call to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 27 2023 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website roll call councilman albanes councilwoman pontorero councilman amberino here councilman minino here councilwoman Travers here vice president zapi here president D young here thank you everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy andice for all please be seated Madam clerk please accept and file the reports from the municipal officers I will thank you can I have a motion and a second to approve the minutes from the December 12th meeting motion second roll call councilman amberino yes councilman minikino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zepic yes president diong yes thank you uh we're going to go a little off script right now because we have a very special presentation today because today is Council VI vice president Andrea zap's last counil so can I please have her and may no yes I waiting 10 years to do [Music] that [Music] first of all so today is Council vice president zap's last day sitting with us on Council and I am honored to be mayor for her last meeting so that I have the opportunity to stand up and celebrate her along with everyone else here in this room so I thank everyone for coming I'm going to say a few things we have a proclamation for uh Council vice president zabik uh and then I'm going to add a few words of my own but let's go with the proclamation first uh throughout our history the township of brick has been blessed to have been served by dedicated public servants and elected officials who have worked to make our community a better place one such individual is Andrea zsic who has ay served Brick Township in many capacities most recently as councilwoman from 2014 through 2023 during her service on Council Andrea served as the council president in 2019 and as the Vice President in 2017 and 2023 Andrea got to serve during the era of um um let's make marijuana um a piece of the town and it was so exciting to watch those meetings because no matter what happened out here and if you've watched those meetings you know got a little crazy she was always calm and put together and even keeled in her answers and very polite uh to some people who weren't necessarily polite back so kudos to you to being president during that during that time period she's been an integral part of several initiatives that made Brick Township better including the brick Farmers Market the park Improvement program and the the neighborhood watch program among others prior to serving on Council Andrea zapi served as Brick Township as the brick Municipal Alliance committee coordinator for over six years and later a superintendent of recreation for nearly five years one of the issues that Andrea is most passionate about is substant sub substance abuse and education and prevention and she arguably has done more in that field than any other person in our community consistently making that top priority of hers and a focus of her professional Endeavors after more than 20 years of exemplary and dedicated service to the citizens of Brick Township Andrea zapi is stepping down from the council at the end of her term on December 31st 2023 and I want to say on a personal note the first time that I met Andrea was at my front door in 2014 that was the very first time we ever met I don't even know if you remember that but she was out canvasing she knocked on my door in midstreams and I remember thinking to myself that's the first council person I ever met and it's the first time someone knocked on my door from the community and it had a huge impact so when I got the call A year later uh I remembered that and I thought I have the opportunity to serve with someone who I know cares about the community because she took the time to come and see me personally and the people in my community in my neighborhood um I have had the opportunity to sorry to work with Andrea since then she has shown me what it means to serve the community she has really been the person I've always turned to for advice and guidance and what leadership looks like she cares about everyone that she works with she is always polite she is kind she is someone that I hope to be someday some you you really are someone that I I look up to and I feel as if I would not be here today if it weren't for the service that you provided ahead of me and the guidance that you showed me along the way so I personally want to thank Andrea for her service it is obvious and evident from the people that we have sitting in this room today that not only has she touched my life but she has touched the lives of so many others and has had a great impact on us here in this room and our community as a whole and you will be greatly missed here in in the township so before I finish I just want to say that as mayor of Brick Township in the county of ocean in the state of New Jersey in honor and appreciation of more than two decades of service to Brick Township including her 10 years as a member of the township Council to hereby Proclaim Saturday December 30th 2023 to be Andrea absi day and I ask all of you to celebrate with us here in Bricktown [Applause] I would also like to present um a plaque for all of her dedicated service here to the township along with the very and we will let you come back and use the key I City unlike um other people that we we yeah mumo actually works this one works and we want her to come back thank you [Applause] again okay um I have a couple other things to say but honestly I don't think I could get through it at this moment so I'm gonna hold it for Council comments um I just do want to say thank you mayor um it's a good thing you didn't make it for December 29th because I would sent all of you guys home with a day pay but it's Saturday so enjoy Saturday thank you I would like to invite all of the employees up here so we could get a picture with Council vice president Z oh you know what I missed it it was Derek and then okay I don't know are we ready to proceed yes okay consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately we are actually removing from the agenda 416 resolution 41 authorized budget transfer councilman minino thank you this resolution authorizes budget appropriation transfers as needed for the year end these transfers do not increase our overall Municipal budget in any way we are moving funds from one account to another thank you thank you 42 authorized transfer into dedicated trust funds councilman Amo thank you council president this resolution authorizes a transfer in the amount of $1 million into the dedicated account for accumulated absence liabilities $200,000 into the snow trust removal $220,000 into the public defender trust and $30,000 into the dedicated account for animal control for a total authorized transfer of $1,250,000 thank you thank you 4 three authorized cancellation of checks Municipal Court bail and general account councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes the cancellation of sale dated checks totaling $50 in the bail account and 84 in Municipal General thank you thank you4 authorized cancellation of Grant reserves and receivables 2021 and 2022 pedestrian safety Grant and 2022 drive sober or get pulled over councilwoman ponera thank you madam president this resolution authorizes the canellation of Grant receivables in the amount of $1 17,20 as part of the 2021 and 2022 pedestrian safety Grant as well as the 2022 dries over or get pulled over Grant thank you thank you 4 five authorize amendment of fees Traders Cove Marina Council vice president thank you council president this resolution authorizes an amendment of fees at Traders code Marina the rates are being increased to be more in line with other local marinas the new rates are $100 per foot for boats up to 26 feet $110 per foot for boats over 26 feet and $1,500 for slips under 9 foot wide brick residents will continue to receive a $5 per foot discount the resolution was previously approved but is being Revisited after identifying an error in the previous version thank you thank you 46 authorize Award of contract demolition of 24 Adair Drive block 280 lot 32 councilman Min thank you this resolution authorizes the award of contract for the demolition of 24 their drive to a Frank Lurch demolition Avon by the sea in the amount of $16,200 for the demolition with ,000 per ton for asbest remediation if needed bid notices were provided to 55 prospective biders for our bid from our bidder list 22 picked up bid packages seven bids were received with Frank Lurch demolition being the lowest responsive responsible bid thank you thank you 47 authorized participation in the New Jersey Coalition or Coastal Coalition public information group councilwoman Trav thank you council president this resolu authorizes the township participation of new jerse coal Coalition public information group to evaluate existing public information on flood plane management participation is essential for all communities in the community rating system program thank you thank you4 authorize agreements with Ocean County various traffic lights councilman Amo thank you council president this resolution approves an agreement with the county of ocean for the battery backup system and Generator by pass accommodations needed for the 27 traffic signals in the township that will now have the capability of functioning to allow the traffic signals to operate under alternative power sources during periods of power outage thank you thank you 49 authorize agreement with njde Green Acres Program multi Park improvements to council vice president's ABS thank you counc president this resolution authorizes an agreement with the njd Green Acres Program to increase in the funding request for the multi Park improvements Phase 2 project by 1,125 36 the multi-park project we are seeking reimbursement for includes Bernie cook Park Birchwood Park and Bayside Park thank you thank you 10 authorized shared services agreement with Ocean County prosecutor's office narcotics Strike Force 2024 councilwoman Pon thank you again Madam president this resolution authorizes the the execution of a shared services agreement with the Ocean County prosecutor's office for the Ocean County Narcotics Strike Force the purpose of the strike force is to combat the growing gang element and enforce firearm and anti-drug WS of the state of New Jersey the township receives a site Ben per officer assigned to the task force who participates for 12 consecutive months thank you thank you 41 authorize agreement with Ocean County for contract year three older Americans act title 3 area plan contract 2024 this resolution authorizes the acceptance of the senior caregiver and Senior Outreach grants for 2023 the Ocean County Office of Senior Services provides the Brick Township senior services department with a grant in the amount of $165,000 up to 30,000 from title e title 3E senior caregivers Grant 105,000 from title 3B senior Outreach Grant and up to $35,500 from the congregate nutrition Grant These funds are used to offset the cost of providing services to the township Brick Township seniors 42 authorized contract health benefits Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield councilwoman Travis thank you council president this resolution authorizes an award of contract Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield to provide third party administrative services to the township of brick employees and retirees for health insurance coverage the term of this contract is one year thank you thank you for 13 authorize Award of Cobra Insurance OCA councilman minino thank you this resolution authorizes an award of contract to OCA Mercerville to provide Cobra rates and Cobra coverage the contract renewal reflects a 0% rate increase thank you 414 authorized motor vehicle selling licenses 2024 councilman minino thank you again this resolution authorizes renewal of Motor Vehicle sale licenses to All American Sales and Leo lard Curry Motors for 2023 land use code enforcement and fire Bureau have inspected the licens and found them in compliance thank you thank you 45 authorized Towing license 2024 councilman Amber thank you council president this resolution authorizes the renewal of police Towing licenses for 2024 to Legacy Towing of Herbertsville Road land use code enforcement and the fire Bureau have inspected the lensey and found them in compliance as has the police department thank you thank you 4 16 is removed 4 17 thank you 17A is Veterans deductions block 37813 L one and block 1033 3.06 L 26 17b is 100% D Widow a veteran for Block 3 24.05 l 5 17 C is also a 100% da Widow a veteran for Block 356 lot 422 s 17 D is 100% D Widow veteran block 490 17 17 is 100% D Widow a veteran block 9902 7 final one 17 half is a tax exemption at block 321 2 very good that will end our consent agenda can I please have a motion and a second motion second open to council close Council open to public on these resolutions only seeing none close public roll call councilwoman Pono yes councilman amberino yes councilman minikino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zaps yes president D young yes thank you thank you 418 Bill resolution 2023 be it resolved by the township Council of the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 2,457 61122 I please have a motion and a second motion second open to council close Council open to public on questions on the computer Bill resolution seeing none close public roll call councilwoman pontorero yes councilman amberino yes councilman minikino obstain teamsters and yes to the r councilwoman Travers yes vice president zbik yes president D young yes thank you moving on to 51 ordinance on second reading an ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending the Township Code of the township of brick section 110-118 to establish a daily parking discount for seniors at the ocean Beach's parking lots thank you can I please having coun not even gone I know getting out the door early the council's recreation committee is recommending modifying uh the implementation of senior citizens rates for Beach parking to a discounted rate of $1 per day which can be purchased at the beach with ID thank you thank you now pleas I have a motion in a second motion second open to counil close Council open to public on this ordinance only seeing none close public roll call councilwoman pontorero yes councilman ambino yes councilman minino yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president zbik yes president D young yes thank you we are now entering the public comments portion of our meeting please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to 5 minutes pursuant to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2- 33b first up John sler 950 over your court I'll read my letter I dated it actually today to remind myself to be here at 10 o' so that's why you see December and 10: a.m. instead of the normal time so dear mayor crate council president H the young or brick councilman and councilwoman the people of brick workers and residents alike and the local news reporters Christmas is here actually it's a little bit past the New Year's parties began the New Year by all the indications will be the same as last year the mayor will do nothing to help the elderly from getting COPD the mayor will do nothing to help the children of Ocean County and brick in particular as it concerns getting asthma and other lung ailments pregnant moms will not get any help from the mayor as it pertains to autistic children not yet born the workers of brick will not get any help from the mayor trying to avoid heart brain and lung disease the residents did I say my thing John sler 950 sovet Court um the resident not politically aligned and not financially well endowed will get no no help from the mayor as they suffer the abuse of the New Jersey Terra Authority Commissioners and these residents died prematurely after horrific illnesses the council pass present and future will do what the mayor leads them to do in any aspect that might alleviate the suffering of the citizens vehicles are a major source of air pollution producing about onethird of all US Air Pollution the smog carbon May oxide and other toxins emitted by vehicles are especially troubling because they leave tailpipe at Street levels where humans breed the polluted air directly into their lungs the Garden State Parkway continues to impact the lives of The Not So wealthy residents and nothing is ever done for years citizens have brought statistics printed in articles about autism COPD asthma and other disease to the council meetings but nothing is ever done about to stop the abuse the council May and all the brick workers who are paid to represent all the citizens should feel obligated to stand up speak out and take legal action against the actions of the bureaucracy a 14 to 20 foot pollution noise and safety wall along with an increase in the number of threes and brush is needed alongside the heavily expanded Garden State Parkway the the people of Evergreen Woods which is not the richest Community the people of Green Brier not the richest uh senior community the people of Brian Mill also not the richest Community the people going to school and working at Brick high school and Lans Mill school which are basically the working class CH children that were part of the Working Class People they died prematurely and get little or no help people of Cherrywood the library town hall and the library also feel the abuse of the New Jersey Turn Pike Authority Commissioners every day does anyone care thank you John sler A Y back for minute 40 anyone else seeing none Clos public M on behalf of the township employees I just wanted to thank councilwoman zaps with our deepest appreciation for your unwavering support for so many years your constant knowledge base of historical data and current situations that help us put everything into context and make the best decisions your diplomacy your stewardship of our Parks and Recreation programs your leadership your kindness your friendship you leave a void that cannot be filled but will always be treasured and honored and I thank you so much on behalf of all the township employees for serving us so well there so everything she just said I had actually jotted a lot of that down but you covered it beautifully so I'm not going to repeat that um but I just wanted to say again that I am honored to have worked with you and I'm more honored that we're friends so thank you so much for your dedication and service and I look forward to calling upon you for assistance in the future because as Miss Bergen said your wealth of of knowledge about all things brick uh has been just so incredibly helpful to me and I I am so happy that we're friends and that um even after this is all over we can just kind of hang out and be friends together so thank you so much for all you've done for Brick Township and enjoy your time and Happy New Year to everyone Mr starky yes uh councilwoman zap first of all what what the two before me said as well I Echo that um but I want to say also that you have um been uh in my experience um one of and maybe the most effective uh council person I've ever worked with your uh not just your historical knowledge but your insights into issues and and people uh have have made my job both easier and and more challenging because you've asked me things that I I was unaware um so I just want to say it's been wonderful working with you over these past uh uh years so congratulations on your retirement from the council thank you m yes I also wanted to say it's been a pleasure to work with uh councilwoman zic um in this capacity and also as a fellow employee the years prior and thank you for your years of dedication and service and enjoy your somewhat retirement thank you Mrs Murphy best to you Andrew thank you councilwoman I have dreaded this day for since the day I started on Council and met Andrea zap and had the opportunity to start to digest all of the wealth of knowledge inspiration kindness compassion courage and intellect the loss that brick has today will be felt for years their families who have a member of their family who is living today because of the efforts of Andrea zapy and her tireless work fighting against the OPI uh what's the right word for it plague that we have encountered there are people in Brick who have Ben benefited in both small and large ways from the sacrifices that Andrea zap has made both in her capacity as the head of recreation prior to serving on Council and thereafter I call upon our community to help us fill this huge void that will be left for those of you who may have some of the traits that I just mention we're going to need you there doesn't often come people who not only want to serve their Community but Chang their community and andri zap is one of those people the second point I wanted to make is we have a huge loss in the fields of the Arts Andrea zap has been a tireless supporter of the Arts in our community there are are very few very few people who will give from the bottom of their heart without expectation of anything except a thank you thank you angria zapi for serving as a mentor as an inspiration as a leader and as the best attorneys who never set foot in the courtroom I wish everyone a Happy New Year and I call upon all of us to take the example of Angela zap and help others thank you thank you councilman never uh thank you I'll be very brief Andrea on behalf of the entire town I'd just like to say thank you for your years of effective dedicated service to our community uh to thank you for the example you've provided me personally and uh it's clear that you are the model of what an effective efficient council person is thank you very much for that thank you counil I used to like this chair until I have to follow you guys um yeah I'm GNA Echo everything so four years ago when I first became became a counsilman i mentored with Andrea I remember knocking on doors with her um and I'm sure it was exhausting for her to Mentor me because I'm not the easiest guy so I thank you for that and listen everything my counterpart said is exactly true there's a void um it probably won't be filled for a long time but we're going to do our best and trust me answer the phone because we're gonna call you but thank you again and good luck thank you councilwoman Travis I also going to Echo everybody and I haven't been as forun to know Andrea as long as everybody else is sitting up here um but in the short time that I have gotten to know you been a pleasure and you opened yourself to me you were very kind um these this past year specifically and I admire your knowledge um and I just want to thank you for that and wish you you know luck in your retirement from this um and again I'm sure everybody else that as well question so thank you thank you what a long strange trip it's been um none of it would be possible without the love and support of my family to whom I owe everything for standing by me through three campaigns countless meetings events and other obligations that took me away from home more time than I more often than I can can say um I want to thank mayor crate and my Council colleagues for their support and encouragement over over the years Mrs Bergen for her calm Steady Hand Mr starky for his wisdom and guidance our Township Clerk Lynette and Council secretary Debbie for always making sure we have what we need to do our jobs and the department heads many of whom were here today some of you were still here thank you I never expected that so I apologize that I couldn't be more composed and say this when everybody was still in the room but our department heads and the entire brick Workforce for bringing their aame every single day when my term officially ends at midnight on Sunday I will have served this Council for one month shy of 10 years in January of 2014 I wasn't completely sure what I was stepping into other than it seemed like an opportunity to give back to a community where I raised my children and have called home for over 30 years it also felt so wonderfully familiar to be back working alongside of former co-workers and friends in many cases picking up right where right where we had left off several years earlier we have always had a great team here in Brick now I don't just mean mayor and councel because sorry guys but really we're not so special and unique we're just the ones a little crazy enough to put ourselves out in the public eye to be sure we've gotten to do some really cool things over the last 10 years but truth be told it is the highly competent dedicated men and women of Brick's incredible Workforce putting the elbow grease to the council's ideas and showing up in ways large and small for our residents every day that makes the magic happen they are truly the best municipal Workforce in the state of New Jersey that's my story and I'm sticking to it finally closing poet and artist Brian Andreas of story people has written someday the light will shine like a sun through my skin and they will say what have you done with your life and though there are many moments I think I will remember in the end I will be proud to say I was one of us happy New Year everyone thanks anytime so been up here almost a decade not only does council vice president absent leave a legacy of reinvigorating all our parts putting us on the calendar to make sure we get parts done every couple years to make sure that our kids are raised with good places to go she brought back EAC which is pretty much been part of your life's Mission it's incredible the impact that Andrea has had on this town not only you know it's fun sitting in meetings with councilwoman's ass is incredible because she just is a wealth of not not just the knowledge of what is in front of her but historically because she was part of our Workforce and she was in she has lived here for so long I love when she picks up her phone and she like picks up the ordinance and it's like let me look it up real quick and see what's going on and like she can instantly pull it up or just have that institutional knowledge that has made us a better counsil um she's always my most go-to when I have questions there's any kind of issue or anything and especially historically like what did we used to do um you watching Andrea through her work and how she prepares has made me a better counil um we all say that we can't fill our Sho shoes but we're gonna try um before I blubber like a bigger idiot I'm just gonna say Happy New Year to everybody and our next meeting is on Tuesday January 2nd can I please have a motion and a second to motion all in favor I thank