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with us so uh we're punting over to uh School Board member Matt Susan School Board member Matt Susan great uh and I'm John tobiah we will point over to the legal council here Mr thaler thank you Vib councel Aaron thalwitzer my office is Gordon and thalwitzer in Coco Beach super and the most important uh folks over there in the Box uh you want to throw anything out over there Co super what am [Laughter] I take thank you for uh all the work that you do uh we need to approve the minutes from the uh March 19th 2024 meeting do I hear a motion move to approve got a motion do I hear a second second hearing a motion and a second all in favor say I I I oppos nay passes for nothing uh now on to part four reports Mr thtz sir thank you as to 4 A 1 through3 those are just requirements which have been met uh 4 A4 uh refers to memoranda that I prepared about special Magistrate applic there are three types real property tangible personal property and attorney special magistrates um typically the the motion for these or the the action needed for this is to uh accept the memoranda uh recommendations which are to with one exception that I'll get to uh hire each of the applicants they are all qualified legally um I only uh provide an opinion on whether they're legally qualified it's not that they're good or bad they're job though most or maybe all of them are most almost all of them I think if not all have uh previously worked for the board there is one exception that I wanted to note uh he is legally qualified but one of the real uh property special magistrates Mr uh Huddleston I think it's Thomas hudston um he he he he uh submitted his packet late um there's not a a formal rule on what the board can or should do in that instance and it really hasn't come up in my memory the board has discretion to ignore that and hire him based on his qualifications or say uh it's it was untimely and not hire him um typically we do these motion the board uh does these one category at a time so the first motion in the board's discretion could be to uh move to uh accept the recommendations as to the real property special magistrate applicants that is the one with Mr Huddleston so depending on what the board wants the board could include him or exclude him from that motion so that would be the first uh at least discussion it and that is uh section 5B correct yes great okay super anything else um the only other one on my report is 4 A5 this is an unusual one but each year the rules actually do require the board to have What's called the discussion regarding Florida's property tax system in previous years um I've basically pointed to the memoranda that I've supplied both on uh this issu precisely and also I prepare a uh an update on new legislation rules and case law which was also um included in the packet we can certainly have a discussion and I'll take any questions uh that the board may have um but that that satisfies Our obligation super um any questions of board members before we move on to reports okay uh hearing none we'll go to reports for some some strange reason uh 4 a is missing uh but uh B is me and I have no report so uh we will jump over to d uh uh member nothing to report e uh Mr uh Rob Rob Adams anything nothing to report thank you uh and F Mr Robert Springer nothing to report wonderful this is going quickly new business it looks like four of these are going to require a motion uh two will not uh number one uh is confirmation of VAB organization meeting prehearing checklist I have confirmed we are in compliance wonderful thank you uh okay B will in fact need a motion you've heard that there are a couple there is a decision Point here to be made whether to accept the late applicant I uh I think we should put this uh certainly on the new board members here um I could go either way but would like to hear the uh opinions of our new board members so uh would you like to check I'm in do we accept this or not I'm I'm I can be swayed either way uh I not knowing exactly all the information I would say we should accept I don't I'm not hard over one way or the other other than if if the conditions for submitting the packet were clearly delineated you know by 400 p.m. on such a such a date and the gentleman was late I could say sorry I so six and one half does the other I I I agree um Mr Susan you want to weigh in on this one yeah for me it's not so much about being late because of my performance even today um but the the issue that I find is is that if you have more uh magistrates does that give us more opportunities and you know what I mean I think that's where I would sit is is that with more of them on the docket that you have you know what I mean a a more robust uh group so that's where I would fall okay that sounds good so I need a motion here the motion would be to uh approve uh 4B and I'd like included and said motion to add that applicant or exclude that applicant so as chair I'm not going to make that motion I'll move to approve to include okay hearing a a motion to approve and include the applicant do I hear a second I second okay hearing a motion and a second all in favor say I I I passes for nothing uh great uh for C's uh adoption of the ratified resolution number 20241 regarding filing fees it is a $15 filing fee it is the maximum that the rules allow it's been the same for a very long time and that's what the resolution would be for great uh do I hear a motion move to approve hearing a motion do I hear a second I'll second great uh uh all in favor uh say I I oppose nay passes for nothing um Mr whater you want to tell us about the tentative schedule this does not need a motion I would defer to the clerk uh will start in October uh Nicole can you be a little more specific what time will it start for board members tively uh the second or first week in October no no no the time time 9:00 9:00 in the morning a.m. eastern standard time I'm write that down and let everybody know just so everybody thank you very much for being so clear U you're welcome okay uh moving on to E this is approval regarding the continuation of VAB uh good Clause Decisions by VAB Council Mr that uh so this is refers to late filed petitions so somebody has to decide whether the board should accept those or not that has fallen to myself in the past it can also fall to a special magistrate or the Vib clerk I've been handling them for 10 or so years since I've been VAB Council I'm I'm happy to continue that that's uh but that's in the board's discrep I don't know why we would want to change that but uh I will wait to hear a motion uh for approval move to approve what we originally have done in the past which is allow him to be the direct yep the Arbiter wonderful uh hearing a motion do I hear a second I second great a motion and a second all in favor say I I I oppose nay passes for nothing and finally F the approval regarding continuation of VAB clerk uh or her design to make determination on behalf of board for all good Clause reschedules and this is what it sounds like when someone wants to reschedule a hearing uh they submit a request uh for the past several years that has gone to the VAB clerk which I think makes a lot of sense since they handle the scheduling in the first place and I would recommend doing so do they really handle the scheduling though I mean it it started at 9:00 and we started at 9:27 so they try to handle the schedule let's just let's just see that ouch uh they do their best yes early everything is deserved appreciate the uh hard work uh so uh thank you for explaining that do I hear a motion for approval move to approve hearing a motion approval do I hear a second I'll second great motion is second all in favor say I I I opposed nay uh passes for nothing uh we don't have any cards for public comment anybody wish to speak okay uh before I adjourn any any any comments great we will adjourn the meeting at 9:38 thanks