here I am kicking off the meeting uh in attendance tonight is Miss Davenport M King Mr de Marino Miss Martelli Mr Lo and myself Tim Fitz Gibbons uh we have the superintendent here as well and recording everything as usual thank goodness is Mrs M MCD um we are streaming live on uh our Channel and it will be Rec recorded and played at your convenience on YouTube uh so the first order of business tonight is to uh reorganize and uh we're going to do that by voting for a chair a vice chair and a secretary Clerk and then the new chair would appoint subcommittees and other Liaisons and then uh we will uh adjourn from that to our uh what what do we call it training session yes to uh later this evening so uh that being said first order business is nominations for school committee chair do I have any nominations I would like to make make a motion yes for Mr fit Gibbons as chair second okay nomination by m marelli second by Miss King for Mr Fitz Gibbons any other nominations for chair seeing none we won't need to do a roll call vote on this one all those in favor say I I opposed it's unanimous thank you thank you very much I appreciate your confidence in me um so next we're moving on to uh Vice chair and I would open the floor for nominations for vice chair is there a nomination I'd like to make a uh motion to nominate uh Miss dport as nomination is there a second second second by Mr Lo okay are there any other nominations I would like to nominate Miss King M Mell nominates Mr King is Mrs King is the second second your own well I wasn't I second all right so there are two are there any further nominations uh that being said we'll take take a roll call vote when I call your name please State who you are uh voting for so we'll start right here with Mr Lo Mrs Davenport Mrs Davenport I will nominate myself you'll vote for yourself okay Mrs King uh myself okay so Mr deino I'll follow my motion for Mrs DAV and M marel Mrs DAV Mrs DAV port and the chair will vote for Mrs King so that is 1 two three four for Mrs Davenport two for Mrs King and um congratulations and uh I think whatever whatever I can learn from you I than congratulations yeah all right so we'll go from there next um we're looking for a uh secretary clerk nomination uh for the committee uh is there a nomination um I would nominate um Miss mville nomination by for Miss mville is there a second I'll second that okay that's one nomination and any other nominations seeing none we'll just have a vote all those in favor say I I opposed it's unanimous Okay so we've got that now um we've got those done all right now we come to committee appointments is that correct all right so this is fun this is the fun stuff right all right so cosigners of checks do we do do we nominate Judy first no no no she's an employ she's an employee of the district now we we we don't yeah we think we used to do that as like a yeah and then Laura talked to Joe about it and she he's like they're all employees of the district you don't have to reappoint all I still vote for you j i I'll vote for you I vote for you twice can I vote for you twice yeah all right so um Co so I'm just going down the list I have and if I miss something Judy's going to let me know uh co-signers of checks is the chair and the vice chair those myself and Mrs dport uh budget uh committee and signer of warrants uh Miss King is going to be the chair uh Miss Davenport myself and Miss Martelli are going to be members uh negotiations our attorney has asked that we keep that committee uh the same as we're involved in a bunch of negotiations at this point in time and I think it's best to respect that request so uh Miss Conrad labero will be chair uh myself Mrs King and Mrs Martelli as members uh sik leave Bank liaison will be Mr Lo and um our HR Director Miss hilly uh policy committee uh will be Mr de Marino his chair uh Mrs Conrad labero um Miss Davenport and Mr lo as members long range planning committee will be Ms Mainville as chair Miss Davenport myself and Mr lo as members Transportation committee will be M martelli's chair Mr demarino Miss Davenport and Miss Mainville as members uh Regional committee agreement will be myself as chair and Miss Davenport uh I'm trying to hold as many of these the same as possible from last year um Safety and Security will be Mr Lo uh Public Employee committee will be Miss Conrad labero and Miss Martelli uh G gmes building committee to the extent it still meets will be Mr Lo um legislative contact uh Representatives will be myself and Mr damarino delegates to Rave will be Miss Conrad labero and Miss King uh Representatives leaon tooba friends of BR Athletics next will be myself and Mr demarino student advisory committee will be Miss King and myself I'd like to join in and say hi to the students um masc delegate to go to the meeting in November which we don't have to vote on again in October could you make a note of that judie will be Mrs King uh Leah's on to the Two Towns uh uh Boards of slman Town Council Finance committees at Etc will be the budget committee members from those towns um CPAC representative will be Mr Lo uh music boosters representative leaon will be Miss Davenport uh Dei representative will be Miss Mainville uh representatives to the Bridgewater reham Education Foundation will be Miss Conrad labero and Miss Martelli um com uh Communications and PR will be Miss Martelli and then we have um a number of boards which is North River collaborative Mass Association of regional school committee superintendent Mass Association of Regional School superintendents and PCC to the extent it still exists uh will be Mr Powers you need a motion on that or is it just my appointment it's your appointment okay it will be Mr poers as the superintendent did I miss anything okay we app theas again District employee contract I'm going myor um You didn't say uh or you might have the ringham Middle School h of Fame did I miss that oh so last year I think we had retired that one because we hadn't done it for a while but I think I think that can be appointed as needed yeah as it comes up so we'll leave that ad hoc and any other any other kind of committees that may have served their purpose we can make it ad hoc and if we need to resurrect them we can certainly do that I can check with them if they're even doing that anymore I don't know if they return to that postco I yeah right yeah that would be great thankk you you and um just one other that I want to check the um the uh Regional School District friends of um Athletics F that was L and myself okay just want to be sure I we got everything got everything good for adjournment is there a motion to AER motion to a by Mr Maro second by m melli all in favor opposed it's unanimous thank you very much