at this time uh is our public hearing for the road closures and Mr Andrews would [Music] come good morning Madam chairman good morning board morning uh the next few items on the agenda are road closures uh up in the ly and Rayford area area uh we've gone through this before but anyway I'll read this by title this is a notice of public hearing given that the Border County commissioners of raford County Florida shall hold a public hearing on Tuesday March 5th 2024 at 9:30 a.m. or soon thereafter is the matter may be heard in the board of County Commissioner's Chambers at the braford county courthouse located at 945 North Temple Avenue in Star Florida to consider the exercise of its authority pursuant to chapter 336 part statutes to close and abandon the Westerly 15 ft of a 30ft platted Street along the easly boundaries of lot 39 and 42 of woodlon plat book one page 17 of the public records of Blackford count of Bradford County Florida as pertains the following brafford County parcel number 01295 d-102 and this is the bonil family lots uh we need to ask for public comments a motion and a vote at this time are there any public comments if if there are if you would come to the podium seeing a hearing none um at this time entertain the motion um for approval I make a motion that the closure be approved as as read okay motion by commissioner Andre second uh second by commissioner dhy any question discussions all in favor of sign I any oppose I carry thank you madam chairman the second this is uh affecting the John pattent property and what we call Unice Road in North L um this is again uh the board to consider the exercise of its authority pursuant to chapter 337 Flor statutes to close and abandon a 30 foot platted Street along the Northerly 15 ft of lot 42 and the southernly 15 ft of lot 47 of woodlon the easterly 15 ft of a 30 foot plaed Street along the easterly boundaries of lots 47 and 58 of woodlon platin book one page 17 of the public records of Bradford County Florida as it pertains the following braford County parcel number this is 01131 d-0 25 and this is the property of John Patton and again public comments no motion for a vote at this time are there any public comments seeing and hearing none I ask for a motion for approval make a motion to approve the road closure of John Patton as read a motion by commissioner door to Second by commissioner Thompson any questions and discussion all in favor that sign I I fiveo thank you mam in the last closure uh again this is uh to consider the exercise of its authority pursuant to chapter 336 Flor statutes to close and abandon a 30 foot platted Street along the Northerly 15 ft of lot 43 and the souly 15 ft of lot 46 of woodlon and the westly 15 ft of a 30 foot ploted Street along the westly boundaries of lots 46 and 59 of woodlon plat Mook 1 page 17 in the public records of braford County Florida as retains the following Bradford County parcel number this is 0113 0-0 02501 and this is the property Mr Marcus King and again we need to ask for public comments and a motion for a vote at this time are there any public comments hearing and saying none ask for motion for approval I make a motion to um for the road closure for Mark King is read a motion by commissioner reic is there a second second by commissioner Thompson any question discussion all in favor sign I I I we oppose Five O thank you madam thank you miss Andrew um at this time we will have I have um two public comments did I miss any did anyone have um at this time we'll hear from Dr Steele regarding the Cyprus runbo gramp H still 14167 Southwest 101st Avenue Stark back again about Cyprus run bwamp um you the county has or should have received a notice from Eep that additional information is needed to process your permit for that boat ramp uh the materials required uh to bring that permit to the point that it can be reviewed are significant and my calculations are that there's less than $5,000 left in the Grant uh to P to pay drmp uh to do that work I think it's very important that the county determine whether they're going to proceed uh with drmp or whether they need to go out and find another uh firm to uh complete this project it's be a real shame to lose the opportunity to put in uh a boat ramp there at Cyprus run uh the again they've put in essentially the same plan that they had before which requires a dredging permit uh that permit is going to be very difficult to get in fact it's significant limbo at this point because there is in fact uh some action at the federal level dealing with 404 permits the state is in the process of challenging that action so it could well be that they would you know it's it may be impossible to get a 404 permit in the near future uh it's very simple that project could be very simple all you need to do is go in and remove the vegetation and the existing Canal do a maintenance dredging which doesn't require a 404 permit build a very simple uh boat ramp parking area that uses pervious parking which means you don't have to have a retention Pond uh you'd have a really nice uh easily fundable project but if you continue to se this high-end project that drmp has put in place I think you're going to essentially walk away with nothing and so I'd urge you to really dig down and find out what needs to be done with that permit and probably the first thing that needs to be done is you need to ask for another extension from The Fish and Wildlife Commission because that the current extension ends the end of June and once that ends U you're kind of stuck uh and completely different topic uh I'll be here if later on in the agenda uh I drafted the response from bradwood all and Water Conservation District dealing with the U plats that you have before you and if you have any questions i' be glad to answer them thank you okay thank you Dr steel and next we have um nurse David Ross um good morning everybody morning I'm David Ross I reside at 3:15 North uh Myrtle Street and Stark uh I'm both a Sherman and a Ross uh grew up in lah uh Northeast 17th Avenue so um I just read up there that this is not supposed to be uh personal and I I just want to uh speak on the subject of living here for uh 50 years and some of the things that I've seen uh um I grew up uh here um childhood schoolmates with my childhood schoolmates I remember uh playing Pop Warner for the Bradford cboys I remember walking on Orange Street uh where the track is and the middle school is on on the street and this car passes by and somebody yells uh a not positive word uh you can POS possibly guess what that was I was about 13 or 14 at the time that was the first time anyone called me that I I remember making good grades at Bradford High School I remember uh being top 10% of my class um when Santa Fe was still award scholarships for the top 10% I remember being a captain on my uh senior football team I remember met this girl in Spanish class senior year and started like she started liking me and I started liking her just like small town romances the high school sweethearts make memories that last a lifetime wrong in my story the sweethearts don't go to prom don't get married and their child is aborted because the whole family supported the stance that no daughter of mine is going to be a blank lover that Christian family was prominent in Bradford County my high school Sweetheart's dad was the principal of the high school not trying to slander anybody's name this is I'm not making this up this is just the truth that I live here I've never thought of abortion as an option to choose before then I couldn't wait to leave this place Bradford County this is a place where I was branded not good enough let's just fast forward I wrote all this down so I wouldn't miss anything fast forward to uh last year this kind of commissions decided to take a well-respected man from the 48 position basically saying you're not good enough and for in Bradford County History keeps on repeating itself by the way I looked up Bradford 4 and everyone in leadership position looks alike I recently spoke to the gentleman who was removed from a position who is a Bradford native like me and though he feels he was mistreated and he got branded not good enough he's still doing what he loves to do mentoring kids I was here at the last meeting February 15th and after those opioid abatement proposals were given and the Commissioners voted to give the entirety of the county funds and the entirety of the lsf grant money to Bradford County Byron rescue I was so upset I barely slept that night I have copies of the rest of this statement but basically I'm saying I've been doing my homework and from what I can assertain and some some of the members of the commission are very busy in various organizations that don't necessarily represent the interest of the residents of Bradford County Mr if if you could leave your statement for we had a limit of three minutes and I hate to have to cut you off but I have to be fair to everyone well it would be thank you okay did I miss any other public comments thank you at this time we're uh moving forward to the approval of our consent agenda make a motion we approve Senate okay a motion offered by um Mr Townson uh is there a second second by commission any questions yes I have a question on the on item I we keep referring to these U as new fire stations these are new living quarters is that correct yes sir that is correct yeah okay because I think this is the second time I've seen something that refers to new fire stations right th this was this is the new construction that we've been talking about for a year or so yeah and it was it was recommended by the clerk that we memorialize it on the consent agenda that's that's really the only reason you're seeing it is something that we you know we we've planned for in the past okay just want to make sure that we're not uh I I know we already have the bays and things like that at the stations that we're not gu going any further into construction than needed that's correct sir thank you and the verage is uh per mine and Ben's conversation so if there was a mistake in the verbage that was I apologize but that was per mine and Ben's conversation okay so for p point of clarification we're talking about the bay or the living quarters as opposed to a new station is that correct all all right okay any further questions discussion um we had the motion second um are we ready to vote all in favor sign any opposed 5 O all right um item five um and consideration of the VH form the minor subdivision um Mr Andrew is going to come forward and go through each of those and we'll take action morning again thank you madam chairman yes uh following three items are minor subdivisions that have been uh applied for here in the County Area Minor subdivision is subdivisions that consist of three to nine Lots um the first one to consider is B&H Farms is minor subdivision located in section 35 Township 6 South Range 22 East in braford County Florida to consider this up the plat to be registered in the in the registry of plat books in Bradford County this property is located on uh County Road Southwest County Road 100a which is Edwards Road this used to be what we call the old honor Farm there's nine Lots the uh there are no improvements to this sub subdivision all access is coming off of County Road 100a Southwest County Road 100a which is Edwards Road uh there is no public comment we're just taken action to accept this plat I have reached out to the County Public Works director and also the braford county Sol and Water Conservation District and they have re um supplied me with some comments in regards to all three of these uh proposed subdivisions again no one's called to either accept or deny this just again no public comments this is just presenting a public hearing for you the board to consider accepting this plat um uh if I can request the Madame chairman the Mr Clerk and the County Attorney to please uh meet me or Mr corn and his office afterwards if we accept these plats I'll need y'all to sign them hearing the comments and description given by um Mr Andrews um considering the BH form as a minor subdivision located in section 35 Township 6 South um Range 22 e graphic county do I hear a motion for approval make a motion to approve a motion by commissioner Dori is there second second by commissioner Thompson um any other discussion questions um ready to vote all on the sign I any oppos um I carry 5 thank you madam the next plat to be considered Al is also a minor subdivision this plat is entitled Hunter Acres it's a minor subdivision located in section 22 Township 7 South Range 21 East braford County Florida again this to be considered to be entered into the registry for the plat books here in braford County this parcel is six yacht Lots located off of County Road uh 18 between Hampton Lake and County Road 22 seven again there are no internal improvements all access to these Lots come off of County Road 18 hear any um description given by Mr Andrews um do I have a motion for consideration for the hundos acre and Miner subdivision located in section 22 Township 7 South Range 21 East braic County is there a motion for approval I make a motion to consider Hunter Acres okay um motion by by commissioner reic second by Mr Thompson commissioner Thompson any further question or discussion all in favor by the sign I I any oppose 5 thank you madam chairman and the last plat to consider is also a minor subdivision consisting of nine Lots this is entitled The Refuge it's a minor subdivision located in section one Township 7 South Range 19 East bford County Florida and I'd like to ask you to consider this as part of the registry for the plat books of Bradford County uh this parcel is for lack of turn located west of the hazens property Island County Road between Brooker and the New River area where the New River crosses before you get into warington I have spoken to U Mr dods Public Works director about it and Mr Steels has some comments regarding the subdivision this plat uh there is a a non-maintained county road but this this plat will be served by a easement that be uh the property owner was going it will put in for uh Ingress erress and utilities so again there's no uh access will be off of again County Road 18 but the individual has a easement for Ingress egress and utilities to provide access to these subdivisions are these plats and again he is aware that we will not maintain this road this this road this will be a private road that he will maintain and again at this time there is an old an elderly existing Road up into this U proposed subdivision but again the gentleman is going to give them a new easement for Ingress egress utilities that he will maintain and again the the developer is aware that the county will not maintain this right and considering all that Mr andw explained to us um and this is um again a minor subdivision um The Refuge located at section one Township 7 South Range 19 e branfi county is there a motion for approval I make motion to approve as read um commissioner D made the motion is there a second second second by commissioner Andrews any further discussion question all in favor by the sign I I any oppose 5 thank you madam chairman again if I could get your three of you to stop by Mr Corn's office when you finish up I'll have a pen and I'll be there if you have any questions and we can sign it and get it going yes sir all right thank youall all right thank you Miss Andrews moving to agenda item8 um consider approval of the TDC funds not to exceed $40,000 to purchase a murv unit for the fire rescue to promote braic County during events and protect visitors um we have Miss Pam wo here um Pam would you speak to exactly what this will do into that mic yes ma'am um at our last board meeting we discussed this with the TDC board and discussion of tdt taxes and things to do to keep our visitors safe um tdt taxes are paid by visitors who stay in hotels motels holiday in the RV parks and other rented items for less than six months um it is not paid for by residents of the community um unless you're staying in a hotel room and um so what we were looking at was ways to keep those folks safe and what we could tell them is they're paying these tdt taxes how are you keeping me safe well are you here for the Strawberry Festival are you here for the fair are you here for falling with the no crawling with the falling sorry um any of the events that we host in this community even football games and other major events um some years ago when back when Brad Carter was our County Manager I came back and I told him I said Brad I've seen something we need it is so awesome it is a golf cart ambulance so if you want to know what a Merv is is a golf cart ambulance it Maneuvers through the crowds like no other vehicle can and we haven't had it happen yet but at the Strawberry Festival we have used it every day at least once in the past 10 years probably and I know it has saved some lives in other situations and we just feel like this is a good use of these funds to keep these visitors safe I mean we do everything we can we block roads we do all the things possible through the Sheriff's Office and everything else to keep our visitors safe this is just another way you can feel safe about coming to Bradford County um I ask Chief Carter to come up here because he has all the details if you really want to know what a MV is other than a golf cart ambulance sure and and we obviously appreciate the partnership with the TDC and um you know I think it is something that's needed in our County we have right now currently we have one that was donated by the uh Keystone volunteer fire department whenever uh we absorbed them uh years ago whenever station 10 was built and that that mule was a Kawasaki Mule that was I believe 2003 um so it's 20 21 years old and then we have another one that was a golf cart that was purchased through a grant um that is also I believe a 2008 Maybe um so both of them are are quite aged and uh just not not really what we need for for the purpose they've served their purpose well but uh there's you know much much better equipment out there these days and uh we're just looking to to update that so um happy to answer any questions y'all may have regarding the purchase so um Mr Carter so in addition to this you'll have your regular um rescue our ambulance kind of vehicle that's nearby that has that's fully equipped yes ma'am and that that's the thing is is you can't you know during the festivals or fairs you can't get the ambulance down there and so parades or whatever the case may be um this unit will be essentially on standby for those units or for those for those events and be able to maneuver through crowds like Miss Pam was saying here and what will it have on it what kind of um essential equipment would it have on it so the we haven't actually speced out as far as the the what they call the skid unit that goes in the back of it um but it's based off the plis ranger platform um or any side by side similar to that but um you know they have they have firefighting capabilities they also have transport capabilities um and so we haven't actually built this thing out yet um and so they they have some that you can get directly from Polaris through their government sales but we quoted that and it was not something that we're going to be uh looking further into so we're going to be building it ourselves and um you know doing trying to squeeze as much out of it as we can but it will have firefighting capabilities as well as uh patient transport capabilities oh so economic wise it would be um more economically feasible to build it as a purchase as opposed to the purchase correct yes ma'am and just to give you an idea I mean they quoted us from directly from Polaris was $63,000 for this this vehicle and that was just not a we shut that down real quick so okay U from the boarding the questions from you guys I just had a statement Madam chair I it's just a very reassuring thing when at a football game when you've got a hurt player on the field to see that thing coming out and picking them up and um anytime that that you've got an emergency like that uh it's important to get there in a very timely manner and this little thing like like Pam said Maneuvers very well and gets to the injured person quickly so I Ian I strongly support it I think it's a great great thing and and aside from all the the fairs and festivals we talked about it does attend it would attend every home football game we have one there you know every every home football game now and with the're we're looking to you know increase our events I know out at the firm they're now in the process of planning another one and which is the going to they say dwarf crawling with the Fallen which is a Jeep event so I mean as we plan these things as we bring people to our community it's going to be used even and more and more than it is even now which everything I go to I see it there um and I just I don't know it's to me it's reassuring to invite somebody over and they know they're coming to a safe place any other questions um from the commissioner I just have a comment on the lighter side you know your reference to the Sugar Hill Gang I I thought I heard a hotel motel holiday in there and uh that was a nice little ring to that so thank you I don't have any questions yes all right um so after our discussion well consideration for the TDC funds not to exceed $40,000 to purchase a Merv unit for our our rescue U to promote um our events and safety I make a motion that we have approve the MS to be purchased not to exceed $40,000 okay motion by commissioner Andrew second by commissioner Thompson any other further discussion or question all in favor by the sign I I any opposed 5 thank you at this time we're here for my clerk um Mr Thompson we don't have really anything much of substance to talk about this week but I did talk with commissioner rck last week and I hadn't went one by one to each commissioner I notified the county manager probably about a year ago I reinvested the County's Reserve funds I'd reinvested it and all in in certificates of deposits at separate Banks so everything's uh insured up 250 and we're doing pretty well with those Investments right now wonderful all them around 5% okay thank you thank you um I think we I saw our illustrous sheriff in the back the seat yeah there he is okay thank you um and at this time we have our County manager's report Mr con yes ma'am thank you madam chair one of the things I'd like to talk about this morning is our continuing Services contracts that we have with three um engineering firms they're all currently in extensions two of them expire at the end of this year so I would like for the board to have a discussion about um you know what what do we want to do do we want to put out an RFQ to attract other firms and uh just give the staff some dire on how to move forward with that Madam chair I I would like to see an RFQ be advertised for Engineering Services um I think that we're currently in a good position with a couple of our Consultants but uh we also need to re-evaluate the ones that we have that that U you know just on based on their performance and then also as we move forward you know with some vision and having some economic growth development that we also open that up to create a larger library of Consultants to be able to um have ones in place that can help us with the airport help us with the infrastructure going out to the bypass and help us you know as we continue to look into the future of Bradford County so my recommendation would be that we put out an RFQ and that we as we we did last time form a committee to have them review the qualifications and then bring those qualifications back to the county manager and staff and the board and then we can make a selection of three five 10 you know whatever it might be so you know we could certainly have more than we have now doesn't necessarily mean we go under contract well we'll be under contract but doesn't necessarily mean that uh you know the ones that are awarded you may not get anything in the the three years based on their expertise so again it just uh I see it in other counties and it's just an opportunity to know that we have the right people in the right place so that when something like that comes up we're not putting out a separate uh request for services and it's something that we're able to cover based on the Consultants that we have on staff um Mr what uh are the consultant groups that we that are coming up that will expire besides current currently we have three uh first of all chw Jones Edmonds and drmp okay okay all Madam chair if I I I think I agree Mr adultery I think it's always a good idea at a time like this when when it's up for Renewal that we take a look at the other possibilities um you know sometimes people get stagnant and staying the way it is without looking for a better method or a better group to carry us forward so I I agree that I think that we should um take a look at some others I agree okay and if I may Madam chair there there there is a process to that just like we did the last time it takes to advertise it takes time that you give the uh the applicants the opportunity to send their qualifications in it takes time for a committee to review and then it takes time to actually award the contracts but we want to make sure that when we do that that that we have those in place so when those other contracts expire that we have you know we're able to move forward with projects because we're under contract so I just want to throw that out there because there is a it's a lengthy process um and Mr con um I I concur with all of the consultant groups that are coming do that we do do that um for all all right so we have a consensus that we'll move forward with an RFQ for continuing Services yes all right very good uh another thing I'd like to mention as you're all aware uh the governor's cabinet conveyed ownership of the Douglas building to Bradford County back on December 19th I got a call from secretary Hamilton at D on Friday indicating that he had mailed the deed uh the day before on Thursday to Bradford County to the clerk's office by certified mail so I I camped out over there for a little while yesterday and it never came so when this meeting's over I'm going to go over there and pitch my tent again soon as we get that deed we'll get it recorded and then we'll enter into lease agreement negotiations with mhd Rockin um Mr con we I'm so excited like a little kid waiting for Christmas to happen but I appreciate um your good work in pursuing that and just kind of sticking to it and and it's a good it's another good example of patience perseverance and not giving up and so we appreciate all of the effort that went into um bringing that to to fitions so it is something that we we look forward to all of the prosperity that could happen as a result of that that building yes ma'am uh finally I'd like to mention that we had a wonderful event yesterday afternoon in speed Bill commissioner rx's District uh we had the groundbreaking ceremony for the living quarters at fire station 10 Chief Carter and and his folks did a outstanding job putting that together while choreography and staging and everything that took place um the turnout was phenomenal I I really didn't expect the that level of support from the community I mean there were there were uh the some of the old Keystone Heights volunteer fire department folks there um Pam was there Patricia Evans Amber Shepard you know all the economic development folks uh were very supportive the sheriff was there um it was it was just a a great event it um it was good to see that that sort of support and I know commissioner rck is very excited about this project as as we all are but uh we should um we should start construction in Earnest within the next couple of weeks and we are Elight as a a county to see this condation again uh something that's been in the works for a while and it's been battered and beat over the number of years but to um have that happen um and our gratitude to um Vince Ethan for making that U possible so that they'll have living quarters it's one thing to have a building but if you don't have the living quarters where the people can be there uh makes a big difference and we I thank you U Mr Carter and and your firefighters and all of the good work they deserve that and it was wonderful turnout yes ma'am Chief Carter and I both want to personally thank Vincent Essen uh for the funding a lot of people are unaware that this is not costing the county anything it's fully funded by private dollars and uh that public private partnership with the Keystone Heights RV resort is uh is paying off so much gratitude to Vincent that's all I have Madam chair all right and thank you again um and now we have our county attorney's report and again we say welcome to you and I I have to remind myself not to say senator Bradley this is Rob Rob Bradley our attorney I thank you well I it was an honor to represent the community in as in the other capacity and it's an honor to represent you as your attorney our firm really does appreciate the opportunity to work with um the county I feel like I'm home today and um and we and thank you very much and I don't have anything specific to report okay all right thank you um and now we'll move on to the U commissioner's comment we're going to start on the end with Miss Andrew okay well again just um reminding everybody of course it's fair week and um come out and support our little kiddos they they work so hard and we have a ribbon cutting ceremony at 445 today right Pam okay 4:45 today so um and I too want to to just say that the um turnout yesterday at speed field was was great it was a wonderful um prepared um presentation and everything went very well and um again we're very happy to um have this completed and um a place for the staff to be so and one other thing and I I'm just um the paperwork for the five years strategic plan are we anywhere close to kind of getting that to me on your projects and stuff we I'll have I'll have to get with Amanda afterwards and figure out you know right where we are but we've been working diligently on it it's and you're going to contact the other department now I got something from Jason Jason sent me his I have your book Ben um on the opioid um but if there's something else um please get with me but you'll contact the others right yes ma'am absolutely thank you and um we'll finish getting this all put together for the board and that's all I have maner um commissioner Thompson do you have any comments yeah I just like to thank each and everyone that's here this morning our crowds down but it helps us and makes us feel good when we got a buch of citizens around that show support in and outut get down thank you commission I just want to uh my apologies to Chief and and the sheriff and anyone else involved with the uh fire department or excuse me the living quarters now got me calling in the fire department um wasn't able to make the event yesterday due to a work event but uh saw some stuff on Facebook and uh looks like it was a good crowd and um look forward to seeing the project move forward thank you okay commissioner ready yes ma'am I just have a couple things um Bo I just want to give you an update uh on the pit bike races um I went to that event a couple Saturdays ago very very fun it was it was a good event um unfortunately for them it uh just totally flooded Friday night so the place was a muddy mess but uh but I will say this there wasn't one dirt bike track on that road then in fact when you walked in they handed you um card saying that if your bike was on that road you'd be asked to leave so just wanted to you know some of the stuff that we discussed in our meeting uh they really held up and um there was probably about 60 bikes there I guess something like that um very very good turnout uh very good event um uh but I will say this as far as the amulance and all I I had no concerns once I'd never been to a pitb race before but um I mean they might have been clearing as far as that table maybe a couple feet high so it's definitely not like a motor cross race uh it's not not even close so um but but like I said but it looked like a lot of fun and uh fact I'm might buy a pit bike myself and go out there and play around with them but it it really looked like a lot of fun I just wanted to mention that to you all um second thing is um again the uh groundbreaking for the living quarters Chief Carter it was awesome thank you so much for that and Dylan I I appreciate you all everybody that was out there here um especially again Vince uh Essen uh because that that project wouldn't we wouldn't even be sitting here talking about it if it wasn't for for vent so I really again just thank him so much for that and um and again this is um just another phase of that project and I can't wait to get it done and um and again use those buildings for what they were designed to be used for and and that's to uh help people and save lives and uh so just really excited about that um just last um Pam TVC board so awesome on the on the uh MV uh really appreciate that and uh thank you for your support with that I I really do appreciate it and um and again um uh the fair starts today super fun time and uh take your grandkids go to the fair it's just awesome so uh but anyway thank you all very much thank you and and uh Senator Bradley Rob Bradley thank you so much it's just a a pleasure to work with you again I really appreciate you being here it's great to see you too yes okay I'll just say Madam chair May hurry and byy that MV if he's going to get that bike so that b you'll need to be there next time um I just wish to thank everyone for being here today in person and trying online um it's important that we be able to communicate with our community there are lots of people who wish to be here that can't necessarily um be here and so we appreciate our information system U and trying to get our computers and things set up and I'm um so happy with the working relationship that we have established over the over time over the last few years with our different departments and that we're working as a team and that makes a difference in the produ the productivity of our County um and taking a look at our our budgets and being okay being scrutinized and even my Sheriff that I pick on a lot um that that we're open um to suggestions and I appreciate that uh uh but again as as the others have said we support our fair and my favorite part is the auction during the um this the livestock um I usually record that every year because it's just so fun hearing them doing it um but we have some other events that are coming up Pam my strawberry festival is coming up um for March March the 23rd through the 24th um so support all of those events so when our community can come together support each other um we're promoting braic County also during these events take those beautiful pictures that we can make um um application to the Florida Association of counties say hey braic County goes on that calendar so this coming up year I want some pictures submitted so that we can be considered for that um annual calendar and again thank you Mr Carter uh and the fire station 10 and those employees I also want to remind you about the Hub programs at the starp RJ center now down in Hampton where the old Hampton Elementary School they're part of that industrial building and also for ly at the Tatum Brothers they also have that uh service there um and with that um if there oh one other important thing so as we are partnering with our local surrounding communities we've been working diligently with Clay County well on March the 27th 9:30 to 11:30 the io ik KO Clay Hill is going to have um I guess they're groundbreaking so I encourage our commissioners to participate in that as we build these partnership this is just down from Ludy um a few miles so so that we can kind of build those relationships and I made a a copy for anyone who's interested Madam chair if I may the uh that event is By Invitation Only so if you do if you are planning on going you'll need to go online and and register okay so if you you got the invitation just try to go if you're you're able to based on your schedule um anything else for the good of the order if nothing more um this meeting is adjourned he said Mr Andrews asked for us to go over to his office I believe