[Music] no we to have anything we moved it to May uh we we carried two we carried one over by this the one on Pacific and the ocean we had carry those to um tonight we're going to be carrying the brle out and um the first one uh [Music] what's up tell me way [Music] and in three no [Music] we will be [Music] complain okay 6:30 it is [Music] United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible liy And Justice For All 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings act has been met as Noti meeting was emailed on January 23rd 2024 and published in the as press the post store and a poster a copy has been placed on the buing board in the B office and a cop mayor here mandez excuse this evening um Council mom here chair mayor here Mr Mayor here Mr sh here miss Riley AI here miss sine here M here Mr and miss and also present this evening Miker esire attorney to the board Gerald fra board engineer and Christine Bell our board planner all right before we get started a couple of rules and procedures we follow one be aware the meeting is in courted for transcription the public is asked not to interrupt comment or any way disrupt the presentation of the meeting in general once the land 's board opens up an application the applicant or attorney will make their presentation with Witnesses Andor professionals members of the board will ask questions and cross- exam each witness of the applicate as needed excuse me members of the audience will be able to ask questions of the and the witnesses based only on the testimony given at the end of each witness presentation at this time no comments testimony of evidence from the public will be accepted the board may also call its own Witnesses once the applicant has concluded their presentation and the board opens the public comment portion of the application the public is welcome to comment present evidence and testimony regarding the application each person must be sworn in under oath and is limited to 5 minutes the applicant may cross-examine you based upon your comments or testimony for the one hearing is needed complete an application will be car to a future date no new application will start up at 9:30 p.m. unless the board appli agree done in a timely manner the board reserves final decision the board will adjourn at reasonable hour really a witness be called to provide testimony at 10 p.m. thank you okay um we didn't have any new correspondents um the next item is the approval and Adoption of the meeting minutes from our regular meeting of March 21st 2024 second uh mror yes Miss Riley yes M har yes Mr sh yes M yes M yes Mr seith yes M yes and mayor yes thank you um we only had one resolution for memorialization it's resolution 20249 approval of both rences for an addition and driveway expansion Donald and Maran Greenberg block 16 lot 8.01 302 place can I have one of those members who are eligible to make a motion I make motion second Mr Mayor yes Miss s yes Miss V yes Mr sexman yes M re yes and yes thank you um we originally had four applications under consideration this evening I was contacted um by Mr Stone's office regarding the first application which is Luv 2329 it was for use and bances for the posted expansion of a non-conforming structure and use 215 brenley a LLC 503 25 Bley Avenue um received a notice from Mr Stone's office um April 9th that there have been an unexpected conflict with schedules of the applicat professionals therefore they are requesting that this matter be carried to the June 20th 24 meeting without further notice um Mr Cher I know I have forwarded the notices and Mark had indicated that the notice was acceptable with accept jurisdiction in um can I have a motion to carry this application to June 20th second all in favor thank you okay I have a similar situation for the second application which was listed Luv 2324 both variances for a VAR setback gr LLC block 68 L 6 3013 Avenue I received a notification from their attorney that they have met with several of the neighbors um who were concerned with the application and they are going to be revising the resubmitting revised plans before coming to the board which was quite admirable course again um we had reviewed the uh public notice it was found to be acceptable we can accept thetion and Carri matter to June 20th 2024 without further notice motion a motion to car second all in favor thank you okay so if anybody is here this evening for the 215 brenley Avenue or the 3013 Avenue those applications will not be heard this evening they are carried to our June 20th 2024 meeting you will not be receiving another certified letter um and there will be no new notice placed in the newspaper this is your notice um if you want to check with me just send me an email I can confirm with you when it gets closer to that date whether or not they are still scheduled to be heard on June 20th um they will the one application I'm expecting revised plans um I should have those no later than June 7th so if you want to reach out to me the first week of June um to see what the new plan is you can certainly do that Sor okay um so our next application um Mr shook you're going to be refusing yourself um so Mr sh is excused he's okay this is application l43 minor subdivision with both rances for existing nonconformities 204 Beach LLC and John Naples block 66 Lots 2 and 27 uh 110 Second Avenue and 204 Beach out the applicants proposing a minor subdivision of the two existing Lots the proposed subdivision is removing Land from the oversized Lot 27 and transferring them to the undersized non-forming lot two as part of the minor subdivision the applicant will remove the existing dwelling and site amendes existing on Lot 2 as well as remove the garage and a portion of the driveway on Lot 27 the applicants are both represented by Thomas J H sire and the notice has been reviewed yes and Noti is found to be acceptable and the can accept jurisdic thank you even uh so with that summary I don't want to spend too much time with an introduction I think this is hopefully one of the straightforward applications that we'll have in terms of subdivision essentially you have two lots and the subdivision you will have two lots uh however one of the existing Lots is substantially undiz and oversized so both Lots will be oversized uh basically there's eight nonconformities that exist between the two lots only that will be uh done away with so the lot of area just one of those so it's uh it's an application with many many positives there's no dation of the remaining exist nonconformities that exist today and you getting ready uh so with that uh I just will go right with my first witness John Naples U to give you an overview uh but as I said the issues pretty straightforward John your right stim all right all right John so you're here for a minor subvision tonight correct yes and these are two lots that you own or your owns okay so uh even though we sort of explained the notice at the outset just give a board a brief overview of what the intent here is with the two laws which are law 27 and law two or proposed 2701 27 is an oversiz lot goes behind Lot number two it has a car I don't a so lot two is 70 ft it's undersized so my plan is to tear down that house and make that perform make that performing line and build performing structure on that line for the uh so there's a garage and the substantial amount of Paving also right so there's a lot of impervious that's in the section that will be transferred so all that imp will obviously remov all right so in other words the the side Lot line currently for lot two is going extended easterly to uh where you're the larger lot now uh indicate will and I know covered in this report also record is clear what nonconformities that exist on Law two um the smaller [Music] law driveway that that property is actually a two family so um there's two pocket spots there now there's an oversized C only two one spot for each one of those PS which that'll be changed so right uh and the lot uh is going to be increased uh substantially correctly yes it's going to be over Square fet um and actually let's see It'll be increased to 6,760 Ft with 5,000 required uh and as you indicated everything will be demolished and eventually you'll build whatever structure you'll build which will be now the larger lot that currently exists with the house on it what nonform oh nonconformities that exist on that lot will be I think all all the nonconformities part of the porch that porch extends P the principal dwelling on the east side and it extends the same fourt on the west side but I believe that it's only about an inch off on the W an inch or two but now it's like 9 10 or something like that but they won't change no so the ones that will change are you have violations currently related to the garage to the rear right so and then there's also impervious coverage violation which is uh currently U 64.7 or 60% of the lre however uh with the subdivision that lot will be then reduced to uh 35.7 per so not quite half but substantial reduction even about 60,000 down 35 there another tremendous benefits going to get a lot in this town especially that oversized creating oversized lots and substantially less uh less coverage that is that is actually permitted uh all right so theage backs are of course cover so that only leavs the preexisting conditions location of the setbacks related to well jur report refers to the princip dwell it is but it's the front porch rest of the other than the porch the living quarters of the house uh do they meet the side and on the side that has the set that currently uh to the east that's adjacent to what that's I think it's a 00 okay and the home to the West on the other side that also has a front porch essentially in line with lot question that's the only questions I have right now open up to the board uh just just clarification lot lot on the avue that's going to be cleared C yes and and you're not taking the house down on second no that's going to be remain but the garage is going to be taken away and you're not doing anything to that L you own that one y not doing anything to the with the G coming down and youing those parking spes where and you said it's a two family how do you accomodate for the parking there's still there's still plenty of parking on site okay how many spots at Le I mean we need four but I think there's actually even with taking down on the engineers report he has greater than okay which which lot are you talking about on the the 27 of seconden the larger of the L Drive will be over 130 ft long after the that that driveway extends right now right all that in that's why there so much we're going down to 30% coverage as you can see it's all paid back there in addition to the garage so that all that all becomes open space for a lot two what about Park well when we build a new home be right now there not iach said that is your intention to make another uh we don't know yet we're going to do whatever's conform but it you can you can put a two family on there corre it's on for if was to do that you have just one thing in the backyard want you rip up all the you landscape responsility yeah I I own that property I'm actually I have a demo I have a demolition PR down that that house right now the step backs are right up against 27 but that's going to there's going to be a six foot set back there with the new house going away okay that the pools right on the property and then this property even though it's a large piece of property there's no parking on state right so all that be and that will that be a two family um what I have permission to do right now that's the any further questions on the see I'm is that part the application the Public Public questions please come forward your name address correct 205 cross the street from there and I think it'll be a plus so I this common question a questions right oh okay it's not I I couldn't hear okay I thought you said any comments no maybe I did oh no question question no he answered the questions the big thing would be the parking and all sudden have more parking now seems like we know a lot more Park you have an opportunity for comment thought I com he does not call him as witness any other questions any other questions from for the applicant public SC and see close that portion and we'll open this up for public comment you're good well the biggest thing is the have come for the whole ra right hand please you swear affirm the testimony you're about to gives the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth just state your name and your address Greg print 205 beue yeah the biggest problem in our street all the time is clarking now we're going to get more four more spots there you know you know if that's the case and on the corner lot too because that corner lot that's uh that's been a boarding house for the past like 20 Summers so you know just I don't know 10 20 people coming there and living there all summer so that all opens that all L whatever it is I mean even then I didn't care but I'm just saying that so you have all the people come near to see a positive yeah I think it's positive thank Youk thank you and seeing any other any other comments seeing now we'll close up anything summary stated I wish I could have all my faes like this it looks like we do too are now conforming will become we only talking about two two that other that other one so these two will become conform corre but one is already over corre very large corre both conform yep and still okay Lots will be uh 6750 6500 approximately only 5,000 required even after the subdivision so there still be oversized if you will um yeah I look it's a pretty self-evident case that it's all pluses you're fixing up the neighborhood hting R an undersized house into a bigger lot you know conforming parking Etc so I just see all pluses I don't see any negatives uh everything else is as it was for decades and decades but remains with those minor side M it's hard to see everybody yeah um are you going to renovate the house Mr no no we have a I have a demolition part oh for the the Corner House any we ask for the board's approval we think we've covered all the statutory criteria for the variances and certainly for the minor sub professionals everything that was stated is correct I don't I agree with Mr H I wish all of app all right um make a motion for approval for the application as to subdivide these two lots as presented refigure the lot sizes is Mr Mayor Mr yes Miss Riley yes m s yes I think a good plan yes mayor yes Miss yes um miss boo yes Mr sexman yes and chair May yes good thank you very thank you so much thank you thank you thank you than you're welcome you have any I got the message from I got [Applause] I got [Music] this I would never definitely a better alternative [Music] that's a perfect you ready yes we are okay I just want to note for the record that Mr shook has returned and mayor Fox and Council Mahoney have now refused themselves because they cannot participate in a use variant so um the next application is 2325 this is for a youth Spence for the installation of Mound pool John and Patricia qun block 37 41 214 Line Avenue applicants are seeking to Lo an existing shed and install an inground swimming pool with spot the property is located in the R1 residential single zone there the existing two family dwelling is not a permitted use um Mr want to up is there anybody else that can be providing testimony just you and your wife okay so we'll just have you both sworn in right hand you swear affirm that testimony you're about to give the whole truth and nothing BL in it's in your hands okay uh hello um ladies and gentlemen um chairman uh yeah what we're looking uh to do is to install an INR in the rear of our property which happens to be a two family house it was a two family house we purchased it at the end of 2020 um and I'd like to add that it did have uh an existing pool in the location where we plan or hope to put our our new pool uh that was an above ground pool and um we have we both have large families uh come from large families and we have a fairly large family grandchildren and um it was very hazardous actually for them to use a pool because the older people had trouble getting up and over the ladder there was none of that and the younger kids clearly it's a concern when they used to laugh so we thought about it and we said why don't we put an INR pool it'll be safer we'll be able to see the pool from the house will'll be able to protected better you know it'll be newer not that the old pool was any problems but uh in my you know ignorance of the zoning code I elected to uh pull it down at the end of last swimming season and give it away and then I called chrisy and she informed me that you know that's no longer considered part of my property stop from ground zero and I I wanted to go get put it back up that wasn't possible anyway I just but I would ask whether it's proper or not that that fact be into consideration when um considering the technical aspects of the new pool you know because the old pool was basically the same but slightly smaller and uh there was no issue whatsoever on the property when that pool was there so um we're looking to um to have the pool installed we feel we have a good pool builder uh We've revised the um drawings several times um partially in respon considerations that the to has raised um I did get a letter about a week ago week and a half ago from Mr aaken the engineer and he indicated a number of recommendations and requirements and I asked my pool builder to provide a revised drawing which he did in that short time period I have that uh here uh I wouldn't consider it the you know final drawing probably but it does take into consideration the things that he mentioned in his letter and uh you know my wife and I would like to address any concerns or fears or uh considerations that might be necessary in reviewing the project so part of your application is um you need a youth variant yes because your um the the two family dwelling is not a permitted use in the zone district and by putting in the pool your te technically expanding that use um so I don't know if you read in our letter we do outline there's um some proofs you need to talk about um as to why the board should grant that variance for you um but so if you could kind of tell us about the two family use how you use it how you plan to use it going forward how it'll interact with the pool um will you know both units use the pool designated only towards one well uh in effect it's one unit because we don't rent the uh upstairs out we use it for family you know I have three family members in Florida they like to come up and visit during the summer my wife's family sist here now we share that space with strictly family members so we're not but you're not looking to make it a single dwelling correct you want to keep it the two family you know we did think about that uh but I in the end came to the conclusion that why not have as a two family it's worth more money uh my wife would probably disagree with that um right but uh yes ja we're both from very big families I'm one of nine siblings they all have children and John's 106 and we all have siblings and they have children that's why we're not rting out to anybody when people come it's all family no no strangers orales coming but honestly since we got the place if the bedrooms upstairs have been slept in I don't know two or three weeks total it's a lot and we hope you know you live in Bradley Beach for a long time but if you choose to sell it somay it could be a absolutely we don't plan on selling it but you know I understand certainly you don't know right but um so your testimony was that the pool is basically in the same spot it was before you tore the old one down right so would you say that um the proposed pool does not substantially impair zoning ordinance or the master plan because you're not asking for anything I would say there right I would you know in all respects and um can you prove that the proposed pool would not well the pool with the two family house would not have a substantial detriment on on near by properties and that could be you know if there was a pool there correct yes and and I don't know if any problems that that represented for Properties or neighbors um we were not allow uh we don't have crazy parties um I I don't think it impacts the physical the infrastructure of the properties I I I don't see how it's detrimental and in fact I think it's an improvement because it's going to be a nice pool uh it's going to be you know have nice Pavements we're going to put nice bushers around it and things like that so right now looks land F I can't even stand to look at it especially without the old pool but uh it I look forward to it being a nice pleasant clean backyard so you're it'll be aesthetically pleasing oh yeah clean up the neighbor absolutely and and yeah there are a lot of eyes on it because if you're familiar with that um part of town which I'm sure you are um it's basically a vis you have a lot people in surrounding occupancies you know we have neighbors then we have people who rear their house faces in and then you have that um uh condominium building in the rear with a lot of occupancies Z two refls so you know we want it to be nice and it's going it's going to be nice yeah we have a good pool builder I think he's going to do the right thing yeah that's the use variant if you want to touch on the other yeah if I could just touch on on Two And relatively small variances but there's still variances and maybe they've been taken care of by your pool person I don't know but um the pool equipment you know our our ordinance says it needs to be at least 15 ft from the house right now you're showing it up against the house is is that something that he's your Co person can relocate or no not really I did speak to him about it and we decided on that one that we'd ask the board to consider allowing us to leave it there because I don't honestly I don't see the the detrimental aspect to that uh you allow air conditioning condensers and compressors up against houses I I mean I maybe there's something I'm not familiar with but I don't see how it's a negative especially in that part because it's a pretty you know it's not in the middle of my front porch you know it's in the rear of the house in a place where no it's the best place to put it for so how about can we compromise and agree to move it like 3 ft from the house um let me take a look just so there's separation between is it for fire it's for various issues yes it really has to do more with the building codes than it does land use however we right even an air conditioner isn't on the house there's a little bit of Separation what's the what's the the separation requirement if that was a for a generator that's interestingly it's only 2T I believe yeah so so if even two feet if you can agree to move it two feet off the wall um I think that would eliminate one of the Varian is that it's for servicing Purp that too as well you need to get around you know I understand his point but it is our orence so either the board has to gr of variance for that um or you can just pull two feet off the wall uh I think that's not going to make a big difference no I agree we can certainly do that so you can do that okay the other one is scening now you have a fence runs on the property line is that a solid what kind of fence is that it's a um board and bat fence it's solid right now 6ot um we are going to replace that fence with a nice new vinyl fence which will also be continuous it won't be um it will act as a screen in of itself so that's 6ot high fence self closing latching all oh yeah okay y um that really does go a long way to streaming equipment um and I think that those two things if he would agree to do those then I think our issu is go away I agree with you in that respect I shouldn't say that he should still get a variance you should still give if you agree to it you should still give the variance but it's Miss Bell spelled out not St the applicant through that positive criteria phas did a nice job of filling in what's missing in this sou again only one thing is still you just govern second FL AP so it's it's a shame um I used to live two doors down from there soorry uh I know the house the old neighbor used to be next to it's a tight neighborhood spacewise in a sense my heart goes both ways I do I I understand took cool down that St that now you want to do it better yeah so I see that as a as a positive other members of the board may see it as a negative that still through family because is a single and job of the zoning board is slowly start bringing properties back into perance best we can and we can't believe stipulation we get one by the apple and show does the second apartment have a separate entrance like how do you get it's upstairs and downstairs I understanding that correctly so you never thought about just turning it back that you say you never intend to BR it out you never thought about so there's like a separate door that you go to from the outside second floor no um we use a common front door and then there's one door that goes into the lower occupany and then a staircase that goes up for the upper occup so when your relatives come you have some separation yeah but that's about a separate Kitchen yes okay so so if somebody were to buy this property they could absolutely turn it into a do both um units BS are in each unit uh there are um let so basement are two five five between those and up did you say basement yeah the basement yes that's but that's not for us to decide I mean believe you but that's that's that's something that's that's talking way um that no bedrooms not allowed ground the B they and they are here I'm not arguing with that fact they're here it's code but it's it is not for numerous reasons fire it has a secondary means of erress doesn't matter rules are no I think my concern was that the existing pool that's not there anymore was not a permanent fixture this pool will be a permanent fixture it's not going to go away ever it's not so would the previous one require it was existing so I don't know how it got there when it got there we don't know we don't know the history I don't believe you would either 15 years old I know that yeah I think you know my biggest issue with a two family home having one pool right is if it is used as two separate units kind of how do you does only one unit get to use the pool do both how do you kind of you know it would ultimately be up to the landlord and the people living there but how do you kind of police the shared pool or that's not something you typically see for now with a two if it were being utilized as a two family and he had the mertile to rent out the second apartment would the health department have to get involved with inspection of the pool I mean it becomes a public pool because then it's what public pool and it's also a major liability for whoever owns I mean that's not for us to discuss that's not our end yet right I don't think it's a public pool it's still a private pool um and there still one owner of the property who owns the property so it's their pool and in my view it would be their decision whether or not they so it's not like kid across the street like we all wanted to do when we were kids but um but it it is a private po you going today day and AG with airbnbs and dros and such it's not I'm not saying this presenting To Us by testimony it's a family this a family plock that's what it's a family family abuse y but it's not we all leave this area sometime and it's going to go it's going to go into the real estate market and and it's existing to family now have a little nice pool in the backyard and how does it get used and in the future we setting setting ourselves up Contin understand the board's concern and and that is a concern um um because it's it's in a it's we all recognize a tight neighborhood as far as housing stock and and the style of homes and just lack of parking in that neighborhood you know what is what how many parking spots do you have currently today um site I would say one two three four five on site yeah and then with the pool how many deal St they have a shared driveway with so which is I'm not counting theine he's counting the area in the back adjac to the park where it says gravel I guess you have a there's an agreement between property back out yeah Som they do the same they do the same that's kind of typical around Beach for Shar driveway I noticed there's a gate there yeah um we don't use Sate that was there when I the house when we bought the house um it had a close sub closing mechanism it wasn't working I got rid of that and I just have it Bungie to open at all times but we left it there you know if you ever want to secure the backyard I always thought it was a good idea might be able to close it and right now we're here uh seasonal and sometimes on weekends and things like that so you know spent some Lawn Furniture in the back my my best friend came to the house he goes oh you got a lot somebody's going to back in and take the stuff yes immediately um backk uh you point out where the fen going and then where the parkings yes would be can I get up sure sure away no no okay um so the driveway is right here it's 9 ft wide Shar shared right until you get back here and then our area here for parking would be this cut out and then um if we needed to I'm just gravel here right so this area here is about uh 18 ft wide by that's uh 14 ft and then whatever you have on the ground can you point out where the fence is going the fence for the pool is going like this from the house corner of the house here then diagonally across and then up here and around the pool so you have a cut out here and that would afford you the parking from what I could see it's what 23 ft away from the other fence that is that what correct is that what I'm the plan shows it to be approximately 233 I measured it out in fact today and there's a lot of par there says I have five next to the uh heater and uh filter it still says hot tub is that the just something that was there is that being eliminated it's there right now and that's shaved out because we're going to eliminate that you're eliminating the hot tub yes but you're adding another spot attached to the Flor and then uh looking at the uh Engineers uh report uh the uh high water table you going to be 5 fo five all the way across the pool or is there going to be a deeper portion um it you know we haven't finalized that yet with the cool Builder he charges the same no matter what but I believe it's going to be uh a shallow end and then it'll drop down to 5.5 maximum 55 maximum 5 point okay that would be the deepend but we're thinking about a shallow end for the kids probably will do I think everybody's going have is probably Ming over our head the the pool for you does nothing for the town two families or one family does a lot for the town and you get a pool so there's a plus there right now proba gets nothing out of this because we still have a legal or we have a existing two family home yeah you know my attachment to the two family is mainly because I paid for a two family house I understand you know and uh understand my insurance all that everything was my even by loan I couldn't get a 3% mortgage I got and yeah and unfortunately stop with that mun cry be crying you're doing fine um like the bottom line is I mean we we consider you know change into one you did that the use variance goes away yeah and I think that they wouldn't even need to change the interior of the home it could still function as you know it does today it would they would just need a deed restriction that it the kitchen the kitchen gets removed on sale remove remove removed I mean like we did it was happen on on every we made I forget his name but they had back in take a plumbing every kitchen upstairs kitchen up the second was like a m had to go and that's would that would be restriction forward you sell it when you sell when you sell it whether you remove it has to [Music] G that's that's just be want be up FR transparent about this and also the bedrooms in the the basement they got go I'm not going to say when or what but just are codes and something knocks on your door bedroom to sell it it's coming on you but that's that's coming in the record now our veterans in in the cell your heads on we don't we don't we don't we all do that stuff um yeah I mean they were there when we brought the house you got what happened happened but when the time comes they go if if I could just interject here and I don't know but I'm looking at your plan and I see there's a lot of steps going up to porch how high is first floor of you're calling it a basement is it really a basement is it really more of a it's about half and half yeah and does it have full windows eress windows in the bedroom to get out or typical a little bedroom so so you see it's not quite a basement but we're only I understood but my point is am I wrong or right you're right no you're right I don't think it's a actual yeah so I think that maybe it's being referred to is that because you go up a bunch of steps and you're calling at your first floor it's called right so I I I don't know that that's really an issue it's but I do think the single family versus the two family is probably a good good thing if that's something guys agree to that would be that would go so far actually we we' be done no we done we' be done and you know if that's a decision you don't feel comfortable making at this moment you could certainly ask to carry the application and you could talk to an attorney or you know that's ex a realator just in the future to make sure you're making the right decision about the house you bought and what you want to do with it going forward because if it comes to a vote tonight and somehow you get denied and you're not going to be able to put on right unless it's substantial which I know that's yeah you have to change your whole application which would probably mean starting all over coming back and probably Chang it to a single family to make the application so you're end up get that single family stat you want to carry it and discuss it I have another you want to take five minutes you want to take a break and talk about it do that that's fine minutes okay I'm pausing the recording but we're still on camera so please do not discuss application what did I tell you yeah no that's fine I'm sorry everything okay or you he's he's been calling me and I have on silent and I just want to find out what the heck he want we AG yeah there's we should start it's Mar's not here right to long it just go wait one minut come back and turn keep time please you're back to [Music] [Music] you usually honestly get can't Sor a quick roll call um mayor Fox and Mone are not here um um chair May here Mr Mayor yes Mr sh here M Riley already here Missy here M Bernell M here Mr s m uh yeah so thank you for allowing us to discuss it um we decided yeah we will probably we go with the single family status as much as he kills me um doesn't bother my wife too much but um I um you know how this works what happen no I do not that's what we should explain happen U you're going to get r dection on your property at the point of sale the house automatically will convert to a one family legally which require you to remove two family aspects of it such as separate doors and just kitchen the on kitchen upstairs ask everything plumy Electric you got it's got to look like a bedroom or Den or office it just can't be so somebody can put go in and plug a sink when you sell when you sell it that could be either you know you could do it or whoever purchased could be could be a kids problem retire here well that's my website it's do they may turn around and say you know what we're going to just keep it under yeah yeah they probably will but B there's going to be a fe restriction applied which will follow the property it's it's it's it sticks with the property and legally that home will not convert to a single okay would that restricted from ever being reconverted to twoes that not Bing cuz that your area there that's second block of line all the way up to little at the end of line there two family Le go out up there uh but the rest the rest of the street is all own single family like your neighbor single family yeah on the corner the apartment building is it's been there for 100 years I guess been so it's yeah all right um I wonder though um maybe if you would don't I know it isn't your purpose but would there be some tax considerations yeah your bill would go down yeah and that's that's something you know once you have the resolution from this meeting um that deed restriction you know you can go to the appropriate people at the burrow and say I've agreed that this is a single family home and then they will switch your that you're removing the the two family Des evaluting taxes they have to go through tax go fre or whatever to get the new assessment I I can't tell you good bad I really can't yeah yeah I know it's a hard decision uh I mean we're never going to rent the play but I know it's not you I know your conern I know but I brought the place I immediately see the value of the house drop that's that's don't say don't you're also putting in a beautiful okay it's all right it's done me happy happy somebody told me make the sale so exactly and also follow okay so it's well I have to your presentation done yeah okay open up public questions your family um three of us neighbor I'm a neighbor open for questions to the applicant if you have any and since you don't close it just so you know our immediate neighbor to the left who we sh the driveway with they just buil the position on they have no problem you they not here so we can't say show up I'm sorry I just um opens portion of the application up public comments positive negative see so really now the application just come down to two minor variances y uh one for the location of the pool equipment which is going to pulled 2 ft from the house and the other was the in six high fence it's about away from the filter fo I'm sorry the uh yeah the filter 6ot to the 6 high okay and the Crux the real thing is we entered into this resolution is the home's going to have a d restriction added to it at the time of your sale when you sell the property home designated as a single family home consistent with the uh ordinances of the burrow Bradley Beach the at the time of sale again any the second floor kitchen must be removed in its entirety Plumbing electric Cabinetry anything that looks like a kitchen it's got to go and I say you got to go it's got to go like as far as you just can't take the outlets out tap them off it's G to go uh does it have to be the second floor kitchen or does it have to be a kitchen are we allow second floor kitchens anymore do that a good point that's a good point one of the kitchen has to be removed your choice but again in it's a time um the front vestule converted to it's not split that's a matter of just taking the doors the two doors down I know it's it's I appreciate it it's you get your pool you get a nice pool it's great win for you it's great win for the town appreciate it thank you uh make kosher kitchen exhale [Music] we'll Ser I was just saying like what do you do like for religious restrictions like someone comes in and says forer k um it's not will be pres I guess is presented that this must go so you have to come back and get a variance you get soal Kos Coos kitches P which we have never had happen I think that you know that might be a special reason for gring a VAR correct same way to be I'm a half breed you could [Music] convert few homes that have they were built like to make a motion resolution approval the approval of this application with the so stated restrictions the restriction and [Music] two variances both variances the use Varan has been eliminated so I'll second that motion anything else thank you before before I call the roll I have a quick question Mr sh since the you expence portion has been removed are we still considering this a seven Vote or it came in as a you sping I think it's off it's off check have we had them bail out but well I mean originally it was for a use Varian so um okay Mr uh yes thank you for working with us miss rileyi yes Miss yes uh Miss brell yes Miss Bo yes thank you uh Mr SE yes I'll EO that thank you very much walked past that property to the beach for the last 20 years you don't like the two family stat well know it's just it's just that you know you look at all the parking issues that exist I mean I live in the 500 block of Line Avenue and the parking stretches all the way up past me in the summertime so anything we can do to alleviate any of it is a plus so um Miss yes over there at the corner uh Mr shook I'm going to vote Yes you're going to make a difference in neighborhood thank you and CH may I yes thank you very much for working on us I I know big ass but you did the right thing time we're not using it for that purpose so you still use it as it is right now nothing changes except for your yeah thank you very much thank you nice to meet you're [Music] cool see it is a community oh boy all right so our next our next schedu meeting will be our regular meeting on Thursday May 16th 2024 6:30 p.m. which will take place here in Municipal complex meeting room located Main Street orley beach please check our any upates meeting location and our access no furthers before the board a motion offer motion toj is offer who's my Mr favor thank you this was actually [Music] have a good night everyone thank you both for helping lead them through you got you got to get you got