e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e of Woodline flatbook one page 17 of the public records of Bradford County Florida and lying south of Northeast 247th Street a county maintained Road East of State Road 200 US 301 Highway 301 West of CSX Transportation Railroad in section 12 Township 5 South Range 22 East Bradford County Florida and also a 30ft plaid Street lying in Wood law flatbook page 17 of the public records of Bradford County Florida with the center line being the southernly boundary of section 12 Township 5 South Range 22 East and the Northerly boundary of section 13 Township 5 South Range 22 East and lying in Lots 57 and 58 of said section 12 and Lots seven and eight of said section 13 all lying east of State Road 200 US Highway 301 and west of CSX Transportation railroad braford County Florida again these are platted streets that we have closed the last few months that uh affect no one but the on these are interior plaided roads that have never been publicly opened nor publicly closed so they're seeking to publicly close these streets which we will have no effect they we will have no responsibility as far as maintaining them we're just closing these streets to uh to help the individual owner out and we need to ask for public comments in a motion and a vote please at this time are there any public comments um seeing none hearing none um do I have a motion for [Music] approval I make a motion that that we approve the proposal as read motion by commissioner Andrews is there a second to the motion thank second by commissioner Thompson any further questions or discussion all in favor by to sign I I I any oppose by o thank you madam chairman in case anyone in the public wants to come see these I have a map in the zoning department is really available for their viewing thank you very much y'all thank you all right this time I didn't receive any public uh comment cards from anyone is there do you have any from the court okay at this time we'll ask for the approval of the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda second commission uh motion by commissioner dhy and second by commissioner ready any questions discussion if not all in favor by the sign I I any opposed 5 moving on to agenda item five and I believe we good morning morning Madam chairman and Commissioners morning um item five is to consider increasing the maximum amount on our ship lhop which is our local housing assistance plan for both our Rehabilitation and our demo replacement strategies C currently rehab is 35 I'm asking to increase it to 45 and demo replacement is currently 845 and I'm asking to increase that to 995 and this is also a recommendation from the state as well just because of materials and supplies increas we're kind of behind time and increasing this for the state as well hearing the um request and consideration um for the ship rehab and demolition um by um increasing to from 35 to 45 and the replacement from 84500 to 99500 U is there a motion I'll make a motion madam chairman I'm going to read the okay title if that's okay yes thank you yes ma'am resolution of the board of County commissioners of Bradford County Florida approving the local housing assistance plan as required by the state housing initiatives partnership program act subsections 42097 through 420 9079 Florida Statutes and Rule chapter 67-37 Florida administrative code authorizing and directing the chairman of the board of County Commissioners to execute any necessary documents and certifications needed by the state authorizing the submission of the local housing assistance plan for review and approval by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation providing direction to the chairman and staff and providing an effective date thank you okay my motion still stands motion by commissioner um Thomson second and then second by commissioner Andrews any further questions or discussion all in favor by the sign I I any opposed I vote you have a question can I speak to you for about a two minutes after the meeting thank you ma'am thank you moving on to agenda item six on road management the technology software presentation and this is for discussion thank you pleasure being here um chairman Commissioners uh my name is Aaron ryes I'm the regional consultant for roadway management Technologies we have our CEO and co-founder and director of sales joining us via teams on the laptop here to provide a little bit of an overview um I met with Jason dods Public Works director um few months ago and over the course of a few conferences um we spoke on kind of what rmt does does 10,000 ft overview what we do is the real time data and collection of pavement performance and deterioration modeling as well as pavment management so our system what it does it's a proprietary Hardware system that is mounted underneath fleet vehicles and it's a passive system that collects objective data on the road Network this objective data is then utilized in a visual map platform that can show where target areas or issues may be within the network on top of that what it's looking at with the real-time data is the ability to see where things are going downhill quicker so essentially what Jason is going to be able to do utilizing the system he would be able to look at projects Paving lists and make a more informed decision that's data driven and objective versus a more subjective by eye um visual inspections can drastically wave U change based on any number of things so we were going for more objective based approach so if we're looking at the system here yep manda's got me hooked up so give you guys an idea um of the system mounted it's mounted underneath the fleet vehicles using industrial grade zip ties and these have been tested through rigorous um different types of testing through water any type of environmental hazard um we warranty all hardware and definitely if there is any issue but the goal is passive collection so the vehicles in their normal day-to-day routes they're going to go about everything as is we're not going to disrupt operational flow of the County but now as they're going about that day-to-day they're collecting this information and it's uploading at the end of the day for the system to then QA QC and refine and look at the ASM standard D 6433 for pavement evaluation uh type frequency severity of distresses through asphalt uh and there is a camera mounted within the vehicles as well uh the camera takes a visual every 75 ft so the click of a button you can go through the network visually inspect as well um and we're running AI over the camera as well so our system give you an idea what it's looking at recording through the sensors the imagery data with the camera it is looking at gyroscopic information so pitch roll and yaw of a vehicle as it travels down the road and then vibrational feedback so each type of distress deterioration has very unique vibrational Prof profile and all of these sensors are communicating when it's uploading the data and cross referencing and training each other because no one sensor we found was perfect at capturing this information and displaying it properly so what our team has done is combine the information through Sensor Fusion and then QA QC it automatically and it's a smart system that self- calibrates so drivers kind of eliminates human error if you will they don't have to remember to turn it on turn it off it self- calibrates as it's going through its day-to-day across all vehicles in the fleet and give you an idea of what that looks like kind on the back end here so this is a photo that one of our units has taken in the photo we can see different types of distresses deteriorations visually now the system picks this up runs AI over this and then immediately that vehicle travels over that area to validate the information because imagery back to sensors um provides false positives a lot through sha Shadow time of day sun position so what we've done is a trust verify model Shadows don't vibrate is the good news so as the vehicle travels over it's looking at those other sensors to be able to more accurately depict what the payment condition is and these sensors read at 52,000 points a second so they can vary accurately distinguish between .1% 1% versus a human eye where it's like I think maybe that might be type deal so back to the map here it's an interactive based map platform it's cloud-based so no software needs to be downloaded onto um Counting computers or devices and green are your best quality roads red are your worst quality roads and on the left hand side we can see a holistic view of the network so you have with the pavement condition index PCI about 65 it's looking at the network as an asset so it's equating what you guys are maintaining as an asset what that total dollar amount is and then looking at how it is deteriorating in real time so essentially losing some of that Integrity some of those dollars and where can we put that money back into the network as a whole where it is essentially where's the best bang for your buck if you will and when we're running those maintenance projects we can look in real time on a road list view of what our roads individually are at how they're performing whether we ran maintenance they went up whether they're deteriorating faster than expected slower than expected so we can make a more informed decision when we're going quarterly by anually you name it to basically attack the worst culprits but go from transitioning from a worst first approach to a proactive approach appr so efficiently allocating dollars and then on top of that we can see across the whole network what is happening so individually on each Road how the network as a whole is functioning what that means to the bottom line Dollar in terms of deterioration values and then begin project planning within the system as well so it's going to base suggestions off of the objective data and this is also going to be what Jason and his team the maintenance efforts they current currently running our system is designed to adopt best practices quicker so if there is a another partner within Florida who is running a payment preservation effort then that is performing extremely well will alert Jason and his team saying hey you might want to check this out here's some objective data on this treatment so it's no longer trying and seeing and trying and seeing over five six seven years you're getting more of a quicker adop option of these best practices so we're less money spent upfront trying things out more money efficiently spent on things proven to work and so starting out um it may just be a couple different treatment options but the system grows as different practices and techniques come into the industry and provide suggestions based on different thresholds that it would be the most optimal time to perform that type of Maintenance and provide suggestions so I'll use a fog seal as an example here keeps water out of Roads usually applied at the top of a deterioration curve on a newer Road the system is going to show and highlight every individual candidate for this type of Maintenance effort so his team one is going to get more objective stance on hey these are the roads that you can go attack now what does it mean to do so what's the estimated cost leg analysis the system you can look at it in a list view as well because obviously we can't just spend $10 million all in one go we have to structure it out teer it out and when we look at this it's going to show me individually what cost is per each one of these projects what the return is on each one of these projects as well and that is going to allow us to more accurately Target some of the larger opportunities first so if I go through I can organize this by cost depending on budgets that are given you now have the ability to look at kind of what could be and what kind of impact that will have across the network on terms of a budgetary so if I've been given certain dollar amount I can click into these roads in the bottom you'll see it's starting to tally up what that cost is based on the most recent bids um and all of that can be edited within the the settings uh it's more of an autonomous piece we have a dedicated account manager that will work with Jason and his team but you have the ability when something new comes in or a new piece of information to input it into the system well to help it learn and grow now when we're selecting these projects it'll show you what that cost is what your return is for advertising the life of the road and then you can immediately add it into a project you can build Paving lists through this using the objective data and the real-time information and also it's going to monitor the projects within real time as well so when something has been brought into the world we're no longer talking about it we have approved it and we're moving forward now we're going to see how things are performing we can look at what's open what's been completed so it's just providing more transparency when we're looking at hey we said in October we were going to do ABC it's now March where are we at with these pieces you can see exactly each effort tent to complete eta's cost to budget analysis as well and going into them even further dials it you can look at the individual roads what has been completed what's still in the works mobilization costs what it's meaning to the network as well when you're adding that life back in and the bottom line dollar impact so essentially it's performing all of this through a passive data collection and a pavement evaluation in real time also the payment management system because we married the left hand to the right hand in essence where from evaluation to payment management system there's no middleman anymore we're not having to connect things we're not having to build different Bridges all of that is within the system and you can see exactly how things are going to affect each Road as well as you go in and look at individual curves and deterioration modeling a lot of it is done by estimation uh it's hard to estimate what's going to happen in the real world uh so with the realtime data you can see how projects will impact a single Road what that means maybe a rejuvenating fog seal we don't want to run maybe we it's time to Mill an overlay and reset that curve what does that mean it looks at without any intervention where that road may be at a certain point and it's constantly refining this output as well so we're no longer trying to project or guess what may be happening in five years we're able to get more close to the truth through uh data frequency in that regard and then as you perform what does it mean to reset the curve what does it mean to the bottom dollar now we can see in 2034 we're at an 83 PCI whereas down here 2034 we would have been at around a 22 which is a very drastic difference when it comes to Main within the network but you know what you're getting into when you're selecting these projects as well and then we've worked with Jason and Scott on uh individual pieces for the network we've gotten information in terms of how many Lane miles what would need to be done Vehicles equipped uh like to open up the questions for anyone that may have some as well I do have um it seems like a very sophistic ated process of analyzing the condition of the roads so we have some that are paved some that are fog sealed some that are chip seal and so you're saying that this um camera equipment will be able to analyze the condition no matter what type of Road it might be yes ma'am so that project uh essentially when we onboard a client we're going to look at all historical data that has been done all maintenance efforts that have been done uh we're going to ingest that into the system and then what it's going to do surface type wise like if you have chip seal road we want to compare that to chip seal Road you have asphalt road compare that to Asphalt that way we're not skewing any data sources if you all had concrete same concept um so absolutely okay and I know that we have about 322 square miles of of roads I me yall have a network yeah throughout the the county so let's say if Mr U Dodge Road had um they had um freshly put down the I guess to call it the fog seal but some some of the rows get very rigid after a rain so um I guess I'm asking how do you discern when it's in a good condition when you're you said it would the camera would capture every 45 75 um 75 feet yes ma'am 75 feet that it may have gone past when it was just done um and then maybe a few weeks or a month later it's not so you'll be able to analyze the deterioration of the road based on great question so um let me take a step back in that regard the cameras uh they are on a 30-day increment for photos because a road obviously is not going to deteriorate overnight if that's the case it was one heck of a hurricane or something came through um so essentially with conditions such as a heavy rain or uh non ideal conditions the data frequency within the system is going to Cache any outliers and compare that information so that's part of the smart system to make sure that we're not giving any false positives essentially when you would have multiple Vehicles not just one within the network this size so be around 20 to 30 probably within this network that's back of the hand math there um each one of those Vehicles is going to have thousands of data points now when one of those data points I say after a heavy rain is just way out there it's going to say hey that's a little bit weird we've never encountered this on any vehicle before we don't want to throw it out just yet because it may be something that happened heavy machinery may have come through and cracked you never know but in the case of a heavy rain it's going to look at the next few trips down that road next few hundred data points it's going to come through it's going to say hey yeah that was an outlier of data it's going to toss that information because it doesn't want to skew the proper results thank you questions the system we would so would we pay to have this service done or is it a A system that we would buy for our vehicles and we would capture the the data great question so we're operating at has uh software as a service model so it's an annual subscription model that we work with our agencies and our municipalities um so what happens is our team handles all uplift installation we teach anyone on staff mechanics anything along those lines they'd like to know how to install we warranty the hardware indefinitely reason we teach mechanics I can ship a sensor faster I can ship one of our guys down here um so when it comes to the partnership um it's an on ongoing partnership providing the information in the real time data as well as the hardware everything inclusive in one so it's no longer every year we're going back to the drawing board and having a meeting saying hey we did this last year and it was $30,000 this year jumped to $90,000 we look at a standardized pricing model to do a year-over-year predictable pricing based on that so it's four-year commitment that we do that's paid annually but every year the agency has an opt out given a 30-day notice with no penalty to the agency obviously the world changes things happen we don't want to solely a good relationship if something does happen um we want to come back to it eventually when we can write the ship but for the most part what we're able to go after is a lot of funding with our clients through Grant and infrastructure using an objective data stance and then going after things like ss4 or smart grants um that then are going to allow Jason and his team to not only pay for the system hand over fist but also accomplish more within the network based on additional funding coming in so how much will the cost for four year system hang oh yes so our CEO just chimed in he's we install on the vehicles and collects the information on a daily basis he just wanted to make that clear for the purpose of the question but what was the question chair how much would be the cost for an initial system for the fouryear absolutely so we've worked with uh Jason and Scott on this because uh we wanted to address any sort of budgetary constraints that may be uh so initially it's $150 per Lane mile is our standardized pricing um looking at that with Jason and Scott and working through it with them we actually were able to work it downwards um so full price in transparency was $90,000 per year working with Jason Scott and being able to get a more uh acceptable area based on kind of the county what's needed all of that in information um we worked into $50,000 per year to assist with any of the realtime data collection the installation all of that is bundled into one within that 50,000 so there's no hidden Iota cost where it's like set up install three months in you get an account manager and it's another $200 it's like everything's included within the pricing model so 50,000 as a just a pointed answer there okay other question I have a question maybe you answered this and I didn't catch it but we have we have a lot of mil roads mhm and and one of our problems is trying to figure out which m road we should pave next okay well this provide the data even on a m road that we can you know if we got 40 mil roads we can say hey this one here should if you're going to do something with it this one should be paid first so in regards to a milled Road it's still asphalt it's just at a point that has deteriorated so far far that you guys are looking at what the best option is for basically resurfacing it entirely right whether want to CL if we put chip sill on it or if we go ahead and put assall on it but but a lot of times it's you know it's very hard to determine which road is the is the one that really needs to be done next absolutely you know rather than because right now we're just riding out there and looking by ey yeah awesome I just wanted to make sure I was understand the question fully um yes the system would be able to identify which roads would be your best candidates for a full Mill and overlay or a chip seal in that regard um based on the data coming through um and essentially it's going to look at a number of factors uh does a multivariable analysis for you guys um and that's based on like I said ingesting all the historical information that has come from that road on top of the realtime information our system is collecting to then provide you with the best suggestion for best bang for your buck of return for running that project anyone else mam chair I think it's important and I'm glad that you put that in there and put emphasis on the curve that you had there and the what it cost over time you know to fix those roads and you know as you continue to let that run on then it continues to cost us more and more money um so getting that information and that evaluation up front I think is U very cost effective you know looking at the roads I know that it's been in discussion before that when we talk about you know our gas tax dollars and we talk about uh you know dirt roads and milled roads and pave roads that we continue to keep focus on the PVE roads that are in deterioration and make sure that as we get the information that we're putting the money in the right place so that it's not costing us more money down the road yeah yeah absolutely and that's um a big part of the system thank you for bringing that up is informed decision making objective informed decision making um to be able to catch a road that is deteriorating quicker put something such as chip seal or Mill and overlay down if it needs to be reset or is a maintenance effort more advantageous in this regard is the dollar going to stretch further by amortising the life or do we need to add this to a certain Paving list on top of can we hold off on certain projects save money and move something forward that is deteriorating faster so then we're really just getting back into that cost Effectiveness for placing the right project at the right time any other questions I saw your presentation intona so I had seen this before so thank you again absolutely how long has your business been how long have you had your business going thank you um so the business business was founded in 2017 um 2019 is when we went to Market with um the product as a whole so it's been about five years the last few years um we've gotten funded through multiple sources uh Rockell group multiple individual um options We Grew From two states to 16 States within the last couple years my jurisdiction as a regional consultant is over the southeast so Georgia Florida Alabama Carol Tennessee Kentucky um don't think I'm bringing anything but from there essentially we're now looking at another eight states being added in if I'm not mistaken um on top of that so the growth has been honestly very exponential and we've been able to keep Pace with it on top of that um obviously as you grow there are growing pains but essentially what we've done is we've set up the system to allow us to know when they're coming through dedicated channels you guys will have a dedicated account manager that works with Jason a direct into to our company so then we're taking that feedback immediately implementing it within the system and any updates to the system as the years go on we push out to all of our clients through the software at no additional cost that is included in the contract as well as far as our state do you know the number of counties that have come on board so County wise um in Florida we don't have a county um municipality wise we at believe it's 9 now um most recent being uh dun Eden Florida Winter Haven Florida Boon Beach Del R Beach um Lin Haven Florida uh we're in the process shortlisted with Escambia County for a presentation and decision tomorrow as well uh and then I've been working with Leon County and their Public Works director and County engineer to um move forward with an option as well so terms of counties we don't have any but that's why we're working with Jason and Scott yes Noah absolutely um to reiterate uh my sales director reminded me um we've been running a live pilot with pul County Florida who won the s award in pavment preservation last year um that's where we're looking at the information here and then Key West Florida is another client of ours as well thank you any other questions from the board thank you very much absolutely thank you guys thank you um next on the agenda is madam Madam chair if I may uh just so we have Direction going forward um does the board we we'd like to get consensus from the board to move forward and continue talks with Aon and his team and possibly bring the item back to the board as an action item in the future is that is that the direction we need to take was the uh suggested you know to continue talks with him and then continue doing some research I know that he said they did best practices and they're establishing other um right now not in other counties yet but some other cities but just do our due diligence with the you know the history piece and perhaps check and see what funding is out there that we may be eligible for if there's any Grant great F I don't what about the other as for myself I I would in this situation I would definitely rely on Mr dods to uh you know to advise us I mean you're you're the road department Jason and you know more about roads than anybody in this room so I would definitely rely on you if you think that's something that would definitely help us and um especially you know moving forward is to um to protecting the roads we have plus you know which ones we're going to PVE or chip seal or moving forward yes sir and and for all of you uh obviously from everything that I've seen in the several meetings I've had with them I feel confident about what their product is and you know there's been talks from some Commissioners about looking at roadbotics and some of those different uh technology pieces like they have um this was probably one of the most affordable ones I've I've come up with so far and we've spent a lot of time meeting with them and uh you know it's it's easy for me to come in here and say what I feel is the worst and you know but when I come in with supportive data that shows you that it's not what Jason's picking this is the real deal and it's up to the commission to align the you know you know those roadways so that would be my recommendation and I think commissioner dhy brought up a really good point in terms of the the curve and the long-term cost savings that it would offer us I believe we could easily recoup the cost over the years uh by virtue of that Al and I think one thing it it also eliminates um you know historically it's always been I need a road paved in my District or you know you did the last three in your District I need one in my district and this is prioritizing the work that needs to be done and I think that uh again it just takes all of that out of it and it leaves it to the data that's provided to absolutely I would I my I guess word or Vote or not vote but the consensus would be that we do move forward with further discussion yes sir M I'm I agree okay all right very good we'll uh we'll do some more due diligence and bring it before you again either the next meeting or the first meeting in July and maybe even um if we could reach out to some of those other municipalities and counties and just see how well that uh service has been provided and the performance of yeah okay okay okay good sure yes e yes if we could incorporate that in into our discussion as far as you know just the references and things like that I think that' be helpful yes sir we'll do thank you anything okay thank you is that good yes ma'am okay that's all right moving on to items um seven cons um considering the closure for the county office um on the 19th of June for June 10th or Friday um July the 5th um or the day after Independence move to approve I have a motion by commissioner Dy second by to approve both days yes okay yes move to approve that item all right both days juneth and July okay any further discussion all sign all right any post all right um moving right along on the clerk's report we have nothing to report Madam uh just makeing sure you could hear me uh we look to have the estimate from the property appraiser no later than probably the first week of July and we'll know what we're looking at then okay that lur taxes that is okay thank you our Sheriff Smith okay and our County Manager thank you madam chair just wanted to uh briefly talk about the Florida city and county Managers Association annual conference that was held last week in Orlando uh it was a um probably one of the best I've been to I've been to six of them now and I had the opportunity to attend a a keynote session with Steven cvy if you've ever heard of him and his father but it was a uh very informative had an opportunity to network with other city and county managers all across the state and uh had some really really good breakout sessions and it was all uh all time well spent so later this month we have another annual conference coming up the Florida Association of counties um I believe it's the last week in in the month uh and I know three of the Commissioners will be attending so we're looking forward to that and uh more opportunities to collaborate and and uh network with our with our peers and our other counties uh and I know commissioner dhy is U engaged with the small County Coalition and looking forward to to being a part of that so other than that Madam chair that's all I have okay thank you um for our County attorney Mr Rock Bradley thank you Madame chair I have nothing to report thank you and um commissioner comment yes I'm very excited um Thursday will be our first countywide Employee Appreciation Day and um we're going to start serving the the food will be ready around 11:30 and um so we're going to bring our our County employees in let them sit down and enjoy a great meal and I just just want to say thank you to the sheriff um he has been so helpful in this he's offered his great cook group and um um major McKinley has been uh such an asset um she helped make flyers for us and get everything set up so without them um we'd be lost but uh I think it's going to be a great day and for the first time we'll have a chance to look at our our staff face to face and say thank you for the job that you do um so many times um the jobs in the county they they think that it's unimportant but you shut one of those offices down for a week and you see just how important it really is everything they do in this County keeps this County going everybody um and it's just it's time we say thank you and just do just a little something for them for a couple hours in a day so thank you sheriff for your help yes they do and I just with the board um I'm probably going to be there around 10:30 just to try to get a help to help set up stuff it'll probably already be done but anyway just to try to help in any way but um if y'all would like to help serve I I think that would be something that that we should do is to serve our employees so and with that if any other questions about it or all right looking forward to it and thank you game Sheriff Mr th said he had nothing um Mr Dy yeah I have a client meeting Thursday so I will not be here but Sheriff if you'd like to bring me a meal up to Jacksonville i' certainly no but thank you that's that's all I have commissioner ready yes uh just one thing um um I thank everyone for being here but uh just uh a reminder uh June 6th uh and 19 1944 80 years ago is uh D-Day and that's when we storm Normandy and um I I tell you what the you know it's um it's it's good to remember the sacrifices that men and women in this country have made just so we can be in meetings like this and uh so anyway that's uh 80 years uh this Thursday just want to bring that up thank you all right and M my turn um I I wish to acknowledge and um Miss Mosley has sent it but they had a um a science stem program held at Hampton School so they actually brought a bus from Gainesville so that the children can learn and engage in the importance of Science and explore that area and that's that's a commendable thing anytime that we can Enlighten our students in our school system is wonderful and just um also just a um reminder that this summer as the school is out many of the locations are going to be offering meals so no kid has to go hungry during the summer so there are going to be many um locations where the the kids can get uh Fed so uh appreciation to the school board and to all who put that together as well um also um um I guess I and I wanted to commend the the board for their approval of the juneth program for this year and God bless you um the um we're looking so um diligently at our budget and getting all that information so that we can make the best informed decision regarding the budget for this year so um I'm also encouraging and asking our board um to um to begin to hold like a town hall so that the people from the community can ask questions about our our need for uh fire assessment so they can get some of those questions asked and get some input from them and so I um spoke with the man about the possibility of of setting up a town hall a big town hall at the U Conference Center that way we're getting early input and feedback and answering some of those question and being able to explain uh why we need to do what we need to do um so just asking for you know support and consensus from the board to do that um and just um Mr car he reminded us of the conference that's coming up so making sure that um if you can attend with that we do and also remind you that we have to get a ethics training each year so this summer will be the time to do that um and then I have a special I guess a special request as we're looking at our budget looking at is there anything that we're doing that we don't have to do is there any duplication of any kind of services uh look at our vehicles uh if we can do an inventory of the vehicles that we have available how they're assigned who they're assigned to are there opportunities where we don't have to necessarily purchase a vehicle I spoke to the Sher if they have extra Vehicles maybe these are some things that our different County workers could use and we wouldn't have to go out and purchase something else so looking at all of those little minute details and seeing where we can cut or reduce our budget or our our spendings um and looking for some ways in which we can begin to look at reducing our millage um uh for our citizens in Brett County that's you reminded me of one thing when you made your ethics comment yes do not forget about your form six for six is due July 1st or by jly 1 so and it's an online exercise commissioner spener yes sir I just want to catch it for you um called uh regarding the dirt road subdivisions uh Mr Bradley was here was here a couple months ago and was going to get on um checking into an ordinance outlaw dirt road subdivisions and just we never heard anything else about it I was checking in okay so Mr Andrews is working with the uh uh planning Council to to get that resolved okay and I just wanted to thank our board and working together and and trying to move our County forward okay thank you and if there's nothing more for the B of the order this meeting is now adjourned