thank you very much mayor how are [Music] you good afternoon and uh welcome to the TDC meeting of June 24th 2024 uh do we have a quorum do Joanna can do the rooll if you'd like sir no if you say we have a car a quorum that's fine with me okay I got to get these glasses right here all right um are there anybody that has spoken to someone in regards to an agenda item uh that may be a conflict we got anything Tom you no sir okay Andrea no Alex no John Del mayor sir Wayne no Peter no sir me no okay we're good uh director's report Peter crannis I wait a second I got to do the approval of the minutes yes sir um can I a motion to approve the tourist Development Council minutes of May 22nd 2024 is there a motion so moved motion by Tom Hermanson seconded by Andrea young any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries okay sir with your your permission uh can I switch my time with the beach committee report uh as we have a number of uh people here that we're going to um do short presentations to the TDC and I'd like to allow them to go ahead and go first so they can they don't have to stay for the full meeting if that's all right sir that is fine sir okay um we're going to start we had uh a beach committee meeting Julie will be here she's running a little late but um we had a beach committee meeting last week um as uh the TDC had requested at its last meeting in May um they asked that both KBB and the City of Coco Beach uh who both had funding requests for cleanup programs come to the beach committee and make their presid presentation they did that um the uh committee did make a recommendation which we'll get into after their presentations but uh thought we would allow um John niiko uh with KBB to to go first and and share his uh request for funds and then we'll have the city of Coco Beach go second so John if you could come up there just make sure I this very good okay okay well let me just raise this up there you go good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'm John Nico I'm the executive director of keeper of our beautiful and I'm also here today with Deb Haron she's our chair uh and board of directors and after this presentation if we have any questions we would be happy to answer this John if you just hold on for a second I do have a disclosure to me I did have lunch with with Deb and John yesterday and talked in general in regards to what the uh the contract was but made no decision at the time and just was there for information my brain's slipping I have Biden itis okay all right go ahead John very good well it's a real pleasure to be here today and to make a proposal to continue our partnership with uh the TDC and bravard county in order to keep the contract to clean up these causeways this contract is very important to bvar county in order to keep the causeways our roadways and our Rivers clean for those of you who don't know about keep RAR beautiful please allow me to give you a brief introduction together our staff and volunteers have been making experiences more beautiful for residents and visitors alike since 1982 this year we once again receive the presidential award to from keep America beautiful making us not just an asset to our community but also a standout and affiliate nationally and in the State of Florida to accomplish our mission we remove litter through PID contracts like the one where here today discussing and we also organize volunteer cleanups like the ones you see in this slide we have a large breath of community outreach and service but we also Implement educational programs throughout Bard County Schools the content is related to waste reduction and recycling Lagoon friendly Lawns and Community beautification every dollar we make through contracts contributions and sponsorships is reinvested in keeping Bard beautiful and in this presentation I will explain how these funds amplify the value it brings to to this contract if you should decide to keep it keep RAR beautiful as your partner now first let's take a look at the proposed cleanup contract scope and coverage these are the four causeways we currently maintain since 2019 they are considered primary gateways to our communities that run all the way north of bvar County to the South and these are the gateways visitors first see when they come here for vacation the frequency and labor on each of these causeways varies as you can see in this chart but we perform weekly cleanups on all four causeways 52 weeks a year this paid effort is also supplemented by three additional cleanups that are performed by volunteers that we organize annually on each of these causeways These are the areas along each Causeway targeted for cleanup as you can see because they are the most accessible heavily used and highly visible from the road and along the Indian River Lagoon the graphs on this slide show the most current traffic Counts from the space coast Transportation organization in 2023 you can literally see millions of people crossing over these causeways that drive past these causeways every single year these aerial photos show the targeted cleanup areas but also how close it is to the Indian River Lagoon it would be much more expensive for bvar County to deal with all the trash that that and debris that KBB collects if we were not out there doing our job in cleaning up these waterways that that is the major mission of this contract and keep Bard beautiful is committed to doing that as we all know Bard is growing along the along with the volume of people in our roadways this graph shows the volume of traffic on all four causeways from 2019 to 2023 as you can see traffic has increased on all three four Co on three of the four causeways in addition we have strong growth drivers that make it feasible to believe we can expect these Trends to continue going upward for example the Space Coast industry the space industry is expanding with over 120 launches planned in 2025 the number of cruise passengers embarking at Port Canaveral is projected to be an 8 million 8 million passengers in 2025 which is up from 7.5 million of this year we have 1500 new hotels coming to the area which increases our hotel stock 14% over the next two years and if that isn't enough optimistic news the UCF Institute of economic forecasting projects continue economic growth here in this area and across multiple sectors in the year ahead at the TDC Beach committee meeting last week the group asked KBB and the pine KBB to add the pinita causeway uh to the scope of this contract which as it turns out uh is the most heavily traveled Causeway of the five we visited the site and talked with the Waterway Warriors another volunteer group that is active on the causeway so as not to duplicate our efforts we have updated our proposal accordingly and to include the additional cleanup efforts that are not covered today the images on this page show the areas of the pine Causeway targeted for cleanup and the frequency of cleanup and Staffing that we propose for the new for the new contract overall five causeways we are proposing a total annual of $157,600 for the five causeways we are also proposing the same term which is a three-year contract with two one-year Extensions by approving this contract for further consideration you will sustain a partnership that is working sustaining jobs and making a difference in how our residents and visitors experience these gateways each and every day throughout barar County according to visit Florida and TDC we have 2.34 billion reasons to make a good first impression that's the estimated economic impact in 2022 from visitors to our area while not all of these visitors arrive by car or via these roads many of them do expect in creating the need to keep the causeways clean and beautiful these photos show the keep KBB the photos in this slide on the left show k a KBB clean Causeway there in the middle slide in the middle photo you can see an active Causeway on any typical weekend or launch day and then to the right is the kind of litter and debris that is left from these people on any given weekend and you see this over and over every single weekend how important is the topic of litter to visitors the more litter on the beach the less time visitors will spend and uh according to a study in 2019 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration no one wants to see litter on their vacation but litter is equally important to Residents keep America beautiful and various other real estate and homeb building groups estimate that litter in a community reduces the property values from 7 to 9% no one wants litter in their neighborhoods either we believe that bvar county is committed to little removal and is part of what creates desirability and positive impressions for for both visitors and residents alike There's real money in keeping bvar beautiful and our proposed annual cost is a small price to pay for the level of effort in return with growth comes traffic comes increased volumes of people in their trash near the roads and adjacent waterways as you can see by these photos what KBB removes from the causeways is really much more than litter and debris it's trash it's broken glass Furniture tires rusted metal construction material needles fishing line and many other items that could harm the health and safety of people in Wildlife these photos were taken over the this year of Memorial Day and the 4th of July holiday but On Any Given weekend you can see the garbage collected just like this that we held away from our Rivers if KBB were not doing our job this would be the pollution that would pile up and potentially enter into the Lagoon uh transporting chemical pollutants threatening aquatic Wildlife impacting our wildlife and Aquatic Wildlife excuse me and harming water quality and also most importantly marring the the the visitor and Resident residents experiences to all these precious resources KBB is an added is a value added provider to bvar County and visitors and taxpayers alike our value was in the numbers and these shown from 2023 each year we collect an average of 900 tons of trash countywide of that 900 tons 44 tons is collected through TDC Causeway the TDC Causeway contract and an extra 41 tons is collected through volunteerism how do we do that when you look at the slide you can see last year we had over 306 cleanups we had over 2,000 volunteers and we had over 5,000 community service hours all of this equates to Dollars and if you take the national hourly average you get a savings to taxpayers um of $176,000 just last year that is the savings that taxpayers save and um and perar County the picture below you see those numbers is the background from a battle of the causeways cleanup in February of this year we had about 50 volunteers and we collected over 2,156 pounds from along State Road 528 and a very in just one morning so ladies and gentlemen I'm here today to ask for for you to vote Yes and to continue kbb's partnership with bvar County and TDC we are asking an award of a three-year contract to kbp at an annual cost of $17,620.63 for residents and visitors alike we want to protect our Indian River Lagoon from litter and pollution and we want to continue to derive extra benefit to our taxpayers from kbb's volunteer activities I want to thank you all for your time and your attention I turn this back over to you for any questions that you may have for myself or death thank you thank you very much John appreciate it Peter do you have any thoughts on this do you uh can you make a recommendation or yes sir well the recommendation did come out of committee so I'll read that um and this is will be in the form of a motion that'll be looking for a second um the beach Improvement committee recommended to the TDC funding for a three-year contract with a 2-year extension to clean Sr 406 Max Brewer Causeway Sr 528 beach beach line Causeway Sr 518 oal Causeway Highway 192 Melbourne Causeway NSR 404 pinita Causeway funding amount is 157,000 64 annually so that's in the form of a motion coming from the committee sir uh looking for a second on that is there a second to that motion I'd like to if I could propose an amendment or clarification absolutely uh I I I see and maybe Peter can help us with the history uh or the current status not history you all know I know the history uh the million dollars for Indian River Lagoon grant funding is currently suspended for one year with uh 150,000 uh awarded by the board for um derc vessel removal the other 850,000 will be put into um The Reserve account uh for next fiscal year okay well since historically uh KBB as well as the County Natural Resources I believe came before the board and requested grants out of that million dooll IRL which in so there were two pieces there were two pieces to the original um KBB um Causeway program one was the uh Beach committee recommended then went to the TDC and then the board ultimately approved a 5-year contract with them directly it was a $60,000 contract then subsequently uh after that they came back um and asked for I think believe it was 40,000 in in the amount of an IRL Grant so they got a total of 100 but 60 of it was a was a 5-year contract and then one of them was just an IRL grant that they come back every year for okay great history so uh with your uh I would like to propose an amendment I I think this is a it's a a tremendous value I'm actually surprised at its affordability and I believe it's uh incredibly important not only for the county but also for the IND Rim Lagoon but I'd like to clarify the motion that if it if it passes that these funds be designated as a portion of the million dooll IRL grant funding out of the beach committee I say that because this is a multi-year contract and should the board County Commissioners see fit to revive the million dollars a year and you all know my position on this that I'd like this to be a part of that allocation as opposed to an addition to that million dollars should it come back so my motion is uh I second its approval with the amendment that it be considered a portion of the currently suspended million doll IRL grant funding out of the beach Committee Fund thank you uh Tom before first of all I guess um before we move on I wanted to ask Alex how Alex how how is that how will that function uh would we can we remove some of the money from the trust fund or do does the the IRL uh basically just fund it and then it's repaid how would that work so the the IRL grant program is actually a subset of the beach fund it's not actually part of Soro so it's a it's a separate um tdt um funded program and the yeah the million dollars sits within the beach fund so there's no there's no need to take extra action because it's not sitting in a trust it's in an operational fund I believe it would be at the discretion of the board of County Commissioners to open up that yeah ultimately obviously this the TDC would make a recommendation and then the board would have to ultimately decide but yes but there is a budgeted line item so all I'm saying is take it out of that budgeted line item I got no issue with it John do you have a problem with this no I think that gives us a little more security if things change down the road we would have that earmarked for us in the following years okay is there a motion to accept the amendment to the motion I'll move okay thank you mayor is there a second second second all right there's a motion by mayor Medina and a second by councilwoman Andrea young is there any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I all oppos nay the motion carries so we're all set in regards to how it's going to be done where it's going to be done and uh now it goes to the County Commission I guess what August 3D uh I believe I'll try to get it on that um whatever the next meeting is I think it's the sixth is what I want to say but whenever the next one is okay try to make sure that there's not a bunch of crazy things going on that day I have no control over that sir I'll look at I'll look at the agenda because oh my God we have been having a zoo there lately it's been awful okay sir um I want to thank you all for your time I appreciate it you welcome so next up is um the city of Coco Beach um they are um seeking a basically a re not a reinstatement they had a five-year contract with um with our office to clean um the the beaches in Coco Beach um and they're here to make a presentation and a request um this would be a brand new contract uh just like the uh the KBB one so so my name is Scott Maxim I'm a project manager with the city of Coco Beach and we are here to request a new contract to clean up our beaches and State Route 520 and I think awesome so while we're waiting for Julie's sake the uh KBB program passed for at the 17,641 two-year renewal with those funds being designated to come out of the IRL grant program funds if um that gets reinstated then those funds would have to come out of that first great job committee thanks you good job J thank you sorry for my tardiness there it goes okay so as I mentioned this is a we're requesting a new contract to help us for funding to clean up State Route 520 and the beaches so according to the Space Coast office of tourism's FY 23 to 24 marketing plan the top five visitation drivers to the Space Coast are beaches space and launches cruises and nature and the outdoors the office of Tourism develops their core campaigns with these themes at the Forefront Coco Beach has prioritized for these marketing campaigns with 50% of advertising promoting Cocoa Beach alone the office of Tourism spends millions of dollars on Advertising Coco Beach as far north as the Carolinas drawing in more and more visitors every year tourism has been on a steady incline since 2020 and as a result so have tdt revenues this upward Trend in tourism numbers on the Space Coast shows no signs of slowing down or stopping when it comes to Coco Beach we are the place to be on Space Coast this is why our relationship with k with keep rard beautiful is so important we want clean beaches to keep drawing visitors to our Shores but in order to do that we need to be able to clean up after them when they leave KBB plays a fundamental role in this process they are on the beach 7 days a week 365 days a year through through daily beach cleanup does that mean through daily beach cleanup volunteer events and community service programs they have been able to pull over 300 tons of trash off the beach in 2023 and close to 50 tons as of March this year under the current contract bravard County provides $170,000 annually to help fund KBB and our cleanup efforts KBB cleans approximately 3.9 miles of beach between Harding ab and First Street South and I know this map is kind of small and far away but that's supposed to be kind of two together and it shows the the than um cleaning is focused on the beach area between the dunes and waterline the East walk paths leading up to the public access crosswalks and along mman Causeway from the beach to Orlando Avenue which is outlined in yellow all trash pulled from the beach is deposited into dumpsters and trash bins on the street stub ends from there Waste Management from there the city contracts Waste Management to pick up the trash and take it to the landfill during the busier months from around from around February to September Waste Management makes their rounds from four Street North to Four Street South three times a week and they hit all other Beach St ends twice a week from September through February when things are a little slower Waste Management visits every Beach stub end and beach access twice a week on this route there are 30 beach stubins with roughly 60 96 Gall totes and six 4 to 8 yard dumpsters the frequency that Waste Management makes their rounds can fluctuate depending on how busy the beaches are and how much trash is generated City pays Waste Management $2,292 monthly for this service this is a fixed cost and does not increase or decrease with frequency changes another way of doing our part to keep the beaches clean or rather encouraging others to do so was by working with the beach bucket Foundation to have these stations installed throughout the city on beach stub ends in our and in our our beach access Parks currently we have one station installed on every Beach stubend from 1 Street South to 13th Street South one station at Sydney Fisher Park and one station at Allen Shepard Park additionally we have a part-time employee that is dedicated to cleaning up the beach stubins and crosswalks this employee Works Thursday through Monday from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to ensure that these areas stay clean over the weekend during the weekdays we have a full-time employee that visits every Beach St end every day of the week to empty the dogway station and clean up these areas as well also included in kbb's scope of work is State Route 520 keeper heart beautiful cleans approximately 4 miles of the 520 Causeway removing trash all the way to the water's edge in an effort to significantly reduce litter along the road and in the IRL um in 2023 the TPO recorded traffic counts on November 1st and 2nd that I could find on November 1st a total of 2,155 cars were recorded driving across the 520 Causeway and on November excuse me what was that number 20,5 I thought you said 1,000 I was going to say that's off I'm sorry um that's 10,500 eastbound 9,654 Westbound and on November 2nd a total of 19,4 56 cars were recorded that's 10,321 Eastbound and 9,135 eastbound these numbers were taken by the Space Coast Transportation organization during the slower season for coco beach on a Wednesday and Thursday and still show a significant amount of traffic moving across State Route 520 in addition to the funds provided for the beach and State Route 520 cleanup the county provides the city with $5,000 annually to assist with replacement of all Terin Beach vehicles for KBB these Gators last the maximum of 2 years on the beach and in the Salt Air before they need to be replaced our current replacement schedule of one gator in the odd years and two Gators in the even years ensures that KBB staff receives a new beach vehicle every year and always keeps two in service Coco Beach took on the full cost of beach vehicles in 2023 and 2024 and this was due to a Personnel change in our finance department in 2022 and invoicing the county for that 5 grand just went overlooked um but this shows how much we've spent on um Beach vehicles for KBB um in 2019 the city's cost was 5,415 2020 the city's cost was 166 in 2021 it was 6,175 and so on and so forth um moving forward forward with the new contract we would propose that the city continue to take on the full cost of each vehicles for KBB as an increased contribution to beach cleanup on our part as you can see with over $350,000 spent on trash clean up this year the city plays its part and is dedicated to keeping our Coast clean for locals tourists and Wildlife alike with Millions being spent marketing Coco Beach and millions generated through the tdt every Year we hope that the county can continue to play its part as well we are proposing a 5-year contract providing $260,100 annually to continue funding our partnership with KBB additionally we are proposing that in the new contract the city will continue to provide Beach cleanup Gators to KBB annually at no cost to the county and that's with our replacement schedule of one in the odd years and two in the even years um and with that I will conclude our presentation and take any questions if any thank you Scott um anybody have questions I've got a few and we get a minute or two okay goad Sor no Tom go ahead expiring contract 75 175 yeah and the Delta between 175 and 260 is increas in C or a reduction in City C Beach's contribution an increase in cost this was a proposal provided to us by KBB for their services to clean the beaches in State Route 520 now Scott have you uh visited all the Commissioners with this or Wayne have you guys talked to the Commissioners in regards to this issue no okay uh any more discussion in regards this Peter do you have a recommendation uh so Julie if you want me to read I'll read the recommendation from the committee yeah the re recommendation from the beach Improvement committee is they are recommending funding once additional information had been provided which they have uh the city's contribution up to $260,100 annually for a 5-year contract to clean Coco Beach beachfront sr-520 Causeway and Min amand Causeway from the beach to A1A uh so that's the recommendation and it would be a motion coming from the from the beach committee I don't see the line item in the beach fund for the historical spend where where's historically which has a so it doesn't yeah it would just come from the general Beach fund it doesn't come from the IRL portion of it so usually it's under you know whatever it would be called Contract Services or whatever uh that that category is is labeled it's just kind of in the first line in 1442 and the budget yes okay Beach projects and other contracts yes all right so question for KBB just because I think it should be asked the increase in cost from 175 to 260 we just approved the causeway cleanups and there didn't seem to be that uh significant of a jump in cost from the expiring contract to the new one what explains the The increased cost here well I I will um the contract that we had for the four causeways uh there was an initial 60,000 and then an additional 40,000 that followed that was a grant that ended and that Grant ended a year before we even stopped before we still continue the services today but th that grant money stopped about a year ago so we were actually delivering the same level of service without getting paid those funds so in actuality the um the four Causeway Grant that's about 100,000 in total and um and so that's the realistic number yes and then with as we all know with the cost of living and everything going on that um equates to about 260,000 and an increase for the same level of services but we're also out there 365 days a year and it's a program that's completely different than the causeways so I don't know anything about kbb's finances are these Cost Plus contracts is it a is it a a not a municipal and state funded organization that operates as a nonprofit well we're a nonprofit and we work through contracts and mostly through government contracts um municipalities um but in addition we have our whole volunteer program which adds to those contracts in those additional services to it all right answers my questions yeah Deb did you have something you want to add yes yes uh thank you I'm Deb Harmon and I don't think we answered Mr hermanson's Question directly about the increased cost for the beach contract uh in reality the um the level of service that we're providing is not sustainable with the level of labor cost for fuel materials all that stuff is gone we saw a bigger increase there because of the increased um number of days that were there actually on the beach so it we it's based on the same labor rates it's based on the same fuel cost it's just a lot more of it and therefore the increase looks bigger um on the beach contract very good well any go ahead Tom was going to say if we you know clean beaches critical people may or may not look out their Windows driving across the causeways but they certainly look around when they're sitting on the beach uh and so absolutely critical to the mission of Tourism to have clean beaches and KBB has always done a great job at what they do so I will second the motion coming out of the committee for this grant request okay there's a motion in a second um Mr Hermanson would you take the chair for a minute please thank you so much taking the chair okay um I'm in favor of this but I'm also not an idealist I'm a realist and as a result I I want to know I want you to know that the political ramifications of that at this particular point in time are going to be very difficult to get before this board so I am cautiously telling you or suggesting to you not telling you that you need to meet with all these Commissioners I know Deb and John have met with them in regards to their contract but I will guarantee you that if you go before that board and I'm not being disrespectful to John tobah but this is just the way it is this is a fact and you have not talked to him he will bury you with questions that you won't be able to answer and it will be very very difficult Wayne did you have some comments well I think it'll bury us either way excuse my uh my voice but um we felt this was the first step and we have no problems approaching all of them okay I just if I just don't want to I just don't want to have it pass out of this committee and and when everybody's doing hard work and then get to the commission without preparing you for what I think is going to happen because as chairman of that commission I know it's going to happen now can we get it pasted I I think we got a good shot at getting it passed but I just I just want to and you don't have to go see them if you don't want to I just that the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of rard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any and all responsibility or liability any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of public during any such period and many of the other representations on the committee but we all agreed that it wouldn't take but a few weeks before the news was on the beach filming the result in the negative impact it would have on all of the tourism businesses on 72 miles long County so we didn't you know we didn't take this lightly and and thank you so much for going back this presentation is much more detailed than what they've originally presented to the committee and and I really appreciate all the work you did because you can really see the lines but just taking that into consideration and and sharing that when you meet with the Commissioners because everyone on the committee felt that would be um detrimental to all the positive impacts we've made in tourism this one thing could dramatically change you know my associates paychecks in a little hotel in Melbourne thanks Julie thank you uh Peter how will this be presented to the board is it just going to be presented on a spreadsheet with a discussion in regards to this issue or we're going to have uh KBB do one presentation and then Coco Beach do another presentation which I think is very dangerous yes sir but I think yeah I think we'll write up an agenda item like we normally do will include the presentations from here in that uh as well as the costs and then um you know I would recommend that that all parties are at the meeting that date so they can answer any questions of the board but I wouldn't I wouldn't you know start with a presentation well that's good that's true because what could happen is this is could come up on a consent agenda and if it comes up on a consent agenda and nobody pulls it then that's fine and I'm not saying even if they pull it you're not going to be able to you'll be able to answer the questions that I think are going to be positive for keeping the beaches clean keep rard beautiful but I just want to go with a full understanding and transparency of oh my God you know I I know where this could possibly go so just load your guns before you come to the commission meeting political retribution is beyond our well I don't like to think that way but unfortunately I'm forced to so you know there's no retribution from my part you know how I've stood from day one on it and I'm going to continue to be that way so I'm an advocate and in essence we might end up with no lifeguards and dirty beaches well uh that's a possibility Y and if it I mean you're certainly going to see me lose my cool very very bad at the meeting I'll I'll probably be carried out by the sheriffs myself this time so you know it's a shame with this to because this is a system that's been working very well I I could not could not agree with you more and I pray that it just goes to the consent agenda and that we we just go forward with it uh John has spent some time with commissioner toaya uh I think that he did a good a relatively good job in regards to it but you just never know and and as I said I'm not being disrespectful to the commissioner Tobi I just know what going to happen so let's get it out of here um maybe what we can have is is uh Julie if you have if you can be at that meeting that will help it for additional questions question I know Peter will be there yes sir so you know we'll be prepared to do whatever we need to do to get it passed so uh any more discussion on this uh hearing no more discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay unanimously carried thanks so much thank you guys so much okay so sir if uh if it's okay we can go back up to the director's report and I can I can begin that all right Peter go ahead please okay okay uh for the for my report I really wanted to just cover our budget for fiscal year 2425 and that starts on page um 12 and actually I'll just have you go right to 13 uh in your packet um Can somebody hand me the clicker when John's got it I'll try to coordinate my wants to control everything that's the way the guy is Sir okay thank you all right so I just wanted to uh I I'll go through relatively quickly but if there's anything you want to you know stop and and dig in on happy to do that um this is a little chart that we've done for a number of years and just kind of shows where we um where we've been you can as you can see going back all the way to 2015 um obviously we had that little bump in 2020 with co uh but we've had you know a number of Stellar years uh going into 21 all the way through through last year um I am we're right now we're projecting about a $26.2 million uh in uh tdt Revenue this year and I have proposed a $27 million budget for next fiscal year so that's that's the target um I'm going to skip this slide that was just kind kind of showing some history on different things um for our admin fund so our we are authorized by the state to pay for all our administrative costs those costs come out of each um different fund that we manage so each each fund pays a equal percentage into our admin fees and that funds our office and Staffing and all of those items uh you can see on page 16 uh compens ation and benefits you know compensation is going up a little bit benefits is has been going up significantly due to uh increased Insurance costs um and that's as well as F FRS costs which is the state retirement system and then uh you can see our operating and capital expenses actually dropped a little bit this year that was mostly due to um us uh paying for some additional computers this current fiscal year so we don't need to do it next year so that save saved us a little bit in our next fiscal year um but the cost allocation that the County charges um they went through a uh a new evaluation of the cost of the county what county does is they evaluate all of the support cost that they provide every department and um then they allocate those proportionally um they had I think they'd been on a six or sevene cycle and they just re-evaluated of course with all the uh costs and Staffing and other hard costs hard Goods um those costs went up significantly so we um are seeing an increase of about a 100,000 coming from the county that's out of our control really we are mandated that that expense um then we go into the beach fund I'm going to go to the expense side of the beach fund um as we talked a little bit about previously um that first line item of 6.85 million um is Beach projects and other contracts so the contract we just uh that was just um supported uh comes out of here as well as other projects that we have um we have also we're finishing a major project in the South Beaches uh about $2 million left in that so that's in that um I had mentioned earlier that the um the board had um deferred uh for one-year IRL grants but they did allocate 150,000 for derc vessels and and then we pay for uh the natural resources function uh for managing all the beach projects that's uh Mike McGary and his team and all his expenses um we also right now at least uh own Lori Wilson Park that's our park and so we pay for um the cleanup costs and uh regular maintenance costs for that and then you can see we've added um 8.85 million into the um reserves for next year the 8 million uh was coming out of of funding from from the prior year and we had those funds so we're putting those in reserve for future projects that we may need and of course that the tax collector gets a piece of that as well then uh on to page 19 Capital facilities um just going down to the bottom half where the expenses are um you can see uh cap I'm just going to go to the second line real quick and I'll talk about the first line in a second but the 9.8 8 million those are projects that have previously been awarded that includes the $5 million for the bright Line Station that just got awarded so that's added to that um then we do have some Debt Service we keep some money in reserves and things like that what's available for capital projects for this year's Capital um program is a little over 1.8 million um I believe what the board had authorized at the time when we first brought it to them 3 or 4 months ago we didn't have the budget completely finalized I think it was like 1.7 million so there's a little bit more more in there thanks to some I believe interest income and uh some carry forward funds but uh not not a whole lot in there if if that entire 1.8 got allocated on the next slide you can see our 10-year projection um we'd only have about 300,000 or so for the following year so the the committee is right in the middle of scoring three different projects uh we get to the beach committee we or sorry when we get to the capital committee we'll talk a little bit about those three projects but um for the next few years that fund is going to be really kind of U depending on how much they award this year could be you know pretty low so uh whether we have Capital grants next year or not will remain to be seen but uh you can see the next couple of years we're we're going to be a little thin on available funds um due to all the expenses one of the things that's hitting is the aquarium uh starts next year next fiscal year um we still are finishing uh four more years of the US law enforcement uh project and then of course bright line uh next year so all of those things you know doesn't leave a lot of capital funds remaining in in that bucket um those of you who've been around a while know we not only do we operate a a visitor information center but we also provide a a lot of um information to guests uh when they're coming into town they can call they can email um they can use our website they can use our apps so all of those expenses kind of sit in that visitor information um budget and you can see uh below there uh about 83,000 in compensation of benefits 438,000 in operating and then uh we we do uh four chamber grants of 25,000 each uh for the chambers which they apply for every year cultural funds um this has been you know an area of a lot of discussion in the past um we don't know exactly what the the the line of sight is we just put some items in here for as placeholders the board has yet to give us Direction on what um we may do with that as you recall last year uh about 935,000 was allocated out of this fund for lifeguards um so if that happens again that takes up most of the expenses in this account um that are available or most of the funds in the account that are available um but we you know in the past we've had cultural grants we've had major event grants we've had other things that come out of this fund BCA uh right now all of those things are sort of in flux and and on hold Peter I'm sorry to interrupt you let me ask you a real quick question yes sir did they ever take the $935,000 out yes sir this fiscal year we transferred that those funds to the Lifeguard program yes sir wow yeah I don't know how that got by me go ahead so yes sir um then the next fund is the zoo fund uh this is a uh automatic allocation because it's by ordinance so it's a 5% um by ordinance and it gets automatically transferred to the zoo um we have a stadium operating fund which uh we keep about 350,000 and available for for maintenance and then uh we have a stadium Capital fund that um right now uh going into next year we'll have about 2.4 million available in that fund so that fund is for any major Capital expenses that happen at the stadium um those are the funds available for that and then uh last but not least this will transition into my next presentation but uh on for advertising and promotions the fund 1441 um we have a revenue projected of for next year of 13.38 five million and then we'll get into the details of how this is planned to be allocated but uh about 12.4 million of that will be Promotional and then we have various other categories such as media software Sports Marketing travel uh expenses membership Etc um that also equal to 13. 385 so we'll get into the the detail of that in my next presentation um also just as a reminder um last year there was an agreement that 50% of these funds would be uh split where um District 2 which includes Coco Beach would get 50% of the funding and then the other uh four districts would get the other 50% and that will stay the same this year and then we also have a disaster fund if there is any need following a storm or any other kind of event where we might need to provide some messaging into the into the marketplace uh we have about 1.35 million uh there for that so that um Mr chair is my report I'm open for questions and then I would be looking for um the TDC to just provide a a acceptance of the the budget um this is going before the board as part of the county budget as well so this will also go before the board but for the TDC um go governance they are uh supposed to um provide an approval if you will uh of the budget as it's accepted do I have a motion for acceptance of the budget Mr chair I have by Peter Cris Mr Mayor I have a question uh Peter yes sir uh is that the balance for sacrifice Park uh if you're looking at is it 150,000 sir yeah that's the remaining amount but if if the 100,000 isn't spent this year then it'll just roll over and there'll be 250 available next year copy that just double check and yes sir thank you anybody have a motion so second councilwoman Andrea young has made a motion to accept the budget that was presented by Peter kenis seconded by mayor Medina is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos nay the motion carries thank you sir okay I guess next yeah next step will be the marketing committee report sir um Keith unfortunately is unable to was unable to attend so he is absent I will give his report in his stad um we're going to switch over to the to the separate document at your place settings I am also going to go through this very very quickly I'm not going to go through every slide I promise um but I will stop if there are questions you can slow me down and I'm happy to Deep dive on anything in particular um if you see the first few slides really replicate what I just covered which was the budget so the budgetary information that I just went through is in the very front portion of this uh section and then from there I'm I'm going to just highlight the fact that um we used we had a visitor study done this year and we used a lot of that information to help inform uh the the committee and some of the decisions that were made on different things that we felt were important to to cover in the marketing plan uh I believe we share the visitor study with this group but uh certainly very interesting piece of research that includes everything from um the fact that 63% of people see ads or some kind of marketing messaging from us before they come where they see what what are those sources it goes into the household income and where people come from the fact that about half fly half Drive um which really informs sort of our our uh Outreach and What markets we go into because people are flying here uh in quite a large number um the fact that about half had children and half did not that's very interesting from a context perspective so it's something we need to think about as we're marketing is not just marketing to families because we do have an appeal to couples as well that are traveling without children um and then uh their visitor spending and all of that type of data so a lot of good data in the visitor study I'm not going to go through it in any length or detail but it it was very informational for the committee and I think showed us a few things about our marketing plan and how we needed to support um what we learned from that um going to slide 17 I just wanted to highlight the fact that um we are you know we kind of we're a little bit stagnant in uh new room inventory this year uh we had the International Palms go out of service about a year before and that took 500 rooms out we added probably close to that so we're sort of flat this year but we see that changing as we go into next fiscal which is really going to probably fuel that 27 million budget uh with almost a thousand new rooms coming online so that that's is is interesting and important to note and then we also have seen uh horrible uh that being said we'll move to vacation rentals vacation rentals seem to be sort of slowing down if you will in terms of the number of uh new vacation rentals being that we're seeing in the marketplace uh somewhere between 5 and 6,000 is what we think uh we're tracking on vacation rental units but it is important to note that that's about a third of tdt is paid for with vacation rental tax so something to keep an eye on there um in terms of strategic considerations just some of the new things uh one is we really wanted to create a plan that that had a lot of flexibility in it um we felt very strongly with the um election uh major election happening this fall that we wanted to avoid that from a media perspective so you'll see later on we we're actually shifting some of the media away from that so we're not uh running media right in the middle of of the you know the loudest noise then people are not going to be paying attention to to our messaging so much um the other thing we felt was it was very important to use uh datadriven numbers when we're looking at results and so we're really investing hard in in programs that um tell us exactly what bookings and what results are coming out of the media that we're purchasing so we've got a number of software tools that are that are helping us with that um also we did launch a new website this year and we're going to fine-tune that and um that has a lot of the tools in it um that uh were listed in the Strategic considerations such as itinerary planning and and things like that um we also uh hosted a sales action team committee um uh meeting where we got a lot of feedback on the meetings and Convention Market there was a feeling that we needed to do more in that market and you'll see that is also in the plan um on the creative as uh as many of you are well aware we added a lot of Cocoa Beach creative as as a result of uh the 50% um as you go through the creative um section I'm just going to quick page through it you'll see a lot of billboards so Kelly Slater did a board for us we were pretty excited about that that was very neat um we obviously have a lot of um Billboards up on 95 and the Turnpike and I75 and actually up into going up into Georgia right now uh mostly showing Coco Beach but we also have um Melbourne we have boards for Melbourne Titusville and as well as Palm Bay then digitally um you see we have Coco Beach digital but we also had digital for Melbourne Titusville there were some new creative that was done for Titusville as well as Palm Bay um and then TV commercials as well which I won't spend the time showing but we'll let you know that we are working very closely with the Coco Beach folks to develop some new uh TV creative and we're also going to be doing some new TV creative for the other districts uh as well so we're going to have a a pretty robust um set of new creative going into next fiscal year as far as the the visitor themselves um you know we have been targeting the 100,000 plus segment and that that got borne out pretty well from the visitor study which the average income was about 100,000 so we're we're targeting the Right audience and it's certainly families but we're also aware that we need to be cognizant of of the fact that about half the people travel without children so we're going to develop some new creative for that so I think there's some new creative development there um as far as the markets obviously the Florida markets are super important to us you know particularly Miami Palm Beach and um Tampa um because they you know when they come they do stay overnight Orlando is more of a day trip play um I think as we go into next year and look at the media bu we may Tamp down the the Orlando market and try to bump up some of the other markets because we really want to try to get those overnight stays that's really our focus and then of course out of state you know Atlanta Charlotte which have direct service into Melbourne um New York Boston DC Philly Chicago are all important markets Detroit is kind of at at the outlier if there are fund if there is funding available we might do some uh some marketing in Detroit but certainly Chicago is a big Market as well and then through Airline Partnerships or or direct Service uh relationships you know we're looking at other um secondary what I call secondary markets like uh like you know Allentown Pittsburgh or uh allegian flies to um Sun Country flies to Minneapolis and then allegion just announced uh Cincinnati so that that's a good market for us it's in a top 20 um so I think uh we'll be looking at some things in in Cincinnati to try to support those direct service flights and internationally of course UK Canada Europe is is all important we'll talk a little bit about that um this slide just kind of shows we we work with a cellular device tracking tool and it shows the origin markets where people are coming from so I we looked at all of 2023 and you can see as a share of the total those that are highlighted are all markets that we would be looking at doing some kind of activity in um whether it be partnership marketing co-ops or direct um you know us spending uh funding there as well um I'm going to skip to the implementation section this is kind of where the rubber meets the roads so you can see the as we go through the implementation section this is where the budget is all listed so if you added all the budget line items on these slides it would add to the 13.38 five um here is just an overview of the timing um we do activities that last all year long like running Billboards or signage at Orlando Airport or Facebook and Google ads uh but then we have seasonal campaigns and one of the big shifts is as I mentioned um the fall campaign uh we're really calling it fall winter and shifting that to right after the election begins so we will you know right after November 5th or whatever that date is we'll start marketing um travel occurring between December and February so that'll be a fall winter Focus then in for spring break then in February and March we'll obviously be promoting spring break and that runs through April and then for summer campaign we'll start that in May and that'll run all the way through August and um really pick up you know all of that summer travel and then International we usually start in November and that runs through July and then this is just some of the details so you see about uh 2 point a little less than 2 and A5 million to be spent on the annual and then the seasonal campaigns is a where a bulk of those funds are spent about 7 million as they and they split out where fall winter starts you know at one level and then it ramps up as we go through the bigger um seasonal campaigns such as spring and summer where obviously we're trying to to Really support those big campaigns and those big travel periods um and then just a couple of other slides just to finish up um we obviously um have to fund our agency and the creative and all the time that they spend on our account that's part of this uh production budget but then we also fund all of the other um creative and and things that we need to uh to do to to have all the advertising ready and uh and available so that's part of that budget it's uh 1.2 7 um and then also uh any efforts that we have in terms of Social and and website are also covered under that and then our PR firm um buttin is uh their contract is included in this but this is also the cost for familiarization tours and bringing media into the marketplace and we get a lot of lift out of those programs um this is a a really good Roi part of the budget because we generate millions and millions of dollars in uh in uh advertising equivalent uh if we had to go out and buy that media it would cost uh lots and lots of money but uh the budget is is a relatively low number comparatively speaking and then just to wrap up with a couple of additional things um our uh we do have a co-op program so we do some co-ops with some of our uh industry Partners as well as local Partners um this is also where some of the uh Airline funding goes so if we uh want to help a legion for instance in Cincinnati we could pull some funds out of here to to do that uh so that's a 300,000 um sports sports is a big obviously a big piece um this part of the budget generates between 20 and 30,000 room nights um the the change here is we've previously had a sports um uh grant program and right now you know we're still waiting for the board to kind of opine on what to do with both Sports and and um cultural Grant programs so what we're asking here is that we allocated 240,000 for events that reach a minimum of 200 room nights or more could get up to 25,000 in marketing support so this would just be support that we would provide them uh to help them either Market themselves or perhaps um go in and uh support an event that was generating you know hundreds and hundreds of room nights we might become a sponsor of that event or something to that effect so um all of the various on these slides all of the various partners are included here because we don't know who those Partners might be and we want to have the flexibility to be able to contract with whoever whoever it might be another use of these funds is also we're seeing a lot more training occur here so like rowing and Lacrosse and soccer a lot of those um colleges up north bring those teams down here to train and so we're going to look at at how to help them with with those programs as well I mentioned International um we have representation in the UK and the European parts of the European Union including Germany um Ireland Scandinavia um and uh that that contract is part of the million dollars but we also have a relationship with Tui that brings over um about uh 120 uh th000 Brits every year they're adding Ireland to that um next year so I think that's going to be a really good partnership um we usually spend about 300,000 with them and they match that dollar for dooll with their marketing fund so it's a big Co-op program um we'll probably roll something out in the UK Ireland and then we actually are going to do some things in Germany with them as well um and then we have a campaign in Germany that's about 300,000 and then we also work a lot with brand USA which is the the federal level and vizo Florida which is the state level so we do a lot of co-ops with them so a lot of those International programs are co-oped and leveraged and for that million dollars we probably get very close to a dollar Ford dooll match from from these other partners that we work with and then uh travel industry this is a not a big budget but this is where our travel industry relations coordinator Tom bosk uh goes to lots of um conferences and events and meets with a lot of uh tour operators and travel agents we do a lot of familiarization Tours for travel agencies that are coming down here and wanting to do ship um ship inspections and things like that we take the the off um Port uh portion of the familiarization tour and try to train them on what we have to offer um this is also where we got input from the sales action team that we needed to do a little bit more with the meetings market so we're looking at um doing some expansion of our website um as well as partnering with uh with some organizations like Cent and MPI meeting meeting professionals International um that have programs where we can Market uh our meetings capability and then just to wrap up um of course we have to have funding for research we want to make sure we measure all these funds that we're spending so all of the at St and um vacation rental data um daty which is our cellular device tracking and um working with our research partner Downs in St Jermaine who did the visitor study we've got a couple of other additional studies going for next year so all of those come out of this fund and then the wrap up um that last amount of money actually will uh will subtotal to the 13.38 five um our travel travel did not go up this year it's 32,000 same as last year memberships 30 ,000 same as last year and then the tax uh collector allocation so I am open for questions that was very quick I know I'm happy to Deep dive on any particular items um and then other than that Mr chair I'd be looking for uh TDC uh support to bring this forward to the uh Board of County Commissioners for uh approval well done Mr granis thank you sir anybody have any questions hearing no questions let's go to committee reports marketing report already been done this was a marketing I'm looking for a a uh cultural committee I'm looking for a support from the TDC to bring this to the board so I would need a a motion please so moved second motion by Tom Hermanson seconded by Julie any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos nay motion carries Mo forward okay cult committee uh there's no report our next meeting is uh August 22nd we're hoping for but um we have nothing other than that I think we'll may know after at that meeting where all of this stuff stands with budget and things of that nature so I'm hoping we'll get that cleared up Capital facilities um Tom was on the call but I'll just I'll just highlight the fact that there were three capital um projects that came and presented to the last committee meeting um those presentations are in your packet um they have all submitted their applications and uh the committee is now in the midst of reviewing those I don't know Tom if you had any comments on on that uh we watched applications like culture and uh one other committee that I'm forgetting right now with the bright line request and passage uh there really isn't all all that much money left in the next currently in the reserves 1.7 million and I think the uh the grant requests totaled was it 37 million something like that yeah it was a large number yes uh none of them you know I'll just be honest none of them are going to move the needle tremendously with respect to heads and beds and tourism they're all they're all good projects but large dollar amounts with uh uh let's just say not transformative uh with respect to impact on tourism um the most important thing is that the the funds uh we have now depleted our reserves uh in order to consider them so I believe the committee will uh will rate them on their merits and that may just be a placeholder for May potentially future consideration uh after reserves are built back up uh yeah I think that's all there is to be said there's no money there's the the actual amount I think it was just to be fair it was like uh 600 to 700,000 for the uh Lighthouse um 75 million was asked for by Titusville Playhouse and then the uh there was a swimming pool project I believe they were asking for three I think it was three M yeah 3 million so 3 million for privately owned uh pool on on us one right uh great Mission uh but you know dollars request versus tourism impact uh probably is not going to get over the hurdle and then a really grandiose uh vision for a uh Arts Center in Titusville uh aund I think it's a $75 million total project million project in downtown and we're talking Orlando caliber Performing Arts Center here uh and they're looking for seed money there uh but so so we'll uh uh the committee will uh rank those proposals and we'll present the rankings and and there's not going to be much action after that because there aren't funds to meet the meet the requests okay are you finished sir yes okay Sports Committee no nothing to report this time okay next meeting is October 24th all right on board reports uh other business TDC members um I have a quick little report I will be heading to Washington on Sunday with a group of about 12 high-profile people in the community to meet with with Pete budich and White House staff and Department of Transportation Senators Rubio senator Scott Senator congressman posie and uh our mission is is to Lobby them for the additional $45 million from a Christie fund chrisy grant that uh we need to get the brigh house station going so it's a diff it's a different time right now I'm not certain how they're going to respond but my guess is is that we'll get a favorable response I know that Senator Rubio and Senator Scott will help us and Congressman posie probably will help us uh we're also going to Lobby Mike kopas in the event that he's the new Congressman but uh we'll be there and I'll give you a report on what happens as soon as I find out so Mr decision before or after the elections well that's that's a very interesting question here's what Norm normally happens politically with a democratic cabinet and the Democratic people being secretaries of these boards normally what happens is if they see something that's coming before a county or a city that's going to benefit them politically before the election comes is into play they normally pass it and bring down a check and the reason they do that is is to be able to make a big announcement and get votes that's what's my experience has happened over 55 years in politics so I'm guessing that uh it would happen before the before the election only because it's going to be a political situation that's something that normally moves people money so I certainly think it would move this committee and a lot of the voters in the area so we'll see especially since Bard county is a swing County you know so close between Democrats and Republicans well maybe Trump took about like 30 points or something if they got 10 extra people they could win who knows Mr I don't know but my guess is my guess is is it would happen before the election can you I've never heard of the christe fund is that part of uh the infrastructure Bill yes okay Mr chair respectfully yes you could get a lot more votes and if you just bring an extra check with that 50 million we need for Ellis Road you could make a bigger announcement get and get more votes we're working on very diligently and we're very very close good good good thank you Julie I have anything okay Alex you got something Andrea anything more no thank okay l no thank mayor I do sir thank you for the opportunity on August 6th just want to let uh all our folks know out there that uh congressman posie is hosting a human trafficking Symposium so I encourage everyone uh to RSVP at 6321 1776 uh you'll hear from professionals you'll hear from a Survivor on how we can continue to combat human trafficking it'll be held at Eastern Florida State College thank you okay delish I'm good okay well welcome my friend we're very saddened by Samir deep in our hearts so we appreciate you being here Alex you got anything you want to talk about yes sir John no I'll talk to Julie I just want to talk to about the rose Awards coming up August 21st so if you have some really great people in your organization all right Nom okay Laura nothing all right do I hear a motion to adjourn so move there a second second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries thank you so much thank you sir