good evening we'd like to call this meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 12 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you roll call councilman albanes councilwoman pontorero councilwoman D young here councilman fan here councilwoman Travers vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you thank you can I ask everybody to rise to salute the flag in a moment of silence to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation another God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you m M clerk would you accept the reports from Municipal officers yes of course thank you can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes from July 9th 2024 meeting motion second thank you roll call councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you and can I invite the mayor to the front please thank you thank you hello everyone uh I would actually like to invite Sophia to come on up we are honoring Sophia tonight in recognition of earning uh in recognition of earning the Girl Scout Gold Award which is the highest achievement in Girl Scouts and we are an appreciation of all that you do for our community we have had Sophia here previously um and she's been running a program through our senior center and I'd like her to say a few words about uh what's been going on with that so congratulations we love to hear about [Applause] it hi everyone um so like Mary cre said my name is Sophia um I started a music engagement program over at The Brick Senior Center which actually opened up in October of last year um I partnered up with the Maron advisory um uh National Honor Society uh some of the just students who were in my grade uh younger grades um who wanted to get involved in our community um it is how do I put this it's no surprise that brick has a um higher amount of senior citizens um there are many facilities in our town um about 20% of our residents here in Brick are actually over the age of 65 um and it is not all that uncommon for us to F for older individuals to face loneliness um which can lead to depression and in turn put them at a higher risk for dementia so my goal was to get them engaged with each other get out of the house um as a way to kind of prevent them from getting to that stage um I reached out to local businesses in the area including the School of Rock um Who provided live entertainment um the Chamber of Commerce was actually kind enough to let us use their um building as a donation center to collect a bunch of musical instruments uh for our seniors to use during the sessions um we meet at The Brick Senior Center on the first and third Tuesday of every month um from 1:45 to 2:30 uh it's a lot of fun our next session is actually August 6th uh 1 145 to 2:30 Shameless self- promotion um um yeah and just thank you to everyone who's gotten involved my friends my family um Devin Carrick who um has kind of helped me through all this um and mayor crate this literally would not have been possible without you than great this is obviously a labor of love uh Sophia I know you were inspired by your someone in your family to get this started so just really think about that so people kind of know where your heartest is yeah um so back in 2021 I lost my grandmother to alzheimer's um and that was kind of what set me down on studying neuroscience and dementia as a whole um I'm actually going to college off in Pittsburgh to study Neuroscience uh yeah so that's kind of where it all started we're so proud of you so proud of [Applause] [Laughter] closer do you want to be in thect [Applause] thank you so much congratulations Sophia before you go how many patches do you have on there I was trying to count them I couldn't count them a lot a lot okay good fair enough yeah fair enough yeah I got digits thank you thank you congratulations and thank you again this brings us to our consent agenda all matter listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 please authorize Award of contract for roadway improvements to Cherry Manor councilman peman thank you council president this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of 140,000 $43.50 to Moo Inc of Clarksburg for the roadway improvements to Sheree Drive project including Lisa Drive Princess Avenue and Maria Court the project generally consists of concrete curb and driveway aprons reconstruction of curb ramps full reconstruction of pavement and general surface restoration bid notices were provided to 78 prospective biders from our biders list and eight requested bid packages five bids were received with Meco Inc being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you thank you for two authorize Award of contract for roadway improvements to emers Emerson Street thank you councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $ 47,800 to Moo in Clarksburg for the roadway improvements to Emerson Street project which is in Greenbrier 1 including Emerson Street Central Boulevard and Rogers Road the project generally consists of roadway milling and Paving concrete curb and driveway aprons Rec construction of curb ramps bid notices were provided to 78 prospective biders from our biders list and eight requested bid packages five bids were received with Mo Inc being the lowest responsive responsible bidder thank you thank you 43 authorize Award of contract to work work force ready ukg this resolution authorizes the award of contract in the amount of $2,295 42 with Shi international corporation Somerset this contract is an annual maintenance and support of the workforce ready software used for time in attendance employees records and payroll thank you for four authorized 2024 2025 consumption liquor license renewal dad's bar Court trading as Arrowhead in councilwoman ponera thank you council president this resolution authorizes the renewal of the planetary retail consumption license issued to ZZ bar Corporation trading as Arrowhead in on Highway 8 thank you thank you four five 5A is an inspection fund release for Block 169 Lot 27 B is an inspection fund release for Block 1068 Lot 27 C is a performance bond release for Block 10921 lot four thank you 4 six 6A 100% DAV Widow of veteran deduction of block 2 11.17 Lot 4 thank you this brings us to the end of our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you open to council seeing none Clos Council open to public for questions on the resolutions only seeing none close public roll call Council woman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes vice president ambero yes president minikino yes thank you thank you and this brings us to our computer Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 3,587 7948 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second thank you uh open to councel seeing none Clos councel open to public for questions on the computer Bill resolutions seeing none close public roll call councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young abstain Community Services yes to the rest councilman pman yes vice president amberino yes president minikino obstain Teamsters yes to the rest thank you this brings us to our manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 2,1 18070 41 thank you can I get a motion in a second please motion second thank you open to councel seeing none closed Council open to public for questions on the manual Bill resolution seeing none Clos public roll call councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman feineman yes vice president ambino yes president minikino yes and this brings us to a reading on second ordinance 51 please an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 245 to establish requirements for maximum driveway width in R5 and r75 zones and to establish design and setback requirements for parking areas thank you councilman amberino please thank you council president uh the council's uh land use committee recommended this ordinance to establish some rules regarding the width of driveways designated by curb Cuts in an effort to ultimately create more on street parking especially in certain parts of town such as the Barrier Island and Mainland Waterfront development I think they benefit by having uh more on street parking uh the absence of these regulations has actually allowed some Property Owners to essentially create a driveway out of the entirety of the length of their Lots right uh causing no usable area along the ride of way for parking uh so what this ordinance does is it establishes uh a minimum and a maximum width for a driveway of 9 and 18 ft and a minimum requirement of Separation should there be two driveways on that property of 25 ft between both of those uh driveways both of those and if there is more than one driveway all driveways have to be at no more than 18 ft in total in width uh that's it thank you I need a motion in a second no second open to councel seeing none closed Council open to public yes Miss cool n call 18 green Bria Boulevard I don't recall seeing this for a first reading which doesn't say anything because uh I've had a really bad year with a couple of Falls so I did miss some meetings but I'd like to know what brought this up all of a sudden and that it should be a maximum of 25 are there places that have a uh driveway that exceeds 25 now and if so what are they expected to do so uh that is what brought it up certain residen is with a driveway that is effectively the width of their lot and just to be clear the maximum width of the driveway is not 25 ft it's 18 ft which is the width of a double wide driveway uh the number of 25 is the minimum distance that is required if there are two driveways on that property there must be 25 ft between them the number 25 is if there are two driveways that's right that's the minimum distance between both of those driveways between the driveways so that you could park cars there between both of those driveways and the second question you had is well what happens now so any existing Drive driveways are grandfathered in they are grandfather this only applies to applications for new driveway changes or new driveways and new developments and predominantly where are the locations that started this whole ball I don't know if there's an assessment of what locations started it but it's been noted that especially on the barrier islands where often people don't have grass maybe gravel in a front yard uh there's been activity of effectively driving cars into all of that kind of negating the ability for anybody else to park on the street I wonder if there'll be enough room for the homeowners to even park on the street well they'll have a driveway they'll have more room right that doesn't mean anything thank you anybody else from public please n ordinance okay hi my name is Tony I live in uh cedarbridge Manor um I'm here I'm mostly wondering when you said the setback on the driveway how far did you say the setback would be I didn't speak set back oh okay I wasn't sure um but parking is actually a reason why I'm here today um the park that the park is beautiful and we absolutely love the brand new park that's in our neighborhood it really is amazing the problem is there is nowhere for any other visitors to park um unfortunately you know there is a fire lane right there it's on a Bend that's very tight that um you know it's very hard to get by even if the male our mail ladies sit you know it's very hard to get by there was an incident um about two weeks ago now where people were completely blocked in um at night past hours where they were not supposed to be at the park um they had open fires there were a lot of incidents and I have pictures from Neighbors cameras they were parked in their driveways because they ran out of places to park while they were away and out of town they were on their properties they were G boats outside the American Legion was able to see all of this happening so parking is definitely a big issue in our neighborhood God forbid someone were to fall on someone else's property or someone gets hurt or they had a fire going and you couldn't even get to the fire hydrant because the parking was so tight so I'm just wondering what we would do in areas like my neighborhood because we would like to enjoy the park also and safely be able to get out of my neighborhood as it's a one way in one way out so if we're blocked in we're blocked in council president Hi so um I just want to speak to that very briefly uh we did have a neighborhood watch meeting I believe it was two weeks ago for cedarbridge Manor and this was brought up at that meeting uh officer Berkeley spoke to it uh and one of the things that he stated was that um for anything police should obviously be called absolutely and they would want to come out and take care of that uh but he is aware of the situation okay and now uh is looking to monitor things like that to make sure that that hopefully does not happen again in your would be wonderful I really do appreciate that but as for the parking issue though you know if we were to start moving around all sorts of driveways I don't know if it would be helpful or hurtful I don't know how we driveways there now or grandfather in they're grandfathered in okay I was just wondering because it's already as tight as it could possibly be so I'm not sure how we would possibly make it any smaller thank you very much I appreciate it thank you anybody else from public on this ordinance seeing none close public roll call councilwoman Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman feineman yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you this brings us to public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is perit permitted shall limit his or remark his or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuing to bre Township Administrative Code section 233b thank you anybody from public please yes Mr [Music] sler John sluka 950 silia Court uh I guess you got the letter about a week ago de May crate July 17th council president Vincent minino all brick councilman and councilwoman as well as the residents and workers of Brick Township and all of H County as well as the newspapers in the area as mentioned I will read most of the article if anyone hasn't had a chance to read the brick times of June 22nd 2024 by Judy SMI none I have included most of this article in my letter the article was titled Parkway noise worst for neighbors and showed a photo of the area below I've quoted the article without quotations when Garden State Parkway was wided near into change 91 residents living in nearby condominium complex said the project had negatively negatively impacted their standard of living and even their health part of the improvements of the roadway included creating a Danish Basin in the median which was clear clearcut and as a result the homes of Evergreen Woods have been open to the noise and pollution from Cars traveling in north and the southbound Direction residents have advocated for sound wall to mitigate the added sound and exhaust smoke coming from Garden State Parkway the community does not qualify for a sound wall because the criteria to build one has not been met and travel Lanes would not move closer according to the New Jersey turn Park Authority uh to the homes and the sound study determined that there was no additional sound mitigation needed during the most recent meeting a resident said the situation had gotten worse and in Township employ all of its resources to research viable alternatives to mitigate uh to mitigate both the noise and the visual visual pollution and have the state government press your New Jersey 10 PK authority to correct the situation at a prior meeting joean Bergen reviewed how many emails how many meetings how many people we met with and how many people lobbying we did over the T last 10 years she said that there is enough justification of the township there is not enough justification for the township to continue to meet with the New Jersey T Park Authority when all options have been exhausted okay that's basically three cative article uh I guess anyone that wants to read the full article can do so by contacting the brick times at micromedia Publications and I hope there will be many more articles like this one only through constant pressure from the press and elected and non-elected officials with the residents of Evergreen Woods complex Primrose garden green Bri senior residential area Birchwood brick uh Bri Mill condominium brick High School Town Hall Lanes Mill school and other areas in Brick and Ocean County help them breed fresh air and clean air the ill effects of those tiny particulates being sent through the air to our lungs from the Garden State Parkway will cause eventually bedridden lives and premature deaths to many of our seniors and our children waiting at the bus stops the playgrounds and the pools in the summer well and and this will quietly and they will quietly suffer the ill effects of the toxins until the New Jersey Turn Pike Authority Commissioners correct the damage they have caused additionally Mr Ambrose addressed the issue related to the ebikes ETC on brick roadways and I hope he could spend a couple of minutes explaining in front of the camera the reasoning and the expectation related to the increase in usage on the streets and the sidewalks of the township thank you for your time thanks for the brick times to even write this article because it's far and few in between thanks for your time John sluka thank you Mrs anybody else yes Miss Cole Dan call 18 green Bri Boulevard I want to speak on the lack of good Lighting on the road roadways the um dangerous roads two things happened during this past week one was that as I was going from vanile to turn on to 88 to make a right turn there was a sign about stopping and be being careful of pedestrians bicyclists what have you well there's hardly enough room to do that and it's always been a really horrible situation and it was about 11:00 at night I think that I happened to be there and making a turn and noticed that there were young fellas bicycling and they didn't have enough room to Bicycle but they didn't have any other place to go to get around that corner so that's one thing and I think this has been brought up at least by me many times that we really here in Bick brick are in desperate need of attention to our roadways the signage that was uh mentioned in some article I read about the signage and to Beware of the signs there are a lot of areas that have changed whether the street goes straight whether the street goes shifts a little bit to one side or the other where they made uh on Van's is they made a turning lane out of the left lane and the right lane therefore becomes for right turns uh and straight traffic and it's not enough the cause making the U-turn to make to go from vanzile and uh what is it where the church is uh or Kentwood I think that's not positive and uh that is no longer an adequate area the cause pile up on that turn to come around and have to to make the uh left turn it's absolutely awful my name for Brick Township is now GB God awful brick and it's only through the grace of God that any of us really survive it and another part of uh what has long been a very difficult situation at about 11:00 Saturday night I got a phone call now I happen to be a night owl I have a son in Colorado he's a night owl and uh I thought it might be him but no it was Brick Township telling the people the robot is saying avoid the area of 70 and uh 70 and Burnt Tavern Road that area had a fatal accident quite a number of years ago it has had a monument there to the young fell that died in that accident he was uh riding a bicycle I believe I remember riding on that road in the afternoon and in the evening and then coming that evening to a town council meeting and saying you really really need to do something about it and I do believe that that's within Brick Township and you're all going to say well that's not your job uh it is nothing gets done unless everybody who represents we the people stand up and show us that you are representing us properly if you ride on Van's Isle all the way um no burnt tyon road if you WR Beyond Maple Avenue you will notice that there is a big island of grassy area separating the two lanes of traffic uh or the two directions of traffic each of those have two lanes that is the way all of those roads should be but most of them just have uh the jersey barrier or no barrier and they are dangerous and you really need to start having Town Council meetings and finding out what's upsetting the people who live in Brick and why we're disgusted with it um does anybody know what happened at uh 70 in Burnt Tavern late Saturday night I don't get the regular newspapers uh I read sometimes on the patch but I didn't see any notices of about it I wondered if if it was another fatal accident at that intersection and I think you need to start dialoguing with us the people who are living here and finding out what problems are we having they're numerous um council president yes uh there was a nixel alert that went out from Bricktown CH Police Department um M Bergen is your microphone on oh it is you can't hear me good uh nixel went out at 11:22 Saturday night asking residents to avoid the area of Route 70 in bird Tavern Road due to a motor vehical crash I can confirm that this was not a fat there was no fatalities involved but the proper notification went out to the township pres thank you anyone else from public yes Mr Brill I'll first twisted my arm back here hello Rob Canfield 423 Malibu way it's uh it's been a while I think pre-co I was here last so anyway I wanted to come with an issue today because aside working from Real Estate I also work now in um Firearms dealing as an employee I'm not the actual dealer and an issue I keep hearing at the range all the time comes out of this Township unfortunately so lately I don't know what's been going on maybe someone here can address it but it seems that the permits to purch purchase FID cards have been taking more than 30 days uh the problem I have with that personally is yes I am also waiting on a permit so if someone can sign it for me real quick please thanks um New Jersey state law actually says since December of 22 that the investigating Authority does have 30 days to issue I came to the window the other day I handed in my uh $25 to Casey and she deserves a raise for dealing with people like me by the way so please put that in the notes she deserves a raise um her first words to me with kind of a solemn tone was it's going to be about three months that's not legal in New Jersey it's 30 days so I understand things happen things get backed up I don't know what the problem is from behind the curtain I can tell you what I've heard that the chief will sign it when when he's in on Fridays but that's about it there's no Provisions that says if we're backed up we can take more than 30 days so I'm here today to ask you guys can we take a look at what's going on can we see maybe is there something you can do in the law counselor you know better than me that we can allow maybe a captain or a lieutenant to be able to step in to sign NOS in his absence or why this is taking so long so I did an Oprah Quest there's maybe 400 probably close to 300 that are still outstanding if you sit there it's all computer now it takes 3 seconds to click through a bunch if you work at it you can definitely get those done in 30 days or less but I would like to bring that to everyone's attention here because you may not know um it is shall issue in 30 days and there's no Provisions otherwise so if we can look into can we get this rolling lot of guys are complaining and I mean my guys aren't but we have a safe full of people waiting for those permits to come in so we can clear that out and get more people in so does anyone have an I don't know am I allowed to ask if anyone has an answer procedure anything so we'll look into the complaint and we'll address it and I can I just want to clarify the chief is not only in on Fridays he may choose to just review let me finish pleas thank you he may choose to review permit applications on Fridays but he's here every day so I just want to clarify that because that was kind of misspoken we'll look into it and we'll revisit with you that was me I meant to say apparently he only signs on Friday so yes thank you for that clarification I can tell all right that's all I have thank you guys thank you sir Mr bril Steven bril Evergreen wood the following is the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection mission statement for over 50 years the D has made New Jersey a stronger fairer state by protecting our environment and public health to protect Environmental Quality and Public Health New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection also States it will listen to all sides the D never asked the homeowners of Evergreen Woods for their opinions nor was it transparent and honest with the public again the DP did not study the impact of forest removal on residential communities the D's ability to achieve its goals and operate effectively depends on its staff and resources together we will help New Jersey protect its environment promote the health of its citizens that is the fantasy where is the environmental impact statement concerning mile poost 91 southbound and Evergreen Woods Park the reality is that the EnV Department of Environmental Protection division of parks and Forestry State Forest Service service would rather cash a check for $4,590 th000 from the New Jersey turnike Authority than fulfill its mission to protect the public I must also admit my error that approximately 17 Acres of forest was was removed in fact 76.5 Acres of forest was removed by the New Jersey turnike Authority according to their reforest reforestation monetary compensation Form for the shoulder widening project the New Jersey NTA njta admitted in the document it was established Forest the njta proposed a CR reforested reforested on site zero Acres the njta contact person was Michael Grant PE and the report was prepared by dubery within that report are alleged photos of the affected areas on page nine are photos of M poost 91 and mile poost 90 9 southbound that's the detail neither photograph should have been submitted and the report should have been rejected both photographs are unbelievably poor quality that such such that nothing recognizable can be discerned the njde knew that the environmental damage would continue past the completion date of the NJ ta shoulder wiing project the following is an email from Dave Johnson Regional Forester at the njde I've been asked to respond to your email concerning fallen trees along North Loop Street as a result of tree removal along the Garden State Parkway I agree that thinning St stands of trees can often lead to remaining trees being more susceptible to failure the term windthrow is often used to describe such an event it may be prudent to have a New Jersey certified tree expert examining the situation and make recommendations as to the structural Integrity of the remaining trees he continues to say that I should contact a New Jersey Turnpike Authority that email was dated July 30th 2013 on July 11th 2024 a tree crashed into a a c parked along the Garden State border Parkway border with Evergreen Woods Park this is not the first incident of the Garden State Parkway trees crashing onto North Loop Road as excuse EXC me as a result of this incident many additional trees were felled by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority the New Jersey turn Department of Environmental Protection and New Jersey Turnpike Authority have engaged in an ongoing conspiracy that endangers the residents of every Green Woods Park brick Township's elected representative must Representatives must insist that the State Attorney General's office investigate this incestuous relationship between these two public entities Brick Township must demand 2,873 626 monetary compensation for the Evergreen Woods Park homeowners adversely impacted by the resulting loss of property value increased noise this space amount was calculated by 42 affected homes multiplied by the maximum amount per unit for a sound barrier for a total of $2,100,000 and adding inflation from 2012 for a total of 2,8 $173,600 or we can this year or when when okay okay the second thing is um we were robbed um about a week ago so I just want to Brick BD did a great job on getting the whole thing with the cameras and stuff like that and uh we caught the guy but the problem with prick p is they're short staffed they did they didn't have the guys to come out right away when the people were doing what they were doing they had a lot of calls that day and I feel that brick PD needs more people see this is not really a town it's more or less into a city as many people are here now so I think you guys maybe should reconsider with the budget and put a few more men on where they can actually you know help the people around here because they're running ragged I mean they really are so just a suggestion for that um the other thing is um I own a business in Brick and I'm trying to move my BR business in Brick to a different area um on drump Point Road which is Robinson's garage um there's a lot of Rift you know trouble there I'm trying to straighten it out um to get that place up and run in and clean the place up it's a disaster and I know it is but I'm willing to put every effort that I can do with no restrictions get there and and put the place together paint the building and make it look good for prick so I'm trying to get on board where somebody will actually step up and say you know do what you got to do and make it look good so I don't know what I got to do to do this but um we had conversations in the past but I need this place to go because where I'm at we outgrew it I'm trying to make make it really presentable for prick so I'm surprised to hear that you're asking to be notified of what you need to do because I've articulated to you that very clearly and also the folks that you've had call me on your behalf I've articulated it to them as well right what you need to do so I'm going to finish my sentence because I let you finish yours if you have a proposal for that site I've asked you not to hire an architect or an engineer or an attorney but to sit and draw out what you intend what you intend to park and wear how many spots will be for repair how many spots will be for sale we'll have the conversation with you but a general approval of a site that doesn't have that approval is not going to happen but there is approval because it's been like there's not approval with the motor vehicle sales license and that's what you want without yes I understand that but the parking that's been there and the way the place is you know used I want to keep it that way you know without the motor vehicle sales license how about it I can I can M vehic license further down the road uh the motor vehicle sales license is not going to happen without the things that I've already articulated to several times so there's not an issue if I go over there and make everything work well you have to see what we have to see what you're proposing I can't say this clearly enough I'm just without the license whatever he does not have the approval for you're not going to have the approval for until you can articulate what you're asking the town to approve okay okay that's it thank you thank you sir anybody else from public please seeing none closed public Mrs Bergen mayor thank you I just wanted to uh thank everyone who came out to enjoy our Summerfest season with us this year uh we had three great bands we started out on July 4th with super Trans Am where we had what I think is probably a record crowd um it was estimated that we had uh between the beginning and end of the show around 177,000 people so that was huge uh uh we also had Garden State Radio for our second week and then we had a new band come after shock for our last week and I think they were a big hit so uh we look forward to bringing you Summerfest again next year we will be back to four Thursdays next year uh but we appreciate everyone's patience this year as the 4th of July was kind of pricey you know we want it to be fiscally responsible so um but I think everyone had a great time and I do want to take a moment to say a big shout out and thank you to our Recreation Department our parks department our police our EMS fire department um and our lifeguards who worked uh throughout both all three of those concert series and I also want to do a quick shout out to our CT team that is our volunteers from the um from the public they come out to assist with things like crowd control and checking bags and things like that so um they are in need of volunteers so I just wanted to let you know that we did do a crate conversation with the head of C so you can look for that on our website and also if you'd like to get information about how you can join C get some great free training and uh help your town out you can call 732 26211 167 or go on their Facebook page it's Brick Township CT and I get some more information that way so shout out to everyone and also I believe we had some record 50/50 sales I think that had to do with Miss Bergen here and also Council uh councilman albanes and um honestly he couldn't have done it without me so uh but we did we raised a ton of money for our TNR uh which is a great program that we have here in Brick as well so Kudos and congratulations to anyone who won the 50/50 the first night we had it was $2,400 the winner took home $2,400 so it was it was was not chump change uh and then the last two I think it was a little over $1,300 so congratulations to everyone uh but the summer is not over and we still have good fun times coming your way so on Thursday August 1st at uh Winward Beach we are going to have our annual car show hundreds of cars of all different makes models and years uh people are showing them off and lots of awards are given out so please come check us out at winw beach on August 1st uh that starts at 6:00 and then our Traders Cove Concert Series starts up the following week so Wednesday August 7th we have strictly 60s on Wednesday August 14th we have the basso brothers and on Wednesday August 21st we have a new band kick and Wing I think they're going to be great uh just like After Shock our new band for Summerfest was fantastic I feel like kick and Wing is going to be great as well so I hope to see you out at some of these fun events and have a great night thank you Mr starky I have nothing T thank you madam CL nothing thank you Madame secretary nothing councilwoman ponera thank you I just want to give a big thank you to hackin Midian Health our Hospital in brick um for the past week and a half they have been taking care of me on and off uh because my history of cancer takes a lot of work to keep me alive so God bless all the doctors and the nurses at that hospital for allowing me to recuperate I also want to remind everyone we still have many many children in foster care in Brick who need homes you can volunteer to be just a vacation home for a week you can volunteer to just be a respit home to give a foster family a break for a few days there are over 300 children in our town if you have it in your heart to house one of our littlest littlest innocent victims of child's abuse and domestic violence then call 1800 NJ abuse and put your name in and say Yes I'd let to volunteer all of the chaining is free all of the process takes about 9 months so it's it's doable and anyone can do it you don't have to be married you don't have to be a certain age just over 18 but please give these little ones a chance at a good life it's not their fault they are where they are and I think we all can make a little bit of room for someone else to love in our homes thank you thank you councilwoman the young thank you um I just want to mention another event we have National Night Out which is going to be on Tuesday August 6th at 6:00 at Winward Beach Park uh this is where we have big bounce houses and rock climbing walls and all kinds of stuff for the kids we also have our police camp is graduating that evening so it's really really fun to watch um the cadets um graduate and go through their little ceremony and everything as well as we have our DPW does Touch a Truck there's some garbage trucks and street sweeper and all kinds of stuff that lines up for kids to take a look at as well as different organizations from around the town we have that uh you can visit you can talk to our CT or all our uh emergency vehicles are out the motorcycles the uh big Mass what is that thing called mass mass casualty truck um and it's just really really neat to just be able to go on the different Rigs and the fire trucks and everything and talk to um our um emergency professionals so that is all August 6th starting at 6 o' at Windward Beach that's all I have thank you councilman feeman thank you council president um I also want to talk about some uh upcoming events um so at the public library in Brick excuse me um every Thursday is maang open play um I don't play maang I don't know how to play it but uh it seemed like uh pretty cool you know yeah maybe I'll go um so it's from 12:00 to 2 every every Thursday and if you're new to it it's okay just go there and they're going to show you the ropes so maybe I'll see you there all right for the for the younger crowd Shark Week Story Time ages 2 to 5 on Friday July 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. so celebrate Shark Week with stories and a craft that seems more my speed um than majan uh also on Tuesday July 30th another cool event the library NJ snake man uh is going to be there it's a live animal show and it seems pretty cool they have all sorts of snakes and other the reptiles you know I'm not a big snake fan a snake is like a Titan of Terror if you ask me uh registration is required for that event so um you know pay attention to that if you're interested in going otherwise stay safe and have fun thank you thank you you're more of a kitten kind of guy I think uh councilman Fineman has followed NJ snake man on tour Council vice president amberino thank you not a lot for me I ju would like to uh congratulate again Sophia on her Gold Award for Girl Scouts that was fantastic very well spoken young lady I think she reflects fantastically on our town and I'd also just like to Echo the mayor's sentiments about the wonderful series of Summerfest events that we had this year and I'd give the same kudos to everybody in town again record turnout tons of people uh gets hot hot lots of big crowds but still I think we had fantastic event I'm always so pleased to see how well everyone behaves how courteous everyone is to one another it's easy getting out afterwards everybody behaves orderly and whatnot uh I think that's really fantastic so I'm looking forward to the Traders Cove events throughout August that's it for me thank you thank you and the next council meeting will be August 13 2024 7 o'cl here can I get a motion in a second to adjourn motion all in favor I I