I'll call the order the meeting um on March 18th at 7.m if you please 13th sorry if you'll please stand for the pledge of to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands Nation God indivisible with li and justice for all I'd like to um thank all those that are intendance tonight on my love school committee members Mr Dan Mar m dport miss m m Mar Mr P on my right Mr MRG and administration in the audience Miss babalola Miss Barry and all other Administration and uh Town Council on both sides that are s in the audience and finance sorry um in accordance with the rules of public for as it defined in the Masterpiece statute CH statute Chapter 30 a20 and with Bridgewater ROM school committee policy bhe they these are the guidelines we will follow for the hearing tonight first please note that this hearing is for informal purposes and that the school committee will not vot on the the budget as presented this evening at the conclusion of the hearing I will entertain a motion to take the budget as presented under advisement at the school committee meeting scheduled for March 27th 2024 at 7 p.m. in the library of the Raina Middle School the budget will the budget as presented will be considered and a vote will be taken by the full committee at that time for purposes of tonight's hearing our budget subcommittee chairperson Mrs King will present the budget we will then ask our superintendent Mr Ryan pow if he wishes to add anything or to on the presentation following that I will entertain any questions or comments from public from members of the committee and then we will ask for public input Mrs can everyone hear me um I just want to thank everyone for being here tonight for our budg budget presentation for fiscal year 2025 um I would also like to thank before I begin um my budget subcommittee that helped work on this budget with us this is Conrad Leo Mr fitzg Mrs marelli and myself um also before I begin if you this is a community public hearing so at the end when Mrs Conor Leo ask for questions from committe as well as the community um maybe make notes to yourself during the presentation with the slide members so we can refer to that as well and that would be helpful um just to begin I want to take a look back at the Student Success plan we always want to be referring back to this um Mr Po had this in his preliminary budget um every budget that we have as a school committee should always tie back to this our number one job school commity and a school district is the success of our students and we always want to look at these saf and supportive schools curriculum and instruction and assessment operations and human capital is the budget that we are creating working to help this Student Success plan be successful um and we do have this for a fiveyear plan through 2028 um so we just want to keep that in mind as they go through the budget um also this might be helpful especially in this year with funding um is a little tricky this year um background on Massachusetts public education funding so the state of Massachusetts outlines our budget in Chapter 70 this provides a foundation budget for All school districts it's calculated based on per child per grade low income and English Learners additionally we also receive extra money per for special students but this is based on an assumed rate it is not based on actual numbers per school this the state then takes the implicit price deflator index in the state and local governments and this is your rate of inflation each year which is capped at 4.5% um and this actually will be inly um District funding is also assumed at a 59% local funding which would be our two number towns rum and Bridgewater and 41% state funding um this local funding for our towns of Bridgewater and rham is based on their local property valuations and their local income which calculates their required local contribution um continuing we also as a Regional School District um are required to transport our students um we do receive chapter 71 Regional Transportation because of that um as you can see it should be 100% reimbursement for these children but it varies and this is based on if the state has the funding available um it varies year to year this year for our fisal year we're currently in we're hovering at about an 89% funding reimbursement rate which obviously that 11% could be well used within the district um additionally we do receive some funds from school choice at the high school level um at our last meeting we did vote to opt into school so we will be accepting ninth grade students into the district so we do receive funding for those students as well um District Revenue so in addition to Our member towns and the state we also contribute as a school district towards our budget um this is in the form of building rentals activities Sports Etc um Medicaid reimbursement for some special education students Investments and savings account interest miscellaneous receipts circuit breaker funds which is special education reers and D funds which are excess and deficiency account which is similar to the town's free cash or our savings which we have um for fiscal year 2025 we are assuming a contribution of 2 million $2 million from our end to offset the budget um in the past several fiscal years we have put in about 1.3 to 1.5 million based on financial difficulties that we're potentially looking at with the state and the towns we're hoping to contribute $2 million to try and offset that little bit um a look at dark districts so these next two slides I thought was important to just reference um the state puts us into Dart districts which are similar districts that you can compare yourself as a district based on your population how many students you might have are low income special education it puts you in a grouping with other similar districts not necessarily districts that are next to us like West Bridge Water um but instead districts that are similar in population and student makeups um and also a lot of times as a district we look at this because we want to know what is our per pupil expenditure what are we spending per pupil in comparison to those dark districts um and if you take a look at this from the Department of Elementary and secondary education um which only goes up to 2022 online um but as you can see these are our current Dart districts we are currently last in all of our Dart districts at $155,000 um per people um this is a look back at our member and state contributions for fiscal year 2022 2024 I'm sorry 2022 2023 and 2024 um to note on this slide we've broken it down between Rainham Bridgewater and our state aid that we received as I discussed earlier the state does tell minimum State minimum contributions that each town would need to fund towards the district as well as what they are going to give us from our foundation budget however as you can know um based on population bridge witer and RAM we look at our October 1st population ratio um and that calculates pursuant to our regional agreement how much each town has to contribute um so Bridgewater because of their makeup they pay a little bit more than Bridgewater and rain than Rainham does however as you can see year over year the towns have constantly increased their given us more over what the minimum was also to note on this slide which is important to note the state aid that we have received in theast several for years um year over year from the state we have received about an additional $4 million Financial outlooks for fiscal year 2025 and Beyond so our main funding comes from state aid and our two member towns we do contribute some local dividends but our main Aid is from the state and Two Towns however this year our chapter 78 has not increased as much as antip as the last three fiscal years the implicit price inflator index for State Lo governs which we mentioned earlier is what the state takes that Foundation budget and multiplies it to increase your Aid year toe that inflation rate this year was only 1.35% and had been at 4.5% for the two past two fiscal years which had been an increase of $4 million each year so this 1.35% increase in is only an additional $549,950 on top of what we received last year um so as you can imagine hoping for for a million dollar and only getting an additional 549 over last year um has made things challenging Financial Outlook this year 2025 so we're also going to look at our cost drivers turning the from last year to next fiscal year um cost drivers Transportation as I said we are Regional and our transportation contract has increased based on the increased number of students to transport as well as um our contract and gas prices so that is an increase from next year from last year to this year of $1.9 million we also have out of District and special education costs which is a huge cost driver for us utilities so also we just signed our new Gas and Electric contracts this year which were going up at the end of this school year those also were um a huge increase in that health insurance contract increases 900,000 um and contractual increases um for step score all of our bargaining units um for a total of 5.6 million just from last fiscal year to next fiscal year um but again I do want to point out M towns are also facing similar Financial situations with reduced state aid reduced growth and reduced local receipts um also to point out in on the rightand side um their debt exposure did fail so I know they're looking at um a financial issue next year as well on how to fund that out of their operational budget um do mean for next year for v um based on many discussions with the towns I know um Mr Po had multiple discussions since he presented his preliminary budget and even before that in the fall with both rayan and Bridgewater they've had a lot of open discussions on how what they feel comfortable with what they're going to be able to fund with their projected um budgets for this year so based upon that we're looking at a potential 2% increase from the town of rham and 5% increase from the town of Bridgewater um So based on those increases and the cost drivers that we have mentioned on the previous slide this is a $5.6 million deficit for next year's budget to close the scap um we've cut as many supplies as possible looked at all cost saving measures looked at attrition and using any available em funds and revolving account funds um this also does all proposed 61 initial positions are not going to be possible in next year's budget there may be open positions um left on the bills as well also to point out we are in negotiations with three of our four gaining units right now um so that still we're unsure how that will affect the fiscal year 25 budget as well so this all boils down to we are trying to make a conservative budget that both towns and the district um can support next year um we're looking at Capital first because we do separate out capital and assessments to the towns um based on discussions with the towns of Bridgewater and rill this is the asking Capital request for operations and maintenance Bridgewater um we've listed out here um what projects we're hoping to complete and what the subtotal will be for Bridgewater um and for the town of braam for operations and maintenance for the town of R um for districtwide which as a regional district we share the high school so that is a districtwide um these are anticipated operations and main capital request districtwide um would be sub total um and then based on the population at the high school which is this is calculated out in October 1st speed counts um we have the Bridgewater and Rain Camp tools um it technology is also separated out as a separate Capital request um so for this slide we do have the Bridgewater line items greh line items and again districtwide um separated out based on population at the high school um this is to Total everything out all of the capital um so Bridgewater town districtwide it and districtwide for a total um and rham town districtwide operations town and districtwide it capital for their tools um this is the budget that we're going to be looking at I broke it down um on the next couple of slides by town but I just want to go over this slide specifically just coup of things so fiscal year 24 to fiscal year 25 um as Mr Powers pointed out in his proposed budget these are the categories that we're looking at um this is how much they're potentially going up or down based on how much we've tried to cut those budgets as you can see um our hugest budget driver is this 3000 Series um which is transportation um and as I said our our transportation contract um is a huge cost drivers um other cost drivers operation and maintenance utilities custodial and security again utility contracts gas electricity those are also again huge cost drivers um and things that we cannot cut down too much um and again fixed costs which is insurance with active and retired employees um um so again our insurance contract those costs increase I think between 8 to 10% potentially next year so those are all how much they've gone up or down um looking at a total proposed budget um total proposed budget um a difference between this last year fiscal year 94 million to this year proposed 96 m820 $60 um which is an additional about $2 million or 2.17 increase um to break that down as I said we're assuming a 3.15 for Bri water um actually I did want to go back here I didn't put it on the slide but I did want to note this proposed by this proposed 96 million that we did cut down original budget which all of the supplies and things that we wanted curriculum 61 positions that was at 103 million so cutting all of that out as well as cutting down everything we possibly could we're down about 13 million from and only up $2 million of things that we absolutely needed to have um breakdown by town of Bridgewater assuming the 3.15% inas for their assessment um so these would be Bridgewater assessment Capital debt and then their total um again Town brain broken down separately um their assessment was a 2% increase Capital debt and their total which from fiscal year 24 to 25 which L increase and this is our total funding breakdown going back this will year 24 to 25 um so with all of our two Town assessments two Town assessments State a of the Chapter 70 state aid that we're receiving and potential for chapter 71 reimbursements assuming a conservative member local Aid in end for us contributing our local Aid and $2 million I'm sorry our personal receipts and interest in end um for a grand total of this year's potential the fiscal year 2025 budget 96 m820 460 um just want to know upcoming key budget dates um this is a proposed budget for the school committee at this public hearing um this is the time for school committee members to comment have asked questions for community members to comment and ask questions um we will take any feedback here and bring it to our next budget subcommittee meeting which is before this 20 March 27th meeting at that March 27th meeting the school committee will vote to accept the budget um at that time we send it to the towns May 7th Bridgewater Town Council will meet to accept our fiscal year 2025 budget um and May 20th is the rham town meeting which they'll vote also to accept the fiscal year 2025 budget um and again we will take any feedback we have a scheduled budget sub commit subcomittee meeting March 25th so any feedback we received any discussion further discussions Mr pow has with the towns um we'll take that at that time and revise the budget again before we come back at the M March 27th meeting um I just want to everyone since this whole fiscal year September ongoing that has been working on this um to present this budget um Mr Ryan Powers Miss Elizabeth Barry assistant superintendent Mrs Melana babalola the Director of Business Services Miss Natasha robes show District Treasurer Mrs Judith mcdouall executive assistant the entire um Bridgewater rhan admin team um the town of Bridgewater Town Council their Town manager Mrs bini their acting Finance director and town accountant and the town of rham board of Selectmen Mr fars their rham Town administrators and Mr Christopher lolet their Finance director Town coun um this has really been a partnership um also not mentioned on there but our Union reps um they've also had a lot of open Communications with us and Min Powers um just I know Mr Powers has been out in the district talking to staff and admin really trying to be transparent this year that we're doing everything we can to have a conservative budget that the towns can support and that we can support um it's not we're not hoping to get any of those 61 positions right now based on the numbers that we have but we're trying to be as conservative as we can um we don't want to have to reduce stff we to where everyone where we are we need them for our kids I know class size has been a huge issue um and we need to be consent of that and the services that all of our students especially loging have special education need and all of the teachers all the support that they need place so this is our's budget and we welcome the committee members to come back and Mr to comments [Music] than um at this point I will entertain commit uh questions from the school committee um before we move on to the public not a question so much it's just I want to call attention to the end that we have to take $2 million from we don't like to do that but it's necessary um but it's going to leave us with 1.5 I think and we don't like to go any lower than that so it's it's going to be hard to take that but we must like ech this my's sentiments there um for the past few meetings I've talked about my concern about concern remain concerned I should say about been there for next year we have always the N years we've been here relied on offset um but I'm concerned what next year is going to bring given te reported from what the towns are facing as well so I know we have to because we definitely do not want to have to lay off if we can avoid it but I doc only. um so I know we like you guys have presented this I think it was like the last meeting and then this is revised because it came after you know we got the budget from the St so how I'm new obviously this is my first budget review how do you guys go on the budget subcommittee about like prioritizing about you know what we're going to what is more of a priority than something else because you know what might be my priority is obviously might be different than your priority so how did you guys go about making the certain cut you did and making a choice not to get more teachers and cutting something else because our school school classes are so large want to comment you want first I'm happy to take that sure either way uh thank you great question yes um really you know obviously I want to thank the budget sub commit and full committee for their support uh during this budget development process um and just before I answer the question I do think it's important to acknowledge as Mrs Conrad labero has already done to thank the public and uh the community members that are here uh we've had meetings uh public hearing meetings over the years where it's simply just the administrative team uh no one from the public has come out uh so the sheer fact that you're here shows that you're committed and uh and truly invested in our students so thank you for doing that um back to a question from Miss dport uh we we really at this point um as Mrs King mentioned we have that deficit that we need to on paper you know make up for and so the first step that we have done is to figure out how we could do that through supplies materials uh you know reducing expenses so before we even get into people we look at other things that we can reduce once we get to a certain point where you know we we don't we're kind of ordering on that well we we need these things to run school we need paper we need pencils we need books right and the the the basic necessities so we can't necessarily wipe those accounts out so we get to a point where we're like okay we're bare minimum and the principles can attest we've basically told them to prepare for the bare minimum next year and then we have to look at positions you know unfortunately because those are our uh you know most costly so when we we do that we really start with anything that's open so either currently open we haven't been able to fill this year for a variet of different reasons or that may become open for next year that exercise is done to Simply see if we can on paper close that Gap so in terms of prioritizing uh positions we're we're not necessarily at that stage yet U there will be some movement um after the fact so when we look at a position that uh you know teacher that may be retiring um on paper right now we're not filling that position to help close that deficit but depending on the position we know once this budget's approved and we have a better sense of uh you know kind of final numbers okay there's going to have to be some movement uh you know we may have multiple teachers in a department multiple teachers at a grade level um that unfortunately we can't leave open but those are open right now so if I fill those that means I may have to reduce from somewhere else so that's kind of the next steps that we're going to be going through over the next month or so um to to really prioritize those positions obviously we're right now on paper we have left um open positions across the board so uh Administration we're not filling right now paper administrative position uh we have teaching positions we have support positions um really across any Department any opening that we currently have we on paper not we don't plan to fill now we know that's going to have a ripple effect uh right now even just on paper uh obviously there'll be less administrative support for the buildings uh will be um you know class size may go up based on the positions that are currently open I shouldn't say may will definitely go up and that's where we have to at the end of the day look and say you know can we have you know 35 students in a third grade classroom for example I'll just use third grade um I don't it's not something I would advocate for listen at the end of the day that might be our reality um even if we you know move staff around and even make further Cuts that's what we potentially may be face with but if we can make some internal moves first um you know if we have a grade level that maybe has a lower class size could we reassign a teacher from that grade level to help this year uh if not then it may mean reducing a position that wasn't necessarily initially identified because there is a priority in a certain department or a certain gr level um we obviously want to minimize the impact that this is going to have on students uh but when you're you know you're talking about5 to $6 million short um or you know5 $6 Million worth of cost driver is that we're only getting really an additional two a little over $2 million in additional Revenue that's a big number for us to have to to try to make up um so I just you know I cautiously optimistic and and I have been going out to all the schools we met the central office staff today um we'll continue to meet with different departments um as the time goes on but um I don't want to say that you know lay so our reductions in positions are not a possibility that that we may come to that um right now we're just at not filling open positions but it may mean further Cuts or filling some of these open positions and having to reduce others but again trying to minimize the impact that potentially have on classes but we know right now on paper we are going to be significant impacts to are we involved in those conversations no those are done once the budget is final and approved by the school committee that is the superintendent an operations decision that is made by the superintendent I will say Mr Powers has heard from all of us I believe around and the community around the importance of class size and teachers so um ultimately that is Mr C's decision um once the budget is approved and yeah and and I I'll just also defer Mr do and M K has been here uh for a few years uh consecutively before me um but I was just going to say exactly what you said is our job as the school committee is to approve a budget a a bottom line number it's the superintendent's job to actually determine how the most effective ly deploy that number to the best of his ability to serve the most students and staff and Etc as possible um so it's not that it's it and it wouldn't make sense really when you think about it for us to decide well no we'd rather have this teacher than the this this program over here because we pay Mr Powers a decent wage a living wage I believe Mr Powers would you agree yeah so um so you know it's up to him to decide um but our job is to decide how much can we authorize him to spend within the confines of what we expect to get from the state and the two towns of the district is that fair um and just to know this was not so I've been on budget for several years now this was not a normal year um as far as I've been on the committee normally as far as Mrs jav and rept saying priority wise when we get Mr power's proposed budget in January as a budget sub we'll look at those 61 positions on a normal year and say we do prioritize at that point because it's our budget for that you know month or two until we present um but at that point we do look you know how do we prioritize these positions who's going to have the most effect the most amount of students um where do we have the biggest need um you know what have we put off that we keep advocating for or the community keeps advocating for so out of 61 you know maybe we sometimes get 10 you know what 10 do we think have the most need but this was not a case this year this year we were looking at our fixed costs and our cost drivers and trying to cut that number down so we don't decrease St and just turn the page really so this was not a normal year that we have had where we were like well maybe we could get a few positions where's the most need where do we prioritize it was really where can we cut um you know and just turn the page and hopefully write out one or two bad years of financially to that as well the state funding did not come in as we expected it would so that was a big in another case y p correct me if I'm wrong is and I think I I want the audience and community members just to be cognizant of this budget that we're presenting tonight the initial budget um is based on cost that we know drivers that we as of today but we are in negotiations with three of our unions so that is not taken to account in this budget yet so that could mean further reductions in in certain lines to meet the need to meet that those cost potential costs that come with those negotiations for July 1 Mrs and just to follow up to the prioritization I totally get that but like maybe even just looking at the additions maybe some of those additional roles are really needed maybe we need to look at existing and I'm not you know nothing's personal but I'm just thinking of like what is best for our kids so it doesn't necessarily have to be well we just can't afford these well maybe we need to look at an existing position because some of those positions are really needed so I guess that's in my mind too it's not just like the new stuff maybe we don't need some of the existing positions we have so I hear you Mrs dport and I think ultimate and that is ultimately Mr did answer that yeah that is his job to make those decisions of if where are where are the dollars first as Mr fitg said where are the dollars where do they get Ser where they best to meet the needs of our kids oh one more question in regards to what's in the budget because you mentioned that like the negotiations so that's as of today like the migrants that came and the money that we're getting from the state is that included in it or that is different Mr no uh because we don't have those dollars yet we don't have a concrete number from the state in terms of what we're going to get uh we're actually in the submittal process now submitting it's very similar to October one and in Spring submitt where we submit our students in in in District and so we are in the process of submitting uh those students to the state um they just haven't we can estimate what the dollar amount is going to be because what they told us you know per day uh it's unclear right now how many days they're actually going to count um that that they've been you know in in SE so we are we certainly once that money comes in we've kind of already um set up for that that we would be able to use some of those funds to help offset we just haven't done it yet because we don't know thank you Mr Mr Powers uh you mentioned estimate for that Transportation cost what is that estimate estimated number uh in terms of ping up uh well for the uh the transportation so the the Transportation uh had gone up by million 1.9 almost $2 million from from last year um really what's driving that there's a couple factors driving that we talked about this but great question first and foremost some of it's because of increased enrollment so miss babalola and I went out and talk to Mr lucini and his team in the fall in preparation for the budget season we said you know here's our contract this is what we should you know anticipate for a budget number when they start you know and obviously that contract is based on um X number of buses X number of BS to their point when those buses become full you know now they're having to look because increased enrollment of adding additional buses to the the road so uh they're already for next year um considering adding um at least one potentially more continues um but then we have to look at unexpected Transportation cost so I know again when we met with Mr lucini and his team um even since September one and I want to say this is probably late October early November that we went out they had to already add three additional Vans uh to the fleet because of the number of students requiring uh you know through their through their IP and Beads requiring transportation services in District we then also have District Transportation uh that certainly is significantly more because of the distance that they're traveling um and again those numbers um had gone up we certainly you know the student services Miss Hart and her team and the team of four try to anticipate some of those potential movements um and increases but that's such a moving Target you know if we anticipate well you know on average we might have five students move in that you know maybe need to go out of District or some of our current students qualifi for our district and then all of a sudden we have 10 that's five students we didn't account for because you know we just didn't for see that happen but that is you know five additional tuitions five additional Transportation costs um so that really is is what's driving obviously the other big um fluctuation and we you know as as drivers ourselves feel this the fluctuation in prices at the pump and so the contract calls for uh you know a minimum fuel amount fuel charge and then depending on um you know the again fuel prices that charge could increase um however it can decrease you know if U fuel is down then we actually receive a credit uh to our account so that that does flow as well but when it goes up um obviously have to account for that um if some of our um uh students uh require a monitor on a bus or that obviously is increased cost because we're talking about increased Personnel through Lucine most of the monitors uh that we have through them we certainly have a couple in-house monitors but most of those monitors are through new C so again you have to add those positions it's just un you know unexpected unanticipated cost and that really is kind of driving on transportation for for us so and I I probably should have been more clear but I'm glad that uh you that out there for the overall increase in transportation but what is the estimated amount that we're submitting to the state those additional uh students there at home to S oh I'm sorry Mr de you know I my fault longwinded answer for I probably my question um so I'm sorry so actually Transportation uh so there's two submittals right now uh the first is the um uh per student per day uh so that is at 104 per student per per day uh I believe last U estimated 29 students enrolled uh 288 so it' be 28 you know times 104 per day times however many days they they're going to account for enrollment then there is additional uh reimbursement that we can submit for uh for Transportation uh falls under event of homeless Transportation uh once there's actually a webinar I see Miss more over there there's a webinar on Thursday I will provide additional information to the districts in terms of what we can actually submit for um you know we haven't we didn't necessarily need to put on any additional um buses or Vans um from the the home Suites uh so we'll have to see what's going to be considered an eligible cost for reur uh the other question I have is I know here it says that we're not going to be able to fill any of the proposed 61 positions how many of those positions were um essentially coming on to our plate because of your reset funding uh so any of those current positions I can get you the exact number there were several some of those positions that were the interventionist we tried to move over uh they're currently obviously being paid for out of sr3 um so I think uh in that initial again not having it right in front of me I want to say about 10 uh interventionists I think we U had included but I can get you those exact numbers the other positions for the most part uh we really have tried to be uh you know fiscally conservative and responsible with that Sr funding so that we weren't overloading the operational budget with positions that we knew maybe we couldn't suain so we really um you know we upfront with any of those positions that were Grant funded that these are year-to-year positions and the funding ends at uh you know the end of uh not really the end of this year but septe they extended up through September so um but essentially the end of this year so our Hope was to be able to move those positions over the operational budget and we you know tried to move some of those over for last year as well um hoping that we could build them in slowly but obviously we weren't able to do that last year or before this year Mr if I could just follow up on Mr deo's comment about Transportation generally and I I hope everybody in the audience is paying attention because it's a it's a great point I need everybody's support on this one Bridgewater Rainham gets the most chapter one uh chapter 71 funding of any Regional School District in the Commonwealth Commonwealth the state of Massachusetts has promised 100% funding transportation to Regional School Districts it's we'll say very rarely delivered um and last year I believe was around 89% this year in the governor's budget is 80% we get $3 million from the state uh in the last numbers I saw from what the state gave us um they should be giving us at least 300 or $400,000 more where the biggest Regional School District in the state when it comes to chapter 71 money our state representative our state senators should be the biggest advocates for fully funding Regional Transportation at the State House level if you know them Mr Pico Mr timy Mr demilia please please please reach out to them say do the right thing fully fund because yes it does say subject to appropriation in the law but fully fund it and all of a sudden there's three3 or $400,000 more in the budget to help close this Gap okay just so everyone's clear about that thank you Mr I I think it's also worth pointing out the capital expenses we do get this question every year and Mr Kenny would I think agree with me on is that we she presented 1.6 million in total capital capital funds cannot be used for operational expenses and the towns set aside Capital funds for us they will not use Capital funds to get or use Capital funds either for their own operating budget or our operating budget so it's worth noting that we can't take this 1.6 million total that we've asked for Capital and use it for operational um the towns have earmarked that as capital they use their own capital for that same purpose so it's not something that we can pull over into our operational um expenses to offset the shortfall so I just want to point that out because we do get that question R other questions from the committee um um at this can can I just make one more comment about the budget in general um we we Mr King did a great job presenting the budget and she showed the Student Success plan right at the beginning and I just I just want to read through each one of them here uh because you know what Mr Powers presented a needs-based budget when he came to us this is what we need to help achieve our Student Success plan right the budget we're talking about tonight is a necessity based budget it's four star on us by the necessity of what the state did the necessity of the town's Financial positions I'm not going to blame anybody it just is what it is but I I just want to make sure that everybody's clear in the audience and at home the district will employ coordinated efforts to ensure School environments where all students and staff are physically socially and emotionally supported but we're going to lose positions through attrition anyway and through not increasing positions the district will utilize a comprehensive rigorous framework of teaching learning and assessment that's based on multi-tiered systems of instruction and support that meets the academic cultural and social needs of all students with fewer employees than we did last year the district will maintain a efficient facility technology and budgetary system to ensure optimal learning environments that can be access by all students and staff with fewer staff than we had last year and the district will commit to investing in the people who shape the learning experience of all students among those who are left so we we are not going to move forward in the next fiscal year with this Budget on the Student Success plan in my opinion that's just my opinion um it's unfortunate that we're here but we I I want everyone to be clear that's my opinion and it's unfortunate we're here but be H thank other questions Mr just again to kind of echo I know I believe it was last year we didn't add any positions either um just wasn't in the cards we you know looking for the future we're coming back again and saying we can't this is out of necessity um you know we've heard from our constituents that there's a need for additional positions to lower the class sizes um I you know Mr Dolan Miss King has done an excellent job the past two years with this however maybe it's a time we look at how we're doing things and maybe change how we we're doing the budget we put some pressure on the state as Mr fitzg has stated because we cannot continue to say hey our teachers to our families we're going to force the kids and the teachers to do more with less as the chart show with the last and spending in our dark it's unacceptable as an alumni of this District I find that absolutely abhorent and it's no fault to Mr Powers and the towns but we need to change we need to figure out how to change and do better for our students thank you Mr at this point um I will entertain uh questions and comments from the audience um in conformance with rules of the public forum and our school committee policy please note that any citizen wish should speak before the committee should identify him him or himself by name and address only policy request that that the speaker that I request that the speaker limit themselves to three minutes in accordance with the rules and with the permission of the chair all citizens should speak to the full committee through the chair and shall not address individual members or Administration any Comm any committee members may direct questions to any speaker through the chair in order to clarify um comments of the speaker all questions or comments um must be related to the budget presentation um I believe we have some folks signed up Mrs McDougle repu just just one miss was signed up thank you very much um can everyone hear me okay great thank you to the school committee for the opportunity to speak my name is Lisa borini I reside at 11 to The Cut Road in Rainham each year the school gets a report card not just the students but the school does the state and you may have gotten the email and one of the two areas was socio emotional health social emotional health people don't know is um understanding emotion feeling connected and understanding and being in Social relationships in 2023 four out of 10 students Nationwide felt sad and hopeless I want you to think about that one in third a third of them 30% sought medical treatment for me Mental Health we have a mental health crisis among our young people but guess what the NIH reports that music can help music helps social emotional mental health in the following ways and this is researched peer review studies emotional regulation expression creating social bonds a sense of belonging and cognitive development so Bottom Line music funding is one of the best ways to boost social emotional health Penn Medicine Princeton Health reports that music can provide emotional relief and healing and it can help mental health there is a transformative power to music now I want to think about how much we're funding that we have 1500 kids at the high school and one music teacher we are literally I did some research on this I did public uh you know information request and I looked at all of the dart schools we are quite literally the worst in music funding and I understand the constraints so I I'm not blaming anything but I want you to think about how that makes you feel we're the last and we can't legitimately say that social health is a priority it's not surprising it's weak when we're not funding things so here's where I would like to suggest some ideas to the committee and also to the towns there are opportunities I don't accept that we can't fund these things that are important to us I don't accept the class sizes going up and none of you should either there are MVP climate Town funding a munic um what is it um Municipal vulnerability preparedness grants out there we're spending if you look at slide 17 we're spending $8 million on operation and maintenance guess what if we went for funding with MVP to talk about how we're going to address Heating and climate issues we could get some money from the state and we're $7 million short for funding all 61 of those new teachers and positions $3 million in buses we could go to the inflation reduction act um to get money to reduce energ costs at K through2 to help reduce our costs there is money we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world we need to start being more Innovative in finding funding sources than just saying oh well and throwing up our hands I'm very passionate about this issue I know you are too or you wouldn't be here so let's put our hands together and figure out Solutions rather than accepting the budget we've just seen thank you others wishing to speak Dave padrick Berkeley Mass um uh so really I just have a couple questions um first on the D funds um help me out is that the same as uh stabilization and do do we have stabil stabilization F yeah stabilization stabilization they are not so I didn't think so but I I I don't think I've ever heard a stabilization fund mentioned do we have one sorry mran CH much more than I um so our is kind of how the towns have that is our savings account year to year so anything on our bottom line at the end of the fiscal year that's certified to end and we can save that up to 5% of our budget so we do save some year to that we can use for purchasing things supplementing the budget but it's also an emergency thing so if something happens and fix a boiler or something happens we need emergency funds which is to Mr Dolan's point we don't want to run that down too much because of something catastrophic happens like a roof collapses and we need funds available we don't want to deplete that totally but we also which I struggled with putting in more than we normally have in the past and not continuing to save a little bit because if we have a need this year is it fiscally responsible for us um it's that fine line of make sure we have stab is different because stabilization accounts will create as a school committee for it and put a little bit into those like separate but those can only be used for it then um we have a few different stabilizations does taking out of the uh DNA funds does that affect uh the bond rating for The District we to if I could to add to that we never hit 5% of our D of our total budget we've never in my n years sitting here we've never had 5% of our total Opera budget it's probably you should find because I know school district will have a bond rating and you know you I you don't want that to go up because that would jack up the price of borrowing money which I i' just add um that a lot of the school district's Bond rating is going to be based on the Two Towns B raing because the folks who look and say can you pay it back are going to look at the towns of Bridgewater and rain and say can they pay you back and I think both towns have tried to maintain very good Bond rating so the district should be all right in that okay uh next uh as far as materials go uh for next year um will we be trying to use any funds from this year to buy materials from next year certainly if we do have end of the year funding available uh you know that's a practice we've used in the past um with you know pretty good success so that is our plan this year we should really have better sense in the next month or so kind of what um you know what funds may be available for into the year spending but if we can prep purchase you know school supplies facility supplies anything like that we certainly go uh do do we know how many open positions uh will be for next year open plus retirement total approximately approximately 10 to 15 i' have to get you uh right now yes I'll get you it exactly Mr P but we were going through the numbers 10 to 15 open position and Ju Just one comment um I know Mr Kane mentioned uh that school choice was a revenue but it's not a revenue in this District all right we lose a lot of money every year on school choice and I don't want anyone to think that you know that is truly a source of Revenue that can be looked up that's other comments or questions from Comm um if you would like to speak please come up hi I'm Casey Rodriguez 45g Sway and Bridgewater um I am a parent and teacher in the district and I have my own children nieces nephews loved ones um throughout the district in both general education and special education classes um I appreciate everyone's efforts in developing this conservative budget um as I know it's not what any of you hoped for either and I appreciate especially the efforts to save our staff um and while I understand that the motivations for the while I understand the motivations for for the hiring free I also want to make sure that everyone is aware of the realities and the challenges in our classrooms especially our special education classrooms um class numbers are already high and our student needs are increasingly severe and increasingly varied um over the past several years we've seen Cuts in special education classrooms or merging of special education classrooms and the end result is very complex very challenging um classes to manage and um you know the hiring free will only push those numbers higher you know we we could have used teachers this year if not the year before and the year before that so I guess my question is um knowing that this hiring incase will push those numbers higher and knowing that it will make things not only unmanageable but potentially very unsafe um have we or will we be looking at individual needs and numbers in our classes before we commit to not hiring for those vital position sure um yes I I I think to your point obviously we have to look at it um Case by case you know what is going to have the biggest impact on um classes districtwide but also we have to look at programming um I think you know in terms of to your point about special education that is an area that you know obviously those laws and regulations and compliance um when we're out of compliance that just erodes family's trust in the district um and you know puts us in Jeopardy so you know we need to make sure that um you know there are certain areas that we know that we're going to have to uh fill even if they're open now on paper because of those requirements that we have to meet and you know the needs of the students as well so yes certainly that area is an area that we know that needs to be a priority for us going forward thank you um and if I may just to add to that in addition to you know our on pap paper compliance there's also the complexity and the variation of the needs that we now have in our class room so I would just ask that we we focus on that too um and then just another broader question I appreciate the suggestion to reach out to our Senators or our Representatives about fully funding Transportation are there other actions that we can take as parents and District staff members to help support this budget and better support our needs I mean I I think as we spoke when we met with the staff and advocacy at the state level is I think the priority whether it be around Transportation whether it be around Chapter 70 funding um I think you know the the main issue that we're faced with this year is it's really a state funding um dilemma and challenge I I would never you know discourage anyone from reaching out to their Town officials because obviously that's a you know significant funding for us as well but I I just I caution the message that's delivered to the town because I do feel that you know they are in a similar situation and really when we look at where the reduction funding came from it really was the chapter 7 State so it's not as much as we'd love Bridgewater rham to be able to swoop in and fix this for us um I know they're both in situations that just you know what they're telling is they they can't right now um but that being the case I I think it's important that um they know and we've shared that message that this is what the implications are going to be uh I think if you know I I think we reaching out to a senator rep I think is important but you they really understand Bri rham and and all the complexities and and what we really need um I certainly would never say not do that but I think our you know our town officials are aware as well but it it never hurts to to Echo that um I I think it at this point probably um you know that's that's the the biggest thing I I think families and parents can can do I'll just I would just say is um you know reaching out to state senators reps um this is not just an issue that Bridgewater ROM district is facing this year many districts are facing this due to the funding the Chapter 70 funding coming out of the state so the mass Association of school committees has been very vocal at the state house um and to the governor about the cuts and what the the impact it's having not just on BR but on other districts too um so again if you're reaching out I mean I think there's starting to be more some more understanding as districts are going through their budget season right now around some of this impact so again people may have a better a bigger picture of what's Happening Statewide because it is a many there there are districts we're hearing of many districts that are going through similar kind of processes right now Mr F yeah and and I'd just say definitely reach out to your selectman your town in Rainham your town counselors in Bridgewater but you know uh they can only you can't get plugged from a stone and I I don't think there's a bigger advocate for education on the Rainham Board of selectman than Pat Riley who's in the audience tonight I see and um she sat here for many years and did a wonderful job and I know she wants to do whatever she can with town rham uh to help fund the BR schools and and all members of the Bridgewater Town Council and and the town manager understand the vital need to fund the school district to an appropriate level it's just how much do they have as Mr power has said and you know they you have to you have to still have a police force you have to still have a fire department Etc so it's a balance all the way across the board um but but to be able to keep that in front of folks Minds is never a bad thing coms hi I'm Ashley Mard I'm a teacher at Bridgewater rham high school I'm live in Bridgewater at 270 range Park I am now a taxpayer who can come in here and talk too so that's an exciting factor for me but it's also more and more concerning because I have a child so not only am I speaking to you from the idea of I am one of the BR vice presidents but I am also someone who's looking down Pipeline and that is a major major concern for me um I'm on negotiations I understand the complexities of what we are going through right now but I think these two towns need a reality check that we're going to be in the same boat in a year and we're already we should already be talking about that and when we talk about what we need to be doing with votes and who we need to be calling rham needs to show up rham needs to vote to figure out their money for BP because that's going to come out of the funding next year and the year after in the year after until it's dealt with Bridgewater did pass a dead exclusion for that and then I noticed that you suggested we call our local leaders Mr Powers you may not be aware of this but actually this time might be the best time to call your local leader because Joe Pico will be running to be replacing Senator Mark Pico's position if he is successful and that's your town selectman in Rainham and then you have in Bridgewater Mr demilia stepping down and we have a councilman at large running for that position and um Mr timl just announced he will not be seeking um reelection so we have a major problem in our hands because we will be overturning people with experience and not to say new experience doesn't bring in um Fresh Life to this but you have to call the head of the Ways and Means Committee in this country in the state you have to make a difference and start to call the big numbers and when your teachers ask people to show up and start to vote for things because you're Going To Hear Me Knocking on people's doors and you're going to see me in town more um we need the support and to just say like let's move some money around it's not going to be the only solution for the next few years and I don't want to send my kid to a classroom in the next five years with 35 kids in the class I did that in the 90s and guess what there wasn't mcast in the 90s okay and there were different standards on how students could act and different different expectations legally that is not the case we're looking at okay and special ed had different expectations in the district we did a lot different out of state out out of classroom spending and I'm watching my teachers and they're coming to school and we have a lot of issues in special ed right now and I can't walk down the street to Mitchell Elementary School and realize I'm going to be dropping my kid off and sending him into a class with 35 kids it's not the direction we need to go so when we want to stand up here and maybe talk to the school committee they are dealing with what they get handed to them but Rainham needs to show up and vote for some sort of change communities where you talking to your um leaders in rham to see how they're going to move forward with that and in Bridgewater you need to be reaching out to your local leaders because even if they can we talked um Mr dlan talked about like how capital gains goes in and how money can't always easily be moved around and I've been in this town long enough to know like sometimes Rainham can give money and brid I can't and it's not that simple the reality is the teachers are going to take the hit on this in the essence that we're going to be cut we're going to have larger class sizes and we're going to struggle to meet those needs for every kid's safety and instruction in classrooms continuously until the state meets the need and until the Two Towns recognize something has to happen so I know you mentioned like we got to approach this differently we might have to be approaching how we pressure the towns whatever it is but we all need to be working together on it and that and that's uh what I'd like to say is I think the team effort which I feel like has been huge as someone on has been on negotiations over the last few years and last few rounds um and has been a towy for a long time I appreciate the conversations and the efforts but like the towns the towns individually do need to be contacted because your leaders are going to be moving to bigger positions thank you other comments questions from the audience committee um at this point I will entertain a motion to take the fy2 budget um as presented under advisement um and adj the public so me