##VIDEO ID:WI4dkodHpY8## e good morning everyone and welcome to the braen and city council meeting Wednesday September 11th 2024 Braden and city council chambers at this time we'll go start with our invocation and pledge as we always do and today is is kind of one of those symbolic special days that we do this in honor of our country so we really appreciate everyone being here and and we'll start out at this time with chaplain Paul ERS to come forward um and do the pledge excuse me and do the invocation please stand good morning mayor city council members and everyone it's an honor for me to be here today on this special day and I would like to extend an invitation for you to join me as I pray father father God we are thankful that you are here this morning and that you have given us the opportunity to gather here in these council chambers in this great city of Bradenton I pray that your blessing will be upon the Affairs and the discussions that will be brought before the governing members of this city council Grant to each of them wisdom understanding and discernment as they address the issues of this day's agenda items and give them solutions to best serve the interest of our community and the citizens that they represent Lord God as we proceed with the business of this day September the 11th 2024 let us pause to reflect and consider the tragic events that were unfolding across our great nation 23 years ago today on September the 11th 2001 this very hour may we never forget the nearly 3,000 Souls that perished that day and more than 6,000 others that were injured when terrorists conducted the worst attack against the Homeland in our nation's history may we never forget the tremendous acts of courage strength and heroic bravery of the many men and women of our fire and police departments who gave their all many giving their lives and the Supreme sacrifice to the Call of Duty alongside the Emergency Medical Services military personnel and many other First Responders and citizens that selflessly came to the aid and rescue of those who were found hurting and helpless and in their most desperate hour of need Lord God as we now move fast forward in time to the days that we are currently living in let us be sober and mindful as we consider the threats that remain a constant reality to us and to others all across this globe keep us a Vigilant and a prepared people help us to remember to support and to pray for those that you have placed in leadership to govern and to those that stand In Harm's Way every moment of every day to protect the life liberty and the freedoms that we as citizens of this great United States of America are so blessed to experience Lord God I pray that your Mighty hand of Grace blessing and mercy will continue to remain on us here in the city of Branden and in the cities and communities all across this land and our nation May our hearts continue to acknowledge and to trust in you for it's in your name that we pray amen amen thank you chaplain yours and at this time I'd like to ask um Intel analyst for the Braden and police department Miss Nancy come forward um during her tenure with the New York PD she was a first responder at the September 11 terrorist attacks and spent months after involved in rescue recovery and investigation into the efforts for New York City so I would like to ask her to lead us in the pledge today and thank you for your service there so thank you pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you and also um chaplain URS was also uh for our fire retired fire department captain in here with us so um I'd also like to before we get started on the next part um let's let's call the meeting to order um just thank all of our First Responders that are in the room today I know we just had the 911 memorial 23 years celebration but you look out there and you know firefighters in the room police officers in the room and we know you run towards trouble when we're running away so we just want to thank you for all that you do and especially those that have connections in that too September 11th in New York city so we appreciate what you do and thank you for everything and keeping our city safe no matter when it is and how how it is so any Council want to say anything I mean okay all right thank you Madame clerk the first item on the agenda is a Time certain public hearing for resolution 2475 right Mr Perry are you gonna bring this up or briefly okay thank you mayor uh resolution 2475 is a public hearing uh for the resolution which will call for the uh imposition of a non- adorm special assessment uh on behalf of private for-profit nonprofit hospitals located within the city limits uh it is the resolution that accompanies the prior ordinance that was passed and there is representation um from special counsel Chris row who had represented the city along with Mr rudisel but Mr R is an e expert in this area of practice and there are also representatives from manity Memorial and some of their Consultants whether you have if you have any questions you'd like to be asked uh this is basically again uh concominant to the prior ordinance that was passed and this is just really the referencing and passing of the the uh resolution setting the assessment amount this will come up annually and you have discussed with all Council people I've had the opportunity to discuss it with each and every Council uh I I had not spoken with councilwoman Coachman however okay all right um would the app or the resolution this will have to be opened up for Public public hearing but any comments Mr rudisell anything other than just if we go to public hearing no Mr I don't have anything else all right all right well at this time we'll open up for the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor move to approve resolution 2475 all right is there a second second Barnaby all right any discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in ward two yes three yes four yes one yes all right carries four to zero thank you very much Madam clerk item 5A is a proclamation for tribute to Heroes day are we going to do citizen comment that was oh I'm sorry citizen comment yeah that's I was thinking okay did I miss that I should have probably just done it but um being started at 8:30 you know instead of 10:30 instead of 8:30 so at this time we are going to call um for citizen comment citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda items agenda items future agenda items or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on public hearings at the appropriate time obviously we already had a public hearing so we saw when that was going um one thing that I would like to to mention um at one of the meetings earlier uh that the city had earlier in the month there was some inappropriate gestures and comments made to staff and if that's done here that will not be tolerated by any citizen um and you will be asked to leave immediately or you'll be escorted out so anything that's inappropriate is on video and can be seen so it won't be accepted in this body at any time so I just want the citizens to hear that and know it that we're going to have decorum and we're not going to do any gestures in the future all right at this time I only have one and it says Keith G so if Keith G can come forward Keith Green you have three minutes state your name and city of residence Keith Green manate County I wanted to definitely come up and thank all of you for supporting the recent First Responders mass that took place on Monday January 9th and I wanted to personally on behalf of our Council thank the city of Bradington and the Bradington PD for their participation and partnership and we look forward to hosting you guys next year as we are working very tirelessly to plan for the next one I uh again wanted to thank all of you for your attendance and definitely wanted to thank all of our First Responders who every single day when it's not a very somber day such as this who put their lives on the line for all of us and I along with the members of my Council have a deep appreciation for all of them on a personal note I actually lived in the DC area during 911 and lived not far from the Pentagon and I saw not only the resilience of just everyone there but it goes to show that when Community comes together works together we can move mountains and we can do great things thank you thank you all right I have no further card so I guess we'll kind of move forward now okay sounds great tribute to Hero's day Proclamation okay and and I'm going to read that for us um by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Bradenton I do hereby issue this Proclamation honoring uh tributes to Hero's day September 11th 2024 whereas on September 11th 2001 the United States suffered and endured one of the most horrific acts in our history the attack of our homeland by terrorists who hijacked four jetliners and in a carefully executed plan to fill Americans with fear and insecurity whereas the American people refused to be coward and stood proud and honored their lost countrymen with strength and dignity whereas 343 firefighters and 60 police officers lost their lives on that faithful day as they responded to the calls of the injured and trapped they did not hesitate they did not falter they went forward regardless of risk and are true heroes whereas September 11th proved to be the world that Heroes come in all shapes and sizes there are the many firefighters excuse me they are the many firefighters emergency services and law enforcement Personnel who responded on that day and are ready to respond again whenever and wherever they are needed whereas the courage and unselfish acts that day proved again that our country is truly the land of the free in the home of the brave now therefore it be resolved that aene brown as the mayor of the city of Braden in Florida do hereby Pro Proclaim September 11th 2024 as tribute to Hero's day and urge all citizens to reflect and remember those lost but never forgotten and thank those emergency response Personnel who risk their lives daily their Spirit endures and the breeze that lifts the Stars and Stripes each and every day God bless America and all those that reside in her land from sea to shining sea Jean Brown mayor on behalf of the city council and all the administration and staff for the city of Bradenton and obviously our First Responders so thank you madam clerk our next Proclamation is Constitution week which I'll read on behalf of the mayor whereas September 17th 2024 marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention and whereas it is fitting and proper to Accord official recognition to This Magnificent document and its memorable anniversary and to the Patriotic celebrations which will commemorate on the occasion and whereas Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the president of the United States of America designating September 17th through the 23rd 2024 as Constitution week now therefore be it resolved that iene brown as mayor of the city of Bron Florida do hereby Proclaim September 177 through the 23rd 2024 as Constitution week and urge all citizens to reaffirm the ideals the framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vi vi Vigilant excuse me protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties remembering that lost rights may never be regained sign Jee Brown mayor thank you who do we have in the room to accept welcome yeah good morning morning I am a member of the manatee chapter Daughters of the American Revolution but today I'm representing five chapters with over 500 members the DAR is a lineage based membership which was formed in 1890 da our members actively promote historic preservation and education and participates in numerous patriotic Endeavors the United States Constitution was signed on September 17th 1787 Mayor Brown and City Council Members thank you for this Proclamation observing Constitution week which is celebrated every year from 7 uh September 17th through the 23rd so thank you for being here and can we get a picture can kind why don't if you want to come up here and we'll kind of stand behind you kind of line up right here seems to be the easiest is that you think Rob sure you're our our designer of organization you sir thank you very much thanks ladies for doing this it's awesome thank you have a great day thank you thank you Madame clerk item seven is the consent agenda I like that okay we have the consent agenda chair will entertain a motion move to approve the consent agenda all right is there a second second all right and again mayor I have had the opportunity to discuss these consent agenda and the details contained therein with the council okay any further discussion hearing none we'll start to vote in w three yes four yes one yes two yes carries four to zero thank you Madame clerk item 8A is the first reading for ordinance 403 9 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida providing for an amendment to the city of Bradenton land use Atlas changing zoning from UB or UV Urban Village to R4 mobile home for approximately 10.93 acres of land generally located east of 16th Street West South of 21st Avenue West north of 26th Avenue West West of 14th Street West and more particularly described herein providing for findings of fact providing for applicability providing for severability and providing for an effective date and the second reading and public hearing uh is scheduled for September 25th okay item 8B is the first reading for ordinance 452 an ordinance of the city of Bradington Florida amending chapter 6 alcoholic beverages to modify the hours of sale and consumption of alcohol to reflect that no alcohol may be sold or consumed on premises after 2 a.m. amending Section 3 of ordinance 4047 to reflect that no alcohol may be sold or consumed on premises after 2 a.m. providing for codification providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective effective date the second reading is also scheduled for September 25th thank you item 8 C is the first reading for ordinance 4053 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida amending the city of Bradenton code of ordinances section 26-38 to modify Provisions relating to the powers duties and procedures of City officials in a disaster emergency providing for codification providing for repeal of ordinances in Conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that second reading and public hearing is also scheduled for September 25th okay thank you IEM not sorry I apologize item 9A is resolution 2490 relating to after midnight permit fees okay who's going to be speaking on that I can speak on that uh um so this uh this is a resolution um when the when the after midnight permit ordinance was adopted um it provided for the city council to establish fees for that permit by resolution this is the resolution to establish those fees uh there's a Revis version that was emailed out to the council that just added language um reflecting the um the exemption that was authorized in the in the ordinance to make that clear that that was for the for the folks that are um currently operating that there would be no initial permit fee for them to apply correct and tell us what the fees are you have that I believe if I may yeah go ahead I know what they are but I believe that they're $100 for the initial application and then zero on a reoccurring basis that's correct correct right so I just want that to be out there that it it's this is not a fee grab this is more of a safety issue and so we've authorized to do the first grandfathered end time frame with all of the current businesses so it'll be going forward in the future it'll be a $100 application fee with a zero renewal each year as long as you don't break any of the rules or laws that are in it so that was something that the the merchants were the businesses were worried about but that wasn't the whole intent of the whole thing that we did so all right so chair will entertain a motion see I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2490 second okay any further discussion uh can I yes um just on the the $100 is that actually um I mean is that I'm going forward does that correspond some of the items that might be required seemed fairly in you know if there is somebody that has issues um me if like doing the yeah I guess um you know like if they have to do the sep head I mean there seemed like a lot on law enforcement and are we covering any of that cost at all that Mr rudel I don't think they're if SE if the they lose it and the police department has to do anything that doesn't account for an a permit fee that's totally two separate things right I mean there is no recouping of those cost in in the ordinance or the resolution no right now correct I'm just saying as we I know we're trying to get something going forward it might be I would like to keep an eye on if if we're having to go through a lot of administrative that maybe it needs to be commencer it with that or maybe it's covered in fines I I don't know but more just my thought yeah no and I I don't disagree I think that they're already educating themselves with seped and that sort of thing so I'm hoping that the administrative burden is not significant but I also think that we have to also be mindful that what they're going to ask the businesses to do may also come with costs so I just want to be mindful of not overly burdening the businesses from a expense standpoint right and I again I don't have anything to do with the CRA but but I'm saying there is CRA grants when some of those things come up that they can apply for and help cover some of those costs that will get them you know more in line with with the opportunities so I think there's like two though yeah that are not in the CRA yeah as long as they're in the CRA potentially the venue right yes ma'am uh good morning Council mayor um obviously it's still a work in progress and I appreciate your your question in fact the CRA has has done a great job in supporting seped classes for my folks it's a very expensive undertaking we've the city has paid for a couple of our folks C has done even more um not withstanding that what we are working on right now is a little bit of a offshoot of a a full seped survey something that's a little bit more specific to bars within the city um that security survey should be finished by this week and our surveys will begin as early as next week if if not by Friday and so yes it's it's a little bit of uh a Manpower pull on us but it's just part of the job we do and it won't have any impact on our services and we actually it's we're looking at this as a positive anytime we can improve the Safety and Security of our businesses it makes our life easier in a variety of ways so we we're looking at this is a not a challenge but a good thing good any other questions hearing none we'll start the vote inward four yes five excuse me one yes two yes three yes carries four to zero thank you Madame clerk there isn't anything listed on the agenda under unfinished business all right so we'll go to council reports start in word two you started me last time just say that's okay um I would like to say that um the pen that I'm wearing today was given to me by my brother-in-law retired Air Force Colonel John McDonald and John was at the Pentagon on September 11th and he had to do his physical assessment so he was across from where his office was uh doing you know like a EEG running on the treadmill that sort of thing and that building is so big they didn't even realize that one of the five sides had been hit by the plane and when they realized what had happened and injured people started coming into the infirmary and the physical U assessment area they said he needed to go home and he said I have to go back to my office and they said you don't have one because the plane stopped 10 ft before his office so on this day when our thought go to September 11th and all of the individuals that gave their lives for our country um I just want to salute my brother-in-law Colonel John McDonald for his service and thank him thank you thank you sir um we all remember where we were it's one of those one of those days in our lives um Marie and I have been lucky enough to travel the country the last few years and uh back in 2022 as we visited some friends with the Pirates um I told her we're going to the Flight 93 Memorial and uh I got there and it's a very reverent place it's the really it's the the home of the first combatants volunteer combatants in the war on terror who had no idea when they woke up that morning that they were going to give their lives to try to save who knows how many thousands of others and um we made sure to go back there we're passing through that area this year and anytime I'm anywhere around Pittsburgh I'm going to it's a couple hours away but it's worth it and I'd encourage anyone who's in that area to go visit it's a uh a common field one day a place of honor forever was their slogan so thank you more um I I agree that everyone remembers where they were and I'm always struck every day or every year on September 11th how it e it always feels fresh you always you know think about where you were and what was happening and just the I mean I was much younger obviously 23 years and but as a young adult I just the enormity of it just you can't even grasp it um today though now that I am much older um what I'm struck by is as I was um shaking the chief who spoke today's hand was and he mentioned to me that several in his own fire station um had perished and it's the quiet that comes after it the having to walk into the fire station and see that you're your fellow firefighters are not there anymore and I'm sure it was the same for the for the police department that lost the 60 um and so it's just sobering I feel like we just have to be appreciative can't take anything for granted thank you thank you uh yes obviously today um as we were remember all the First Responders I want to thank them um the debt can never be repaid um for all that they did for us but as a country I think it is so incumbent upon us to never forget and to make sure that we continue to pass this on to our kids so that we never they never forget as well um I also want to take an opportunity um to express my condolences to the family as they mourn the loss of Bill Edwards um I knew him as a member of Kanas he's been a long-term member of this community and um he was always the first person to answer the call to serice to our community with with not just his his uh treasure but with his time and talent as well and he will be missed um I I this is something that's just kind of come about and I I'm I think it's sad that I have to do this but um I want to ensure everybody that the rumors of any intent that that I am resigning are completely untrue it is deeply concerning that anyone would continuously spread misinformation without making any effort whatsoever to verify the facts I am very much committed and honored to have been reelected unopposed for another four years I take this responsibility very seriously and will continue to serve our community to the best of my abilities as I always have let's move forward together and let's focus on the important work that we have ahead thank you thank you and and um obviously condolences to the Edwards family and and Bill was our plumber for a long long timeo and uh did things when you called him he came and not only for Kanas and doodo and a lot of other groups that he did and one of the things even for the boys and girls club you know if you need a Plumbing you called Bill and for those organizations there was no bill bill from Bill say that bill from Bill but um no and he would laugh at that and I I obviously talked with Angie and the family yesterday and told her a couple of stories that I was helping him one time and we had a a backup couldn't get the concrete out so I jumped on the the shovel and needless to say the shovel flipped and I flipped and thought I broke my elbow and she goes he told me that story so she knew about it but you you you think back on the stories of people and and that goes back to today was September 11th you think about those stories of where you were and you know I had heard stories from my mom where she was when Kennedy was shot 11th grade at Riverview High School in the class and so you you you get things that happen in the country that that you know you that happen that are tragedies but you've got to celebrate later on in life so they don't happen again or go that way my and I've said this before but my cousin my mom's sister's son was a New York police officer at the time and he was in the World Trade Center and he got out but my aunt was on the phone with my mom all day because they couldn't find out it was 24 hours before she knew if he was alive or dead well you know he he survived got out spent a lot of time down there and then two weeks afterwards uh he was in the reserve Army and he spent two years on the boots on the ground in Baghdad so you saw a lot of people that not only served their city but also then went into the military to serve the greater good of the whole country uh and so you just look at you look at the people we met a gentleman the other night at the memorial um at the church that was in ground zero and has some health issues now and you know we remember those that died that day but we also got to remember those that have died year after year after year from con consquences of that so and that's one of the things that I think when you look back on our country we have our political excitement at times but when you look back when there was a tragedy we come together and that's what I'm proud of in this city that not only on this Council but as well as through our whole Administration and staff we come together when there's things and you know we can differ politically but when it's for the good of the community we come together so I just like to thank all of you up here and all of you out there for what you do for us and and continue and and obviously uh through the Police Department fire department First Responders in any way thank you for what you do and moving on Mr Perry anything administratively no sir all right any other department heads yes sir Chief good morning uh morning mayor council I just wanted uh since this is over now there is a 11:30 Memorial service at our mission barbecue so uh I didn't think I was going to make it not knowing how long I was going to be here but I figured I'd open that up to you all as well since we're finish now I think we all we got time we're GNA head over so thank you thank you for reminding us yes sir anything else all right then we'll be adjourned thank you [Music]