Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 12th 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you can I get a roll call councilman albanes here councilwoman pontorero here councilwoman di young here councilman fan here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you thank you can we uh rise to salute the flag please in a moment of silence I to the flag of the United States of stand thank you can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes for the April 23rd meeting please motion second roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman ponera yes councilwoman Dion yes councilman pman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino abstained thank you thank you I'd like to invite the mayor up we have a couple presentations thank you [Music] gonna have C councilman albanes join me for this one so uh we have some big news here if I could please have Harvey Lovington and his coach come on up coaches coach hi it's good to meet you all right every year thousands of young men compete for the chance to become one of the 14 who get to have their hands raised and be named champion of their weight class at the njsiaa Wrestling Championships an individual njsiaa wrestling state championship is one of the most difficult and prestigious athletic achievements one can accomplish on March 2nd 2024 Brook Memorial High School junior Harvey lington capped off an incredible season by defeating Vincenzo Valley of Hanover par Hanover Park High School in the 190b final to capture his second njsi daa state championship Harvey captured the njsi daa 2022 individual title at 175 175 pounds and was runner up at the weight in 2023 Harvey lington who finished the season 35-0 is the fourth two-time state champion in brick memorial history and has the opportunity to become the first Mustang to win three individual state championships next season in addition to the state championship Harvey who has committed to wrestle at Arizona State University captured the district 2022 region 6 and prestigious beast of the East championships this season therefore I Lisa crate mayor of the township of brick in the county of Ocean and the state of New Jersey in honor of his outstanding season in which he won the 2024 NJ njsiaa 190 PB state championship do hereby Proclaim Wednesday May 15 2024 to be Harvey lington day in the township of brick and I call upon all residents to join me in celebrating his accomplishments congratulations congratulations rank first in the country yes currently ranked first in the country also at your maybe wait one more hold on [Applause] excellent all right I have another if I could have our uh members from our EMS that are here with us tonight if you'd like to come on up you know you're you don't get to be wall flowers you got to come on up we're gonna celebrate [Laughter] you hi hello thank you for coming we meet again thank you I am honored to be standing up here tonight with our Brick Township BMS in 1974 President Gerald Ford authorized EMS week to honor and celebrate Emergency Medical Services practitioners and the important work they do in our nation's communities Brick Township is fortunate to have a dedicated EMS team that provides invaluable services to the people of our community EMS members provide out of Hospital acute care and transportation to definitive care and also care for patients with illnesses and injuries in which the patient believes constitutes a medical emergency our Brick Township EMS members are often the First Responders to emergencies in our community and their prompt actions can improve the chances of survival and recovery for the patients they are treating we recognize the importance of our EMS members and the services they provide to our community and communities throughout our nation as we honor them during EMS week for their vital Public Service the 50th anniversary of EMS week theme is honoring our past forging our future and this week allows us the opportunity to recognize our EMS members and bring awareness the importance of their profession and I've said before and I'll say it again these individuals that work for our Bricktown CH BMS are some of the finest here in the entire State and Country I have never heard anything but good wonderful things about the work that they've done with our citizens throughout town when they come on what is arguably the worst day of someone's life typically so I want to commend them for their hard work and say how grateful I am that we have them here in Brick Township so therefore I Lisa crate mayor of the township of brick in the county of Ocean and the state of New Jersey do hereby proclaim the week of Sunday May 19th through Saturday May 25th 2024 to be EMS week in the township of brick and I call on all CI cens to join me in extending our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of our EMS members thank you so much for all your you and she's gonnae May hello hello okay so oh my that way she said I hate to do this she's grabbing be [Applause] all I know it's just ruins it all all right the last one I'm going to call up Council woman D young and can I please have S and all of our senior volunteers come on down Jeff you look great watch the cords on this yeah come on this side yeah there's a over there whatever side you want people one [Laughter] wayen I'm just okay thank you mayor it is my favorite month it is older Americans month and uh I have a mayoral Proclamation that the mayor is going to allow me to read which says older Americans month May 2024 the month of May 2024 has been designated throughout the nation as older Americans month and Brick Township has a sizable population of older Americans with more than 21,000 residents over the age of 60 and the theme for this year's recognition is powered by connection which is an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remember remain in and be involved with their communities and the township of brick provides its seniors with outstanding Senior Services Department which provides our seniors with guidance activities and Rec recreational programming that is committed to helping individuals live longer healthier lives and the older adults in the township of brick and the people who serve and support them deserve recognition for the contributions older Americans make to the culture economy and character of our community and our nation and therefore she Lisa crate mayor of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey do here Bri compl Proclaim May 2024 to be older Americans month in the township and she calls upon all citizens to take some time to celebrate and recognize the contributions of our older generations and encourage them to continue to connect and contribute to our community so we wanted to invite our senior volunteers up here um this month because they do so much for us they are they really are our power by connection with our senior services zulma and the staff over at seniors they do such an outstanding job and we have such great programming we have our recreational programming our Tai Chi our all our exercise yoga uh line dancing then we have art classes scrapbooking book club the Community Cafe which is really place to come together where um everybody can enjoy each other um maang Right Bingo of course so I just we just really want to thank our volun senior volunteers for everything that they do and celebrate them during older Americans month so that's thank you Lisa stay where you were my little blue P people come on you want me to pull it it's fine okay this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you resolution 41 authorized acceptance of 2023 audit this resolution authorizes the acceptance of the 2023 audit there were no findings in this audit which reflects the hard work and acumin of our Chief Financial Officer and financial department staff 4 two authorized insertion of chapter 159 NJ daac dialysis Transportation 2024 councilwoman the young thank you this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $200,000 from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs to help offset the cost of providing dialysis transportation for our seniors Years thank you thank you 4 three authorized insertion of chapter 159 New Jersey highway traffic safety distracted driver Crackdown councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of 14,000 from the state of New Jersey Division of highway traffic safety for the distracted driving Crackdown program These funds are used to offset the costs of police enforcement thank you thank you 44 please authorized insertion of chapter 59 njde Green Acres Program Breton Woods property councilman finding thank you council president this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $1.2 million from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program for the acquisition of the bretonwood property thank you thank you four five authorized insertion of chapter 159 njde Green Acres Program multi-park improvements to councilwoman ponera thank you president minino this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of 1, 102,5 36 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection green AC program for the multi Park Improvement plant that we've applied for for the renovation of parks throughout Town most recently Caesar Bridge man par thank you thank you 4 six authorized insertion of chapter 159 Ocean County planning board pump out boat Grant councilman find thank you council president this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $50,000 from the Ocean County planning board for the operation and maintenance of three pumpout boats the bay saer bay Defender and a third boat that arrived last week which service the affluent discharge need of boers in Brick Township's Waters the pump out boats provide a convenient inexpensive and environmentally safe means for boers to dispose of affluent waste in this grant brick operates and maintains the pump out boats and the county reimburses the township up to $50,000 for cost incurred to the three boats thank you 47 authorized insertion of chapter 159 NJ Department of Treasury hazardous waste 2021 recycling tonnage Grant councilman albanes thank you council president president this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $15,557.71 councilman amberino please thank you council president this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $4,150 from the New Jersey Department of Law and public safety for the safe and secure communities program Grant the safe and secure communities program Grant uh program enacted into law in 1993 is designed to provide municipalities with funding to add law enforcement Personnel vital to effective police operations and other crime related strategies as warranted by the needs of the community the program allows for the funding of additional officers or the funding of law enforcement support personnel which would free up officers for direct law enforcement activities in Brick Township These funds are used to offset Police Department salaries thank you thank you 49 authorized bid for alternate and conflict public defender this resolution authorizes the receipt of bid for alternate and conflict public defender in order to add to the pool of vendors previously awarded to a contract on January 2 2024 for1 authorized amendment of Municipal and conflict prosecutor pool councilwoman D young thank you this res resolution authorizes an amendment to the municipal and conflict prosecutor pool there have been employment changes at dbats Campbell stal and scth and the firm has requested a change in their designated attorney's 4-Hour pool thank you 411 authorize amendment of Code Enforcement prosecutor pool councilwoman ponera thank you 412 authorized contract for manufacturing and printing of tax bills councilman albanes thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of con contract manufacturing and printing of tax bills to unidex nework at an approved schedule of prices this is a unit price contract not to exceed 27,000 per year with funds to be certified prior to each order thank you 413 authorized contract spatial data logic Enterprise license councilwoman Travis thank you 414 authorized purchase and delivery of six Ford police inor utility vehicles councilman amambo thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of bids for the purchase and delivery of six Ford police interceptor utility vehicles these vehicles were included in the police department's 2024 operating budget thank you thank you 415 authorized sale of surplus personal property auction 2024-25 agreement for Beach rake Sena councilman ALB thank you council president this resolution authorizes the execution of a shared service agreement with senica Dunes Homeowners Association for Beach sweeping maintenance for the 2024 summer season all cost for Manpower and Equipment will be paid for by the Association including diesel fuel for the beach beach rate thank you 47 authorized shared service agreement with flood mitigation Consortium mayor thank you this resolution authorizes participation in the Ocean County flood mitigation Consortium the purpose of the Consortium is to obtain information and data inclusive of Prior EnV Environmental Studies reviews and Analysis of environmental resilience related issues conducted by Consortium members either internally or by professional contractors for the purpose of sharing information issues and findings for the joint development of a regional flood mitigation plan or plans and or local mitigation project Alternatives and equally sharing engineering costs for development of these Regional flood mitigation plans and seeking grant funding for the Implement implementation of any projects that are identified as part of the consortium's work thank you thank you 418 authorized participation in National Cooperative savic buying group councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes participation in the savic buing group a national Cooperative that specializes in equipment for emergency medical squads thank you thank you 419 authorized to opt out of DCA emergency building inspector program councilman Fineman thank you council president this resolution authorizes the Township's position to opt out of the state's emergency building inspection program the council's land use committee discussed the state program and agreed with con with construction official Dan Newman that opting out is preferable opting in means that our building inspectors would assist another municipality in an emergency without reimbursement for those salaries and hours spent while it would be beneficial for Brick to have the ability to have additional inspectors assigned to us in an emergency we can share resources in mutually beneficial ways that are not as restrictive and allow us to determine our needs and our capabilities to assist thank you thank you 420 author amendment to Dental Insurance Dental Services organization Eastern Dental management councilwoman ponera thank you this resolution authorizes an amendment with to the contract with Eastern dentel Management in Clon the rates have not changed since we awarded the contract however the township identified in error in our vill fa thank you thank you 421 authoriz amendment to stop loss Insurance sunlife Assurance councilman ambero thank you council president this resolution altho also authorizes an amendment to the contract with Sun Life Assurance of Wellsley Hills in Massachusetts the rates have not changed since we originally awarded the contract however the township identified an error in our billing paperwork thank you thank you 422 422a is an inspection fund release for Block 64609 Lot 1 and 42 22b is a performance bond release for Block 99011 lot 11 thank you 423 23A is a tax over payment of the Year 2024 of block 842 blot 27 thank you this concludes our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to councel seeing none close councel open to public for questions on the resolutions only yes oops sorry Sam Foster one Cho drive two quick questions uh one on number 15 when uh regarding the tact the auction of it equipment uh has the date been set this they date the same date every year or has the date been set yet uh as far as when the auction is going to happen I'm sorry uh we don't do it the same time every year we wait until we have enough Surplus equipment to go through this process okay and the date has not yet been set okay second question is uh oh that also uh when can citizens look in advance in the it equipment because I I'd be interested in buying something you'd have to go on the munici bid website and peruse and make a bid also can online do online now and it's is there a link on the website it probably won't be posted just yet since the council council's authorizing it tonight so maybe wait till the end of the week okay all right yeah thank you that's all my money goes technology stuff what can I tell you second question is on number 23 I have a question uh I notic from that uh tax overpayments does this mean I guess this do interpr this the citizens overpaid to the township correct so we're reimbursing them correct okay cor now the question I have is kind of the dumb question but what causes a t tax overpaying is that because the uh the township or the whoever does the assessment of the taxes has made a mistake or is it the uh citizen inadvertently overpaying um sometimes a citizen will pay on an estimated tax bill and then when the tax bill is certified and final it's different so then there's an overpayment occasionally they they pay up front before having the the paperwork in place so it's not an error on our part It's an error on the part of the taxpayer yeah just I don't know because I don't I have my taxes built into my mortgage that I have mortgage okay thank you you're welcome thank you sir yes it's cool n car 18 Green Brier Boulevard the information on the sheet is very sparse and it really is incumbent upon the council to supply a little bit more I'll start with in addition to the blocking lot do like the planning board does and like other municipalities do and put the address we know the property by in fact even the name of the people who own it um there is so much here I didn't he mention of I don't know did I miss it uh for .2 the njdca dialysis Transportation want to fill a little bit more information there I didn't hear anything said about it I read this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $200,000 from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs to help offset the cost of providing dialysis transportation for our seniors I don't know why I missed it uh if you read all of that but I'll check um Bretton Woods authorizing the insertion of is that money we're authorizing the insertion for Green Acres funding green a is funding it's a it's a grant Miss Cole yes the amount of the grant is $1.2 million um I really don't care that much about the pump out boat that's not something but you should be giving us more information than you do ultimately every penny comes out of our money the Hazardous Waste Recycling tonnage that's under the New Jersey Department of Treasury is that money we'll be putting into the treasury to cover it is that money we're getting to put into our treasury so it's a grant that has very specific purposes tied to it so they can use it for any function that's directly tied to encouraging recycling sometimes it's the purchase of additional recycling cans other times it's the purchase of materials educational materials and the salary of the recycling coordinator who goes out and does presentations to that encourage recycling maybe we need to have some done in our town here because there's a lot of people people don't know what goes into the recycling and what can't go into it um and we should go over it sometime that it's not a council meeting we should go over it when we have a town hall type of meeting and we should have more of them we could afford to have one a month I'd like a little more information I know this is said all the time but I've never known uh author authorising a bid for alternate and conflict public defender um is a company involved what company and do you already know or is it a a request for bids I find this information is always very sketchy it's like you're in a big rush to go home or something so this is for us to get a pool of professionals that submit proposals to us so they can serve in this function as alternate and conflict prosecutor we do have that in place now but we'd like to have a bigger pool at our fingertips when we need that service so it would be getting a larger pool of profession outlined and defined of attorneys yes the flood mitigation Consortium um I know that we have had in the past quite a bit and especially myself on my property which is really um supposed to be maintained by the Association and there has been a problem with not having flood mitigation in place so tell me something about who does this flood mitigation and how people can let the township officials know if we feel we need something in the way of mitigation so this Consortium is actually a a gathering of the Barrier Island mayor so Brick Township is a part of that Seaside Point Pleasant Beach Mana loking Bay Head uh Seaside Park Berkeley uh Towns River uh it's uh basically we've come together because we have a lot of flooding obviously throughout the Barrier Island a lot on the Bayside and what we are looking to do so that one single town is not holding the you know the full cost of mitigation as we've decided to come together to see how we can work together to help alleviate uh some of the flooding issues that we're experiencing along the Barrier Island well I can tell you it's not just on Barrier Island and it has been for the 23 or four years that I've been living Liv here that in particular in Green Brier too I can't speak for the others that there has been flooding I've had it a big problem at my house the flooding wound up uh causing erosion of the cement cinder blocks that the house is built on because I have a basement and I know that the last time that we had a big storm there was people all through green briu that were cleaning there are several hom homes not a lot but several that have basement and the basements caused a problem because since it was established as a Community Association or homeowners association they have never maintained the grading and drainage and I have brought it up to them but you get nowhere and uh it's a big ugly story going back years and years where there were people who were elected as trustees and didn't know a thing about what they should do but they did the wrong thing they're dead now and nobody knows that they have not made good on their responsibility and just put it off on us I think you should have a meeting of the whole town and talk about this we should have Community involvement and talking and bringing attention to things that are upsetting us thank you Miss Cole we'll see if you thank me yes Mr Ste Hing that somebody else would asked the question didn't happen uh John sluger 950 Silvia Court um chapter 159 what's that grants yes okay I'm guessing it was grants I just wanted to make sure that's what yeah but I said you know might as well be positive okay is that included in our budget for the 2024 25 or whatever it is or is it too early or comes after the fact so it came after the fact which is what how it's designated as a chapter 59 because you then bring it into the budget and we're not allowed to include the anticipated cost of the grant unless we have documentation that says it's coming so now you can include it in the budget yes okay so it just I said I bet you it's right after the budget I'm wonder if it's included okay thank you thank you sir anybody else from public please seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman Dion yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the save computer Bill resolution in the amount of 2,632 4625 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion thank you open councel seeing none open to public for questions on the computer Bill resolutions seeing none close public councilman alvan yes councilwoman P yes councilwoman Dian abstain Community Services yes to the rest councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambrin yes president minino abstain teamsters and yes to the rest thank you thank you sorry that's okay manual Bill resolution resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasure for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 3,886 28174 thank you can I get a motion in the second please motion second open to councel seeing none close councel open to public for questions on the manual Bill resolution seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman peman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes thank you thank you this brings us to an ordinance on first reading there is no public hearing on the first reading 51 please an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 245 to establish requirements for maximum driveway with in the R5 and R 7.5 zones and to establish design and setback requirements for parking areas thank you councilman Ember thank you council president uh so the council's land use committee recommended that this ordinance to limit driveway width designated by curb cuts which will ultimately create more on street parking uh the Barrier Island and Mainland Waterfront development would benefit from an ordinance such as this where parking is very limited because of the lack of curb cuts the absence of a regulation has allowed Property Owners to essentially create a driveway that is the entire length of their lot causing no usable area along the right of way the street for parking the ordinance dictates a minimum of 18 ft and a maximum of 25 ft for the driveway width as a requirement along with a separation minimum when two driveways are proposed on a residential lot uh this ordinance would not address any existing conditions only new construction or Property Owners apply for a permit for change in their driveway existing conditions are grandfathered in and do not have to come into compliance thank you thank you can I get a motion in a second please motion second thank you open to councel see none close Council roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman pondero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman peman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes this brings us to an ordinance on second reading 61 Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions ended by the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 2,869 570 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 27269 in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof thank you councilwoman D young thank you uh this explanation is for all four of these upcoming ordinance um all of the bond um the bond ordinance the 2024 capital budget totals $10 million at the outset the total request for Capital funds exceeded $20 million but the department heads worked hard to back into manageable numbers highlights of the 2024 capital budget include improvements to The Brick Beach 3 concession building year one of our Park safety service surface replacement program with Freddy Park scheduled as the first priority of 202 for a high waterer response vehicle for the police department remounting two ambulances cameras and lights at Pinewood Park a sidearm garbage truck and a rear loading garbage truck for DPW and funds toward the permitting and design of the DPW Public Works Master site plan this year's capital budget also includes $75,000 for design costs for new public safety building that the township would like to build on the Barrier Island the new building will house the police department including summer crossing guards EMS and the fire department the capital budget also includes over $3 million in upfront cost to begin the dredge and marshin restoration project thank you 61 Sher go ahead a motion and second motion second open to council seeing none Clos counsel open to public seeing none Clos public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president Amino yes president minino yes 62 Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions in and by the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating $441,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $49,444 in bonds notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second open to councel seeing none close councel open to public seeing none close public roll Paul councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman pan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes 63 Bond ordinance Prov providing for various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions in and by the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 3, 81157 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 3,629 N1 in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof thank you can I get a motion in a second please motion second open to council seeing none close councel open to public seeing none roll call councilman alanes yes councilwoman ponera yes councilwoman D young yes councilwoman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minino yes 64 fond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and acquisitions ined by the township of brick in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 2,877 760 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,733 $72 and bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof thank you I get a motion in a second thank you open to councel seeing none close councel open to public please seeing none Clos public roll call councilman Alban yes councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president ambino yes president minino yes thank you this brings us to public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his error remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you anybody from public yes Mr Sam Foster one my Cho drive I have whoops my phone ah darn it my phone just cramped down let me just all my notes what I wanted to say I had three questions for you uh turn there we go first is uh I asked the police this maybe maybe you people have a different information as I came in the building to the police records department which is on the right as first go from uh that side behind me the windows boarded up has that department been moved I asked one of the police officers and she didn't know I'm sorry can you describe it again it's you know the window where you go for police records uhhuh it's there's like a it's boarded up like has that department been moved or you go somewhere else now for police records police records is if you're right at the courtroom door and you go as you're leaving the building on the left hand side yeah they do pull a shade when they're not oh is that what that was I thought that was a piece of wood or something no it's just a shade it's a shade I'm sorry I don't use Shades I use blinds okay sorry okay that was one thing I worried about that cuz sometimes I have to pick up police records for things uh two questions on student protests first have there been any reported in any brick school I know it's more of a college thing but have there any been any reported student protests on the Palestinian issue or anything like that no okay good second question is what is the town's position on protesting does someone need a permit to to to do things like a I know my in my neighborhood years ago we had a uh a uh block party and we had to get a permit uh what is the policy regarding protests on uh public property like schools or in general like if anybody wanted to like I used go l City at night they'd have to everybody can imagine on Saturday night out there so I used still like listening to the black Israelites talking because they're funny especially when they saw me whinn on am but anyway you know if the if it's public property do they need a permit or when is a per needed or do you even need a permit to protest well this isn't really a town issue this is really more of a federal issue the the first amendment guarantees citizens the right to to protest protest peacefully um that right cannot be regulated or restricted by the town now the town can certainly make sure that any protests are are safe meaning people aren't like in the middle of the street or uh causing um trouble or harm harm to people but but other than that it's a right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution so the the town really doesn't have the legal authority to to you know require a permit or or a license for that they just have a legal authority to make sure they're conducted uh and safely LLY okay than I was just worried about that because you know I told to people before I'm Jewish but uh I just uh see what's going on with some of the colleges they do get violent then the police have to come in and it's a mess so all right thank you for the information anybody else on public Mr sluk I'm I'm going to read my letter uh dated May 13 actually yesterday I guess uh de mayor crate John ster 950 Sil record de mayor crate council president Vincent Menino and all councilman councilwoman as well as the residents students and workers of brick and ocean County Air Pollution is harmful to everyone not just to people who happen to live just off the major highways ambian air pollution is a major environmental health fact problem affecting everyone in Low Middle and High income countries and it occurs not only in cities but also in the all areas that are surrounding anything in the whole world uh I've mentioned the studies repeatedly such as the one written by the National Institute of environmental health health and science where it states air pollution is a human carcinogen D of the studies has car been carried out and results of many of the studies been both before this Council and past councils and in fact nothing's been really done uh I have been uh I have mentioned that air pollution that is impacting our citizens occurred even before super stor Sandy uh struck our Shore area the people of the area were feeling the impacts of a Tropic events of the widening of the parkway these events was the destruction of the environment around the parkway uh people of the area have been harmed ever since by the toxins flowing off that Garden State Parkway without regard to its seniors workers and youth of the area uh and the New Jersey Commissioners New Jersey Tera Commissioners basically destroyed their lives uh the Commissioners destroyed the environment near and on the Garden State Parkway the citizens of brick Ocean County continue to be harmed by the toxins the noise and the various other dangers surrounding the Gard State Parkway fast walls where increased foilage are needed on the Gard State Parkway around the Evergreen wood condo area the brick High School Primrose Gardens Sutton Village Lanes Mill School Green Brier town hall and birwood park let me state it just once more once again air pollution is harmful to everyone the National Institute of Health and Science States air pollution is a cinogen thousands of studies are carried out and in fact very little has ever done here even though we keep talking about it we get no results the the turnpike is killing people so the pest councils nothing has been done before Time for Action is now I guess the fun of grand openings road construction projects and different honorariums take priority over the lives of the citizens but all know that inaction is not a solution don't you believe that you should act if the and if the town does not have enough resources they should petition and if necessary sue the state and its radical agencies the people of Evergreen Woods Rick high Lanes Mill greenb one and two Bri mil Birchwood Cherrywood the the the library Town Hall all of which have been suffering sometimes they don't even know it have been suffering for years they need to take action roadway noise and tax tax toxins are killing us all it's time to act is now thank you for your time I Y back at minute 15 yes Millan breaks when in the budget is there a request for new microphones for your meetings um that was in last year's Capitol um melie and it's scheduled to start installation in the near future let me be the tester because when I watched the last meeting at home I sat there going I should have learned lip breathing because you can't hear anything at home and it's hard enough here okay that's out of the way one I would personally like to extend a great thank you to the EMS people the last couple of years we've become quite close and they have always always been professional comforting and a great resource for us and I'm very proud to say that they're in our town um Kevin I have to extend my my sincere condolences to you I'm so sorry um that's it thank you yes M PA Nan car 18 Green Brier Boulevard and I'll start at the end and work back I would like with your permission Mr chairman to ask Kevin why Mrs Briggs was extending condolences cuz I didn't hear anything about a reason so that's up to Mr starky will you allow Mr starky to give me the answer even if it's a non-answer both of them well then you have my sincere condolences I lost both of mine but not together um um one was very young my mother was only 45 and my father was 71 and he passed away much later than she did so I can know the pain I still at times my mother died in 196 June 1962 when my older son was 5 months old and I still often times think I I'll go ask Mommy that she'll know the answer and then oh no I can ask her but I'm not going to hear her answer so you have my condolences um Mr stalky I would like you to double check I I am a legal immigrant from the great state of Brooklyn don't let anyone tell you New York City has something to do with it it's a state of mind if nothing else and um even in Brooklyn it was necessary to get permits if you were going to have a block party if you were going to is when I was a little girl we lived near Ebert's field and it was a functioning Ballpark and there was uh a couple of functions that would take place like the uh Hool name society would March from the area where we had our residences up to the field onto the field attend to Field Mass and uh you needed a permit I've had incidents here where there were permits required and if for no other reason to allow the law enforcement people to be aware of how many people they might have to expect to show up and I'll use Ferguson riots as an example the Ferguson riots wound up going to an area in Brooklyn that I was very familiar with and in fact there was a new police station there and uh they destroyed police cars and whatnot so that was something police need to be aware of and one way to be aware of it is to require a permit they usually need permits for garage sales uh when it's multiple people doing it and um I think that you should check whether your answer is absolutely correct or whether you need to correct the answer and say we do need um permits just to keep everybody aware and on their toes and the other thing is that I've been coming to these meetings H and I used to attend they don't have them anymore for some reason the older Americans Traffic Safety I think some of you well maybe not uh somebody here must be old enough to recognize the name Rhoden lightbody who is in engineer and he used to facilitate the older Americans Traffic Safety meetings that we would have once a month it would talk about the other thing I would like to ask the mayor um the traffic safety I heard something a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been able to find uh the answer to it so I now I'm going to ask and if possible through the chair to the mayor I what I thought I heard is that there was going to be some type of a forum or meetings to discuss traffic patterns our roadways our roads are absolutely horrible the roads do not conform to anything that I know because most of them are County Roads and of course Township says not myob uh we've got to do something and what I know of going back I'm a very old lady and I was always uh involved in being at uh my father's place of business and making him a pot of coffee in the evening and it was a bar and grill and that is where the Irish always got their uh interactions with other people out in the open and that leads me to my last question does anybody know what home rule is it's in our code so find out it's very important and it goes back also to we Irish and our heritage thank you anybody else from public yes sir Bob manano from brick um I got a question on a dredging um in our area I talked to several neighbors um about doing it what about the people that don't want it done how would that work out like say there was a large percentage of the people that wanted it done in our area um and the people that didn't would their taxes go up automatically or how would that work uh we would make a decision based on majority rule right okay so we have to do it or don't do it we can't do it in peace me right okay I understand that um the next thing I got is um I don't know if the council knows but the um the police department um had free um bicycle in the unity Tour um which drove down to Delaware to support the uh fallen officers and uh I appreciate the three and the one supporter that went um I didn't hear nothing um the other thing I'd like to council to make uh or the mayor make two ordinances in um Bricktown for one is for landscapers um blowing all the grass and the leaves constantly in the street um there's no orance for that so these guys rate the leaves they blow it all in the middle of the road everybody cleans their lawn and all sudden they're blowing on everybody else's lawn it's really not fair and there is no wance for that in brickdown actually there is no there is okay the problem is it has to be directly observed by our Code Enforcement Officers so it's very difficult for us to do that so if You observe it you can file a complaint against your but now you're put it on us what the police we can't write a violation for something we don't see whether it's Leaf blowing or high grass or light the light pollution ordinance we have to see it that's how the law works okay and the other thing was um no level after say 11 o' there's no ordinance for that either is yes there is well maybe the police department because at 11:00 there's parties going on that the noise is super loud and exact words there's no real ordinance uh for noise level okay so there is an ordinance and the police that I deal with all the time are very well aware of it I don't know that they prioritize it if they're busy on on a particular night but they are the only ones with the power to enforce that ordinance not something that c enforcement can no I understand that it's it's noise ordinance that fored by the township of Bri police department so I could email you copies of our ordinances if you're having trouble finding them online but we do have both of those okay um the other thing with the dredging too I want to get back on that real quick because I had a couple the we're paying property taxes for the water water that we can't use so maybe should we get a re-evaluation of our taxes because you know we're on water but there's no water to be used so it's waterfront property so that's what you're being taxed on the fact that you have a piece of property on the water correct the water is also a personal benefit to you in your backyard and your voting needs so it's not an open public Waterway the only people that are using that Waterway are the people that live on that Waterway on that it's open to the public publicly drive up and down that Waterway I mean it's open to public but it's it's in your it's your backyard and it's it's what you pay your assessed value on is the fact that you own waterfront property so we don't dredge privately owned lagoons or or lagons that only surface the people that live on it but this is natural natural Waterway that's been there forever that filled in from construction work that was done at the shopping center and also moken road that all the runoff from all the area goes in there there's literally an island as big as his room and it's not fair for us call cause for all of the reasons why these waterways are clogged and the cause doesn't necessarily mean that it becomes the municipalities expense so there's people that don't live on waterfront property that aren't going to pay taxes towards a project that doesn't benefit them at all correct right so that's why when we dredge and we've only dredged once in the past 10 years it was done via assessment and we're going to stay consistent with that policy so so that it's Equitable to everyone over by um um Forge Bond was dredged last year the waterways going to forge ponds the only contractor we hired to do a dredge project was for okay and one last thing so with the police department everybody's going with battery charge would it be beneficial for the to get a couple of maybe Teslas and experiment them with the police department and let them use that type of car where it's saving on the fuel that they're burning um but you know that type of car seems to be the car the future electric cars would it be beneficial it's almost the same cost um we are investing in electronic Vehicles electric vehicles we have several that are out there with our Park security department and we will continue to upgrade the fleet for garbage trucks and police cars we want to make sure that the technology is everything that it needs to be before we transition but we're transitioning other other Fleet which is a little bit more okay all right thank you thank you sir anybody else in public please seeing none close public Mrs Bergen yes I'd like to read my letter which I decided to put together um because I feel that sometimes we talk about an issue and for us has just become an issue that we've talked about for so many years we don't feel the need to bring it up but you know there's new people that come to meetings and there's people that watch and I think it's important to make a statement on what we have done for for Evergreen wood so that it's not miss uh completely one side of the information that's out there but it's kind of our historical background too um so I've been here 10 years since 2014 and for the past 10 years we have been actively engaged in advocating for the residents in Evergreen Woods uh who have requested a sound wall not all of them have but some of them have so we have worked to Advocate towards that we have Illustrated consistent diligent and strong advocacy to government entities that are not under contract with the township and not under our offices so we can't tell them to do anything but we certainly have engaged them in the conversations back in 2014 we authorized legal research on the Federal Highway Administration noise regulations to determine if there was a strategic level or strategic basis for the litigation we conducted lengthy legal research with the njd regarding the Nonet loss program to determine if the Township's Grant funds could be used to implement the landscape project as a buffer to the community the D determined that the township could only proceed if Evergreen was ass Association provided the township with the conservation easement the association would not agree to the easement and the township lobbied the state to instead allow for an access agreement that request was denied ultimately the state attorney general rules that trees provided to the non net loss Grant could not be planted on Pro private property without the conservation e uh in February 2016 we attended meetings and we did several over the years but this particular one was with the residents of Evergreen Woods and the Ocean County engineering office was to try to get them to lobby with us as a result of that e meeting the County engineer John hers did draft a letter requesting the New Jersey Turnpike Authority reevaluate the noise issue we sent repeated letters throughout that year and the subsequent years requesting that they provide immediate action on the landscaping or any other possible mitigation strategy uh the governing body took several legal U resolutions letters of support authorization and contact with the governor and office many times the throughout that process the njtpa remained firm that the criteria for sound wall has not been met and we have no data to use to refute that so in 2019 the township on its own dime retained an independent traffic engineer to conduct a noise study we agreed to offset the cost of the study because a realistic and practical approach is to have data to provide without question or interpretation that mitigation is needed the report was completed in 2020 and provided to the njtpa and the Ocean County engineering office the noise study documented the existing sound levels at six monitoring locations along the southbound side of the Garden State Parkway three of the monitors were positioned consistent with the locations that were utilized in a 2005 noise study that was prepared prepared for the Ocean County interchange 91 Improvement project and the sound levels reported were similar to those in the 2005 study the other three monitors positioned were Within the Evergreen Woods Park development to expand the study area all sound levels found in the study completed by an independent contractor were below the Federal Highway Administration and the NJ doot thresholds for noise impact so we did not get the data we did not get any information that would change the NJ tpa's position on this in terms of asthma COPD premature J and autism it would have to be proven that there is a direct correlation between the vehicle emissions as a result of the G state Hardway traffic so we have done everything that we can do to Lobby them and to provide facts and data spent money spent time had meetings lobbied and advocated and it comes down to the data doesn't say that that there is a noise violation that exceeds the limits that a noise wall is is warranted that's our our position on what we have done to try to address the concerns of some of the residents of thank you we all appreciate that mayor uh just a few things first I want to thank uh Miss Bergen for going over that I appreciate that um we have some new council members as well that I think uh that brings everyone up to speed um I want to send out a hearty thanks to our Recreation Department we had our senior prom our senior citizen prom a couple of weeks ago we had a great turnout it was so much much fun and a special shout out to Cindy and meline they work really hard each year in the recreation department to make that event fun for everyone so congratulations to our senior uh citizen king and queen we had a first second third place dance couples bless you uh so and we look forward to um doing it again next year so if you missed it this year sign up for next year it was a ton of fun uh I want to draw attention to the front of the building when you leave this evening and if you're driving by in the future we dedicated uh we went out uh last week the PBA has worked for years to get a monument to honor officers whove passed away while they uh were actively you know not necessarily on duty but they were active police officers at the time here in Brick Township I know they've been working on it for several years it's a beautiful Monument it's right out front uh near our war memorial so you have a chance to stop by and take a look at that you can take a moment and reflect on the officers that we've lost over the years so um it was a wonderful um ceremony and I just want to thank the PBA for their hard work and uh we'll support them and and I'm glad that we could participate with them last Thursday I had the opportunity to go to the uh seeds of service on manaing road they had an unofficial kind of reopening reimagining of their space they do a lot of great work over there and I wanted to uh just highlight that for people who are in need they offer uh family counseling services they have a food pantry um they assist with um IM U if there are immigrants that coming in that need assistance they assist with uh those individuals they work to find people homes and shelters they have a lot of great uh they collect clothing uh and allow people to um get things that they need should they be in need so I just wanted to highlight the seeds of service over off of Mana looking Road I plan on having uh the the woman who runs that in for a crate conversation so you can learn more about what they do there but if you're uh if you are someone in need or if you know of someone in need of services please don't hesitate to reach out to them if they are not the group that can assist you they can certainly point you in the right direction uh I also on Friday had the opportunity with uh councilwoman D young to cut the ribbon at uh gyro Kingdom on maning road we just hopped across the street from where we were and uh it was a great ceremony it's another small business here in Brick Township um I know they were very they they were excessively busy on Friday and Saturday and I believe Sunday this weekend I think we need to give them a little bit of a chance they have all new staff it's a brand new restaurant uh and it's something uh unique because it's uh I know we have other greatek food but this is a owned chain and I just uh you know um congratulations to them and we look forward to supporting them and seeing them have success in the future uh our green fair is this Saturday May 18th from 10: to 2 at Haven Farm there's going to be a lot of great people there uh talking about ways that we can conserve and recycle if you have questions about recycling that's a great place to stop by uh I'm sure we'll have a whole table on it and what how you how you recycle and what you can recycle and what you can't recycle and I'm sure that we'll be looking with green team to extend those Services out to our community so that we can get our recycling back on track I know we've been uh struggling a bit with some of our recycling numbers this year and uh I think it is education so we are looking to do that but we hope to see you on Saturday rain or shine it's uh it's it's on we have big tents and you'll be dry and some um great food vendors so we hope to see you out there and there will be some prizes as well so please make sure you by after you visit the farmers market had on over you can uh check out some great ways to stay green here in Brick Township also while you're there take a moment to visit our um pollinator Garden it's in that same area and uh and check that out as well and if you haven't done so yet if you're looking to uh do some planting and maybe you live in a place where you can't do a planted Garden we do have some PL some planting beds available still at Haven's Homestead for $20 if you're a resident you have access to that uh that Planter's bed and uh water and you can go and plant whatever you like uh whatever you want to grow and eat for this summer um our Memorial Day parade is taking place on Monday um May 27th kicks off at 10: a.m. we hope to see you there we always have a great turnout and uh looking forward to seeing everyone out there for that also visitation lunch I'm so glad we had the seniors here today I would have been showing up uh to no lunch because it is a five week month the visitation lunch will be on the fourth Thursday this month on May 23rd doors open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch is served at 12: so make sure you mark your calendar it's the 4th Thursday this month because we have that extra week built into the month uh if you are into fishing the fishing derby will be held on June 1st at Lake Riviera beginning at 6: am I will not be there at 6 am but I will see you probably around 9:00 and I'm looking forward to uh seeing if anybody's going to catch some fish over there it was a lot of fun last year and uh give away some nice prizes at that as well and finally uh we talked about baseball the U little leagues kicked off their Seasons I I didn't have a chance to mention that the girls softball Recreation teams also kicked off their Seasons recently and I believe they have some great team names I believe gumdrops uh are one of the team names I love the team names for them um it's a good time to remember there's no crying in baseball but probably also not in softball as well so um I wish the best of luck to the girls in the in that season and uh that's all I have thank you very much thank you Kevin Mr SC Madam CL Madam Secretary albes yeah just to Echo what the mayor said I'm on the brick sustainable committee and uh Haven for 55 uh herv Road that's going to be the green Fair um free admission you're going to get a ticket when you get there um they're going to give out I think six six prizes and I don't accept my hat just yet but if you have a green thumb you are going to be very happy so get there show me the money thank you councilwoman ponera I just want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude towards our bre is Ms and te um I probably have unfortunately the most experienced with uh the EMF they've come to take me to the hospital in emergency situations more times and I would like to admit always treated not only with compassion but with dignity at a time where that word doesn't exist when you're very ill so from the bottom of my heart the job that you guys do impacts people's lives as we heard tonight at what could be the worst day of their lives make it a little bit more tolerable and Rain your digity so thank you apart from that nothing thank you Council woman D young yes thank you um the gyro Kingdom that the mayor mentioned is also a by Buy in Brick U member and they are offering a 5% rebate as well as another new business in town c28 American beastro is where cordage used to be in the cigaren mo um area and they are offering a 7.5 buy and brick rebate um so and then with that I just want to uh congrats again Harvey lington on his achievements uh thank you uh wholeheartedly to our EMS who is going to be celebrating their week next week in their new building that we just had the ribbon cutting for today so it is very very nice and our in-house construction team are outstanding they have been busy for um seems years now doing the senior center doing the annex uh they have the special ops building in the back here uh and they do a fantastic job uh led by John Lola and save the township a lot of money so we don't have to go to outside contractors for their work uh and with that I just want to say Happy older Americans month thank you councilman peman thank you council president quick question my to address the public by particular name like address all right I appreciate that um so I just want to thank M ber for the research that she put into um information about the uh the the wall and not just that but all the years past as a a newer person to the council I was very refreshing to hear that history so that when these words are um you know being said to us they have not fallen on deaf ears that attempts were made so I think that's extremely Val so I want to thank you for that um there were some discussion of ordinances and it seemed like people might not have been happy with what Miss Bergen was talking about so I just wanted to highlight that we're not like big government you know what I mean so if you hear like a noise issue we're not roaming the streets you know so I recommend that you call the not emergency police uh number and have them come out and same thing for the the blowing of the grass I know that all right maybe the one guy is not going to be around there uh I get that but you can call um you know file a complaint that's what these services are there for for you to reach out and say Hey listen there's an issue here and they're going to come out they're going to look into it um and um yeah wanted to uh you know also give recognition to so many great senior citiz or older americ um yes please forgive me so thank you and um yeah just be excellent to each other thank you thank you sir councilwoman Travers please I would just like to congratulate Mr Harvey lettington again um it's pretty amazing accomplishment and also um like to recognize the EMS and their remarkable work as a nurse um I see often I work over a Jersey Shore but um team but I do see the work they do and it's pretty remarkable I'm often in the ER and I get to talk to them and when they bring these patients in it's just it's it's amazing they deserve way more than a week but I would just like to congratulate them again thank you that's it good night thank you Council vice president everen and nothing for me this evening thanks thank you and myself again I'll Echo the EMS the seniors and the congratulations to Harvey our next meeting is May 28 um 7 P.M here and that's all I have can I get a motion to and a second to adjourn oh second thank you meeting adjourned