e e evening everyone and welcome to the bridge the meeting of the bridge Ro AR and Regional Board of Education Tuesday July 23rd at 7:30 at the Wade building in compliance with the open public meetings law of New Jersey notice of this meeting July 23rd 2024 meeting of the Bridgewood RIT and Regional Board of Education was posted electronically on the district website and provided on January 3rd 2024 by sending an annual notice to The Courier News Star Ledger bridgew town clerk rber clerk and by posting on the bulleon in Harman V way administration building if you're able please rise and join me in the Pres Pledge of Allegiance flag uned States Mr Stars can you call the role please Miss Lee here Mr Joi miss kri here Mr singer Miss Asuna here Mr Pepe here miss Freelander here miss lockran Mr Walker here seeing that we were Corum um next up on the agenda is the superintendence report and that is the NJ GPA presentation by Jason Muriel welcome to Mr muel thank you is there anything other you have any other reports from the superintendent no I was just going to say that Mr morelo is the director of 21st Century Learning and data analysis and he's going to do the presentation for NJ GPA which is the junior assessments that's given as a graduation requirement and also for Access testing which our multilingual Learners take um and it's one of the measures that we use to deter determine whether students would be exited from ESL programs thank you Karen and Jason let's go thank you for coming all right yeah and I'll give you this I'll give you the summary as well here I'll give you the verbal quick verbal summary of it um so thank you uh Karen for introducing so yeah so this is going to be part one of our standardized uh assessment presentation uh this is just the access and the njpa all of the other assessments um the njsla which is really grades three through nine so that's kind of the big one throughout the district along with sat AP all of that will be presented in the fall when we get all of those results um at at that time um so this is kind of just the the quick little snapshot of access which is all of our um multilingual Learners right our for our ESL program across the district and J GPA which was all of the Juniors last year um taking the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment which is required by the state as the uh as an assessment requirement for graduation um so our agenda first we'll go over the purpose and context then we'll get into looking at the results for the access for our English language Learners and the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment then we'll discuss the key takeaways from those assessments the continued next steps and the actions that will be taken based on that so for our purpose and context um this is uh required as part of State Statute All State standardized assessments must be uh discussed and the results must be shared at a public board meeting um for all of our assess State assessments um and in addition to that we do use this internally um quite often our teachers our administrators um really look at this data they combine it with other data that we have um and they use uh look at it to make adjustments in programming adjustments uh to instruction and to identify individual either interventions or services to help support individual students so we'll get right into the access so the access for English language Learners um so this is administered every year for all students in grades K through 12 um and it's to all students identified um in need of English language uh learner Services um and the assessments given between the months of February and April um really what it does it gives us a snapshot on what is the English language proficiency of our students at that moment in time so it's really meant to be that just here's the snapshot of where um where students are performing in terms of their academic English language it assesses four domains Reading Writing listening and speaking it is required uh by the federal government to give this uh as part of uh the Essa and the performance levels the the results come in six different uh levels from one being entering English language proficiency all the way up to six which is reaching and 4.5 it actually they give you the score each student gets the score on a decimal so like 3.2 4.1 4.5 or higher is considered um having enough English language proficiency to be exited from the ESL program so let's get into the results um so overall the first thing is the the higher the bar the more students who took the assessment in that grade level overall we had 332 students um across the district K through 12 take the assessment um that's up about 30 students from uh the previous year and you can see just by looking at the size of the bars even without looking at the colors really kindergarten grades one and two we have about 50 students in each of those grades um who are identified as English language Learners and then you can see grade three a little bit less and then once you get to grade four and really throughout all the way to the rest we're consistently between 10 and 20 with a little bit of a spike there in grade 10 um and the reason why you see it decrease there is now if you look at the colors um when you look at the yellow that's the expanding that's level four so 4.5 is you know pretty much in the middle of the yellow so students who are in the middle of that yellow or above met the requirement to be exited from the program so they would no longer be taking the access the following year which is why you see the total number of students decreasing once you get past like grade three um because many of the students who start in kindergarten grade one over a couple of years will meet that 4.5 score and then they'll be exited from the program and won't be a part of taking the assessment anymore um so most of the students Beyond grade four and grade five are students entering um a little bit later um are new to our district at that time um and something to note is really looking at the yellows especially in GR 1 2 three and grade four yellow and then the the darker blue that's on top of it which is level five um you can see that's where we have more of our students um reaching that level reaching that level four and above um and that's where more of our students are exiting and those numbers actually are a little bit higher than they were the previous year um in those Elementary years if we want to kind of get a snapshot overall of the district combining all students regardless of grade level so grades K through 12 just where is the English language proficiency for all of our students you can see most of our students are in the level three 44% of all the students in across the district who took the assessment are in that level three and you can see the different percentages for the other levels and then overall out of the 332 students who took the assessment 50 of the students um exactly 50 the students earned a score 4.5 or higher and have been exited from the program and will no longer be see receiving ESL services for next school year right um so it's nice to see that and that's up from 34 from last year last year we had 3 for students so we had more students um earn the score to be exited from uh Services which is nice to see looking at the three-year Trend so the gray bar on the right for each is this most previous year 2023 24 last school year and then uh you can see the two prior years kind of right next to it and overall very very similar if you look at just the differences between two years ago and last year the orange bar compared to last year which is the uh gray bar I don't think there's any bars that's more than 2% difference between the years so very very similar um although if you look levels one and two we had slightly less students in the lower levels of English language proficiency level three is a little bit higher level four is about the same and level five is a little bit higher so we're actually slightly up from where we were the previous year um and that's actually very significant this year because we did make some significant changes to our ESL program uh this past year was the first year that especially in our primary grades that we have ESL services in every one of our primary schools which is amazing um and the delivery of the instruction the program itself there were changes made to how that uh program was being delivered um so it's nice to see that Not only was kind of status quo it's actually even slightly um higher performance last year in the first year of these changes um compared to Prior so um that's really nice to see that looking at breakdowns by gender so on the left is female the middle is male and the right is all so that's just the overall uh breakdown um you can see if you look in the male the gray exactly 50% of the males are in that middle level that level three um whereas with females you have less in the middle and you actually more in both extremes kind of four and above and two or below so it's interesting to see that little bit of a bit of a different dynamic between the males and the females and once again this is just the current snapshot so it's not really showing like growth range just saying where are our students right now in terms of their English language proficiency here's the breakdown by race and ethnicity between the different races and ethnicities and once again the bar on the right is the overall average with all of our students and at the very bottom you'll see that n number that just tells you how many students um are in that group so for Asian n equals 101 there are 101 um Asian students receiving um in our ESL program and here is our breakdown by program so special education and economically disadvantaged and you can see more than 2third of our special education students who are in our ES C program um are in that level three right which corresponds with overall most of our students being in that in that middle group all right so we'll move on now to NJ GPA so this is the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment it's a mouthful to say um but this focuses on two areas English language arts and Mathematics all students in grade 11 are required to take this um in order to graduate it is a graduation requirement so all 11th grade students each year must take this assessment in order to graduate um it focuses for ELA it's aligned to the grade 10 standards that's also what's interesting what makes this assessment a little bit different than most of the other njsla most of the other njsla assesses the standards taught that year this does not this assesses they take this in grade 11 in March but it's assessing grade 10 Ela standards and in math it it assesses Algebra 1 and geometry which some of our students have taken multiple years prior to that so it's just interesting in what it's actually measuring it's not assessing what they've learned that school year it's assessing kind of more um growth over previous years um and the results are categorized just into two performance levels not yet graduation ready and graduation ready um so we said this is a graduation requirement for all incoming seniors all 11th graders must take the assessment in order to uh graduate um students who take the assessment and get that graduation ready um have met the assessment graduation requirement for the state of New Jersey students who take the assessment but score not yet get graduation ready in either math and or English there are other ways to meet those graduation requirements um there's a retake of the NJ GPA which will happen again in the fall if of the senior year um but as long as students take the NJ GPA then that opens up a menu of of kind of substitute compet compet competency tests I practiced that before and I did the same thing it's the word I get every time um but PSAT sat act acup Placer so as long as students take the NJ GPA regardless of getting that graduation ready status or not if they have that passing score in any of those alternative assessments that would meet that graduation requirement and they would meet that for um for graduation um and then even if none of those are met there is a portfolio that they that can be completed and we'll talk a little bit more that about that um and the interventions that can be done at the end of this uh presentation so let's get into the numbers we'll start with English language arts remember this is only last year's 11th graders only the 11th graders took this assessment um so as a district Bridgewater Ren Regional School District 90% of our 11th graders last year scored graduation ready compared to 82% um across the the entire state of New Jersey looking at the three-year Trend a couple interesting things to point out in here um so once again the gray bar is last year the 90 and 82 that we just talked about um you can see the two previous years prior to that uh the blue bars which is 2021 2022 um in that year that was the field test so that was when it wasn't live as the actual graduation requirement and they did make changes to the test and the scoring after that which is why you see kind of a big difference especially looking at the state going from 39% to 80% in one year that's because they changed the way that they scored it um so really just looking at the last two years um but looking at the last two years Bridgewood Aran you can see slight decrease from 93% to 90% of our students uh being graduation ready and in the state you see a slate increase 80% to 82% so that's something we want to keep an eye on um because we do see that once again this is completely different students this is the gray bar was last year's 11th graders we're now going to be seniors the orange bar was two years ago 11th graders so those were students who just graduated last year um in June so there is some natural variation from just looking at different cohorts of students um but that's something that we want to see do we see similar trends when we look at that sat data when we look at the AP data um when we look at njsla for other grade levels are we seeing similar Trends in other grade levels so this is something we're going to keep an eye on and uh you know you know see if we see similar Trends uh in other areas looking at the breakdown by gender very similar between females and males and then on the right that's once again our overall average with all of our students um with females slightly outperforming males um in terms of uh percent graduation ready here's our breakdown by ethnicity race um so once again on the right is the overall average of 90% um you can see um some of our subgroups outperforming the overall average and some of our subgroups underperforming the overall average breakdown by program very similar you can see Section 504 actually slightly outperforming or overall average um but then special education economically disadvantaged um underperforming or overall average and very few of our English language Learners meeting that graduation ready um cut score on that graduation proficiency assessment moving on to math so we'll do the exact same thing that we did uh but we'll do it for math now so just looking at Bridgewood ridan compared to the state of New Jersey 74% of last year's Juniors scored graduation ready on the math portion of the NJ GPA compared to 55% um across the state um so bridgew Ren significantly outperforming the state once again here are your three-year Trends same thing the blue from 2122 that was a field test so there were some differences between that and then the following year um but you see kind of similar to what we saw with English you see a slight decline um in Bridgewater ridan from two years ago compared to last year going from 80 to 74% of our students uh performing graduation ready and the state actually staying exactly the same at 55% over that same time period so once again that's something we want we want to see are we noticing this trend in other grade levels other than this um are we going to see similar results when we look at sat AP um and really see what's going on looking at the breakdown by gender um very similar again between females and males with males slightly performing females in math remember we just had females slightly outperforming uh males in English but very similar between the two our breakdown by ethnicity and race um similar to what we saw with English with some of our subgroups outperforming the overall average and some of our subgroups underperform in the overall average although something of note is there really is a larger discrepancy here in math than we saw with English so the underperforming really is it's underperforming at a at more of a level there's a bigger Gap with some of those sum groups in math compared to what we saw in English and we see a similar Trend when we look at program um especially special education economically disadvantaged there's a bigger Gap um between the percentage of students um in those subgroups performing graduation ready compared to the overall average compared to the Gap that we saw between uh those same subgroups in English um so that's something um we will be taking a look at so key takeaways I kind of discussed them kind of as we saw it uh within our uh within our data and our in our graphs um so looking at access overall the access scores were very similar to what we've seen in in the past couple of years um but we did have a slightly higher percentage of students receiving that 4.5 and exiting the program compared to what we saw in the previous year also on grades K through four there was an increase in the percentage of students scoring that four or higher there was also an overall increase in the average score so students are at a slightly higher um English language level proficiency than they were the previous year um in in grades K through 4 for the NJ GPA um we did see that Bridgewater ran uh High School um outperformed the state both in English and in math um but within that not all the subgroups really are performing at the comparable level and we are noticing those differences between subgroups a little bit larger in math than in ela so that's something um that we we've noticed a little bit but this year a little bit more even than than in the past so what are our next steps with this data this really gives us you know access gives us the snapshot of all of our English language Learners NJ GPA really gives us information just on our last year's 11th graders so really what we want to do is we want to get as much other information both for those groups and across the rest of the district across all of our other grade levels so we will be getting that with njsla will be giving us data on grades 3 through n so we can see do we see similar Trends across all the other grade levels as what we're seeing here or is this a little bit different than uh that also with grades three through n with njsla we can have like growth data because students take that year after year whereas the NJ GPA there is no standardized assessment for grade 10 so there's no comparison there's no growth we can do with that with that information so we'll be able to do a little bit more when we get um some additional data and once we have that combined with the information that we do have we use this information really to provide appropriate services for students um especially so for for access um we any students kind of scoring at that 4.5 or higher no longer need those uh ESL services for NJ GPA students who have not yet met the graduation requirement we going to provide services so they will meet that graduation requirement during their senior year so they will be able to graduate on time um and if there's any areas that we notice that we need some additional professional development with staff um then we will look at that and provide that as well so what actions moving forward um so really with ESL that's already been looked at um to to identify which students um will be exited from the program based on their scores um and for NJ GPA we're going to continue to provide opportunities for last year's Juniors who are now going to be seniors who have not yet met those graduation requirements um so it is important that just because a student got uh scored not yet graduation ready does not mean that they don't necessarily meet the graduation requirements because just by taking the njpa that opens up all those alternative assessments so if students took the SAT PSAT and they met that minimum score then they would meet them the graduation requirements through those um but there will still be students who have not yet either taken those assessments or not yet met that minimum score so what are the actions that will be uh taking place over the course of uh uh the beginning of senior year well first of all retaking the NJ GPA so that is a requirement any student who has not yet met the graduation requirements must retake the NJ GPA that's usually in October um we offer the acup Placer um in the school so at the high school they'll be offering opportunities to take the acup Placer um the PSAT so all of our students in grades n9ine 10 and 11 take the PSAT um but also our seniors who have not yet met the graduation requirement will also be taken to PSAT because that's a test that could help them meet the graduation requirement so they'll be kind of lumped into that group um for students who do not meet through any of those other means there is a portfolio which is basically a set of questions that will show uh proficiency towards those graduation standards um and we also have classes both in mathematics and in English language arts that are offered at the high school that students can take that really prepare students to meet those graduation requirements and go through a lot of those assessments um to help them pass one of those assessments and meet that minimum score and I'd like to thank you very much and if anybody has any questions I'm happy to answer any questions thank you Mr Morel questions anyone any questions Miss Lee go ahead yes um looks like the students have one year to finish whatever that speak mic please okay looks like we're looking at 11th grade and uh they have a year to fix whatever that needs to be done to meet the graduation standard correct what's our success rate in the past few years for that to 100% since I've been here this is year 11 because prior to this I was the high school math supervisor so the math part of that was and I was the pr and English supervisor 100% that's great news to hear thank you yes I was just wondering do we have kids who don't take it just the NJ GPA we will have some students um and if students didn't take it in junior year um and there actually are like there's some exemptions for certain reasons like new students to the country so um and then we will actually get a stu like students moving in now who are now going to be seniors moving from another state they'll be required to take the njpa in October in the fall and that would meet that at least taking the assessment requirement and then that opens up all the other assessments so they can either pass through that means or they could pass through sat PSAT all those other assessments and is it also provided in other languages or is it just English Spanish so Spanish is the only other language that it would actually be in um other than that it would be in English but there are um mod modifications and accommodations that can be made for English language Learners about the uh access test and when you're looking at the different levels are those the same across the grade levels like if you're getting like a level three or a level four are the expectations in the test the same for like a first grader as they would be for a 10th grader like the same level of language acquisition or is the test like are you expected to do different things as you get older to hit that level one two 3 four five six yeah there's different grade bands for the kind of complexity level that should you know that should occur for the test so there is different expectations based on the grade level so when we look with that we have three years of data now and if we look at the progression from the 70% to 90% 93% do we look at the areas where they're proficient year to year or do we actually get done break can you look down the breakdown of the questions or the curricul the kind of the the data that we get isn't really we get the standard for each question we get it's called like an Evidence analysis okay um so we get the standard for each question and we get the percentage correct that Bridgewater ran had and then the percentage correct that the state had but we don't know what the question was so we just know the area that it was in um and with that it's very consistent that it's it's very kind of similar like you know you have a trend line for here's the state from the most difficult question to the easiest question with the percentage correct and then you have our trend line which is almost parallel to it right above it um and that's for both English and for math um but that's what we do because sometimes we will find like one question or one standard where it's not on the trend line right maybe it's right at the state level or maybe even a little bit below so that didn't occur with this assessment um with either math or with English language arts but that's sometimes what we look at it because then we'll look at that and be like all right well why was that standard lower and that could be well did we get to that standard by the time they took the assessment right maybe that was taught right after that or maybe you know we need to adjust how that standard is being taught um but what makes it difficult is we don't know the question that was being asked so it's hard to really kind of pinpoint that than you and I feel like we really do need an additional year because right now we're really just comparing two cohorts because that first year you really can't count because they changed the way they did the scoring so we need like a third year to to make that comparison and that's where njsla gives a little bit more information it's similar they're similar test but they're different standards not yeah it's very similar basically njg PA pulls the njsla questions from Algebra 1 and geometry and from the old grade 10 njsla so it's the questions are very similar it's just based on that and it's great to see the the the the success with the English language Learners moving them forward that's great to see that in the program it's it's exciting to see the program in each school now and it's it's working yes thank you guys for doing that any other one more question I'm wondering how again you don't have a lot of data but how Co impacted this just because on the math portion if you're looking at Algebra 1 questions the kids who are taking that now when did they take Algebra 1 and that's when they took it yeah and and what what we saw from covid is you know it impacted English language arts at the elementary level like learning to read a little bit more than at the higher levels and then with math I think it impacted kind of Middle School to Algebra 1 level like that grade five to 8 5 to n um a little bit more than than the other levels and that would be this this so that's where you're see think a littleit the math beinged by that um I think there still is a little some some remnants we don't want to you know blame anything but that's right so this year's class would have been in eth grade been the eth grade been eth grade so it depends you know what math you had but yes it would have been a foundational math year so that's something we're always kind of looking at too yeah any other questions thank you Mr muel appreciate it right enjoy your very much thank you okay that completes the super report onto the board president report a couple things I wanted to bring up is um as you're drive around the district you'll see a lot of activity going on lots of activity referendum money and and other capital capital projects being done Mr beerus has asked me that um at the next fft meeting and before the next board meeting he's going to make a decision he's going to have ability to be he'll be at a building or something we can meet and go look about what's going on so he'll inform us more about about that coming forward so we'll be able to go if you want to I'm not sure the schedule or the time frame on it but he'll be doing that that's upcoming um The Retreat looks like it's going to be um August 23rd I mean August 13th sorry so I know not everyone can make it but that's the currently we'll discuss the time under new business so thank you um also a little bit on that I'll give a little calendar update so majority of the items that that we do in July are the strategic planning goals and developing the super superintendent goals we're doing District goals um along those lines for The Retreat is when we'll be doing that you want to take a look at the Strategic plan the Strategic plan will help guide us towards our goals it's a it's a road map for us so I mean they'll be similar this year but some of those things we found on there Will got us the next steps moving forward this year the next year and the year after um that's about it um so moving on um a little bit of calendar stuff that we're doing that also comes up on August we have a few items we approve the approve the goals and action pans that's why I'm leaning towards the 13th because we can get them done for the next the board meeting on 26th um I think it's 26 um we do this uh we have also the presentation the school self assessment we've had some of that done already we set the superintendent goals through that um we'll see the approval of the anti-bullying Specialists and the approval of the school Improvement plans panels that's what's coming on next so mov on the agenda Community reports academic Comm oh who who is who is taking over from Mr I think I am all right for the Mr Mr Pepe can you the academic committee I meet met virtually on June 27th at 5:15 uh first in attendance were Mr josi Miss kry Mr Walker myself and from the administration Miss Jones Miss Jones Dr Sylvia and Miss Edge our supervisor 6 of 12 of social studies uh first up was the special education update Dr Sylvia provided his biannual special education update which included the following we had an overview of programs and services at each school student enrollment and Staffing an overview of classifications and updates on the bright program which is at the high school uh any questions on the special education update from Dr Sylvia all right next up was a new textbook review uh Miss Edge reviewed the process and recommendation for the new textbooks in two AP courses uh AP government and politics and AP Psychology AP government in politics is currently using a textbook from way back in 2009 uh the recommendation is for American government this is the title American government stories of a Nation for the AP course for the AP course which is written in 2021 and AP Psychology is using a text from 2015 the recommendation is psychology for AP that's the uh title the new additions are aligned with current courses and exam descriptions for the College Board and there are online resour resources for students and teachers and a test Bank any questions on the new textbook update for those two classes is there any cricet rain that goes along with that this summer I suspect there is okay to adjust and adapt and all the stuff they have to align it and some of it actually comes from college board they have recommendations that you're not supposed to always use textbooks that are older than 10 years depending on the course and um they do have update your curriculum to align with new assessments so thank you Mr and lastly we discussed uh the German enrollment and plan moving forward there's been a declining enrollment uh over several years in German for 2024 2025 we are only running a combined section of levels three and four and uh one section of advanced placement AP as running additional sections is currently not sustained able any questions on the German enrollment plan moving forward how many kids in in the German classes at all uh I forget off hand do do you we know if we have that number Miss Jones you know what I'll be able to look it up but it's very few it might be like did you say nine or it's like 10 it was a small number very small number of combined students in third and fourth and then the AP class is more typical of an a P size class but there's one section of it and we didn't have enough students interested in German to run any additional section so what we're attempting to do is to make sure that we take kids who started in German and completed levels one and two and we're trying to still move them through the program so that they have that opportunity we even looked at like online options but there wasn't anything offered for AP and then if you'll recall like several years ago we stopped offering German in the middle school and at the time we stopped St offering it to attempt to really save the opportunity of having that language because what happens is students choose their language at the end of sixth grade and then when you go into middle school it's a two years to complete one level so you it's like was the only opportunity to choose was at the end of sixth grade and then we weren't offering level one in the high school because we didn't have enough students so we were hoping that by taking it out of the middle school and offering level one in the high school it would create an on-ramp for students who maybe took something else in middle school and then decided that they wanted to try this and plus you could then attempt at any point in your high school career and it just continues to decline I don't know if it's related to declining enrollment or just because we offer so many languages but you know we're we're continuing to watch it at this point do we have like a more um High School enrollment at the first year now compared to before are you talking over overall enrollment yeah like like when we take it out from the middle school I know there's people who wanted to do it in Middle School well so that that's what we tried to do so that was done multiple years ago it didn't sustain though it started and then it didn't work so either way we were having trouble um really keeping that program alive okay understand thank you yeah is this characteristic of other districts too or they well I mean are you sh have you ever talked to other districts how's their German program going or is it you know just wondering if it's similar elsewhere I I think actually we've been very unusual as a district in that we offer so many languages I think it's very rare to see you know the number of languages that we offer many places offer you know three languages so I think that's part of it when you offer so many languages you're competing with each other to some degree German is also it's a difficult position to staff as well it's difficult to to find teachers so you know that's been part of the challenge too thank you Mr Mike yeah I took German in high school it's definitely I enjoyed it a great deal it was a good good language to to learn and uh yeah disappointing but it's great that we're offering other languages um uh that was it for the agenda we adjourned at 6:45 and the next meeting is August 22nd at 530 at 5:30 I assume that's virtual but I'm not sure if we've set that yet thank you Mr pepy culations miss kist our next meeting is to be determined um but I think our plan is September thank you finance facilities and transportation and Mr Stars will be pinching for Mr singer the committee met on July 15th at 5:30 virtually in attendance were Mr singer Miss Asuna miss lochran Mr Walker and myself uh first item on the agenda was the business agenda review the business administrator reviewed the draft business action items for the 723 meeting meeting with special attention to the purchases competitive Contracting and proprietary authorization resolution recommendation was to uh consensus was to approve the action items number two was projects update Mr Stars provided an update to all the projects underway and the change orders that were anticipated committee supported the change orders sluse of contract allowances which would be acted on at upcoming meetings and number three other matters discussion the committee chair indicated a continued review of Transportation policies should occur for August and the committee discussed the convenience fees associated with my school bucks uh no recommendations from that discussion next meeting date is August 20th at 5:30 um tenative with the location to be determined the adjournment was at 612 do we have any questions that's not something we that's just the company right that corre in puts that right correct okay it's like you get thank you Peter um next personel committee Miss Freelander our next meeting is scheduled for August 20th however I just uh had emailed um Mr fonder and Mr Beer said I will not be in the state of New Jersey that day any longer so we may have to change it or they can carry on but um we are we don't have a meeting until the end of August thank you thank you Mr Freelander any delegate relas on reports um so I have one report uh that's uh on June 27th at the Town council meeting uh our District's uh baseball team was recognized at the Town council meeting so congratulations to our baseball team for getting the championship thank you well we were we were planning on doing that about to Mr Mr Beer's attention but it was a short notice for the end of the year for this students so it worked out that way well so the board usually brings in state champions or or sectional Champions so thank you um one thing to keep in mind along those reports is um coming up as the workshop in October so get your schedules Mr Stars has got the the um lodging requests out there right everybody will come up soon and that's it maybe Mr Stars will join us this year last year so anyways any other delegate Le on reports seeing none open to the public individuals and their groups are invited to present their concerns comments and requests regarding the following actuals to the board of education at this time in accordance with board policy members of the public are allotted one opportunity to address the board for a maximum of five minutes during this period of the meeting please be advised that the video recording of this meeting will be posted on District's website see none uh approval of action items minutes per sorry approval of minutes I thought Sor I missed that my apologies approval of minutes um is there a motion for June 25th regular session and June 25th close session is there a second I'll second any discussion Mr Stars can call the rooll please yes uh I'm going to abstain from June 20 the P regular session because I wasn't there but yes to closed Mr yes Mr yes yes Mr Walker yes motion passes approval of action items Personnel um 25-01 is there a motion so moved is there is there any discussion Mr Stars can you call the role please Miss Lee yes Miss K stre yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Mr Walker yes motion passes curriculum 25-1 through 25-3 is there a motion so mov second second is there any discussion seeing Mr Stars can you call the rooll please Miss Lee yes Miss kist stre yes Miss Asuna yes Mr pepy yes Miss Freelander yes yes Mr Walker yes motion carries business 25-01 through 25-13 is there a motion so moved second is there any discussion um a question on I'm sorry I forgot the number but the uh e the E ticketing um does this just if if approved would this just this isn't approving any particular program this is just being able to accept bids and then we would see the details the details would come before us for approval before it was actually implemented yes you would have to approve the award of the actual award and that is is the what the plan and I know some of that we might get different proposals and that might look a little bit different depending on what the proposal was and what company we went with if if we got that far that would be at that point like those details would be up for debate discussion at that point this is just the first step correct thank you that's what I thought I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the bridgemore rton um middle school PTO for a water water filling station and seven water fountain mats and also that there's playground equipment being donated by the Bradley Gardens PTO so thank you very much for that enhancing our student environment seeing no more questions Mr Stars can call the please Miss Lee yes Miss kri yes Miss Huna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss freelance yes Mr Walker yes motion carries student services 25-1 through 25-3 so moved is there sorry is there a second second is there any discussion seeing none Mr Stars can you call the rooll please Miss Lee yes Miss kri yes Miss Asuna yes Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Mr Walker abstain on 25-01 yes on 25-2 and 03 motion carries other 25-1 through 25-2 is there a motion so moved is there a second second any discussion it would have to be in closed session so it's only us see none Mr star call the role please Miss Lee yes Miss kri yes Miss Asuna yes to 25-01 and want to abstain on just one on 252 267 362 267 3662 y yes to the rest Mr Pepe yes Miss Freelander yes Mr Walker yes motion carries item 10 open to the public individuals and or groups are invited to present their concerns comments and requests to the board of education at this time for any matters in accordance with the board policy members of the public are allotted one opportunity to address the board for a maximum of five minutes during this period of the meeting please be advised that a video recording of this meeting will be posted on the district's website welcome okay my name is um Kelly catilo I'm a second grade teacher at Van Holton school and I just wanted to introduce myself I am the new second vice president of the Brea so I just look forward to working with our administrators to help um our members feel heard and supported so I just wanted to introduce myself because you might see me at some meetings that's so nice thank you for coming thank you congratulations for my condolences sometimes and seeing no other old uh I close that old business is there any old business new business is there any new business yes Mrs Zuna I attended the mental health awareness Forum last Friday along with Lucy and Barry and just wanted to mention U my biggest takeaways it was it was very good um speakers were're very interesting to hear their stories and just hear the different um things that are available to not just students but everyone in town but my biggest takeaway was 988 which I've heard of but I didn't really know about it and it was the second anniversary of 988 and I noticed that Hillsboro High School has it blasted on their electronic screen in front of the school um but it's just a crisis line um not necessarily a suicide prevention line but it's a an everything line for suicide and just crisis in general and they are man 247 you can call you can text um whatever you want but they can help and at least get you to someone who can help so that was my biggest takeaway and also when a few people heard that I was on Board of Education they all want to come here and present I'm very anxious to be here I met with a woman from Imagine which is a center for coping with loss and she offered to come in at lunch like in the high school and just be available to talk and be there for students and just as a you know I know some classrooms are open for things so she was willing and the Tri County care management organization very much would like to come and present to the board so that's that um I just wanted to add to what Rebecca said actually the 988 um when the kids were in seventh or eighth grade um they had been given stickers to put on the backs of their um cell phone cases with this and it hasn't really been done since so um I don't know how they organized it I don't know if Miss Miss corth or Mr Scott knows but um that was their T initial target age group was the middle schoolers the seventh and eighth graders because that's where some of the mental health issues start to Peak um but I did want to encourage um our district to look at kind of what Rebecca was saying have some of these groups come in have them set up tables during lunch um so that students can go up to them learn more take advantage of that lunch hour it's a really great idea I worked with these groups during um my time with Somerset County leadership or leadership Somerset and um they have done incredible work in a lot of the high schools in our County and um we don't take advantage of them enough um and now I think we you know they have certainly made their voices known they're coming and trying to extend that arm to us we should definitely find a way to uh to get them in so just so you're aware and anybody who might be listening is aware we we are in touch with all of those groups so the Imagine group that you mentioned um there's been several different people who have had conversations with them and so we have our two um supervisors of School counseling Lisa lulo is K8 and then alen iini who's 912 and so I was just quickly looking through my email because I just met with them and we have lots of things going on so there's been meetings about um using imagine for peer GP support which is something that is coming in anyway will be an expectation of the NJ dooe um we have the Ruckers partnership which is actually on this agenda so that's for actually therapeutic services for students and parents um there's the Empower sumerset and that was let me see if I have this Lifeline um for students too which is suicide prevention so there's actually multiple and then we're rolling in our character education program in K5 and then the next step we'll be making a consistent program in 68 so and then of course we're working also on a freshman transition program at the high school so we're going to be putting this all together and at some point then we'll be presenting it so that everybody can kind of see what the comprehensive program is because what happens is we do have people reach out to us and they reach out to all different people they all different and it winds up getting um you know you don't create like a plan for it and then it's not a cohesive program and that's when people wind up kind of not really understanding what's going on so we're trying to put this all together in a way that will make sense to people that we're able to communicate it and so we're in the process of doing that just so you know fantastic I figured when I went to the Mee and I heard a lot I knew there was a lot going on we the the these guys are like ducks on a pond they're nice and calm here but I know there's lots of action underneath the water going on there there's women they're moving around a lot and I I've seen that in a lot of areas you go we're a large District so we always don't get a lot of those areas but I a lot of good things are happening and I I knew about and power summer some came on about four years ago five years ago so yeah so things actions is happening and and they the Robert Wood Johnson I used them Educational Services Commission they're fantastic and servic and the title money that you board approved tonight that we accepted and board approved most of what we get for title four is actually put towards these programs so so the the what is going on and they just talking about some of the how we asked the what it' be nice to actually eventually present that you know in the spring or sometime I figured that yeah those ducks are moving you got your leg you're padding I'm not sure if this is the right form I'll throw it out there I met with the one and I don't have her name the woman who is from Somerset County drug and alcohol she was the fourth speaker um but she was talking about the opiate settlement money that was coming to the town and she she said that as a school district it would be great to earmark that money into the schools and bring counselors in um for drug and alcohol awareness that's that's a conversation good a conversation to have funny okay yeah K Karen Karen's got to go and I'm sure there's something other on it any other new business one more thing go ahead um I don't know if again I'm not sure if we have it I know in some towns there are for children of the district who are in need for summer meals do we have any summer meals going on right now nothing okay I mean I know what we have townwide to but I know that we have some people in town in need and I just want to know if we could direct them anywhere here I don't know how the food bank Services work and I think is there um I'm not sure the counseling you know I'm sure there's a sure the counseling office knows something in those areas but we'll leave that maybe Karen can get back to us on that that's all I want to bring up the retreat the 13 discussing a time we went 6:37 after 5:30 oh it's gonna be after 5:30 I mean that's I'll definitely 6 o' 6:30 6:30 7 o'clock do you want you know do you want to eat thing come do you want to e here what what would you so I'm good with with whatever 6:30 or seven 6:30 6:30 13 6:30 gotcha i b Bob but sure he'll accommodate any other new business seeing then I'll entertain a motion is there a second all those in favor I I enjoy the rest of your summary one we'll see you in August thank you