e morning everyone and welcome to the Braden and city council meeting on Wednesday March 13 2024 8:30 a.m. at City Hall Chambers at this time if we'll please stand and I'm going to ask vice mayor Barnaby to give us the invocation and then we'll do the pledge Holy One known by many names and beyond all names Spirit of Life Spirit of Love Spirit of community Spirit of Justice we ask your blessings on all who have been called to lead the community in which we live and work and play Grant the wisdom and courage to know and to do what is right and good and true may we speak out when it is time to speak out and listen patiently and receptively when it is time to listen may we always be guided by the spirit of community by the spirit of Justice and by the spirit of love this we pray in the name of all that we hold sacred and holy all that we hold good and right and true and together the people say amen amen amen please join us in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and at this time we'll call the meeting to order Madam clerk this morning we have a proclamation for women's History Month which I'll read on behalf of the mayor women's History Month March 2024 whereas women's history has been recognized in the United States since President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential Proclamation declaring March 8th 1980 as National Women's history week and has been officially celebrated as women's history month since 1987 whereas for too long women were formally excluded from Full participation in society and our democracy and it took the courage of so many bold women who dared to transcend preconceived expectations so barriers were broken discoveries were re revealed and progress advanced and whereas during women's history month we celebrate the countless women who have fought tirelessly and courageously for equality Justice and opportunity in our nation we also reaffirm our commitment to advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls in the city of Bradenton and around the world we are mindful that we are building the legacy of both recognized Trailblazers and unsung heroins who have guided the course of American history and continued to shape future and whereas throughout history these women have opened the doors of opportunity for subsequent generations of dreamers and doers as Community leaders Educators doctors scientists child care providers and more women power our economy to lead our nation as First Responders and service members they stand watch over our lives and Liberties as innovators entrepreneurs and essential workers in every industry they represent the very best of America and whereas the city of Bradenton supports and respects all its women employees including celebrating its city council consisting of primarily women members now therefore be it resolved that aene brown as mayor of the city of Bradon Florida do hereby Proclaim March 2024 as women's History Month in Bradenton and urge all citizens to honor contributions for women in the workplace community and their families sign Jean Brown mayor thank you so what I'd like to ask now is all of our Council women as well as all of our staff that are female to come up front in front of the podium and uh we good thing David you can take the picture so we don't have to leave Tiffany out so get everybody up there so get a picture and also our perfectly timed attorney today that uh is female so mayor can I say something sure I'm up here y um you know I've worked in the city government for 38 years and uh to be involved and and to be part of this leadership group never thought I'd see it never thought I would see it as a young officer starting out but through the council um you know I see all these directors I see all of our staff I loved the fact this past week that I got beaten up on social media because I hir so many women um I love that it's noticed I love that we're in an example for so many cities in this state and and in this country and I just it makes me proud no we're we're all proud so thank you or are we standing in the back know you guys talk let's talk Cory Cory Cory up up with the women Cory in with you make sure you can see everybody yeah we won't be in it from here oh yeah a lot of movement on [Music] [Applause] there I actually do need it for my the allergies are like all right thank you for that and obviously thank you for all of your contributions because the city of Bradon wouldn't be the friendly City without really the friendly smiling face of our Our Ladies and and it's very important so Mr Perry I'm going to throw it over to you for a moment thank you mayor uh Colonel if you could stand thanks um I've been asked by a lot of folks how the search is going for uh the top quality candidates for our Public Works director and we have a candidate in town today this is Colonel Irvin Lee and uh Colonel Lee currently runs the space command out in Colorado Springs uh for their facility out there it's a very large robust facility he has a very very uh extensive resume um with government service both in local governments he had been a previous Tampa uh uh director of public works for the City of Tampa uh mcdill Air Force Base has ties to the community and he's going to be spending a day with us today over at Public Works meeting staff over there seeing what some of our challenges are and the like so I I thought it was great that he was going to be in town this morning and just to say hello uh good morning to council and if you'd like to say anything briefly Colonel thank you C great yeah and I have provided his resume and it's quite impressive all right Mr Perry since we're kind of Colonel got here a little early maybe uh and I know we have something in the back of the room why don't you give us a quick synopsis of that I know we were going to talk later but maybe now's the time to just go over kind of not in detail but but what we're trying to do and obviously our public work and the department is so important to us sure well I don't think it's a secret to anybody that the the city's rather old in certain parts an example of that is that we have I believe 62 miles of clay pipe it's corrosive it collapses corrodes obstructs and the like and that's sewage pipe um we've thus far over the course of mostly the last three years but probably four fully four years have uh replaced 35 miles of that and when we say replace we actually line the the pipe when we can uh because it's so aged and and and it it's deteriorated it's compromising our system from an inii perspective as well as a distribution and transportation perspective in addition to that those you know you have a collection system for your sanitary it's called sanitary sore and typically it'll go to a lift station that transports the sewage water further on towards our treatment plan so we have 64 um uh list stations and each list station has a lot of different components there's deep well pits in there um there's there's there's Val a valve system switch gear gauges you know and obviously pumps and each one of those is probably I think the approximate value on them is about $2.5 million so the city sits on $120 million in net asset value of of the 64 lift stations itself so it gets very expensive um ultimately it goes to the water treatment plant and that has a very complex uh system for treatment to D standards and ultimately discharge of treated water into the the the the river uh because it's been filtered and cleansed and and and and uh uh disinfected so we've taken on this challenge of of trying to address the infrastructure that's related both to the system that deals with collection the system that deals with treatment and ultimately trying to get get out of the river in its entirety we have a permit for a deep well injection technology that we'll be putting in place um and and that treated water will go into an aquifer an underground well large well and attenuate further um that's typically how it's it's done as a matter of process we also have a uh the Everest Reservoir and our potable water surf it's a surface water system it's unlike the counties the county is a well system with their Wells out by duet mostly so it's Underground um that has aged infrastructure too when you talk about transmission there uh coming out of the pites there's a series of four basins and then a a stay Basin which is kind of where the water is purified and then it's transported through our distribution system again aged infrastructure uh those two utilities generate about $32 million a year to the city in overall revenue and uh we are in the process of spending probably about when you add everything up close to $100 million that's a big number uh for City this size we hope to have that completed probably within two to three years some things we're facing right now um that we have to deal with on an emergency basis and I'll talk a little bit more about that moving forward probably next at the next council meeting but we are in um a state of really trying to repair replace remediate um an age system of infrastructure and uh I I think we're in pretty good shape of doing that we have good people we have we have a lot of strategic plans that we're refining even further to try to do this in a strategic as well as a tactical way and uh I think it'll be a lot better in the days ahead when we look at the consequences of not doing it of not voting for things like the arper appropriation and and deciding tough choice for policy makers to use federal American Recovery uh rescue plan money basically for that type of uh of spending but really that's what ARA was designed to do was to provide long-term benefit um and and and this would be long-term benefit the warranty on that pipelining is like 50 years and uh the technology is so much better today than it was yesterday we inspect our lines I think we've inspected a thousand manholes out of a for 4,200 manholes in the city the're big numbers and so you know the consequences are basically not good if we do not take an aggressive timely thoughtful strategic approach to repairing replacing uh the infrastructure right and I think you know you could go on for a day talking about certain things and I think one of the most important things that our citizens need to know is that this has been something going on for the last couple of years it's not something from one individual situation that happened whe you know and but we appreciate everybody that's that's kind of come to us and talked to us about maybe the water Keepers and different things of that but but there was a lot of things already happening um one of my important things was when I got into this seat was to continue advocating and fighting for what you call underground you know stuff people don't see and that's very important to continue to grow that and it's not something that that is pretty but it's stuff that we all look at and one thing that I think I'm I'm most proud of up here is obviously the federal money the state money and the grant money that we've been working to do very much so in and and since I've become mayor with the council to get that money without you know trying to put it on the backs of the local taxpayers ADV valorum type taxes and things because we can't tax our way out of this no we have to continue to grow what happens but getting the uh hiring a lobbyist three years ago you know we're in the tens of millions of dollars we've got from that you know which is going to actually help move some of those lift stations that are aging on our River off of the river some of our development that's going to happen in areas is going to help move those off of the river and continue to do it I think of the Glazer Gates area when all of that development happened one of those because of the development got a lift station right off of our River Walk that it would have been on years ago so this isn't something that we can fix in one day it's something we have been working on for a while and it's something we're aggressively working on now so we're going to continue to do those things and I think it was important to kind of get it up and and also in our newsletter this month we've actually changed a little bit the format to to put some of that information out there kind of a a two-minute read and I think that if so if you've if you're out in the audience there's copies in the back if you're you know listening at home and you want to go to it go to the city website and the newsletter and there's information as well as I know every one of us up here would be glad to talk to anybody and get the true information out there because it's that important to us and and we've talked a lot generationally we're trying to do things while still managing a government businesslike and and not just taxing our way out of it right and I just point out as a matter of perspective you know Sarasota was was under a consent decree from a lawsuit a Clean Water Act lawsuit um I think over three years they they had they they had discharges of over a billion gallons into Sarasota Bay um over seven years when you hear the number you know there was a million gallon uh spill of partially treated Wastewater it's important to recognize that we don't want any discharges at all we want zero and and and the objective of going to the the model with deep well and Technology will help us get there but when you look at the city it has an i and ey problem inflow and infiltration and so typically our discharges in the past have been during the the rainy season of the late summer early fall and so the ground would get saturated water would penetrate the clay piping and other types of of breaches that we had in manholes and private laterals and the like and we would have too much water to be able to treat effectively because we're rated at I think it's 9 million gallons per day of treatment capacity and so inii is a prolific problem in the State of Florida uh because of the old aged infrastructure and we addressing that inii problem very very aggressively as well with the idea of of of perspectively not having any discharges but when you think about the volume of the Manatee River and the tide flows from the Manatee River with with the water coming in and going out it would probably be akin to something and and Mr tomasco is probably the best he's gonna come next I'd like to hear I'm always intrigued by Dr tomasco science on this but uh you know it's it's something akin to I don't know a large room being filled with water and a drop coming out of a dropper a million gallons there are billions of gallons of water billions of gallon and some of that load actually is natural because when you get up into the lower manity and more um in more um nature type areas opposed to Urban developed a lot of the the pollutants in the water are from are from water foul animals that use the the wetlands and things like that they produce a lot of nitrogen in in their feal discharge as well and so that is responsible in order to say well you know this discharge as relates to chemical chemistry testing of the water is related to the discharge that's not true inti you know in its entirety there are a lot of other contributors to it that are natural and so that's one of the things that we have to deal with from an environmental preservation and protection perspective that's really important um and so we're we're we're taking that on as well I think one of the things that we had heard um our previous Public Works director Mr mcclelen say quite often when we would have blockages or spills or breaks they would go and they would find towels and they would find diapers and they would find all of that and in the system it really isn't made for that and some of the pump stations would get backed up so we want to look at our citizens and say please make sure and put down the toilet what's supposed to go down the toilet not extra things and and baby wipes is one of the biggest things people think oh that's natural it's not so we've got to make sure that we as government is doing the right things but also as as a Citizens and I did see one thing that you you just brought up made me think of it is the 9 million gallons a day we're actually working to go to 20 million gallons a day with a system that's been under construction for a while and we are getting about 6 million G a day so right now we still have capacity we just have to make sure the ey and ey when it happens it over capaci that's kind of one of the misleading facts that I've seen unfortunately uh predicate you know surrounding this is that that it's because of the growth of Bradington the the population well first off let's talk about population about 57,000 people it is updated annually by uh Bieber the Bureau of business statistics at the University of Florida who does it annually for every city and we grow we've grown about four 400 people a year according to the last three reports that I look at every year and we have the opportunity to challenge that we'll probably grow a little bit but we're not experiencing growth that that in far as numbers of population that the eastern part of the county has because they have all kinds of lands yeah we can go up vertically and we have in some cases but it's fairly di Minimus comparative to you know 5,000 home subdivisions and Commercial development and everything that goes on in the eastern part of the county so people that would say things like well you should immediately stop your building permits that's somewhat unfounded unsupported irrational and otherwise not particularly I think accurate right don't give any cosos until it but when you're going to see the cosos that are coming online that is going to be numbers of people is affordable Workforce attainable senior housing because we know what's in the air right now and those are the ones that are really going to be helping the the citizens that need it the teachers and the police officers and the public works and the private people that work in our Hospitality you're right I mean and and you know there's been a clamor for that I've heard it the last three years and and it's not just here it's nationally affordable housing um and everything and so you can't really have you know one without the other as far as the mutual exclusivity of them and it's difficult when you say that because then you're talking Hest both sides of your mouth well I want affordable housing you know but I don't but but I don't want any more building permits being issued perfect I want barbecue but I don't want pigs in my town they don't go together yeah I appreciate any questions they just moving on all right Madam clerk we do not have any presentation scheduled today all right at this time we're going to call for citizen comment and citizen comment will will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda items agenda items future agenda items or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on the public hearings at the appropriate time and you'll have three minutes and please state your name and your city of residence I have one card bill Sanders please come forward and welcome good morning good morning Bill Sanders 252 Riverside Drive I'm here this morning because this kind of stuff keeps me awake at night everything I'm going to tell you today is public record it's been given to the city and so I don't have to prove these documents after I go sit back down with accusations that I'm making this stuff up Mandy County Office of Professional Standards investigation report the office of Professional Standards opened a case File January 11th 2022 they received an allegation that a well-known individual in the community had a serious violation of the law it was further alleged that two other individuals were aware of of this awful act and did not report to the authorities persons interviewed was Detective Mike pagee no disrespect to him he was just the person assigned and two other redacted names report findings on January 3rd 2022 investigator spoke with the high level public administration they reported receiving a call from Mayor Brown of brenon Mayor BR told the high ranking official he had received an anonymous call with a complaint about a community activists the anonymous made caller made serious allegations of unlawful acts in the community the ANS caller implicated two other well-known people of unlawful acts that were covering it up over their conversation the high ranking official advised Mayor Brown to contact the Bron Police Department as this was a criminal matter that should be handled by the BPD the official stated the official stated at this point it was a police man on January 6th 2022 the investigator spoke to the Bren police officer Detective Mike pagee Mike page said BP's chief of police had received a call from Mayor Brown about these allegations detective paage was aware of who placed the call to the mayor however they were keeping this individual confidential he advised the investigator that he would report back to the investigator after speaking to the anonymous confidential caller January 19th 2022 and investigator spoke to detective page and after interviewing the anonymous caller detective pagee advised that Bron police were not going to investigate this matter further on January 21 2022 investigators met with two other individuals to verify their knowledge of the criminal act neither of the two were aware conclusion investigator concluded that since this was an anonymous protected person not revealed to him the case was closed I ask you around this kind of stuff is very dangerous the person in that report or people in that report could have been very me or any other citizen thank you Mr i' like to have you address this thank you Mr Sanders I have no other will you address this comments we will no other citizen comment moving on Madam clerk Madam clerk sorry the next item on the agenda is the consent agenda I would like to note that item G resolution 2426 a sentence was added saying this resolution was originally adopted on September 13th 2023 and is being reopt to correct a scrier error that's the only change to anything on the consent okay chair will entertain a motion and mayor I have had the opportunity to speak with all Counsel on the consent agenda and all items and uh and uh I think I have adequately addressed some of the concerns and questions that have come up appreciate everybody's involvement and uh taking time out of their schedule last couple days and and prior to that even thank you Mr Perry Mr Mayor yes ma'am move to approve consent agenda 6A through 6G thank you is there a second second second Mr Kramer all right we have a motion by councilwoman Coachman a second by councilman Kramer to approve consent agenda a through G hearing no further discussion we'll start the vote in W five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries unanimously thank you madam clerk at this time I'll administer the oath anyone wishing to address city council during the following public hearing will please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the factual statements and representations which you're about to present to this board will be truthful and accurate thank you resolution 2 420 this is a public hearing a resolution of the city council of the city of Bradenton Florida granting special use permit number s.2 4.22 3 to permit an indoor amusement Center in Lounge at 412 12 Street West brenon Florida the parcel ID number is 3319 3000 004 and the T5 transect zoning district and more particularly described herein making fin findings of fact and conclusions of law providing for severability and providing for an effective date good morning good morning how are you doing welcome I am Greg Delong the assistant director of planning and Community Development or maybe this week could be Greg oong oong oong so there you go um thank you again um and good morning to everyone uh this is resolution 24-20 case va2 24-22 3 again it is a special use request to permit a lounge and indoor amusement Center which is a pinball and retro video game facility at 412 um 12th Avenue or 12th Street West here is just some general information about the property it is currently Zone T5 it is in the urban core um future land use classification it is currently a vacant commercial space here is a site plan showing the location of it um city hall is just off on the the top of the screen um off third there and here is zoning map showing the T5 zoning classification and here's the future land use which is the urban core which is the highest density um future land use classification we have in our future or in our comprehensive plan as mentioned the applicant is requesting to open an indoor amusement Center uh the business is planning on having pinball machines and our retro our retro video games in a family friendly arcade atmosphere prepared food along with beer and wine will be available for the customers the applicant did include a lounge request in case their alcoholic sales exceed the uh 51% of the gross food Revenue um the alcoholic beverage application can be approved administr administratively since this alcohol will not be served on public property or on such as the sidewalks uh distance requirements for churches and schools is met um the state statute is no closer than 500 ft for schools our land use regulations are a little bit outdated they State 300 feet from schools and churches but the closest church is um 700 feet away here is the form based code use tables I did Circle in red as you can see the indoor amusement Center on the left is a special use and also the lounge request is a special use in the T5 zoning classification here is a floor plan of the building it is a unique shaped building um from the street it looks like one cons one long building but I tried to show on here 12th Street is over here as you see walk in the door it's pretty much straight back um and this is the layout of the building uh and then the alley of course is on the rear which is to the West here is a street Frontage so basically the door that has the paper over it would be the entrance to this facility and this window here is for where the proposed used to be located the rest is a totally different tenant space and here is just a zoomed up um photo of that here is the back where the alleyway is um there are special uh standards that need to be met when considering a special use request and they are under 3.3.1 of the land use regulations they are listed here a staff report submitted as part of the application packet in your or in your packet um answers these questions for you and here are some additional criteria under 3.3.2 of the land use regulations that need to be met a lot of it just talks about compatibility with neighbor ing properties screening in this instance screening is a little difficult in the built environment of our Urban downtown so that requirement is a little dicey and meeting for any use that goes into our downtown area um here is under 3.3.2 point5 list another extensive list of questions the applicant did address these in their application staff did a response to each one of these again it talks about the use talks about refuse utility screening signage everything else that needs to be met um for these types of uses um and then the staff recommendation we did recommend approval as submitted to resolution 24-20 or special use case 24.02 23 has submitted the reasoning is because we felt this was an entertainment area downtown anchored by a hotel on one end trying to draw families to our downtown area with this type of use um we do understand there is alcohol involved I have had conversations with the applicant yesterday to be um open to maybe some stipulations if you guys want to impose some of them one stipulation we did have a conversation about is maybe on the weekends or even during the week putting a 9:00 limit on the youth being in the facility and then after 9:00 p.m then it can be adults only just to kind of um put some stipulation on it so that is a conversation you can have with the applicant um Planning Commission did meet on February 21st they did recommend approval with without stipulations and their vote was 6 to zero so do you have any questions if you have any question about the business plan hours of or operation um the applicant is here John Paul he can address those questions for you but if you have any other questions about anything related to our any question yes ma'am Yeah couple questions uh first off uh this is the same owner as the kangaroo correct okay um and so their liquor license I mean will they be connected ask John Paul to answer those questions I understand they have their own liquor license but I'll let him confirm that for you and what um what assurances do we have that this will not end up being a gaming arcade gaming arcades are illegal in the city I understand your Assurance I feel like I feel so if it switches over we would have to work with our Police Department to get it shut down well I I just don't feel like this is going in the direction that our down of our downtown that we're investing a lot of money okay to go This concerns me Mr ker um can you pull up the page as a futur Andre map sure uh back back y one more uh that looks like it's both Parcels as opposed to the one furthest to the South mhm um do they own both I think they or just the one to the South I believe it's they own both but I'd have to confirm that looking at the Auditor's website I did not verify that okay my concern would be expansion into from the Lost kangaroo into the other one and then into this one and it's all becoming one giant conglomeration any other questions and if there's an expansion of the special use it would have to come back through mayor Mrs Mrs Mo and then um can I have concern concerns as well it seems um I'm a little dubious about this being a destination for families I mean maybe if someone was staying at the hotel and they walked by it it might be something that would potentially but I don't see families thinking to themselves let me go downtown to go to the retro arcade um so I'm wondering if we can I mean in the very least stipulations regarding lighting um and that sort of thing to really not make make it look a little bit sketchy well more like a more like an adult like establishment we talked to him I mean exterior lighting is regulated through our form based code also window tinting is regulated through our form based code and signage so they cannot block out the windows so I did have a conversation with Jean Paul about possibly making sure the interior was well lit which would benefit them in the end too to attract people into their business so there may be a stipulation you can put in about some interior lighting that could make it better more well lit it's also just small when you um I'm sorry to keep going um uh the layout of it you would think if there were going to be children you would have things like a table for the food you know for people to sit and eat I I'm just concerned that I mean as as a parent of some small some bigger I just don't know how this actually is going to like play out to work fores for families yeah Harry um thank you mayor and in line with some of the comments I think the council has the authority to set special conditions because it's a special use permit um and when you look at those as uh councilwoman Gonzalez Morris pointed out there are certain conditions that would probably be able to provide um a more familyfriendly environment and and less of a delirious and and the potential for Delirious activities in there hours of operation is probably the first one we all know that downtown kind of changes a little bit at a certain point in the night and uh we don't want this changing to be the 10 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. hangout for younger kids other other types of things some of that's regulated by alcohol uh statutes um and the alcohol control division's regulations I don't know if there's been a photonic study on the on the the lighting inside there that might be something that we want to know about lighting has a lot to do with uh with Place safety the window visibility has a large window there um but there can be conditions related to that and and other types of conditions as well I'd recommend that perhaps we go back to miss depa through the department and try to set some conditions that would provide some better Clarity and and and certainty and shity regarding the commercial activities the community safety concerns and the like that are that are related to this project under the provisions of 3.3.2 point5 they're fairly Broad and you could fashion some special conditions that fit within those requirements that I think would maybe perhaps make you much more comfortable than the overall General recommendation I I think that the department looked at the zoning the surrounding activity designation of an entertainment area and it fits within those th those particular components of of evaluation but I think there's also other factors in here that can be considered what are the set hours now or is there a set hours Sean Paul has I'll let him me I'll bring him up if that's okay bring the applicant up and please state your name and address for the record and then can answer some of them I'm John Paul Taylor uh 8412 uh Palm Lakes Court Sarasota um I'm a big um component of pball machines I've been I you know Boys Club video games and um since a kid and brington actually here and then when I grew up in California but um I've been in the pinball business for about 10 years and uh I have them all over the Tampa Bay Area a lot of them are at breweries um three daughters in St Pete would be um my biggest example and there's a lot of kids there and usually it's Saturday it's usually Sunday uh fathers come in and show their kids how to you know learn how to play play Pinball uh not anything to do with gambling I I get the um the gambling issue um it it sort of irritates me too because I'm a video game nerd and when I see an arcade I'm excited to find out that it's not really an arcade so um this project has kind of gotten a little bigger um it was just going to be pinball sales selling games for people to have at home um it's more of a for plan or a showroom of Ball but then we added food and drinks um we're g we're kind of gting more for a cafe not really a bar you know we got a cappuccino we're going to be doing a lot of non-alcoholic drinks um uh kabuchi um um energy drinks and matcha that's what I drink in the morning is matcha um we're going to do a little bit of food some loaded hot dogs so we definitely going to have the windows open we want some traffic to grab some food and leave um you know get get a hot dog maybe get you know cappuccino and leave so we're kind of going more for the cafe not for the Bine so our hours are going to be a little earlier they're really undetermined right now depending on staff whatever I can hire people we got some people want to come in the morning um we're not really going to do any late night stuff but my my my hope is that Saturday morning for the market I hope the vendors drop their kids off they can play Pinball Sunday we might have birthday parties during the week there probably won't be any kids at all because they just they just don't do that anymore when I was a kid kid I'd leave school and ride my bike to play Pinball but they don't do that anymore but families will come in on Saturday and Sunday and such so as far as beer goes really it's just going to be a small refrigerator we're not even doing draff beer or anything like that it's just a small refrigerator the big refrigerators is the non-alcoholic drinks that we're offering so hopefully people come in have a little bit of food have a little drink play some pinballs and and our future model is going to be a little bit more set for sales of pinball machines and there's no money uh all the games aren't aren't set on free play so it's not like there any chance to um you know you walk in you just hit play and you can play the game our our goal is really mainly to sell the pinball machines but that's really phase two so in the beginning we just kind of want to ATT track people get a little bit of food a little drink and a little bit of entertainment and so question from that so I I know it's a little confusing there's because I'm trying to do a lot of different things you know I think one of the things obviously they tried to put somebody tried to put an I was out of the country when that happened I heard about it but yeah yeah unfortunately that does look bad that yeah yeah and then also I think the biggest concern is is what I hear is the you know if you're closing by 9 or 10 o'clock you know because we know downtown changes yeah and that's not the image that we want is people hanging out you know drinking getting drunk and fighting right oh yeah yeah that's that's we're trying to change that um so I I just think I I mean I kind of like the concept what you're telling us yeah it's just we've got to have what stipulation and rules because you know if it was open 24 hours no there might be a problem you know I don't want to be up that late Mr Barnaby vice mayor Barnaby thank you good morning um it sounds like to me there's there's a lot of different questions going on with this and with it being a special use the council always tries to be very very specific and cautious with them because once it's done it's done I see um it sounds like to me there's a lot of questions still so I'm going to say to you what I used to say to my boys which was do you want possibly a slow yes or a fast no so it we've got a public hearing scheduled we are going to have to open the public hearing and and follow procedures with that but it might be something for you to consider that uh now that you've heard the feedback from everyone here that you get with staff and that we look at addressing this at possibly the first meeting in in the or the next meeting the end of March first meeting in April kind of thing to give you plenty of time to get all of these things that people are having questions about answered to their satisfaction so when they when you come back then and it'll be hopefully good news okay but that's something for you to think about M yeah I would say thank you for coming and and speaking with us I have a much easier feeling after hearing that I love pinball myself um I think the key um that would help me is the hours of operation and I think BPD could probably guide me a little bit on that as to did he not include the hours in the presentation I'm not sure that was okay I don't know we're looking at 10 to 10 but I mean on a Friday night we might go longer just because it's Friday night and people have asked for food late night downtown I don't want to you know that's not my priority though we're you know we want to be open early and I want to go home early I don't want to hang out I'm getting old I don't want to hang out late night that would certainly make me feel a little a little 10 to 10 I mean we don't even know if we want to be open on a Monday you know that you know once we have our staff then will know very concrete over our hours but as far as I know in our head we've been always talking about 10 to 10 so except for like Friday we might do 10 to 11 or 10 to 12 but yeah and again like I said we're not really doing a lot of beer and wine we have a refrigerator but we're not doing draft we're not doing anything that we want you know because we can I'd rather have people drinking Mountain Dew and hanging out there you know there's no Advantage for me to have somebody sitting there drinking beer all day it's not like the profits better I mean I can make more money on Mount Dew so doesn't matter to me but yeah we we are definitely looking around 10 to 10 Mr Kramer um thanks for being here uh question one uh are you so I guess the way you're describing the games in there are really more of an attraction to bring people in the door and maybe sell those machines down the line than as a draw just to be there and stay there and two I guess if it's all free play how do I Reserve they they're set on free play you just come in and hit I know but if like you're on the machine and I want to play I can't put my quarter down on the machine no no it's all the games are play four player and we we're going to have a lot of tournaments as well tournaments are you know we have screens and fact I'm leaving tomorrow for a tournament in Texas so I mean tournaments are a big part of it um but yeah I mean games are that when somebody's done with the game they you know they have the there's there's an etiquette you either walk away or if someone's standing behind you you just get out of the way but yeah games you just go up and hit start okay um I guess the last thing is I would definitely caution against the late night food um because that was what was tended to be a major issue on the streets of downtown back not too long ago I've Heard lots of people want to do late night whether it worked or not you know back the day of fisherman Joe's he wanted to do late night and then stopped doing it because I'm not sure if he ever sold any food so yeah I'm I'm willing to try things and you know but definitely be cautious of what comes with sure I appreciate that thank ma'am Miss Coachman thank you thank you for coming and I'm glad you clarified some things um you say you're going for a feel of coming in having a drink uh a coffee or what have you look at the pinball machines but if you add alcohol it seems like that needs to be a more sit down stay for a minute because if they guzzle down that alcohol and just take off that's not a good thing plus with miners their parents you part of I mean I'm just saying if you want that quick and not just leisurely stay hours and hours right like you take that enement out I've definitely you know it was uh recommended that I should carry beer and wine on that street you know I didn't really have a you know I wasn't trying to defend it I it doesn't matter to me to be honest I think just once you add the alcohol you know the spirits sure no and I think not that you know and the comment was made that some other child friendly places do have wine or beer you know why the where the kids are playing you know the the parents drink so I don't think that's the a big issue we're just thinking more of I think most of us are probably thinking more late night right on our street you've got a parent that comes in right with their 10-year-old and they're sitting there drinking till midnight 1:00 and 10-year-olds yeah I don't know if that's part of presentation want make sure age I mean you know after after a certain time after 9:00 you can't you have to most of them are going to be accompanied by their parents anyways that's just how it goes nowadays but yeah come 9 o' I mean we're going to yeah there's no but if I'm a parent somewhere we don't want anybody on their age at late night but I don't want to have anybody tell me I can't take my child somewhere either if I'm responsible adult too so there's a lot of things that I think what count vice mayor Barnaby said is there might be some things that are a little bit more specific on your part to say to us that you know because again I think I hear a lot of good things about this possibly because and it would be fun yeah it's a little different a little bit different and it what I'm trying to put together different this is not a negative I don't want another bar that's for sure we don't want that either from the standpoint of just a bar only so um sounds like a micro Dave and Busters or something right yeah right all right well councilwoman Moore thought I was going to say that I also feel better after hearing your presentation um and I think it is possible and I guess what I'm hoping to see after you regroup with staff and I would love to talk more with staff about what I'm kind of envisioning but it is I think it's possible for you to alleviate concerns about the youth in the earlier hours um similar to to a venue like oscura for example that has the coffee and the sandwiches but then also is a venue for more adult type activity in the evening and I think that's what at least I'm looking for kind of definitive like this is going to be the vibe in the day and then this is what it's going to turn into right if that is the goal but something that I don't you know basically I just don't want it to be dark and you know SE it's going to be from start well lit because the first uh part of it is the counter for the food and that's you know people want to grab some food and leave they that's that's it's very well it's lit nice or hopefully it will be all right well I think um we have to do go to the public hearing um so if there's no other questions we'll go to the public hearing and then we'll kind of come back and regroup on process so thank you thank you for your time all right at this time we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing call Mr Delong back up and see comments on staff's part or maybe also some legal yeah I'll be looking over to Marissa for this one um so some notes I wrote down or hours of operation or a question that you'd like to have address possible some lighting um I I wrote down another one blocking the window so it's clear and transparent through throughout um and maybe have a discussion about the alcohol in general and see if so is it something that and late night food yep is something that can come back to those are stipulations we could oppose on on the approval is that something that we could oppose put on there right now or is it something that we could ask to go back to staff and then come back at and have the applicant kind of address some of that I think it would probably be best to um have it go back to staff and let the applicant have further discussions and I think also as uh councilwoman Moore uh pointed out maybe if there are other questions that you may have that you want to pass on to staff to make sure those are addressed and then that way when they come back um they can have kind of the stipulations already drafted and hopefully that would be something that all all concerns would be addressed at that point in time right and is it this would be no more cost or anything to the applicant no this be us drafting up and then coming back to our next meeting we set that for the date right we can set the date and all right Miss Mo we could we just continue well you've closed the public hearing I'm sorry you can I mean you can reopen the public hearing um and then you can just continue it just has to be to a fixed date time in place um I think that probably would be the simplest way to do it way to reopen it yes so just reopen public comment and then it would be a motion uh the mayor would need a motion to continue and like I said to a fixed date time and place so I don't know what meeting you want to consider but and mayor if I could just be heard on that I think it'd be good to get the applicant up here too agree to continue it for further discussion uh because if it's consensual there's a waiver of time restraints and actions and things like that okay so let's hear that I have is it just a second let let's get him here I wasn't are we are we still so we what we'd say is is we would open reopen the public hearing and then um get a motion to continue to a date certain and is two weeks enough for you to work with staff to say here's the stipulations that you've heard today and then Council can get more thing I've heard we've already talked about ours were definitely qu you know and like I said with not hiring any staff yet you know hopefully we you know like I said we've been talking about 10 to 10 for a long time and um the windows was an issue I think we discussed so I'm not if you set a parameter and it's less we're not going to have a problem with that if it's more then we would have a problem so they're just looking for solid ansers yeah okay instead of us putting stipulations right now I me I can window 10 to 10 do it so I think that but you have to agree to say yes let's continue it and I I I mean is enough time the next meeting two weeks two weeks yeah two weeks potentially I know that we got a lot of issues going on can we bounce to the one after that maybe the middle of April to give us 30 days I don't know what what the planning is for opening but when I go by there there's still a lot of construction to do it looks like looks great too inside with the steel and no no this the the other building I'm next to there he's next to that okay oh this is the the pink building next to it right yeah yeah I'm the small so is 30 day is uh April what's the date of that meeting April oh 12th April 10th April 10th so this the first meeting is April 10th would that amicable to you okay all right Miss more did you have a final question I did I don't know if it's for staff or for um Council but is the does it is the request for lounge in case sales exceed that so that you're not so he's not getting in trouble basically it's not okay okay so um I think we have some sort of agreement so just reopen the public hearing correct and then during that we would have a you just reopen the Public Public hearing and then it would be a motion by uh Council to continue Okay so we'll reopen the public hearing and the chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor yes ma'am I'd like to make a motion that we continue the public hearing until our first meeting in April which I believe the date is April the 10th we have the applicant agreeing to that and I think that that will give all of us Comfort when we go to cast our our vote on this issue that we will have all of these issues worked out out ahead of time and feel more comfortable but my I'm sorry my motion is that we continue the public hearing till April the 10th with the time in the place well 80 8:30 okay well it's not a time under under but yeah the meeting starts at 8:30 okay so the the meeting April 10th at 8:30 in the morning here at Bron City Hall 101 Old Main Street Bradon Florida second 34205 and we have a second so by Miss Coker all right um hear no further questions we'll start the vote in word one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes carries five to zero thank you already gone so all right Madam clerk there is not any new business scheduled on the agenda today come okay y just come up Mr so on the new business a new bus unfinished business new business okay we get here with oil it's usually gas cooking with gas mayor council you may you may remember basically that uh that we had had a budget adjustment requests for infrastructure repair uh for some incidents and and experiences we've been having with public works with our sanitary sore and some of the water distribution uh as well and so we approved that budget adjustment which was 2407 I think it was at the last meeting as I best remember and uh was fairly significant in the amount looking at the total here told us budg adjustment was this about 1.5 million it dealt with the Sledge hauling you may remember a whole host of other things this letter basically is a declaration of emergency procurement and what that is is that we have to obtain services for a a variety of different um repairs that have to be made some of them are very specializ type services like methanol automated feed system um and we don't have the time to put that out for an RFP on the street um because we need to get someone in there right away to figure out the biology of what's going on with blankets of sludge that are clogging filters at the water treatment facility um local control panel that's switch gear basically I don't want to go too deep in this hole but but but some of the way you deal with those blankets of sludge is you introduce microorganisms and the microorganisms if introduced at the right time when the flow is going at a certain speed and volume is most effective if you do it at the wrong time the effectiveness can be minimal 10% effective that's all electronically monitored basically so when you see things like filter system local control panel upgrades that has to do with our ability to regulate the time and manner of that type of microbiological chemical process say that three times fast I went to law school because I'm not very good at science or math for that matter but but um as explained to me that that's kind of the short version of what's going on with some of the problems over there there's also other systems with wear Gates um which are kind of moving water from one area to another to another for different types of treatment but these are very specialized Services obviously and frankly there's a very limited number of people that that work in the these areas locally there's supply chain issues with a lot of it um it is electronics it's mechanical a whole host of other other situations and so we need some flexibility in procurement process to get those uh types of services done we've had experience on on more transmission uh collection problems and so those are going to be typically heavy civil contractors woodriff you know they they do work with us and stuff and some of it they have they do work with us but it's not this specific work it might be on the continuing Services part within the scope it might be like roadway work we know they're a good contractor they we know they do this stuff too you know the 59 Street water distribu uh water um sanitary sore braak for sunchase which was the Friday when we did rata I was out there in the afternoon personally it is a huge and if you go down 59th Street you see the temporary bypass that's there we probably anybody that's gone by lately has probably looked at it we had to take out a concrete block wall in sunchase and get into a um a a connection box that's probably uh from me to that wall and me to that wall it's a big connection box concrete um yeah that's kind of work we got to do and so this is basically under the mer of procurement I have to basically declare procurement the city administrator has authority to do that and he has to take it to the city council and and that's what this letter in essence does so I'd seek a a a motion basically approving the emergency procurement as outlined in this particular letter and I will provide a copy of the letter letter um to you thereafter and this is a budget adjustment we've already done the budget adjustment you've already approved the the the money for these repairs this is just the next step this is the procurement yeah to actually do the work I'm comfortable making a motion I just don't know what to say um how would the motion I think the motion would be to approve those items under as an emergency procurement that are outlined in Mr Perry's March 133 2024 letter that deal with Water Reclamation facility Capital Improvements oxidation ditch grit removal and sounding emergency sanitary sore improvements and repairs and lift station operational improvements some mov CER by Miss Coachman all right we've had a lot of uh I could use a couple of terms but talk about this any further discussion yeah anytime I see the streets leading towards my street on this list I always am concerned but I'm also concerned about future projects that are scheduled maybe I don't know next Wednesdays or next week's Planning Commission meeting for my neighborhood too all right hearing no further discussion we'll start excuse me Mr Mayor I'm sorry who seconded the motion Miss Coachman thank you thank you um hearing no further discussion we'll start the vote in word two yes three yes four yes five yes and one yes all right thank you very much Mr Perry anything else just briefly mayor um I I sent out a me Memo regarding um last Friday the the United States government passed a continuing budget resolution that went beyond just the operating budget you know we're all familiar that this this whole continuing resolu thing has been going on for a long time but this actually included a great deal of capital funding about $462 billion and uh we uh through our congressional representative Congressman Buchanan had put in for a sizable amount of improvements uh for City Park which we did get for $1 million for the peace Hawk which was 1.8 million for police technology uh which was 750,000 and it just happened to be the same day that the state of Florida legisl session was wrapping up where we ended up getting over I think it was about about $8 million dollar from the state um as well and of course that is subject to approval by the government the governor through the uh adoption of the the budget or veto also you could pocket veto but that's beside the point um the this letter basically is a thank you to to our Congressional Del uh from from you as our elected officials and myself as the chief administrative officer are um two of those elected officials for lobbying these these efforts through their their legislative bodies um it's an art form it's what you do at a certain level and they do it of course at different levels and um it's a big plus you know when you look at those kinds of numbers of $15 million for Capital infrastructure projects um on $1 1880 million overall uh budget it's it it it it's sizable and I think it's almost historic I don't know if the city's ever gotten that much um third party fun ing um and a lot of people's efforts went into that with with phone calls and relationships and professionalism and and I think also they like what they see happening in Bradington and and the the the level and quality of our elected leadership so I just thought it would be good for you all to sign this letter of of appreciation to them and I be circulating that no I think it's great I I would like though one letter to council or representative ber Canon because that's a separate than the state issues right so I think it would be better to do two letters thinking you know obviously representative banan and then our local because we're going to go right back to the federal because there's another round coming it certainly is right now and a lot of this is resiliency a lot of it's that so I I I don't know I mean how does the council feel I'd like the idea I have it's a wonderful idea but however there's a logistics issue and I need this letter signed like like promptly yeah so could I do I don't know who's going to be here and who's not going to be here in the days but but can just get Shelly to do it right now and sure yeah yeah just get two separate letters and well if we're making changes can I just ask a question uh should we be including the governor on that uh in anticipation I'm going to do a separate letter for you all for that I thought about that already and I need to get a little Direction from our government Affairs person on his staff too on who would be the appropriate individuals to impress upon them the importance of uh and criticality of some of that because the the letter to representative Buchanan is thank you because we got that money right yeah the letter to our local delegation is thank you for pushing it yeah and getting it into and then then after the the whatever the deadline is on those it would be thank you for you know once it if it doesn't get vetoed you know and then so I think you know we want to thank him but we also want to thank representative M Kennon immensely because we got that money now and yeah I mean I don't think anybody's jetting out of here the first second the man hits the gavel so if you can get it the man it is women I was gonna say the man thank you though n great job on that we appreciate it so all right anything else Madam clerk before we move on to council reports no sir all right we're going to start in Ward five I think we did last time too but I I might have missed one so but you'll be done early so I know you like the pressure I'll start if you want okay well she wants to start go for it I'm prepared believe it or not I have much to say it's a women's Choice okay um I I want I just wanted to make a shout out um the brain and kuas this week this past weekend did um the key leader program which was um a weekend with high school students and they they did a lot of leadership um activities and and team building it was quite it was out at dream Oaks over the weekend there were over there were about 40 high school kids that were there um we know this past weekend was we faced a big tragedy for some high school students here in our in our community and in fact two of the kids that were there had to leave for that because of what had happened and um I just want to kind of point out that that there are there are some bright lights out there who knows maybe this maybe this weekend those kids weren't where would have would have been impossible Harm's Way so I want to highlight and thank Kanas for doing this program and I also want to say Let's Get Behind these points of light that these were 40 great kids that were out there and there was a lot of great discussion that came about because of the incident so um I just want to I want to do a shout out to brand and kuas and hope that they will continue to do this program year after year um it it it just is having a a great impact at least on those 40 and you know it's like ripples in a pond that you never know where it'll where it'll make a ripple to so um I also um want to I'm I'm don't know if I'm going to be present for the St Patty's Day um celebration on Saturday night uh mid Street alive I hope um people will be there um I'm just I've got grandkids in town and don't know if I'm going to be able to make it and normally I would be giving the Irish blessing so I would like to do that now um so I'd like to wish everyone in the city of brington may you have a world of wishes at your command God and His Angels close at hand friends and family their love in part and an Irish blessing in your heart slancha thank you vice mayor bar that was lovely well I've just got a couple of things one is I was speaking with some of our uh Law Enforcement Officers yesterday and they are making a plea that if you are not locking your door and taking stuff out of your car and if you are leaving your garage door open all day and all night you're making their their jobs a lot harder so here is a plea that if your if your car is is in your driveway it's locked if your garage door is open you shut it don't leave it open 247 things have a way of developing feet and legs and walking off and and it's just that's that type of crime is the easiest to prevent so please cooperate and and uh just I I know I know a lot of people that that you know grew up here and when we grew up here did we lock our doors every night when I was a little girl I doubt that they did but it's a different time now and I I think it's something that we all can do and uh kind of take a little bit of responsibility on ourselves so so I I also um want to remember the family of of Dan Bower whose funeral is today the Bowers are very important family in this community and uh particularly with our fire Services being the owners of 108 and we just want to remember them and uh and that's why our fire chief and that's not here they're at the funerals correct correct also want to thank everybody for the wonderful time we had at Lewis Park that everyone that came um I think the mayor put the two young ladies from St Stevens a little they were like you want us to lead the pledge how does the Pledge start so they were not expecting that they were not expected that but um I the Garden Club did a lovely job for us letting us come in after the the official grand opening all the staff all the work that put that people put in to make it a a wonderful time um um and I'm going to tell a tale on the mayor and the first lady of the city who were over there the Sunday before sprucing up and cleaning up and making sure that it looked just perfect can't believe that the the this this is the kind of leadership we have so I want to thank them for that too and with St Patty's Day coming oh dear and with it being women's history month if you'll indulge me I want to tell you my favorite Irish joke Patty goes down to the pub and he says to the barkeep give me a Guinness and the barkeep says Patty you got a long face what forever is the problem say oh me wife me wife and me had a fight and the barke said ah Patty you married a stiff neck woman you did and Patty goes yes but this time she came crawling up to me on her hands and knees she did bar keep says now you're telling something Patty that woman of yours she would not do that ah on me mother's grave she came crawling up to me on her hands and knees she did and the bar keep said and what forever did she say and Patty said she said come out from under that bed and fight like a [Laughter] man happy St Patrick's Day everybody thank you I went with my clean one Cramer you're up it never fails Please Mr Mayor have Council woman Barnaby go last every time please I beg of you um another kuas event um that happened this past weekend was the man River Family Festival which was in conjunction with the new Manatee River kuas Club that was sponsored by Braden kuas the largest kuas in Florida um but it was uh really geared towards um MCR health had multiple of their uh almost like trailers that help uh with mammograms and with uh sight and hearing checks uh so it was really good to have that there were some other vendors there uh Community vendors um and we were able to give away some bikes which was nice too and helmets and helmets Yeah Bren Police Department thank you for their being there to fit uh some of the winners uh with helmets um to my friends and Bron Tropical Palms I got an email last night they're asking for help interesting there I don't know if people know but we have where's Creek that comes into the city from the river um but once it gets down past 17th Avenue it becomes County managed um which runs right through War's Creek uh apparently they have an alligator that is coming up on shore because people are feeding the alligators where's the camera where's the camera I need to look into do not feed the alligators okay please um especially snowbirds because when they come around for food later you're not going to be here to feed it uh and it's going to keep looking for food uh but please do not feed the alligators um I had something else oh thank you Mr Mayor for actually allowing Miss Barnaby to speak at uh Lewis Park I know that was on the agenda but nearly got missed yeah so so I always have to have my cheaters here to be able to read this great monitor we have in front of us but yes that's it thanks thank you councilwoman more um I've got um I could just a couple of little notes uh tomorrow is my Minnesota League of cities meeting so I just thought I would start to warn you guys ahead of time if I could if we're having a meeting um in case there's something that you want me to pass along or be on the lookout for more information um and then I I thought it was noteworthy at the EDC breakfast last week that in in conjunction with our conversation about growth and planning for it and infrastructure um that they noted that our growth also includes births which I feel like people are including myself always under the uh conception that um that it's because of people relocating but it actually also is a combination of relocating residents and Miss carnaby is looking at me I don't think you realize the pun you made oh boy talking about conception oh right that's all you know how I love puns puns are fun um but any who so I just thought that that was noteworthy because that is all a part of our planning and whatnot and it was just a tidbit of information that I had not thought of and didn't know um yesterday I got to enjoy an hour riding along with the Meals on Wheels volunteer for government week and I thought that that was eye opening she really I appreciated her time and and how she very efficiently but also very compassionately you know makes relationships with the people that she drops food to so that was fun um I'm looking forward to meeting more with the colonel to my questions just FYI will involve his strategy for obtaining funding for projects as well as how he manages and prioritizes projects and La well two not not totally last but not least I also wanted to thank you all for indulging me with what was a very long workshop and a very meaty one um it is my suggestion that we consider having them more frequently so that um we don't run into the lunch hour and then get hungry and whatnot um because I found it really helpful and useful so I just thought I would pass that along and then finally thank you for the uh I I am pleased to see the women's History Month um Proclamation and I just feel like I should give a shout out to the men that support the women that not only sit up here but also Al do all the remarkable things that women can do here that's it you ready now there are advantages to being last in this room so many of the things I might have said have been said uh definitely spring is in the air and St Patty's Day is near upon us and I just say everyone be safe um remember there's also a March 18th that you need to be up and ready to go about cuz that'll be a Monday right so Monday morning go to work don't you know yeah so and and basically I want to just say I I've missed unfortunately some of the things I really wanted to be at the uh grand opening of Lewis Park um but there was a special needs student at my school that kind of needed he he needed us and so I was there but I am just excited about having a park that is so inclusive um just simply because of what I do dayt day so happy s uh Happy St Patrick's Day and everyone be safe thank you um just a couple things that you know obviously a lot of stuff has been said um one of the things with Lewis Park and you know my wife and I did a very small thing where our staff had gone out there and done such a great job setting up to it and then also the Rotary Club had gone out on Saturday and done so many great things and and then the staff went out the morning of and really got it cleaned so so it's something that that we up here have really again we'll say it have put task to our staff because our image is how we look and they're doing a great job and they know it and that starts at the top with Mr Perry going down Mr uh COO of everything Mr Williams and then obviously great supervisors that we have and then great people working with them so we just want to to thank them it's all about what what they've got us done and they're they're make they make us look good so we appreciate that um being spring in the air and obviously baseball's in the air and uh we've got a few more games coming up but you know had a record crowd on Sunday when the Pirates played the Phillies and that was great to see from the standpoint of record crowd over the last 5 seven years over 8,000 people in attendance and the reason I say that is is because I'm glad that game was on a Sunday because of traffic and I'll have when the chief comes up she'll give a little update on some things and one of the things that I think that we we really want to start working is we we're all getting those traffic calls or concerns and as we know you live in certain towns bigger towns you have traffic concerns for 12 hours a day we have traffic concerns from 7ish to 9ish 9:30 sometimes and we have traffic from 4 to sixes with a rush hour time now during the day we still have traffic times but a lot of times if there's an accident on the interstate if there's an accident somewhere else if it's spring break there's time but but believe me I drive in the traffic every day and I go at all different times the other day I went five times from here to 43rd Street and back during the day and I was shocked between 10: and 3: I was like well wait where's the traffic and you know so it's it's relevant and we've got we're working it we're going to do some things and and some of the comments I'm going to put on where our Braden Police Department post a lot of great timing and the traffic and the left turn lane the second people that don't wait in line to turn left and you know some of the uh Facebook Facebook post are very inappropriate and and what said the chief mentioned it a little bit earlier but some of the people are posting things that for our law enforcement that's going out there and standing in that and doing it you know is just inappropriate so you know other governments have actually shut down comments I'm not advocating for that but if people keep posting negative very inappropriate stuff you have to think about that I mean because we're doing it as a public service to get the information out there on Facebook but you cannot be posting curse words and inappropriate things about individuals because of their sexuality especially because of being women's month so you know I'm just going to say it stop posting negative you have a comment we want to read your comments but do not post inappropriate stuff because you know just because you don't feel that way um because we are trying you know we are out there and I'll let the chief go through her part of it with the baseball ideas that were coming up with so um thank you Mr Perry for obviously going through some of the water treatment stuff that we're going through because that is something and we were if not the first one of the first to work with the aquafer situation years ago so we worked with Swift Mud and and went through that and that was many years ago so things have be are being tried and trying to work it and just because we have 2032 by federal standards that we have to be out of the river I want to be out sooner you know a drop is too much but don't articulate on the negative let's articulate on the positive and figure that out okay and again I was going to had I had the state and federal funding on it that's one thing that I think has been very important to us to continue to look at that I've asked Mr Perry just so we can because we can't talk about it you know in the sunshine different ways but I've asked Mr Perry possibly look at any lobbyists with the federal funding to see if there might be an opportunity to work within a lobbyist because we know $225,000 that we've spent over three years $775,000 a year has returned close to $20 million if everything comes back so it's a great return you know I'm not advocating definitely for spending that much again but but there might be an opportunity because you know we lobbied Vern Buchanan ourselves but maybe there's more money that we can Lobby in other ways that can can make up for it so there's an opportunity with information coming in the future there and then um probably last I know Miss Barnaby talked about Mr Bower but also um kind of a you know a lot of times when when spouses die when the husband was maybe a little bit more popular in the town and you look back and the spouse was there because without that spouse we wouldn't be able to do what we do obviously without me I wouldn't be able to do what I do without my wife so but um Helen een passed away this week and um her husband was Dewey e which was if you're in this community for a long time was the big signs now and kind of started all the the uh in the old days you had to draw signs right Miss bar Jes technology changed with Signs Now which was a big company a local company and the reason I say that I had to get something you gave me a couple today but I was just don't forget we're at the same age she and I now but yes again the reason I say that is because you know up here we can we can have our times when we don't agree or we work through things but we also uh to work together for what the the common good of our community is and the longterm small town that we still are you know you really look at it and when you look at the long-term small town that that we've we are the bigger we get sometimes you start to lose that sense of community but I don't feel that in our Circles of city of Bradenton Northwest Northeast down the corridor that we're losing that and it's going to be important that we continue to see that we can continue to grow while challenging all of us to do things and um yesterday I was able to celebrate a 50-year business with a proclamation at their business Boyd Insurance or Wilbur Boyd you know if you from this community you know what Wilbur Boyd did and and the Legacy that he's done um a couple weeks ago I was able to ride around at GT Bray park with Mrs Bray you know and you look at that and and to see the legacy of what those gentlemen did is great but they wouldn't have done it without their wives so you know I just want to to shout to the family of Mrs een and and all of what their family has done you know over the years and continues to do locally with the children and that so well and and if I may sir um miss one of Mrs E's daughters is Susan herrian who's married to Bob herrian the weatherman from channel 40 and he lost his mother Sunday oh so and that's that's you know we have the funeral for Mrs E tomorrow and they have to fly right up to Ohio so you know you look at the the history of of all of us but you know it's a team effort and that's one thing that's going to continue to be important and the weather has been so great this month let's keep it going for two more weeks it's rained at night and not during the day when the games are so um it's been great to see so um at this time I'm going to bring up Chief bevon to to give us kind of a synopsis so you know I never I don't I'm not trying to make light of traffic but traffic relevance is time and one of the things we're trying to do with baseball is baseball has done a great job at speed eating up the game so instead of getting over at 4:30 when traffic is at its worst the games are getting over sometimes at 3:15 to 3:45 so we're able to get some traffic out of here with great help of our Braden and police department absolutely um and the mayor asked me to come up and talk a little bit about traffic but I'm going to use the occasion to mention a few other things I do plan on getting with you all individually probably in about a month our annual report is getting ready to come out and that's always the time I like to sit down with you all and just have one-on ones about where we're going what we've done and and any ideas you may have to get us moving in the right direction um that being said award season is around the corner where we're going to recognize a lot of our folks for their annual um you know annual Awards and the things that they've done over the past year so that's always an exciting time um the new unit that I discussed previously and that you all provided some funding for is up and running um they went through a training week they're working together right now as a group and next week they um start responding out there as separate squads with s-day coverage so we expect a lot of good things from them they're working hand inand with the Mane County Sheriff's Office and I I think it's going to be a game Cher for us when it comes to some of our more violent crimes and areas of concern I've already seen their daily reports and they're doing a great job out there um speaking of the new unit and speaking of your approval of them you you all approved some additional funding today um opioid fund funding for another vehicle um that opioid funding is really being put to good use I will tell you within the department and I'm going to also say throughout the city recently we had a donation of some aeds I think 23 of them which outfitted the remainder of my patrol cars but when I was in the airport a couple weeks ago and had the occasion to to be involved um with some life-saving Maneuvers for an individual with an AED um in the airport it reminds me that it it really shouldn't even just be the the folks in the patrol car it should be every car we have out there um with the police department and so we're going to be coming to you all next and asking for some additional funding from the opioid opioid money for some final aeds to to put back in the detective cars those are the ones we took out initially um that's really a great device and and the ones we're using it on the most is not only our our you know well the population that needs it but also those folks suffering from opioid addiction um we're using a lot more than you guys probably even imagine so um speaking of our elderly um we're getting ready just so you all are aware I think the mayor is joining me tomorrow um in a meeting I'm not sure I I'll talk to you about that um BPD is trying to to take the lead on um forming a multi-disciplinary um Team task force uh within the 12th judicial circuit to identify and combat elder abuse and fraud um I had the occasion to um go to a summit in DC about a month ago I was a little disheartened that the State of Florida probably isn't doing what we could and should be doing um we looked at some numbers internally within braon and we realize we are in the Millions last year alone our city for Elder financial fraud um and I think we we need to do better and we can do better and we will do better but I think we need the help of other jurisdictions because this of crime crosses jurisdictional boundaries it it reaches into the federal government and the state um government so we've invited a bunch of people we're going to we're going to see who shows up but I'm going to bring pizza maybe that'll get more people because it's over lunchtime um there's a rule about having meetings at lunchtime you always have to bring food so um more to come on that one but I'm hopeful um we're going to actually assign a dedicated detective a dedicated officer and we want to be at the Forefront of that in this entire area and so I'm excited about that everybody's like why is this a new thing I said maybe because I'm getting old um you know I'm going to fit that bill here eventually um but it's just that's a very vulnerable population in our our city um and the reason we can uh fill that Staffing need and the reason and I'm about to talk about traffic that we can have this new unit is um for me in the eight years I've been here I've never had more cops on this the street and I can feel it I can feel some of the differences we're starting to make um we were able to add somebody to traffic we were able to create this new unit we're going to be able to dedicate somebody towards this this need and that's a good thing and and I'm going to continue to thank you guys for the raises and and for the things we've done within the city and the mayor um and the support we've shown them that makes people want to come here and want to stay here um because it you can tell I I can see it in our numbers I can see it our responses it really matters and and more to come we got six folks in the academy um and we're going to continue to to raise that up until we're fully fully staffed um and so traffic uh we were able to put another person in traffic I've seen the difference you may not have seen the difference um however when it comes to some of the the problems we're experiencing the mayor and I had an opportunity to talk I know Lance you and I talked um we're going to continue to hope that maybe we can find some revenue and and work a little bit more closely with the county to to hire a traffic engineer um Everybody argues with us and and I may be one of the ones arguing as well um that it may be a light issue as well as just a lot of people in our city but I don't know the answer to that I'm not a traffic engineer and and it's not something that I can figure out um just by looking at pieces of paper and and lights down the street because they all can join and so hopefully we we can kind of take a deeper dive into that over the next couple months and then we can all definitively give the answer you know here's what it's about you've just got a lot of people here that want to go to the same areas and want to get out to the same places and it's just how our city is is built but maybe we can suggest some alternate routes and some alternate Avenues and and and what have you so hopefully we can do that in the inum um we're trying something new with baseball right now I know um everybody's not happy with what we're trying right now uh I think it's important um I've I've worked large Arenas I I do think it's important if we invite people into our city to to watch a ball game that we get them out um we're we're trying some some traffic egress uh control right now I know that that you know inevitably is going to cause East and West issues if we're opening up north and south but we don't know until we try and so I I know that we did get some positive comments regarding getting players and part participants and patrons away from the game both yesterday and and the last game and we're going to be doing that for the remainder of the season to see if it it really helps um we're willing to try anything and so bear with us we'll uh we'll figure it out and I'm probably getting more calls than than all of y'all I think I don't know um but you know it we don't know if we don't try and I I do think it's important we're a tourist town and we do need to accommodate that a little bit and and unfortunately it just kind of conflicts with rush hour sometimes I had the occasion to get up there and help manage it firsthand with the new building going up um I encourage you all they probably don't want to hear that I got to go up to the 11th floor with a hard hat and see all the way down 9th and all the way across the water it's a great view I I recommend all of you all see that before somebody lives and you can't do that anymore um but a great view up there and you can really get a great snapshot of what's happening in the city and um last thing um talking about uh kind of everything that's new uh really exciting times I got an app put on my phone yesterday no you're not going to get the app um it's still in the the design phases we've been talking about fusus for quite some time we've dedicated a lot of money towards this I was able to pull up on my phone um every camera that has signed up to allow us to monitor um and every officer out on the street and what they're doing uh you guys call frequently hey what's going on here what's going on here what's going on here within a few days I'm going to be able to hit something on my phone and tell you exactly what's going on and then be able to find the cameras um and the cores that we have given out to select businesses that put that feed into us so that I can exact I can actually see firsthand that's amazing for this city that we're we're moving into that type of Technology it's it's just fantastic so a lot more to come on that now just to go to some of the traffic uh ideas I mean if you don't try something you don't know and I think with the couple games we've done so far it's gotten better but and again I'm sitting in it I'm watching it and so obviously they and I guess they're watching my car my truck as it goes down night but I want to see if there's things we can do you know because again when you leave anywhere if you've ever been to Tampa Stadium if you've ever been to the Rays if you've ever been to the lightning in the different areas it takes some time but those cities have really mastered that and one of the things about Tampa Stadium when you leave it or I guess Raymond James Stadium now from a football game is you don't get to go where you want to go you go where they tell you and sometimes telling us to go right is going a long way out of the way when I got to go nor North to come back south so you know I just think we're trying to do it to get that volume out before the rush hour really starts which it does but you know I think that's something that you guys are doing a great job and all of the staff is learning it and then also then worried about the the non baseball days to see it because you know my wife sometimes looks at me and goes why are you going that way because I said I want to get in I'm going south to go home that I got to come back North cuz I want want to sit in it and hear what people when they say it and a lot of times it's 15 or 20 minutes more than what it would normally take and I lived in Atlanta for a year and a half in 88 and ' 89 and I know if I hit that 10 minute span I would be home in 20 minutes or I'd be home in two and a half hours if I was 10 minutes different so we've just got to continue to try to move it through and then get the people that are violating the law block the Box turning from the second lane you know and again we're going to have to explain that again that it wouldn't matter if we had two left turn Lanes on Sixth and Ninth it's still the same volume you know and it's got a stack so because that was one of the first questions I asked a couple of years ago because you see some of those you know and it just so we are trying and we're going to continue to try to to move you through as quick as possible any questions comments all right thank you Chief and just more thing um yes the most avoidable crime um is vehicle burglary and in 1986 I wasn't allowed to graduate from the police academy until I could show Prof Proficiency in um wrestling an alligator being able to tape its mouth I I'm true story and I have a picture I'm not going to share it with you because I had really big hair um but true story 1986 we couldn't graduate unless we showed proficiency oh I know there's a picture po picture you GNA call all right so I'm gonna go to miss Robin anything you don't have to I just wanted to if you had anything being the Mr Perry you have to wait till all the ladies [Laughter] go um yeah just the um stantech is refreshing the survey uh we'll be getting that out to you all um we're going to try to include a question about which war they live in so we can have a little bit of a competition UHS get most people to respond to the survey um but uh we're sending that out to the neighborhood associations we're sending it out to businesses um so we're trying to distribute it as thoroughly as possible um so I'll get you something probably in the next few days all right thank you miss Karen can you come up again and just give us a little highlight of what's going on on in the uh Jean Brown send out emails yeah I got another one and accidentally responded to me too yes please be very careful with that um you're gonna Brown is not sending you out email he's not gonna ask you to do gift cards he's not going to tell you something like that he's going to reach out to you directly in the manner that you'd normally get from him um if he would need you to do something so they have you they're targeting you and they're going to Target the rest of you too there's nothing we can do to stop that it's just education at this point in time and just take a take a second look at it before you do anything and if it's asking you to do something urgently it's usually a Spam or a fishing email all right just want to celebrate you too thank you thank you Miss Nilsa nothing okay I just want to say hi thank you and all our other women in the audience thank you for all you do every day and again it's it's something that that without you we wouldn't be the city that we are so and all our Council women and and our lucky day Marissa for the attorney if we perfect time I know had Mr Rudell sick today anyway all right nothing else uh well I'm just GNA say one more time go to the newsletter get your information and then also if you're in the room there's some information back there about what's going on with our uh the history of our water treatment plant and and I'm going to say Mr Perry had mentioned Sarasota County Saras the city we um are very happy that our forefathers gave us the system that we have to continue to grow on because we actually sell some of our water to Sarasota and the Braden River area at times because we have that capability which you know the the Sarasota system that they're working on is going to be billions of dollars to build because they don't have the infrastructure that our forefathers gave us so we're we're working and we're doing a great job and Mr Perry Mr Williams thank you for your leadership and and then also Dr Burton with the CRA he's in here and always comes and working good because that's very important to have teamwork so thank you we'll be a jour