e e e e e he open here okay didn't tell me she need to right okay texed you yeah it's not enough [Music] you doing hello I was hoping everybody's in Europe yeah right couldn't get rid of me I yes sorry it okay we start please okay F unit States stands Nation God indivisible Liberty Justice for All I wish to announce that 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the adbury park press the coastar and the new Coter on December the on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the Bon board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the burough CL as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing that there is an inperson Quorum Mr Noble here Mr gboi here M Mahoney here Mr Weber good mayor Fox here uh good evening everybody Welcome to our 13th meeting of the year uh our acting burough administrator is on vacation was back on Monday um we'll continue to emphasize that uh different voices should be constructive that um we're all looking for a brighter Bradley Beach and ask everyone to gauge their tone uh let's make Civility and decency the underpinning of these discussions um so the first thing we're going to have we have no workshops today but do have a very interesting presentation I think it's uh first in a series I think we're having two these presentations but today is the uh presentation number one as we can see who's the MC uh are you the now I I mean I can you know introduce these are two of our three Kine officers um patrolman Anthony batt and patrolman Andrew Redmond so they have a nice presentation to just explain our canines are you know very beneficial to us the community um I don't want to I don't know what they're going to say so I don't want to take it away from them but we use we're our officers are used all throughout the neighboring town the huge shared service that we have so I'm just going to turn it right over to that yes if anybody's dog diverse they'll announce before they come said or one or two three of one be here tonight but uh did anybody know that we had so anth I are both bomb K9 um or two of the only other bomb K9 around here is the entire we go every next we have shared do a lot a list and they call us to middle of night week so we busy we're out there uh the PowerPoint has a little bit of everything there's obviously our dogs the way we train some of our equipment and how we use it next slide so we'll just go through the dogs this is this is dog you could make it tonight apologies but sta so as Andy explained so we have we have dogs but a dog can be single purpose meaning they only find odors or Dual Purpose like Li where she has a odor function where she can detect things for specifically as drugs and a patrol function as well so the patrol function which will you'll see in a little bit but that's the tracking lighting and apprehension and building clearing surgery so that's that's K she's been with us since 2021 I think she's from Kentucky she's a Dutch shepher she's about six years old this my dog uh he's been with me on the road since 2021 so he's also a dual purpose dog so he has that Control Function but he like Andy's Dog is a explosive detection dog so we'll show you guys what we use to train but our explosive dog will train in 22 different ERS and that ranges everything from what you find used to make a I or homemade explosive all the way to Commercial and Military great explosives in case they with wrong this is Rico he is the newest uh dog to our canine unit if you haven't met him I'm sure you heard him very we're working on that um I got him in December he's a year and a half and he's a Belgian malawa German sheph of mix so this we'll go back a little bit and just talk about the the previous vogs in our unit this was K9 Max he started the unit with sergeant major and 2007 which we'll also get to in a second they attended the Atlantic County police canine Academy and he was our our first canine had short career un Medical but very successful T boss this was Sergeant Major second dog he unfortunately passed away last year but he was retired for a few years also which we see in the second had a tremendous career on the road for 10 years protecting the town communities this is K9 sting unfortunately we have to say goodbye to K9 sting this Memorial Day weekend he's cancer he just retired at 10 years old um he had an amas we'll get into that further showing you what he's got all the street so brief history of police talks in law enforcement in general started late 19th century in Belgium uh they you know obviously work been around Gra for hundreds of years but they in Belgium they realized that what they normally use these dogs to hunt with they can use for police FS as well so uh in the early 1900s the commissioner at the time of the NY sent one of their inspectors over to Belgium to inquire about that program he brought back five dogs they had you read there's a couple books about it if you read there they had some okay success in New York they were a little bit too aggressive uh but Baltimore in the 50s kind of recaptured the idea of using law enforcement reinvent it and then they kind of develop the structure of these units that we see today so in the 70s it was wide widely spread and widely used across the country and and so been doing that since this is uh something near and dear to Bradley Beach for those you who don't know about this it's a little bit of history that predates our unit so in 1998 I think uh there was a barricaded subject or the wanted person on New York Avenue barric himself in his apartment he was wanted in connection with the killing with state trooper uh a a dog from the Sheriff's Office T9 solo it was I think a 24-hour longer standoff T9 solo from the Sheriff's Office was sent in he was fly shot and then you know the standoff ended shortly after 15 years later the gentleman in the great t-shirt there read this story uh decided he didn't want this to ever happen again wrote a couple children's books and started an profit so he sells the children's books and buys ballistic vests and Trauma equipment for9 years and we've been a recipient of one ofed Robbie got exed ran out two years ago was there is there any residents that were here in 98 that remember that yeah so that dog is now buried outside of M County Police so sad story but it came full circle in Bradley Beach uh with Robbie getting that test uh so this is when I started and rather D the CL one um I remember when patrolman major got j9 Max uh Max was we just say troll H um started to increase vertic and everything else probably one of Max's uh greatest apprehensions was someone tried to break in a sh Wine and Liquor here and the subject came after now Serge major with a pipe to the point where the PO was gone and almost shoot the sub suspect but deployed K9 Max and K9 Max apprehended the subject yeah prior to our unit closest was T Falls and does take T is farther closer than 30 minutes Tak get dog ready to get over there and it's actually kind of happening again B doesn't have a dog on no longer unit Spring Lake just retired their dog W Township's only down to one dog so we're we're the only in here it's happening again where we're needed so this is K Max start quality images that were kind of passest down he apprehended two people in oce Township without any connections to burglaries once again two more arrested burgies within our bmar Max sorry uh the next picture Zooms in so in those two bags is uh I think one says 5,000 bag of heroin $30,000 in US currencies so I believe we get some of that that money as well so can9 BOS and sergeant major famous this is Supreme Court ruling State versus dunar based on a case that took place within the burrow utilizes the canine it's actually a a nationally used piece of case law to uh to govern the way we use and of time we can wait for resarch actually how that affect was to our benefit so they they determine that you can you can delay or extend your stop to to wait for a pleas they actually use that case La in the police academy cool so this was a recent uh job that sergeant major can which resulted in three firearms almost like Crystal me 5 kg of base 4 kg of coke 300 G of fentanyl 20,000 in cash in Mercedes a slingshot and press press so this case is still it's not done yet so we can't really talk details eventually we will get some seizure Mone for this sure was this one time is that all yes I believe it was a storage unit yeah in a town very close to uh this is K9 sting again he was on working dogs magazine the cover um little background about St he's very famous uh he was on season mil long show they threw him out to LA um he was donated to us same as T9 Rico um by an organization out of Philadelphia called Throw dogs I know the name sounds terrible but the reason why they call them throwaway dogs is it's the breed of dogs people think these dogs are pets they not they are very high energetic there's no shut off switch um they're hurting they barers they just energy is outrageous is that yes so the reason why she came up with the throw a dog's name is people would get the dogs for Christmas for their kids it's very mouthy it's too much their what they do they get rid to the pound she goes to the pound gets the dogs rehabilitates them and donates them with no cost all the way to does anybody know how much a dog can9 dog cost of no training no training how much eight eight about 9 to 10,000 with no yeah well fully trained and everything so as we say a green dog just for us to go pick it up n Grand this lady donated both s and myo for no Clos uh this is a firearm that's St located in a vehicle on motor vehicle stop at asur Park over the winter uh they called us the sub the subject threatened somebody in asur park with this firearm and they had information of it but you would not give them consent to search the car they called me I utilized p i stting he indicated on theard they done it's one of seven illegal Farms that recover and it's also hollow point po there's some training videos uh there some of them are muted it's filed with the GoPro that we use for our our training records this this specific video just simulates we call like threatening aggressor active sing so I'm the one getting bit in video I actually pay attention yeah you could M sucks I think if you space this is Major camera you could see the energy drive just the longest three second it gets a lot easier as time was pretty pretty Nery we just uh so we we do a couple different things we wear the the big thick sleeve that you see but we also do some hidden sleeves and some wraps around your arm so that ensures that the dog won't hesitate and get what we called equ fixation where they get so used to biting that Big B and sleeve that that's Fall by and a funny saying is they call the F you know what I mean they know us you know they're very intelligent they pick up whether it be the harness that we put on them when it's time to work the leash our Command our voice the inflection in our voice they kind of know what the game plan is but when they're home they're totally so this is getting again soon as you put as soon as I put on the uniform the goes we're going similar who's a threat to the public that we and just to tell you how powerful these do bites are that sleeve is a gigantic canvas sleeve with padding next slide this is what we would call a dwar popper bite so this would essentially simulate there someone hurting someone else where time is of the essence and we we need a deploy the dog from the car without even getting out is there something else that we train you have a safe word something come down yeah so they you know part of the process of them getting certified in this type of work is they have to out and they have to re up a b so it looks like they these crazy aggressive dogs The Obedience that they have to add in order to get certified is is Pretty Tough much you'll see a couple Abs from my dog in a little bit that are you know instantaneous they know the Dr and like you said they seem vicious and everything but I had five old twin boys at home my around so this video uh essentially what we would simulate what's called a building search so this is there's a bad guy in the house we don't know which room he's in all the doors are closed so instead of us kicking doors in and putting ourselves in arms away dog will actually alert on the door and and show us where the person is you'll hear that a second she knew I was in there and of course once again I get it dogs don't know the difference between a good person and a bad person they think this is the game right they know that this is fun for them they get to bite this schol thing play War so you'll see us prise the dogs and say you know awayy girl the dog so it's uh they don't really know what's going on they just think they're we're playing even when they we try to we give them a command of find say a gun or a bomb or drugs all they think they're trying to get is that's it that's a picture yeah so this this simulates that like I said once again a building search you know like you said as far as winding down you'll hear me give it's a state mandated building Search Command that we have to give uh that will you'll see his behavior change will start getting amped up and then if you watch on the top right of the screen you'll see pops out police you're under arrest I'm a train police dog make yourself known and surrender you do not comply I will release my dog he will find you he will bite you usually what I hear so this this video the next video from my initial training so some some stuff you'll hear sergeant major giving me some tips here in this one this starts with a b and then transitions into what we call Handler protection so you'll see without a command as soon as sergeant ma puts his hands on he'll actually go for yes so that's another way we train we call the hidden sleeve likeing anything but underneath it is actually bag arm but but the reason why we do a hidden sleeve is you see a lot of other K9 that just do the regular sleeve exposed when they don't see that sleeve they don't fight so we do the hidden sleeve to prevent it from not when we want to fight someone they're and you'll see here Sergeant put his hands on me un put our hands on someone we want back up they're very good at that are they trained so they only go for the arm love good for the leg or so we're not trying to hurt anyone so the whole point is just to apprehend so robie's train specifically if he can get a trailing bite on on the bottom of the arm or if it's front facing over the bicep and that's it and as a hand alert that is the first question everybody asks when they go to get PA is your dog's going to go for my arm correct you want otherwise you need a lot more pattern the vehicle extraction so this is bad guy arm bad guy in the car simulating that they don't want to get out so we would use the dog to to get a good grip on and P [Music] another building search training here believe it or not so you'll see he struggles a little bit on the flippery Flor good out dog won't work on slippery floor or on an elevated surface or there's too much noise so we put the purposely through things like this so we know that no matter what situation put work so this is the toys that we train so each so when we give the dog a command he thinks he's just trying to find thatle so each toy is soak in a scent so looks like C4 dynamite and dead cord so each to train the dog you have to do 150 tosses per cent so you have to sit there and toss and give the command 150 times per 2 so all my dog and his dog are train on 22 oders down to fuses we have them trained down to Shell cases from fire um yeah so that's it's just the game for them that's all they think they're trying to find when they get in thinkig is so this SL we'll see sometimes they're definitely smarter than we are we actually so one of the things we do to train them is we hide the toy obviously and let them use their notes to find it in this one you'll hear Sergeant ma we actually forgot where where we put the toy but he found it so if you play he ready I actually don't even know where I put it when they say he when they say he's older we watch the behavior to thought can see how fre change his head usually the tail see how his head just spun we call a head spin so the reason why we use canine dogs is one their lungs are four times bigger than human and their uh sense of smell is 40 times stronger than a human so we didn't know where that toy was he found it in the this is some of the can they smell this stuff like some double wraps two layers of I mean it's to the point where so we've uh you know we've done trainings where we put a scent or an odor in a specific area train for the day leave and then train in that location two months later and just a residual loader they'll pick up on it two months later it's an unded area it's not highly traffic they'll still pick it up so when I bring my vog in um he might try to go right for that door right by because we use this through the Train sometimes and we hide stuff in that Clos so it's probably been about a month and when bring I exact thing probably two weeks ago two weeks ago and we haven't been here in a month and the do get on can you make them not search for something like I'm thinking when the transitional we became legal you now believe it or not P9 was our only narcotics the decision was made when we got her to uh to hold offl so we can adders we can't take that away once they're trained it's it's in their brain so we made the decision to with that order and the laws changed so she's not imprinted on it at all and I just argue she's probably one it's not the first do state that was on the road that wasn't train just just so you know to you can't cross train so our dogs are explosives like as Nars so and r no I just see your all the compartments on your belt yeah no so just wear this is just an e-collar uh and the door popper to open the door remotely but uh the the norc sensors and stuff our job or I should say really specifically charge Maj job once they indicate on something we don't really go farther than that especially for us with explosive dogs that we have numbers we can call for people comp with that stuff and then for the narcotics you know the officer that stops that call initially and call us for the can is the person that's going to see that investigation so they'll deal that this is just some of what we do uh within the burrow obviously our parades the fireworks the 5K you'll see us out there a little bit earlier doing sweeps for explosives we get called into other towns belmare for their their parades their festivals Asbury for their parades and festivals you see here now Festival uh we do frequent Homeland Security checks on our train station and our beach front areas um and like I said before we do react respond bomb threat throughout the county uh the patrol functions that uh I talked about for the tracking of missing and wed people building searches of wed people and suspect apprehension and then our Cent work which includes sweeps weapon searches and narcotic searches uh we on a reactive point of view we can find F arm and Sh places so I've been in N quite a bit looking for sh kind a few post you know shooting incidents and got a couple Firearms uh just to add a few things we've also done stuff with DEA FBI uh US Marshals and everything else and um does anybody know why we got K9 dogs what started it does anybody remember the seaside bombing years ago that the 5K yeah okay so when that happened um you had the 5K you had Point Pleasant Seafood Festival and you had the stival in Belmar nobody had a bomb shut down the entire from from seide here everybody was in panic because no one knew what was going on and that's it started everybody started getting Expos so when you lend dogs out to other towns do they pay the department for that or is it just like a favor I guess one hand the other kind of thing uh we have a shared services agreement with Belmar um recently we raised money as you can see for the do Durango right here um that Durango came from no taxpayer money my wife's company actually wrote us a $25,000 check to purchase the car um for that Belmar Ed us with the car for myself um and they maintained it little yes corre I mean you know it's that's through law enforcement for not just but mut is something go through so without you yeah that's what so on the left there that's picture I drove to Gettysburg Pennsylvania to pick that kit up that kit is $4,000 it was donated to us completely by Rocko pizza so that kit contains all 22 loers that we train our explosiv dogs with it's a huge asset us before that we had to work with the Department of Corrections State Police and try to use their kits but rockos was generous enough to to write some check so shout out to them because that's that's been a huge game changer for us so the other things that we do obviously like we're doing tonight is is interact with the community and uh and do some some kind of you know stuff to to show our dogs and what we do this is Ja there in the middle he was six seven right uh he was diagnosed with very very very bad illness uh but he loved law enforcement police dogs patches fire trucks so we invited him to the police department last year showed him the dogs and then brought him intoon and all sorts of apparatus and Equipment different agencies there for him so this is stuff we love doing you know it definitely makes work and then we also do demo for the re here set pictures from last week that so that's our contact info there you guys have any questions more than happy to answer it I have a question about the $330,000 and all that heroin was that in town or was that like no it was in a surrounding town maybe P so also besides the AR and everything else she also um we Sergeant ma really can't talk about because it was with the DEA and a lot of those guys are very undercover and let's face it when someone gets fought with that much amount of Narcotics they they flip they rat on everything because they don't want to go to so Lio also found a large amount of fentanyl that many couple hundred thousand people she got F all off the street but I will tell you that it was a border in town in that case it's still on that a question or maybe asking you guys to comment but I I had an opportunity to chat with you a few of you about this you know fascinating stories I mean this what we're hearing tonight is tip of the iceberg but one thing that I as a resident I wasn't aware of is how much time you as individuals spend with these dogs it's not like punch in and you're with the dog and you punch out they part of our yeah yeah everything from the initial training so uh sergeant major with Max went through a poll Academy six months uh in order to not burden the department the town and and you know so we can continue the police services that we have every day our trainings initial trainings that you know the equivalent of Academy we do on time wall so we come to work and then we we go train after work and it's it's typical and continues with our in service do we do the same thing we do do most of everything in our K9 unit does not impact taxpayers at all between like our training kit that donated by rockos we raise money for a car we get the dogs donated and we do everything else on right and that was striking how much you don't up your own time yes yeah it's a labor of love I mean we all a passion we're all very passionate about this I don't think we would would change it at all we good you get support from the town support from you guys so it's great how should you stop them from going after your gun or they know it's yours they kind of know the game you know lock up they know what to say yeah I mean we shoot a lot so the guns smell like black B all the time he's never my dog never want try to indicate on so I think they know just from training it so much that that what we're looking for is not like when we give the command they know okay there's something else in this area that I Happ re when the the other retired do you have two dogs at home I did uh stting retired when I got Rico um I was going to use stay Memorial Day I actually have three dogs so I have to two now because s pass away so I have my family dog and then I have two working dogs plus my boys so get any sleep no can you tell us what the safety word is just you say that because a lot of the commands are in different languages so people can't say out stop stops wonderful thank you so much yeah I'll I'll bring let me on this side here like I said he's very young he's very energetic very friendly just in uh depend you know we can ask each other in milstone that's why a year and a very very friendly you just want to say hi to everybody [Music] he's going to go get a toy I'll walk him past that door to indicates so when they indicate they sit and they look at you're like hey it's right let any put the sleeve on not train so I don't even know if we have this so I won't even give the command yeah shove his nose there yeah he knows he knows he has so he won't give it to him until he indicates on it but he's looking around he knows see how they won't come off and see how he's looking at the door all the that's all he thinks he's doing is uh looking for word well that would be an indication of him hey see how he's snipping sniffing snipping and he's looking at us like hey something's right here something's right here and the indication is no as pretty as you would think sit or lay down we know our dog so I'm sure if you saw that outside if I saw question just have to watch this but that's it he just he tried to find it and we play game so he actually came from D I have all his Pap they over here he came fromer in conne yeah I can actually show you pictures um he's not in the house yet because earn to get in the house he actually Liv in myage but he's coming in the house every now and then but it's just you can see like there's no sh should not wake up in until they go to sleep great that was great good yeah great thanks guys Zoom [Music] people way the pick up that sound my Secret's out all right the rest of the meeting's fairly boring compared to that here uh okay the next agenda item is approval of minutes um make a motion to approve the June 26 2024 Council business committee meeting minutes second second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes may thoughts yes approval of minutes for June 26 2024 executive session minutes make a motion to approve second Mr Noble yes Mr goosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor V yes uh next item number eight public comments pertaining to 710 agenda uh items only five minute limit single instance any comments on J yes I would just like to thank the council for picking up uh the sign issue tonight I understand I'm supposed to be picking up in Dand Le and how important it is for me in my small business to get this resolved you need to say your name and address sorry my name is my address is 11 sorry I just appreciate the counc picking it up and I want to remind everybody how important it is to my small business and how important I think my small businesses to this town and leave it that okay thank you great thanks come 605 North Avenue um another seeu to the budget is on the agenda has the council been uh given access to the CFO yet to answer your questions no so but then I um implore the council to uh vote down the budget thank you thank you yes Condominiums regarding the extension of this signage and the ca um I'm concerned about the langage towards the end of it it is my opinion that this extension often applied to her while she owns that business and only me to her while she owns that business she to sell that business sign isue should be put up for another discussion orated um same way if she would to open a different business there I would say would be kind to let that fly to work and there a different name in that location divisions so I would like to see that language tightened up to cover um those things that I think would be Prov for gra thank you yesen I would like to vote down the introduction of the budget also because our audit is not back in 23 and since to such a difficult uh a to digest I think we need to see that first thank you thank you anyone else yes me and chief Worth Avenue I would ask that you goow down the budget as well but I asked a question how are we ever going to get a budget approved if Council doesn't have access to the CFO this just going to happen week after week I mean I have neighbors and friends in the community that have no idea what's going on and we all got tax bills this week and everybody's scratching their head and says things like again the burrow they blame the burrow for the us having to lay out money for unknown taxes and nobody really understands it so I asked the mayor why can't Council have access to the CFO do you want to keep doing this from day to day with your head down H what when are you going to allow Council to participate in the process that's the legal process every other town does it why is this town so different why does one man make a ruling against the residents the taxpayers in the town how can people vote for something that they have questions about I ask you point blank what do you expect to how do you expect this to be resolved hopefully we'll get a favorable vote are you going to appoint a a a a dollar amount for our taxes without anybody else approving it this is not a dictatorship I'll stand here for my five minutes and because you don't want me to be here for five minutes I represent my my neighbors the taxpayers it is so frustrating that we do this week after week every two weeks but day after day you have a responsibility to get our sub budget just like every other mayor does in every other town why are you so different I'd really like for you to relay that to the community there's only six people here but there's a whole bunch of people out there that are stretching their heads because they got tax bills this week yeah they received estimated tax bills what is that means we don't we don't have a finalized budget so you estimate why is that because the council doesn't have have access to the CFO 1 2 3 four five people not one person makes this decision makes what decision to approve the budget the vote on the budget do you hear be careful I no don't tell me to be careful what I'm speaking for the people that want to know what their costs are we have to make plans our own Financial plans for the remain we all are on budgets not just you he estimated budget the estimated taxes are fairly close to the bills you'll get Council has no idea what do I say to my neighbors who say you go to the council meetings what's going on with the council it's not the council they don't have access to the CFO I'm standing here for five minutes I don't care we didn't have um access to the department heads either department heads anybody who makes decisions on numbers besides you and the res didn't have access to normally have a a meeting in the public and meet with the department head and you would be invited too and us we did that at this point last year we are so far behind because we're living under a dictatorship this is a community that we all own not just one man why can you just say why is it is there a legal reason is there something in the statute is there something in the government do I need to go to government school to learn about why it is that Council doesn't have to have count access to the CFO am I missing something here yeah I didn't go to government School you are missing something the council had access to the CFO they were invited to meet with the CFO on the 3 of April and they declined a week later we had a introduction meeting the CFO attended uh they asked if questions were there and the council wanted to meet with the CFO privately CFO declined I'm not the excuse me talking to this resident I need support though because this is crazy 12 people in this room you need support so I people need to know I I don't thinking am I not asking the questions I'm trying to explain um I'm listening so as I said the CFO has declined uh it's not a question of me providing access or me approving access CFO has made that decision that I provided the opportunity to meet twice be happen to meet with you when we do the budget introduction which would be the process is you introduce the budget you approve the introduction you wait 28 days to have the public review it in detail and then at the end of 28 days there's a budget hearing that you would everybody can attend and ask questions and he's more than happy to to attend that meeting but won't meet with the council was he appointed by you or was he coun approved we all approved we all approved okay and the mayor's not being completely thorough in his response because we the budget was originally provided to us with in detail on March 27th we were offered to meet with the CFO broadly not not privately broadly with you know our residents uh we were forced we were told we couldn't talk to the CFO we had to put our questions in writing I personally put together like 120 questions because on almost every line item um I didn't want to cover and I was very clear I first of all massive questions with the March 27th budget numbers didn't add up totals didn't tie and we brought this all to their attention it's almost like what can we do with this the numbers don't make sense and can I just add that that's why we chose not to come to the April third meeting the mayor wasn't even adding up what's the sense of having a meeting we didn't want to and it was a meeting in this for you're not private meeting it's in a small there's a public budget that we didn't want to come to because the numbers that we we were given were not complete and didn't add up and we said we we could resolve 80% of them with the conversation but we didn't want to take our residents through two or three hours of question you're in office because we trust you to do your job I don't want to get into the numbers I want to know that you're getting into the numbers okay thank you you're you're talking we're gonna do this again in two minuts yes Don Greenberg 3art place so one of the things that caught my attention was you said that the CFO now refuses to meet with the council I said the CFO will meet with the council at the budget adoption meeting yeah but you said they he refuses to meet with them privately just I mean deined he has declined to meet with them priv he works for us you could tell him to meet with them or fire his ass pardon my fres but how does he tell you what to do when he works for us you want to explain that to me not really no why not are you afraid to do your job and tell somebody who works for us that he has to meet with the counsel I don't get that we pay you to do your job do your job order the CFO who works for us to meet with the council I mean what's so hard to understand about that that was a question I'm expecting an answer two hours I think I can stand here and stare at you too but I'm waiting for an answer is why you won't tell the CFO to meet with the council and private so they can resolve this issue what are you hiding we're not hiding anything please well why don't do please don't make that inference that we're hiding no I as a question no you didn't ask question I said what are you hiding that's question SE the question at the end of it what are you hiding is a question we're not hiding anything well then why won't you tell the CFO to meet with the council he works for us the CFO has answered up top that's not what I'm asking you why won't you tell him to meet with the counsel in private as they have requested innumerable times go ahead you can answer I'll be quiet why won't tell we can we do what's that I mean we just need a couple hours would be great yeah I mean what's the big deal about having a guy meet with a couple hours meet meet with him for a couple hours we could do you know I know he only works certain what like 10 hours a week or something pay the guy overtime be money well spent better than spending money on a labor attorney who doesn't do anything when what's the status of that gu what's the status of the negotiations with the uh with the employees of the town you have comments on the agenda oh is that that one's not on the agenda sorry yeah well then let's go back to the why won't the CFO meet with the council that's on the agenda I think I stated it right no you haven't answered the question why you won't tell the CFO to meet with the council as an employee of the town you have that Authority I'm wondering why you won't use it waiting council president denille just asked me is there anything we can do and the answer is you're seeing what we've been dealing with over three months do we file a complaint in the DCA on this issue I DCA has no authority to come in and force the mayor to allow us to speak with the CFO all they can do is find the individual council members on their way Force the mayor they can't force you to to let us demy I presume you know that I had even thought about it is there a state Authority that can come in and help resolve this situation they're gonna come in find us for not I mean other than F that doesn't resolve the situation so there's no State process when you reach an impass like this uh or a state agency that can help come in and mediate it Mr Canon might know that but rest of the in extreme cases the C comes so can we request that that's that's all that's their that's their decision things would have to be like payroll would have to be off it would have to be significantly affecting the operations and health and safety of the F so I don't want to give you an impression that well that's not obvious but they can't come in and just help resolve a I see is a political pass they literally do not answer political questions do the points thank you Mr appreciate it thank you P6 BR the Avenue also have to do the budget um mayor Fox can you please tell us who wrote that letter that was sent with our estimated taxes it's no name just a letter explaining you know who to contact who not to contact um I'm just interested you know last year I had sent you an email in one of your newsletters that um you grossly underestimated the um tax money because you didn't do the math correctly by saying we had a 1.32 tax increase you said you were going to correct you did but there's a big error in this letter too so I I want to know who wrote it was it you the CFO the ba some people uh it's a combination of all those people so all of you so there's one line underlined in that letter you know what line that is okay I'll tell you you said our taxes went down our tax rate went down underl it's a lie our tax rate is not going down Municipal it's not you you stood here it's 3 point whatever your magical number is but in that rate the rate it's the rate going down yes that's not the tax rate the tax rate what was the 13.2% last year because that's a tax rate what is it that's just the percent increase on a municipal tax the tax rate that's the TA the tax the tax rate is something different the tax rate has to do with uh the appreciated value of our community over the spend and that rate has been coming down goes down but our our taxes going it's exponential your assessment your assessment goes up right so the tax rate has to come down because otherwise you'd be paying triple rather than double than you did okay 10 years so why would we underline this in the letter so people now believe that instead of a 13.2% tax rate like we had last year people now think our taxes are going down our tax he's proposing a 3.74 increase in the taxes but that wasn't in the letter right no some reason that didn't the tax rate goes down because your assessment went up but you're still paying more you're G get but the implication in that letter like in the newsletter last is we're going to pay substantially less than what the letter is I think I think your tax assessment went up probably 8% this year if I'm correct about that much and that went and this the tax rate went down but realistically you're going to pay probably around 4% more but that's not how the IT person reading this it makes it everyone believes that their taxes it was to people definitely thank Youk you yes I'm St 6 Third Avenue i' like to advise you again not to approve the budget tonight um I'd like to follow because this whole thing is is a scan and the letter really shows that it is now I'm going to follow up on what Mr Kenny just said because he's on something so I looked at uh the mayor the mayor underlines the one line and know uh the which is a 3.4% decrease from the 2023 certified tax rate to councilwoman Den Noble's point the assessments went up $162 million okay hund that was said by Mr G gson here that is the number so if we apply that number to to the tax rate that you give us here 912 in your letter that number is 1,477 440 that our taxes are going up now I'll take the other thing I'll take your Municipal number you say the municipal is 4.08 of the full amount that means the raising the assessments even though you lowered the tax rate that means the municipal increase is 59,90 76 but for you to underline that is so devious because a regular person who's not going to take the time to break down the document doesn't have the ability has to work 60 hours a week to pay their tax bill they don't have time to do this also on this letter there's no letter there like you do a a uh hiring thing a hiring memo you have a thing on here and it says it's got a letterhead B Bradley Beach from mayor Fox Sean heer the beach manager so who wrote this it should have a letterhead it should say from mayor Fox the assessor The Collector whoever that is the people who wrote this but it must be your team who writes something that is absurd and misleads people that's what you're doing and and I'm G tell you something there be careful yesu 10 ad um I'm urging the council to continue voting down the budget the introduction um I'm majorly concerned about our finances but I'm more concerned that you just threatened a resident in here and told you to be careful and if there's no other way to get you out of that seat it should be because you just threatened a resident why would you tell somebody to be careful on how they're talking about their tax dollars why did you tell her to be careful just asking for some Civility and you didn't you told her to be careful you didn't ask for civility you you told her to be careful why would you talk to a resident that way what did you mean by be be careful it's hard to answer isn't it cuz it was so wrong to do but you can never ever take responsibility for that it was terrible what you just did and you can't take responsibility for it it's uncomfortable for all of us um I urge everybody to call the com controller's office I've called them again last week I spoke to the gentleman there he's very kind he takes the calls he's very compassionate about what the burough Riley Beach is going through he remembered my name he remembered what I sent in he told me he has sent everything I've sent to the proper departments he told me to just keep calling keep telling everybody to call and vote Larry fox out in November that's what he told me however I did come back at him and told him it's not a solution it's not a solution because if Larry Fox runs again and gets in by some crazy craziness we shouldn't be told to just vote him out again in four years we need people calling all these state agencies to protect to protect the New Jersey residents of Bradley Beach that's what they're there for so please I just urge all residents to call and call and call I'll post the numbers again as soon as I can um regarding contacting the com controller's office for them to get in here and we need like major issues like Mr Canon just said with payroll I want to remind everybody that a couple of years ago when our former ba Kim Humphrey sat up here fting the 2022 budget I think it was that the $300,000 that the council kept voting down the budget for one of the reasons at first was that we had Beach employees that were owed back pay of overtime from several years prior to that so and the last time I asked about it it was it couldn't be discussed it was still being I I don't know it was in litigation I don't know what the process has been but we do have a huge payroll issue here and mind you I believe it was that same meeting that Mr Coan I think mentioned about dipping into the beach fund for paying employees and so forth that the tax dollars and the beach fund cannot be comingled Miss Humphrey sat here and said yeah that has been happening and it's a problem and it shouldn't be done and at our last meeting two weeks ago our mayor pretty much said our tax dollars and the beach fund is to be comingled and we all sat here going no the fun one has nothing to do with the other I posted the clip okay you always say go back to the tape we'll go back to the tape Mr Mayor or should I be careful should I be careful so I want everyone to realize we have very huge issues to go to the com controller with and payroll is one of them so please make it a point to mention that thank you thank you okay we'll move to the next agenda I have a question Mr have we have we settled that payroll issue with the employee I think I do believe so something in litigation right now so all right so it's in litigation um and then when do we expect expect the 2023 audit because I know the last time I spoke to you you told me in June it's I know it's being worked on right now that's what you told me in June I and you told me you told me we'd have it in a couple of weeks and that was in May and then we went into June and now we're in July so I will have to talk to Mr and see what his dat is it's dependent on Mr and yeah cours a few months ago Mr ala told me it would be August so I don't know where we got the June number from okay okay uh next agenda item is ordinances uh introduction of ordinance 20248 uh an ordinance amending chapter 5 administration of the bus revised General ordinance provide public comments questions during the council meetings I'd like to make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 d8 go have a second second Mr Noble yes M Mahone yes sorry I went out yes Mr Weber yes may fo sorry about that I'm gonna vote no uh I don't think it those I think we're not going far enough to um manage the time of meeting so I will V go um under adoptions uh ordinance 20247 and ordinance amending chapter 396 storm water management on the burs advis General ordin is to revise the Burrow's storm water recommendations from Mammoth per the recommendations of Mammoth County planning board I will make a motion to open a um public hearing on ordinance number 20247 Mr Noble yes Mr goosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes any public comments on 20247 there are no public comments I'll make a motion to close public comments and adopt 20247 second Mr Noble yes Mr hosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh Communications we have uh one communication on seasonal Beach um seasonal Beach employees um it's in the uh record um resolutions we have uh one consent agenda item that's 20241 152 approval of lean Redemption for 600 Ocean Park Avenue in the amount of 47787 make a motion to approve the consent agenda second Mr Noble yes Mr kosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes individual resolutions uh 2024 86 I want to make a motion to move that to the end of the agenda uh after the executive session I have a second to that motion why why are we doing this at the end well number one I want to have discussion that I had emailed you on a contractual issue U have that conversation and if you care to vote the same way that's fine but uh I wanted to at least give the opportunity to have that contractual conversation I'll I'll second the motion although my concern and the reason I sat here silently for last 30 seconds is my concern is you will all leave while we're in executive session and I would like you to be able and you folks on Zoom to hear the conversation we're going to have regarding the budget but the mayor did just a few hours ago as usual right before our meetings give us an update that there is a contractual issue that is tangent related to the budget discussion so I would have liked to lot more notice and more of an opportunity to discuss this but that's why I'm seconding motion a um Greg are we allowed to add this to the exective session no no we're just the mayor motion to do this later after the ex session I understand that can we discuss anything it's not on the we're not going into executive session discuss the budget that's not permissible but you can vote on the introduction of the budget resolution whenever you'd like yeah now later I guess Greg it is related though I think what council president is asking is I think I the mayor correct me if I'm wrong but I think the mayor wants to discuss contractual issue that's not on the current agenda correct me if I'm wrong Mr Mayor right in executive session did you read the email that you we were sent about four o'clock four o'clock uh no okay so I had another meeting before this one oh you did okay I can do that take a look at the email and let me know if we can add this to the you guys Table after for the moment and then we'll come back to end okay 2024 1553 bringing back in time Cafe signage within Riley Park for 2024 make a motion to approve 20243 I just have a quick question about this so it's the actual the um Sandwich Board is that what we're voting on is there any other signage with this or just the Sandwich Board just the same thing it's same that we we approved in 2022 2023 and I have questions as well Mr um and I'm glad the proprietor is still here so we passed a sign ordinance a few years back we put a lot of time and energy into it and we made an exception for this sign we spent a ton of time and energy on this sign and the sign has been where it's supposed to be and it's been all good and this resolution is good but in the park signs on like metal stakes appeared in the park where they're not supposed to appear against our ordinance advertising your business a couple months ago so those signs were not during the um Festival that we had in Riley park because I was sharing my parking lot with the burrow and the vendors so an effort to let my customers know that I was still open that day that's when those signs went up a temporary but they stayed up for a couple of weeks they want to stay up this pastal which so my apies then if that okay as long as that you're cognizant of that and that is you know there's also signs out I guess they're Neptune but they're out on Memorial corner of the rainb a lot of festivals in the park and I okay trying to work with the borrow and share access to Riley Park and my parking lot and the police got in an effort to keep my business running let people know I'm still there and there's people everywhere sure so if those signs were supposed to be temporary and the one in the park would dealt with if the other ones were meant to be temporary as well the ones out the corner of on the memorial can they be taken in because they're they were supposed to be temporary they just didn't okay that's all I need to thank you motion approved 2024 153 second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi my comment is only that I recall going through this a few years ago and um I thought you did a really good job trying to work with the council I'd like to think the council tried also to work collaboratively uh not every solution is perfect but I think where we ended up was a pretty good compromise and uh and I I fully support continuing to control with that so thank you and I vote Yes Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 154 adopting a technology practice policy in compliance with cyber joint insurance company cyber risk management program intermediate Security Group standards make a motion to approve 20244 yes I mean um second sorry you hear me yeahi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor CL yes do we have the answer to this other question regarding the uh edited email it yes yeah okay uh yeah you can't that's not the same personnal issue that's listed in the executive session we can't just add last minute as Mr C has a court order in that regard is pointing out out from the front row to the record so um I'll have to deal with that next time I'm not sure honestly I just read through that I'm not sure how terly changes anyone's position that was stated earlier in any event um but we have to wait till next time because that's the rules sorry okay um do you want me to make a motion I'm gon I'm going to make a motion to table 2024 86 second Mr Noble no you don't wantable no well I just thought we'd vote on it yeah all right I guess we'll table it what are you yes or listen I second okay all right now Mr gboi yes table Miss Mahoney no Mr Weber the table yes there yes okay public comments um public comments mayor and Council reports I'm sorry no problem so um I'll start first uh Fourth of July week last week and I emphasize week we had a very festive week we started on Wednesday with the 63rd Army National Guard band playing at rley Park we had hundreds of residents there was great um they provide great music and uh kind of a broad spectrum and they did a great job that was followed by uh Friday fireworks which was spectacular we had thousands of people in town a great show uh Saturday we had a farm fresh event which was really a an open fair in Riley Park another home run and later Kenny K in the way started our summer concert series which um continues next weekend uh we also have the um s is in the park that's also begun so we're really um we are into the summer season and um we have a tremendous amount of visitors and tourists coming in which is great uh next Saturday Pat Rody would will be um a concert um I think most people in this room know bid packages for sale 317 319 Marine Avenue were out and notices are in progress and the auction is set for July 25th here uh at the countyal chamber uh we continue to focus on the community improvements Fifth Avenue Paving curving is completed um the CME is working on some Main Street options for us basis the recommendation of the group uh we're still working through a number of other uh grants like unused asset prominade uh silven Lake still has not we've got to get some um traction on that in that we we met with uh the um Avon team and the team working on a broader dredging um Grant but we're really we haven't gotten any specs or concepts together on Sil like that needs to begin to start uh and that's it for some of our community improvements um I did want to mention and I had a couple of discussions with uh Bob napi and Council MOSI May cover this I'm just going to cover it in a very Broad terms uh the fire company is discussing a commemoration of the Brinley and fire in 1980 um it uh it was a very significant event in Bradley Beach where 24 residents perished U and um there's there's a lot of uh I guess discussion by the uh fire company and I think they've talked to the other Mutual Aid groups to potentially commemorate that um I think they're going to come back with a plan and uh we'll see more to follow follow on that uh I will that is my report uh just other thing is uh on Recreation and Library I would just ask you to check the website for those there's a a ton of things going in both Recreation and the library recreation's in full blast with um summer camp with 96 students but the amount of programs U the library is offering right now is um it's really too many to I can just go through I won't describe them but it's summer reading ESL uh the weekly programs for kids senior law day which is very interesting a thousand book celebration Sounds of Summer and the community scavenger hunt so the go so I will uh turn to councilman Weber thanks Mr Mayor uh I'm gonna start off by just saying a longtime resident of the burough Ed chicky U passed away they moved out of town a few years ago um his wife Joan Chi was really involved in the library uh Ed was really instrumental in supporting and promoting our former mayor Julie Shrek and it was sad to see had pass kind of suddenly um last week uh I Al I want to apologize to our resident Mia Mullen who was told be careful nobody should ever be spoken to that way at a council meeting so I don't even know you are still here okay so um sorry you have to endure that um quick Feelgood story on July 5th we had great fireworks obviously but right before the fireworks started I was heading down there myself and I found out that a friend of a friend is in a wheel wheelchair which was not the case before uh and they asked about one of those big wheelie Beach wheelchairs so I was like okay let me see what I can do I called the beach manager Sean heer he told me where it is I knew where it is but Sean wasn't around so uh and he said there should be an officer there what do you know officer Bobby M was right there and he said I'll get it out for you just give me a minute he brought it out brought it over to this person to transfer them from one chair to the other the members of the fire department help members to First a help so I felt like so many different people in departments touch this just this one person getting into a chair and getting into the the beach um wheelchair it was really great and then the reverse happened after the fireworks were over so the fireworks were great in between um so really thanks everybody that helped with that that was really great just for one person who doesn't live in town but they said they bought a beach badge so they're really looking forward to it now they know that this thing works and they're gonna get into it and and use it this summer um just actually a question about Fletcher Lake for they are wanting to do the geese control um contract and so Mr Mayor are they free to talk to Neptune and kind of roll the B get the ball going on that good um because just like at silven Lake they would like to split the cost with the neighboring town on the I guess it's called Galaxy geese and um they're getting good results in Sil so Fletcher wants the same all right first aid uh for the operational period ending today the squad responded to two day calls and 11 night calls uh 10 were for medical three were fire calls there three water rescue requests from the aners team three motor vehicle crashes the squad provided medical coverage and was for the brother Beach fireworks and the squad provided Mutual Aid to Allan and her's first aid for their fir display on the 7th the squad welcomes their newest member Kevin SAR and Alexis Thomas they will be attending the emerg medical responder course on the 15th of the month Squad requested no Mutual aid for this operational period and they fulfilled 100% of their assignments of course they're always looking for volunteers they'll provide training INF on the bur website uh and then for the fire department for this would be the monthly report for ending June 30th they responded to six day calls six night calls uh seven were for fire alarm activations two were for carbon monoxide alarm activation one was for a lake rescue I didn't he about the lake rescue but maybe I'll read about it coar and one was for natural gas line rupture the lake uh sorry the department conducted one training for roof cutting and saw operations they participated in one fundraising event in the burough and one social event at the Spring Lake Fire Department there were no Mutual Aid requests fire department fulfilled 100% of their assignments for that operational period and same as first days they're looking for volunteers they will train you and you can inquire through the bur's website and I believe that is the extent of my report thank you coun Mo Mahone thanks I'm gonna address um the budget because we've had a lot of talk about it tonight at our last meeting this Council expressed concerns regarding the answers to the paired down questions we received from the finance regarding the budget these concerns are in keeping with those that have endured throughout this budget process however in an AC of concession and collaboration this Council put together 13 questions in hopes of getting some access to the CFO instead of access to the CFO we were given a document with vague answers and were directed back to spreadsheets PDFs statements and work books that were sent out in various iterations throughout the bud process it was then up to the council to find the answers to their questions a circular if not absurd process indeed one of those spreadsheets we were asked to reference to find answers was a March 27th document called budget prep a document that featured two tabs budget and revenue the budget tab had information the revenue tab was blank for weeks this Council asked for the line information for the revenue tab but we never received it however we did have the information for the budget tab so I'd like to do a little exercise remember multiple times we were asked to use this spreadsheet to find our own answers if you'd like to take out your phone or calculator I know I'm sorry you're using it so okay the town's budget is made up of three funds the Beach utility which just to clarify is not paid for with taxes the sewer utility and the current fund these are made up of hundreds of line items salaries and wages other expenses but they aggregate to one number so the current fund this number comes from the state PDF document that we've been asked to find our answers for the current fund for 2024 11, 73,3 for the sewer for 2024 2,1 25,000 for the beach budget 2024 2, 635,000 any we get a total 15833 three fabulous thank you the admin recommended budget for 202 24 for the spreadsheet we are supposed to use comes to 16, 55,000 $417 that it again 16 million6 milon 55417 that's off by 22,000 damn you're good that's basically 2% of our taxes this is why we need to speak to the CFO because our numbers simply don't add up the information we have is incorrect and we are being sent to look for our own answers on spreadsheets that do not correlate using very very simple math Medics thank you I have an update for the June 20th land use board meeting for applications for which I could not participate buan use variances for a garage structure on 27 and a half Pacific Avenue were approved unanimously the next meeting will be on July 18th thank you thank you council do the to so I was well I will thank the for making tonight's meeting a little shorter because I'm not going to read a page that I had prepared to speak to about the budget um so therefore I I actually thought I would save us all a couple minutes and I'm going to save at least a minute and a half because because of Kristen I'm going to council woman Mahoney I'm gonna make a quick comment about the budget um I like to say you know as everyone's heard me now a few times definition of it thank you all for hearing me and understanding what we're all going through um but what most of you don't know is um the uh what the the ax is about to drop because the mayor did forward us an email a couple weeks ago now telling us that the DCA is ready to swoop in and begin finding the council all of us all five of us $25 a day I don't know if that will happen I don't know when it will start but was contingent Upon Us introducing the budget tonight and if we didn't that was going to be the potential outcome um and and I'm going to spare you the longer speech I had but the most important thing I'd like you all to understand is and I've been saying this for three months we don't understand the budget I have very serious concerns I could I could describe them all now but no one here I'm sure including the mayor could answer my questions um and because of that it's impossible for us as a council at least certainly it's impossible for me as a person with a financial background to approve the budget not because I don't want to not because I wouldn't like to stop having the same conversation every week it's because I represent you guys I represent the folks on Zoom I represent everybody in town who's not in the meeting if you're a taxpayer I represent you and you're counting on us to do the right thing and the right thing is understands the budget before you approve it the mayor will continue to tell the world that he's answered our questions and the key is please remember this I said it last week I'll say again we get responses these responses are not answers if you ask why did this go up why did you move these dollars from here to here and the answer is let's talk about it in 2025 that's not an answer it's a response it's not answer so councilwoman Mahoney you motivated me to waste some more meeting time but I wanted to make sure I did at least say that for the record thank you um I do have a rest of a report the police uh report uh delivered to me at L clock work by detective Lieutenant Browning um I'm gonna read it it's it's actually a longer one tonight uh thank you sir please remind this is instruction to me please remind all residents to to remove their valuables from their motor vehicles do not leave the keys or key fob inside and all capitals please please please lock your car doors I should have had you read this we've had a recent rash of car burglaries however all the victim Vehicles were unlocked at the time most of these crime spre are committed by the same one or two individuals at a at at a time hitting multiple cars in a quick ride or walk through town patrols have been diligent especially overnight in making appropriate field context and with their help the detective Bureau has developed some good suspects and are continuing the investigation in hopes of arresting someone soon in other news police arrested a subject for possession of drug paraphernalia and hindering apprehension after responding to the beach front for a complaint of a subject attempting to sell items to pass pass by the individual had provided a false name and was in possession of a crack pipe two local area juveniles ages 14 and 15 were arrested and charged with theft a resident viewed the two entering driveways and stealing bicycles and contacted the police each front special officers located the two juveniles who fled into Ocean Grove with the assistants of patrols detectives and our police Administration including Chief Arnold both juven were located and arrested without incident on a side note one of the juveniles has been identified by Asbury Park as a wanted person involved in an armed robbery and we are assisting them with information pertaining to that investigation a resident was arrested and charged with assault on police resisting arrest hindering apprehension and obstructing the administration of law after police responded to a neighbor a neighbor dispute over a parking issue a Florida man was arrested in charged with hindering apprehension after providing a false identity to officers investigating a beach violation our K9 officers were deployed to provide Safety and Security sweeps for the Bradley Beach fireworks display which went smoothly it was all hands on deck and the operation itself was led by deten by detective uh Gregory uh pansa with the oversight of Chief Arnold and help from members of OEM Bradley Beach Fire Department and the Bradley Beach first aid Squad the Bradley Beach Police Department arrested two individuals on an active contempt of court warrants and investigated nine motor vehicle accidents between June 21st 2024 and July 9th 2024 wow that was a busy couple of weeks thank you sir um I am the um leaza for the S Lake commission I just want to make everyone aware that we have a meeting next Wednesday July 17th uh 700 p.m. at the Bazi center right across the park parking lot the focus will be on improving the overall health of the lake there will be a few guest speakers that including Engineers that are engaged in building the living Shoreline on the Avon side of the lake um the ultimate goal for the commission continues to be to dredge the lake and restore the Lake's Vitality as most of you know in most areas the lake is about a foot to two feet deep and it it it's uh chances of long-term survival are nil unless we do something to actually dredg the late local 152 I didn't need to make a comment about this I say the same thing more or less every meeting and I'll continue to do so our workers in this Union have gone without a contract for a year and a half the council receives virtually no information of value we repeatedly have asked a seat at the table hoping that A New Perspective might help break the deadlock we've already paid the lawyer handling the negotiations close to the amount that an annual increase might have been for the entire 30 person Union this broken process makes no sense mayor Fox please allow any one of us on this Council to join the discussions uh I also want to thank the uh K9 unit presentation today both patrolman B bad demente and uh and patrolman Redmond um it was a great presentation I know we all enjoyed it uh we should take great pride in and what our Bradley Beach police department has accomplished in establishing this unit uh this unit serves not only Bradley but as you heard tonight many other neighboring municipalities and their their work has been invaluable it's so impressive every time I get a chance to speak to one of the officers uh and I'm I'm really psyched that they were able to join us tonight um councilman Weber you mentioned a a lake rescue but you didn't know more about it I don't know it could have been a human being but I am aware there was a silven lake Rescue of a baby swan I don't know that our fire department was involved but that was pretty exciting about it what yourself about it's actually a dog oh it was a dog that fell in the lake that was being walked by an older man and the older man fell in and he had trouble getting out of wow okay I was not aware of that the police didn't inform me of that in um and Al uh thanks to the mayor for bringing up the the Brinley inire of 1980 I don't have a report per se but I was substituting at a meeting for councilman Weber who typically represents the fire department and it was fascinating that back in 1980 many of you may or may not have been here at the time I was not but what I learned was there was a devastating fire as as the mayor mentioned 24 lives lost in this fire and a number of the uh the fire department members uh president were there at the fire uh you know 44 years ago uh and the stories that they were sharing among themselves you know for the audience for me and other members of the department uh was staggeringly intense uh I I truly couldn't believe it I mean they they talked about how they had to enter it was a blast fire they had no time at all to do anything people were just trapped and died uh bodies were melded together from the heat oh it was a it was a horrible horrible story The reason I say it is because it that incident led to dramatic changes in the laws in New Jersey uh to create greater protection for ins and and boarding homes and things like that so there is a movement Under Foot the the discussion was should we recogniz this in a few months the the anniversar is around August or September of this event 44 years ago should we try as a burough to recognize that event in the next few months or should they do it right qu about wait until the 45th year anniversary which should be next year and the decision was made to wait until next year 45 year anniversary uh and they're even anticipating perhaps having a small Monument something we could display at in Riley Park so they're going to create a committee and work through a lot of the details so that's u a quick update on what's Happening regarding regarding the brenley and fire but a but a scary episode in our history and uh that concludes my report thank you council president thank you mayor the Ford ofed will have a meeting tomorrow at 11:00 am regarding their budget it'll be in the auditorium the shade tree commission had a meeting July 3D they're uh scheduling the planting for the fall it looks like the end of September so if anyone would like a free tree please go to brother beach.org and check out the application you can also sponsor a tree as well uh their their uh trust fund is $1 4,882 tourism their trust fund is now at $83,000 and they are proudly presenting tonight till 9 o' in Riley Park a tribute to the Beatles concert with the wag group ended this Thursday July 11th Brookdale Community College and 90.5 The Night return to Newark Avenue each with their acclaimed singers and songwriters series and they are they said join us from 7: to 9:00 p.m. and then this Saturday July 19th as the mayor mentioned Pat Rody will perform in rley Park from 5: to 7: PM again the commission urges our residents and visitors to picnic in the park with some delicious and delightful local takeout and that completes my report thank you very much Saturday's the 13th is it yeah yeah did I say 13th said the 19 really I should probably wear my glasses it does say Saturday July 13th so yeah okay thank you for that correction okay public comments five minute limit and singal inst instance please any public comments yes M 3024 Avenue all the reports are just very nice to hear it's nice to know what's going on in town but I think it's on people's minds is still the budget so an election year so finances inflation all those things are top of line red about Ry Park but at the same time I'm like what's going on with the budget so Kristen um Council Kristen me um she found $22,000 that she doesn't have the answer to $222,000 did think the whole time you were making that presentation with the number and somebody was up here with the c the mayor's head is down not paying attention it's a basic question there there's a number on one sheet and there's a number on another sheet why don't they match I'm gonna stand here for five minutes you can stand here the first heard of that that's not true the very first question I had four months ago You' heard it many times did she present it weeks ago months ago you told them that the funds don't equal to the budget Mr May at question number one on my list that was the question your team has responded three times to that question we don't have an answer I urge the council at every meeting to just start asking your questions with the public hearing your question the same way it needs to be out there in the open because it's being hidden right now it is looked upon by the outside people outside of this room that Council keeps voting down the budget you're not voting down the budget you're voting down the introduction the introduction of a budget that you don't even understand so the the the wording and John just corrected me is not right out there in the public and the mayor is taking credit for the for having a budget he's got it all zipped up and the council is voting it down that is the perception in the public do you talk to your neighbors this is what is going on out there so I urge you at every single one of these meetings just start doing what Kristen is doing I wouldn't even talk about Riley Park and all the other beautiful things that are happening in this town this is what's on people's minds everything gets paid for with the money that is missing or not in the budget or should be should be in the budget so nothing else matters until we have a budget we're all like at a standstill here um so I do urge you to do that just put it out there the way Christ did I thought that was I commend you on doing it because people need examples of what's going on instead of I let them in I didn't let them in well what are the questions we want to know the questions only all the questions were that simple though well that was a great example I'm because I wondered I'm like what questions are that seem pretty basic to me like somebody should be like eye opener right um and the Union contract I got signs on my lawn how long am I going to have to have that on my lawn another year and a half I mean really it's a pay in the ne every time I'm on my own lawn it's a hand in the neck I want to take that sign off my lawn but I also commend the people that're taking out my trash without a contract that's amazing and they're so good about it shame on you for not allowing Council into that meeting and we've wasted the money that could have went to the union people on fees for a consultant to do the negotiation we need new blood in these meetings a year and a half is a really long time I come from the business side of the world and sometimes you need to refresh what's going on in a meeting so they can get new ideas um diversity I don't know if you're familiar with that term but it's very common you need to hear other people speak to hear the other side from another perspective hear from both sides you know the perspective instead of the same person that we keep saying I don't know how it works but we're paying somebody to go to these meetings and that money is being wasted when we could come to a resolution a lot quicker there were more points of view mayor just question which question may I address your question about the Union contract yeah you have to ask the mayor for permission to answer comments this is comments the mayor runs the meeting so you're asking a question and I'm just asking for permission so I believe it's in August that is is scheduled that the union and that the public employee relations commission per that decision was made a while ago and I believe there's a date in August answer your question how long you're out that sign on your law that's only if the contract comes no no no that that was decided a while ago that that's where it's I believe I don't know the August date maybe the mayor knows but keep it on there for another year I think giv me a date but my there's nothing happening in between now and whenever that me that's correct the the negotiation now is in the hand of hands of the mediator and perk and the two negotia and that decision was made while ago that wasn't yes um but that's not a that was not a decision that we made it was because of the Imp pass that's where they had to go right and so it's not like there's meetings happening and there's no progress It's just that a while ago we decided we're going to per they going thank you bu your Lake asphalt on the other side yes that's on the bridge so it's smoother oh the bridge yeah forgot yeah so Ocean Park Condominium um first of all to the four to the four Council people you're find $25 today and I would imagine that there's a lot of other people that would contribute um I see a patter um you weren't allowed to um negotiate or talk to public works for their contract not allowed to talk to the CFO um and somebody who likes to bully everyone else chooses not to force and allow that all to happen and that's not a pattern that I like um I would think that it would be in the best interest of residents of Bradley Beach if department heads did not take vacations extended ones during peak season and that happens in a lot of Industries there's walkout weeks and since we're not preview to contracts we don't even know how many weeks months six days the days family days people get but it does seem to be a lot um I sent a letter to the mayor on April 15th I'd like to remind everyone I didn't get an answer and in May I was told by the mayor we are working on it I was never told who we is and I don't understand how something can be worked on that I started in December about a non-registered rental and here I still am with no information but the one employee who might be able to resolve it is now part time the one just makes you like one well um employee part time could you thebr on that I'm not I'm not sure I understand what you say okay you're not cutting into my five minutes you can discuss that with have minutes in addition words matter and everything starts at the top and when you lower the bar and low standards it just gets worse and worse and worse so I got an email calling my locker disabled I do not have a disabled Locker my locker functions and if it doesn't function Public Public Works fixes it I am disabled hence I get a locker words matter we've also discussed skewing surveys so the email wanted me to answer a survey of which there were two questions and two points for one item that Skuse a serpent in addition and I'm embarrassed to say this but it's supposed to quality of work that is acceptable in this world the word lesses was used I had no idea what that word meant what words so I lessons read the letter so I looked it up animal Dum that is in the dictionary so the fact that I receive this and it is allowed poor work quality and you get mad when I pointed out well there's a reason you find poor more quality acceptable you don't do your job so other people that you employ don't do their jobs and they I say you are not their colleague you are their boss and the same way department heads don't have colleagues they have subordinates board sta whatever you'd like to call them um I still walk the boardwalk every day and find no resolution to separation of church and state I'm tired of seeing biblical things on the boardwalk and in addition how do you limit it to one group how do you I don't understand we could have the whole board up with that um and that's not appropriate in my opinion um I don't understand we've not been brought up about the um flag that was um removed um by a fire department member who I'm going to say probably was a volunteer because it's a volunteer fire department um since we're not privy to everything and I know that you know eyes are not dotted and teeth are not crossed um I requested that person be removed from do Duty and um inocent until proven guilty but when pro pro proved guilty should not be allowed to work in our municipality or volunteer um I would extend it to the county and state like I felt should have been done with the police department but that didn't happen um I just it just gets worse and worse um and then you find you know Miss deny you were denied freedom of speech and then somebody posts on social network that it is the governing body holding up the contract with 152 um double standard as always thank you yes hello I'm Peter St still at 301 Second Avenue um let's see I've been up here for the last couple meetings trying to get some help to identify the costs of the various legal excursions up in freeold that are going to be paid or already been paid by the citizens of Bradley Beach um I guess at the last meeting uh I was aware of just one of those costs and I projected out uh to the fact that it could be as much as $40,000 that the citizens of Bradley Beach might have to swallow in these legal fees well I'm wrong a lot and I was wrong about that number two it's much higher um I got some numbers and it turns out the total fees that are payable by the Deep Bradley Beach for the three trips to freeold um are $61,000 wow actually $ 61,2 3673 so that's a lot um the thing minute to see how we got there uh round one started in May 24th 2023 when the council introduced resolutions that attempted to both nominate and approve paid positions for the bur um that is cly illegal um and I was surprised at that move because there was a contemporaneous article in the co-star um where three Council people were quoted um one of the councilmen sitting at the front of the room right now likened the role of the Bradley Beach Council to that of the United States Congress where in judicial nominations they had the power to advise and consent but not nominee um so that was a surprise to see the nomination resolutions occur uh another of the councilmen sitting at the front of the room right now went on to be quoted to say that they were just trying to bend the rules a little bit um judge English disagreed that characterization and uh one of the council women sitting at the front of the room right now was a little more circumspect in her comments uh saying that uh with any new Administration it was not uncommon phrases that it's used for uh when a new Administration came in that there would be a discussion between the mayor and the council members to talk about the paid positions personally I think that's a good idea I wish that had happened but not uncommon does not mean the same thing as mandatory and you can't pretend that mayor Fox was outside the law because that didn't happen it seems instead that the council is outside the law by trying to do these nominations and approvals on May 24th um the net effects of that visit to freeo and I gu guess I should say that uh In fairness that mayor Fox felt compelled to bring a lawsuit to restore the rule of law to these proceedings that uh cost the buau of Bradley Beach $1 [Music] in mayor Fox's favor that cost the taxpayers of Bradley Beach 28,954 and thirdly and finally um there was the time that the council appeared in free holds on the matter of the police chief uh where they were told in the nicest possible way that you can't discipline an individual who's no longer an employee and that appearance cost the taxpayers at Bradley Beach $945 325 so the bills are still coming in there was a new one added bringing the total cost to the $61,000 plus figure that I mentioned that's a lot of money um Council people I know you're frustrated I hear it every time I come to these meetings I think we understand the reasons why this Administration has not worked out the way that you hoped you'd hope for something a little more collaborative something with a little bit of power sharing uh information sharing things like that and frankly I think there's a good honest conversation to be had along those lines but on this more narrow matter um I think you've let your frustration get the better of your judgment and you have done things that are just not supported by the law um I'll wrap up by saying my purpose in bringing this up is that I think once the costs of this have been identified of this Behavior hopefully this Behavior will stop please stop thank you thank you yes I'm J 62 Third Avenue um mayor I checked the town website because I like to I like numbers I like to look I like to see how they work so I go on the website to find the annual statements the annual financial statements AFS there's no posted AFS for 2019 2020 2021 2022 and 20123 today I did an OP request and I hope I'll get those documents tomorrow what years were they again I'm sorry that was uh 2019 2020 2021 2022 that open request was to the CFO I will have those documents for you by Friday great and will they be posted on the town website yeah I'll make sure but what you're asking for is also in the audit report so why they're not posted on the website I don't know and some of those are before my time it's not in the audit report it's AFS AFS isn't that information also in the audit report though if feeds your report okay so I don't understand has the council seen in 2023 AFS yeah no I have how can you do a budget if you haven't seen that a annual financial statement for the previous year okay I'm sorry to ask these questions but it's getting very frustrating I would like to address uh some of the things about the lawsuits again I want to say like the first lawsuit was Larry fox versus the burrow in that case the money was spent but mayor Fox only won one of the four items okay in the second one uh bear with me for just a second in the second one uh the mayor won one of two items the other item was firing of Greg Canon which was illegal but um you know it's still fox versus the bar valy Beach the council didn't s anybody and the whole incident with Chief leita who I think there's a lot of people in this room who say he should have been disciplined would have never happened had mayor Fox given the report before the 45 days but mayor Fox acted on his own in a back room to let chapua retire get his pension I'm not saying he shouldn't got his pension just saying to this you know so I want to compliment the council for these laws for attempting to work things it I gotta tell you when when there's a change as the previous speaker had said when there's a change over there's a sit down you go over it you know you want this aitor you want that prosecutor let's just figure it out but for some reason um the definition of advice and consent has been changed by Mary Fox to rubber stand that's a quote rubber stand it should be a rubber stand no no it's not okay that's not how good government works especially in a small town like this it's getting more frustrating all the time to have this happen over and over no no one's listening and and by the way the outside agencies have been all notified no one's coming to help us we're here to fight by ourselves the comproller office hasn't done anything the DCA local Finance board hasn't done anything the DCA local ethics board hasn't done it it's it's really getting absurd now I mean the prosecutor's office isn't doing anything we're going to keep fighting thank you mayor yes Don Greenberg par Place uh question about the July 4th celebration has the town looked into doing Dron instead of fireworks uh fireworks are polluting they you know thought they they scare dogs people with ppsd is that something that we looked into pric I actually looked into it it's it's a lot more expensive is it I'm hoping that the prices would go down but it it does look interesting and put music to it and I have a dog and I have to put her on Trazodone that whole week because she's freaking out and I know it's it's it is we're in the ocean we're at the ocean we're throwing garbage into the ocean so I'm with you on that one okay so just too too pricey right now right now I'm Gonna Keep researching though and see what other BRS are doing uh number two uh my locker wooden clothes called the DPW today this morning warning about 3 hours later I it was fixed so thank very much they right on the job what's it the oh the own hi guys thanks a lot um and lastly uh my wife and I are doing a big renovation of our house we have these giant grasses out front that are going to go and I'm wondering if the town can use them down on the beach front talk to uh Larry all in the shade tree commission they didn't see they didn't want to do anything with it but I mean these things are huge you know they're like giant cousin its right and i' hate to you know toss them but they're going to be too big for what we're doing is who would I SW to into town see if they can use them dig them up put him down the beach or somewhere else what kind of gr big green natural grass yeah I couldn't tell you he would email the bur administrator okay because I hate to see going waste put it on Facebook too people might want want literally I mean I don't know they'd have to be native grasses I think to put at the beach yeah I don't know if they're native and I give you a better definition of how big they are but I can't do it that's all thank yeah yesy D the I just wanted to make a comment When Miss Mullen was up here and you having that exchange and you told her to be careful you had a similar exchange with Mr Greenberg didn't tell him to be careful as a woman who have gone to almost every me that happens quite a bit women are gag women are told to be careful men seem to get a pce I don't know what that is I don't know what that says without you you should acknowledge it and try to change that okay because sitting here it looks like you don't really respect or like women and I'm going to tell you which I'm sure Mr gubitosi Mr Weber Mr Canon Lieutenant there's nobody more dangerous than a smart woman thank you thank you yes Linda ducky 312 rley I just want to make a suggestion since be up here Administration has proved with since we've had seven Council meetings since the budget Workshop it would have behooved the mayor to maybe have two or three more since the slides that were up on the screen were taken down so abruptly we couldn't even see what was up there there was no data given to us to take home and digest it was very run very poorly and it would be wonderful if we could have another budget Workshop also um regarding local 152 contract it almost seems in my opinion that you never wanted to um settle the contract um it was you know if you had people at the table with no negotiating experience that's not correct either so maybe it can be settled before the August date you can go back to the table also I have a complaint sorry the people are putting their yard brush in streets because there's no pickup during the summer taking up vital parking spaces all over town and I don't isn't there an ordinance against that they're not supposed to be doing that it's all over wiland there's big piles of leaves and sticks I would think that the coding officer or maybe the supervisor of the DPW can ride around and leave notes in people's mailboxes do you think that could happen because we have a parking issue in May Box do you think that we can we can resolve that I'll talk to the C all right thank you okay yes mend in the ad um mayor did you or did you not ask us once to sit in the chair and wait to speak or stand in the aisle and wait to speak to save some time I did it during agenda comments and I did it just now and you picked everyone else before me just letting you know okay and you just that zoom while I was standing back there to see if there was someone on Zoom for me you did that too so I thought you were just standing back there well I had my hand BRAC I had my hand bra so I was just standing back there scratch my armpit like come on don't be ridiculous it's it's so anyway the reminder of the Lost suit money $61,000 is a lot of money and it's really sad that our mayor cannot collaborate with anyone and has to Sue it's sad that our ba cannot collaborate and had to become an intervenor in that lawsuit and suit it's sad that our former ba Kim Humphrey had to sue because she couldn't give us information on the budget where a million dollars went missing and Co money is gone under her leadership when she was here it's really sad that Lenny Guida's prosecutor report was held by the mayor and he decided to sue the council because the council was trying to do their job so $61,000 yeah is a lot of money it's a lot of money to add to the million it's a lot of money to add to the 434,000 and it's pretty sad that our mayor can't work with anyone so I I think it's important to understand why that money is costing the JF a lot you know it's costing the JF a lot of money because and our premiums can go up yeah the taxpayers might have to pay higher premiums because of Mayor Fox is lawsuit bananza going on because with anyone so um I also would like to just mention that the fireworks were beautiful and we just celebrated Independence Day and the whole point of Independence Day is that when government tries to withhold our rights the people are free to rebolt and set up a new government and being that the DCA doesn't want to do anything and the controller's office doesn't want to do anything I agree that we have to get together and start fighting against this dictatorship that we are under thank you thank you yeah Mr Mayor um you've heard a lot of comments here tonight could you please look at me when I'm talking I appreciate that do you not think that you should be apologizing to miss Mia Mullen tonight for your very rude and threatening comment because you have a tendency to do that to women you should You' dismissed me a couple times here at the podium as well wouldn't it behoove you to apologize to her tonight in front of everybody or you just don't take accountability for your actions because it was really bad and it was disrespectful and completely condescending you know I don't understand why you even want to be made I really don't you refuse to share information with people we have $222,000 missing from the budget why can't the CFO have a conversation with our council members which you refuse to do you know you're always touting your J&J experience is this how you ran businesses that you threatened people you withheld information you were disrespectful to people CFO who doesn't want to talk to counsel guess what should be fired he is a public he is an employee of this Township he doesn't get to call the shops we the stakeholders pay his salary just like you are an elected official beholden to the residents here and you have such disdain for us do you think that we all like getting up here and talking like this that we're constantly we are frustrated if you sat in these seats and ask questions over and over again how would you react to this how would you sit here and and say my tax dollars I don't know where a million dollars are the 2022 audit is a debacle people just ask simple questions they they are just dismissed we're dismissed at every turn do you understand the frustration this is not a private company it's not like the company you used to work for this is public service and it's and I'm sure you have to be tired of being called a dictator well we're tired of it too I have implored you since you became mayor I shook your hand when you became mayor and asked and said how can I help you because when you're successful we're successful and I didn't vote for you but these two these four years I've implored you over and over how many times at these meetings please work together as a team but yet you don't and you dismiss us you ignore us you don't look at us you don't work with the councel you sue the council and then we got people saying the counsil is costing all this money it's because you refuse to work with anybody you make hiring decisions of people who are not qualified you held the police reforce you've done all these things that you wonder why the public is going crazy they you know what we're too small for this nonsense we want it to stop everyone just wants a well-run town and a civil town where everybody is neighborly and and we we're not overspending and we're just you know we're we're running this town like it should be but yet you refuse to talk to anybody and you refus to take accountability for your maps and if anything tonight apologize to miss Mullen because it was really bad and it's disrespectful to the entire residence and as a woman and look at me when I'm talking to you for goodness sakes look at us you don't hear us that's the problem you don't hear anybody you think you're right and you're the only one who has the answers to everything and you've made a bacle out of this town you've caused divisiveness and chaos and I don't take any comfort in saying this but I don't understand why you want to be mayor I really don't and the way you spoke to her shows the fact of the matter you don't have the temperament to be in that seat and you really do everybody a real big favor if you would resign because this has gone on far too long and it's so bad for this town and I do wish you well but I just cannot believe your behavior anymore it is just unbelievable and you can't cut me off I have five minutes cutting off you were getting ready to say thank you next so again take a deep breath maybe just sit and really think about why do you want this job because the fact of the matter we're a mess and we shouldn't be this is a great town and it's this nonsense has got to stop we're all neighbors and we all just want what's best for each other in this town thank you thank you see any any on the board okay well we will um make a motion to move into executive session second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes