call to order adequate meeting adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press in the ocean star on January 27 2023 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website roll call pleas councilman albanes here councilwoman pontorero here councilman amberino councilman minikino here councilwoman Travers here vice president zaps here president D young here thank you everybody please R rise for the salute to the flag followed by a Moment of Silence I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America the stands naiv andice please be seated Madam clerk I will ask you to file the reports from the municipal officers please yes I will thank you and can I have a motion in a second to approve the meeting minutes from November 8th please motion second roll call councilman Albany yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilman minikino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zabek yes president D young yes thank you we're adding something real quick to uh the agenda I would like to ask the mayor to come forward we are presenting a proclamation for small business Saturday on Danielle Brian would you guys like to come up he said is he refusing to speak oh I don't want to touch anything it's very delicate hello everyone so thank you for coming this evening I do have a proclamation that I would like to offer for our small business Saturday which is coming up this Saturday November 25th the government of the township of Brick New Jersey celebrates our local businesses and cont and contributions they make to our local economy and Community according to the United States small business administration there are 33.2 million small businesses in the United States representing 99.7 of the businesses with paid employees and are responsible for 62.7 of net job net new jobs created since 1995 small businesses employ approximately 47% of the employees in the private sector in the United States and 72% of consumers understand the importance of supporting small businesses in their community on small business Saturday 68 cents of every dollar spent at a small business in the United States stays in the local community and every dollar spent at small businesses creates an additional 48 cents in local business activity as a result of employees and local businesses purchasing local goods and services the township of Brick New Jersey supports our local businesses and and that they create jobs boost our local economy and preserve our community advocacy groups as well as public and and private organizations across the country have endorsed Saturday the Saturday after Thanksgiving as small business Saturday so therefore I Lisa crate mayor of the township of brick in the county of ocean in the state of New Jersey do hereby Proclaim this Saturday November 25th to be small business Saturday and I invite all the people of Brick Township to come out and shop our local businesses and I am a very big fan of local shopping it's one of the things I like to do for uh the holidays to make sure that everybody in my family gets at least one gift that comes from a local business and we have Danielle kidney here from our local Chamber of Commerce and if you'd like to say a couple words that'd be great thank you so much for inviting me um I'm happy to be here to represent the Brick Township Chamber of Commerce uh the brick Chamber of Commerce has been around since 1956 um and is located just down the street on Chambers Bridge Road um we are very proud of our local businesses there are so many small businesses in brick um that our tagline is building bu business Brick by Brick uh so we know to support our local stores and Community um many of these small shops are owned by Brick residents which makes it even that much more valuable to our um Community they're the ones who are you know sponsoring local Little League teams and giving to your local pto's and uh we're really excited to represent such a great um initiative of such a small business Saturday so thank you thank you we would love that come on Dan come on so much thank you very good thank you so much and everybody please small business Saturday don't forget to frequent our small businesses here in Brick uh resolution 41 all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired fired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately now 4 one thank authorized budget transfer councilman Al this resolution authorizes budget appropriation transfers as needed for year end these transfers do not increase our overall Municipal budget in any way we are moving funds from one account to another thank you very much 4 two authorize insertion of chapter 159 New Jersey Department of Transportation fiscal year 2024 Municipal aid program for Normandy Beach Phase 2 elevation of Broad Avenue councilman minikino thank you this resolution authorizes the insertion of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Municipal Aid Grant in the amount of $ 41,8 159 for phase two of the Normandy Beach roadway elevation project the second phase includes Broad Avenue Arrow Court and Normandy drive thank you 43 authorize receipt of bids purchase and delivery of signed materials Council vice president zapson thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for the purchase and delivery of signed materials this bid is for an item per item basis for the purchase and delivery of signed supplies to include sign blanks pre-made signs street signs stencils and ink cartridges used by the township sign sign shop to date the township has an approximate expenditure of $84,000 during the current two-year contract which will expire on February 11th 2024 thank you thank you 4 four authorize Award of contract Bay Harbor estate's roadway improvements councilwoman Travis thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract to Earl Asal company Farmingdale in the amount of 8851 , 51313 for the Bay Harbor estate's roadway Improvement project roadways included in this project are Queen Anne Road Eastland Road Glenn Road lime Road Orange Road bimy Road Appleton Road Hemlock Road aqual Drive bont Drive Homewood Drive Clearwater Drive Somerset Drive Claremont Drive Fountain Blue Drive Sunnydale Drive Brookfield Drive Greenville Drive armor drive lawdale drive and Bayway bid notices were provided to 75 respective bids and 11 requested bid packages seven bids were received with Earl asalt being the lowest responsive responsible bidder for the base bid and two alternates thank you lot of Roads thank you resolution 45 authorized change order number four brick Police Department Special Operations garage councilwoman ponera thank thank you madam president this resolution authorizes the change order number four in the contract was scav General Contracting for the briak Police slems Special Operations barage project the change order and the amount of 46,9 will allow for the installation of new gas lines and four wallmounted heaters also the change orders allows for the connection of gas to the new auxiliary generator which is on site and ready to be installed thank you thank you 46 46 is tax collector you uh 46a 100% DAV Widow a veteran deduction for Block 5815 lot one 6B is 100% DAV Widow of Veteran deduction for Block 11 92.0 6 lot two and 6 C is tax over payments for Block 14 29.02 Lot 2 and block 842 Lot 27 very good 47 authorize insertion of chapter 159 New Jersey Division of highway traffic safety drive sober or get pulled over yearend holiday Crackdown Grant this resolution authorized is the insertion of a grant in the amount of $144,000 from the state of New Jersey Division of highway traffic safety for the drive over sober or get pulled over program These funds offset the cost of enforcement activities on weekends and holidays that will end our consent agenda can I please have a motion and a second motion second open to council close Council open to public on these resolutions only yes oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that sorry about that I got everybody's attention didn't I I'm very sorry can't make BL on coffee I haven't had any today I'm sorry Sam Foster want my Che would drive I'm sorry I'm G to try not to touch that anymore I'm very s I'm very clumsy I'm sorry quick question first of all I'm glad that this is on the consent agenda because I did have a question anyway because I was in a municipal building today anyway uh I have a question about number author ation I mean resolution resolution number seven the uh drive over or get pulled over now I was in the municipal building today I was following criminal complaints uh which I told you all about people for pass and I was told by the police uh I spoke with an officer Duca who took my criminal complaint that uh the brick police don't have the ability to uh uh give a breathalyzer test to someone they have to take someone into custody bring them to the municipal building and there's a standalone device here in the municipal building where they test him now I know other departments I've driven past uh you know I'm 62 years old I've been on the road for decades now too many years to remember I'm 62 so I don't like to think about my age but uh I've driven past a lot of uh DUI stop points or DWI checkpoints whatever they're called and oh like this one right here and police there have the breath lier devices I've seen them waiting you know cuz they stopped the traffic so not do but watch what the police are doing is there any way or how much does is is it would it be cost effective to have the police uh and as far as from a legal standpoint also to have a breathalizer uh device given to patrol units I know it would be unreasonable to have all all car vehicles uh you know with with the devices am I don't know how expensive they are I know on on Amazon I saw some was like a but that's just a consumer version is it uh can you the council I'm sorry I'm babbling I'm I'm disabled so please bear with me my basic question is can your Council I'm asking the council to look into checking into the but to see if it's financially reasonable for if it's too much of an expense to purchase like uh uh a breathalizer devices uh I don't know how they work if they're disposable if you take something out I don't know just for purposes of uh stop like this that's the first question and I follow up on that also oh I'm sorry yeah I follow up on that when I get an answer from that I'm I'm not familiar with our police procedures but if the police ask for it and we will take anything under yeah I understand but I'm just saying from a budgetary standpoint do you know anything about has this been investigated in the past or not to my knowledge okay now second question fing following up on this how is since the police do not have any breath or devices that are portable for lack of a proper word uh who is how are they going to be tested because it seem you know if you pull someone over to see if they're uh drunk in other towns you know Ocean County prosecutor's office Sheriff's Department M County as well they have the sheriff department there with them do are they going to be providing the equipment to test people on the at the site or is this going to be a case of the the police or police whoever is there believing that they have problem calls someone is intoxicated and then take him into custody because from a legal standpoint you know it's kind of you know I want I care about the budget and I don't want to see the township involved in any unnecessary litigation uh I don't know if Mr kenelly could answer or uh or I'm not familiar with the police procedure but we can ask the Chief and get back to you okay who is the current council person that uh I started to see councel men but there's almost all women now so but who's the council pres in the Lea Zone to the police it used to be Council in Pont I was is it still you we we have a public we have a Public Safety Committee that is made up of three uh council members that's what I meant I apologize I I misspoke when I when I mentioned it yeah okay let just it up because like I said I was speaking to the officer today and by the way officer duuk I want to compliment him because he spent a lot of time taking my criminal complaint very polite very knowledgeable very professional and I want to thank him he took a a previous criminal complaint from me also so I want I criticize the police justifiably so but also I compliment when people do a good job that's the way I am I hope you won't take it take it personally when I criticize you because like I said I've tried to be fair and I know sometimes I aren't but I'm a disabled person and I think you understand that and please bear with me please do a bad job compliment them do a good job criticize them I mentioned this on Facebook as I got well I don't want to be political but it wasn't you but when I was a democratic committee man people chewed me out because I was defending Mar Acropolis and he says what's wrong with you whose side are you on I says I'm on the right side if he does a good job anything else on the I'm trying to make trying to make a point I'm sorry I wasn't trying to convin you it wasn't you but I just have 30 seconds left so I'm just I'm just trying to explain myself I'm not trying to cause any trouble here but you know I still have the the time explaining why I'm complimenting and I hope that you all understand when you're CR I'm critical of you it's not personal and I help it not that would be retro retroactive okay thank you I'll pick up the rest of it when drink public comments anybody else yes John sler 950 silia Court my favorite transfers uh I know we transfer every year and it drives me nuts 1.7 million to Insurance yes do we not anticipate a change in Insurance do we really think what do we pay what do we pay for insurance a year do we know that insured Mrs Bergen thank you yes we're self-insured so what we pay varies based on our claims so you can project if I can just finish if you can project what we do is try to Project based on years past what type of claims we're going to experience but with 500 full-time employees you the best you can do is project so some years we transfer out of insurance and some years we transfer in okay that's what I thought now we took it out of the police budget and we took it out of dispatch basically that's more than two-thirds of the money uh did the police over budget by two by a million 900,000 or did we just guess wrong or did we really have that kind of savings and stuff like that and then is that going to continue into the next budget which is coming up soon you know how basically we took a million dollars away from the police department and and Mrs uh so we agreed to hire some new police officers uh this past year and we budgeted their full salary for the full year but by the time we went through the Civil Service process of the list and actually hiring them and getting them here it was much later in the year than we anticipated so it was just the timing of hiring new new folks so and we also did see a reduction in overtime awesome next year 900,000 will be Tak into the budget then right it will the accommodation necessary for the roster that we have will be in the 2024 budget yeah it'll be coming up in otherwi so yeah uh and the insurance we just didn't anticipate okay so you know I expect to see in the budget next year then with what you're telling me is that we're going to have about a million dollars for the police budget but it's going to be based on this year's not a million dollars more it's going to be based on last year it'll be based on the roster that we have in place and if there's any new hires that are incorporated into the budget which remains to be seen we hav start having those discussion we don't know okay good enough thank you thank you anybody else seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Panero yes councilman minino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zaps yes president D young yes thank you we are moving on to Bill resolution computer 2023 be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 9,147 18255 very good can I please have a motion in a second on the computer Bill resolutions motion second open to council close Council open to public on questions on the computer Bild resolutions only seeing none Clos public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Pono yes councilman minino obstain teamsters and yes to the arrest councilwoman Travers yes vice president zsic yes president D young yes thank you moving on to 49 Bill resolution manual 2023 be it resolved by the township Council the township a break that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 3,761 42333 motion and a second motion second open to council close Council open to public for questions on the manual Bill resolutions only seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilman minikino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zaps yes president D young yes thank you moving on to our ordinance on first reading there is no public hearing on the first reading Madam clerk Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition and purchase of real estate for open space preservation purposes by and in the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating $390,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 3 $7,500 in bonds or notes of the township to finance the cost thereof thank you mayor thank you you're excited about this one the brick open space savers committee is recommending the acquisition of property located on the corner of Herbertsville Road and Maple Avenue and adjacent to the 175 acre Sawmill tract open space area this property is listed on the Township's most recent planning incentive plan as proposed CL acquisition and would provide additional acreage to the Township's Recreation and open space inventory the property is a residential and wooded in nature Bound by the Bureau of fire Commissioners fire training center The Sawmill tract a residential neighborhood and it spans between first and maple Avenues the parcel is currently zoned as Village Zone which could yield new single family residential homes or a mixed use residential and Commercial development on a very busy intersection of Maple Avenue and Herbertsville Road it is adjacent to rr2 rural residential 1 acre zoning and r- 7.5 Zone which is single family 7500 Square ft the property is designated in the New Jersey state plan as planning area 2 and in a sewer service area the property has mixed forested Wetlands Pineland uh hectare core Forest rank one has a number of species of special concern including Cooper's Hawk great blue heron and barred owl state which are threatened uh the property is also adjacent to the Sawmill Pond Creek the township submitted for Green Acres approval for the acquisition as part of its ongoing planning incentive plan Grant and the bond ordinance amount is $39,000 thank you very much may I please have a motion and a second motion second open to council close Council roll call councilman alvan yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilman minikino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zepic yes president D young yes thank you we are moving right along to public comment please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 233b first you have to be recognized there you go good evening mayor and Council I am Susan castiglia and I represent the Brick Township open space savers also known as boss boss okay so we are a Citizens advisory committee that has worked for the past two and a half years already towards our mission of evaluating property to be acquired for open space and conservation purposes far from being completely developed good thing brick still has many properties under private ownership which remain in a natural state the brick open space committee seeks out these properties and ranks each one based on a variety of factors like whether it is contagious with other preserved open space if it abuts to a water body or if it contain pains Wetlands the acquisition on the Town Council agenda tonight checks off all of these boxes um adding over one and a half acres of open space which is contigous with the already preserved Sawmill track as you already heard on behalf of all the members of The Brick open space savers I would like to thank this governing body for recognizing the importance of Curbing overdevelopment and taking action to preserve our highest resource in the natural areas indefinitely by doing this we are surely making brick better one brick at a time for ourselves and for the future of our children thank you thank you next John sluka 950 sovia Court I'm going to read my letter sorry it was so late getting out I forgot to hit the S till getting worried from Friday yeah but I'm close enough uh their mayor crate council president Heather the young councilmen and Council women workers and citizens of brick as well as the local newspapers um are we think we all be bit rushed unfortunately I was and our minds are with family and friends with Thanksgiving upon us but we shouldn't we be thinking about the rest of the people of brick with more and more threes in Brush being chopped down more residents are impacted by the pollution in the air vehicles are a major source of air pollution producing about onethird of the US Air pollutions uh I mentioned that a few months back I guess uh the smog carbon monoxide and toxins emitted by vehicles are especially troubling because they leave tail pipes at Street levels where un breed the pled air directly into their lungs if you notice the G State Parkway doesn't have a lot of leaves brush anything else this time of year so the people that live right across from the parkway notice the difference faster than you people but for the rest of the people they they know it really quick somehow the May and representatives as well as the council members need to take the lead and step up as the local newpapers having printing long letters to the editor about the New Jersey ter PR commission is Assa on the residence of brick and the whole Shore Corridor day after day week after we year after year the New Jersey time prority Commissioners have harmed the he health and well-being of the residents of brick and the Ocean County Corridor uh citizens or residents who only want what is best for the community look to their elected officials in order to lead the charge against the New Jersey Turnpike Authority Commissioners and their assault on us all for years the citizens have brought statistics and printed in articles about autism COPD asthma and other disease to the council meetings but little is it ever done I know we make phone calls but we just don't get the results so maybe we need more than phone calls uh the council the mayor and all the brick workers who are paid to represent the citizens should feel obligated to stand up speak out and take legal action if necessary against that bureaucracy the people's representative should not give up the 20 foot pollution noise and safety walls along with an increased number of threes and brush is needed along the heavily expanded Garden State Parkway and that is the minimum that is required to limit the abuse on our whole Shore Community it is not too late it is never too late to do what is right for the people sorry and correct direct the damage caused by the New Jersey turn Park Authority Commissioners along the side of the uh Parkway in Evergreen Woods brick High Primrose Gardens green Bri 1 and two and many other areas that are brick and Ocean County our citizens get COPD I'm not coughing from COPD asthma and Di and and these people might die prematurely from heart and lung ailments in every passing day it's time to R rign and the reign of terror of the New Jersey turn Park Authority Commissioners thank you I yeld back a minute 20 thank you anybody else yes Sam Foster one CH drive I'm going to pick up on where I left off with the resolutions about as any municipal building I have some several questions here uh based upon what I spoke my talking to Brick court and brick uh police about the criminal complaints I'm founding against you know who uh first point was I wanted to make uh I wanted to say that I wanted to ask this Council if you can make it easier for citizens to do things like first thing was I came in to uh pick up some criminal complaint forms uh against uh you know as I mentioned and uh can this be made online so I can download them or anybody can download them instead of coming into the municipal building because they close it at uh they close the window at 3:00 and sometimes you know I I I'm working and I can't get here I had to take off work yesterday to get here and uh take off work again today to get the uh forms that's first point if you want to well I'll just say I'll just do them once and then you can uh answer me uh I see you writing up there so hopefully writing it down uh also on the uh I was in here speaking as I said to officer uh Duca because I was told by the Ocean County prosecutor's office did felony charges have to originate with a complain complaint filed with the brick police so I had to file the complaint come in here to me Municipal Building I'm sorry I'm disabled please bear with me and I had I I waited no I'm not I'm not criticizing the brick police there busy so I understand that it was also a shift change but I had to wait for like a half an hour before officer D had time to get to me because they have to file a complaint that's complaint here then they send it to prosecutor's office for prosecution under federal civil rights charges now can that comp can is it possible can you check out the police department whoever is on the committee or whatever you call it uh with the brck police to see if uh citizens can have access to filing a criminal complaint online I know other towns do but I don't know how what your policy here is but uh that's the second thing so make available online forms to filing criminal complaints against people instead of coming here to building to the talk to the court system Court Clerk and also the uh criminal complaints if we could do that online two other things I also asked about uh obtaining data from police body cams because that's I'm going to be using that in court to prosecute the uh criminal charges and I was told by Officer Dela that after one year unless the body cam is linked to a crime they delete them after one year now the body camera will the council meeting is is are are videotaped and it's on YouTube but you can't hear everything that's going on in the room whereas the police officers body cams do have good audio and video so I need that body Cam and again I was sent to I called up and I was transferred to a lieutenant and again I'm not criticizing the brick police I understand but the off lieutenant in charge was not uh available so I had to leave a voicemail message and I have a Time deadline I have to file tomorrow so I would like you know if the forms for obtaining a police body cam footage can be made online so again someone can uh at their Leisure if since they work all day or you know whatever that they can file uh obtain that form and fill it out and then drop it off or mail or whatever and uh that's that's pretty oh I have one final question here and that is uh regarding uh going back to number seven since my time ran out on the resolutions if you don't know and apparently no one in uh the council or anyone knows how the brick police are going to be conducting the DUI stops then how do you know if they're being done legally yeah I mean you're the administration you you this is the government of brick you're you if the police do anything illegal as you you know from my case in court in judge Peterson's courtroom that you are responsible the council D young you said you don't know anything all about what's going on with but you put it on the agenda how can you pass something if you don't know if the they're they're following legal procedures accepting legal procedures question it's not rhetorical I know you don't like the comment you can take it up during Council comments I don't feel like arguing with you I'm having chest pains have to go for been just officer Del what I've been going through medically I'm not going to bore you all because you know you probably don't even give a damn anyway I don't really care and finally I want to just say I said this m crate before the uh meeting began I wanted to thank you for during the count the uh the uh political campaign y year I got a uh call from a member of your staff and they very very polite and I really did appreciate that call really it did cheer me up it's nice to know that we have good members of government that do care about people and I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving so thank you again mayor crate and congratulations on being El uh elected mayor first woman mayor elected we will uh ask our Public Safety Committee to take take a look at some of your uh concerns anybody else yes good evening I didn't know I was going to be up here my name is Dennis Quirk I'm a new Resident I'm at 186 Glen Ridge Court I noticed that you had something here it was four number eight computers we spent $9 million I actually might be able to help with something that you might be planning on and this is my first meeting so forgive me if I don't know what's going on uh do we know what the 9 million was spent for for computers it is not computers it's the computer Bill resolution computer Bill resolution everything that we have spent in the last few weeks we get a detailed it goes from um health insurance we have Engineers we have um our uh animal control um different engineering projects attorneys um Eastern Warehouse Distributors different things that Public Works needs it's Lowe's Magic Touch construction Mo who does our Paving and stuff so it's not it's not computers it is the computer Bill resolution that lists everything that we are spending money on for the last two weeks oh wow okay can I ask is there a need for any computer gear we have to go out to bid in order when we get all of that and that's usually on our capital budget correct yeah if not if we don't go out to bid we also follow State contract we go by state contract yes okay I'm going to just make an offer because I happen to be I work for a pharmaceutical company up in Summit New Jersey just drove from there not fun in the rain uh we are in the process of a closing a building where there are hundreds of computer stations and some of these are virtually brand new and it's sad to see these things getting wasted out one of the technicians was telling me all of this and you could fill these they're called seab bins many of them let's just say down the hallway these are 20 plus flat inch screens uh control arms that uh provide for dual displays uh usb3 plug-in docks if there's a need for somewhere in one of our office buildings here for the town I could try to facilitate a meeting where you could probably get these for almost nothing if if there is a need I'm just throwing it out there just trying to say I don't believe we're allowed to do that but Mr so we have to follow the New Jersey procurement law for everything we purchased whether it's a pencil or a computer and that requires us to do one of two things go out to bid or buy it under State contract we cannot directly negotiate for anything that has to be part of a public bidding process okay so we couldn't participate in that discussion okay just trying to save the town some could be tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment just just throwing that out there yeah the state of New Jersey yeah like I said I don't I don't have a clue about everything and all the gears that make things turn around here so just thr that thank you so much for your time thank you anybody else seeing none closed public Mrs B thank you I have nothing fantastic mayor hi just a couple of things uh I first I want to commend our brick open space saers so I was uh I've been given the opportunity and the pleasure to serve with them over the last Almost year since mayor Ducey resigned and it's been an absolute pleasure they are a group that works very hard they meet every single month we pour over Maps we have deep discussions about uh different properties we've gone out on site to look at things in person to see what these pieces of property look like and I just want to commend that group for all of their hard work and I'm excited to continue to be able to work with them into the new year and see what other land we can preserve as we go forward uh and I also really wanted to do a shout out to our Chamber of Commerce um I'm also very excited to be able to continue to work with our local chamber uh the Chamber of Commerce is one of those things that until I became mayor I didn't really know too much about and I've had the uh pleasure of getting to know Danielle and other people on the chamber and understanding how they are an intricate part of our community and I really do feel like our small businesses are the backbone of our community so having this small business Saturday to highlight those businesses is fabulous but actually going out and doing some of the shopping not just on Saturday but any day of the year uh look around at our small businesses and if you're a small business in our town and you are not part of the chamber I encourage you to reach out to Danielle and the Chamber of Commerce there are so many things that the chamber can offer small businesses here and it creates a nice Community a web of local businesses that work together to uh make brick better so please feel free to reach out to them and I'm hoping that we can do some fun things together with uh the chamber and the township as we go forward so look for that uh couple of things for the calendar our Christmas tree lighting is taking place on the November 29th and that is at 5:30 so I hope to see uh families and friends and people from brick to come on out uh it's right here at the township building and uh I think we may have a special guest coming uh I don't want to give it away but you know you might want to be there and possibly some hot cocoa and other good fun things so please bring the kids out it's a great time and also our monora lighting is taking place on December 7th at 5:30 p.m. it starts here inside the building and then we go outside to uh the large manora that we have on display so everyone from the township is invited to that as well and I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving thank you Mr Canal nothing thank you Mrs Murphy I'd like to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving councilman Alber uh have a great Thanksgiving councilwoman ponera thank you madam president I want to use my time tonight as we sit here two days before the holiday of Thanksgiving to give a voice to the residents of brick who have no voice it's the children in foster care who have been removed from their families due to dangerous circumstance or otherwise these children are in Brick and need temporary homes and FAL your parents to give them what we imagine all children should have for the holiday a family if it is in your heart and you have time to give to help a child in need please call 1 1800 NJ abuse please remember that being a foster parent can be only a temporary like a vacation home to give rest to a foster parent who's going away or it can be for longer I have adopted all three of my children through the Foster Care Program in New Jersey if your heart is big enough to take in a child and big enough to let them return to their families if that's what is appropriate then please take the time as we get ready for the holiday to remember those who won't have such a holiday thank you and oh that sounds bad but Happy Thanksgiving thank you councilman minino thank you just Happy Thanksgiving everybody councilwoman Travers Happy Thanksgiving everyone Council vice president SS just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving thank you uh I just want to thank all of the different organizations the churches and all of those that are able to be providing uh Thanksgiving meals to those who are in need and cannot provide one for themselves I know a bunch of different organizations here in town do and we are so thankful for that also in this uh season of giving there are many different toy drives and gift donations and all that kind of good stuff so if you are able to I ask that you please do I know right here in town hall our PBA is collecting for Toys for Tots um if you have a gift that you would like to bring you can drop it off right at the police desk and they are accepting donations until December 10th uh when we will then be helping the mayor's uh student advisory committee will be helping to wrap all of those presents uh for the children so with that I just want to wish everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving and our next scheduled meeting is on December 12th at 700 p.m. right here can I have a motion and a second to adjourn motion motion second all in favor I