and broadcast and recorded on YouTube on the channel um and we'll we'll uh you can find it at the website um and uh we'll open the uh meeting and rise with Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all now I know we all know each other and we're all friends here but let me introduce the school committee M King to my right Mr Lo Miss Conrad lento to my left Miss Mainville Miss Martelli Mr D Marino myself Tim F and Mr Po the uh superintendent and other members of the administration and staff are here all right so um consent agenda we're looking at approval of minutes approve of alleg of warrants Declaration of surplus books and acceptance of gifts let me call out the gifts which are great $3,000 to the rainwater players from the Rainham cultural Council $65 to the Rainham Middle School from Global Partners uh $100 uh to La Liberty Elementary School from rainwater Steam and uh blue stone bank with an incredible it donation of 68 uh computers and seven laptops so thank you very much uh to all of those donors is there a motion to approve the agenda so made by Mr de Marino second by Miss Martelli all those in favor opposed it's unanimous thank you um correspondence recognition every meeting we try to highlight the uh topics brought up to us in our school committee um emails and conversations and so on and I thank Mr McDougall for compiling all of these uh we did get a notification um from desie that uh the Merill school was recognized for increasing uh School attendance and working very hard to make sure all of the students were in school in the prior year as you know coming out of Co it's been a a rough go for a lot of folks and um we're uh we're really happy that we do that so congratulations to the meril school on that one and to all of the faculty and staff there um we had a email from bccr or to our commun um committee for civil rights uh advocating uh for restoration of positions particularly the Dei position uh I know Mr poers has obviously uh been working diligently on the budget that we have and what we can afford and um he will certainly keep that in mind and I know we will certainly keep that um okay we had a uh complaint an open meeting law complaint filed uh with the Attorney General's office sometimes folks may find it hard to attend a meeting or we're not particularly clear um what happened and uh we've had an adjudication from the Attorney General's office which I'd like to read into the record um and this is to the complainant I'm not going to name any names uh we understand that on our about February 5 2024 you filed a complaint with the Bridgewater rham school committee and budget subcommittee alleging a violation of the open meeting law our our office received notification of the complaint and response from the committee on February 16 and February 29 2024 if a complainant is unsatisfied with the public policies public body's response and at least 30 days have pass since the complaint was filed with the public body the complaintant May request review by our office by filing a copy of the initial complaint with the division of open government the request for review must generally generally must be filed no later than 90 days after the date of the alleged open meeting law violation we not IFI you on March 5 2024 that if we did not receive the request for review from you by May 5 2024 we would presume the action taken by the committee was sufficient and would close this file our office currently has no record that you requested review of the complaint therefore we now consider this matter closed please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or believe anything stated in this letter to be inaccurate just to give context to this there was a budget committee meeting and there may have been a bit of a problem with the door and um I think we've since covered that by posting on which door someone should try and uh I think we're good there so uh going on we had a proposal from bridge Youth Lacrosse um to uh do some upgrades uh at the Bridgewater Middle School Field Complex which was a very generous proposal and they are working through with the town manager and the superintendent as to how we could make this happen uh and there are several emails regarding um I believe what's on our agenda tonight from the policy committee around is that on the agenda tonight EXT yeah yeah um and that's on the agenda tonight so we will be addressing that um does anyone else have anything nothing they heard okay moving on um public comment uh Now's the Time where we open to public comment uh 3 minutes a piece no more than 12 minutes total everyone knows the rules hopefully if they don't then uh don't worry I'll havefor Mr Jan you just state your name and address for the right 21 briw I'm pleased to be here I was just sitting here thinking the last time I was here maybe 20 years ago was not a very but I'm pleased to be here today I chair of the Bridgewater tree committee which is formed approximately a year and a half two years ago one of the things that we did last year was apply to the tree City to become a tree City and there are a number of requirements to become a tree City one of them that U was started one of one of the things we decided to do for arur day was to have a poster contest this poster contest was initiated and guided by Nicole Holmes who I'm not sure you know her she could be here tonight and she should be because she's the one that did over work and we had a poster contest at the Williams inter Intermediate School um one of the students that won contest and their name is t m we chose as the winner of of the contest for us and then we apply then we apply her poster to the Statewide contest I'm happy to inform you that the new DCR calendar for 2025 just came out poer is February or the February I just want to make sure you're aware of that and I have an extra copy I'm going to give to you you want has one teacher has one I'm to give one to the principal but I want the school comme to have thank [Applause] you we should hold it up for I should say her first called um healthy trees healthy lower right thank you very much Mr jamen any other public comment T see none we'll move on to administrative and school committee reports Mr Po yes thank you Mr chairman uh just two quick updates uh the first is very exciting as you shared I did receive a correspondence from the acting commissioner the department of Elementary and secondary education uh regarding the achievements of the meal school and reducing their chronic absenteeism rates uh just I did want to share with you before I into specifics of the Merill that as a district overall uh desie has looked at uh the attendance rates from September through March they always do an annual comparison from September through March and then once we do our final uh data sharing with desie at the end of the year they will then update and do it us September through June uh but looking at our September through March comparisons this year to last year uh we have reduced significantly the number of absences the average number of absences per student um in the 2023 pres school year we had an average of 10.3 um absences per day uh we are now down uh down to 5.9 so we are making significant progress there uh if you remember during the accountability presentation we actually were all of our schools were wed their accountability points because they were meeting their targets for um attendance and reducing chronic absentees so overall we're doing great however the meral school is actually one of 10 schools across the Commonwealth recognized by the acting commissioner for their efforts u m Westell and her staff uh are so excited to be recognized for their efforts U as part of that recognition um Jesse has partnered with the uh Boston Celtics and the Boston Celtics are coming out with Jessie to deliver a signed basketball by the Boston Boston Celtics so that we're working on scheduling that um one basketball per those 10 schools that were recognized uh will be handed out uh to C I saw a screenshot of it if the actual we get uh looks like a kind of embodi in Gold it's it's gold with all the signatur so I assume that's the one where we see but we will certainly keep it in a secure location so it doesn't uh find its way out to recess and uh have some shots up there but I just I I know Miss West is so excited and certainly we'll invite her to a future meeting once we kind of have more information as to when the ball is going to be delivered um I know she'd want to bring it and share it with you but I just want to thank publicly Miss West and congratulate her and her for all their efforts uh the second uh brief update I did want to just let you know that we will be bringing in August uh two proposed calendar changes uh as you know we always kind of have that uh aspect around the calendar once desie releases their mcast schedule for the year and when we presented to the school committee they had not done that as of yet so there is a conflict on March 26th it's an early release day um K through 8 it's an early release dat for parent teaching conferences uh high school is going to be early release date for a professional development uh we will you know share more in more detail because it is parent teacher conferences for K to8 we uh will be proposing that we maintain that as an early release date for those for that level uh make it a full day of school for the high school because they're the ones that have the conflict with with that cast but again more to come and also uh looking at the last a school for kindergarten preschool um I think we a lot of them a few extra days to get out early as you know uh we've changed uh the end date for preschool and kindergarten the last few years to do the screenings for the following year uh and we U just a lotted a couple extra days so we're going to propose there end date from June 6th through June 10th but I I will again share that more detail I just wanted to kind of put that out there so you that may become honest and those are my two updates questions for the superintendent Miss um do you know what contributed to this success um when I he good news it speaks to usually that the kids are feeling safe and and recognize and welcome then so a contribution to the Student Success plan when it comes to the social emotion so I was wondering if there's any insight as to what contributed to the success well I I I think you know speaking specifically to the Merill and kind of in general terms I would 100% agree with you I think it's all about the environments that our school schools are creating especially how they welcome students in uh if you've been to Merl or some of our ele in the morning it's quite the show um it's almost as though it's it's you're welome welcoming the students and families on the red carpet there's a lot of uh cheerleading that's going on a lot of uh happiness Smiles um and so I think Merl has really embraced that and has done a a great job of of really working with their families to make sure that they're in school as much as possible we certainly know you know we're still dealing with um you know student illnesses and we don't want students or staff to be in school if they're not feeling well I think uh the trend at all of our schools we seen that significant decrease in the number of absences um so I just it's again to your point speaks about the environment how kids feel coming School anything further any other questions for the superintendent seeing none we will move on to long range planning report m so the long range um planning subcommittee met twice June 25th and um July 17th during the June 25th 2024 meeting all members of the subcommittee were in attendance along with superintendent powers and a recording secretary Miss McDougall this meeting took place in person at the superintendent's conference room during the meeting we discussed the timeline for updating the Student Success plan and approval superintendent's goal the committee felt it was important that the super that superintendent Powers have clear goals that are measurable and align with the Student Success plan to bring to the administrative Retreat to assist in updating the Student Success plan goals for the year as a result the subcommittee voted to accept the four goals presented as drafted for further discussion on July 17th the committee met virtually in attendance was Mrs um support Mr L um superintendent power the reporting secretary and myself during the meeting we discussed and voted on the superintendent's 2024 2025 measurable goals as well as discussed the responsibilities and timeline for the committee after reviewing the timeline it was agreed that we would vote on key action benchmarks and evidence for each of the goals in August and meet in October to review and approve the capital and it plans as result of the subcommittee's vote I would like to make the following motion to accept the following four goals and those goals are captured in our folder do I need to read them or if you could just give the flavor so that folks all understand what we're talking about goal one student learning goal 60% of English language Learners will meet their Desi established progress Target as measured by the 2025 test goal two professional practice goal during the 2024 2025 school year I will engage with at least one student group per month to assess their experience with high quality Equitable instruction and course offerings as well as extracurricular activities in order to ensure that students voice shapes programmatic decisions and offerings goal three District Improvement plan goal number one during the Academic Year I will work with both town government and District staff to identify advocate for and secure funding to support our Student Success plan and the district's Mission excellence and education for all and finally goal four District Improvement goal number two during the school year in conjunction with Special Olympics and the MIAA the district will begin to develop a Unified sports program for students with disabilities and student Partners is there a second should say in the high school is there a second Mr Lo seconds any discussion Mr Lo M con I I appreciate all the goals and I think they're good I just have a basic concern on the last goal I am 100% for Special Olympics and unified Athletics the district I would just like to say I think it's a limiting goal um I think thinking about extracurricular inclusion other sport activities within the district and how we can include our students that are disabled in all of those larger activities and not just limitting to um the Unified sports program special sports program I just think it's a little limiting um versus some of the need that's out there right now no thank you any further discussion or comments Mr de I just have a concern regarding the district Improvement goal number one as we just wrapped up fy2 budget how contentious that was how the state just didn't hand out any money you for La better term we're saying you know the towns are in the same situation my concern with this is if the towns again are facing the same restraints we're going to have a new town manager and Bridgewater that's going to be getting up to speed with everything and um you I just feel that you know where it says secure funding what is the evidence of that is it the same amount as we've received last year more what happens it the towns have to give less I think it might be setting up use the poers for failure thank you anyone else I I I think um Mr jarino and Mr con Leber don't raise some very good points and perhaps M if you'd be amenable to it I know I'm on the committee uh we go back and we can certainly come back with an amendment if we deem it appropriate to these goals based on this input or not and continue to move forward with evidence of measur and so on and so forth would that be no no just just a suggestion okay yeah I mean we can we can out talk about it at our next meeting is basically what I'm saying I think they're interesting points to uh to consider um I don't want to ask anyone else for fear of creating a quorum of that committee um okay so no further discussion on this one all right all those in favor the motion to adopt these as the goals for now we can always come back and amend them and that would take another V so that last goal should St in the high school okay so just that a friendly Amendment Mr L you accept that as a friendly amendment is been Dole did you get that okay all right so um being a friendly Amendment we don't need to vote on that back to the main motion all those in favor of the main motion opposed so M Conrad labero and Mr deino are against yes anyone else that you're against all right I'm I'm for so uh one two three four five to two uh it passes and the long planning committee will continue to work and bring back that work to this committee okay um next up on the agenda budget committee update M K thank you Mr chairman on Monday July 15 2024 the budget subcommittee met at 5:30 p.m. in the superintendent conference room and attendance Mr FG Mrs Martelli Mrs DAV superintendent pow assistant superintendent Barry Mrs Bala the director of student um I'm sorry bus services M Robo the district Treasurer Mr Eric service director ofwell and myself Mrs recorded thees of the meeting we also had one member of the public attend the meeting which was Mrs um first on the agenda was the fiscal year 2024 end of yeareview um MRSA went over the FIS year 2024 end of year and had a series of documents for motions to approve carryovers um the first of which was the yearend payroll carryover um as we're aware um at the last so after June 30th if there were any payroll that did not get paid um and the warrant was the split the month and went over to the following f um those do need to be carried over to the new fisc year um also Mr Po did note the retirement incentive line due to the retirement dates um falling after the end of the fisc year at the beginning of this new FIS year um Mr Fitz GI also asked for clarification on the custodial line of carryover um as it was High Mr Po indicated that this was for custodians and maintenance for each building and there are five for seven 57 building so that was Mr chairman I would make a motion to approve the fisc yearo carryover to be brought forward into the 2024 2025 year in the amount of $6,350 second by Mr deino discussion Mr deino anything further further discussion from other committee members see none all those in favor opposed unanimous thank you m King the floor is yours again um second we have the end of year vendor carryover approval for amounts to be carried over from fiscal year 2324 to fisc year 2425 these are for invoices for any Goods that we did not receive in this the inv um the business office does um do their diligence to close out everything but if we do not receive the service the goods in that fisal year we have to move it over to the following mon um and they need to be carried over um a note that we did um make a note during that discussion we did receive the final Transportation reimbursement um on July 2nd 2024 U which for chapter 71 and that represents reim the last so that pack is also there um if anyone has questions I would make a motion um to put on the floor Mr chairman I would make a motion to approve the fisc year Bend carryover to be brought forward into the 24 25 fiscal year in the amount of 2,99 4548 second by bartelli discussion Mell further I wanted to understand when you say we have to move it over what does that mean that you have to move it over because when I'm thinking that we haven't received the services or paid the invo so for instance if Mr sh orders 20 laptops in January say if we do not receive them by Jun 30 back order or for whatever reason they do not come in by June 30th that purchase order is out there we can order them we have encumbered that money we need to move that over to the next to pay that invoice um the say it's $500,000 whatever that price is we have to move that over for that open invoice that we've already ordered so for 2 million is a lot of money how many of the activities and the costs fall into what you there's a list here of everything that's on here do you want to out certain things also if you look at your packets there is um the breakdown of the budget reports in one of the packets each line has the incumbrance incumbrances that we carrying over for example in the 1000 series we carrying over that goes AC that we have it's not it facility session we I if I if I may if I may you want to keep going no you're the chair no no you're the chair of the budget committee no I I I think it's it's you know and for folks watching at home this is this is like it's um well let's call it a cruel accounting versus cash accounting right we know we have these bills coming we already we actually already budgeted for them uh they they're they're they're they're going to be coming in to be paid for whatever reason we haven't gotten the bills yet you know a lot of it here is technology stabilization site Improvement you know what we did at Bridgewater we down at the high school around the parking lot the tracks Etc maybe we haven't paid all the bills yet Etc but we know they're going to have to come and so it it's just a way of push pushing the money and making sure it's available next year because if we don't what's going to happen is we get a bill and we don't have an account set up for it Mr Bol you can correct me if I go off on this in any way because I I'm just going from my experience we're going to get a bill for it and we don't have a corresponding account to put it against so then miss babalo is going to have to come to us and say hey we we bought this stuff in June of 2024 the bills just come in in August of 24 I don't have an account to put it against so now you're going to have to take it from your end D or from whatever carryover buies we have so it's really just a way of pushing what we know we spent what we said we wanted to spend to the next year so that it can be properly taken care of and not cause a big paperwork hassle work from Miss B did I say it pretty correctly so does that mean we have the district has benefited from these Services they' benefited and utilized the $2 million but we just haven't been build and drawn down the fund yeah so so think about it like if I uh if I um I don't know let's say I got new gutters on my house don't tell my wife she wants them um and and we we did it in uh we did it in uh on June 29th and the guy said oh I'll you know it it it came out a little bit more I'll send you the bill for the difference because we already paid him a little bit I'll send you the bill for the difference so I get the bill next week and I pay it but what we have to do is separate very clearly between June 30th one fiscal year and July 1 the next fiscal year so I've gotten the gutters I'm all set I just have to write the check in the next year understand that it's the amount when I hear 2 million dollar of outstanding monies or we haven't cancelled these um invoices or we haven't received the bill it feels like there's the checks and balances whether the vendors are not given a deadline to submit those bills or it's just it's the no I I I I understand go ahead can I just I mean working state government for many times this happens a lot and state government accounts don't have to be closed out until mid August if you will a lot of times where school districts don't have that option is it has to be closed out the end of June so if we purchase something in mid June all of that money and that invoice I mean vendors could turn in a bill 60 90 days later um and again not always but sometimes depending on their accounting system um I I I think this happens regular in government um a lot of people don't have to close their books out till later where school committee schools have to close their books or balance their books and roll that money over to account for that funding into the next fiscal year if you will um and correct me if I'm wrong some of these items are things that we've ordered and haven't gotten them but some of them are also items that maybe we received the service but the vendor build us it's a mixture of a little H is that right yes in some of if I may sure some of these items also well yeah everyone's a chair somewhere along the line some of these items also represent to that point uh some of the prep purchasing we were able to do at the end of the year uh again as money became available uh as to close out the budget we were able to uh you know pre purchase of custodial supplies because it was June we're still waiting for those custodial supplies to Comm in but we had to carry that money over so to your question about did we benefit from all of the $2 million unfortunately no in some cases to your point yes uh we have received the the goods or services uh in some cases projects may have been started later in the spring that are just not complete and because they're not complete obviously we haven't benefited from those U but we had to carry that money over all said on that thank you for those questions this very educational for the folks oh I'm sure we're still awake um and nothing further um all those in favor say I opposed no Miss mville is opposed so it be six to one in favor thank you all right moving on to so uh State function code transfers uh next we have the state function code transfers at the end of the year the district needs to transfer within each function code based on our expenditures within each series um but the bottom line does not change what we certified at the beginning of the year Remains the final number um of note um of these transfers there was an increase in the 1000 series um for admin and Technology um this is due to increas Tey licenses um there was a decrease in the 2000 Series in instructional Services um this was we did move some teachers over to Grants and they were reclassified um we also used school choice funds um for certain teachers um and move some of the special education over to Grants as well um there was an increase in the 3000 Series other student services uh this was an increase um in transportation which was a huge increase um there was a decrease in the 4,000 series operation and maintenance um this was a decrease based in the utilities um because of the good weather we had this past um winter season there was a decrease in heating cost as well as snow removal um there was a decrease in the 5000 series fixed cost um some of those health insurance U benefits or health benefits rather were moved to France increase in the 9,000 Series programs with other schools and that was an increase in the out of District tuition that we had to reach accordingly Mr chairman I would make a motion to approve the following State function code transfers for the fiscal year 24 budget as follows um an increase of 7,494 to the 1000 series admin technology decrease of $94,000 94 820,000 to the 2000 series instructional Services an increase of 13562 191 to the 300 series other student services decrease of 47551 to the 4000 series operations and maintenance a decrease of 9,658 to the 5000 series fixed cost no change to the 7,000 series Acquisitions and Improvement no change to the 8000 series debt debt retirement School con construction an increase of $1,481 to the 9000 with other schools is there a second second by Miss Conor Lao Miss Conor labero discussion any other discussion from the school committee on this I don't quite understand Mr Mr Lo first and then M do we have specif we we do have that information I don't have it here um approximately I want to say it was about four or five teachers uh that were able to move over at Grants either to one of the special education grants or over to S 3 um we were able to move some of the power professionals and Proctors to one of the special education Brands and then um we also we classify I believe it was two teacher salaries over to title one and then also charge was 200 200 $250,000 worth of high school salaries to school choice but I I get to that break down and then obviously it wasn't all salaries we had weed have somebody left over in you know textbooks and F of services that were that represents that so the decrease is just really that we found other funding to cover those costs and we didn't have to absorb that so the the money the C of money stays the same but if the so the huge increase was other student services which is transportation if that's increasing 1.3 million we have to move that up and find the money elsewhere so that's why Mr power said some of those to to increase that we decreased we were able to decrease the instruction Services by moving and finding grants for some of the other teachers um they all have to bottom line has to certify what we certified at the beginning so the figures doesn't change but it's if one increases we have to move the otheres as well for like utilities you talked about is we project at the beginning of the year what we think the cost is going to be based on prior year and whatever the forecasters tell us um but based on like we had last year we had good weather so we didn't use all that money that we set aside to cover the Heat and the electric so now we move so we had a decrease in that funding those cost to other St okay anyone else just to clarify a point just again in terms of being able to move some of those positions to Grants one of the challenges is that Desi doesn't always release their grants prior to the start of the new fiscal year and so for budgeting purposes we don't really know what we're going to get so our Title One title two title three title four special education grants they FL from year to year and so we know that maybe last year we're able to charge you know two to three teacher salaries to tytle one we're just never really sure what we're going to be able to charge this year until the grent has been released so even for this uh coming fiscal year or the one that we're currently in now Dy hasn't released those grants yet so we really don't know what uh we're going to receive for funding so that's why we have to make sure these positions can be accounted for in the operational budget once we get that funding then we we know what we have and then are able to I guess my struggle is to in one hand we heard we got to transfer two million over to the next year and then in this conversation we're transferring monies in and out of the accounts um I I do struggle with the format that this information is provided in and would ask maybe in the future we could use something that has some pie charts and and bars so that visually um at least for visual Learners like myself understand how all these things tieen together to this holistic picture because right now it's just a running list of numbers and in one place we have two million that wasn't spent and needs to transfer and then here we're talking about moving things within the line so at least for me it it it's very abstract and doesn't tell uh a cohesive story and I imagine if I'm here and I've attended the budget meeting and I'm on the I'm sure the community would struggle to absorb this information and Inter as that's a very fair point M mville uh but I think one one way I'd sum it up is the pi is the same size p as it was at when we adopted the budget it just cut into different slices and that's basically what you're saying is show me the different slices if you will so if we thought we were going to spend x million on teachers now we're spending this much then it moved over this slice of the pie but the pie doesn't change which is the key thing that I think M King was trying to say we have to make sure that right okay thank you what great suggestion thank you all right further discussion on this hearing none all those in favor oppos unanimous I'm ohain okay um all right and that's it for the budget committee am I correct with no no one more uh the last U motion I have is the techy transfer um MRSA brought forward a recation to transfer 100,000 to the it stabilization fund this has been built into the budget the past several years to support the district's one toone implementation um and we've historically put 250 to 350,000 into that St into that stabilization fund um Mr how indicated that this you're they gathering information while we while we continue to use the um we haven't moved away from textbooks either um so I really would like us to maybe work with Mr sh this year and see do we continue as we're doing in a fully one to one at all like we're doing or rather at the middle school and up do we continue to to do both and fund both I know personally both middle and high school kids are still usings Haven moved the technology um but do we continue to fund it at a one to one um in order to fund that one to one it's about 350 to 400,000 per year um if we do not find any grants which I know Mr sh has been find grants to fund it the past several years with all the grants Etc but we don't know if that's going to continue um the current balance in that it stabilization account is 6343 and6 so we have enough right now to sustain that um but going forward we will need to continue fund that if that's the direction that we're going to do um so with the recommendation for 100,000 um I'm also we discussed that during budget to go with that for this year um and look into do we continue doing that or do we bring it down to a smaller am um so Mr chairman I would make a motion to approve the transfer of 100,000 from the F year 24 budget to depit into theology stabilization second second by Mr deino discussion Mr dearo any other discussion Miss I'm sorry I might have missed it how what's the spending rate for that Grant like how much are we spending so if we do only we've been doing which means we give every incoming fifth grader every incoming freshman um new book and then we replace a certain number every year that's 350 to 400,000 so we only have about 64,000 right now um we've been able to build that up a little bit and not into it because we have GRS um but I don't Mr I don't know if you want to jump in if there's going to be GR um so last year we were able to secure a grant to cover our one: one program that Grant totaled 600,000 um but now um next year there there won't be grants available so we're going to have to rely on either that stabiliz stabilization account or or the budget and is is is this in the budget 202 we had correct me from we did have 100,000 built into the budget originally um we have been putting more than that but this year we're going with we're just going to use the 100,000 into the St 100,000 okay and this will be an additional $100,000 no the $100,000 we talking about was weol stabiliz year5 which was reduced significantly from what Mr Shon budgeted so this is approv we would have 7,000 in this 700,000 in this um stabilizing fund plus another 100,000 in the budget so that would two years worth of one to if we did not get any and we're not sure if we're continue that so yeah so I mean that's something that we as a budget committee with cost now to have Mr Mr look at it is itally responsible to continue are they all is everyone on board with that do we still work both using textbooks and Technology further see none all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed opposed opposed so it's again six to one in favor thank you very much uh all right just had a couple of notes no more votes okay M King continuing her budget report sorry um we did have Mr Del attend our budget sub I just wanted to make a note of that um he's our F service from Chartwells um he came in with his moot I'm sorry his report and gave an equipment regarding any surplus that he's had recently any obsolete equipment purchases and maintenance that he's done um contract history and funding um the Food Services uses utilizes a food service revolving account and this is a selfed um account using revenue from alart and snack purchases by students as well as Ander know that breakfast and lunch is free um his number one concern that he did make a note of um is managing student allergies um the past several years Co it was a staffing issue but right now he said staffing has been great um but they're really working with all of the schools to manage with the nurses and make sure that allergies um are they're working well to minimize any allergy challenges L of his past purchases of equipment and upcoming items that are on the list to purchase um we gave we received a facilities update from Mr poers regarding an update on summer projects the RMS gym floor uh Paving projects across the district and the track and Tennis Court project um which he said will be ready for September and not extended hopefully taking regarding that um we did also discuss athletic fees um the budgeted athletic fees for the past year or two have been um the revenue has not been what we have been budgeting so we did have a discussion with babalola and this Rob show um to are we not budgeting accurately or is there a decrease in athletic participation um and where is that coming from so looking at the data that we received um regarding these collected for the two previous years regarding waivers and family caps and the students playing multiple Sports um there was a participation decline in the most recent fiscal year um Mr poers indicated that that could be due to last year's senior class being marketly smaller students leaving the district and or an increase in waivers for family camps however it was noted that we do have students that use school choice into play sports um we did have a discussion on how to get more students to participate in sports um and to work with Mr regarding that and to track to make sure that all students are paying the athletic fee as it is like a four step process between registration all of the tests that you need to get done prior um paperwork and then the athletic fee comes after once this support has started um and no action was taken uh we did not approve the June 12 minutes were pushed to the following meeting um we did have also miss mville had emailed and requested some budget information as to the last five years of the operating budget and the percentage of unspent funds U Miss Bola prepared the requested information in a spreadsheet which was reviewed by the budget subcommittee and draft form asil year 24 is still not closed out yet um the budget subcommittee reviews the spreadsheet ided context um also specifically for fisc year 2020 and fiscal year 2021 which were Co years and we were in receed as funds and grants um also to note we did since those two years we did have an excessive money due to Grants those were not able to really be used for Staffing positions other than one year appointments um as once you work those into the budget if the funds are not there such as the past year we've had and then year 24 out of years the L year attack um that information was in the packet as well um otherwi we did have others for the FIS year4 budget differences M Robo also pointed out um some the high school parking fees were higher than anticipated we did ask her to look into that to review was that the number of parking spaces increased are we budgeting accurately for the parking fees um Etc um she also indicated that the Medicaid Revenue came in higher as the business office have made a concerted effort to submit all necessary claim paperwork for all available reimbursements um the next budget subcommittee meeting was scheduled for Monday August 12th 2024 at 530m have any questions questions um I I know June early July there was a lot of talk about parking at the high school and um Mrs Watson has resolved and and dealt um tremendously with it and put a lot of commun messages out to families and students around it but one question that came up for me is and I can't recall um I had a question is those fees for the parking where do they go they is it for the maintenance of the lot those fees come back into General budget and then so so not necessarily specifically uh for the upkeep or or maintenance of those they go back into the general budget as a revenue we certainly take that Revenue as we do all the revenues and apply to budget and other expenses something else any other questions K report seeing none we'll move on to policy subcommittee report MRK Mr chair uh the policy subcommittee meeting me uh right before this meeting Wednesday July 24th at 6:30 were this conr leento Mr Lo myself uh as discussed at the last meeting we looked at concussion policy athletic concussion regulations her requests from our athletic trainer at the high school Smith uh changes were made in accordance with the change procedure thatal profession has engaged which is Baseline testing is no longer mandatory it's voluntary we made changes to that policy to reflect that most of it was changing will to indicating that Baseline testing was volunt such Mr chair to make a motion to approve conion policy is there a second second second by Mr Lo uh I'm sure you'll take this as a friend the amendment Mr Deo but uh in section two mechanism of in injury um Midway through the paragraph it talks about the sight of impact it's not what's viewed it's the actual place so we should change that word to SI that is fine all right thank you uh I have no other questions questions for Mr dearo all right seeing none all those in favor opposed it's unanimous thank you all right anything further Mr de actually I think I got to rephrase the motion because I need to request I don't think anybody wants to sit here oh all right well I just realized that my apologies Mr chair well uh we'll take that as a motion Mr Lo will second all those in favor of blaming the reading say I all right do we have to go back good all right anything further from uh just to update regarding the last meeting uh we did take into consideration drafting a policy to commit uh community members that are no longer enrolled in our district to allow them to participate uh in extracurricular activities uh specifically the request involved members potential members of the VR High School marching band uh the policy committee Ved deci not to upy a lot of discussion and emails regarding that so based upon that I feel it's necessary to consider and so I'll just ask you Andor the superintendent what does that mean effectively for those students that's coming here uh so at this point we are not allowing nonv students to participate in ex as I Shar I just want to I just want def to be clear in the audience now and I think Mr Mr P explained to us too from further research is our our insurance does not cover students not involved in District okay and additional we okay question um I was going to ask Mr Lo the committee if you wanted to add anything yeah I just I think you know we have programs like this within the district to keep students an ATT for them to attend here and not to go out to other places every timee of student leaves our district that has a financial impact on our ability provide in the district so I think multiple areas back on the liability insurance Ando students do not imp participate they in the district further discussion on the policy committee report seeing none we'll move on to Personnel update thank you for coming re last meting re 11 thanks questions from Miss question it may be too early to ask this question but where are weing I know a lot happens now and the end of August um but where are we in trying to build these POS how many positions we open where are we trying to BU these positions IIM have know El positions because wees at the end some of the positions we're working on now specifically special education in addition top we had created a new ass separate classroom so in terms of adding staff to those those programs but we're able to move some internal staff around to fill some those ABS special educ so I think terms of certified positions we have some custodians maintenance compar other districts we're in good shape in great shape yes and I just do want to point out that we have sucessfully that's further questions from a question um I saw that there was someone that was classified as a new hire with a hiring date of December 21st 2023 I was wondering if if if the definition was off or just the classification it's the second page towards the bottom Madison so actually that should be blank further from Miss see none thank you Miss appreciate it uh moving on to new business I'm going to let Miss marelli use uh we're going to look at the approval of Warren payroll dated June 133 June 27 and July 11 2024 is there a motion to approve made by Miss King second by Mr deino discussion M King Mr deino any other discussion see none all those in favor I opposed it's unanimous all right than you as my tell please we can come back all right announcements and items to be considered for future agendas as always please email me superintendent and M mcdal especially Miss if you want something consider the agenda um and and we'll do that I don't have any announcements does anyone else have announcements people know in the audience and I'm sure come out school starts to come back um special special education parent advisory Council um has had some struggles over the past few years they do have a new board that elected they had 25 people at the first meeting in August and elected a new board so um they are back off the ground and running pretty strongly so far and Mee again there's another meeting in August I believe um but they are looking to engage families um the next year and I would encourage anyone uh who has access to Facebook to look on the on the CPAC website that special education parent advisory Council um they they do a lot of good work helping the district it's a very important to the district um and they need all the involvement they can get because that allows them to be more proactive in the community any other uh announcements see none we'll move on to Jour is there a motion toour by Mr Deo second by m marelli all those in favor opposed it's unanimous