[Music] [Music] [Music] but let's uh everybody recording in progress welcome everyone on the TDC and everyone everyone in the audience we'll call we'll call to order the May 22nd 2024 meeting of the tourist Development Council uh we'll start with a roll call I can do the rooll uh commissioner steel is away on vacation um Vice chair Hermanson present Julie here Alex Pres mayor Medina preses here Wayne here Keith Winston Andrea young here all right full boat say our chairman uh we will review the agenda and ask that anybody with a conflict on any item on the agenda declare so now otherwise we'll entertain a motion to approve the agenda move second we have a motion and a second second motion by Keith Winston second by mayor Medina all those in favor say I I any opposed hearing none motion passes next we will review the detailed minutes of our April 24th meeting and ask if there is any recommendations for Corrections if there are none we'll entertain a motion to pass those minutes second we have a motion by Miss Young and a second by mayor Medina all those in favor say I I any opposed hearing none motion passes uh we'll hand it over to Peter to review some information thank you sir uh a couple of things um so on page 24 in your packet the second to last page on the clip side is the TDP uh budget versus actual uh we ended up missing the what was the highest month of collection in history last March uh we missed it by $24,000 so less than 1% um so a strong month certainly from a tdt perspective it's the second largest month in tdt history uh so that was very interesting we were you know sort of waiting on baed be breath for that month to come in and see what the numbers would be and uh and it didn't disappoint um now looking to uh thank you now looking to April uh April um we are anticipating right now looking at the Str Str numbers about two and A4 to two and a half uh somewhere between two and a qu and two and a half million uh last year was 2.4 so I'm not sure if we'll quite get the 2.4 we'll have to see um I'm thinking it's going to be more on that low side at two and a quarter to maybe 2.3 so we might just miss April a little bit and then we've got a couple weeks of St Str data in for May and it's looking pretty good so far uh I think as always May is going to be determined by how strong um Memorial Day weekend is other than that we're tracking well with h budgetarily we're fine we're in good shape uh I don't have any real additional um unless there are any questions I don't have any additional items related to my report for that tell you in Coco Beach April was flat uh month to date in May were pretty good up north of 10% good on average on the properties I track I think what's funny is we're opposite at the zoo where we have more of a day tourist thing we had a very strong April and May's been down so um I would agree with Keith yeah South County melbour area is down so in May these delayed launches help a lot up in kogo beach and cap used to help us out too yeah well not enough for compression okay marketing committee report so marketing I know uh I missed the meeting so I'm going to defer to Peter yeah I'll I'll take it um so for marketing um we had uh four of the um committee attend um got some good questions and feedback uh mostly we're looking for input as we begin to build the plan for next year um the biggest uh input we received was some ideas for some promotional and social media campaigns which we're looking at and going to figure out how to maybe incorporate those into into some of our plans but um there was one one of the discussions I thought was interesting um was what can we do to push if we if we had to pick a gap period to push um you know because obviously we always put a lot of money behind spring and summer uh but if we had a push next year next fiscal year which starts October 1st um where would we look and we thought we would look a little bit more to January February because we think there's a lot more capacity there and when you look at our competitive set um the beach you know the beach destinations South of us and and the West Coast do really well in the winner um and we've we've seen some traction uh over the last couple of years with that so our thought is maybe shifting some of that um fall funding um you know you've got the elections happening in November so October is not going to be a great month to really be in the media uh heavily so we thought if we shifted um some of those fall funds into maybe December January to try to push January February travel that that might be a good idea so that's something we're looking at um we also got uh recently I think um I've tal I might have talked about this before we selected a partner to help us with our cellular device tracking it's a company called daty we just have been starting to look at um some of the data in uh in the data five system and one of the things I was able to pull was our top Source markets which we've had every year been able to get that uh so we were able to pull that again so we're starting to look through that and see if there's any markets that maybe stand out um the initial uh look at it um looks like there's a lot of the same you know familiar uh names but there there may be one or two that that are different so we'll look at that as we begin to pull the plan together um and then just from a general marketing perspective our uh you know we're in May our uh summer campaign marketing has begun now it's about a four to $4.5 million do campaign so pretty good sized uh campaign bigger probably than than we've had in the past um we did have some good amount of carry forward this past year so we're utilizing that for to push that summer window and um and then I don't know if anybody saw the paper recently but USA Today readers poll just came out and Space Coast made the top 10 uh summer destinations so that will be some nice PR for us that uh we hadn't previously anticipated so that was a a nice a nice happening Peter I noticed in that article not all of them were beach destinations there were a bunch of it was and there was one or two destinations I didn't even know was sort of interesting Cody Wyoming I think uh you know Cody W John know John knows that one but Place some um some location some area of Pennsylvania right maybe it was the Poconos I just don't even know what yeah yeah the only reason Cody exists is so you can get to Yellowstone National Park okay so it's Yellowstone essentially it's it's the Gateway it's Eastern Gateway to Yellowstone that explains it yeah it would be nice if the paper teed it up that way [Laughter] so all right that's that's it for marketing sir excellent anything to report from cultural committee uh not much for cultural we're our next meeting is July 18th okay succinct report Capital facilities so um I'm the chair you're the chair but we don't had any meeting no but I will say the uh guidelines were approved by the board uh for 1.7 million in in uh potential Capital funds they don't all have to be awarded but that's what's available to be awarded um I'm aware right now of um four projects uh one is Cape canille Lighthouse will'll be coming back for more Keepers Cottage Cottage is if you remember they've had come previously a few years back and gotten about half a million for uh uh putting Museum artifacts into these keeper Cottages that they built on the property of the lighthouse I think they're wanting to do more of that so that's one um uh the space force Foundation is an organization that runs the Sands History Center which is on um Port Canaveral property and then there's also um Hangar C and and a few other old uh launch sites that they operate on the space force property um they're looking to do some things including taking over the Exploration Tower uh that's at P Canaveral and um they want to use that as a sort of a launch platform for um not just the current museums but they actually want to build a uh a large scale Museum eventually I don't think they're coming for that ask this time around I think they're going to be asking for some funds to help with the uh Exploration Tower project and I I don't know what that number is or what that looks like but I know they're they're interested and we've been um giving them uh some of the information uh about the guidelines and and such um what are the other projects there is a uh gentleman that is looking to build an olymp B uh sized pool in Palm Shores uh that would be used for um competitive swim meets and things like that uh I think he was looking for some funding to help with that project um again I don't know what the amount will be so we'll that'll be interesting to see what what that number is um we in uh I believe it is on the west side of US1 right adjacent to US1 south of pinita but I'm not sure exactly how far south maybe a mile or so mile mile and a half south of um pinita something in that area it's right in that area um and I don't remember what the fourth one is right at the moment but there was some project that was out there so anyway there's a few projects that'll be applying and we'll see see what happens but um they can come to the July 11th the the the um actual application will open up June 1st and then it'll close in I think at the end of June and then they can come to the July 11th meeting and make presentations and that's when the um uh the applications will be handed out to the committee for scoring purposes so that's the timing on that one very good thank you for that update sure anything to report from the beach committee nothing to report we have not had a meeting um but we do have our next meeting July 17th yeah we had you know had some conversations about whether it was worth having that meeting or not um I was going to share at this meeting and Julie and I had didn't have a chance to talk ahead of time but I was going to share there are two projects that had previously been funded through the beach fund um that I think are going to come to the TDC in in July um one is we had a 5-year contract with the city of Coco Beach to clean the beaches in Coco Beach and they were using KBB as their as their uh entity that was doing the cleaning it was 175,000 a year it was a three-year contract with a 2-year renewal they are at the end of the 2-year renewal now so we can't just sign a new contract it's not there's no renewals left on it so uh what we've asked them to do is if they wanted to get continued funding we said we'd have to come to the TDC and then ultimately would have to be approved by the board since it's uh funds that are coming out of the beach fund so that has to be approved by the board um so that's one project and the other one is the um KBB directly got several IRL grants over the years uh to clean the causeways um 528 520 pinita uh oall and I'm not sure about 192 but at least those four and and um in aggregate there were two different contracts one was a five-year contract that's ending and the other was an IRL Grant uh one-year IRL grant that is ending uh so both of those end this year and those was in the total amount of about $100,000 and those came from the beach well they came from the IRL Grant portion of the beach fund which now there is no IRL grant program uh because the board did not um approve doing IRL grants so there are no funds in there uh for Grants anymore so it would just have to come out of the general Beach fund dollars uh but I believe they would also uh want to come and ask for that so those are two projects we could potentially ask them to come to the beach committee but it it's just an extra step I don't know uh how the TDC feels about that or if they would just want them to come directly to TDC and then the TDC could make the recommendation on whatever you know the pleasure of the TDC is I I would like to go through the process and I think the committee would like the opportunity to hear it and we could support it or you know ask questions okay all right so I think that's worthy and I think it's a very important aspect of what the beach fund's doing I know keeping the trash out of lagon is uh a huge priority for the health of lagon and I think it's important to definitely have that okay I don't know how the rest of members be a do they as the chair I would like to I was going to save you the meeting but if you want it no I think will defer to the chair of the uh Beach Improvement committee I have a question do they does KBB apply to and or receive any funds from sorl for Causeway cleanup that's since we have such a huge budget I don't believe cleanup trash cleanups one absor it's about pounds of nitrogen removed from the Lagoon I don't think Shoreline cleanup would qualify in any way a lot of nitrogen in those candy w yeah not too we've eaten the candy yet so not too much so yeah seems a better Source than Beach funding so I can I can certainly make both of those recommendations that if they want to make uh if they want to make a request of soril they can certainly do so that's not our department so you know they'd have to figure out separately what that process is but my guess is they will also want to come uh for funding that they previously received from us so I G be Beach funds I think that they should go through the committee I think so okay very good I'll let them know that and then I give them both those dates uh the committee meeting is the 17th and then the next TDC meeting it would be the week later so anything else from be no Sports Committee nothing to report next Sports meeting is uh July 10th so just a quick aside on that one um the sports the funding for sports grants comes out of the marketing budget but we've been in a holding pattern because both cultural and sports have sort of been in limbo with the board um relative to the discussion about funding for lifeguards and various other things so I think some of that's going to get resolved in July I don't know if it'll be resolved by the time we have a committee meeting or not so uh we can we can keep them keep it on the books and hopefully we'll get an answer but uh if not um hopefully by the end of July we'll have a little bit more clear Direction on where the board wants us to go with with funding for that so it would be great to have some information to the extent that you have it as to the number of visitors that that the area received from the sports events via the sports grants sure we can definitely have that so that the uh the commission makes decisions with those uh with that data absolutely we can have that ready Peter and since if we're not going to have a meeting with them will you do that need to come out of the TDC or is that something you can share in staff meetings with the Commissioners um I believe I can I believe I can share that I'll figure out the right way to do that but yeah we can figure that out that'd be great Peter did we support we supported the boot races this last weekend is that correct we did yeah that they received a um what was previously called the major event grant program they received $50,000 from the TDC for that and that was approved last fall so yep when will you will you have numbers we have Geo feny numbers on on that event uh usually it takes four to at least four to six weeks after the event before we get data so got it yep thank you but was it so you can go back in history or did you need s them in advance what you want to track no no we know we can yeah we can figure out how to track previous we just you know literally just got the software tool so we haven't we haven't done that yet for 23 but uh we'll go back and look at 23 and then um post the 24 event we'll we'll go back and look at that as well great yeah I don't know if anybody got to attend I had to miss anybody 10 the boat races it was colum at least for the first time in years I hope it was a great turnout that concludes committee reports any public comments please line up at the podium state your name and address we will move on to board reports and we will start with Julie anything to report to the board uh I myself have nothing to report Alex nothing to report good news no no mayor Medina no reports Mr CH Nothing All Quiet on the greatest City in the greatest City on the face of the Earth yes sir deles you have the mic you want to introduce yourself to those that maybe don't know you and uh we'll welcome you to the board yeah sure um my name is uh deles padar um current Cur ly um started 360 Hospitality with obviously Samir Patel who you know passed last month so um here to take on his his position and his role um with the TDC um you know we were in Partnership for 10 years um most of our properties are located in Bard County um we started off as a management company but we're also a development company as well um so you know I served on the perard investment committee for two years prior to this um and you know I've 30 years i' I've been in Florida I was born in Titusville so I've moved to you know I was born in Tel moved to Melbourne moved to India Atlantic Satellite Beach know North merid Island so I you know this is my backyard um you know this is the best place to live honestly so yeah welcome to the board and of course we're all heartbroken over the loss of some a uh we have next Wayne anything to report from Titusville uh launches keep getting delayed so yeah love those last tuned cancellations cancellations reschedules cancellations again yeah good keep milking that Keith nothing to report nothing to report all right Andrea no report all right Peter you want to wrap it up yes yes uh so there is no we do not meet in June um so so hope everybody enjoys a month off I know I will be taking some time um and then our next TDC meeting will be back upstairs on the third floor to Florida room on July 24th at 2 pm. unless you really love this room and then we look at maybe doing it again in this room but other than that we have the we have the Florida room book for the rest of the year so let those circular tabl better nights of the round table we can all see each other all right so very efficient meeting that's the leadership clearly we will adjourn move toj thank you all for attending the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]