one you didn't hear it no okay an answer okay welcome to the July 18th meeting of the Board of Education of Branchburg please be advised that this and all meetings of the board are open to the public and media consistent with the open public meetings act and that advanced notice required therein has been provided this is a meeting of the Board of Education and Branchburg at which formal action may be taken the public will have an opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda I'll hand hand it over to Dr Chase for the superintendent report just one quick item um you can you can see on the board agenda that I am reporting to the student safety data report all school districts in New Jersey are required to report discipline and vandalism related information to you so I have provided you with a report with that information available that's my only that was quick okay next up is public comment on agenda item only seeing that there's no public here I'm going to move on to governance I have no report but we do have some voting items we have one approval of minutes two approval of Hib investigative report three approval of Hib findings report and four approval of job descriptions can I have a motion to move these items motion second any questions or comments can I have roll call please yes Missi yes Mr Breezy yes Miss no abstain on one and three and yes on two and four one and three Miss shop uh yes Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr carpent Pierre yes next up is policy Mr side you have a report um I do we just met on hold on yes the 11th we just had a few things on the agenda but there's nothing to approve of um but just went over for first reading for just a few things to change in wording and then we briefly went over the homework policy which will be in more detail coming up sounds good we have no voting items so we'll move on to curriculum in instruction Mr Mater is not here um but the committee did meet last week um we had some good discussions about AI uh Dr Chase trying to be proactive towards that um because there will definitely be some R ramifications on education and how we do things around here so I guess more to come on that um which will be inevitable um we do have some voting items too we have one conferences and travel two approval of contracted Services three approval of revision of service agreement four approval of service agreements five approval of State contracted service six approval of 2023 2024 out of District program seven approval of 2024 2025 out of District programs eight approval of revision of 2024 2025 out out of District program nine approval of student teacher 10 approval of educational programs can I have a motion to move these items motion second any questions comments concerns can I have a roll call go ahead uh no uh the educational programs they look really interesting these are all new ones that we're adding um well it's it's not a whole curriculum so the enVision Math is being pulled up because they we've been working on adjusting our math program so that's been a natural sequence for us um these are more world uh resources but the other thing we've noted is that anytime the board any time we sign a contract agreement with a vendor it requires board approval so we've been using something for example we've used the inw the par and the rethink but because we sign a contract with them it has to be on the agenda for you to approve oh God so it's not always new not always new gotcha okay anybody else no can I have a roll call please m yes mzy yes Miss noo yes Miss Shaw yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr Carpenter yes next up is Personnel Mr Tuma do you have a report yes I do uh the Personnel committee met last Wednesday we did a a thorough review on substitute and substitute consistency data and uh we were in better shape this past year than the year before but there's still a need for more substitutes and along those lines Miss Ana yard will be doing a substitute hiring event on July the 31st at whiton so if anyone is in the district or in the township is interested in becoming a substitute please stop by July 31st from 9 to 12 at whiten we also discussed the new uh standard operating procedures that miss that Miss yard put together for the administrators and for human resources we up we reviewed the new job descriptions uh one thing of note that the teacher certification fee is being reinstated so if you want to be a substitute there's $125 fee that's been reinstated by the state another money grab but just so everyone's aware they have to pay the feed if they want to be a substitute next year and um let me check one more thing is that a yearly fee yeah it's a no it's a one one time fee one time fee uh every five years oh thank you Miss Joyce all I have thank you sir appreciate it we have have a lot of voting items under Personnel we have one approval of 2024 2025 non-athletic stiens two approval of 2024 2025 athletic stiens three approval of resignations four approval of substitute nurses five approval of 2024 2025 substitute six approval of personnel seven approval of additional extended school year hours eight approval of additional summer curriculum writing nine approval of title four clubs 10 approval of school clubs 11 approval of home instruction teachers 12 approval of revision of personnel 13 approval of leave 14 approval of retirement and 15 approval of Summer teacher Academy I have a motion to move these items motion second any questions or comments I would just like to comment on um item 14 the retirement of Linda R uh I know she's the voice that a lot of our special needs parents our special services parents hear when she call when they call the office and um she has been a fantastic uh part of our district for quite a while and I'm I'm sure she has a fantastic retirement plann if but we'll be sorry to see her go thank you anybody else can I have a roll call please Mr Sai yes Mr Breezy yes Miss noo yes Miss sha yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr Carpentier yes next up is finance and Facilities Miss Joyce do you have a report I do have a report uh the finance and Facilities committee met last week was it just last week my gosh I'm miss playing um we had a presentation from Steve Davenport and Beth Stanton about security um Mr Davenport shared a lot of information that unfortunately I cannot share here tonight publicly um and he there was information he could not share with us because it's information that we no one needs to know except for the administration and security folks um but rest assured they're working really hard to uh make some changes for the upcoming school year that you will see if you haven't you will be seeing on um upcoming agendas we also had an update on uh the rod grants so the work that's going to be done um actual work is not going to really be able to occur until next year because a little late getting into the game but we do have some big projects coming up next year um we uh were presented with a list of summer projects there's a lot of work going on in the schools this summer uh Mr Moy and his team are working hard to make our facilities um clean and sparkly and bright for September um we did discuss uh hunting on the Harland School Road property um is where he's investigated the option of hunting for us she contacted the our insurance carrier who um had a lot of concerns there's some more work there were questions that came up during the meeting and more work uh need to be done to get a little bit more information before any kind of decision is made on that um and then we reviewed so let's see uh we reviewed some of the financial information that you see on tonight so um I did want to point out one item item number 18 the approval of memorandum of understanding with Sandy Hook promise Foundation um that's an item that Mr Davenport has uh helped us get in the district it's the say something uh reporting system that that that everyone will have access to I believe starting in September so there will be some training that will and information that'll be coming out about that um but he was able to obtain that for us for no cost which I wanted to make sure I point it out is that uh for kids and staff or just staff or so that's a reporting feature uh where students can report and the nice thing about that is it's monitored 247 so if the person who's on the receiving end deems it as a viable threat they will contact the appropriate authorities right now um you know if students are concerned about something they may email a teacher but again that's not around the clock monitoring so this is something that um Sandy Hook has the Sandy Hook promise Foundation has been working to access a lot of the safety grant money that is available and they partner with districts and they were able to give us the tool year after year and that's about $10,000 so we're happy that he did that that's awesome so information will be coming out to our students and our parents about this and okay got it so our next meeting is August 8th and that's my report thank you very much we have some voting items we have one the bill list two secretary and treasury reports three line item transfers four monthly transfer report five approval of submission of fiscal year 2025 Esa Grant application six approval of submission of fiscal year 2025 idea Grant application seven approval of submission of 2024 2025 emergency virtual or remote instruction program eight approval of qualified purchasing agent nine approval of Transportation jointure with Readington Township Board of Education 10 approval to pay bills 11 approval of tax levy schedule for 2024 2025 12 approval of FKA Architects for professional archit tal Services 13 approval of purchase of Dell laptops through pasac data Services Inc 14 Grant permissions for Girl Scout community service project 15 approval of to close Board office petty cash account 16 approval of purchase of interactive flat panel display for classrooms 17 approval of change order 18 approval of memorandum of understanding with Sandy Hook promise Foundation 19 approval of proposal for purchase and install of 3M security window films and 20 approval of lease of Old York School Midland Adult Services can I have a motion to move those items motion second questions or comments question on item number 16 the flat panel displays are we replacing smartboards with flat panels or where are we going to put these yes we're um our tech department has a rotating schedule where they're replacing the outdating equipment so it seems like smartboards are kind of a dated Tech technology now so as we progress forward they're putting in these interactive smart panels can you tell me where they're going are they going to Tony Brook Whit and middle school I don't have that on me right now I could I could send you the list it's various classrooms based on the age of the Smartboard so um there's a whole plan about that thank you you're welcome just a question on on seven the emergency virtual or remote instruction is that like if the pandemic surges again or is it on those days when everyone has to be home because flooding or you know snow good question so the State Department of Education actually does not allow us to go remote if we had a snow day and we canceled school we could not count that we could not do a remote CL day so this is a result of covid um in the event that there's a significant pandemic again okay so if that's on a state or a county level because I know like Readington was going virtual some days last year no rington went virtual because they had 181 student contact days you have to have 180ct days so the 181 is about the contract not about the state so they were able to do one virtual day because they still were meeting the 180 in person days thank that's good to know anybody else can I have a roll call please Mr s yes Mr yes Miss noo yes Miss Shaw yes Mr Kuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr parer yes next up is public comment there's no one here so I'll close public comment and move on to board leaz on reports um I just wanted to thank Mr for britzy for her service on the Summerville Board of bed for so long um I think Bindu sha you're going to be the next one I don't know we're GNA have to see how we uh how we actually go about getting you appointed over there so I'll try to uh take care of that no idea just show up as quickly as I can have to to probably vote yeah and then we'll just tell them okay that's great maybe I'll come with you for the first maybe that would be amazing thank you that will she have to do like all the background stuff probably over there all right e e e