you're good yeah yeah make sure hey Jack Erica said hello [Music] [Music] right I have to be careful I have to be careful I go the driveway the driver yeah you know sometimes change time a copy of the agreement right and resolution agreement okay yes six [Music] I like your huh thank you very appr thank you yeah had to do something Valentine Hi how are you you do good like your dress thank you I don't know if you you would need a m also but I have Mouse hooked up to the laptop just in case might come in handy huh is it remot yeah it's yeah this other gentleman needed it for his and I said wait a minute how one that I keep in my drawer it's my stash but door doesn't go anywhere no put that there that's fine did you want to put it in the room no it's okay I just put it in that yeah that's fine that's fine thanks you're welcome h yeah okay we still have march to get through what Parade day comes March 3 March is a crazy month so you never know [Music] what [Music] look [Music] at little break theak [Music] 15 yell at what I was about to yell at you I would I would have done it m so yeah thanks Bill ex me Bill you go all I'll I went to see him good I to see today you got oh that's and I no I can't it's against the law ER love your heart thank I forgot I realized my got home got I'll give you okay do thatou thank you [Music] two also [Music] is that Co it counts minus tuneup 40,000 so it's better it's not [Music] okay not bro okay I all right with the cres good Lu that change here or something I haven't [Music] that your away P pen got it yeah what about our kns I'm put away right now I don't know why that a couple years yeah that's fine and what do you wanten here yeah put it in the little yeah little basket that's do it now bring my leave we'll I see this here is something Chang Haven changed got it okay okay I just that's what I thought that's the only I saw I didn't have a chance to email that to everybody but I did well hopefully it's even less we'll see what happens no har that yes that's fine fine [Laughter] it looks very nice Wednesday looks very nice you're welcome are you gonna put a big all right I see Jack no I appreciate that good did you get a chance home yeah it was I know it off I had no red I own no red and I certainly don't own P because with my undertone no you can't do the red I can do red but I can't I cannot do ites kind of red my jacket is red with my J Erica's got the the red hearts I mean well pink I would and on that note I would be like no I won't be no I won't be doing any oh gosh no the on coming in know how to set up your stuff I love you that how's it going about that too yeah yeah giving them some serious problems yeah yeah it was weird but [Music] I had had the flu since we got out of bed yesterday that good covering no I went to the doctor I'm okay now yeah oh okay want some chicken soup's that you want some chicken soup life is very nice oh she every once in a while get special sick husband having a great time my boys are second my youngest brought it home you didn't no my youngest brought home from school she was class me this weekend and my wife told us all to get blue shot she's a got it I told it's a PO um yeah right just like that I really think I just don't like so I tell her um and that was really terrible she I'm really luy she's taking care of with can of yes and one sit down get up okay start please God indivisible for all I wish to announce that 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act was email to the Asbury par press the coastar and the new coaster on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal cler as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken as long as providing there is a council quum Mr Noble here Mr gubitosi here miss Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor CL here good evening everybody uh just one second I get my S organized here uh okay thank you uh thank you all for coming tonight um again we I just want to do a little Preamble that we started Council meetings with a positive message and uh although we should welcome disagreement we certainly want to uh keep things constructive um we ask people to try to engage a productive and um positive way and we'll ask everybody to also engage their tone going forward we're all neighbors okay uh as previously communicated uh we're trying some new approaches for our meetings for process for 2024 uh this is our first Workshop departmental readout meeting uh unfortunately uh one of our uh agenda items for tonight the um Public Works uh two two things were kind of operative first uh for those who don't know are acting Ro administrator had a death in her family this week U she's on her way back as we speak um she's been out since last Thursday uh and Monday night the Public Works supervisor really came to with an unavoidable family commitment I just felt like if we were missing both those people it wouldn't be it wouldn't be appropriate can you hear me no you can't hear me it is can you hear me now yeah okay um so uh with that we're going to push that to the 13th but I I've been told that the what they're calling themselves the poor four are going to do a very good job that would be Pat Allen and viio Kone Andrew nees and Dana is actually G to come um and help us you know understand all the inw workings of Public Works um we're also going to continue to try to tighten our clock management um but but ensure everybody's heard um we'll ask you to work with us on that in the coming weeks so with that the next agenda item is uh I believe Council comments yes mayor and Council reports um I can start uh we budgeted around 10 minutes for that let's see how we do um I have just a couple comments first I want to thank Public Works uh and other Public Safety departments for their work around the storm this week uh was kind of a in betweener but we we fared pretty well a little bit of snow on the ground but the plows we got out just to make sure um you know we have a safe condition so uh we thank them for that um we are completing I I thought it would be appropriate to say let people know if we're completing the final touches and have a phase reoccupancy of Bazi um that's outlined uh I think everybody will see that it is better than ever when they do see the inside of the building uh the first up move is uh Community Development which is zoning planning code and they're going to start moving on Friday meals on wheels will be later next week if not the following Monday and then our February senior club meeting will be on the 28th in the Bazi building uh we're going to continue to work with the Historical Society on plans both interm and longer term uh we've had one I guess one or two meetings with Paul the shamen also met with the Historical Society on Monday uh and so we got uh we've got some uh ideas on how to maybe optimize and as we move forward uh last thing is uh just check the website for uh library and Recreation upcoming events and with that I will that's my comments um councilman Weber okay thanks hey everybody Happy Valentine's Day love being here love that you're here uh I'm gonna start off by making a comment on the agenda um I just want to go on the record and say like I don't actually agree with the part of the agenda where it says that people the public comments are limited I mean this one's 15 minutes this one's 20 minutes I don't know what we're going to do if more than you know three or four people or five people want to speak so um I mean I know we'll say we'll get your questions answered but um I just don't exactly like that uh I will say the Fletcher Lake commission they skipped their meeting in February um but they are grateful that previously they had asked for a sign about the motorized vehicles uh not going over the Footbridge they got their sign they're very happy about that um they've actually requested another sign because it's we already have an ordinance you're not supposed to feed Wildlife uh and apparently some people go and feed a lot of wildlife uh and that's a bit of a problem um so they've asked for another sign and um for some reason they're being asked to pay for it I don't really understand it but this last sign they just we just did the sign um I I know I don't know if this made its way up to you mayor but uh not really understanding the arguments that the flet commission themselves have to pay for a sign that's just deals with an ordinance that we already have so hopefully that will work itself out um and uh I don't have anything about shade treats I'm gonna let councilwoman B Noble do that so I'm that's the extent of my report okay great thank you Council M okay uh the uh environmental commission met on February 5th and they are currently in the process of completing Bradley Beach's Sustainable New Jersey certification which recognizes municipalities for implementing practices that lead to cost Savings in water energy and garbage um to work toward a sustainable future the certification will also allow Bradley Beach as a m municipality to apply for Sustainable New Jersey New Jersey grants and programs uh the commission is developing new educational materials for cover uh covering plastic film street sweeping Recycling and bulk pickup to distribute at the green Fair which will be held on April 21st and they're moving ahead with their adop adopted drain program which will be introduced at their next meeting to be held on April 1st because they are not going to help hold their uh March meeting and the land use board will have a meeting tomorrow February 15 and that is my report great thank you councilman guos uh thank you Mr Mayor the uh the 2024 budget we've talked about this a little bit I just want to remind everyone that uh normally it would be due at least a preliminary draft to the council end of January uh at an earlier meeting we uh pushed the deadline for delivery out to no later than February 27th um an update as of today we don't the council has not yet seen a draft budget but the hope is we haven't had an update recently but the hope is that at a minimum we'll get get it uh on the 27th and hopefully maybe a little bit earlier while we're on the topic of budgets um the 20202 audit I'm told by the mayor is almost complete um the council was just notified uh recently that a closeout audit closeout meeting where the auditor takes the administration through their findings for the 2022 year uh is tentatively scheduled for U next week next Wednesday February 21st and one of the council members uh will represent you know the rest of the members again we can only have two people in a meeting or else we're deliberating which is not uh Allowed by law um so I volunteer to attend if one of my other colleagues would like to attend you know I'm I'm very willing to uh negotiate that but at least one of us will be there for the meeting hopefully next week um I do have a police report and uh thank you detective lieutenant in the police arrested a subject for receiving stolen property and they also arrested two individuals on outstanding contempt of court warrants so fortunately a relatively um calm month although I'm I'm told that the police in fact are very busy unfortunately crime is very low so for at least for a month there's a reason for that thank you guys that great force we have um we are still we the coun working with the mayor is still fine-tuning the bbbc uh memorandum of understanding uh hopefully next week when um our business administrator returns and Mr Canon is available uh we'll we'll fine- tune that it's really important for the council and the mayor the governing body basically to just all agree that you know we've got a really good working contract to make sure that we can support the bbbc as much as we can uh and then finally this Sil Lake commission their next meeting is February 21st um I have followup with them that I will owe the mayor and our business administrator after that meeting just to confirm uh members uh uh status of you know how many years into their membership they are and I should have that at the end of uh next week that concludes my report thank you council president thank you mayor the shade tree had a meeting on February 7th and they had four applications they approved them all looks like there are eight trees being removed but there will be 13 replacing those trees the tentative date for the the planting is May 4th if you are interested in getting a free tree in front of your home between your sidewalk and the street you can fill out this form it's free you'll get like a six to 10 foot tree free or if you like to have a tree to honor some once you fill out this form and that helps subsidize this program and we can make Bradley Beach Greener and better and uh the tourism had their meeting yesterday February 13 they are looking forward to the Shamrock Shamrock hunt on March 6 let me say oh I think it'll be the week of St Patrick's Day so R them and also the green Fair will be April 21st from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and just a heads up there planning to have the best summer ever and then I went to the board of ed meeting and the Board of Ed was presented with their their audit for the fiscal year of July 1st 2022 to June 30th 2023 last Tuesday and received a glowing report on their financial status they were audited by HFA who presented a slideshow of their work along with praise for the board's administrative team of superintendent Michael heidberg and CFO David tonzola and we thank them for watching our tax dollars and creating such a wonderful environment for our Bradley students um we're still waiting for our B audit for the calendar year of 2022 I think we can anticipate to see that next week and we look forward to seeing that and one more thing January was school board recognition month and um Michael heidenberg had a statement I'd like to share with you the Bradley Beach school board has shown great dedication and commitment to ensuring the success of students in this community they have consistently made decisions that have positively impacted the educational experiences of students from implementing new programs to providing funding for necessary resources the board's hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed by the community and they should be recognized in celebrated during school board recognition month and personally I would like to thank these hardworking volunteers they are appreciated and they are admired thank you thank you council president you're welcome okay um we'll now go to um workshops you not did you do you went first sorry I just want to interject what I cover what I sorry fireing first day we decided we're going to report out monthly I did they had meetings I went to both of their meetings but instead of reporting every meeting it's going to be every other meeting so I just want to say that thanks thank you okay uh so our workshops um we we have really two um um the next two agenda items are really more um interaction workshop on fallen heroes councilman guos I assume was going to lead um we we've got that budgeted for about 10 minutes which it which includes some um public back and forth questions if if appropriate uh on presentations amids as I said we're going to we go the uh public works but have bbca Town survey CME projects and then we have two proclamations that we'll be reading um uh on the on the presentations and bids um the interaction with the bbca and CME primarily be with us at the council so with that I'm going to turn it over to councilman goosi um I think oh it's up on the board there we go we do we have a PowerPoint presentation and anyone who might want to follow along there are some scattered hard copies of the presentation in the uh in the audience um I expected to have Mr William Duffy join us this evening uh he's been just a wealth of information for me on this topic unfortunately um he's helping his wife through an illness and he's unable to join us tonight so uh so I will Commander his presentation um but I met Mr Duffy through um basically through his Facebook posting he uh if you're following along we could turn to slide one and um quick background on uh Mr Duffy who insists I call him Duff is that he lives in Brick Township Vietnam era veteran uh did not I don't I don't believe he actually served in Vietnam but he did serve during that time period 68 to 71 been law enfor for 40 years and what's probably most important is he has made his passion um the the historical uh research on fallen heroes fallen heroes focusing primarily on Mammoth County um he has already compiled 19 biographies of Bradley Beach's 19 individuals who lost their lives during the war um we'll talk about that in a minute but there's seven in World War I 11 World War II and one gentleman in Vietnam who died in service um he's made it his his basically life passion to research this he posts these things on Facebook and this is how I I first connected with him he's also worked with many other municipalities including some of the ones listed here bayhead Point Pleasant Beach Point Pleasant burrow and a few others on the next slide if we can go to that U are just some examples of banners that some towns around New Jersey use to recognize they're fallen heroes um Brick Township uh on the left side of this slide is actually um representative of banners that uh Duff helped Brick Township create and then there are just a couple of other pictures from Haslet and Handover but many towns in New Jersey do recognize their fallen heroes in this manner on the next slide um there's a couple other forms of recognition the um there's a brochure that Mr is put together um and in inside this kind of a brochure I mean it can be designed however the burough would like but in uh in this form that might be in our case you know as many as 10 to 20 Pages um he profiles all of the individuals who died in service and you can see a little excerpt of one of the brochures that that they did for Point Pleasant Beach you can also certainly have monuments as we have in the center of this page our own uh World War I Memorial and you can have monuments uh in a lot of different shapes and sizes the far right is just a boulder with a a bronze plaque uh that also recognizes fallen heroes in in another town what I really want to get to is the the next couple of slides because you know Bradley Beach does have as I mentioned our own fallen heroes uh individuals who were residents of Bradley Beach went off to serve never returned um we have a World War II Memorial pictured on the left it's labeled Veterans Memorial Field because that's where it's located uh that that facility near the rec center um and at the base of of that um World War II Memorial you can see in the center is the um a separate Memorial uh piece of granite basically that we dedicated to our fallen hero from Vietnam Stuart melck on the far right you can see our Riley Park World War I Monument um in talking to I reached out uh to to Duff because I said you know what do you think you've done all this research on Bradley Beach and other towns you know what do you think of what we do and what could we do to improve uh our memorialization of of these individuals and uh he did have very specific recommendations I'd like to share them as part of this workshop and invite the public to provide their reactions but he said you know first and foremost he really thinks we should have more of an effort to have all of our uh recognition located in one place so on Memorial Day you know when we're when we're recognizing uh these honor dead um we're not traveling around for example going over to u to Veterans Park as well as Riley Park and so forth in fact the the Stewart Melnick Vietnam memorial that was originally set up at the beach I'm told and there was a major storm 10 years 15 years ago whenever I'm not sure of the time frame but that basically wiped out that area of a park dedicated to Mr Melnick and that's when we moved this Granite block to um to uh the Veterans Field so he suggested he said he if he was us he would not move those monuments he would leave them where they are they're already labeled Veterans Field at least the World War II memorialist but he said he would possibly consider creating having us create a separate Monument of source doesn't have to be particularly large maybe a brass plaque that identified again the uh the uh 11 World War II dead soldiers as well as the one Vietnam de uh just have a smaller plaque perhaps somewhere at Riley Park alongside or nearby or in the general location of the World War I Memorial he said bring them all together would make it a lot easier for us as a community to recognize these men um a minor thing I guess for our DPW he did suggest that our World War II Memorial is a little tilted I didn't notice that myself but to the extent it is you know we can certainly uh correct that um maybe the more you know the more uh different you know departure I guess for Bradley Beach would be the thought of creating 19 of those banners that I I Illustrated earlier um one for each of our Bradley Beach fallen heroes um and rough pricing on those I have done no super detailed investigation but I've talked to a couple of entities you know the the pricing varies based on quantity and size but roughly the numbers should range between 50 and $65 around ,000 to $1,200 for if we recognize 19 of our fallen heroes um also for probably under $2,000 Mr WBY said he could create a brochure uh or work with us to help us create one where we could use that no charge from him at all um the profiles that he's developed for our our fallen heroes the next slide um just kind of encapsulates what I was just talking about if we were to create a a smaller memorial for Riley Park uh that would just commemorate World War I in Vietnam as well as doing the Fallen Hero banners as well as doing the brochure the high end of the cost range might be10 to 12,000 and that would be if we had a significant cost invested in the new Memorial um edifice Stone whatever it might be uh there's a very good chance we could do that much less expensive a bronze plet by itself might be $5,000 but if we can mount that if DPW can help us perhaps with some sort of a a little construct uh there may be minimal cost uh for the burrow so 10 to 12,000 is a kind of high end um and then we have to make decisions and keep in mind we're trying to do this if we can pull this off do it by Memorial day of this year May 27 the decisions we look at include um the design and the location of the banners the uh design and location of the new war memorial uh possibly utilizing DPW and uh we're going to talk about this a little later today establishing a trust um for private donations support fallen heroes we're not thinking about spending taxpayer dollars on this but rather asking for for private contributions um one of the things we have to figure out is how we're going to go about asking for those donations uh one thing uh the governing body has asked me to convey to everyone this evening is that uh the five Folks up here have already pledged $1,000 towards that goal just from from U our resources so that is the general plan it's not in the PowerPoint SL but in the back of any of the paper documents there's actually um Duff's writeup the bio he put together of U of uh Mr melck and you get a sense for that matter of depth he's done in terms of researching our fallen heroes so this bio would go in a brochure if if we were to put one of those together um again I had hope Mr Duffy could be here just so you could share experience or too of what he's done with other municipalities but I was personally just overwhelmed by all the effort he's put into his research and what he's done with other towns and uh I've had an opportunity to bounce this off of everyone up here uh we're very of trying to bring this forward to just get Bradley Beach that much further down the path of really being able to appropriately recognize these individuals who have given their lives in service of our country but we also wanted to give uh you our residents here and on Zoom a chance to um opine and provide any feedback you can to us so that concludes my presentation okay yes oh I mean it's okay we kind of jump good thank you the sh for 11 and a half um Duff had approached me actually about six months ago I don't want to mention it to you and I was remiss and really not moving this forward faster I'm glad you have um I'd like to B for that his research has been fantastic and if you've actually seen his postings which he's been posting and also I've been reposting on the historical deide website and they they're all up there um the number of photographs and articles associated with each one of the fallen heroes is really quite an immense amount of of research and he's really done a great job um I'm not sure if I agree with him oh on not moving The Monuments I think it would be really good if all the monuments were in one place in Riley Park um but that's just you know it might save some money and also I just think it would be appropriate to have them all in one place um and certainly the melanic U Monument certainly should be improved it's it's really it's almost invisible I had no idea where it was on the beach I have not been able to find exactly where it was but I think it might have been near the fountain orig yeah there's a similar um Paul there's a similar about the same size for one we have two Fallen policemen through the years and the prominade the flag at the prominade there's a very similar kind of a memorial to one of those police officers so I know that there so there's a you know there there's a scattering around town of um deals there so like so you're probably aware that I'm sure that we have not a Memorial Day actually going down to Veterans Field to right no l reath there and that's that's always bothered me so I really think they should all be in one place we we do have as the mayor said two Fallen Hero police officers th this clearly is focused on the military but it was bud cins and Jack Wright are the two police officers okay thank you Paul anybody else yes J 6 avue um I just had a comment about the picture of the World War I Monument uh would it be possible to mount additional uh grass plaques underneath the ones that are there and not create another edifice in the park but you know improve the one have um you know that way all those names would be at one location for review by the public it's just a thought but thank you very much for putting us together okay thank you councilman this is um I've read a number of as Paul has and others um Mr Duffy's um um biographies of these um folks and it's it's it's really compelling and um it's he does a great job I just make a comment Mr Mayor um I too like the idea of having all those monuments in one place the problem is that World War II monument at the very top it says Veterans Memorial Field so it's sort of like if you take it away from the field then and it it's you know um I think I like your idea Paul but I think one way or the other we're probably making a new monument so out y okay um we'll move to presentations and bids um I thought we would start with um a little B bottoms up here um we have two proclamations I thought we would um read those first and then um go to bbca and then CME we've got about about 60 Minutes budgeted for that and we're we're pretty much on course right now uh I can start with the um the first Proclamation uh proclamation in memory of burough resident Harvey Rosenberg uh people can hear me whereas on behalf of the burrow of Bradley Beach the mayor and Council wish to record their deep sorrow for the passing with Harvey Mr Harvey Rosenberg on December 31st 2023 and whereas Mr Rosenberg was a beloved husband father grandfather friend resident and Community volunteer and whereas he was was a full-time resident of the burough of Bradley Beach for over 20 years Vice chairman of the land use board and co-chair of the Memorial Day committee and whereas Mr Rosenberg was a Bradley Beast lifeguard in his Youth and a graduate of Ohio State University whereas his life in the burough was dedicated to the best interest of the community and his family and whereas the burough Bradley Beach along with Mr rosenberg's family are blessed to have known him and been part of his life now therefore it be resolved in recognition of Harvey rosenberg's many contributions to our burrow and its citizens the governing body of Bradley Beach do hereby express our deep appreciation for his dedication to the progress of this community and extend to his family our sincere sympathy upon his passing dated um 14th of February 2024 um Harvey's uh two children one lives in North Jersey and the other in Florida uh could not make it uh we're going to be formalized the proclamation and I'll be sending um them a letter and uh I've been in contact with them when the when Harvey passed because he was a very active Community member and he kind of it was uh very sad but um Harvey lived a full life and did did a great uh service for Bradley Beach so we all miss him and um hope he's having a good round with golf wherever he is yes and I didn't know Harvey was a lifeguard at one time I'd like to see that picture okay uh the next is a proclamation on uh Black History Month we're halfway into the month but we wanted to make sure we had that Proclamation read and and I've asked uh councilwoman money to read that for us so that I'm not capitalizing goodby thank you mayor I'd be honored B Bradley Beach a proclamation in honor of History Month 2024 whereas the mayor and councel of the burough of Bradley Beach take pride in recognizing February 2024 as Black History Month celebrating the many notable contributions that people of African descent have made to the state and the C country and whereas African-Americans have played significant roles in the history of economic cultural spiritual and political development while working tirelessly to maintain and promote their culture and history and whereas since 1976 Black History Month was formally adopted to honor and affirm the importance of black history throughout our American experience which dates thousands of years and includes some of the greatest most advanced and Innovative societies that we can all draw inspiration from and whereas since 197 6 every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme and whereas the theme for Black History Month 2024 focuses on African-Americans and the Arts and is infused with African Caribbean and black American lived experiences and where as in the fields of Visual and Performing Arts literature fashion folklore language film music architecture C culinary and other forms of cultural expression the African-American influence has been Paramount and whereas because of their determination hard work and perseverance African-Americans have made valuable and Lasting contributions to the country and state achieving exceptional success in all aspects of society including business education politics science Athletics and the Arts and whereas this observance presents a special opportunity to become more knowledgeable about black Heritage and to honor the many black leaders who have played a part in the progress of our community now therefore be it resolved the governing body of the Bureau of Bradley Beach do hereby Proclaim February 2024 as Black History Month in the burough of Bradley Beach dated this 14th day of February 2024 thank you councilwoman uh glad we were able to get that in before the middle of the month uh get that out there so uh appreciate it okay we'll go to the rest of presentations and bids we have two tonight and um they somewhat overlap a little bit of them um uh the bbca town survey and CME 2024 projects I think we have Ben Matlock here and I think Ed you're going to cover this presentation uh I think Paul is out of town and um we've worked in a collaborative manner as as many of council members have said with bbbc now for a few years I guess three years now is it three years or four I can't years four years um and uh I think this might be the second or third survey that the bbbc has done uh they when they do those surveys they do come to us say that they think they can bring something to the table uh they help us we give them input and then they they really basically transacted oh I didn't see Andre here too um so um uh I'll just at this point be quiet and let uh Ed and Andre take over technical capabilities very good very impressive got first time impressed had a nervous twitch there we've had a few FAS with our yeah you're hired not my first rodeo um first on behalf of the bbca thank you so much for having us and giving us the opportunity to speak beh have of it um the materials that I've got here is a little bit dense but I'll be as quick as possible to go through it right now um so uh back in the uh fourth quarter in the October the November time frame we conducted a survey through the borrow itself um and I'm going to share that with you here we had 175 respondents that was a mixture of both the bbca that and and the mayor also i' advertised this a little bit from his series of weekly notices we had 175 different respondents and you can see in the lower leftand corner of the materials that were up there that it was a nice mixture of about 150 odd residents and then we had a series of businesses that responded as well and if you look at the type of demographics associated with the folks who responded you can see a very nice mix of tenur folks in town you know either you know whatever it might have been it's not just near-term folks our question number three is around what was the top prior priority for the mission and to be fulfilled in town itself and if you kind of read from the bottom up you know it's a mixture of appearance 30 odd responses out of 105 responses were associated with the appearance of town I'm going talk a lot about that as we walk through the materials here at had some statements around leadership and taxes not part of the survey itself inclusivity events and overgrowth and parking were a series of those types of responses that came out I'm going to thread an awful lot of on that as we go through it question by the way this was a 26 question survey three of them were verbatim results and the other 23 were radio dial or button questions themselves and you'll see that come out just a few moments question four was around how satisfied are you with Main Street a very dense slide here but I'll just quickly walk you through it right now good news is that 71% of our respondents were either very satisfied or satisfied you know with Main Street itself you can see that that 70 of those responses that came out talked about the restaurants the businesses and the shops themselves delighted with those 25 called out Main Street and the walkability of Main Street the town the quess of the Town itself and four teams specifically called that Riley Park I'm not going to read every one of these as we go through it but some of the key takeaways here were you know around you know the walkability of town itself were not commercially overrun and on the right hand side you can see a couple of constructive verba if you will you know we still have un unsanitary and dirty papers in town we going to talk a little bit more about it as we go they don't want a cookie cutter T kind of town right we don't want overgrow in the town itself as well so that's sort of some of the things that came out on that particular piece uh related to question number six what should the top improvements be relative to Main Street and you can see that in this particular case 61% of our respondents and anything that was is high scoring over 50% I'll talk to you a little bit about more as we you know Wind Through the materials themselves 61% of our respondents said that the top priority for Main Street was around appearance itself and you can see some of the verbatims here again I'm going to go a little bit more deeply into that but I would just call out um redesign of facades and things of that nature relative to parking maybe more parking on Main Street however no garage or an isore for a garage on Main Street right and then you see other things that we talk about related to safety and Mobility questions number 7 through 10 were all around beautification itself and you can see that the top responses in those areas themselves were around what did they think this isn't that we don't have it but it's high value have things like cleanliness 86% of the respondents said cleanliness is important things to happen uh 54% of the respondents talked about disposal units and 11% of the should be 11 69% talked about trees and plants big theme that comes out across all of this is the respondents really looking for a cohesive plan around what are we doing in town right you know what are we doing about beautification curb appeal our streets and I'll talk a little bit more about that as we wind through the material itself I'm from Brooklyn my speed you know speeding too fast I doing good perfect right that's not an excuse I just happen to go that fast right um hopefully you can all hear me well as well good uh diversity itself so you could see this as well 63% of the respondents talked about diversity is important I think the key takeaway here at 50 thinkway is that you know let's continue to bring English and Spanish speaking uh community members together itself let's attract more diversity of businesses on Main Street if we can do that um and it's a very welcoming and which should spend time welcoming both newer residents and long-term residents related to diversity um on the appearance side of the high value in the areas of stores and windows and signage and H again 56% of the respondents on question number 14 talked about trash and recycling are important to the town of cell I'm going to expand upon it you know very greatly on this next slide here so take a look at this this is our highest storing response overall was around appearance fairly dense slide I'll let you read it yourself but what I would really call out again is create a cohesive plan for curb appeal uh preserve the town's charm and quaintness in town itself on the appearance side clean up the greenhouse itself right Greenhouse is a little bit run down at the end of town what are we doing about that um lighting poles and the excessive wiring on the poles or a distraction and you need a uniformity of designs and poles we have about a 5050 mix in town I did a manual account of single lamp and double lamp holes in town itself and then I would just call out to your attention as well relative this is again in the area of appearance itself but amenities uh and and some of those also cited as you can see in green on this particular chart as well that beach appearance and summer points were came out in the theme not just on Main Street itself talked about the ability do we need to include beach umbrellas themselves do we need to promote more dining outside that ties itself back to Main Street as people are at the beach as well safety that's not to say that we don't have a safe town thank you P um you know but what they cited on this particular case is that you know we should be enforcing things like no riding on sidewalks we should be you know upgrading things associated with the crosswalks and hatches we've got problems in those areas themselves and you can see that 51% of our respondents thought that police presence was important very high value again that's not to say that that's it's not there as much as it is it's a high value to the community itself in the areas of service associated with that uh you can see very high scoring 68% of the respondents said that events in town are very important high value you can see that um on the other side one of the questions that we raised was around babysitting is babysitting something that's important to our respondents associated with it you can see it was the other way in so many words it was not the town's business to worry about that we should be able to care for our own children uh and then sort of a a mix of uh on the trolley side you know folks saying it's important maybe not as important let people fend for themselves associated with doing that and then on unification you can see you know again it came out a little bit on some of the statements that I made earlier that lamps and matching poles at 64% were important to the series of constituents that responded to the survey sidewalks and papers came back out again where does that leave us I'd like to just at least offer a few recommendations for your consideration um again dense materials himself but I would call out that a lot of this cobbles together into a very common theme you know which is you know what do we doing relative to the beautification and the enhancement of Main Street over the next couple of years things along the lines of time together um the disposal units themselves how do we hide trash cans you know to make that a little bit um less uh visible if you will um things along the sides of um what are we doing about enforcing police um excuse me enforcing police to refrain from the siding on riding on sidewalk should we be in fact fact promoting a new bike safety program itself and so those are the series of recommendations that came forward um and and what I would add just sort of in closing to your consideration here you know whatever you do as a council you know going forward you know the belief is that you probably have a one to threee plan ahead of you relative to enhancing Main Street itself and if you took a look back at what I was suggesting to before around appearance and parking unification unification themselves there are things that we can do right now in the burrow that I think we are doing good and those things are around store signage um themselves so can can we create a campaign relative to two weeks ago we heard from um Vin gopal and and Arnold correct y thank you around how we can in fact secure funds or the business can secure funds how do we promote that particular aspect of making sure that they're familiar with that that's one that we think that we can do right now striping parking spaces were of concern to folks I think striping as a as a an opportunity on Main Street has been discussed for a period of time I know I live on Second Avenue councilwoman Den Noble I know you live on Third and the striping that took place there although it was objectionable to me for the first week that it was down you live with it you learn how it actually promotes new spaces so were one of those objectionable no I didn't I public say that I just deter but you know it was a niort of start but after that it's not it's it's fact of the matter is is it created a change it was a change right but you can do that on Main Street and create better parking on Main Street itself so what kind of decision needs to be made on that and then we're doing things with INF flight what ijy your attention to though is from the papers on down through Street lamps trees and beautification you you know some four years ago the uh walkability study was done intact with ruers and with ruers and department and at that time it talked about how do we in fact enhance the pavers how do we do the polls and it came up with a series of recommendations fast forward to two years later you know when CME and Associates came in and they did their own series of results to you as well and recommendations and what you see on this particular chart here is a summary of what they proposed two years ago those are old statistics this is draft only and what I would say is that excuse me one second let me just take it Dr sure as opposed to looking at the citizens of the community and other businesses in regards to either raising taxes or assessing businesses themselves why don't we do something similar to what manisan did with regards to going out looking at Grants associated with what they did for upscaling their Main Street in central um in manisan itself how do we in fact go back to the New Jersey state commissions and secure funds associated with the beautification type projects that we need to do and working your way up from the bottom you need to make a decision around what are you doing with papers or sidewalk itself how does that get funded everything else that's on the bottom of this list associated with trees and benches recycles are all layers on top of that right and so the decision needs to be made around how do we in fact secure funding whether it's through those agencies and or other things in the budget within the next few years and so what we offer you here is just sort of a straw man of a plan that says can you in fact secure funds start from your papers up again no taxes on the citizens for themselves no assessment on the businesses how do you secure funds associated with doing these types of improvements and then what can the community do support of that and then I'm open to any questions that you might have from that yeah first thanks this a great summary uh I I just have I'm just gotten down two things I want to mention um you mentioned the um the funding out of madisan and and for those who don't know madisan just recently got a couple million dollar Grant uh it's actually the same grant that we applied for a couple of years ago as part of we did the new jerse the ruers I think it was do study it was prior to before my um before my time but it came it was a probably a 30-page comprehensive set of recommendations as you said that you know it had bump outs it had cross streets it had it was a very you know bike Lanes uh had a number of recommendations we actually made that same um application and I think there's I want to say the number is like many hundreds of towns apply and very few they they give a couple a year U so manisan was very successful now I I think Manis Swan's engineering firm if I'm not mistaken is CME so we should be picking their brains and it is they did that we should work with them and see what they did what was the secret source that they had and to being able to put forth maybe a better application that we had in yeah and and then my my next comment would be that um the the new mayor in masan Mike manin he's um he's I've already I've been speaking to him on um we both have some issues with our one of our ordinances that we're working through kind of jointly and and trying to bounce some things off each other uh we can certainly get some time with him and um because the prior to being mayor he was Council there so he's got some experience on how they've got this we can also talk to CME um so uh those are a couple comments I have uh any other Council want to comment yeah and this is great and great presentation I really appreciate this um quick question for CME I don't know how striping costs us nothing but maybe Ben can address that when he gets up because that does say nothing right striping zero I don't know how that works but um that's not on them C Weber that might have been my eror okay something so cost something okay it C something um I want to make a comment about trees though because I um I feel you know lots of unification on Main Street in general will be good whatever you're talking about if it's benches benches or garbage and recycling bins or trees um as our ordinance stands right now like every just like homeowners in the rest of town they're responsible for the uh for the tree that's in the right of way okay and my feeling is is the town has sort of unofficially Taken control of those trees at least a couple times since I've been up here we' basically paid the county to come and trim all the trees on Main Street and we didn't ask the store owners property owners for anything we just did it I would like to make that official and let's just like say hey we're taking over the Main Street trees because if we're going for a unified look I don't think we're going to get there if there's 75 different property owners that are all responsible for making decisions about the tree that's in front of their property I would love it for the town to take that over and then we could make things like this happen a lot more easily uh you could extrapolate on that and say that's true for the whole the whole Shang um I think the magic what when you say the whole ship what do you mean by the mean you did that for trees you could say oh well we're going to do you know whatever Ben like anything that's in that right of way there technically I mean it's the the responsibility I I I wasn't sure you were talking about trees or or Main Street there yeah well I want you know trees on Main Street for sure sure um and I've suggested that to the mayor um quite a while ago actually so I would love to see that with respect to cleanliness I don't um I'm not surprised that people put that AR that really high but I think we have to think about like okay if people value that so highly when's the last time anybody ever you know like are people told by code enforcement or I don't I don't think the police but like you know there's a bunch of litter in front of your in front of your store on the sidewalk between you know have you clean that up I don't know that are Cod maybe they are but I would just I would want to learn more about that because if people are ranking it so high like let's have the town you know actually enforce that because nobody likes it if you're walking down Main Street and you see a you know bunch of litter in the street may I speak so thank you um cleanliness was a high value to them right um what what came out within the survey itself is that we have a tremendous amount of uneven papers related to that cleanliness we have War sidewalks and you know you're waffled all through and so and they're dirty right you know so so you need a unified plan you can't just look at one store and say I want you to clean up or fix your papers itself because someone might have a different series of papers there right I wasn't talking about Pap I thought there was something about litter and like no nothing on litter specifically a high value it's important to do that in town make sure the town is clean the one thing that came out relative to that was around the bins themselves you know where they could be a little bit more hidden or disguised if I can use that term more better just better but nothing specifically around there being a trash problem in town at all so I hope I didn't represent that in anyway okay well when I see cleanliness I think people they're talking they would be talking about litter I think it's more like a power washing thing where they want to see clean signs uh one question uh I was curious I know this is a survey conducted of both businesses and residents yes do you have a rough split like earlier on it was 150 residents of the 175 that responded and so there were about 15 to 20 businesses and you know some of those were a mixture of business and residents so it was U 150 out of the 175 resident okay and so now hearing that it's a relatively small cut of businesses my followup question isn't a significant but I was curious if you saw a differences between the weightings of these uh value items uh business versus resident answering your question directly no uh the data itself didn't lend itself to understanding how whether a business or resident responded and broke it out that way so number one I should have said this first thank you because I think this is is great and I know you're presenting but I know you've got a couple colleagues in the audience and thank you to the bbca for pulling this off um you said something interesting I thought earlier that um it kind of starts from the ground up you know from the pavers and so forth and I just want to plant a seat in your Collective brains that uh I'd like to look at it starting below the ground and up because uh I'm looking at Mr shuck and particular who for many years has been saying boy it'd be great if we can get some of the overhead wires Underground I don't know if we can do that I don't know what the cost would be I certainly don't know if we could do it without some tax implications for our residents and then it becomes how much you know how much can we ask of our residents outside of whatever grant funding is available but but I'd love it as you continue to explore recommendations and bring them to the council if you could expand your scope to to evaluate what you think could be done for segments or all of Main Street in terms of bringing wiring Underground part of the reason I say that is anyone that mentions it is going to tell you it's a million dollars a block or it's a million dollars for you know the east side and another million dollars for the west side for one block but what they may not realize is at some point we're gonna have to dig up all our sewers on mry as far as I could tell we're gonna have to replace sewers and what better time to look at moving wires underground if we ripped open the sewers so if you if you continue this great work but even expand it a little bit I think that would be wonderful thank you thank you thank you I just have one question sure I I would also Echo what councilman goosi said that when we say we're going to you say you're going to start from the papers up if we're going to have to redo the sewers I think we need to include that in the in the plan and also um putting the wires underground but this is very useful but the one thing and I I talked to Paul Gavin about this and maybe you can help me understand under appearance was trash and recycling and under beautification was disposal I and when I I did I was one of the people who did the survey I got so I got really confused about the difference between those two can you explain the difference between appearance being trash and recycle Recycling and beautification being disposal because when I was answering those questions I I didn't I got lost then I was like I don't know what I'm answering um I'll be frank with you I didn't set up the survey itself that was categorized initially um but I I think at at the end of the day it's still talking about the need to have a cohesive plan associated with you know what we're doing with um as I said before disguising uh trash in in town itself and then there's a little bit of a mix and there around you know keeping the sidewalks clean themselves U and I hope I'm answering your question okay I because there were so few they were very pointed questions and I thought they were great questions I thought it was a great serving survey but then I said oh what am I I was like what is disposal then but anyway good survey um I appreciate uh your answers and um seeing how everything broke down um but I just didn't know if you could tell me what the difference between those two is because I was confused but you know but thank you so one last uh statement and thank you as well um so is it that you will look to appoint leadership toward some of these or you know that that is our recommendation as well you know which is how do you plan to sort of take that and then you know action some of that if you will on your own behalf not on the BBC day's behalf but on your own behal yeah no where does that go over the next one to three years this is a the third time through it's a very good question um and and I actually think when we get done with the next presentation it's actually going to bring some of that together together because the action piece of this is we work with our engineering firm and we work with the council to say okay here's what's possible I think it is to your point it's a one to threee plan but you but we need a plan we need a plan we need you know what's the funding and maybe the things that we try to get funding on we push out the things we can do ourselves in the short term we bring in uh there's any any number of ways to cut a plan like this a one to threee plan um I think that's what we have to really kind of come back on and say how do we want to approach this um so I think after the I think CME I asked you to lead with that and do the second P second you may want to look s listen to that because I think I think it's going to duvail and I think that'll generate I think more conversation amongst us on how to approach this going forward May one question what was the name of the um entity that we applied to and that Manis end up getting them who that giving away that money it's this it's the State what see you guys know I don't know exactly which but I can find out was it the Economic Development Authority the one you applied for if it was Edda or this was like a couple years ago Greg we applied for a Main Street Grant right oh no we applied for a couple milon yeah we should and we when they gave us the result when they turned us down um they basically I I'd have to go back to the email it came from Jerry Freda at the time I want to say there were there were over a 100 towns that applied and I think like three or four got it so it's it's it's a pretty um tough one to get not to say we shouldn't be going after it every year uh we're taking any plan we get enhance what we have um because even that the plan from three or four years ago I think what we're going to find is there's a lot of that's still very operative just gonna say I feel like you should probably just apply yeah just just apply every year see how we do so yeah sooner or later um on behalf of the bbca thank you for your time and thank you for your support yeah you're gonna stick around good because I I think you need to hear the next one um that question on this or do we have to wait till later wait till later specific for this yeah yeah so they'll be here till the end uh well they're going to be the next agenda items agenda questions so yeah thanks all right um this a workshop it's not a workshop it's a presentation in bit y um yes there I ask one question I'm confused when we get to the individual resolutions will that be included in the what's now coming up as the public comments um after the approval of minutes or will that will each resolution have its own public comment moment no each we don't have public comments on resolutions we so if we have a question about public about the resolutions that would be addressed in the upcoming comments okay thank you okay uh this is Ben matlack from CME he's been our Point guy for the last few years um and Ben's going to cover two things or yeah I have a couple of things to to cover um first one I'll I'll jump right into it uh improve streetcap improvements to Main Street uh Ed thank you that was a great presentation uh and great uh lead up to uh to what what I plan to discuss um as we just heard about the uh dbca's uh survey uh a lot of good information there uh some of the the main takeaways for me um and sorry I I was providing a copy of your survey early on so I I got some of the information from it uh a lot of the recommendations from the survey are similar to that 2020 recor stud uh it's called the uh Main Street walkable Community Workshop uh referred to as the record study that was fished through the new North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority which is an entity of the do right um and the uh one of one of the conclusions was that walkability and and uniformity of the street skate is is important to the residents um so that that uh 2020 study uh discussed that that very similar to the BP bbca study uh it was asking residents to provide inputed um the resident said that uh there were uh pedestrian and bike experience is inconsistent and underwhelming or unwelcoming and that's due to missing missing petan Crossings low visibility of intersections and sidewalk quality um these are important issues to Residents we have uneven sidewalk cers um we have uh there have been accid from in the 2020 study it looked at the five years prior involving vehicle pedestrians and bikes there were 12 accidents on Main Street in that that fiveyear span um the study recommended bike lanes and pedestrian safety improvements um and then standardizing streetcape elements very similar to to what Ed just discussed uh they're mismatched benches uh mismatched light Poes mismatched Street trees uh so so that's that's something that uh is something we want to consider for Main Street um what we first look at is the available right you know you you only have a limited amount of space to fit everything in that you want uh it's roughly about about the same size uh uniformly throughout Main Street north of Evergreen Avenue you have uh 70 foot right away south of Evergreen you have a 66 foot right away You're you have some minimum uh widths that you have to consider minimum required sideof 4 feet uh and and considering the layout of Bradley Beach the fact that your your uh businesses restaurants are right up against the the RightWay line you really need a little bit wider than four feet for uh getting in and out of stores and still allowing access along the uh your minimum required bike if we want to add bike Lanes is 5T where there's off street parking uh and then a minimum travel L now these are minimum standards uh obviously The Wider we can have the better minimum travel Lan on Route 71 is 11 feet um this is the existing condition out there uh this is again ped right from that that record study uh you have 15ot uh Lanes right now um up and down Main Street that is a travel Lan for vehicles and it also it has sharrows painted on on the road sharrows are share the road symbols um allowing vehicles and uh bikes to share a lane um we have Park parallel parking on both sides and then there is sidewalk as well as uh I'll call it a planter strip uh where we have trees benches bike racks uh trash can can that that kind of thing um on each side the record study uh looked at a couple design alter um the first one was utilizing the existing uh a withd you have and modifying it to uh shrink the the travel Lanes from 15 feet down to 11 feet and taking that extra width and creating one uh bicycle lane uh in One Direction with a with a buffer uh it maintains the existing parking Lanes uh and then it maintains the existing sidewalk LS second alternative they came up with was uh you removing a part a parallel parking Lane and creating two uh bike Lanes up and down Main Street um so either on the East Door West Side of Maine eliminating parking yes okay uh obviously parking is a a consideration and it's it's something that was important to Residents in this study as well as the dbca study so that's definitely something to consider uh before making it you know moving forward with any one uh option um some of the other uh things that were discussed in the record study was were safety improvements um this is an example of a bus bul um creates kind of a safer mid block Crossing um it could has a bus shelter an area where people wait for the bus so they're not standing on the sidewalk and they're not in the in the travel way and it allows an area for buses to pull in and and pick people up uh similarly a curb extensions um this is a a way for um eliminating site visibility issues uh it it shortens your crosswalk distance so it's it's safer to to cross the street um and that that's one of the recommendations uh that that was discussed there as well with that first alternative having one lane in One Direction you obviously don't want just to go one way on Main Street you want to have options to go another way so what what they had uh originally looked at was the possibility of adding a bik lane on Hammond Avenue um as you know Hammond Avenue is one way so that would be in a oneway direction going Southbound with the oneway direction on Main Street going northbound and then there are a few streets cross streets uh in between that that could facilitate uh interconnectivity between those two oneway sections so you can get around town a little more easily then we look at uh the street scaping itself um as you you heard uniformity of the streetcape is important revitalizing the streetcape uh is a way to establish uniformity within the burrow um you can you know say that this is the lake ble we're going to use this is the the model bench that we're going to use going forward this is the type of trash can we're going to use going forward um the sidewalk shown there is just what was in the record's conceptual study personally I kind of like the papers uh I Al although I do know that they there are some tripping uh hazards out there uh that's something that could be corrected by a a streetcap project um conclusions um obviously we want to try to make the burrow more welcoming to pedestrian and bike users um we just talked about Street scaping unification uh of the burrow by streetscaping you know it's it's a just creates a more attractive downtown area uh encourages tourism uh and and increases uh business uh and then safety upgrades uh where they're appropriate what what was blasting you just said back safety oh safety okay the bus bulbs or curb extensions are safety uh upgrades also upgrading curb ramps to be ADA Compliant um and then eliminating eliminating those tripping hazards uh up updating sidewalks uh these are all um safety upgrades The Next Step I think for the burrow is is um if we want to advance this project we we looked for we're we're continuing to look for funding sources uh of course and I'll give you an answer on on which grant that was that that Manan got so you didn't work on that yourself I did not work on that myself but you can find out but I will find out who did who did and and everything there is to know about it might be a that might be something to bring that person in with yourself and have a conversation with you sure um we can prepare a preliminary Improvement plan that would incorporate some of these elements uh from from these studies and then investigate the feasibility of some of these uh these these recommendations um you know for example that that bike network uh investigate if if bike Lanes will are appropriate on each one of those streets that was identified um I I know the sewers were mentioned that's uh is my understanding the I know the burough has a phase sewer plan uh the sewers on Main Street were phase six of the sewer last yeah the last one yeah um so that is likely several years away um but you know obviously anything can be adjusted uh but that that's where that was in that phasing um and Al you were kind of right on the money about a million dollars maybe $2 million do a block for putting utilities underground uh this is you know what the the utility companies have told us in the past so you know you're if you do all of Main Street you're talking into tens of millions of dollars for for that one uh and that's all I have on Main Street if want to have questions on that or move on yeah I think that'd be good because I think well you've got a couple more pieces but couple more pieces I think we're in good shape for time yeah good question so 88 compliant curve ramps is is are you saying are none of them compliant because I feel like we just since I've been sitting up here we just redid All the curb ramps like not too long ago there there are some that there are definitely some that are ADA Compliant some of the newer ones constructed are there are still I believe some old ones that out there that have not been upgraded okay yes just follow thank you um I love this study the results of the study when it was done I I love seeing this a lot of the slides that you've recaptured for us tonight um the one thing I I mean I know I'm stating the obvious when I say this but I don't want to have you know curb bump outs and bus buls and curb extensions and new pavers or concrete whatever put in over the next three to five years or may were saying one to three years and then four years from now we tear leing up to the sewers I mean we we got to stop doing really inan things like that so I know people will tell us any one of us you as our expert it's going to cost a million it's going to cost $2 million to move these lines under ground and I'd say yeah all things equal starting where we are today you got to dig everything up you got to pull it all underground then you got to cover it all up my point is if it's going to cost $22 million how much is it going to cost if we ask you to do it while we've already ripped up the streets and I don't know that anyone is yet and I think you're the guy to do it yet I don't think anyone's asking that question so before I so I guess my question to you is we want a vision but but we want it like a phase Vision I I'm speaking for myself but I like to think others would agree with me a phase Vision that says let's assume we want to do all this stuff well we're not going to do it until we've done what we need to do with the sewers so maybe step number one is Space six sewers become space three I don't know maybe it means we start Main Street sewers at the North End for two or three blocks one year then it do the next year two or three blocks work our way South whatever but but I think we need a more comprehensive plan than just what I I love this but I kind of see this as the end result the end vision and would you be in a position to help us plan the phases with and without moving wires underground we may ultimately say we can't do it one question I would have to build on that is if you took them say it's a million bucks a block can somebody profile that for us and say the million bucks is the following it's $400,000 of excavation $300,000 of taking wires down and $200,000 of whatever that could help us understand you know what's in that million dollars a block and then you know to to the councilman's point I don't think we want to do something that we're doing a redo um I think we got to kind of look at the cost benefit you know what's the cost and what's the benefit U are there is there low hanging fruit you know the idea of we see empty tree Wells to me that's low hanging fruit um uniformity is slow hanging fruit you know and that it's not going to cost us a significant amount then we get into the the you know the key question around what do we do with the with our sidewalks we need to do something whether it's repave with pavers uh tweak what we have you know if you really take a hard look um that they're pretty tired and they're pretty beat up um so we have to look at that but I I think it's a matter of looking at the phasing and and really ensuring that we've got a plan and the other is around funding if if the high ticket items we're going to really have to search for funding if we don't want to fund this ourselves via bonding do we take the high ticket items and backload those in the context of um going out for grants that here's our plan where the early phases where we're not spending a ton of money but on the back end we got some money to spend on Big Ticket items um so I I I think that that that's a little bit inut I got a couple of just bullet points here I um did you want to sure okay well one I I know you know this but for for the benefit of everybody here this is State Road so we've got to work with the state also which is always fun um there's a project that's been languishing on Memorial Drive Memorial Drive behind us behind us that way thank you is going to two lanes two and a half Lanes um meaning if you go to as on the other side of 33 um Asbury Park you'll notice it's a 25 M hour kind of to Lane but it has to Center turn things Memorial Drive is funded to do that and it's going to do that ultimately uh there was a view early on when I first uh came into this uh job uh met with that group uh with the county guys and a couple dot people The View was I was I was looking at it from a parking perspective it goes to two lanes can I get on the Eastern side of Memorial Drive a set of parallel parking spaces maybe in the middle of town so people Park their car walk across the railroad tracks on each one of those blocks and um they're in town uh there's a lot of that's not a high priority for them I can tell you that it would be a fight but I think we could potentially get some parking out of that if if we could get that and trade it for one side of main parallel which I would think would be the West Side you know maybe there's a trade-off there I don't know maybe maybe that's part of the plan that we start really pounding the uh and work on hard with the county guys with the commissioner Aron in those people um the Hammond option you know from my perspective the Hammond option on bikes is um I think it's a viable option but it's again it's a change and it's going to take a lot of change management um if we want to go to two bike Lanes um you know and we got to figure that out but that that's that's uh it's an interesting idea that I saw in the last study but getting bikers to really do that would be interesting if we could do that but when you really get the heavy duty green lines this is your bike lane you know maybe people tend to the followup there's probably a few people on Hammond Avenue that wouldn't like to see that but you know maybe for the greater Grid it's a good good option but I'm just not sure so that's a couple of just a couple of random thoughts I had go to counsil I I just want to ask one other question Ben this is nothing new right this is this is pretty much the same thing that you had presented to us I don't think you stood up here and present this but I know I got a you know yeah like a year and a half how long ago it was but it's the same thing right it yeah it was uh I gave a presentation to the council in 2022 and and you dollarized some things there yes um the the you saw kind of a rough breakdown of of our a cost estimate that was put together uh in 2022 uh I think at that time there was not going to be any any changes to the road no striping so I think that's why the dollar rount was Zero but uh um yeah this this is kind of a a re re uh presentation of this work because I understand that it's the council's desire to advance a project up Street and you know we want to just bring this to the Forefront and you know explore what the options are how how to move forward with so I guess my last question before maybe turn over to the the public Mr Mayor I don't know if we're going to allow public comment on this or not he has more to do he has then my last question is we're all going to sit here and say we all want this Vision articulated defined um we want to I imagine we need that in documentation form to to bring to various grant funding opportunities right I mean we can't just go knocking on the door saying hey we're going to develop a plan we really need a plan correct before you to yes to some level of detail there has to be some kind of a plan which the two 2022 plan was a line item plan not 30 lines but it was 15 lines and it was I can't remember the amount was it a million three or something like that uh think a million and a half or two million something along those Lin maybe half of the Town yeah but do we need to be talking not necessarily tonight but in the immediate future talking with Samy about updating that plan some giving us a tangible document that we can then bring for and updating that would include at least at least scoping um this notion of bringing wires underground and again we almost needed a and b with and without wires underground and that would mean basing not only for funding but facing for construction I can't imagine you could we were saying earlier one to three years was probably you know one to five years you know like a fiveyear plan so if we were to it's not official tonight but in the very near future if we were to ask you CME to build a plan I mean can we ask you to give us a financial proposal what that would cost to give us a fiveyear plan yeah okay thank you I I think most of what you had in that plan then correct and I just don't have in front of me um know in front of you right you just happen to have in front of you is I have yeah yeah no that's perfect thank you um yeah it's 18 line items but but what I was going to bring up and and this is helpful is it covers a lot of the things that were in the survey and it covers the the the prior survey it covers a lot of stuff that was in a RoR study um it's it's um some walkway stuff some construction some you know brick papers uh stuff some concrete sidewalk interspersed in there there but Street uh Street trees street lights benches Planters trash recepticles it covers a lot of that so I think if we can get that inventory and say we've got everything we think to cover now then you start looking at cost benefit what are the things we can we can do as we're uh applying for Grants and we can demonstrate some progress but also have a plan we're all locked in on so thank you I I think that's I think that approach kind of gets us gets some legs on this which is which which was a difficulty um that we've had that would be my opinion thank you very much and I have a I have a question is this a small question like so the bike lanes and I and I agree like people you know when you've mentioned the accidence on Main Street awful and you know it's part of it I'm sure has to do do with the sight lines one I would wonder whether the bike Lanes would exacerbate the accidents that we have on Main Street because people just think I'm in a bike lane and I know bikers have R away just like just like cars do but because now we have lousy sight lines you know cars are going to you know each inch out to be able to see and the bikes are going to be coming and also what what benefit is it because you know then they go right into Ocean Grove which goes right into the bigger Road and then they go into AV which doesn't have bike Lanes is it worth it to have a bike lane when you're got it for a mile there's a lot of there's a lot of energy at a county level of getting bike Lanes all over the okay so like we would be kind of like the Paradigm yeah and ocean grow is working on this right now on Ocean a and coming up Lake parce potentially um that's kind of where their brains are it's just my concern more and is there a way to better improve the sight lines and so that you know we could keep what we have people could bike and people just aren't going to get hit by people coming coming out one one of the things that was talked about in the RoR study is that New Jersey is one of the first states to adopt a complete streets program uh and Mama county has adopted the complete streets program several Counties have and several municipalities have um to do things like this to to kind of uh encourage multimodal tra travel um which is cars pedestrians bikes scooters um whatever uh so that it's it's in line with the the vision that the state has and the county has to do something like this and and it's I'm not I'm not pushing you to say you have to do it this way or or it doesn't work it's it's just it's worth exploring that option perhaps the best way is the way that already exists would be the share the road uh the shs um but it's in order to to figure that out you have to explore what different options you can have and and what um you know the best fit would be for this road so so you said before and I just get me to the right numbers right now the lanes are 15 feet driving Lanes yes and an option is to go to 11 which gives you 8 feet right corre um if you start playing with with um using just one bike lane you you you do the green heavy duty green where people realize this is a bike lane that opens up some possibilities now I'm not saying you the other thing with 11 versus 15 feet is that a calming U mechanism the cars go slower and they've got less Lane so there's a couple of potential benefits of that and I'm not a PR point it one way or the other right now I'm just think about the possibility saying we've got x amount of real estate to deal with how do you manage that real estate um you know the idea of taking one side of the street and take removing parking you know people's heads will explode but uh maybe on the west side it's not so bad because how much parking is how many spaces on the west side when you take Riley Park uh when you take you know some of those businesses maybe it's not too bad maybe there is a possibility we could figure that out I don't know maybe we free up spaces and other ways so y okay do you have other stuff you want to cover I do yes second uh have your report have your report that the burrow received a an asset activation Grant from the uh njeda which is the uh Economic Development party it's a $50,000 planning Grant uh it can be used for the pre-development planning design and permitting to activate underutilized public assets that benefit their ex andal ecy um so the the Grant application of supplied for was for this building uh 54 ocean a North uh it's right next to the playground uh on the prut in between Parkplace Avenue and Ocean Avenue excuse me Ocean Park Avenue uh and the application was uh to use the building as a museum for for the Historical Society uh it would include also include the installation of a new restroom building uh next to the that building uh and then retro fitting existing building uh as needed for the the intended use um we actually have have a meeting with the Eva next week just to discuss the execution of the grant agreement and uh what the next step so this in a very early stages right now the grant was just awarded um and uh that's that's what uh we have work we're working on uh right now so you're meeting with Eda next week just to kind of get the ground rules set with them on developing this plan okay correct yes who who else in that meeting yourself and them or I I think it's it's me Meredith and the M from okay okay I don't know if there's any questions yet question and you may or may not recall this but I just want to make sure for the record that you know that someone says this when the council uh approved the application process for the grant there was a good amount of discussion that we said it cannot be limited only to the Historical Society Museum that that and we were told count I I think the the grant was like being submitted the next day or something so there really wasn't time to adjust the language in the Grant application but for the record I I just want to confirm we were we were told and I believe it's still true that um this money can be spent to look at different options for this building not limited to the Historical Society museum is that fair is that correct yeah that's that's fair to say it's not we're not shoehorned into to one use of it uh it's just that that was uh one of the options that was talked about in the application that's what it's we're gonna you know pursue and so for for example so many folks I don't know what the answer is I'm not sitting here telling you the right answer is X but so many people have said they love to to see bathrooms so many people have said they'd love to see a more of a a retail concession like ice cream sales or something like that um uh something without cooking without without venting of of you know whatever grease traps and all that stuff um we had a problem a couple years back where there was at least interest by a restaurant to be cooking and building a second story on that building I mean there's it's got a little bit of a history as you're probably aware so I just I'm saying this to make sure you and working with our business administrator don't go too far down any one pigeon hold path and like to make sure that you know our options are preserved so we can consider a lot of different Alternatives sure yeah um the like I said very early stages the the grant is is for the uh planning and and design you know predevelopment plan so there's nothing that's been committed to at this point um it's you know the the grant money is here to uh come up with a plan and and how to reutilize this this asset that the B has great now it's very exciting and thank you for the role you played in helping us secure that funding question yes is this a new Eda grant program to deal with underutilized Municipal assets or has this been around for a while I believe it's been around for a couple of years uh this is actually the first first time I've applied for it and actually kind of heard of it um there's a lot of Grant programs out there but yeah it's I think it's relatively here okay and then so we we get planning Grant and then so if we spend $50,000 and decide it's going to be $300,000 to make this whatever we want it to be we get that same money from the we applied to Eda or we had go someplace else I I think that the Grant opportunity was just for the the planning of for the planning design getting it ready uh I don't know that the Eda has construction grants available through the same program but that's something that we would explore you know as part of the utilizing this Mone to to see where we could find available fund okay Ben Ben do you know top of your head I do recall going through this with the prior restaurant application um there are very strict CER limitations if we want to expand the footprint of this building right and I I want to say you can expand West but not definitely not East and I don't think South either for that matter but again you don't have to educate us tonight but am I correct in understanding there are fairly limited things we can do to expand flood print there there are obviously this is in a CAA Zone uh and a cafa permit would be required uh and I did look up that you know a public restroom uh construction is permitted as a you can get a general permit uh under the capital rules for a public restroom um you know in a in a public park uh so I I think that that would would be something that would be permitted uh or permittable um so that that would be part of utilizing this grant to to go for that yeah right right now for those who don't go to that part of town we've been used since Co we've been us I call it the Airstream it's the three bath silver kind of bullet that we put out right next to this building we've actually built in um a seore line or we connected the seore line to it uh and we've been using that since Co really uh it would be you can actually see it on that aerial oh you can okay right underneath the Red Square yeah so uh yeah there it is yeah yeah I see it so um you know we we we've had we expanded our restrooms uh because of covid and um it would be nice to one of the ideas for that called the Airstream is uh we don't have any uh restrooms in Riley park right now and if we could seasonally use the Airstream in Riley Park get it out of there because that's also kind of lays uh creates you know it's takes up some room it it might be helpful for that's something you know just a sidebar any other uh if there are no other questions I just have a couple other quick updates for you um this is just for uh projects that we're working on that that uh the burrow can look forward to in the coming year um Lake Terrace Park uh that project is under construction it's probably about 80% done with construction the contractor is waiting on the uh uh fin uh piece of equipment for the playground uh work that he's doing and that should be finished up sometime in March uh improvements to Parkplace Avenue that's utilizing a municipal Aid Grant from the dot that should start sometime in March as well that's a project being done by Fernandez construction and that work is from Main Street to Fletcher Lake Avenue uh improvements Fifth Avenue that's a a DOT grant that we got last year um and that is in the design phase I would anticipate that to be summer project while school is is out um yeah that would be a good idea and uh the last one is uh Recreation Center improvements we have uh two grants for that actually one from uh the DCA and then one from M County um the two one the County one is a matching Grant DCA is not a matching Grant the two Grant amounts total 339,000 and we uh are first step is to do some environmental work and then we have to do some uh the design of the improvements uh and we'll we'll work on that this year as well right and for everybody's information we're there's a uh we're going to actually go for a um an additional Recreation Grant um and that's due on the 20 277th yes of February so um we're going to get a pass from um uh DCA DCA thank you I wasn't sure which one it was um to submit it on the 28th because we have a council meeting on the 28th and we have to get a resolution that approves us submitting that Grant but um the application will be due on the 27th but the resolution can be submitted after afterwards yeah yes so we're trying to kind of build a critical mass around this whole Recreation thing or again could be some phases too where we're getting X done and then we right behind that we do why and we really fix up that whole Recreation Area so um just so people that's coming down the pipe for two weeks from now U again a question because you're triggering my memory from that last discussion the daily application and so forth we at least talked about and I don't know I know we're asking for more money than we got so we might have to cut back unless we get more grant funding but we at least talked about the possibility of working in trees I want to say that for my Council colle Mr Weber and Miss denov for that matter um we also talked there have been many residents that beat me up all the time about pickle ball we talked about resurfacing courts and maybe having resurfacing and I want to just confirm we also talked about possibly uh at least if we have the funding to at least evaluate a dog park uh up where the greenhouse is that that was part of the discussion might not have been the formal application but just want to plant that see that it's still in your mind I do remember that uh the improvements that we we uh included in the Grant application were in excess of the funding amount that we got so the Park is was was not in the budget um but that that can still you know be applied for as part of phase two and and if there's F you know money available that that could be something that could be looked at I just want to keep it in everybody's mind that we at least talked about some of those other activities thank you all right is that it Ben yes thank you Ben got a lot to think about okay we'll move to the um next oh yeah sorry next next agenda item is uh approval of minutes for the uh 12 J January 24th 20124 Council uh I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of 2024 second Mr Noble yes Mr gesi yes M Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay public comments for um pertaining to the 214 agenda any public comments yes um on the response 175 do you know what the break out of that is um in terms of how many are actual bbbc members versus those are not you sorry but that's that's my question you said I had to come up here yeah so that's my question we could we can get you that answer yeah we can get you that answer can we just get it tonight if it's if he perhaps has it I'm sure he could provide that if he has it but um uh question the question beyond that I mean it would be obviously very interesting to know what that number is but even with just 175 response my concern is that you're you're at best looking at possibly 4% response rate to a town that all of a sudden the gears are starting to run run run let's go fix Main Street yada y yada and nobody really said that that's what we all want I mean everybody wants a beautiful Main Street everybody thinks it should you know look like Mayberry but that might not fit into everything that we have or everything we need um similar as we're talking you know I just feel like we're continually putting the cart before the horse um and I appreciate Mr gto's you know heads up of you know asking well she'll be thinking about sew what what you know or the polls things of that nature that are let's get a vision um as well as also the bbca um I'm sorry my um you know who was in charge or who who decided on what the on what the questions were again I don't want it to be another situation where we're finding ourselves down the path after a church of hey this is a survey about a church we know what the answer is so let's get there quick okay so I just think you know it's great to want to fix things it's great to want to have these you know but let's have a concise Vision that includes everybody or really really um you know as a result of everybody it's not hard to get everybody to you know an easy access to a survey or something of that nature to get the answers we want to have that's all I'm asking in regards to that um but again that's also I'm not done I didn't say you were but then again that also again brings that little murkiness of the bbbc I can for one and you know and think I'm pretty well plugged into the town and I try to be um but it's still so many people don't know who they are what they are what is really their role here it seems to be very gray as to you know the signs say that you know when they they publish their events it's it's you know within Alliance to the to the the town but is it really I mean is the town just automatically on board with their things to me it's a private entity that's mixing with government entity and it's just very you know confusing um you know what I would think is a BBA is almost like a would be more of a terms of okay you're not here to promote events but if you really want to support business or you want to build the businesses here then you should almost be more like a small Better Business Bureau type thing for them you know come to us like this with grants and saying hey here's grants for this type of small business or here's how we can get things done for all of you business owners you know what can we do to make the business owners want to stay here and could make them more profitable not hey join my club like Costco and for that you're going to get 10% off at this place or you know you're going to have a discount here and just have private parts that's not what we as a small town need well I I would suggest that um the things you mentioned about getting grants and working with the businesses they are doing that um and they have been doing that um so I would suggest maybe you'd want to set up some time and with Paul and or or or editor a member and get those questions I'm good appreciate that um also in terms with and when if this planning comes to play like said they're talking about papers things and that nature please like maybe what mros is saying have a have a big pict maybe you know as much as pavers are nice concrete might be the way to go because inherently when you plant trees they're going to disturb papers papers like they said just like Ben said they're tripping hazards a safety issue we're lucky we're not getting sued as a town for somebody falling or tripping with something so things of that nature really need to be looked upon on a greater scale if possible um in terms of the lake ter Park I can't look you but maybe whisper my ear um what is the substrate going in there now I see that they for new new you know country collar but what what's going is it just going to be filled with mulch again which is there before or ask your question again I'm sorry with Lake Terrace yeah I that subr what's going in where they they pour new concrete collars and what's underneath the existing equipment is mulch is it just going to be mulch again I think it is yeah okay because I mean you look at places again like we we keep looking elsewhere everywhere else like you we have Belmar they have a fantastic beautiful um you know children's playground that you know has the the the rubber you know that that G it's the give it's you know children don't get hurt kids get Splitters and things of that nature as we said before you know use that stuff why aren't we looking to do things like that we we are that's part of what we looked at that the cost of that rubber was would have blown the grant out and we would have been just spending money on the surface so perhaps then that we need to when we do these projects we could do that and say hey this is what we want to do and we may have to have a phase two and plan for it yeah we did we did have public hearings and took through that that part that y okay thank you thank you anybody else yes Davidson 304 Bo so I don't want to sound like sour grapes or J with the BR but um bbca is a nonprofit and there are other nonprofits in town like the Bradley Beach Education Foundation and I would just like to know if I wanted to do a presentation they get to do a presentation I just contact B Hall and I get to contact the B administrator yes and we would be able to do all the nonprofits right we can presentation I would talk to I I I don't know the answer of that question but the bur administrator would know that yeah I'm sure you can't but I I don't want to say they just did yeah they just did yeah yeah yeah they've done it before not I'm sure that I'm sure that that conversation would yield that yes okay just making sure thank you thank you yes your voice is pretty deep Jack you can probably do it yeah okay yeah yeah you can um couple quick things this survey less than 10% of the population how many people actually survey 4% 175% yeah no no those those who those are those who responded respond it went out on different mediums um it was how many went up I can't answer that question but it went to there was links all over the place for it seems a little on the Meer side to me I'm sorry it's to me it's meager it doesn't represent the population not enough people responded to this field uh number one number two the uh no mention has been made reducing the speed limit especially in the first Beach block you're get 25 miles hour all the way down to Ocean Avenue which is another 25 mph Street that last first I happen to live there so I I I can observe that should be reduced to 15 miles hour that last because somebody's going to get cled there somebody get cled there badly the third the third thing is we don't we have a a huge U burn which covers the entire Beach from just about why can't we make a few more areas of of vs within that bir areas of what I didn't he make an opening within the birn so more people can get a view of the of the seaside of the ocean whatever now you could you could stop p with sand you could stop pile with sand and then move it into into position it is upcoming stor and we have you know tremendous forast abilities nowaday so I me those are my the three thoughts thank you thanks BM in a while yes hi Dr Tom 610 BR Avenue I didn't miss the first thing that I think it's po her the session my wife told me it's great um but I was just wondering why why because I I was having Deja Buu back there but I was confirmed that the presentation that Ben just did was a year and a half ago and it was nothing different almost your comments were almost the same too with nothing different why weren't those Workshop items that and the um the bbca recommendation presentation where we can talk about that more instead of this back and forth because there obviously a lot of questions about that and about the project presentation because I was the exact same presentation and nothing has changed and there's no presentation of what we were doing would been nice and like oh this is what we proposed to do not this is the rocker study all for and waste our time which I felt it was sorry I I wouldn't consider a waste of time I think that we're we're doing the same exact thing we did no I don't want to let you finish so it was a year and a half ago exactly practically and we got nothing new from this why wasn't the presentation to John where it was like okay these are options let's talk about this and have that's work shock because what we're doing is we've set some 24 objectives and one of them is to get really get serious about Main Street we've been talking about Main Street for a couple of years so we don't have to I don't think we have to recreate the wheel I think we have to say are these viable plans how do we face them how do we fund them we have that today so we had a survey done that affirmed um that cost us nothing that size of the the um sample size was smaller but it's still a it's still I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm trying to answer your question we're pay for Ben Health we're paying for time we're then we're paying for Ben I don't pay for them so we pay for Ben so his presentation to do it over again is a waste waste our resources Thank You by time I done so I I just want to make sure that next next time he does come here and he please come with a presentation to let us all know what are we going to do where are we going move forward if it's a year and a half when we said we want a one to threeyear plan that's already a year and a half so when when when we're not getting anywhere it's a great question hopefully and hopefully we will get um the next steps and we will have um opportunities for people to bring those things up I get that but again it was a year and a half okay you got Point thank you a year and a half to make this presentation so I'm sure he could have come up with something he's he's a very smart guy he has great ideas I understand why it wasn't coordinated with him so he can have a workshop so we can move it further because now his next presentation is what another six months or another year and then we're finally move forward it's just love thank you and I would listen I'm not I do get to interrupt you you don't get to F this is public comments not mayor interrup questions about the agenda is that comments about the agenda okay yeah so let me com sure thank you okay um so the other thing was about the the survey I would have loved to have questions about that and I I did miss a majority of it because I was driving here but um I obviously was a small sample I'm a bbca member and I I don't remember getting it um and obviously there was just bbca members that did respond to the survey like to be know it was more them than you know everyone else out there so it could be slightly skewed because if they have meetings and there's a h people there and of them they all talked about it or I don't know all that information it could be sight and skewed but the information is good I mean I want the town to be better I want the main to be better I just wish it was more organic I just don't feel the need by someone to tell us what to do I mean I don't think anyone hold cook in Aden department just happen you know like VIs showing good businesses then another good business shows up and then another good business shows up and then they started doing Street Scapes so I just feel that if we make it more inviting to business owners and uh like someone said about the grants without having grapes he said this is the grants I've looked up the grants from my facade so I know there's grants out there that would have been a great um addition if they could I repord anything things with them if they could have told us it's presented this is what we can do not this is what we want you to do you know like how the town should do something but how they can offer these are the grants that are available because I know they're out there and I wish we would have just done that so just hope this next s of have I appreciate the following her discussion my wife said it was great but if you can please have workshops I thought this is what we were going to do for this where we going to have every other meeting with workshops and presentations this just not I know thank you yes Tom J Coan 6123 Avenue um I want to thank Mr Mullan and Mr mlock for this presentation and because of that I going to repeat things that I've said in this room over the last six years okay uh because they do apply to this agenda first of all um I asked about striping on Main Street for delineated parking and I was told oh it's in progress we got to check with the state well that was a couple years ago nothing happened we recently had a auto fatality at Parkplace Avenue in Main Street I've always questioned the site triangles could we get the site triangles fixed at the same time now that we have a fatality um you reference lwh hanging fruit this is all lwh hanging fruit and there's no reason that these things could have been done last year and a half um we're in the process of choosing a bench which will be cleared through the bbca and the council I've already been in here for that we're going to have a naming opportunity for those benches so that we can get this done with no tax payer expense I'm going to say it again I was here in 1997 we approved the paper project my Building 401 main was charged $115,000 for the papers happy to pay it came out great well that's a 40 year Improvement Mr Matt can you know correct me if I'm wrong I expect to change these papers in 2037 and at that point in time I'll be happy to write another check to do it spring lak's papers were done approximately the same time their papers are fine B El panties did an amazing job resetting their I've had stonemen at my property three different times to repair mine if the code office asked me to repair them I will the code office needs to walk down the street take a little yellow spray can and say hey send a notice here you go you these some yellow Marks here you have 30 days to repair them it'll get done there's no reason for us to pay again for this the street lights are our problem because we didn't replace the broken street lights with matching street lights okay so the original street lights are very attractive I think that's the first grant you go after that's there there there's been a major technology change in in the last 24 years on this so there's no reason that we shouldn't be able to do that let's pick something really nice let's pick nice downlighting that subtractive to anybody we had to fight uh New Jersey DOT for the bike chars need to be maintained um that operation does work we had to fight for the hatch crosswalks on Third and 2 Avenue they operate every nons signalized intersection on Main Street should be a hatched cross and there's no signs you're any time you have a hatch crossb there supposed to be a signment people don't know somebody turns to make a left the the guy from North Jersey behind them is in a hurry to get to the beach he goes to pass on the right and hits the pedestrian very nice lady died in quicktown crossing guard at Curtis point with that very thing so we need the corresponding signs there's a crossw um so those are just a few of the things I like to see the walk signs coordinated right now if you get to the crosswalk and you don't hit the button and some of the buttons don't work then it doesn't tell you to walk so now you walk and then the car turning says hey wait a minute you don't have a walk well I have the lights I should be able to walk it should be like Manhattan just let it turn on automatically so these are just a couple of the low a low hanging fruit that I think we can we can really take care of with very very little money it's it's maintenance and it's deferred maintenance that we haven't done so now we're going to spend three four a million dollars a block there's no reason for it also in the Rucker study uh the the corner extensions and those things no one there was a big question of whether New Jersey do would approve that of a state state highway so that has to be established before we even waste any time going oh wow we wish we could have that no no you may not be able to have it let's sit down with uh New Jersey DOT also there's a safe way I mean I park in front of uber to go to the senior uh lunch in function I have a couple people in the car we open the door there's a bench there they can't get out of the car I got a back of the car so anyway the the benches need to be in the right place we have a great naming opportunity there's no more naming opportunity to beach for benches so we can get this done and there's no reason for us to spend tens of millions of dollars when we just had a 133% tax increase so I'm happy to volunteer anybody wants any help only been a you know landlord here on Main Street for 27 years but you know we're happy to help and it can all be done very simply and code office needs to step it up um the other thing I want to say about the garbage or the the the Clutter I bought Auto garbage cans eight years ago 12 they're all intact they operate perfectly and I want to say I've said this in this room every commercial operation on Main Street should have an identical garbage can when I walk Main Street on a Sunday night in the summer it's repulsive because everyone's got different garbage cans different stacks of piles no Tops on the cans it's a mess on a Sunday just have uniformity that's the uniformity that we really need and um I I want to thank everyone for this meeting tonight it's very helpful and I hope we got it out there to really get it done thank you thank you yes hi my name is my name is Henry MOS 209 Third Avenue and um I guess some a little concerned about uh commercial property owners worrying about or demanding increases in the in their uh property uh when their property taxes went down last year um a lot of the properties went down $300 you really need to address your questions up here okay $300 on a minimum if I look at some of these uh like Darcy was down three or 400 mine were up, 1500 and I think maybe you might have rent letter I might or did you just throw it in the garbage I don't throw it any letters did you read it you didn't respond to maybe you should resend it because I do respond to everything I get so maybe it's lost I I did get a couple okay but my taxes went up about 1,500 and if you go across the board on Main Street they went down 300 [Music] 500500 and it's been that way for a year and uh couple years years and I noticed it this year was extremely bad and uh I called the tax assessor and he told me how it works and I told him I don't think it's correct two weeks later he called me back and he told me that they're changing it next year and it's not going to be based on what the fictitious rent could be on the property it's going to be based on the land value and then the assessment of the rent so let's figure out what that is do you have a new view of what the tax assessment is on the town commercial or or residential because that's the first thing I would have done I would have said give me a projection or give me a view yeah because again my taxes went up, 1500 okay and across the board on Main Street it was down 300 to go over a th000 for a property okay and then they're coming up here demanding street lights and garbage cans maybe pay they got to pay their fair share do do you understand y understand okay and maybe go back in your mail Al thank you for responding and John go back into your mail and review it you say it's an email it was an email okay we take and it's very worth worth reading well if you have it resign that just in case I can't find okay thank you okay okay thank you yes F Kepler 504 Central Avenue Beach um I'd like to address resolution um 2448 um it's my opinion that councilman G's ongoing efforts to stop our taxpayer dollars from being embezzled by the expansive criminal Network embedded in our burrow is the reason that he is being so viciously and unjustly accused and attacked deception chaos and confusion lies at the root of the motives behind this pending complaint this mayor and his administration is intentionally creating division so as to direct attention away from their own criminality they wouldn't be doing this if if councilman gubat to's skill Professional Knowledge and expertise were not such a threat to their criminal agenda in the words of someone you may be familiar with mayor solinsky in his words accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt pick the target freeze it personalize it and polarize it cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy go after after people and not institutions people hurt faster this is very effective direct personalized criticism and ridicule Works moral principles are disposable fictions The end justifies the means for these reasons I support and ask this Council to vote Yes on this referendum to pay councilman gto's legal fees as stated the resolution and I personally I personally want to thank you councilman for standing in the guide for not backing down and I want to extend I don't even I can't even imagine what your family your wife must be feeling not ever having had a face-to-face conversation with you I can't even fathom you being guilty of the things that you are being accused of and those complaint and I hope that you more than just for us but for your family defend this vigorously and we the people of Bradley each stand behind you and we support you and it we well I to say that but the other thing that I would like to say it's very interesting that this big long um very professionally well produced um slideshow and presentation that we just went through with the bbca was based on 175 residents and it's a multi-million dollar decision at least a million doll decision but yet umare characterized publicly in a newspaper and marginalized 250 residents of this town who signed a petition and characterized it as bogus and it's not bogus because I wrote the letter I read it on the record and I sent it return receipt requested certified mail to the Attorney General's office and to judge English and I've still not received an answer and I have the certified receipt that it was received so it was it's not bogus mayor and it's interesting how excuse me excuse me excuse it's interesting how 250 residents okay we're were able to be marginalized and described as bogus while another 175 are being given weight and we're putting And discussing putting two what hundred like a million into a project when we are in the position right now where we haven't even seen the audit from 2022 that's my tax dollars that you're spending you've kind of veered off no I'm addressing no no I have not veered no I'm addressing the bbca and 175 people who we just listened to an outline extensively for an hour for the second time the same information but 250 people who signed a letter stating how we need an investigation 6 months ago back in July and it's only compounded the argument has only gotten stronger with time because you continuously and your Administration continuously to perpetuate thank you um you're welcome I just I guess for the minutes I I don't know I've I've ever used the word bogus in any comments or it's in the newspaper all forward it to you yeah okay any other questions okay if there's no other questions we will go to cou people on we have a couple on Zoom there um Don's iPhone Don are you there yes I am there we go hi Don Greenberg 302 Parkplace a um one just housekeeping item if you're going to do PowerPoint presentations it would be nice if they would be shared on the zoom that technology is capable on Zoom because all I'm looking at is like a window you know that shows me the TV screen on the wall I really can't see the PowerPoint so if you could share them going forward on the PowerPoint presentation because you know I see pictures of Al and the mayor and everybody else but I don't actually see the PowerPoint presentation yeah I I could be wrong about this uh Mr greenber but I think the way this that they took over the presentations and ran them out of there might have taken it out of Zoom so you raise a good point because I think prior to this it was run by Michelle you could see it because it was on Zoom so it's good yeah we have in the past you're right we have been able to see it in the I think so it's good input because I didn't even think about that so we'll we'll make that adjustment thank you thank you sir appreciate it uh and in terms of the presentations I love the idea of bike Lanes in in some fashion or another um especially in the summer there's a lot of people cycling and uh I do agree that the sight lines are terrible if anybody's ever tried to make a left from Parkplace onto Main Street uh you take your life in your hands uh so I think that's something that needs to be worked on sooner rather than later and in terms of enforcing bike rules like people riding on the sidewalk and my own pet peeve which I brought up before is if we can get the local PD to enforce the B B against riding the wrong way against traffic uh I remember the last time I brought this up a couple years ago the chief said well nobody's been killed yet so but I don't think that's the bar we should use I think we should be proactive in enforcing the riding with traffic on your bicycle and if you know maybe we could have a Bike Rodeo I don't know if you've ever had one but you know a little a little safety education uh I'd be happy to volunteer to help out we have we have done that but um I think they're planning on one this summer again yeah and if you need any help I'll be happy to help with that thank you all right that's all I got thank you thank you very much um e Shish can you hear me alen yes hi can you you hear me yes okay thank you iin shishas 112 4th Avenue um I found this a very interesting uh meeting regarding Main Street my question is whether or not the Barrow has any intention of holding the um building owners um to bring their buildings up to code we do that on an ongoing basis well there have been so many buildings that have been uh in violation and I can think of several since 2007 and nothing has been done and I just think that some of these are they're very apparent and um and I think that the residents deserve a better um um support from code enforcement to make sure the landlords the building owners are doing their part to make our town better um another thing is now I apologize because I don't have the technical name that you you used but I'm going to describe them as Porta Poes I feel as though the residents of Bradley Beach deserve something better than porta potties uh I know they're on Ocean Avenue you're talking of having this whome this whole meeting about beautification of Main Street and if you're going to transfer those up to Riley park that is going to be an eyesore and a step backwards that's my opinion and I thank you for my having my time thank you thank you it no there's one more uh I phone for Linda hi good evening uh Linda Duffy 312 Brinley Avenue I'd like to thank Al goat toi for bringing up uh creating a master plan because we need to look forward and do things in succession that will benefit the town so I'd like to say that I have been watching the uh renovation of the Lake Terrace Park and because it basically is a toddler park it has never been gated I was wondering if there's going to be any Gates installed so parents don't have to pull their hair out running after toddlers here and there there has never been a gate there it needs to be a gated Park like it is on Ocean Avenue does anybody have any um feelings about that yeah I think it is yeah Ben you can cover it Ben here uh I'm pretty sure it's yeah installed as part right yes on both sides between the grassy area and the street that uh runs alongside it yeah the two corners the one uh at the corner of Lake Terrace and forget that other side street and the opposite corner um where it's just the the open opening in the fence uh two get are S I thank you for your foresight in doing that also I'd like to say I'd like to talk about Don Greenberg's um response to the uh riding the wrong way down the the oneway streets bicyclists habitually run the wrong way uh ride their bikes the wrong way on streets this needs to be addressed and the police department needs to start giving out warnings so maybe people will get the hint that you shouldn't be doing that before something else happens and we don't need to hold the bar so high as no one's gotten killed yet so I think that's proactive also the side triangles on most of our streets are not within the state's code which I think the town can adjust it to whatever they want but maybe we should revisit that and I appreciate your time and thank you good night thank you you okay uh we'll go to the next agenda item which is um ordinances there are none so that was quick uh number 11 Communications pardon me mayor um you had a communication about a grant recruit award did you want to do that that's the next thing on oh I'm sorry I thought you missed it my bad number 11 okay here we go um I'm gonna actually be extremely brief on this because um Mr mattl covered it um all I want to just reiterate and I think Paul left was um as it relates to the I will I will cover this in a little bit of a different angle um I said earlier when I started tonight about Bazi and um we have made some really good improvements in the Bazi um building and you know for a marginal cost and we created a lot more space than we had there before um however we still want to um we still have conflicting or competing um entities there seniors uh Meals on Wheels Community Development uh the historical society and um I think you know I've had a few conversations with the Historical Society I I met with him again on Monday just give him a Grant status but I had met with that group in October and again I think it was Monday um we did pass a resolution in November to um move forward with the grant we got the grant which is great now I think um we're trying to figure out and and we're going to do it with the Historical Society you know is there a onew punch um we we one of the things that people aren't aware of in the bazis uh Center a lot of people aren't aware that um we just expanded and created a storage room on the north side of Bazi that's about 630 square feet that could be expanded even more um with a couple of little tweaks uh it's been painted put a floor down and it looks like it's a ready office space and we're we're contemplating could we have a part of the Historical Society kind of headquartered there for archiving and kind of an office thing and then the prominade becomes that Exhibit Hall Museum and some combination or iteration so my point on this Grant and and really the work we're doing on Bazi is we're trying to deal with conflicting or con competing um uh Assets in and and trying to fit all the activities in town in all these places in a comfortable way those who have been in Bazi and looked at the Historical stuff and Paul he were here agree with me you know we've got cabinets and last cases that maybe aren't the most effective in fishing are there ways we can do things differently so we're going to be looking at that um in the coming weeks and months in parallel to looking at you know this this study and and also for the long term what's the best uh fit out so uh that's really that's probably more important to cover because the the grant um Ben covered it very well and uh I was going to cover it but when he covered it UPF front that was fine so uh we're all aware of the Grant and we'll be working on that and we'll keep reporting back to everybody on how that chose so that's the point on that communication um resolutions we have a few resolutions um most times in this meeting this this second this the first I'm sorry first meeting month we won't have resolutions that there are a few this month that we this meeting that we had to do um the first resolution is 202 2446 thank you guys uh authorizing and providing the issuance the sale of 11, 58500 has Bond the anticipation notes for the bur of Bradley Beach in the county of Mammoth state of New Jersey to the mmth county Improvement Authority in determining various matters in connection we're in uh I will make a motion to Mr Mayor discussion yeah um I'm confused you did send us a schedule I had asked for supporting that number but you had a different number 9 million 780 not sure I understood the data that was on yeah the the the so the 11580 it would be the I call when we we went out and looked at the ban the bond a notes um we've been able to refine that down this would be the the highend if we went out and felt as what we needed it but I think we're going to end up with with our lesser number that we have to actually go out and get the the the notes I think it's in March um so it's been really refinement between U Megan Bennett the bond attorney uh our CFO and uh uh Merith of the the acting Ro administrator I'm sorry though I'm really not trying to be difficult you know the original question was why this specific amount 11 milon 580 that that was the start Point uh probably three or four weeks ago and um they've been able to to take that down to a lesser number this it won't exceed this number of 11580 and I could be clear about that but the new number that they provided you provided to us just a day or so ago was 9,780 98 9.8 yeah so almost $2 million less I guess the obvious question is should we and I I I did have a question about even that detail there were there were a number of U adjustments down is that because we're I assume because we're sharing some of that bonding with Avon no that's not um we're just like 3.5 million but we were dropping 1.5 million yeah what's happening there for example um I think it's a timing issue that we're not going to need as much um initially for 2020 um it would go into 2075 and these smaller ones appear similar isue timing yeah it's just timing um so the recommendation and I checked this today with the CFO the recommendation was that this was the highend we believe we can commit it this 9.78 number but the recommendation was to stay stay with the resolution as is um and shoot for this lower number of about let's call $10 million $9.8 million um can you help us or help me understand the process if we were to approve a number almost $2 million higher how do we make sure we don't actually bond for that like how does that process work do we ask for bids up to 11 million but then we only take what we need I think what the bond Council and the CFO would do is as as there procuring those um they report back to us if you want us to report back on what the final number is that's not a problem at all because he's he's got a pretty good handle on with the bond attorney and U the B administrator some reporting back on you know what the final number is it's understanding the final number before we approve it um I'm just looking at the resolution language itself which I want to get to the therefor um the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to cause all or a portion of its Bond anticipation notes to be issued and sold I'm reading this not only for my benefit but for anyone in the public who might be interested um the burrow hereby authorizes the use of certain information concerning okay a portion of the proceeds of the sale of program notes to the mcia may be retained by the mcia as payment for the burough alal share of issuance expenses and expenses related to the county guarantee yeah we're going through the M County proof and that that g got us a favorable rate what is the rate I don't have the rate in front of you um and unfortunately um Meredith and the CFO and um Megan worked through this so I don't know what the final race came that Mr Mayor what what's the urgency of this like can we table this until the next meeting to get a better understand they I think there's some urgency that they want to get this in with the county um I mean we can clarify these questions am Meredith will be in tomorrow and can clarify those questions I mean we can condition I mean if you want to meet with her uh or her and Ricky together that would be fine unfortunately I thought merth will be here to represent this to her flight's got a little scur I guess section one gives the flexibility I'm looking for but I in terms of what we would approve it's saying the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to cause all or a portion of its Bond anticipation notes to be issued uh I appreciate that flexibility what I'm concerned about is controlling that flexibility that if the most recent estimate you have is 9.8 million and we're authorizing 11.6 that extra 1.8 million just concerns me because I don't know what backend control we the council would have over the additional borrowing of that that funding I I I would suggest that what what they're working through is trying to get the lower rate lower number um this was what the start point was if you're looking for the Delta of those two the 118 versus the the 98 versus the 116 a a um a flag that says if we go over that the number that 9.8 I don't think that's a problem at all but I I think that can be very proactively communicated but the intent is not to to hopefully not have any ISU where we have to go up well we certainly I mean I'll speak again for myself I certainly don't want to um impede the burrow in terms of borrowing money that we need but I also I can't see a granting kind of blind authorization of 1.8 million that we don't have any explanation for you know why that number might be needed so can we alter this to at least I would ask can we alter this to approve the 9.8 million uh and then if another 1.8 million is needed at a later date Mr may can we come back and expand this at that time all I can tell you is that the recommendation by the CFO today was leave the resolution as is and we're going to try to manage this um if we go with a lower number the 9.8 I don't know if that's creating some kind of constraint for the bond attorney and um the CFO again I think they can explain that it's unfortunate that we just have an absence tonight that you'd be able to explain that because uh the mar work at a detail level with these guys Mr isn't it right to say that there's no new borrowing in this this is all like restructuring kind of refinancing of existing debt there is new borrowing yes there is and it's it's detail for a joh that number we've been talking about 9.8 this it's what this is alting for so can we just change the number at the top of this to to 9.8 million I just said he recommended I don't think you can do that because I think it's run through the mcia for preapproval I don't think you can just change the number because the mcia like if it's here that means the mcia said okay so it may tie into the mcia then that they we started working with them in the fourth quarter Mr Kon if we authorize borrowing of this money that says all all are some right it's it's not the wording is not it's an authorization it's an authorization but how do we how do we the council stop an extra $2 million of borrowing that we've authorized if we don't you know right now we don't know what that extra 1.8 million might be and and you're asking not you but we're being asked to authorize this borrowing not knowing what the money might be for I mean how does that work in reality do we have any control mean an authorization so um when it comes up to be spent there's a certification of funds that says it's available in the line item where this authorization goes uh then they borrow the money so technical answer your question not sure it's very practical one is that you then you could get the review the spending every time it's done so you just don't spend the money when it comes up why is there extra money is it for emergencies or what just we started this in the fourth quarter what's happened since the fourth quarter first you went out and Megan Bennett got us a favorable rate um with the MTH County group what's happened since then is they've been working to try to refine what we'd actually go out and spend so to to the attorney's uh point it very well could be a pre-authorization amount that that's what we've committed to but that doesn't mean that's what we have to uh necessarily borrow uh or incur debt on and I think that's probably why the CFO said you know we really need to stick to that number but we are going to we have a high probability coming in at the $9.8 million so so I think this is not a high-risk uh approv the under the underlying documents for this that the CFO obviously has because no one's got here or she he and believe at this point right he he's the one who got the approval through the mcia so I mean it's in there um [Music] the reason I say I'll be you change it is because it's is a pool it's pooled right mcia is a pooled um it's a pool funding it's a funding pool I guess is the way to put it so they have it all allocated they go off for a certain amount and they approve all that so I'm not sure you can just change it and send it into that but that's going to be okay Mr Kon let me ask you in simple resident terms is is this someone like a I would call it a HELOC where you're authorizing your ability to borrow up to this amount but you said we can control it by managing the spend associated with this if I don't need that money that I get approval for my heot from the Bank home equity Lo um I'm approve I'm getting approved by the bank in this case we're doing the approving but I get approved by the bank for half a million dollars on my on home equity I only spent 380 or am I getting the loan for the full 500 you know what like if me are we paying are we paying interest on 11 million you shouldn't be until you spend it until you spend it so if you don't spend it you're not paying interest on it you should not pay right Bond counil speed though are based on the dollar amount of the borrowing typically feel like they're based on the no I'm not entirely sure the mechanisms in that regard I mean if these are really on God's honest TR these are really CFO questions or the administrator to did all the work with the CFO details just aren going to be and if we don't approve this then we jeopardize our ability to borrow period yep I'm feeling a little blackmailed into voting for this well I think you know again um the CFO and the bur administrator have that level of detail they have worked the bond Council does not dictate um anything we provide her what we want uh and you can see the detail that we provided to y'all on Monday was General Capital sewer capital and Beach Capital um no that was very helpful I appreciated that but it total 9.8 million right and I guess the subsequent question had that question come up of a difference we could answer I could have had uh the CFO contact you on that he was clear with me though that um we needed CU I asked the question do we need to go with the lower number and he said no you need to go with the 115 but we've been able to take this down to 9.8 so I think it does have to do with pre-authorization from the from the mamed county group that that's who we worked with because they gave us the most favorable rate um okay so I actually thought when we shut up tonight after you shared that detail we would be I thought we were going to change this dollar amount which I now have told we can so Mr Mayor when you said you know had we asked I thought you gave us a detail we're changing it I guess my question now is uh can you just commit to the council that the CFO and the VA will explain this very thoroughly to us within a week absolutely probably within a day it would have been helpful to just have had the explanation before being asked to vote on it okay okay um any other comments questions so motion to approve 2024 446 so I have a second second Mr no when I borrow money the first thing I asked is what what's the rate and I'm not getting the answer and I just don't feel comfortable with this I just can't say yes so I'm gonna say no Mr gboi it's not fair that Miss council president Den Noble gets to go first and say no so the rest of us are that much tighter a a bind here I totally agree with you council president um I'd like to know the raid like to know why the extra 1.8 million um only because I appreciate the need to borrow at least 9.8 million uh and I'm being told very clearly that I jeopardize all of the borrowing if I if I vote no with you I U I'm going to vote Yes Miss Mahone I'm not assume that the uh that it's it's built in and it's it it's p old and I'm also going to assume that the rate is based on the higher number and I'm hoping that my assumptions are correct I also feel like we probably have to do this so I'm going to vote Yes and expect an answer I assume that Ricky can give me Mr guards can give me an answer tomorrow yep so I'm gonna expect that and I also think that it'll be easy to track this $2 million doll so I'm gonna vote Yes Mr Weber uh I am also going to vote Yes because I am confident that we're going to hear from the buau officials as we have been promised and uh get the information we need so our yes mayor Fox yes uh 202 2447 requesting permission for the Declaration by writer fallen heroes trust fund to accept uh requests legacies and Gifts pursuing to njsa 40a semicolon 5-29 in order to honor the deceased Veterans of the bur of Bradley Beach the commiss to yes just means that we we're just creating a trust fund addition to the many trust funds I have yes okay and John that also helps us segregate the dollars from taxpayers I'll second that Mr noville yes Mr goosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes oh I'm sorry I'm up um 2024 48 authorizing of posia Cen LLC def in matter of Humphrey versus Bradley Beach docket number M NL 25824 second motion at you second i' like to make a motion to approve resolution 2024488915 Bradley Beach do I have a second second Mr Noble yes Mr puosi abstain Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox abstained uh 202 2449 um authorizing attention of Michael Collins Esquire of King thank you Collins represent burrow Council in the matter of fox versus Demarco bucket number ml95 9523 quick comment Mr Mayor yeah just for the residents's um knowledge uh this is basically appointing an attorney to defend the burrow in the mayor's lawsuit uh who would be replacing Mr Canon who has recused himself uh from that litigation so just want to make sure everyone understands what we're building on um I'll make that motion to let me read this just you can just say 202 2449 okay I'll make the motion to approve 202 24- 49 Second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes oh I'm sorry uh okay there's no announcements uh public comments uh public comments any public comments yes the green 414 on Avenue I have um three questions um the first two are for Mr Canon and then the third one is for um mayor Fox and I'd like to actually just um read the questions before anyone answers um my first question question um M Dem Marco indicated that the Employment Services of Mr farbach for work in August and September of 20123 was paid in January of 2024 when questioned she explained that Mr farbach had requested that he be paid in the 2024 calendar year from a budget perspective this is problematic the $26,000 consultancy fee for ba ba Services places a burden on this current year and may well be a cause of confusion in projecting future budgets and look back is it legal for the municipality to manipulate the timeline of payment for employment services for the sake of tax year implications uh the second question given that the former VA Kim Humphrey has filed a lawsuit against thear is it in the interest of Bradley Beach to continue to maintain her Services of purchasing agent as a holdover uh is the borrow required to have a qpa and my third question which is for uh uh mayor Fox what is the status of 319 Lorraine please provide an update on the RFP referenc one month ago so if I can ask Mr kenon those questions first U sure so in response to your first question um I know you're talking about budgets I don't and I don't know which way it is sitting here um but for for example those funds were encumbered in 2023 they may very well they paid the first month of 2024 they very well may be part of the 2023 budget um because you can do that you can take those 233 budget funds and spend them in 24 but allocate them appropriately that was your first concern as to the budget second concern as to the timing of the payment um that the municipality is permitted um put so we can always pay people later but we cannot prepay people for things that they didn't do yet right you have to sign a claim of certification that you perform the services of goods or provide of the goods um so that is acceptable I give you other examples there uh when highly paid employees retire with significant uh six pay payouts the town often enters into agreements with those type of employees to pay over time it helps the employee from a tax perspective it helps the burrow from or the municipality from a budgeting perspective so that both those things are permissible um and I'm not sure that your assumption because it's paid in 24 it's not part of the 23 budget although I don't know what it is sitting here right now they can be encumbered and invaded with next mon for Budget purposes so neither of those things is so there's no concern or liability that um um that the um the payments for employment services are actually manipulated in order for um and it was at the request of the individual not to uh be encumbered by that um that salary in that calendar year it's okay for the a municipal um entity to actually make make those changes yes we we can't do is pay them earlier for to help them out weay always pay people later if it benefits both parties Mr greenl just to follow up on what you just said I think what is likely we don't know though that this happened but it's likely it was incumbered in 2023 but it wasn't paid until 24 if it's encumbered in 23 if it's accounting is done correctly then the expense if you will will be recognized in 23 it's more like we set up a liability the encumbrance and then when we paid in 24 you know you just basically credit cash and debit that liability so the expense would if it was in covered in 23 the expense would hit 23 okay thank you and then my second question was um with regard to the lawsuit by Kim humre against the borrow and the fact that she is uh still being paid by Bradley Beach um as a qpa in hold over this year yeah uh that's a difficult question labor case I'm I'm going I'll just say this it can cut both ways right um but I I really don't want to give a legal opinion on that in the pending yeah we I would say we have no comment on that right now I mean but is is it in our okay so here's the other question the other question is does the bur is the bur required to have a qpa is that a requirement it's not a legal requirement it's not a legal requirement but it saves US money well it's not it's saving us money when we're paying for the services with the same individual who's suing the burrow I'm not quite sure about that I think that's an a matter of interpretation so my next question is about the status of 319 Marine I'd like to know what the developments have occurred we are in a process of developing those rfps that's not really an answer um you know that's it's not an answer well can you provide some information to the community about what exactly is in the RFB what are the pl what is the we have the rfps we'll be they'll be public and we're working with the land use board to get those completed so there's no interest in involving the community and knowing how this property is going forward and the timeline I mean I had asked the question a month ago three weeks ago yes no it was a month ago um when I was here standing 24th yeah 24th is three weeks ago yeah no we're working we're working on it we're working on it okay I mean I can we look forward to some sort of a presentation about what is the timeline what's going forward with this property it's been sitting and sitting and sitting I'm aware it's been sitting sitting and sitting and I've been pushing it more than anybody else uh I've been pushing it more than anybody else so I can tell you when we have that we'll have that for you okay I I'd like some sense of when that might be okay thank you Miss greenblat on that note just for the record again the council has no idea of any updates on these rfps so when the mayor's when you ask the mayor to share this with the public hopefully the council have had an opportunity to Pro provide input by that point as well but as we sit here we the council knows nothing that I appreciate that so the community should truly understand that you know to to bump into a council person on the street and start rattling off and asking questions and maybe complaining that really the question should go to Mayor and the municipality thank you thank you yesing me good catch Nancy meow Ocean Park Condominiums um I'm just requesting of the four council members you just need to legislate every little thing that goes on here more importantly every little thing that doesn't go on here and every poent call it would be standard and what I would consider we're not a municipality would really be considered small business so my things I have mentioned most of this before the rec side nothing posted since June that's unacceptable to me male I brought up what I found to be an offensive caution take around the window in the B Hall toer months ago well not months ago Monday after Thanksgiving is when I noticed it so the meeting there that's still there website has the next meeting for this chamber this group 2:28 from 8:00 a to 6:00 pm that's pretty unacceptable meeting for somebody who wants to cut meeting short this is all indications of people that don't do their jobs and people who don't do their jobs take their instructions from management and that's what pisses me off and here we go since August 2022 I've tried to find out from this body and others what financial and guidance we received and or requested from the county state federal governments as well as our supportive staffs or subcontractors how youd like to call them I receive no answers just get silence we all tend to know what that means so then I de what's the topic but you didn't State what topic you were looking for S sorry okay I'm sorry no thank you for pointing that out just assume that everybody's heard this and is sick to death over it so I decided to put it in writing I've now sent three letters and I've gotten three respon responses and this is what I've learned and I want the record to know this we are the soulle payer we floated a bond for $1 million for a portion of the payment we are not in possession of any records or any requests and the reason is because we didn't seek any now the last statement come from a letter from our attorney because this was sent on as an open request which I didn't do and now our over attorney I just learned is also our labor negotiator labor attorney and he informed me that's not the case well whoever this is not Oprah attorney Dominic same firm but it's not it's not same got this on Zoom here got this got the letterhead there thank you he's pointed out that I repeatedly asked yes I have good that he knows that because all it would have taken is someone in this meeting to say we didn't ask for any help and the bottom line is he considers this a closed matter it is not because in every letter I sent was always why so here it is we didn't ask for help $1 million why and may I say that all of these outlow pipes are all falling apart so are we going to have a protocol to what do we do when there's a problem are there steps we should take should we contact with misis management bees all belong to state of New Jersey it is State problem I okay so I now need to and they're going to bill us because we know that this firm does nothing about us so I now need to reply with it's not a closed matter because you did not answer my final question really is this the way an effective business runs I don't understand it I don't understand this whole Workshop thing with presentations from departments it's my understanding the only department head that is required to make a presentation is the police department that is in his contract it's to be monthly I oberved it two months in all these years that I've been coming here um I resent to have these other people who are not paid to do it to wait who have to spend their own time coming here for our support Personnel in those departments are they going to get comped and may I say Also regarding I forgot was the Clincher letter from um The Firm of erican bir and Associates it is my understanding that Mr Demarco is our acting business administrator um he emailed her bur administrator so that attention to detail is another person that is not serving us thank you yes David 30 I I want to follow up the last meeting I asked about the house that was on Fourth Avenue house that was on Fourth Avenue that they were they had they were building a side wraparound top deck and I was told what was going to go to the lanes but I found out that the homeowners had to retain their own lawyer so I mean I don't know anything about the Construction office or I'll admit that but I I just been thinking logically because I'm a human being that would think logically why couldn't the Construction office just resend the approval I don't know that ja why can't the Z why couldn't the or zoning why couldn't they just resend the approval rather than you have lwuit the other side so it's really one way or the other so if the burrow makes a mistake in a zoning situation you're caught in the middle you have two interest lawyer and they can then to the borrow for those well if you're the applicant right and you have a valid issue to approve or send it you have claim if you're an objector and you don't believe the approval was issued validly you have a claim so once you get into that situation it's really a KN in situation for the one way or another you you can flip a coin and do it either way it's not going to be good either way so this is similar to what happened on Evergreen jusic case in similar in the sense that they in the same legal yeah that the rubric I just described yeah the are going to be upset going to be upset there's going to be no way around that but the issue stems from the approval that was given in in the Construction office the zoning but yes zoning so the mistake is made there so I guess the mistake is made once and so you think well we know better so what what is put in place to not make those mistakes again I guess that's I can guarantee the zoning officer knows exactly how it works out I you literally a different four three people it's the same ordinance it's the same this is far more common than you would think it comes up a lot in towns like this or towns like Rumson or Fair Haven because the property values are people you know people have a bigger stake you know if you're live in you know a house that's you know $200,000 in the middle of the county somewhere um and you're not as close to your neighbor as you are at beach toown um it doesn't come up as often but I have to tell you that I've seen I'm was the bur attorney for Fair Haven happened there bir attorney for belmare it happen there whenever you have high property values like this um people are apt to challenge things that the neighbors are doing because the stakes are high well they challenge because it's against the ordinance so so I so I've seen it with the zoning officer ended up being correct the zoning officer ended up being incorrect you know I because this puts land you know in a bad position because now if they say yes everybody else is going to say well now they got to do it so the blood Gates and that's not how land use works every property is unique and the land use board considers each one separately so it's not a precedent know what's G to happen I mean just in general I mean obviously you know it's it goes without axiomatic that not you know getting in a situation to begin with is the best I'm just telling you that you know before you know you throw the your under the bus this is not an uncommon problem in many places that's all I'm tell I'm not telling you it's right it's wrong who's right who's wrong I'm just telling you this I was trained well University wild I didn't say that I just said oil Jack Temple 1034 Avenue Bradley Beach for um this is about the church complex 39 Marine I'd like to respond to some I wrote this down last week a little problem trying to get on the zo and so I had time to put this get the thoughts down the way I wanted to sound I like to respond to some recent news coverage and letters to the Eder regarding the church comps at 319 Lorraine which I feel are misleading and incorrect when it was acquired by the township a couple of years ago the reigning business administrator was quoted as saying it was a jet seemingly everybody was on board to implement then a community center essentially located Pearl within this gem within this oyster known as Bradley Beach then came an Abrupt split perhaps coincidentally that the cinema Labs proposal appeared the church with its 122e history and renowned architect this cultural property was shoved to the back burn the powers had other ideas than deed and created a projected formula of inflated tax increases and capital expenditures guaranteed to spare the owners to debt The Architects comments about the positive virtues of restoring the church made in February 2022 would have been most helpful but instead they were con conveniently blurred there are many unique aspects to the church and its history once more people who had a vision for what it was and could be were frozen out from visiting the church complex what was needed was undiluted full throated support by the mayor and the Town Council to get behind the campaign to contact foundations corporations and individuals to contribute to a very very worthwhile Pro project as an example what Jackie Kennedy did to pres Grand Central Station but no now we're looking at the Bazi Center a very mediocre building at best too bad as we could have had something for posterity we had an opportunity to elevate Ry Beach above ordinary Beach toown status and lifted proudly to become a mama County Star and tourist destination we had the goods to make it work thank you thank you on the board who we have on the board uh her Kenny hi can you hear me okay yes yeah I have several questions um regarding the new format of this meeting Mr Mayor um is the intent that we will never see a bills list during the work shop section uh you see the bills just once a month well I mean that's if you're going to do that then then I strongly recommend that you triple the amount of time you expect from public opinion um if this is attempt to hide um these crazy expenses um we'd like the answer to it um next question um are we ever going to meet the CFO uh yes you will when uh within the next few meetings because we have a corrective action plan from the audit that he would present um we're going to have a budget um workshop and hearing so in the coming couple of months you will be at able to meet him well I mean it's a little crazy like we're paying this um gentleman I understand he's part-time but um it is interesting to hear it say corrective action is that for the 2022 audit yes um he's he's not a he's not a part-time employee he's a shared Service uh I understand but we have limited hours correct anyway um quick question regarding the CFO asking for the incremental 1.8 million in uh the bond um potential loan what can that extra 1.8 million be used towards is it only capital projects or is it could be used to offset budget expenses or where do we go with that 1.8 million we're we're not going to borrow cap the um the bond that we're looking for is for projects specific projects and once again um I believe that was an authorization level uh we've been able to refine that down so um I'm confident we'll be able to answer that question for the Council withing next to day well I mean it seems a little strange 1.8 million is quite a bit of money for a town like Bradley Beach that um we don't have enough um visibility to that but anyway but that cannot be used towards to drive down any potential budget increase that could approach another 13 13.2% this is capital correct correct okay um back to the Bazi Center um the last meeting we were at um the company from Morris County that um DBA and everybody else multiple names um would you say that they did a good job on the project and were closets and things like that covered in the work that they did yeah they did a good job H okay that's on record yeah okay don't don't bat your eyes because I've heard of multiple instances where closets were not inspected things were thrown out and um a lot of potentially um good things like Historical Society material was damaged but that's okay um last thing I'd like to um think you're misinformed with what's your last thing okay thank you um last question I'd like to thank um Mr gubitosi for bringing up the idea of not moving ahead forward with projects on Main Street until the sewers and things are done um I've been having a very good discussion with M DeMarco regarding the Bradley um Boulevard pooling issue which is uh been sort of interesting I'm not going to go through all the discussions I had with Miss DeMarco but it is amazing that um we've now had to pay another 45 ,000 to fix the pooling project but we've already dug up the road once for um the water lines we then did phase one sewer and um we never figured out to correct that but amazingly we always knew that there was a problem there so you know before we start you know moving on to phase six and seven wherever you want to go to um I strongly recommend that we work with the burrow engineer to really understand where the problems are so we can fix them once instead of the third time you know we're up to about 400 uh I think my last count was $493,000 in overage from sewer projects but um it would be nice if we could get um all these projects fixed when we know there's a problem to begin with thank you thank you uh anybody else uh yes Don Greenberg hi Don Greenberg 302 Parkplace have um it just baffles me I this a com a question how can you have a resolution for almost $12 million when and not have the CFO available either in person or on Zoom not have the ba available either in person or in Zoom uh excuse me the acting ba and not have the bond attorney available either in person or in Zoom I mean why weren't they here Mr Mayor I mean this is a 12 million freaking dollars so you know this isn't unfortunately um I'm confident that the numbers are good um un that wasn't my question my question was why AR answer I'm trying to answer your question the physic the bur the acting uh bur administrator unfortunately had a death in the family um she was trying to get back up here for this meeting I did not opt to have the CFO or the bond attorney come there was a question that came up on this uh that I thought I answered on Monday uh the council asked me a question I sent them out the detail obviously they wanted more detail we'll provide that tomorrow yeah I I I think going forward the proper approach would be when you're talking about millions of dollars and let me repeat that millions of dollars that an expert and with all due respect Mr Mayor you're not an expert on bonds okay would say I am well well I don't think you are or else you would have had the CFO here um that the CFO should be here or somebody who knows the law on it somebody who knows the total detail on it because we really weren't given any detail tonight I believe that that person should be here before asking the council to vote on it and kind of backing them into a corner as it were where if they don't vote on it we might not be able to get any of the money so I I think the planning on this could be better and I get um Meredith had a death in the family that can't be avoided but you know our our CFO could have been here and and I think that's a a failing on your part for not having him here okay thank you okay thank you you're welcome uh okay anybody else yes y anything Sor 116 Avenue um at just about all the meetings at some point someone asked a question and the answer turns out to be we'll have to get back to you on that or we'll talk about that offline um I'm pretty sure that the answer to those questions is of interest to everyone attending to me everyone every resident in the town is there a way that the question and then the answer could be posted on the website on in one something so that we can we can all yeah learn that information yeah we can include it in the minutes for the next meeting well no they'd be the minutes of this meeting right I understand that but when you say we'll have to get back in that that means it's not in the minutes of this meeting it's move it's in the future because you have to research it so once you have the answer to the question and you get back to the one person is there a way that we can all get that answer so that we can all have that information yeah I understand your question I I the minutes aren't in what the public receives the the minutes that we approve the public don't get those the next set of minutes once they're approved they are posted will the answer be in there it's given to me to put in the minutes absolutely oh okay that was my question yeah yeah we can do that I guess a question for Mr Canon though Greg if we don't if the question is asked during this meeting but the answer is delivered outside of the meeting can that answer be included in this meeting's minutes I I mean it's at your pleasure they're your minutes so you can do it that way I mean there's a rider to this you know these documents are detailed as to the purposes for that money has to be used you can't get approval from the mcia be a submission with a list of items no uh no I don't think we're talking about that I think just in general terms oh you just mean General post the document my point is you can just post the document on website you know tell people that it's there yeah I know I know almost everyone in this room checks everything on the website here at every meeting I just want to make sure we're coming up with a solution that works legally like legally is it okay I'll just ask it again to make sure we're on the same page if we if if the question is asked by the public in this meeting and we say we'll get back to you and and we do we commit to doing that we do but mayor s to gavl meeting adjourned a day later two days later we get the answer it makes the minutes that of this meeting that gets published a week later is it okay that we're answering that the minut is supposed be reflection on what happens here so the answer didn't come out here I don't I'm not sure that that's the best way to do it but there's an underlying document for what we're talking about you could just post we use a Facebook page instead or no we I would not recommend a Facebook page I would say we could foot note the minutes with the responses we which has been done before yeah what's that done before what footnotes the minutes yeah I've been given stuff to put in the minutes that that occurred at a meeting that were approved at the next meeting not sure that's we we we'll come up solution I think we can footnote the minutes okay and if not will we get some sort of information we'll come up with Sol in minutes we'll come up with solution yeah yes we will come up with a solution thank you thank you yes Kepler 504 Central Avenue here in Bradley Beach um I would like to take this opportunity to address an issue that I believe is important to make a distinction between what is a bully and what is righteous indignation um a bully is someone who seeks to harm intimidate or coer someone perceived as vulnerable righteous indignation however is also called righteous anger it's an anger that is primarily motivated by a per ception of Injustice or other profound moral laps often times telling inconvenient truths is perceived as bullying because criminals don't like being exposed when citizens know the facts and are fed up with the lies they are often mislabeled as bullies it's people over Big Money Packs it's people over powerful developers who are trying to take over our community speaking out is the only way to save our burrow and to stop the criminal Network targeting BR Bradley Beach in fact it is our duty as Citizens to speak out and to use our voices to defend our town and our leaders who are standing up for us against these criminals we will have your back while you continue to fight for us and our way of life anger is the birthplace of change you cannot correct what we are unwilling to correct conf front and what you permit will always continue our hope for a better future lies not in ridding ourselves of righteous anger which channels towards positive productive changes anger tells us that there has been a violation of some sort it definitely has its place and righteous anger is not only acceptable it is necessary that concludes my statement on that and in regard to the passing of this Bond I have to say it reminds me very much Enlighten to the let's pass the bill and then we'll see what's in it that was the first thing that came into my mind and I would like to tip my hat to Madam president for being willing to take a stand in this matter because this is not how you run a government and you're you're throwing around millions of dollars like their nickel and dimes and it's our tax money that will be paying that money back I didn't even you don't even have you may not be an expert with all due respect about bonds but you don't even know the rate do you know the rate even something as simple as a rate I know what the rate was in the fourth quarter I don't want to quote if the rate shifted between the fourth quarter and this B do you know how lame you look do you realize how ridiculous you look it's embarrassing M it doesn't bring me any pleasure to stand here and say that's so with all du respect as far as my heart is concerned councilman gubitosi you are my may I don't care what the vote says you're the you have been a leader and you are you are the reason that we are going to actually maybe someday hopefully get to the bottom of this this number problem that we seem to be having but there's criminality to put right EXC I'm not done we getting close no not yet no not even close I'm sorry you you know let's have that level of Civility and decency are you familiar because Mr Canon can hip you to the rules right because you have my civility is not required I just did you not just pay attention I can make you a c righteous anger right I have a right to be angry you're spending SW in and embezzling my money well you're accusing me of embezzlement yes I am I'd be very careful with that well you're I have every right to I tried see this is where righteous anger comes in I addressed it the right way the way it was supposed to be done I wrote a letter citizens signed it sent it to the Attorney General's office radio silence crickets but I have a right to stand here and if it's my opinion that you're a criminal and you're in money I have every right to say St too bad so sad you're pathetic thank you yes uh Thomas J Coan 6 Third Avenue you know I'm just a little puzzled mayor um the audit was due June 30th of 2020 the 2022 audit was due June 30th of 2023 you're given an extension by the DCA to September 30 2023 you are 229 days past the original and 137 days after the extended date okay now tonight you say we're going to meet the CFO because he's going to submit a corrective action plan which tells me we got a problem if we need a corrective action plan every audit requires a corrective action plan it's requirement of the audit but now we got to see what it is see what it says says how many items yeah I mean it indicates it indicates that there's issues no it indicates that part of the process the question that was asked was when will we meet the CFO the CFO presents the corrective action plan that is the process how many more days is that going to be from the 139 and we're over you know yet do we know when the presentation's going to be I said within the next few meetings yeah but but I mean I need specifics when you say suum I'm not going give spefic that I don't know the specific you can't specific on a raid either it's unbelievable but I want to address a couple things Mr M said he he accus my rents of being ficticious no Mr maos was addressing us I'm sorry okay well I'm I know he was looking right at me when he said it okay and I asked him the address I paid my own gar for my own garbage cans I'm just saying that those would be nice garbage cans for everyone to buy okay also I fill out the county forms for the county tax board every year and then tax assessor calls me and says are these rents real and I say yeah they are he says wow you're a pretty honest guy because they're higher than everybody else so there's a difference and I want the public to understand Mr MOS is comparing a tomato to an orange he's saying my residential house residential houses are assessed differently okay commercial properties are assessed differently so he needs to make that distinction and really come up here with some bullets because it it's a shame that he has to cast those spirit but now I had a question um we're paying uh the police chief salary based on the 2024 contract approximately $177,000 a month and now it's been November December January February we're paying for a no-show job do we know when this ends mayor do we know when this ends I'm not comenting on personal matter okay the investigation is not within our control we do not know what it ends okay it it ends when the investigating Authority tells us it it's over okay well okay I'm I have a comment on that too now so I I just want to make if you know that that September 27th of 2021 I filed a complaint about the police chief and his behaviors in this room okay sent a letter and you were CC mayor um and I got a letter from Miss Kim Humphrey and it said I will need to forward the this email to the Bur Council and the bur and the Bur Council and counsel here in Bradley Beach I am not the appropriate Authority for the police chief her the bur Administrative Code the mayor and counsel are the appropriate Authority well we thought we had this ba we knew what was going on but she's 100% wrong she's not the authority so the authority is the prosecutor's office so my rights were denied by Miss Humphrey and you may Fox and we probably wouldn't be in the situation we're in now if this was addressed then so the Office of the Attorney General Internal Affairs and policy procedures 5.1.8 complaints against law enforcement executive or a member of the executive senior management team may originate from a member of the public or from an employee of the agency as such complaints shall be documented and referred to the County prosecutor's office for review my complaints never happened yeah it didn't uh no it didn't it didn't no you're you're incorrect those were my second complaints which I took exactly to the prosecutor's office these complaints were ignored by you and my rights were violated just want to let you know these things could have been taken care of a lot sooner if people were proactive in running our government thank you thank you yes will CH 11 for br Beach uh looking at the uh bur's website uh I happen to noce uh with the shade tree commission they had a meeting in August of uh 2023 at that meeting they uh and there was no other meeting from August all the way to January but at that August meeting it was uh discussed to have uh two meetings per month possibly and that they would look into it so on and so forth and that's what made me think about it wait a minute you're looking at two meetings a month but yet from August to January you had no meetings and and then at that same meeting they were discussing as far as the financial report that there were uh uh what we call discrepancies and it would be research okay fine I'm looking and there's absolutely nothing go to the January meeting January of when 2024 which is the very next meeting they had that's posted and in there says absolutely nothing about the twice a month meeting has absolutely nothing about the budget uh the only thing it's says is the sh Tre has account is $15,557.71 to the website that's a different issue but I can assure you that's what I'm asking has there been meetings yes and I'm telling you there have been meetings okay it's not posted and Mr shuck I'm also aware that the discrepancies you're referencing were about dollars in and out of the shate sheet trust and my understanding is they got them resolved with working with the administration what I can't recall this specific Mr Mayor maybe recall no no um money was spent out of the sh tree trust actually you probably know right yeah I believe like um some honor me trees were sponsored and went to the wrong account and it was missing from their account but it was located and put into the trust mean the shade tree commission was owed money that ended up someplace else in the world but they straightened it out a discrepancy yes yeah it took them a while to track that down and figure it out but they did okay on a uh different note uh I want to going to uh the health department Lama County we had a little meeting and stuff and uh they provided me with a bunch of covid-19 test kits so if anyone wants them they're here help yourself uh the other thing is they expire uh May 14 uh 14th of this year 2024 thank you Bill could use them they're here they're there and I think if you check online the expiration dates you can actually extend those is uh look up the lot number and because they typically are longer than that no this that's the deadline thank you I checked with that thank you thank you thank you Yes Rick B 116 rer uh my pet peeve or question where are we on the concession rfps they are out they're out and about right now they're out and about so I can see them on the yeah they're on the website website okay thank you you're welcome thank you yes hi Dr tomu since K in the avue um I was hoping Mr shook wouldn't speak yet just because I wanted to ask him to see if he could comment on the RPS and where we are at the church I know he's on the L since we really didn't get anywhere with that um and I really hope that our next meeting we can really move forward with figuring out what we're doing at the church and have all the information um and the other thing is it's um mayor it's not the most comfortable thing standing up here and when you have concern and you got people staring at you just doesn't feel great and I didn't hear the less than you said about what one more time it does not feel great when we're up here and we're trying to talk and U we get and okay thank you okay thank you okay thank you it's it's rude you're cutting us off and I just want to make sure that you understand what you're doing is what is called view point discrimination and and I hate doing this I feel like I'm Mis dictionary want good definition of things but view point discrimination is when youve um cut us off when you don't like it if you want to comment you don't like if I start saying something and you're like yeah wait you don't you don't get to do that you can do that after we're done talking this is public comment not public comment and the mayor gets a rebuttal because he feels uncomfortable and he's got to defend himself you don't get to do that so if I want to say shut up hey shut up I can do that says it in here I'm protected to do that so if someone stands up here like that was and she says things that are very positive to you and I know it's uncomfortable every in the audience feels but you have to give our credit that you don't stand up there and say things not many people do this I mean you can count in your hands how many people come up it's not so I just want to make you aware I also want to make you aware the words are vehement ftic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials our protected speech we have enough lawsuits in this town you are opening yourself up for a lawsuit every time you try to cut us off shorten our time or say okay thank you okay thank you when you say okay thank you that's you cutting us off and so as someone's up here you're trying to say my time is my time is not up until my time's up my timer goes on so please just stop doing it they're done just let it be done let them walk away and say thank you not okay thank you every time I know it sounds ridiculous it's that I'm saying because that's what it sounds to us in the audience you cut off an elderly person you cut off a person who's talking C it to you I'm sorry that it happens but it does happen the other thing I just wanted to make aware because you did say something that she's calling to a criminal the past president has been called a criminal Obama has been called a criminal um I'm pretty sure there was an entire chance to lock Hillary Clinton up they called her criminal they can call we can call you that there's defamation La do I know you're not an expert in bonds I know you're not a lawyer but I think you should talk to Mr Ken about what we can say about you and what we can call you we allowed to do mudslinging we're allowed to say things that that might even be untrue we are protected under that water we can do those things so I just want you to understand again it's not comfortable here my wife and she stands up her heart raises she hates it we do not want to talk we don't we want this town to run smoothly we want things to run great but do make it difficult so it's hard for us to sit back and shut up and not say so when we say something try to cut us off it is very very very uncomfortable so I ask you I think I did this like two years ago please stop doing it just shut up and take it you got to I'm not cursing at you if I was that is not protective speech I cannot call you very very bad words I want do some but I don't um so please just you need to temper your tone and your speech to us we do not have to do it to you thank you thank you uh there's no other comments I I just comment to the original comment I made um earlier today and that's um you know we're going to disagree on things we're going to have a different perspective um we should try to gauge how we speak to each other we're all neighbors this isn't uh National politics um and my reactions when I say okay thank you fast uh according to the last person up uh I might say that fast um but um you know sometimes it just feels like that's needs to be that is what needs to be said so I thank you I think I'll move to the next agenda item which is uh adjournment make a motion to adjourn second all in favor no well I me tour quite a long time