you're on Miss wre Miss picala Miss Sebert Miss Kennedy Miss Kennedy Miss D Benedictus yes Miss Ayan Ron yes Mr Mesmer yes the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to advanc notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Bricktown report of education has caused notice of this meeting to be posted on the administration office bulon board the official District website and channel btv2 and sent to the Asbury Park Press brick times Star Ledger and Municipal clerk's office we'll share for now we'll figure okay okay um excuse me I'm sorry so loud um may I have a motion in a second to enter executive session please motion pran second alley whereas The Brick Township Board of Education has been formed pursuant to Bal New Jersey statutes whereas the board is charged with the responsibility of Performing all acts and doing all things consistent with the law and the rules of the state board of education necessary for the lawful and proper conduct equipment and maintenance of the public schools and public school property of the Brick Township School District and where SE section seven of the open Public's meeting act permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting of the board in certain circumstances whereas the board has determined the circumstances exists for such an executive session whereas the board has found the action described below to be necessary and proper now therefore it be resolved by the board on February 8 20124 that the public shall be excluded from the discussion of an action on the executive session here and set forth the session will be approximately one hour and the general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is harassment intimidation and bullying appeal harassment intimidation and bowling reports it is anticipated at this time that the above stud the subject matter will be made public if and when it is deemed to be in the public interest to do so and the need for confidentiality is no longer required by the board Miss picala yes Miss cber Miss Kennedy Miss St Benedictus yes Miss Aon Mr Mesmer yes we're GNA get started again I need a motion in a second to return motion pan second Nicole Mary Miss wad yes Miss picala yes Miss cert yes Miss Kennedy yes yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss yes Mr Mesmer yes I'd like everybody to please rise for the slute to the flag and a moment of [Music] silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Dr Faris thank you after our moment of silence um as we all know a few weeks ago we had the tragic and unexpected passing of Dr Peter Morris on behalf of brick schools and the brick Board of Education our sincere and deepest condolences throughout the Dr Morris's family his wife Brooke daughter Laney and Sons Peter and Matthew who are Brick Township High School students please keep the Morris family in your thoughts and prayers also last week we lost a local Legend and I lost a second father and dear friend and life coach coach Al serer coach sner was a close friend to coach wolves and had an amazing coaching career at Point Pleasant Barrow High School the football field is named is honor and some other schools as a coach including our own Brick Township High School a few years back at the right page of 885 under coach sedwitz uh please keep coach s's wife Marie and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers thank you Dr Perell often it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education acts with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote please understand that before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the admin ministration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools discussed it in appropriate Boe committees and only then if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the full Board of Education excuse me it is placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting board of education members are given advanced notice to review the agenda and through the chair ask questions or voice concerns in rare instances when necessary some matters could be presented to the board of education for discussion and and vote at the same meeting Miss mcam student Representatives thank you Mrs wreb from Bricktown chip high school we have Amaya Amaya good evening I'm Amaya Dalton Brick Township High School student representative I will start off with Lake Riviera Middle School's report the lrms boys basketball team fought hard all season and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship several students were chosen to play in the allstar game the sixth and seventh grade teams played extremely well and ended on a high note coach Pugi would like to wish all of the eighth graders best of luck next year at the high school level the LMS girls basketball team had another remarkable season with an impressive 12-1 record the girls won their division for the second year in a row and a third time in four years congratulations to the LMS girls team for consistently being exceptional on and off the court year after year the wrestling team finished the season with a 54 record and had two blue division Champions and six wrestlers in the top three overall currently at lrms students are participating in clubs such as the newspaper club which produces a period paper called the Laker Ledger the manga book club and the book club and the Art Club where students are creating beautiful pieces for the upcoming District Arts Festival on March 7th at Brick Township High School students are also participating in the after school choir club called voices from the lake they are also currently preparing to perform at the district Arts Festival the LMS drama club is excited to be preparing a children's theater version of Sleeping Beauty for the stage on March 22nd and 23rd now on to Brick Township High School semester 1 exams were taken two weeks ago and report cards were sent out last Friday in reflection of the first semester students were asked to fill out a mid-year survey the survey asked important questions about school culture learning needs and safety the purpose of the survey was for administration to ga feedback and use it to improve our Learning Community semester 2 classes are now in full swing the seal by literacy testing occurred on January 10th through 12th more bths students opted to seal for the test than ever before showing strong enthusiasm for foreign languages the student staff show of a simpler time was on January 18th staff and students worked together to put on several entertaining skits in various historical settings students both in the production and in the audience enjoyed watching some of their favorite teachers on stage the fall science Symposium was presented in the library on January 25th over several months biology honors and anatomy and physiology students conducted research and experiments about topics of their choice that related to their course curriculums their findings were shared with students and staff who stopped by four bths students were selected to sing in the allshore CH concert last Saturday congratulations to Michaela Alvarado Shayla Ashley burough and Isabelle adulter bths also had great success in the voice of democracy contest an annual patriotic writing contest sponsored by the BFW the essay theme for this year was what are the greatest attributes of our democracy after several submissions throughout the county dragons took the three highest places congratulations to first place Angela barbury second place Matthew cooperman and third place J toic grade 12 students that were randomly selected to take the national assessment of educational progress tested this morning the na is a measure of what students across the country know in various subjects and the data is used to make decisions about education improvements Family Game Night sponsored by the National Honor Society is tonight at bths from 5: to 8:00 pm there are board games art activities karaoke and gym games to spend time with friends and family in recognition of school counselor's week I would like to give a big thank you to all our counselors for everything they do recently our guidance counselors have been busy meeting with freshmen to register for score our platform for all College and Career planning with Juniors to discuss postsecondary options and graduation requirements and with seniors about college and scholarship applications our winter sports teams are finishing their season strong the boys and girls basketball teams both took wins over cross toown Rivals brick memorial in two very close and competitive games Riley nosus of the girls basketball team was named Ocean County player of the week the track and field team has had some big accomplishments at Ocean County championships Caitlyn Chandler took second in high jump and fourth in p vaa k McHugh took third in the 3200 Giani Campion took third in high jump Sarah barcus placed fourth in shot putut Jake Hancock placed sixth in the 400 Anthony Thomas played sixth in the 800 and Abel Rivas qualified for Nike indoor Nationals in the Freshman 400 meter at Short conference championships Caitlyn Chandler took second in the high jump and came CU plays fifth in the 1600 with a 10c personal record and third alltime mile for bths on the girl swimming team freshman star Ava aguano placs first in the 100 backstroke and fifth in the 200 medley at Ocean County championships then placed first in the 100 backstroke and sixth in the 53 at Shore conference championships congratulations Ava on an amazing season and now holding two school records as a freshman at the timber creek classic girls wrestling tournament Liz Aila Place second Trinity Maloney received sectional recognition for her High School soccer career at the annual NJ gsca banquet our hockey team qualified for the short Conference tournament with placement into the dad bracket a win on Tuesday improved our record to 711 and one after the short Conference tournament our hockey program will set its sights on the state playoffs good luck looking ahead next week bths will CH will hold a choose to include Spirit Week students will have an opportunity to show their support of diversity and inclusion through participation in each day Spirit activity Monday students will wear Crocs and comfy clothes to support those who have sensory sensitivity sensory sensitivities Tuesday will be neon for neurodiversity celebrating our differences with bright colors Wednesday we will fall in love with inclusion by wearing pink or red and Thursday we will show our school pride by wearing green the annual brick and Beyond event will take place in the brick memorial high school gymnasium on February 13th from 5: to 7 p.m. there will be information on high school programs and post-secondary opportunities sponsored by the brick memorial and Brick Township guidance Department sga's annual Battle of the classes will be on February 29th in the East gym from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Battle of the classes is always a super fun and well attended event where all four classes compete for the BT botc trophy there are relay races competitive challenges and my personal favorite the dance off there will also be a Spirit Week leading up to the battle the themes include day groutfits Swifty versus Super Bowl class colors and of course green and white classes have already started planning for the battle be sure to stay connected to events and inside information by accessing our school website SGA Instagram bths SGA and our school Twitter at bths dragons you can always see all of our happenings monthly through Dr cajun's Dragon review thank you for this opportunity and I will see you all next month Memorial High School we have good evening every everyone once again I'm Christen mcwade your Vic Memorial student W and student government president tonight I'll start with the um gosh tonight I'll start with a report from BET happy national school counselor week to all the counselors second marking marking period report cards are available to view in Parent Portal winter sports just ended bets wrestlers won the Red Division tournament to make it to the county championships they were Colton Stalin in the 70 pound weight class and Chris Delane in the 120 weight pound weight class Chris El plan won the Ocean County and Tri County championships in the 120 weight class he was the first Tri County champ for vets in five years vets boys basketball team finished the season with a division record of six and two they battled hard but fell one point short in the in the division title game against Le great season for the boys team jebin Mack and Luca bville will be representing BMS in the All-Star game at Toms River South on Tuesday February 6th a reminder that spring sports physicals must be submitted by March 8th the students in team three won our second period marking attendance second marking period attendance Challenge and the students in team W won our second marking period pbsis incentive challenge the high school C visited eighth grade classes this week to review High School scheduling the aquaponics Club students Harvard is Harvard's lce two weeks ago and enjoyed eating it during the salad day the club would like to thank Mr shley from brick memorial for giving them tilapia fish to use an aquaponic system BTV production has produced several episodes for students and staff to enjoy on Fridays bet student council is hosting a penny war between the grade levels and a Black History Month trivia contest 10 Mass e8th graders heart artwork was submitted for the Youth art month exhibit which will be held at Brick Township Library during the month of March the peer buddies class created giant Eric Carl inspired masth that will be part of the parade at the district art show on March 7th green and gold Club has a solid base of students who on Tuesday and or th I whole punched It Go who participate on Tuesday and or Thursday we are working on language skills in small groups students are enjoying the interaction with their teachers as well as as well as the engaging atmosphere and activities provided each day upcoming events winter sports pep rally is February 22nd District Art Festival is March 7th and Lead andc team up against drugs March 21st now on to the message from bmhs tonight I'll begin with a few accomplishments from our students brick memorial is proud to highlight the exceptional performance of his mock trial team for the 2024 competition season the team is eagerly preparing for the upcoming mayor's cup brick vers brick event this is scheduled for Monday February 26th at The Brick Municipal Court under the direction of Mrs cor we know our Mustangs will do us proud congratulations to our Freshman Class of 2027 who were the winners of our pbsis winter Field Day these freshmen exhibit our core values of respect responsibility and integrity we look forward to celebrating their esses with pizza ice cream and of course fun congratulations to our brick moral high school students Emily frell Kelly Fitzgerald Marley Lio and Kaaya CanĂ³ who performed at the allshore chorus music festival on Saturday February 3rd the New Jersey allshore chorus brings together the finest High School choir singers from Mammoth and ocean counties earning a spot in this Elite Ensemble is no easy feet students had to impress a panel of current and retired qual directors at rigorous auditions held in November we have some very talented Mustangs some upcoming events at Memorial bmhs Mustang players will be holding their winter drama production the women of lockerby this is a touching story of the plane crash in lockerby Scotland in 1998 you will have four chances to see our awesome players from February 7th to February 10th tickets are limited so make sure you get there early the bmhs PTSA is hosting a d toon event on February 99th at Brownstone Pancake Factory all proceeds will positive opportunities for the students in brick memorial Unified sports will be hosting a choose to include SP week students from both brick memorial and Brick Township will be participating in the annual brick birthday party at the Civic Center on Saturday in conjunction with the mayor's teen advisory Council please bring out your younger kids to enjoy face painting from Mrs harzer and the Art Club bracelet making by the Key Club and other activities of course there will be a birthday cake to eat on Tuesday February 13th bmhs and bths departments will once again be hosting brick and Beyond we will have business representatives there from the local community promoting their careers and also looking for employees also included in that night will be our staff discussing various course offerings and our many extracurricular activities you and your parent or Guardian are welcome to take part in meetings with college postsecondary representatives from many colleges and career schools in New Jersey Pennsylvania New York Delaware plus many more States and meet with military representatives from every Branch there ALS there will also be awesome workshops to attend such as the NCAA reps scholarships financial aid information SAT and ACT dual enrollment with OCC trade school representatives and many other workshops some old business ier Memorial on Wednesday February 7th the student government executive board visited the middle school with Mr mcnight to discuss scheduling we talked with multiple a grade classes about the best classes to choose from how to get involved Life as a student athlete being a leader in your school and of course debunking the rumors of a pool on the roof we would like to congratulate science teacher Mrs castalano who has been selected as a teacher who rocks for the 2024 school year her Excellence will be acknowledged at a ceremony in the spring an announcement from our yearbook Club The Brick Township Memorial Mustang yearbook is on sale from now through May 1st please check out our brick moral homepage for in for information on how to order your Keepsake finally Mr saruca is the principal of brick memorial high school he's the first he is the first alumni of brick memorial to be sworn in as principal we are so excited to see the positive direction and spirit Mr taruga will bring to the table we will have a winter sports wrap-up at the next meeting but as always please stay current with all of our news and updates on our website subscribe to our Mustang Weekly Newsletter and follow us on Instagram and xbm sports and of course don't forget to subscribe to our Mustang podcast straight from the Mustangs M on Spotify Amazon music and Apple and Google podcasts formulas and remember all of our home games are live streamed on our on our bmhs Mustangs YouTube channel thank you thank you CHR I've uh I've done that with the whole punch before so you're not alone um from The ROC we have Cadet senior Aon Cameron Mitchell [Music] Cameron good evening ladies and gentlemen some of you may not know me as I have not done one of these before but for those who don't my name is Cadet staff sergeant Cameron Mitchell um and for uh noncommissioned officer for Brick airp Force Jr RC I'm happy to provide you with our monthly update on January 12th our Cadets performed a color guard at brick memorial for the brick Varsity brick versus brick basketball game last month our Aerospace team concluded its model rocketry study Cadets handbuilt model rockets and launched them at the brick memorial at Brick Memorial High School to earn their model rocketry badge the Raider team our fitness and fieldcraft team uh developed an orientering course that improved the General Knowledge and Skills of outdoor awareness as well as how to navigate with a map and a compass since start of second semester we have gained an additional 15 new students which is a great Improvement we are very excited for the new Cadets to be a part of NJ a22 uh we are looking we are also looking forward to Brick and Beyond this month on the 13th where CET will be presenting the benefits and opportunities of Air Force junor RTC to the parents and students of Brick Township Public Schools this month we are planning recruitment shifts to the middle schools and are currently working on recruitment posters and videos to attract High School stud students to the Air Force Junior RTC program as always we thank you for your support and wish you a good evening thank you thank you I need a motion in a second for approval of minutes motion Victoria second Mike uh Mary Miss wre yes oh I'm sorry I have to obain I'm so used I apologize I was absent Miss picala yes Miss cber yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss ay room yes Mr mmer yes thanks I read them but I wasn't here um okay uh superintendent comments Dr phoh thank you Miss W I think she hurt my shoulder with that h um Mr saruka it's been like you're on tour the last month and I know how tired you look um with these uh this principal job but congratulations again um congratulations to all of our fifth grade uh dare graduates the posters and essays are outstanding and your commitment to practicing good decision making and leading healthy and safe lives is outstanding thank you to The Brick Township police officers who delivered this program to our fifth grade students which addresses the critical risks that our kids face today yesterday uh Miss MC Dr Anderson and myself uh were there along with um Sergeant Murphy right he he gave that yesterday at the graduation at Vell was he yesterday day before thank you I knew it was one of them um awesome ceremonies great participation by the parents uh the school administrators and the kids and we love the song at the end right Dr Anderson great we love the song at the end if I remembered it we would sing it here uh just in last night congratulations you it's a got caty tune isn't it I think it is okay I gotta just in last night congratulations to Brick Memorial High School wrestling 2024 Central Jersey group four state sectional Champs um aore conference best 18 sectional championships amazing school's been around since 81 82 and this is the third out of the last four years they're traveling tomorrow to Mount Olive um and hopefully make it to Sunday at Ruckers for the overall group four Championship good luck Mustangs this week is National School counseling week as we are dedicated our counselings that are dedicated focusing on public attention to the unique contribution of our counselors and highlight the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve school Success and plan for careers the theme for the 2024 National School counseling week is School counseling standards-based student Focus this will certainly be evident in the brick and Beyond event coming up next week February 13th for our high school students thank you to all of our brick school counselors for all that you do and the best service to our students parents and Community as a whole some Performing Arts information we um break a leg to our students I think I'll be at the Friday version um over at brick memorial um we have many students participating in concerts and plays over the next few weeks we had osor VI Bill a few nights ago thanks to our students for sharing their amazing talent with our community and we look forward to watching them shine as bright as the lights are on Broadway so thank you for that and of course brick and Beyond we've been doing for the last few years if you haven't gone to it it's a phenomenal event um our community will be United once again when both High School um departments join together to facilitate brick and Beyond Tuesday February 13 5: PM over at brick memorial uh they will also have College and Career planning event for students and family there'll be over 125 Representatives um from 60 colleges vocational schools career schools uh job offering tables with great adventure lakew with blue claws Jenkinson's brick be Bri Beach and Recreation Casino Pier Etc and many more added daily teachers advisers and representatives from both high schools have be there to promote their clubs their organizations and many of co-curricular activities refreshment is also provided by our local businesses that evening Thursday February 15th is school resource officer Sr o Appreciation Day brick schools is so thankful for the Cooperative relationships we have with our Brick Township Police Department and for our school resource officers who work in our district and give all of themselves every day thank you detective Alvarado and detective Barnes for all that you do in the service to our students parents staff and Community Thursday March 7th can't believe it's March already uh the entire Community will be United again at Brick Township school for the annual District Arts Festival this event will highlight our fine and Performing Arts programs K to 12 and we look forward to seeing all of our students talents uh shine again another event if you haven't been to um and it's packed I think I joked my first year it might have been a super spreader because it was like the week I started and the next week we went out on Co but I mean there had to be a thousand people at that event at least so fantastic event and brick hero Awards Friday March 8 7 P.M the brick hero Awards will take place at Brick Township High School once again this event honors brick residents businesses and brick School staff that exhibit a remarkable effort to make the community a better place the event is hosted by the mayor's student advisory committee and will include performances by the local school choirs theater groups and dance teams that night I got in the habit I think of starting with our congratulatory notes and recognitions uh instead of going right into the Doom Gloom of the budget process but I do have to share some budget process Communications with you now as I stated last month the district is in the process of finalizing the budget for the 2425 school year as we plan the budget for 2425 we have an additional loss of state aid once again under S2 and the loss of state aid is cumulative so now that total loss is up to almost $22 million this reduction has multi-year impacts on brick schools as I stated in previous years the district has to implement a series of cuts to address this ongoing loss of Aid regrettably this may result in a reduction of positions however we remain hopeful that retirements and attrition will help mitigate job losses I sent this letter I've been sending it every year since I've been here unfortunately few weeks ago uh and I discussed with staff that the process may involve staff transfers non-renewals of contracts and potentially the rift and by May 15th all non-tenured staff would be receive their non-renewal letter staff transfers will be announced once the district has resolved the all the staff removes in alignment for the 2425 budget I want people to know too we really do a good job here the last few years um in working with our staff in helping facilitate retirements uh transfers whether it's by certification or not um to help keep all of our employees uh in their position and we've been kind of closely successful in the loss of bodies last few years um we want to assure everybody that with each cut made we're committed to minimizing the impact on our students and staff we're grateful for the dedication of our staff and recognize their contributions that they make on a daily basis their understanding and patience during this difficult and challenging process is and always been and very much appreciated despite the financial constraints we're actively exploring alternative Revenue sources while prioritizing the best interest of our students first and their educational programms in these tough times we assure you that we are working diligently to maintain the quality of Education we provide I need everybody's help we all need to stay focus on this big picture we still have a year to go with S2 and the impact of the cuts on our district our district has been devastated fiscally and it will take us an additional seven years to catch up and add back the resources our children desperately need Additionally the current lack of funding to support our atrisk student populations is inadequate to say the least the state can't have expectations on student performance without providing the necessary funding thus the state fails to provide the necessary funds to ensure that our district as necessary resources to meet to meet the needs of our students our elll and our economically disadvantaged student populations are increasing at a pace that far outweighs our subsequent fund funding and this is a dilemma our strategic plan which I hope you've seen online outlines the actions we aspire to remediate this dilemma and what is needed to achieve our students performance goals adopting new programs adding intervention reducing class sizes and expanding prek are some actions that can help us Achi achieve our future exit outcomes improving infrastructure Safety and Security are other major goals moving forward this can only be accomplished with our community support our vision which I see up there acknowledges the important role that the community plays in our mission student centered teacher-led community connected we need your help for all the voices we've been saying this for four years to get to Trenton to get to the Department of Ed and help make more Equitable the funding that we don't receive for our brick students here in Brick February on Saturday February 10th speaking of community and Community connections Brick Township will celebrate its 174th birthday this I was going to make a joke Mr philipone um but I didn't want to do that because I was just looking at you but I was gonna say you might have been at the 54 but I don't want to say that um I wouldn't do that there the celebration will take place at Civic Plaza from 3:00 to 5 o'clock so happy birthday to the community of Brick Township on this 174th commemoration of the founding of bricks happy birthday and just in closing despite our Bleak Financial forecast our community remains steadfast in the face of this adversity and we want to thank our community our dedicated staff our talented students and supportive families because we know ultimately we as a community will overcome all these challenges have we shown in the past and will give us a brighter future moving on and I like to always end on a quote I know some board members have um have told me that but in light of upcoming President Day President George HW Bush said and I quote think about out every problem every challenge we Face the solution to each starts with education our strategic plan will guide us through these challenges to find solutions that prepare our children for their future and as we celebrate this President's Day Abraham Lincoln's quote I do the very best I know how to the very best I can and I mean to keep on doing so until the end brick schools is committed to do the best for our community because to every solution every problem there is a solution and it will start with education and us here right now in this room thank you thank you Dr Farrell um committee reports Miss mcnam policy and planning thank you Mrs W the policy and planning committee met on January 30th in attendance was Mrs Kennedy M Benedict Dr um mrsy had another commitment that we were able to catch up the very following day and um I shared with her in the committee notes um all of the policies and regulations that you see on the board agenda for this evening were discussed for first read um we do have one that is being just modified slightly um and that is on for a revision adoption additionally on the agenda tonight is the 2024 calendar and uniform State memorandum of agreement between education and law enforcement officials that are known as the mo MOA that concluded our meeting thank you and we have not set a date for next mon thank you Miss Mamer Dr Anderson cni thank you miss wrab the cni committee met on January 29th at 4:30 in attendance for Miss Bala the chairperson ianone Mr Kennedy Dr farell Mrs Cain and myself uh first we review the items on the February cni agenda for training and travel field trips student teacher placement um um our Zano focused evaluation system and grants we also have an affiliation agreement with Kane University to accept a psychology intern under operations and I highlighted a brick Elks Club donation which falls under operations Miss Kane then reviewed the ESL 2425 program projection plan and the programmatic impact on our budget I uh next provided an overview of the focus of the January 26 professional learning experiences that occurred teachers worked in professional learning communities to analyze midar data plan targeted interventions to support and enrich student learning so that they would pursue their performance goals uh next I provided an overview of the um uh intervention uh coordinator activities and initiatives at each school um which is part of the multi- system of support uh and finally we concluded with looking at our family engagement opportunities uh in January the SC Department hosted a bilingual ESL parent night on January 6th Lan's Mill uh held a BSI parent night on January 31st I explained that the third marking period report cards would be posted in par portal on February 2nd um I also provided an overview of the brick Bridge which will be published soon um and I highlighted some important dates that were coming up February 13th obviously brick and Beyond um and we also have on uh March 7th our district Arts Festival we are also currently um T accepting registrations for kindergarten and our kindergarten kickoff dates have been set we have March 18th for Lan's Mill Elementary School School in osbornville for March 19th we have Drum Point and Veterans Memorial Elementary School and on March 20th we have Emma Haven Jung and in midstreams elementary school our next meeting will be on March 4th at 4:30 pm thank you Dr Anderson M grer special ed thank you Mrs wrap the special education committee met on February 1 myself Dr farell Branda Benedictus Nicole cber and meline ianone were in attendance uh the committee spoke about uh some agenda items that you will see this evening we are currently in the process of taking in tuition students into our specialized programs for other districts where we have openings we are happy that we are bringing back two students from added District placements uh in our specialized programs back into the district and we discussed uh the new special education positions that are on the board agenda this evening due to the increase of numbers um of our ml special ed population and our special education population across the district some highlights is the preschool Lottery uh last two nights the sixth and the seventh uh we had virtual parent information sessions uh the lottery the preschool this year opens on February 12th and closes on 38 so if you're looking to register for the lottery the PowerPoint presentations are uploaded onto the district's website the lottery will be pulled on April 10th we will have approximately 250 Lottery spots that we will be filling for the 2024 2025 school year some other discussions that we talked about uh were specialized instruction teacher focused um across the district in programming uh looking at the possibility to expand our community based learning through a actual Cafe um looking at the autism program expanding it into the high school levels and expanding our Unified sports and I wanted to congratulate January's uh superheroes for special ed this uh uh for 202 before uh Jennifer doto our school psychologist at Brick Memorial High School and Jillian Walsh who was our speech therapist at midstreams congratulations we have not set a date for our April meeting uh as of yet but we will be meeting in April after we return from break thank you okay sorry I wasn't hearing it um Mr grer could you say one more time um the when it's opening for preschool and when the lottery is being pulled again so February 12th this Monday the online registration for the lottery will begin and it will close on March 8th okay and the lottery will be pulled on April 10th and that will be live on our YouTube channel yeah I get asked that a lot and I just didn't C the catch the dates so okay thank you so much for repeating that for me you're welcome Mr Edwards facilities and finance thank you Miss wreb Dr farell uh facilities Comm committee met on January 29th president miss Bala Miss WRA Mr Mesmer Dr Farrell myself M mcam Mr Borio Mr ChatOn from V fhd Architects Miss gallardi from spel Architects m Mr Williams from spe Architects and Mr yor from net Architects first project discussed L Lake Rivier Middle School air conditioning Mr yor informed the committee that the contractor is waiting final commissioning of the rtus and the closeout documents will be forthcoming Veterans Memorial Middle School boiler replacement and air conditioning Mr yor informed the committee that this project is still waiting a Transformer and related electrical service work and that a change ordering amount of $816 is currently being reviewed by the engineer related to the electrical service work Mr proro informed the committee that the switch gear has been has been received and is being stored at the warehouse so that's terrific news we have the switch GE Emma Haven's Young Elementary School air conditioning Mr y informed the committee that the project is still waiting the Transformer switch gey and related electrical service work and that a change ordering amount of 11859 is currently being reviewed by the engineer Concord related to that work Veterans Memorial Elementary School Mr you informed the committee that the project is still waiting to Transformer switch gear related electrical work service work Drum Point Elementary School boiler replacement and air conditioning Mr y informed the committee the project is waiting Transformer and related electoral service work Mr Pororo informed the committee that the switch gear has been received and is being stored at the warehouse Lan mil Elementary School air conditioning Miss SC already informed the committee this project is on pause until completion of the switch gear demo and replacement uh requiring extended building shutdown occurs midstreams osbornville Warren H wolf and Herbertsville air conditioning informed the committee that these projects are on hold until the Neta until Neta feels that their active projects are close enough to substantial completion that they are confident to release the contingency balance Mr y informed the committee that these projects will be slated for the summer of 2025 but anticipates having the funds released from contingency in the summer of 2024 osbornville kitchen Edition Mr Williams informed the committee that the project is on track and have the bid spec to the district for advertisement by February 15th with the bid opening to commence on March 21st Brick Township High School kitchen HVAC and Drum Point Elementary School kitchen HVAC Mr pror informed the committee that there is no current scheduled date for these projects as material have not landed at the vendor Warehouse parking lot oh yes I will thank you which one we oh yeah I got to go to a big chocolate one yeah we're g to go cookies got to go big not to no nuts how long have you known me sounds like my parents um sorry parking lot assessment uh I informed the committee that a meeting was held with Remington ver Remington and Vernick on January 12th and plans to visit each site to review the traffic patterns and meet with the administration is currently being coordinated um I also made them aware of Mr Campbell's comments in regards to the narrow exit here that he would like to see fixed there I think you have tire tracks on those by the way saw them yeah um they plan to have the report to the district the middle of March uh so that we can determine if anything should be included in the 24-25 budget for the summer of 24 midstreams kitchen formed the committee that I met with Miss Richardson and even though she's very conservative on her budgeting we do believe that she'll have the Surplus needed to uh have that project included she is going to amend her budget which will be on the March agenda so that we can include the additional 747 th000 in the budget to begin moving forward with that project Brick Township High School track and long jump as we stated previously the uh maintenance work around the track is being done hopefully this year if we have funding available um through snow operations but that's kind of still too early to to know not on wood that we're good there and then Mr pror informed the committee that the representative from AT&T Sports who installed the long jump came out and believes that the deg degradation of the long jump is from vehicle traffic transversing to and from the field um Mr Pororo informed the committee that he believes a fence around the long jump would prevent people from driving over it uh for future Pres and that will include the long jump replacement and fencing in the 2425 program budget our next meeting is scheduled for March 4 then I assume you want me to go to finance correct Mr wro yes keep going right just keep going all right uh we want R the finance afterwards Mr Mesmer Miss wreb Miss pallo Dr farell myself first item we discussed was the transportation operation assessment Dr farell discuss the committee various options for bell schedule time changes that would provide cost savings to the district as outlined in the report provided by ciso indicated that the options are being reviewed and that recommendations for the 2425 school year would be presented as part of the 2425 budget presentation in April he noted that there is future changes in that there could be future changes in B times um reviewed if retirements and or vacancies occur in the 25 26 school year and Beyond inform the committee that Dr jenko agreed to assist in the transportation department due to the loss of Dr Morris and he noted Dr jenko will also review the other recommendations made of ciso in their report and provide recommendations of how the leadership position of the department should be posted and the other department modifications and job responsibilities 2425 budget I informed the committee uh that the meetings with the program managers have begun we noted the meetings will occur over the next few several weeks uh with the adoption of the tenative budget in March Dr FR informed the committee he expects the district will receive stabilization Aid in the current year an amount equal to the final S2 reduction and therefore the project cut of 4% could be less uh we shared with the committee some uh budgetary strategies that other districts such as Tom River and Jackson had utilized previously in working with their municipality uh we're going to look at land that we may have available that we could um maybe sell to the township we're going to engage with Engineers that determine the highest and best use of any land that we may have prior to doing so Community solar and building performance I reviewed with the committee the potential layouts for carports and noted the addition of air conditioning in all the schools could have potential for more electric utilization at each site for the district to purchase from carports and besides the revenue that could be generated on the lease of the carports uh this type of project is going to require um the award that we go to advantageous bidder and the request for proposal to obtain these Services would require the assistance of an expert in the field uh the committee agreed with Mr Edwards that we should do an RFP to seek such services and finally Point Pleasant burough Board of Ed shared services Dr frell reviewed the committee to proposed shared services whereby the director of food services and brick would oversee the food service operations in for Point Pleasant Bureau of Education uh I reviewed the contract with the committee whereby the board will receive $10,000 from Point Pleasant buau Board of Ed for the period of February 1st to June 30th M Richardson the director would receive additional compensation for her additional time required for the additional service is the amount of $5,000 and uh noted that the employment contract and the contract with PP Boe would be on the next agenda and the committee conf concurred with that and next meeting is March 4th thank you Mr Edwards Mr kler do you have anything that you want to add on HR I'll just add that we are U always looking for substitutes for uh nurses Transportation um and also fulltime teacher aids thank you thank you Mr GL first public comment session on agenda items only this will be the first opportunity for public comment and will be for agenda items only the board invites thoughts and reactions on agenda items each participant is asked to give his or her name prior to making a statement all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer the board will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or disciplining of any specific or perspective or current employee Andor students anybody for public comment Mr Campbell agenda items only all right before I do what I have to do on that Brick Township uh long jump and whatnot from the beginning that was nothing but crap now if they had any kind of a brain that whole project was a mess but that's beside the point put a retaining wall over there cut out the side of the hill and put in two more permanent things there and they can pay for it since they screwed up on the width of the track and they dumped it on the poor guy that uh helped put it in but they were the supervisors that's the end of that one that's a never I never get out of my coral on that one all right now uh operation number 13 14 15 16 17 18 and 19 I'm assuming that they're Rod grants correct how are we paying for our share can you answer me you can keep going we'll answer your then all right what are the up I also want to know what the upgrades are because Herbertsville they already have a 12y old boiler in there Warren Wolf has a 12y old boiler in there and the Osborne has a 12y old Boyer I don't know whether they're what they and you got got rooftop units on Herbertsville hopefully that's what's going to get replaced but I'd like to know what the upgrades are okay and uh let's see here no anyway just give me the upgrades on them and uh next half I have notes for the board members we got a real bunch of things I have to do thank you Mr Campbell Mr uh Dr farell sure um thank you Mr Campbell um Mr Edwards so um operations 13 through 19 Rod grants how we paying and what are the upgrades if you can just comment on that uh the the local share is being funded by a loan from Mr Campbell no just kidding I'm sure you do uh no so uh during the committee minute reports I reported out that the local share is the contingency funds that are tied up on the other projects so the all the other HV projects that are currently underway the project budgets were more than the actual bids came in at so we have money there that hopefully will flow back to us and when it flows back to us we're going to use that as a local share so that's why Mr y indicated that he's not ready to release that contingency money back to the district yet just in case as we're doing things through the summer more change orders or unknowns come up during the year that have to be dealt with but we're hopeful that that local funds so those projects are all slated for the summer of 25 ready for the next one what are the upgrades so it's air conditioning in those schools they don't have air conditioning currently so air conditioning the buildings correct so it's it's whatever needs to be done there as far as whether be putting univ ventilators in with the actual um condensing units or if it's replacing rooftop units with uh so it's each building's different thank you Mr Edwards any other public comment Mr Reed yeah we're still on agenda items wow it's been a while since I've been here it's good to see some familiar faces uh and the cookies are a nice addition I I don't know who brought brought that up um I just have one comment now about what's not on the agenda and I'll have more comments later well this is agenda item only but it's not on the agenda so the second section is for things that are not on the agenda yeah but it's required by NJ U law that it be the board secretary's report be presented at each meeting oh so you're asking that that question I'm sorry goad that's a good that's fine so Dr frell I'm you know I don't want to make a big deal out of it but people that like to educate themselves about the numbers in the district uh use that to see what's going on so I would ask what when can we see that I appreciate that sorry I understood you're going with that go ahead your is that your only question because I'm G to pass some this to this is my only question here I'll talk later but my name is Larry Reid by the way since I have to give that thank you Mr Reed um I know we usually do have board secretary reports on every month some months we've been behind whether we're filling positions in the business department a couple months ago Mr Edwards I don't know if you want to add I know last month we caught up to a certain month September September September last month there you go and I know this month they were not completed yet for this month board meeting and I know many of the board meetings have board members have asked me hey we were getting them a couple days before and we want them a little earlier so I actually said to Mr Edwards in the last two months if they're not in by like Tuesday we're not we're gonna hold them till next month so Mr Edwards you want to answer that yeah so like Dr frell indicated and you're correct as well so we're required to it's the requirement Ben can correct me if I'm wrong it's been a while since looked at the actual statute but the requirement is not that they be on every meeting the requirement is that they be on a meeting at 45 days from month end and so we're behind and when that what the what goes on to say in the accountability regulations is that when you don't put it on the meeting 45 days within months and you have to notify the county superintendent's office of such which we've been doing every month uh we've had some vacancies and a leave of absence that we've been contending with and so we are definitely behind uh we have October done but as Dr FR said we didn't get it finished until after it was time for the agenda to be released so it will be on next month's meeting and I believe that we're close to being done with November this week tomorrow so that should be on as well and my hope is to have December and January done for the March meeting so at that point we will be totally caught up we'll be we'll be right on track but I I do apologize i' I've said to Dr Crow before we are behind and we're notifying the county office every time we don't meet the requirement any way to get a copy of uh the December one not until it's appr by the board no it's because it's in draft format until the board gets it so it's not release to the public until six time okay thank you thank you Mr Reed any other public comment seeing none we'll close that section Dr Anderson curriculum and instruction thank you Miss wrab under curricul instruction the superintendent recommends that the board approve the following items one one through six I need a motion in a second motion Ali second Victoria any board comment seeing none Mary Miss W yes Miss picala yes Miss cber yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss yes Mr Mesmer yes Mr Edwards operations thank you this evening the super recommends items 1 through 22 I need a motion in a second motion Victoria second Frank any board comment seeing none Mary Miss wre yes Miss picala yes Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss St Benedictus yes Miss room abstain on number two and yes on the rest Mr Mesmer obain on number one yes on arrest Mr kler Human Resources thank you Mr walev tonight the superintendent recommends for human resources items one through 36 for approval I need a motion in a second motion Nicole second Victoria any board comment seeing none Mary Miss wre yes Miss Bala yes Miss Sebert yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss Benedictus yes Miss yes Mr mes yes Miss mcnamer policy and planning thank you Mrs I've under policy and planning superintendent Recs foll items one through four I need a motion and a second motion FR second Aly uh any board comments seeing none Mary Miss W yes Miss picala yes Miss seber yes Miss Kennedy yeah yes Miss de Benedict yes Miss yes Mr mmer yes this is a second opportunity for public comment each participant is asked to give his or her name prior to making a statement all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer comments shall be limited to five minutes and each speaker may only speak once the board will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or disciplining of any specific or perspective or current employee Andor student anyone for public comment yes sir good evening Mark Vasquez uh a couple things real quickly a couple years back i' had come and uh requested or asked if you guys had considered putting marketing on the buses I know we're really tight financially uh and looking at new ways to advertise beyond the standards of done in the past and so I encourage the entire board again to review that and look at those opportunities where they offset I know some counties like in Houston made quarter of a million we actually have a contract that's already that's yeah that's already going awesome that's good the second thing uh I have a really large concern of the elll students um from my understanding it's hundreds of hundreds of students that we have in this Township and and I know we're not getting the support from the state like you've mentioned and uh uh right now know probably the majority is probably Hispanic youth um and then there's probably a mix of other languages how how right now how are we dealing with that in the schools are the teachers using translation apps are they H how are they teaching these kids and it's a really big concern because I can guarantee you that I even spoken to some parents locally that live by me who have S children that came from overseas and they're not even sure about their education and so this is a really big issue because then my generation is going to have to figure out how to pay for that down the road and so uh these are really big concerns uh and so if you guys could address that a bit uh so that we understand what you're doing to communicate with the parents how are they communicating learning in classes uh and what are we doing with the state uh and other towns to deal with it so thank you thank you anyone else for public comment yes Mr Campbell we will answer that could you do me a favor we got to give it to Mary yeah no no no it's fine like yeah everything goes to yeah thank you fire thanks Mike go ahead Mr Campbell I'm sorry all right what that is it's just suggestions and action plans for this year notes that's all they are I can't get through it all unless you give me an extra two minutes let's do the best we can get all right first off $15 million fiveyear leas purchase agreement for finishing the rest of the HVAC projects and windows the president was set back in 2012 when the board had the same lease purchase agreement with 12 million not 15 million for B Brick Township High School and the windows next long-term bonds for most outdoor buildings and structures storage bleachers press boxes concessions field houses dugouts three Bay garage office storage tennis courts and district warehouse becomes District Maintenance building with additional storage extension funding in an in-house maintenance team to upgrade restrooms with accessibility interest as well as original Interiors in Institute life skill programs in middle schools and frost seminar check with Manchester for that program and check my former suggestions for life skills most schools have their main electrical systems have to get them replaced main not the branches of the new ones are put in and certified by the County Electric Bureau all schools must have domestic hot water heaters replaced with condensing units big saving increase longevity security and safety shared services board in council installation of gas generators in school except for brick memorial becom safe havens for students and local communities Alice Sandy now we' got to deal with wind shears and possible tornadoes we've been warned meet with Council to dispatch police to substations in each fire wouse for backup to schools and local communities throughout the entire Township except the extreme South end R in office will reduce response time and criminal activity and would like to see the tennis pickle ball courts it's a six figure income at least 65% of students go through High School taking Basics no chance to have the opportunity for gainful skills or exposures this is the age of skilled dominance vocational guidance counsel trained from within lowcost Hands-On visual programs Visual Arts everything's evolved from art biotech that's aquaculture Hydro crr Building Maintenance numerous jobs in those areas numerous law enforcement and safety police EMTs fire uh DHS they need them we don't need a teacher we need a facilitator of that program get the course of study from pre-old Township Schools no sense in vent the wheel numerous jobs are available we have in-house staff to head up these programs and aention programs appeal to all learning levels positive Revenue committee yeah it never came about but maybe someday operational and financial audit none for the past 10 plus years everybody runs for the board education and the platform but never has it been Advanced we'll provide 30 plus concerns about it next board meeting quotes on this is important because it takes more than a year quotes on the window replacements that have to be done and also a preast concrete kitchen cafeteria with two classrooms at middle midstreams Elementary School they come fully equipped inside and out Dr farell has the brochures on them uh the end blunder of the Year this functioning off floralton school no feasibility study many proposers were maintained in writing over the years the proposal was converting the school to administrative offices and the eec to PE prek renovation cost would be 3.8 million for the lauron no real income or renovation needed and the last thing is the income from putting the PK in here Dr farell tell you is well over four million bucks so that's my list thank you uh Mr Campbell now let's hope it's the seeds are planted thanks Mr gille any other public comment yes sir my name is Steven Cully uh a year ago uh throughout the news Jersey we were uh hit with young lady who lost her life down in uh Central High School can you can you just tell me where you're where you where you're from I'm from brick right here resident of the brick uh my question is I know the the governor had enforced that we needed Suicide Prevention within the high schools I want to know what we're using here in Brick and also want to bring to the attention that uh hope Squad is finally in New Jersey been implemented in in state in uh the schools and we have 5013 C's that would pay for it so brick High School would have it for free and I wanted to know how that could be presented to the board excuse the ignorance oh you're good thank you we'll answer after everybody's done any other board comment Mr Reed okay I'm glad the Dr phell L re uh I'm glad in Dr Ferrell's comments he talked that the key to everything is education and it applies to your budget wo as well so I met with the board secretary the superintendent and the the board president last year and explained that a lot of uh the woses for the school districts are political Decisions by our people down in Trenton and uh I did form a 501c3 uh called property tax reform New Jersey which is an educational 501c3 the main point of the uh educational uh effort is to educate people about where all their money goes where you know we have all these taxes that are collected in New Jersey where do they go so our mission is to educate people and it starts right here at the school boards because you're getting squeezed out of money and uh it's the governor's fault so so this it all goes back to this document as as you know Jim Edwards know I I look at the documents that are presented and analyze them and see what's happening so when you go through this year's budget which you can get from your elected representatives at any time it's called the Appropriations handbook so when it finally comes out which is it's published around August uh it has line by line items of the spending so so without trying to uh kill everybody with all the numbers the state budget is $54 billion this year there's two big funds the general fund is 32 billion that's with a b and the property tax relief fund is $21 billion so where does the property tax relief fund come from well back in 1976 when they passed the state income tax they directed that all that money go into the property tax relief fund so as you go through this uh Appropriations handbook it identifies which items are paid for by the general fund and which items are paid for by the property tax relief fund so to start off this year even though the budget was $ 32 billion for the general fund and this is very important they started with a 10 billion doll Surplus okay so there was A10 billion Surplus that the governor has the the uh ability to determine where it goes so the property tax relief fund started with zero reserves okay so what I did and if anybody's interested I'll be glad to give them a copy I boiled down where the 32 billion uh the 21 billion of the property tax relief fund goes okay most of it does go to the Department of Education 14.6 billion I'm rounding It Off um I don't put the sents down Jim sometimes does anyway uh the why is it a political decision well the governor makes the budget and then the legislature has a chance to make changes to it and what they did last year was the changes they made to it included uh $489 million of special projects for their districts some called call it uh Christmas Tree items whatever you want to call it it's pork okay so they got reelected okay we don't have an election for them this year so that should be another 489 million that's available to the schools uh then when you go then you know why is it a political decision I don't have much time left but I'll just cite one item when you go through the education department so the total Appropriations for direct Educational Services and assistance that total is 13.7 billion that's a lot of money how is it split up between the property tax relief fund and the general fund well that's a political decision so this year's budget from the general fund there was5 billion from the property tax relief fund there was $9 billion so how' they determine that split so this is why it's important to educate the citizens everybody in the district they're getting screwed out of the money they deserve okay so when everybody moved to uh New Jersey from covid the property tax relief fund went up like four billion dollars because of covid we had a lot of big income coming into the city the brick and uh so it went up $4 billion so the municipal Department there's a mun Consolidated municipal uh Relief Fund is 649 million it doesn't change each year by law it's supposed to be the same every year so the municipal government of brick didn't get any increase so with all that increase in the property tax relief fund the $4 billion doll where did it all go well 10 billion of it is in a surplus called the general fund and and we're not getting it so for all the politics about fully funding the schools I get back to it's the governor that decides that so it's politics and people need to know they have to get involved so that's the bottom line if they don't get involved you're not going to get the money and the schools are getting short changed yes that's my comments thank you thank you Mr Reed any other public comment Dr per just briefly um Mark right Mark um so elll numbers in my four years have gone from like 90 to over 600 um here and and actually Dr Anderson and I are co-authoring kind of a white paper about the funding associated with elll like I did last year Mr Reed on the the S2 funding um and I could talk further with you about how we have a supervisor that's actually a supervisor of Elementary language arts and dll and it's hard um and I've said this last month so I don't want to I'm not speaking out of school but many of our elll students come in the end of January that's the southern hemisphere summer and they don't count on our October for 15th student report that gets us funding but they all have to test and they all have to take math in our Infinite Wisdom even though you may not be able to know our language at all you still have to take a math test and accounts against us but it's a whole another story but I could give you more I promised we've been starting a trend that in the second public comment I would just kind of comment quickly at the end and director you could see me or email me or see Miss Dr Anderson after to give I had just Dr per one second I had just asked this question about how much it grew because we know our numbers the money we're spending um back in 2020 we had about 90 elll students in 2024 we have over 585 with 75 students refusing so refusing services so it really has exploded y so and I could get more detail about the title three which is federal but um I I wanna I want to thank Mr Reid because we met M WRA Mr Edwards and if you don't know Mr Reed I learned a lot I think I'm a finance guy but I really did uh learn a lot and we talked about the Surplus 10 billion dollars now to tell you what that means if we really want to fully fund education and take all the S2 District and everybody and put them at adequacy which is what the state say should be it's only two billion more 20% of the 10 billion the state could turn around and put everybody at adequacy which is the level they suggest we should be at um to fully fund schools so I thank you and I really think we all have been the last four years really trying to educate everybody um and I don't think people are listening and try to be honest but we've been really trying to educate people they're not listening let's be honest and we've been trying to educate I've been writing white papers I've been meeting with politicians I'm supposed to have a seat on the texting the go I'm supposed to have a seat at the table when they do the no new funding formula who knows but uh thank you for that um because you do give a different perspective and you can help us educate people as well I want everybody to think about that 20% of what's sitting in the State Surplus right now can fully fund all the schools to the adequacy level which is what they say the school district dist should be out that's out of the State Surplus not out of brick taxin so that's that was important and Mr Campbell I I want to say the best for last because we meet almost once a month everything you gave in your notes you gave me I do disperse almost every one of them are in our strategic plan so either you read our strategic plan thoroughly or I've been listening to you and we've been putting them in because they're all in our strategic plan you talked about a frost seminar at Manchester that my son actually created which is great and the CTE and um all good stuff you know that we're trying but like every good thing um it cost money and I did find out Mr Edwards educated me on the lease finance agreement 10 years ago and that you know we can do that instead of bonding so um we're aware of that um not just in this show here at a board meeting where I speak to the public I do meet regularly and talk and email Mr sluka and I talked over the weekend Mr Reed and I met you know Mr Camel if you if you do have questions and you really want to help email me or or call me I'd be glad to reel you in and solicit though because we got we got a lot of work to do and I really want to get going on the Strategic plan which could take us five to seven years to get back where we were maybe nine years ago so anyway thank you no no you have one more Suicide Prevention and the oh so forget you I'm so sorry because I want Dr Anderson and Miss mcar to see you after yes we have that curriculum they could get into a lot more detail with that we've been working with the county uh County Superintendent of which I'm the vice president of our associated with the prosecutor's office with Behavioral Health Services on a myriad of the 501 c3s you recommend and there's a lot of programs now I will tell you many of the programs we do in here are funded in certain ways outside of our budget I'm also going to tell you there's some mandated services that we are getting now from the Department of and the governor for mental services and support services that are very important that don't have any money attached to it either which stinks because we could use some more guidance counselors and support Personnel in that area and it's a huge Trend but miss mcam and Dr Anderson right after this meeting uh we'll come up to you and and we could get exchange information get more details for you no you're good thank you uh board comment Victoria hi I'm Victoria picala and I'm grateful to Amaya Kristen and Cameron for coming out tonight and sharing what they had to say uh it really keeps us plugged in um I um have been a member of the board of education for nine years I have been on the finance and Facilities committee for nine years I've worked with the director of grounds the director of Transportation the director of cni the director of special ed and the finance and Facilities committees and I can assure you the operational audit that I demanded be done when I was a candidate has been done it's been done on many levels as we have been able to afford it to be done especially with our esep especially with our um uh repurposing of some of our buildings especially with um uh new administrators and I really am proud of that work that's been done and I don't think we've left any stone unturned did we Jim okay so I have faith in that I um look forward to working um on my committee and to um uphold my fiduciary relationship with the people of brick I um I Heard once before I think once that we don't really have a spending problem we have a revenue problem and thanks be to God we I think that was a wise man that said that I heard well that man is surely something well so I just want to say that we we have been looking into advertising did somebody address advertising we we addressed it we do have that yes okay good so I'm glad to be here I'm looking forward to um all the wonderful things that are happening in February and March and I'd just like to remind everybody about the green fair in May and that um like the best thing our school district does I might be biased is beyond brick and I really hope a lot of people come out to participate in that with their students and um their parents and I appreciate all the volunteerism everybody um in the faculty does to make that a successful night have a good evening thanks Victoria Nicole I got nothing thanks for coming out tonight guys thank you Ally this may be a first but I'm good for this evening as well thank you uh ran um so I want to thank Mr re that was amazing that you laid that out for us um we do need the money but if we want it we have to ask for it we have to call we have to bug we have to it's owed to our kids it's owed to us as taxpayers because we've already paid it but we have to get out there and we have to make a or going to get it and it's not fair that we keep going like this um so get out email call bug it's okay do it that's our job um on a lighter note but kind of in the same thing since our kids are not able to get the funding and so much has been cut like things like the Arts are just we're losing it our our sports are arts and some of the kids kid they're not they're not academic kids they really love the Arts that's their thing and it's so sad that because of something stupid like money that these kids would be losing something that really ties them to school that's where they that's why they go to school some of them they get the education but they go because that's their love the Arts and um a big thing is is in my house at Le is merching band is Color Guard these are things that kids really love so I am going to tell you guys that the uh home show for brick memorial Color Guard is um the 17th at Lake g go support support our Arts support our kids go show your face say that you know you're super proud of them for what they're doing um and also because I love both sides brick um the dragons theirs is on the six at Lake r as well go support our kids call be a bug and then go out and support them and tell them they're doing an awesome job thanks guys thanks friend um mine so first I want to say happy birthday Nicole thank you guys on January 18th I attended a simpler time at Brick High School oh my God so much fun to see the teachers the principal the kids um put on a play it was it feels great I really enjoy the place and what the the children do I want to thank them on January 25th I went to my old school Osborne bille school and watched the D graduation it was so funny to see how small that gym is and when I was in that gym it was huge I didn't want to run and do the things in the gym and I went away small but it was great to see the school I got to go through the whole school um the essays that the little girl did was incredible it was just an incredible essay um and the poster was cute really cute and the song was great at the end too um tonight took a different totally different turn of what I thought it was going to and I want to say very proud of everybody who um I received calls from understands what's happening we now have a great teacher for our special needs math class and um I hope that um the people who were concerned work with our new coach and learn to work with him and have your children um the same values that they got um a lot of you don't know my mom and dad were very good friends with Warren w um they grew up together and he was the first coach he was a great coach we need other great coaches too now and um a little thing that I read that I want you to hear because I think the people who showed up tonight and decided to be mature should hear this because this is what he taught he guided his team players while teaching them life lessons such as kindness caring humility respect honor Pride tradition dignity and integrity values they will carry with them for the rest of their lives and it is shown tonight that you guys have realized that there's a change and you need to part of it and you need to help it happen because if your children are playing on this team you want your children to carry what coach wolf taught you and you want to be sure that this coach and you work with them to do it also a lot of people were yelling at us about why we don't that wasn't up to this board to make that decision we didn't make that decision we weren't involved in that decision at all the decision was made by the people who have to work with him so I want to say thank you I to for the respect that you gave this board and I want to say please please please help this new coach guide him guide him to your values and the caring and the love that you were taught so your children can carry on the same way thank you good night thank you m and Mike um so first off so I've been on the board now a little over a month um been uh chair of the finance committee now for a little over a month and it's depressingly obvious of this tough situation that the brick district is in um the administrators are put in a tough spot the boards put in a tough spot and ultimately the students so I have to say I mean really uh thanks to the donations for books and supplies that came in over the last month because anything helps we have to get creative um I mean we all sound like a broken record but we have to go to Trenton talk to we don't even know who to talk to but we have to talk to someone and if we keep saying it maybe it'll become true at some point so but definitely thanks for donations um the sponsorship and advertising is an excellent idea I mean Billboards even like anything on school land you know that we can turn into a revenue generator can be helpful so that would be awesome um real quick just thoughts and prayers with Dr Mor's family um he was a principal when I was in school great guy great family so and uh lastly I just want to talk about so I sat in on the uh preschool parent information session I sat in yesterday's session and I just want to say this staff did an amazing job explaining answering some tough questions from parents um and I think I might have a lottery party so my son's part of it this year might host the party in my house hoping number gets picked uh everyone in Bricktown can come um oh she is she is but uh it was a really great helpful session we definitely had questions they were all answered so and I just wanted to point out those dates again it was uh February 12th to register start to register and then it'll be held the party at my home will be held uh April 10th so thank you yeah I'm going to RSP now for me and my granddaughter so uh but thank you mik that's all I got have your wife let me know what I can bring Mike um okay so February 16th professional development for staff no school for students February 19th President's Day school closed March 6 early dismissal for students and March 14th is a regular board meeting here at 700 p.m. I need a motion in a second for German motion Fran second alley Mary Miss W yes Miss picala yes Miss cber yes Miss Kennedy yes Miss D Benedictus yes Miss yes Mr Mesmer yes thank you everyone have a great weekend