good evening we'd like to bring this meeting to order please adequate notice that this meeting was provided and published in the asur Park Press and the ocean star on January 12 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll P councilman albanes here councilwoman Pono coming councilwoman diong here councilman Fineman councilwoman Traverse vice president ambino here president minino here TK I ask everybody to please rise for the salute the flag in a moment of silence I played oigan fly in the United States of America and so the rec stand thank you tenm clerk will you accept reports please yes thank you I had a motion in a second motion for June 11th minutes please thank you motion again thank you thank you par you okay H good b c i on it thank you this brings us to our consent to J oh I'm going to take a roll I'm just running a little behind sorry uh councilman albanes here councilwoman ptero barely care councilwoman D young here vice president embo yes president minikino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorized insertion of chapter 159 njdca brick Senior Center 2022 Grand woman D thank you this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $200,000 from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the brick Senior Center dialysis Transportation program this program started July 16th and so far we've been able to provide 595 rides to 18 patients um it's really been great we are been transporting this briff residents to two local dialysis centers and some patients are saving a significant amount of money on Transportation expenses as well as respit care to uh their care work caregivers who have Al who have been using have been transporting them themselves so and our buses are all ADA Compliant so it it's been a really good thing for our residents thank you P two authorized Grant application NJ doot 2025 Municipal aid program roadway elevation of Channel Drive project thank you this resolution authorizes a Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Transportation Municipal aid program for the Channel Drive roadway elevation project 43 authorize Award of contract for purchase of two EMS power Cuts councilwoman poner thank you Mr P this rizes award of K the amount of$ 35,41 1588 with Spiker EMS equipment located in cou this again for the purose of two Power Pro specials for the first sship EMS Squad this purchase was actually approved in the 2024 cha buet than you thank you 4 for authorize Award of contract for purchase and delivery of 1224 Chevrolet Tahoe Council vice president amberino uh thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of a contract the amount of ,17 122 to hetrick Fleet Services of Milford Delaware this is for the purchase and delivery of one 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe this purchase was previously approved in the 2024 capital budget for the police department thank you thank you four five authorize Award of contract for purchase and installation of new gym floor at Civic Plaza Elman albanies thank you council president this resolution authorized thew contract in the amount of 63378 to direct flooring Clemington for the purchase and installation of new gym floor at Civic Plaza this purchase is being made through Educational Service commissions of New Jersey Cooperative agreement andless funded in the 202 24 capital budget thank you or six authorize Award of contract for upfit to six police inceptor utility vehicles Council vice president Amber Seaman thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of a contract for the purchase and installation of various equipment for new police patrol Vehicles this award is being made through the state of New Jersey Cooperative purchasing program through two vendors East Coast emergency lighting of millstone Township and the amount of 105 5088 and PMC Wireless of Haslet in the amount of $1 14,113 thank you thank you 47 authorize Award of contract for roadway improvements to courtshire drive this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $488,680.50 to Mecca Inc Clark Bar Clark Bar F roadway improvements on courtshire Drive project this project was funded in the 2024 capital budget 48 authorize lease agreements for wireless telecommunications facility at 401 Chambers for Road councilman albanes and council president this resolution authorizes the leas agreement for wireless telecommunications facility located here at Town ball with Dish Wireless rosand with the initial term annual rent of 44,000 the rent for each term will increase by 2.75% on a rent commencement date fit notices provided to four vendors from the town trips BS list one bidder pick up to package thank you 49 authorized demolition of 204 Winchester Drive councilwoman young thank you this resolution authorizes the demolition of 204 Winchester Drive as recommended by the Township's Property Maintenance board thank you thank you 410 authorized demolition of 250 Riverside Drive woman young thank you this resolution authorizes the demolition of 250 Riverside Drive North is recommended by the Township's Property Maintenance board thank you thank you 41 authorized 2024 2025 liquor license renewals without restrictions BC rest of Bricktown Inc trading as New Jersey Wine Gallery Elman Albany thank you council president this resolution authorizes the renewal plinary retail distributor lior license without restrictions to New Jersey Wine Gallery on Brick Boulevard thank you 412 authorized 202 24 2025 plary retail consumption liquor license renals with restrictions JSM F brick for LLC thank you Council woman P terrar authorizes the Ral of theary retail consumption Rices with restri which is currently in the in asset sadness C JSM at first for LLC thank you thank you 413 413a is a performance bond release for Block 1170 Lot 10 01 than go 414 please 414a a veteran deduction for Block 2.02 lot 894b is 100% DAV Widow a veteran deduction for Block 493 lot22 14 C is 100% DAV Widow a veteran deduction for Block 894 Lot 1 and 14d is a tax over payments from 2020 at block 270 lot 60 and as well at block 10939 thank you this brings us to the end of our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council seeing none close counts open to public for questions on the resolutions only seeing none close public roll call councilman Albert councilwoman pondera yes councilwoman D young yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes than this brings us to our computer fill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the T of a break that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk B and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 14,168 572686 yeah councilwoman D young yes vice president yes president Mino yes this brings us for our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and Clark be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same mannual bill resolution in the amount of 2,223 6701 thank you I a motion in a sec motion second thank you open to council seeing none closed Council open to public on these resolution seeing none closed public role call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman dong yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes St thank you and this brings us to our public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township administrative code code section 2-33 B thank you anybody from po yes Mr sluk uh John sloka 950 syvia Court I'll read my letter I guess you guys got June 16 2024 dear mayor crate council president Vincent minino and all councilmen and councilwoman as well as all the Resident students and workers of brick County brick and Ocean County pleases of the residents of Evergreen Woods condo area brick High School trim rose garden Sutton Village Lanes Mill School greenb Town Hall fire Mills Birchwood Park and other places in Brick and Ocean County monthly go un answered anyone can go to the bus stops around area around the Evergreen Woods playgrounds the pool areas and just the regular streets and canote the noise and the toxins and the plutons and ders associated with the Garden State Parkway the mayor council members the administration the newspapers and the fact anywhere can go anytime to any part of the development at Evergreen Woods if anyone thinks it's too far they could probably find a place closer to their homes where they can view their G State proper for its dangers its toxins and its noise the New Jersey turn bike Authority commission has created toxins dangers noise and its expansion over about 12 years ago and has all and it's gotten increasingly worse over the time period anyone spending a decent amount of time in Evergreen wood area can feel the danger can hear the noise and can see the damage that has happened over the years one must realize that air pollution is harmful everyone not just the people of Evergreen Woods it has impacted Cherry H Cherrywood brick High Primrose Garden Brian Mill suton Village Lanes Mill Green Brier Town Hall Birchwood Park and others ambient air pollution is a major environmental health problem affecting everyone in the lower in the middle and in a higher income area countries and it occurs in all areas around the world the town may have spent money and gone to a few meetings with the New Jersey time Pik Authority but the bureaucracy rules the New Jersey tpik Authority planted almost no trees almost no brush and no bo bushes on their own property and over the years many trees have died and they have fall the toxins and the noise did not get better on their own and the people continue to suffer people of the area have been harmed ever since by the toxins flowing off the Garden State Parkway without regard for the seniors the workers and the Youth of the area the children waiting at bus stops seniors walking near dogs workers fixing the roads and roofs Town workers collecting garbage tending to the fires and other emeres where there are over 700 houses located children swimming in pools and playing basketball would just have to put up with the toxins from the automobile emissions or the burning of the tires which cause more pollution fast walls and increased foilage are needed in the G State parway around Evergreen Woods condo area Cherrywood be high trim rose garden rill suton Village Lanes Mill Green Brier Town Hall Birchwood Park and many many many other areas the time to act is well passed and it is now thank you for your time I yeld back a minute 40 thank you anyone else Republic please yes sir my name's John MCC coneg uh 125 Valencia Drive in Rick New Jersey uh and I want to speak to the Rick Council today regarding damage that occurred to my home uh and that of many of my neighbors some of whom are here tonight um we're seeking help from our elected officials and obtaining a fair resolution of damage claims to our properties uh actually sent all members of the council an email on April 1st in regards to this matter I didn't hear back so that's why I'm PR um Rick mua hired contractor underground utilities Corporation who did work on replacing water and sore lines in five streets in our area which was overseen by Brick mua on a daily basis we reported damages occuring occurring almost immediately not to mention the effects of the gases that were coming from the dewatering that they were doing which was extreme and excessive um Rick mua told us that Q underground utilities Corporation is responsible and to file claims with their insurer uh damages that were occurring Rick M mua repeatedly assured us that they were going to hold back final payment and their performance bond until quote unquote residents claims were satisfact resolved that's fine um but now Rick mua is being sued by underground utilities Corporation for the release of their final payment and bond that goes they lose uh then we will have also lost any little last bit of Leverage that we may have with that contractor uh for this work um Rick mua over the course of over two years hold us to patient to let the process pay out play out excuse me it's over two years um the contractor's insurer is denying our claims saying that the damages were either pre-existing which they were not or that they were not caused by their insured underground utilities corporation uh we brought this damage to Brick mua's attention almost immediately absolutely nothing was done pause to investigate to stop the project they allowed it to continue as they were performing it and it worsened to that as a result of that feel that Rick mua bear some responsibility in this although they now abdicate all responsibility um they don't seem Rick and mu doesn't seem to answer to any other local politicians have told us that they may answer to this Council because you are responsible for appointing the members of their executive don't know if that's true one reason we're here um TW 11 neighbors right now who are left involving this we have over $400,000 Collective damage or our props we didn't ask for this project we were told this was going to be a minor project we got a notice in September told us that we were going to be this project was going to be over in September of 2021 I should say the project was going to be over by January of 2021 no warning that there was going to be any significant impact to our lives uh the project didn't end it started physical work started in November of 2021 it did not end until July of 2023 that's not a minor project um evidently all parties Rick mua and undergr Tilles Corporation doing work for are required to have Ins Insurance but it appears that there's no accountability to actually pay claims out of that insurance because their insurer has ly in their own determination said it wasn't us I'm just going to go back and say one thing there are 16 homes on Valencia Drive along that suffered damage you think that's a coincidence that probably 50 homes on the street and half of them are non non- full-time residents so they don't even realize what happened to so I'm asking the council is there anything anyone can or will do to help us put some pressure to get this matter resolved enough is enough let me ask a question sure who else is here okay does anybody want to add to that before we respond or did he touch it pretty good because we seem we yeah let's Don Sapp Anar 141 baleni Drive I think John pretty well covered it um mua has completely turned their backs on us after telling us to be patient telling us to wait let it you know take its course um mua proved the engineering mua gave out the contract mua managed the contract they were our main point of contact for any questions we had any issues in the neighborhood as far as Road cleaning anything like that one it was simp as soon as claims started getting filed they said oh you got to talk to the contractor contractor looked at it they decided their insurance company got involved decided they weren't going to address any claims until the project was complete which was a year almost a year and a half later now that the project was done they turned around and said oh everyone got the same form letter saying it was pre-existing conditions our neighborhood is over 60 years old they tried to tell us that it was settling of the marsh which had you know been been back filled 60 years ago it was storm damage but never said what storm and my house was built in 2018 So what had nothing to do with Sandy and um the one other issue I forget what it was but in any event the MUA compl completely turned their back and said it's up to the contractor they're responsible contractor pushed it on the insurance the insurance sent the blanket letter saying it's not our responsibility now mua says oh there's nothing we can do so that's why we're here but we we've come to to the end of the road mua we're asking Town Council for help at this point Thank you anybody else want to speak on this issue we got to step up to the microphone and please stay that Joel Myers 115 valenia this is a letter that I wrote to uh CNA which is the insurance company um this was I bought my house one month before the whole project um I purchased my house on uh May 22th one month prior to the lost the date or lost of the crane my house inspection at that time my house did not have any cracks in the ceiling crack tiled cabinets falling with noted cracks and visual measurement defects um nail pops throughout my home windows out of alignment and major deck issues my deck was perfect now I have three two verbal and one written estimate of over $50,000 for replacement major beams have been shaking uh I had to endure constant vibration shaking of my home noxious fumes for 2 years not to mention I did get some headaches but never got um again constant shaking from the Machinery um the vibration actually caused my my air conditioning coils to break that I had to repl in air conditioning pictures were taken throughout this whole project um by Tom from um the the company um from underground utilities the damage sustain is not related to settlement as I purchased my home one month prior to the underground utilities Corporation project um my home inspection clearly documents that PRI prior to the work there was nothing noted or noted issues my home now there are a lot of issues and a lot of repairs that need to be done thank you you yes Miss Cole n call 18 GRE priot and Cent once again this council with the exception of maybe one person has shown the total disregard for the residents and homeowners in this area in this entire town and for the people that are watching on television and who may be gathered here I offer this information uh short time ago before I was consumed with my own physical problems I contacted the ruus law Institute asking if the any entity had oversight over municipalities the response I got was the Department of Community Affairs which in the past I've dealt with and you don't get too much help of with the problem you have mentioned I think you could get a lot help and I suggest that we as a town get together and bombard the Department of Community Affairs with our problems and the lack of Interest by the council the refusal to my suggestion to hold Town count Town Hall meetings and find out what are the needs of your people that are in the town ship I know it's depy as there but maybe somebody that's in the listening audience on I don't know if it goes out over a radio line but uh certainly you can see it on a YouTube I believe and let's all get together and demand the match thank you Mr starky would you like to respond to this yes thank you thank you uh for the the people got up from Valencia Drive I um I got the email as well that you sent I think it was back in in March or April and I spoke with the uh attorney for the MUA to you know ask if he was aware of the concerns you had and he was he was aware of them and he he told me generally I think what you've been uh hearing that uh he said they're trying to work through it with the contractor and with the insurance company he also told me they're holding up their performance bond it sounds like what um you were told I haven't I haven't spoken with him since I wasn't aware that this continu to be a problem but um I I understand that concerns the the um I appreciate you coming here the the issue for this Council though is that the MUA is a separate governmental entity and it the council points the members but that's it we're we're we're not allowed to interfere with their operations we're not allowed to direct them to tell them what to do to tell them how to do it and that's because state law sets up the MUA as the that oversees Water and Sewer projects in the towns um they do have public meetings like this one I don't know if you've been to one of their meetings you have okay they have public meetings they have public uh comment public input um and you can and I I'd say you should bring your concerns to them the council I think is uh will listen to you but the council really is powerless to direct the MUA uh to do anything we we simply can't as a legal matter do that um people have asked about what options you have um you know I I I hear your claims and I I sympathize with you and I think so far you're doing what you should be doing the people that are responsible you've hit the contractor potentially the contractor their insurance company possibly the MUA um you could um certainly join the lawsuit if it's pending yeah somebody said there's a pending lawsuit I was wasn't aware of that you can join that lawsuit individually you know collectively sounds like you have a significant amount um claims on the table you are able to um bring a separate lawsuit against the insurance company or against the contractor you can bring a lwuit against the MUA if you if you want to um sometimes insurance companies have internal appeals you can pursue I don't know if you've been notified of that you did that that's it got an okay that's that's usually a simpler uh simpler process in going to court um less expensive but you the you I'm not not GNA I'm not going to say it's a it's you know it's going to work going down that way it's it's an option it sounds like you very uh you know explored that um I I think coming to the council and mayor and administrator we don't have control we don't have influence over the am we can't tell them what to do um they make their own decisions I said they separate Authority just like claims against the county or against the state are separate from what the the township here does um I think if you're going to the MUA meetings I know they meet uh once a month at the end of the month um I think they just had a meeting tonight actually but they they generally meet on Wednesdays the last Wednesday of the month um you're you're free to go it's open to the public open for you know public comment just like like this is here you can get up and you can bring your concerns to them and I think that might be hopefully would be a productive Avenue but um I think everyone appreciate you coming here um and expressing I just wanted you to know that that the Power Authority is not here to to solve the problem it's it'll be at the MUA thank you Mr starky anybody else from public please nope seeing none close all right yes sir have to apologize I had a hard time hearing back there okay my name is Robert Lee I reside at 183 caraga Drive in the Baywood section of brick with my wife elener and my three children which have left the nest I'm here tonight to address the flooding that we have on ciga Drive okay back in the old days okay we never had flooding when we moved in I've been here since the mid-60s we never had any flooding the water would come in on the Southeast or an East Wind and in the lagoon up the storm drain and down the side of the road and never covered the road okay now what happened the developer of the township allowed construction homes on the North side from the bay all the way to the paper lot which was a road and they were going to develop that Marsh okay now when they did that the water would no place to go it had no place to go it come down the road and now cover the road now the marsh grows at least 58 in a year I thought the marsh sank so over a period of time the marsh has gotten higher in the marsh there's tile pools where the mosquitoes were mosquito commission used to come in and dredge that they no longer do that now the water comes in on an East and a Southeast wind not so much on Northeast now the Northeast wind is bringing the water in with the township property is nothing was ever done on that property okay now right now I'm in danger I have a heart problem the tide comes up at least 2 feet now if we have to send an RV I don't know the police to Fire EMS they're not going to come to my house they have to get there with a boat and now the marine life come in the only time I seen any marine life on that property is when we have extreme Tides it goes down the curb and it's a a field day for the seagull they have it a diner Club at the car so I talked to the mayor and the neighbors have and I know right now that's deem Wetlands it never was it was a paper Road for developing in the marsh okay they never did that and they were stopped by the federal government now the mayor tried I I honestly feel when I spoke with the mayor a few times and my neighbors um that something was going to be done apparently the mayor hit roadblocks and nothing was done so right now we are in a concern to stop the flooding on gagea dry there's got to be a solution there's got to be powers to be team up with the county team up with the State team up with the federal government there's got to be a solution the town doesn't have the revenue or the resources something has to be done to protect the marine life and the citizens that's all I have to say but thank you so much thank you sir anybody else from public please yes ma'am hello I'm maram maoy from 172 cardiga drive I'm here to actually speak on the same topic as my neighbor across the street bob I have been a full-time resident of cardiga Drive since 1996 and yes as Bob said we have sustained minor flooding but water would rise through our storm drains would come up it would go down we had an ample time to move cars to get off the street if we had appointments or had to go to work um previous administrations dating back to 2015 have been made aware of this cuz I personally emailed them and we actually asked the tide valves be inore installed in the storm drains to date nothing's been done approximately 5 years ago and I know that cuz we're on the way to a chring um the frequency and severity of the flooding increased as the bay began to breach the property Township property known as um saaro drive and the adjacent lot the water flow is voluminous it's quick flowing there is no time to prepare and move your vehicles um vehicles have become submerged and property has been damaged from this the water can rise 2 to 3 fet in the street and the street definitely becomes impassable I've sent videos to use go mayor de um mayor crate who's been excellent um has seen him and been aware um the the videos illustrate the water fallowing down the street they show the amount of water in the street um I have some photos of cars submerged people have lost their vehicles trying to get off the street um it's crazy we uh me my husband and I have phon Governor Murphy we have spoken with his assistant Robert field we s photos emails and we've even been in touch with various D Personnel today even though M crate has tried um very hard nothing has been done to stop the flooding this is definitely a safety issue um as proper had said we can't get off the street and we are honestly requesting that AC should be taken to stop the flooding at the bay um if an engineer out an engineer is necessary maybe that's something to think about to work with the um fire hydrant become block try to find it photo this is where the bay comes across the lot and actually 12 Street so anything that can be done to help us would be greatly appreciated storm season's coming uh it's a multiple event it happened April May December constant so thank you and we appreciate your time thank you anybody else in public please yes sir joh Mac boy 172 cogena Drive I just want to reiterate the same thing even it doesn't have to be a storm it just be a high tide now that the the Bay water level has risen to after Sandy and uh this lot has deteriorated over the last 5 years which just with a 10 mph East Wind floods the lot and then proceeds to flood the whole neighborhood in a matter of minutes so uh something really needs to be done bulkheading I don't know why we can't get a bulkhead on that lot uh I know it's part of his themed Wetlands but from the map i' I've seen online most of the wetlands is close to the road problem is at the bay yeah just the water getting to the RO and uh people are stuck there for days they can't go to work and uh if there's emergency emergency vehicles can't get down the street as you seen from the pictures uh it's two or three feet high water and the street so something really needs to be done and I hope uh some action is taken I just want to thank M CR she's responded to me uh phone calls emails and thank you for your help and I I hope something gets done thank you thank you sir anybody else in public please and D bco 191 C gen D I'm here support our neighbors myself I'm new to the blog uh been here in like four years uh when I first moved there didn't have a flood issue that get worse and worse I miss numerous days of work my wife works 5:30 in the morning she has a pretty hard job just to get there to open the building she already got r manag or not able to make the job because some flooding uh I went through the you know to flood myself my truck and actually uh damaged underneath my truck there a $300 um price tag to get that fixed because of the flooding I lost new were days of work myself and you know I had that show pictures or sometimes people don't realize the flooding we get that other people don't get and um I know may Great's been great I know John Maran our neighbors been trying to all pitch in so I would really appreciate guys if he could do something I know Bob has a hard issue God forbid talk happened can't get him out you know so I just want these guys thought that we do have a problem here and hly we can do something to solve that problem but thank you for your time I appreciate it thank you so anyone else from public please saying none yes ma'am hi I'm Debbie Rooney I'm at 184 Cartagena Drive Brick and uh we lived here my husband and I for about 5 years now and this year it has been horrendous with the flooding I couldn't get to work I couldn't help my daughter with her kid she works the doctor she could you know it it causes a big problem I couldn't get to my other job with children supporting families that work um recently my husband took his car in uh for U maintenance and realized that now is um the RO the rotors um with this car have to be replaced um 15,000 miles earlier than it would normally because of the rust I've had rust under my car extensive rusting and I've been told that because I have to drive through the waters when I drive through this water to try to get through my car starts to float and um in fact we've had cars to get that got stuck on the road and um I just keep trying to get myself through because I have a job I have to get to and it's been very difficult um been here 5 years but this year we'd see the water come up when we first moved in um but it wasn't flooding but now it's really flooding it's like two two and a half three feet high as you go down you can't even I've never seen it come way up the road um and it is it's coming way up the road all the flooding so um we'd really appreciate your help and trying to install up some sort of Bulkhead or something to stop the water coming up from the marsh in the bay into our into our community there thank you very much thank you anyone else from public please seeing none closed public Mrs Bergen some reason I thought she was going to do aoll call I'm sorry um so I just want to make one comment if I can so um there have been pleased by three residents of Evergreen wood who have attended our meetings requesting assistance with the barrier um to in their Community they have not gone unanswered and we'll continue to answer these questions at every public meeting where the subject is raised so I'll stay diligent with that making sure you're all informed um since 2014 I've heard from three residents in Evergreen Woods and I've attended several Evergreen Woods Association meetings where this issue was not included on their agenda for discussion uh same is true for Sutton Village Green Brier and a school district uh the fact that toxins is exist in our environment is not equate to to justification for a sound wall or additional plantings um time has aaps since the 2019 study but the does not change the need or the the requirements of the njtpa to come out now at the time they were doing the expansion was the time of the study and as he mentioned we did a study as I mentioned last meeting that cost the township $ 52,2 to do a study that were directed by the residents who wanted them where the placement of the equipment was put and how it was calculated and that did not show that there was uh an excessive level so we did what we could to try to to wage about based on science and data and we did not have the material that we needed so at that point there was nothing left for us to argue um the last community that opted for a sound wall even though they did not meet the criteria which would be Equitable to our situation uh was e brunwick and in that project the wall was constructed but the homeowners were assessed um so we have not moved forward with an assessment to build a sound wall because all of the impacted residents would surely want to have a say in that and the association has not directed us that that's an interest that the majority of their residents have in at in any in any world so that's what's happening in everb woods I'll continue to update you each meaning that it comes up thank you mayor thank you uh so I just want to address uh the members the public that came out tonight thank you for coming out uh that's why we have these meetings because we want people to come and express what's going on in their neighborhoods and share with the council what's going on I just want to follow up on a couple of things uh first with regard to Valencia Drive uh and the MUA we have had conversations back and forth uh I've spoken with different members from uh different citizens or residents that live on that street uh what I would like to do um I know what our um attorney says uh with regard to how much control we have uh over what the MUA does and I've I've expressed that in emails but what I think we can do is maybe set up a meeting between our Council and RBA and uh their councel and see uh where things stand at this point so that we can report back out to the residents at the very least have them come together to have that discussion we don't really have an influence over that but at least we can see uh from our end in our perspective what's going on a little clearer I did have a conversation with the head of you of the MUA I think I expressed that in an email to I'm sorry because I've emailed a few residents um and we didn't you know other than saying that they were holding back uh the money uh the funds uh that's where we would what we would have done as well so we'll have that conversation and see uh where that gets us just so you know that we're not ignoring your pleas we do we do hear you and I can completely empathize I'm just our hands are a bit tied with what we have the ability to do legally and I want to have that conversation to see if there's something else we can do so for for that group of people we will look into that and then we'll have we'll reach back out once we're able to do that we set that meeting and see what happens uh for my flooding um the people who live on cardena the flooding that takes place we've had lots of conversations about that as well I've had uh phone conversations and and email conversations I just want to update the council so they understand where we stand with that as well uh we have spoken with residents and we have actually met with um our engineer has met with two members of the new J the njd to see what uh what possibilities there are for that for saaro drive and what we can do to help mitigate the flooding there just FYI for you guys because I don't think you realiz this we already did a roadway elevation there so that that's out of the out of the you know we're not able to do that again because we've already gone above what our usual roadway elevations are for that particular Road uh all of the things that we proposed to the uh D were not uh acceptable as far as what what they would say is allowable we talked about a bulkhead that was not acceptable we talked about having a burm that we could um make it look pretty so it could block uh but we would need to Anchor it for safety that and that would have required a CFA uh so we couldn't do that uh we went back uh and we tried to do a um a 12in uh firm curb uh that's not really acceptable so we have been working with the residents we've tried we've worked with the D we've tried that um and we we to are hitting roadblock so uh I just wanted to update you on what we've done so far what I would uh like to do is that Miss Bergen and I will reach back out to the two members of the D that we've um met with already and see if they'd be willing to speak with you with the residents themselves so they can explain why uh I feel like I've become middleman at this point I I keep getting no as well and I'm trying to explain what they're saying and I'd rather them just explain themselves so perhaps we can set something up with the residents and those members of the njd so they can explain what is acceptable and what isn't and why we haven't been able to move forward at this point I will say as far as the safety goes I know you're stating that I know you have health issues we have spoken as well um please know that we do have high water Vehicles so if there is an emergency the police that's what our our our police are for they want to come out they want to assist you and they will assist you so if you have a medical emergency and you need to get out please do not hesitate to call our Police Department we have high water vehicles and boats that will come and get you if there is an issue we're not leaving any Resident in a situation where that they they cannot receive assistance if there's a medical is you okay so please make sure you reach out if that's the case um and so I just wanted to update the Council on that I appreciate the residents coming out and meeting face to face I know we've had a lot of phone calls and emails back and forth so it's nice to see your faces and uh please continue we'll continue to communicate at the best that we can and that's all I have to see thank you Mr starky I love thank you madam clerk nothing thank you Madam Secretary no thank you councilman albanes yeah just to Echo what the mayor said we do uh sympathize we appreciate you guys coming out and we do sympathize with you um you know these things take time hopefully we can come up with a speedy resolution because I know it's these things are difficult but uh you know we we do recognize it and we will do all we can thank you thank you Council woman ptera thank you I will also thank the residents for coming out even though you may not has an answer tonight from must imparting us with the facts of the situation is important so that we're all educated I happen to know about TR uh I have a close friend right on that road that was there Sandi and I've seen um the so I'm familiar with with s but our go out to everyone of you and please don't think that this is not something that we're concerned about we're in our own way of what we should do and from hearing from May she even kind of in the middle of the way shine Sho kind of p a middle man for you guys and that'll least CH you an opportunity this year fun their mouths what will worth him what well not so that you you have to play this telephone can and have secondhand information also glad to hear that there is money that was held back from the process so that's really good and at least hopeful for everyone like Miss Society said if there is BS for your particular situation for uh for a lawsuit that is definitely an option that any of you can it's or if there are enough people it could be a class AC l so I wish you all the best and please keep bus for say sh thank you councilwoman the young thank you I want to thank everybody for coming out this evening and I Echo everybody else uh what was set up here um I don't want to rehash everything uh but I do want to mention I was asked to mention some Recreation programs some new ones that we have for uh those budding Arts students um are there is an acrylic paint program that is open to ages 13 to 18 all classes are held at Civic Plaza and the first session is July 15th through 18th 10 to noon and then the second session is July 22nd through 26 10 to noon also and then there's also a mural making community art class uh ages 13 through 18 again and that is a twoe class July 15th through 25th and that's at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and if so there are any artists out there that want to get involved and um we're bringing back art classes to our Recreation programs it's something really great that I know were popular and we had to take away because of cost but we're able to get the cost under control and it's a new program that we're offering our students you can go to register at back back Brick Township say that three times fast quit and that's all I have this evening thank you so much thank you Council vice president Amber thank you council president I'd also like to just uh extend my appreciation to the residents that came out I know you might have heard otherwise but your words were heard by the Town Council and we do listen right uh often the wheels move very slowly but we have heard you uh and like councilwoman D young I'd also like to mention and remind everyone on a completely different note uh that we're excited and looking forward to the first Summerfest that will be conducted before our next town council meeting it'll be on Thursday 4th of July I think it's super Trans Am am I correct there yes yes uh and I have a feeling that it's going to be a record setting attendance this year the recommendation is to take the buses that's right parking can be a nightmare but I hope to see many of you out there thank you very much thank you so to piggy back again we do hear you um we're going to do our due diligence um and after Council vice president Andino stole my thunder about summer fests um the first one is July 4th it is super TransAm the next one is July 11th it is um Garden State Rodeo or radio sorry uh and then July 18th is after chop sorry I'm reading it off my phone um so again um the Summerfest thing is a lot of fun it really is it's at Winward Beach uh come out they have food trucks the the music is great uh the fireworks it oh it's free yeah that's a good thing yeah take the buses um there's places around town you can park your car take a shuttle over there um and our next meeting is July 9th 7 pm here can I get a motion in a second to adjourn second favor all meeting adjourned tinging sh