everyone in the hallways with a welcoming smile she has been so instrumental in her Student Success and progress this past year thank you Miss Gaddy and I don't believe Miss re is here but I do want to give her uh speak to you about what her colleague has written so uh Miss Katie re is actually an employee at White and Elementary School and her colleague has said about her Katie makes learning fun and engaging for all Learners and presents such a caring heart the same can be said in how she interacts with colleagues and she's always willing to help provide Innovative insight to educational practices Katie is the definition of a team player and I am grateful that I was able to have the experience of working with her her kindness patience and welcoming attitude makes her a great coach teacher and Mentor she truly deserves to be recognized for going above and beyond so I want to thank Katie who so um now we have our retirees uh before you leave I just want to tell you that I think one of the most impactful things that a human can be is to be someone who teaches someone something and you have dedicated your career to teaching our students and helping educate the students in Branchburg so I want to personally thank you and wish you a wonderful retirement and now you can sit back and hear about uh how great you are from your building principles so uh Miss stepner and Mr derflinger the mic is yours it's our pleasure you should use the mic just so the people on uh Watching You on YouTube can hear you yeah you're famous good evening on behalf of the Middle School um we have two retirees this year that we would like to honor the first one is Michelle Reena who is going to be spoken uh for by Joanne Everson so Joanne do you want to come up you had years of training [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen it is my honor tonight I got you back come on I got you back to reflect upon the career of my friend Michelle Rea I met Michelle in 1997 when our daughters were first grade classmates at whiten in the 27 years that have followed I have had the pleasure of working alongside Michelle as we both grew as Educators and Friends here is an excerpt from my short story in our classroom okay which was illustrated by her daughter Alyssa in 2007 Michelle I'm not sure if you remember but maybe this will jog your memory in our classroom our teacher Mrs Reena grows pots of daisies she says daisies are just like children they are each unique and have different needs our classroom's gerbera daisies produce beautiful standout flowers Mrs Reena makes sure it is potted in loose potting soil and fed high levels of fertilizer the gber daisy sits in a pot near a window in our classroom that gets full sunlight in our classroom we also have a habanera daisy its beautiful flowing blooms resemble a dancer Mrs Reena sings to this Daisy all day [Laughter] long she says the more she sinks to it the larger its blooms grow Mrs Reena keeps this Daisy in a window that only gets Morning Sun because that is what it needs Mrs Reena says she treats us children just like she treats her daisies she gives each one of us what we need to succeed we all learn differently so she assigns our work according to the way we learn best Mrs Reena has a plan for us and and a plan for our daisies her approach to teaching is about responding to the individual needs of others so that they may thrive in our world Michelle your tailor made approach to teaching each of your students has cultivated their confidence and skill as they navigated through the Branchburg Township school system and then the world to everything there is a season this year as fall comes upon us your season is your own congratulations on a career can you fix it and a life so well-lived she'll see you in Delaware congratulations illust UST our second retiree is amazing special education teacher Deb vulpi and she will be represented by Vicky [Applause] Brody I make a good m hold on I need these okay Deb when I joined the eighth grade team I immediately learned that you were an extraordinary teacher to her students and a compassionate mentor to your team you are remarkably special and being the wonderful teacher you are I know what you would say you would say that's a great topic sentence but where's your evidence so I so I gathered some evidence Kayla valin who's known you for two years says she fiercely advocates for her students and for her colleagues Jacqueline fenari who has known you for four years say says that you have an unwavering kindness and a quick sense of humor making it easier for all of us to get through the day today bu's guidance has made us all better teachers and I am eternally grateful for that and for her so Pereira who's known you for 20 years says that you go above and beyond for your colleagues and your students on a daily basis your humor quick wit and exceptional teaching skills will never be forgotten Deb Jacobson who's known you over 20 years says that Mrs vulpi is an admired teacher to her colleague support staff students and support staff students and parents of the Branchburg District Community she has been a dedicated teacher to those students who never give up and more importantly she never gives up Suzanne up grve who's known you for 12 years says dead cares for all her students like they are her own children she loves them supports them has high expectations for them and cares for them cine Gaston who's known you for nine years says de has been my next door neighbor for nine years her open door and welcoming smile has brightened my days as well as all those fortunate enough to call her friends and teacher the new nous number of young lives she has taught will forever be enriched for having had her as a teacher and a cheerleader Alex tyin who's known you forever you would not give mama vulpi that's what her students used to call her when we were co- teing together she is like a mother to those kids she's there to care for them to accommodate their each and every request and to Simply love them for all these years that we've known each other she's always been there for me too Deb always kept her cool and gave me good advice every time I was not able to make a decision myself I honestly thought she would be here forever Janice manetti who's known you about 20 years says Deb is known to skip down the hall on the last day of school when all the students have left I'm hoping she'll go out and do cartwheels this year in honor of her retirement congratulations thank you [Applause] congratulations we are losing two amazing women who have done a great job for our students We Wish You A Long happy healthy and wonderful enjoyable retirement and on behalf of uh bcms I want to wish all of the retirees a very long happy and healthy retirement good luck actually before you sit down Miss stepner I would actually like to thank you um you have had a long career in education and I have followed you throughout my career knowing we've worked in in close proximity and I cannot thank you enough for all you've done here for the students um you took the Reigns you've been a tremendous Force doing so many amazing things for our students including getting them to eat lunch outside which they absolutely love um and you've been a role model to me and I know to our team and I just want to thank you for everything you've done I know you're ending on the best Note right now with us I I've been honed it's truly been my pleasure thank you and there's no it's funny that we hear rattling here because I I a friend of of mine worked for Miss stepner before she came here and she just told me I love I love Christina stepner I love Christina steper I know the staff again just a round of applause for everything you've done for us thank you so um I don't believe we have anybody from Stony Brook so miss Scher this is your turn so we have quite a few from wayen who are retiring this year um so we have some special people speaking on their behalf and I want to just thank everyone in advance for all of your hard work and dedication and know that you will be missed um I promised Linda Kaminsky that she would get to speak first on behalf of doy so I'm holding true to that promise so miss Kaminsky and Miss Els come on up okay if dlu doesn't cry I won't cry or wait till the end please um and D promised me first so I wouldn't cry so I'm going to be brave so when I was asked to talk about Dy tonight I wondered how I would say everything all the wonderful things about her in a paragraph or two she's just that special so I apologize if it's a little bit longer but doely is truly one of the kindest and most caring people that I've ever known in my life life she's brought that kind and caring nature to all the students that she's worked with in her 29 years in Branchburg as well as all the colleagues lucky enough to have worked alongside her she's taught kindergarten first grade reading recovery which is where I think she discovered her true love of teaching children to read and literacy instructional support whether you've known her all 29 years or you just had the opportunity to work with her this past year or two it really doesn't take that any time at all to know that she does her job with such integrity and professionalism and she has a rapport with children and just knows what they need Delsey is someone you want in your corner she has always been the Ultimate Team player her compassion work ethic and dedication to teaching will inspire you for many years a true role model she's nothing short of amazing and I'm blessed to call my friend and I know many of you share this sentiment I've been in the room with dolsey when she's teaching student and I mean it when I tell you I could just sit there all day her instruction is is always targeted to her students needs with a perfect balance of humor and No Nonsense time to get your work done she even has a way with those students who can press your buttons never losing her temper and keeping her grace and sense of humor in the midst of it all like I said earlier you can know Dy 29 years or just a week or two and you know how special she is so I asked some of my colleagues that have known her for 29 years 10 and some just a year or two to just to tell me a word or two few words how they feel about doie and I'd like to share some of those things with you doy okay so here's what they said dolsey is just amazing Dy walks into a room and it instantly lights up with a positive vibe she's not only a wonderful and supportive teacher but she yet she's as genuine as it comes as a human she cares about everyone that she crosses paths with whether students or staff members she's given me wonderful advice and is wholeheartedly supported me through the years she's flexible and non-judgmental always greet you with a a smile kind and gentle always there to support you 100% and be your teammate and help you in any way she can one of a kind always giving ideas and sharing her wealth of knowledge generous and easy to talk to truly a genuine Soul there was never a dome woman in my room with doie and we always had good laughs that I love to talk about when I got home and this teacher actually said every night I go home and talk to my husband about Dy those were her words um and my kids love doie they fought over Wich group she would take first and where they and were sad when she was out always willing to help and always treat you like you were an equal even though she has years of experience on me her rapport with the kids and relationships that she built with the ones ones that her students will cherish consistent and collaborative has been wonderful to work with and has guided her students towards success always supportive to me in a professional way and as well as personal shares thoughts ideas and resources selflessly amazing flexible caring easy to talk to knowledgeable and fun has given me wonderful advice and has wholeheartedly supported me through the years see I want to be you when I grow so and this is from a friend that's not here tonight encompasses the role of a teacher to Perfection adaptable approachable caring creative compassionate dedicated driven disciplined empowering engaging flexible inspiring and lastly Irreplaceable a true Gem of a human douy your dedication to your students has planted seeds of knowledge that will continue to grow and flourish for generations to come if every teacher could aspire to be the kind of person that you are both in and out of the classroom the world would be a better place we okay I'm almost there we will miss you and beyond beyond words can say but we are so very happy for you to begin this beautiful new chapter in your life we have loved everything you have done now go and do everything that you love up next we are going to honor Paula depalo with Kate moletto Paula there you are I didn't see you have first come on [Applause] up today We Gather not just to say by but to celebrate the remarkable career of someone who has been the heart and soul of our school library for many years it is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to Paula de poo our esteemed library clerk as she embarks on a well-deserved retirement Paula has been more than just the library clerk she has been a Guiding Light a Storyteller and a friend to all who have walked through these Library doors with her warmth dedication and passion for literature she has fostered a love love of reading in countless young minds we reflect on her time here we cannot help but Marvel at her many accomplishments not only has paula dutifully served our school Community but she has also made her Mark Beyond these walls she is a published author her words inspiring readers of all ages and her talents recognized with the prestigious Christopher award her commitment to spreading messages of Hope kindness and empathy through her writing is a testament to her character and values but beyond her ACC AIDS it is Paula's unwavering dedication to her students that we cherish the most whether recommending the perfect book or simply lending a listening ear she has touched the lives of so many with her kindness and compassion as Paula embarks on this new chapter of her life we know that her impact will continue to be felt far and wide while we will miss her dearly we take comfort in knowing that her Legacy will live on in the countless children whose lives she has touched so as we bid farewell to our dear col League let us not say goodbye but rather thank you thank you Paula for your 39 years of service for your boundless enthusiasm and for your countless Advent for your countless Memories We will cherish forever may your retirement be filled with joy adventure and of course plenty of good books congratulations Paula and best wishes Mrs Everson now it's your turn to come on back up and Miss bakus is going to be speaking on your behalf all right hi everyone I'm Lauren bakus I'm a third grade teacher at whiten and I've had the pleasure of working with Joanne for almost 10 years we co-taught together for 5 years um but we've worked as the same grade level in the same grade level for um seven years plus so I'm here to speak on behalf of Joanne who's been on the with the district for 26 years she started as a substitute in 1998 and then she joined as a full-time teacher in 2005 and since her first day on the job she's been a fierce Advocate I mean Fierce advocate for her students if you ask any third grade teacher the child study team Administration or anyone else that's worked with Joanne um they'll tell you that she means business if you ever hear ever hear her start a sentence with let me tell you something you know know that she is going to give you her honest opinion about the situation uh over the course of her teaching career not only has she shared her expertise in the classroom not only with me but with all her um colleagues she's also served as the district subc callar if anyone remembers that that was a thankless job uh yes that uh took place during a time when you actually had to call people on the phone phone and from this job she actually um created a union between Mr and Mrs for forite so Tara wanted me to make sure to thank you for that um and recently Joanne actually went back to school for her OG certification in order to support her needs of her students and she truly looks at each student as an individual uh who is his or her own with unique qualities she's always worked to bring out the best in every student that she's ever worked with she's made a lasting impression on many Branchburg students throughout the years and they've always come back to visit to tell stories of their fond memories of her famous lessons from Shakespeare just a few Shakespeare her uh social skills lessons Gwen I don't know if you remember some of these um her annual poinsetta lessons um but one thing that they always mention is a word that Joanne made up but sua so um in your retirement um I know that you'll be full of joy because you'll be fulfilling duties fulltime now as a grandmother um and as you step into this new exciting chapter we all wish you Joy relaxation adventure and everything that retirement can bring can bring so the Su to [Applause] you from our speech Department Sandy kachelski is retiring and Adriana weard is speaking on her behalf my reading do you want me to hold it far away for you so it is my privilege to be here tonight to honor our beloved friend and colleague Sandy koseli for almost 24 years Sandy has used her talents and creativity to improve the lives of hundreds of children in this community as a dedicated speech language pathologist Sandy has spent countless hours countless both in and out of school working to help all her students grow in their communication skills it was in Sandy speech room that many young students first found their voice and the power of using words to interact with the world Sandy always partnered with families to ensure that progress was taking place at home as well and let me tell you something her her speech sessions were not just effective they're always so fun you walk past the hallways you see those kids having a great time right we always say people just think you're just playing games and she seriously knows where to find the best and most engaging toys even if it means staying up late all night sometimes bidding on some obscure websites to get some something that would be motivating to her students and she would be showing it off the next day and we're like how long did you wait to anyway besides being an amazing professional though Sandy is known to all of us for her kindness gentleness and humility Sandy has tremendous expertise in many areas but what makes her so special is her willingness to help and encourage others whether it was teaching us how to program AAC devices modeling social thinking lessons um making us I'm sorry providing strategies to staff sharing online resources during the lockdown she became a pro way faster than the rest of us making us laugh with her funny face apps at the uh dinner the Christmas dinners um playing basketball against the Harem Wizards okay she a great with that or just lending a sympathetic ear Sandy could always be counted on to be there for her white and family Sand's Legacy will continue to inspire us as we carry forward with the lessons she has taught us about empathy patience and the power of communication to transform lives you will be sorely missed my friend we wish you all the happiness that you deserve as you start this next chapter in your life may retirement be the beginning of another exciting but less stressful Adventure [Applause] congratulations Miss sedeki is our next retire and speaking on her behalf is Miss Hall h Lauren Hall I'm like Miss Hall like I'm at work we going to come close no you can stand with me all right yes yes okay over the past 22 years I have witnessed many co-workers retire I can honestly say that this year will have the most profound effect impact and effect on me this group of teachers and staff are irreplaceable they have been there for me on various levels in the greatest and most difficult times of my life sorry I was asked to speak here tonight on behalf of one of these co-workers at first I was nervous about what to say how can I sum up her teaching career in two paragraphs then I thought more and realized her dedication and love for teach for teaching her students will make it a cinch as as I leene would say easy peasy lemon squeezy I am most honored to honored to congratulate Mrs Eileen sedeki on her most well-deserved retirement some students will also remember her as miss eileene forestal when I think of eileene as a lifelong educator the words and phrases that come to mind are unwavering dedication wholeheartedness conscientious loyal honest and diligent she brought her all to the classroom every single day I was so fortunate and downright lucky to co- te with her and was able to witness firstand how she made every single student feel safe valued and took and look sorry and took care of their social and emotional well-being with the utmost care and compassion I know that in her future endeavors no matter what path she chooses to take she will continue in some way to have a positive and lasting impact on young lives I Echo this sentiment for all of our retirees this year I will miss you dearly eileene please join me in congratulating Mrs Eileen sedeki I love you love you too and last up but certainly not least is Mrs bone so Mrs B is here with her family gathered alongside um as you can see there are a lot of them she has been a fixture in the Branchburg Community well before she ever started working in our schools she settled into Branchburg and raised her family here before beginning working at stonor in 1996 she then worked at Old York from 1997 to 2010 and has spent the rest of her career supporting our waying family Miss bulm is a consument professional who is always willing to do whatever it takes to support staff families and students as a secretary she knows everything Fred probably has a wife too she knows everything if you ever need an answer to a question she's got it she wears many hats she's the substitute finder and scheduler solution finder ultimate task taker she can gather attendance reports answer the telephone answer the doorbell supports staff do this all at the same time with two hands while trying to talk to me early in the morning she is welcoming to all who enter the school and knows many families from outside the community to make her welcome even stronger and that much more personal Mrs bow is a solution finder sometimes for very interesting situations you never know what's going to pop up working with our youngest students she is dependable and she makes things easier and keeps us organized and on time she is always there when you need her having spent almost 10 years working with Rosanne she has become a true trusted and respected friend and my rock she has lent me a shoulder to cry on and give me a kick in the behind when needed or I left sugary treats in my desk drawer to help me get through what she knew would be a rough day she has celebrated the good times with me and supported me through the rough times although I'm very excited for rosanne's well-deserved retirement the Legacy she has left on our school Community will be felt for a very long time Rosanne I wish you time with your grandchildren time to travel with Fred and time to do the things you enjoy all while knowing how much we appreci appreciate all that you have done for us over the last 28 years we all thank [Applause] you wow so again I want to thank all the retirees and we're going to have a cake to celebrate you so please stick around um before I dismiss you I just also want to say thank you to um specifically the board of education for their support in in this successful school year and the PTO and the bef I often say that it takes a village to educate children and it does and there's a palpable sense of community here and I'm just thankful and grateful for everything everybody did congratulations to everyone here this evening and then my communications officer Miss Tony Gooding is saying we need to do a photo before we eat cake so can we have the retirees up here and then the employees Spotlight recipients anyone else who wants to join you [Music] back [Applause] away for meting that entire paragraph and we will move on to governance I have no report but we do have some voting items we have one approval of minutes two approval of Hib investigative report three approval of Hib findings report four approval of Hib parental appeals five approval of acceptance of the New Jersey accountability Continuum results six approval of job description seven approval of hiring of Staff eight approval of 2024 2025 Personnel appointments and nine approval of threeyear program can I have a motion to move those items motion any questions or comments that was one through nine that was one through nine a roll call yeah oh sorry yep I just waitting for you can we have a roll call please Missi yes Miss fory AB on one yes to the rest Mr Hollenbeck yes Mr Mater three Miss Shaw Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr Carpenter yes that brings us to policy Mr side do you have a report um no report but we're meeting July 11th awesome next meeting thank you we have no voting items under policy so we will go to curriculum and instruction Mr major you have a report a short report weeks ago but um just a couple things we discussed um now on the website um there there's a website for the school transitions between the schools that gives uh both you know our parents different um yeah how it know discusses all the different issues of transitioning between the schools gives them uh you know makes the transition easier um we also discuss the homework policy um that's being worked on um you know the purpose of homework we were discussing you know whether homework should be graded how much time should be put into homework in a given day so that's uh all being um work on entire time cool thank you very much um we have some voting items we have one conferences in travel two approval of service agreement three approval of student teacher four approval of 2024 2025 out of District programs five approval of contracted services and six approval of service agreement can I have a motion to move those items motion any questions or concerns can I have roll call please miss Desai yes Miss fitzi yes Mr Hollenbeck yes Mr Mater yes Miss Shaw Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr Carpentier yes okay that brings us to Personnel Mr Tuma do you have a report no report okay we have some voting items under Personnel we have one approval of reappointment of 2024 2025 substitute teachers and substitute instructional AIDS two approval of revision of extended school year hours three approval of additional extended school year hours four approval of extended school year bus drivers five approval of extra duty pay six approval of revision of extra duty pay Seven approval of transfers eight approval of revision of personel nine approval of substitute principal 10 approval of summer hours 11 approval of leave 12 approval of revision of leave 13 approval of 2023 2024 substitute teachers and substitute instructional AIDS 14 approval of substitute bus drivers 15 approval of personnel 16 approval of resignation 17 approval of termination 18 approval of bus driver training hours and 19 approval of Summer curriculum writing can I have a motion to move those items motion any questions or comments can I have a roll call please Mr yes Miss fitzi yes Mr Hollenbeck yes Mr Mater yes Miss Shaw yes Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr Carpenter yes next up is finance and Facilities Mr Jo do you have a report uh no the finance and Facilities committee has not pass okay we have quite a list of voting items for this one we have one bill list two secretary's report three treasurer's report four line item transfers five monthly transfer report six approval of contract for board attorney seven approval of annual petty cash allocations eight approval of PL 20115 chapter 47 resolution nine approval of resolution authorizing the disposal of school equipment 10 approval of donation from the Megan Rose Bradley Foundation 11 approval of submission of the revised 2024 safe return to school plan 12 approval to accept additional or compensatory compensatory special education and related Services funds 13 approval of New Jersey school Insurance Group for liability insurance and other coverages 14 approval of resolution for participation in coordinated Transportation with Ed Services Commission of New Jersey 15 approval to pay bills 16 approval of resolution for member participation in a Cooperative pricing system 17 approval of contract with Panorama 18 approval of software license agreement with systems 3000 19 approval of contracts with the hundon county Ed Services Commission Board of Education 20 capital reserve 21 tuition Reserve 22 maintenance Reserve 23 emergency Reserve 24 approval of purchase of 124 passenger school bus 25 approve approval of res solution authorizing the disposal of 2 54 passenger buses and one GMC Yukon Courier truck 26 approval of shared services agreement with garage Bay 27 approval of shared services agreement Pupil Transportation Service and 28 approval of joint Transportation agreement with DelVal Regional High School can I have a motion to move those items any questions or comments can I have a roll call nope sorry so we're by one 24 passeng us we're math issue there oh do they're aging out the two that are being disposed of and then we have a need for an additional one and they're going to be purchasing that out of this year's funds before we close the year yeah no totally get that was just curious because dising but we're getting you're talking about the mathematics of the seats um no there's no expectation we do have to buy another bus too that we're looking to invest in but Emma rebelo who's our new Transportation director is was well on top of that making sure everyone has a seat thank you for asking yes anybody else uh can I have a roll call please Mr yes M yes Mr H yes Mr Mater yes M Shaw Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr yes that brings us to our second public comment on any Forum anybody want to seeing no movement I'll close public comment and move on to board liaison reports first up is summer bill so you know what I'll be quick I I just wanted to mention that um the Summerville board did pass um a resolution to hire um two professionals who are coming in to do an audit on the curriculum departments the ESL programming and Personnel so not like an audit on the state level more like what could be done better you know what's what's not going well um so I'm kind of uh watching that to see how that plays out because that seemed really interesting to me and then they have a new superintendent starting on July 1st so he will have that that road map of of findings of what these two retired um administrators think about um you know what's going on in the district so I I just thought that was interesting and wanted to share it with you thank you PTO no update okay uh Somerset County ed services there was a meeting last week I was unable to attend so no report uh New Jersey school boards I have no report Branchburg Township no report BF no report and teg no report but I'll just remind everybody that um the cpeg meetings the town halls are up on the website so please check them out when you have time cool um I think that's it can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting all in favor I [Music] success I but Happ always watches the too the I