e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um our meeting for the bacana board of adjustment is now called to order Mrs Andrews is going to do our regg and and I prayer we can bow our heads please dear heavenly father Lord we thank you for the opportunity to be here tonight God we pray that you will be with us in all the decisions that we may make and Lord we play pray that whatever we do will be pleasant in your sight dear Lord bless the people Bradford County God and give us wisdom and the ability to do the right things for them Lord thank you for all your mercy and your grace in your name we pray amen amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all um for the record we would note that um um Mr Thompson is um is not present um at this time uh Mr Andrews is um going to facilitate and our old business oh yes ma'am uh uh thank you madam chairman uh number two on our agenda is old business uh I'd like the board to consider approval or correction to the minutes from the following previous meetings which was the board of adjustment meetings held on Thursday Fe February 15th 2024 we'd like to ask for comments a motion for a vote and a vote okay are there any comments from the public at this time hearing none um ask for motion for approval motion to approve okay motion by commissioner dhy second by commissioner reic um any discussion questions all in favor by the sign I I for okay now new business thank you madam chairman new business this is s241 this is a special exception 2401 it's an application petition by Joel Islam to request a special exception be granted as provided for in sections 4.7 re residential estate section 4.7.5 number 10 of the Brer K Land Development regulations to allow for a guest house with separate utility meter from primary structure to be located at the property described as follows this is lot 16 Indian Beach Unit number three plat book two pages 42 and 43 of the public records of Bradford County Florida this is being Bradford County paral number 061 90-- 0000000000 this was a basically like said a mother-in-law Suite that will be built up from the lake uh I have a letter from the joining neighbor that says he has no problems with this uh so again we need to ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote okay at this time are there any public comments hearing none we have a motion for approval I make a motion for approval for the SE 24-1 motion um by commissioner Ric it's are second to the motion second by commissioner Andrews any questions further discussion yes Madam chair Mr Andrews I do have a question and I apologize for not catching this earlier um what about so with the in-law suite or additional unit um how are they going to handle septic they have been in touch with uh Anthony Dennis at the health department and they are currently discussing that but it's my understanding they have enough uh gallons and enough drainage septic system to allow for this it's going to be a oneperson uh uh guest house okay it's not going to be kids and you know cousins for the weekends all that good stuff this is truly a mother-in-law Suite it's one individual that will be uh occupying this dwelling okay yeah okay so Mr Dennis is he's looking into it but right now as far as capacity it looks like it's there okay good thank you any fur um anything else M commissioner dor that's okay good any other questions um all right we have a motion in a second um all in favor by the sign I I I any oppos O Okay uh thank you madam chairman that's all I have for the board of adjustment okay um we will close out the board of adjustment and move into our zoning yes ma'am okay this is the Thursday April 18th 2024 uh meeting for the Bradford County Planning and Zoning Board little after six o'clock we've had a call to order uh second item on the agenda is old business I'd like the board to consider approval or corrections to the minutes from the following previous meetings the planning and own planning and zoning board meeting was held on Thursday September 21st 2023 I need to ask for public comments a motion and a vote please ma'am okay are there any public comments at this time hearing none um call for a motion for approval I a motion that we approve the minutes that were held on Thursday September 21st Ling is on board meeting okay motion by commissioner Andrews there's a second to the motion second by commissioner R any questions or discussion here none all in favor by the sign I I any oppose a foro all right Madam chairman item number three this is new business so it's going to be a little lengthy so all right the first item we're going to hear is s 24031 12a this is an application by Susan berkins to amend the future land use plan map with the comprehensive plan by changing the land use classification from agricultural to to commercial on property described as follows I will not read the legal description I'll just provide the Bradford County parcel number which is 04757 d-00 this parcel contains 3.34 Acres more or less I'll read it by title this is resolution number pz LPA s 24312 a a resolution of the board of County commissioners of BR County Florida serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of pford County Florida and the local planning agency of braford County Florida relating to amendment of 50 or less acres of land to the Future land use plan map of the braford county comprehensive plan pursuant to an application by the property owners of said acreage under the amendment procedures established in sections 163 3161 through 1 163 3248 Florida Statutes as omitted providing for changing the land use classification from agricultural to to commercial of certain lands within the unincorporated area Bradford County Florida repealing resolutions in conflict and providing for an effective date again we need ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote okay are there any public comments hear none I'll ask for a motion for approval of the so read by Miss Andrews there a motion for approval yeah I'll make a motion to approve the application S2 4312a as read by Mr Andrews okay second motion by commissioner D is second by commissioner reic is there any further discussions or questions if not all um by the sign of I approval I I any opposal for thank you thank you madam chairman next this is the zoning companion to the Future land use we just read so this is Z2 24-1 an application by Susan E Perkins to amend the official zoning atlas of the Land Development regulations by changing the zoning district from agricultural to to commercial intensive of the property described as follows again I skip the legal and just read the raford county partial number which is 04757 D- 00000000 and again containing 3.34 Acres I'll read it by title this is resolution number pz LPA Z2 24- 01 a resolution of the board of County commissioners of braford County Florida serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of braford County Florida and the local planning agency of Bradford County Florida recommending to the board of County Commissioners braford County Florida approval of amendment of less than 10 contiguous acres of land the official zoning atlas of the braford County Land Development regulations pursuant to an application by the property owners set Acres providing for rezoning from agricultural to to commercial intensive of certain lands with the unincorporated area braford County Florida repealing all resolutions in Conflict providing for an effective date and once again we need to ask for public comments make a motion for a vote and a vote on there any public comments hearing none um ask for motion for approval I make a motion to approve Z2 24-1 as read okay um motion by commissioner reic is there a second to the motion second by commissioner Andrews any further questions or discussion okay if not U all in favor I sign I any opposal for zero okay thank you madam chairman the next land use and Zoning change we're going to read is also owned by Miss Perkins she just has contiguous pieces of property together but since they have two different partial numbers we have two different applications so this is S2 24312 B an application by Susan Perkins to amend the future land use plan map of the comprehensive plan by changing the land use classification from agricultural to to commercial on property described as follows this is being braford County partial number 04758 D- 00000000 and containing 2.9 8 Acres more or less and again I'll read this by title this is resolution number pz/ LPA s431 12b this is a resolution of the board of count braford County sorry y'all a resolution of the board of County commissioners of braford County Florida serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of braford County Florida and the local planning agency of braford County Florida relating to an amendment of 50 or less acres of land to the Future land use plan map of the braford county comprehensive plan pursuant to an application by the property arm said acreage under the amendment procedures established in sections 1 163 3161 through 163 3248 Florida Statutes as amended providing for changing the land use classification from agricultural to to commercial of certain lands with the unincorporate area braford County Florida repealing resolutions in conflict and providing an effective date and once again we need ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote at this time are there any public comments hearing none uh we ask for a motion for approval I make a motion to approve the land use change for Bradford County parcel number 04758 0- 000000 Z okay for approval approval okay um do I have a second second second by um commissioner Andrews all in favor any discussion questions all in favor but sign i n i I guess just for the minutes that was S2 4312b yes sir um do we need to amend a motion to include that or no ma'am I think we're fine we we we described it by the partial number which is also the application number so we should be fine okay yes ma'am all right all right next is a zoning companion to this land use change this is Z2 24-02 and again this is an application by Susan E Perkins to amend the official zoning atlas of the Land Development regulations by changing the zoning district from agricultural 2 to commercial intensive on property described as follows again this is Bradford County parcel number 04758 d-00 00000000 and containing 2.98 Acres more or less and I again I'll read this by title this is a resolution number pz/ LPA z240 2 a resolution of the board of County commissioners of Bradford County Florida serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of Bradford County Florida and the local planning agency of bford County Florida recommending to the board of County commissioners of bford County Florida approval of an amendment of less than 10 contiguous acres of land the official zoning atlas of the BR County Land Development regulations pursuant to an application by the property owner of set Acres providing for rezoning from agricultural to to commercial intensive of certain lands whenin the unincorporated area B County Florida repealing all resolutions in conflict providing for an effective date and once again we ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote there any public comments hearing none I ask for motion for approval I make a motion that we approve z242 as read by Mr Andrew is there a second to the motion second okay motion by commission Andrews and second by commissioner dhy any questions on discussion all in favor by the sign I I foro and again I should explain the board before we started the just the location is property uh I don't mean to begrudge a property but just by location this property lies between the uh the Red Dog Saloon in the old Crosley manufacturing trailer place it's that's North on the the west side of 301 before you turn to go to Hampton and I had a map with the information I sent you off just I should explain that before we got started but that's the location that's parcel and so there's commercial the south of it there's industrial the north of it so we're not spot zoning okay just in case okay yes ma'am all right uh this will be the last two all right I'll start with this this parcel is located the corner of uh us301 and state or County Road 18 there at the intersection of Hampton for lack of better terms this partial lies north of 18 where the Dollar General store is there at US 301 and 18 so this is s24 uh 30 uh I'm sorry this is s243 26 a this is an application by huntt real estate service incorporate and Hunt re Acquisitions LLC as agents for Karen Gray Thomas to amend the future land use plan map of the comprehensive plan by changing the land use classification from residential low to Commercial and property scribed as follows being braford County partial number 00967 d-00 0000 and containing 14.8 Acres more or less I'll read this by title this is resolution s243 26a uh sorry let me back up this is resolution pz LPA s243 26a this is the resolution of the board of braford County the board of County commissioners of braford County Florida serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of braford County Florida and the local planning agency of braford County Florida relating to an amendment of 50 or 50 or less acres of land to the Future land use plan map of the braford county comprehensive plan pursuant to an application by the property owner of said Acres under the Amendments procedures established in sections 1 163 3161 through 163 3248 Forest statutes as amended providing for changing the land use classification from residential low density to commercial of certain lands in the an corporate area of raford County Florida repealing resolutions in conflict and providing for an effective date and again we need public comments a motion for a vote and a vote are there any public comments all right and when you come to the mic just speak in it so it'll project out thank you just tell us who you are in yes good evening Jerry debowski professional engineer with the state of Florida uh representing City of Hampton as their city engineer thank you so um city of Hampton does not object to this amendment however what we would like to discuss is we have seen a preliminary site plan for this and we do have concern uh the future traffic that will be exiting onto County Road 18 we know the state State's going to take care of 301 but we have a concern of the future traffic that could come out to County Road 18 we ask that the county take a look at the future traffic and also let the city of Hampton participate in reviewing that study thank you sir there is a representative from the uh the agent the applant agent if uh M car if you you please state your name and your address and my name is Uh Kevin McCraw I'm with Hunt Real Estate Services my address is 5601 Mariner Street sweet 100 Tampa Florida 33609 uh and yes to address Jerry's qu uh comments you know we're going to have to do a full traffic study and everything else with do and the county of course is going to have input once we get to the design phase of this project this is just uh zoning and uh land use currently so like I said we're more than willing to work and uh make sure that there's a safe uh traffic situation for everybody involved so that's uh what we'll address that later on the stage of this project okay any question I have a question Madam shair um come Mr mcra so on of course on the U the site plan that was currently issued or that you guys were reviewing would the so there would be an entrance and an exit coming off of 18 and then also on the preliminary site plan we have a right in right out on 301 okay okay and and two access points on County Road 18 one lines up directly with the Dollar General and the other is further east okay that's what I was going to ask it was further east because I think that that would certainly help alleviate some of the issues with you know people pulling in and everything else okay all right thank you and again this is all just preliminary we haven't sent anything to uh chw yet or County engineer yet so we're just trying to get past this phase then once we you get past this then we'll move forward with the site plan but nothing's been presented to us yet except just preliminary okay any further question from Mr mcra okay all right thank you all right um so we've heard the comments and do I have a motion for approval Madam chair I'll make a motion to approve s240 326a as read by Mr Andrews okay a motion by commissioner dhy and second by commissionary uh reic uh any first discussion questions if not all in favor sign I I for thank you madam chairman last item on the agenda for tonight excuse me is the zoning companion this land use change this is Z2 24-3 this is an application by Hunt Real Estate service incorporate and Hunt re Acquisitions LLC as agents for Karen Gray Thomas to amend the official zoning atlas of the Land Development regulations by changing the zoning district from residential mix single family mobile home 2 to commercial intensive on property described as follows again this is Bradford County paral number 00967 D- 0000000000 containing 14.8 acres of land more or less now I'll read this by title this is resolution number pz LPA Z2 24-3 this is a resolution of the board of County Commissioner of braford County Florida serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of braford County Florida and the local planning agency of Bradford County Florida recommending to the board of County commissioners of braford County Florida approval of an amendment of 10 or more contiguous acres of land the official zoning atas of the Bradford County Land Development regulations pursuant to an application by the property owner of State Acres providing for resoning from residential mix single family mobile home-2 to commercial intenses of certain lands with the unincorporated area braford County Florida repealing all resolutions in conflict and providing for an effective date and once again we need ask for public comments we need to make a motion for a vote and a vote are there any public comments hearing n that um may I have a just one moment yes if you will come back to the mic and do that all over again tell us who you are and so forth yes good evening uh Jerry decowski professional engineer Florida uh also city of Hampton's engineer and we do not have an objection to amending the zoning the atlas however we request that uh when the county is reviewing the traffic analysis that the city of Hampton be involved in that process okay thank all right thank you any further comments we miss anyone um if not if we have a motion at this time make a motion to approve Z24 d03 as read by Mr Andrews okay um motion by commissioner dhy second by commissioner Andrews any further discussion or questions all in favor by the sign I I for oh any oppos none okay all right thank you madam chairman that's all I have for Planning and Zoning Board all right ladies and gentlemen that would conclude our um Board of adjustments and our zoning we would um come back in about 9 minutes for our regular commissioner meeting thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and gentlemen our Board of County Commission our regular board is now called to order is now 6:30 um Mrs Andrew commissioner Andrews is going to lead us in invocation and the pledge of allegion bow your hands dear heavenly father Lord thank you for this day God thank you for the many blessings that you give each and every one of us God be with us as we go through this business tonight Lord and let us do the best thing that we can possibly do for the county God and every decision that we make I pray that it'll be a good decision Lord for you and and that you will bless it through our through our operation dear Lord be with us and God we thank you and give you all the praise and the glory in your name we pray amen amen to the of the United States America and to the rep for it stands nation indivis and for thank you all for being here tonight and at this time we're going to have our public hearing with the zoning and Mr Andrews um if you would come forward here um and item a considering the approval of thank you Madam chairman uh Just for information purposes these are the resolutions we passed in the previous planning and zoning board meeting these are the ordinances that are the companion documents that are required so again this is uh I'll read this by title this is an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the future land use plan map of the braford county comprehensive plan as amended relating to an amendment of 50 or less acres of land pursuant to an application S 24312 A by the property off of said aage under the Amendments established in sections 163 3161 through 163 3248 for our statutes as omitted providing for changing the land use classification from a 2 to commercial of certain lands from the intercorporate area Bradford County Florida providing severability repealing all ordinances in conflict and providing for an effective date and again this is Bradford County parcel number or this is s243 2012a raer County partial number 04757 d-00 0000 z uh we need to ask for public comments we need to make a motion for a vote and a vote please ma'am at this time I'll call for public comments on item a hearing none uh I ask for a motion for approval I make a motion to approve uh S2 4312a as read okay motion by commissioner Ric is there a second to the motion second by commissioner Andrews any further discussion questions if not um and for the record note that Mr Thompson is present thank you um all in favor by the sign I I any oppose I thank you thank you mam chairman this is item number 2B consider approval of Z24 d01 Miss Perkins zoning change for braford County partial number 04757 D z- 0000000000 and I'll read this by title this is an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the official zoning atlas of the braford County Land Development regulations as emitted relating to relating to the rezoning of less than 10 contiguous acres of land pursuant to an application Z2 24-1 by the property Army of State Acres providing for changing the zoning district from agricultural to to commercial intensive of certain lands within the UN corporate area bord County Florida providing severability repealing all ordinances in conflict and providing for an effective date and again we would like to ask for public comments we need a motion for a vote and a vote are there any public comments hearing n do I have a motion for approval make a motion to approve Z24 d01 as read by Mr Andrews okay uh motion by commissioner dor if there second to the motion second by commissioner reic any further discussion or questions all in favor by the sign I I any oppos 5 thank you madam chairman this is item 2C this is also the property belongs to miss Perkins but we will consider approval of s 24312 b land use change for braford County partial number 04758 d-00 00000000 and this is an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the future land use plan map of the braford county comprehensive plan is amended relating to an amendment of 50 or less acres of land pursuant to an application S2 24031 12b by the property owners of said acreage under the amendment procedures establishing sections 1 63. 3161 3163 3248 Florida Statutes as amended providing for changing the land use classification from acultural to two commercial of certain lands from the an corporate area braford County Florida providing severability repealing all ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date once again we'd like to ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote at this time are there any public comments and item C hearing none um do I have a motion for approval make a motion that we approve S2 4312b as read by Mr Andrews okay motion by commissioner Andrews is there second to the motion second second by commissioner reic one of you second my commissioner reic um any questions or further discussion all in favor by the sign I I any oppose BYO thank you madam chairman this is item 2D consider approval of Z 24-02 s Perkins zoning change for braford County parcel number 04758 d-00 000000 and I'll read it by title this is an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the official zoning atlas of the braford County Land Development regulations as amended relating to the resoning of less than 10 contiguous acres of land pursuant to an application Z2 24-02 by the property owner of State Acres providing for changing the zoning district from agricultural 2 to commercial intensive of certain lands in the UN corporate area Bradford County Florida providing severability repealing all ordinance of the conflict and providing an effective date and once again we'd like to ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote okay are there any public comments hearing none um do I have a motion for approval make a motion that we approve Z 24-02 as read by Mr Andrews okay motion by commissioner Andrews second second by commissioner dhy any further questions questions or discussion if not um all in favor by to sign I I I okay any oppose 0 thank you madam chairman this is item 2E consider approval of s243 26a Miss Karen Thomas of a land use change for Bradford County partial number 00967 d-00 00000000 and I will read it by title this is an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the future land use plan map of the braford county comprehensive plan has emitted relating to an amendment of 50 or less acres of land pursuant to an application S2 24326 a by the property arm said acreage under the amendment procedures established in sections 63. 3161 through 1 163 3248 Florida Statutes as omitted providing for changing the land use classification from residential low density to commercial of certain lands in the unincorporated area of Brer County Florida providing sever repealing all ordinances of conflict and providing effective date and once again we need to ask for public comments a motion for a vote and a vote I there any public comments okay all right if you would come forward and state your name and your business good evening uh Jerry debowski professional engineer in Florida I'm also the city of Hampton's engineer and the city does not object to this land use change however we would like to be involved when the traffic analysis is being performed as part of the site plan review the city of Hampton would like to be involved in that review thank you sir any other comments okay at this time excuse me I have a motion for approval yes I'll make a motion to approve s24 326a as read by Mr Anders okay a motion by commissioner reic is there a second to the motion second second by commissioner Andrews um any further discussion or questions if not all in favor by the sign I I and the oppos by o thank you madam chairman and lastly this is uh agenda item 2 F consider approval of Z2 24-3 miss Karen Thomas a zoning change for braford County partial number 00967 D z- 0000000000 and I'll will read it by title excuse me this is an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the official zoning atlas of the braford County Land Development regulations as amended relating to the rezoning of 10 or more contiguous acres of land pursuant to an application Z2 24-3 by the property owner of said acreage providing for change in the zoning district from residential mix single family/ mobile home 2 to commercial intensive certain lands within Incorporated area braford County Florida providing severability repealing all ordinances in conflict and providing for an effective date and again we would like to ask Republic comments a motion for a vote and a vote okay I have um public comments yes Jerry dubowski professional engineer State of Florida also city of Hampton's engineer uh we do not object to the zoning change however we would like to be involved as part of the site plan review and the traffic review thank you thank you all right any other comments um if not I ask for motion for approval make a motion to approve Z24 d03 is read by Mr Andrews okay motion by commissioner dor is the second to the motion second by commissioner reic any further questions or discussion all in favor by the sign I I I any oppose 5 Z thank you madam chairman that's all I have okay thank you uh Mr Andrews at this time uh are there any public comments or are there any cards that we missed thank you um moving on to agenda item four approval for the consent agenda okay do have a motion for approval of the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank commissioner R uh made the motion and second by commissioner Thompson any further discussion questions all in favor by to sign I I I any oppose 5 okay thank you um and moving on to the Managed Care option mco5 um our chief is here Mr Carter hello good evening Madam chair board thank good evening uh so coming before you this evening we are um needing to so the the speedville fire station station 10 they going to be some costs uh that will have to be uh covered by the county as you know they donated $250,000 for that project um that is to cover everything within uh 5T from the perimeter of the building so essentially everything out out side of that 5 foot the hookups for the septic uh Power all of those things will have to be um covered by the county we do have the funding from the Managed Care Organization or Managed Care MCO funds that's what we call them um that we that we received last year in the amount of 479,000 and some change and so uh we do have the funding there to be able to use to cover the cost of the expenditures for the speedville fire station project to complete that Pro project um so I'm asking for item a would be uh the approval use MCO funds for the speed Bill project living quarters project uh not to exceed $50,000 any um question for Mr cardo on on a for the um speed living quarters mam chair then um what were they to be used for uh there was no specific um guidelines as far as what they can be used for what they cannot be used for is to pay the cost share for next year so this is the this is the program where we we essentially pay in and then we get a uh an amount back that's double or triple that amount typically and so um again how much did you say it was this year is $479,500 sent that we received from that program and can you elaborate a little bit what the 50,000 would ensure cover so that's going to cover the septic tank that's going to cover the electrical hookups that's going to cover again anything that's 5T outside of the building or more so hooking into the Clay County water line um things of that nature that just won't be covered by the contractor himself any yes M Chief do we know why or why we're not using the existing tank that was put in I can't imagine that being with just a small office there sure that it couldn't be utilized you know with the new living quarters yeah unfortunately that that was inspected um we had uh multiple people go out there and look at it it's been reviewed multiple times and that will not meet our needs for out there um they said there's no way for us to use the existing tank or was that Mr Dennis yes with the L County County okay um I know uh Mr Crawford Rod Crawford's been out there a few times to just verify what you know what he said is is seems to be accurate did they give you an approximate cost for just a septic tank if they put that I believe the septic tank quot was around 9,000 um and I think that's probably going to be the most expensive thing we have uh a few companies that are donating quite a few things to the project as well Gator fire um Brian Green is his name and and he's donating all the uh equipment and and labor for the fire sprinkler system which is huge uh Mike Cruz is donating the Cabinetry and and countertops um and so we're getting a lot of that stuff uh donated that we can uh but there are going to be some costs to to finish out the project and based on the conversations with the contractor um you know he he believes 50,000 should be sufficient to cover the cost and and that was a high estimate he believes that'll be a high estimate any other questions okay um is there um a motion for approval of a um for them to use not to exceed the 50,000 for that speedville living area yeah I make a motion to use the uh MCO funds for station 10 not to exceed $50,000 okay is there a second to the motion second second by commissioner Andrews um any further discussion or question all in favor sign I okay by both okay moving on to Item B thank you all very much um we are looking for approval to purchase a new ambulance currently as we sit right now we have one ambulance on the road that has less than 250,000 miles uh today and so uh I check checked that this morning and verifi that our ambulances that are in service today have one that's less than 250,000 miles we average about 64 65,000 miles annually per ambulance um so we've got to get caught up we're we're in decent shape right now um with the remounts that we've done but we need to get caught up um you know on on purchasing a new amb we are at the point to where we have one ambulance in our Fleet that has not been remounted so we have one that is uh is a new ambulance that has not been remounted yet and it's not ready to be remounted so that means that uh we are at the point of remounting remounts if that makes sense so we need to need to put put a new ambulance in the fleet I don't have a an exact cost on that and so what I'm asking for is just um approval to not exceed the amount available in that in those uh MCO funds and this will be a a multi-year project this will this will roll into next fiscal year as well due to the supply chain issues um so I guess what I'm looking for is uh is approval to purchase uh to use the MCO funds for purchase of a new ambulance um this year if possible but also to extend those funds into next year um if it does not happen within this year M Rachel did I do that right okay just wanted so Chief what's I know you don't know how much this new amulance is going to cost but can you give me some rough idea about part 300 to $350,000 really yes ma'am okay and then my other question um with or was that a fire truck with the vehicle that we were getting that um representative Brandon provided for us that's a fire druck yes that's the fire druck okay and you shared with us I guess it was like a state L vehicle over by the conference center last with it last year was that you all um brought it over and showed it off it may be over a year but anyhow it was kind of a state off with all kinds of equipment so I guess I'm just asking but you you're saying that the state of your current uh vehicle is not good yes ma'am and you know uh Mr dods has his team has been awesome at at uh keeping up with the repairs and maintenance for it but I'm sure he'll he'll be a big advocate for us get getting a new one as well because it keeps his team busy so okay uh I guess um you know we want our people to be safe when they're transported and I and I get that piece and I want that CU if you had to cup for me I want that too but I was just concerned about the amount of the fund on whether or not um that should just go to our general fund if we're in the process of building our our budget for this year year um so that if we have to get it we have to get it but to to use um those funds or have it into our general uh fund and then delegate it out after we kind of know where we stand financially what a concern I have sure and and to be honest with you we initially when we talked about the MCO funds we thought that the cost share from the county could be paid um out of those MCO funds and again in in learning more about those funds that's the only thing it cannot be used for so we cannot pay the county match uh out of those MCO funds so we have to either use um our reserves for that so our reserve for contingency which is 500,000 um and then again we would not be able to to utilize the MCO funds for that that portion of it so I would be coming to ask for you for an ambulance or ask you for an ambulance either way and it would either come out of contingency or these MCO funds and so um in paying the cost share out of the MC or out of the contingency it makes more sense and in talking with Miss Rhoden um to utilize the MCO funds to pay for the ambulance okay can I add something chairman yes didn't we do two remounts uh two years ago did uh we did and we're fixing to take delivery of one of those the one okay they you never got them well we we got one uh that's in service and it's got 54,000 miles on it already we took that in September and we get one uh either tomorrow or next week as well so but we've got to get I mean they're a year to two years out if we order it today right okay we're going to fall way behind if not well I guess my position is if you need the ambulance and we have to get it we're going to get it no matter what where is but my concern with is that we're we're trying to get that the budget set and and and taking a look at that and if we have all of those funds together we can make that decision later and still give you what you need um but we need to know what our what we're looking at that's that's the only thing that concerned and this was just looked at as unanticipated Revenue this is not something that we budget for because we don't know the amount of it so this is something that essentially is is again unanticipated Revenue that can't go towards this year's budget because we've already it's already a balanced budget so for next year um again rolling this amount into uh whatever the cost would be for next year for that ambulance okay my I'm looking at you because I'm just want to make sure I'm explaining this properly you stated that very well all right just before we obligated it sure but you know if if you broke down today we got to buy it you know and and it could come out of that but if we don't have to buy it today that we have it as a part of our whole budget and then you know give it to you as as you need it that's that's the only thing I don't know how anybody else builds but well Madam chair if I may and and chief in all fairness to Mr dods we just had in our last meeting where he talked about doing a couple roads and he didn't know how much they were going to cost sure so we asked him to bring that back to us I think the only thing that would be different in your situation is we're saying either way we're going to have to buy an ambulance so whether it's coming out of the general fund or whether it's coming out of these funds but you know I'd feel more comfortable knowing what we're paying for the unit you know before we approve it but again if as Madam chair said if it's something that we need yes sir and you know that we need to go ahead and pull the trigger on it if it's something that you know can wait and you can come back and give us a number then I think that uh at the end of the day we would at least know that number but again to me it right now just thinking that I mean if we need it then we're going to get it anyway so it's kind of a moot point but anyway I just like I said in all fairness to you know Mr dods like I said you know we asked him to come back with a number you just it's we you know it's it's just a matter of being blindsided by some things get like the firehouse you know that was something that we knew was donated and now we're 50,000 into that so um you know there's no such thing as a free lunch right so anyway all right so go ahead or any other comments um so that would be to my recommendation let's just hold off on obliging you obligating it and then we have to come back and do it and you come back with the number for US sure and the the trouble with the the number for that is you know by the time we order the like if if we order the vehicle today the price may change based on what the market is then at the time that we actually take delivery of it um but also same and the same thing goes for the actual ambulance itself uh and so there is a point certainly where we get locked into a number with them and it can't change you know regardless of what the build time is but I can I can definitely get you a more concrete number and bring that back to you well as I stated you know I think again you know I was trying to be fair to other departments asking them to bring a number back but what I'm hearing is that we're going to buy it anyway so I mean as far as whether we you come back with a number or not I think it's again a moot point so I mean it would be my recommendation that we just move forward and uh make the approval uh to consider using those funds um for the new ambulance and a motion that a motion yes second a motion by commissioner dhy and the second by commissioner reic um all in favor sign I right me I'm just I just said no for now but yes later but that that would be my vote for right now yes ma'am absolutely thank you board I appreciate your support okay thank you just to clarify Madam chair was your vote an A okay okay um next we have the donation of the bican of fair rescue uh we have commissioner Emily Hoffman that's here from the town of a let's welcome her um hi there my name is Emily this is my son Jay um and I wanted to bring bonda up because she's been a big part of things I just wanted to do something small for the fire department and rescue and um what we did was um I already donated but I wanted to make it you know hopefully in the future we could do more but um today um we would like to give St $1,480 to them and they can do whatever they want with it um and we just are so excited to have them in our little town a lot and that you you know he represents us well up there and I'm just happy for it so okay thank you and she says it's a small gift but $115,000 is not a small gift by any means um and certainly appreciate it we're going to use these funds to purchase new um bunker gear for our firefighters um as well as new fire nozzles um so if we can get grab a picture real quick that yes can somebody take one oh we get a septic tank we get sir open what my head too bright put the glare on the camera and thank you um town of ly that's just very much amazing and thank you all so much for coming okay we're now moving on to our Clerk's report Mr Thompson we're all good we all good okay and um at this time we have our sheriff sheriff Smith you're off the [Laughter] hook no just want to give you quick update uh to download your phone the new sheriff app is out it's in it's testing phases but you Bradford County Sheriff's Office you go to your Apple or to your uh Google Play App Store whatever it is download it enter you like I said you get all the latest updates information everything every Touch of your fingers and you can download it so it's it's finally here you got any ideas or suggestions we're open to it we're working uh work any kinks or bugs you may have but you can sign yourself up for the alerts there's you know if there's a storm Escape mate flooding whatever it may we can put that information out instantaneously and touching people's hands to their app notify them of what's going on it gives you the latest updates news releases those kind of things on your phone but it gives you a ton of information whether it be Animal Control emergency management all those type things are in there so download that and you have it on your the latest and greatest on your phone so that's our latest update we've been working on for several months and uh the team finally got it together so it's there at your fingertips okay thank you thank you if I may oh um I just wanted to to say that um I really appreciate one being invited over um to honor the dispatchers today and um I think it's very important um what you did and and I'm sure that Ben was probably involved too but um because A wise man once told me people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care and just doing a little something for our people for our staff to let them know how much we appreciate them it um it touched my heart and I just wanted to tell you I I think that that's a wonderful thing yeah that that credit goes to my staff like I say till today I realized I'm setting up tables over there I went it must be something so I asked oh I have great staff and they really with Chief Carter and them and that they really pitched in and help out because we all work with them every day they get kept in a bubble but uh to to see them recognized good good eating good to thank them in a small way but it goes a long way with them I can't tell you the thank yous and the feedback which is always positive but that the credit goes to my staff totally cuz I'd have been off somewhere else have not been told so but they they do those things I'm blessed well and and like you said the dispatchers they see in that little cave and um you know they do their job very well without recognition and so I just um it it meant a lot it's the toughest job in the sheriff's office I can promise you in the county they they get everybody that wanted you five minutes before they called they're getting screamed at hollered at cussed that on some occasions and people call you when they're they're worse most of the time so they're in a crisis so those people take a big beating every day when they come to work what they have to handle and I just express my regrets I didn't know just like you did so I I already spank the Sher on my hand I didn't got SCH I'm married I'm used to it but the um the dis Spurs are very very important so the absence of of it it's not was not intentional so we very much appreciate uh our dispatch absolutely thank you you U Madam chair if I could um I'd like to take up a donation from the board uh to get the sheriff shooting lessons um our neighbor and sheriff is a backtack winner of the shoot with the sheriff which Gator to won it last year now he won the year before Gator de last he's a two-time winner yes but anyway he's our he's our neighbor and they're always a rival we know that and we just want to get you out there next year and see if you can hit a few of them hey I'm a great host I don't want to be the you know you want to brag and show off home we want to keep them coming but it was a great fundraiser we raised a lot of money for our charity and every penny of that goes back into the community through our charity we have the Bradford Sheriff uh Charities and every dime there's no funding Whatever Gets raised it gets cut out in checks whether it be 4 FFA football girl softball it all goes back into the community right well thank you Sheriff thanks for doing that thank you for coming out shooting hey I didn't see you shooting but you didn't well I se all them zeros I didn't know what them zeros were on there he shot with his other friends sure oh he shot with his other friends is that what it was no he did come out and support and everybody has everybody's chipped in in a way it's a busy day and for to get the turnout that we had we had over 120 Shooters it was a great day yeah yeah it was a lot of fun and and U you know six of my fellow Sheriff's showed up so we I was blessed everybody everybody said a lot of good things about it Sheriff thank you sheriff and I did hear that we had a semipro in the county today somebody was talking about so talk to him and see if I can't get you a I I do need a little practice I spray and pray more than I I aim so thank you so much sh um at this time we'll have our state-ofthe-art presentation well happen Mr carnate um the county manager report on our annual update um for the state of our County all right thank you madam chairman it's hard to believe that it's been a year since the last one and 18 months total uh that we've been here and I think you'll see that we've done some some really good things and uh looking towards the future to do more great things so um I'll let everybody know that the chairman has agreed to give us restroom breaks every 30 minutes so I'm just I'm just joking shouldn't take long at all all right so back in February we we modified and amended our mission and vision statement so I always think it's a good practice when you're talking about a uh a progress report um to more or less gauge your progress based upon your mission and your vision statement that way if you need to adjust it you can or you can keep moving in the direction that we're going so I've always considered a mission statement to be actionable and our mission of the board of County commissioners of Bradford County Florida is to protect the health safety and well-being of the residents communities and environment of Bradford County through responsible governing of the resources entrusted to the board by its citizens our vision which I consider to be more aspirational is for Bradford County to be recognized as a safe rural community rich in history culture and common values which strives for excellence as a great place to live work raise a family and experience plan economic growth and development so keep these things in mind as we go forward tonight and uh then we'll we'll uh we'll be able to tell if we're on the right track or not now when we first started out we said that one of the uh the main goals was to build manager and commissioner relationships I think we've done a really good job of that and we've done it by meeting regularly with each of you uh to understand your priority goals and expectations we've attended conferences and trainings together we've attended community events and Town Hall meetings and of course we have regular phone calls and agenda meetings with each of you the other thing that we agreed early on that we wanted to do was build public trust and have open communication we've achieved that by attending and speaking at Rotary kuas and other Civic and business meetings to engage with the community leaders I had a little bit of an advantage when I started here because I already had relationships with a number of the leaders in the community but since then of course we've developed other relationships that have been very valuable and uh that's key and critical to any success that we might have as a County government uh we met with the Constitutional office officers and other County staff to understand their priorities and needs I do that as often as I can um every other month or so maybe and we also began live streaming our board meetings uh to allow others to be able to um to participate in their local government another priority for all of us was to make the county manager's office open and accessible to everyone so we don't lock the door anymore it stays open um there's somebody there to answer the phone if there's not then there's a message that will instruct the caller to do whatever needs to be done and if the door is ever locked there's a sign on the door saying where we are and what we're doing so uh we we've made things as accessible as as we possibly can another initial priority was to update and amend the board personnel and purchasing policies uh we've been working on that since last November and in February uh the board adopted the board policy um Amanda has been as a matter of fact she was working on the Personnel policy today and uh we're about to wrap it up and hopefully we'll bring it to you for approval on May 7th and then the purchasing policy uh we've been working closely with uh the chief Deputy Clerk and her Finance folks um to make sure that we take this opportunity to you know to make the changes that need to be made get it updated and uh get it before you on May 16th and as I mentioned earlier we revised our mission and vision statements back in February the we took the opportunity a few months ago several months ago actually uh to sit down with the chief deputy cler and and her folks to take a look at our our insurance coverage um we identified different opportunities to update and adjust our coverage it only resulted in $3,600 in annual savings which isn't a whole lot of money in the overall scheme of things but just by virtue of conducting that exercise we were a able to update our policies and be become more efficient and effective through our insurance coverage Solid Waste assessment our assessment was established in 1987 at $75 a year and never adjusted our Solid Waste operation cost us $1.7 million a year and that left a shortfall of $1.2 million so by raising the assessment to $125 a year um we decrease that shortfall to half a million dollar so we're gaining on it Surplus property we made it a priority to uh get some of these vehicles and equipment off of the books so we sold nine Vehicles Andor equipment for a total of $1,565 and one commercial building sold for $168,700 for total revenue of $210,300 now this was a project that overlapped between the first six months and the the second and then the next 12 months this was the Keystone Heights airport Access Road when we got here um we were told that it was it was unachievable we were going to have to eat the money that we had already spent on the project and then not get any of the $2.3 million Deo Grant to to finish it so my Public Works director and I Mr dods we we decided we take one more run at it and we we built a relationship with the Deo Deo officials in Tallahassee and they were wonderful they were great and we were able they allowed us to modify the scope and we resumed the work and Jason finished it up on June 23rd of 2023 $2.3 million that we avoid losing and now we have an access road to the airport and oh by the way we have approval from do to go ahead and tie the road in to 100 we're just waiting on the airport to realign the fencing so that we have a way to turn in and and and park before you get to the gate so we're um I know Mr Kirkland is is working on that and uh as soon as we get that done with them we'll we'll we'll connect the road now these are our Public Works gas STX projects that we completed in the last 12 months um three a little over half a million dollars in gas t Road work gas tax road work that Jason has done and these are our fdot projects uh well $300,000 worth of fdot road work more Public Works projects uh the HVAC system in this entire building has been replaced that was uh money that you earmarked from the arpa funding uh to pay for and every I think everyone has been really pleased with the outcome we had a couple of hiccups along the way but in the end it worked out fine we've been removing dirt from the pit Public Works pit so far Jason has moved 1,331 loads of dirt that we sold to New River for 97,2 16 we did a little paving at the Bradford County Fairgrounds to help them out and we replac the um very dangerous hydraulic lifts were at Fleet Maintenance with new ones and this is probably the biggest achievement we've had uh we acquired we finally acquired the 100,000 foot Warehouse from the state of Florida at the governor's cabinet meeting on December 19th that was conveyed to us and then we received the deed um about three weeks ago three four weeks ago so we're working on a lease agreement with mhd Rockin um I think it's a little ambitious to say that it'll be finalized later this month but that's what we're working towards and when we do when we do get in there and they uh start doing business we will have created an additional $1.2 million in annual revenue as well as brought 48 new high wage jobs to the county Chief Carter all right see how this thing it was okay yeah all right so we'll give you a little bit of our our year in review so braford County fire rescue ran 7,400 I'm sorry 7,747 7,747 calls for service uh that we ran last year we had 36 structure structure fires 22 vehicle fires and 76 brush fire and this number right here staggered me when I when I gathered this number from our Sheriff's Office data 586 traffic crashes that we that we managed last year we had 59 cardiac arrests with a Ros rate of 36% what that means is that if we come to you and your heart's not beating we're able to get pulses back 36% of the time State average is 24% so we're 12% above a state average we successfully in in coordination with the county manager's office negotiated a new Union contract we graduated six Personnel from the fire academy and four from paramedic school we were awarded over $750,000 in Grants and appropriation and we taught five Baltimore Airway courses which as you know was established by the late Dr Giannis and we've carried that that uh course on and we've been able to do that successfully uh five times last year training over 100 providers across the state of Florida we were the first rural agency to partner with UF he neuro1 which as a matter of fact uh we had a rendevu with them today and we've established that Fairbanks is a good kind of Middle Point for us it allows them to get there and get their CT machine set up but we had a stroke patient today that from the time we met up with them they received the clock busting medication within 7 Minutes of the time we met up with them they put him in the back of the truck did a CT scan and administered that medication within 7 minutes that happened today we renegotiated our our contract for in facility transfers with HDA hospital here in town we got a 16% increase in collections from them we also uh the board approved our new EMS billing rates which will result in increased revenue from uh from our County as well and we got a new engine obtained through the state for $450,000 our station 10 living quarters we partnered with Keystone Heights RV resort to finish out our living quarters at the speed Bill fire station minimal cost of the county I won't say no cost to the county but it is minimal cost of the county and we held our groundbreaking ceremony on March 4th was a great success and appreciate all you who are there that day uh we're estimated to have that project completed by June 30th of this year which we're excited for p concrete tomorrow they're pouring concrete tomorrow actually I thought they did it today is okay uh so back from the Appropriations that were obtained while the fire department was under the sheriff's office that were obtained for the hurn spring site we were able to get those funds reallocated to Samson City and thessa and so that project is is moving forward we've contracted with chw they've done the uh surveying so far and so that's where we're at on that project and we're expected to have that project completed uh for both station uh or for for the Samson City station by June of 2025 we started up The Bradford County Community paramedicine program uh we've already partnered with the B County Health Department Meridian healthcare uh Main Street urgent care and HCA St we have our program brochures which Lieutenant weeks will you uh come pass a copy to the commissioner please uh we have a program brochures our PR materials um and a referral process already established we have multiple PR events that are scheduled uh for this coming year and we have uh six patients actually we had a new one sign up today so we actually have six patients U enrolled in that program and one of those patients has already been successfully admitted to rehab um so that program that's in a matter of just over two weeks uh is what Lieutenant weeks and and chief Rogers have done with that prog program and these two here have really uh taken the ball and run with that program and and are out there providing uh a great service to this community and so again thank you for placing your your trust in in me to run that program and and in these gentlemen uh you know and do for doing such a great job so I appreciate that support and I don't know about the Cypress Run boat ramp thank you thank you very much Chief so on to the cyers run boat ramp we Jason and I met with uh and I believe commissioner Andrews was with us met with d officials and the engineers from drmp back in January and we were when when D stopped issuing 404 application permits we were kind of blown out of the water so we were able to get a one-year extension from FWC so now our uh our deadline is now June 30th of 2025 so once they get the um once we figure out how we're going through the permitting process whether it be through FW or uh core of engineer Army Corp of Engineers or if D gets their 404 application is issue resolved we'll we'll know which direction we're going but uh chw will be our new engineer of record uh for the remainder of the project and I'm certain that we'll be uh we'll be in good shape with them our ship off office um had accepted 10 rehab applications five have been completed uh she's accepted two purchase assistant applications the down payment and closing cost and board as you well know you you've um you've approved uh a number of prepared or satisfaction of mortgage mortgages over the last 12 months Bradford County Library they're doing great things over there um they've got new training and team building programs they've expanded their Library services to generate additional Revenue including notary services and fact Services have two new children's programs and the staff has served over 23,000 people in the last 12 months they've conducted 102 programs with 2100 participants and they developed a plan to upgrade their computer software in collaboration with our it Department they've also added programs to meet the needs of students and citizens with disabilities our UF IAS County Extension Office uh they've expanded the 4 clubs and events including auction for student scholarships and livestock judging they've utilized Master Gardener volunteers reducing County and University labor cost uh with a Master Gardener Plant Cell Master food preservation volunteer program with training they had a food giveaway and farm share and they're providing irrigation systems for school Gardens they uh do local crop and garden soil testing and they're planning for a to school project at Stark Elementary and their summer programs are facilitated by UF interns our planning and zoning department uh over the last year um they've um issued or have had 30 zoning applications totaling $335,000 they've issued 16 RightWay permits they're now partnering with the new Northeast Florida Economic Development Corporation to identify lands that are suitable for commercial and Industrial Development they're also assisting Hampton to comply with the national uh flood what is it R flood insurance program we're he's in the process of preparing an interlocal agreement with Brooker Hampton and lahi to allow for Brad County's flood plane administrator to assist with their flooding issues he's also ensuring Florida D and Florida State Parks unit management plan is consistent with our comprehensive plan along the PAC at Lake Butler Rails to Trails he's coordinating with FWC to ensure the Florida Wildlife Corridor is not encroached our building department has issued 589 permits generating 97,1 122 uh new fire station living quarters and several new businesses being newly built or or renovated and you see some of them there Zach be a Mini Storage racetrack concrete plant thermos cell laboratory in Hampton uh animal shelters Keystone height RV Resort expansion uh rainf flow gutters Florida detention systems welding supply store vehicle repair garage and generators at the Florida state prison uh and as you might expect many residential permits have been issued with an uptick and re-roof permits one of the goals early on was to not only to elevate our profile in Bradford County but also to elevate us Statewide uh we've done that um last June I was asked to serve as a panelist at the Florida city and county Managers Association annual conference uh We've attended the Florida Power and Light Economic Development seminar uh attended Florida Association of counties legislative day and Florida Services day in Tallahassee and of course we go to rural couny day some of the training and professional growth opportunities uh came at the Florida Association of counties legislative conference the Florida rural Economic Development Summit in December and back in February I was asked to become a board member at the North Florida Regional Chamber of Commerce Thank you Pam and then of course the Florida Association of County's annual conference last June so what's next well we're looking at uh an evaluative feasibility of creating a county owned water Wastewater utility to serve the Keystone Heights airport we have a company out of Jacksonville that's looking into grant money to pay for that study um we're identifi identifying funding sources to contract with the consultant for countywide strategic planning the northeast Florida Economic Development Corporation will be partnering with us for that uh we'll continue to partner with the city of star to extend Water and Wastewater to the 16301 interchange for economic development and job growth we started an analysis A cursory analysis of County owned properties and I'm going we're going to expand that into a comprehensive analysis and see if we can't get more more properties uh back on the tax Ro we anticipate the launch of our new website next month and we're also going to be putting out an RFQ for multiple continuing Services contracts so this all these things that we've talked about tonight obviously were not done by me or Amanda they were we have a leadership team in place and this is them and what I'd like to do now um I'd like for all my department heads and directors to to stand if you're in the room thank you all I don't know if anyone knows who Joe Lonsdale is or not he's a he's a business person an entrepreneur in the private sector he's worth a little over half a billion dollars and in his spare time he fixes broken governments he's a government consultant and when you read what he says here good government is one of the most important factors in economic growth and social wellbe he gets it right I mean if you if you want if you want your your community to grow and succeed there has to be good government in place and uh and uh so anyway I just wanted to I wanted you to see how that ties into what we're trying to do here in Bradford County and uh so Commissioners that's my report and uh I'll answer any questions that you have thank you for wonderful report and we didn't have to take a bathroom break that's right but uh it was concise and just U many thanks to all of the department heads everybody working together makes a team and we're doing great things here and we're moving kind of forward so thank you Mr car yes ma'am Madam chair I just want to say and it might not have been ready for press time but uh just want to mention some of the other involvement with you and Mr dods at the uh apwa American Public Works Association conference in Daytona last week or week before and um just your involvement there and being able to learn and share you know from some of these larger companies or counties and then also uh just knowing that who's out there that's you know willing to step up and help us in situations just like we have in the past and and also for them to know that you all are willing to step up and help in a disaster or wherever it's needed so again probably not ready for press time but I just want to point that out and thank you all for being involved with that yes sir thank you very much yes ma'am that's all I have all right um Mr Commando uh our County attorney thank you madam chair so it was this time last year after the state county report where the board had some discussion as to whether or not you wanted to conduct a formal evaluation of your County Manager I provided a tool at that point I think it was commissioner rean made a comment that you know the report was probably the best indicator of uh Mr Corn's performance but this is really kind of the appropriate time to discuss um the if you want to conduct an evaluation how you wish to do that just can we do it just like a gymnastics I'm sure Mr cor be fine with that right well I don't know how you know generally I I know um other agencies do a bu or like a written evaluation and it goes you know but um I think he's done a very good job I think can I say something I think the job that he's done in the year he speaks for himself I mean did a super job thank you I mean you you come on running a race and you ain't slowed down yet so you did a super job thank r i I agree um just a fantastic job and it's been a pleasure working with you and um I I'm just looking forward to what's what's going to be in the the next report a year from now right but uh but yes I I appreciate all you do for the county thank you and also we do have excellent department heads thank every one of you all hold on I'm the same way um I don't know if that we have a written report but um I think that we have we have done a lot of what what we talked about building trust and building um relationships and um it's been um a learning experience and I think that we've come a long way and um I know I push a lot and I I do apologize to people about that but um you guys handle it well and I I appreciate you working with me and so I um I think we we're doing a good job moving forward thank you okay so uh counselor excuse me Madam chair counselor um if it were to be made in the form of a motion I would make a motion that we accept the county manager's report as the evaluation and again as everyone has said and just Echo what they're saying that he's done a fantastic job and and we'll uh continue to proceed in that manner if that's okay that that would be appropriate and I would tell you that as you start some of the budget workshops and discussions traditionally in a satisfactory above satisfactory performance evaluation would lead to some discussion between you and the manager individually of course um to let him know if you want to see a merit increase as part of the budget preparation so now would be the time to make that motion Mr D make the motion that we meet individually with the county manager and to evaluate his Performance Based On A meets expectations exceeds expectations does not meet expectations or however we put that together and then um I think we can come back together as a board and discuss a merit increase would that be a you heard a motion coming from commissioner dity I'll second and I second by commissioner Thompson um Madame Deputy clerk was that clear enough okay thank you was there something else Mr Commando okay for clarification you heard the motion in the second um coming I need further discussion or question okay all in favor sign I okay F though Madam Madam chair if I may I I I left something out um Chief Carter will you come back up and and say what I left out next week and this I should have mentioned this while I was up here as well uh next week we're hosting the northeast regional Florida Fire Chiefs Association Regional or uh annual meeting um and that's a huge deal we've got 60 over 60 Fire Chiefs coming from around northeast Florida um to the Charlie John Center here I want to thank Miss Pam for getting that ready for us and and and all that but we just uh very exciting to have uh again that that uh Association coming here and seeing what Stark has to offer yeah good that was all thank you thank you thank you anything else Mr Commando no M okay um let's have the commissioner comments um commissioner Andrew yes there was one thing that I wanted to bring up um like I spoke about the sheriff's recognition today um I would really like to to kind of open it up into conversation between the board um I know that we missed the um I think the first Friday in March is Employee Appreciation Day but I really would like to do something for our staff um I think Mr corn said we don't have funding to do that so it would be um us take up a donation or something and another thought that I had was that we may get with the other uh constitutionals and see if we wanted to pull pull it all together for like a County employee day and you know so that we can have it down at the park we could we could do a number of things Mr conate um can tell you i' in the last year that's what I've been asking for to do it on our Courtyard right here for all of our County Employees to have an um a kind of wide Employee Appreciation so I I wholeheartedly agree with you um I don't know how the others feel if they if they'd be interested in doing that but I mean I I wouldn't mind talking to the constitutionals and see if if they wanted to be a part of it or if it would just be I mean the count our board and and the County employee I so I mean can we just be a part of the ones they already have we what can we just be a part of the ones that already have well what it is each department is individually is doing it but this would be something collectively that everybody can participate together like we're one we're one County you know we're one group we're one body we're one team and to have it you know like like in our Courtyard Under The Canopy and they can you know come and have a an appreciation together it it may be that people based on their work schedule can all be there all at the same time but it would be a continuous event for all of the employees that's my my thought about it but you okay I've been bring it up yeah you we've talked about it quite a bit uh could I make a quick comment sure so today was the the dispatchers appreciation right communication workers and I thought that what the sheriff and the fire chief did over there in station 60 was really a nice Affair um they catered country cater ERS came in and fed them barbecue and and uh you know had great participation and you know something like that may be less may be easier to pull off quite frankly um but I would I would ask you to consider something like that okay and I I hate to keep referring back to the prison system but in the prison system we had a a week that we celebrated our employees MH and there were simple things that we did I mean one day we brought in donuts donut is not a big expense and I mean it's just just showing them that we recognize them we care about them and we appreciate the job they're doing con thank you Miss commissioner Andrews um commissioner Thompson yeah I'd just like to thank each department head I mean the job that each and every one of y'all do I mean it's like it's just a teamwork I mean one don't do it all it's from the bottom to the top so I appreciate each and every one of y'all and the job that y'all do each and every day and I'm just thankful I'm a part of this thank you um commiss Andrew can we kind of um decide whether or not we're going to do that can we ask them the rest of them oh certain you ask sure put up okay would you be yeah I agree okay the consensus I I do remember one time where you had something at the U at the fairgrounds and uh I believe it was for lunch and uh do you remember that Mrs rhen were at uh I believe commissioner um two separate events put put it was a Christmas dinner what it was and and and we served all the uh employees that's what it was yeah all right so there a consensus to um to explore that all right thank you will you finish Mr oh you have a big fish for oh that's a great idea finish yeah we just got to find somebody that can catch fish all right I would just ask that uh you know if we do something like that that you know we're not putting Mr corn or Miss Brown in charge of having to actually set things up and and and do all that I think they have enough on their plate so I just would like to see however you guys figure that out as far as healthwise or who's going to serve that's put in place actually I think it should be us yeah we can be the this is our day to show them how much we appreciate that apprciate part of our staff yeah yes all right um okay um anything else okay commissioner readying no I just I just thank everyone for being here at the meeting tonight um great meeting great report Mr coray I was looking forward to it and um and all our department heads thank you so much and and uh and that was a a really good event this afternoon so um again just thank everyone for being here and I Mrs um Emily hufflin I I thank you so much for that donation that was really really awesome thank you um anything else Comm all right again uh I thank you and appreciate you and uh we appreciate the partnership with the city of Ludi and we look forward to continuously working with you guys as well and thank you for all of our departments again um and just wanted to remind the board and if you you all are free or available on the 4th um the concerned citizen is going to have a Mayday celebration um it's going to be from 1 until and it's going to be at the RJ Ballfield um they're going to be having planning of the M pole um they're going to have the um community resource healthare there they have um a groundbreaking for the new um playground equipment um the senior citizens Corner um they have food trucks and vendors there and um many sponsors that would be there so if if you can come and share in that event it would be wonderful and time it starts it starts at 1 May the 4th um and it will be a a great event and again I just wanted to mention that on this uh on the 27th is the cancer walk over in Lincoln City County Road 100 starting at 9:30 um and just mentioned today um chim's raised I think it's over 26 ,000 for the Cancer Walk um for their Cancer Walk for the American Cancer Society so it's an important uh issue in our community um and I think that was all and again um I I believe that the Hub in Hampton um is going to be having a I don't if you call it a groundbreaking or um oh ribbon okay and do you know the date of that P okay so if you can um come out to share with that as well thank you okay okay is there anything else for the good of the order and this is um learning lunch um from chor this is um Thursday the 9th of May 11:30 to 1 charie John Center all right anything else for a go to the order all right if nothing more our meeting is adjourned thank you than