e e e e yes bu yeah it's interesting you know I go to the library there and I kind of not the win all the P I never yeah I'm to see yeah next my ch e that me P Wednesday did they bik around I can look at the coaster but somebody told me yesterday that flag things there is it last week's or this week this we this week's yeah hope that would yeah it's unfortunate very unfortunate I mean be the water and I think that's probably what they got but you know girl really yes she a soul owner [Music] very oh yeah I to oh no I didn't oh I haven't seen it since the new Pro since 20 years and he came that's great he was there he came up shook my hand saying something to me I'm trying who is this I'm like staring at the person and right as he was like releasing my hand walking away Smalls he's only a little old yeah thought he was a little big tall wow yeah was very I I think he was me like a military oh Persian rifles it was all the branches military oh cool is probably a generic oh that's very cool yeah it was cool so I [Music] Tex he's close CH and wall there yeah Chris Bennett I'll play story are you good evening gentlemen evening CC president Hey Joe Hey Joe how you doing Joe how you been okay I have you been riding your bicycle am I what riding your bicycle lately all the time I haven't seen you yeah no you said in the morning that's probably the problem yeah yeah no thank you yeah yeah I'm glad you're out there I see you're busy with the tree business oh yeah he's got all good late by the way and I saw Council woman in the so she's here and then I about no that's one color I don't have a we were yellow yeah Wednesday never [Music] okay start United States of America indivisible and justice for all I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the ASB Park Press the coastar and the new coaster on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing there is an inperson Quorum Mr Noble here Mr GUI here miss Mahoney here Mr Weber excuse mayor Fox here okay uh good evening everybody Welcome to our 12th meeting of the year uh I I have been and will emphasize the following although we have some disagreements our voices should be constructed uh we all want to brigh back uh future for Bradley Beach ask to join in that uh I ask everybody to gauge their tone going forward we're all neighbors and let's make Civility and decency and underpinning of all discussions um the first thing I need to really report and mention uh is a significant loss to our community uh Julia Rand who was a 12-year chair of the Bradley Beach Arts Council passed away uh last Friday after a courageous battle with cancer uh which recurred uh last November after a six-year remission uh Julie would Julia was the founding member of the Arts Council here she started it her stage screen and mov movie accomplishments are too numerous to mention she also wrote directed and produced at least twice a year here in Bradley Beach there would be a summer Shakespeare event on the prominade in the summer and then another production in the fall winter her last production was Driving Miss Daisy A fitting final act for Julia she will be missed by the community and her partner Jackie Schneider uh Julia was a few months short of her 86th birthday when she passed she was a force uh of Nature and uh we certainly wish Julia to rest in peace so I just ask for a moment of silence for Julia okay uh we'll start with the first um Workshop item which is um amendments to chapter 5 for Section 59 it's a follow-up discussion uh there's been a couple of discussions on this uh rather than um something were no no no um there's been a couple of discussions on this um you my concern with this from the beginning um has been that um we had some early success in January with kind of compressing our meetings to a to a more reasonable um level um we've kind of regressed back to the three plus hour meeting I think last meeting just came short of four hours um and um I made a few recommendations the council's made a few recommendations I think we want to talk through before an introduction uh what might be a middle ground to reach on this um so uh I I can start the conversation um I kind of come up with two potential uh AIDS of helping us with um reducing the time of the meetings one was um for those who don't know it by Statute you have you only need one comment section in your agenda we have two uh two years ago maybe three we extended the three minute limit to talk to five minutes so uh we've got a number of occasions besides that we have um you know comments on workshops and comments on um either introductions or adoptions of ordinances so what's happened is um we've really stretched into um three four hour meetings so my recommendation was um cut from five down to three minutes uh number one and or Andor really set a a uh no new business time limit on U meetings similar to what the land use meeting does uh they set a no new business at 9:30 and they begin their meetings at 6:30 I think so here are a couple things uh I brought up this potential um possibilities to improve um the situation uh the concern that I have and I have had is the length of the meets number one but two um I think people don't come to the meetings sometimes because of the length of the meetings and I know councilman Weber were here say they can come and go as they please but I'm not sure everybody feels the same way so um those are my comments and I'll wait for for certain to welcome any other comments by the council excuse me um I I have a comment um you know this something very very similar to this is going on in sville New Jersey um the mayor sent us an article that mentions the mayor sville he's trying to do something very similar um just like the mayor mayor fox says the mayor saor bill says that people can take care of their questions between 8:00 am and 4 pm during the day um he too wants to limit comments from five minutes to three minutes and he also has decided that he will at his own that mayor at his own discretion will decide if someone can speak a second time and in doing that he's also decided that no one can speak more than five minutes um I imagine this would be a timekeeping nightmare for the person who is keeping time to this to keep track of how long someone spoke originally and then how long if the mayor decides to Grace him with the them with the ability to speak again um to keep track of what would equate to the five minutes but on top of that the mayor of sville um called the re uh the residents um dopy people who have no life um and I think that just shows the regard that this mayor and sville have for the constituents and uh when I was sent that article um though perhaps mayor Fox was just trying to point out that other Mayors are doing the same thing I didn't take it that way I took it as me that other people were trying to restrict the ability of of uh constituents to make comments during this time period and the people who wanted to do that didn't have much regard for the so those are my comments I agree that sometimes there's a lot of conversations after every that we that we bring up I have made the suggestion that perhaps agenda comments can include Workshop comments uh regular agenda comments and maybe ordinance comments so I don't know Greg if ordinance comments have to be Standalone yes they have to stand alone okay so maybe you can buy Workshop comments and agenda comments into one keep everything at five minutes and then have another comment period but I am I am I feel we need comments and questions every other town around here their agenda say comments but they allow comments and questions and they do not have the problem that we do and I think the mayor hearkens back to January when things were going long smoothly that's because nothing was going on in January we didn't have much on the agenda in January so those are my comments and um that's how I feel about it thank you anyone else I'll we started this conversation because a lot of people do have questions and they come up and they ask questions and it says comments so we said well let's add comments or questions makes sense right who serve the residents they should ask questions and then the mayor did send us that article about mayor Kennedy O'Brien in sville but I went on the internet and I just looked up something that says Council meetings stepbystep guide and it has some guidelines of how to run a council meeting and it says Council meetings should be procedural to reduce wastage ensure every critical item is address and encourage public participation okay it's no surprise that these meetings run to the three hours they passing their scheduled time it also said that Council meetings allow residents to air their ideas or issues the council must allow the public to participate in meetings as provided by law and it says if the meeting is ineffective a multiple of adverse outcomes can affect the afflict the buau its residents and various stakeholders in the following ways slower or delayed decision- making erosion of trust by the public and other stakeholders and missed opportunities for positive change and Innovation our residents are our biggest assets not only by the revenue that you pay with your taxes but the ideas you bring to the table here we need your questions we need your comments and when I grew up my mother had this print hanging in the house it's a Norman Rockwell of a man asking questions in a town meeting I didn't understand it as a child but now I do understand it it's also called freedom of speech and I don't think anybody's freedom of speech should ever be tempered and I welcome your questions and I would say if anybody up here doesn't welcome the questions they need to get another job because that's our responsibility is to serve the resident and to serving you is my greatest honor and I say thank you to everyone for attending and tuning in and for being there we appreciate you and we need to hear from you thank you I just have a couple very quick comments I don't know you probably don't really have a good sense so what some of the variables were that we that we debated I don't know did U Erica did the residents get all three of our sample examples so at the highest level the council's had some opportunity to share thoughts you know just uh at least thoughts prepared by our legal council Mr Canon and some of th those opportunities range from cutting back the number of minutes from 5 to three uh as Miss councilwoman you said uh consolidating our Public's time to speak um you know the mayor alluded to lus board kind of sunsetting the meetings that are not introducing new business so we bounced around a lot of the things actually that did come out of that seor bill uh meeting um I'm very staunchly in agreement with what others on this Council just said uh we serve the public and we're not going to temper anyone's freedom of speech um that said and as you all probably recall last meeting we did introduce the specific language adding to the word comments we said and questions because at least there was some discussion about eliminating questions so I think we're all I think I we'll find out when we vote but I think we're all in agreement that we should never limit your questions other than to whatever time you're allowed um but the one thing that I am willing to consider and it is something the mayor proposed so hopefully this is a sign that we're working together a little bit is um a notion of we had all these individual points in time where you our residents could get up and speak up to five minutes after if we had two workshops for example you could speak at Workshop one then again we have a second Workshop you speak at Workshop to that maybe we have an ordinance that we're adopting you could speak at the ordinance adoption you also could speak at the regular public session uh on agenda items and then you could speak again U at the end of the meeting so as an example any one of you could get up and speak five times five minutes each and 25 minutes you know you don't have to be a math genius to figure out that three or four or five members of our public speaking for their five minute allotments that could use a couple of hours of time so the one thing I am willing to consider and it is a one of our variables tonight is uh what council woman Mahoney referenced which is um asking the public to have two periods of time at the uh end of the session as always for everything in the middle of the session it's item eight on our c-a um but the middle of our session which basically you comment on the agenda and workshops so the thing I'm prepared to vote for is not have the public comment at each work but rather when you speak about the agenda you would include your comments about the workshops um you would still independently be able to make comments for ordinance adoptions um so we're really just consolidating the potential for additional commentary on workshops that one issue I'm willing to um take a shot at to see if we can all go home a little earlier um I I do think if we consolidate that it's even more important that we allow the maximum of five minutes to remain because now you may be talking about two workshops plus any other items on the agenda so we just want to give you that quick summary yes okay gra okay so uh Mr Mayor at the next meeting we're going to introduce some language should we is there any value in discussing what Everyone likes or doesn't like well I think what I think I just heard it uh but I think we should probably give the public five or 10 minutes to any comments it's a workshop so give five minutes any comments questions if there isn't we'll just sure me 302 4th Avenue um you just need to hear it Mr Mayor that people want to ask questions doesn't matter if it's within 3 minutes or five minutes you can't take that privilege away of people asking questions I haven't been to a meeting in live in person recently but I understand that our business administrator leaves during the public comments and people have questions and the business administrator has a wealth of information on that computer and for her to walk out of the room and for you to not want to entertain questions is completely rude to the taxpayers who are here to understand and work with you as for their own town so you just I'm glad you're looking at me because the whole time that the other Council people were speaking about the importance of asking question if your head was down you were taking notes it's important to listen to people's arguments I don't have the strongest argument other than people want to ask questions they want to participate every other town participates and if the timer goes off then I'm happy to leave the podium the timer goes off in the middle of you responding to a question I'm still happy to leave the podium the timing has the questions have nothing to do with the time so if somebody comes up here and has one question and it takes two minutes to answer that now we've saved time maybe you want to limit the time I said it last week if you want to go from five to maybe four minutes as a compromise then maybe people will be a little bit more succinct and not repeat themselves when they're up here will'll bring up issues that are more personal to themselves that are probably not used to the general public but I really think you have to listen to the people and not go out or answer for decisions that are solely your opinion that's all I use the whole five minutes please let the record reflect Council councilman Weber arrived at 6:50 pm thank you and I I guess the the point and you might have missed this point at a prior meeting um anybody can ask any question what we what we' like to do is if you between 8 and four Monday to Friday you can I'm I'm sor I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm speaking I'm SP I'm sorry let me finish please I just need it's to clarify because you're addressing something that is not in response to what I just said people can have the opportunity to ask questions Monday to Friday from 8 to 4: and get more comprehensive answers um so uh I just wanted to make sure that you understood that point yes yes no I Condominiums um I appreciate the comments made by the three Council people the bigger issue for me if we go to questions is snap and standard answer of I'm not answering that so where I'd like to believe in a normal town we could get answers um I don't know if that's going to be good for Bradley Beach the to that and be um helpful um one good thing about having an answer in this venue as opposed to Monday through Friday from 8 to 4 when not everyone is available is it's for the record I have inaccurate and that's a euphemism of answers in writing that is astounding me that it's actually from the government I have unsigned answers that astounds me it comes from the government so for my personal needs whether it's about my unanswered correspondence or things that I think are for the better good of most people um I don't know gr each can handle questions and it all comes from trust if we were given information to begin with we probably wouldn't have questions unless it's logistical kind of thing so I think some soul searching needs to be done as to what kind of information you believe we the people are deservant of and I did see three counsil people um come to terms with that and I'm also like I'm not five minutes yes Beth Kepler 504 Central Avenue here BR the beach um I'm actually glad that you are bringing this subject up and trying to uh show what where you really stand and what your policies are 131 days very short of w depending on which side the situation sitting for election day and I hope that the residents are paying very close attention to the fact that we wanted not too long ago that when we were here in that meeting I'd like to add was a very short meeting and the only time that the meetings seem to run very long are the meetings in which you are presiding over but like I said 131 more days till election but you you passed the resolution in support of gunning orra and now you are expressing that you want to limit the voice of your constituents that I'd like to remind you that you serve at the pleasure of so I'd like to thank the other council members who understand and appreciate that they're doing a public service to us and I'll just send my statements there 131 days and count thank you tick to um Erica the resolution on Oprah where did that resolution come from uh it came from well I got that template from the municipal clerks Association in New Jersey the president but it's one that pretty much every town is using good thank you you're welcome yes Thomas J Coan 623 Avenue um the resolution that you proposed was a template from the state who is now taken away our overr rights so Thomas J ask that um but the resolution was drafted by the council to object to our oper rights being taken away and and I'm someone who spent a lot of money on lawyers to to get Oprah done properly in this town and not have documents 80% redacted so those were redacted by your attorney's office Mr Bernstein so now you're trying to take away more time from us now I I'd like to say I have some answers here I'm not just going to criticize share information there's this thing called the internet where you can post all the documents share information with us share information with the council would have been nice to know about Leonard Guida's situation but you didn't share the document with anybody okay and then you wonder why there's lawsuits you wonder why the meetings take so long okay that's because your Administration is not good Mr thank you very much thank you we'll take more and we're going move on yes I just have a couple of concerns one is usually when I come up here I'm sorry Lauren Egger egb ERG World 4 and a half gley um it's usually when I speak or ask a question here I I'm hopeful that it's a question that will will be of importance to everybody who's listening and everybody who watches the meeting later so well I don't want them to go on forever or be of a tone that causes people not to listen it certainly would not mean the same thing to the town at all to have questions answered in writing in response to an over request or from 8 to 4 or whatever hours that on the scho event so very very grateful to the council for um taking steps to ensure people's rights to answer to ask questions publicly and receive um whatever answer is possible publicly um the other thing I'd like to say is you know we talk a lot about the way Bradley Beach is and I've been connected to Bradley Beach since I was 16 years old and I've been conscious and present at a lot of Council meetings for the past 16 years or so I don't recall this problem you know I don't recall anyone suggesting that the meetings were nasty I don't recall anyone suggesting that the meetings were too long and it is my sincere hope that all candidates for office will be expressing their ideas about how we can get back to a Caucasian a and a and a and an atmosphere that Bradley deserves this is a wonderful town and you know I've said before the neighbors that disagree with me the most are some of my most solid helpful neighborly neighbors we can be like that thank you thank you okay um so we want to make a proposal on what we want include in this yeah I was I'm pretty comfortable again we'll have to explain it to the audience but I was pretty comfortable with the senar three yes I agree and senario three kept the minutes at five but would limit discussion including questions comments and questions but would limit it to two opportunities during a typical meeting meeting agenda and end of meeting but it would it would fold in the workshop uh commentary into the agenda comment J uh and and it would not touch what exists today around ordinance adoption you'd have a separate opportunity to come in and have questions on ordance adoption I think that's really it right I agree okay is that the proposal that's okay so just ask um attorney to put that together so number three I think I already did so I think we're good okay just put a number on all right thank you okay took your three shots Greg Long got it okay uh next item on the agenda is approval of minutes uh make a motion to approve June 12 2024 Council business meeting minutes second Mr Noble yes Mr GUI yes M Mahone abstain Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes excuse me approval of minutes for the June 12 2024 executive session minutes make a motion to approve second see I'm making yes yes M Mahoney yeah same Mr Weber yes mayor yes uh okay public comments pertaining to the 626 agenda items only any yes she's been excused 612 thir Avenue May the record reflect that the acting business administrator Mr Marco has left thank you for that thank you I just want to make that sure that's on record should be put on by the running the meeting um the I'd like to know about 20241 148 um in terms of this Transportation grant for Main Street production lighting and improvements uh do we know scope of the proposed work nothing catch we're working on that Grant right now it's going to augment our Main Street um our already Main Street Grant we're Aug that so augment means what I mean get more funding okay you're funding it but what are you doing I me we're here in the residents you're asking the council to vote on this but you're not telling us what the scope of work is what's looking to be done is it a matching brand none of that information's here just okay let us submit the application uh so CME prepares the application at a cost to the residents and we don't even know what it's for I mean this is the communication that I'm talking about there this is how it should be laid out so that's my first question um and I would I would say there's been no additional uh input uh from the public on the on the budget uh we've gotten the public has received no other documents no other breakdowns um what has changed um I mean it's really silly to have this on here again um I'd like to know about the uh the new uh construction official do we know where they've worked before here he works here he works here okay great that's that's wonderful I'm sorry to we're Ling Mr L we been here for a long time thank you very much question yes there's a point on Mr Lako he got a promotion in his current position as dep which is just a primary reason for having to refocus um there seems to be an inconsistency with um people hired and were promoted and when their um resume or career accomplishments are shared with us and when or not I talk with the example that it wasn't until Mr P left his contract ending assignment that his um resume was read to us um prior to um the new Chief being swor his resum was given to us here um ba never once was any mat with us so it would be nice to have procedures as to what information is given to the public and I would think it should be prior to being hired um you know of course applicant a person can wave the right or not allow it we certainly I but again the consistency within our town is a concern to me regarding the Main Street lighting project I really hope they do you know it's a county road we have County lights and then a barrage of other I guess more executive right lights I don't know that we can do anything about the county lights but um I find them blinding to the point of not even know to turn on my own personal life at night um I also think you know this is the part with the bill the public would probably like to know who on page 14 is the attorney that's getting all that money why on page 20 again we're paying file Bank maybe when they now it occurred to me maybe when they say we don't have any records They file bank has our records I consider file Bank part of us so I think our records should be there um we're spending an awful lot of clothing in life guards this year and I don't even know who's a lifeguard because they're all wearing black blue red orange green really [Music] um it just continues and continues with really um it's it hurts and then to say that we're going to have volleyball for special needs people and no burrow assistance is required um um this is a 2hour event in the July where I would hope that people are being hydrated I would tend to think that adds to our garbage ands I bring this up each and every meeting because people think oh we don't need help well let's see what would happen if garbage was not picked up if I were a DPW person I might not be able to work that thank you thank you yes Beth Kepler fin FL here in Bradley um I would like to uh go on the record to encourage please the council um to not pass this introduction of the budget for obvious reasons of the unorthodox and unethical practice of not allowing you to have direct access to our CFO to ask questions and have conversations about a budget for us that you're being asked to pass and um in regard to the fact that we are now sitting approaching the beginning of July and that we still do not have a budget um much like how most people would run their own home you know as enjoyable as it is to have fun things and go on vacation and do recreational things I think it's highly responsible that we are going to be spending $155,000 for a fireworks display and having lived here Mich whole life I know that there are and there have been on a few occasions times when we couldn't afford to do that and executive decisions were made to not do so but apparently um this year we're going to be spending $115,000 on fireworks another another $2,500 I see on the bills list for a band and I just think that that's extremely irresponsible um and unethical to do that and to spend money that's not necessary and on things that are frivolous when we don't have a budget and our Council can't speak with our um Chief Financial Officer which you know I've I've heard like Mr Weber say in the past he's worked on several budgets in the past in over the course of his terms as councilman and he's never experienced a time when he was limited and actually blocked from speaking to that financial officer and not being a party to that budget process and in fact it's my understanding that our Council are not allowed to speak with any of the department heads in regard to um the budget situation and I just think that that should be noted and I'd like to encourage um the council when it comes time to please vot this I'd like to see the DCA come in here and you can finally straighten things out and get to the bottom of what's going on thank you yeah for an for four and a half bring Avenue um my concern with respect to the budget it brings me right around to DPW and not understanding what's happening with them and not understanding what's happening with their contract we have now going on no contract for 2023 no contract for 2024 they have been one of the brightest spots of um living in Bradley Beach right next to the ocean fabulous service I have lived here when it seemed to be a private company or somebody from outside it was a whole different ballark and you know I I have no idea and we can't ask the questions of what is holding this up for a year and a half and you know I don't know who it's serving what end it's serving um what the stumbling blocks are and I certainly hope you know and now I it I can't ask the question whether we're down a couple of people in DPW um I had heard that that is a question of concern to me too I think that we should have a contract for them and a budget that includes what the results of that as um my other concern is the resolution for the sale of 319 lra and my concern there is I didn't see any restrictions on what variances the land use board can give once um there there is a sale and building plans start and I'm familiar with the um land use board having been on the zoning board and I know that they are um there is a possibility of use variances which means that although it's a single family Zone if they get a use variant for people get used variances then we could have multi family multi-unit dwellings there Lord knows what we could have there if somebody makes a case for um that them that the land used word is um you know willing to find ballot and that being the case it also brings up the point that with our form of government that we have right now there's only one person who appoints that entire board so um this is a concern for me in that section of town thank you thank you okay we'll move to the next agenda item which is I'm sorry I didn't see didn't see no that's the cursor okay by Avenue I i' like comments on resolution 204150 I can get it up here first of all I object to one of your whereases re whereas the bur's governing body has determined that the sale of the property is in the best interests of all residents and taxpayers I find this Highly Questionable certainly not in my interest and I'm one of the all and I would remind you all that it's certainly not in the interest of this Bureau to sell any of its assets especially one which has been misrepresented to you as being a white elephant quote unquote in no way with this property if ever be a white elephant you could have done wonderful things with this property with grant money with donations the negativity from certain numbers of this government body has been very disappointed we are destroying something which will never be able to replace Bradley Beach will never have a wonderful concert space meeting space banquet space there's no way that you're ever going to be able to afford it you would have been able to afford it with this property we losing it and I think that's a tragedy thank you thank you yes you have a question still answering questions um Lauren kind of sparked this forming the L board that only one person three2 four me thanks um sorry that's trying to be quick um that only one person person um appoints the land use board and I just learned that on at second or third Avenue right on Central that now they're building multif family homes where there used to be single family homes so luse board somehow approve this and it's very disappointing it's just going to bring in um last the whole parking and the density situation right in that part of the neighborhood there it's very upsetting when we heard about that that's not my point it's just that somebody I guess it's the mayor appoints these people onto the land use board and then it's people that may not even have a background in architecture or zoning or density watching out for density just people that say oh pretty let's build it let them build it I I really don't know what's involved I'm not part of that but I just this is what I've heard and other neighbors I've heard too um so with the appointments I'm wondering about says uh TJ brought this up before with the temporary pointing the temporary acting Construction does that mean that that position will be posted and there will be consideration of candidates that Council will be involved with all of council with their advice and terminology is where you're supposed to advise the mayor on what you think is a good candidate based on the resum will the whole Council be involved and the hiring of that because actually a lot of shaking heads of no it's not one it's not one of those positions it's not one of those okay because I thought maybe it's like the VA position where it's a poed position and it's considered think acting meaning it's in a way temporary I wondered if we're still putting out a posting for that and if we've been interviewing for that so that it becomes a permanent position or do we just keep the acting ongoing yes ongo sorry ongoing it's ongoing as acting but yet if we're going to hire somebody for the construction official but we're not going to hire a permanent position for the the with resumés and credentials qualifications RP isn't even I excuse but I understand that she leaves every meeting during comments and questions so I just wondered if we're GNA get somebody who's do the job to its full extent not parti thank you thank you uh no other questions we will move to um the consent agenda uh I'm sorry we won't move to the consent agenda I skipped um we have no ordinances uh we have one communication on DTW seasonal employee uh as communication and then we have the consent agenda which I think only has two items on it with us consent agendas to Bill list with June uh 26 and then the second is au authorizing rally cap Sports conduct volleyball for participants with special needs on Wednesdays in July and August from 6 to 8 I clip CLI and Ocean Avenue no burrow assistance required I'll make a motion to approve the consent that discussion yeah uh just discussion very brief on the bill was because uh councilwoman bone I know just a few hours ago I don't know half earlier in the day anyway you did ask a handle of questions which I I agree but did you get any response to those um can you share them with the public yes I did ask questions I did I had asked what on page one the cash was for Sean Peter for the for the uh Beach for the beach yeah I asked if that is a transfer from the current fund $7,000 and I was told it comes out of the beach fund and goes back to the beach fund and I had sent a followup asking if that's a transfer out of and back but I don't know if I receed to answer because it was later in the day I didn't have a chance to check and I can't ask the ba because she's not here um and then I had questions on what's our page five on CME Associates um I just had a question because the encumbered date uh there were a couple of uh invoices that were encumbered on 8323 and were paid on 62424 and one of them was serviced through 112 2423 and was paid on 62424 I don't know much about encumber I mean I know what you pulled the money but why was it encumbered on 81623 but then paid on 624 it's very possible we didn't get an invoice until now it that does happen I have seen it happen from even my accounts payable B we we don't pay unless they have signed off on PO yes that also I'm just I'm just running by someone like C who we have such a relationship with is billing us so even the prior I'm sure it could happen with any company I'm just you know I guess on that particular topic I know for a fact and I think it even happened with Mr Canon's firm there are times when the burrow is very late in paying a bill and there are other times to your point Erica that um you know we just get invoiced late or or like the mayor just said signing off on the POS if we don't get the PO back and it does happen um not frequently thank of us but is there any way for us as a council to understand when these states are so Mis aligned when it's when we're saying the bill is eight months after uh a service has been supposedly rendered is there any way for us to tell when it's a late invoice as opposed to when we are late that would be a finance question it's it's on the rep all the ort like the date that the invoices were were entered into Edmond is on the on the report yeah yeah so on page five for example Kristen you were asking about CME so if I could mention this you did mention something that I brought up in the past however I have to say that issue at least from my perspect been alleviated um and but I know that they don't process invoices every single day because I see the entry numbers just on my own invoices um I will say the bur has gotten a lot better every municipality late from time to time this time of year municipalities have to pay the schools and are extremely light on money and so like that's often time like it's built into my cash flow model of my business I know that this time of year the town us take an extra 30 days to pay um you know if it's eight months later it's probably the the professional didn't send the bill in to be honest with you in my in my more recent experience the last several months so for again less interested though in the the generality is more interested in this and me with CME I'm looking at the middle of page five and it looks like receive date would that be the date the invoice was received no first first inome well actually the receive date is when we marked it receive to go on the bill list for payment but at that point you we would have received the invoice um from the company otherwise we wouldn't have marked it received to be paid so then how do we know when it was paid yeah well how do we know first when it was the invoice was received if it's not the received date like we would know that unless it's in the description on the left hand side yeah when all the when all the steps by the person who's asking to number right next to uh check boy dat right hand side right you're on the right hand okay oh I see m m Spirit faded yeah yeah okay yeah so first encumberance state is when the it's put into the system as a p then you have um then the contractor has to return the PO right then the contractor has to return the PO signed um then they provide an invoice which you see all the way there to the right where it says invoice um and then we mark it received so it can go on the bill list for payment so thankfully we have a clerk who worked a lot so Eric I see the invoice number is but does that receive date correlate with the invoice yes does okay yeah that that would be that will be the accounts whoever is entering or doing the accounts payable okay yes they go back to councilwoman mone's question these are invoices that will receive 5:30 June 7 so we're only a few weeks out yeah it appears okay great no thank you that helps uh so that's the end of discussion for me okay thank you um okay like a motion to approve the consent agend second Mr Noble yes Mr kosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay individual resolutions we have five the first is Introduction of 2024 budget by read only by to be read by title only make a motion to approve 2024 86 second Mr Noble okay so I want to say we've made progress but we haven't made complete progress and I wish we started this process back in November I talked to other bur and they say you get to meet with the department head and you discuss what they need what their plans are for the next year we didn't have that you get to meet with the CFO we met with the CFO when you met with a CFO we had a workshop here but we did interview him so we met with him twice we don't have access we we can send emails but we can't just have a conversation and you know the difference between sending an email and having a conversation you say this is this oh right oh good so it's it's a slugish process and we're just not there yet so I can't say yes until I and I I look at what happened like we had this Inc last year was 13.2% and now we're looking at another 3.75 we're depleting our savings on top of that I just we need answers why is this happening where is this money going and until we really feel good about this we can't I I mean I can't I can't say yes to this and for that reason I'm saying No thank you for the record we did have a 13.2% tax increase last year while at that same time we're also told by our CFO that we did not replenish $600,000 of surplus which uh roughly equated to another 8% had we had a quotequote adequate tax rate so taxes last year effectively for all of us where our money was spent was really equated to something close to a 21% tax increase uh 13 plus the Surplus um I say this every meeting you know you know last meeting I said definition of insanity same thing over and over expecting different results um and just so everyone knows because you're going to hear more about this in the near future we keep asking questions the mayor keeps responding so we are getting responses and you're going to hear this the only difference is that the mayor and his team will say they answered the question and as far as we're concerned we're we're not getting the answers we're looking for so we're just missing each other um and until this Council can understand the budget I'm not saying the budget is wrong council president Den noo though just said the mayor's requesting 3.74% is that's what the number is I believe um but I can't even I can't even say suggest that to you as being comparable to the 13.2 last year because 13.2 we spent a lot of time with the CFO understanding all the drivers of that number um it probably should have been a lot higher we almost agreed to draw down our Surplus a little bit to make it only 3.2% um this year we're being told by the mayor that 3.74 or whatever the exact number is is a reasonable percentage but unlike last year we've had what I feel is no not sufficient information to understand that budget I can't tell you it's 3.7 and I agree I disagree I can't tell you if it should be 10 or if it should be -3 I don't know because we're not getting the answers that we're asking um I'm not going to take you through a Litany of examples but the answers are very vague the answers tell the council to look up different documents look at the document from the March 27th meeting look at the document from the April 10th meeting these are documents we've looked at these are documents that generated the questions in the first place but when we put together an exhibit and say can you just you got numbers everywhere just put them in place for us the actual answer was uh if you need the answer if you need the numbers put into your exhibits we'll have the clerk do it and uh In fairness to our clerk who's a very busy woman I just could not imagine asking our clerk to complete Financial exhibits so bottom line is there's just a disconnect here I don't know why it is abs absolutely the definition of insanity um but when we get to vote again once again I'm not going to be able to support the budget introduction and you have to vote that's now no thank you Council woman M um so I feel uh the same way as my County colleagues um I got the answers yesterday that the the mayor sent over and I got through about the third answer and my eyes blazed over we were told to refer back to spreadsheets that we had already talked about on March 27th April 3rd April 10th a spreadsheet excuse me a PDF that we had asked not to have to use because it's a PDF and you can't really work with the data um which is a state form in our answers we were told to go back and refer to those documents to find the answers so it was what is you know can you give us the answer to this here's the question the answer was you can refer back to spreadsheets to find your answer okay um I I didn't the spreadsheets have multiple tabs some of the spreadsheets we said aren't missing information um when we first attempted to get the answers we saw we brought up issues with missing information on spreadsheets number that did not correspond and answers that were B the answers that we have just received ask us to refer back to the very spreadsheets that have missing information and are very confusing and numbers do not correspond I was going to give you guys all a calculation to do but I'll spare you one big issue that we all need to be concerned about is the 600k in reserve that this Administration plans to spend to cover our operating costs reserves that are not usually spent move into Surplus in this case the administration would like to take 600k of reserves and use it to cover our ordinary operating costs if these are our ordinary operating costs and this is a one-time dip in the bucket from where will we get the needed 600k next year to cover these normal operating costs sadly it seems like we are short 600k which Al just said is equivalent to 800 to 8% 8% in taxes you're short 600k and we can either find Cuts or we can raise taxes but we can't be stealing from Peter to pay Paul because Paul's going to be broke next year once we take his 600k I didn't I couldn't follow the answers that we got and we don't have good answers so I V know Council Le no mayor fact yes um I will I need to just respond on this question of fund surpluses um we hold I don't know what the number is right now but but 1.2 I'm sorry could I speak please didn't another number what number 1.2 million is our new Serv I wasn't I wasn't going to say that sorry I interrup you Mr May y so we have um between our utilities and current fund last year at this time I was the number was around $5 million of um Reserves those reserves come from taxpayer taxes that have happened in Prior years in Municipal budgeting the objective is to end the year with some level of uh course I'll call it or you know we have underspend call it underspending and that goes that's held for a year then goes into your your fund balances going forward that's the process the municipal budgeting goes through it's not corporate um accounting it's not Gap it's none of that and and so our CFO went through the analysis we ended last year at about a million three of unspent monies and the the spend level against those funds has been light so he conservatively said we can use 600 we we should expect $600,000 so that's what that is so the idea of saying that we're depleting a savings account is just not true it's the way that Municipal budgets work um where are you going to make up the extra once so if you have 1.3 you spend 600 then the next year you spend down the 600 from the 1.3 and these are normal operating expens not like someone took C4 and dropped it in the middle of town and blew up five buildings that you need to BU build back with that 600k how are you going to get so the next year you need the other 600k how are you going to keep getting that 600k the expectation is that you won't spend to the level of your budget unfortunately that's our that has been our experience and I don't think we have enough money to pay for DPW or the police I think your 3.2 number unfortunately everybody is too low 3.75 3.75 I think that number is too low to maintain to to do what we need to do unfortunately what what no I'm sorry what the mayor said was true that those reserves typically get released and they flow into Surplus what our CFO shared with us briefly in The Limited opportunity he had to present to the public um was that that 600,000 of Revenue so onetime infusion of Revenue it's basically going to be the dollars that repay the money we borrow from Surplus in other words if we didn't have that we'd be in another deficit again so it's a one-time infus Fusion of $600,000 that should flow to our Surplus we're going to spend it in order to not take from our Surplus ladies and gentlemen it's the same thing we took a million dollars in 2022 from our Surplus didn't repay it 2023 we took 1.1 million from our Surplus only replenished 500,000 I.E we we did not replenish 600,000 in those two years we depleted our Surplus $1.6 million this year as far as we can tell because I can't ask I actually did ask the CFO this question and if you go back to that meeting it was a very brief response but I did ask this 600,000 that councilwoman Mahone us referencing is it seems to be a one-time infusion is this sustainable and his answer at that meeting was I believe it is I got this from somewhere else it was a it not his own work it was a reference that he did the unbalance analysis we can go back to the video we can go back to the video because I remember what he said and but by the way he was there to answer questions and basically one or two questions came up and then it was let's move on that is just not that is true I recall it well because I got go back and look at the tape thank Larry I gave you 15 freaking questions pardon my pardon me losing my patience ladies and Gent gentlemen after after creating over a 100 questions I reduced it to 15 significant questions and what you're hearing today is exactly what we're dealing with as a council the mayor in his beginning comments said something about having five million of reserves then changes 1.3 we have an email that told us no no no I I didn't don't you made a reference no I said that our total surpluses last year between the two utilities and the current fund was around $5 million and that's correct no has those together those are totally I'm just saying that that's taxpayer money that has been paid in taxes that's the first thing I said the second thing I said is no it's it is true taxpayer money funded the Beach utility taxpayer money funed funded the sewers I don't think so yeah they do F so let me let me just reference something else and then we can we move on because this vot's already been taken you know these 15 questions we a team of people did respond to those questions um there was a set of questions that councilman gubitosi asked on April 17th um that those same people spent probably three or four hours answering never received a response so these hundreds of questions that have been asked um some of them aren't questions some of them are I'd like to see a trend analysis so fill in the blanks on this couple of years worth of information that's not a requirement of the CFO when I have a trend analysis to do when I look at beach CES when I look at lockers when I look at budgets I have budgets going back about eight or 10 years I do the analysis um I do the trend analysis so we did not ask for a trend analysis we ask for side by side budget which which is in the state budget document no side by yes it is 24 and 23 as we after for 22 because 22 ladies and gentlemen is where we spend an extra million I'm not going to continue this the bottom line is you're going to hear a lot about mayor has answered all our questions I'm here to tell you we are not understanding the answers we cannot vote for a budget as a council that we don't understand because we represent you that's bottom line thank you councilman okay uh in uh resolution 2024 147 authorizing private sale Surplus property of Bradley Beach fire division make a motion to approve 147 second mrble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor yes 2024 148 approval to submit a Grant application execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for Main Street pedestrian and lighting improvements project make a motion to approve 2024 148 um I do have a question what is this exactly and how much money is it for the application I don't have what the exact is it in the I didn't get the application I just got I can get you that this came up uh CM found this it's part of um some State money that's available it was viewed as something we could augment our Main Street funding with um I can get you what that number is okay so this is in addition yes the idea being that we've got this the doll figure was 1.4 on Main Street Y and I figure out what to do with that but before we get to you know before that even starts to happen the new funding got announced we're going to apply for that we'll probably hear about that in February and so come February we may know do we have enough money to do everything that we want or are we going to just be able to you know pick and choose and do some of the things we want so that answers question um would this involve like LED lighting is is that why there's the possibilities for this yes I mean that's one of the things we're looking at we have to pick and choose the decide and I think some of those answers are going to decide if we get this second Grant because the 1.4 it's enough to do some things it doesn't go very far okay it goes to about you know the r no I'm kid so so you're familiar with this grant process yeah I mean this is the same pot of money right Mr Mayor that we got the 1.4 from well it's the form of transportation eot yeah so yeah for second oh no we're looking for I think we already have a sec did we do a second I didn't get a second yeah oh I'm sorry that's okay can I get a second yes okay Mr Noble yes Mr gy yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor fo yes uh 2024 149 resignation construction official can people um please silence your phones keep hearing the phone I don't know that's coming from thank you sorry to interrupt you a minute resonation 2024 149 resignation of construction official this appointing or just the resignation V that really should it should say and I will adjust the agenda but it's an appointment for the acting temporary construction official um and that resolution does also state who's resigning so we have to vote on yes yeah the state needs a resolution because you're appointing and acting temporary um I thought the mayor just said this isn't somebody advis consent the hiring this is just an acting right but the state because this is a a a um a licensed official you have to have a resolution to send to the state because you're appointing register them as the person register them as the person in that role Okie doie in that case I will second thank you um Mr Noble so Steve wasaka is the one resigning did he resign yet I believe he's resigning on the 27th tomorrow I just want to say he was a great person he did a great job I really enjoyed working with him any time I had encountered him and I V yes and I wish him all the best Mr Gob yes M Mone yes Mr weather yes mayor yes 2021 2024 150 authorizing in sale 317 to 319 Avenue also knows B 41 lot one on tax map bur Accord 40 12-13 make a motion to approve 2024 150 second Mr Nole okay I do want to make a couple comments real quick Greg I did send you for um 38 to be put under the deed restrictions yes so uh I I'll announce that Amendment and then who made the motion the mayor made the I made the motion if the mayor could then make his motion as amended so I ran this resolution forgive me I shouldn't say Council woman to Noble ran this resolution pass our affordable housing attorney um and he recommended that condition H be moved down as a deed restriction um element was on just immediately below it in the resolution to memorialize that it's part of the transfer of the property as well um the release from any potential Builders Revenue lawsuits is is conditioning so uh I had made that Amendment and can send that to you Erica as amended to the meeting okay we could just have the mayor move the motion as Amendment and get another second I'll make the motion as amended second Mr Noble okay and then miss eggar you had asked a question earlier about the the deed restrictions that is covered in this I don't know if you got a copy of this resolution but it does say that the property may be used or developed for any purpose uh may not be hold on let's do this again okay may not be used or developed for purpose which property tax exemption may be granted two the property may only be used for single family residential dwelling purposes with lawful accessory structures I think that was what you asked about earlier so they just covered in this so I think that's oh and then also with the um subdivision PL this was revised pretty recently so I did ask Ben I I I have a very small copy I didn't see the date of the revision I think the original date was 2023 uh April so I just made a motion that I mean made a recommendation that he has this the revised date on here so the actual plat that he revised and sent back to us he left the plan date the same so I did open it up and specifically look at what the plan dat is on the piece of paper the B will receive and it's 413 2023 and I was standing that it does reflect the discussions of 6724 okay so I El it the same so that when the biders get it all the documents they get match by date by date even if the date on that plat isn't exactly accurate to the last revision okay because um Miss beam said there should be a revised date on on the Subdivision plat as well I agree uh I that's what I opened it up to look for but there was there was not okay so maybe we can all add that as well the revised date uh we can we can change those typ if we get a revised date plot certainly change those typos I mean that's not a substantial I did send an email to Ben as well but as we sit here tonight that all the paperwork matches with those okay excellent okay my vote is yes uh Mr go teny I want to thank council president denovo for jumping into action here um we got these materials earlier today didn't have a lot of time and we were all working on different elements of preparing for tonight's meeting so thank you council president for contacting our professionals working of course with Mr Canon I will vote Yes Miss Mahoney I am sad to see the church go but it has to go I think it's this is the best plan for it to go and thank you again to council mble for her um acument on this much appreciated I vote Yes Mr no I think I'll abstain yes yes the other thing I want to mention before we get off the topic is um this is very unique circumstance and so the bid documents as they're presently written are written in such a way to with the restrictions and the reservations to protect the burrow in the best way possible that seems like the best stepping if this this auction will be successful maybe it won't I don't D predict what how that will go um but in either event we' started at the first stepping stone um and we may find that to get the best price and what the burrow wants we may need to move some of those risks that are that you see there's a lot of restrictions in there we may need to move some of those to make it more pable to the market that we find but it's the notion is within 30 days we'll have that information then we can move forward if there's other stepping stone from there but I won't you go forward with that knowledge this is really written to protect the burrow at this point because we don't know what Market we're stepping into and that's the safest way to do it we you know if it doesn't work this time there's no conclusion against doing it in 30 days with the knowledge that we gain from doing it this time wonderful I'll keep an eye on that thank you thank you okay um we'll now move to announcements there are none uh move now the mayor and council do I can lead off here uh first we're working uh I need to make this announcement uh to get it on the record we are working on mitigation plans against cyber attack the bur will be formalizing a technology policy in accordance with the New Jersey j i intermediate group standards there will be a resolution at the 710 me I'll get you that those words uh summer's officially here thus far we're clicking on all cylinders relative to our our beachfront uh the first two weekends have been an enormous success we can hopefully if the weather holds uh hopefully we'll we'll stay on that path uh the summer camp kicked off Monday um happy to report that we have 96 campers up from 65 last year uh we're fully staffed ready to go uh thanks to Courtney papus and her team that have uh gotten us ready to go uh on on the camp um in addition to the continued focus on projects that we've received and funding we've received at a county state and federal level I'm happy to report that last week we received a $72,000 phase2 grant from the local Recreation Grant fund uh again at 72 ,000 Grant uh the application was for baseball field drainage and uh really the whole ball field area so we're happy about that I we'll add that to the the work that we're trying to do around town um we're we're continue to work on Main Street the unused asset Grant the promin a grant silven Lake Grant um Lake teris Park uh that Grant is complete and we had a ribbon cutting ceremony last week or two weeks ago guess primarily recognizing uh the pro that project and the bridge that was rebuilt last year over Fletcher Lake we didn't get to that last year Public Works police Recreation Administration participated with their area residents um it was a nice event uh July 4th fireworks festivities are in process check the website for events uh congratulations to our 8th grade uh Bradley Beach Elementary School graduation was last Wednesday uh they had a pretty busy couple weeks to the trip to Washington and uh there was really a standing room only for a celebration for our 19 graduates uh on the library and Recreation please just check the website for upcoming events that is my report council president okay tourism there was a meeting Tuesday June 18th they reviewed their advertising their summer events their QR code couple resolutions as well and um they having heading to a very busy season unfortunately the movie Greece was canceled tonight due to the weather it's been postponed to Monday July 1 in rley park and then Tuesday July 2nd country line dancing at the beach of gazebo begins and on Wednesday July 3rd the National Guard Army Band will perform in Riley Park at 6 PM the fireworks will be Friday July 15th on the beach front and on Saturday July 6th the Saturday in the Park summer music series makes its way back to Riley park with Kenny K and the way and the showtime is from 5 to 7 p.m and the tourism encourages guests to pick up local takeout from the Bradley Beach awesome Bradley Beach's awesome restaurants and in addition the tourism commission has chosen to dedicate the Saturday in the Park music Series this year to Julia Sandra Rand Julia was the chair chair of the Bradley Beach Arts Council for 12 years her passion and commitment to the Arts will be greatly missed in our burrow in addition the Bradley Beach Elementary School uh the board of Ved had a meeting I attended on J June 24th they had a few um items especially there was a PTA donation they donated over 42,000 oh I'm sorry $2,780 for their extracurricular activities and services and they also had the first scholarship presentation by the Bradley Beach Elementary no Bradley Beach Education Foundation and um Tracy Davidson supplied you this the recipient was Joshua nesat nesat I knew that and I'm just gonna read a brief statement because I think it's so awesome and this is from Joshua growing up in Bradley Beach has had a profound influence on my life shaping who I am am today my journey began at Bradley Beach Elementary School where the close snit community and dedicated teachers fostered my curiosity and passion for learning it was there that I first discovered my interest and Engineering thanks to the inspiring Educators he's blessed to be enrolling now at ruter University and he'll be studying mechanical engineering kudos to you kudos to the foundation and kudos to Joshua and that completes my report thank you thank you Council thank you um first I have a as Leon to the police I have a police report provided to me by detective Lieutenant Browning uh so thank you to the detective Lieutenant who I believe is on vacation this week um on June 16th around 1 am two subjects one male one female were arrested for stealing the burough pride flag which was displayed in rally Park on Main Street it would oberved the pair cutting the flag down and riding off with it on bicycles and very quickly sergeant salaro and patrolman Johnson located them at a local bar the flag was recovered in a nearby garbage can and the two subjects were charged with death criminal mischief and bias intimidation based on the fact they stole the flag due to what it represents detective Lieutenant Browning and chief Arnold follow followed up uh the next day and after bringing the subjects back in for questioning ended up charging the mail with the theft of the two other Pride flags that were stolen on June 5th he that male received two more counts of theft and bias intimidation charges are still under consideration for the female party in another incident a field contact by patrols during the overnight hours revealed a local subject was wanted out of Neptune City for burglary and he was arrested this subject has a prior history of burglary and other offenses in our surrounding towns and we applaud the proactive nature of our officers as as he was most likely up to no good the night he was stopped lastly on Thursday June 20th Chief Arnold the police Administration and detective Bureau partnered up with the answer weer alabs team in their large scale which was held on the Evergreen Avenue Beach the level of cooperation between our new police Administration and these other agencies is noted by all parties that participate and they applaud us for being so actively involved we posted a lot of great photos and details about the team and the drill on our Police Department Facebook page uh this is my addition to that report that finally our K9 unit will make a presentation at our next council meeting in July this is a fascinating story of achievement by our Bradley Beach police department and I encourage all of our residents to join this K9 workshop at our next meeting which I believe is J July 10th um so I am the silv lake liaison so I'll make a brief comment about the sil Lake commission last week the S commission held a meeting and invited the environmental commissions from both Avon the sea and Bradley Beach to attend the main focus of the meeting was to share was to make sure that our two municipalities weren't together to save the health of silin Lake the lake is one to two feet deep in most areas and desperately needs to be dredg in order to save it grant funding used for bulkhead repair Bradley Beach and living shorelines Avon need to be applied with a goal of supporting the main objective that both towns share which is save the lake commission members all Embrace this goal and will continue to provide advice and guidance to the two burough councils I want to make a brief comment about Paul and heroes I I've mentioned this at past meetings uh mayor Fox Ted a committee of some of our resident veteran uh individuals to evaluate eligibility for recognition as a Bradley Beach Fallen Hero uh I I I'm fearful that we may be running short on time but I know the mayor's goal was to hopefully reach some resolution and working with our veterans that there might be a recognition on uh at our July 3 ceremony uh I will continue to follow up with this group but as of this point in time I I don't have a status update I remain hopeful that this group will complete their work in time for the July 3rd ceremony and then my final comment I'm trying to close all my comments every meeting with this but U I'm I continue to be very concerned about the lack of progress in our local 152 negotiations I feel obligated to mention this every time it is inexcusable that this Union representing so many of our hardworking employees has been forced to go without a contract or a pay raise for a year and a half the mayor's unwillingness to include a council representative at the bargaining T bargaining table is and I use this word last time inexplicable that concludes my comments thank you councilman we thanks um I'm going to start my comments with the question and it's for the mayor and I just want to know what does it mean when the acting bu administrator is excused you understand like you understand it would be helpful for us if she was here I excuse [Music] you okay she oh I can explain um I want to comment on Julia Sandra Ran's passing obviously she headed up our Arts Council since it's Inception appointed by uh by mayor Julie Shrek and um certainly lost for a burough I I don't really understand how this is possible but I will say that her the latest performance was her best I don't know as she got older and older I just it was uh really remarkable to me and U she certainly gave a lot to his t for that the eighth grade graduation was great um lot of love in that building it's it's a ton of fun and it's it's certainly not like my eth grade graduation Opera I went to Opera by the SE what do you know which was a is a which was not an Arts Council but that was a tourism event and that was great people were commenting on the quality of the uh the performers it really was something um I'm really thankful for this police report I did not know that those Bri flags were stolen um it's in the coast jice I I didn't get to that yet well no it's it's going to be going be okay I am the council person that said we should have Bri fles um it's few years back and uh I just I distinctly recall getting some hate mail about it and I continue to get hate mail and hate comments about it and um happy Pride everybody what are you gonna say about it uh the first aid report it was in the phone should still be in the phone come on don't do this to me still on the phone it is still on the phone but now to find it sorry sorry for the delay here so for the month that ended today Squad responded to 29 day calls 13 Night Calls 42 calls alog together 29 were for medical nine were for fire uh there were three water rescue requests from the answer team uh one Medical Transport three motor vehicle crashes and the squad conducted two drills for the safety and education and the membership uh the squad provided medical OverWatch for the Bradley Beach Business Alliance fundraiser uh as well as for the they participated in the answer water recipe exercises just mentioned uh in preparation for this summer swimming season the squad requested no Mutual Aid assistance and um they fulfill 100% of their assignments as always they are looking for volunteers uh they provide training the applications are on the Bal website and you must be uh there also applications for Cadet program for people 16 to 18 years of age so youngsters should sh should sign up for that uh for Fletcher Lake they put some time every spring into doing plantings around the lake uh this year they planted some perennials so they don't have to get out there and plant new plant new flowers every year um they want to enter into an agreement with the geese control folks the ones that are doing eace control on silvin Lake it's working so well there and a couple other lakes that now all the P are Fletcher lake so they're eager to do that um and I'm gonna ask another question do we know the burough paid for the silven lake it didn't come out of silven Lake's budget right it just came from the bur I think um we split it out I think we split it okay so that's what they're hoping that we can do um Neptune already said that they'll split it with us so hopefully we get that going before the geese fly south oh no they don't fly south that's the problem um Fletcher Lake commissioner has also asked about enforcement of electric vehicles on the foot bridge now we have a sign we have the ordinance now we have the sign and they're hoping that that will get uh well enforced so officers be on the look at for that thank you um it is hot it has been hot it hasn't rained uh just as Community announcement New Jersey American Water they they asked for voluntary water restrictions um you know it's on you this is not they're not say as mandatory but I think it's Common Sense things like don't water your lawn in the middle of the day when it's super hot and don't water it when it's really windy like it was the other day just use some s and conserve water if you have one of those new trees from the shade tree commission keep that bag full that is not a place to to cut back on water that new tree needs some some water um speaking of utilities there's another meeting of the towns that were interested in energy aggregation remember energy aggregation I talked about it years ago um if you recall we were going for savings across the board for everybody on their electric bill and also trying to buy more renewable energy by aggravating with a bunch of other towns um the markets have been such that we are just not getting that and they don't expect that we're getting that so the B decided along with these other towns to we're GNA change our expectations a little bit like we're not as concerned with the renewable energy we're just concerned with hope hopefully saving people some money and the renewable energy is I'll say it's less of a concern but the state May Ates the portfolios of the utilities they're already you know they're ratcheting up like when we started this process they were probably getting 15% of their energy from renewable sources now it's up to it's like 24% so it's already going up that's what we wanted anyway so we said it's fine let's just go for the Energy savings no guarantees because the Market's still kind of tough out there but if they find favorable conditions our town and seven other towns if we want we can participate uh in some energy aggregation and save people money that is the extent of my report thank you Council okay uh the environmental commission met on June 3rd the commission is dedicated to retaining Bradley Beach's Sustainable New Jersey New Jersey designation and will be working on their submission for 2025 the land use board met on June 20th an application for an expansion of an existing non-conformity for 3013 Avenue and other modifications was heard the application was denied 5 to4 the board also agreed to the con to consistency of the to the consistency of the changes to the storm water management ordinance three other applications were considered for use and bulk variances and since I can't hear use experiences I will report on those once they are memorialized the next meeting will be July 18th that's my report thank you okay we'll open it to uh public comments right now five minute limit single instance any public comments yes hiire six brittley ad um just wanted to thank the council for council members who voted no to voting down the introduction of the budget um based on what was discussed about the budget I um I vividly remember Mr guard standing up here and stating that $600,000 was not being replenished for 2023 into the Surplus um I'll tell you why I vividly remember that because I remember not trusting it just like we were told for 2022 300,000 wasn't going to be replenished and it ended up being a mill million when the audit came out so I don't even trust the percentage increase of what our taxes are supposed to be raised and I don't even trust that the 600,000 is to be factored into that because what we're told we have a track record now since Larry fox has been in office that what we're told about our money is not the truth um we get updates about tourism about land use about the police about the school we don't get anything about our money the most important thing that keeps this place functioning and we have no clue what's going on with our money so Paul was broke already in 2022 um like a million dollars really were I also want to mention the Edmonds reference that was brought up and that dates are put in place and you know the invoices and Edmonds I'd like to remind everybody that when I over the covid money for 2021 and 2022 I was told three times that there were no responsive records and then I came up here and I mentioned it and suddenly I received an email showing me 2021 um I think it was July 8th of 2021 in the Edmonds report 217 $1,000 as a receipt a cash receipt shows a debit and then a credit okay for 21 for 2022 I think I had about have it here for 2022 I think I had about eight entries maybe in July for the 217 all listed as manual entries 2021 was listed as a cash receipt there's no consistency the Edmond's report for the 2022 217,000 totals at the bottom showing $800 something, because of all the manual entries that were listed it makes no sense whatsoever and it certainly doesn't even look like the 2021 part of the co money so it's two very inconsistent year-to-year reports in the edmin system so once again there's no trust in anything we receive about our money hold on um when we have our agendas printed out I mean can we just put that merited excuse from the meeting every time because I think she's excused every time and do we not have to announce that for the record every time it's like I'm going um I think that's it thanks thank you yes Nancy Meadow Ocean Park on mins um Mr we thank you so much for being me the people you asked for clarification question and you didn't get an answer um now you know what we feel like um and Mr goosi I don't look at it as Insanity to continue to bring up the same things I look at it as SC so which is weird for me because my glasses always have empty um but that being said it is my hope that the more I am redundant and the more I point out the same things as the squeaking wheel that something will stick so with that in mind I am waiting since April 15th for reply to a letter from the mayor the fact that a government business would run like this we know why other people don't respond and may the record show that it is impossible to call for H Monday through Friday so they four and speak to someone because it doesn't open until 9: it's really not h i mean this is what we're dealing with here um in addition I've been waiting for answers from the labor to me since winter um so I'm going to have to over again and I guess it'll get all sent again and we'll piss away more money and I do mean I did specifically choose that word um you have the power for of you to legislate to make ordinances that might introduce eight employees that are sitting here tonight that might require advice and consent of council for committee members Department members commission members do have the those meetings on Zoom available to the public to have their minutes available to the public in other words standards where we can know what to expect instead of freefor all at Bradley Beach which then will bring me to the beach when we know everyone say we can do that in Bradley Beach they don't do anything about it so let's start with this one bring your child to workday is before four Thursday in April it's not every weekend day where children that appear to me from looking under 10 years old arriving with a lifeguard in the kabuda what a liability for the burrow what a liability for two little children this is what happens when you hire people who not experienced in thaty I mentioned last meeting about the separation of church and state which is very important to me I respected your hope I was disappointed but now that I'm out not working I'm seeing a religious organization at the Gazebo every single day and yet they weren't there when F was there who may I say many people said how lovely our beaches were when he was having a little presentation they ignored the fact that Public Works was there three men pulled off of doing important War to help him they ignored the fact that the green shirts were on their hands and knees picking up garbage from the beach that is why we are presistin because of our employees but they don't have a contract and of course that didn't come up um it's a good thing we finally put the days that we're taking Beach badges on the website but I guess the person who changed it only did what they were told to do because it says that our discount badges are sold from December 2023 through something 2022 again these are standards that you accept that we pay for and I just don't get it we need a different website we need employees that do their work last week when I mentioned security you're all considered with cyber security I'm concerned with my physical security so I walked around the burrow don't throw or show a bob in my face I don't even use them I counted dir blocks that don't use FS again every single lock lock every combination every five all of that needs to be changed because we've had tremendous change in person okay thank you yes I'd just like to speak on behalf of Julia Rand and um formerly request that the Arts Council first of all that the um Arts Council continues and that um there there will be an appointment next individual to fill those shoes for the Arts Council I know that's a mayoral appointment um because it's a very important part of Ry Beach um and I'd like to formally request that the Arts Council be named after Julia Rand the Julia Sandra Rand Arts Council so that's a recommendation that I'm asking for um and I think it would be very meaningful since she actually started the Arts Council and she's been a lifetime member thank you yes good evening Linda W3 the Avenue first thank you for voting down the budget introduction I'd like to I just have some comments about ordinances I would like to see two ordinances created would be for construction and it would be that when they're doing demolition that involves large amounts of dust and smoke the area that smoke necessarily but dirt flying through the air that like other construction companies they W down the soil so the environment and people living around you aren't affected and the other one I'd like to say is when I was just recently out in Texas they do have bags but you don't see bags everywhere which I found and we have created no crty we don't have bags any but all their eateries have takeout that's in disposable containers that are paper and I would or bamboo um utensils I would love to see our eateries here also provide that for people that take out so we don't have unnecessary Plastics in our landfill and I don't understand this is a complaint actually why the hola Grill now has table against the railes they were not there last year or ever before they had them next to the Hula Grill themselves personally for me it's like a few extra steps to park my bicycle but a lot of people Park their bicycles along the the fence and now it's going to be more of an isore of all those bicycles along the fence and the other thing is that they don't pick up their garbage at in the evening sometimes and I find a lot of things on the ground they should be placing the area before they close and the other thing is it's curious I did ask about the menu at the other truck that's on the North End about just ice cream so it's just ice cream now so they don't have any other food besides ice cream it would been better if we had gotten a truck that provided lunch type menus for people instead of um just ice creen nice to have ice cream I breef but then it forces the North End to bring their own or water out over time they they provide some other food sorry I met with the owner on Friday and they're now providing that's new to us and the other request I have is counil no you have that plan uh the Lots could that be possibly posted on our website so we can review it ourselves instead of just not knowing exactly how it looks that's a good question yeah just like we had the plans is it accessible right now anywhere no what about the big packet that's that's not no it's not on the website but and where are all these kfts going to go to the beach they're going to be hanging out on the green area what they do a lot of times because they're not on the they're not in the lake so I'm not like I don't want to say but we need to find another solution I think it's great that we're getting them out of Ls but then they're going to go to the beach and that grass area is filled with beef species it's kind of disgusting right I I I don't know what to say about that it's um it's it's people walk on the grass no and they're barefooted so I don't know what the solution would be but maybe we can investigate that somewh more all right thank you thank you yes 6 12 Third Avenue mayor it's very disingenuous of you to say there's five million in Surplus in our utilities people don't really understand what that is okay I didn't say that yes yes you did I said between our current fund and our utilities yeah but you're putting them together they're they're totally different things the beach is one utility the sewer is another utility we need a large Surplus in the sewer so that we can do more work because we have to put deposits them when we Bond okay and and not only that when Miss Humphrey was here there was money taken from the beach in the sewer under the guys that oh we we didn't pay these health benefits before and that money was taken out as a one time only and again those accounts were dwindled in my mind they were pil okay and and it's continuing to happen and it's going to continue to happen but 5 million don't let people think we have 5 million they're three separate accounts okay and I'd like to know um you know I don't know before you became mayor uh when mayor englad was here the CFO used to be at every meeting Joyce wilin was here gaale was here they Answer Financial questions not anymore are we getting a deal with this guy $73,000 we paying or in that neighborhood we've seen him one time well I couldn't even tell you what he looks like now I forgot it's been so long but also I mean we got to do this right this is just this is system it's not working my next question is for M Mr Canon I'm sorry I'm gonna make ask a question you don't you don't have to answer but um our acting business administr was hired on a 90day rollover contract that contract's never been resubmitted this should be done every 90 days as judge English said at the first hearing uh well what happens every 90 days you have to do it again uh I believe the mayor reappoints every 90 days let's see an appointment memo we had an appointment memo and everything the first I understand that and that's a transparency issue but I I have seen at least one of them I know that that appointment is kept up to date it is oh happen at all the meetings okay and it hasn't been done in the last six months your point is taken thank you I look forward to that thank you very much mayor L things be done transparently let us know what's going on thanks yes Sor 16 going back to the issue of the ice cream truck on the port avue I've spoken to the we've spoken to the owne several times theyve talked about bringing some snack food in but they haven't done it yet unfortunately we have been up there for ice cream a few times too many and um there's no food and that section Beach is popular and not everybody can just walk home and get some food so I'm not sure when this food is going to show up but it has not shown up at all thank you yeah hi Peter sharp 301 Second Avenue uh first of all thank you for the nice reports about the 8th graders and the uh student entering recers definitely the FID moments from tonight's meeting it's nice to hear that okay enough feel good moment um see two weeks ago I was up here and I was asking if there was any information uh on the recent legal activities uh up in Freehold and specifically the costs for legal representation uh that we are accumulating and even more important than that whether it's the expectation that these costs will be passes to the gra each taxpayers uh we're kind of late in this meeting already and I haven't heard anything so open hear something I think there's one more number she was trying to get I asked that question today so you should have it within the next day or two okay and would this be your cost or would this be the council cost it'll be comprehensive comprehensive okay all right um then uh let's be patient then and wait for that number to pop up um but the reason I'm focusing on this is because that you know we're a washing Financial issues here and fortunately better Financial Minds than mine are trying to work through this and figure it all out but it just occurs to me that these legal costs are really they represent a total loss to the taxpayers that grab the beach um no Goods no services are being provided for this uh money that's being expended and it's just kind of sad to see that uh you know uh based on the one number that mayor Fox provided we could say that there could be as much as $40,000 here um extrapolating from the one data point that we know um that could be just lost and I I think that's pretty sad State of Affairs hopefully it'll turn out to be less than that but I just conclude by saying that you know this kind of thing going on is not a sign to the healthy government yes yes I can't me through I just have a question on fure Lake bridge um on the um Bradley beach side there was a little asphalt ramp put onto it so you could get the bike up on it I would never ride a bike if there people walking on the bridge but 80% of the time it's not somebody walking over the bridge when I'm riding my bike on the other side of the bridge there isn't a little asphalt that's been put in to create a ramp I'm just wondering who can be contacted I guess at Neptune DPW like somebody did that on the Bradley side was it our DPW or was it just a resident that there can we get it on the other side you have to go up Township meeting and get I just wondered if anybody knows a counter part over there we that's the purpose of the Fletcher Lake commission is it's two people from two different burs so things very easy to Simply ask them and um they have to deal with the extra layer of of the camp meeting Association but that's like an easy ask so you just want the the little asphalt ramp on if you look at it on the Bradley side it was just probably took minutes for somebody I don't know you know feeling a little pole but it's this big yeah so be nice because I'm tired sure thank you yes centralen um I watched the last meeting of June 12th and your performance um and found your political brand standing a little nauseating in regard to your you're reading of the juneth proc Proclamation when um in context to page 8 through 11 of the January 19th coincidentally report from the prosecutor's office um with regard to the investigation into uh the previous Chief L specifically the August 1st 23 incident involving a suspicious person which was a black man who was stopped and detained in our B I'll quote from that report with respect to Chief Lea's Detention of redactive we find that detention to be in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 1 Section 7 of the New Jersey Constitution which protect individuals against unreasonable searches and seizures accordingly the detention correspondingly violates the aforementioned rules that was a report that you chose Larry Fox to hide you had the option and the power to actually hold the chief the chief law enforcement officer of this burrow accountable for his behavior and the findings that he violated the constitutional rights of a black man innocently walking through our streets but yet five months later you stood in front of this burrow last meeting and you read the juneth proclamation I encourage everybody to go back and watch your performance because it made me throw up a little bit in my M but let's talk about another coincidence coincidence is improbable concurrence or near concurrence of seemingly related events or circumstances that have no qu quaal relation a coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another for instance I find it an interesting coincidence that a resident that spoke last week and this week in addition to living here in the town also happened to coincidentally live right across the street from the infamous DUI motor vehicle accident gentleman Kenneth who Leonard Guida was involved with an altercation in a situation that we're all aware of which um was a large part of the investigation into the November 9th incident with sergeant major and that whole thing on Main Street but that is just a coincidence I'm sure that that Resident just happened to be speaking in favor of you Larry Fox and in favor of the ex-chief and how unfairly the council has been treating you and the chief just a coincidence some other things that I've had on my mind lately are I'm wondering what the status is of the attorney that this Council approved several months ago to investigate the behavior of Mr Bernstein towards Nicole Browning during during the Union negotiations I'm wondering about the borrow employees did they ever get paid for the overtime due from 2022 the beach employees that Kim P free spoke of that were supposed to have been have received overtime pay had they just not gotten their pay I'm just wondering and what happened to the bill that was set aside for $175,000 a few meetings ago that was for a social media consultant that nobody knew about and it was separated out from the bills list I wonder what ever happened with that and I'm also wondering about what Miss um mire was talking about in regard to the uh American Rescue plan we received 27,467 122 but yet we can't can't seem to account for where that money went and where it was allocated and what it was used for these are things that we need the the DCA to come in here and investigate and while we're talking about coincidences I really hope that the coincidence thank you I'll St back okay looks like there's other questions so I'll make a motion to um close this meeting go to Executive session second Mr Noble yes Mr G yes M Mone yes Mr Weber yes may [Laughter] yes I know I know all righty then sorry yeah yeah we don't go break for