typical expectations of her role she arrives really early every single day demonstrating her unwavering dedication to both her students and her profession stepping into her class one can't help but be impressed by the vibrant learning environment she has created her walls adorned with student work and her engaging discussions with students reflect her work ethic and passion for Education Mrs fishbach's collaborative Spirit shines through in her interactions with her co-teachers and parent professionals she is not only a reliable team member but also a source of inspiration and guidance colleagues often turned her her for suggestions and ideas recognizing her wealth of wisdom and experience Mrs fishbox tireless dedication professionalism and passion for her work make her the epitome of an employee of the month she goes above and beyond for her students day in and day out leaving an indelible mark on those she encoun encounters it is my honor to nominate Miss deian fishbach for this well-deserved recognition [Applause] round of [Applause] oh at this time all of our students and parents come up to the stage to take a new picture care keep going I know h Coopers are coming the Coopers are coming looks yep all right big smiles good there you go I'll see you [Applause] [Laughter] I'm gonna get some new spice for today say get you see you anything [Music] [Music] enjoy your board meeting oh yes [Music] [Music] AG final at this time I'm actually turn the Flor over to Mr read through resolution motion Mr thank you Mr janzi because the final adopted budget it's unchanged from the tenative Bud we going to give an abbreviated uh introduction to it and read the resolution then this is a unique meeting because it's a public forum on the budget so after we read the resolution and we get a first in second motion on the budget it'll be open for public forum public is welcome to speak to the budget specifically and then it'll open up to board questions and then we'll take a vote so the 2425 budget is one that we reviewed administratively from the preliminarily adopted budget to where we are now we have had approval from the county office we have advertised according with statute and this budget provides for an increasing number of students at least 45 additional students are projected where not surprised if it meets the trend and that could be as high as 75 this budget particular allocates an increased amount of resources to programs and construction that is is the theme of this budget if there was one we are really doubling down on resources to really make a difference in the classroom push the needle on performance expansion of curriculum programs and Staffing um to meet New Jersey student learning standards and performance data we're also budgeting for Capital Outlet projects required for health and safety we're budgeting for inflation especially in the areas of Transportation maintenance and energy and we're developing a budget that supports an educational program that meets The Learning needs of all students while giving strong consideration to fiscal efficiency and the impact on the local taxpayer for many years boundbrook has been one of the most severely underfunded school districts and the school funding Reform Act of 2008 was modified by two to bring all school districts to full funding which the the formula failed to mean in the past because there wasn't enough revenues so for the first first time since the Corine Administration this budget is representative of full funding according to the school funding formula this is the first time it's been done to its Fidelity since 2008 so we are catching up with spending we are meeting a lot of pinned up needs in the district and all of this information tonight and from the preliminary is available on the website if anybody would like to see we've closed the under adequacy status here in the district in 2223 we were $3.4 million under adequacy under the adequacy model that the state calls thorough and efficient that got cut to 1.5 million last year and now it's 1.4 general fund Levy is increasing not to the maximum amount that it could but it's going to grow $294,990 and the healthcare cap adjustment of approximately $270,000 will be unappropriated and carried forward for future views state aid increased over $5 million in the general fund that's 16% increase we've waited for this money a long time and Dr Freeman and Educators here have very good plans on how to use this and concentrate in the classroom and on facility and also included in this budget is Capital Improvements this school we have all of what's called Gang bathrooms replaced that's all of the multiple use bathrooms are going to be redesigned and adaa compant we're going to do Paving throughout the district flooring we're going to buy a couple pieces of Machinery including a tractor and a grooming machine for the field that will extend the life of of field we're going to buy a new sound system [Music] for and um numerous other items and through numerous cost savings uh from shared services that are also posted on the website we've um been very efficient with this budget and shared costs with the municipality and other school districts including southbound Rook to create efficiencies for all parties and after all that is said and done the school tax rate because of the growth in ratables is going to decrease and the average assessed home in boundbrook of $418,500 will experience a school tax decrease of $140 so at this time I'd like to read the resolution and ask for a first and a second and then open it up for a public comment as recommended by the superintendent of schools be resolved by the bber Board of Education that the 24 25 final general fund budget be adopted in the amount of 55 M21 2016, N20 and a final general fund local tax levy in the amount of 13 m965 571 and a final special Revenue Fund in the amount of 3,364 616 and a final debt service budget in the amount of 1 M 66384 and a final debt service local tax levy amount of $777,500 2425 budget totals 60 m, $245,400 and whereas the bber board of education has been notified of state aid amounts and whereas such state aid amounts are for 2425 Equalization Aid is 31 m381 1837 for 24-25 school choice Aid is $126,300 the 2425 categorical special education Aid is $2,241 787 for the 2425 categorical security Aid is $1,494 for the 2425 categorical Transportation Aid is 155,000 401 and the 2425 preschool education Aid is $2,507 196 and for the 2425 de service Aid is8 8 6,788 and whereas the bber board of education has estimated a state a amount pursuing the application and for 2425 the estimated extraordinary Aid amount is $300,000 whereby policy 6471 and NJ 6A 23A d7.3 provides that the Board of Education shall establish in the annual school budget a maximum expender children out that may be allotted for travel and expense reimbursement for the 2425 school year now therefore be resolved that the Bound Brook Board of Education hereby establishes the school district annual Travel maximum for the 2425 school year at a total of $57,500 and be had further resolved that the school business administrator shall track and record these costs to ensure the maximum amount is not exceeded and whereas due to consistent student enrollment growth instructional Staffing and program needs facility needs and other priorities set forth by the superintendent of schools the board is budgeting to maximum spending Authority an automatic enrollment adjustment to cap of $2,752 63,800 pleas thank you Mr I would be glad to offer [Music] first Mo a second M thank you and at this time Mr Jan to please the Lord we'll open it up for public hearing part if anybody from the public wishes to speak to the budget only you're welcome to come to the okay um seeing none we will close the public hearing and um open it up for board discussion any questions or comments regarding the budget for board members come I won't use that good I just want to you know I'm looking at all this and just looking at the documents that we've been set and everything that goes into this budget what a tremendous amount of work and what a job well done Mr Cory thank you [Applause] know as um as the operations committee and the board understands this is one of the largest group projects in the district we do every year so as much as I'm flattered by the comments I I really would like to share that with the whole administrative team that's here couldn't have put this together without your help and especially Robin and [Applause] Dr all right Mr G please do a roll yes sir Mr Dawson yes M Carlton yes Mr zco yes Miss M yes Mr minhas yes Miss Hy yes Mr Fulmer yes Mr Court president yes motion passes thank you thank you uh we are up to agenda item number three our student so now that we are approaching May a lot of the students and the sports teams have been ramping up in terms of like their classes and sports so to start um the boys tennis team are currently four and five with their senior night on the ninth at for Colonial Park we have a new team this year the boys volleyball team starting off as a JD team for are currently uh two and five with their next game being home at for at the gym the girl softball are current are currently fifth in I believe the county or the Skyland conference um they're 82 with they're SE night on May 13th at four on T Street field the boys baseball team are currently one and six with their next home game on the second against sou Amboy and Shack and field um there's been a lot of them so we have a full bter who's currently seventh in the State uh we have our senior night tomorrow at four at the field um we the team currently well not currently uh they won the hell relays a couple weeks ago for small teams and yeah so in other news uh there were the first world championship in Houston Texas where their executive board gave two presentations to a room of Judges about their effect on the community the our history Honor Society Rapa volunteered at the Battle of ground Brook on the weekend of April 12th at the Adam strats house uh basically they demonstrated the fight uh people got to T the house dress up I was there myself it was pretty fun I got lost in the house njsla testing is currently ongoing for freshman Juniors uh today and tomorrow is the science tester Juniors and those two days and Wednesday and Thursday are for the Freshman uh I believe sat tutoring is on going until late May AP testing will be starting on the 6th of May until the 17th which um we've been including more a classes in our curriculum starting a couple years ago and yeah basically all the classes are now studying and preparing for it which is important for college and stuff and lastly our it office is starting a student future professionals program where students will be able to basically get internship there and get hands-on experience with the application deadline will be May 3rd and will run from July 8th to August 15 excellent report thank you very much any comments or questions from our members so good no questions thanks [Applause] job all right at this time we are up to committee meeting reports item 41 is education Mr B thank you Mr President the education committee met uh recently there are two main topics that we focused on uh bilingual programming and some changes in the elector programming of the high school with regards to bilingual programming the district teachers and administrators have done a lot of work this year to um take a look at the Bilal program and there's a lot of positive changes to report uh the district administrators shared anecdotes from several different classes that they visited seeing students very excited about their work a lot of enthusiasm and engagement among the students um we are currently offering programming um in Spanish that many of our students have benefited from um there's a lot of feedback from uh School staff that the program is working particularly well for students um from other countries who are multilingual Learners however we've also gotten some anecdotal feedback from the families that there may be some concerns about um students losing gains they may have had in English in previous years the district continues to invest in looking at ways to on these students and are looking at some additional options for upcoming years that might promote um additional support such as an academy for students who are brand new to the country as well as bilingual ESL coaches to support social grou with respect to the high school there also a lot of great work going on there that we've spoken about in previous meetings regarding the program of study um particularly with the idea of changing some of the uh electives from a full year course to a half year course and how that might afford our students more flexibility with the that they might um need to graduate but also that might UST them uh the teachers are excited about creating new course offerings having some flexibility in how to present these materials and we're excited about potentially having more options for students so there may be some items coming forward uh to support that work over the summer so all in all is a very positive meeting about good things that are happening in our classrooms and behind the scenes with administrative support that the board can be excited excellent job thank you Mr Dawson any comments or questions for the education committee all right we'll move on to governance as you will have noted Mr B is not with us tonight I will just give you a brief description of some of the items that were discussed and then ask him you have any questions or comments afterward uh so we talked about the Strategic plan so we completed uh the exercises with our ref from njsba we just AIT for final report which we would then take and uh confirm uh how to transfer that to actually being a fiveyear plan that can be brought back to the board of education for adoption uh we also talked about how to incorporate that document in our meeting and planning process uh moving forward uh one of the things that we had spoken about as a board was the fact that the prior fiveyear plan really wasn't well known to all the members it certainly wasn't um a road map that we were conscientious and following as we tried to undertake our duty so we wanted to rectify that this new fiveyear plan um we intend to make it a part of the annual planning process so as we're setting our board go go goals for each year we intend to revisit the fiveyear play to see whether or not we are on uh Pace to accomplish the goals that we set out to achieve uh we would also uh plan for a state of the District of report from Dr Freeman on behalf of the administration uh likely two times maybe three per year maybe at the beginning and the end of school year once in the middle we're going to work with dran and the administrative team on exactly when how that would materialized that be a step Direction uh the second item that we discussed was actually the process for our superintendent valuation um so we just noted that that timeline is uh quickly approaching knowing that we have to have it completed by June 30th by Statute and then there are a number of checkpoints along the way so you can expect that process to kick off via email uh over the next week or so and then the last item that we talk about was actually a proposal that came from our operations committee meeting uh to create a special committee to partner with our friends from South Mount Brook um it was something I think that the governance committee confirmed just like operations would be a positive Improvement and help to um improve our our areas of communication with South Brook there were a couple of comments that they did make so I wanted to just confer with you on that after the fact I think everybody generally is support undering activity I will stop there because that's about the most that I remember but uh again happy to entertain any questions now or you can feel free to follow up with my all right hearing now let's move on to Human Resources this I'm G try this is better yes um this was I don't have many items to report on but one of the first things that we do when we get into the committee meeting is we always look at um just as Staffing so what we of course looked at was you know this includes transfers within the district Etc renewals non-renewals retirement Rea absin so with that on tonight's agenda two things that are very nice to see which is um the position of the director of special services uh the Behavior's position and also looking at the summer Aid rate for um the AIDS coming in to help with the teachers this summer the other thing that would suest is Mr Gorski has been working with our broker insurance broker just really trying to keep cost reasonable and we're looking at an increase actually less than a two-digit increase which has been much better than most districts so that is not going to and actually that's all that I have for this report sounds good thank you Miss H any comments or questions on human resources all right here we come you're on to item 4. four Mr Z for operations so operations fun and we have a lot of good things to talk about we welcome Mr Richard am I saying is Elder Mr am saying the yes okay uh he was there virtually to present the committee and update on the status of the rodad grants he informed the committee that the district had received fully ex executed Grant agreements and also presented his firm's proposal for architectural engineering Services required for the broad gr projects and the advisory service of navigating the complicated reimbursement process required by the state reced it I have any comments Mr no sir I think you all it well okay we also talked about I don't want to talk about the final budget presentation which we took care of tonight and the the administrative team at the board for working together and putting everything together that was that was incredible so we really appreciate that um talk about 2425 School Enterprises and P and Food Service management the uh Dr Min provided the committee with a full pomptonian proposal which delineated delineated an approximate 1% increase in management which is under the index rate defined in the RFP approximate 1% increase by the recomended um basic they just say that school lunch prices will be going up a little bit uh there'll be a slight increase in lunch prices by 10 cents for students all schools except for breakfast which is free the need to increase the per rate other cost inflation we are as a town fortunate that the last audit demonstrated that the fund was not need a sorry the need to increase the peral was R due to the I have some notes B is fortunate that the last a demonstrated that the fund was not in need of a transfer of funds from the general fund to provide solvency the committee recommended the lunch prices in the pan contract for the board we also talked about the um how would you say Mr gy this is our auditing firm yes uh presented the committee with an engagement letter proposal for for from our auditing firm for the year ending 6 through 24 the committee reviewed the 11 proposal including the fees delineated on page 8 of 11 comme recommended the engagement letter proposal for feed through board we also talked about faroh's final payment requests um it's permitted to present to the committee uh for a final request number the pay request byous other close out documents Mr explain is an obligation district attorney and other UNS construction be by warranties and or other legal needs the board recommended this is an agenda item this is item that I I I was most excited um this our southbound work representative Miss Carlton representative from the South Pound Brook Board of Education and um presented a consideration to the operations commit an ad H Committee compris of three bound members and three south bound members excluding both districts board presidents to deliver to talk about mutro board interests the committee be hosted at the South B campus and the meeting would be attended by South presidents committee members would be asked questions before uh committee members asked general questions before recommending the consideration to the governance committee I on a personal note I mean communication is something that is vital for both communities so I hope that this is something that can get L um other than that the operations committee as usual was well attended we enjoyed really incredible conversation and thanks again to our administrative team for a phenomenal phenomenal job so that's a presentation Mr President questions please let me know thank you so much Mr Z any comments or questions on operations all right 4.5 the Somerset County Educational Services Commission so as you know somerson County it's SCC that meets every other month so therefore iort month but um from the superintendent there the enrollment is going on it's tending upwards or trending upwards I'm sorry one of the things that the students are doing is that they're working with the Building Trades and on outdoor projects they're gardening they're doing lighting painting blind replacement it's just very Hands-On it's nice to see um the contract with their teachers was settled which was good news and two new teachers were hired um along with some support staff and they continue to have openings that they've been experiencing a tough time getting um you know finding the teachers which isn't unusual because a lot of places are having problems with that um they are also working with Architects just to reconfigure the classroom because the enrollment is increasing so um you know they've looked at purchasing buildings they've looked at renovating another building it's on the property but it's so very costly that they're now looking inside the building just reconfigured classrooms there and that really is the G thank you Miss hi any comments or questions regarding SCC all right over to Miss Carlton for our first official South thank you so um I want to start with since we talked about the Bound Brook uh District budget South Bound Brook finalized their budget last week um and I have to say that Dr gouki and Mrs Bessel are our business administrator business secretary they worked really hard with some challenging numbers to keep the um the tax levy down so the the residents in town um I write this down because I know I'll forget uh house the the average house assessed at $238,700 terms of balancing it and there's a lot of reasons why for both the high school and Charter Schools um transportation costs salaries and benefits um capital projects but like I said Dr GOI and Mrs Bessel worked really hard to make sure that they maintained existing programs um we did have to make some big cuts um we did eliminate a position a World Language teacher position but that was an open position it just hadn't been filled yet we did eliminate our class three officer some curriculum we did have to eliminate our summer program um and you know those are just a few of the items but again they did what they had to do um to balance our budget so with that said I'd like to go to some more positive items um last month I mentioned that our students participated in witness Stone program and they rece they're receiving an award from Somerset County uh in conjunction with the friends of Abraham st's house for contributing to County History our eighth grade students went to santae to work with uh scientists on site two students were challenged two students teams were challenged to create a design for wind tur turbines and one of the teams exceeded the most tools ever created in the program um one of the programs that we kept and this seems silly but I don't know it excites me um we have a new ukulele program nice and uh it's an fascinating interest and the kids are excited um and that's it excellent any questions for M Caron regarding the South all right we are then up to item 5.1 and we are open for public participation for agenda items home so anybody either online or uh in the room that would like to make a comment regarding item on the agenda can feel free to do so at this time for online you need to fill out the form naming your name and affiliation in the room there is a sign sheet I have this every time should sck for hey yeah I'll bring my own stamp next time appreciate itome back thank you yes it's proud dad Mr Schaffner here uh now I get to speak as a proud assistant drama club director that uh this weekend and this weekend only uh we are putting on Chicago right here the teen Edition of Chicago we're doing things a little bit differently uh this is a artistic vision from our director Mrs shner that we are going to put our audience on the stage and they are going to be kind of in a U-shaped we're going to bring in some risers bring in some chairs uh where a lot of the action will be kind of concentrated right in the middle of our stage um so we're trying to replicate what would be like a blackbox theater uh type experience you know still costumes lighting the whole nine yards um but just a little bit more intimate because uh we kind of like the model that we've been doing this year where we do something more familyfriendly like Willy Wonka or susal in the fall uh maybe with other students from smaller the middle school and do something a little bit more serious a little bit more mature for our high school kids to really hone their acting craft and everything like that so that's our goal um going forward so I have Flyers that I will pass out for you so because we are doing it uh on the stage we're asking that we uh you reserve tickets online so we can put groups together if you're in a group of four we can seat you and make sure that we have enough seats to accommodate everybody uh but we hope to see you there um it's May 3rd at 7 o'clock pm. uh May 4 Saturday at 7M and Sunday at 3 right here on stage and while all that's going on the creativity show will also be in the gym so that will be featuring artwork from our other high school students that they've been creating throughout the year so we hope to see you there thanks for coming in for the update sounds like a fantastic progam great appreciate it thank you [Applause] com there are no responses on all right before we move on to uh our general business in item 6.1 I just want to acknowledge and thank Mr K who in the audience [Applause] tonight really appreciate you coming out uh at this time we are up to item 6.1 be it resolved that the bound report of education on recommendation of the superintendent approves the minutes for the following meetings regular and executive session meeting minutes for March 13 2024 have a motion motion thank you Mr Dawson a second second thank you Mr Z any comments roll call please yes sir Mr Dawson yes M Carlton yes Mr zco yes M yes Mr Minos yes Miss H yes Mr yes Mr yes motion pass thank you item 7.1 we resolve that the superintendent for approval resolution District personel resolution these are items 7.2 through 76 have a motion motion thank you Mr Dawson a second miss high thank you any discussion I have to abstain from 7.9 um yes get it on record as soon as we take uh quick question on 7.4 yes Mr um any reason why we can't ruce it yeah I think that's an item that we can talk about in session we have discuss executive okay fair enough and the other question is uh 7 forgive me my back 725 uh it's my understanding that um the gentleman is retiring at the end of the year so my question is why are we sending someone to a conference who's going to be retiring July it's part of the contract contract we Haven do it yet okay thank you Mr yes sir I asked I've asked this before but on 7.48 we're approving a leave of absence that took place from October 23 to March of 24 how does that happen that somebody goes on leave of absence and we didn't approve it until after it's done so it's a revision to something that was previously uh approved and rised the because I believe okay the other issue there was a question on 7.4 which you said have be referred to Executive session would be proper to table a v on 7.4 until after executive session so moved so now we have a motion to table item Mr janzi motion to table is a priority motion so we'll just go right to a vote sure please this is the table 7.4 move by Mr bmer is is there a second I'm sorry I miss um Mr bmer made a motion to table 7.4 we just need a second second okay we will go right to a vote um as that has no deliberation this is the table 7.4 Mr Dawson no Miss Carlton um hear no thank you Mr zco no M mus no Mr Minas yes m h no Mr Palmer yes for pres no motion to table fail okay so we are back to the original motion which is the resolution 7.2 through 7.60 with the inclusion of 7.4 any additional comments or questions all right hearing done give me a roll call please Mr Dawson yes M Carlton abstain 7.2 2 and 7.36 to 7.60 approve everything else yes to everything else Mr z um 7.9 exstension but yes to everything else 7.9 yes on thank you m m yes Mr Minas yes m h yes Mr bmer yes with the exception of 7.4 on 7.4 so and Mr Jan yes motion passes thank you Mr Gori we are up to item 8.1 be it resolved that the B Board of Education approves resolutions as outline the district education resolutions 8.2 to 8.17 have a motion thank you Mr Z second second thank you m any discussion s please I just want to say one thing that I'm always happy to see is the professional development that's offered to the staff I I think it's very important to just look for opportunities and bring it back to those who you work with and there was something else but I can't remember it's a good start any other comments or questions I'll just say thank you to the PTO specifically for item 8.13 um with all the extra that they put in the fact that they're able to help cover costs uh for the classrooms if there are any other comments we can go ahead and take a Mr Dawson yes M Miss Carl abstain 8.7 to 8.17 uh yes to every thank you Mr Z yes m m yes Mr minous yes yes m h yes Mr Palmer yes Mr pres yes motion passes thank you item 9.1 do you resolve that board of education approves the resolutions as outl board action resolutions this is 9.2 9.42 have a motion motion thank you Miss carlt a second second thank you Miss mus any discussion I do for 9.32 I think there's a typo in there it said 2023 instead of 2024 9 yeah sorry 9.32 this is the professional development for board members yeah is it supposed to say 2023 no but you may have older I have the one okay I apologize correct I missed the update sorry just want to thank the uh donation from prevention resources to the district appreciate it thank you for um 9.15 um R family medicine there's an op in for coverage at football games are we going to opt in yeah any other comments or questions I just want to acknowledge that in addition to the donation that Mr Z pointed out we are graciously accepting one two three four five other donations so I won't acknowledge each one by name but just thank you to everybody who continues to support our students in the community uh Mr Gori can we please do a roll yes sir Mr Dawson yes Carl uh yes with the exception of 9.28 to 9.30 9.35 to 9.36 and 9.38 to 9.42 obain not thank you Mr Z yes M yes Mr yes m i yes Mr bmer yes Mr Ji yes thank you we have not provided any other matters to come before the board so we now open bus committee I have one topic so a student came up to me last week and he was asking me why um grad 2024 graduates are allowed to basically wear country schools gu um and I just wondering if there was a reason why something that I wasn't aware of um so if you we can have a conversation tomorrow about we can have a conversation about tomorrow okay sorry any other from the members all right then we are open to the public for discussion hello everyone Joe Santa Community Middle School I know we've thanked a lot of people tonight but it's an ongoing support every year for the Community Middle School like to thank specifically um Hagen chamber Hagen chamber funeral home as well as the elves for their generous generous donations and ongoing support every year thank you very much [Applause] any other comments or questions all right uh one other uh member in the crowd that I forgot to acknowledge here Dr Christen M just wanted to say thank you for attending the meeting [Applause] all right at this time you're up to 13.1 move to ex session resolve that the B Board of Education enters executive session as by njsa 101 purp outl the motion under ite and motion Mo Mr thank you Miss allv your e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right we are back session it education approves resolution appr HIV cases under high school this is item 14.2 have a motion thank you second thank you [Music] m Mr yes M Carlton yes yes yes Mr Min yes m h yes Mr Palmer yes Mr President yes motion passes 151 be resolve that the B Board of Education approves the resolutions as outling approval of HIV cases on middle and elementary schools this is item 15.2 and 15.3 have a motion thank you m m second second thank you Mr Man house roll call please Mr Dawson yes M Carlton abstain Mr zco yes yes Mr minus yes m h yes Mr bmer yes yes item 16.1 I will now entertain a motion to miss and Miss Carlton all in [Music] favor Jo a couple