notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you can I get a roll call councilman albanes here councilwoman pontorero here councilwoman D young here councilman fan here thank you councilwoman Travers here vice president ambrosino here president minikino here thank you thank you can we please rise in a moment of silence please pledge of allegiance to flag United [Music] States thank you Madam clerk yes can you um file and I'm sorry yes I will report report thank you y thank you can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes from December 29th and January 2nd meetings please motion second roll call councilman albanes abstain on the 29 and yes to this January 2nd councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman absent on the 29th yes the second councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 please authorization to cancel Grant appropriated reserves and receivables 2021 2022 and 2022 23 Municipal Alliance grants thank you councilwoman Travers please thank you council president this resolution authorizes the cancellation of $4,975 73 for the 2021 2022 and 2022 2023 mun Alliance grant program these are unspent funds that are now being cancelled thank you thank you 4 two please authorize Green Acres enable an agreement 15071 044 Township ofre planning incentive program Mrs mayor thank you this resolution authorizes an agreement with the njd Green Acres Program to provide funding for the Township's planning incentive program this agreement will increase Green Acres funding for the Township's open space acquisitions by 1.2 million thank you thank you 4 three authorized Green Acres enabling and supplemental funding agreement 15071 0444 Township of brick planning incentive program thank you councilwoman Dion this resolution authorizes a request to the njde Green Acres Program for an additional $1,565 th000 that may be needed for potential open space Acquisitions as recommended by the mayor's brick open space savers committee the parcels are located on Hooper Avenue adamston Road and Herbertsville Road thank you thank you 44 please authorize Green Acres enableing AG enabling agreement 1507 21030 Mard Point Park Redevelopment councilman councilman Alban thank you council president this resolution authorizes the agreement with the NJ Green Acres Program in amount of 712 $100,000 500 for Park Redevelopment Project M Park Point Park is the next Park scheduled to be upgraded in Township's long-term strategy for neighborhood pars the permitting process is underway and we hope to go out for bid on this project later this year thank you four five please authorized shared services agreement with Ocean County Sheriff's off office fiscal year 24 child restraint program Grant Council vice president amberon thank you council president this resolution authorizes the exec ution of a shared services agreement with the county of ocean for the fiscal year 24 child restraint program Grant in this grant the township will be reimbursed up to $70 per hour for overtime expenses incurred by certified child passenger safety technicians in the Township's EMS Department thank you thank you 4 six please authorized shared services agreement with Ocean County Office of the prosecutor fiscal year 2024 fatal accident supp Report Team FAST thank you councilman fin thank you 47 please authorized shared services agreement with burrow of manalan code enforcement and Zoning officer Services councilwoman D young this resolution authorizes the renewal of a shared service agreement with the buau of Manalo for code enforcement and Zoning officer services in this agreement Brick Township Code Enforcement Officers will respond to Property Maintenance violations on a part-time as needed basis in the burrow of manoi and be reimbursed for for those services to cover the costs those with proper certifications will also assist with zoning issues at the employees hourly rate thank you 48 authorized receipt of bids police Department Special Operations garage mechanical HVAC Plumbing installation Council woman ptera thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for the installation of mechanical HVAC and plumbing work as needed for the police department's Special Operations Building located right here in town hall the building presently has a temporary SE certificate of occupancy and this equipment and work is needed to complete the building thank you thank you 49 authorized receipt of bids mobile ice cream truck councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for an ice cream truck vendor at wward beach park Traders Co Marina and various Township parks year round last year the successful bidder paid 3,500 to the township to provide the service thank you thank you 410 please authorized receipt of bid Summerfest food truck vendors thank you this resolution authorizes receipt of bids from vendors to provide food and refreshments during the four Summerfest concerts and the annual car show with an option for the green fair craft fair and yard sale and night out against Crime last year the award was uh was made to seven vendors in a total amount of $1,880 thank you 41 please authorized receipt of bids Beer and Wine Garden concession councilman ales thank you council president this resolution authorized the receipt of bids from vendors Who currently have appropriate ABC licensing to provide beer and wine concessions during the four summer press conerts and fallfest in 2024 last year the counil received $9,100 for the one-year contract thank you 412 please authorized receipt of bids purchase and delivery of janitorial supplies councilwoman ponera thank you again council president this resolution authorizes excuse me the receipt of bids for the purchase and delivery of janitorial supplies this bid covers the purchase and delivery of various cleaning chemicals Street rooms was sprays hand cleaners for mechanics garbage bags and other items used by Public Works Parks buildings and grounds and the Recreations apartment thank you thank you 413 please authorized receipt of bids chemical Turf maintenance councilman kinman thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt for bids for seasonal Turf application for fertilizer and weed control at 16 locations including Township parks recreational facilities and the municipal complex the contract provides for four weave control and fertilizer applications per year for approximately 71 total acres per application it begins with an early spring soil test at each location to determine the proper application of each there is an early and late spring application and an early and late fall application this is a unit price bid with a cost per application based on the seasonal treatment not to exceed $60,000 for the two-year contract period thank you thank you 414 please authorized receipt of bids roadway improvements to Cherry Lane uh Manor counc Al thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for roadway improvements to Cherry Manor including Lisa Drive prin Princess Avenue and Mar thank you 45 authorize receipt of bids roadway improvements to Emerson Street thank you this resolution authorized the receipt of bid for roadway improvements to Emerson Street for 16 authorized receipt of bids manufacturing and printing of tax bills councilwoman ptera I don't know if I should thank you for this one council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for the manufacturing and printing of tax bills thank you you're welcome 417 please authorize Award of contract fireworks exhibitions councilwoman D young this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $30,000 to schaer fireworks straussburg Pennsylvania for the aerial fireworks at Summerfest concert series and Fall Fest bid notices were sent out to 12 prospective biders from our biders list and four bid packages were picked up uh four picked up bid packages yes one proposal was received thank you thank you 418 please otherise Award of contract on-site environmentally safe Truck Wash Services vice president Amber C thank you council president this resolution Awards a contract for on-site environmentally safe wash of Township owned vehicles and equipment to Mill spray LLC of Lakewood at a rate per type of equipment the vehicle wash recaptures wash water runoff during the cleaning process and prevents it from contaminating soil and groundwater the Department of Public Works does not have a closed system for the capture of Wastewater when washing trucks and equipment so we must contract out for this service the Township's New Jersey discharge elimination system storm water permit mandates the capture of the Wastewater runoff to prevent the contamination of soil and groundwater thank you thank you 419 please authorize Award of contract tree trimming removal and Disposal Services Council findan please councilman find thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award for the award of bid for tree trimming removal and Disposal Services to fonberg tree expert company real in accordance with a schedule of prices based on various services this will be an open-ended contract not to exceed $60,000 per year with funds to be certified priority service bid notices were sent to 33 33 prospective biders from our biders list and nine picked up bid packages three bids were received with fber Tree Experts being the lowest responsive respons bidder to date the township has encumbered approximately $60,000 for the current two-year contract thank you thank you 420 authorize Award of contract snow removal services councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract for snow removal services from jbh Paving and Excavating Jackson This vendor will be added to the list of contractors that the township uses to plow Township roads during a snow event this is a two-year contract with to renew for a third year thank you thank you for 21 please authorize Award of contract 2022 local roadway resurfacing and water main replacement contract Laurel Manor vice president Amber uh thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract in the amount of $629,450 manner this project will be completed in accordance with the shared services agreement dated September 23rd of 2023 with the Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority that means the township will be reimbursed by the btmua for their portion of the work completed which is estimated to be $371,500 drainage improvements retrofitting of manhole frames castings Inlet grates curb pieces and bicycle safety grates water main replacement and connections to existing Mains and sewers bid notices were provided to 74 prospective biders 14 requested bid packages eight bids were submitted with an AR construction being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you very much thank you 422 please authorized rejection of bids demolition of 478 East End Avenue thank you this resolution authorized the rejection of a bid for the demolition of 478 East End Avenue this property has been demolished by the property owner and therefore no further action is necessary 423 authorized sale of Sur Surplus personal property solar and class one renewable energy certificates councilwoman di young this resolution authorizes the sale of the township renewable energy credits and class one renewable energy certificates through a public auction the township of brick intends to utilize the online auction services of flat exchange llc at this time there are solar renewable energy certificates from the Township's rooftop and parking lot solar panels to auction on the flet exchange website in addition there are renewable energy certificates from the wind turbine located at the Drum Point Sports Complex the Township previously utilized flet exchange LLC for the sale of solar renewable energy certificates through public auction and receive $3,872 thank you thank you 424 424a is an inspection fund release for Block 36 Lots 13 18 22 and 24 24b is an inspection fund release for Block 549 lot 11 24c is a performance bond and inspection fund release for Block 646 lot 7 7-9 24d is a performance bond release for Block 13 3815 lot 22 24e is a performance bond release for Block 14908 Lot 25 and 24f is a performance bond release for Block 14472 Lots 23 24 and 25 thank you 425 25A is Veterans deductions at block 8709 Lot 4 as well as block 548 Lot 19 18.8 25b is senior citizen deduction at block 87.0 Lot 8 25c are overpayments for 2023 at block 1270 Lot 2 and block 14706 lot 103 25d is canceling tax balances for $10 and under and 25e is a tax exemption at block 211 L 31 thank you and this brings us to the end of our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council seeing none open to public for questions on the resolutions only yes Mr SL quick quick answer hopefully John sluka 950 sovet Court uh the award of contract of number 21 20 that number 2022 local roadway Improvement is this something that we started two years ago what this was not even started it was probably planned in 2022 2022 that's I say there's probably a good answer to this one yeah I was just on the roads this fall they are awful but we were waiting for everything to get everything to get approved and everything else I just thought it was a little weird that it was almost a year and a half or two years old uh the other one is what happens on number 18 onsite en environmentally safe Truck Wash service we get the water that goes into the thing and you know I understand that because they asked a question last year what happens to the water they collect it and a um they put like a bubble around the unit that they're washing they collect the water and they take it with them for proper disposal oh so like out into where if it happens to be yeah they have the they have the infrastructure necessary to properly properly get rid of it stuff because it has to go somewhere you know I know it doesn't dry up okay good enough thank you thank you sir anybody else yes sir good evening good evening yeah uh two two quick and easies uh n number two what exactly is planning incentive program and I think the the there's $1.4 million more you're asking for where is that going or what is it for and and the other one is question 8 just my own information this is this is the new police garage building back is that is that what that is yes so I wanted to make sure I got both your questions yes number eight is the Special Operations garage that is going in the rear that's correct my my question is my own information don't you normally do heating and vacuuming and HVAC and plumbing and everything as you're building it uh well we are still building it we have a temporary Co but in order for us to occupy it with actual people we have to finish this part so we we have been building it it's been under construction for several months okay and now we're at the point for the HVAC oh so that's like you you don't do it as you're building it like you would a house well we did the nuts and bolts but now we need the professionals to come in and Fin finish the design and take the design that was laid out and finish the work okay okay uh and yes planning incentive grant program so you have to you have to notify Green Acres by filling uh out giving them a comprehensive planning incentive grant program application that tells you about all of the parcels that may be acquired for open space or maybe interesting to us to acquire for open space or interesting to the county or interesting to the state to require for open space so if something comes up during the year from the boss committee or the county calls us about an interesting seller we already have notified green anchr that this is a property that's interesting to us and we may be acquiring so they want to see you continuing planning to do that they want to see you can having a an idea of what Parcels would work for you for o space and kind of prioritizing that so that's what the planning incentive gr program does this is also asking because we had put the Breton Woods property on here something wanted to acquire for them to up their funding to us to help us offset the cost of that acquisition oh so the 1.4 million is for Brenton Woods but you're asking more than you originally got yeah because we have other properties there were a couple of other properties that we're looking at at the same time it wasn't just AER okay thank you thank you sir anybody else from public please seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino I vot yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 11 million4 57,59 55 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion thank you open to councel seeing none close Council open to public for questions on the computer Bill seeing none Clos public roll call councilman albanes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 5,664 2644 thank you can I get a motion in a second please motion second thank you open to councel seeing none close Council open to public for questions on the manual Bill seeing none close public roll Paul councilman albanes yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to five minutes pursuing to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you anybody from public yes you pick out these shirts purposely for me you want me to read it out I saw it I read oh you ready read it very good I don't like I told you once before I don't buy any of them I haven't b a shirt in 25 years the kids buy them yeah very nice and they know that I won't wear anything that's offensive so they don't buy me anything offensive good okay John sler 950 silia Court de mayor crate just a letter I wrote January 19th I dated it uh current although really means for the whole year but current I should have taken that out council president Vincent manino I get that right hopefully yes orber councilman and Council woman the people of brick workers and residents like and the local news reporters as well uh my letter air pollution can cause a variety of health problems according to the National Institute of environmental health science air pollution can affect lung development and is implicated in the development of empyema asthma and other respiratory diseases such as chronic obstrusive pulmonary disease which is COPD most people know by increases in asthma prevalence prevalence and severity are linked uh to urbanization and outdoor air pollution Dr Allen Thomas Charlie a health expert states that long long-term exposure to air pollution can impair lung Health aggravate pre-existing illnesses and rais death rates deep blood bloodstream and lung penetration by delicate particle particulate matter and pollutant such as ground level oan can lead to organ damage and inflammation it is the major threat to Global health and prosperity air pollution as all forms is responsible for more than 6.5 million debts each year globally a number that has increased over the past two decades please please note that this is not an exis of list of health problems caused by the air pollution vehicles are a major source of air pollution producing about onethird of all US Air Pollution the small carbon monoxide and other toxins Emitt by vehicles are especially troubling because they leave the tail pipes at Street levels where humans can breathe them the polluted air directly into their lungs the gar stay Parkway continues to impact the Liv of the not so well wealthy residents and nothing is seems to be ever done some of the other things one may read if they don't like reading what I write air pollution Linked In dementia cases uh any addition of the NIH research matters read about findings from the health and retirement study funded by the National Institutes of Aging that showed higher air pollution was linked to the increased risk of dementia ni HS funded research found that younger adolescent brains developed differently when when they were exposed to air pollution during childhood even when pollution levels were well below the national air quality standards this study is first to assess how air pollution may affect the growth of children's function functional networks which PA information between different regions of the brain and are essential for cognitive and emotional development the NS sister study is a leading resource for research on environmental factors and breast cancer in this study White and her group found that women who live in the areas of high air pollution had a higher risk of developing breast cancer this vary geographically due to the different sources of pollution around the United States a 14 to 20 foot pollution noise and safety wall along with the increased number of Threes And brushes needed along with the heavily expanded Garden State Parkway the people of Evergreen Woods which are not the richest Community the people of Green Brier not the richest senior community the people of Brian Mills not the richest Community either the people going to school and working at Brick high and L Mill School basically the working class people die prematurely and get little help or no help people of Cherrywood town hall and the library also feel the abuse of New Jersey turn Park Authority every day doesn't anyone care I guess the council comons at of the meeting is a great opportunity to show that the mayor and council members care for The Not So financially well off in the township although I will guess things go will go the same way they have gone in the past little or very little is ever done thanks for your time I yeld back 45 seconds thank you anyone else from public yes sir good evening council president Council Administration and mayor my name is Charlie bacon 366 ran Copus Drive uh I was watching TV about a week and a half ago and I noticed a popey's commercial come on and I know at my age I shouldn't be eating that in full disclaimer I do not work for Popeyes however I did a little Googling on it because uh the board of adjustment a matter of fact did approve Popeyes to go next to the wobble I did not full disclosure attend any of the meetings during the hearing of Popeyes but I attended numerous meetings on the Wawa and when the Wawa was in front of your board of adjustment there was a lot of concerns raised by the traffic especially making left-hand turns out of the exit of Wawa and it was discussed by quite a few citizens that live on cross streets in that area across from that and that was approved with knowing full well this was going to be an issue there's no question W was are magnets a lot of people like them to eat and that's why a bank and several other things were approved there so I looked at the popey's approval with two conditions one was the paper Street which I get that seemed like a reasonable one the one that concerned me a little bit was the condition that was placed on popey's coming in here as a result of something that was approved by the wav now the board you had all your professionals here and this room was quite filled with people expressing concerns if that was allowed especially a left-hand turn coming out of waa then I read the the thing that was in front of popey's before the approval with all the conditions the problems with the uh the location of that exit close proximity to Jack Martin so what I'm expressing here is there's two things one my concern about putting a condition on a business because a board approved something knowing that this was probably going to be an issue and there was no conditions placed on that when waa was approved so I think going forward we should be careful when conditions are placed like that when the origin of the traffic problem was in fact related to Wawa with no post review allowed with that approval that's number one number two this came in front of the board in early December of 22 and the condition of them building there and part of that was to move the bank out of the anchor so that they could put a drive-thru was a do do approval so my question in front of this uh body is what is the status of that because that's probably 13 14 months in has there been any movement on that do approval at all may I clarify Mr B oh sure thank you if you're asking about the no left turn yes yes so uh this goes back so many months and so many consistent followups by not only uh the mayor's office and my office but also traffic safety and engineering and Tara Paxton and L use um the do was the one that asked us the township to support what they wanted to do which was no left turn VI resolution which the council did that day the day we got the request we changed the agenda and yet they have done absolutely nothing um in terms of the signage and formalizing the no left turn since we did that we have followed up repeatedly um and the answers we get is it's still being worked out with the their legal department of the dot so we will continue to follow up we greatly support that we the council supported it the day they were asked to support it way back in the day and it's it's really out of our hands but not beyond our scope to continue to follow up yeah I just ask you to continue it seems like an obvious thing your request obviously which started with them right right and and yet now that we did what we were asked to do they it's just Cricket yeah I I don't understand the inner working of do they actually approved both of those left-and turns out of that before that was approved but to your point it doesn't seem like a big change to do what they ask you to do with the resolution so thank you on that the other thing another full disclosure uh that I do want to bring up I talked to Mayor Ducey about this probably a year and a half ago uh in a meeting that I saw him in and it concerns the uh Dunkin Donuts on Herbertsville Road and that was approved as most of you know or some of you new members congratulations on uh winning the election that was approved to convert a bank and when that went in front of the planning board they utilized the uh one of the Bays for the bank and the problem over there and it continues to be a chronic problem is I would ask this governing body to to follow up with Public Safety which I asked the mayor to do not looking to give anybody tickets but I've been by that road when I used to live over there that it would block herbol road not only does it block Herbertsville Road it causes problem with people coming out of the traffic light there so maybe they could do something type of study that and especially I think on Saturday mornings things of that nature where that becomes very dangerous and I just asked if that could go through Public Safety again I'm not looking for people to get tickets because it was really created by a board approval with no provision in if the q line gets full and you can't have you can't blame people when they're trying to get in there to use a drive-thru so that would be another thing I'm I'm asking if you could follow up with Public Safety on and just check into that um because that continues to be a problem I occasionally go to Prime and always ask him about it so thank you for allowing me to go beyond my time have a good evening thank you sir take care anyone else from public please seeing none Clos public Mrs Bergen and how are you I was we how's everyone I have nothing thank you thank you yeah thank you yeah mayor creep thank you I just have a couple of things uh first I want to point out uh one thing if you've read uh I believe it was the last issue of the ocean star uh and I'm not sure if it was anywhere else I know that Dr Farrell was recently interviewed regarding the devastating cuts of the brick school system continues to have to live through and uh you know I I I've been trying to follow up as with that as well I know that the school district submitted an application for state state stabilization Aid funding and uh you know the S2 Cuts have consistently uh cut funding for the past seven years and and we deserve to be fully funded we deserve to be able to provide a thorough and efficient education for our students so with that in mind uh I do know that the application that was sent in was excellent uh and it requests uh full restoration for the aid that's been taken away again and I've had several conversations with the chair of the education committee Senator Vino to tell him that brick needs this funding and um we would like that restored for all the funding that we've lost so um I just wanted to keep people up to date with that that I have been reaching out I have been pushing to have that funding restored and that the children in Brick deserve to have that thorough and efficient and quality education so I'm hoping to get hoping that the school district gets some good news on that soon um and we'll continue here in our office to impress the need for fair funding for our schools uh other things going on beside that um I was able to attend the police EMS Awards uh at the beginning of January it was very exciting I would like to congratulate Alexis Sweeney and Michael magnetti they were the 2023 EMT uh EMTs of the year they both did such a fabulous job that two people got the award this year and I all the time that I've spent with seniors and and talking with people around town one of the things that has always resonated is the fact that our EMS Squad is the best of the best I've never had anyone say anything other than what a wonderful uh group of people they are how they're always so kind and caring and how they're uh they know their stuff and they come in and they're um just always such an asset to our community so I want to thank them publicly for doing all the hard work that they do on what is arguably as I said at the award ceremony uh at a time when they're meeting people on what would consider be considered probably the worst days of their lives and they're always there to be um the best that they can be and I I'm very grateful that we have them here fulltime in our Township uh so thank you to them and when you see them out on the roads or if you see them out getting a snack of the WWA or if they're just happen to be out and about make sure you thank them too on January 12th I was able to go to the brick vers brick basketball games uh we had uh the girls play and the boys play each other at Memorial and congratulations to Township girls and Township boys they both pulled off a win so congratulations to them great games uh it was very exciting to be there for that match uh on the 13th I was able to go to a ribbon cut with councilwoman D young for unscathed cuts that is uh located over I don't remember the the plaza name but it's where the Dollar General is uh Town Square Plaza um if you haven't been over there to check it out please do if you need a haircut if you're a guy check it out it's not just a barber shop it's so much more than that uh there's a great article in the patch actually about what uh that gentleman offers but basically he is not only a barber but he's an independent musician and part of the thing that he does in the barber shop is he highlights uh upand cominging hiph hop artists each week or each month he highlights them he's got uh he has a couple of albums actually on Apple music that you can check out under unscathed and um it's a great place to get a haircut it was really cool it was just a really cool barber shop with lots of cool things to see when you're there and I believe he's going to be looking into hosting evenings for these Independent Artists so that PE the public can come out and meet them uh so I highly recommend checking them out it was a great ribon cutting and I enjoyed uh his mom was wonderful she was very supportive so uh check them out um there's going to be a neighborhood watch meeting on February 1st at the Herbertsville firehouse that's for the Herbertsville and Maple Avenue section of town so if you live in those sections of town please come out I believe that starts at 6: p.m at at the Herbertsville Firehouse so we hope to see you there on February 1st if you like to do some rock climbing or if your kids like to do rock climbing on February 4th from 11: to 3 at the uh gravity Vault here in Brick the PBA is hosting climb with a cop and uh for $35 you can climb with a cop and all the funds will be going towards the Special Olympics so I will be there I will also be climbing so you can climb with the mayor too for a little bit if you feel like racing me up to the top uh I'll get there early so I hope to see you there it's a great event for kids they love it a lot of our police officers attend and it's just a really good timeout for the family so we hope to see you there and finally on February 10th we will be celebrating brick Township's 174th birthday at Civic Plaza from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. I hope that you can join us it's uh being hosted by the mayor student advisory they're working really hard to make it a fun event for everyone uh some of the things that we're offering are decorate your own cupcake uh I hold a special place in my heart for that I believe we're going to be making some slime uh we'll have a cotton candy machine uh we have groups from um brick memorial the art Club will be there to do hand and face painting the National Honor Society will be making friendship bracelets and bead bracelets uh we have Garden State art studio coming out to do some painting and uh coloring pages with the kids uh the Chick-fil-A cow will be handing out coupons so you might want to check that out uh the MUA is going to have some interactive giveaways uh the Historical Society will be there the fire department Sparky will be there uh we'll have brick police will be there as well the environmental commission the brick Garden Club mom with computers will be there and the Ocean County branch of the library we're going to have goodie bags and cake and uh lots of fun stuff for people to do it really is a community event that is put on by members of the community and it's a great way to celebrate our Township uh to come out and meet friends and have a good time and eat some cake and sing happy birthday to our great Township so I hope to see you on February 10th from 3:00 to 5: uh for that celebration and that is all I believe I have for this evening thank you are you sure I think that's it I can you know if you're only woman me to go on thank you Mr Stark I'm gonna follow Miss Bergen's lead and say I nothing tonight thank you thank you madam clerk nothing thank you Madam Secretary thank you Council councilman albanes nothing Council woman ponera just one thing are bab Clinic has been rescheduled so we're having it on uh the 27th at 10 a.m. I know Miss Lynette works very hard to make it successful so if you missed the first time it was scheduled it's not too late take your animals and get the r shots 10 a.m. you can sign up online on the township website thank you thank you councilwoman the young yes thank you I just want to add something real quick to Mayor crate about unscathed they are part of the buy and brick program so you can also get reduction on your property taxes by utilizing them and also uh the brick hero awards are coming up uh they are going to be taking place in March and the township is taking applications for someone or a business or an organization that you would consider a hero that goes above and beyond beond for our community uh and applications are being accepted until uh February 16th and I believe the application is online uh I know it's definitely through the municipal update I don't know if it's on Facebook or the website yet but we'll make sure it's up uh for the public to be able to put in their application for hero in Brick and that's all I have this evening thank you thank you councilman fan thank you council president just want to take a brief moment just to recognize the uh brick Police Department uh I'm not just saying that because they relocated me closer to you um I did have it printed out but they really do a phenomenal job but H they can't be everywhere at once so they do rely us uh on in terms of community that said I want to make sure all residents are aware of our non-emergency police number which is 732 26211 z00 so if you see something strange there's no harm in calling it in uh there's also a lot of resources available on their website which is www. Brick there's general information a tip line a calendar of of events including neighborhood watch meetings uh you can also sign up for Real Time alerts uh so thank you stay safe and have fun thank you councilwoman Travers I've got nothing tonight thank you thank you Council vice president Amber uh thank you I think I'll be the one that uh just says to everyone in town welcome to Winter um I'd like to take a moment to thank our Township employees who coordinated our response to the snow that we got last week I think they did a very good job hopefully there's not more of that to come that's it thank you Mr bacon I agree left and Wawa is a pain in the butt I live in that area also so thank you for bringing it up um thank you for everybody for coming I appreciate it we all appreciate you's coming and showing up I did not attend the barber shop thing I didn't think they could help me yeah I didn't think they could help me they couldn't braid it so what good is it um I will be going to get a cupcake though um so the next meeting is February 13th 7 o'clock here it's also a Tuesday and I get in Motion in a second to adjourn motion meeting adjourned thank you all in favor I