good evening we'd like to call this meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided and published in the Asbury Park Press and the ocean star on January 12 2024 copies of the agenda were provided to the newspaper posted on public bulletin boards in the township website thank you can I get a roll call councilman albanes here councilwoman ponera here councilwoman D young here councilman Fineman here councilwoman Travers here vice president amberino here president minikino here thank you can everybody rise please salute the flag in a moment of silence United States of Amica stands indice Madam clerk we accept the reports yes thank you can I get a motion in a second to approve the minutes for February 13th meeting motion motion second thank you thank you all right um we had a presentation scheduled but it was postponed to a later meeting for other reasons um this brings us to for a consent agenda excuse can I take a roll on the minutes first sure okay councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes okay next time just throw something all right this brings us to our consent agenda all matters listed under item consent agenda will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below if discussion is desired on any item this item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately thank you 41 authorize emergency tempor temporary budget extension councilman am ambr thank you council president this resolution authorizes the extension of the Township's temporary budget which remains in place until the 2024 Municipal budget is approved in accordance with state law municipalities must operate using a temporary budget so that commitments payments can be made prior to the adoption of the actual budget thank you thank you 4 two please authorized form and sale of bonds councilwoman D young thank you this resolution provides for the combination of the sale of a bond not to exceed 15,000 or 15, 210,000 210 um sorry, sorry and the sale of the bond anticipation notes in the amount of 19,000 19 Mill , 5868 as projects are approved the township typically starts out by securing Bond anticipation notes known as bands which is a temporary form of financing once the project scope or equipment specifications are better defined We Roll those bands into bonds we use temporary financing at the outset to give us a chance to better Define costs as opposed to long-term financing on estimates notes short-term financing may be rolled into bonds permanent financing after their third anniversary date which is the typical practice of the township we do this in accordance with recommendations from our bond counsel Financial Consultant and Chief Financial Officer the bond and note will be sold and issued with the provisions of the local Bond Law thank you 43 authorize receipt of bids roadway improvements to court Shire Drive councilwoman ponteri thank you council president this resolution authorizes the receipt of beds for roadway improvements to courtshire drive this project was approved in our 2024 budget thank you thank you 44 authorize Award of contract through Stafford Township Cooperative pricing system Furnishing and delivery of diesel fuel this resolution authorizes the award Board of contract for the delivery of diesel fuel to Riggins Inc vinet this is a firm price contract with a fixed margin of 0.193 per gallon over the low price low posting price for ultra low sulfur diesel fuel as indicated as the day of delivery this twoyear this is a two-year contract made through the Stafford Township Cooperative pricing system four five authorize Award of contract mobile ice cream truck councilwoman Travers thank you 46 authorized qualified purchasing agent to award contract and purchase Goods below Township's bid threshold councilman ales thank you council president this resolution authorizes the purchasing agent to be able to award contracts over the pay to play threshold of $17,500 but below the bid threshold of 44,000 there was a change to state law last year that allows qpa makes these Awards the paperwork required from vendors prior to prior to the award would stay the same this resolution will help expedite purchases because the right right when the right when day 11 hits after the political disclosure form is submitted the purchasing department can issue a purchase order there were some time there were some times last year that we just missed the deadline for Council meetings and had to wait an additional two to three weeks for the the resolution to be approved before purchase order could be issued thank you 47 authorize acceptance of Grant safe and secure communities program 24156 councilman ambero please thank you council president this resolution authorizes the insertion of a grant in the amount of $45,100 from the New Jersey Department of Law and public safety for the safe and secure communities grant program the safe and secure communities grant program which was enacted into law in 1993 is designed to provide municipalities with funding to add law enforcement Personnel vital to effective police operations and other crimer related strategies as warranted by the needs of the community the program allows for the funding of additional officers or funding of law enforcement support personnel which would free up officers for direct law enforcement activities in Brick Township These funds are used to offset Police Department salaries thank you thank you 48 authorized shared services agreement fiscal year 24 Ocean County Sheriff's Traffic enforcement program councilwoman conero please thank you again council president this resolution authorizes a shared services agreement with Ocean County for the FY 24 Sheriff's Office traffic enforcement program participation in this grant program will allow our Township to be reimbursed for overtime expenses that are incurred by our police department at an hourly rate not to exceed $70 per hour for traffic enforcement activ thank you thank you 49 authorize updated enabling resolution 17144 Township abre planning incentive program councilwoman D young thank you this resolution authorizes an agreement with the njde Green Acres Program to provide funding for the Township's planning incentive program this agreement will increase Green Acres funding for the Township's open space acquisitions by $1.2 million this resolution modifies one approved by the township Council in January after the njde Green Acres Program made changes and increase the potential reimbursement amount thank you thank you 410 authorized updated enabling resolution for supplemental funding request 15071 0444 Township of brick planning incentive program councilman F thank you council president this resolution authorizes a request to the njv Green Acres Program for additional $2 million that may be needed for potential open space Acquisitions as recommended by the mayor's brick open space savers committee the partials are located on Hooper Avenue Adamson road and heral road this resolution modifies one approved by the township Council in January after the njde Green Acres Program made changes and increase the potential reimbursement amount thank you thank you 411 authorized sale of two new taxi cab business licenses councilwoman Travers thank you council president this resolution authorizes the seam of two new taxi capab business licenses the minimum bid has been set at $200 the township Council business and finance committee approved the sale based on requests from taxi capab companies who meet the criteria set forth in the Township Code thank you thank you 412 please 412a is an inspection fund release for Block 38243 382 lot 3.02 and 8.01 B is an inspection fund release for Block 446 lot one C is an inspection fund release for Block 1149 lot 5 D is an performance guarantee and inspection fund release for Block 1170 lot 10.01 and E is an inspection fund release for Block 13 3815 lot 22 thank you 4113 tax collector yes so much M so uh 13A 100% DAV Widow of Veteran deduction for Block free 7701 lot 66 13B 100% daab Widow of Veteran deduction for Block 12566 L9 13 C 100% daav Widow of Venter in deduction of block 1399 lot 114 and 13d or overpayments for 2024 of block 90 L9 and block 119208 128 thank you and this brings us to the end of our consent agenda can I get a motion in a second motion second open to council seeing none closed Council open to public for questions on these resolutions only yes sir Sam Foster 108 CH Drive uh two quick questions about the consent agendo number one first one is number four on the uh bio uh the diesel fuel this is a regards I guess this is regards to vehicles in town or is this diesel fuel that is used to power generator generators uh no no no don't worry about don't worry about no no no no no no no that's okay no it's fine no I just had c b number four the diesel fuel is that for thear chips used in vehicles or for things like U generators or it's it's for the fleet so Vehicles yes yeah I have a question about this and this has been addressed in the past and uh I'm not as big on electric vehicles as it used to be in the p in the past because of various issues but how is it economic or has the council uh or the township investigated how economical if it's economical to go to biofuel not necessarily electrical but biofuel and also Toyota coming out with fuel cell Vehicles not in America yet but overseas or are you pretty much just we satisfied with the the economics of diesel powering the the vehicles in Fleet more economical to go uh sure biofuel or um so we have a electric vehicle committee uh that was started uh by mayor juicy continued by mayor crate um that is looking at how we would do infrastructure improvements to accommodate getting more electric vehicles and um more environmentally friendly vehicles uh we have stations at Winward Beach we have stations at jum Point sports complex and our next priority is to get some stations here and we're also upgrading our Fleet as we go when the opportunity arises to pursue more environmentally friendly Vehicles such as electric vehicles however we're not going to prioritize that for things like garbage trucks and our um buses that transport our seniors yeah I understand that the technology on that is is not yeah I was I was listening to the radio uh I'm in big News Junkie so w had a thing about in New York I think it is they were up an U because I think it was the mayor of New York wanted to replace their buses with electric and they said an an electric bus would cost $400,000 and but the Diesels are only 150,000 and there's the problem with the impact on electrical grids so I understand about that I'm not really like I said not as big as on electric as it used to be that's one thing and the second was the uh um consent agenda number 11 the taxi C business licenses uh actually half what council men Jun said earlier has answered part of this uh I guess that this isn't doesn't generate a lot of revenue for the CH it's only two uh $200 per taxi cab so how many license do we have uh do we sell every year uh so these are the only two that we have at this time uh we haven't had it for some time because there hasn't been a request so these would be the two that we have uh the township does not necessarily look at it as a moneymaking organ you know opportunity we look at it as if there are people in need that would take advantage of the taxi cab clearly there are these folks are coming to us for a license we'd like to be sure that they're able to to access that system I'm not making faces I'm trying to find the right distance to get so I don't get be feedback like usually but I better keep my phone away from this yeah because uh oh I uh oh yeah because I was going to mention about the loss of Revenue but $400 a year is really nothing but uh because because I uh noted lift in Uber I drive for door Dash myself so lift in Uber is really taking a lot of uh business away from taxic cab so I was just wondering if these two it's only two companies so $400 is really nothing considering our 80 what is it 80 million year budget okay thank you thank you anybody else from public yes Nan Carl 18 green Gyer Boulevard and about the agenda having just block and lot I can't key in on exactly where I saw it when I came in here earlier but there is and I will definitely find it before I post a letter to the media the newspapers and whatever that claimed New Jersey is rather good about supplying the facts in other words the address in addition to a block and lot or possibly in place of it since most of us don't know the block and lot even of our own homes so I'm going to register my complaint here that you fail to exceed a acceed to our request I'm our request and they other people that would rather know the address than the block and lot but be that as it may if you can't do if you can can't do both then do address not block and lot but better do both of them if that's how you feel you prefer that um and I will find in this book that's written by um Nelson Johnson JSC retired and John C canel and it has to do with the New Jersey open public records and meetings so I'll find the exact verbiage and put it in my letter to the media thank you anybody else please yes sir all right Vic Finelli I'll do the easy ones first um number six it just mentions the township bid threshold is that a certain amount is that a dollar amount and 44,000 I I didn't hear that so the top end is 44,000 correct I told you that was going to be an easy one number nine and 10 you keep increasing the Green Acres Grant requests went up 1.2 million to 4.6 now 2.09 to 6.7 million is that all earmark for one particular place or so they're increasing the amount that they're giving back to us that's what these two resolutions are amending okay once we finalize some of the so they already committed both of these amounts and these resolutions are increasing the amount that they are going to be giving us back in reimbursements do we do we have a particular place just going to go right so one of these is for our planning incentive grant program which is for open space acquisition which is the Breton Woods property and there was another small property included in that and then the other one is for open space projects the two we have on the agenda is finishing up edar Bridge matter and M okay doing good the taxi cab one you said people are requesting that they want do we need more taxi cabs and well we're going from zero to two so we felt the council felt that we needed two because two request two more we have what eight now we have two now going for zero to two oh I didn't I didn't read that you have these are the only two that we have these are the only two that you have Madam clerk is that correct that's correct that's if we receed bids on these this is authorizing the receipt of bids so if we receive the bids then for both well if you if you have the two what does it go up for bid every couple of years or I don't understand we've done it based on uh requests so because we have not had much interest in the taxi C Business that kind of died away like Mr fer said with Uber and lift so two inquiries led the business and finance commune to think well if there's inquiries from businesses that want to start taxi cabs here then we should we have we have zero right now there's zero right now zero tax cab licenses issued in the township what happened used to have one over my neighborhood on manop road left oh okay all right my last one there's a little more um there's 34 pages of legal leaves on that Bond thing I think the more I read it the more I got confused don't take it personal knew if if you I was I was under the assumption which could be incorrect that like when you come up with a capital project and then you Bond it and you say it has a useful life of 15 years you Bond it for 15 years all right is that correct we do we have to identify what its useful life is at the outset of the project and and and and you you you originally bonded so it's paid off in 15 years well when we do a bond ordinance we go out for temporary notes because we don't know the precise amount of what we're going to spend so we usually sell the bands and turn them into bonds when we have a better sense of the actual cost how long would that take when it's the prime time to do that sale in terms of getting the best interest rates how long would that take years uh it's something that our uh Township order and CFO revisit regularly you know at least every year all right go just walk me through walk me through one and then see if I can catch it catch on here the first one on the list right these are all Capital Improvements right not purchases of police cars or anything else it's all Capital Improvements Capital Improvements okay so the first one here it says various Capital Improvements yeah yeah adopted 71 1216 and useful life of 15 years and a bond amount of $714,000 so we did this back in 2016 right we went out for B temporary notes okay and and now this is going for permanent ones financing it took seven years uh sure because you one you have to make sure you have the actual cost of the projects and these things don't always happen overnight and we also wait for the prime time to do the sale okay you obviously know what you're doing but I don't our CFO in our I know i' I've talked to her I was just trying to get into my own head you know why something 17 years and then then we've got the next one on the list is uh something that happened in 2017 and it was only useful life of five years yeah we when the time is right so you're combining all of these things now to go out to bonds because you're getting a good price correct okay thank you thank you anybody else from public on the uh cons consent to I'm sorry the resolutions only seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman feeman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you thank you this brings us to our computer Bill resolution being it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasure for the amounts of the same computer Bill resolution in the amount of 12 million 36072 two thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second open to councel seeing none open to public questions on a computer bills seeing none Clos public R Paul councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes councilwoman D young yes councilman Fineman yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino abstain teamsters and yes toest this brings us to a manual Bill resolution be it resolved by the township Council the township of brick that the following bills be paid and that the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the amounts of the same manual Bill resolution in the amount of 1,914 5933 thank you can I get a motion in a second motion second open to council seeing none close councel open to public for questions on the manual Bill only seeing none close public roll call councilman albanes yes Council Pono yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to an ordinance on first reading um there's no public comment tonight and you ready and ordinance of the township of brick County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 225 to establish requirements and fees applicable to lead paint inspections for rental properties in accordance with public law 21 2021 C 1882 thank you councilman Amber thank you council president this ordinance is needed in response to the State's new lead based paint law that's njac 528a the ordinance implements lead bait paint excuse me lead paint inspections in Brick which will be completed by Township code enforcement officials during the rental certificate of occupancy process the regulations apply to single family rental property owners only once a unit is certified lead free the township still has to go back after two years in the event of chipping or peeling property owners have the right to get a more detailed leadfree certificate at their cost short-term rentals have to be inspected by July of 2024 and then at each change of tency or every two years the state does an inspection every 5 years for multi family dwellings the township applied for and received a grant to purchase testing materials and to send our staff for training the lead-based paint testing will be part of the rental checklist going forward the rate set for inspections is $25 plus an additional $20 per unit inspected for deposit into the lead Hazard control assistance fund which is established pursuant to state law reinspection will cost $50 plus an additional $20 per unit inspected for deposit into the lead Hazard control assistance fund established pursuant to state law the $20 sir charge does not apply where the unit owner demonstrates that the DCA has already assessed such a sir charge thank you thank you I a motion in a second motion second open to council seeing none close Council roll call councilman albanes yes councilwoman pontorero yes yes councilwoman D young yes councilman fan yes councilwoman Travers yes vice president amberino yes president minikino yes thank you this brings us to public comments please note that each person addressing the council during any section of the meeting during which public comment is permitted shall limit his or her remarks to five minutes pursuing to Brick Township Administrative Code section 2-33 B thank you anybody from public yes Mr now before I read my letter uh John sler 950 silia Court first thing this lead paint inspection thing that you're going to do within the next two weeks just make sure counts current uh places not just newly rented places because we've had a lot of rentals in the last year or two uh the second thing is just to remind just so you know brick and Royal girls won the state championship today uh up in Carol Lanes just so you have that in the bowling area so at least this way you guys know it and if anybody from the Board of Ed happens to listen to it they'll know it too you okay now read my letter uh dated February 25th uh de mayor cig council president Vincent manino all brick councilmen councilwoman as well as the residents and workers of Brick Township and all of Ocean County just so the citizens know know what is the latest on a situation what all these site has anything been done yet is anyone help okay so that's the one and then is anyone helping the people fight air pollution associated with the toxins slowing off the Garden State Parkway will anyone show concern over those areas impacted by the New Jersey Turnpike authorities Commissioners harmful decisions to rip out the trees and brush surrounding the Garden State Parkway about 11 years years ago various studies brought before the council show proof that the yel effects of those tiny particulates being sent through the air to our lungs from the Garden State Parkway will cause better ridden lives and premature deaths to many of our seniors studies of air pollution have Pro proven that the toxins from high volume traffic areas harm our citizens the New Jersey Turnpike Authority Commissioners have left a legacy of autism asthma COPD lung and mouth cancers heart attacks and premature debts in our area our neighbors or even the relatives and Friends of those poor people Afflicted with autism asthma COPD lung cancer emphysema bronchitis lingering heart and lung diseases feel the pain every day 14 to 20 foot pollution walls pollution noise and safety walls along the side of the Garden State Parkway are needed in the Evergreen Woods area Primrose Garden area green briers the Birchwood the Bri Mill and brick High School Town Hall and in real the other areas of brick and Ocean County as well large trees and dck brushes brush that were destroyed by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority Commissioners AR Garden State Parkway should be PL planted for the health of all the Brick Township and Ocean County residents thanks for your responses sincerely John Loa thank you anyone else I yell back two minutes thank you yes ma'am Miss Cole n car 18 greenb Boulevard when I saw about lad p it immediately popped into my mind that when I first moved here there was so much about the effects of the possible cause of autism in the children and the very high number of our autism now Mr sluka just touched on it it's nice to see that you'd rather be reactive than proactive I wonder did nobody ever think to check whether lead pain could have been responsible for the high autism rate here I know they used to have a poak group uh I don't remember the gentleman's name that I came in contact with about it but he was very active and all this that's going on now with the respiratory and I would suggest that people think about looking on the internet for a gentleman in the United Kingdom Dr John Campbell just like the soup c i m PB l l and he gives you data statistics about the co about the excess deaths reported and what causes may have been uh for the excess deaths he talks about the myocarditis and young boys well males they're not necessarily boys they could be uh 18 te and they would consider themselves an adult he is very good and I've been following him from the beginning and still he has plenty of ammunition and I would suggest people read his uh reports and he has slides frequently and he goes over the statistics and analyzes them and it's very interesting because I have never believed Dr Anthony fouchi who came from the area of Brooklyn that I grew up in went to reges high school at the time that I went to Katherine McCauley high school in Brooklyn but my son went to Regis high school 20 years after fouchi and I know the reputation of reges high school and the Jesuits told us when our son was first being accepted that they've had an easy ride up till now because they were the cream of the cream of the crop but now every boy in the school is the cream of the cream of the crop and they have a lot of competition and the Jesuits demanded a lot of intensive work um but Dr fouchy I have no use for him because he has never produced anything that indicated he did testing on the vaccines the vaccines were warp speed which was what president Donald Trump had requested them to do he wanted to shut down and did but uh not just for the two weeks he had envisioned for much more and has caused there to be serious effects and some of them aren't for just the Young people I know a woman that attends a meeting I do every week that had goes to a specialist in Pennsylvania because she has long Co but this Council isn't interested in anything that isn't invented in their brains thank you yes sir Sam Foster one Cho Drive I promise to be less enthusiastic when I'm raising my hand next time I don't know if you saw but I knocked my glasses off uh anyway two quick questions uh two quick comments actually first is about autism uh I have a cousin listen Tom Ser he's got two kids uh this is going back to the 1990s I know my my mother is still alive and she died back in 2000 but anyway there's a big problem there's a big issue and also comes up during times of our Council meetings also about there was an Autism cluster in Tom rer and they did a lot of studies I don't know if who Tom rer uh you know they they you know not just the T of Tom but because they uh the caab super fun site there of of 37 kind of spook you when to drive past I always think when I think of all the chemicals but same thing with the brick Reservoir area not you know former brick landfill but if if there is a question and the council wants to investigate any further you might want to just uh reach out to Tom Sherer ask them if they can send the results from that autism cluster they dealt with and see how they dealt with it uh years ago because like it's it's still a subject of attention I haven't been to Tom council meeting in like about a year now but uh that's something to think about I thought you're waving at me didn't is it that hot in here okay sorry but yeah I got all this stuff on and second thing I want to was I wanted to my J NJ New Jersey natural gas NJ NJ is doing work in my neighborhood birchard park they do something about their uh redoing the gas lines from the or they're checking them from the house from the street to the house I just want to compliment the Brit Police Department because they've been out there on the streets and they were they've been very professional very uh very uh on top of making sure that the streets are blocked off properly they were doing my neighbor the uh a couple weeks ago and I complimented them and I made them a pot of coffee so I hope uh you know I because I wanted to appreciate it because they they do they did a really great job I know I've criticized them in the past before your time is Mir but uh you know like I said they they uh they've done a great job with their polite when some people tried down to drive down the street they would tell them firmly they didn't scream at them or anything like that they you know like I've seen uh firefighters do years ago and there's a fire on Cedar Bridge and someone said I just have to live I'd live right there and the firefighter was cursing at them but the police were very professional very polite did a great job I just want to call them that and compliment them for the great work that they did and I hope they like the coffee so when they come back back to do my house and make sure make make another Pot Coffee was a minute have a nice night thank you anybody else from public please yes sir my name is gaty Nixon I live off metaling road I'm here to talk about the former dance studio at 627 manal looking Road that's under construction at the end of the summer last year I noticed that the contractors didn't remove the final wall that's uh right next to the sidewalk even though they took down the rest of the building it sat like that for months so I did an open records request to find out why they might do that I did that in October this year here is a picture from December this apparently is not new construction looks ridiculous right that's not new construction excuse me you're not allowed to face them you need to address the council not the audience okay thank you this is not new construction no don't be a wise guy okay turn the picture around the other way you can tell me what I do wrong I just told you what you're doing wrong and you I'm showing you the back of the picture I don't want to see the back of the picture I don't care what you want listen you're addressing the councel okay you need to address the counsel what you want is irrelevant to me so that picture doesn't so show new construction it's a renovation it appears that they kept that one wall so that they can claim just renovation they can maintain excuse me the uh the setback from the street that already exists the next time you guys drive down moking Road I want you to look around and look at see how close the buildings are to the road within the last 50 years there isn't one building that's set right on the sidewalk like that building so you had an opportunity to make them set it back but you didn't take it so that kind of frustrated me when I realized that the other thing though is in my oppr requests I looked to see if they had a permission uh to shut down the sidewalk I didn't see anything so they shut down the sidewalk for 6 months 6 months you can't walk through there this is a picture of my neighbor walking her dog in the street from December that's about three months after they shut down the sidewalk this is a hole that they built they dug right there into the sidewalk this is from December this is the whole today actually yesterday so they haven't done anything they left it like that six months as a whole at least and I have to walk around it because they're I don't know too lazy to fix it don't feel like it I'm not really sure but right now I looked and that wall that they left standing isn't even attached the building it's obviously going to be replaced as the last bit of construction because they're not going to leave a 50-year-old set of Windows in there they're going to replace it so that's their fig leaf that they covered themselves with so in conclusion uh six months after they uh they dug that hole it's still a hole they didn't ask for permission there's apparently no deadline for them to fix it I look up what the town has we have tons we have dozens of people in engineering and inspection and no one appears to be an advocate for people who want to walk through there I don't know how many times people from engineering and inspection drove past there never took a second look at it I looked at it I don't even work for the town so I wonder wonder what you guys are doing up there thanks thank you sir anybody else please yes sir hi um I'm Gary penzel I'm the president of the seawood harbor Property Owners Association Mrs uh Tony and um Fred they're also on the board um we're here tonight uh Tony and I were here last year last March to just um make sure that the uh Council was aware of the really severe conditions and severe flooding we're having in seawood Harbor um this in January we had backtack storms and on N Crest Road we had 14 inches of water um I don't know if you if ever if the council is familiar with seawood Harbor but we're basically there's a road that goes right through the wetlands uh Wetlands on the left Wetlands on the right and uh there was no vehicles could get through for five six hours school buses couldn't get there parents couldn't take the kids to school um I know that the town doesn't have a lot lot of options with it and I know we need to get funding to raise the road and we've been asking for that and we thank the council because after we were here last year we were told that uh our community was raised from 12th to 7th in the priority list and and we really appreciated that but there is a couple of things that the town can do and one of them is there's a bulkhead that was uh erected on B dra Drive the uh mayor was there about three years ago they had a ribbon cutting ceremony this is a picture of what the bulkhead looks like today there was um it's a 200 foot bulkhead I think it was put in by Fletcher Kramer and there's a huge hole in that bulkhead that's been there since December and the water from the bay when the bay Rises it comes right through the right through the wall and there's supposed to be caps on the top of the bulkhead the 200t section of Bulkhead the Caps are all gone and you could see you could actually see the water through the top of the bulkhead it's coming in through the the hole in the bulkhead and it's been flooding null Crest and and adding to the already horrible situation we have with flooding in the community so I would really appreciate it if the council could find out why we complained about it in December we called the engineering department they said that they can't just put a piece of wood there to block it they had to go to the contractor to figure out how to fix it I don't see where such a big deal to replace one section of Bulkhead and fix the caps on it especially when the town I'm sure paid a lot of money to do it the other issue we have is there's a private beach on Rochester Drive um and it's supposedly it's supposed to be maintained by the owner of 87 Rochester Drive um this is a picture of the street the they used to have a Belgian block border it's totally disintegrated and the roadway is falling into the bay and the town has put cones there as so people don't park there but as we speak every day pieces of the road are falling off into the bay and it's really dangerous because if there's a big truck that comes there it could possibly fall into the bay it's a really really bad situation so again anything that could be done by the township to um make the owner of the beach take care of this property or just take take over the ownership of that beach this is causing major flooding um I have a picture that I had taken um this is a picture of Rochester Drive in Brick and we had about seven eight inches of water up to everybody's driveway in the area because the water is just coming right over that private beach and the gentleman that owns that house his bulkhead has totally Fallen apart had a final bulkhead that's deteriorated and his whole property is just looks like a shamble so if anything could be done to help us we'd appreciate it and again we just would really appreciate an update on the remediation efforts to try to um raise our road we have 150 families and it's really scary when you can't get out for five six seven hours at a time for 150 families we' really appreciate uh whatever can be done I'll just uh add to that a little bit um Tony Almeida 74 Rochester Drive um basically I don't want to repeat what Gary said I'll just uh add a couple other ideas or thoughts I guess the residents were getting a little upset um we had so many storms so this now has happened multiple times in one season so a lot of the questions are coming up which is I know that you had a criteria on which uh streets we're going to get get uh remedied first so we were on the list but I guess it would help the residents know uh uh what the criteria was maybe if they saw that other people were impacted more that there's more families impacted than they maybe there's more stretches of road we got quite a long road before you get out to uh dry land uh getting out of our homes uh so if we knew what the residence you guys Ed to figure out who the priority I think that would help people perhaps accept the situation A little better and knowing that you know we're all on the same boat at least some of us are on the same boat so um you know they won't think that they're just being ignored because they're being patient waiting their turn being nice about it right now that's really how we're feeling that we're we're um bringing this condition onto ourselves because we don't make enough noise and this is a community that pays for its own things they do the right things and they want to continue doing the right things but when they're not listening to then uh anger starts to build up so if you would share with us and we could share it back with the or with all the residents how you determine who goes first who doesn't I think that would help us you um did anybody email the Administration has anybody contacted the administration to find out how we figure that out um no if not reach out to town hall and we'll make sure somebody gets back to you with the criteria on how you get on that list okay thank you well we were told we were on the list after we complained last time we were told that we were moved up from 12th to 7th which was very well received by the community but it's just not not helping when people can't get out and uh it's scary it really is scary when you can't get out of your community we'll talk to our we're going to talk to the engineer and if you just stay behind and we'll get some of your information we can reach okay all right yeah yeah I could if you don't mind I could just leave you some pictures yeah okay great I have thank you I appreciate it yeah thank you my name is Fred toena and I'm at 49 Toronto Drive the last storm that we had um we were told by the brick police they're kind enough to have a vehicle that's able to get in and get people in and out um at this particular storm it was really a high level but when we called for them they told us that the vehicle was broke down so that vehicle is our lifelong for the 150 families that are there if that vehicle can't get in nobody can get out we can't get help so I I'd like to see if you can check on that and just make sure that that vehicle is operating so that you know we have a way out during the summer we have boats in the water so we can take them to a marina where we can get an ambulance and get some help but in the winter time there's no boats so thank you that one that one vehicle that was broken down of the several that we have is back up and running oh okay keep it running hi good evening my name is Anna mayor I live at 66 Toronto Drive in brick in seawood Harbor I've been there for 37 years now probably one of the first of the 150 not one of the first maybe of the 150 families who now live there my concern is that I have lost several days weeks even if I added it up over 37 years months of work and at first it was a joke my you the company didn't even believe me how many times they could get flooded in they thought I was playing hookie but now they understand a few people have been to my home my concern is also that you have so many new families so many children young children you have families who do have to get back and forth to work for employment and you also are worry about anyone who has an illness or a disability if there is a heart attack or there is a stroke or there is that can't breathe you can't leave that Community during a flood you can't get in you can't get out and if you do get out with the Humvee where do you go I have I work in Mammoth County and I and I work for a large company there I you're not going to drive me to work what do I do and this is a problem because I have to be where I have to be for work so that but I'm really worried about someone who's ill and can't get an ambulance or actually dies because they can't get out of seawood Harbor and what's going to happen then it hasn't happened yet it hasn't happened yet but it could it's a realization so that's what I want to just you know ask if we could do something there was a bike path that's underwater and I watch the water from where I am it's I'm surrounded on three sides it's high very high and it's getting higher so we don't raise even a portion of that road or somehow get a bridge a little Bridge we can get up and over and gone I mean I had to literally go out and buy another car I thought I bought an SUV that would get through the water it couldn't get through the last storm or the storm before that so I just want to make myself a little heard very nicely to say please this has to be looked into and sooner than later it's not it's not just a Band-Aid you know effect okay thank you thank you anyone else from public yes I go past that Dan studio every time I go in and out of my neighborhood and I always wondered why they left that one wall standing now I guess I know I know the guy might have pissed you off a little bit however it's it's all new construction there the building is getting bigger they put up steel beams and everything else it sounds to me and I don't know all the rules like somebody's gaming the system if they left that one wall there so they can say this is uh not new construction it's renovation you might want to I'm not sure but I'll look into I know the wall you're talking about yeah yeah thank you it myself and one last question has to do with Green Acres and everything just something I noticed in my own neighborhood um if you have a lot like a totally wooded lot you own it we want to build some houses on it do you need permission to cut down all the trees yes and do we normally grant that because if you go down uh jum Point Road just between like Brick Boulevard and aaha there's three different locations right there that you can see driving down the road that they just clear cuted the whole thing every tree is cut down I watched one lot right on the corner they did it the other day kind of defeats your whole green AC thing when somebody can just do that is does the township normally just say yeah you can cut all the trees down or no but if there's a process to it yeah there's a process now if somebody didn't do we always ensure that somebody doesn't follow the process like they clear all the trees down and they say I want to build a house usually the neighbors call and say something so the fact that you're here we appreciate so we'll look into that yeah so again if somebody does come forward and tell us that we don't always see it we don't always know it well like the gentleman said you know I'm sure that the people that enforce those things go up and down the roads look at all of these things you know the Dan the dance studio thing has been going on for a year two years they go up and down the road did they take it on their own to go out and do that I'm sure okay thank you thank you sir anyone else from public please yes Nan car 18 Green Brier Boulevard another example of you being reactive rather than proactive I have asked many many times to have a town hall meeting you took away two of our weeks for meetings where we would have had caucus meetings and preparation for the formal meeting the next week and at this point I believe you should put back in having a town hall meeting at least four times a year if not more I don't believe that you have any Five-Year Plan 10year plan you might have bonds for that amount of time but I did mention once before I worked for a huge corporation and they had a 5-year plan a 10-year plan what they were going to do what was going to have to be redone within 5 years 10 years and not leave it to the last minute and not start then figuring out you need to do that and you need to have those meetings to force to camaraderie between the people your citizens the people you supposedly represent and are supposed to be you took an oath to respect our needs and address them and uh in closing the one thing I want to touch upon has to do with superstorm Sandy now I am and have been since about 2002 a member of the Ocean County Commission on individuals with disabilities and until this year the president of it was a young woman named Janine uh it'll come to me I forget it I met her mother and father in chopr right on Saturday I think it was or Sunday evening and her mother and I looked at one another and said we know each other and finally it came out that it was from that her mother Michelle and father I forget his name uh he was there and he's a great man during superstorm Sandy what they did for the people who had severe disabilities who had electric wheelchairs that they couldn't get out of their house because it was flooded in the house it was flooded outside the house and the electric wheelchairs wouldn't work communication wouldn't work but you don't know that because you don't have the public who knows these things and have been dealing with them for years and years do Town Hall meetings and find out what we need and then what we want thank you anybody else from public please seeing none close public ber I have nothing thank you thank you mayor thank you uh I just want to first thank the residents that came out this evening to uh speak with us we appreciate that and uh having you come out and bringing these things to our attention is helpful to us and we appreciate it so we look forward to getting back to you on the issues that you brought forth thank you um just a little bit of what's going on around town for the next week or two I want to thank the osbornville elementary school for inviting me to their fundraiser this evening at Barnes & Noble I had a chance to read to some kindergarteners first grade second grade and third graders it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed myself so thank you to osbornville Elementary for that invitation also next week if you have kids in school it's fre to cross America week so I'll be hoping to get out to some more schools including our Township Preschool classes Herbertsville Elementary osbornville and Warren Wolf and if there's any other elementaries out there that would like me to come in to read to the kids next week or into the following week for read Across America I'd be happy to do so we have some fun things coming up in Brick uh a couple of ribbon cuttings on Saturday March 2nd Step Up Family Services is H hosting a ribbon cutting at 10: a.m. on I'm sorry I don't have an address for that one on Monday uh March 4th here again USA located at 990 cedarbridge Avenue is also having a ribbon cutting for their new business at 11 a.m. and Thursday the one everybody's been waiting for March 7th is our grand opening and ribbon cutting for leodes and that's taking place at 9:00 a.m. I don't think I need to tell anyone where that's located uh we've all been waiting a long time for that and we're all excited for that so we hope to see you there for that ribbon cutting to celebrate really The Rebirth of that uh shopping center over the last few uh years um if you are looking for something fun to do on Friday March oh my gosh I don't have a date in front of me 7th 8th I'm so sorry Friday March 8th I wrot I wrote the time but not the date Friday March 8th our annual brick hero Awards is taking place we have a lot of great people being awarded this year and one of the things that we did that was a little bit different was we actually had categories this year it was on our website and a lot of wonderful people were nominated so I invite the public to please come out and join us this is hosted by our mayor student advisory those are students who attend Brick Township and brick Memorial High School they help to plan the entire event they run the entire event uh and it's really exciting to honor people from around town it's just regular everyday people we have teachers that are honored some of our police officers are honored uh people businesses that have done great things around town are being honored so we invite you to come out and join us it is a fundraiser for our um student advisory so it's $8 to get in if you're a senior it's $5 it's a one wonderful evening uh and I invite you to come out at 7 p.m. and it's held a Brick Township High School right across the street and uh if you have a student or a child who's playing uh basketball with our Recreation program just a little notification that the Rudy Awards will be on Saturday March 9th at 11:00 a.m. at Veterans Memorial if you'd like to come out to celebrate those basketball players who have played their hearts out all season the cool thing about the Rudy Awards is it's not just the uh the best player or the fastest or the one who made who scored the most points these are the kids with heart who tried their best and showed a lot of improvement throughout the season and uh we like to celebrate those those kids as well so please come out and join us for that and I believe that's all I have this evening so uh thank you so much thank you Mr starky thank you madam clerk nothing thank you Madam Secretary no thank you councilman Alber on a positive note I want to congratulate the brick and Mory girls bowling team on their state championship and the residents out there we hear we hear your uh your needs and hopefully we can come up with a resolution for you guys that's it thank you councilwoman ptera thank you council president I too want to thank all of our vs who came out to express their concerns and issues that's exactly what we hope that people who have issues will do which is come and let us know so I appreciate your attendance I know you didn't have to but we appreciate seeing your faces and hearing firsthand and we'll be thinking of ways to help thank you thank you councilwoman D young thank you uh few meetings ago we went out for um srex it's our solar energy renew or solar renewable energy credits they go out to bid when the market is at its peak and we received back from those credits $333,200 so that's from our solar renewable energy credits srex um also we have a couple new buy and brick businesses we have Eastern Shore heating and air conditioning at a 10% credit and super poloo two on Hooper Avenue at a 7.5% credit uh and then last but not least of course course we have our senior St Patrick's Day party over at the senior center on Aurora and that will be on Wednesday March 14th it's going to be at 11:30 and you must register to join in on the fund so please call seniors at 732 920 8686 and that is all I have for this evening thank you thank you councilman Fineman thank you council president um I just wanted to uh uh a Facebook post from The Brick Township Police Department um that they were talking about scams so their post said that police officers will never call you uh ask for money or personal information and I wanted to share some additional information uh that scammers usually Target people using key tools like uncertainty emotion or urgency uh if con artists can make you Unsure how to act uh or create fear or excitement uh then they might be able to force you to act quickly to make a bad decision so you want to avoid that so just remember to never give out your personal information unless you initiated that phone call never give your checking information I'm sorry your checking account uh number over the phone uh if the caller says your grandchild or relative is in trouble asking for money or bail money I assure you your grandchild is not in trouble uh hang up call that relative to ensure that they're okay or another trusted relative uh and then never allow a caller to pressure you into acting immed immediately on any offer unless of course it's an offer that you can't refuse then that's a horse of a different color stay safe and have fun thank you councilwoman Travers I have nothing tonight thank you thank you Council vice president Amber nothing for me as well okay thank you so our next meeting is March 12th uh 7 PM um I get a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting motion all in favor I meeting