[Music] [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e sgtv start your cameras please uh let's start uh Mr uh Susan will you please start us with a pledge lead us in the pledge thank you very much I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for all thank you uh Mr thouzer uh let's do the uh roll call please go ahead very well uh good morning everybody uh attorney Aaron thalwitzer here commissioner John toaya here can you turn on your microphone sorry about that oh we can't hear you is it this one I'm not familiar with the new system just push the button yeah just testing you got it thank you commissioner John tobio here School Board member Matt susen here citizen member John C Davis here and we have a quorum thank you uh and now uh because of a switch of the county commission uh there's a switch of membership here so we have gone from chairman steel uh who then appointed um uh commissioner pritchet so we need a uh new uh chair I'm de facto running this uh right now uh do I have a motion for a chair it has to be a county commissioner correct yes that's right and so um are are you looking to lead for your third straight Year Mr well uh chairman Ste did it before we could be really mean and uh uh put uh commissioner pritet I will uh leave that in your hands I'm certainly not asking for it I'm I'm and I as the deao chair can't make that call so again what whatever you want so how long does uh is U Mr steel has until the end of his term right so are we going for another year term is what we're doing uh my understanding is and we can punt this over to uh the clerk's office here we're coming coming to a close here at our next meeting we will then elect a new chair so this is will just be the chair for the meeting okay you yep let's so hearing a motion uh for uh myself as chair do I have a second second I think you made the motion well you kind of said it for me so I second the motion there we go okay uh hearing a motion and a second uh let's take a vote for the chair of the meeting all in favor say I I I all oppose nay uh passes um great uh moving on for the minutes uh for approval of the August uh 14th 2023 uh organizational uh session uh do I have a motion move to approve second I second all in favor say I I I oppose nay passes three nothing uh board reports uh uh we'll start with uh the board attorney Mr thalwitzer no report thank you uh myself uh no report uh Mr Susan no report great uh citizen member John C Davis no report uh and citizen member Tracy Williams is not in attendance which brings us to public comment I do have one public comment and that would be uh commissioner Chuck Nelson you're welcome up here I am Chuck Nelson former commissioner but don't hold that against me um I want you to know first of all I'm here as a a friend of of uh Roger and Glenn uh who have an issue that they would like to present to the board I'm not being compensated they are my friends they're my neighbors and and they asked me if I would uh be kind enough to be here I've been where you are I was uh you know as a commissioner I've sat on the uh value adjustment board and I can tell you I never heard anything similar to what uh this issue is uh these gentlemen and a friend bought a house back in 2007 and um the house was homesteaded under one of the names uh associated with that they all put their money in and uh and that's the way it went for all these years well Joyce Warren who's the third party to this decided she wanted to retire wanted to go back to Iowa which I can't figure out why but wanted to go back to be with family and so uh they bought Joyce's interest out and they they paid her basically what uh her third of that uh was as it turns out because her name was the only one on the uh the title they lost their homestead exemption their value adjusted Homestead uh went from 300,000 plus to almost 600,000 yet nothing changed this there's nothing devious they've lived in this home now for you know almost 20 years but they've lost their homestead exemption and so the the request is that they be reinstated at the at the previous level that would be appropriate with the 3% recapture Rule and those things and give them the homestead exemption back and to clarify and and to uh update the ownership interest which you know they have since done but uh it just seems you know morally a problem that they you know they haven't Chang changed anything they've lived in the home they continue to live in the home uh would like to stay there but it's uh created certainly a hardship uh when your homestead exemption doubles uh they've also had some some personal issues with uh Health they've had of course as everyone in the State of Florida with you know home insurance and and it's just a huge hit to them as a as a family so we would request that the value adjustment board consider reinstating the homestead exemption as a was or would have been had their names been on the title and and to rectify that circumstance okay uh thank you uh commissioner Nelson as you know uh this isn't uh uh moral this is legal and for that reason I'm going to pun it over there to our uh attorney I this is the first I'd heard I didn't get an email of this so I can't address anything specifically more than what is given and and Mr thouzer can you uh comment on some of that please sure so unfor fortunately the board's not able to take action uh based on public comment there hasn't been any notice so you know we can't the board can't take up uh can't really consider what you're asking today public comment isn't sort of an opportunity to to rehear or reconsider uh what happened at the hearing I'm if I may ask uh go ahead chair Nelson I I believe they they did file uh to to be heard um my my understanding is that there was a a request for public comment I don't recall receiving anything like like you know that you would consider to be a request for reconsideration or anything like that um and I'm looking on the I'm looking on the agenda here and this is not on this is not on the agenda and had it been on the agenda I I think we all would have done a little bit of due diligence on on this and and this is the first time I'm hearing of it yeah I don't recall receiving a request for reconsideration and and that by request for reconsider I'm saying a specific something in writing indicating what the problem was what the relief sought is that sort of thing um if we had received that would I mean the standard practice is to provide it to the property appraiser for comment and then the board can take it up well we we believe that that that it had been done which I was a little surprised why we were here under public comment to be honest with you but we you know I I think Roger and Glenn both believed that they had done everything that they needed would have walked every mile for for this you know to be considered uh Mr THS is there is there a time frame for that this type of process where they could I don't believe the board has a formal rule but I mean it would certainly have to be before the final meeting taking it up at the meeting for the first time um again the issue is is no notice oh without a doubt uh the rules require it there's there's just there's no way around that so I'm not unsympathetic if I may ask what would that process have been they they went before the magistrate and and were basically punted to you um and I believe you filed some additional paperwork as a result of that and I'm not sure how we ended up here so or in this circumstance without seeing that I I really can't comment on it and you don't have another meeting after this one no not until next next the end of the 2023 season right so um and we uh we have the property appraiser in attendance um may we ask did you receive um any notice of this no I appreciate if you want to comment step on the value adjustment Bo attorney's toes um but a a request for reconsideration would not come to the property appraiser the request for reconsideration would come from the board to the property appraiser if there was a remand or something that the value adjustment board wanted us to review um but but let me say this it's it's not that I'm not sympathetic or empathetic to the position of these gentlemen um but what the former commissioner would be asking would require a change in the Constitution so when a property is sold the cap is reset you have to file your homestead to establish your homestead in your cap for the first time when you take title and that's what has happened here so there's no provision in the law that allows the property appraiser to carry a cap from a previous owner to a new owner so um that's the law and the Constitution as it stands now we greatly greatly appreciate you coming up and shairing uh with us um again it seems like from many different perspectives it's nothing we can act on right now and I appreciate you guys uh showing up thank thank you we need to do a little research and find out how we got here or didn't get here and um but we appreciate your time sounds good Mr chair Mr chair may may I make say one thing absolutely Mr Nelson I mean you may or may not know but there are 60 days after the final decision is entered to file a circuit court appeal just so you guys are aware of that that would be your next legal remedy sorry about that thank you uh okay that concludes public comment new business uh item one let adopt and finalize recommendations of the special magistrate for petitions to the value adjustment board for the 2023 taxes and approve the 2023 notice of tax impact and authorize the value value adjustment board clerk to publish the tax impact notice do I have a motion do I have a second a second motion uh hearing a motion and a second uh all in favor say I I I oppose nay passes three nothing item H2 approve and execute certific certificates for the VAB for real property and tangible personal property uh form Dr 488 do I have a motion move to approve I have a second hearing motion is second uh all in favor say I I I all oppose nay passes three nothing finally Grant permission to advertise and set compensation rate for special magistrate for 2024 do I have a motion move to approve do I have a second second out of motion thank you uh hearing a uh motion and a second all in favor say I I I opposed nay passes three nothing do I have anything else before I conclude this meeting uh uh Mr uh Davis thank you for showing up I appreciate it uh with that I'll conclude the meeting at 9:18 the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]