e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for May the 7th 2024 is now called to order at 9:30 a.m. Mr DOR would lead us in the invocation and pledge of allegion before we get started I just want to let you all know they don't usually call on me to pray I pray a lot I pray every day and I just pray every day for each and every person I pray for God's creation I pray for our planet I pray for our country I pray for our state for this County for the city I just pray for all creatures great and small and this is what I do every day I do it on the elliptical because it passes time it's real easy and then next thing I know 15 minutes is gone by but I pray for all those who need Lord all those who have Lord in their lives and I just pray each and every day that we know the good Lord and that we're all the children of God and each and every day that we live by his example and his son Jesus Christ so anyway very untraditional but that's the way I pray so I pray for all of you all of you that are in this room today I pray for your safety I pray for your families and I pray that this board right here does everything that's pleasing to the county of Bradford County and to the citizens and so with that said I'm just going to end it with an amen and I hope everybody here is happy with that and just say Amen with me please amen thank you IED Ali to of the United States of America and to the stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all thank you uh if it's um we please the board um will make a slight change in the uh uh agenda moving the um Sheriff's presentation up after the consent agenda because many of the persons attending here are with the Department of Corrections and they have to keep us all safe okay if that's okay with the board okay all right at this time um shair we're going to right after the consent okay at this time we have um public comment from Miss Clark and miss clarkk when you come up if you can just speak directly into the mic and let us know your name and where you're from good morning everyone my name is Janda Clark and I am from LTE Florida and the majority of you guys in here know me I am coming because I have really been cheing miss carollyn out I got to be honest about the ditch beside my house I owe her an apology because we learned and we need to see what we can do that when they put the water lines in lotting on 200b they they didn't put the pipe down right so that's why the water is not running off I'm really concerned about that because we have a lot of backup and the marasin are real I came to the board to see what we can do I also was informed of how they treated the book Miss Carolyn and the individual that came down to the last meeting and led for myself I apologize for them um the Bible the Bible tells me when you're in leadership you held accountable for how you act so I'm apologizing for that behalf because we and L need you guys to come down and do the different things that needs to be done from Paving the roads to making sure our other part get done for our kids cuz we are determined to keep our kids from being in the system so on that note I do apologize I didn't make that meeting but my concern is definitely about the city of lah allowing those people to put the pipes down and they did not put them down correctly the water cannot run out the pipe if it's not leveled so that's my real issue right now about them digging the road up but you didn't do it back correctly so again I apologize for chewing you out on that behalf because that's not yours and I will deal with L when I get there but um I do need to apologize about that okay accept it thank you thank you all right at this time we um asking for a motion for approval for the uh consent agenda I have a motion I'll make a motion we approve consent agenda motion by m commissioner Thompson is there a second second second by commissioner reic any questions discussion all in favor by the sign I I any oppos 5 consent agender is approved all right um at this time Sheriff Smith I do want to thank uh all the the inspector General's office and docc being here this morning for this award I got to say in life there's a lot of people that do things that they don't have to do they do it because it's their calling they don't do it for the money they don't do it for any any pat on the back they just do the right thing for the right reason in this incident I want to read to you because I'll get it right cuz major McKinley and this is on behalf of one of our very own Correctional deputies a home who was s which was saved with very minimal damage and her pets were saved because of the actions of three of these gentlemen now two of them used to be with the sheriff's office but they could make a whole lot more money with the inspector General's office so they uh uh back then and they left us but no they do they did a good job for us and they're still doing a good job for the Inspector General Department of Correction so but I want to read this letter as major McKinley promised me to stay you know she made me promise I'd stay on track and keep it timely so but on February 28th of this year detective Russell Gordon the fdoc office of Inspector General was returning to work from lunch at his home in Rayford where he observed heavy smoke coming from the area of a mobile home at approximately the same time two of his co-workers returning from lunch and observed the same thing detective register which we know as Topher in our in our world uh and Milton joined detective Gordon at the home and noticed there was a very large fire burning in a wooded area that traveled extremely close to the mobile home and began to melt the vinyl sighting of the screens of the covered porch they immediately called the fire department and found water hoses inside of a shed and began to put water on the fire detective Gordon knowing who the owner of the home was contacted her at work it happens the homeowner is Sergeant Lowry of the corrections division of the Bradford County Sheriff's Office the three detectives worked on keeping the fire away from the home until the fire department arrived and and the scene was secured Sergeant Lowry was able to get her pets out of the home unharmed and there was very little damage to the home it is was it was absolutely because of the quickness with which these gentlemen responded and the lack of thought of their own safety Sergeant L and her family were able to sleep in their home and make the necessary repairs within days so to that I want to say thank you you could have drove on by just dialed the 911 as we know in a rural area of the county it can be 51 minutes maybe 15 minutes sometimes to get the and in that time that home would have been lost but they out there smoked up dirtied uh in their work clothes you see what they wear they took the time and effort to fight that fire get in her shed get water hoses you know whatever they could to beat that fire back and save that home major McKinley then then took that and I'm going to read one of the letters it was to inspector detective Milton and to the American police Hall of Fame for their efforts and it says Dear inspector Milton detective Milton it is my pleasure to inform you you have been awarded the Knights of Justice Award of the national awards program of the American police Hall of Fame our staff members join me in commending you for your service your commitment to serving the public by performing Good Deeds is proof of your dedication to help the law enforcement profession and your community you set an Abal example for all to follow again please accept our congratulations on your nomination and award the staff of the American police Hall of Fame wishes you the very best in your future so that was very nice and we've got a a token where they were awarded from the American police Hall of Fame and I'm going to read this they got in that fancy writing so bear with me my uh my Bradford County English if I get the three of you to come forward and all the same I'm give I'm going to get a picture with y'all and Sergeant low if we can she is very thankful y'all just don't know when you're home in danger you could have lost everything and without these three that home would have been lost and they took time out of their way sto recognized the emergency and did the right thing it says when the venerable order of the Knights of the Michael the Archangel issued to Christopher register by The Authority invested under the charter of the vable order of knights Michael the Archangel the above named individual is hereby elected and proclaimed to be a KN Chevalier I'm I think I'm pronouncing that right in recognition of a pledge to support efforts in a worldwide battle against Crime and to carry on the modern-day tradition to protect the weak and hungry against all evil evildoers issued April 22nd 2024 at the offices of the American police Hall of Fame Jack renich President Michael the Archangel award this is your here's the award uniform allows that I'm gonna give all three of yours sure y'all got these yall see what they have here that they actually send it's a nice uh arable with a pin that they wear Tire whatever on her on her Sports D but if uniform is got the the award there this your I can get with y'all to get a picture down here yeah we're gonna line right down front here I get stand back they [Music] app off appreciation appr in some and um [Music] [Music] they [Music] thank right and thank you all for being here and congratulations to each of you for your good work and we're honored to have our um Inspector General and the superintendent uh here with us today and um thank you all thank you madam chairman thank you for allowing us to go first and take care of that but again thank you all like I say it's a story that most people didn't know it needed to be heard and bless you all for this this National um Corrections week and day um congratulations to you do was standing down there thank you you all have a blessed day up next on our agenda um is Miss uh Trisha Wy uh director of New River Public Library Corporation and she's here with us today and we're going to learn about the future plans for our library welcome m madame chairman before we go any further uh we do need to take care of a bit of housekeeping we need a uh motion and a second and a vote to officially dismiss Mr Robert Peron as the library director okay any request from our manager I have a motion for the dismissal make a motion that we dismiss Robert Peron from motion by commissioner Dorry and second by commissioner Thompson okay any further discussion questions all in favor sign I any oppose 5 thank you madam chair okay you're up uh Trish thank you um well I'm excited to tell you about some of the fun things we have going on this summer at the library first off let me just tell you about the friends of the library book sale that's happening this week will be open May 9th and 10th from 9:00 to 4: and then Saturday May 11th from 9:00 to 2 um prices vary uh paperbacks hardbacks audio VHS DVD we should have a little bit of everything children's books but um Saturday is our special sale it's a dollar a bag and it's going to be like the Walmart size plastic bag so um all these funds will go to the Friends of the library and the friends are responsible for helping us do children's programs reading incentives and purchasing certain things that we are not not allowed to purchase with state aid uh like staff um dinners and things to reward the staff so um everybody come on out and um get some good books on next slide we have some of our children's programs this is what's happening in the month of June for ages uh 0 to 12 Melanie Jackson and latata Mitchell have worked really hard to put together this schedule um most everything is free but some of them do request that you sign up and those would be the more Hands-On craft activities the large performers don't really need a sign up and we will have copies of these schedules to distribute soon and they'll also be posted on social media the next slide is what's happening in July and you can see more cool programs I forgot to mention this year's summer reading Statewide theme is Adventure begins at your library so all these programs are going to follow along with that theme and just lots of fun stuff going on this is the teens the teen department is staffed by Amy turny and Mary green all these folks are super creative just lots of neat stuff going on teens can be a challenging group to reach out to but they do a great job and they have a dedicated group of kids who come in to hang out and make cool crafts and so forth this is June this is July what's going on in teens and I know I'm running through this quickly but this will all be on social media so you can get a better detailed look at it the next SL slide is our talented resident artist and adult programmer Kathy padok but she's doing a special theme this summer with all ages so these are family events and she's a very talented painter um she does ask that you RSVP for these just because she'll need to know how many um supplies and so forth to have at hand but parents can bring their kids in and do some painting projects and that should be really fun um again everything is free and the last page is uh her adult programs this summer she does a few book clubs and that's what these are talking about she um will often have them at restaurants where the folks can uh have brunch and desserts and stuff so really fun events for for adults as well and all year long she does really um fun events for adults not just Summer and the last thing I want to mention real quick is the Cooperative got a grant for $3,000 to do a book giveaway going along with the theme our theme is going to be geology and we got this Geology book to hand out and as part of the geology um event we have we're going to do a take and make geodes and you just you know crack these open with a hammer and you got the crystals inside and we have 600 of everything so we're hoping to get a really good turnout and everybody can have fun with us and uh that's pretty much everything all all right any questions from this m just a comment um if you if I may just thank you for for the update um and letting us know what's going on we um we haven't had a lot of that and so I I enjoy knowing what's happening I have grandkids and and so thank you for doing that I really appreciate it it's a pleasure to talk about what these umed staff members are doing they're dedicated to their community and they're doing a great job and thank you we're fortunate to have Miss Wally who was very knowledgeable and um look forward to good things for our library Madam chairman if I may I just want to thank Trish for everything she's done since she's been here it was actually her plan uh that she came uh to me with where we made the adjustments and the and the personnel and the Staffing that will end up saving the county about $85,000 and about $115,000 on the on the the co-op itself so um yeah we're off to a great start with new leadership and uh I just want to publicly thank you for everything you've done so far and um Kim as well she has been amazing and uh she continues to be amazing so we're looking forward looking forward to the future with the two of you thank you both okay thank you madam chair if I may um commissioner Thompson and I sit on the uh the library board the uh Co-op and Trisha's been with us now for seven okay I was going to say five but anyway uh she's very behind the scenes but she has really turned around that Co-op and our our programs for Baker Union in Bradford County and it's just been amazing to see her grow and her people grow you know within the counties and uh just you know a pleasure to sit into those meetings and when she updates us and just seeing where we are now from where we were it's just been an outstanding job so I just want to point that out and Kim as always smiley face and uh look forward to seeing you more and and being more active so thank you thank you Mr Thompson you know like commissioner doter said with a she come on board she come on with her feet down and running and she ain't slowed down yet he's like the little ever ready bunny she don't slow down and I appreciate what you've done and how you've turned this around Miss Miss yeah and Miss Kim we love you too right thank you no she's done a super for job for TR County and we're proud of y'all go ahead and you got me in a Santa Claus hat yeah and Mr da wanted to show our picture right here in the front here it is thank you thank you both there you go all right thank you very much and um we have a a slight also a change um item five Miss um DR Sanders is going to reschedule she's ill and won't be here today and so we'll um have her come back another day um agenda item six um is to consider approval of the purchase of the um 2018 for truck and miss Mr dos is going to come up and speak to us about it good morning good morning morning the uh the need is a mechanic service truck with the full box with a crane with a capacity of 6,000 lbs and a 20 foot reach um in the past we've been able to manage without having one of these trucks because we didn't get into such heavy mechanic work as we do now where we don't Outsource any of our mechanic work we do all of it inhouse so if you could imagine being 10t in air on a grade all pulling the main cylinder out of it it weighs about 1500 lb and sliding it all the way to the back of the machine to get it out it's pretty difficult task and my concern is to avoid a safety issue or injury is this would be the tool that's needed in the toolbox to make this project safer and the ask is it's a sole source because it's a used truck this truck new is about $280,000 this particular one is $80,000 and it's like brand new is this similar to what you were asking I I know you and I talked about it but is that okay I saw that this morning I than take a picture of it that's and board hearing the request from Mr D and they do want U to be able to have the equipment to do the job that they need to do um ask for um a motion okay okay yeah that one's got the buck what um before we ask for a motion let's let's talk about funding um where we're going to get this from I guess that was in his email yeah I think he was indicating this would be um part would come from their Reserve funds that they have the contingency fund yes and so we can Mr um Thompson is here from my clerk's office um from a financial perspective um seeing that this could come from a continuous if fund you all from my financial department see any issue with that you talking about road department yes yes yes sir that should not be a problem out their contingency okay all right any other questions from the board from Mr dods then I'll entertain a motion for approval for his request I'll make a motion to approve the request for the let's call it a crane truck okay second a motion by commissioner dority and second by commissioner Thompson any questions further discussion all in the favor of but I and your PO B and then you're up again um yes and before we get started on I want to say that I did find a typo in this and I just want to make it clear where it says SouthWest 20th that is actually supposed to be Northeast 20th all right so note the correction on for the Northeast 20th so we had received the quotes back that the board had requested on the chip seal roads um and that's for Southeast 11 Southeast 84th Avenue Southeast 213th Northeast 17th Northeast 12th Northeast 20th Northeast 20th and Northeast 223rd Street and Southeast 17th and I'm very pleased with the pricing we got um it'll definitely help us save some money on engineering and permitting and also the cost of Chip seal versus Paving um for all of those roads the total um too many papers and the total was 3 48 95034 yes yes so if if that's the pleasure of the board I would ask that we approve that vote to approve that and also approve that as a gas tax projects just can I ask the question yes is that is that holding up any better than it did when we started using that the chip seal the chip seal is held up very well it's the fog seal that fails so the chip seal like down on pumpkin patch uh Southeast 30th those those roads are held up really good any questions further from Mr when do you think they might be able to start um I believe it's June that's what they're planning okay well Mr D has been able to get us um considerably great price and considering what um it would have cost otherwise yes ma'am any further Madam chair Mr dods you mentioned Southeast 11s they're honoring their price that they originally came to us with yes sir there was the uh mixup there where they had kind of riged on what they were going to do and didn't do it and um we had a meeting with them and they they have since realized that they committed to something and that's what they want to make right so they they are honoring that price good good thank you yes sir thanks for putting the work into that I know that that was a concern that we had as far as you know some cost savings and it looks like it is going to be considerably yes sir much less so good thank you yes sir this time I'll I'll entertain a motion for approval for the streets outlined by U Mr do for approval from the gas tax uh funds I make a motion that we approve the chip seal for the all of the roads that he has listed as readed um second um motion by commissioner Andrews and second by commissioner D any further question no discussion just a request um ma'am nothing against Mr Ric but miss Boer has asked for so long about the roads there if there's any way that we could do hers first I would just greatly appreciate that yes ma'am thank you Miss don't be mad at the motion is on the floor a motion uh a motion in a second all in favor by the sign i i i five o thank you thank you and Mr D you heard what she asked right you're getting a paved Road first okay thank you I have one on here too can we get to me before we get to commissioner rck now don't hey hey don't push it right thank you for your good work Mr dods and um while he's up can I slide something in real quick yeah he's up there while he already sat down he he with the limited number of staff that he has he do he does a tremendous job um I'm always on this bag sending them pictures of this and that and complaining about our Highway in our road condition and with the few staff that he has he does his very best and so we're and he uh is diligently trying to see if we can get some help for him during the summer so that we can get our roadways and in better shapes but I really appreciate your efforts to get get it done yes ma'am no and I appreciate the comments and the compliments but uh it definitely goes to my staff they are the ones that are out there busting their butts yes and commission Andrew than you um but you supervise your staff and you make sure it gets done so we do thank you and and I do the same thing I'm always talking to him and I apologize for that but um appreciate the fact that you're always very generous and kind when you um when you get my calls but um I was going to ask you about 235 if we have a date or a time when that cuz that road is really be becoming destroyed yes ma'am the uh geotechnical is completed um the survey is close to being complete we're looking at close to probably the end of June before we'll have enough plan or 100% plans to go out the bid um I do have some concerns with that road right now just because with the commercial truck traffic I'm afraid it's is not going to meet the deadline before we lose it um so I was actually prepared to come at the next board meeting and ask the board to consider allowing me to post that no commercial trucks until we get this Construction done right now it's posted at 50,000 lbs but that's not eliminating the trucks running back empty at right at 50,000 lbs and the road is deteriorating very quickly okay can we we do we have to do it at the next meeting or I'll give him consensus to um to no you can you can do it now by consensus okay okay if you haven't been on it it it is being absolutely destroyed it's it's about to fall apart yes and and I and I want to be clear too because there is some Farmers that live down there that do do hay farm that this is not restricting them this is restrict the actual commercial truck traffic okay consensus of the V okay absolutely all right all right thank you thank you okay Mr clerk Mr dny Thompson is um we're going to have our quarterly update uh for Department spending from January March through uh January through March of 20124 General finds fire rescue and Roads and uh Dana fix give is cord Cly good morning board good morning uh today today I plan to present a brief update on revenue and expenditures through the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 if you take a look at the single sheet I passed out we will be be reviewing the general fund the fire rescue fund and the road department fund this is also found on page 79 and following in your packet first we have the general fund we began f school year 24 with a fund balance of $17.3 million revenue for the first two quarters was just over $10 million expenditures totaled 11.1 million resulting in a use of fund balance of $1.1 million for the first two quarters making the current fund balance 16.2 million as of March 31st if revenue and expenditures continue at the same rate you can expect the fund balance to be around 15.1 million by the end of this fiscal year you have any questions I don't any questions from the board I guess so um the 11 million is that just was that something exceptional that we went over or was it just what we have budgeted that's just what we have budgeted m normal expenditures anything else any further questions okay now a fire rescue uh we began fiscal year 24 with a fund balance of 86,000 revenue for the first two quarters including budgeted transfers from the general fund was 3.9 million expenditures total 3.7 million resulting in a savings to their Department's fund balance of around $280,000 for the first two quarters making the fire rescues fund balance $1.1 million as of March 31st if revenue and expenditures continue at the same rate you can expect fire RIS use fund balance to be around 1.1 mil sorry $1.3 million at the end of the fiscal year do you have any questions just for clarification and this does not include any of the grants monies opiate that kind of thing it's separate in part from that right okay uh finally let's review the road department fund we began fiscal year 24 with a fund balance of 1.6 million revenue for the first two quarters including budgeted transfers from the general fund was 1.1 million expenditures totaled 1.3 million resulting in a use of their Department's fund balance of around 211,000 $211,000 for the first two quarters making the road Department's fund balance 1.4 million as of March 31st if revenue and expenditures continue at the same rate you can expect the road Department's fund balance to be around 1.2 million at the end of this fiscal year any questions uh for Good Financial Management uh what is a projected percentage of our actual budget du we need to keep in reserve for the year I will have to get back with you on that that's okay so um I more simply more simply put um I guess I'm asking um what percentage of our actual funds for overall that we need to keep in reserves so that we if we had a catastrophic situation that we be able to manage it or repair do any kind of repairs if we had to do something with the infrastructure just a projective uh amount if if they can just provide that for us you know how some people say well keep at least a quarter or keep 6 months worth of funds year around uh three to four months worth of um okay Oak senur Madam chair I believe uh it's legislated that it has to be three months okay but to calculate that for you we'd have to figure out the restricted reserves reserves and money that's specified for gas tax and and so on right it be a link to calculation yes we can get it okay and I think it's you know we've tried to keep the three months but um I think we need to kind of try to work on keeping a little bit more than three months if we had something really major to happen so that we have funds in the reserve okay did you say that loud say to I like the way you think okay on some things I mean I okay but yes I just I just think you know um for the preservation of our County and our financial livelihood that we need to try to reserve more than just three months all right thank you Miss alali and okay um our Sheriff has reported do you have anything else Sheriff Smith okay thank you okay thank you very much all right and um agenda item 10 our County Manager report um Mr carneg thank you madam chair what I'd like to do now is asked Lieutenant David weeks to come up and give us an update on the community param medicine program Madam chair for yes uh while he's getting the PowerPoint set up I just wanted to take a moment and uh and and recognize Lieutenant weeks and uh Chief Rogers as well for their work on the community param medicine program has been outstanding that things that they've been able to accomplish in just under a month have been pretty uh pretty remarkable and and uh I told David that our Lieutenant weeks that you know when when he took this position he needed to hit the ground running and not let off the gas and he has not done that so um he's done very very good and has excelled in this position and so uh yeah I'll turn it over to him and quit talking good morning week morning morning morning I just think it's important to take a few minutes to kind of highlight what we've done over the past months like he said it's been a very busy couple weeks and we've done some great stuff so far um think it's important our program overview you know what is our goal of the program so our goal is to uh to engage with residents who might benefit from services to help improve their quality of life overcome addiction to opioids or other substances and connect them with the resources at our community so when we first started the program some of the initial things that we wanted to do was um identify you know patients that could benefit from our program um you know network with other fire departments see what they're doing the best practices things like that and then establish Partnerships with local agencies whether that be Meridan Department of Health um transport companies Faith organizations things of that sort and then we started one of the research ways to streamline those processes you know how can we better serve our patient here in Bradford County so the first month we've taken in a total of six official patients that we're actually following and that's on a a onetoone basis you know going to the residence um building phone calls helping them get to appointments all of that so three of those patients are substance abuse patients um methampetamine INF fental use is the big thing with all three of those then we're following another three just for chronic disease man management that entails you know going to their home um helping them with their medications if they have transportation needs nutritional needs things of that nature so how are we finding these patients so first and foremost we're we're in the design phase for a new website um and that'll be a department website and our our overall goal of that is to have the ability to have some type of online form to where whether it's a person a family member a friend they can go on there and refer this patient um once that referral was filled out it would be emailed to me or another member of the the CRP team whether that be Chief or whoever and from there you know we could we could reach out and see if there's any way that we could help um additionally we're wanting to really expand our public Outreach um so we're we're going to start getting active at the community health hubs as in you know Hampton L and we're also just attending all the festivals seeing you know really trying to get our program out there to anybody that we can help and then the Third Way that we're really going to do it is public advertising um we've got a bunch of brochures that we're getting ready to hand out we're going to place them in public areas such as the library the chamber Health Department things of that nature now we're also looking at um creating a joint commercial if you will with the Department of Health and I also going to invite Meridian essentially this commercial will be played at the movie theater here in town um just as you guys know there's a lot of a foot track foot traffic in there all right so some of the services that we offer these are kind of like the three primary things that we focus on um chronic disease management so as I mentioned earlier that's kind of going into the home you know maybe they don't understand what this medication does when they're supposed to take it um we're we're kind of handholding if you will through that process to make sure that they're doing the right thing to you know really take care of themselves substance abuse education that's that's the real big one that's you know what our our primary focus is going to be um you know there's a lot of substance abuse issues in Bradford County the biggest problem is getting that patient on board you know that person has to to really want the help um we we can offer it to them but you know we can't force them to take it so big a big part of that process is once we do identify a patient with like a substance abuse issue we'll kind of go over some of the local resources whether that be a discussion group Meridian Rehabilitation things of that nature and we'll kind of you know walk them through the process of you know you go to the the Gainesville center for rehab this is kind of what you can expect or you know if you go to this discuss group in Melrose there's there's others like yourself that you can discuss your problems with then the third one which is which has been pretty popular is Hospital discharge follow-ups um this is for the people who are discharged with a bunch of medications they may not understand you know what this medication is why do I have to take it so we're just going to their home after they've been discharged to discuss with them make sure they understand their discharge paperwork and then make sure that there's no unmet needs that they might have okay all right so these are just some of the the things that I wanted to kind of highlight um these are things that you know we were kind of proud of as a service to really get going uh first and foremost we did our first telea Health appointment yesterday with a PTI in home um this patient had a cough for a couple days she was wanting to utilize 911 services but we kind of talked to her we evaluated and realized that you know hey a hospital might not be appropriate let's see if we can get you on board with a doctor via tella health and we so we had that appointment she was able to you know talk to a doctor over the phone and then she actually had some prescriptions um filled we went and got those prescriptions took them back to the patient and uh you know we eliminated an ambulance ride they eliminated her having to unnecessarily sit in an emergency department for potentially hours on in um and then another one that we're really proud of is a a primary care visit so um one of our substance abuse patients that we follow pretty closely it had been I think at least three years since he had seen a a primary care doctor so working with u Main Street Family Care at the urgent care center right across from Walmart we're able to first make sure that his insurance is up to date once we got that established we helped him log into his online portal get all that set up and then we actually helped him register for a primary care appointment at that Urgent Care Center um and then we actually went and physically met him that day at the Care Center to ensure that he got checked in okay and that everything went smoothly um we've also started to distribute Naran to our substance abuse users and how we've been doing it is especially for the patient that we do follow if they are a known substance be user we are leaving two doses of Naran there in addition to giving them education on on you know when to use it and also if there's any family members or bystanders or things like that and then risk reduction that's also another big focus of ours um recently we had a one of our patients fall off of a deck that they have in their backyard um this patient actually sustained a broke neck a broke back and a broke nose um um identifying that that was a a very acute you know need we worked with cross church and Trinity Baptist Church they have like a like a small team of builders that help do decks and stairs and things like that so we were actually able to get that deck replace uh free of charge to the patient you know hopefully that'll that'll help prevent a future fall for them so all right and this is just some photos of the deck what you see up top is is is what was initially there on the bottom there you have the new deck and then some of the builders are that helped us real good project and you know I hope this is something that we can kind of incorporate into our program moving forward as as identifying risk like this so we're able to kind of kind of fix them okay and then looking ahead you know what what are we planning to do in the future so first and foremost um down the road I'd love to expand this program to uh you know really focus on substance abuse um a lot of the the bigger more well established programs are assisting with you know medication treatments and and things of that nature and then I'd also really like to kind of focus on The Chronic Health Management as well so that's you know in inhome lab values a year analysis things of that nature um then I have it mentioned here you know an opioid education program we're really wanting to hit the ground running and start getting out information on opioid abuse Naran you know how do I use it what signs do I look for in an overdose things of that nature um a drug disposal program um so we do something similar a few times a year I believe the sheriff does it um but essentially you know where do these people take their old opioids that they don't use you know I don't know about you guys I had surgery years ago and I still have a bottle of you know oxycodone sitting on my shelf that I never took you know how do they safely get rid of that so I'd like to to identify a way to where you know patients are able to drop those medications off and we can safely dispose of them and then increased Community involvement um we're really starting to focus on ways to where we can start getting our word out so the community hubs they're they're going to be a real good option for us I think um and we're in the process of renovating the old book mobile to essentially be like a a mobile clinic if you will um our thoughts with that is we'll be able to you know if somebody wants more information on substance abuse we can bring them into a more private setting at a festival or something sit down with them go over their options and and maybe even sign them up if if they're a good thing and then um last this is I won't get us in the weeds with it um billing for services a lot of departments around the state are beginning to bill for Community Resources um and essentially how that works is a physician or a nurse practitioner or something like that does a social determinance of Health assessment and that's do they need nutritional assistance Transportation assistance things of that and then once that's been complete the community paramedic or a health worker will go out you know work with that patient to fulfill those needs and then the insurance company is build directly by the provider who initiated that visit that's just another option for us down the the road once we do get you know a little bit more established and and and get our ducks in a row but um that's all I've got okay right and yeah um and thank you I just uh wanted to just suggest to in terms of your PR uh for agencies like our chamber yes because your typical op abuser is not necessarily your street type person but then may be you're physician or your you know professional person um so so utilizing your chamber as a a PR Place uh for your brochures and information and also your barber shops and beauty shops are another um key uh areas for that yes and then another area in which you could you have uh a captive audience would be your Sheriff of department where they have many patients that that are arrested that are they are sitting are opiate clients yes ma'am eventually I'd like to get some sort of program to where we we can get in the jail and kind of start to identify those patients um that's something that Clay County currently does they work very closely with the jail if they do have a know substance of do shes are incarcerated they'll they'll actually go in and you know make sure all those needs are being met on the health side of it so okay and just one uh one little area of caution um is in your teller medicine piece your opiate abusers or your substance abusers are the most manipulative clients you could encounter so you want to do as many face Toof face with them as possible yes that's for sure and thank you yes ma'am thank you any um questions comment from the board all right Madam Madam chair if I may I uh I just want to point out that you know I spent almost 25 years with the Jacksonville fire and rescue department so I had a front row seat to many um many things that became best practices Leading Edge programs that were created and I'll have to say that this community pared medicine program that these gentlemen have have taken on and have gotten off the ground is one of the most impressive things I've seen in in my career and I can't applaud Lieutenant weeks and chief Rogers and chief Carter enough um I mean it's only been four weeks or maybe even less and they're they're they're operating as if this thing has been stood up for six months or better so uh I'm I'm very very proud I'm very very pleased and I just wanted uh the board to know um what we're what we have here in this this this fire department okay thank you very much Mr wees thank you okay um anything else Mr Carn uh yes ma'am one other thing I just wanted to mention that um on the consent agenda today we we approved a uh to go forward with the grant um to uh for a uh econ an economic development strategic plan uh amber Shepard is here with us this morning from the northeast Florida economic Development Corporation and we're all very excited about this opportunity we've asked for $75,000 to to fund a uh a study and if we're successful and we were able to get that that will be a huge huge step in the uh direction of Economic Development here in Bradford County okay thank you that's all I have Madam chair all right thank you um and our our county attorney's report Mr Rob Bradley thank you madam chairman uh the issue that I wanted to present for consideration to the commission today uh regarding the county manager contract potential update to it and um if it is the board's um pleasure uh what I would uh recommend uh would be that um there would be a motion to to ask the chairman to enter into potential negotiations for an update um and then and then uh you could bring those uh fruits of that Labor uh to a future meeting Madame chair um okay um Board hearing um the request from our turnout ask that you ask for a motion to allow me as the chair to enter into um um contract negotiation with our County manager and bring it back for um future recommendation M second that is correct now yes sir all right I'll make a motion that the chairwoman go into negotiations with the county manager and we bring that back to the board for discussion okay motion by commissioner Dy is there a second second second by Mr Thompson any questions discussion yes um during that time will will we have any input on that or I I think what the um Mr Comm had asked for us each to meet with the county manager and give him our feedback on how well we think he's done um and you know share that feedback with him and so I think if each individual board member has um some suggestion regarding the contract if you can get that information um to Mr Bradley or to Amanda and um we can use that as a part of the input into the contract negotiation is would that be acceptable sure I'm happy um and Mr Commander would be happy to talk to any uh commissioner um about um this matter um you know the the thing that we always try to guard against is uh not having communication with one another using a third party um what you're describing would not be that in any way shape or form so um but I would recommend that um if you have some specific thoughts on things um to share those with us and we can certainly uh make sure that that's a that's a part of the mix okay well it's just um you know probably over a year ago we had asked for uh employee evaluations to be set up so that we can go over things and we don't have to do it in open form as we are here today like in our last meeting um we were I I was caught off guard and wasn't prepared because I wasn't aware that that's what we were going to be doing and um but anytime that I evaluate an employee I like to sit down with them and talk to them about strength and weaknesses things that have been done and things that haven't been done and whether or not that brings about a a raise or or something else um but I think it's it's something that needs to be discussed and not just um that we say we're going to give him a raise or we're not going to give him a raise so um that that's my concern is that we do not have any discussion whatsoever about problems that we may have or may not have and um Mr Bradley in the past and I shared that with M Mr carneg in in past employment that I've had when you have to meet with your subordinates and whatever there's something in writing so that you can give share with that person their strength and weaknesses as as Miss Angeles indicated so that there um if there's areas of improvement that person hears that too you hear the gluing everything that you've done right but what are those areas of improvements we don't have a written evaluation process to do that and um um I guess I'm not accustomed to just the verbal piece and so for for going forward um I would recommend that we uh put some things in writing that uh could be developed with through your office and with me you know that we can bring uh to the board for for future um based on what we're asking the manager to do so you have something concrete something written that you can give that Fe back to the person if that makes sense well I think we've already asked for that and we just haven't it just hasn't been done and I think that we would use the um the job description yes um as criteria of what is required for each of us you know to um do in our positions um that way we can say you know you're doing great here but this area needs a little work and and that's what I've been accustomed to when we when I work with the city you know we had a a written standard evaluation that feed Bank was given uh consensus from all five was put in a summary um and so but anyhow um if maybe that's something we can do going forward is the um request from the uh commission that uh a document be produced uh that has some sort of um evaluation formal evaluation that's in written form uh from each of the Commissioners is that is that what I'm understanding or it would be a an evaluation that it would be the same from each for each of us um it would just be listing the different parts of the job description um I can get an example from the Department of Corrections I mean we did it all the time I mean for the different ranks and um we will um distribute a form from our office that reflects what you're describing okay all right from your office yes if that's okay I mean um and uh and then you can provide those responses back to them and and then you will all see it and have discussions amongst yourselves but those discussions would be in a in a public form oh okay you're not allowed to to talk off offline about these types of matters no I I'm not I'm not saying you're suggesting that M I know you're not wasn't what I was um speaking about was um the way that I've always done it is to bring staff in and sit down with them and talk to them about strength and weaknesses of course I know it's different because there's five people on the board but um but yes sir if you want to have one-on-one meetings with the the manager which is I think what was previously discussed you can do that at any time you could have a discussion with the parameters you described oneon-one if you wanted to do it as a group it would be in this setting set up just like like this at a meeting like this okay okay further yes further well um what I hear is that um you would like to let me back up is there a consensus of the board for me to send that document out or for either cor AR's office to send the document out that was described is that a consensus yeah do you want it not I I don't know why we just can't meet with Mr cornay one onone and and just talk to him and then uh and then and then we just voted to have you negotiate with the county attorney and Mr corn and then bring it back to the board when you're done I mean if I got a problem with Mr corn I'm going to Mr corn I'm not going to fill out of paperwork and send it to him I'm going to I'm going to go to his office and talk to him face to face and I think that's what each and every one of them of us should do in fact I've already done that with Mr B this particular um it so um that's that's my thoughts on it if if I could share Madam chair uh the way my evaluations are done is you know it's it's very U you know structured obviously and then it has uh you know different categories and then you know whether you you know meet expectations exceed expectations and so on and we F that out first so you know it would be the categories that we would ask U you know Mr corn to fill out based on you know evaluating himself and then we go in and then we review that evaluation and we determine you know based on what you know he how he thinks he's doing his job and how we think he's doing his job and then at some point you know we have a a point system um you know to points three points 3.75 four points and then we're able to come up with a u you know something that we can all agree on where we feel like he is uh if he's above you know the three Mark you know being one to five or if he's below the three Mark and then at that point you know what you know if he if he if he exceeds expectations in all areas um which it's very rare to find somebody that does that um you know then we're talking about U negotiating you know maybe uh you know more at the higher end but if it's you know somewhere around at four then we're coming back and looking at it and just trying to determine um you know what's the incremental increase that we're going to allow for Mr porn to so right now my understanding is there's not been a motion proved to have you talking about we did enter a motion for me to right but I don't think that's been voted on that we just had in the discussion correct at this time I I say that not to interrupt the FL of y's conversation but just to to put focus on what is before you that motion and um and then this other issue about what should be done or not done before such time as this matter is heard Again by the board that's okay so coming back to that what you're saying is have that evaluation period and then go into the negotiations discussion I'm not saying I I'm not trying to push or pull in any One Direction or the other everyone has had their own person all five you're successful in your own right and have had per had dealings with how to handle uh evaluations of individuals that work in organizations that you're involved in and some some are different than others some are the same right um just trying to get a but it's ultimately up to at least three of you to come to a conclusion about how you want to handle it um if you just vote on the motion all that's going to happen next if you vote on the motion and nothing else all that will happen next is that the chair will come back with a proposal um and you could say this isn't good enough this is sounds great I would like to have more information I would like to have more discussion and that would be the nature of The Next Step at your next meeting another another yes sir Mr pson I I mean I got degree with commissioner Ric fully I mean if any of us has a problem or I mean we go to go to him I mean so I could we do it one onone and if I may add we we also heard what about a 30 minute presentation of everything that was done in the past year so we we all know we I mean we live it every day but but also Mr corn took the time to make that super nice presentation of everything that's been done everything that's been accomplished all the goals all the achiev achievements uh what we've done in the past what we're what he's planning on doing in the future so we've he's already laid it out for each and every one of us exactly what what he's doing what he's planning on doing and uh and that's why I figured C we just talk to him oneon-one and um move forward yes um that would my suggest commissioner reic in the normal business world government or otherwise there's a written evaluation for persons that are under our um a supervision that's just the normal process it's not usually just a verbal evaluation that's given for persons that you you're supervised that's I I think that's what Miss Andrews was asking and that's what I suggested in the past and and I think that's what Mr Andor was trying to convey how um um you know they're the custom to evaluating persons there is a motion on the floor for me to enter um contract negotiations uh for Mr carigi so we can vote on that motion um and move forward with having a written evaluation um for future if I can make just one more comment um yes Mr Carn did it excellent presentation on everything that we have accomplished um but of course in doing that we haven't we didn't list what we haven't done and what [Music] um what was told um basically we don't have time to do that or um I can't present that there's different things that if if things hadn't occurred I wouldn't have said that but we didn't make a list of things that we haven't done or things that we have slowly done and there's room for improvement in everybody in in every one of us and do I go to Mr corn about problems that I have yes I do um but there's things that we we haven't went forward on you know we we haven't moved on and we haven't done just like the employee evaluations that I'm speaking about this was brought up a long time ago um different policies um the fiveyear plan I mean still even though we've been talking about it for a year it's just it's not done so there's several things that that we need to move forward on that we haven't done and so and I don't want to get into that in an an OP form I would rather speak with him or do an evaluation so that it can be reviewed and and then we can all sit down and like Mr D was saying then we can make an educated um um decision on based on not only the good but maybe the problem areas as well um that's what I'm trying to say it's not that he doesn't do a great job cuz he does but there are areas that I feel like that we need to focus on okay can I just add to that go ahead Mr chair um when I was talking about my evaluation if you read my evaluation that I did first you would hire me as the president of my compan I mean you know really and when I say that Mr corn did an outstanding job with his presentation but if there are some things that that we think that he's not doing then that would allow us the opportunity through an evaluation because I would I would guess that most of us uh based on that evaluation throughout that based on that presentation throughout the evaluation he's going to get very high marks but there are going to be some areas that need Improvement and so I think that going back to what the councelor was saying is that if if we just jump right to the negotiation right now that we've already said that we're extremely happy with everything that Mr corn has done and now we're just negotiating a salary rather than going back and taking step one and going through an evaluation process and counselor am I saying that right am I am I tracking that right as far as just what you're saying if there's a motion out there for negotiation then we're not going back to um any part of having an evaluation I could I could amend my motion to state that um would you and I or Mr Mr um Commando um to develop an evaluation tool um based on the um position descriptions and expectations for the manager um to use as an evaluation instrument and thereafter I could enter into um neot negotiation for the um with the contract I I think that if you want to have an evaluation period uh before you enter into negotiations and it' be a two-part process then we need to probably first agree on the evaluation tool um why don't um one be presented then at your next council meeting you decide whether that's the tool you want to use or not okay and if the answer is yes then you might go forward and prepare on your own time the evaluation tool I mean you you know fill it out and then um and then that can all be gathered and uh then you can all decide whether you want to uh enter negotiations after that okay all right okay if that makes sense that makes sense but that's that needs to be con three or more of you to decide in that direction and and there's not a it's not 100% clear that there's three or more of you that agree on one particular course of Acts or not I I present that as a response to commissioner D's question not not as a endorsement of that way of doing things or not doing that it's up to you if I could just add to though I I I just want to say I mean as far as the presentation and in the what almost two years that Mr corn has been on board as County Manager I think he's done an outstanding job job and I think that you know with the amount of people that he supervises um you know based on the number of people that other departments or other offices supervise uh you know fire and rescue um you know the road department and go on and on with maintenance and the library and and just all of the folks that he does and supervises just with Amanda and no other assistance other than and when I say that I know that he gets assistance from the clerk's office and he gets assistance from some of the offices uh you know the sheriff's office with fire rescue and those types of things but um you know again you know it's it's to me it's it's cut and dry that that we pick the right person there's no doubt about that and I think that he's made all of our jobs a lot easier uh just through his actions every day and the things that he's done um you know just I mean we can list them on and on we've seen the presentation um but uh as far as an actual evaluation process I do understand having something that we're able to you know be able to you know put pin to paper and make that evaluation and uh again at the end of the day like I said I think most of us would would give very high marks for what he has done but you know it does give an opportunity uh you know for for some of us if there's something that we don't feel like he's met expectations on then we're able to bring that up so that he himself can make the self-improvement to be able to do that as we move okay I can um go ahead M and I think one important thing that should be considered um is is the amount of his salary um if I can just step back in time um Brad Carter made 69,000 um as our County Manager Rachel who was promoted after he left only made 599,000 and um Mr corn at the time makes $110,000 plus $500 monthly for vehicle um the the Baker County um U manager makes 74,8 so I think that we need to look at that when we're talking about negotiating an increase in salary also we need to consider I mean where we are um so there's a lot that you know needs to be said before we negotiate on on whether or not an increase should be made in that case um attorney Bradley I with withdraw my motion to enter into negotiation for um the contract and then asked uh for a motion to develop the evaluation tool for the board to do its individual evaluation that that can be summarized and then thereafter um enter into um contract negotiation with an increase Madam chair and Mr Bradley thank you um the motion was made by m commissioner Dy and it was second to by commissioner Thompson so right right so um is um the consensus to withdraw the original motion yes all to withdraw the the motion for negotiation yes yes you made the motion who made the second um Mr Thom Mr Thompson is there a third person that wants to have that withdrawn that motion before yall vote on it yeah I do okay okay so that motion's withdrawn Madam clerk um now we have a clean slate is there a motion that the commission would like to um consider regarding this matter yeah I make a motion that we have evaluation stage prior to the negotiations okay M Andre May the motion for your evaluation stays prior to negotiation is there a second to the motion a second motion and the second by commissioner Dy any further question discussion all in favor by the consensus i i i i and oppose I I okay three yes two no okay in response to that that then um speak that 3 to two approval in response to that Mr corn and I will provide a form that will not don't do anything with the form you'll get together at your next meeting and look at and discuss the form whether you like it or not okay all right okay don't don't fill out the form you talk talk to Mr Cory anytime you want about any of these matters obviously like you always do and then uh if you want to move forward with the form that's provided or make m appications to it because you feel like it doesn't accurately reflect what you're looking to accomplish with the form then y'all can have that discussion amongst yourselves at the next meeting and I would like to add that the individual Commissioners can make suggestions for what they'd like to be covered in the form um okay okay yes all right okay all right um anything else um Mr Bradley Madam chair that is all I had all right thank you um Commissioners comments um commissioner Andrews yes um we spoke about an appreciation day for the for the um the employees of Bradford County and I spoke with all of the Constitutional officers and um the majority of them said that they want to do that and I thank you Sheriff because Sheriff he jumped up the next day gave me a call and and um has offered his cooking team to help us and um so I believe that the date that we set was um I think it is the first Thursday in June which would be June 6th and Ben left before I had a chance to ask him but if everything works out we're going to have it um in in his um his area right there where they Park the the trucks and everything so we'll sit up there and cook there and have everybody come um I've asked Mr corn to um make sure that the um staff who work the [Music] um um where we dump the trash um that yeah collections thank you um that they be allowed to um close up at 11:30 and come and eat and then maybe go back to work at um one or two or however long we need it to be but um so that they get included as well and I think this is obviously this to me this is a very important thing um I'm like I'm I'm accustomed to the way the sheriff does it the Department of Corrections they do it all week and it's little things like donuts in the morning or popcorn being set up in an office and just little things to let them know how much we do appreciate them and um so with that said um hopefully we can pull it and maybe next year if it goes well then we can make it where it can be a family event on a Saturday so um and other than that I think that's all I just had one thing I'm not trying to be negative but um I can see during it doing it during a work day but on a Saturday in the middle of the Summer with the lake supercom I don't know what kind of turnout you're going to get I'm just being honest that's that's right off of July 4th that's a huge weekend um well a lot of times if you have someone that um works or is an officer out at Kingsley Lake um that's where we used to have ours and we had massive turnout um and I think if the people had an opportunity to come and and um and play at the lake and cook out there and I think that they would be I think them and their families would would have a great time and and please I'm not trying to be but as for myself I already know I won't be there um cuz July 4th weekend that is that's huge for my family I mean my daughter comes in with her family my son comes in with him his family and we're on the lake she was saying June the 6th oh June 6th I'm sorry I thought you were saying July June I apologize and I would never do it on July 4th it's saying moving forward making me do it on Saturday but for this one coming up she was saying June the 6th which will be Thursday um which would be the first Thursday in in June okay will be think it'll just be a lunch okay and it'll be um weekday that's a Thursday um for the lunch at 11:30 is what she's recommending this year okay okay um I'm I'm happy because m h can tell you I've been bringing it up for the past year that you know asking that we consult our department has to see how they would feel about it and I think it would be a good thing for our County Employees um um is it a consensus of the board that we move forward with doing this on the 6th of June we decide how we going to how are we funding this what we oh I forgot to say I was going to ask for a donation from you guys and the other constitutionals um I was going to ask for $100 but if you can't then um whatever you're able to give and um then I think sh said that he has some in an account that he uses for different functions I'm willing to donate okay okay all right but at least to get the consensus on the board that we would move forward with that day is that okay okay yes and and you have to remember when anything that you start um the first year you might be slow the second year you might have a few more But as time goes on and people become accustomed to different events that's being held in their honor um they become more involved and I think that I honestly think that our staff would appreciate apprciate something being done special for them I mean I I just can't imagine not doing that it's bothered me ever since I got here and so I'm just thrilled that the sheriff is going to help us and we're going to try to do this okay thank you Miss Angeles anything else um commissioner Thompson yeah i' just like to say few things I don't know if I could live in big big County I love Brad County and the surrounding County small R counties as y'all seen this morning people pulling together and helping this helping that one with a fire and you know we can go to our I mean Sheriff if I needed him got can go to it I mean and it's like a big family here and uh I'm going to be here till I die they say to get to Heaven you got to go through Bradford County to get there and I believe well ly was Bradford County too but no and I appreciate all the department heads I mean to do a super job pull together they work together and all the way down to the J janitors look how clean they keep these buildings going the bathroom and every time you going there and they don't get a bunch of recognition but I appreciate them too that's all I got to say thank you commission Dort I just want to uh say if y'all would keep in prayer um our public defender Miss Stacy Scott she lost her husband who was a dear friend of mine he was a dear friend of the sheriff's uh Joel Brewer and um anyway she lost him last week and uh so keep her and and their son Colt in your prayers and their family please um you know we all know Stacy and um like I said Joel was one of a kind right Sheriff he was and uh he'll be missed and uh and Denny also I apologize Mr clerk uh but U anyway just uh if you would keep them in your prayers and uh you know some this is going to come up more as we get close to the budget season and um you know when earlier when I agree with what you were saying miss sponer about you know saving more in our reserves you know it it's you know if you compare it to and you see it more around the first of the month you can go to the grocery stores you can go to Walmart and you know you see people maybe a single mom with a couple of children and you know the kids are throwing stuff in the basket and mama's putting it back on the Shelf you know um you know she's buying just the things she needs to get by and you know we can't get to the register being our budget meeting and not be able to afford the things that we have and eventually I know because people you know just by human nature want something for nothing um you know we just have to you know watch every every dollar and every dime that we spend um and understand when the people come forward and say you know but we need this you know then we're listening to the people but you know as we go along and we keep throwing stuff in the cart you know it it's very uh important that we decide you know what do we really need and so that when we get to the register we have enough because they can't walk up to the register not have enough and walk out the door with a full full cart and we can't either you know and government tends to do that you know and uh so we just have to be more responsible more accountable uh to each other and to the citizens of Bradford County and again like I said I think you will find that that most people do come and say well you know why aren't they mowing the ditches why aren't they cutting the ditches why aren't they doing this how come we're not getting the response here from you know fire and rescue you know what's going on you know with with the the new deputies in the city and everybody asks these questions but it's it's something that everybody wants and so you have to let the people tell you that that's what they want and I think eventually that's that is what happens but uh you know we just can't be uh again loading down as many grocery cards as we can and then um moving right to the door with without paying for it thank you yeah board I just want to say um what a great meeting I thank everyone for coming here today and um and like Mr Thompson mentioned I mean um it it's just awesome to live in Bradford County I'll tell you what with with those three men that that uh stopped and saved that lady's home I mean just tremendous and then um Lieutenant weeks what he's already doing with the program getting it up and running um it it's just it's just awesome to sit on this board in Bradford County I just want to say that and then also board going along with um with taxes and stuff that we have to do um I I just think that it's it's finally coming into play I know we've all caught it about the gas tax when we passed it but now look at all the roads we're getting done and I think this morning we just voted to get eight more done off the gas tax money so a lot of times you don't want to come up with a tax but boy that sure is starting to come and and really work out nice for the citizens of Bradford County and uh looking forward to get any more roads done so um but anyway but thank you all I'm sorry for the confusion I sure thought you said July 6 I'm thinking that's on a Saturday so but anyway I apologize for that but uh anyway thank you thank everyone for being here thank you um and I too want to um thank everyone today that were here and um just to share a few things I we had a successful Shirley andne Brown Livingston Scholarship Foundation cancer awareness walk um the weekend before last and we had about 50 participants out in the rain and uh we raised at least $3,000 those are three scholarships for local students and we will be giving out five scholarships for this year um we uh had the um RJ um groundbreaking for a new playground in the MayDay Festival this past weekend was very well attended I mean little kids all over the place and they planted that mapole and did a good job um the 12 guys and bow ties and 12 girls and Pearls they got it done um but it was a wonderful day and God blessed us with good weather and no rain um um just remind you that may is mental health um awareness month it's also the national um Corrections uh um appreciation time it's also national nurses and teachers uh week so let's remember all of those folks and let them know how much we appreciate them and we have to look at our mental health needs in our community and our substance abuse needs um mental illness is a very serious um issue in our community and subance abuse is horrible uh and we need to do all that we can to provide services to that group um and whatever funding that we can get um to help these these areas uh is important also wanted to remind you of the um Hampton Hub grand opening it's going to be May the 14th uh at 10:00 a.m. that's when they start their ceremony and if you can participate and be there to um share your support would be great and remember this uh weekend is Mother's Day so if you have a living mother you are tremendously blessed um let them know how much you appreciate them and if not honor the one that you did have might be an aunt grandma or sister um do that um because there's nothing like the love of a mother um also um May the 9th is a Northeast Florida Economic Development Corps a learning luncheon at the conference center 1130 to one I remind you of that um and this year as we Embark upon our new budget let us consider um you know being conservative in our our budget and our spending and let's not spend everything that we have leave something in reserve and let us try to work towards having more than three months of of savings there but at the same time we're looking at our community we are maxed down at 10 ms and if there any way that we can reduce that Mill um that we look at that but again we have to look at our budget as a whole and what we can do so be thinking about all all of that um and just doing the best that we can be good stewards of our Count's resources um with that I thank all of you um Sheriff so the the fire chief just texted me Sheriff he said there's no serious injuries but it is a mess oh okay thank you madam chair I do have one other thing at the risk of overflowing the shopping cart but um the board does need to make a decision like now um on colas you you've all been given a sheet a spreadsheet showing the cost of a 3% 4% and 5% raise I have to have all my budgets to the clerk by May 17th which is a week from this Friday so we need we need some Direction there you go there you go you do have another meeting prior to 17th May 16th so we have a May 16th and we can make that decision then you could yes ma'am so okay and considering our budget because we still going over we're still going over the budget to see what all those numbers are so that give us a little time to digest the information and you know make an informed um decision about it yes so let's make that decision on the 16th I'm just I'm just trying to make it easy on the clerk absolutely absolutely so they they'll let us know what that would look like if we did a three or if we did a four or whatever it'd be preferable if you all make it decision on the 16th as far as what you want as Mr corn indicated he's giving you a list of all the board employees as far as 3 four 5% when we get our budgets it takes us that whole time until o August to prepare those budgets and then present to you based on our trim calendar the clerk has to present to you all a a tenative budget at that first meeting in August so we we don't need to have three four different versions at that meeting we need to have a version what I was just simply saying M Rin that we can with informed information look at what what would that leave our budget at if we did a 3% what would it leave it at if we did that so we have that information to digest before the 16th well Amanda will resend that form out to each of you okay okay and then on July the 18th I believe is um it's July the 18th our I think that's our budget meeting that was our proposed millage um is that correct that is cor let me see here that's correct yes at your July 18th meeting that is when the bo board is going to set the proposed millage rate okay all right okay all right hearing um what is suggested let's look at our budgets and uhu see what we can um come up with on the 16th or next meeting if there's nothing more for the ready order this meeting is adjourned thank you thank you