e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ready to start our meeting so everyone could take your seat if you have your cell phones put please put it on vibrate or silence if there's any comment cards that I have not received if you can bring those up quickly for me and appreciate it welcome everyone here this morning it is 9 9:30 the bre County Board of County Commissioners um meeting for April TW April the 2nd 2024 is now called to order you stand up and we would do the invocation and pledge of allegion heavenly father we are so gracious to you dear Lord for allowing us to be here today we thank you dear Lord for loving us so that you gave your only begotten son that we might all be saved dear Lord we re serve a risen savior who loves us dearly dear Lord and let us learn to share that love with one another dear Lord we are grateful for everyone that is here today um Lord we ask that um you give us a p por of your wisdom today as we carry out our agenda today may we do it in a manner that is pleasing to you and beneficial to our community we ask this in Jesus name amen flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty justice for all good morning again um we have public comments and as you're coming to do your public comments if you would um maybe pull the mic as close to you as possible and speak loudly into it that people who are listening to us online can't hear us and so we need to be able to project our voices and we'll ask the Commissioners if you would do likewise okay and the first one to come for our one note um commissioner Thompson is not here today and so we have our four board members present um Mr Dr steel is going to come with comments Paul still 14167 Southwest at 1001st Avenue start um back to talk to you again about Cyprus run uh starting off with some real positive things the hog carcasses have been removed the uh area was graded and it looks really good they did some uh additional mowing so that's very positive the fact that it's on your agenda for an extension this morning is also very positive uh switching over to my more negative side now I think it's really important uh to recognize that I think you're out of money on the grant or very close to being out of money and there's a potential source of money out there maybe uh it looks like the GR paid $5,000 to East Andy Easton uh for Management Services and I emailed you the invoice and the check uh there's no real description of what work was performed for that 5,000 and I think it's worth going into a little bit of an investigation to see whether in fact there was work performed for the the the the grant now they helped with the application but they're not allowed to build for the application work so I would urge you to to take a look at that to see whether there's some money there the other issue I think is that it's still out there I don't believe the design that drmp has produced is permittable and I'd urge you to think about uh going to another engineering firm that you have under contract to have them evaluate that that to make sure that you're proceeding with a permittable uh project and uh even if that may cost a little bit of money out of uh commission funds it's probably worthwhile knowing that you at the end have a permittable uh project and that you can then move on to the construction phase because and I think what's really key is to have a much simpler boat ramp there what de P designed is a very high-end boat ramp it's not something you really need there it's the people who are driving going to the lake with their big bass boats probably don't want to go down the lime rock rough road with their boats it's very narrow uh they're going to go to the normal boat ramp but people who were using smaller boats uh kayaks canoes this would be an i the Cyprus runboat ramp would be ideal for them and if you go with the simpler form you don't need to do any Dr ing you just go in clean out the old canal and one key is to actually use what's called perious parking uh so that you don't need a retention Pond and that totally reduces the costs uh makes it much more environmentally friendly and uh probably easier to fund because you don't have as big a pot of money needed from uh FWC to fund the project so it's a there's great potential there but I think you need to take action we've got a whole hopefully a whole almost a whole year now to take those actions but time goes by very quickly thank you all right thank you Dr steel um and next we have the uh Hospice of Florida um and Cody Carter welcome um Cody Carter 501 Riverside Avenue and Jackson Florida 32202 um we are coming today um to speak with you about a new hospice um certificate of need that has been opened up by the agency for healthcare administration um it covers about nine counties um including Bradford County um Hospice of Florida currently operates out of Jacksonville and covers Duval Baker clay um Nassau in St John's so we would be actually extending over into this area part of the application process for the certificate of need is that we have to have letters of support from the surrounding areas that are encompassed in this service area so Bradford County and Union County and some of the other counties surrounding here um we have been coming into the counties to speak with the actual residents and the Border County Commissioners because there are going to be about 10 different hospices that apply for this certificate of need um they don't necessarily come into each of the counties to find out what the health care gaps are in those counties but that is what we are choosing to do we have to write different conditions that we are going to meet uh for the state and tell them how we are going to help these counties with these Health Care gaps um so we have come to each one of the counties to find out what their healthare gaps are um so we can help WR our own conditions for certificate of need so it's a a best fit situation for the county and the residents of this County and for hospice we don't want to come in like other hospices have and have an office in another large city and send staff in we want to be able to hire locally and have the the the staff live in the actual Community where they're caring for the patients we have um secured a an agreement with University of Florida shans that we will have an inpatient unit there um but we will also be trying to set up a satellite office um aside from our main office that's going to be in Gainesville so we're trying to pick the communities that we can benefit the most so at this time what we need in order to apply is letters of support um saying that you would feel that having another hospice would come come into your county would be beneficial to your residents um in in the community we want to be embedded in these communities we don't want to just be sending people from Jacksonville or Gainesville or wherever to come in to care for and we want this to be your your residence seeing that okay does the board have any questions or comment from Miss Miss Carter all right thank thank you so much and next on the agenda is the approval of our consent agenda um but uh Mr um conate is going to um um speak on item H and I want to just also ask under e f and g if we can have a a just a brief discussion uh regarding those I remember last year when we awarded the the grant to to um this particular group one of the things that we said that we would have a um a closer monitoring of the process to make sure that the quality of the buildings were good uh were upst standard and I'm not sure if that process has happened um and I don't know um Madam shair yes Miss Kelly was that Florida Holmes or was that another contractor I think so yeah it was not this one okay then I'm good all right okay I'm good thank you thank you for clarifying that okay and Mr car you want to speak to H yes ma'am I I just wanted to make a clarification on item H we still need board approval for the modification of the contract but the dollar amount you see there 2100 and change is uh that is being paid by contractor so those are not County funds being expended all right noting any comments from Mr carneg and the clarification um that we have on this um the housing do we have approval for the consent agenda make motion to cons agenda motion by commissioner adoring is there a second second by commissioner Andrews any question discussion all in favor by the sign I I um this is for o knowing noting that Mr Thompson is absent thank you um item four is the um resolution of the braic County Board of County Commission um regarding the expenditures of the state Housing Initiative do you want to speak to that all right um a resolution of the board of County commissioners of Bradford County Florida regarding the expenditure of State House Housing Initiative partnership ship funds on Community Development block grant cdbg eligible activities within the town limits of the town of Brooker so that such funds may be used as leverage for the town of brooker's federal fiscal year 20232 24 Florida small cities cdbg housing Rehabilitation Grant application providing an effective date and Madam chair uh Mr cidy is here if you have any questions regarding the resolution okay um any questions from the vote on the resolution Miss Kennedy do you want to speak to that thank you just concerning this resolution we've been approached by the town of burer to do a match of 25,000 which is in our budget um for the be committed for 2324 for their Grant this is just to help them further the grant for the housing of Bradford County and this would help to improve the housing need in the Brooker area yes ma'am y okay all right hearing the explanation um we have a motion for approval I make a motion that we approve it as readed okay and is there second second by commissioner dhy any further questions or discussion all in favor to sign I I any oppos for all thank you item five is the gas tax project and consideration of the adding the one4 mile for 1/4 Mile sections of road as the gas tax project items um 1 through four and also five Madame chair um Mr dods had a had a something he had to attend to so he's not here right now to explain these but this is just uh for consideration of the board to add these four quarter mile uh stretches of Road um whether or not you want to consider approval of of adding them to the gas tax project list I believe they're in your District yes yeah there are and these were requested at last fall and basically with the consensus of the board that we had agreed to those last year um and so we're asking for the um official approval of having those those are quarter mile they all have millings and in desperate need of of Paving and then the fifth one is a quar a mile on Southeast 17 yes ma'am I believe that's in commissioner dh's District yeah now if you wanted to you could uh we could delay this move it down the agenda and Mr dod's he's coming back he should be back any minute so if you have more questions uh we can delay it until he he gets here or you can go ahead and take action now okay I do know that these very much need to be done and um were considered last fall so what's the wishes of the board I'd like to delay the conversation until Mr DOD returns okay all right um we'll hold until Mr DS returns um so there Madam chair may I just ask one question yes Mr corn may know we're accepting our these roads are County Roads private roads these a county All County Roads yes ma'am okay m that's all M CH yes if I just may uh make a couple of comments from finances perspective if the board does approve this if at a later time we could get the cost estimates for these so that way we know what to extract from our main gas tax fund to be able to put into these individual projects so if you approve that today that's um that's fine if we could just make sure at a later time we get the cost estimates for um um for your approval so that way we can make sure we put in the budget appropriately okay um so I guess we will need to maybe delay um the BNC as well uh until he comes Madam chair M rhen would it make more sense if we got all those estimates together before we approve these yes sir I think so let me just make one comment and not speaking for Mr uh J but um I I believe these are just on approval and then they have to come back just like Item B and C to get approval to go to uh engineering because all these have to have engineering on them that's correct it will have to come back before the board for approval after the price yeah and that's why Item B is already on here um for the engineering approval of the Southeast 17 so really really as far as what I'm from talking with uh Mr dods is items 1 through four is just to you know consider approval to even put on our list to move forward with paven um and I don't know if the board Rec recalls um last fall um these streets were um brought brought up um because I think at that time M um commissioner reic had asked for um um the chip ceiling or the chip ceiling on the one of the roads and then at that same meeting these all these four were also um requested for um for the paving but we can wait until Mr darts come but they have been on the outstanding list for 30 years and so they are contining to deteriorate U continuing um to cost with labor and they very much need to be done they're only a quarter of a mile and all four rows together is equivalent to a mile um but we'll we'll wait until they come and Madam chair and Mr corn as part of that discussion you and I talked a little bit about this but I would like to discuss the uh the options of going with the chip seal um just as uh commissioner Reddit can tell you over in his district we did a road over there and I can't think of the roads because it's your District but Southeast fth yeah and and that was about seven years ago and I was on that road last week and that road has really held up well and so if if we're going to continue to go down this path of where we're wanting to pave all these roads which as you all know I'm I'm against that but uh anyway um that we go with a more uh I I guess a more effective you cost approach uh to looking at these roads and see what the difference is going to be between uh chip seal on a road that like you said is a quarter of a mile long versus you know actually going out and Paving so you know what would the cost difference be on those so would like to you know take a look at that and then so like I said if we do have some other roads that you know are in question that we'd like to improve that we're going with a a more effective cost approach in doing so so that we get more bang for our buck so and again I I know there's a lot that goes into that you know as far as with the engineering drainage things like that that you know could uh you know the road might not perform as well as the ones out at the lake but like I said I'm really impressed at how that Road's held up out there okay yes we can we can certainly do that did Jason specify I mean what he was going to do here with these roads the intent I think the original intent was to do do full scale Paving okay but and and that was the indication that Mr Dawn had given to me during the last year that these four little roads would be paved um for this next year um they continue to have to do continuous maintenance on them and we have to and I appreciate what commissioner dhy is saying about being cost effective um um and one of the things that delayed the paving during the previous year was the um the asphalt that they were getting was substandard and so they had to wait to get a better quality um asphalt so that that would be uh longlasting [Music] um and I know that on Southeast 11th and I think that's like a 2 point two two mile um Long Street and uh and that's why they were going with initially were going to go with the chip ceiling because it was more expensive but I appreciate what um Mr dhy is is is saying but those short streets that are throughways for a lot of traffic from the from the prison um from 200b over to 225 um and it's those areas are are frequently used by heavy traffic Miss buner just just so I can I guess emphasize what I'm trying to say is that with these roads the the more roads that we continue to pave the more maintenance we have down the road okay so what I'm looking for is a more cost-effective approach to some of these smaller roads so that we can still use gas tax funds to take care of these collector roads that come into the city or that are more traveled um and for instance you know I know that some of these roads on the weekends like where there's collection sites there's just you know constant traffic back and forth back and forth back and forth not two trips a day per house that equals about 16 trips so again I'm just trying to figure out how we stretch these dollars out to where a road that's 15 years old that can take a little bit of Maintenance now and last another 10 years versus building a new road and then having to maintain all of our roads and not having enough money to go back in that 15th Year and be able to put just a little bit of money into that road to continue to have it function properly so again it's just a matter of you know stretching those dollars out because we don't have a lot of them okay and none of these that are on the um the four or cons collection site roads I wouldn't consider them like collector type roads I wouldn't consider I mean it again when I say that like a you know County Road 229 or a County Road 2 25 um you know the roads that are you know bringing you know more people into the city or out to the bypass you know just a more heavily traveled road so okay um that's that's just really you know where I think that um we just need to examine that because again like I said the the the life of a road you know again if you if you're getting 15 years and it starts to deteriorate you put a little bit of money into it and then it goes up and then you know you got another 10 years out of it versus every Road in the county that we're having to maintain and then we get to a point to where even these little roads are hard to maintain because we still have to maintain the roads that are again more heavily trapped okay Mr DOD you're on the hot seat uh we're discussing item five the gas tank project so I'd like for you to come to the podium please and on this um list of Northeast 213 and 17 20 to 23 those are areas um one quarter roads that are in my area that have milling and have continually been a problem for the last 25 30 years and so I know last year in the fall these were roads that were being would be considered with the gas tax money because they were not eligible for DOT projects as let's say the 49th and some of the others um um High um well streets in our community um I know at that time um Southeast Lance was being requested for chip seal but because that company is not available now we're asking for it to be pav as well yes ma'am the actual Southeast 11 it's not that the company's not available the company gave us a deliverable that they're unable to deliver which is why it's been pulled because they're they're saying the base isn't um firm enough for that um as far as these other four roads that got added the Northeast 17th Northeast 20th noreast 223 and noreast 213th at this point the only thing we're asking permission for is to go out and get the cost estimates for the permitting and Engineering work and then that will have to come back before the board to go to the next step as Northeast or Southeast 17th and Southeast 11 are if so we can't give an estimate right now no ma'am I cannot okay you you can't give an estimate now because they have to have the engineering study but we can consider those as gas type gas tag projects yes ma'am that is correct okay um but the first step in that is to go out and see our consultant and seek that fee of what it's going to cost to get that permit the the amount of engineering that will be required to do that and then I'll have that cost estimate to bring back just as we did with projects Madam chair Mr dods my request uh was that we look at these projects just like we did out at me Southeast F Southeast 16th I'm sorry I told you Southeast fed but Southeast 16th one's out at uh I don't think he was here them but the ones that uh I think it was pave right yeah Southeast 16th I'm sorry Southeast 16th and Pumpkin Patch Road where Southeast 30th yes ma'am yes sir yeah yeah where we got the uh the chip seal on those yes sir and uh and it's and it like M commissioner do said it's held up really really good so and and and that's a very good question commissioner daughter brought up is since these roads are so short will we be better off seeing if we can find another company that does Chip seal to look at chip seal on these short roads to that way we have more money left in our budget to to do the other ones when to do more roads no and that's definitely an option we have and it does it's a cost savings to the county and and it retains some of that funds in the gas tax it it's going to ultimately require I've got to go out and have that base checked to make sure that it's going to be applicable for that um and then we'll be fine with it if we have the the proper base on it and they'll be able to do it it would be the same company or whoever gets the contract would be the ones that do it but there's people out there that do do that and it does save quite a bit of Permitting and Engineering fees and and that was my request just to you know look at the the approach of you know an alternative if we're able to save some money and then stretch those dollars out to go back into the roads that need maintenance that are already paid you know County Roads well and absolutely and and that brings up a great point and it's something that I've been watching on my radar is you know we have a detour that we're out of we don't have no control over by the state of Florida and they destroy our road like they did the one in Graham that runs you know from 18 to the alach county line if it wasn't for gas tax we' have been in a Vine but we were able to fix that road with gas TX so I just want to keep in mind that we do need to have us buffer there and just for my clarification Mr DS um for projects that can be applied to the Department of Transportation is it only County Roads or any Street that's paved in our County because I I was under impression that 49th was one of those dot projects 49th in southeast it yes ma'am it was a DOT project so there's certain requirements that we have to meet one one of the newest ones is the 60 foot a rideway so if we don't have 60 foot a rideway you automatically don't qualify okay so if it's our street and it has 60 ft then it could potentially um okay yes ma'am okay and and the reason for asking that I'm thinking about places like the Northwest 177 unpleasant growth places like that would be eligible for do yes ma'am and there's already some dot funding for 177th currently for the sidewalk project which I believe uh is going to include the resurfacing of 177 okay and and board I I and Mr dhy we don't always agree on the paving piece but I appre appreciate what you're saying but I I want our board to begin to see how the improvements and our roadway impact our Economic Development because if we're wanting people to move here businesses to move here we have to do something so that we have safe roads because it impacts the health safety and our development in the community so we we have to look at um doing that because it creates a lot of work for you when we don't have a Paving or chip sealing roads because the roads erode and then you guys have to come and keep maintaining and keeping those guys out there all day yes ma'am and that's that's one of the biggest things we have to look at when we're looking at how to spend this gas tax whether that be widening the road adding guard rail for you know uh box covers different things like that Bridges um there there's more to it than us just Paving we've got to keep all that in mind because that's something that does qualify and so my my last question to you then you would uh have the engineering to come and look at 213 1720 and 223 to give a a cost yes ma'am okay can we bring that back to the next board yes ma'am we should be able to get that done if it's not the uh the last meeting in April it'll be the first meeting in May uh um I think that answers my questions any other for the board um so at this time we just need to approve um item a okay and then that way you can go out and get us prices for the engineering paven and also get us estimates to um look into do them in chip sell is that correct we won't be a be approving them for Paving we'll be approving to get estimates for both for Paving and for the four roads the other two I've already got the engineering and permitting fee and that's what we're so that I can come back with the total cost of the project yeah that so for one through four but then number five is on Item B so does that mean that that that um Southeast 17th cannot be chip sealed that it's best to put pavement on that that's why you got it on here for the yes there's nothing there currently other than dirt okay so it it needs that one does need to be paid yes sir that's the best it would have to have l Rock placed there and then asphalt on top of it right so your chip your um your melon base there is not sufficient just to do chip seal on that rad no on you're talking about 17th 17th no sir it's it's similar I drove it yesterday to look at it and it has a combination of the Milling similar to what um I guess um two 219 has yeah the problem problem is if if your millings aren't able to be compacted back to where they're tight and firm and they're unraveling like they currently are in the current condition the chip seal will not bond to that so then they separate okay all right so all four of those streets will fall into that category yes ma'am we'll look at what the best option is okay so at this time we're asking for approval for Mr dods to get the engineering cost and also um what would be the cost for BNC basically um you got the engineering cost but what would be the cost to actually pave or or chip seal correct yes ma'am okay I'm sure yes um Jason down here on BNC where you have you do have an estimate already this is for um like this one is for Southeast 17th you have 16,250 yes ma'am that is actually to design the plans and to get the permit from Water Management District okay and the other one Southeast 11 is 46,000 now they're longer than a quarter the are these two longer than a quarter of a mile 17th is I don't have my notes in front of me but it's it's long longer than a quarter mile but it's not as long as Southeast 11 how do you know how far Southeast 11 is it's 2 miles 2 miles okay I was just looking to see what we would be facing with the others so yes ma'am and on commissioner Andrews and those just for the engineering cost but not the actual cost for doing the the paving yes ma'am that way we can build it into our plan okay so do we have to make a motion yes um him to yes we'd have to make a motion for the to get the estimates for the engineering for the four and then uh for the approval of the engineering cost for the BNC and for them to go back and get a cost uh estimate for actual payment or do we do these one at a time or yes ma'am you'll want to you'll want to treat a b and c separately okay want to go ahead okay okay I'll make a motion that um we approved prove a for Jason to go out and get estimates and um look at which one would be more best suit yes yes ma'am for both Paving and we have a second I'll second that second by um motion by commissioner Andrew second by commissioner Dy in the question discussion all in favor sign I and the oppose 40 okay and then um for b um go ahead just um make a motion to for the approval of of letter B for the um CH for professional Consulting Services for the paving of Southeast 17th at 16,250 okay this will be the engineering cost for the consulting fee and then request to get a cost estimate for the actual Paving or chip sealing yes ma'am is that your motion yes okay all right is there a second to the motion you second second motion by commissioner Andrew second by commissioner reic any further question or discussion yes I do um so on that one you you've already said that that one would not be um you you can't chip seal 17 no sir that so you just be coming back for a price with pavement on that correct okay okay okay any further questions all in favor all all okay for um and C um approval for the proposal chw professional consant for this is for Southeast 11th um you want to make I have a motion for someone to uh ask for a motion for approval for the engineering um consultant cost and for them to go out and seek the cost for the actual work or Paving you make the motion for that okay motion by commissioner Andrews second second by commissioner ready all in favor any F the question discussion and Mr dods on that one uh same as 17th you're not able to chip seal that one so that's why you're moving forward with yeah that was actually the one that we um prepared for them to chip seal and then their schedule got changed and they didn't get there in time and then the the base unraveled and they didn't feel comfortable placing the chip seal on it board I'll just make a comment this road here has got me in a lot of trouble because we went out there with ason we met we met with the U chip seal company we rode up and down the road we told them everything we wanted they came back with a price as you know the board approved it I told my constituents out there that hey I was all excited the road's going to be paved the road department went out there and unfortunately busted up all the hard uh packed millings that was on one section to get it ready for the chip sill company the chip so company kept delaying delaying delaying all that stuff unraveled then they come back and they wanted what was an extra 235,000 to for the project on top of what they already told us and you know and like I said as all because they didn't come out do what they were supposed to now I got a road out there that is all unraveled they have to grade it at least once a week uh people are calling and complaining because we told them it was going to get done so it's just turned into an absolute Nightmare and um like I said that no fault of the board or myself or Jason or anybody else but the the company just didn't do what they said they were going to do and uh if we would have known they weren't going to do it we would have never ever went in there and busted up that the millings that was hard packed and ready to go you know and unless they you know we' have never done that because it's just done nothing but caus us at a and problems anyway that's just a little explanation Mr do you've answered that question and while you're standing there put you on the spot um last night I had the uh fortunate pleasure of attending the ly uh city council meeting and um some of the constituents from Northeast 17th and um was it 17 and 223 are asking for you all to come out um their road is in horrible those roads are in horrible shape yes ma'am we'll add it for the last um if I had an oversight uh we did have a motion in a second on that we did say all in favor by the sign I believe I I okay any oppos none um so if you would we'll add it to the list yes ma'am yes thank you all right um Mr clerk um Madam we don't have anything to report from the clerk's office but I did want to ask the board about one particular subject you've approved three dirt road subdivisions in the last three years since I've been in office and these are what they don't say Private Road they say ease me so that's going to be a numbered road one day like Riverbend and I would just ask you entertain with the county attorney prohibiting dirt road subdivision Klay County prohibited them 40 years ago the next thing they'll do they go to flag Lots that's why they didn't click in need to prohibit flag Lots where they have 10 20 foot easements going down to 10 you know 12 different Parcels of property but these are just creating future problems so go ahead and attack it now and try to to shut it down and say if you're going to build a subdivision he had the OT acceptable roads and then Le them to the county I I actually ask if we could do that when yes the last one and I think I was told we couldn't clay County's prohibited any more than one lot men on a driveway for the last 40 years but like you said it's nothing but a huge future problem right for y'all I mean they're going to come to y'all and say fix my road fix my road but yeah it's not our road and if there is something that we can do um I would strongly recommend that that we do that um yes ma'am we'll uh we'll get together with the county attorney and and see if we can draft something to put before you okay anything else Mr clerk it's budget time budget and so have you come up with some U proposed St for workshops we're gonna we haven't because we're taking in the consideration the the um fire rescue assessment and different things we just have no idea where we sit right now okay but we'll we just look at last year and say okay we're going pretty much like last year okay but we'll we'll do some future budget workshops is when you have a better handle on kind of what we're looking at yes yeah the clerk has given us a a timeline of dates that we you know we have a schedule we we know when we have to have certain things done by and will'll schedule workshops whatever those workshops look like I need to we need to figure that out um at the appropriate time okay and just for the for the board and I thank Rachel and Amanda for just clarifying it for me so our Tuesday September the 3D meeting which we have scheduled at 5:30 it says before the commission meeting we meet in that morning we'll have our regular board meeting that morning and then we'll have the budget in the evening okay shair yes commission do we have a date set with the consultant that that he's going to come and no ma'am we do not have a firm date from him uh Chief Carter and I and Amanda and I met with him last week I believe and the it seemed it seemed like at that time they were about two weeks out so I expect to hear something from them um you know with a final analysis sometime next week maybe the end of next week and then we'll schedule them to come at whatever the next Commission meeting is okay all right any other questions for the clerk all right um Sheriff Smith come before did we get the thumb drive was able to get the PowerPoint set up yes sir before we get into that I wanted to take a little moment to brag on director Brad wit and his staff that uh and his team he put together together last week the Bradford countyy Sheriff's Office completed the level one review of the Florida sheriff's Association professional recognition program this program is designed to recognize Sheriff's offices for their commitment and progress to achieving accredited status through the Florida commission for law enforcement accreditation never been done in this before had uh lot of hard work but thanks to combined efforts of our Sheriff's Office accreditation committee the braford County Sheriff's Office expects to receive our level one award at the next Florida sheriff's Association conf conference this summer and that's basically make sure we have all the right and proper policies and procedures in place moving forward through the accreditation process it's a big step we've worked on it for over a year and uh at the direction of director Brad wit has led this team meeting U getting them approved make sure we're meet our policies and procedures meet the standard for this accreditation process step two will be the the physical aspect of it we meet all those standards and some other policies that will have to come into place and then the third step will that they actually come on site and they spend a couple of weeks with us to make sure that not only are we follow you know that we have them that we're also following them and that all your employees understand what that accreditation process is and that we're living up to those standards we' have put in place not only that we have them that we're actually committed to them so that's that's a big step that's the huge hurdle in the beginning so I want to give a thank you to them our our annual report it's a little little lengthy uh not lengthy but a little uh late in the year for us no more but Zach Jones who puts this together for us his uh he is now the proud father of a new little baby girl but uh we called him up and he actually was willing I don't know he jumped up and said yeah I got to kid in and get that finished and left he he he left his uh six weeks early to come back to work I think about two weeks into changing diapers he he realized that uh he wanted to come back in and get this finished up so kudos to him he puts This Together uh for us basically you'll see flip next page you got there to follow along it just gives all the Constitutional officer my little message but the next page is all the Constitutional so people we pass this out in our town hall meetings and and our chair chair lady Miss Spooner is is stayed on top of make sure we set those dates um in regards to that you're you'll have all those for the Commissioners to have when we set those Town Hall meetings and a lot of lot of photos and pictures of things that we do we went over our current budget personal services the $6.5 million operating expenses 1.3 1.4 Capital outlay to bring our current budget to8 8, 108,000 of that we have 784 almost 785,000 in Grants and we brought in $538,000 in M8 Revenue our Patrol Division um basically calls for service was 42431 that was an increase of 8,000 calls for service compared to the previous year traffic enforcement we got them down there traffic stops you'll see in 2022 we had 8,460 traffic stops that's increased to 10,940 of that uh 6,728 were warnings not every traffic stop issues is like I say most of it's educational uh and doing traffic stops we did write 1,624 traffic citation which is well more than double what we had the previous year uh the bypass accounts for a lot of that a lot of those things come into our license plate readers that we have strategically placed throughout the county it's almost I call it fishing in a barrel it tells you when that tag comes through there if the you know the the registered owner has a warrant registered owner doesn't have a driver's license if someone's missing stolen vehicle it's led to a lot of other things productivity so um that's really increased our offense reports for 2023 was 1,764 that's actually written reports so you can say it several a day theft reports were down from 2022 to 115 burglaries were up from 20122 which was 107 our missing runaway juveniles children of those type things were down from 45 to 39 our domestic batteries were up a few from 176 to 184 our fraud reports went from 64 to 91 a lot of that's social media online we're getting getting a lot of that these days so be careful what you do online and use a credit card not a debit card uh for any of your online stuff funeral escorts as you can see the way funerals are being conducted it's it's different now it's uh from 2022 and they keep decreasing each year we're down to 51 funeral escorts for 20 a lot of them are doing the Ser you know viewing prior to the service a lot more cremations than actual burials so a lot of different things go into that our civil process um in regards to that public record request 438 criminal history background checks 1,666 property lean queries is 1998 that comes through code enforcement people want to check make sure there's no lean or anything on property before they purchase it employment fingerprinting 202 code enforcement investigations 350 Court civil process paper served from the courts 2776 our school protection unit I'm going through rather quickly but for time sake but our school protection unit which I'm very proud of uh there's one in every school it it keeps our calls down not only that what we realized when we started doing the school protection deputies our conflicts with parents and teachers administrators way down because now they know there's a deputy on campus a lot of that venting Raising Cane showing yourself has really decreased on our schools our school fights are down all that kind of stuff because you have that law enforcement there but not only that our school guard Guardians and you know in that school Guardian program you have armed administrators teachers uh Educators throughout the system and we have them in every school so they're there in pling clothes you wouldn't know it it's not a public record they do the training and through diligent work of again uh director Brad wood is involved with that and Sean Bergen Lieutenant Bergen from the school system they write a grant and that's all been covered through the grant process of outfitting we purchased the weapons the badges the training every 3 months they have eight additional hours of training that all these Guardians must go through so that their training is kept updated inmate work squads our next sheet we get to that what inmate work squads are at let me see here I skip something okay inmate work Crews we have four different inmate work Crews who worked a total of 12,370 hours in 20123 Saving the taxpayers thousands of dollars along with maintaining a plethora of County facilities and Landscapes the work Crews assist with set up and tear down for multiple festivals and functions some of the projects they completed including painting the county jail painting and Landscaping at different schools during the summer and building roofs over kennels and rerouting drainage for sanitation purposes at the animal shelter or Animal Service when you look down there for a couple of full-time employees and a part-time employee you look down they had over 2,000 calls for service 74 of which were after hour hours they worked 33 bite cases and took in over 1,400 animals that's that's quite a bit of work for a small facility uh for our animal control facility our judicial Services you can see down there um and just going over what they do many other events proceedings our Judicial Service oversaw 1,169 felony 1,686 misdemeanor hearings as well as 16 trials 644 total transports that's about two a day on average transporting when they're incarcerated you got to get them bring them they're arrested on outstanding warrants those have to be brought in and they have to go get them they had 207 arrests amongst theirself and that's a small staff of of three full-time couple of part-time people that work in there and they work with the jail in and out to bring extra staff in when needed for trials and high-risk uh hearings but they had 33 3,450 visitors entering the courthouse throughout the year that doesn't include the tax collector supervisor of elections building and Zoning those those offices that's just the center Hub of the courthouse which is the clerk's office the judges State Attorney and public defender so they're there the sex offender unit in 2023 had 71 sexual predators and 221 sexual offenders were registered and that's because they have to come in and get registered every every few months keep updated what they're driving what they're email addresses are photographs any updates on them they've actually work a lot of different games sporting events they found one at a sporting event this year was able to car take the person into custody they were there where they weren't supposed to be around kids so they we address that well working with Probation and Parole and then we we look at basically we go back um due to the contract with a new telephone vendor inmate calls and video visits increased by 37% with video video calls at 20 cents a minute voice calls at 18 cents a minute through the same company tablets were Acquired and implemented which gives free access to Law Library which is as you would know Miss Andrew is required makes it a little easier instead of bringing them out bring them into a library everything's at their fingertips and educational applications uh working with Santa Fe College and uh the doctor over there that oversees Santa Fe we're working with him come up with some new Pro programs while they're incarcerated through these tablets some educational programs while they're there uh we'll be offering that here hopefully in the the near future uh lowcost entertainment to possibly occupy their time inside their CES there's also an added level of immediate reporting for the priia which is mandated by federal so that at a touch of a button they can can report something through the priia prison rape elimination act when inmate feels threatened or violated but new uniforms are also implemented for correctional officers provided to be more com comfortable and durable and local vendor partnership save 40% of the cost the Jael also underwent required audits including two Florida model jail standards security and medical inspections one announced and now one is mandated by law to be unannounced and a prison rape elimination act audit which is also required every three years these audits are an in-depth look into each standard and practice to ensure that each standard is being met satisfactory in order to pass each audit was completed by different experts in their respective Fields as well as certified inspectors in each case our jail met or exceeded standards with compliments in many areas such as the cleanliness and sanitation attention to inmate needs staff attitude knowledge and use of Technology we averaged a total of 117 detainees daily on average the corrections Division I can't say enough about they do a lot of different things from court security to the court services transports federal inmates oversee and work programs they do an awful lot what major McKinley and her staff do over there and I can tell you when you lay your head down at night as the sheriff it's nice to not have to worry KN that's in good hands so I'm proud of our Corrections Division division uh but they also partnered with the Florida Department of Corrections and organiz and implemented the face it program at the jail for inmates who will get released on probation the goal is to assist them in satisfying all the requirements of their state probation so they do not return to jail on violation additional programs within the jail include AA groups as well as mental health groups that meet regularly another initiative allowed the jail to receive a full supply of of naalone at no cost to our taxpayers through the heroes program this provided all First Responders within the Jael facility with access to this prescription medication res to reverse an opioid overdose people get incarcerated you arrest them they get to the jail they go uhoh I still got this on me someplace they probably shouldn't have stashed it away they get there instead of trying to flush it or get rid of they don't want to get caught they they ingest it we've had those issues now all of our correction staff have access to this Nar Naran which helps through our heroes program uh Emergency Management as it came to a close I can't speak enough director Whit and his staff really do a lot to keep us updated throughout the years just not during Hurricane Season they're on top of it's a major fire through Red Cross and all the different issues that that arise there there uh to organizing what needs to come next setting up command post you know whatever needs to be done they're always there uh they do an actual lot in our County that kind of goes unseen and unheard they're kind of The Quiet Workhorse that provides a lot of stuff criminal investigations in 2023 case breakdown highlights drug investigations we had 139 active drug investigations financial fraud investigations 32 spectum Special Victim investigations child abuse sex crimes those type things we had 78 property crimes 52 for a total case load of 404 those are case that gets forwarded over to investigations if you was to work a shooting in the middle of the night a sexual battery uh child abuse it gets forwarded to the detective division they made 133 arrests out of there with a clearance rate of 86.6% that's about twice the national average or more than twice I should say our Sheriff's Explorer Program these kids are everywhere I say kids young men and young women that they're out there you see it parking details they're working on a lot of functions sporting events ball games I think they're assisting clay County's fair right now as we you know do that process when they need help they get a lot of work and we hire a lot of our kids if they do three years in our program we sponsor them through the academy that has helped diversify our agency and I'm proud of our kids the sheriff's posi uh the represent us throughout the state they've been used for missing missing children throughout the state they load up their volunteers they work sporting events and help keep us safe and then our professional development and training uh as you'll see there ensures that all deputies receive an ongoing training provide professional and effective service to our citizens Public Safety initiatives cannot be met without acquiring and maintaining certain knowledge and skill sets a bcso patrol Deputy must first successfully attend the state accredited Law Enforcement Academy and receive certification that Deputy then receives nine weeks of training from our field training program before being assist assigned to his or her duties continuing bimonthly inservice training is conducted covering a variety of topics throughout the year additionally our deputies are encouraged to receive additional accredited training during the year of 2023 our deputies Reed the following training through our inservice programs first aid Nar which includes the use of Naran which is a medicine delivered to drug overdose patient because majority of the time a deputy arrives first so it's very important and we work with our fire rescue folks to help do a lot of this training safe and efficient firearm handling including Patrol rifle service pistol less lethal shotgun scenario Based training we do have a scenario Based training program which was set up over at the uh Bradford Union Technical College and we do a lot of training there not only our Guardians not only our special deputies but our deputies it is is one of the finest uh training facilities that we have it gives you real life training scenarios uh in that shoot house so it's it's pretty fascinating a lot of those kids do better than we do I can tell you those those kids that are attending a criminal justice program and all and our guys like to slide over there and get to get to use that system and it is pretty fascinating but they do a lot of that uh our our special forces the SWAT team as you hear uh their honor guard aerial drone team our marine Marine team matter of fact I think one of our our our boat is in one of the finalists for uh best equipped outfitted we we got off a grant off through our boat was able to do that so I just want to say thank you for there any questions that's kind of a quick rundown uh of where we're at so far for the year kind of wanted to give you an update status and we'll be doing Town Hall meetings here probably starting next month and trying to go around I'll let each one of the Commissioners know so you can attend in your area we're proud of what we do but we couldn't do without the support of the Commissioners any questions thank you Sheriff Smith and just um like to commend you and your your officers for your coverage right now and covering the um you know whole County yes ma'am we appreciate the work absolutely thank you Sheriff thank you for U I know you have shoot with the sheriff's coming up on April 12 yeah come on out and join us it's a great fundraiser it goes into the Bradford Sheriff Charities Foundation right uh it's a nonprofit so if you make a donation it is a tax write off and a lot of people do that but every dime that we raise there's no Administration fees every one of those checks come straight from whatever's raised goes back into the community whether it be the band whether it be the highq team over the years we've done whether it be softball football basketball tennis Byron Ramer out of our agency does the tennis team uh liutenant uh Sean Bergen coaches the baseball team we're out there truly involved in our community thank you well bless thank you thank you thank you all right thank you Sheriff Smith and at this time we have have have our County Manager report thank thank you madam chair I would like for chief Carter to come up and give us an update on the paramedicine program Madam chair Bo good morning morning um I had the opportunity to work a uh a 24-hour shift yesterday worked on on one of the rescues and um it was it was prettyy eye opening haven't done that a while so uh I'm a little tired this morning that's that's what it's from but uh you know it does speak to sheriff Smith's uh presentation there you know watching it it it was kind of afforded me the opportunity to be essentially an Undercover Boss you know with the other agencies that we interacted with and the hospitals and everything and so um you know he's he's got a great team of professionals out there that we were uh we interacted with you know yesterday evening on on a few calls and so uh just the Partnerships that we have with all the the different departments and agencies to throughout throughout the county especially um but very very excited for uh this new program moving forward with the community param medicine program we did finally wrap up our our process for for hiring in that position and uh would like to introduce Lieutenant David weeks and uh he is our new community paramedic so uh David has been with Bradford County for 10 years now and um he's got a Bachelor's degree in Emergency Management correct um and uh excited to have him in this role and finally get this uh this started today's actually his first day after this meeting we're going to sit down and and map out our objectives and uh and and get this program actually going but that's why he walked in late today was he actually went on his first house call this morning so he's excited to get going in this program as well and I know that that some of you have some doubts and questions regarding this program but I just ask that you trust me you trust David um to do to do what we do best and that's take care of people so um I want to allow him an opportunity to speak Madam chair if you would um just to introduce himself and if you have any questions for David also Mr D uh good morning um so as Chief Carter said I'm David I've been with the county for about 10 years now um I'm really excited to get this program started I think it's going to bring a lot of good and resources to the the citizens that need it the most and that's our you know most vulnerable population um some of the things that we're going to focus on and we'll talk more in depth um is really going to be hitting on the opioid abuse reduction in addition to uh risk reduction so that'll include you know public education on Naran use um some of the things to look for with with overdoses we're going to be performing um inh home fall risk assessments um medication reconciliation really the list can go on and on and on um in the next coming weeks we'll start to meet with the health department Meridian and just other agencies that are local that'll kind of help us accomplish these goals and get done what we need to get done um I'd like to thank the board uh County Manager porn and then uh both the Chiefs here just without the support we wouldn't be able to get this program started so I think it's going to be a great thing um and we're all excited about the department so okay any comments um commissioner Andrews um when you sit down and work on this and actually do an outline of where where you're at where you want to would you make sure that I get um a copy of that to go in the fiveyear Strategic plan thank you okay that yes and that would be important just for all of us to have to know what programs and then for me a key piece is treatment yes ma' so I'm anxious to see yes something in that area because that's where the heart of the issue is for sure all right thank you guys appreciate thank you thank you all so much and if you have any questions for me I'm happy to answer those but as always we appreciate the support thank you Chief Madam chair that's all I have okay um our attorney um Rob Ry thank you chair um our office looks forward to um working with uh Mr corn and staff on uh the discussion that was had earlier about uh looking to amend your Land Development regulations uh to uh deal with uh making sure that there's infrastructure in place with new subdivisions that is uh where the cost is born more by the developer and that um there's a longer term plan for maintenance okay thank you all right um for our commissioners commissioner Andrew um just did we get the information for the Strategic plan from your office did we get it not not all of it um we're still collecting it and you'll have it probably the first of next week I just wanted to let you know that I am working on getting all that finished up pulled together and U hopefully it'll it'll be done soon for you thank you all right um commissioner dhy uh I don't have anything I just well actually I do want to say uh we've had our now third meeting on the Statewide Council for the opioid abatement uh it was very informative I do have a copy of the agenda that was here and U there were some interesting things that were brought up and that chief that uh I was telling uh Mr corn that uh the next call I'd like to try to get you guys on there too and just hear some of the updates from some of the different cities and counties and the things they're doing and also the things that they're supplying to you know to law enforcement and to you know ich year firefighters and just having these like you know like overdose response kits and things like that and uh and not just you know within the Departments but also you know where are we going to have those located are they do we have them located you know throughout the county building and uh because you just never know who's going to show up and all of a sudden you know uh go into you know overdose mode whatever you want to call it but uh anyway not only here but maybe the library uh sure the health department has something in place but uh you just having those kits readily available right yeah okay and then maybe even you know at Santa Fe College at all the locations there and and I'm sure without you throughout the schools as well so good that's it thank you all right um Mr ready yes um just um I thank everyone for being here today and uh all our departments um doing a great job I appreciate each and every one of y'all um the contractor Has Broken Ground on the new living quarters so um get time swing by there and give them a little boost but um but no it's it's going good good and um the other thing is this past Sunday we celebrated um Our Risen Savior um Jesus Christ and um it's it's awesome that's the only religion in the world that we have a risen savior our Our Savior isn't his bones ain't in the grave he's alive and well and sitting on the right hand of God the father but um if you did Miss Easter Sunday I just encourage you um just uh don't miss the opportunity to have the greatest gift ever and that's the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ and that's what Easter Sunday was all about and uh just encourage you if you don't know about it you know find your good church home and um and learn more about it that's the difference between whether you're going to spend eternity in heaven or whether you're going to spend eternity in hell and uh it's a a the best gift God could ever ever give us and uh anyway just encourage everyone want to um look into it so that's all I've got all right thank you and thank you um this um over the past week um our I call them our sister cities and sister counties um in Clay County the ioa have their groundbreaking for the asphalt company it's just three miles past ly um it's an opportunity to boss to partner and um our County manager was there Mr carneg and myself um but we have opportunity to partner with those around us because there may be job opportunities for the people who live in braford County to work there once you know they get that building um going and also yesterday they had the um I guess the ribbon cutting for the pickle ball court down for the city and so I am just really proud of the partnership and and the working relationship that our board and our county is is um is engaged in with our um surrounding municipalities because we're one County and one community and when we work together we can achieve so much um also I just want to um uh encourage you all to spread the word about our um braic County Partners with the health and wellness um they have three hubs now uh in Stark at the RJ site it's on the 1 and third thir Thursday of each month from 10: to 2 in Ludy at the Tatum Brothers Park um on the second Thursday of each month from 8:30 to 12:30 and also in Hampton the art program at the Old Hampton um school um they have theirs on the 2 and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10: to 2: p.m. a lot of good information is shared and services provided for our local residents um so so just help to spread the word and they do tabletops on different subjects and that is helpful for our community and I see Miss Lizzy back there we um so happy with our 4 programs and I think she's going to try to get on the agenda for maybe the next month to try to share some information about their programs and um again one of the things that is um near and dear to my heart is spreading the word among our Community about breast cancer and uh on the 27th and I mentioned at our last meeting we're going to do a cancer walk on the 27th the last Saturday of April 9:30 at the county road 100a over in Lincoln City U starting at the mount Pisa church and we'll just walk for a mile and a half and a mile and a half back um to promote that um and we encourage you all to participate okay um anything else for the good of the order um if not this meeting is adjourned