good evening we'd like to call this meeting to order please adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you can we have a roll call please councilman albanes here councilwoman pandero councilwoman D young here councilman Fineman here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you can we all rise for salute the flag please in a moment of silence flag United States of Amer to stands Nation God indivisible andice thank you can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes from February 27's meeting please motion second thank you so we have a presentation I'd like the mayor to come up please that's all right I'll take it Afters oh no roll call for the minute sorry Lynette councilman albanes yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travis yes vice president amberino yes president minino and yes thank you thank you thank you mayor hello everyone I'd like to welcome the brick memorial soccer team that we're celebrating and honoring tonight thank you so much and I'd like to ask uh just for the moment if we could have the co coach uh the head coach and then um the assistant coaches come [Applause] up congratulations thank you congratulations congratulations so we will call the team up shortly but I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate everyone my understanding is this is the hardest working team at the shore correct rumor that's the rumor I it's more of a rumor it's more than a rumor now right so we have some proclamations here that uh I'd like to share with you and congratulations on all of your hard work Brick Township Memorial High School has a tradition of success and championships in their various athletic programs one such program is the Mustangs girls soccer team this past fall the Mustangs girls soccer team had a remarkable season accumulating a record of 15 wins five losses and a tie while consistently demonstrating outstanding skill and teamwork and exemplary sportsmanship the Mustangs girls soccer team captured the seventh sectional championship in their school's storied history by beating the top seated team from Middletown High School South in the championship game the members of the state champion Mustangs girls soccer team are VI coyotas Jazelle lizardi Lexi Caruso Emily Cranston Michaela Don Khloe galesi Kylie Mulla Ashley schlagenhaft Skyler schlagenhaft Maggie Allen Michaela Siciliano reys Keane Mia Caruso Gabby Hernandez lilac Hopkins Brooke di ala Jordan McCulla and cydney Mahalo the Mustangs were most ably led by this season's head coach Billy Caruso assistant coaches John panni Stephanie batala Crystal batters Jess fusel Rich Kack Patricia schlagenhaft and Gunther alri therefore I Lisa crate mayor of the township of brick in the county of ocean in the state of New Jersey in honor of their outstanding season during which they captured the njsi AA Central Jersey group three state championship to hereby Proclaim Wednesday March 13 2024 to be brick memorial High School girls soccer team day and I invite the rest of the township to celebrate along with us so congratulations to all of you and I hope that I didn't murder too many names on that one you got a other so these are all yours okay and what we'd like to do is have you bring the girls up if you would like you we have certificates if you want to call them up one at a time so they can be recognized and you are welcome to speak if you would okay I think we have sure VI [Applause] kyotes Jazelle aardi Emily [Applause] Cranston Khloe jalissi chlo scored both goals of championship game too way to go CL Kylie McCulla Ashley schlagen half Skyler schlagen half Mickey [Applause] ciciliano Rees [Applause] Keane Gabby Hernandez Lyla Hopkins Brook de Al and Jordan McCulla sorry if I not give it to her sorry in the Middle with the mayor with the mayor there you go yeah closer she [Applause] did you guys oh sorry sometimes I have to congratulations ladies um now's your time to escape if you want to or you're going to sit through the whole movie thank you okay we have budget presentations this evening first one will be uh EMS from Chief ricko evening everybody thank you okay established in 2006 Brick Township emergency medical services division has been serving the residents of Brick Township for 18 years until recently the EMS division was managed under the direction of the police department as of December 1st of 2023 the EMS division is operating independently managed by a director who will report directly to the township Administration the day-to-day operation will be managed by the EMS Chief an EMS Deputy Chief and two EMS supervisors the division is currently staffed with 49 employees that includes one director 28 full-time and 20 part-time EMTs the division operates 10 ambulances three specialty units and is currently housed at two locations Lanes Mill Road and Civic Plaza we are currently in the process of finishing the construction and renovation of two new locations which when completed will allow us to strategically place our Personnel in location s which will improve response times the new locations are Aurora Place in the building shared with brick seniors and the Special Operations building at Town Hall the MS administrative offices which are currently situated in Civic Plaza will move to our new location in the Special Operations building at Town Hall in 2023 there were over 11,000 calls for service the most the unit has ever handled in a calendar year in addition to the variety of medical emergencies the division handles on a daily basis a number of our EMS Personnel are specially trained and act as tactical Medics who train and respond with the police C team additionally our EMS Personnel provide services to the community which include things like conducting child seat inspections and instruction in areas such as CPR basic first aid and the controlling of bleeding last year we budgeted $2,449 737 cents for EMS salaries and 265,000 for overtime this year we are at asking that 200 2,575 th000 be budgeted for EMS salaries and that 225,000 be allocated for EMS overtime in 2023 the EMS division spent $196,300 631 less than what was budgeted it should be noted that the scheduling of part-time Personnel to fill openings on a shift is a policy we utilize to reduce overtime costs the EMS operating budget was 3 $2,100 of that amount $318,900 24 was expended which is $16.76 76 less than what was budgeted this year we are asking that $331,500 be budgeted which is an $1,450 increase the majority of this increase is an anticipation of a rise in costs associated with medical supplies expert services and maintenance contracts the cost to operate the EMS division in 2023 was 2,934 2836 which included regular salaries overtime Capital expenses and operating expenses in 2023 the MS division generated income from a number of sources which was used to offset those costs income sources included 2,139 28115 in medical billing 8,587 in extra Duty assignments and $442 68 from a child seat inspection grant for a total of 2,519 33 that concludes my budget presentation for the EMS Department I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hardworking men and women of the Brick Township emergency services department who render Aid to our community Around the Clock seven days a week and of course thank you to our mayor members of our Council and the business administrator for your continued support report you're always ready and willing to provide the resources and equipment necessary to keep the EMS Department fully functional and capable of providing our community with the absolute best Emergency Medical Care thank you thank you sir is there any questions for this gentleman for EMS presentation seeing none thank you sir thank you next presentation will be the police department from Chief David Foresters good evening the Department of Public Safety is comprised of several areas of responsibility in addition to Police Services the department is also responsible for the management of communication operators also known as dispatchers class one special Law Enforcement Officers Emergency Management crossing guards and a number of community oriented programs such as the police Cadets dare program not even once program lead and Seed C that's our community Emergency Response Team neighborhood watch as well as a number of other programs which are designed to bring our department and the community closer together the department is currently staffed with 223 employees that includes 141 sworn officers 22 full-time and three part-time communication operators 17 crossing guards 18 class one special police officers one civilian Deputy Emergency Management coordinator one radio tech one Fleet maintenance worker and 17 full-time and five time and five part-time civilian staff in police records and administrative roles part-time staff members are used to support the full-time staff members as well as to reduce overtime costs in 2023 there were 96,4 332 calls for service this included 1786 fire calls 1100 11,149 EMS calls 2023 had, 1625 more calls than in 2022 and that's the most of depart in the Department's history I am pleased with our 2023 operating results during this first year as police chief I worked with the department leaders to determine ways to better allocate our resources to keep costs down we are a busy Police Department filled with employees dedicated to Brick Township I will now go through the Department's budget and highlight any significant changes the first area we will discuss is the main police budget the salaries of our civilian and administrative Personnel are also included in this line item this year the regular salary requested is 22 m420 th000 and the overtime request is $1,150,000 in 2023 we budgeted for 2,458 770 for regular salaries and spent $2,741 8 for police overtime we budgeted 1,250,000 and spent 1, 5,885 in total salaries and overtime were 95176722 any significant increase in overtime spending this year I need to plan for unforeseen situations we have managed to remain under budget for 2023 and we'll look to continue that practice for years to come the police supervision and Command Staff will continue to be conscientious of the need to reduce and keep overtime cost under budget the police general operating budget includes uniforms Firearms equipment training accreditation Cadet boat and bike equipment and radio repair expenses in 2023 we expended $256,000 $876,000 this year we are asking for $315,100 an increase of 8,274 from what we spent last year due to price increases for ammunition radio system and infrastructure and service plans bulletproof vests with outer carriers and the addition of cameras placed throughout the town the next area is class one special Law Enforcement Officers we currently have 18 class one special officers who perform year round parking enforcement traffic details booking officers municipal court security officers and security for in-person Township meetings such as the board of adjustment planning board and Council meetings in 2023 we allocated $300,000 in salaries and spent 280 thou $ 28,1 187 in 2024 we are asking for $310,000 the overtime budgeted in 2023 was 10,000 of which we spent 8,298 in 2024 we will be allocating 10,000 for overtime one other online item in the class one special law enforcement office officer's budget is for uniforms and equipment in 2023 we allocated $99,500 for uniforms and equipment and in 2024 we are requesting 10,500 in anticipation of hiring additional officers bringing us to a full complement of 25 the next area we will discuss is the communication operators the dispatchers in 2023 1,714 was allocated for salaries and we spent $1,473 this year we are requesting $1,740 th000 for salaries in anticipating of hiring additional dispatchers and allocating $260,000 for overtime it should be noted that last year we expended $237,200 Less in salaries and overtime cost than what was budgeted for for operating expenses which mainly covers training costs we are asking for $6,100 which remains consistent with 2023 the next budget is Emergency Management last year we budgeted $63,750 7,100 it should be noted that a portion of the salary is paid for by Grant monies which are received at different times throughout the year we will be allocating $500 for the OEM overtime budget the only other item in the OEM budget is for $500 for training which will remain the same as in 2023 the next budget is police vehicles these monies are used to replace aging Vehicles which are used by the Patrol Division in most cases the older Patrol vehicles which are still serviceable are repurposed in non- Patrol units within the department in 2023 we budgeted $399,700 and spent $397,500 a $26,000 increase from 2023 due to price increases of the vehicles and equipment and then the installation of the equipment that cost has also increased lastly I will discuss crossing guards last year we budgeted $490,000 in crossing guard salaries and 5,000 for overtime in 2024 we were asking for $557,000 to be budgeted for salaries and 5,000 for overtime it should be noted that during the summer months there are approximately 30 seasonal crossing guard employed for the operating budget we are asking for $112,000 for uniforms and safety equipment such as traffic vests jackets lighted batons and Cones that concludes the buz budget presentation for the Brick Township Police Department I would like to take this opportunity to thank the mayor members of the council the business administrator for your continued support without your support we wouldn't be one of the best departments in the nation this Administration has always made sure that we have the necessary resources to do our job I would also like to thank the officers in my department who work hard each and every day to protect and provide outstanding service to our community thank you Chief is there any questions yes Mr Sloop John sluka 950 silia Court uh you're anticipating a what a 5% increase in inflation rate or something is that what for for for what line for overall approximately 5% is that what you're doing I was just trying to use the numbers that you had yep and it was about 5% maybe a little less than that yeah you yeah probably a little less so we're sort of expecting that kind of increase in next year on everything yes doesn't help us fix income people obviously you know okay but we say like I yeah but I would say in 2023 we saved probably about four and a half% yeah you went under budget I know that but I was trying to say this there seems to be an increase every year which is normal and I'm saying geez last year we anticipated close to 5% too I think and now we got another 5% are we going 5% every year that that's approximal 4% four and a half four and a quarter whatever it happened to be yeah yeah and I said so sort of says the inflation rate for US seniors yeah and plus and plus we also have our our contracts that we're negotiating and they all have to go up all prices go up they never go down year after year right that's what unfortunately yeah when you before I was a senior I was glad of that now I'm a senior but I'm not so glad that okay thank you yep thank you sir yes no papers big Finelli when I told my son what I was going to tonight he said you better go easy on EMS because they probably saved your life last year so I I'll he his advice and say thank you just one question um several years ago I I I noticed that the amount of calls going up you have to respond to we we talk about in here doing some things to reduce the number of calls like somebody has a bicycle stolen or their lawn mower or something you don't go out to that house you make them come in and fill out a report have we instituted those things are we doing anything else to reduce the amount of calls so well that would still be considered a call whether we go out to the location or they come in report it oh yeah it's not broken out no it would still be the same type of it would still be a call okay and we would generate a case I I would love to see the difference because I mean to me having somebody to come in and fill out a report is a lot less expensive than having somebody an officer go out to the house with a patrol car and and take a take a respon that is true I mean but we we would like to provide a service to the community that we can go out we also wouldn't want to deter people from reporting it because not wanting to come in and report it so we don't want we don't want to deter that we want to make sure we're being notified of you went you went you went up how many calls from last year 1600 16 yeah approximately 1600 calls that's a lot yeah I would maybe just take we look at that and see you know maybe you can do something to reduce that amount of cost because that's that just drives up the number of cars you need drives up the number of offices you need just an idea thank you thank you thank you for everything else you do thank you I appreciate it yes M Cole man call 18 Bri Boulevard and I just want to give a different view than Vic Finelli gave I am definitely glad for the EMS they are the best well I don't see any of the EMS from any other town but they are the best uh when my husband my late husband all his birthday is coming up he's St Patrick and he this is the police chief no well do you have questions excuse me no I want to talk about the police department and the EMS and this is not listed as questions it's listed as comment and you don't answer questions so please show some respect for your elers I am no you're not no you're not if I don't feel the respect you're not showing it thank you but he's here to answer questions on the police budget I want to comment on the police budget and at the end you can no this is for question no this is when the comments on the budget has time and I am have been a taxpaying resident legally of the township for Brick since 2002 no one sorry I've been coming to the meeting since 2002 and I watched the meeting format change and the council totally ignored the people of brick and there are many people who thank me for bringing the to the attention of the township so now I want to thank them because when my late husband was alive and on Saturday I believe March 17th St Patrick my husband he's the second one he's in heaven for sure and he was a good good companion to St Francis of the so now that said God bless you men because you are doing God's work the council certainly isn't and I want to thank them for being there when a number of people called because they had seen me fall in the empty parking lot of St Dominic's Church on July 2nd and I don't remember I took his name but I don't remember the love wonderful officer I know I've seen him before heard his name before that came with the EMS vehicle and picked me up because I was flat on my back and what I broke was what happens when all people fall when anybody Falls you put your dominant arm out and think you're going to be a there was nothing to grab on to so I went down and had a complete break in my RIS that is why I was advised to carry the cane at all times so if you don't like hearing it then you better resign your your job there because you don't know what you're supposed to do so thank you very much and please don't follow Vic's recommendation we need you I can't tell you how many elderly citizens I know because at one time I could have told you the name of every everybody who lived in a house in Green Brier too and I know how many of them called I know how many times my late husband saw a truck a vehicle going to a home and how many times he himself saw something happen with a neighbor and rushed to their aid he was truly St Dominic not St Dominic St Patrick and he had qualities of St Francis of aissi he loved is animals I'll talk about that at another time not to the people who don't want to hear a word that the residents have to say than you thank you thank you anybody else from the public please yes sir uh Bob manano from brick um on this budget year you're talking possibly getting 25 new members is that what I understood uh no how many are we planning on you know new uh well it depends so like our special Law Enforcement Officers right now we're at 18 we're uh we want to get up to 25 so that's part time they were like part time as far as our our regular officers we're at 141 and our we would want to be at 146 which that's our normal Staffing that wouldn't be an addition we're a little bit low right now right 141 as community's been growing you know with more housing and stuff and the way Society is today you know your job is absolutely hotter now don't you think we should actually get more men on the you know on the force men women we do yeah we do we would like to get up to 150 uh you know gradually but right you know you have to try to balance the whole budget and try to get dispatchers and and uh other employees so at right at this time I feel like that we we are adequately staffed uh I I feel that we can handle handle the calls that that we got now I'm just feeling that you know with this budget maybe it should be a little bit more to get more younger people in here you know working to help you guys because you know I see what's going on you know everybody sees what's going on we got more break-ins you got more cataly converters getting stallen and you know the guys were out there but there's just not enough you know and you know I'm just thinking maybe the budget should be a little bit more for that to get the extra people in there to you know put them on the force um get them in there I really yeah no I really do appreciate that we do uh we have added uh officers to additional assignments uh instead of having more officers just created more opportunity for office to officers to work during those hours right what about um I know well everybody doesn't carry a taser is there like part of that in that budget to you know train the officers and get new tasers for you know everybody instead of uh yeah we do have a number of uh tasers we are training uh more officers each and each time like I said it's a balance you know we need other officers to be trained in in different Specialties also but uh we right now I feel that we we are adequate adequately uh equipped and staffed but yeah I'm just trying to help you guys I really no absolutely you know I would be a police off officer when I was you know now forget about it you know what I mean no it's a tough job and you know you guys I feel you guys need more to lessen the load on the guys that are working because this is what causes you know officers to get stressed out and things happen so I'm just feeling you guys need more to you know lower it down you know I really appreciate it but yeah I I do I I I do at this time feel that we we are adequately staffed and uh we are getting additional resources to help uh combat some of the uh the crime and the prevention and some prevention methods that you're talking about in reference to the the catalytic converters and the the car thefts we we are getting additional equipment and we do have additional details for our officers to work okay but I do appreciate it sir I really do thank you all right thanks thank you anyone else from public please seeing none thank you we have another budget presentation um Miss Joanne Bergen for administration thank you Chief thank you thank you very much I just I want to uh clarify one point um when I started 10 years ago the roster for Bricktown Police Department was 134 we are now at46 so the councils and councils before you have always allocated addition uh adding additional hires over the years as we can because we have to make very sure that we're staying within the cap so it's hard for us to go up a number more than one or two each year but we have grown exponentially in the 10 years that I've been here and we'll continue to do that as the mayor and Council I've always supported right sizing our staff so I just wanted to start with that thank you so I'm going to give the budget for administration so it's a long one so anyone who wants to KN off I won't I won't be insulted but there are are lots and lots of dep departments under Administration it tends to go on a little bit so I won't make eye contact fire away so on behalf of all the department and division heads represented in this report thanks to our mayor and members of the township Council for your ongoing support I will go through the division budgets that are included under Administration there are 11 budgets and hundreds of line items I'll first start with Administration Administration staff includes four full-time employees Administration is the Frontline for all inperson and telephone inquiries that come to the township they also track and ensure followup on all email inquiries that come through the website staff handled 17399 calls in 2022 public relations marketing and special events are also handled by Administration including monitoring and updating of the Township's website and social media sites including Facebook and Twitter preparation and dissemination of press releases and oversight of the bricks to Brick Township's Peg Channel BTV we have won several awards for our efforts to keep the public informed staff also manages the buy and brick program which continues to grow and benefit our taxpayers there was 76545 buy and brick sales which is dollars processed in 2023 resident tax savings in 2023 was $417 46 with 56 participating businesses Administration also manages constituent relations and Publications such as advertisements promotional materials recycling brochures event flyers and any other Publications as needed Administration manages the design and creation of our Recreation brochure on senior booklet reducing the overall cost by bringing this work inhouse Administration staff also provides support to Municipal boards and commissions our salary and wage budget decreased 9% due to staff transfer overtime increased by $10,000 as we have staff out on the weekends for buying brick and Township events the operating budget increased 11% due to increased cost for the distribution of the township newsletter next budget I'll discusses mayor's office and Council the office of the mayor includes our mayor and one staff member mayor crate is a full-time mayor and maintains office hours throughout the day and into the evening each week her active schedule includes regular meetings with groups and organizations within town and she hosts many initiatives to engage the public such as a tremendously popular crate conversations the mayor's teen advisory committee continues to engage young adults in activities and through Lounge 220 270 a place for teens to connect with peers and mentors in a safe positive environment she continues to meet regularly with the senior advisory committee and readily accepts all invitations to speak at older adult communities Social Service organizations schools businesses and wherever she is invited she PR otes the town's interest and advocates for our needs on a state and federal level mayor's office salary and wage budget increased 10% to accommodate staff salaries and overtime for evening and weekend events and activities the operating budget increased by $5,000 as a request of the Township's participation in a multi- municipality study to identify possible remedies to ongoing flooding issues in many low-lying areas throughout our town and neighboring municipalities in terms of the council bu budget the salary and wage budget remains flat the operating budget for the council total is $1,700 Council budget includes items like conferences flowers for special events plaques and name plates letterhead business cards presentation folders Publications and miscellaneous office supplies council members are very active in strategic planning and have working subcommittees including Recreation land use Public Works Public Safety and business and finance they regularly attend community events and represent the township at a variety of events and activities they meet twice monthly for council meeting and in 2023 adopted 441 resolutions and 22 ordinances next report is for the purchasing department it's the responsibility of the division of purchasing and Contracting to conduct all purchasing the acquisition of all goods and services in accordance with the applicable laws of the state of New Jersey more specifically njsa 4-1-1 the local public contracts law in 2023 this office processed 4,412 purchase orders 31 bids for good and services 21 Professional Service requests for proposals 10 Capital bid projects one competitive contract 11 required disclosure resolutions 23 purchases over the bid threshold and 17 formal quotes the above tasks were accomplished by an office staff of three this office also oversees the central receiving mail room which includes one additional staff member the mail clerk processed approximately 57,000 pieces of mail plus delivery of an approximately 11,000 pieces of mail to the Post post office for bulk mail projects such as tax delinquent notices he delivers Mail Packages and supplies throughout the municipal complex and all off-site location and manag this essential receiving and stock room postage encompasses 92.5% of the operating budget this line item includes postes for all departments and divisions outgoing mail property tax bills homes to have benefit adjusted bills for the second quarter estimated third quarter final tax bills added om minuted assessment tax bills the link notices that are mailed after each qut tax sale notices post tax year income statements that are mailed every January chapter 75 which are tax assessment notifications that are also mailed every January the township newsletter that's mailed to every resident in town beach badges are now sent via certified mail we requested by the purchaser certified and registered mail regular priority and overnight postage additional line items in the operating budget is $5,000 for conferences and education all staff members are certified in the area of public procurement through Rucker's educational program and one is also certified through the state as a qualified purchasing agent these certifications are required to be maintained through continuing education by attending conferences and Seminars the $1,245 budgeted for dues includes membership for Stafford Township Cooperative pricing system government purchasing Association of New Jersey and the southern Jersey chapter of the National Institute of governmental purchasing for every staff member additionally the office added an individual membership National Institute of government purchasing as a trial for 2024 which provides access to recorded webinars free of charge memberships in these Association also provide discounted prices for seminars and conferences as well as a resource for bid specifications and pertinent purchasing information another line item is stor room supplies of 1500 this office purchases and stocks frequently requested office materials and supplies requested by all departments items are purchased off the state county and Stafford Township Cooperative pricing systems on a quarterly basis the purchases are total and charged back to each Department's budget the purchasing budget increased 5.4% as a result of postage increases Human Resources next the HR department manages all Township employees currently 421 full-time and 1504 part-time seasonal during the summer months they coordinate all hiring and employee management for the approximately 150 additional seasonal employees they create and Institute HR policies and maintain compliance with state and federal laws HR handles all employee training including safety the employee assistant program and other workplace trainings all health benefits are handled by human resources they coordinate with our Brokers for contract proposals renewals rate changes fee submissions and compliance with federal guidelines they handle required reporting as well as resolving claim issues HR staff processes all liability claims with our insurance company they Ensure compliance with safety regulations and vendor Insurance highlights and accomplishments from 2023 include continued development of ukg which is our payroll and HR System implementation of additional employee training programs medical claim oversight updated and distributed employee handbook and safety manual developed an annual training schedule and provided supervisor training projects for 2024 include continued adjustments to ukg continued oversight of horizon providing specialized supervisor trainer training and developing a new employee orientation and updating the employee handbook Human Resources Had A 5.6 deep per decrease in its operating budget as expenses for expert Services continue to decline the next department for discussion is the office of the Township Clerk the township clerk's office is comprised of five full-time staff members the Township Clerk and assistant Township Clerk hold register registered municipal clerk certifications every staff member is a notary public and one is fluent in English and Spanish the office also includes a secretary for the council and mayor the division of archives also falls under the clerk the township clerk's office issued almost 2,000 licenses permits and services in 2023 totaling 96,3 7 and 1,318 dog and cat licenses totaling $2,215 the Office of Vital Statistics which includes all records of births deaths and marriages issued almost 5,000 certificates and 503 marriage applications totaling $45,881 4,664 in tourism fees processed 1,715 opah requests almost two l00 landlord registrations 91 do not knock registrations notorized numerous documents each week and handled almost 11,000 phone calls the office organizes and works annual events such as elections in the rabies clinic where 170 animals were vaccinated for free in 2023 the Ocean County Health Department supplies of vaccines for the clinic each year in 2023 the office was successful in moving toward more online submission submission forms and digitizing permits and licenses the division of archives which manages and preserves Township records has a staff of two full-time employees an archist who holds state and federal records management certification one full-time and one parttime clerk in 2023 the archives division scanned 411,000 over 411,000 Pages for a total of 1,195 780 files in 26 databases wof to date archives have scanned over 2.7 million pages of documents including scanning work performed by outside vendors in the past the Alchemy system has an estimated 9 million pages of digital images for a total of 4.6 terabytes of data they also received authorization and destroyed 198 cubic feet of documentation and received 221 boxes from various departments for 2024 they will continue with digital imaging training and preparing for Disaster Recovery the operating for the clerk's budget for the clerk's office and including archives totals $ 29,42 which is down 15% for last year advertising which is for all Township departments in codification of the Township Code being the largest line item legislation is what drives those two line items Brick Township has 58,800 75 registered voters in 57 election districts the operating budget for elections is the printing and mailing of the sample ballots for the primary election a service that is provided by the county clerk but is buil to the township the budget request for this election is $112,000 next is our finance department the finance department consists of five full-time employees two of which are dedicated to payroll the finance department conducts the following they create and sign all purchase orders 4,412 created in 2023 and checks 300 3363 were created in 2023 create the current temporary and adopted and capital fund budgets post budgets at the beginning of the year and do all transfers and closeout procedures at year end creating all pertinent resolutions to process all of these agrees receivable to tax reports ties general ledger Appropriations and reserves to budget reports balances all inter funds keeps a f cash flow analysis monthly and ties all cash receipts and dispersements in entry Excel books to posted reports they send out the w9s and W2s at year end they keep a Township fixed asset inventory that is added to are deleted from as needed they create cancellation resolutions for Grants they create chapter 159's as needed and enters all new grants into Edmonds at this time there are 72 Grants open up 14 from 2023 they analyze money in the capital budget to keep track of when a band sale is needed and when needed to roll into bonds create supplemental depth statements create cancellation resolutions when needed inputs Capital chargebacks creates and sign all certif certific certificates of availability of funds and enters all new capital ordinance into edance at this time there are 40 open ordinances they performed 42 Bank reconciliations monthly analyze 947 open escrow accounts analyze 171 electric accounts 59 Water and Sewer accounts 24 natural gas accounts and 32 telecommunication accounts monthly all aspects of payroll processing including implementation payroll into ukg make aspects to employees files that will need to be reflected in salary and wages such as yearly increases longevities steps Etc Health Care contributions pensions direct deposit information courts sub pened garnishments Etc the township has a doublea three rating with Moody the Township's rated its mig1 rating on its notes which is short-term financing which is the highest rating offered by Moody in addition addition the township might maintain its Bond rating from standard and PS of a doublea the finance department salary and wage and operating budget decreased by 9% as a result of Staffing changes next up is data processing in 2023 the IT department worked on and completed the following projects installed new hyperv failover cluster of service servers to replace the older cluster moved and transferred all running virtual service of the new cluster implemented and trained employees on cyber security using the security company and website of no before with regular fishing attempt campaigns completed wiring for phones computer fax and door access control for the new brick Senior Services Center and EMS at Aurora place we continued upgrading and replacing our old camera recording system at Town Hall and Parks as well as installed additional cameras at Wimer Beach Bayside Park and the new brick senior service center and EMS building on Aurora place they replace and deployed over 50 desktop computers 10 laptops 20 tablets and 15 cellular devices installed a new firewall to Brick Senior Center and change the way this office connects for data and voice saving voice saving the township over $400 a month they implemented a new help Des ticketing system which allows users to unlock and or reset their own window windows and email passwords they failed to 2,428 help Des tickets for 2024 it Department plans to replace the entire sound system and meeting recording system used in the courtroom complete redesign of the township website continued deployment of additional cameras to Ocean Beach 1 and three Pinewood Park Bayside Manor Cedar Bridge Manor Park jump Point Sports Complex in town hall continue replacement of older camera recording service to the new access camera station install multiple cameras in the four Senior Services buses install and replace hyperv failover cluster service used by the police department replace and deploy over 50 new desktop computers and 20 laptops replace UPS battery backup systems in the IT department of phone room which Supply power to 90% of all servers and Network equipment begin running wire and setting up a network PC's phone Wi-Fi access control and security cameras for the new police operations building here at Town Hall data processing operating budget increase 6% is a direct result of costs associated with maintenance and support contracts for various equipment and software next report covers both tax collector and tax assessor during 2023 the tax collectors office collected more than 266 million in payments through the office more than 2.2 million in cash 124 million in checks and 139 million in electronic payments in addition to regular collections they sent out nearly 10,300 deliquent notices completed more than 2700 senior tax freeze applications handled more than 19,800 in phoneone calls processed 45,000 in tax appeals and collected nearly $2,300 in Property Maintenance fees Tax Collector's 2024 operating budget request is 53390 which is an increase increase of $3,750 from the 2023 budget request which is due to the rising printing costs the tax assessors office with a staff of five overseas almost 32,000 residential and 800 commercial properties with a total assess value of over 10.5 billion dollar last year they placed more than 57 million of added assessment value on our tax list part of their responsibilities include not only maintaining a record of specifics about a property but also monitoring all deed recordings to ensure that any change in ownership are made in our public record implementing tax map changes variance report for planning board meetings in defense of state and County tax appeals are also duties of the tax assessor's office Brick Township has approximately 2500 residents receiving senior citizen or veteran property tax deductions which the assessor's office manages on behalf of the division of taxation on a yearly basis the tax assessor's office also maintains the records correspondence approvals and denials of over 100 exempt properties in addition to 250 disabled veteran exemptions the tax office experienced a slight decrease 0.7% in its operating budget due to mandatory mailing requirements now for seniors the brick Senior Services office is Staff with four full-time Outreach workers two part-time employees and one program director their main focus is providing advocacy information and assistance applying to various State Benefit Service programs staff conducts inperson evaluations in the office or at someone's home to determine eligibility for these Social Services programs full-time staff for certified State Health Insurance counselors providing counseling on Medicaid issues brick Senior Services moved to its new home and Aurora Place in October of 2023 they also launched a brand new dialysis Transportation program and the Community Cafe and nutrition program we also began a community lunch program at The Brick Housing Authority with a focus on providing a well-balanced hot meal to our most vulnerable residents living at The Brick Housing Authority complex this is being funded by a grant of the American Recovery Act we expect to serve approximately 2,000 meals through this program in 2024 the parking lot at Aurora Place will be paved and ADA Compliant doors will be installed using Township cdbg funds the operating budget for seniors decreased 67% as a result of the rental line item no longer needed thanks to their new location on aora place the last report is for the Municipal Court the brick Municipal Court is the second largest to 33 municipal courts in Ocean County annual filings for 2023 were 10,874 which is a decrease from 2021 of 98 filings the number consists of filings not only from the brick police department but also the state police oan County prosecutor's office division of fish and wildlife department of waste and measures Marine police animal control code enforcement zoning building and private citizens for any incidents occurring in the jurisdiction of Brick Township Court sessions are held every Monday when Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 and 11 a.m. currently the 1st and third Wednesdays the 2 and 4th Thursday and the second Monday of each month are in-person Court sessions all other court sessions are virtual through the zoom platform in addition we hold an in-person mediation session the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. the second Monday 9:30 a.m. court session is for code enforcement violations only the current staff consists of the Court Administrator two Deputy Court administrators four additional full-time staff members and one part-timer $2,165 is being requested for their 2023 operating and expense budget this is a $1,525 increase from last year this is due to an increase in expert services and anticipated expenses for language interpreters this concludes my report any members of the council or the public that would like to go into more detail on these budgets are welcome to make an appointment with my office thank you again for all of your support and special thanks for the department and division heads who work so well serving the public thank you Mrs bur any questions on the administration budget yes sir unfortunately even with a sore throat she can talk twice as fast as I can hear I only have one question uh under the township clerk's office issued licenses permit services and whatnot what was the total amount did you say 196,000 Yes um 196,000 3817 okay they also did 1,318 dog and cat licenses which total $2,125 last year that number was $479,000 that's that's quite a decrease okay I'll look at it I I just wonder focus on this year's budget so I didn't notice that it's less than 50% of what it was last year is there something going on that we don't know about uh are just clerk would like to address that H our Township Clerk would like to address that oh it it could have been a large ticket item like um liquor license sale or right right right right right yeah something along those lines okay other but it but no it's not nothing strange is going on it's just probably a larger sale the property or it could have been larger sale thank you thank you sir yes Mr sluka I would have went first except that I'm too busy writing in order to raise my hand um the primary ballots which I forget which one that is primary ballots that go out uh out by the county and then charged to is that what it is charged to the town they're mailed by the county clerk but we pay for the and we pay for it yes that's it's a primary ballot why don't the political parties pay for it it's not how I decide who pays for it I just that's not how elections work by law they're required to be sent out on the ballot by the county build to each municipality in the and each municipality pays their particular share whatever happens to I said it's a political it's a political thing that's surprised I said wonder why why that is okay I had a few questions but they're all up and downs What's the total bottom line on that thing in the administration so just the administration line item well the total yeah I mean you went up toal 10% these budgets there's 11 of them yeah there's 11 of them right so the total budgets for all 11 total in total yeah U yeah I'd have to tell you and get back to you like we don't because you went up 10% here 5% down here 3% $10,000 right it's comp goes up and down I wonder what the total was so for example did it go up at 4% like everything else went up right 4% if it's if it's a variance of significance whether it's down or up I mentioned it in the report um so if I called on the week you could tell me if it went up 4% or 5% or whatever it is or went down and is that compared to the budget of last year or to the actual it's the budget so we looked at what we budget year and we looked at what we're budgeting this year not budget to actually spend no but when we do the budget for this year we look at what was actually spent not only last year but historically over five years and so we can see what is truly the average that is spent in this line on and we try to keep the operating budget close to what what a department would need yeah it sounds like it was a a lot of budget to budget rather than you know almost maybe it wasn't but maybe I was trying to remember from last year and had it written down and I'm saying these numbers are driving me nuts but it's up and down it's up and down I'll call the office on try to mention the variances so that we bring to attention to you know to what you're looking at if there's something specially added an additional employee or whatever happens to be that's not a problem okay thank you you're welcome thank you sir yes ma'am n call 18 Green Brier Boulevard and having commented on Chief forest's presentation I believe the only proper thing to do is to comment on the very good presentation given by Miss Bergan it was great but my years are is old oh they're older than vix finelli's so I hear more slowly and barely could write notes down this presentation should have been part of a special meeting we have two weeks that we don't have Council meetings assigned to as we did when I attended for many is in the beginning of this Century these this type of a meeting which takes time to do it properly and Joanne did a good job but that wasn't sufficient for us to be able to grasp or ask sufficient questions to get indepth answers I suggest that you consider next meeting that you have like this the presentations VI a special open meeting and also does any of you know that in the code of Brick Township it does mention Robert's Rules of Order do any of you know who is this robbit who wrote these rules I can tell you who cuz I've read I educate myself because I know nobody up on that deas educates me they don't give me the information I have asked for repeatedly and I suggest next time a meeting like this a meeting like what started this meeting having to do with the school you separated from this council meeting and do the business you were elected to do furthermore the business you took an oath to do and you will find the wording for that oath in rabbit's Rules of Order but thank you Joanne you do a great job thank you Mrs Cole anyone else from public please seeing none thank you it's closed public thank you Mrs Bergen you're welcome this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorized cancellation of Grant 2022 pump out boat councilman pan thank you council president that's a tough act to follow by the way well done uh this resolution authorizes the cancellation of 8582 46 in Appropriations reserves for the 2022 pumpout boat from the county of ocean for the operation and maintenance of three pump out boats the bay saer bay Defender and a third boat coming to us this spring which service the affluent discharge need of boers in Brick Township's Waters the pumpout boats provide a convenient inexpensive and environmentally safe means for boers to dispose of the effluent waste in this grant brick operates and maintains the pump out boats and the county reimburses the township up to $50,000 for costs incurred for the three boats the township is not always able to spend the entire amount but remains diligent with making the necessary repairs to these boats and in Staffing them as needed thank you thank you 42 authorized receipt of fits liquid deicing agent councilwoman Travers please thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for liquid deicing agent as needed for salting Township roads in icy conditions the township went out to bid for the purchase and delivery of dicing agents in February bid notices were mailed to 25 prospective biders from our biders list and seven picked up bid no bids were received thank you thank you 4 three authorized rejection of bids Police Department Special Operations garage mechanical HVAC Plumbing installation councilman amberino please thank you council president this resolution authorizes the rejection of bids for the mechanical HVAC and plumbing installation work that is needed at the police department's Special Operations garage here at Town Hall bid no uh bid notices were mailed to 80 prospective biders from our bid bid list and only one bid was submitted with prices of $670,000 for the base bid and $85,000 for the base bid plus the alternate the bids were significantly higher than expected and we will instead search for vendors available via State contract thank you thank you 4 four please authorize Award of contract purchase and delivery of janitorial supplies councilman albanes please thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract for the purchase and delivery of janitorial supplies to the following vendors in accordance with an approved schedule of prices central poly bag Lyon Cooper fredman Electric Supply cranberry General lending and Paper Supply Point Pleasant Imperial cour West Long Branch and WB Mason cranberry I think you skipped some uh Imperial Bag and paper company Jersey City Plastic Express Union all paper and Supply Company do unipac Court West Long Branch and WB Mason cranberry bid notices were mailed to 46 vendors from the biders list and 21 bid requested bid packages 11 bids were received thank you four five please authorize Award of contract chemical Turf maintenance councilwoman di young thank you this resolution authorizes Award of bid for seasonal Turf application to try green Farmingdale the contract provides for four weed control and fertilizer applications per year for approximately 71 total acres per application at 15 locations including Township parks recreational facilities in the M Municipal complex it begins with an early spring soil test at each location to determine the proper application of each there is an early and late spring application and an early and late fall application this is a unit price per bid with a cost per application based on the seasonal treatment not to exceed $70,000 for the 2-year contract period 3 biders were notified of which 10 received bid packages one bid was received from True Green thank you thank you 46 please authorized Motor Vehicle sales license shore auto world LLC this resolution authorizes a motor vehicle sale license to shore Auto World 459 Brick Boulevard the application was reviewed by The Brick Township zoning officer uh engineering department and fire Bureau 47 that's the tax collector 7A % DAV Widow of Veteran deduction for Block 9901 Lot 12 7B 100% DAV Widow of Veteran deduction block 1192.2 L 7 7 C is tax exemption for Block 1224 L 636 7D tax over payment for 22 of block for 2022 of block 44.2 Lot 2 7e is a tax over payment for 2023 at the same location block 4412 Lot 2 and 7f or tax over payments are 20 24 of block 842 L 27 and block 1192.2 l18 thank you this brings us to the end of our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second please motion you open to council seeing none Clos Council open to public for questions on the resolutions only please yes Mr Finelli quick question in general item number three who sets the bid expectation range like a a lot of times I read it was rejected because it was added the thing who's who come who comes up with the number you do that so we hire different engineering firms based on what's on our pool and we have them come up with cost estimates so it's using an engineering firm always an engineering firm unless we do them small some smaller projects we do in house but yes it's typically an engineering firm and only one per one company bid on this mhm is I would think there would be more well we're always disappointed when there's not a little competition and we were certainly disappointed here because it far exceeded uh what we had planned on are they that busy out there I guess so it's it's hard I know Captain Drew had to wait several days to get heat on in his office this week okay thank you you're welcome yes m co n call 18 green bar Boulevard questions on the resolutions um where are they posted in this building they're supposed to be posted I know that from years of attending them this in this Century where are they posted in this building in their entirety so that I don't just see lock lock and lock are you asking where the resolutions are posted the resolutions are posted on our Township website and they're available myice respect your work ethic and how you do it but somebody has to be in charge and they were at one time posed across the hall in their entirety that's incidental I would rather that they be mailed to me each time there's a meeting I'll Supply in fact better that yet I'll Supply with you with a USB drive if you tell me which one is appropriate and I'll pick up the cost forward so you can put things on that USB and return it to me with the information from the meetings um second of all you read the consent agenda if discussion is desired on any item oh I think that's what I'm doing right now this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately you have never never never abided by that you supposed to be doing it um in addition to which I want to know the address for the block and lot there is no problem if you put both but you should be doing what the citizens have been asking one citizen at least has been asking for this is a public meeting and it is meant to inform the public and part of informing the public is to let us know about the block and lot where it is located where how it is more correctly identified by a non-servant of the people for now I'll leave it with that I know I have more but I'll take that up later or or in the media or at another meeting thank you anyone else please seeing none close public roll call councilman Albany yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 11 million 9,457 55 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion open to council open to public for questions on the bill resolutions seeing none close public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president Amber yes president minino yes thank you this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 1,974 6102 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council close Council open to public for questions on the manual Bill resol yes ma'am wait and call 18 green Bri Boulevard I've been attending these meetings and I had somebody sit next to me once who wanted to know did you rewrite the manual every two weeks see that's an example of not informing and or educating the public I know what it means but this and it wasn't a terribly young person middle-aged thought the word manual meant a user guide as it can to me it means uh labor also manual labor but in this case it is I understand what it is but you need to tell everybody it is not a rewrite of a thick manual that might consist of several thousand Pages thank you anybody else from public please okay close public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to ordinance on first reading and there's no public hearing on first reading SP one please an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending the township code in section 288-5239 of the new New Jersey State's annotated when property located outside of a public right of way wants to enforce the provisions of title 39 an application is made to the township to include the property in the Township Code section 28852 schedule 22 this gives the police the ability to enforce motor vehicle rules and regulations on private property the sites in this ordinance have applied to the township for inclusion in our private private property enforcement areas these sites have all been inspected by the division of engineering to ensure that traffic signs and markings are properly installed in accordance with the manual on uniform traffic control devices it is important to note that while the police will have the ability to enforce Mo motor vehicle regulations the township will have no liability or obligation with respect to site maintenance thank you thank you sir I have a motion in a second please motion second open to council seeing none close Council roll call councilman albanes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambrosino yes president minikino yes thank you 52 please ordinance on first reading an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending the Township Code of the township of brick in chapter 86 entitled alcoholic beverages to authorize the issu of a nonprofit theater consumption license thank you councilwoman D young thank you the state authorized the issuance of plenary retail consumption license without regard to the usual population limits to a nonprofit corporation that regularly operates as an art House movie theater or conducts musical or theatrical performances or concerts for which admission is charged this type of specializ license is known as the theater license the bill amending amending the law was adopted in June 2023 but the amendment only extended to the the theater license to include art housee movie movie theaters the theater license has been applicable to nonprofit theaters that conduct musical or theater performances for years under the current law to be eligible for a theater license a theater must be operated by a 501c3 nonprofit organization have regular seating capacity of at least 50 seats and regularly conduct musical or theatrical performance or under the new law show art art house movies if the theater qualifies under the foregoing under the foregoing then it is eligible for the issuance of a theater license the municipalities sub that by the municipality subject to the following conditions alcohol may be served for the two hours immediately preceding a show during during a show including intermission and in the two-hour period immediately following a show for theaters with capacities of 50 to 999 seats alcoholic beverages may only be served during the two hours following performance no more than 15 times per year the applicant must also comply with the usual requirements such as background checks for the principles of the nonprofit nonprofit this ordinance establishes the authorization to issue nonprofit theater license at a cost of $250 thank you thank you any Motion in a second please motion second open to council seeing none close Council roll call councilman Al yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes this brings us to 61 ordinance on second reading an ordinance of the Town Cher brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 225 to establish requirements and fees applicable to lead paint inspections for rental properties in accordance with public law 2021 chapter 182 thank you councilman Amber uh thank you council president this ordinance is actually needed in response to the State's new lead-based paint law that's njac 528a that ordinance implements lead paint inspections in Brick which will be completed by Township code enforcement officials during the rental certificate of occupancy process the regulations apply to single family rental properties only once a unit is certified LED free the township still has to go back after two years in the event of chipping or peeling property own owners have the right to get a more detailed leadfree certification at their cost short-term rentals have to be inspected by July of 2024 and then at the change of tency or two years the state does an inspection every 5 years for multif family dwellings the township applied for and received a grant to purchase testing materials and to send staff for training the lead based pain testing will be part of the rental checklist going forward the rate set for inspections is $5 plus an additional $20 per unit inspected for deposit into the lead Hazard control assistance fund established pursuant to state law reinspection will cost $50 plus an additional $20 per unit inspected for deposit into that same lead Hazard control assistance fund established pursuant to state law the $20 sear charge does not apply where the unit owner demonstrates that the DCA has already assessed such a c charge thank you thank you can I get a motion in a second please motion thank you open to councel seeing none Clos Council open to public yes Miss and call 18 green of Boulevard I've had many people think that I had was a teacher in a previous life truth is uh the only teaching I did was it when I was still in Brooklyn and educated a first communicant two of them on the CCD for that and they were very happy with me two wonderful 7-year-olds who had learning disabilities each one of them different but they would go home and tell their mother how much they loved me and now uh number one ordinance on first reading the only thing is it is not mandatory to allow resident input many times in fact every single meeting when Joe scarelli was the mayor there was question and answer on it it was done at the clus meeting held the week before the open meeting as it was framed and you should be giving us a heck of a lot more information than just a one sentence subject I'd like to know on this did you follow the science did you check what the people who wrote this into the state law and now you want to put it into Brick Township what was the science about changing or adding to the requirements on lead Point inspections I know for a fact and people in this Township many of you would remember poak parents of autistic children I'm not sure I don't get to read everything I'd like and I'm not sure if she was used to write to the uh to the publication that was replaced by shorebeat which is a Danny me product and he does an excellent job but previous there would be a lot of information about autistic children some of what John sluka talks about I wonder these days could it be that there is also a problem of lead paint in this Township it wouldn't surprise me oh but what about some of those students who get shipped out of the township and have to be driven back in a school bus from a motel in a different township to attend school you don't know the half of what you don't know and when you don't know something you're not prepared to even vote on it uh so what input did you get that justified these changes that are being enacted and uh I don't know who read the information but what was that NJ number uh NJ essay um I'm sorry I don't have my glasses on 5-28 a my pen is running out I hope it's not an indication that I am too uh S A NJ AC ac5 colon 28 a anybody who's watching this on a telecommunication device if you want to know about that come to the next meeting and ask these learned people to explain what that is where you find it how you get to it it's as big as the lore of the land without uh addition without redactions of anything um I've read it I read it a long time ago I read I know how to go to in fact I signed up for a gan law book that has access to that so uh did anybody do their homework to see if this is Justified whether you really want to vote for it or want to amend it and add something more that's your job and you're supposed to be public vants and I'm the public I'm one of it I'm collectively all of it and I want ansers from you on all of these things show me that you're educated and or informed at least if not educated thank you anybody else from public please yes Mr SL no he didn't John sler 950 Soviet Court mainly because I missed it or I didn't understand it uh June of this year you have to do a reinspection on this thing is that an inspection on the red lead paints Mr Canal could speak to he researched the law law I said you said it Mr if I can address your comments as well as M calls the state adopted a law in 2022 it gave municipalities two years to adopt an or so we're adopting the state law mandates that as of June of this year uh municipalities must inspect certain properties for lead paint the state determined that lead paint is associated with developmental conditions for children so the state determined that we have to um out of that educational and societal concern inspect for lead paint hazards in rental properties this ordinance is adopted in compliance with and based upon the State Statute it's in title 52 of the Jersey statutes annotated and Title 5 call 28 of the administrative code the ordinance is basically directed by the state how to do it in terms of what properties are going to be inspected um you're dealing with rental properties constructed prior to 1978 because lead paint was banned in 1978 so houses built today don't have lead paint but homes older than 1978 do and the concern is chipping or peeling of paint and if that's a rental unit multif family housing such as a large apartment building a large multi-unit has already been inspected for lead paint by the state because they do their inspections not the town the concern that the state wanted us to address is uh single or two family homes that are not subject to the multif family DCA inspections so they're otherwise escaping a lead based paint inspection we current inspect rental cosos when someone comes in to rent a property the town goes out and checks to make sure that it's safe for rental purposes but if someone rents a unit for multiple years we don't you know they they come in on a rental Co upon someone renting it and then we might not inspect it again until it's rented this law mandates that by this year by June of this year we conduct an initial inspection on those houses that fit within it may not actually be that many within brick that meet the criteria of a single or two family home constructed prior to 1978 that's a rental but that's what we're addressing those homes will be addressed be inspected this year and then they have to be inspected every few years reinspected they also have to be reinspected on a change in tency so either or change in tency or several years later they get reinspected if they fail they have to conduct lead paint abatement um if they pass then we just reinspect the fee is is a nominal fee it's $25 small and we're collecting a $20 fee that we're actually turning over to the state that goes into a lead paint a batement process if they fail and we have to reinspect them say a month later we charge them $50 it's still cheap so I I think yeah I think that addresses I think so too I I just wanted to make sure so if a rental was I mean somebody lived in a house and 10 years ago they did the inspection or whatever they did you know and they now they rent it does that have to fall into the June something deadline so if that house is a current tenant and it but is it meets the criteria um then we're going to go it's going to be inspected for lead pain okay the process is it's not going to be waiting till the next tening comes in then no and then it'll be then it'll be and then it's June every two years then after that or or change in tency whichever or earlier right at least every two years and the ordinance in terms of the drafting was considered by the land use Committee in consultation with Dan Newman who is the building inspector who is in charge of these inspections this is really uh his and Dan is the one that's going to have to find out which houses and which ones are being rented and we have all of that n software the ordinance is also crafted there's two criteria it's based on uh what level of lead paint is found in children's blood tests and brick is in the lower tier which is good news for the residents of brick um there are other municipalities in Ocean County that are actually in the higher tier um so this inspection provides for just a visual inspection but other towns have to do a swipe I know sometimes places in Lakewood and down in Atlantic City were high we drafted the ordinance that in the event the town's blood test results ever changed it's already in the ordinance that if we had to go to swipe test system that's in the system you change it later okay thank you thank you yes Mr P just a question on what I think I heard you say if you inspect some property for lead paint and you don't find any why would you have to reinspect it several years later if it changes hands the state the state requires it so if it's a if it's a criteria pre 78 rental property they're going to require it be reinspected why so uh it's built into the ordinance now what you can do if you are a criteria property that has that you can get a certification from a uh qualified inspection company that you could provide to the town and would take you out of this there's an exemption for that there's also a process if you've done a lead paint abatement where you've gone in and and gutted out you have an older structure that's been gutted and renovated and lead paint is removed you certified of that that again you can be even though you meet the pre 78 criteria you can be taken out of this by supplying the appropriate certification so you don't have to go through that there's also a process for landlords to um obtain their own certifications and in Li of doing that um not have to have the tal somebody ought to tell them that doesn't make a damn bit of sense if you inspect the property and there's no lead paint there somebody would have to get paint that's 50 years old to put it back in there doesn't make any sense at all well you paint over paint yeah so they don't know what's your base coat so as late as pain starts chipping and peeling especially if you have a tenant there that's a long time you could get to the surface of when there was lead pain so that's why they make us go back okay you spoke already on this matter Miss Cole thank you any yes anybody else from public okay thank you thank you anybody else from public please thank you close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to public comments please please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2- 33b thank you anybody from public yes Miss Cole and call Green Brier Boulevard uh red paint cocaine both of them are not allowed in Brick do you think nobody gets cocaine finds a place for it and uses it in Brick Township you're as foolish as I was when I was a 16-year-old high school student I've learned and I start when I meet people in believing them to be honest people not 100% perfect but honest in what they believe until they prove to me that they are dishonest that they don't bother to inform themselves about the law therefore they break the law um yeah maybe they think that illegal is the wrong terminology well every document every legal document refers to somebody who comes into our state our County our town without following the proper process and presenting documentation when necessary is an illegal alien immigrant whatever term you want to use that's the fact of the law um as far as the lead paint you don't think that somebody goes to a third world country and brings back paint and uses it you don't think that they smuggle it in and use it you don't think that they get a Buy on a really old paint that has it uh we don't know what's in our food never mind the paint and it is not a big deal if every five years somebody verifies doesn't have to be a long drawn out if it's just verified that they have not in the past 5 years used lead paint or any part of it some of us might have used it without knowing we were using it so that's that um the councilwoman uh ponera is absent did you make any comment about her absence we took a roll call the way you're supposed to do it a course according to Robert's Rules of Order is if she has notified you ahead of time that they she will not be attending is to put on it that she will be absent and or excused but of course you haven't read anything to do with Robert's Rules of Order even though I've supplied the council president of years past with two books one bigger than the other on on Robert's Rules of Order does anybody know who this Robert is oh so then you don't know that Robert was the last name of a man who was at West Point and Military discipline demanded that the attendees no matter what level they were follow certain rules he is the author of Robert's Rules of Order it's been amended many many times but it is this Mr Roberts not the movie Roberts that codified it in West Point and has been adopted by many that's and I have taken several courses on it from a licensed parliamentarian through an organization known as the National Association of active and retired federal employees which led to the president of one of those chapters requesting I be the chapter uh be the Parliamentary and for the New Jersey chapters Federation of North uh I do read it I like to learn things I have since I was a young girl I even studied chemistry as an elective in high school and I mean studied I didn't study geography and history all that well but I did study my chemistry um you understand you are public servants do you understand that legally terminology you're supposed to serve us the public you're not supposed to impose your will on us and to that end uh please tell me what kind of USB ports I can supply out of my pocket that you will give me a copy of all these videos because it has been noted by more than one person that frequently something happens to the recording of these meetings in the middle at a very important part for us so I want a copy of it as recorded um and just let me know and I'll Supply the USB CS or whatever you want uh I'll bring them into you and then you can give them back to me you can put more than one on a a flash drive or whatever Drive well I have means for some other drives but flash drives are the best because then I can bring it places um you thank you thank you Miss gold I suggest you start introspecting and seeing you're not serving us and you better get out of the position thank you anybody else public yes Mr sluk getting up too many times I'm gonna make this meeting longer than it needs to be but I gotta be my letter uh John sler 950 silia Court uh dated March 7th DM crate council president Vincent manino all councilmen Council woman as well as the residents students workers of brick and Ocean County once again they stand before you the mayor the council and in fact all Brick Township and Ocean County to State what I've been telling you for many many years before superstorm standy even struck the Shore area the people of the area were feeling the impact of a catastroph catastrophic event that event was the destruction of environment around the G State Parkway people of the area have been harmed ever since ever since by the toxins flowing off the Garden State Parkway without regard for the seniors workers and the Youth of the area uh and the New Jersey turn parik dority Commissioners D basically are destroying their lives the Commissioners destroyed the environment in near a and on the Garden State Parkway the citizens in Brick and Ocean County continue to be harmed by the toxins the noise and the various dangers surrounding the Garden State Parkway vast walls and increased foilage are needed on the garden State Parkway around the Evergreen Woods condo area brick High School primose Garden Sutton Village Lanes Mill uh greenb Town Hall Birchwood Park air pollution is harmful to everyone the National Institute of environmental science States air pollution is a human carcinogen thousands of Studies have been carried out and the results of those many studies and many Studies have brought before this Council and past councils but in fact nothing's truly done over the years um I guess the fun of grand openings road construction projects our honorariums take priority over the lives of the citizens but all must know the inaction is not a solution the people of ever Greenwoods brick High Lanes Mill School Green Brier 1 and two Brian Mill Birchwood uh Cherrywood the library and this town hall all of which have been suffering for years without being able to see what's causing the problem uh roadway noises and the toxins are killing our citizens they need you to act thanks for your time I yeld back two minutes and 30 seconds thank you sir yes can I absolutely not bummer this this is the part where I tried to share some information with you okay uh number one see Title Nine is working and you haven't recognized the girls bowling team yet which I think won four years in a row right um since since S1 came out and and the school got the budget cut cut cut if you watch the school board meetings I'm constantly telling them stop expecting more money you're not going to get it and the reason you're not going to get it is because the governor doesn't like Ocean County and he doesn't like brick the governor came out with his budget and he increased school funding by $900 million significant amount of money unfortunately $100 million went to the Newark School District which is his buddy's up north even I didn't think I knew they weren't going to get any more money but I didn't think they were going to cut this budget again but they did only $112,000 certainly not as bad as Jackson Jackson got cut like 14% um I don't I don't know what else he can do about it I I don't know what they can do about it you know the cap thing is the cap thing and I don't think if if they can raise the cap thing they would do it anyway because they probably all lose their jobs but they don't love us and and and that's what it is and it's going to continue to I don't know raise taxes 2% every year that's the school side what you do over here and you know what it's really not going to fall on people like me the governor keeps saying that he's doing all these things to help the working middle class says it all the time well if your taxes go up they're going up if you don't qualify for senior free or you don't qualify for the anchor program the taxes are going up this year they finally increased the amount of the senior frees all the way up to $150,000 and next year it goes up to 163 so if that doesn't get changed at budget time all the seniors like me are going to be smiling you're not that's all I have to share thank you for all the presentations and uh you get me a copy appreciate it or I can pick it up next time and I don't see a lot of smiling faces up there tonight smiles the sun was out today we had no rain 60 degrees right I don't think we spent a lot of money on snow this year right a little bit of uh brine on the road so you're smiling I know but I can't see it thank you anybody else from public yes Mr bacon uh good evening mayor council and administration Charlie bacon 366 ran cookus drive I have a quick question if you don't mind council president T yes Miss Bergen uh a couple meetings ago we talked about the Popeyes and being held up uh going in into the Wawa complex Miss Bergen was nice enough I saw her at a a grant meeting thank you she filled me in a little bit about it and uh I just wanted to follow up if there's any update on it because I think that application was approved with condition I think around December of 22 and then I I saw some articles in the Press about that after we spoke uh you know that intersection there at Jack Martin 88 is very dangerous and I think at the time I saw at least 11 accidents where people got injured so it's a little bit more than holding up the application of Popeyes uh that was a controversial Wawa application many people came out talked about that intersection the heavy traffic that was probably going to come as a result of Wawa but uh I just wanted to do a little follow up if it's okay with the council president has there been a update M uh bargain about it so um thank you Mr bacon so um the NJ do um has indicated that they feel that there no left turn signs are covered by the board's decision to allow them to install them at the time the pope eyes is built so we reached out to our uh board counsel and asked him to reach out to uh the developers Council to say to us it's unacceptable to wait that long the do won't back us on that because they feel that they're saying they're going to do it at their timeline um but those um discussions are underway and they're hopeful um but we have told them we're just going to go out and install them if if you don't do this but we would prefer they did it in accordance with the site plan where they should be put and how far how many feedback it's it's something that would be better for the developer to do so those discussions are underway but we looped in the njd and the developer and our attorney and uh I hope to have resolution soon but of course a developer has to agree that he's going to do this are you talking the developer J I think it's a JSM correct okay cuz he's going to have to make a physical change to the entrance yes that's the challenge to block that that left turn yes that's the challenge so it's not as simple as the signs no I yes yeah I kind of thought they'd have to do that to prevent that turn you are correct well hopefully there's going to be some Headway because that is a that's a bad intersection and we I know we want to get the development going in there because obviously Wawa when it came in there were several things that were potentially going to be earmarked for that so thank you on that one other small thing uh and I it's a bad time to bring it up because we had pretty high wind in in Brick obviously but it's been on my mind about our recycling cans because at my age I know I need exercise but I don't really want to run down the street and pick up all my recycling so what I find is I don't know the specs of our trash cans versus the recycling cans but it seems like even if we get a little wi the top will pop open and the problem with that is in garbage we have a bag we're not allowed to put bags in our because of what it'll do to the Machinery so as we're replacing these we might want to consider specification changes to maybe make them a little heavier or to keep the lids down okay and I don't want to use the latest wind but believe me uh you get a 20 mph wind there's a lot of recycling running around the town so it's something I might want to consider as we replace these things and I thank you for your presentation greatly appreciate it and thank you mayor and Council good night thank you sir anybody else from public please seeing none close public I have absolutely nothing else to say tonight thank you though are you sure what oh no mayor cre thank you so last week uh was read Across America week throughout the nation and we celebrated that here in Brick Township and while I know the prospect for some people of sitting in front of uh 253 yearolds reading a book may leave them terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought uh I find it to be a lot of fun and I had a great time so I do want to thank our Township preschools and their teachers and students uh the teachers and students of Herbertsville Elementary which is actually a preschool as well Warren Wolf which is also preschool and uh I had the opportunity to visit osbornville as well it was a lot of fun reading to those guys that brings me back to my roots as a teacher and I genuinely enjoyed it and look forward to going back and visiting them again at some point before the end of the school year on um March 7th I had the opportunity to visit anarie kth in Green Brier 2 uh she was celebrating her 100th birthday and you know that's not something you see every day so it was really exciting for me to be there and celebrate with her and she had so many friends and family there not only were her friends and family there in her home with her but she also had people who were on uh Skype or whatever people are using today for a whole bunch of people Google meet and she was uh when I walked in the door she was FaceTiming with her granddaughter who lives in New Zealand so she had a really nice turnout so uh March 7th was and Marie Ruth day and I was very excited to celebrate with her if you have a family member that is reaching a a nice large M Stone feel free to reach out to my office we love to come out and celebrate those things with our community so please do that uh I want to congratulate uh our two newest sergeants we had swearing swearingin uh two weeks ago now for sergeant our new sergeant cotch and zisi I just want to congratulate them and I want to tell people that uh two weeks ago I had the opportunity with our business administrator to attend a meeting with our Barrier Island Mayors uh that's something that we do um a few times a year we meet but now we are getting together to really work to uh see how we can collaboratively come together to solve some of the flooding issues that all of us are dealing with not only uh during storms but during during high tides during wind events that uh are that's essentially blowing the Bay right back into our street so this is this is an issue with the bay and it's an issue with all of the Barrier Island Mayors so we are looking forward to coming together to see how we can figure this out uh I love the plan I'm excited to be a part of it so I say let's do it and uh I look forward to reporting back to everyone once we get something going we had some ribbon cuting here again USA with is it is it 990 cedarbridge Avenue if you hav't if you have a hearing issue somebody thank you please make sure you visit them uh was they're also part of our chamber so we're happy we were happy to be a part of that grand opening uh I feel like if you haven't been to low voes yet I where have you been uh but please stop by this is their flagship store it's amazing we had a wonderful grand opening last Thursday uh it it was fabulous and we're so excited to see that entire storefront uh coming back to life over there off of Route 88 so um also on Route 88 if you have time on Friday the 15th T28 beastro at 10:00 a.m. located at 2140 Highway 88 is going to officially be having their official grand opening I believe they're um open for breakfast lunch and like an early dinner so um uh you know I welcome you to join us for that ribbon cutting as well I want to thank Brandy Wine living at Reflections they invited me out on Friday for women's uh national women's day uh to participate in a women's panel it was really wonderful to visit with the residents there they had questions uh we had great discussions and we actually brainstormed some ideas for how we can bring some of the students from our two high schools in to work with those uh residents as well so we're looking forward to contining and going back to Brandy Wine and other uh assisted living facilities throughout Brick Township um and finally I just want to thank um uh one of my administrative staff Brandy white along with my mayor student advisory last Friday was our brick hero Awards I think it was our best one yet uh we celebrated so many Heroes throughout the township and it was really nice this year we had specific categories and we honored people who teach in our schools we honored people who keep us safe uh we honored businesses throughout Town who work really hands inand with the community to make sure that they are present and helpful in so many ways uh we had some EMS people and uh I'm trying to remember all the people that we honored uh we had our crossing guard who basically put herself in front of a car uh to protect our students over uh in front of midstreams and so much more and I and I my stud I just want to say the student advisory the students from Brick Township and brick memorial are the students who work with Brandy to plan that event host the event they mced the event uh it was all on them and aside from my uh from the student advisory we also had students uh who performed for uh all the people in the audience so we had uh people who were doing the class plays that are coming up excuse me drama uh the drama club came out for each of the buildings uh I believe that Matilda is going to be at brick memorial and Shrek will be at Brick Township in the spring so if you want to see a great play those are two great plays for you to see I'm sure I'll have more info on them uh along with the chus uh groups that came out from both buildings so thank you to everyone that came out thank you to everyone who participated I have a couple of groups coming in to do some CR conversations with me because I was completely intrigued by by uh groups and that I didn't realize existed so look for those as well and uh Happy St Patrick's Day thank you Mr canel thank you madam clerk nothing thank you Madame secretary happy St Patrick's Day thank you councilman albanes yeah the uh presentations were amazing especially Miss berens with was a sore throat um I want to congratulate the brick and moryal soccer team and um the coach head coach Billy cruso and the two gentlemen that he was with was John prandy dun rber they're members of the 1984 state championship team um I coached here with brick with the big guy John panny at Old Brick but uh I think it's worth mentioning those guys love soccer they love Bricktown no matter what side of town they're from and they're the hardest working team in the shore probably the state that's it thank you councilwoman the young thank you I also want to congratulate uh the brick memorial girls soccer team great job um and thank you to Mrs Bergen of course Chief riio and chief Forester always enthralling thank you thank you councilman fan thank you council president I did originally prepare a beautiful eloquent super long speech so I'm G to forgo that because it's getting late thank you so I'm GNA just kind of go off the hip here but I just wanted to uh recognize and thank the three presenters uh chief ricko thank you so much for everything that that you do um Chief arer and uh of course Miss uh Bergen I've never known another business administrator but you do such a phenomenal job it's an honor and a pleasure I don't need to really above and beyond for all three but truly thank you for everything that you do and that's all I have to say about that thank you councilwoman Travers thank you I appreciate reference [Laughter] oh it doesn't I don't think it does I don't think it does I also just wanted to congratulate the brick memorial high school girl soccer team and also um thank you for all the bud budget presentations good night thank you thanks Council vice president Amber uh thank you council president I'd also like to congratulate the girl soccer team my many thanks and appreciation to the department heads that gave their budget presentations tonight I think it's very easy to hear these presentations and think about the numbers and the cost that's important they do a phenomenal job of controlling those components but what's really impressive is the amount that you do year in and year out with the limited resources that we have in town you're keeping our town running very very well oh thank you so thank you very much thank you so much that's it coming in with Co totally worth it so me I just want me announcement the next meeting is March 25th 7:00 um can I get a motion in a second to adjourn motion all in favor