good evening we'd like to bring this meeting to order please adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press in the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll call councilman albanes here councilwoman pontorero councilwoman D young here councilman feineman here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you can we all rise to salute the flag please in a moment of silence I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all thank you Madam clerk will you accept the reports and uh file the for the municipal officers yep yeah you know what I meant [Laughter] yep can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes for the May 14th meeting please motion second thank you councilman albanes yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amambo yes president minino yes thank you thank you mayor hello everyone oh that's so loud uh I'm always excited when we get to um celebrate people in our Township so today or this evening I should say we are going to be celebrating Isabelle baluchi if she'd like to step on up [Applause] here would you okay I'll do a little you all right so just a few things about Isabelle uh we met last year back in October and she came to my office to talk about her Eagle Scout Pro project that she's going to be working on and if you if you go back in time uh if you have BTV or if you go back on Facebook or on our uh Township website you'll see that we actually did a great conversation together about not just what her project was going to be but also what it's like to be a girl in the Boy Scouts and why it's important for other girls to step up and uh be a part of this organization and you can tell that Isabella is incredibly dedicated to the Boy Scouts of America as as as her sash shows um and just a little bit about this so in September of 2023 uh Isabelle installed a large flag pole and stone surround at Brick pal on jumo road um her project team renovated the front sign and they also did some improvement on the ground she's going to talk about that a little bit and I thought it's really cool because originally I I believe the project was just for the flag pole and then they got there and thought Oh no more work needs to be done so any true Scout like any true Scout uh they went to work and did what needed to be done and what we'd like to do tonight is not only celebrate Isabelle uh for her for her receiving her um her Eagle Scout uh but also that she is the first uh girl in troop 39 Boy Scouts of America troop 39 to receive that a wonderful award so congratulations to you we have an award for you and I'd love for you to talk a little bit about your project fantastic um so may crate pretty much said everything that I wanted to say but um we raised over $1,500 for the beneficiary so that they could keep giving back to the community and yeah that's I we pretty much covered everything else you talk about was there anybody helped you um really everyone we had like about 30 people helping us and it was an 8 hour work day which was crazy but everyone stayed for the whole thing and we got it done in like a day and a half two days so I'd like to thank everyone that helped thank you so [Applause] much picture we're gonna do a picture together first pay attention family can take pictures too if you want feel free oh and actually if we want to have Mom and Dad come up we'll do a picture together how about that okay before before we get started I'd like to make a little announcement we're not going to have a second reading on the uh ordinance for something came out of land use uh last meeting was for 18 to 25t driveway there was some calls we got from the public so we kind of pulled it and uh we're going to review it some more with uh land use planning board uh engineering U zoning we're we're having more conversations on that so that's to come in the future okay I just wanted to make sure everybody was aw aare of that this brings us to our resolution the consent agendas all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorized insertion of chapter 159 NJ DCA local Recreation program thank you Council woman Travers thank you council president um this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of 50,000 from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local Recreation program this grant was awarded for the bike scooter park at Drum Point Sports Complex thank you thank you 42 authorize establishing dedicated trust by Ryder for EMS donations thank you this resolution authorizes the establishment of a dedicated trust by Ryder as needed for EMS donations the township recently received a legacy gift and the and the trust account is required to to deposit those funds and then appli them to training and Equipment purchases thank you 43 authorized Grant application to NJ DCA purchase of two dialysis mini buses and improved parking facilities councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes a Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the acquisition of two mini buses to help transport dialysis patient patients since La launching this service staff at the senior center have determined that smaller mini buses would be more effective in dialysis transport and it would be more accommodating for the Riders thank you thank you 44 authorized bid automotive parts supplies and repairs for vehicles under 15,000 GVW councilman albanes thank you council president this resolution authorizes the advertisement of bids for automotive parts supplies and repairs for vehicles under 15,000 gross vehicle weight this bid is for various repairs to Township vehicles to be done on as needed basis thank you 45 authorized bid for Professional Medical Services councilwoman Travers thank you this resolution authorizes the advertisement of bids for professional medical services including pre-employment physicals fit for Duty testing and drug and or alcohol testing for new and existing employees at the provider's facility and at a designated Township sites thank you thank you 46 please authorized bid for HVAC Services councilman Fineman thank you council president president this resolution authorizes the advertisement of bids for HVAC services with proprietary language for the system at the municipal building in 2010 the township replaced the Antiquated HVAC system in the municipal complex with the new energy efficient Andover Schneider system this system needs occasional updates and maintenance and the mechanical components of the system requires quarterly inspection Maintenance and Service or repair from time to time thank you thank you for please authorize Award of contract roadway improvements Pinewood Drive Council vice president ambero thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of a contract in the amount of $1 163,944 cents to Fior Paving of Oceanport and this is for the roadway improvements to Pinewood Drive project the project generally consists of roadway resurfacing with improvements to Pineway uh Pinewood Drive and red Bluff Road bid notices were provided to 77 prospective biders from our biders list 12 requested bid packages seven bids were received with bids ranging from $1 163,944 to $234,800 with Fior Paving being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you thank you for8 authorize Award of purchase and delivery of printing services councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes the award of bid for printing services to the following vendors on an approved schedule of prices concept print nyak New York km Media Group Clifton midex nework Bridgewood press Bridgewood and TC squared kennworth bid packages were provided to 68 prospective biders from our biders list and eight vendors picked up bid packages and six bids were received thank you thank you 49 authorize Award of purchase Court audio video system councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes the award of purchase in the amount of $159,800 for a new audio and video recoring system for use in the courtroom for Council meetings Municipal Court board meetings and trainings when scheduled this purchase is being made through the Bergen County Co-op thank you thank you 410 authorize agreement for Beach maintenance Fisherman's stes councilman albanies thank you council president this resolution authorizes the execution of a shared service agreement with fisherman Dunes home Owners Association for Beach sweeping maintenance for the 2024 summer season all costs for this Manpower and Equipment will be paid for by the Association including diesel fuel for the beach rake thank you 411 authorized taxi business license Santiago Sanchez sendal doing business as Blue Taxi LLC thank you this resolution authorizes a taxi business license to Santiago Santiago Sanchez and sand Deval otherwise known as Blue Taxi LLC 412 authorized special events permit battle at the beach councilman Fineman thank you council president this resolution authorizes a special event permit for a battle of the beach lacrosse event scheduled for June 15th at the Drum Point Sports Complex thank you thank you 413 413a is a performance bond release for Block 1068 Lot 27 thank you 414 14a is to authorize the estimated tax bill resolution authorizes the tax collector for prepare and mail estimated tax bills for the Township's thirdd quarter installment of 2024 taxes 14b is 100% DAV Widow of Veteran deduction for Block 1388 point27262 24 block 95825 l 10 thank you and this ends the consent agenda can I a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council seeing none Clos councel open the public for questions on the resolutions only yes sir in the back yes no you you had your hand up first yeah sorry [Applause] about I just want to show you how flexible I am I really only came out tonight to see a female eal Scout oh that's perfect yeah nice but I do have one question um on 14a could could you tell me what percentage increases you plugged in there just for the township and the school district and your estimated tax bill oh they haven't been prepared yet Noth ta to oh yeah I I thought this was just to authorize the person to print the bills it says toare okay who who prepares them tax she hasn't done that yet she has I don't have aop oh okay okay see you thank you sir anybody else yes Miss Cole Man car 18 Green Brier Boulevard as usual one of the things I want to object to is your refusal despite mine and other people's request that if you use block and lot you also use an address we can recognize we're supposed to have the right to comment on any of these items if we don't recognize it how can we comment in any way shape or form um and I'm you must excuse me I had I hope you all had a really great decoration day I had an awful time I lived on a leave and two packages of ramen noodles and am very very uh hazy minded right now um the roadway improvements to Pinewood Drive I wish you would print more than you do here because in my mental condition I don't remember what you said about it how much it is what they're going to do again these are things that we are supposed to have the right to comment on and to comment in any way shape or form uh so while I'm at it I'm going to ask do we have any public servants here in Brick Township and if so where and I'm looking at two council members they're the only two that I am reserving judgment about their quality to be on the council uh I don't make rash judgments I have no reason to think they won't be good in spite of how many more rather than my good friend Perry uh that have been horrible in the last I don't know how many years when I first came here our meetings were different I've said it before we had a Caucus meeting one week we had a public meeting the next week and at both meetings this these items the resolutions were thrashed out that we knew everything we wanted to know we heard from people in the public who knew things about it uh for instance the DBA Blue Taxi is that currently operating in Brick no is there any taxi currently operating in Brick no can anybody tell me approximately how many people are residents of brick that are uh I'll go for above 70 years of age do you understand what it's like for somebody like me and I'm going to come right out and say I'm 82 years old and I grew up a fervent Catholic I have remained and my Creed teaches that we don't know the day or the hour so I don't know if I'll live to see tomorrow I never thought about living to see 82 my paternal grandmother died at the age of 82 Miss excuse me no excuse me do you have any more questions excuse me this is not questions this is comments or questions you don't answer questions yeah so do you have any more questions on the consent agenda let me see uh what is the battle at the beach it's a lacrosse tour lacrosse tournament a lacrosse tournament how long have we had a lacrosse team in town this team is not in town they're coming from out of town and they're pres ing the Drum Point Sports Complex field for the tournament oh so they're not even brick residents but brick residents May participate in they may be on it but this is not something for Brick residents specifically no no interesting um The Pinewood Drive roadway improvements are they the improvements that I heard about maybe a month ago that was going to be done in Brick and I don't don't recall as I said after the 5 days that I've spent basically in bed and in terrible pain excruciating right now while I'm standing here I'm okay you don't have the right to limit me if you're not going to answer questions thank you Miss Cole okay thank you you have you have five minutes at the end that you can tell excuse me there's excuse me there's no excuse I want you to notify me the clerk has my email address of exactly when this limit on public comment was put in where can I find it on the books in Brick Township it never was enacted illegally we'll be more than happy to send you that thank you anybody else please from public on resolutions only thank you close public roll call councilman Alban yes Council Dion yes councilman feeman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution and the amount of6 m986 8979 thank you I I a motion in a second please motion second thank you open to councel seeing none close councel open to public on the computer Bell resolutions only seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman D young yes councilman pinan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino abstain teamsters and yes to the rest and this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 9 million not 9 million it's 1 million I'm sorry $947,500 Clos Council open to public for questions on the manual Bill resolution seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Albany yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his remark her remarks to 5 minutes pursuing into Brick Township Administrative Code section 233b thank you anybody from public yes Mr sluka you don't mind if I turn that around do you no please I'm not as accommodating as pelli Mr pelli be more accommodating but I'm not I just I need something to lean on okay I'm going to read my letter dated May 17 2024 de mayor Cate council president Vincent manino all councilmen Council women as well as the residents students and workers of brick and Ocean County once again I stand before the council mayor and administration with the hope that the government officials hear the please of the residents of ever Greenwoods condo area brick High School Prime Rose Garden Sutton Village Lanes Mill Green Brier Town Hall Birchwood Park and other places in Brick and Ocean County Air Pollution is harmful to everyone not just the people of Evergreen Woods Condominiums and other moderate and lowincome areas in Brook many years ago New Jersey turn back Authority wiing the Garden State Parkway without regard to the people who live or work nearby this occurred just before super Sandy create created before super Sandy created a Havoc nearly 12 years ago a pollution is harmful to everyone not just the people who happen to live off the major just off the major highways ambient air pollution is a major environmental health problem affecting everyone in Low Middle and High income countries and it C in all areas around the world many years ago the Evergreen Woods Condominium Association gave the New Jersey turnback Authority the right to plant some trees on their property and they did so of course the problem was that the trees were small and planted close to 10 ft apart uh the New Jersey T par Authority planted almost no treeze brush or bushes on their own property any honest person can see that this was insufficient and allowed noise toxins and other pollutants to flow onto the residents that were within a few hundred feet of the Garden State Parkway people people of the area have been harmed over ever since by the toxins flowing off the Garden State Parkway without regard for the seniors workers and youth of the area many years ago the town had conducted surveys that showed that the noise levels were just within the range that allowed the government agencies to not remediate the situation since that time many trees in the Garden State Parkway have died or were removed causing an increase in noise levels guessing that noise levels just within the standards of government decree meant the children waiting in the bus stops seniors walking near dogs workers fixing roads and roofs town workers collecting garbage T tending or attending to fires or other emergencies where there are 700 houses children in swimming swimming in the pools or playing basketball would have to put up with the toxins from the automobile emissions or the burning of the tires as they drove by people of the area have been harmed ever since nearly 4500 Days by the toxins flowing off the Garden State Parkway without regard to the seniors workers and youth of the area uh that the New Jersey turnike Authority destroyed their lives the New Jersey turnik Authority destroyed the environment near the Garden State Parkway the citizens of brick and Ocean County continue to be harmed by the toxins the noise and the various dangers surrounding the Garden State Parkway vast walls and increased foilage are needed on the Garden State Parkway around the Evergreen Woods condo area brick Heist school primal's garden Sutton Village Lanes Mill School Green Bri town hall and Birchwood Park areas the people of this these areas Evergreen Woods brick High Lanes Mill greenb 1 and two Brian Mill Birchwood Cherry Hill and the library and the town hall all of which have been suffering for years need you to take all means that are necessary to correct the problem roadway noise and toxins have been killing our people for over 12 years or approximately 12 years they need you to act thanks for your time I didn't say my name John sler 950 silia Court I yell back 50 seconds thank you sir anybody else yes Miss Cole n call 18 Green Brier Boulevard Green Brier Boulevard leads right out onto uh I can't even remember the name Chambers Bridge Road when you get on chambersbridge road number one when I first came to this community I signed my husband and I up my late husband and I up for the defensive driving course given by at that time AARP I'm not sure they're doing it anymore because one of the first things that happened was the gentleman giving the course made a statement now I was familiar with brick although I continue to live in my beloved Brooklyn can't even dare go there anymore the roads are too dangerous for me to drive from here to there there is no mass transportation to take me for a reasonable fee from there to here or back and uh the gentle said the people over 55 the course was labeled 55 alive I was even then more than 55 and he said that those of us who were should not go out on roads greater with a speed limit greater than 40 m an hour now I'm sure that the couple that were there and got very insulted when I left out a laugh where I say to the man where can we go once we exit the community there is not a road that we can go on that isn't a speed limit greater than than 55 miles an hour or at least 55 certainly not 40 mil an hour I had many PL many problems and I must say that I still respect Scott can I believe him to be a wise attorney and he was the one I didn't send it to him a man that I have come to really uh I I my mother my mother's this is the 107th anniversary of my mother's birth she died 5 months after my first trial was born in 1962 and I thank God all the time she got to see one of her four grandchildren so uh Scott canel was contacted because of documentation I provided to Richard gross he once put on his invoice Richie AR gross Esq and when I questioned the community as to who this AR gross Esq is he pipes up with for your information Esq means and others now I know we have lawyers here other than just Scott and I couldn't even say a word to him because he'd like here you weren't allowed to talk and he got away with saying that I still have the documentation on that that he never corrected it nobody else ever corrected it and I went through a lot of trauma particularly once my late husband died in 2015 because Green Brier 2 has no laws they do what they want they're all laws that govern it but I don't have the energy anymore to assert my rights on it and I know that there is not anyone here certainly not by himself could uh perish stand up for me because you'll just shout him down like you do me and other people you'll ignore it you'll fail to do what your duty is and you never ever say what your duty to us the people of this town is I thought the whole United States is we the people and not you the people that get elected by hook or by crook as the elections that are going on now and the scarless manipulation of what you have a right to do uh I'll come back whether I'll remember to harp on that next meeting I don't know but there'll be something that I know I will find objectionable and I beg the two new members yet you find that very funny do you I you find it very funny you're sitting there laughing and the camera probably has you doing that so I beg the two new members who appear to be good elected Servants of the people to delve further into what goes on in this Township thank you Miss Cole anybody else from public please yes sir Bob m um brick um two things uh one is um Cedar Bridge manner we just had the park wall redone over there as a community living over there um we're trying to see if we can maybe get cameras over there because been a little bit of Riff raft over there uh lately we have a lot of people that are AR from the neighborhood um there was a few ladies that were there that got called a few names and it's just not going to be a good situation so I've been living there 35 years we have a lot of Outsiders coming down to that park now so it's it's kind of getting a little bit you know a little bit out of control over there so I was wondering if maybe we could put a camera or two a council president we have the camera infrastructure in place it was put in at the time we did the park and the cameras are on the list for it to install good good and the second thing that I got to is uh you know um this young lady over here always ask for the lot in the block you know we don't get the address is there a real reason why I'm just curious myself so your lot and block is a better indication of where the property is than your address and we met Our obligation when we gave the lot and block that's legal I was just curious why we don't get the physical address that's all you know the physical address is the lot and block I understand off the name of the street and stuff like that for us to find the lot in the block we have to you know yeah Mr canel it's not it involves a privacy issue who were privacy okay I was just curious thank you thank you sir anybody else from public I'm Sorry Miss Cole you spoke already for five minutes anybody else Mr cani afterwards that's fine anybody else from public seeing none closed public Mrs Bergen uh thank you I will just mention that as I did last meeting um that we did uh try to secure a d non net loss grant for the planting of trees at Evergreen Woods the association would not approve the conservation easement that was required by the state attorney general for those to be planted if the association changes their minds on that issue we'd be happy to revisit with the program thank you that's it that's it for me okay mayor thank you all right so uh I have a few things of course um the first thing I wanted to talk about was you may recall last year in 2023 I believe it was the end of February we had the uh d8 d10 and D12 brick United Cheer teams come in because they did such a fabulous job throughout their seasons and the same was the was true for 2024 however it ended up being about it was over 100 people it was a lot of people trying to get into the the courtroom during a council meeting so um the people in charge of brick United I appreciate it they re they reached out to us and asked if we could celebrate at a bigger location which seems way more appropriate but since we did that we were not able to actually talk about the good things that they were able to achieve so I would like to do that really quickly right now uh even though we were there uh two weeks ago to celebrate with them at the brick pal I want to point out that the brick United Cheer Team the D team uh they came in first place at the Jersey Shore competition the Big East competition the impact competition and the ycada grand champions for their division that's that's for just the district 8 for or division 8 rather uh for division 10 they were first place for the Jersey Shore the Big East competition the impact competition and the ycada competition so congratulations to them and the uh division 12 girls uh did really well um after several years of being on the cheer team they re they were able to place first place at Jersey Shore competition Big East competition impact competition and also for each um they were division champs for each of those they were overall they were Grand champions for two and they were also overall all Grand Champions um and for the Jersey Shore competition the Big East and the ycada they were Global uh they were Grand Champions uh overall Grand Champions they were a lot of things uh it was an amazing time to be with each of these uh young ladies and with all their coaches who work hard throughout the season and I love the idea that it's brick United it's uh it's girls from all sides of town working together and competing together and it just one more way that brings brick together so I appreciate all their hard work I appreciate the hard work of the brick United teams and also of uh all their coaches so congratulations to all of them if you see them out there they got really cool jackets now they got with some bling that I'm sure you'll see around town so please make sure to congratulate them if you see them out and about uh we had our annual green Fair a couple of Saturdays ago for the first time in a while uh we actually had decent weather we got to spend it just a bit outside finally uh since we had the last few years prior to this it rained I believe so it was a great day and I'm happy to announce today or tonight that um we did have a contest through brick open space savers and uh those of us that are that are on the pickup brick groups uh we created a um mascot and we needed to name that mascot so we had a contest and I will announce two things right now the first thing is I'm going to tell you what the name names choices were for the particular um mascot that we had uh on display there you could have chosen between litter Larry dumpster Dave Eco Eddie wasy waste Willie uh garbage Gary Herby the helper or cleanup Carl and the winner our new mascot's name is cleanup Carl that that received the most votes however it was pointed out and I we'll take blame for this because I worked on the on the mascot that why is it a boy and why do we not have a girl so I'm fine with this so we are going to be creating a h girl counter girl counterpart to clean up Carl and uh we'll put it out there for what we should name her as well so once once the girl version of cleanup Carl is out there we'll have a little contest again to see what we should name her but congratulations to cleanup Carl I do want to point out that our next pickup brick is taking place on June 8th at at beaverdam Creek we're going to be meeting in the Laurel Square Plaza and we'll have somebody there uh Traffic Safety to help us get across the road to where we need to do the cleanup and uh cleanup Carl a version of cleanup Carl will be there at the very least on a poster so that you can see what he looks like and then perhaps then we'll have the girl version as well I my I I take uh blame for that one all right uh we did have a ribbon cutting for jet drive Boat Exchange a couple of Saturdays ago it was also beautiful weather for that something that that I didn't even know existed I'm not a boater and I'm not also not a water person but we do live on the shore and we do have the most water uh from property in the state of New Jersey so um it makes sense that we would have a company like this they're located at 841 Brick Boulevard uh it's really kind of if you go down if you know where Green Grove Marina is it's down there but essentially it's uh leasing out uh different kinds of boats so you don't have to worry about trailering your boat over or stor in your boat or getting you're docking your boat or any of those things uh there's a fee if you go online and it's it's all about making it easier for people to enjoy the world of boating so uh check them out it's a nice group of people um we also celebrated last week volunteer appreciation day at our senior center we have a lot of volunteers that come out that make all almost all the programs at our senior center possible and it was nice to celebrate with them so from line dancing to chair yoga to tax assistance um maang Community lunch that we serve there all the things that our uh Senior Center provides for our seniors here in the township we wanted to really thank our volunteers for that for all the work that they do on that same day I was able to go to Brick Township High School to celebrate senior military day each year they have a celebration at Brick Township High School uh for both Brick Township and brick memorial for seniors who have opted to join the military uh as their their next phase of their lives so there were a lot of students that we celebrated that day we had um members of the military come out to celebrate with them their families were there and I do want to point out I'm sure we know this as we just celebrated Memorial day yesterday or commemorated Memorial day yesterday that really less than 1% of our population joins the military so kudos to these young men and women who've chosen to do that so and I would like to highlight from Brick Township High School School Melissa Alvarado is going into the army Aiden kran is going into the army Vanessa kadalas toppa is going into the Navy James Lorenzo will be in the Navy Quinton Goen is going into the air force Charles poo is going into the Marines and Brody Brody lonstein is going into the Coast Guard and from Memorial we have Joseph Ronco going into the army David htson going into the Navy Max Shiley going into the Navy Roman sair going into the Air Force and Tyler mlan and Kyle plaus going into the Marine so congratulations to them and a hearty uh heartfelt thanks for them taking up the Reigns and and deciding to se serve the country and serve all of us so thank you to them it was a wonderful celebration we had our parade yesterday uh which was wonderful the weather held out perfectly from the start of the parade until every the last fire truck went through the Sun was shining and then it was not so uh it was the perfect amount of time that we needed uh the rain to hold off uh we had lots of people come out to celebrate the parade I don't think I've ever seen that many people celebrating with us and it was a lot of fun to be able to celebrate all of the heroes that have given their lives for our country so uh although the parade went off outside we did bring the memorial service inside uh and a lot of people chose to save for that so I thank them for that as well special thanks to the VFW Post 8867 American Legion Post 348 Brick Township Recreation Department meline did a lot of work to make sure that that parade went off without a hitch and also our staff and John Lola for making sure we had a stage and sound and everything that we needed to make our our commemoration of the day go well so thank you to all of them I'll be playing kickball tomorrow with the PBA well actually against the PBA excuse me uh along with the student uh mayor student advisory it's our annual kickball game so far we are one in one uh mayor student advisory won one year last year the PBA won so we're going to break the tie this year I I feel like it's going to come our way so um if you're looking for something to do with 3:30 you can hop over to H Hank balowski that's what where we will be playing right after that I'll be running over to Veterans Memorial because brick United is hosting a uh kickball game as well so I'm G to pop over there and celebrate with them as well and finally our fishing derby our annual fish fishing derby is taking place mark your calendars June 1st it starts at 6:00 a.m. and goes to 10: a.m. uh we'll be popping over to see everyone fishing not at 6:00 a.m. I will see you closer to 9: uh but I believe once the sun comes up the fish aren't biting as much so I think 6:00 a.m. is a good time right um and we'll have prizes for those uh participants as well so so that's all I have I know it was a lot thank you so much and have a wonderful day thank you Mr canel nothing this evening thank you thank you madam clerk nothing thank you Madame secretary no thank you councilman albanies nothing councilwoman di young yes I just want to congratulate Isabelle again uh she did a great job I was there at the unveiling of the plaque of the on the flag pole and she really really did a great job over at the pal um and I just want to I was over at the beaches this weekend our crew does a great job TJ venturino and all those guys pushing all the sand to make sure we actually have a beach because erosion happens and um Dan santanello uh and all of his staff and as always Mr Donovan brown with the lifeguards we really do have the best guards at the shore um and I just want to thank them for all their work preparing and uh to have a successful season so that's all I have thank you thank you councilman Fineman thank you it's amazing I had the same EX next speech as mayor crate word for word you just have to say ditto yeah so ditto there and uh stay safe and have fun thank you thank you councilwoman Travers I also just wanted to congratulate Isabelle on her achievement and that's it I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend thank you councilwoman Amber thank you council president I'd also like to congratulate Isabelle on her achievement that's a fantastic achievement um Miss Bergen I'm going to ask you a question I'm going to comment on something that Mr luuka stated today one of the phrases that he used as he was speaking at the podium was that the results of the study were just within the range that allowed the government to not take any action the implication Mr sluka was that we were happy that the results were within that range I think what you had stated last meeting Miss Bergen was after the expense of an independent study that we had conducted the results of that study unfortunately precluded us from pressing other a agencies into remediating the effect and the impact of the loss of the trees in that area correct I'd like that to be stated on the record um I'd also like to just make a comment about lock and blot uh block and lots right uh Mr canel if you can answer this or if you can't just let me know but I presume that block and lot is also the legal definition that is used in real estate transactions is that accurate okay and block and lot is what is used I mean just a simple Google search uh for registration information and for taxes whereas a physical address the address that we all recognize is really used to deliver mail right so hopefully that underscores the appropriateness of describing what we do here within this agenda by block and lot and Miss call i' I've just got to say I've watched you now at three years of meetings point of order the gentleman is out of line attack me personally from the de and not engage in debate if anything very good okay I have watched you at these meetings for three years the point of order your your point of order is not recognized your point of order is out of order I don't think that there are point of orders yes there are very good check meeting rules that's you want to follow I've listened to your comments become increasingly stop stop stop stop okay we're not going to do this if you want to have a conversation after the meeting that's fine that's up to you but we're not going to do this while I have the gab okay so stop we're done with that um nothing further thank you sir um so as president I just want to say the next meeting is Tuesday June 11th at 7 o'clock here can I get a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I thank you