artists and you might have had the chance to go out and observe their artwork in the gallery and I saw a couple a big beautiful picture of donuts out there so I don't know who drew that but the artwork continues to impress me um and then we have our employee Spotlight so I'm going to just come up and I'm going to call uh the name of each student artist and give you a certificate and ask you to stand up here until everybody's name is read and then we will take a picture and then everybody else is welcome to take more photographs as well and then outside by the gallery okay um first we have Devin Waki hey Devin congratulations can you hold your certificate up there okay great your friends are going to be coming soon uh Luke Kurt Kirtland congratulations thank you you're gonna go stand next to Devin okay Nyle Gerard hi n congratulations I like your shirt Samantha Lions Marina viello Logan O'Brien hi Logan congratulations gayen Gard artistic family they got two anaana congratulations Jody Silber congratulations congratulations thank you you're welcome Zoe Morrow hi Zoe congratulations Silas Pennington congratulations silence Xavier ROK congratulations Tyler sheffron congratulations Luchia cuso arjin daada mom's stepping in for the sword congratulations would thank you Adriana pelino congratulations and Olivia Sophia P [Applause] Peary okay congratulations you okay so I'm just going to put you in order yeah there's one more Vanessa I don't have a certificate for you but I'm going to get one for you tomorrow so come on up Vanessa what's your last name vnik vnik Vanessa vnik oh here we go congratulations thank you okay so we've got the littles in front and then we'll if we're taller we could go in the back so they're going to cut through your little line and then come over again and then you go in the middle so we'll do like how about this whiten Stony Brook bcms so if you're from White take a step forward good job who's from Stony Brook okay coming to behind them okay now get all really tight okay and then we're going to take a photo and we're going to give you one more round of applause because you made such beautiful artwork thank you okay so um I know that it's late and they probably have to go home and go to bed soon right so don't feel do you have to stay for the whole meeting but you can definitely take more pictures out in the gallery and thank you for coming you you guys can go back great job guys great excellent job remember when they were that do thank you good J have a good night thank you the's not big enough we need a bigger calorie I know yeah for we can't get out there they can't get out um so while everybody else heads out I also want to thank our art teachers who are the ones who are responsible for helping our students [Music] yes we fantastic second generation okay so the we have some more good news today as well I'm here to speak to the recipients of our employee Spotlight program which is a program that missa yard or director of personnel overseas and what happens in the employee Spotlight program is that um colleagues are able to nominate an employee who they believe has been exceeding expectations and then they write something about that employee so I first want to write something uh speak to our employee at Whit and Elementary School which is is actually miss Rosanne balm who works in our main office there and Rosanne um it has been said that you excel at your job and you are going to be greatly missed when you retire at the end of this year Roseanne goes above and beyond her duties by coming into work early every day to ensure she is ready when other staff and students arrive for the day in recent years Rosanne has excelled at managing and getting creative with finding coverages for Teacher absences thank you for that every morning Roseanne begins her day with a massive undertaking of ensuring that all classrooms special teachers have adequate coverage for their absence she is organized and efficient Roseanne is on top of any and all staff questions and or requests Roseanne interacts seamlessly with administrators staff students and parents alike Roseanne is a staple in Whit and's front office and keeps things up and running whiten appreciates Roseanne and they will miss you very much thank you for being our employee Spotlight uh next we have uh our bcms recipient of our employee Spotlight jacqulyn frari congratulations Jacqueline uh it has been said that you are a true team player Jackie is always there for the entire team to create and update spreadsheets and is always there to help any of us when we need it she supports all of the members of the eighth grade team and is always willing to to go the extra mile from keeping up to date with the resource reinforcement schedule to developing plans for special days to volunteering to take on extra students for resource one can always count on Jacqueline to be there not only is she a great asset to the eighth grade teachers she is also a true champion to her students she supports students academically and bolsters them on the playing field when she attends their sporting events outside of school hours and cheers them on the relationships jacqulyn forms with students compel them to work hard in her class in the short amount of time that Jacqueline has worked here at bcms she has made her mark on the hearts of her colleagues and her students congratulations Jacqueline um although she's not able to be here uh our employee Spotlight recipient for Stony Brook is Candace sharo and um said about Candice is that she consistantly sets high expectations for her students in language arts and more importantly provides them with the tools and support to meet those expectations she's an exceptional teacher who motivates her students to produce High Caliber work she does this by engaging them in Lively CL active classroom management strategies constantly varying her delivery and sets the tone of the positive classroom she consistently provides models of her own writing for students to learn from gives them effective strategies for objectives that help them improve their work and piles ample praise to keep them motivated and working hard she also takes a personal interest in her students moding and encouraging tolerance respect and compassion for her students I've been present when she shares personal anecdotes to show she is not perfect thus allowing them to realize that they don't have to be perfect either she demonstrates obvious intellect and professional competence as an educator coupled with the capacity to reach students at their individual levels while consistently motivating them to strive to be their very best I'm always impressed with the quality of the work they produced based on her effective teaching abilities so again I I want to just really thank you for going above and beyond and setting a very high standard and we are happy to be able to honor you this night thank you again and um I'm gonna have Miss colen take a picture for the website need like a step repat pictures stay there one more minute the crowd wants to take a picture too thank you what she okay um that is my report for the evening that was a good one okay we will move on to public comment on agenda items only the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and school matters of community interest in support of this position the law establishes a period of public comment at every board meeting individuals wishing to speak must State their name in place of residents comments are limited to 3 minutes per person for a total of 30 minutes an individual may speak a second time after all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard please understand that our public forums are not structured as question and answer sessions but offered as opportunities to share your thoughts with the board all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer and no participant May address or question board members individually all speakers are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy rights of others whose legal rights may be affected please note while it's not the board's intention to stifle comment on matters of legitimate concern to the school Community the public should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the law governing defamation or invasion of privacy they may face personal liability to the injured party if speakers are uncertain of the legal ramifications of their comments the board urges them to seek guidance beforehand from their own legal advisor public comments are welcome at this time on agenda items only at the end of the me of the meeting there's a second forum for any topic going to close public comment for agenda items and move on to government um the only report I have is that we have started our superintendent evaluation process um what is happening I watch we will be um doing that over the next few weeks um just to give Dr Tae feedback on her performance um so stay tuned for that and board members I'll send you some documentation on the instructions and all that jazz and the deadlines for everything um we do have some voting items under governance we have one approval of minutes two approval of Hib investigative report three approval of Hib findings report rep four approval of job description and five approval of school bus emergency evacuation drill report can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions comments concerns can I have a roll call please all right yes Mr Mater abstain on one yes to the remainder M no yes M Joyce yeah Mr T yes Mr how yes car thank you very much next up is policy Mr SII is not here but she did send me a report um says that we met for the policy committee meeting on May 2 second we went over the homework policy and listened to a presentation from Miss landisburg she went over the results of the poll that was taken um by parents by student parents as well as teachers within the district to revamp the homework policy um we went over recommendations as well as research and we'll continue our investigation um and provide a recommendations for updates to the current policy so stay tuned for that we do have um some voting items two of them under policy we have one policy and regulations second reading and two policy and regulations abolished can I have a motion to move these items motion second any questions concerns comments can I have a roll call please Mr here yes Mr Mayor yes yes M yes Mr T yes Mr Al yes motion car thank you next up is curriculum and instruction I don't think we met from since the last meeting do you have a report I do not okay we have three voting items one conferences and travel two approval of service agreements for esy and three approval of 2023 2024 out of District program can I have a motion to move those items motion second any concerns questions can I have a roll call please Mr her here yes Mr Mater yes M noo yes M Joyce yes Mr T yes Mr alen yes thank you next up is Personnel Mr Tuma do you have a report no report Personnel committee will meet next Thursday okay thank you we have a bunch of voting items under personel we have one approval of reappointment of 2024 2025 contracts two approval of of retirement three approval of leave four approval of revision of leave five approval of extended school year hours six approval of extra duty pay Seven approval of transfer eight approval of abolishment of positions nine approval of substitutes 10 approval of resignations 11 approval of personnel 12 approval of recision and 13 approval of termination can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions comments concerns I know we have one retiree so I'll just I I will just thank uh Miss Merton for the years that she's been here she was one of my daughter's first teacher so I just want to say thank you Dy for uh all the work you've done for this District thank you very much anybody else can I have a roll call please Mr carpet here yes Mr Mater yes M noo yes M Joyce yes Mr tuman yes Mr Hal yes thank you very much next up is finance and Facilities Miss choyce do you have a report uh no the finance and Facilities committee has not met since our last board meeting thank you very much we have voting items we have one the bill list two secretary's report three treasurers report four line item transfers five monthly transfer report six approval of addendum to agreement with Municipal adviser for services in connection with school bond series 2025 26 seven approval to pay bills eight approval of settlement agreement nine approval of additional audit Services 10 approval of contract for auditor and 11 approval of Legal Services can I have a motion to move those items I'll move second thank you any questions comments can I have a roll call please Mr Carpenter yes Mr Mayor yes M no yes M joce yes Mr T yes Mr yes thank you very much next up is public comment on any any topic anybody seeing no movement I will close public comment and go on to board liaison reports U Miss fit is not here for Somerville Miss Shaw's not here for PTO I have no report for Somerset County ed services for school boards Miss Choice Do you have a report for Branchburg Township no report um Mr s's not here for bef and do you have a report for cpeg I just want to mention that the uh I believe the the video went up that today for the cpeg um Town Hall what we used to call the town hall so if you have a chance uh take a look I haven't had a chance to to watch it yet but I was told that it's only 15 minutes long so um just take 15 minutes and uh go check it out again you can find it on the website on the district website thank you very much so that brings us to the end of the meeting can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting so moved second all in favor bless you bless you I know you should that you're just showing off now I know I know I got to tell Tony you got to put the bcms one because the little one but the little one they get so scared too when they come up by themselves so sweet Terry is that teacher is that Miss Elms that I reced I was like how manyas can we have the when she got married when did she get married no she I guess she got divorced